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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec.

, 2011

Editor: W. B. Howard ... Despatch & Beauty for Ashes Director: W. B. Howard ... Endtime Ministries Assoc. (Aust.) Publications: W. K. Beuster ... DTP; DVD Movies; PPT Movies

"..Stand fast in the Lord.." Phil. 4:1

Vol. 23 No.3. Dec., 2011

Wendy . B. Howard.
WELL, it has been quite a year, one way and another. May God bless and keep you all, 2012 could be a great deal worse. Despatch will attempt to relate some of the events occurring right now, you could well realise many of them, we are seeing so much now revealed on the Main - stream media. Other serious events have been suppressed, although Internet has kept up with the episodes as best as any of us can. It is becoming more difficult than ever before to separate truth from fiction, hysteria from legitimate alarm, and Bible soundness from pop-culture pseudo doctrine! How any new Christian makes their way around within the multitudes of mazes that confront any surfer of the net is a puzzle to me. There is so much that is nonsense or heresy or geek-style philosophy that mindboggling are the words to describe it. Knowledge everywhere but very little wisdom or truth. The bare-bones of the Elenin, Planet X and YU 555 episodes that occurred in 2011 will be dealt with this issue. We do not CONTD. PAGE 4

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use, provided you acknowledge the source, give the name & address of Endtime Ministries. To reprint and use for other magazines etc., please discuss it with us first ... Editor

Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

Christian Resource Centre

A Non-Profit, Ind. Service Centre. A Salvation Gospel Ministry, Not Social Liberation orientated. No personal, financial gain received
by any staff member Publishes information that exposes the New Age New World Order [Qrtly] magazine ~`Despatch' Publishes `Womens Ministry Booklet Beauty for Ashes ~ Full Sanctification Seminars, home meetings etc., are held on request, to reach out to those who are in need of a Saviour, and those Christians who need up-to-date information re the dangers of Global Education, Mind Manipulation, Alternative Medicine, New Age Deceptions in the Churches ... to protect their loved ones. Telephone counselling/help for those of our subscribers who need comfort in these trying times ... availability of a chat and a `cuppa' if they pass this way. There are many who are outside the churches needing encouragement and sound Bible Truth. This ministry is maintained by the donations of committed Christians, and those requesting publications not by the publishing of Despatch Magazine; This ministry maintains a Biblical View towards the Jews, which is in no way anti-Semitic. The Jewish Nation's Restoration in the prophetic scriptures is still future.

Director ... W. B. Howard Publ. Dept. ... W. K. Beuster

Statement of Purpose
Endtime Ministries is committed to: Presenting the TRUTH... A clear Trumpet call... Affirming that the "WORD OF GOD", none other than the King James Version, the Holy Bible, is the Truth in its entirety. Seeking to uncover those things which the Hidden forces of evil desire to keep from the people of the world. Seeking to present the Truth in an objective, correct and God fearing manner. Making available to others information on the insidious infiltration of the NEW AGE NEW WORLD ORDER Seeking to encouraging the followers of Christ to fight against the forces of evil in prayer, and to warn the ungodly while there is still time. Seeking to reinforce biblical belief in these latter days, before Jesus Christ returns. "...and the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men ... in meekness instructing those who oppose them." { II Timothy 2:23,25}

Despatch quotes from many sources, and cites many people. It is impossible to delve into every group, person, doctrine or assoc iation which the writers of these quotes may embrace. Therefore, the staff of Despatch may not necessarily agree with everything these writers stand for. .....Editor

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 19:1 Mar., 2011 Despatch Magazine Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2007 Despatch Magazine ~~ Vol. 22:1 Mar., 2010

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01...EDITORIAL [Contd. p. 4] 06...Snippet~ Fabian Socialism - Guillard 08...Trusting God - Freedom Fading. 09...RIGHTS OF THE CHILD - No abortion ...(i) Visual view of a Miracle Life 13...(ii) Boycott Pepsi & Senomyx 17...(iii) Mental Health Screening 22... Food Control - NZ Bill 23... Huge Storm Coming - NASA 26... 2012 - WHAT, WHAT? 31... Global News Modification! 33... GeoEngineering - Under Attack! 49... Most Precious Liquid - WATER. 51... RNN Various Current World Info 54... George Soros Buying up GUNS?? 55... Global Systemic Crisis - M. Claydon 56... Murray-Darling Water Allocation! 56... Europe Monetary System - Australia 59... Did Christianitys from Roman Myths 64... Vatican calls for Global Economic Auth. 66... ZION ?? Olympic Games Logo ?? 67... Muslims Funded by Government! 71... WORLD GOV. IS UNITED NATIONS? 78... EU Demands Sweeping Powers! 79... Germany & European Superstate! 80... Electronic Tattoo - Spying, Gaming & Medical Uses 83... Elenin, Dwarf Stars, YU55 & Asteroids 84... P.W.R. One World Religion - Antichrist 85... Russia & Biblical Prophecy - Syria 86... Encouragement to Win Souls! 88... COME TO THE LORD & BE SAVED! Gospel Message


Volume 23. N o. Dec., 2011


.. Beauty for Ashes 14:3 .. Eternal Security .. Xtr Leaflets

STOP PRESS p. 33 Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack

EDITORS COMMENT : Google means 1 with a hundred noughts. It stands for really, unlimited information. This is the greatest threat that the Computer Age brings! Information is swamping Knowledge as a recognizable commodity. Despatch seeks to bring Knowledge that can be recognized out of the CHAOS of Information, and to bring the balm of Gods Wisdom to clear the brain.

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

Continued... from p.1

know what you and your friends knew about all this, as discussed and investigated from behind the scenes, we will share our own experiences. Some very disturbing news has come out about the funding of Muslim religious endeavours with Australian tax-payers money! Dealt with in this issue. Despatch asks for PRAYER for the Australian teens and children. They are being pushed beyond their limits of endurance and becoming criminals, anti-society ruffians and potential killers. They are on illegal drugs and prescribed drugs, are drinking water with fluoride added to it, they are victims of a no-hope agony that is being pushed on them by teachers, godless relatives and mainly the Internet and horrifying technological games. The children fear that the world they will inherit is burning up with Global Warning. They are becoming heavily addicted to technology, walking around, sitting around, like robots with their Blackberries and iPods in hand. Despatch will deal with the realities of Mental Health Screening - a way of control that will impact every child on the planet. Dr Dennis Cuddy wrote on this in his book: Mental Health Screening. How will it affect your children? - thanks

to him we can grasp the concepts of the dangers and act for our own relatives at least. THE PROLIFERATION OF FALSE DOCTRINE and satanic lies in churches and cults around Austra-lia grows and grows. There are few teachers of truth left, it appears. Everywhere compromise and TOLERANCE of evil practices and teaching is sending the average church-goer or seeker after a path to go by into deeper murky delusions. This is surely the great falling away of 2 Thessalonians 2:3. This falling away is the Greek word apostasia, used elsewhere in Scripture to show a departure from sound doctrine into falsehood. Especially referring to the denial that Christ is God, and that


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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011

salvation is by Grace alone, not by works. We saw a small Gospel tent the other day, set up near Narangba in Queensland. It had the good old Gospel verses displayed on it, with details of when night messages would be given. No one was around so we could not inquire further. What a breath of fresh air it gave travelling evangelists, just like the old days. Lovely Christians in Tasmania are working hard to distribute Gospel tracts and DVDs, pray for them Les, Annette and John. We are still handing out tracts and DVDs at Redcliffe market, although ill health has curtailed our endeavours a little. A young man almost broke my heart at the market last Sunday. I was talking to people about Christ and giving out DVDs, when this guy rushed up, he was about eighteen. I hate God, he said furiously, He let my mother die! I tried to stop him, but he ran off, only to return again and yell the same thing to my co-worker, Wendy. We could not catch him to try to tell him that God had not killed his mother, that God loves him - but, he was too fast for us. The fields are white for the harvest, beloved of God: And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every

disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. Matthew 9:35-38.


MUCH MORE of global events inside this Despatch, what an amazing scene we face in 2012. The NEW AGERS and the non-Christians are making a great kafuffle about the end of the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012. This coming year is supposed to be a year of drama re weather,

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

economic disasters, wars and earthquakes - according to the New Age pundits. The Scientists of our planet seem to be agreeing that 2012 will bring Sun Bursts, Disruptions to the World, disasters all beyond what history has ever recorded. Will the World Government (aka United Nations) use this present hysteria to help a little with the disruption that should occur by causing more weather disasters, earthquakes and tsunamis? To cause population reduction, to bring the masses to their knees and hurtle the New International Order into complete power??? Could well be. It will not be a pleasant time; we are on the edge of the Tribulation period of seven years, as predicted in the Bible: Despatch must deal again with 2012 this issue, that date is dominating the Internet and many peoples lives right now. What a strange world we are living in. For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened. Matthew 24:21. Ever wonder why certain popular individuals, eminent newspaper writers, tv financial experts, commentators etc. in New Zealand all support CAPITAL GAINS TAX , higher taxes, and soon-coming destruction of the middle classes and so on. Why, here it is! The NZ Fabian Society! The Fabian Society was formed in London in 1884 dedicated to bringing in global Socialism, abolishing ALL private property and destroying the family unit. Members of the Fabian Society wrote Stalins Five Year Plan which decimated Communist Soviet Russia, killing millions. George Bernard Shaw designed the Coat of Arms of the Society - a wolf in sheeps clothing. (yes literally!!!!) The Fabian Society controls the policies of all Labour Parties world wide, and the United States Democrat Party - hence the real reason of the Obama govt debt stand off at present-aim: Global Revolution and Socialism! JDC NZ

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011


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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

Trusting God as Freedom Fades

Berit Kjos USA, is author of Brave New Schools and A Twist of Faith. Her website, contains a wealth of valuable articles and essays.

EXTRACT: HOPE FOR THE WORLD P.14,SUMMER 2011 ... Considering the unseen forces that drive the world system, todays sinister plots shouldnt surprise us. For example, many leaders have called for drastic reductions of the worlds population. Back in 1995, New Age author Dr. Sam Keen, a plenary speaker at Gorbachevs 1995 State of the World Conference said: Cut the population by 90 percent and there arent enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage. The applause was deafening! I was there, watching the madness with amazement. Kill billions of people? How? What hap pened to love, compassion, and concern for the poor? Our globalist leaders call for poverty programs, gun control, and financial redistribution as if they wanted to save lives. Are these schemes simply stepping-stones toward mind-changing control? In the Soviet Union that America helped create, ordinary individuals became worthless in the impersonal context of collectivism. The promise of common good meant little more than such upside-down Orwellian assurances as

Ignorance is STRENGTH. To build this new world, the power elite need one crisis after another. As David Rockefeller said: We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis ... and the nations will accept the New World Order ... Pointing to the current financial chaos, our friend Carl Teichrib wrote, Watching the markets ... two interlocking phrases immediately come to mind: Ordo ab Chaos, and Crisis Equals Opportunity. Ordo ab Chao is a Latin phrase and the motto of the Thirty-Third Degree of Freemasonry. It means, Order out of Chaos. Whether the chaos ahead will be real or conjured, it may well be used to push the masses toward global tyranny. The planned solidarity will be cleansed of divisive truths from the Bible. Those who refuse to comply will face painful consequences. Might the spread of Islam be used for similar purposes? A few more wars and revolutions, unencumbered by Christian moral restraints, would help our globalist leaders solve the
Contd on p. 58

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011

Millions of women are declaring that they have rights over their own bodies, and can therefore ABORT a baby if they do not find it convenient to give the child birth. The cry goes up that a foetus is not really a baby, anyway, that it has no rights of its own. The following E-mail entitled The Smell of Rain is a moving VISUAL DECLARATION of the rights of the foetus. Just take a look at that glorious, tiny human being.

