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Ingin menjadi pekerja kantor yang sukses dan dapat mengenal dunia luar

TITLE Tenses Alphabet Verb Story Pronoun Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. Definisi Tenses adalah Perubahan waktu yakni kalimat yang disesuaikan antara kata kerja dan waktu . 2. Macam macanya No. Tenses 1. Present tense 2. Past tense 3. Future tenses 4. Perfect tenses 5. Continous

form S + V1 + O S + V2 + O S + Will/shall + V1 + O S + have/has + V3 + O S + tpbe + V-ing + O

Time Everyday,always Yesterday,last Tomorrow,next Since,for Now

3. Contoh Catatan I. She writes letter everyday Subjek : Pelaku II. She wrote letter yesterday III. She will write letter tomorrow V-Verb :Kata kerja IV. She has written letter since 2010 V1: Infinitive V2: Past tense V. She is writing letter now V3: Pst participle Arti Objek : Penderita I. Dia menulis surat setiap hari II. Dia telah menulis surat kemarin III. Dia akan menulis surat besok IV. Dia telah selesai menulis surat sejak tahun 2010 V. Dia sedang menulis surat sekarang

Dialog 1

A: B: A: B: Hello , my name is Jennifer Wan Hi , Im Michael Lynch Nice to meet you , Michael Nice to meet you too , Jennifer Im sorry what is your last name ? is it wong ? No , Wan W A N doubleyu ei en And how do you spell lynch ? Lynch L Y N C H el wai en si eich



A ei N en R ar S es B bi

B bi O ou E I M em E I

C si P pi G jie K kei K kei

D di Q kyu I ai K kei A ei

E I R ar N en A ei S es

F ef S es A ei R ar I ai

G jie T ti

H I eich ai U yu

j jei

k kei

l el Y wai

m em Z zed

V W X fi doubleyu eks

Y wai

A ei

G jie

U yu

N en

A ei


Infinitive Buy Close Drive Eat Find Go Help Invite Jump Keep Listen Make Need Open Play Run Speak Take Use Visite write

Past tense Bough Closed Drove Ate Found Went Helped Invited Jumped Kept Listened Made Needed Opened Played Run Speak Took Used Visited Wrote

Past pasrticiple Bought Closed Driven Eaten Found Gone Helped Invited Jumped Kept Listened Made Needed Opened Played Run Spoken Taken Used Visited Written

meaning Membeli Menutup Mengemudi Makan Menemukan Pergi Menolong Mengundang Melompat Menjaga Mendengarkan Membuat Memerlukan Membuka Bermain Lari Berbicara Mengambil Menggunakan Mengunungi Menulis

Story 1. A Modern Picture Sally John is five years old She goes to school everyday She paint picture and bring them home Sally shows the picture to her mother Her mother cant understand them Mother: Sally: Mother: Sally: What is that Sally ? Its a house and what are there ? There are rooms this rooms is the kitchen that is my bed room Whats are those green lanes ? They are not lines mom they are trees this tree is in the sky Mother:is this an airplane ? Its not an airplane , mom its you you are in the sky too

Mother: Sally:

Sally :

Catatan :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Kata sandang: Kata benda : Katakerja : Kata ganti : Kata depan : Kata sambung: Kata keterangan: Kata sifat :

Article Noun Verb Pronoun preposition Conjungtion Adverb Ajective

Materi Structure 1. Definisi Pronoun adalah kata ganti ( orang / benda ) 2. Macam macamnya 1. SubjektivePronoun Subjektive pronoun adalah pronoun yang berfungsi sebagai subjek/pelaku dalam kalimat . Meliputi: *A.Singular : I, she, he, it *B.Plural : they we you 2.Objektive Pronoun Objektive pronoun adalah pronoun yang berfungsi sebagai objek dalam kalimat . Meliputi: *A.Singular : me, you, her, him, it *B.Plural : them, us, you 3.Possesif Pronoun Possesif Pronoun adalah pronoun yang menunjukan kepemilikan atau kepunyaan terhadap suatu benda / hal meliputi Before noun: *A.Singular: my, your, her, his, its *B.Plural : their, our, your After noun: *A.Singular: mine, your, hers, his its *B.Plural : their, its, our, your 4 Reflexive Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun adalah pronoun yang mengungkapkan tentang diri sendiri meliputi : *A.Singular : my self, your self, her self, him self, its self *B.Plural : them selves, our selves, your selves

3. Tabel Pronoun Possesif Before After noun noun my mine your yours her hers his his it its their theirs our your ours yours

Subjek I You She He It They We You

Objek me you her him it Them Us you



My self Saya Your self Kamu Her self Dia (pr) Him self Dia (lk) It self Sesuatu/benda Them Mereka selves Our selves Kami/kita Your Kamu selves

4. Contoh 1. I go to scholl everyday 2. Teacher gave me attest yesterday 3. She will borrow my book tomorrow 4. The novel have read is mine 5. I am doing my job at workshop 5. Arti 1. Saya pergi kesekolah setiap hari 2. Guru telah member saya ujian kemarin 3. Dia(pr) akan meminjam buku saya besok 4. Novel yang telah selai dibaca itu kepunyaan saya 5. Saya sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan saya dibengkel oleh saya sendiri . 6.

