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Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund

Central Scientific Institute

Social Innova+on: important part of a new innova+on paradigm

Foro Unidos por la innovacin social
Bogot, Colombia March 2012

Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund TU Dortmund

Prof. Dr. Jrgen Howaldt

Howaldt/Bogot 2012

Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

High-Tech Strategy for Germany

Emerging technologies are the basis for new products, processes and services which can contribute to mastering current social challenges. Without them, innova:on would be unthinkable today. Our country's economic future depends on how eec:vely we use the opportuni:es linked to key technologies. The Federal Government wants to further strengthen Germany's top posi:on in the eld of technology within the framework of its High-Tech Strategy.

Howaldt/Bogot 2012

Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

The tracks of internaGonal research on innovaGon demonstrate that the technology-oriented paradigm shaped by the industrial society does not cover the broad range of innovaGons indispensable in the transiGon from an industrial to a knowledge and services-based society: Such fundamental societal changes require the inclusion of social innovaGons in a paradigm shiM of the innovaGon system.
Vienna Declara+on: The most relevant topics in social innova+on research

Howaldt/Bogot 2012

Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social Innova+on will play an important role in the Europe 2020 strategy
"Crea+vity and innova+on in general and social innova+on in par+cular are essen+al factors for fostering sustainable growth, securing jobs and increasing compe++ve abili+es, especially in the midst of the economic and nancial markets crisis."

Howaldt/Bogot 2012

Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

My Topics

I want to outline the main characteris:cs of a sociologically enlightened new paradigm of innova:on touch upon the increasing relevance of social innova:on and provide a short overview of the main elds of applica:on dene mayor challenges regarding the promo:on of social innova:on

Howaldt/Bogot 2012

Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Basic assump+on

The transi:on from an industrial to a knowledge and services- based society corresponds with a paradigm shiH of the innova:on system. This paradigm shiH also implies an increasing importance of social innova:on as compared to technological innova:on.

Howaldt/Bogot 2012

Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Main characteris+c

This New Innova:on Paradigm as described by the experts of the OECD Study New Nature of Innova+on is essen:ally characterised by the opening of the innova:on process to society. Alongside companies, universi:es and research ins:tutes, ci:zens and customers, NGOs and social movements become relevant actors within the innova:on process.

Howaldt/Bogot 2012

Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Howaldt/Bogot 2012

A New Nature of Innova+on (OECD 2010)

Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social Innova+on moves from the margins to the mainstream

At the start of 2009 President Obama announced the establishment of a new Oce for Social Innova+on at the White House and allocated USD 50million to a fund for social innova+on. The Fund will focus on priority policy areas, including educa+on, health care, and economic opportunity.
Howaldt/Bogot 2012 9

Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social innova+on moves from the margins to the mainstream

1985: Ins:tute for social Inven:ons, London 1986: Centre de recherche sur les innova:ons sociales, (CRISIS), Montreal 1990: Zentrum fr Soziale Innova:on (ZSI), Wien 1995: Soziale Innova:on GmbH, Dortmund 2000: Stanford University 2004: Centre for Social Innova:on (CSI), Toronto 2004: Ins:tut fr Sozialinnova:on, Berlin 2005: Ins:tut fr soziale Innova:onen, Solingen 2005: Young Founda:on, London 2005: Preis fr soziale Innova:on, Wien 2006: Nederlands Centre for Social Innova:on (NCSI), Utrecht 2006: New Zealand Centre for Social Innova:on (NZCSI), Auckland 2008: Management Sozialer Innova:onen ; Hochschule Mnchen 2009: The Australian Centre for Social Innova:on (TACSI), Adelaide 2010: Social Innova:on and Social Entrepreneurship Centre, New Zealand

Howaldt/Bogot 2012

Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Howaldt/Bogot 2012

European Union/The Young Founda:on 2010


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social Innova+on in the European Union

Empowering people, driving change Social innova:ons are innova:ons that are social in both their ends and their means. Specially we dene social innova:on as new ideas (products, services and models) that simultaneously meet social needs (more eec:vely than alterna:ves) and create new social rela+onsships or collabora+ons. They are innova:ons that are not only good for society but also enhance society s capacity to act.
Bepa report 2010, 9

Howaldt/Bogot 2012

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Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Areas of social innova+on

civil society: state ac:on: business world: the increase in the signicance of cohabita:on or the environmental movement the introduc:on of social security and na:onal insurance the advent of team work, knowledge management or new social services
(Katrin Gillwald 2000)

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social Innova:on Social Entrepreneurship

An innova:ve, pragma:c and sustainable entrepeneurial ac:vity for a signicant, posi:ve change in society Connec:on between entrepeneurial ac:vity and social goals Mul:tude of global ini:a:ves (e.g. Ashoka, Grameen Bank) and a barely clear number of regional ini:a:ves

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social Innovators Mohammad Yunus

Founder of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, that makes available microcredits for low-income clientele The method of Grameen Bank is prac:ce in 58 countries today Bearer of the Nobel price for Peace
hhp:// wissen-bildung/thema/nobelpreis/struktur/cumulus/ BR-online-Publika:on--51823.jpg

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social Innovators Victoria Hale

Founder of Ins:tute for OneWorld Health (IOWH), a welfare oriented pharmaceu:cal rm in the USA IOWH develops pharmaceu:cals, which are not nancially protable In large part the projects are nanced by the Gates founda:on
hhp:// 3OACCwc4AMw/s320/sos_hale_225.jpg

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social Innova:on Carsharing

Common use of cars through the provision of vehicles in main areas Carsharing-organisa:on professionalized the tradi:onal driving communi:es In Germany there are around 110 carsharing-organisa:ons with 158.000 customers