How could any mother decide to kill it?


At the end of this story, it gives you two options. I think you will figure out what option I chose. A cold March wind danced around the dead of night in Dallas as the doctor walked into the small hospital room of Diana Blessing. She was still groggy from surgery. Her husband, David, held her hand as they braced thems elves for the latest news. That afternoon of March 10, 1991,

complications had forced Diana, only 24-weeks pregnant, to undergo an emergency Cesarean to deliver couples new daughter, Dana Lu Blessing. At 12 inches long and weighing only one pound nine ounces, they already knew she was perilously premature...

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

Still, the doctors soft words dropped like bombs. I dont think shes going to make it, he said, as kindly as he could. There is only a 10 percent chance she will live through the night, and even then, if by some slim chance she does make it, her future could be a very cruel one.

Numb with disbelief, David and Diana listened as the doctor described the devastating problems Dana would likely face if she survived. She would never walk, she would never talk, she would probably be blind, and she would certainly be prone to other catastrophic
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011


conditions from cerebral palsy to complete mental retardation. No! No! was all Diana could say. She and David with their 5 year old son Dustin, had long dreamed of the day they would have a daughter to become a family of four. Now, within a matter of hours, that dream was slipping away. But as those first days passed, a new agony set in for David and Diana. Because Danas underdeveloped nervous system was essentially `raw, the lightest kiss or caress only intensified her discomfort, so they couldnt even cradle their tiny baby girl against their chests to offer the strength of their love. All they could, as Dana struggled alone beneath the ultraviolet light in the tangle of tubes and wires, was to pray that God would stay
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

close to their precious little girl. There was never a moment when Dana suddenly grew stronger. But as the weeks went by, she did slowly gain an ounce of weight here and an ounce of strength there. At last, when Dana turned two months old, her parents were able to hold her in their arms for the very first time. And two months later, though doctors continued to gently but grimly warn that her chances of surviving, much less living any kind of normal life, were next to zero, Dana went home from the hospital, just as her
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011


mother had predicted

. Five years later, when Dana was a petite but feisty young girl with glittering grey eyes and an unquenchable zest for life. She showed no signs whatsoever of any mental or

her story. One blistering afternoon in the summer of 1996 near her home in Irving, Texas , Dana was sitting in her mothers lap in the bleachers of a local ball park where her brother Dustins baseball team was practicing. As always, Dana was chattering non-stop with her mother and several other adults sitting nearby, when she suddenly fell silent. Hugging her arms across her chest, little Dana asked, Do you smell that? Smelling the air and detecting the approach of a thunderstorm, Diana replied, ` Yes, it smells like rain. Dana closed her eyes and again asked, Do you smell that? Once again, her mother replied,

physical impairment. Simply, she was everything a little girl can be and more. But that happy ending is far from the end of

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

Yes, I think were about to get wet.. It smells like rain. Still caught in the moment, Dana shook her head, patted her thin shoulders with her small hands and loudly announced, No, it smells like Him. It smells like God when you

lay your head on His chest. Tears blurred Dianas eyes as Dana happily hopped down to play with the other children. Before the rains came, her daughters words confirmed what Diana and all the members of the extended Blessing family had known, at least in their

hearts, all along. During those long days and nights of her first two months of her life, when her nerves were too sensitive for them to touch her, God was holding Dana on His chest and it is His loving scent that she remembers so well. I can do all things in Him who strengthens me. This morning when the Lord opened a window to Heaven, He saw me, and He asked: My child, what is your greatest wish for today? I responded: Lord please, take care of the person who is reading this message, their family and their special friends. They deserve it and I love them very much The love of God is like the ocean, you can see its beginning, but .. Jesus said not its end..

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:14

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011


BOYCOTT PEPSI PRODUCTS that partner with SENOMYX which uses aborted babies to make the flavor enhancers for their drink procucts !!!!!!
08/07/2011 Dr. Mercolas excellent article on this: senomyxmercola.htm

Embryonic Kidney Cells from Aborted Baby Used to Create Tastier Junk Foods
SENOMYX boasts that they have "discovered or in-licensed many of the key receptors that mediate taste in humans." But what they don't state so plainly is that they used human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293) taken from an electively aborted fetus in their product testing. When this news leaked, Campbell soup responded to an outraged public by severing all ties with Senomyx. However, PepsiCo has maintained their relationship with the company, saying the collaboration is necessary for creating low-calorie, tasty products for their consumers. Really? Must they really use human fetal cells just to make tastier junk foods?

Boycott PepsiCo!
PepsiCo, Incorporated is ignoring criticism from thousands of consumers over the use of aborted fetal cell lines in the research and development of flavor enhancers for their beverages. As a result, dozens of organizations are endorsing a boycott of PepsiCo products. The boycott was organized by Children of God for Life (CGL, PepsiCo contracts with biotech company Senomyx that uses aborted fetal cell line HEK (human embryonic kidney) to test their artificial flavor enhancers. In 2010, CGL advised Senomyx CEO Kent Snyder that moral options could and should be used. When Senomyx ignored their letter, they wrote to Senomyx collaborators and urged them to stop funding the unethical research. PepsiCos response was that their work with Senomyx meant

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

PEPSI ALSO OWN ... Frito Lay, Quaker, Rice-A-Roni, Pizza Hut. Aunt Jemima, ADDITIONAL COMPANIES USING SENOMYX FLAVOR ENHANCERS ARE: Solae : Ajinomoto : Kraft Foods : Firmenich : Nestl : Cadbury Adams :
Now Kraft Foods Bought It

producing great tasting, lower calorie beverages. And they continue to ignore the publics moral sensitivities, noting that the techniques being used are the gold standard for the research industry. Well we have a message for PepsiCo. We who are pro-life have a gold standard too. And that means we defend the sanctity of all human life including respect for the remains of innocent aborted babies that PepsiCo is exploiting for profit.

Pro-life groups are calling for a public boycott of the following

PEPSICO PRODUCTS: All Pepsi soft drinks (including all diet brands) Sierra Mist soft drinks Mountain Dew soft drinks Mug root beer and other soft drinks #o Fear beverages Ocean Spray beverages Seattles Best Coffee Tazo beverages AMP Energy beverages Aquafina water Aquafina flavored beverages DoubleShot energy beverages Frappuccino beverages Gatorade beverages Lipton tea and other beverages Propel beverages SoBe beverages Fiesta Miranda beverages Tropicana juices and beverages

In order for the boycott to be effective, contacting the companies involved is strongly encouraged. Their contact information is:
* We have left out the USA phone details and address but the email links are included here.

JAMIE CAULFIELD, Sr. VP - PepsiCo, Inc. Email form: pepsiusen.cfm?time=518987

KENT SNYDER, CEO - Senomyx Email: For more information, go to . For information re misleading replies by PepsiCo and Senomyx (and how to respond to them), see

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011


FOR ADDED INFO: Cuddy/dennis78.htm

Dr. Dennis Cuddy has dedicatedly worked for many years to alert people to the insidious world government agenda. Dr Cuddy received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina. He has taught at universities, and has been a senior associate with the U.S. Department of Education. From his book, Mental Health Screening. How will it affect your children? the following quotes will give the reader a grasp of what has happened to our world under the U.N., and subsidiary bodies:

Page 108: Internationalizing education has long been part of the power elites plan to prepare people for world government. On the occasion of the bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence, a Declaration of Interdependence was written by Henry Steele Commager stating:

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

We must join with others to bring forth a new world order. The document also decried narrow notions of national sovereigntyand called for strengthening the United Nations and broadening the jurisdiction of the World Court. (End of quote). Can you see why the children of our country have never stood a chance of escaping Global Education? Freuds nephew) in 1928 had authored Propaganda, in which he wrote: Those who manipulate the organized habits and opinions of the masses constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of the country.It remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons.It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinions may be regimented. (Who are receiving most of the regimentation by the invisible government? Our poor children!) Pages 68-71: (ibid) Cuddy wrote of the increasing and alarmingly broadening concept of what is Mental Health amongst American children. This is escalating here in Australia as well, everywhere mental health serv-

They have been heavily indoctrinated over the years. At the GORBACHEV Earth Dialogue, 2006 held at Brisbane City Hall thousands of our own children were subjected to a direct broadcast by Gorbachev and his hench men [and women] of the N.W.O. The emphasis was on Global Warming and the Earth Charter - and urged the children to even take over the Australian government in order to save the planet. (Send for the report on this from Despatch). Pages 22-23: (ibid) It is worth emphasizing here Dr Goldziehers reference to FLUORIDATED water, because to its use in water, fluoride had been primarily associated with bug and rat poison. Ewing Bernays (Sigmund

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011

ices for children and adolescents are being encouraged, the young are being diagnosed with emotional disorders, prescription drugs being adminis tered to them. There is supposed to be a public health CRISIS re the mental health of children and adolescents in Australia. Let us read of what is happening in the U.S.A. and weep for our children here: Page 68: (ibid) Thus, NEA change agents were determined to be conveyors of a new set of values to students. And how could they accomplish their goals? After students values were unfrozen via a values clarification process destroying the concept of moral absolutes, the students values were then changed via sensitivity training to accept common values (those values we all have in common), which were then refrozen via reinforcement mechanisms like Pavlovs dogs. Can the reader see why our young people in Australia have no proper moral standards, and cannot discern what is right or wrong? Are the parents to blame? Yes, in some cases, if they are bad parents, but the schools and


universities have become breeding grounds for amoral, godless, wicked children and adolescents. PRAY FOR OUR CHILDREN.


Everything that our kids do or say can be called mental illness these days. If one is labelled that way, it is par for the course to slip them into medication treatment with drugs that are appallingly dangerous. It is happening here, in our country. You wonder why the teens are going crazy at schoolies week? Why they are robbing shops and why even little children are vandalising warehouses and attacking people? Cuddys book was written in 2005, things have deteriorated vastly since then: Page 68: (ibid) In the future [right now, Dr. Cuddy] those disagreeing with the need for common values will be labeled as in need of mental health services, because they will be identified as having oppositional deficit disorder. According to the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (found in social service agencies,

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20 schools, etc) code 313.81 DSM IV, oppositional deficit disorder includes: arguing with adults (e.g. teachers), acting angry, refusing to obey (e.g. teachers), annoying other people, blaming others for misbehavior. Thus, you can see how easy it is to identify someone as having a mental disorder & IN NEED OF MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES. (Emphasis mine. ) For Online Journal, Evelyn Pringle wrote, Drug makers to profit from scheme to label kids mentally ill. (March 15, 2005), for which she interviewed Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), about this latest profiteering scheme. Dr Orient commented: Teams of experts are awaiting an infusion of cash. Theyll be ensconced in your childs school before you even know it. A bonus is that your little darlings will probably give them quite a lot

Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

of information about you also, and then you can receive therapy you didnt know you needed. Dr Orient further explained that children will be asked if their parents ever spank them? Have politically incorrect attitudes? Use forbidden words? Own a gun? Smoke cigarettes, especially indoors? Read extremist literature? Refuse to recycle? Prepare for a knock at the door, [parents]. Page 73: (ibid) has this shocking information: According to Encarnacion Pyles article, Even babies gett-ing treated as mentally ill
(Columbus Dispatch, April 25,2005),

Doctors prescribed sedatives and powerful, mood-altering medications for nearly 700 babies and toddlers on Medicaid last summer. Its shocking, said Dr Ellen Bassuk, associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Whos really being helped by

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011

these children being drugged? The babies? Or their caregivers? These medications are not benign; they can give dangerous side effects, and have to be closely monitored. Pyles article went on to describe how Ohio parents Mike and Janet Halls daughter Stephanie had been placed on RITALIN after her first grade teacher pressured them into drugging her. Stephanie died of a heart attack in January 1996, the morning after a doctor doubled her dose. Page 71: (ibid) Dr Pringle noted that one of the Columbine killers, Eric Harris, had been taking LUVOX, which lists adverse reactions as FREQUENT: amnesia, hyperkinesis, apathy, hypokinesis, manic reaction, myoclonus, and psychotic reaction. She also noted that Jeff Weise, who killed nine persons and himself in Red Lake, Minnesota, was taking PROZAC. The Cuddy book contains ghastly details of microchips inserted


in the brain, enhancing procedures et al. With all this going on plus the macabre games that children are playing on their robotic machines, iPod, Blackberry, Tablets etc, no wonder they are going berserk. These games can conjure up rape, murder, bashings, all sorts of criminal behaviour, with the young person entering in with the simulated behaviour as though it were real. No wonder they go out and try it in the actual world.

