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Russian Journal of Genetics, Vol. 40, No. 9, 2004, pp. 945–958. Translated from Genetika, Vol. 40, No.

9, 2004, pp. 1157–1172.

Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Chadov, Chadova, Kopyl, Artemova, Khotskina, Fedorova.


From Genetics of Intraspecific Differences to Genetics

of Intraspecific Similarity
B. F. Chadov, E. V. Chadova, S. A. Kopyl, E. V. Artemova,
E. A. Khotskina, and N. B. Fedorova
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia;
Received October 16, 2003

Abstract—Based on the Mendelian approach to heredity, modern genetics describes inheritance of characters
belonging to the category of intraspecific difference. The other large category of characters, intraspecific simi-
larity, stays out of investigation. In this review, the genome part responsible for intraspecific similarity is con-
sidered as invariant and regulatory. An approach to studying the invariant part of the Drosophila melanogaster
genome is formulated and the results of examining this genome part are presented. The expression of mutations
at genes in the invariant genome part is different from that of Mendelian genes. We conclude that these genes
are present in the genome in multiple copies and they are functionally haploid in the diploid genome. Severe
abnormalities of development appearing in the progeny of mutant parents suggest that the mutant genes are
genes regulating ontogeny. A hypothesis on an elementary ontogenetic event is advanced and the general
scheme of ontogeny is presented. A concept on two types of gene allelism (cis- and trans-allelism) is formu-
lated. This approach opens a possibility for studying genetic material responsible for the formation of intraspe-
cific similarity characters at different taxonomic levels on the basis of crossing individuals of the same species.

INTRODUCTION similar in the pea color, but this is similarity in the cat-
In line of the basic idea of the founder of genetics, egory of intraspecific difference: a representative sam-
Gregor Johannes Mendel, modern genetics studies ple of the species Pisum sativum would contain plants
characters of living organisms and factors controlling with peas of other colors. The two trait categories
them. Hereditary factors (in modern terms: genes, DNA greatly differ biologically. Intraspecific differences do
regions) are studied exclusively by genetics, whereas not hinder crosses with fertile progeny, whereas differ-
characters are subject matter of both genetics and biol- ences in intraspecific similarity characters present an
ogy in general. It is important to understand the mean- insurmountable barrier for crossing.
ing of the term character in context of biology and The intraspecific difference characters may be
genetics and thus the nature of cooperation of these sci- hereditary and nonheritable. The intraspecific similar-
ences in this area. ity category has a more complex structure, including
According to a formal logic definition, “A character hereditary characters of all taxonomic ranks, from the
is anything in which objects or phenomena are similar species and higher. For example, for the species Pisum
to or different from one another; a characteristics or a sativum L., which was the object of Mendel’s experi-
feature of an object or a phenomenon by which they can ments, the intraspecific similarity category includes:
be recognized and distinguished” [1]. Characters inher- (1) characters characterizing all living matter
ent only to the given object or phenomenon are called (exchange of substances and energy with non-living
distinguishing, and those inherent to many objects, gen- matter, existence in two states: living and dead, ability
eral or nondistinguishing [1]. As applied to biological to reproduce, etc.); (2) characters of the plant kingdom
objects, individuals of the same species possess both (e.g., photosynthesis); (3) characters of legumes (e.g.,
distinguishing and general characters. General charac- nodules); and, finally, (4) characters of the species
ters determine the intraspecific similarity; distinguish- proper, Pisum sativum, distinguishing it from all other
ing, the intraspecific difference(s). species of the family Leguminaceae.
In the categories of intraspecific similarity and To study heredity, Mendel suggested tracing inherit-
intraspecific differences, words similarity and differ- ance of characters only of the intraspecific difference
ence are antonyms, but in the living organism, charac- category and only clearly heritable ones. He left out
ters of these categories supplement rather than exclude non-heritable (individual) characters from the intraspe-
each other, creating the general phenotypic appearance cific difference category and the whole category of
of the species. The intraspecific similarity category intraspecific similarity. The rediscovery of Mendel’s laws
should not be confounded with similarity by a charac- kindled a dispute on their universal nature. Some biolo-
ter. For instance, two pea plants with yellow peas are gists, while positively evaluating Mendel’s approach,

1022-7954/04/4009-0945 © 2004 MAIK “Nauka /Interperiodica”

