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//The main class public class voyagers implements ActionListener,Runnable { public final int SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL_ONLY = 1; Thread thread; String resource, host, file, url, ReloadReaderCount; String PrevFileContents,NextFileContent, FileGoGetter; HTTP webconnect; TextField textfield; Frame frame; TextArea textarea; JButton back,forward,home,stop,reload; MenuItem open,save,exits; int Eternal=2; int TextAreaFileNameContent,SavedFileReaderCount; int urlLength,slash,count,increment; //The first function to be called. //It creates an object that looks like the voyagers class. public static void main(String s[]) { voyagers MyBrowser=new voyagers(); MyBrowser.Intializer(); } //This is the initialization method. //It initializes the various components of the interface. public void Intializer() { File creator=new File("UrlHistory"); creator.mkdir(); File OldFiles=new File("UrlHistory\\"); String ListOfOldFiles[] = OldFiles.list(); int NumberOfOldFiles = ListOfOldFiles.length; for(int OldFilesCount=0; OldFilesCount< NumberOfOldFiles; OldFilesCount++) { File DeleteFiles=new File("UrlHistory\\" + ListOfOldFiles[OldFilesCount]); DeleteFiles.delete(); } frame = new Frame("VOYAGER"); frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); textfield=new TextField("",20); textarea =new TextArea("",10,50,SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL_ONLY); textarea.setEditable(false); MenuBar menubar=new MenuBar(); Menu menu = menubar.add(new Menu("File")); open = (MenuItem)menu.add(new MenuItem("Open")); open.addActionListener(this); save = (MenuItem)menu.add(new MenuItem("Save")); save.addActionListener(this); exits = (MenuItem)menu.add(new MenuItem("Exit")); exits.addActionListener(this); menubar.add(menu); JToolBar toolbar = new JToolBar();

back = (JButton)toolbar.add(new JButton(" <<= Back ")); back.addActionListener(this); back.setEnabled(false); forward = (JButton)toolbar.add(new JButton(" =>> Forward ")); forward.addActionListener(this); forward.setEnabled(false); home = (JButton)toolbar.add(new JButton(" <<=>>Home ")); home.addActionListener(this); stop = (JButton)toolbar.add(new JButton(" << Stop >> ")); stop.addActionListener(this); stop.setEnabled(false); reload = (JButton)toolbar.add(new JButton(" <<=>> Reload <<=>>")); reload.addActionListener(this); reload.setEnabled(false); frame.add(toolbar,"North"); frame.add(textfield,"South"); textfield.addActionListener(this); frame.add(textarea,"Center"); frame.setMenuBar(menubar); frame.resize(650,450);; HomePage(); } //This method is self-explanatory. //It traps all actions performed by the user on the //various components of the application. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //This if condition is satisfied whenever any //action is performed on the textfield component. if(e.getSource() == textfield) { url = ((TextField)e.getSource()).getText(); urlLength = url.length(); thread=new Thread(this); thread.start(); } //This condition is satisfied whenever the //user clicks on the back button on the user interface else if(e.getSource() == back) { { increment =increment - 1; if(increment == 1 || increment == 0) back.setEnabled(false); String TextAreaContent=textarea.getText(); int TextAreaContentLength=TextAreaContent.length(); textarea.replaceText("",0,TextAreaContentLength); forward.setEnabled(true); try { BufferedReader PrevFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("UrlHistory\\ one"+increment+".html")); while((PrevFileContents=PrevFile.readLine())!= null) { textarea.append(PrevFileContents);

