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Institute of Technology of Cambodia

F. Pretensioning
To estimate the number minimum of strands, Service Limit III should be used In this case , only 80% of live load plus impact (LL+IM) is used in tension controlled design of prestressed concrete. Service III = 1.0(DC + DW) + 0.8(LL + IM) Note that: only moment at midspan is used to design minimum number of strand In Service Limit State III, the moment due to precast beam, cast in place slab and prestressing force is used for non-composite section and moment due to wearing surface, parapet, and Live Load. Limit tensile stress in service III ts

3.054132 MPa

ts = -Fpe/Ag Fpee/Sb + MNDC/Sb + MDC/Sbc + MLLC/Sbc Fpe = .Fpi : Effective prestressing force Fpi = 0.8 e e 1034.208 319.316 1181.8 : Prestressing force at transfer : Excentricty maximum at midspan 4.64058 mm KN.m :Moment due to precast beam, cast in place slab KN.m :Moment due to wearing surface and parapet KN.m

Assume MNDC MDC MLLC Ag Eq. VI.1 Fpe

0.36 m we can solve for effective prestressing force : 2252.06 KN

Institute of Technology of Cambodia Fpi minimum number of strand We try 100.44 KN 22.42194 26 strands

calculate the distance from center of gravity of strands to bottom fiber 93.784615 mm ybs = yb - ybs 421.073 mm excentricity ec

1 Prestressing Losses
Total prestress loss: fpT = fpES + fpSR + fpCR + fpR2 where fpES = loss of prestress due to elastic shortening fpSR = loss of prestress due to concrete shrinkage fpSR = loss of prestress due to concrete shrinkage fpSR = loss of prestress due to concrete shrinkage In pretensioned members, there are no losses due to frottening and to sliping of anchorage

1.1 Elastic Shortening loss

fcgp sum of concrete stresses at the center of gravity of the prestressing steel due to prestressing force at transfer and self weight of the member at sections of maximum moment

Pi Pi Mg fcgp fpES

pretension force after allowing for the initial losses assume 8% losed after jacking (number of strand)(area of one strand)(0.92*fpi) momen t midspan du to self weight

3003.156 KN 650.3616 KN.m 13.26701 MPa 82.19145 MPa

Calculate prestressing force after transfer

Pt = Atot(fpi fpES) 2789.458 KN

1.2 Shinkage Losses

The expression for prestress loss due to shrinkage is a function of the average annual ambient relative humidity, H, and is given as Equation for pretensioned members fpSR = 117 1.03 HMPa Where H relatve humidity fpSR

1.3 Creep Losses

fcgp fcdp


12 fcgp -


concrete stress at the center of gravity of the prestressing steel at transfer change in concrete stress at center of gravity of prestressing steel due to permanent loads, except the load acting at the time the prestressing force is applied Values of Dfcdp should be calculated at the same section or at sections for which fcgp is calculated

Institute of Technology of Cambodia

fcdp Creep loss fpCR

1.859079 MPa 146.1905 MPa

1.4. Steel Relaxation

For stress relieved strands after transfer :

fpR2 fpR2

64.84532 MPa 19.4536 MPa

For low relaxation strands after transfer, fpR2 equal that of stress relieved strands time 30%

Total Loss
Total prestress loss: fpT = fpES + fpSR + fpCR + fpR2 Total prestressing force at service state Fpe 303.0356 MPa 2476.408 KN

G. Investisgate Limit State

In this section we check the stress at midspan both transfer and service stage. Allowable stress at transfer: The allowable compression stress limit for pretensioned concrete components is fa_ci = 0,6.fc' = The allowable tension stress limit for pretensioned concrete components is 21 MPa

= 0.58.(fc')0.5 = -3.43133 MPa fa_ti Allowable stress at service: Compression due to the sum of effective prestress and permanent load fa_cs1 = 0,45.fc' = 20.25 MPa Compression due to one half Live load an the sum of effective prestress and permanent load = 0,4.fc' = 18 MPa fa_cs2 Allowable tensile stress with moderate corrosion condition = -3.3551 MPa fa_ts

At trasfer midspan
Concrete stress at bottom fiber at midspan due to prestress and permanent load, fb

fb 1.8961 MPa Concrete stress at top fiber at midspan due to prestress and permanent load, ft


fa_ci Ok!


5.54675 MPa


fa_ci Ok!

Stress at service midspan

Concrete stress at bottom fiber:

Institute of Technology of Cambodia

fb Concrete stress at top fiber case 1:

-2.7557 MPa



OK !!!

7.60725 MPa ft Concrete stress at top fiber case 2: ft 7.62076 MPa All the stress in concrete are all verified with stress limit

< <

fa_cs1 fa_cs2

OK !!! OK !!!

