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Training, the means to an end...

Four Principles to Maximize the Value of the Training you Provide

Copyright 2010 Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Session Objectives
Review strategies to make the most of given training to address given issues. See how to make skills acquired in training an everyday business practice Understand how to overcome barriers to successful implementation of training

What kind of training does your company provide (technical, people skills, etc.) and for who (functional areas)? Why does your company provide training? What does your company invest in training, in terms of time and cost? What results does your company get from training, and how is it measured? What can be done to provide a greater return?

Barriers to Effective Implementation

Training not tied to strategic goals New skills are not tied into the business process New skills are in conflict with existing measures and processes Participants learn the skills, not sure how to apply them to the job Participants are not encouraged to use new skills on the job Participants perceive that new skills are difficult to use Participants are not coached on use of new skills Management does not support or reinforce use of new skills

The Four Principles

Structured Training
To ensure the skill-set is transferred and access to coaching support is successful after the workshop.

Performance System Integration

To ensure that the work environment (expectations, measures, tools/resources, consequences and feedback) is conducive to using the new skills

Strategic & operational results through improved human performance

Process Integration
To ensure that there are clear links between the training and the business processes and improvement objectives

Coaching On-the-Job
To ensure that real time guidance is available through content and process experts; results measured and appropriate behavior is reinforced

The Four Principles

Structured Training Everyone understands their role in achieving the Strategic and Operational Results we need to improve Provide Coaching The target audience has access to coaching support to be successful using the training Process Integration There are clear links between business processes, improvement objectives and the training being deployed Performance System Integration The work environment is conducive to using the new skills

The Four Principles

Structured Training
To ensure the skill-set is transferred and access to coaching support is successful after the workshop.

Performance System Integration

To ensure that the work environment (expectations, measures, tools/resources, consequences and feedback) is conducive to using the new skills

Strategic & operational results through improved human performance

Process Integration
To ensure that there are clear links between the training and the business processes and improvement objectives

Coaching On-the-Job
To ensure that real time guidance is available through content and process experts; results measured and appropriate behavior is reinforced

Structure the Training

Set expectations before training begins To communicate how the training will be used and its relevance to participants and organization What do people need to know prior to attending training? Why is the training is being offered? What should the participants expect? What should people do differently after the training?

Structure the Training

Why is the training is being offered? Which business results are driving the need for the training? What is the gap that needs to be closed? How will using the skills presented in the training contribute to achieving those results?

Structure the Training

What should the participants expect? How should they prepare? What will happen during the training? What issues will be addressed during the training? How is the learning relevant to their work?

Structure the Training

What should people do differently after the training? What are the processes/situations where new skills should be applied Who/What/Why/When/How? How much of what is learned will they need to use? What evidence will they be asked to provide to verify application of the new skills? What will be the consequences of using the skills learned in the training?

Structure the Training

Examples of triggers for use CapEx -> $xx,xxx -> Use formal decision making for recommendations Tool down +12 hours -> Use a systematic troubleshooting method Open a tool down ticket -> Apply predetermined portions of trouble shooting methods Costs of repair > $xxx -> Validate fix using a systematic troubleshooting method Not solved after one week -> Group process with Facilitator

The Four Principles

Structured Training
To ensure the skill-set is transferred and access to coaching support is successful after the workshop.

Performance System Integration

To ensure that the work environment (expectations, measures, tools/resources, consequences and feedback) is conducive to using the new skills

Strategic & operational results through improved human performance

Process Integration
To ensure that there are clear links between the training and the business processes and improvement objectives

Coaching On-the-Job
To ensure that real time guidance is available through content and process experts; results measured and appropriate behavior is reinforced

Integrate Training into Processes

Integrating the skills with the business process To remove barriers that impede the desired behaviors Build the use of process into exisiting procedures (embed the learning) Enhance existing practices and ensure that a new standard or way of working becomes routine as soon as possible Prepare and assign coaches Provide an environment for using process


Copyright 2008 Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Integrate Training into Processes

Prepare a supportive environment Provide cleanroom notepads Modify your software systems to reflect the use of the skills Ensure a feedback process is included in order to facilitate increased learning Create website (intranet) with info, case materials, anectdotes, etc. Create a War room for solid thinking in groups Put posters on the wall, stickers on machines, etc.