} } catch (Exception ex) { } } //This condition is satisfied whenever the //user clicks on the forward button on the user interface else if(e.getSource() == forward) { back.setEnabled(true); String PrevFilesContentsDeleter=textarea.getText(); int PrevFilesContentsDeleterLength=PrevFilesContentsDeleter.length(); textarea.replaceText("",0,PrevFilesContentsDeleterLength); try { increment = increment+1; BufferedReader NextFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("UrlHistory\\ one"+increment+".html")); while((NextFileContent=NextFile.readLine())!= null) { textarea.append(NextFileContent); } if (increment == count) forward.setEnabled(false); } catch (Exception ex) { } } //This condition is satisfied whenever the //user clicks on the home button on the interface else if(e.getSource() == home) { String ScreenCleaner=textarea.getText(); int ScreenCleanersLength=ScreenCleaner.length(); textarea.replaceText("",0,ScreenCleanersLength); try { int HomePageReaderCount; String HomeIPAddress=""; HTTP HomePageProtocol=new HTTP(HomeIPAddress); String DefaultFile="\\"; String DefaultFileReaderString; InputStream HomePageReader = HomePageProtocol.get(DefaultFile); OutputStream HomePageSaver=new FileOutputStream("UrlHistory\\one.html"); while((HomePageReaderCount = != -1) { HomePageSaver.write((char)HomePageReaderCount); } BufferedReader HomePageWriter = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("UrlHis tory\\one.html")); while((DefaultFileReaderString=HomePageWriter.readLine())!= null)

{ textarea.append(DefaultFileReaderString); } } catch (Exception s) { ExceptionHandler b = new ExceptionHandler(); b.ServerDown(); } } //This condition is satisfied whenever the //user clicks on the stop button of the interface else if(e.getSource() == stop) { stop.setEnabled(false); thread.stop(); } //This condition is satisfied whenever the //user clicks on the reload button on the interface else if(e.getSource() == reload) { url = textfield.getText(); urlLength = url.length(); try { resource=url.substring(0); slash=resource.indexOf('/'); file=resource.substring(slash); host=resource.substring(0,slash); webconnect=new HTTP(host); if(webconnect!=null) { count = count +1; increment = count; forward.setEnabled(false); InputStream TextAreaFileName = webconnect.get(file); OutputStream TextAreaFileNameSaver=new FileOutputStream("UrlHistory\\ one"+increment+".html"); while((TextAreaFileNameContent= != -1) { TextAreaFileNameSaver.write((char)TextAreaFileNameContent); } String Blanker=textarea.getText(); int BlankerSize=Blanker.length(); textarea.replaceText("",0,BlankerSize); BufferedReader ReloadReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("UrlHi story\\one"+increment+".html")); while((ReloadReaderCount=ReloadReader.readLine())!= null) { back.setEnabled(true); textarea.append(ReloadReaderCount); } } } catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException io)

{ ExceptionHandler b = new ExceptionHandler(); b.PutSlash(); } catch(FileNotFoundException r) { } catch(UnknownHostException h) { ExceptionHandler b = new ExceptionHandler(); b.ServerDown(); } catch(IOException o) { ExceptionHandler b = new ExceptionHandler(); b.ServerDown(); } } //This condition is satisfied whenever the //the user selects the menuoption open. else if (e.getSource() == open) { String Disintegrator=textarea.getText(); String directory; int DisintegratorLength=Disintegrator.length(); textarea.replaceText("",0,DisintegratorLength); Frame OpenFrame=new Frame("open"); FileDialog filedialog=new FileDialog(OpenFrame,"parameter",0);; directory=filedialog.getDirectory(); FileGoGetter=filedialog.getFile(); try { int FileOnDiskSize; String FileOnDiskReader; InputStream FileOnDisk=new FileInputStream(directory+FileGoGetter); OutputStream FileOnDiskSaver=new FileOutputStream("UrlHistory\\parag.html "); while((FileOnDiskSize = != -1) { FileOnDiskSaver.write((char)FileOnDiskSize); } BufferedReader FileOnDiskWriter = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("UrlH istory\\parag.html")); while((FileOnDiskReader = FileOnDiskWriter.readLine())!= null) { textarea.append(FileOnDiskReader); } } catch(IOException io) { } } //This condition is satisfied whenever the //the user selects the menuoption save. else