The greatest loss our kids have is the loss of GOD. They have no Sunday Schools in most cases, no proper Biblical youth groups, and most have godless parents. And churches like HILLSONG feed those kids who struggle into their midst a mixture of New Age trash and rock music!


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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

Dr. Carlo Bellieni because of ... genetic screening, abortion & attitudes that exclude them from social life, an Italian bioethicist has warned. We realize it when we look around. We no longer see imperfect children who are marked by genetic disorders, neonatologist Dr. Carlo Bellieni wrote in the Sept. 9 issue of the Vatican newspaper LOsservatore Romano. In a scared and prejudiced world, the search for imperfection and the destruction of the imperfect patient become a common well-known social norm: a banality of evil which does not seem to bother anyone, said Bellieni, who is the secretary of the bioethics committee of the Italian Pediatrics Society and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. These children are censured by the media, sheltered by families from a society which does not accept them despite many claims, and above all (they) are victims of abortion. World.php?id=3942#ixzz1e2IqVtFo

People with genetic diseases are disappearing in Europe

Food Bill in NZ takes away human right to grow food.

Jenny Drew November 23, 2011 The first two paragraphs are part of an email from my son Peter Drew re an article from InfoWars. Here we go. Here is an article just published on this major US website (Info Wars) about what I was saying about the Food Bill law about to be secretly authorized by the NZ Govt. I know my stories sound crackpot sometimes, but its not me thats crackpot, its the psychotic people and psychotic systems that are running the world that people just do not realize is happening. Giant US food corporations such as Monsanto will now have the right to stop the NZ people from growing and distributing their own food, and if these US corporations want to enforce this through storming your house or farm armed with guns, then this will be legal. And if you
Contd on p. 48

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011



J D Christian NZ


Please read the link article at the END. Really important. Can I remind everyone about this link and recent article - (you will NOT read about this on the 6 oclock news) (and I believe I am the only person in the world as far as Im aware to date to have written about this subject extensively before) that a nuclear driven MIRACL (mid infrared advanced chemical laser) deuterium fluorine laser weapon is fitted to the International Space


Station (which is not a scientific laboratory at all as the mainstream media deceptively claims) that or bits around the earth so positioned that as the earth turns on its axis the weapon can now destroy any target anywhere on earth using a powerful laser weapon of burning fire. NOTE: John amazingly prophesied this & wrote it down in the Book of Revelation in AD 96: And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast... (Revelation 13:13)

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

You will have seen in the news recently that NASAs Space Shuttle has just, strangely, completed its last trip to the Space Station. Guess who is now taking over the Space Stations full operation? RUSSIA! QUESTION: Guess who is going to be their first target?????? Seriously! Do you know that a number of Russian academics have previously arrogantly stated (Zhirinovski is one) that America is to become nothing more than a leper colony of Russias - soon! Have you seen the 12 hour mini-series movie Amerika (Russian spelling) which vividly shows Americans rioting in the streets BURNING THEIR WORTHLESS CURRENCY, following which Russian UN troops are summarily brought in to enforce martial law throughout the country, abolish USA, its Constitution, sovereignty etc, and transfer it into the North American Union under British UN control, headed not by a President but a woman Governor General! Do you know why there is a contrived stalemate by Congress at present over reaching a consensus on the US Budget right NOW???? At this very moment in world history!!!! Do you know why this is the beginning of the countdown now to 2013!

BE PREPARED FOR THE SOONCOMING inevitable STORM AND DONT ANYBODY ON MY EMAIL LIST EVER TELL ME YOU WERE NOT ALL WARNED! I dont want to seem arrogant, but the fact is we all are right now living in one of the most MOMENTOUS TIMES in world history! I am not anti-American by the way. Indeed, I have no hesitation in saying that I believe the US with its Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights is the last bastion of freedom to be crushed and reborn into Socialism. All other countries now are socialist at the core including unfortunately my own here

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011

in New Zealand although most people here have not yet come to terms with it. The United States of America is really the only official exception. If America goes down then we all go down. America is the last tough nut to crack if you will, and my word is Uncle Sam soon going to be hammered into the Fascist New World Order, and soon relinquish its world policeman role. Regards, JDC Washington, July 26, 2011 NASA warns of global catastrophe post upcoming huge space storm 2296011.ece?textsize=small&test=2


NASA has warned of a oncein-a- lifetime space storm after the sun wakes from a deep slumber sometime around 2013, causing 20 times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina. Senior space agency scientists believe that the super storm

would hit like a bolt of lightning and damage everything from emergency services systems, hospital equipment, banking systems and air traffic control devices, through to everyday items such as home computers, iPods and Sat Navs. And unless precautions are taken, it could cause catastrophic consequences for the worlds health, emergency services and national security. We know it is coming but we dont know how bad it is going to be, Dr Richard Fisher, the director of NASAs Heliophysics division, said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph. He, however, said that preparations were similar to those in a hurricane season, where authorities knew a problem was imminent but did not know how serious it would be. I think the issue is now that modern society is so dependant on electronics, mobile phones and satellites, much more so than the last time this occurred, he said. There is a severe economic impact from this. We take it very seriously. The economic impact could be like a large, major hurricane or storm, he added. Fisher said the storm, which will cause the Sun to reach temperatures of more than Contd on p. 31

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2012 - WHAT, WHAT??


Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

What is the massive panic on Internet re 2012 all about? The New Agers, and indeed many other neo-pagan zealots, are claiming that the Mayan calendar ceases on December 21st 2012. Vis--vis it must mean that the history of the world does not progress past that date - end of the world, finish! Added to that scenario the scientific world (also heavily pagan, pseudo atheists) predicts that giant disasters will happen in 2012, earthquakes, cyclones, tsunamis, weather changes, asteroids and other nasties. It seems that everybody that is anybody believes the Mayan calendar and the scientists, not the Bible! What are you to believe, as a Christian? THE BIBLE.

There has been speculation that the World Government may well be using this panic to stir up fear. The shock doctrine treatment is still taking place, the world will soon be demanding a totalitarian ruler be appointed over a One Worldcontrolling Body - we must all unite or die out, Mother Earth terminating as well. We need a knight in shining armour, riding on a white horse. (Revelation 6:3 shows the Antichrist.) Could some of this craziness be a cunningly planned take-over tactic? At this point who can really tell, it is madness out there!

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011

COULD THE WORLD BE FACING ITS END IN 2012? NO, for the Bible tells us clearly that although there will be a great Tribulation period, after that period closes Jesus Christ will establish His thousand year Kingdom on earth. No matter what the pagan Mayan calendar predicts, the world will still be here in 2013. And it will one day be changed into a new earth, after the 1,000 year reign of Christ. Revelation 21:1. But, 2012 could well usher in the seven year Tribulation period, or lead us into unfathomable depths of distress on earth - preceding the Tribulation. The beginning of sorrows. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Matthew 24: 7, 8. Could there be Sun-bursts, and electrical grid failure all over the planet? Could our entire global system, civilization as we know it, be totally destroyed in 2012 by Sun flares of enormous magnitude? This would be quite different to the world itself being demolished, but the answer is still NO. The Bible


is our only guide and Truth, and it indicates that the Antichrist system will be set up soon, with great promises of peace and safety, Unity in a New Order. The Beast or Antichrist gives great hope to the world for awhile, he could hardly do that if all that was left of the world system were destroyed cities, mangled infrastructures and rubble, and millions of people dead. It is not the Tribulation period yet, the Rapture will come first. Many things are yet to happen in the Tribulation, they could not happen in just one year, 2012. Note: the False Prophet or Second Beast causes FIRE to come down from heaven, but that is in the Tribulation, not 2012: And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13: 11-18. (666) Are the wealthy Elite leaders of the planet preparing underground bunkers to hide in? Is it true that they fear an apocalypse because of scientific alerts about 2012? This actually fits in with Bible prophecy: And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. And the idols he shall utterly abolish. And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth. In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats; To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth. Isaiah 2:17-21. This coming verse has to do with the Last Days, and the fear that the power leaders of the nations shall have when they see the hand of the Lord upon Israel: They shall lick the dust like a serpent, they shall move out of their holes like worms of the earth: they shall be afraid of the LORD our God, and shall fear because of thee. Micah 7:17. The wealthy, powerful leaders of the planet have been very fearful because of the signs in the heavens -

This could well be true; investigators seem to have confirmed these amazing reports!!! An astonishing documentary on this by Jesse Ventura was shown recently on our television, History FoxTel. (A copy can be sent if you require it.) Since the 1980s the Elite have been preparing these bunkers in the earth, but they seem to have become frantic in the last decade!

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011

asteroids, Dwarf Stars coming towards the earth, comets Elenin and Planet X are still up there causing wonder and concern to many. Has there been a cover-up about these astronomical events? Could there be difficulties, trials, weather disasters, economic collapse, wars and distress in 2012? YES, there could well be. But, all is O.K. when we trust in the Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We are the Called-out Ones, the ekklesia, the Church of the Living God, the Body of Christ, the Blood-bought redeemed. We could well suffer trials in coming days, and see our loved ones go through deep troubles. However, that is life on this fallen world. We never know when our hearts will stop, or an earthquake hit, or we could get killed by a car, or lose a loved one to a disease. We can only live one day at a time, trusting in our Lord. It has always been like that, 2012 is no different really. All of us are dying, 100% of everyone on earth at present will be dead soon, unless we Christians are taken without dying in translation. Is the Rapture real, could it happen soon? YES, the Bible cannot lie and it shows us that the Rapture is part of Gods Plan. It will happen before


the Tribulation, so it cannot surely be far away. IThess. 4:13-18. Consider just this small fact - if the Rapture happens at the end of the Tribulation, as some mistakenly teach, then there would be no good people left on earth to go into the Millennial Reign of Christ, none of the saved would be left on earth. God will never take the wicked, unrepen-tant ungodly humans into the Millennial Reign - so who would inhabit the earth in the time of Christs Kingdom on earth? TRUST IN THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE! ALL the predictions for the season when the Tribulation will occur are coming to pass before our eyes, amazing times we live in. It is surely just a matter of Gods timing, 2012 or even sooner? For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Cor. 15:15-18.

