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Lecia a nousprezecea Lesson Nineteen

GRAMMAR GRAMATIC Verbele modale Partea a treia att forme Trecut de prezent ct i de

1. Modal Verbs Third Part Can, may, shall i will au trecut/condiional/subjonctiv: Prezent

I can work sunt n stare s muncesc I could work eram n stare s muncesc You may say ai voie s spui You might say aveai voie s spui We shall do suntem decii s facem We should do eram decii s facem They will see vor s vad They would see voiau s vad CAN / COULD I can go you can go she can go he can go we can go you can go they can go I could go you could go she could go he could go we could go you could go they could go eu sunt n stare s merg tu eti n stare s mergi ea este n stare s mearg el este n stare s mearg noi suntem n stare s mergem voi suntei n stare s mergei ei sunt n stare s mearg eu eram n stare s merg tu erai n stare s mergi ea era n stare s mearg el era n stare s mearg noi eram n stare s mergem voi erai n stare s mergei ei erau n stare s mearg

I could work very hard. Eram n stare s muncesc din greu. It was not a problem, we could do it. Nu era o problem, noi puteam s-o facem. He was weak but he could walk. El era slbit, dar putea s mearg pe jos. MAY / MIGHT I may go you may go she may go he may go eu am permisiunea s merg tu ai permisiunea s mergi ea are permisiunea s mearg el are permisiunea s mearg

we may go you may go they may go I might go you might go she might go he might go we might go you might go they might go

noi avem permisiunea s mergem voi avei permisiunea s mergei ei au permisiunea s mearg eu aveam permisiunea s merg tu aveai permisiunea s mergi ea avea permisiunea s mearg el avea permisiunea s mearg noi aveam permisiunea s mergem voi aveai permisiunea s mergei ei aveau permisiunea s mearg

You might take for granted what he said. Ai putea s iei de bun ce zice el. SHALL / SHOULD I shall go eu sunt decis s merg you shall go tu eti decis s mergi she shall go ea este decis s mearg he shall go el este decis s mearg we shall go noi suntem decii s mergem you shall go voi suntei decii s mergei they shall go ei sunt decii s mearg I should go eu eram decis s merg you should go tu erai decis s mergi she should go ea era decis s mearg he should go el era decis s mearg we should go noi eram decii s mergem you should go voi erai decii s mergei they should go ei erau decii s mearg I should come back. Ar trebui s m ntorc. WILL / WOULD I will go eu vreau s merg you will go tu vrei s mergi she will go ea vrea s mearg he will go el vrea s mearg we will go noi vrem s mergem you will go voi vrei s mergei they will go ei vor s mearg I would go eu voiam s merg you would go tu voiai s mergi

she would go he would go we would go you would go they would go

ea voia s mearg el voia s mearg noi voiam s mergem voi voiai s mergei ei voiau s mearg

They would have to tell you what you can do to change the circumstances. Ei ar trebui s-i spun ce s faci ca s schimbi datele problemei. MUST nu are form pentru trecut, condiional sau subjonctiv, dar deoarece echivalentul su este to have to, vom obine formele respective cu ajutorul lui: I had to go at once. I had to be there at seven sharp. Trebuia s plec chiar atunci. Trebuia s fiu acolo la 7 fix. You had to tell him what they said about him. Trebuia s-i spui ce au spus ei despre el. 2. 10 Irregular Verbs Infinitive 10 verbe neregulate Past Past Participle taught torn told thought thrown understood woken worn won written

to teach(a preda) taught to tear(a rupe) tore to tell(a spune) told to think(a gndi) thought to throw(a arunca) threw to understand(a nelege)understood to wake(a trezi) woke to wear(a purta) wore to win(a ctiga) won to write(a scrie) wrote

General concepts
Human Body head face eye nose mouth ear hair cheek

Noiuni general
Corpul omenesc cap fa ochi nas gur ureche pr obraz

chin neck arm elbow hand finger shoulder chest breast back leg knee foot ankle toe joint hip skin bone Internal Organs liver kidneys stomach appendix tonsils lung tongue spleen

brbie gt bra cot mn deget(la mn) umr piept sn spate picior genunchi talp glezn deget(la picior) articulaie old piele os Organe interne ficat rinichi stomac apendice amigdale plmn limb splin

Little by little we have come to the end of our English course. It is high time for me and Jim to say good bye to you. ncet ncet, am ajuns la finalul cursului nostru de englez. A sosit vremea ca eu i Jim s ne lum rmas bun de la tine.