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social Innova:on Corporate Social Responsibili:y (CSR)

Responsible entrepeunerial ac:vity referering to the environment, employees and other stakeholders Voluntary, ethical mo:vated ac:ng that exceeds the legal du:es by far CSR inuences economic success and earns social and ecological benet in the long term Corporate-Social-Responsibility.jpg

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social Innova:on Short-:me work

Reduc:on of working :me instead of dismissal Developed in collabora:on between economy and poli:cs with the goal of maintaining workplaces in :mes of crises In 2009 over 1.4 million short-:me workers in Germany, which prevented a dras:c rise of unemployment diagramm-zur-konjunkturbedingten-kurzarbeit,property=poster.jpg

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social Innova:on The welfare programme of Krupp

Extensive social benets for employees, e.g. ats and medical provision Not only monetary rewards for employees Long-term, genera:on-spanning ahachment of the employees and innovator for the social responsibility of rms and corpora:ons %C3%B6he.jpg

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Challenge 1: We have to develop a clear concept of social innova+on Overall scien:c advancement required to meet expecta:ons and developments in social innova:on prac:ces
Elabora:on on the par:cular features of the concept and clarica:on of deni:ons Embedding the concept of social innova:on in a comprehensive theory of innova:on Development of coherent methodologies to iden:fy and measure social innova:ons

Vienna Declara+on: The most relevant topics in social innova+on research

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Challenge 2: Redraw the boundaries The world needs more social innovaGon - and so all who aspire to solve the worlds most vexing problems - entrepreneurs, leaders, managers, acGvists, and change agents - regardless of whether they come from the world of business, government, or nonprots, must shed old paXerns of isolaGon, paternalism, and antagonism and strive to understand, embrace, and leverage cross-sector dynamics to nd new ways of creaGng social value.
(Phills et al. 2008)

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Combine the poten:al of social innova:on in the social economy, civil society, business rms and the state (MulG-level governance) Promote alliances between universi:es, companies and the state around social innova:on Opening the process of innova+on to society including all stakeholders in the development and diusion of innova:on Empowering people: Include ci:zens, clients, social movements, communi:es in the process of social innova:on Innova+on bo\om up : learning from experiences of innova:on research and business and public service innova:on Ameliorate the condi+ons of par+cipa+on and self-management in social innova:ons aimed at overcoming poverty and pauperisa:on
Vienna Declara+on: The most relevant topics in social innova+on research
Howaldt/Bogot 2012 23

Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Challenge 3: Networks as Success Factor for Social Innova+on

Networks can be described as one of the most important features of the new innovaGon paradigm, a result of a profound transformaGon of the innovaGon process.
(Howaldt and Schwarz, 2010)

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social Innovators Mohammad Yunus

Most social businesses are likely to

originate with one person, or perhaps with a small group of people - friends, work colleagues, or people with a shared interest in a parGcular social problem. Within such a small group, you may not have all the experGse, experience, ideas and resources needed to make your social business idea into a reality. Dont let that stop you! Look around for others you can partner with. 8MIGRATION/wissen-bildung/ thema/nobelpreis/struktur/cumulus/BR-onlinePublikation--51823.jpg

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Networks for Social Innova:on

Social Services in general Health Care Services for Elderly and Dependent Persons Moderniza:on of Educa:on Systems (LLL) Social Integra:on and Equal Opportuni:es Clean Technologies Sustainable Development Climate Change AAAAAAAAACY/ 3OACCwc4AMw/s320/sos_hale_225.jpg

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Challenge 4: New ways of diusion and scaling up of social innova+on

One criGcal quesGon is whether and how networks can help facilitate innovaGons to bridge the seemingly insurmountable chasms that separate local soluGons from broad system transformaGon: that is, how they help innovaGons to cross scales.
(Moore and Westley, 2011)

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Organise learning processes between social economy, civil society, business rms and the state Share knowledge and promising prac:ces Use opportuni:es of social media for enabling large scale and systemic social innova:ons Develop a Knowledge Bank for social innova:on Iden:fy venture capital for social entrepreneurs

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Challenge 5: Social Innova+on must become a priority on the poli+cal agenda Mul:-level governance and recep+vity of governments to social innova:ons Incen+ves from government to promote social innova:on More resources (incl. research programmes) to foster/ promote social innova:on Establish a mul:-na:onal evidence base of promising prac:ces for inclusion and integra:on

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social innova+on topics

e.g. SSH Work Programme 2012, recent calls

Social innova:on against inequali:es Social innova:on for vulnerable popula:ons Social innova:on in the public sector Smart specialisa:on for regional innova:on Innova:ve policies for employment and labour markets Unveiling crea:vity for innova:on in Europe Mobilising ins:tu:onal reforms in research and innova:on systems for beher scien:c, innova:on and economic performances in Europe Challenge: Educa:on systems in the 21st century Challenge: Making longevity an asset for economic and social development

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

The most urgent and important innovaGons in the 21st century will take place in the social eld. This opens up the necessity as well as possibiliGes for Social Sciences and HumaniGes to nd new roles and relevance by generaGng knowledge applicable to new dynamics and structures of contemporary and future socieGes.
Vienna Declara+on: The most relevant topics in social innova+on research

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

You can resist an invading army; you cannot resist an idea whose Gme has come.
Victor Hugo

Howaldt/Bogot 2012


Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Central Scientific Institute

Social Innova+on: Concepts, Research Fields and Interna+onal Trends Studies for Innova:on in a Modern Working Environment 5 Jrgen Howaldt/Michael Schwarz
Howaldt/Bogot 2012

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