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

A FILM DEALS WITH 2012, IT SHOULD SHAKE EARTHS INHABITANTS. Many more films out there? The advertisement below, sent to us by E-mail, tells the story of how much the panic about 2012 and the Mayan calendar may affect us all next year. Time alone will tell what happens. APOCALYPSE 2012: THE WORLD AFTER TIME ENDS This year, Reality Entertainment brings

you the definitive film about 2012 and the end of the world. Apocalypse 2012: The World After Time Ends is a documentary that revives humanitys ancient spiritual past with Native American spiritualists, secular prophets, environmentalists, healers and leaders in the global sustainability movement. Director Bruce Weaver clearly Illustrates that only a spiritual and mythic revival can correct humanitys course. From stories by Sequoyah Trueblood, a former Green Beret and Choctaw medicine man, to the eco-visionary insights of environmentalist Dr. John Todd. Apocalypse 2012 will challenge the world to re-

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think, regroup and revive the ancient spiritual paths modern society has lost, clearly to its peril. Apocalypse 2012 is a call to end mechanized ways of existence by waking to the buried callings of our ancient soul song. The time is now. Humanity is barreling past the point of no return. Fueled by hope, but awake to our catastrophic path, this film explores in a penetrating and, at times, disturbing way the very real fate of the planet and the potential of the individual to shift the collective course if changes are made. Some viewers may close their hearts and minds to the revelations in this film. Others will awaken with increased hope, feeling less threatened and fearful, more deeply inspired to build a sustainable future for posterity. Prepare for the coming apocalypse of change, for it is coming and for those who are prepared, a new dawn will arise. Unsettling and invigorating, Jesse Wolf Hardin
NASA ... Contd from page 25



Nexus: Aug-Sept., 2011 Michael Snyder

10,000 F. (5500 degrees Celsius), occurred only a few times over a persons life. Every 22 years the Suns magnetic energy cycle peaks while the number of sunspots or flares hits a maximum level every 11 years. Fisher said these two events would combine in 2013 to produce huge levels of radiation.

GENETIC MODIFICATION GONE WILD: 10 SIGNS THAT OUR WORLD MAY SOON RESEMBLE A REALLY BAD SCI-FI MOVIE Did you know that, today, scientists are actually producing: mice that tweet like birds, cats that glow in the dark, monster salmon, spider goats, cow/human hybrids, pig/human hybrids and even mouse/human hybrids? The very definition of life on Earth is changing right before our eyes. For decades, scientists around the globe have been fooling around with DNA and have been transplanting genes from one species to another. But now technology has advanced so dramatically that just about the only thing limiting scientists is their imagination. The things you are about to read about below are truly bizarre. In recent years, science has really pushed the envelope and scientists all over the planet are quite eager to push it even further. I. In CHINA, scientists have inserted human genes into the DNA

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

cat created by a team of scientists in SOUTH KOREA. 6. In JAPAN, scientists have discovered that they can grow rat organs inside mice. The researchers hope to use the same technology to grow human organs inside pigs. 7. In MISSOURI, USA, creatures that are part pig and part human are being grown with the goal of providing organs for human transplants. 8. Scientists at ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY have injected human genes into mice. These humanised mice are being used to study the spread of the hepatitis C virus. 9. U.S. SCIENTISTS have discovered that they can actually grow new human organs from scratch. In addition to bladders, scientists have engineered new skin, bone, cartilage, corneas, windpipes, arteries and urethras. 10. CANADIAN COMPANY Nexia has genetically modified goats to be part spider. The genetic modification process causes these spider goats to produce spider silk protein in their milk. This spider silk protein is collected, purified and spun into incredibly strong fibres. These fibres are tougher than Kevlar, more flexible than nylon and much stronger than steel As frightening as all of those examples may sound, the truth is that the genetic modification of plants has gone even further than the genetic modification of animals.

of dairy cow embryos. At this point, approximately 200 hybrid cows have been successfully produced. These cows can produce milk that is virtually identical to human breast milk. The scientists hope to have huge herds of these cows producing an alternative to human breast milk soon, and they hope to have this milk sold in global supermarkets within three years. 2. In CANADA, scientists at the University of Guelph, Ontario, have produced what they are calling enviropigs. These enviropigs have had genes from mice spliced into them, and according to the scientists they produce less phosphorus in their poop, so they are being touted as environmentally friendly. Authorities in both the USA and Canada an:: evaluating whether or not to allow these enviropigs into the food supply. 3. Scientists in JAPAN have created a genetically modified mouse that tweets like a bird. 4. One U.S. CORPORATION can now produce a very muscular monster salmon which can grow up to three times as fast as normal salmon do. 5. Scientists can now produce cats that glow in the dark. A genetically modified cat, named Mr. Green Genes, is the very first fluorescent cat the USA. But Mr. Green Genes is not the first glow-in-the-dark cat in the world. That honour went, to a

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack alex-jones-geoengineering-our-environment-under-attack/


The greatest public health threat can no longer be denied


Monday, November 14, 2011 The fact that the planet is being bombarded with chemicals from high-altitude spraying as part of numerous geoengineering programs being conducted by U.S. government agencies and universities that have been approved with no oversight whatsoever can no longer be denied. The re-classification of global warming, a highly contentious and often scientifically fraudulent pseudoscience, as a national security threat has been exploited by governments as an excuse to play God, green lighting secret experiments on a massive scale that carry innumerable dangers to humans and their environment. However, now that increasing awareness of geoengineering as a player_embedded&v=D5pgE_AoNj4

result of the chemtrails phenomenon has propagated widely, authorities are slowly being forced to disclose certain aspects of the program. We are now not far away from full disclosure of the true extent of geoengineering experimentation. Scientists now admit that vapor trails from aeroplanes are creating artificial clouds that block out the sun. This is no longer a matter of debate. The chemtrail conspiracy theorists were proven correct. Reading Universitys Professor Keith Shine told the Daily Mail last year that the clouds formed by aircraft fumes could linger for hours, depriving those areas under busy flight paths, such as London and

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

October 23, 2011, Aptos, California.


Rosalind Peterson & Allan Buckmann present their findings relating to Geoengineering.
Welcome to the Geoengineering, (Climate Remediation)
Alex Jones - Contd from page 35 content/geoengineering-current-actions the Home Counties, of summer Seminar Video above sunshine. Experts have warned that, as a result, the amount of sunlight hitting the ground could be reduced Rosalind Petersons POWER-POINT by as much as ten per cent. Profes- PRESENTATION (1) and a host of sor Shine added: Over the busi- documents, please visit: est areas in London and the South of England, this high-level cloud default/files/file/geo_scheme_16/ 16_2011_GEOENGINEERING_Power_ could cover the sky, turning bright Point_Presentation_How_Do_You_Like sunshine into hazy conditions for _Your_Skies_or_Man_ the entire area. I expect the effects Made_by_Rosalind_Peterson.ppt will get worse as the volume of air traffic increases. Allan Buckman's POWER POINT The report also makes referPRESENTATION (2) ence to a 2009 Met Office study which Man-Made Climate Change in the found that high-level winds did not Skies 2011, can be access from disperse contrails that later formed this pdf file. (Despatch has used into clouds which covered an astona lot of his graphics next page) ishing 20,000 miles.
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011


Global Geoengineering Governance:

CURRENTLY THE: U.S. Government, our military, NASA, NOAA (other U.S. agencies), ANY: city, county, state,

private individuals, corporations, foreign governments, and foreign corporations...

can initiate any type of Geoengineering experiments WITHOUT public knowledge, consent, government restrictions or public debate.

The Alex Jones & Rosalind Russel YouTubes have been combined on a DVD for P & H in Aust. $5 (A copy can be sent if you require it.)

Graphics following are from Alan Buckmnans Powerpoint ...

, and other countries

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011



The Truth Denied - Nov. 12th, 2011

CHEMTRAILS, WORLD ALERT On November 9, 2011, the strongest storm to hit Alaskas western coast in almost four decades also left 37 communities with catastrophic damage. The Huffington Post reported that Emergency responders called the storm an epic event that displaced residents, flooded the shoreline, ripped up roofs and

knocked out power in many villages. They also stated the storm that pounded the Bering Sea coast this week carried gusts of nearly 90 mph and created tides as high as 10 feet above normal. See the rest of the story here 2011/11/10/alaska-storm-snowhurricane_n_1085819.html

Was this Alaska storm Geoengineered?

Roxy Lopez has every reason to believe that indeed it was .

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

FOOD CONTROL! Contd from p. 22 think that these armed raids just wouldnt happen, they are already happening in the US (they just arent covered by the media, who are owned and controlled by the same people doing the armed raids). We are rapidly and secretly moving into the

whole world becoming Nazi Germany and most of the public have no idea and just call people like me crazy for pointing out these facts which are hidden in plain view. This is why I keep saying that NZ desperately needs John Key out

Contd on p. 76 Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978

Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011


The Gorbachev Earth Dialogue held at Brisbane in 2006 stressed this. If the shadow government of our world can control our water, they can control everything here in Australia. The farmers have been pushed almost to extinction in many areas of our land. They are near bankruptcy often, suicides have increased amongst them. They


desperately need funds to survive at all. So - the government can give them an offer they cant refuse. November 12-13, The Courier Mail, page 7, includes a Call for Applications to purchase water entitlements, those entitlements held now by irrigators. To maintain sustainability and help the environment. *send for Gorbachev
booklet next page

Here is that advertisement:


Australian Government environmental Offers will be assessed for value water purchase tenders for money, with a particular focus on A new tender to purchase water enenvironmental benefits, and on current titlements in the Queensland Lower prevailing market prices. Balonne catchment has been announced. Offers will only be assessed after The tender will open 14 November and the tenders closing date. If the current close at 5.00pm AEDST 9 December 2011. tender becomes fully subsoribed, affected The purpose of the water purchasapplicants may be able to reapply in a ing program is to provide more water for subsequent tender. the environment by purchasing entitleOutcomes from the tender, includments currently held by irrigators. Inigators ing the average prices of pursued offers, in the region specified below are invited to will be made available on the Departments submit offers to the Australian Government website once the assessment has been to sell their water entitlements. completed. Sell offers will only be accepted Updated guidelines and application from the Qneensland Lower Balonne forms are available from the Departments Water Management Area of the Murraywebsite at Darling Basin. waterpurchasing or by calling the Water Assessment of offers will be underInformation Line on 1800218478. taken on the basis of a complete and valid The Australian Government has application. A completed application, innot appointed any brokers or other agents cluding licence material and signed for the program, nor are you required to signatory pages, must be received by use a broker or other agent when submitthe Department by the closing date and ting your offer. (AG55293) time of the tender. Email: Web Site:


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Tom & Nita Horn ...


Hmmm, I Wonder What This Could Lead To? Patent Granted For Living Chip Technology
Last week, the University of Rochester was given a patent for a one-of-a-kind implantable diagnostic living chip." Researchers at U of R say the technology has the potential to save lives and improve the quality of life for those who suffer from chronic illnesses. The device contains sensors that can be implanted in the skin or in blood vessels and it reads the blood cells. The sensor then transmits the information wirelessly to another device the patient can read, or even to a smart phone. The key part is to empower the patient, to see the data themselves, says Rosero. Then they can say, Wow. Whenever I see these numbers and whenever I get these data numbers I know I feel worse in three days. But if I make this adjustment to the medicine that always helps.' Rosero says he knows some patients will be uncomfortable with the idea.