if (e.getSource() == save) { String p=new String(); Frame SaveFrame=new Frame("frames"); FileDialog SaveFileDialog=new FileDialog(SaveFrame,"p",1);; String SavedFileName; String SavedFileDirectory; SavedFileDirectory=SaveFileDialog.getDirectory(); SavedFileName=SaveFileDialog.getFile(); try { FileInputStream SavedFileReader=new FileInputStream("UrlHistory\\one"+inc rement+".html"); FileOutputStream SavedFileWriter=new FileOutputStream(SavedFileDirectory+ SavedFileName); while(( SavedFileReaderCount=!= -1) { SavedFileWriter.write((char)SavedFileReaderCount); } } catch(IOException io) { } } //This condition is satisfied whenever the //the user selects the menuoption exit. else if (e.getSource() == exits) { System.exit(0); } } //This method is called whenever the user performs //any action on the textfield component.This method starts //by finding out the name of the file to be fetched from the server. //It then connects to the server and gets the file requested by the user. public void run() { try { resource=url.substring(0); slash=resource.indexOf('/'); file=resource.substring(slash); host=resource.substring(0,slash); webconnect=new HTTP(host); if(webconnect!=null) { count = count +1; increment = count; InputStream WWWFileReader = webconnect.get(file); OutputStream WWWFileWriter=new FileOutputStream("UrlHistory\\one"+increme nt+".html"); while((TextAreaFileNameContent= != -1) {

WWWFileWriter.write((char)TextAreaFileNameContent); } BufferedReader WWWScreenWriter = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("UrlHi story\\one"+increment+".html")); String WWWScreenCleaner=textarea.getText(); int WWWScreenCleanerSize=WWWScreenCleaner.length(); textarea.replaceText("",0,WWWScreenCleanerSize); while((ReloadReaderCount=WWWScreenWriter.readLine())!= null) { forward.setEnabled(false); stop.setEnabled(true); reload.setEnabled(true); textarea.append(ReloadReaderCount); if(count == 2) back.setEnabled(true); } } } catch(IOException io) { ExceptionHandler b = new ExceptionHandler(); b.ServerDown(); } } //This method is called explicitly to get the homepage //from the localhost machine.It connects to the server running //on the same machine as this application and gets it's default //html file. public void HomePage() { if(Eternal == 2) { int OurDefaultFileCount; try { count=1; increment=count; String Ourselves=""; HTTP OurUrl=new HTTP(Ourselves); String OurDefaultFile="\\"; String DefaultFileStringReader; InputStream OurDefaultFileReader = OurUrl.get(OurDefaultFile); OutputStream OurDefaultFileWriter=new FileOutputStream("UrlHistory\\one"+ increment+".html"); while((OurDefaultFileCount= != -1) { OurDefaultFileWriter.write((char)OurDefaultFileCount); } BufferedReader DefaultFileScreenWriter = new BufferedReader(new FileReade r("UrlHistory\\one"+increment+".html")); while((DefaultFileStringReader=DefaultFileScreenWriter.readLine())!= nul l) { textarea.append(DefaultFileStringReader); } } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler b = new ExceptionHandler(); b.ServerDown();

} Eternal=3; } } } //This is the class which has the actual code for getting //connected to any server. class HTTP { public final static int HTTP_PORT=80; InetAddress wwwserver; DataInputStream FinalReader; PrintStream FinalPrinter; String response; //This constructor is called automatically whenever any //object of the said class is created. This constructor performs a simple //thing.It gets the name of the server machine from which //the html file has to be fetched. public HTTP(String Server) throws UnknownHostException { wwwserver=InetAddress.getByName(Server); } //This method gets the html file from the server. It creates //a socket which is then used to get connected to the server //machine.Once connected,it makes use of the stream classes //to get the contents of the html file. public InputStream get(String filename) throws IOException { Socket socket; InputStream InitialReader; OutputStream InitialWriter; socket= new Socket(wwwserver,HTTP_PORT); if(socket==null) { return null; } InitialReader=socket.getInputStream(); InitialWriter=socket.getOutputStream(); FinalReader=new DataInputStream(InitialReader); FinalPrinter=new PrintStream(InitialWriter); if(InitialReader==null || InitialWriter==null) { return null; } FinalPrinter.println("GET " + filename + " HTTP/1.0\n"); while((response=FinalReader.readLine()).length() > 0) { if(response.startsWith("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found")) { ExceptionHandler ErrorFile=new ExceptionHandler(); ErrorFile.FileNotFound(); } } return FinalReader; } } //This class declares the functions which implement native code //These functions are called whenever an exception occurs and a

//MessageBox with an appropriate error message is displayed. class ExceptionHandler { public native void ServerDown(); public native void FileNotFound(); public native void PutSlash(); //This constructor loads the new.dll which contains //the actual code for the above mentioned functions. public ExceptionHandler() { System.loadLibrary("new"); } }

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