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Short introduction

This 18 page e-book is dedicated to people who suffer from any of the following. Desensitization by pornography Lack of libido Sexual Confusion Porn induced Erectile-dysfunction

It is an outtake from the book, Get hard and Stay hard How to get and maintain an erection for 25 minutes. It was written by Benjamin Brice at

Feel free to share it. If you know someone that is suffering because they are confused, give them this book as well. He did not intend this book to be a book on how to make a man change sexuality, which is impossible as far as we know. I know that sexuality is a fragile topic, so please bear in mind that his goal was to help people, not to make someone upset. I hope that this gives you some piece of mind!

Table of Contents
Short introduction .....................................................................................2 The Neurons ..............................................................................................3 Dopamine .............................................................................................3 Brain sensitivity ....................................................................................4 Dopamine & Brain sensitivity ..............................................................5 What causes desensitisation? ................................................................5 How to resensitize the receptors ...........................................................7 Preparing for the time out. .................................................................7 Prolactin ................................................................................................8 Avoidance and Sexuality ...........................................................................9 Testing your sexuality .............................................................................11 The End ..............................................................................................18

This book should be considered entertainment. If you read this book. You agree to take full responsibility. We at recoveringman are not responsible for what you do with this information.

The Neurons
Here I am going to explain what happens when you get sexually confused, how to return to your previous sexual tastes and also how to resensitize your brain to sex. If you have Porn Induced E.D. This short e-book will help you cure that as well. How do you know if you have porn induced ED? If you can masturbate when you are alone to pornography, but you can't get an erection when you are with a partner. Then you have Porn Induced ED. However you should not confuse premature ejaculation with this. So if you prematurely ejaculate and then you can't get an erection after that. Then it is not Porn induced E.D. That is premature ejaculation. So lets start. We are going to talk about the brain, we are going to talk about Brain Sensitivity and Dopamine Now I am going to make it incredibly simplified, but you will be given enough information so that you can get the desired result. So let me first explain what Brain sensitivity and dopamine is.

Dopamine is a chemical in the brain. And when it is released it makes you feel feelings of arousal and it is also responsible for the mans erection. It is also the chemical that's responsible for desire. This means that when you see someone that is sexually attractive your brain will release dopamine and you will feel aroused or you will desire the person. This also means that when someone is seducing you, your brain will reward you by giving you a lot of dopamine. And a lot of dopamine will make you get an erection. And this also means, that if someone that is sexually unattractive tries to seduce you, your brain will not send out any dopamine because the person isn't attractive enough. And therefore you will not desire the unattractive person. Now you know, that every time you see someone attractive, your brain will release a little dose of dopamine in order to motivate you to talk or mate with the person. And when you are about to have sex, and someone tries to seduce you a larger dose of dopamine is released so that you get an erection.

Alright so to make it even easier to understand. Keep these numbers in mind, they are not accurate. But they make it very easy to understand. A sexy person that walks buy will maybe release a level 3 dopamine rush. A sexy person that kisses you will maybe release a level 5 dopamine rush. A sexy person that touches you sexually will release a level 10 dopamine rush. And when the brain gets a level 10 dopamine rush. It is translated into an erection. Note: These numbers are only meant to simplify so that everyone can learn. With this being said, there are things that can release very high doses of dopamine, for example: pornography will release a level 20 rush. More graphic pornography will release even more dopamine. Now what does this have to do with resensitizing the brain to sex and returning to previous sexual tastes? Well, first I must give you more information on Brain Sensitivity

Brain sensitivity
Now I am going to try to make this easy to understand as well. Now you see, when we talked about dopamine, I wrote that dopamine is released in the brain? But where does it go? Well there are a receptors in the brain. So dopamine is released and it connects with these receptors. This could be likened to when you are going to recharge your phone battery. The phone battery would be the receptor. And the dopamine would be the electricity. Now if the receptors are healthy, you will only need a normal dose of dopamine. This again can be likened to a phone battery, if the battery is a good battery, you only need a normal amount of electricity to recharge it. So this means, that in order for your brain to function properly you have to have sensitive receptors and you need dopamine.

Dopamine & Brain sensitivity

If your receptors are healthy and they all work, when a girl kisses you a level 5 dopamine rush is released and you feel good. Your brain is being recharged with a good feeling. But what happens, if the receptors are damaged? Or desensitized? The first thing that you will notice is, the same girl might kiss you, and the same amount of dopamine will be released, but, the receptors are desensitized. So that girls kiss might release a level 5 dopamine rush, but since the receptors are desensitized they only perceive it as a level 1 dopamine rush. So you feel less aroused and less desire. This means that if you desensitize your receptors, you will have a hard time feeling sexual desire and you will have problems getting an erection. So remember when I said that a girl that is touching you sexual might release a level 10 dopamine rush. Well, she will do that if she tries to seduce you, but since the brains receptors are desensitized they will only perceive this as a level 2 dopamine rush. This means that normally the girl would release enough dopamine in so that you could get an erection. Remember. Level 10 dopamine rush = Erection. But now the receptors are desensitized, so when she releases the level 10 dopamine rush, your receptors only take in a level 2 dopamine rush. Which isn't enough to make you get an erection. This is Porn induced E.D. You won't feel any real desire, your brain cannot be charged with dopamine because the receptors don't work. And when a girl walks by, you will logically find her attractive but you will not feel any emotional attraction because, Well you guessed it. The level 3 dopamine rush that is released will not be able to make any sort of impact on the desensitized receptors. And therefore there will be no connection, and you will not feel anything.