666 And The Emerging Big Brother World

... The technology to visually and electronically track everyone on earth is available and increasingly in use all over the world. In fact, 'conspiracy' theorists have already proved that the powers that be whether in UN or behind the scenes have already agreed to aim at electronic IDs for everyone implanted in our bodies. With satellites, GPS, CCTV cameras, computers, it is possible to envision a one world government in which "no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark of the beast" (Rev. 13:17). The beast is the world dictator "given authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation" (Rev. 13:7).

Wrongful Life? Increasing Number Of Disabled Children Sue For Not Being Aborted
Wrongful life lawsuits, in which doctors are held liable for not

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

the exhibit. "Certainly we dont think this would be tolerated if this was the image of the Prophet Muhammed or any other religious symbol." The shaky, Super 8 footage shows a crucifix lying on the ground as ants scamper across Jesus bare body. ...

discovering fetal abnormalities that might have prompted parents to abort their child, have become so common in Israel that the government has set up a committee to investigate the issue, New Scientist reports. According to magazine, wrongful life claims are more prevalent in Israel where a higher rate of genetic disorders caused by consanguineous (connected by kinship) marriages has fueled a pro-genetic testing culture. The county has seen an estimated 600 wrongful cases since the first in 1987. While similar lawsuits in the United States and Canada are often brought by the parents of disabled children, it is common in Israel for the children themselves to demand compensation for the fact that they were not killed in-utero.

Gorbachev Pushing New World Order, World Government

Mikhail Gorbachev has been at it again. The peripatetic former head of the Soviet Union was particularly busy in October, roving the world and spreading his gospel of globalism, global crises, and global solutions. On October 19, Gorbachev was the honored speaker at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, where he delivered an address entitled Perspectives on Global Change. Lafayette College President Daniel H. Weiss introduced Gorbachev, noting that his visit was a celebration of the new Oechsle Center for Global Education. We have invited such a renowned international figure to address us tonight because what he has to say is enormously important, said Weiss, he exemplifies the type of visionary, transformative leadership which we hope the Oechsle Center will inspire and prepare our students to emulate as they engage with the world throughout their own lives and careers.

Video Of Ants Skittering Over Crucified Jesus Celebrates Modern Ease Of Sacrilege At Brooklyn Museum
An avant-garde video of ants skittering over the crucified Jesus is enraging Christians who say an upcoming Brooklyn Museum art exhibit is sacrilegious. "Ants were crawling on the image of the crucified Christ," said Msgr. Kieran Harrington, a spokesman for the Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, which sent a letter asking for the video to get yanked from

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Asteroid Planning Gap Leaves Earth 'A Sitting Duck'

The massive coal black asteroid 2005 YU55 zoomed by Earth this week in harmless fashion, but the relatively close encounter is a reminder the world is "a sitting duck in a cosmic shooting gallery," with no international plan in case of a disaster. Ray Williamson is executive director of the Secure World Foundation (SWF), one of many groups that have submitted papers to a UN working committee looking to develop guidelines for member states on how to respond to nearEarth objects. In a phone interview on Wednesday from the Denver, Colo., area, Williamson said there's an important need now for an international defence strategy that includes finding potentially hazardous objects such as asteroids, predicting their locations, and giving adequate warnings to citizens about when and how they will hit the Earth even though such a disaster may be decades away. Among the foundation's recommendations is the establishment of a global Information, Analysis, and Warning Network. archives.htm

2012: Why The Year Could Be One of The Worst In The Planets History
Nearly every dramatic event from social unrest to the crisis in the Middle East appears to be converging in the coming year. Solar activity, though low by previous solar cycles, is starting to increase. NASA said the solar maximum in 2012-2013, when the Sun is expected to reach peak activity, may be the strongest since 1958. 2012 is also expected to be the year of the return of the Mesoamerican pagan deity Quetzalcoatl -setting the stage for the potential appearance of many other entities, and beings also claiming divinity and that they are here to guide humanity through the corridors of this planetary crisis.

Much more News on this Website

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

The Freedom Group is owned by a company called CERBERUS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT.

Something you May not know, That is happening ...


For the last several years a company called The Freedom Group has been buying up gun and

Guess who controls Cerberus???

One of the most evil men on this planet who wants to restrict or ban all civilian guns.
(See previous issues of Despatch)

ammunition manufacturers. Some of the companies are Bushmaster, Marlin, Remington, DPMS, Dakota Arms and H&R. Some people worry that this Freedom Group is going to control most of the firearms companies in the United States. If you control the manufacturers you can decide to stop selling to civilians. What a perfect way to control guns. Now if you do some digging you will see that

Please pass this on to all your freedom loving friends. This needs to come out. Why have we not heard about this in the "mainstream" media? I would think this would be BIG news. If you don't know who George Soros is you need to do some research. He's a Socialist billionaire who backed Obama with millions of dollars and Obama is a puppet on a string controlled by Soros. Daniel Trimpe USA

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EXTRACT: Send for the much larger document - Mike Claydons Israel Report: p. 6 ...With the failure of the MF Global investment fund, we have seen that Wall Street titans can crumble at once due to errors made regarding public debt trends in Europe. Jon Corzine is no Bernard Madoff. In moral terms, he is perhaps close, but as for the rest, there is no comparison. Madoff was a Wall Street maverick, but Corzine was a member of the aristocracy: former CEO of Goldman Sachs, former governor of New Jersey, main donor to the Obama 2012 presidential campaign, sensed to replace Timothy Geithner as Treasury Secretary last August (35), and one of the creators of Obama back in 2004 (36). This affair goes to the heart of the incestuous relationship between Wall Street and Washington, one which is now being denounced by a majority of Americans (37). In August, it appeared as if he was untouchable, on top of Wall Street; nevertheless he was completely mistaken about the course of events. He believed that the world had not changed, and that private creditors would continue to be paid cash on the barrelhead. The result: huge losses, bankruptcy, innumerable customers bilked, and 1,600 employers out on the street (38). We announced in the previous GEAB that we have entered a phase involving the decimation of Western banks. This phase is truly in swing, and customers of all financial operators (banks, insurance companies, investment funds, pension funds) (39) are now questioning the soundness of these institutions. As is evident from the Corzine affair, they should not assume that these institutions are a priori stronger than others just because they or their leaders are famous or enjoying a strong reputation (40). It is not knowledge of the rules of the financial game of yesterday, which formed those reputations, that now counts; but rather it is the understanding that the rules have changed that has become crucial. References & CHART of Banks selling Treasury Bonds and loss of confidece in US Treasury by Foreign Banks availble if needed.

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November 28, 2011


The claim of the recently released Murray-Darling Basin Authority's revised draft plan is that it aims to end decades of state squabbling over the management of Australia's biggest and most productive river system. Will it? The proposal to return 2750 gigalitres a year to the river falls well short of the authority's recommendation in its "guide" to the basin plan last year, when it proposed the return of 3000 to 4000 billion litres a year. And the mechanism to claw back the water is coming from improving irrigation infrastructure rather than from water buybacks. The revision is Labor's political compromise of fix the irrigators win: they weakened the environmental proposals. Is it too little too late?

The article below from C.E.C. is chilling!

Be not deceived, readers, the economic systems of the globe are being manipulated so that a One World can be formed.

British Crown unleashes Hitler policies to save monetary empire

The British Crown is deploying its stooges in the U.S., Britain, Australia and else where to unleash Hitler - style policies of assassination and fascist police-state brutality to maintain political control as their financial system implodes, CEC leader Craig Isherwood today warned Australians. In particular, Isherwood noted, U.S. statesman

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and physical economist Lyndon LaRouche has warned on several recent occasions that the Crown was using Barack Obama, and the Bush-league (the fascist neo-cons associated with former U.S. Presidents George H. W. Bush and his son George W. Bush) to orchestrate fascist coups in the U.S. and around the world. Isherwood continued, With the killings in Yemen and Libya the open threats of assassination against the leaders of Syria and Russia, and Obamas almost daily violations of the U.S.Constitution, LaRouches warning is being played out globally in front of our eyes. Obama has launched an absolutely unprecedented killing spree against Americans, using chilling drone technology in Yemen to illegally slay U.S. citizens Anwar al-Awlaki, Samir Khan, and Awlakis 16year- old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. Americas drone program is part of a secretive, semi-privatised, and unaccountable killing machine of the U.S. military, began by Bush and Cheney, and massively expanded under Obama. On 20th October, this killing spree escalated when Obama and the British government effectively


assassinated a head of state, Muammar Qaddafi, following which they openly threatened to do the same to the leaders of Iran, Syria and Russia, in open defiance of U.S. and international law. The Murdoch and liberal media whores are loudly cheering these crimes, and bombarding people with horrific images of Qaddafis murder, to send a clear message to the population: dont question it, or youre next.

Isherwood stated that over recent decades the City of Londons political stooges in Australia had steadily built up a stock of draconian police state laws to erect a fascist dictatorship over Australia, citing: The Anti-terrorism Act 2004 The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2003

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Wall Street bankers, including George W. Bushs grandfather Prescott Bush, installed Hitler in power to preserve their monetary control during the Great Depression, the financier elites are resorting to Hitler methods again. He concluded, There is no banker-approved solution to the current global financial crisis that doesnt lead to fascismthere is no way the criminals who caused the crisis can fix it, so they are resorting to fascism to force the people to put up and shut up. ...
Berit Kjos - Contd from page 8

The 2002 Anti-Terrorism Acts, including the Border Security Legislation Amendment Act 2002; the Criminal Code Amendment (Espionage and Related Matters) Act 2002; the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism Act 2002; the Telecommunications Interception Legislation Amendment Act 2002; the Criminal Code Amendment (Suppression of Terrorist Bombings) Act 2002; and the Criminal Code Amendment (Anti-hoax and Other Measures) Act 2002. Intelligence Services Act 2001 Measures to Combat Serious and Organised Crime Act 2001 ASIOs Telecommunications (Interception) Legislation Amend ment Act 2000 Border Protection (Validation and Enforcement Powers) Act 2001 The Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 The Defence Legislation Amend ment (Aid to Civilian Authorities) Act 2000 [aka the Shoot to kill bill] Y2K Emergency Laws The National Firearms Program Implementation Act 1996 Isherwood continued, The CEC led the fight against every one of these laws, because we saw through the various pretexts such as terrorism, and knew that what we were fighting then, and are now, is Hitler-style fascism. Just as the Crowns London and

so-called population crisis. It would also show that apart from Gods love and moral guidelines, humanity will simply revert to the savage cruelty and barbarian decadence of previous civilizations. But if we belong to Him, then; Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? ...Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Romans 8:35, 37 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:9 Berit Kjos

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The idea that Christianity is only a rehash of ancient Roman pagan myths is being flogged around a lot today.
In November 12-13, 2011, The Courier-Mail, Queensland, much space was given to a long article about Christmas and Christianity being a mere copy of old Roman and Babylonian mysteries. THIS IS UNTRUE, Christian believers. Christmas has been perverted, but Christianity is not a copy of anything. The false religions of the world are wilful distortions of the Truth of God and His works on earth. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and

fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Romans 1:22-25. A good book to study on this subject is the Rev, Alexander Hislops The Two Babylons
Loizeaux Brothers, New York. First printed 1916.

THE MAJOR PREMISE to grasp clearly is:

The thrilling Gospel message did not just appear when Christ Jesus came to earth. God promised that a Saviour would come from the time of the Fall in the Garden of Eden.

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(See Genesis 3:15; Genesis 3:21. The promise that the seed of woman, the Saviour, would bruise the head of Satan, or the Serpent. And the first mention of the need of blood sacrifice to cover the sinner.)
The Gospel message was written in the stars, the basis details of what would happen when the Messiah came was known even before the Tower of Babel was judged by the Lord God. Even before the Great Flood of Noahs day. (For more on this read Gods Voice in the Stars
by Kenneth C, Fleming.
Loizeaux Brothers N.J.)