Copyright 2008 Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Integrate Training into Processes

Example of troubleshooting process (printed on cards / posters)
Probleem (object met afwijking van de norm)

Situatiebeoordeling - ontleden/verduidelijken - formuleren Object + Afwijking

Define clear process description for handling Beschrijven van het probleem problems / malfunctions in practice
Excellente oplossing produktieproblemen
Ja Procesaanpassing - aanpassing doen - rapportage actie en effect Nee

Excellente oplossing produktieproblemen

Probleemomschrijving: Wat is het object en de afwijking?

Procesaanpassingen mogelijk?

Wees precies! Weet je waarom? Ken je de norm? Wat staat er in PIMS?

Beschrijf het probleem - Geef probleemomschrijving - Specificeer het probleem

Who / What / Why / When / How

Nee Probleem opgelost?


Is niet
Welk object, groep van objecten, ding, product, etc. had dit probleem ook kunnen hebben, maar heeft het nu niet? Welke andere afwijkingen had kunnen worden waargenomen maar blijken nu niet op te treden?


Welk object, groep van objecten, ding, product, etc. heeft een probleem? Wat is er mis mee? Wat is de afwijking?

Ja Formuleer mogelijke oorzaken op basis van kennis en ervaring/historie/PIMS Einde

(Beperkt) # mogelijke oorzaken? Nee Ja

Define triggers to use (parts of) troubleshooting method


Waar / op welke plaats was het object toen het probleem werd gezien? Waar op het object bevindt zich de afwijking?

Waar / op welke plaats had het object met de afwijking kunnen zijn, maar is het niet? Waar op het object had de afwijking zich kunnen bevinden, maar bevindt het zich niet?

Produkt/klantwissel mogelijk? Nee

Wanneer werd het probleem voor het eerst opgemerkt (datum/tijd)? Wanneer werd het probleem sindsdien waargenomen (datum / tijd / patroon)?


Formuleer mogelijke oorzaken .. op basis van kenmerken en veranderingen

Examples: After two guesses -> Apply method formally

Evalueer MOn - Toets MOn - Bepaal MWO Bewijs de juiste oorzaak - Bewijs aannames - Probeer onder controle Wanneer in de levensloop of het proces werd het probleem voor het eerst opgemerkt? Kies/implementeer maatregel

Wanneer had het probleem ook voor het eerst opgemerkt kunnen worden, maar werd het niet geconstateerd? Wanneer had het probleem sindsdien waargenomen kunnen worden, maar werd het niet geconstateerd? Wanneer in de levensloop of het proces had het probleem opgemerkt kunnen worden, maar werd het niet geconstateerd?

Nee Betrek specialisten Probleem opgelost? Ja Ploegchef (en eventuele specialisten) Storingsmonteur Assistent ploegchef Operator 20-2-2004 Rapportage

Hoeveel objecten vertonen de afwijking? Hoe groot / wat is de afmeting van n afwijking? Hoeveel afwijkingen zitten er op n object? Wat is de trend? Meer, minder of gelijkblijvend aantal objecten of afwijkingen?

Hoeveel objecten hadden de afwijking kunnen vertonen, maar doen dat niet? Hoe groot had n afwijking kunnen zijn, maar is dat niet? Hoeveel afwijkingen hadden er op n object kunnen zitten, maar zijn er niet? Wat had de trend kunnen zijn, maar is het niet?

Copyright 2004, Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. All rights reserved.