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doubted the applicability of his laws to heredity in gen- odology, which was designed for working with
eral, which included not only alternative characters of intraspecific differences, here will be of no help.
intraspecific difference but also all other traits [2]. For There are two genetic fields to resolve this problem.
instance, Timiryazev counted 18 character types, out of The first of them is the genomic text. This text repre-
which only one, in his opinion, showed Mendelian sents all genes, and it is of importance to find the func-
inheritance [3]. Filipchenko argued that macroevolu- tion of each of these genes [8]. The second field is char-
tion is based on biological traits that do not follow Men- acters of an individual. As shown above, each individ-
del’s laws rather than on Mendelian characters [4, 5]. ual presents a set of characters of all taxonomic levels.
De Vries believed that quantitative characters are In any cross, all characters are transmitted to the prog-
beyond the scope of Mendelian approach (cited from eny. The problem is that Mendel developed an algo-
[6]). The claims of the universal nature of the Mende- rithm for heredity analysis for genes of intraspecific
lian models were quite reasonable encountered by the difference, whereas for genes of intraspecific similarity,
issues of the genetic basis of numerous non-alternative this algorithm is yet to be designed.
characters, of specific inheritance of sex, etc.
The modern genetics failed to preserve the rational
core of these doubts. Genetic literature either avoids INVARIANT PART OF THE GENOME
biological interpretation of the notion of character or AND THE METHOD
equates character to with difference, thus simulating OF CONDITIONAL LETHALS
Mendelian approach to the character study. The history The existence of two categories of characters poses
of genetics shows multitudes of attempts to find solu- a question on the genetic basis of this distinction. At the
tions to biological problems without accounting for the present stage of development of genetics, there is no
fact that a large group of biological characters was not doubt that the characters in either of the categories are
yet subjected to genetic analysis and that their genetics controlled by genes located on the chromosomes, the
may prove different from the traditional model based chromosomes segregate in meiosis according to Men-
on intraspecific difference characters. In general, the del’s rules, and each diploid individual receives a hap-
approach to the gene–character issue is as follows: any loid chromosome set from each of its parent. However,
character is complex; it is formed under the influence of for some reasons some characters exhibit variability
many genes including major (limiting) genes and mod- while others are uniform. The whole biological taxon-
ifiers [7]. This approach does not account for qualita- omy is based on the uniformity of characters. The vari-
tive difference between the characters; non-Mendelian ability is genetically explained by existence of a gene in
inheritance is explained only by the gene number and different variants, or alleles. The simplest explanation
their interaction. All genes are thought to be Mendelian, of the uniformity would be the absence of gene alleles,
that is, possessing properties revealed by Mendelian i.e., genetic monomorphism. A striking phenotypic
analysis. It is generally believed that the cases of non- similarity of monozygous twins results from their iden-
Mendelian inheritance will be explained as our knowl- tical genotypes.
edge on ways of implementation of a gene into a char- Studies of protein polymorphisms in natural popula-
acter expands [2]. Here, the existence of any other tions revealed the existence of monomorphism for a num-
genes except Mendelian ones is again ignored. It is nat- ber of proteins in fairly representative samples [9–11].
ural that for the early geneticists who developed the These findings were accompanied by the facts of the
methods of tracing inheritance, the issue of intraspe- absence of allele dynamics in populations during long
cific similarity was redundant. However, genetics of the periods of time [12–15]. These groups of results led to
late 20th century, which proclaims its universality, can- a rejection of the leading role of allele polymorphism in
not overlook it. The results of complete sequencing of evolutionary transformations [16, 17]. Altukhov has
genomes directly pose the problem as to whether the advanced a hypothesis on the existence of an invariant
unknown function of most of genetic material is related genome part playing a key role in the determination of
to the fact that the Mendelian method and the genetics interspecific differences. Based on the results of the
based on it could not reach genes of very important cat- long-term studies in comparative population genetics,
egories. this author as early as in the 1970s came to the conclu-
On the strength of the modern genetic knowledge, sion that “one of the most important properties of the
including the results of the studies considered below, eukaryotic genome is duality of its structural and func-
the universal nature of the Mendelian laws is regarded tional organization, which is directly reflected in two phe-
as follows. The use of characters of intraspecific differ- nomena: polymorphism and monomorphism” [16, 17].
ence led to the discovery of the general regularities of Although, as noted by Altukhov himself, the duality of
inheritance together with regularities characteristic the structural–functional organization of genes or char-
only of this category of characters. The aim of the mod- acters of an organism was suggested earlier, e.g., by de
ern genetics lies, in particular, in determining which of Vries, Goldsmidt, and Ushakov (cited from [16]), only
the regularities are general, and which are specific, and, a discovery of many cases of protein monomorphism
of course, in finding the genetic basis of the intraspe- permitted seriously pose the question on the existence
cific similarity characters. It is clear that the old meth- of an invariant part of the genome. Genetic monomor-



phism of the species and duality of the structural orga- sons is individually crossed with females of the yellow
nization of the eukaryotic genome has been currently strain. A daughterless male is considered to carry a
shown at the DNA level [18]. Note, however, that the mutation in the X chromosome. To preserve the muta-
genetic community in general still believes that poly- tion, this male is crossed with females carrying
morphism is a property of each gene. attached or inverted X chromosomes [21, 22].
From the genetic viewpoint, the existence of an The presence of an X-chromosomal mutation in the
invariant genome part means the following. In individ- male genome is not lethal, but the mutation becomes a
uals composing the species, all invariant genes must be dominant lethal when it is in a female genome.
homozygous. If a variant arises through mutation, it Protocol 2. Drosophila males are exposed to γ-irra-
must perish immediately, i.e., in heterozygote. Each diation and crossed with females carrying inversion
mutation at genes of the invariant part of the genome Curly in chromosome 2 (Fig. 2). Male progeny of this
must be a dominant lethal. cross carrying an irradiated autosome 2 and autosome
The death of a mutation in a heterozygote signifies Curly are individually crossed with females of the yel-
that the gene cannot change. From the general biologi- low strain. A male that did not produce phenotypically
cal viewpoint, the absence of changes in this part of the normal sons and daughters (without Curly) is consid-
genome is equal to the banishment of evolution. There- ered to carry a mutation in autosome 2 [23].
fore, it was attempted to find a way to combine the Mutation in the male autosome 2 behaves in a dual
death in homozygote with the possibility of altering the fashion: as a dominant lethal in a cross of the male with
gene. It was assumed that mutations in these genes yellow females and as a non-lethal, in a cross with
appear in the homozygous state. This state rescues the Curly females.
mutation while the heterozygote state for it means per-
ishing. The mutation must behave as a conditional Protocol 3. Recessive lethal mutations in the
dominant lethal: be lethal in heterozygote and non- X chromosome are obtained in Drosophila by means of
lethal in homozygote. The putative mutations with the the classical Muller-5 method. The lethals are maintained
paradoxical properties were termed facultative domi- by crossing In(1)Muller-5/lethal females with
nant lethals [19]. In(1)Muller-5 males. In crosses of the females with
males of another strains, some lethals do not behave as
First, individuals homozygous for such mutation such, i.e., normal males appear. The appearance of
(and thus viable) should be obtained, and then the homozygous females carrying the “lethal” X chromo-
mutations should be tested for lethality in heterozygote. some is possible (Chadov, Khotskina, unpublished).
If successful, this method would produce a collection of
dominant lethal mutations for further analysis, as is The mutations express as lethal only when the het-
done in genetics for all mutations. As Drosophila has erozygote at the lethal mutation is crossed with a male
heterogametic sex determination, this procedure can be carrying inversion In(1)Muller-5, while its lethal effect
applied to X-chromosomal mutations. Conditional disappears in a cross with a male not carrying this
lethals are known in Drosophila and some other organ- inversion.
isms but for them external factors are the “conditions” The main principle of isolating the mutations is as
[20]. In our case, the conditions are genetic (genetic follows: the presence of lethal effect of the mutation in
background). In 1999, a method of obtaining condi- one genotype and the absence of this effect in another
tional lethal mutations has been developed for Droso- one. According to protocol 1, the lethal effect is
phila X chromosome [21, 22], and then for autosome 2 removed by the presence of the mutation in a male
[23]. Another method has been additionally designed genome. In a female genome, the mutation is mani-
recently (Chadov, Khotskina, unpublished). Since all fested as lethal. According to protocol 2, the factor res-
these methods are based on a common principle, they cuing from the lethal effect of the mutation in autosome 2
may be collectively termed the method of conditional is the presence of the inverted Curly chromosome.
lethals. Without this chromosome, both mutant sons and
mutant daughters die. Protocol 3 leads to an opposite
situation: the lethal effect of the mutation in the X chro-
THREE PROTOCOLS OF PRODUCING mosome of the progeny is caused by the presence of an
CONDITIONAL LETHALS IN DROSOPHILA inverted X chromosome in the paternal genome.
OF THE CONDITIONAL LETHALS METHOD The classical method of isolating mutations is based
FROM THE CLASSICAL SCREENING on a different principle: the mutation must stably
FOR MUTATIONS express in any individual of the given species. No clas-
sical procedure of isolation of mutations includes test-
Protocol 1. Drosophila males are exposed to γ-irra- ing their expression. It is stable expression that makes
diation and crossed with females carrying attached possible maintaining collections of mutations for their
X chromosomes (attached-X females) (Fig. 1). Male further use in crosses with various representatives of
progeny of this cross carry an irradiated X chromosome the species. Mutations of the invariant genome part,
and a haploid set of irradiated autosomes. Each of the according to the method of their isolation, are unusual:


948 CHADOV et al.

3000 Gy 3000 Gy
XXY × X Y ×
In(2LR)Cy/2 2 /2

2/2 × 2 /In(2LR)Cy
X X × X Y Individual
Individual testing 2/2 × 2 /In(2LR)Cy
testing X X × X Y of males
of males 2/2 × 2*/In(2LR)Cy
X X × X* Y

Norm: 2/ 2 and 2/In(2LR)Cy

Mutation[*]: 2/ 2* and 2/In(2LR)Cy
F1 Norm: daughters X X sons X Y
Mutation[*]: daughters X X sons X Y Fig. 2. Detection of conditional dominant lethals in auto-
some 2 of D. melanogaster. Exposed to γ-radiation males
were crossed with females carrying a complex inversion
Fig. 1. Detection of conditional dominant lethals in the X and dominant marker Curly in one of autosomes 2. The
chromosome of D. melanogaster. Exposed to γ-radiation male progeny carrying this autosome and the irradiated
males were crossed with females carrying attached X chro- autosome 2 (in a hatched box) were individually crossed
mosomes. The male progeny were individually crossed with with yellow females. The sons that had received autosome 2
yellow females. The sons having received the X chromo- with a dominant lethal produced only Curly progeny. Chro-
some with a dominant lethal were daughterless. The irradi- mosome 2 carrying a new lethal is marked by an asterisk.
ated X chromosomes are boxed; the X chromosome carry-
ing a new lethal is marked by an asterisk.
carrying attached-X chromosomes. In this procedure,
the sons receive the mutant X chromosome from their
their expression assumes extreme values 0 and 1 father. According to the second procedure, the mutant
depending on the genetic background. X chromosome is maintained in heterozygous females
with the inverted Muller-5 chromosome. The female is
crossed with males carrying either mutant or inverted
FEATURES OF ORGANIZATION X chromosome. Here, the sons receive the mutant
AND EXPRESSION OF GENES X chromosome from their mother.
The mutation behaves differently depending on its
Using the three protocols, we have isolated about hun- maternal or paternal inheritance. If a son received a
dred mutations in Drosophila melanogaster. X-chromo- mutant X chromosome from the father, it is viable in the
somal mutations obtained following protocol 1 are presence of the Y chromosome and non-viable in its
characterized in most detail. They differed from com- absence (Table 1). If a son received the same mutation
mon mutations in a number of properties: (1) sharply (mutant X chromosome) from the mother, it is viable
different penetrance in hybrids from crosses with dif- both in the presence and in the absence of the Y chro-
ferent strains; (2) unclear relationship between the mosome (Table 2).
mutant and normal allele; (3) different manifestation in
This different relationship with the Y chromosome
germline and somatic tissues; (4) dependence of the
may be explained by the fact that the genome contains
expression of the sex of the parental donor of the muta-
both the mutated gene and its copies (or alleles) able to
tion; (5) mass formation of morphoses; and (6) frequent
perform its function. Out of these alleles, only one
reversions to the norm [24, 25]. Below, we consider the
functions. In the given situation, one allele is mutant
properties that most clearly reveal the specific organiza-
and the remaining ones are normal. In a male that
tion and functions of the mutated genes.
received the mutation from the mother, the normal
1. The haploid genome bear several gene copies rather than mutant allele functions, and thus this male
(cis-alleles), only one of which is active in the given is viable regardless of the presence of absence of the Y
individual. X-chromosomal mutations isolated by pro- chromosome in its genome. As is known, a male with
tocol 1 are maintained using two procedures. Accord- the normal genotype is viable even when the Y chromo-
ing to the first procedure, mutant males of the wild-type some is absent in their genomes [26]. In Fig. 3 showing
phenotype are crossed with females C(1)DX, y w f /Y the organization of the regulatory genes as compared to