The Old Testament tells us what happened.

Right through the Old Testament, long before Christ Jesus was born at Bethlehem, the promise was given of a Deliverer Who would be born of a Virgin, the Messiah would come. Animal blood sacrifice are presented as a shadow of Christ being brought to the death of the Cross for the sin of the world - Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6 are two examples of promises. Psalm 22 gives a graphic depiction of a Man dying on the Cross - long before Christ came and died. The full study of all this is too big to attempt here. The Old Testament has it all. The pagan religions of the world invented myths that followed and acknowledged the Divine Gospel promises, but the stories became weird and ridiculous. ISIS, SEMIRAMIS, ISHTAR, OSIRIS, TAMMUZ, sunimages, strange mother and child figures are invented that get a basis message out, but it has become perverted and horribly altered by pagan tribes. The Mother and Child, Isis and Osiris, was a perversion of the Truth that a Saviour would be born of a Virgin. Thus were the ancient gods and legends invented, a little truth, a mass of confusion and Satans lies added. PAGAN

After the Tower episode, the people of earth were scattered across the globe, the continents were divided, various countries, races and tongues were established on those continents and the peoples were separated from each other. All of these races had the true Gospel message known from the period of the Garden of Eden, passed on and on by mouth and records.

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ROME took up the Babylonian myths, but these were NOT presented before the Truth of the Gospel and Christianity. Christianity was the original and only Truth, in history it was always on earth even sometimes in embryo form - Satan has sought to obliterate this Truth with myths and legends, confusion is the name of the game. Christianity is NOT a copy of ancient Babylonian and Roman myths they are copies of Gods Truth as it was known on earth from antediluvian times.



Christmas is a different matter. Christmas has hardly anything of Gods Truth in it at all! SANTA is an obvious rearrangement of the word SATAN; the Christ-mass is a Romanish Church invention. Rome continues until our day in the Roman Catholic Church and its apostasies. Easter Day has the same heresies associated with it, just as Christmas Day has. Here are some quotes from the fascinating book The Two Babylons: The festivals of Rome are innumerable; but five of the most important may be singled out for elucidation - viz., Christmas-day, Lady-day, Easter, the Nativity of St John, and the Feast of Assumption. Each and all of these can be proved to be Babylonian. And first, as to the festival in honour of the birth of Christ, or Christmas. How come it that that festival was connected

with the 25th of December? There is not a word in the Scriptures about the precise day of His birth, or the time of the year when He was born. What is recorded there, implies that at what time soever His birth took place, it could not have been on the 25th of December. At the time the angel announced His birth to the shepherds of Bethlehem, they were feeding their flocks by night in the open fields. Now, no doubt, the climate of Palestine is not so severe as the climate of this country; but even there, though the heat of the day be considerable, the cold of the night, from December to February, is very piercing, and it was not the custom for the shepherds of Judea to watch their flocks in the open fields later than the end of October. Page 91. Indeed, it is admitted by the most

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learned and candid writers of all parties that the day of our Lords birth cannot be determined, and that within the Christian Church no such festival as Christmas was ever heard of till the third century; and that not till the fourth century was far advanced did it gain much observance. Page 93. That Christmas was originally a Pagan festival, is beyond all doubt. The time of year, and the ceremonies with which it is still celebrated, prove its origin. In Egypt, the son of Isis, the Egyptian title for the pagan queen of heaven, was born at this very time, about the time of the winter solstice. The very name by which Christmas is popularly known among ourselves - Yule-day [or Yuletide] proves at once its Pagan and Babylonian origin. Yule is the Chaldee name for an infant or little child; as the 25th of December was called by Pagan Anglo-Saxon ancestors, Yule-day, or the Childs day, and the night that preceded it, Mother-night, long before they came in contact with Christianity, that sufficiently proves its real character. Pages 93-94. the Pagan Messiah Baal-Tamar,; in Rome it was the Fir tree referring to him as Baal-Berith, The mother of Adonis, the SUN GOD, was mystically said to have changed into a tree, and when in that state brought forth her divine son. This is a perversion of the glorious Truth of the Bible, that Christ Jesus is the Branch. Isaiah 11:1.

NEW INFO FROM ANOTHER SOURCE - OCCULTIC 10/eight-sabbats-of-witchcraft.html

THE CHRISTMAS TREE is totally pagan, and was common in Pagan Rome and Pagan Egypt. In Egypt it was a Palm tree denoting


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63 season. Even though we prefer to use the word 'Yule', and our celebrations may peak a few days BEFORE the 25th, we nonetheless follow many of the traditional customs of the season: decorated trees, carolling, presents, Yule logs, and mistletoe. We might even go so far as putting up a 'Nativity set', though for us the three central characters are likely to be interpreted as Mother Nature, Father Time, and the Baby SunGod. None of this will come as a surprise to anyone who knows the true history of the holiday, of course. In fact, if truth be known, the holiday of Christmas has always been more Pagan than Christian, with it's associations of Nordic divination, Celtic fertility rites, and Roman Mithraism. That is why both Martin Luther and John Calvin abhorred it, why the Puritans refused to acknowledge it, much less celebrate it (to them, no day of the year could be more holy than the Sabbath), and why it was even made ILLEGAL in Boston! The holiday was already too closely associated with the birth of older Pagan gods and heroes. And many of them (like Oedipus, Dionysus, Theseus, Apollo, Hercules, Mithra, Perseus, Horus Jason, (and even Arthur) possessed a narrative of birth, death, and resurrection that was uncomfortably close to that of Jesus. .

The "Eight Sabbats" are actually nine, due to an extra addition "The Death of Llew". Halloween, Yule, Candlemas, Lady Day, May Day, Midsummer, Lammas, Harvest Home Death of Llew: A Seasonal Interpretation. ... For modern Witches, Yule (from the Anglo-Saxon 'Yula', meaning 'wheel' of the year) is usually celebrated on the actual Winter Solstice, which may vary by a few days, though it usually occurs on or around December 21st. It is a Lesser Sabbat or Lower Holiday in the modern Pagan calendar, one of the four quarter-days of the year, but a very important one. MIDWINTER NIGHT'S EVE: YULE Our Christian friends are often quite surprised at how enthusiastically we Pagans celebrate the 'Christmas'

NO. the only uncomfortable ones are the pagan witches! Despatch

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Vatican Calls for Establishment of Global Economic Authority with Universal Jurisdiction
The Papacy; calling for the establishment of a supranational authority with world-wide scope and universal jurisdiction
Source: Reuters 24 October 2011

The Vatican called on Monday for the establishment of a global public authority and a central world bank to rule over financial institutions that have become outdated and often ineffective in dealing fairly with crises. The document from the Vaticans Justice and Peace department should please the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators and similar movements around the world who have protested against the economic downturn. Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of a Global Public Authority, was at times very specific, calling, for example, for taxation measures on financial transactions. The economic and financial crisis which the world is going through calls everyone, individuals and peoples, to examine in depth the principles and the

cultural and moral values at the basis of social coexistence, it said. It condemned what it called the idolatry of the market as well as a neo-liberal thinking that it said looked exclusively at technical solutions to economic problems. In fact, the crisis has revealed behaviours like selfishness, collective greed and hoarding of goods on a great scale, it said, adding that world economics needed an ethic of solidarity among rich and poor nations. [If any institution could be rightly accused of hoarding goods on a great scale it would be the Vatican which holds vast and incalculable

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wealth in her treasuries! Editor] If no solutions are found to the various forms of injustice, the negative effects that will follow on the social, political and economic level will be destined to create a climate of growing hostility and even violence, and ultimately undermine the very foundations of democratic institutions, even the ones considered most solid, it said. It called for the establishment of a supranational authority with


world-wide scope and universal jurisdiction to guide economic policies and decisions. Asked at a news conference if the document could become a manifesto for the movement of the indignant ones, who have criticised globa economic policies, Cardinal Peter Turkson, head of the Vaticans Justice and Peace department, said: The people on Wall Street need to sit down and go through a process of discernment and see whether their role managing the finances of the world is actually serving the interests of humanity and the common good. We are calling for all these bodies and organisations to sit down and do a little bit of re- thinking.
Extract: Israel Report. Mike Claydon

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Israel and Gods Chosen people the Jews always seem to capture centre stage in world events, even more so as we seriously enter the last of the Last Days. Keep in mind, however, that the Jews are living in rebellion against God and His Son Jesus Christ. They are being drawn into support of the N.W.O. or the Antichrist system, just as the Bible predicts. Soon God will let them drop into the delusions of the global government with a bang - and they will become dupes of the N.W.O. in earnest. Take a look at the LOGO for the London Olympics 2012. This logo actually spells ZION the Jewish political Zionist Movement using this title. Zion being the name for the Holy Land of Israel.

to ask other Muslims to join in their opposition. However that in itself can be construed as racist because Iran is opposing it because it is Christian. ... Now I may be able to forgive Iran slightly for their misconstrued thoughts about our logo, if only the word they can see (Zion) were in order However as you can clearly tell from the image above even if the numbers were

?? OPPOSING OPINIONS ?? ..the most public recent event to date is that of the Iran claim that the London 2012 Olympics logo is racistIran believes that this logo is created from a word located in the bible and is meant to offend Muslims and even went as far

letters it would spell ZOIZ as even the supposed final N is far more like a Z! How farfetched and misguided must a government official be to believe that the numbers shown above could be considered to be writing? Not only do I call into question the actual idea of this logo being racist but also the timing If this was supposedly racist why this is only now being brought to light when the logo had been proposed for use over 4 years ago!?

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A MOST disturbing E-mail reveals that the Islamic faith is being handed money by the Federal Government, it is also funding overseas religious workers to bring them to this country to ISLAMIZE Australia. This is all about creating a One World Religion, merging and melding different faith in countries, and of course breaking the power of Biblical Christianity. Here are the shocking details:
( Source: a subscriber V. Theakson)

Funding ONE religious group.

It is a bit hard to swallow !
This is very disturbing- funding one religious group. Before you watch the video below, I would like you to read the story below first, then watch it. 10406568/spreading-the-word

Wednesday 5th of October, on Channel 7, in the TodayTonight program, it was revealed how some councils from Melbourne, like Darebin Council in Melbournes

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North (AND SOON OTHER COUNCILS MAY FOLLOW SUIT) is doing the hiring, using a grant from the Federal Attorney General Robert McClellands Coun-

ter Violent Extremism Fund. So far the Gillard government spent more than 9.7 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to promote the Islam

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religion in Australia, also developing and implementing activities that assist the Islamic Society of Victoria TO DISPEL MYTHS AND MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT ISLAM AND MUSLIMS The government also is funding overseas religious workers paying them A SALARY OF $66,000 DOLLARS PER YEAR to spread Islam in this country. My greatest concern is that the government wants the Islamization of Australia. The following muslim communities were helped with huge amounts of taxpayers money: Auburn Community Development Network Australian Somali Community Association Inc. (ASCA). Bali Peace Park AssociationBurwood Council Centre for Multicultural Youth City of Darebin Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia (FECCA) Football United Fairfield- Footscray Football Club Forum on Austs Islamic Relations Horn of Africa Development Agency (HARDA)-


InterAction Multifaith Youth

Network- Islamic Council of Queensland Islamic Council of Victoria La Trobe University Lebanese Muslim Association North Melbourne Football Club Pace e Bene Australia University of Melbourne Victorian Arabic Social Services The Youth Center Youth Development Australia $45,000 pool curtain installed by the Monash Council to shield muslim women from public view while they swim.