Integrate Training into Processes

Integrate Training into Processes

Integrate Training into Processes

Copyright 2010 Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Integrate Training into Processes

Copyright 2010 Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. All Rights Reserved


The Four Principles

Structured Training
To ensure the skill-set is transferred and access to coaching support is successful after the workshop.

Performance System Integration

To ensure that the work environment (expectations, measures, tools/resources, consequences and feedback) is conducive to using the new skills

Strategic & operational results through improved human performance

Process Integration
To ensure that there are clear links between the training and the business processes and improvement objectives

Coaching On-the-Job
To ensure that real time guidance is available through content and process experts; results measured and appropriate behavior is reinforced

Provide Coaching to Support Success

Working with performers back on the job after the training To continuously improve performers performance Identify Opportunity to Coach Agree on the Situation Agree on a Plan of Action Follow up and Recognize Accomplishment

Provide Coaching to Support Success

Recognize Opportunity to Coach To identify opportunities to support performers Observe the Performer and pinpoint the behavior that needs improving Clarify expectations when initiating a coaching discussion Pick a convenient time and place for the person being coached Determine coaching actions

Provide Coaching to Support Success

Agree on the Situation To establish the need for action Confirm a mutual understanding of the issue to be discussed Provide the opportunity to share varying perspectives Listen to what the other person has to say Reach consensus about the impact of the behavior

Provide Coaching to Support Success

Agree on a Plan of Action To get the results you both want To change behavior and get the desired results Identify and agree on action steps Agree on how results will be measured Identify what support will be needed Schedule a follow-up discussion

Provide Coaching to Support Success

Follow up and Recognize Accomplishment To keep track of how the person is doing and to reward results Schedule periodic reviews Give specific, performance-based feedback Provide consequences to encourage the desired behavior

The Four Principles

Structured Training
To ensure the skill-set is transferred and access to coaching support is successful after the workshop.

Performance System Alignment

To ensure that the work environment (expectations, measures, tools/resources, consequences and feedback) is conducive to using the new skills

Strategic & operational results through improved human performance

Process Integration
To ensure that there are clear links between the training and the business processes and improvement objectives

Coaching On-the-Job
To ensure that real time guidance is available through content and process experts; results measured and appropriate behavior is reinforced

Align the Performance System with the Training

Set expectations before training begins for application of new skills

To align the work environment to stimulate the new behaviors Define (in advance) issues/projects to work on Provide pre-work for personal preparation Be present during (part of) training Set tasks for post-training to overcome on-the-job barriers Adjust job descriptions to reflect the desired behavior Evaluate use of methods/behaviors daily and provide instant feedback Part of regular job performance reviews Make sure group leaders / line managers use the methods in the way they ask about the status of problems

Performance System Alignment

Provide consistent, immediate consequences that are significant for the performer Provide extra tools and support Ensure managers receive and give support to implementing new ideas learned during training. Monitor ongoing application of new skills Ask participants to document the use of their new skills and feed back their use of initiatives to managers. Provide specific, objective, measurable, frequent, timely feedback, aimed at maintaining or adjusting the desired behaviour Evaluate training with individual participants Let participants maintain a log of application of skills Let participants present about the training to their colleagues Provide additional opportunities to practice

Performance System Alignment

Provide consistent, immediate consequences that are significant for the performer Short term Reinforce value of progress made using ideas Manage the emphasis on action, not questions Provide T-Shirts, dinner coupons, etc. Publicize successes and war stories Allow next person in line to throw issue back Long term Show connections to potential bonus or promotion Emphasize value of organizational results

Performance Environment Benchmark

Manager Objective
Support the adoption of Kepner-Tregoe in the Technical Support Organization Train 100% of staff by year end. For each trained employee, demonstrated usage of KT methodology* on 80% of customer reported problems and customer inquiries. KT Results are recorded using the KT tools available in CTS. Set KT competency goal for each trained employee. 100% of staff trained by year end.80% usage of KT on customer reported problems and customer inquiries. Set competency goals for 100% of trained employees.