Table 1. The effect of the Y chromosome on lethality of mutations received by sons from fathers [22]
Cross C(1)y w f/Y ×  + Cross C(1)y/0 ×  +
of male culture total number proportion total number proportion
of progeny of XY males in progeny of progeny of X0 males in progeny
1 51 0.35 131 0.02
2 42 0.60 118 0.05
3 33 0.39 90 0.05
4 85 0.38 137 0.00
5 8 0.25 97 0.12
6 133 0.50 37 0.03
7 37 0.57 142 0.12
8 19 0.47 123 0.16
9 199 0.55 123 0.05
10 30 0.40 107 0.14
11 152 0.51 95 0.13
13 61 0.49 54 0.09
15 82 0.50 70 0.20

the structural gene, the former is depicted as consisting The conclusion on allele exclusion of the regulatory
of three cis-alleles, only one of which is active in the gene in the opposite homolog [23] was drawn based on
given genome. the facts of exclusively dominant expression of the
The method of mutation isolation is based on the mutations in heterozygote. In crosses between mutant
fact that the gene impairment is critical even in a het- males carrying the mutation in the X chromosome and
erozygous state. The rescuing factor is that in the geno- yellow females, female progeny perished (dominant
types in which the allele is being isolated it “must be” manifestation of the mutation). In the cases when
inactive. Its cis-allele is active. The mutation is pre- females carrying the mutation were viable, heterozy-
served only due to the fact that it had occurred in a non- gotes displayed disrupted meiosis (chromosome loss).
functioning allele. This method may be called isolating This anomaly was also dominant as it occurred in het-
mutations in “sleeping” genes, that is, alleles not func- erozygotes. Morphoses appeared in the progeny of het-
tioning in the ontogeny of the given individual. Accord- erozygotes for the mutation (Section 4). This mutation
ing to the experimental results, genetic factors respon- manifestation was also dominant.
sible for switching one allele and suppressing another In some cases, the mutations did not manifest in het-
are as follows (in addition to the maternal or paternal erozygote. This state, however, cannot be classified as
origin of the mutation): (1) the sex of the individual; recessive. For instance, X-chromosomal mutations iso-
(2) the presence of a chromosome rearrangement lated by protocol 3 in classical genetics are referred to
(inversion, translocation); (3) the genotype of the cross- recessive lethals: they are manifested as lethals in males
ing partner [19]. Because of the presence of factors with one X chromosome and not manifested as such in
switching on and off the mutant genes, these genes can females carrying one mutant and one normal X chro-
be assigned to the regulatory ones [27]. In Section 4 mosome. However, for the isolated mutations it
devoted to the description of morphoses, we show how appeared that their lack of manifestation in heterozy-
the genes fulfill their regulatory function by changing gote was caused by the fact that these mutations are not
the process of ontogeny. lethal in females rather than by suppression of the lethal
2. Homologous genes located in different homologs mutation effect by the normal allele. Females homozy-
(in trans-position) function alone according to the prin- gous for these mutations are viable. Consequently,
ciple of allele exclusion. Alleles of a structural gene these mutations are in fact dominant lethals manifest-
function according to the “double work” principle. ing only in male individuals.
Activity of both structural gene alleles is especially evi- Mutations in autosome 2 isolated by protocol 3 are
dent on electrophoregrams of its protein products. In expressed as dominant lethals if a mutant male is
Fig. 3, both alleles of the structural gene are shown as crossed with a yellow female. In the reverse cross
active, but only one out of two regulatory genes (in one (mutant female × yellow male), they do not manifest as
of the homologs) is depicted active. When a structural lethals. As we see, the presence of lethality (dominant
and a regulatory gene are structurally diploid, the latter expression of the mutation) and the absence of lethality
gene is functionally haploid. (“recessive” expression of the mutation) depend not on


950 CHADOV et al.

Table 2. The effect of the Y chromosome on lethality of mutations received by sons from mothers* [22]
Cross In(1)Muller-5, wa B/+ ×  y Cross In(1)Muller-5, wa B/+ ×  C(XY), y B/0
of male culture total number proportion of XY, total number proportion of X0,
of progeny + males in progeny of progeny + males in progeny
2 317 0.10 103 0.13
3 122 0.19 15 0.13
5 242 0.22 122 0.26
6 501 0.15 156 0.19
7 377 0.18 117 0.33
8 363 0.25 192 0.30
9 250 0.12 139 0.10
10 194 0.23 182 0.25
11 291 0.22 170 0.29
29 285 0.21 307 0.11
30 378 0.15 165 0.19
31 460 0.17 121 0.21
32 226 0.19 89 0.21
33 162 0.14 205 0.22
34 264 0.10 193 0.01
35 444 0.08 184 0.10
36 481 0.21 221 0.28
38 504 0.24 138 0.24
41 359 0.23 227 0.39
* Mutation is in chromosome +.

