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Swimming Coaching Manual Front Crawl A balanced body position must be maintained throughout the stroke.

A good body roll around the Long Axis (LA) must be present. (By extending the shoulder and entering superman streamline position). Head position fixed on the Long Axis and eyes looking down. During breathing head rolls with the body as you extend your shoulder and arm. Breathing with one goggle out of the water is a must in order to decrease drag created by breathing. A good breathing technique (correct inhalation and exhalation process) and frequency must be maintained - on every 3rd or on every 4th stroke. Relaxed high elbow arm recovery and flat and relaxed hand entry at all times. (A useful way to improve the recovery phase of the stroke is by doing __ drill) From 90 deg. high elbow position and then pushing through fast and powerfully. Hip rotation action starts with the forward hand entry. A narrow, relaxed and continuous leg kicking action initiated from the hips. For a smooth, efficient, effortless and faster front crawl technique; relaxation, breathing technique, stroke timing, stroke counting and rhythm, all play a vital roles.

Butterfly For a flowing, efficient and faster fly stroke, the following technical requirements are needed;

A balanced body position must be maintained throughout the stroke cycle. Head is kept in line with spine and eyes are looking down. Body / hips roll around the Short Axis (SA). An undulating body-dolphin movement is maintained and keep legs going in order to keep momentum. Arms and Legs move simultaneously. High elbow principles are maintained throughout the stroke cycle. High hips position is controlled levelly. Breathing is done with face-eyes looking down in order to keep flat body position. A controlled inhalation and exhalation technique is vital for efficiency.

Kicking: 1st kick, as hands enters the water. 2nd kick, as hands approach hips. Breathing on every 2nd stroke is the preferred pattern unless 50m race where breathing as little as possible is necessary. Good timing, relaxation, stroke range-stroke length, rhythm and breathing control technique must be maintained, for a faster Fly stroke development.

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