Support the adoption of KepnerTregoe in the Technical Support Organization Frequent coaching as recorded using KT Coaching log in CTS. Competency level of assigned coachees regularly assessed in KT Coaching log in CTS.

TSE/Service Desk
Adoption of KT Methodology*


Once trained, demonstrated usage of KT methodology* on 80% of customer reported problems and customer inquiries. KT Results are recorded using the KT tools available in CTS. Achieve the KT competency goal as set forth by manager.


At least one weekly coaching interaction with every assigned coachee (except during vacations, emergencies, or other agreed on business reasons) and assessment recorded in KT Coaching log in CTS. Coachees achieving competency goal. Meets + coachees surpass the KT competency goals as set forth by manager.

80% usage of KT on customer reported problems and customer inquiries logged in CTS KT Tools. Achievement of KT competency goal as set forth by manager.


Meets + 90% usage of KT on customer reported problems and customer inquiries + evidence that manager has extended the use of KT methodology* into other areas of the organization or in collaboration with customers.

90% usage of KT on customer reported problems and customer inquiries logged in CTS KT Tools + surpasses the KT competency goal as set forth by manager.

Copyright 2011 Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Requirements for Success

Active Senior Management sponsor in each management chain Results expected clearly defined and understood Two-stage implementation - core then others Agreed performance system from Senior Management Results-oriented role models Immediate on-job relevance Clear triggers for when to use process Information systems to support use Rewards to those who use the process Follow-on activity to reinforce use Continued monitoring and evaluation Time commitment given to support process

Results Based Skill Development

Creating measurable results and lasting value by: Starting with the end in mind: If training is the answer, what is the question? Integrating the skills with the business process (embedding the learning) Removing barriers that impede the desired behaviors (effective work environment)

Results Based Skill Development

Factors to consider for Performance System Solutions Cost of solution Ease of implementation Disruptions Permanence The individual performers Fit with organizational strategy Fit with organizational culture

Questions, Comments, Concerns . . .

Copyright 2010 Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Contact Details
John Ager Senior Consultant, Lifescience +1/609-252-2451 +1/609-731-4330(Cell) Lisa Olenski

Copyright 2009 Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. All Rights Reserved



History and Overview

Founded in 1958, by Drs. Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe Thought leaders in rational process and critical thinking techniques Authored numerous books including: New Rational Manager, The Art & Discipline of Strategic Leadership, Implementation, How Organizations Work Circa 7 million individuals developed from Senior Execs through line management to direct employees. Headquartered in Princeton, New Jersey Global footprint, with multi-language capability and presence in 25 countries, ca. 250 full-time employees
Copyright 2010 Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Why Kepner-Tregoe?
Process approach - How to think vs. What to think Implementation targeted at specific organizational

objectives and measures

Robust, proven methods Facilitative approach (client owns the solution) Skills transferred to clients (teach to fish) Common language across departments and at all levels Global reach - conducts business in 40 countries and in

14 languages


RATIONAL PROCESS Since 1958 Kepner-Tregoe has been developing rational process ideas and building business applications for our clients with the goal of achieving Rapid Results and Lasting Value COLLABORATION Kepner-Tregoes approach is based on building a cohesive KT-client team, we work along side our clients to jointly develop and implement customized solutions. This ensures that we are addressing the issues in the most effective manner and that our clients keep ownership of journey and the outcome. CAPABILITY TRANSFER Sustainability comes from enabling the organization to resolve its issues on its own. Kepner-Tregoes philosophy is deeply grounded in the belief to transfer its management capabilities to our clients, allowing for continuous improvement long after the completion of the initial engagement VALUE CREATION Kepner-Tregoes solutions address key strategic and operational needs. We create value through Rapid Results by applying our Management Tools to key issues right from the beginning of the engagement. We generate Lasting Value by supporting the implementation of those tools for greatest sustainability


Copyright 2010 Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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