What causes desensitisation?

Desensitization is caused by over-stimulation.
You see most men will not realize that they are desensitized until they experience some performance problems. You see a guy that usually got turned on when he watched regular porn, had a good dopamine rush and healthy receptors. Will continue to watch more and more porn. And then the receptors try to adjust to the intake. The receptors are used to getting a level 10 dopamine rush from normal girls. But the pornography is releasing rushes at level 40.

So your brain says, We must numb the receptors. And then the brain is numbing and numbing the receptors every day because the person watches pornography ever day. And eventually the receptors are so desensitized, that the person doesn't even feel aroused by normal sex. So he moves on to more graphic sex, which releases more dopamine in order to compensate for the weak receptors, but in turn also numbs the receptors more. A bad loop to say the least. So as dopamine levels goes up, receptor sensitivity goes down. Now this means, that the person must change sexual preferences because normal sexual tastes don't release abnormal amounts of dopamine. Only weird kinky porn does. So if you got this book because you wanted to return to your previous sexual tastes, you know now that pornography has numbed your receptors. And in order to return to your earlier sexual tastes you will need to re-sensitize your brain. Also, desensitization takes time. For example, the first time someone watches porn he will probably start with normal porn. Maybe of a guy and a girl. Or he will just watch a girl in a playboy magazine and the man will get aroused. Rarely does a person go and watch extreme porn the first time they watch it. In fact, many people are turned off by extreme porn when the receptors work as they should. Note: You cannot watch pornography at all. The fact that you are watching it still means that dopamine is being released and you are still going to desensitize the receptors. SO NO PORNOGRAPHY WHAT SO EVER! As you see, we have come to the conclusion that when you desensitize your receptors the dopamine cannot get the full effect. This will in turn make you uninterested in sex. It will prevent you from getting an erection. It will confuse you sexually. So if you want to do the following. 1. 2. 3. 4. Resensitize your brain to sex. Return to previous sexual tastes. Cure porn induced E.D And test your sexuality.

You will have to RESENSTIZE your receptors.

How to resensitize the receptors

The only way to resensitize the receptors is by making them starve. In other words, you will have to stay away from orgasm and pornography. Now this might take a while, to actually resensitize the brain. But it is worth it. Just look at the list above, the benefits are huge. And I am pretty sure that getting back your sexual tastes and getting back your erections is more rewarding then masturbating to porn alone when everyone else is asleep. We have found that you will have to go 8 weeks without pornography and orgasm to restore the sensitivity level. For some it can take 14 weeks, some experience a turnaround at week 4 or 5. But we suggest 8 weeks without pornography and orgasm. And if you can, the best thing to do is to go without it until you find someone you can have sex with. Note: When you are desensitized, dopamine levels will also start to drop. For example. A person that gives you a kiss would normally release a level 5 dopamine rush. But because your brain has been overstimulated and the receptors are numb. It will actually lower the dopamine release to a level 2 rush. This goes for everything that releases dopamine. Kisses Sexual touch and even sex.

Preparing for the time out.

If you rise to the challenge, and you stay abstinent for 8 weeks. I would like to give you some information on how that time out will feel. In the beginning you will feel like it is impossible, but after 2-3 weeks, the receptors will have healed a little bit. And you will start to feel better. But there is a trap, after 2-3 weeks, your body will experience this as a chock. And you will start to feel like an addict, shaking, unable to sleep and a bad mood is not uncommon when restoring the sensitivity in the brain. Some men give me reports like this. I could only become aroused when watching sick porn, but as the time passed,and I did the 8 week time out. The need for human contact grew stronger. I became interested in the girls in school. When a girl would have a revealing top, I felt this urge to introduce my self. It was a pretty good feeling to be honest. I am only 21 years old. And I have been watching porn for 10 years, yes I admit it, I was an addict. I didn't notice that how damaged I was until I tried to have sex with a girl from campus. I couldn't get aroused no matter what she tried to do with me. When I finally stopped my

pornography usage, I felt like hell. But 10 weeks after that, we tried to have sex. And this time I had no performance issues at all. There is also an explanation to why men turn to things that they normally wouldn't watch. And that is simply that the new pornographic-material releases larger doses of dopamine. And the new material which is often more graphic will release a larger dose, but at the same time, overstimulate and numb the receptors even more. So a few men even start looking at same sex porn and believe that their sexuality has changed. And the real reason? You guessed it. Desensitization. It also has to do with neurological pathways, but that is a very complex topic as you can imagine. It feels like I am taking a little bit of a risk her, I really hope that no one gets offended by this book. It is only meant for educational purposes! Staying abstinent for 8 weeks will fix the following problems. 1. 2. 3. 4. Sexual Confusion Desensitization by Pornography Excessive masturbation. Porn induced E.D.