the opposite autosome 2 from the yellow strain. It tion. Thus, we have come to the statement with which
seems that the analyzed genes do not interact with the we started our search for the mutations.
gene in the homologous chromosome. The expression The fact that we did not suspect at the beginning of
of these genes follows the exclusion principle: the our work but have found in the process of the study was
activity of the gene in one homolog means the inactiv- the combination of gene monomorphism at the diploid
ity of its counterpart in the other homolog. Therefore, level with its polymorphism at the haploid level. The
the manifestation of each of these genes looks as dom- existence of cassettes of cis-alleles in a haploid set is
inant. polymorphism at the haploid level. The existence of cis-
Lethal mutations in autosome 2, isolated by protocol 2, alleles and the inactive state of most of them throughout
are carried by male and female heterozygotes bearing the individual development allows one to isolate and
mutant autosome 2 and inverted autosome In(2LR), Cy 0. maintain mutations of these genes. Most genes become
The mutation carriers are viable not because the muta- accessible for studying by hybrid analysis.
tion is recessive but because the mutated gene “ought to 3. The regulatory gene mutation has several pheno-
be” inactive in the genotype with inversion In(2LR), Cy 0. typic manifestations during individual development.
The mutually excluding activity of two regulatory Two alleles of a structural gene, as a rule, function in
genes located in front of each other in a pair of homol- pair: both are either active, or inactive. If they are both
ogous chromosomes gives the heterozygote for a regu- active, three forms of their interaction are possible:
latory gene a theoretical possibility to have two differ- recessive, dominant, or semi-dominant. Whatever is the
ent phenotypic expressions. case, it is important that there is only one of three forms
Functioning according to the allele exclusion princi- of interaction for an allelic pair of a structural gene. For
ple has serious consequences for a regulatory gene with the mutations found in our experiments, another rule
a signaling function. A mutant impairment of a func- holds: they are characterized by several forms of inter-
tionally haploid gene means death of the individual. action. The progeny of one mating pair (female het-
The mutation cannot be preserved in heterozygote as erozygous for the X-chromosomal mutation crossed
happens with mutations at structural genes. This results with a male) includes: (1) viable sons and daughters;
in monomorphism of regulatory genes in the popula- (2) lethal zygotes perishing at the embryonic stage



(white and brown eggs); and (3) progeny having pheno- Inactive gene
typic abnormalities (morphoses). Progeny of any geno-
Homolog 1 A1 A2 A3 B1
type from this cross may fall into each class. The ratios
between the three classes depend on the mutation. The
proportion of morphoses is low—from several percent
to several tens of percent; the rest is lethal or normal
outcomes. Homolog 2 A1 A2 A3 B2
It could be assumed that we deal with individual
variability inherent to all organisms. However, the pres- a1 a2 a3
ence of a regulatory gene mutation increases the Regulatory Structural
expression of this variability. The proportion of zygotes gene gene
dying at early stages of development is greatly
enhanced; the number of phenotypic abnormalities is Fig. 3. Organization of a structural and a regulatory gene. In
so high that they appear even in very small progenies. the diploid genome, the structural gene is represented by
The phenomenon that in genetic work with common two alleles, B1 and B2, located in homologous chromo-
mutations is present as the background (several percent somes (homologs 1 and 2) (trans-alleles). The activation of
the structural gene concerns both alleles. The regulatory
of dominant lethals, few cases of abnormalities in the gene is represented by a cassette of three alleles, A1, A2,
progeny) is markedly manifested in a study of regula- and A3 (cis-alleles). Each of the alleles is activated by its
tory mutations. own transcription factor (respectively a1, a2, and a3). Acti-
vation of any of the three alleles leads to the same result:
4. A gene functions in one cell, and its product, in activation of structural gene B. A property of the regulatory
another one (maternal and paternal effects of mor- gene is its activity in only one of the homologs. In homolog 1,
phose formation). As noted above, the formation of the regulatory gene is switched off: none of the alleles func-
tions. In homolog 2, the A3 allele is activated by transcrip-
morphoses is a characteristic feature of the mutations in tion factor a3; this allele, in turn, activates both alleles of the
question. These morphoses are developmental defects structural gene (B1 and B2).
of different degree, which in some cases does not
hinder eclosion, mating, or even reproduction. Devel-
opmental defects have been described for individuals parent is the necessary condition for the morphose for-
exposed to extreme environmental effects [28–32]. In mation in its progeny.
contrast to these exogenous morphoses, the morphoses Maternal effect manifested in the progeny of
obtained in our study were termed endogenous [25], females carrying the mutant X chromosome (+) and
since their appearance is caused by internal factors, inverted Muller-5, B wa chromosome. The progeny that
namely, gene impairment. received the mutant X chromosome from the mother
Our collection includes more than two hundred consisted of daughters +/B wa and wild-type sons (+).
color video pictures of morphoses, some of which are The progeny that did not receive the mutant X chromo-
presented in Fig. 4. Morphological defects involved all some from the mother consisted of daughters B wa/B wa
body parts of the fly and in some cases were very pro- and sons B wa. In a group of seven X-chromosomal
nounced: the absence of half of the head; half of the mutations obtained in a separate experiment (protocol 1),
thorax; one, two, three, or four legs; one wing; external all mutations produced morphoses in the progeny. Five
genitalia. Formations of the homeotic type were mutations exhibited maternal effect in the morphose
recorded: double arista, seventh leg, protrusions on formation. Twenty-six progeny of flies carrying these
eyes, thorax, etc., as well as melanoma-like neoplasms mutations (daughters B wa/B wa and sons B wa) had
of various localization. morphoses although they did not receive the mutant
X chromosome from the mother.
In contrast to visible mutations, the morphoses
(1) appear in part of the progeny at a frequency of sev- In a group of 24 mutations isolated by protocol 3,
eral percent to several tens of percent; (2) are not heri- morphoses were recorded in the progeny of all mutant
table; (3) are unilateral; (4) the morphological change females Muller-5, B wa/+. Out of 157 progeny with
often bring the fly on the brink of survival, but even pro- morphoses, 73 (46%) did not receive the mutant
found morphological alterations may be accompanied X chromosome from the mother. Of them, 30 were
by normal viability and fertility. females and 43, males. The morphose formation in the
progeny and the presence of the mutant X chromosome
The maintenance of X-chromosomal mutations
in the same progeny seem to be independent events.
(Fig. 5) produces two types of progeny: one of them
The formation of morphoses without receiving the mutant
carries the mutant X chromosome while the others lack
X chromosome from the mother was also recorded in spe-
this chromosome. The formation of morphoses
cial crosses of mutant females +/Muller-5, B.
involves paternal and maternal effects. A morphose
could be formed not only in the progeny carrying the Paternal effect was found in the cultures containing
mutant paternal chromosome but also in the progeny attached-X females (females C(1)DX, y w f/Y) and
lacking it. Naturally, the presence of the mutation in a mutant wild-type males (+). In these cultures, sons


