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With the TNT Diet, ihis can be your realiry. TNT-Targeted Nutrition Tactics is a cuttinge . 1 8 e a t i n g p l a n b a s e d o n r e s e a r c ha t t h e e Unilcrsit), of Connecticut.It's designed with a simplepurpose: heb you simultaneously to lose tat and Banr Duscle.And whetheryoule a heavy\reiSht with ro lounds of pu.e fat to drop or a Lean who wanls to packoDsone serioLrs size, Euy you can customize TNT Diet to )'our 8oals. the HuDgr)rto get started?Readon to discove. how TNT can dramatically renodel any body,

I ne Scrence bentndI N I
TO UI{DERSTANDHOW TNT works, you need aprimer on glyco8en-the carbohydftrtes stored in your muscles.Unlike your fat stores,which can expandto what seemslike aD infinite lvel kead: you caDgrow fatte. and fatter),your glycogentankhas a iimitd capacityto storecarbs. Thirk of your car: If it's a nidsize, it probably has a 1.+ Ballon fuel taDk. Try to fill the rank with ,o Ballons,and the extra 6 will spill out onto the pavement. the sane way wjth carbs It's and vour glycogen tank.

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Once your Sothis is where the lroblen Lies: glyco8en tank is full, the excesscarbs you eai and a.e shlrttled into yoLf bloodstreani overflow offto )rourlive., wheretheyte convertedto tat. rahes,vour Whark more,eatingcarbohydrates blood levels of the hornone insulin. That's tank is when trour Slyco8en important because full, insulin luts both your nuscle cellsaDdyou. iD fat ceLls growth mode. That's Breatfor your for biceps it's a honible scenario your belly. bul news:Low gLy.o8en Levels, Now fof the C,ood caD achievewith the riSht eating which yoLL and exercise, change your bod)"s strategies reslonseto insuliD. While insulin still siSnals your body 1o build rnuscle,jt no longer keeps your fat celLsin growth rnode.Why? Becausc youi body makesrefilling yoLtrslycosentaDk a priority, in caseof an eDergt'emergency. it So you ert into your rnuscLes be to sucksaDycarbs stored Elycogen lateruse.As a result,-vour as for bodymust trun to fat as iis prinary fuel sou.ce. This createsthe ideal internal environnent your body. Think of it as fLitlor reDrodeling ping a celllLlarswitch !bat allows you to bu.n fat as,!'oubuild nuscle. Thc neat step,then, is to implement the nut.ition ( a n de x e r c i s e ) a c t i c s t h a t t 81veyou complete coDtroL tr

carb sources arebetter thaDothers,Ne've found that the total amount of carbs,and when you eat them, are more important factors. That s why we've basedthe nut.ilion tactics in TNT around what we call Time Zones.Think about it: lat carbohydrales the wrong tjme when at your glycogentankis full-and yourbody stops burningfat and starts storingit. But eat carbsat the right time \rhen your glycogenlevelsare low-and those carbs help you build nuscle without iDcreasing sizc ol trourgut. the UsinS this concelt of "well-tined" and " p o o r l y t i m e d " c a r b s ,l h e T N T T i m e Z o n e s allow you to cusromizeyour diet for any goaL. T h a t ' sb e c a u s c c ' v eu s e dt h e s eT i m e Z o n e s w to createspecificeating stratcgiesthat Provide you with a range of body sculpting oltions. o n e e n d o f t h i s s p e c t r u m ( s e e" Y o u f B o d y , Your Plan," paSe15)js designcdfor Daxinun fat loss; the other, for maximum mscle. And y i n b e t w e e n , o u c a n v a r y t h e d e 8 r e eo f e a c h with simple tweaks to yorr diet. Theseoptionsallow you to find the llan that works best not only fof your goalsbut also for your lifestyLe.Ior eaaDrlle, ifyou havc25pounds to lose,you ll seethe fastest results with Plan A, a low carb dict. If I'ou waDt mo.e flexibility, vou might choose PlanC, whichis still greatfor losing fat but lets ,vouload up oneday a week.An.l, on carbs il want to gain of course, _vou nuscle as fast as possible, PlanE wotrldbe you.hoice. O n e c a v e a t :f o r be s t results, we recomneDd dial
I\4 EI

Eatat the

Right Time
lT'S A TREND amon8nutr; iionists to talk about "good" and "bad" carbs.And while that some we cenanly aSrec



story with a 3- or 4 day-a-week totat body weight-traininS pfogram; t.y rhe workours in this book, or 80 to a wide for variety of additional routiDes.



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no natter what Soal you choose, start with Plan A for a weeks. This trains your body ro learn to use fat as its primary sourceofenergy, and that makes each of the oiher ptans nore effctive.(Ifyou alreadyfollow a 1ow carbdiet, 8o aheadand jump to the plan of your choice.) once you ve followed Plan A lor 4 weeks, use the chart to find the plan that best fits your body composition soals.