Alls Well that Ends Well Totul e bine cnd se termin cu bine
Jim Patrick: Good topic for a final lesson. Shakespeare would be delighted and proud he is so often mentioned in your English course. (Bun tem pentru o lecie final. Shakespeare ar fi ncntat i mndru c este att de des pomenit n cursul tu de englez.) Minnie Jones: In our lessons, Jim. They are ours. We both took part in this English course. It is a fact. In the beginning I confess I didnt realize the

real importance of your role. You have told me you wanted to be an actor. Well, youve managed to be a good one. You played your own part. You have good skills. (n leciile noastre, Jim. Sunt ale noastre. Amndoi am luat parte la acest curs de englez. Este un fapt. La nceput, mrturisesc c nu mi-am dat seama de importana real a rolului tu. Mi-ai spus c voiai s fii actor. Ei bine, ai reuit s fii unul bun. Ai jucat propriul tu rol. Ai real talent.) Jim Patrick: Minnie, this was supposed to be a secret. I will never tell you another one. You cannot really keep secrets at all. (Minnie, trebuia s fie un secret. Nu-i voi mai spune altul. Nu poi s-i ii promisiunea.) Minnie Jones: Well, I might be a liar. But we were supposed to talk about dreams. You mentioned a secret and I couldnt help asking you about. This is my only fault. (Poate c sunt o mincinoas, dar trebuia s vorbim despre visuri. Tu ai pomenit despre un secret, iar eu nu m-am putut abine s nu te ntreb despre el. Asta e singura mea vin.) Jim Patrick: Dont pretend youre innocent. You arent. (Nu face pe nevinovata. Nu eti.) Minnie Jones: But I did it only for the sake of our lessons. Can you forgive me? (Dar am fcut-o doar de dragul leciilor noastre. M ieri?) Jim Patrick: I think I might. For the sake of our lessons. (Cred c a putea. De dragul leciilor noastre.) Minnie Jones: Thank you, Jim. I must say: you are so kind, so polite, so careful. (Mulumesc, Jim. Trebuie s-o spun: eti att de amabil, de politicos i de atent.) Jim Patrick: Dont exaggerate. (Nu exagera.) Minnie Jones: But it isnt a compliment. Our mission has come to an end and it is just an observation and a conclusion. For the sake of our English course. (Dar nu este un compliment. Misiunea noastr a ajuns la sfrit i este doar o observaie i o concluzie. De dragul cursului nostru de limba englez.) Jim Patrick: Yes, Minnie, as you like it! (Da, Minnie, cum vrei tu!) Vocabulary: little by little = puin cte puin, ncetul cu ncetul to come to = a ajunge it is high time = este timpul, a sosit vremea final = final to mention = a meniona, a pomeni to take part in = a lua parte fact = fapt in the beginning = la nceputul to confess = a mrturisi role, part = rol

to manage = a reui own = propriu liar = mincinos, mincinoas to suppose = a presupune fault, mistake = greeal to pretend = a pretinde innocent = innocent,, nevinovat, for the sake of = de dragul compliment = compliment mission = misiune observation = observaie conclusion = concluzie to conclude = a concluziona to teach(a preda) to tear(a rupe) to tell(a spune) to think(a gndi) to throw(a arunca) to understand(a nelege) to wake(a trezi) to wear(a purta) to win(a ctiga)

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