952 CHADOV et al.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Fig. 4. Endogenous morphoses in D. melanogaster. (a) Sack-like protrusion on the midline of thorax; (b) absence of the right wing
with a necrosis focus at the wing base; (c) an additional third metathoracic leg; (d) the absence of the right thorax half; (e) partial
absence of the right metathoracic leg; (f) absence of tarsus and metatarsus of the left metathoracic leg; (g) absence of bristles on the
right thorax side, absence of the left wing; (h) absence of four legs, deformation of a leg and a wing.

receive the mutant X chromosome from the father, and attached-X chromosomes. These were daughters with
daughters, attached-X chromosomes lacking the muta- morphoses that did not receive any mutant X chromo-
tion, from the mother. The paternal effect manifested in somes. Two out of seven mutations exhibited both
the appearance of daughters with morphoses. In the paternal and maternal effects.
group of seven mutations mentioned above, the pater-
nal effect was manifested in four mutations (22 mor- In a group of 29 mutations obtained by protocol 1
phoses). The paternal effect was also observed in and producing morphoses in progeny, morphoses were
crosses of mutant males with other females carrying detected by one visual examination in the daughters of



26 mutants. As noted above, daughters did not receive (a) (b)

the mutant chromosome from father. The experimental In(1)M-5 In(1)M-5
y v f
data indicate that the pathological phenotype (morphose) × ×
+ y v f
of the progeny of the mutants without inheritance of the
mutant gene is a rule rather than an exception.
The mutant genes, as we have seen, demonstrate In(1)M-5
both the maternal and the paternal effects. Apart from In(1)M-5
sex of the parent, these effects are phenomenologically In(1)M-5
indistinguishable. The maternal effect is generally F1
F1 + +
explained by cytoplasmic inheritance of gene products.
However, in case of the paternal effect, the cytoplasmic In(1)M-5
inheritance of gene products is impossible. The regula-
tory products produced by the gene in the sperm X +
chromosome, can be transmitted to the zygote only by
being fixed on the sperm autosomes. Therefore, the Fig. 5. Two methods of maintaining X-chromosome muta-
explanation of both paternal and maternal effects is tions. (a) In heterozygote in females carrying inverted chro-
beyond cytoplasmic inheritance. We believe that these mosome Muller-5 (In(1)M-5) and mutant X chromosome
effects are explained by distinction in time and space of (+, bold line); (b) in a culture with attached-X chromosomes
two processes: production of the regulatory protein and (y v f/y v f). In the first case (a), the mutant X chromosome
is transmitted to daughters In(1)M-5/+ and sons +; daugh-
realization of this protein product. The distinction in ters In(1)M-5/In(1)M-5 and sons In(1)M-5 do not receive
space means that the regulatory protein is produced in this chromosome. In the second case (b), the mutant chro-
one cell and realized in another cell of the next genera- mosome is transmitted to sons but not daughters.
tion. The distinction in time means that the production
of the protein is not accompanied by its realization; the
latter process starts after the former is completed. organism is possible until the mutant allele becomes
active. Variants of the process of ontogeny are possible
These results suggest that the mutant genes produce owing to the occurrence of the regulatory gene in form
the proteins that are initially inactive. The products of of a cassette consisting of cis-alleles. However, the
the maternal genes appear in the oocyte, the product of number of these alleles is lower than the number of
the paternal genes, in the spermatocytes; however, both combinations of trans-alleles of structural genes in the
start functioning only in zygote. Thus, the regulatory process of population hybridization.
protein produced by the genes in question is “exported”
to function in other cells. In case of the classical gene, 2. Cell mechanism of information quantization in
the gene is active at the same place with its product. The ontogeny. To construct a scheme of genetic control of
presence of a mutant phenotype signifies the presence ontogeny, we may reasonably presume that this control
of the mutant gene. The classical genetics would simply is based on a chain of sequential activation of regula-
be impossible if the location of the gene functioning tory genes [33]. The problem here lies in the fact that
with regard to protein production would differ from the each cell contains the whole genome; therefore, with-
location of realization of this gene product. out assuming an activation-limiting mechanism, we can
come to an absurd conclusion that the total genome is
Summarizing, using classical hybrid analysis we
active in zygote. Based on the discovered property of
found a large part of the genome consisting of regula-
the ontogeny-controlling genes, we propose a mecha-
tory genes. These genes are cardinally different from
nism of quantum genome activation (Fig. 6). An essen-
typical genes in both organization and function. Appar-
tial feature of this mechanism is that switching the
ently, their role in the organism is also specific.
activity of one gene to another depends on the cell divi-
sion as an obligatory condition.
INVARIANT GENOME PART HOSTS The production by an ontogeny gene of the regula-
THE PROGRAM OF INDIVIDUAL tory protein product, which will function only after the
DEVELOPMENT cell division, at the given time restricts the activity of
1. The genetic basis of the common program of indi- the cell genome to one ontogeny gene. The transmis-
vidual development in species members. Severe defects sion of activity from this gene to another one occurs
of morphogenesis in the mutant progeny indicate that only after the cell division. To make the scheme valid,
the regulatory genes control ontogeny. The properties an ontogeny-controlling gene must possess a function
of the mutations reveal the principles of this control. of starting cell division. On the scheme, this function is
The first principle is the non-alternative character of the shown by the hatched arrow.
individual development program. The elimination of We called an elementary ontogenetic event a transi-
mutant variants is ensured by functional haploidy of the tion of activity from one ontogeny-controlling gene to
corresponding genes; the mutations are eliminated as another through a cell division [34]. The event is mul-
dominant lethals. The presence of the mutations in the tiply repeated and thus controls three ontogenetic pro-