H. Strength Limit State I

= 1.05 1.05[1.25DC+1.5DW+1.75(LL+IM)] DC DW LL+IM Mu c


moment due to dead load of components, it includes also nonstructural attachement moment due to future wearing surface moment due to live load and impact 4134.88 KN.m

Ultimate moment Mu

distance between the neutral axis and the compressive face (mm) Suppose that c is in the table, so the section is considered as rectangular section

A ps As As fy f pu dp

Area of prestressing steel Area of tension steel Area of compression steel Yield strength of non prestressing reinforcement Yield strength of prestressing steel Distance between center of prestressing and compressive face

= =

0 0

1239.215 mm

k = c = a = Nominal moment

0.28 115.878641 mm 98.4968451 mm < 190 mm

Institute of Technology of Cambodia

f ps Mn M n Mu = 4134.88 KN.m <

1811.3 5604.007 KN.m 5604.007 KN.m M n

( = 1) 5604.007 KN.m OK!!!!

Maximum reinforcement
The amount of prestress and nonprestress reinforcement shall be such that :

in which : In this case d p = d e 0.09350969 < 0.42 OK!!

Minimulm reinforcement
The amount of prestress and nonprestress reinforcement shall be adequate to develop flexural strength. > 1.2M cr M n

f cpe f cpe

compressive stress in concrete due to effective prestress force only at bottom fiber 17.1463952 MPa 6.50695781 MPa 2040.95941 KN.m > 1.2M cr = modulus of rupture for normal weight concrete 2449.1513 KN.m

f r = 0.97(f c ' ) 0.5 = Mcr M n = 4134.88 KN.m

I. Contol of cracking
Section is uncracked when: fc < 0.8f r fc =
' 0.5

2340.44453 KPa 4494.49663 KPa the section is uncrack

= 0.8f r = 0.8*0.63(f c ) < 0.8f r fc

J. Deflection
1. The deflection due to the prestressing force and the self-weight of precast beam : due to self-weight ( i ) G ( i ) Fi ( i ) 1 = Thus, It's acamber !!! 22.55236 mm -54.86022 mm -32.30786 mm

( i ) G +

(i) Fi

Institute of Technology of Cambodia

2.Additional long-term deflection until addition of slab (using 1=1) ( add ) 1 = 1 ( i ) 1 = -32.30786 mm

3. Instantaneous deflction in precast beam due to weight of cast in place slab

( i ) 3

0.545211 mm

-64.07051 mm 5. Instantaneous deflection in composite beam due to asphalt weight

4. Resulting deflection ( i ) 4 ( i ) 3 + =

(add) 1 +

( i ) 1 =

( i ) 5 = 2.128053916 mm 6. Resulting deflection in composite 4 + ( i ) 5 6 = = -61.94246 mm 7. Additional long-term deflection in the composite beam (use 2 =1.2) : 2 . 6 ( add ) 7 = = -74.33095 mm Thus the long-term deflection under sustained loads will be a camber of : (-61,9425-74.3309) = -136.2734 mm Check deflection criteria In order to determine the deflection due to live load plus impact, an equivalent uniform load is assumed to lead to the same moment as that of the live load ous impact. Thus : we = 16.4138889 KN/m The corresponding deflection will be : LL+I 16.559237 mm < L/800 = 30 mm Ok!

Thus the deflection limit state is satisfactory. Strands at section L/4 ultime Moment: MStreng I = 1.05.(1.25.MDC + 1.5.MDW + 1.75.MLL+IM)

2959.118 kN.m


0.28 ec = dp = Aps = fpu = As = As = b=


We debound 10 Strands at Section of L/4 from support: Where:

69.84 mm 1263.16 mm 1600 mm 1860 Mpa 0 0 1.25 m


So: c =

72.05758 mm


hf = 190 mm

Institute of Technology of Cambodia

= 1830.29071 Mpa

a = 0.85.c =

61.24894398 mm = 3609.43732 kN.m

MStrength I < Mn 2959.118 <

= 1 3609.43732 Ok!!

K. Shear Design:
Critical distance for Shear:

de dv

a 2


de = dp =

1263.16 mm

max 0.9d e 0.72h


dv =

1.232535528 m

0.004044 ft

M(x) =

0.256624 kips-ft =

0.35479554 kN.m

we consider that The moment of Dead Load at Section of dv from Support equal to 0 Mu = MLL+IM = 0.471878074 kN.m


Vp bV d v
131.832965 kN.m 494.163262 kN.m 1.903934266 MPa 0.04230965

V p = Fpesin Vu = V =
v f c'

Institute of Technology of Cambodia

M u / dv

0.5N u

0.5 Vu
1395 Mpa

V p cot

Aps f po

Es . As
0.75fpu =

E p . Aps

We choose:



-0.00568 x = 1000.x = -5.6778 < -0.20


v f c'

0.04231 < 0.075 6.32

By table we have = 22.3

and =





f c' bv d v

Vs = 392.8518 kN

Av f y d v Vs

253.2253 mm 0.774847784 m

we use # 4 bar: Av = So: Smax =

Av f y 0.083 f c' bv
S'max = 1.023177496 m 0.77484778 m S = 50 cm

' S = min(Smax , S max ) =

Therefore: We use # 4 bar: with Spacing

Institute of Technology of Cambodia

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