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NO program like this, for any other

religious group has ever been run before, and NO other religion has ever received a penny from the government, SO THE QUESTION THAT REMAINS UNANSWERED IS: WHY NOW, & WHY ONLY TO MUSLIMS?? THIS IS DISCRIMINATION ALL OVER THE COUNTRY !!! This means the rest of us, who are not Muslims, we are going to be second class citizens of Australia. If you are a Muslim in this country you will benefit, you will have special and better treatment, than the rest. I hope Channel 7, will not take this story off is pretty scary to watch, believe me !!!

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011



The Bible shows that there will arise a global government which is demonic and evil beyond imagination worse than any regime before it in history. It will seem benign and helpful, and by peace shall destroy many Daniel 8:25. The U.N. is a socialistic organization, with a communitarian agenda; its purpose is to transfer wealth from the RICH (you and I in our Western nation life-style) to the POOR (those who are disadvantaged in Third World countries). Do you wonder why these POOR are pouring into our country right now, and our land is being demolished and reduced? It is Global policy; it is a Global guiding principle to work for the Collective good of the whole global community. (Excepting, of course, the elite leaders of the shadowy Global wealth cartel. They alone are giving special treatment.) The masses, like ourselves, are to be under Communitarian or Communistic rule, whilst the Global Elite are the active Capitalists. Still making everything work by profit and greed. The Bible says this: And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. 2 Peter 2:2, 3. In the Christian denominations, in national governments across the earth, and in Global Government the make merchandise of you concept has taken on singular meaning. Merchandise means stocks and commodities. No government on the earth today has a genuine interest in serving the people; government today is about being a Big Business in league with the Elite Big Boys of the Planet. We are only the commodities that are either profitable, or a drain on the global state. If you are elderly, sick, unable to work, very young, mentally ill and so on you are not a useful article of trade - you are a worthless eater. The late investigator, Joan Veon, said, Peace to the U.N. means no

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opposition to their agenda. Here is her STRUCTURE OF THE UNITED NATIONS pp. 109,111-113 of The United Nations: A Global Straitjacket. This book was written in 1999-2000. She mentions the EARTH CHARTER. (item 13. p.61) Since then the Earth Charter has been presented many times in conferences and meetings across Australia. It was in Brisbane in 2006 when Gorbachev and a contingent of New World Order heavies took over the City Hall (see pp. 34-35 this issue). It was at the Parliament of World Religions in Melbourne, in 2009.


The American people have been told that the United Nations was born out of two world wars and a desire for peace. We have also been told that the United Nations is

a forum for countries to discuss their differences. However, to the unsuspecting eye, the U.N. has become more than just a forum for discussion. One only has to study the U.N to see that it has a distinct governmental structure. The United Nations has set GLOBAL POLICY for all countries to follow. The agreements com-ing out of the U.N. General Assembly become international legal code, which transcends national

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law. The U.N.s structure is quite what governments are and what a vast, comprising the same kind treaty is. According to Noah Websters of commissions, agencies, and com- American Dictionary of the American mittees as you would find in any Language, government is: national government. The exercise of authority; Every member state contridirection and restraint exercised butes annual dues based on a very over the actions of men in comcomplicated formula which takes munities, societies or states; into consideration: the wealth, income, category/world-government economic power, and population (to name a few components) of a country. Each country has an ambassador appointed to handle its affairs and to vote at the U.N. In the United States, the U.N. ambassador and other liaisons to the United Nations are housed at the DepartUNITED NATIONS SECRETARY GENERAL ment of State. BAN KI-MOON ADMITS THAT THE CLIMATE The United States has CHANGE TREATY WILL BE ENFORCED been the largest contributor BY GLOBAL GOVERNMENT to the United Nations by way of U.N. OFFICIAL: A PALESTINIAN STATE IS PLAN A AND THERE IS NO PLAN B dues, appropriations, and payments. the administration of public Lastly the United Nations has its affairs, according to established own army composed of troops from constitutions, laws or usages, or all of its member states. by arbitrary edicts. So what is We must then compare the the United Nations? structure of the United Nations to a To answer that, we must consider form of government (Liotta).
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1. RULER/HEAD OF STATEThe Secretary-General is appointed in secret by the Security Council as opposed to being elected by the entire governing body, which includes the General Assembly, or by international popular ballot. 2. GOVERNING BODYThe General Assembly and the Security Council. The General Assembly is comprised of 186 ambassadors from the U.N. member states. The Security Council consists of five permanent members: China, Russia, Britain, France, and the United States. Within the Security Council is the Military Staff Committee which has always had a representative from Russia as its chairman. The United Nations has: a. THE ABILITY TO CREATE INTERNATIONAL LAW. It has been the primary originator of international law since its inception. b. THE POWER TO MAKE TREATIES. While there are many, many treaties that have been signed and agreed to by the countries of the world, they all fall into several classes: (i) HUMAN RIGHTS INSTRUMENTS, such as the: International Declaration of Human Rights,

the United Nations Rights of

the Child, the Declaration to Eliminate all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (ii) ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS

such as: the Rio Declaration, Agenda 21, the Law of the Sea, and the Convention on Climate Change (iii) PEACE INSTRUMENTS, such as Salt I and II, Outer Space Treaty, and the nuclear-weapons NonProliferation Treaty of 1968 (iv) EQUITABLE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND DEVELOPMENT,

such as the Programme of Action of the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development, 1994. 3. SOURCE OF INCOMEDues of member - states: (U.S., Great Britain, etc.). voluntary gifts (Ted Turners recent
$1 billion gift over ten years),

fees from U.N./World Bank

services, proposed world taxes.

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4. CURRENCYPresently the International Monetary Fund has Special Drawing Rights, which is a form of liquid money that is used among IMF members, and which was created by the IMF in the 1960s. 5. TREASURY AND/ OR BANKING SYSTEMIs comprised of the World Bank and the IMF. Overseeing the control of the worlds monetary system is the Bank for International Settlements, which is NOT part of the U.N. system, but is the central banks bank. 6. COURT AND LEGAL SYSTEMCurrently the United States is NOT a member of the International Court of Justice-the World Court. There are numerous efforts to get our Supreme Court to appeal to the World Court in order to give it recognition. Also evolving is an International Criminal Court, which is favored by the U.S. 7. POLICING MECHANISM Interpol and U.N. Peacekeeping TroopsThe United States has been instrumental in sponsoring several international police academies around the world.


8. MILITARY FORCE U.N. peacekeeping troopsThe United Nations has its own army comprised of troops from all of its member states. The U.N. armies fight wars to keep the world at peace. It appears that the definition of peace which the U.N. operates on is no opposition to their agenda. 9. BUREAUCRATIC AGENCIESThe U.N. system has a bureau for every level of human and governmental oversight common to any governing body:

World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Conference on Trade

and Development (UNCTAD),

World Food Council (WFC), World Intellectual Property

Organization (WIPO), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Universal Postal Union (UPU), International Maritime Organization (IMO), United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF), and United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), to name a few.
Contd on p. 76

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

I was shocked to learn from a friend on the weekend that a new Food Bill is being brought in here in New Zealand. The new bill will make it a privilege and NOT a right to grow food. I find two aspects of this bill alarming. The first is the scope and impact the new bill has, and secondly that it has all happened so quietly. There has been VERY little media coverage, on a bill which promises to jeopardise the future food security of the country. I read that the bill is being brought in because of the WTO, which of course has the US FDA behind it, and of course that is influenced by big business (Monsanto and other players). It looks like this NZ food bill will pave the way to reduce the plant diversity and small owner operations in New Zealand, for example by way of controlling the legality of: SEED SAVING TRADING BARTER GIVING AWAY; all will be potentially illegal. The best website to read about the problems with the new bill is

FOOD CONTROL Contd from p. 48 of power, which unfortunately l ooks like it wont happen. John Key has fully turned over NZ ownership to global corporations which he is a part of. And NZ is currently being prepared to be ripped apart by these corporations to strip out all the huge gas, oil, and mineral reserves that are stored in our beautiful countryside. InvestmentWatch new-food-bill-in-new-zealand-takesaway-human-right-to-grow-food/ November 23, 2011 Contd from p. 75

10. FLAG-The U.N. flag. 11. OATH OF ALLEGIANCEEvery U.N. employee takes an oath in which they swear allegiance to the United Nations. 12. CHARTERU.N. Charter signed in 1945 by our Senate.

13. CONSTITUTIONCurrently there are actions being (I have no connection with this website) taken to create an EARTH CHAR- Here are some snippets: TER, which would govern the It turns a human right (to grow people of the planet. food and share it) into a governMikhail Gorbachev, co-chair of the ment-authorised privilege that can Earth Council, is one of the leaders be summarily revoked. in developing such a document
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011

It makes it illegal to distribute food without authorisation, and it defines food in such a way that it includes nutrients, seeds, natural medicines, essential minerals and drinks (including water). By controlling seeds, the bill takes the power to grow food away from the public and puts it in the hands of seed companies. That power may be abused. Growing food for distribution must be authorised, even for cottage industries, and such authorisation can be denied. Under the Food Bill, Police acting as Food Safety Officers can raid premises without a warrant, using all equipment they deem necessary including guns (Clause 265 1). Members of the private sector can also be Food Safety Officers, as at Clause 243. So Monsanto employees can raid premises including marae backed up by armed police. The Bill gives Food Safety Officers immunity from criminal and civil prosecution. The Government has created this bill to keep in line with its World Trade Organisation obligations under an international scheme called Codex Alimentarius (Food Book). So it has to pass this bill in one form or another. The bill would undermine the efforts of many people to become more self-sufficient within their


local communities. Seed banks and seed-sharing networks could be shut down if they could not obtain authorisation. Loss of seed variety would make it more difficult to grow ones own food. Home-grown food and some or all seed could not be bartered on a scale or frequency necessary to feed people in communities where commercially available food has become unaffordable or unavailable (for example due to economic collapse). Restrictions on the trade of food and seed would quickly lead to the permanent loss of heirloom strains, as well as a general lowering of plant diversity in agriculture. Organic producers of heirloom foods could lose market share to big-money agribusiness outfits, leading to an increase in the consumption of nutrient-poor and GE foods.

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

EU demands new sweeping powers cries for a strong leadership heard.

Yahoo News November 24, 2011 BERLIN The European Union demanded Wednesday sweeping powers to override national budgets and proposed issuing joint Eurozone bonds to help resolve and prevent a repeat of the debt crisis. Without stronger governance, it will be difficult if not impossible to sustain the common currency, EU Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso said of his latest legislative proposals. The head of the executive EU arm, Barroso presented radical plans that would allow him & Economy Commissioner Olli Rehn to decide to intervene in national policy making. Each said such new powers were a pre-condition for pooling Eurozone government bonds, presented as a future safeguard. Chancellor Angela Merkel

immediately repeated Germanys opposition to joint Eurozone bonds, saying the approach would not work just as investors shunned an issue of German 10-year bonds, considered the Eurozone gold standard. French President Nicolas Sarkozy voiced the conviction, which he said Merkel shared, that the 17 Eurozone nations must better integrate and that at the heart of that integration France and Germany must grow closer and be the base of stability in the Eurozone and Europe in general. There is no other choice, he stressed. Such closer integration would mean no over-reaching national budgets and no fiscal dumping. Countries with excessive budget deficits must make efforts to bring them down, he added, addressing a meeting of French mayors in Paris. However the Netherlands, which backs stronger budget policing, meanwhile warned that plans for fiscal convergence also face an uphill struggle. Without naming the objectors, Finance Minister Jan Kees De Jager said: There are those who resist further discipline. The proposals, which concern only the Eurozone at this stage, must now journey through the EUs 27 member states and the European Parliament. The constant cry yesterday was that there i s NO leadership in Europe - and calls for stronger leadership were heard.