Unit 1 1. Greetinga Bellow are some expressions of greetings Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night Some of the responses are Note Good morning is used from 12.01am (from time you wake up)until 11.59am Good afternoon is used from 12.01pm until 06.00pm Good evening is used from 06.00pm until 09.00pm Good ninght is used before you go to bed land / or from 06.00pm to mid ninght a. informal expressions Hello How are you doing ? Hows life ? Whats news ? Whos everything ? How are you getting on ? Hows life treating you ? Some of the responses are : Fine Hello Not, to bad, tanks Hello Hello good morning Good afternoon Good evening

Just fine Great thanks Verry well , Thanks you Fine thanks 2. Saying Goodbye Bellow are some expressions of saying goodbye a. Formal Goodbye Say it touch It was nice t meet you I hope to see you soon b. Informal Bye bye Talk to you later Nice seeng you So long Till we meet again See you tonight See you later Some of the responses are Good bye Nice to meet you, too *Note : See you ( soon, later, again, tomorrow, etc.)are usually preceded by good bye / Good night 3. Introduction Bellow are some expressions used for self introduction : May I introduce my self ? My name is linda Let me introduce my self, my name is linda .

After an introduction, we usually say some of the expressions bellow : I am glad to meet you I am happy to see you I am pleased to meet you Its nice to see you Its pleasure meeting you 4. Thanking Bellow are some expressions dealing with saying thank you .

Dialog 2 MAP How To Get The Bus Station A.Excuse me Can you tell me how to get the bus station ? B.Yes of course Walk that way the bus station is on the left next the pos office A.oh, im sorry could you please repent that B.All right walk that way the bus station is on the left next the post office A.Thank you B.Youre welcome


Jack was a youn sailor. He lived in England but he was often away with his ship. One summer he came back from a long voyage and he found a new neighbours near his mothers house. They had a pretty doughter and jack soon loved her very much. My next voyage will begin a few daystime Gloria. I love you and I will marry you when I come back. I will think about you all the time. I will send you a present from every port. Jacks first port was freetown in Africa and jack send a parrot from there. It spoke five language from Gloria it said thank you for the parrot jack, it tasted much better than a chicken.

The and

Question Tag Kalimat Penegasan 1. Definisi Question tag adalah kalimat penegasan yakni kalimat Tanya yang diletakan di akhir kalimat sebagai penegasan pernyataan sebelumnya . 2. Prinsip prinsipnya : 1. Jika pernyataannya positif maka tagnya negative 2. Jika pernyataannya negative maka tagnya positif 3. Semua subjek diubah menjadi pronoun yakni kata ganti orang menjadi They, We, I, You, She, He, it 4. Jika terdapat kata SELDOM atau NEVER maka kalimat dianggap negative sehingga tagnya positif . 3. Macam macamnya : 1. Menggunakan TO BE yakni kata benda meliputi : TO BE Present Is Am Are Past Was Was Were Subjek She, He, It I They, We, I,You

Pengecualian Jika kalimat menggunakan TO BE am maka tag nya adalah arent Contoh I am president arent I ? Rumus : S + To be + Noun ,To be + Not + S S + Tobe + Not + Noun , To be + S Contoh : She is student , isnt she ? Dia (pr) adalah pelajar , kan ? We are not police , are we ? Kami bukan polisi , kan ?

- Father is a manager , isnt he ? - Ayah adalah menejer , kan ? 2. Menggunakan VERB yakni kata kerja Jika kalimat menggunakan kata kerja maka kata kerja diubah menjadi AUXILARY yakni kata kerja bantu meliputi : DO DOES DID Rumus : :They, We, I, You :She, He, It :Past tense

S + V + O , auxiliary + not = S? S + auxiliary + not + O , auxiliary + Is ? Contoh : You speak English, dont you ? Kamu berbicara bahasa inggris , kan ? He want to Bandung , didnt he ? Dia pergi ke bandung , kan ? 3. Menggunakan MODAL yakni kata kerja bantu khusus meliputi : MODAL Present Past tense Meaning Will Would Akan Shall Should Akan / harus Ean Could Dapat / bias Must Has to Harus may might Mungkin / boleh 4. Menggunaknan IMPERATIVE yakni kalimat perintah larangan . Rumus:Imperative, will you ? Shall we ?

Contoh : Stop the car, will you ? Let go away, will you ? Lets study hard, shall we ? She must cook rice, must not she ? I drove car, didn I ? I have driven car, have not I ? I am driving car, arent I ?

PRESENT TENSE I. Definisi Present tense adalah Kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu pekerjaan dilakukan secara rutin atau berulang ulang . Pola Kalimat Present Tense a. Verb : (+) S + V1 + O (-) S + dp/does + not + V1 + O (?) Do/does + S + V1 + O (yes, S + do/does) (No, S + do/does + not) b. Noun : (+) S + is/am/are + noun ( - )S + is/am/are +not + noun (?) is/am/are + S + noun -> S + is/am/are -> No, S + is/am/are + not Note Do:They, we, I, you Does:She, He, It Do/does + not artinya:tidak Do/does -> introgative artinya:apakah



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