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Earth quake It is caused due to a sudden change in the energy of earth crust which is released causing Earth Crust

producing seismic and it is also known by temblor or quake. In its most general form the word earth quake is the seismic event which is caused naturally or by humans. They are caused generally by geological faults, but there are also other sources such as landslides, volcanic activity, mine blasts and nuclear tests conducted by humans .The initial cause of rupture is called focus or hypocentre, whereas epicentre is the point on the ground directly above hypocentre. How Earth quakes are sensed and located? Earth quake are sensed by their seismicity or seismic activity of the area being affected, device used to measure the magnitude of earth quake is called seismometer. Seismometers can record earth quake for long distances because seismic wave travels through whole earth crust .The scale used to measure the magnitude of earth quake is called Moment magnitude scale previously known as Richter scale. Types of earth quake The earth quake of three types by the order of their magnitude Normal: Earth quake of scale less than 5 are normal and are not so much dangerous and they are only reported by local national seismological observatory. Medium: They are reported between the scale 5 and 7 and are observable on the entire globe. Intense: They are reported above the scale 7 and potentially cause serious damages depending upon their depth. They are not categorized only by their magnitude but also by their location. Whole world is divided into 754 Flinn-Engdahl regions also known as F-E regions this categorization is based upon political and geographical boundaries and also by seismic activity , the most active zones are further divided into smaller F-E regions while less active zones are grouped to form larger F-E regions. Effects of earth quake Most important and common effects caused by earth quakes are as follow Shaking and rupture of ground The most common effect produced by earth quake is shaking and rupture of ground which results in damage to buildings and rigid structures depending upon the magnitude and distance from the epicentre and it also depends upon geographical structure of that place due to which the effects may be damped or amplified Landslides Earth quake along with storms, wildfires and coastal wave activity can produce instability to the slope structures and can cause land slides. Soil liquefaction It is produced when sand like material loses its strength and is converted into liquid, it is the most devastating effect produced by the earth quake building can sink or tilt due to soil liquefaction. Tsunami

They are large wavelength large period sea waves produced by movement of large quantities of water .Large waves are produced by earth quake and landslide in the coastal areas .It can travel thousand of kilometre in the ocean and cause destruction in the coastal areas .Tsunamis are caused by earth quake of intensity 7.5 and more .

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