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Searchword puzzle Merry Christmas

Memory Test
Give each player a piece of paper and a pencil. Set a variety of household items on a tray and let the players see the items on the tray for approximately 30 seconds. After the time is up, have the children write down the names of as many of the items as they can remember. Whoever guesses the most correctly wins. C E S S V Q N T J X N B N R D E D U Q Z Z N O E P X U E L C K T U V R L M R Q X C D H B O B T L C R E K O E N L L F H S K V Q S C C M A C O P L C Q K Y E H V B C D O R Q E A V V N R Y E H L G A A C A R X T I E R E K K U L C J B D S S V L R S T O C K I N G S T E E D E Z C H T A E R W M I R V S M M R L A U P Z A E N A C Y D N A C D D W S

Issue # 1 : Jan 1,2012

community newsletter designed to develop mind status for everybody

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*Which is correct: 8 and 8 is 15 or 8 and 8 are 15 ? *ARE YOU NUMBER CRAZY ??

71, 81, 74, 77, 77, 73, 80, 69, ? What number should replace the question mark?


Who propounded the theory that the Earth revolves around the Sun ? (A) Galileo (B) Newton (C) Copernicus (D) Kepler The correct sequence of the given planets in increasing order of their distance from the Sun is (A) Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter (B) Venus, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter (C) Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn (D) Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn. Which metal is present in the human body in greater percentage ? (A) calcium (B) sodium (C) potassium (D) iron


Gravitational potential energy depends only on the height of an object. Doubling the speed of a moving object doubles the kinetic energy. If energy is conserved, why are we running out of it?

1. Coal 2. Elf 3. Northpole 4. Cards 5. Presents

6. Bells 7. Eve 8. Candy cane 9. Carol 10. Merry

11. Christmas 12. December 13. Stockings 14. Wreath 15. Candles

Find the word list [ 1 to 15 ] from the letter maze horizontally / vertically / diagonally and have fun.


AVARAGE STORY : It takes an average of seven years to grow a Christmas tree of average retail sale height . (six feet). RIDDLES :: What is the longest word in English. Draw what is missing in the Picture.

The Beauty in Numbers There are times when the charm of mathematics lies in the surprising nature of its number system. There are not many words needed to demonstrate this charm. It is obvious from the patterns attained. Look, enjoy,and spread these amazing properties 1X1=1 11 X 11 = 121 111 X 111 = 12,321 1,111 X 1,111 = 1,234,321 11,111 X 11,111 = 123,454,321 111,111 X 111,111 = 12,345,654,321 1,111,111 X 1,111,111 = 1,234,567,654,321 11,111,111 X 11,111,111 = 123,456,787,654,321 111,111,111 X 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

*Which shadow exactly matches youllis picture?

The only bird that can fly

backwards is the hummingbird.

You take a felt-tipped pen and draw a square on an uninflated baloon. What will the square look like when you blow up the baloon?

The creatures of Zorp*

On the planet Zorp, far off in another part of space, there are four kinds of creatures. Each kind of creature has a different number of legs. Whoofers have two more legs than Sizzles. Zompers have two more legs than Whoofers. Sizzles have two more legs than Yeeples. Yeeples have six fewer legs than Zompers.

How many legs does each kind of Zorpian creature have?

Start this experiment early at 6, 7, or 8 A.M.

Lets Get Started!

To make a sun clock, tape a large sheet of wrapping paper over the cardboard for the first experiment. Push the pencil through the center of the paper and cardboard. Place the cardboard on sunny, level ground. Use another pencil to outline the upright pencils shadow. Write the time next to the shadow. Do this each hour throughout the day. By days end, you will have a clock like the one in the drawing. Look at the clock you have made. When is the clocks hand (the shadows you marked) shortest? Longest? Can you see the pattern the sun makes as it moves across the sky? Do not move the cardboard. Cover it with a plastic sheet. Put stones at the corners of the sheet to protect the paper from dampness. On the next sunny day, remove the plastic and watch the sun clock during the day. Can it be used to tell time? Cover the sun clock again. After a few days, remove the plastic and watch the sun clock. Can it still be used to tell time? What has happened?

Ideas for Your Science Fair

Early humans had no watches. How do you think they divided a day into hours on their sun clocks? Examine a sundial. How does it differ from your sun clock? Does it keep time better than your sun clock? A brain is an organ that starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the Office.` - Robert Frost. * Answers in next issue. This is our first newsletter , so if you think any change or inclusion of topics are desire please mail us at

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