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011


The Coming European Superstate That Germany Plans To Cram Down The Throats of The Rest of Europe
November 19, 2011 archives/the-coming-european-superstatethat-germany-plans-to-cram-down-thethroats-of-the-rest-of-europe

A lot of people were puzzled about what German Chancellor Angela Merkel meant when she

recently stated that the ultimate solution to the financial crisis in the EU would mean more Europe, not less Europe. Well, now we are finding out. A leaked internal German government memo entitled The Future of the EU: Required Integration Policy Improvements for the Creation of a Stability Union actually proposes the creation of a European Monetary Fund which

would be given the power to run the economies of troubled European nations. This stability union would be quickly followed by the creation of a full-fledged political union. Essentially, this leaked memo proposes the creation of a EUROPEAN SUPERSTATE which will be crammed down the throats of the rest of Europe whether they like it or not. National sovereignty would be a thing of the past and European bureaucrats would run everything. Of course this will never be accepted by the people of Europe until they feel the bitter pain of the coming financial collapse, but we are starting to see that there is already a clear plan for what the Germans wish to implement in the aftermath of the coming crisis. A lot of people have just assumed that if there is a massive financial collapse in Europe and the euro crashes that it will mean that end of the euro and potentially the breakup of the EU. But that is not what the Germans have planned at all.

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011


Aug 11:11 A hair-thin electronic patch that adheres to the skin like a temporary tattoo could transform: medical sensing, computer gaming and even spy operations, according to a US study published Thursday. The micro-electronics technology, called an EPIDERMAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEM (EES), was developed by an international team of researchers from the United States, China and Singapore, and is described in the journal Science. "It's a technology that blurs the distinction between electronics and biology," said co-author John Rogers, a professor in materials science and engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. "Our goal was to develop an electronic technology that could integrate with the skin in a way

Monitoring for Medical conditions. eg. heart Arrythmia

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011


that is mechanically and physiologically invisible to the user." The patch could be used instead of bulky electrodes to monitor brain, heart and muscle tissue activity and when placed on the throat it allowed users to operate a voice-activated video game with better than 90 percent accuracy. "This type of device might provide utility for those who suffer from certain diseases of the larynx," said Rogers.

"It could also form the basis of a sub-vocal communication capability, suitable for covert or other uses." The wireless device is nearly weightless and requires so little power it can fuel itself with miniature solar collectors or by picking up stray or transmitted electromagnetic radiation, the study said. Less than 50-microns thick -slightly thinner than a human hair -the devices are able to adhere to the

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

Contd from p. 79

skin without glue or sticky material. "Forces called van der Waals interactions dominate the adhesion at the molecular level, so the electronic tattoos adhere to the skin without any glues and stay in place for hours," said the study. Northwestern University engineer Yonggang Huang said the patch was as soft as the human skin."

An article in the Telegraph worldnews/europe/eu/8898213/ German-memo-shows-secret-slidetowards-a-super-state.html

has posted details about the leaked internal German government memo mentioned above. It really is startling to see that a full-fledged "political union" in Europe is being discussed at the highest levels of the German government.... Access the above link online or request rest the article. natal care and for making electronic bandages to help skin heal from wounds and burns.

Rogers & Huang have been working together on the technology for the past six years. They have already designed flexible elec- tronics for hemispherical camera sensors and are now focused on adding battery power and other energy options. The devices might find future uses in patients with sleep apnea, babies who need neoEndtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978

Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011



Some comments Despatch made in October, 2011..
The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the Day of Judgment to be punished: 2 Peter 2:9. Never, ever, ever before has this earth faced such perilous times! Simply to try to list off even a few of the disasters about to fall, or are happening right now, is an almost unachievable labour. What am I attempting to communicate to you? Perhaps a little of the tremor inside I am encountering, as I consider soberly the plight of the unsaved billions on this planet, and the pure justice of the Almighty Creator Whom we serve. It seems 99% sure that the Tribulation period of Judgement is not close by, but has virtually arrived all bar the actual crash of beginnings! The Rapture cannot be far away, we have not encountered anything like the events coming in the next days and months ahead of us. I want to say something to prepare those who are not aware, although Internet should have alerted many of you. Romans 1:17-19. What should your reaction to this fact of Planet X or Nibiru and Elenin be? Prepare yourself, are you ready to meet God? Have you received Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord? If so, help others to be prepared by winning souls to Christ. Other than that, there is nothing you can do in reality, the blessed hope or the Rapture sure seems blessed right now. If this awful scenario is lessened or removed by the Lord in some sort of miraculous intervention, then praise His Name. But, the weeks or months ahead will reveal it all. Be brave in Him, beloved ones, and have pity on the unsaved. ..

Where are we all now?

Many of us went through quite an emotive time this October. Perhaps you were also aware of events and the predictions that amassed? The Feast of Trumpets was happening at the same time, and the world events were like chapters from the Bible occurring before our startled eyes. Middle East and Israel events, Palestine seeking to divide the Holy Land, global economy about to collapse, earthquakes and weather disasters, wars and rumours of wars.

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011


Launching Claremont Lincoln University A Watershed Moment in Theological Education
by Paul Chaffee

On September 6, 2011, CLARE-MONT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGy, a distinguished United Methodist seminary with roots back to 1885, joined in
Contd from p. 83

The Rapture seemed certain when ELENIN and PLANET X were revealed in the heavens. These have been tracked for years, but they were coming so close to the earth and sun in October - November. Nothing serious happened, no Rapture either, although it seemed the whole Internet world was aware of events in the skies - but the mainstream Media kept quiet, as usual. YU55, an asteroid the size of a football field, passed very close to the moon on 9-11 of November, it was between the moon and earth. This event was discussed on television, amazing. It could have been serious if it had hit the moon or earth. There is a whole host of asteroids, comets and dwarf stars in our small corner of the cosmos. The scientists say it is not if one will impact us, but rather when will one hit us.

partnership with THE ACADEMY FOR JEWISH RELIGION, CALIFORNIA, & THE ISLAMIC CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA/ BAYAN COLLEGE. Together, they and A NUMBER OF OTHER AFFILIATES have joined to create Claremont Lincoln University (CLU), an institution like none other.

TRAINING: IMAMS, RABBIS PASTORS, will be a core goal at CLU. Seminarians will have separate curricula and degree programs for clergy formation, part of a larger set of offerings and degree options focused on the interdisciplinary, intercultural, and multireligious

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011

News Nov 24



Russia Sending S-300 to Protect Syria Against US Attack!! WW3 Imminent

1. Russia Sends Warships To Protect Syria From U.S NATO Israeli Strike/Invasion 2. Russia Warns We Will Destroy US NATO Israeli Missile Defense Systems When Iran and Syria Strike Take Place News/News.aspx/150022 ISRAEL Prepares For Biological Terrorist Attack - simulating a biological outbreak of a contagious disease News/News.aspx/150026 Explosions Rock Hezbollah Weapons Factory In Lebanon Israel May Be Responsible /News/News.aspx/150020 ALERT !! ALERT !! BIBLE PROPHECEY HAPPENING BEFORE YOUR EYES ISRAEL LOSES PEACE TREATY WITH EGYPT OF OVER 40 YEARS!!! EGYPT OVERTHROWN MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD TAKES OVER NOV 28TH ISRAELS ARCH ENEMY? Expert Radical Anti Israel Muslim Brotherhood Will Seize Power In Egypt Nov 28th!!! If the Muslim Brotherhood comes to power, the peace agreement between Israel and Egypt will end. More to News flashes in above links!


Contd from p. 84 needs of the world in the 21st century. Others have helped open the door to INTERRELIGIOUS COLLABORATION. In the United States, Harvard University, Hartford Seminary in Connecticut, Auburn Theological Seminary in New York City, and Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley have been pioneers in MULTI-RELIGIOUS HIGHER EDUCATION. Similar programs are brewing in other seminaries, and the Association of Theological Schools is paying attention. But CLU is the first fully accredited school in America for preparing imams and having the three primary Abrahamic traditions training clergy in a shared environment is unprecedented.

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

I was at a pastors home down in Victoria recently. His name is Robin and he had a young man staying with him called Rob. Rob had just come back from Tasmania, and his heart was singing with joy. For God had done wonders there. Rob is about 24, by profession a chef, he is not a recognized denominational evangelist or missionary - but he is both of these by calling, called to this service by the Lord Jesus Christ, as we all are. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15: Rob was in a small Tasmanian town, on the Eastern coast, a pretty town but a nasty centre for drug addiction and peddling. Rob felt before God that he should warn the locals of the terrible things that were coming upon the earth, and explain Bible predictions in reference to floods, earthquakes, cyclones, economic collapses and so forth. To give them an ALERT.

He prepared a simple computer presentation, secured a small hall, called on a local pastor to assist and planned a night when he would warn of the New World Order and other things, plus give a gospel message at the finish. Rob put out notices about the little event around town. He was hoping maybe for perhaps even 20-30 people to come, that would be good. On the night of the affair, 250 people came to the hall; it was

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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec., 2011

only a small place. Rob was amazed at this, and I guess a bit flustered at first. So Rob and the pastor hurriedly got permission to move the crowd to a larger hall near the tennis court. They crowded in, and Rob gave his simple presentation about the horrors happening and Bible prophecy, he told the crowd they needed Jesus to save them, and then gave a gospel call to receive salvation - and 150 of those lost sinners came down the front to be saved. Included was the pastor


Rob was there that night counselling and taking names and addresses until two or three in the morning. He now has the converts on his computer list, and is nurturing and teaching them by E-mail.

Praise God.

The drug dealers were very angry and threatening towards Rob after the conversion of so many, they had lost a lot of customers!


Brothers and sisters, be COMPASSIONATE and BOLD in the Holy Spirit.

Rob had asked to help -

he was saved as well.

(It was later found out that the pastor had been running three services in his church, one for the Mormons, one for the Catholic Church, one for the Freemasons.)
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 23:3 Dec, 2011

REPENT: change your mind and turn from SIN and godlessness.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28.

Is there really a conspiracy going on amongst the world leaders? Yes! But there is NO conspiracy theory only conspiracy fact. Wake up readers, reject the herd mentality that will not examine SEEK GOD: ask Him to forgive you reality. Most people say, and have mercy upon you. I dont know and I dont care! RECEIVE JESUS AS SAVIOUR: They remain sheep-like Trust only in His Blood shed in their ignorance and apathy. FOR YOU, He has taken your punishment It is all happening right now for sin so that you can go free. you need the protection of the GOD WILL RECEIVE YOU: Lord Jesus Christ. He can only do this WHEN DID IGNORANCE through Jesus Christ. BECOME A POINT OF VIEW? BELIEVE THE BIBLE: Jesus loves you, and died Eternal Life is a free gift. You cannot on the Cross to save you to save yourself by trying to be good. the uttermost. He rose again For the wages of SIN is DEATH; and defeated death for you, but the GIFT of God is ETERNAL . LIFE through Jesus Christ HE IS YOUR ANSWER !Resource Centre Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978 Endtime Ministries...Christian our Lord. Romans 6:23

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