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6 Common Diseases and Disorders of the Colon

The large intestines primary function is to pass the waste that is produced by digestion, which occurs in the small intestine, to the rectum for excretion. The large intestine has no digestive function but it does absorb large amounts of water and electrolytes from the undigested foods that enter it from the small intestine. There are four major parts of the large intestine which consist of four sections called the ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colons. The colon operates by producing strong peristaltic movements that move the dehydrated contents (feces) towards the rectum. Hence the term, bowel movement when referring to the process.

The colon, normally requires 18 to 24 hours for the material to pass through the large intestine in contrast to the 3-5 hours required for the movement of chyme (the semi-fluid thick mass that is the product of the partial digestion of food in the stomach that passes into the intestine). While in the colon, chyme is converted into feces. Absorption of water and salts, the secretion of mucus, and extensive action of microorganisms are involved in the formation of feces. The colon stores the feces until they are eliminated by a process called defecation. Click to find more

information about Common Diseases and Disorders of the Colon.

There are numerous microorganisms that inhabit the colon. They reproduce rapidly and ultimately make up about 30% of the dry weight of the feces. Certain 1

bacteria in the intestine synthesize vitamin K and other essential vitamins, that the colon passively absorbs.

Every 8 to 12 hours, large parts of the colon undergo strong contractions called mass movements, which propel the colon contents towards the anus. Each mass movement contraction can push the feces 20 or more centimeters towards the anus. These mass movements are very common following meals, especially breakfast.

In order to maintain a healthy colon, it is important to eat a well-balanced diet. A diet rich in fiber helps the colon to reduce unnecessary substances that congest the colon. There a lots of problems that can develop when the large intestine ceases to function properly. Lets take a look at some of the problems that can arise when the large intestine fails to function properly.


Constipation is a common condition that produces bowel evacuations that occur infrequently, feces that are hard or small and bowel movements that cause difficulty or pain. The frequency of bowel evacuations varies from person to person , but it is easy to recognize your normal pattern. If it gets longer and longer between bowel movements and your movements are difficult you will know that you are constipated. Constipation can come from a reaction to different foods or as the result of an illness. In these cases it usually does not last long before your normal pattern returns. 2

Recurrent or long standing constipation can be treated by increasing dietary fiber, laxative, or, in the more stubborn cases, an enema. In some extreme cases, which usually occur in senile elderly patients, a condition called fecal impaction is the end result of chronic constipation and often requires manual removal of the fecal bolus under an anesthetic. Most normal constipation and be treated with changes in the diet and exercise.


An increased frequency of bowel movements (more than 3 times a day) and a watery consistency of stool are the normal symptoms that indicate diarrhea. Increased intestinal secretions, decreased mucus absorption, or altered motility can produce diarrhea. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and lactose intolerance are frequently the underlying causes of diarrhea.

Diarrhea can be either acute or chronic. Acute diarrhea is most often associated with infection and is usually ends once the infection clears up. Chronic diarrhea persists for a long period and may return sporadically. Diarrhea can also be caused by certain medications such as thyroid hormone replacement, stool softeners and laxatives, antibiotics, chemotherapy, some types of antacids or food poisoning. Other diseases that can also produce diarrhea are nutritional and malabsorptive disorders such as celiac disease, anal sphincter defect, Zollinger-









immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer in the elderly has been closely associated with foods containing carcinogens. Lack of fiber is a major contributor because the passage of feces through the intestinal tract is prolonged, which extends exposure to any carcinogens. Excess fat is believed to alter bacterial flora and convert steroids into compounds that have carcinogenic properties. Colon cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the United States. It is also the second-leading cause of cancer related deaths.

The treatment of colon cancer depends on how far the cancer cells have metastasized, or spread. If it is in an early phase it can be usually be treated, but once it has spread the prognosis falls of dramatically. Once cancer is diagnosed there are three main types of treatment that are currently available. These treatments are chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgical procedures.

A diet rich in fiber and regular physical exercise can help to avoid colon cancer in the first place and there are certian wholistic healers that belive that diet can control or even make cancer go into remission. These claims have not been clinically proven to date, so regular testing for cancer is recommended.


Colitis is simply, the inflammation of the colon. The usual systems are diarrhea, sometimes with blood mucous, and lower abdominal pain. It usually diagnosed with sigmoidoscopy or barium enema x-ray. Colitis can be caused by infection of Entamoeba (amoebic colitis) or by bacteria (infective colitis). It sometimes occurs in Crohns disease ( Crohns colitis).

Ulcerative colitis (idiopatic protocolitis) almost always involves the rectum as well as a varying amount of the colon, which become inflamed and ulcerated. Pain, fever, bleeding, colon ulcers, and a tender stomach are common signs of the illness. Vary little is known about the causes of this disorder. Severe continuous or extensive colitis may be treated by surgery.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS is a common condition in which recurrent abdominal pain with constipation and/or diarrhea continue for years without any general deterioration in physical health. The symptoms are caused by abnormal muscular contractions in the intestine and heightened sensitivity to physical activity so as stretching. The cause is unknown, but the condition is often associated with stress or anxiety and may follow severe infection of the intestine. Treatment for IBS is based on 5

removing anxiety (psychotherapy), dietary adjustment and fecal softening agents, and drugs to reduce spasm or diminish pain sensitivity. When a disorder or illness affects the size and or shape of the intestine, it is considered a structural disorder. Some of the illnesses of the large intestine that are considered structural disorders are hemorrhoids, fissures, diverticulitis, colon polyps, colitis, and colon cancer. Changes in diet can reduce the severity of the symptoms of IBS. It is important to avoid red meat, dairy products, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, and spicy foods when you have been diagnosed with IBS. Crohns Disease Crohns disease is also known as regional enteritis, or regional ileitis. Symptoms of this disease include an inflamed, thickened, or ulcerated colon. It usually affects the terminal, or end, part of the ileum. In its acute form (acute ileitis) it may mimic appendicitis. Chrons disease often causes partial obstruction of the intestine, leading to pain, diarrhea and fistula around the anus. What the exact cause of Crohns disease is unknown, but it is thought that an infectious agent might initiate the process.

Treatment includes rest, corticosteroids, immune-suppressant drugs, antibiotics, dietary modification and in extreme cases, surgical removal of the affected part of the intestine. Some of the most common symptoms include diarrhea, weight loss, stomach pains, and bloody stools.

By reviewing these six common problems that can occur with the colon, the importance of a healthy diet and exorcise take on renewed importance. Regular medical checkups and screenings can minimize your chances of contracting any of these problems.

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