954 CHADOV et al.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6. Transition of activity of a regulatory gene in the maternal cell to the activity of another regulatory gene in the daughter cell
(an elementary ontogenetic event). (a) The original cell with two chromosome pairs. The active and inactive regulatory genes are
shown as solid and open squares, respectively. The active regulatory gene and its inactive product create an impulse for cell division
(hatched arrow). (b) Mitotic cell division. Inactive gene products are dispersed in the cytoplasm. Circles with rays, spindle poles.
(c) Two daughter cells. The division switched off the previously active regulatory gene (open square), and, activating the regulatory
product received from the maternal cell (solid circles), switched on another regulatory gene. Open triangles are regulatory products
of another regulatory gene that are not active in the daughter cell (the bottom chromosome pair, solid square). In daughter cells, the
conditions for the next signal for division were created (hatched arrows).

cesses: the activation of genomic information, the cells (at least two of them, in an extreme case), which
enhancement of cell mass, and the distribution of the has different potential and different structural and func-
activated information in the cell mass. tional properties as compared to the original cell popu-
3. Genetic model of ontogeny. In terms of genetics, lation, in which the previous regulatory gene was
ontogeny combines three parallel processes: (1) an active.
increase in the number of functioning genetic programs According to the model, the regulatory genes play a
according to the increasing number of cells; (2) an key role in ontogeny. Blocking a whole direction of
increase in the number of functioning structural genes; development, the mutation is likely to lead to a lethal
and (3) a relay of activity of the regulatory ontogenetic outcome; however, non-development of some organism
genes that consecutively switch on groups of structural parts (legs, wings, halteres, etc.) is compatible with life,
genes. The mutant genes found on our study belong to which is indeed observed in the progeny that has mor-
the regulatory ontogenetic genes. Taking into account phoses. A mutation may pass unnoticed if it occurred in
the structural features and functions of these genes as an inactive cis-allele, but after its activation it is mani-
well as their special role in ontogeny, they were given a fested as a lethal or a morphose. The model assumes
specific name of ontogenes. that the structural genes located at the ends of regula-
tory pathways may have allelic variants (trans-alleles).
In Fig. 7, we present a genetic model of ontogeny Regulatory genes have only cis-alleles; alleles within
showing the place and role of the ontogenes in the indi- the haploid genome. Notwithstanding the structural
vidual development and explaining the manifestation of diploidy, the regulatory part of the genome is function-
these genes. The genome of an individual consists of ally haploid.
structural genes and ontogenes (regulatory genes of
various ranks). An ontogene is activated by a specific
product and itself controls the product for activation of cis- AND trans-ALLELISM AS TWO GENETIC
another gene (an ontogene or a structural gene). WAYS TO GENERATE INTRASPECIFIC
Although morphologically the process of ontogeny VARIATION
looks like a continuous transformation of structures, the The thesis on the existence of an invariant part of the
progress of this process is controlled by ontogenes species genome proved to be very productive for find-
rather than by structural genes or by the structures ing mutations with unusual properties. The success of
themselves. the search for these mutations is an additional argument
The switching of activity between the regulatory in favor of the idea on the existence of this genome part
genes occurs only during cell division. Thus, each of [16, 17]. The results of the mutation analysis suggest
the activity changes is related to a new population of that the invariant part of the genome has a specific



(a) (b)






Fig. 7. Genetic model of ontogeny. (a) Genes and signaling pathways. The genome of the individual includes structural genes (small
black and hatched circles) and regulatory genes of different ranks (circles, squares, and triangles). The regulatory ontogenetic gene
is represented by a set of cis-alleles (division of the signs into sectors). t0–4, ontogeny stages. The genome is activated through a
regulated system of signal pathways (lines connecting genes; arrows). The signaling pathways are terminated by activating struc-
tural genes. Ontogeny is the process of sequential activation of regulatory genes of different ranks according to the relay principle.
Passing from the previous to the next stage of development switches off the regulatory genes functioning at the previous stage and
the structural genes responsible for presumptive structures (hatched circles). (b) Ontogeny at a late stage (t4). Switched-off genes
are shown by dotted lines. Most of the structural genes and some of the regulatory genes close to the former by the switching time
(regulatory genes of stem cells) are still active.

structure: it consists of genes, each of which is pre- tural defects occurring in early ontogeny may later lead
sented in several and more copies. The copies are not to lethality. Apparently, monomorphic genes in studies
identical and can be referred to as alleles. This situation is of Altukhov and coauthors (see [16] for review) belong
very similar to multigene families of structural genes [35]. to the category of structural invariant genes.
The alleles were more appropriately termed cis-alleles
to distinguish them from trans-alleles, that is, classical The notion of cis-allelism concerns regulatory
alleles of structural genes. Ultimately, the invariant part genes. The number of regulatory chains with participa-
of the genome is also variable, but at a different level. tion of the given regulatory gene is at least equal to the
The introduction of the notions of cis- and trans-allel- number of corresponding cis-alleles. A mutant impair-
ism highlights, on the one hand, principal relatedness of ment of a cis-allele would be lethal if this allele func-
these two ways of generating intraspecific variation, tions in the given genotype. The mortality takes the
but, on the other hand, the existence of differences form of dominant lethality, mainly at an early embry-
between them. onic stage. This type of lethality, regardless of the
mutagenic factor causing it, indicates impairment of the
Comparison of the two ways of generating variation genetic regulatory system.
seems to be helpful for in-depth understanding of this
biological phenomenon. Here, we would like to outline Cis-allelism should primarily be considered as a
the unique features of each of them. Trans-allelism genetic basis of individual variability. All individuals of
concerns structural genes, which are located at the ends the same species have an identical regulatory system,
of ontogenetic regulatory chains (Fig. 7) and thus can lacking broad population potential for creating diver-
change irrespective of one another. The number of sity in the form of trans-allelic polymorphism. How-
trans-alleles does not alter the size of the genome; their ever, the given individual can “select” a particular allele
quality and quantity does not affect the complexity of from the cassette of cis-alleles. In view of the great
the organism. We can state a priori that the level of number of regulatory genes, we can expect individual
trans-allelic diversity would be different for different variability within the regulatory system of the species.
structural genes. The structural genes that start func- The only condition is non-inheritance of this choice.
tioning early in the ontogeny, may prove to be less vari- Although cis- and trans-allelisms are principally simi-
able or even classed as “invariant,” because slight struc- lar as sources of biodiversity, they are essentially differ-