THE NUTn|TlOl{ TACTTC: low-carb dier A IXE BE EFITS: Speeds loss,reguiates fat your appetite, reduces heart-disease risk WHEI{ YOU'LL USE TH|S TACTte Most of rhe week.A low-carbdiet is th foundation TNT. of WHY lT WoRKS: i,initin8 your carb intake helps keep your slycogen and insutin tevels tow-and your body in far-burning mode. What's mo.e, studies show that tow-carbdiets reduceboth hungerand heart disease isk. WHAT TO EAT; Ear any combination of foods from the three caregories listed betowuntityou feei satisfied, not stuffed. this Time Zone,siee. clearoffoods containinSmore than ro Brarns(d of carbs pr servins, panicularty those made with flour or su8ar (bread,pasta, lllGH-QUALITYPROTEtNS: Beel poultry,fish, pork, eggs, cheese, and protein powder LOW-STARCl| VEGETABLES: Any vegerable exceprPoraroes, corn, and carrots XATURAL FATS: Avocados,butter, coconuts, cream,Dutsand seeds, olives, olive and canola oils, and sour crean. Dont worry: Contrary to popular opinion, research showsthat saturared

TheFinaL Tactic
YOU CAN'T AUILD a beachbody without exercise. Thnt's why a key ingredient of rhe TNT Diet is wei8hr training. 1r'snot just the top strategy for buildinS muscle,it,s also the most effectiveform ofexercisefor rorchingfat. In lact, research showsthat liftingwei8hts nor only burns as many caLoriesas a moderateintensity run, bur it's also ideal for srokinS your llretabolism and reducing your glycosen levels.Soto achieveall rhebenefirsofthe TNT D i e t , c o m b i n t h e n u t r i t i o n t a c r i c s i D r h i s

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fal doesft rajse -!,\,r risk ofheart djscasc, cspe cillh u'hen eaten as pa.l of a ldt carb diet.

r{u&$i!F{&5 #!1;t{: Llendlul olalnonds LUlrcl4: Grilled.hiclen thighs,ncimed broccoli slid(s dippe.l in AFTEnt\l8{rfi Eil./ie!{: Ccler_!


EREA.'{F$5T: Denv.r onrLcr (rith sausagc

DlNhr&rRiba:_l''t steak, rnorzarcllaaDd tomalo s a l a dg l a s \o I . e d l r i n e ,


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follow the guidelinesofthis diet-or any other diet-roo pe.cent of the time. So feel free ro allow one of your ReloadingTime Zone neals to be a chat.It wont sabotage your proSress. H l G H " q U A L l r Y P R O T E I S : B e e f ,p o u l t r y , fish, pork, eggs,cheese, protein powder, milk, FRUITS At{D VEGETABLES: Enjoy any type t{UTRIENT-DENSE CARSS:Beans perand 1()o bread, oats, pasta, and cereal

cent whole 8.ains


BRAKFAST: Cold cerealwith fresh blueberries lloRil]{c SI{ACK: Apple wirh slicedcheese

THE UTRITIONTACTIC: A high carb diet THEBEiEFITS:Boostsmuscle instantly Srowrh, inflates your biceps, allows you to eat pizza WHEN YOU'LL USE Tllls TACTIC: Up ro 2 daysa week,dependingon your Boals. conFor venience, rccommendweekenddays. we WHY lT WORKS: The carbsyou eat will induce a surse of insulin. And this will drive a flood of nuscle-building nutrjents into you muscle cells. The downside is that you wont burn fat quite as fast as during the lat BurningTine Zone. wxAT TO EAT: Focus on having protein and carbsat every meal.Again, eat until youle sat isfied but not stuffed. And while you should emphasizethe foods listed below, also know that this is the best time to satisfy your crav ings for caDdy,chips, and even takeout pizza. \^/e don't recommend these foods for your health, but we do realizethat most guys won't

LUNCH: Hambur8er, sweet-potato fries AFIER OOl{SIACK: fruit yoSurt DINNER: Spagheitiand meatballs, largesalad

THE UTnITION TACTIC:Workour nutrition THE BEl{EFITS: Dramatically accelerate musclegrowth, speeds recovery WHEI{ YOU'LL USETHISTACTIC:ln the win dow of iime 60 minutes beforeyou lift weights to to minutes afterward. WHY lT WORXS: Resistancetraining primes your muscles to Brow all you have to do is feed them. So duringthis time, yorlll alwaysinclude protein, which provldes the raw rnaterial for nuscle growth without inhibiting your ability to burn fat. And if you'reokay with tempo.arily slowing down your fat loss,you can also down a hefty doseof carbohydrates, which will boost growth to an evengreaterextent. muscLe WFAT TO EAT: Dependingon your goals(see

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Youcan also haveup to two alcoholicdrinks a day-such as wine or light beer'

Usethe chart belowto determineyour TNT eatinSstrategies.For instance,if you choose Time ZoneguidelinesSundaythroughFriday,except PlanC, you'llfollow the Fat-Burning Time Zone).On Saturdayyou'll adhere for the periodaroundyour workout(Nluscle-Building Time zone. In additionto any drinks listed in eachTime Zone,haveas to the Reloading tea muchwater,unsweetened and coffee,and no-caloriedrinks (like diet soda)as you desire









(woRxour NUrRrT|oN)

+ Carbs

"Your Body,Your Plan" aboveto find the right TNT Diet pla. for you),yolfll eat either a snack that containsonly protein or one that provides both proteiDand ca$ohydrates. PROTEII{-OI{LY GUIDELINES {TI{T PLANS A (nixed with water) Dc): Drink a proteinshake A drat provides a blend of at least 40 I whey and/or caseinprotein, and little to no .arbs and fat- (We like Nit.ean, availableat or simply have ihe sane anount of protein from a whole food, such as I ouncesof tuna. PROTEII{ + CARBOHYDRATEGUIDELII{E5 {Tl{T PLAi{S B, D, At{D E): Drink a protein shakehixed \rith water or milk) that pro\,ides a blend of at least .+og whey aDd/or casein protein, 40 to 80 I carbohydrates, and little to

no fat. (A good choice:Biotest SurgeRecovery, biotest-com.) AlternativeLy,opt for a 16 ouDce carton of low fat .hocolate milk or a classic t\tt F turkey sandwich (but hold the mayo, because fat slows protein digestioD).


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