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Anshuman Ganguly 1.

Adenoids literally, and like; adenoids, or pharyngeal tonsils, are paired lymphoid structures in the nasopharynx 2. Alveoli microscopic saclike dilations of terminal bronchioles 3. Cellular respiration -set of the metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and then release waste products. 4. Cleft palate facial deformity that is an X-linked inherited condition; when the palatine bones fail to unite completely 5. Croup - a respiratory condition that is usually triggered by an acute viral infection of the upper airway. 6. Deviated Septum abnormal condition in which the nasal septum is far from its normal position, possibly obstructing normal nasal breathing 7. Emphysema abnormal condition characterized by trapping of air in alveoli of the lung that causes them to rupture and fuse to other alveoli 8. Endotracheal intubation placing of a tube in the trachea to ensure an open airway 9. Epistasis clinical term referring to a bloody nose 10. Glottis defined as the combination of the vocal folds (vocal cords) and the space in between the folds (the rima glottidis). 11. Hilum slit on medial surface of each lung where primary bronchi and pulmonary vessels enter; slit on medial surface of each kidney where blood vessels and other structures enter the kidney 12. Lobectomy- surgical removal of a single lobe of an organ, as in the removal of one lobe of a lung. 13. Lower respiratory tract14. Metastasis process characteristic of cancer by which malignant tumor cells separate from a primary tumor and then migrate to a new tissue to initiate a secondary tumor 15. Nares the nostrils or nasal passages 16. Olfaction sense of smell 17. Pheromones - is a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species. 18. Pneumonectomy surgical procedure in which an entire lung is removed 19. Respiratory mucosa mucus covered membrane that lines tubes of the respiratory tree 20. Rhinitis inflammation of the nasal mucosa often caused by nasal infections 21. Sleep apnea - a sleep disorder characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing or instances of abnormally low breathing, during sleep. 22. Surfactant substance covering the surface of the respiratory membrane inside the alveolus; it reduces surface tension and prevents the alveoli from collapsing 23. Tracheostomy - a surgical procedure to create an opening through the neck into the trachea (windpipe). 24. Turbinates 25. Upper respiratory tract respiratory organs that are not contained within the thorax; includes nasal cavity, pharynx, and associated structures

26. Vestibule located in the inner ear; portion adjacent to the oval window between the semicircular canals and the cochlea 27. Vibrissae - the thick hairs which grow inside the nostrils to help keep large particles from entering the nasal passages. 28. Voice box the larynx 29. Vomeronasal organ - is an auxiliary olfactory sense organ that is found in many animals.

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