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Definition of Nifak;

- A language derived from which is one exit holes where yarbu (type of rodent) from their nest, where if it sought from a hole it will be out for another hole. It is said it comes from the word the hiding hole. - Nifaq according to the Shari'ah of Islam appeared (Muslim) and good, but hide the evil and wickedness.

History of Nifak;
- The worst kind of disbelief is the religious-hypocrisy. The leader of the hypocrites of the city of Madina was Abdullah bin Salul. When they saw the victory of Muslims at the Badr war, they professed themselves as Muslims. But they did not believe through their hearts.

Types of Nifak;
- Nifaq there are two types: Nifaq I'tiqadi and Nifaq 'Practical. - Nifaq I'tiqadi (confidence), which is great nifaq, where the perpetrator appeared Islam, but to hide disbelief. Nifaq type makes out of religion and the perpetrator is in the crust of hell. God attributes the perpetrators of this nifaq with various crimes, such as infidelity, lack of faith, mocked and abused religion and adherents, and the tendency to the enemies of religion to join with them in the anti-Muslim. Hypocrites, this type is always available at all times. Especially when the visual strength of Islam and they could not contain it as it appears. In such cases, they entered into the religion of Islam to commit deception and adherents of religions, quietly, too, so that they can live with Muslims and feel relaxed in the case of their lives and property. Therefore, a hypocrites showed his faith in Allah, His angels, His scriptures and the Last Day, but in their inner innocent of all that and deny.

- Nifaq practical (act) that is doing something that is an act of hypocrites, but still have faith in the liver. Nifaq they are not out of religion, but the medium (means possible) to the same. the perpetrator of the faith and nifaq. And if the act nifaqnya much, then it can be a reason terjerumusnya nifaq him into a large, based on the sayings of the Prophet saw, "There are four things, that if they hit a person then it makes such a big hypocrites, and if someone has a habit of one of it, it means they have a habit (characteristic) nifaq until he left it; 1 - when trust it berhianat, 2 - when the talk is lying, 3 - when the promise he broke, and 4 - when the dispute is fudge. "(Muttafaq 'Alaih ). Sometimes the self-assembly of a slave good habits and bad habits, bad habits and bad habits of faith and nifaq disbelief. Therefore, he got a reward and punishment according to what they do, such as laziness in performing prayers in congregation at the mosque. These were some of the nature of those hypocrites. Nifaq nature is terrible and very dangerous, because that's up to the companions that very fear lest he fall into nifaq. Ibn Abi burden, said, "I met with 30 companions of the Prophet, they all fear that there nifaq in itself

Difference between Great Nifak and Small Nifak;

- 1. Nifaq big culprit of religion issue, while the small nifaq not remove it from religion. 2. Large Nifaq are born with the only difference was in the case of inner confidence, while the small nifaq are born with the only difference was in the case of sexual act, not in terms of confidence. 3. Large Nifaq not happen, than one who, while small nifaq can occur from a believer. 4. In general, the perpetrators of nifaq not repent, repent, if any, there are differences of opinion about the receipt of repentance in front of judges. Another case with a small nifaq, the perpetrator sometimes turn to Allah, until Allah pardoned. Four traits whoever possesses them is a hypocrite and whoever possesses some of them has an element of hypocrisy until he leaves it; the one who speaks he lies,when he promises he breaks his promise,when he disputes he transgresses and when he makes an agreement he violates it. (Muslim and Bukhari)

Four traits whoever possesses them is a hypocrite and whoever possesses some of them has an element of hypocrisy until he leaves it: the one who when he speaks he lies, when he promises he breaks his promise, when he disputes he transgresses and when he makes an agreement he violates it. (Muslim and Bukhari) A- MUNAFIQ IN BELIEF: Denying the Messenger Denying part of what the Messenger was sent with Hating the Messenger Hating some of what the Messenger was sent with. Rejoicing over the decline of the deen of the Messenger Resenting the prevalence of the deen of the Prophet

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