956 CHADOV et al.

ent in inheritance: the former generates non-heritable anism of entering the invariant genome part and the
variability, whereas the latter, heritable variability. mechanism of maintaining monomorphism seems to be
The pattern of morphose formation in the mutants, different for this gene group.
apart of its extreme variants, is similar to the pattern of The assumption of an invariant part of the genome
individual variability: morphoses are not inherited, are may seem illogical, but only at the first glance. Invari-
asymmetric, and express only in part of the progeny. ability at the diploid genomic level is atoned by the exist-
Random combinations of cis-alleles of different ence of cis-allelism, that is, variability at the haploid
genes in regulatory chains are unlikely: in this case, the genomic level. Cis-allelism brings us to the resolution of
very existence of cis-alleles as non-identical structures the issue of individual “nonheritable” variability.
loses sense. Hence, stable combinations or alleles of The principle stating that “where is a character,
different regulatory genes, and, consequently, correla- there is a gene,” which underlies classical genetics, is
tion between characters must exist. This sheds light on not related to genetics in general. The regulatory sys-
genetic basis of character correlations. Classical genet- tem controlling development cannot operate according
ics showed its limited possibilities in explaining corre- to this principle. The product produced by a regulatory
lation, inheritance of quantitative traits, and joint inher- ontogenetic gene cannot function at the location of this
itance. gene (in the same cell). The cell must undergo division,
Cis-allelism of regulatory genes requires further which would result into the product functioning in the
investigation. However, even now finding this phenom- daughter cells, in which the “old” gene is inactive. Only
enon seems to open the ways for resolving the central after that will the product activate a new regulatory
problem of biological evolution: the formation of a new gene. This is the only possibly way of “quantization” of
genome within the functioning old one [19, 25, 36]. the developmental implementation of genetic informa-
tion. The presence of the product with the switched-off
gene is in essence the “presence of the character with-
CONCLUSIONS out the gene.” This seems to be a rule in ontogeny. Sec-
The main idea of this study is that classical genetics, tions “Maternal Effect” and “Paternal Effect” list illus-
notwithstanding its fundamental principles of heredity, trative examples of the presence of a character (mor-
is but a model based only on a part of biological mate- phose) in an individual without the presence in this
rial. This part encompasses characters of intraspecific individual of the mutant chromosome causing the mor-
difference. Characters of intraspecific similarity consti- phoses.
tute another part of this material. The first results The principle of obligatory activity of both homolo-
obtained by studying this class of characters shows that gous genes in a diploid individual also is not a general
new principles await us. Proving these principles will genetic rule. Ontogenetic genes are characterized by
involve much research, but the available facts are suffi- allelic exclusion.
cient for their formulation. Importantly, these facts Activity of each gene in each member of the species
were obtained on the same genetic field (hybrid analy- is either not a general genetic principle. It does not hold
sis) as forms the basis of classical genetics. This means for cis-alleles of regulatory genes. The individual
that they can be tested using the already verified crite- genomes must be filled with genetic structures that did
ria. not show activity during the lifetime of this particular
An important genetic generalization that can be for- individual. Since each living organism inevitably
mulated even now states that in the process of intraspe- passes through ontogeny, and regulatory ontogenetic
cific hybridization, the individuals exchange mainly genes are characterized by maternal and paternal
identical genetic information related to the organization effects, the latter must often accompany inheritance of
of ontogeny. The origin of this information dates back characters. Thus, it is clear that genetics of intraspecific
virtually to the first steps of the appearance of the living similarity shows uniqueness even at this early stage of
matter. This information increases in evolution of living its history.
organisms. It does not have allelic variants in the com- The understanding of the fact that, owing to its
monly accepted sense of the term. The invariant part of approach, classical genetics did not and could not pro-
the genome controls the program of individual develop- vide a complete description of inheritance and func-
ment, namely, its regulatory part. New viable variants tioning of all genetic material, would lead to critical
of this program appear in the process of evolution. revision of the research directions that did not yield
These variants reliably persist as species programs. substantial results during the long history of research
The principle of population polymorphism based on based on the classical ideology. This primarily con-
the Mendelian approach cannot be regarded as a gen- cerns studies of evolution based on population poly-
eral genetic principle valid for all genes without excep- morphism and selection of allelic variants. The errone-
tion. Apparently, some structural genes controlling ous nature of this approach was pointed out as early as
“ancient” functions also fall under the category of in the 1970s [10, 11]. The cis-allelic organization of the
monomorphic. Examples of monomorphism have been regulatory genomic part opens avenues for developing
known since the early 1970s [16]. However, the mech- the ideas of evolution based on duplications [37–39],



and in a different, more natural, variant: “duplications” DNA as the hereditary substance (intraspecific DNA
exist in any genome, their number being no less than hybridization, comparison of genetic texts in members
the number of cis-alleles of regulatory ontogenetic of different taxa). The approach outlined in this study
genes [25]. The first “gift” presented by genetics of opens a possibility to obtain such information in tradi-
intraspecific similarity to the evolution theory is the tional hybrid analysis of members of the same species.
relationship between the activity of regulatory gene Importantly, this approach can be used to trace pro-
alleles and the presence of chromosomal rearrange- cesses occurring in generations.
ments in the genome [19]. The problem of the role of
chromosome rearrangements in speciation may be
Considering problems of ontogeny, we should not We thank Yu.P. Altukhov for discussion and many
overlook the fact that the gene activity that changes valuable critical comments on the results.
depending on the stage of development concerns genes This work was supported by the Russian Foundation
of different categories. These may be structural genes for Basic Research, grant no. 01-04-48899.
controlling the formation of presumptive structures and
presumptive functions, and regulatory genes. The
former can be detected and studied by classical meth- REFERENCES
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