And in turn it will do this to you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Resensitize your brain to sex. You will feel less anxiety. Your normal sexual tastes will return. You will cure your porn induced E.D. You will feel motivated to go out and meet someone new.

Prolactin is responsible for the sexual refractory period. And during the sexual refractory period a man cannot get an erection. Prolactin is released when a man masturbates, you know the sleepy feeling after masturbation? Well, that's prolactin. It wants you to recover. However, that is not the problem, 30 minutes without sex, and you will have low prolactin levels and you will be able to have sex again. The problem is that some men take medicine that has a side effect of high prolactin levels. The only thing i can suggest is, do not masturbate so much, and talk to your doctor about the medicine. If you stop using it. The prolactin levels should get back to normal in a couple of weeks. With that being said, for 99% of the men, it will not be prolactin that is messing with them. It will be the lowered brain sensitivity. So again, no pornography, not masturbation. And everything will be fine!

Avoidance and Sexuality

This chapter is for men that have become so desensitized and so avoidant, that they don't know what they are attracted to. If a man tries to have sex with a girl and fails many times, often he will develop a self-fulfilling prophecy. This often causes the man not to want to have sex anymore at all, I know this since it happened to me. When it happened sex was the last thing on my mind, I considered being Asexual and even Homosexual or Bisexual. It was a very confusing time since I knew that I had liked girls all the time before, so when I didn't want to have sex with girls anymore I asked myself the question, well, who do I want to have sex with? And I couldnt answer. I now understand that sexuality is something that is in the grey zone. Sexuality is something that cannot be labeled, it is known that men had male lovers in the past and bisexuality was very common. Your sexual attraction is generally determined by: DESIRE! Now if you fail to have sex many times, that desire will fade away. You will feel very discouraged. This is why the thought of Asexuality is so strong, because if you dont have any desire for sex you are by definition: Asexual. Some want to label it as a sexual dysfunction, I do not believe that it is the proper term, it is curable. This desire can however be awakened again, if you gather enough sexual energy and you resensitize your brain it is most certain that you will get back your desire, and if you usually liked to express your desire by having sex with a girl, then that desire will awaken again. As soon as the discouragement fades away, and the fear of failure is gone, desire will grow strong again, and with this book you can make it grow as strong as it possibly can. When you gather sexual energy you will very quickly realize what your sexuality is, and if you were straight until this happened I am certain that it is nothing but a mental block. Do not worry about this because there is hope, and you should feel comfortable about your sexuality at the end. More than often people confuse SEXUAL AVOIDANCE AS A CHANGE OF SEXUALITY, so if you still see yourself with a girl in the future, if you would like to have a girlfriend and fall in love again, I would rest assured that you are what you always have been. .. Men's primary sexual orientation appears to be set relatively early in life and rarely changes from one sex to the other. - David Buss The evolution of Desire.

Desensitized receptors are the main cause for the avoidance.

It is also true that some men believe that their sexuality has changed because the last time they tried to have sex with their partner, they couldn't get an erection. The truth is that you could have had a hook holding you(and you probably had), as a matter of fact, fearing that you wont get an erection is a hook, it is a hook connected to rejection. So if you didnt get an erection the last time you tried to have sex with a girl do not worry, when all hooks are removed you will get an erection automatically. Note: A hook is a feeling that triggers sexual anxiety In the society we live today we have a pretty bad image of sex, for men it is a performance act and measurement competition. Women on the other side have huge body image issues and are being tricked into believing that they need to look like the girls is the magazines to turn their boyfriends on. All of these insecurities that media forces upon us could easily lead to the fear of judgments. Which will interfere with our ability to have sex. However, all the things that make you feel uncomfortable should be avoided so do not accept any sexual beliefs as truths or realities. Remember that in ancient Greece homosexuality was very normal, but today homosexuals are being harassed and persecuted. There is no path and there is no truth, the only path and truth that matter is the one you and your partner make. I know that people put pressure on us men, and often times scare us with threats like if you dont please your woman, she will leave you for another man It is true that she will want to have a sex life that is satisfying but it is not true that she will leave you for another man because you aren't good in bed. This increases the avoidance. The avoidance will be increased if one never had a good relationship with ones mother, or had a relationship but later got rejected, this causes us men to become resistant to sharing feelings with females and becoming involved. The best thing to do is to emotionally invest in in a girl that you are interested in, if you believe that she is good for you. All these problems can make a man question his sexuality and lifestyle when it is actually just avoidance that is bothering him. If you love a girl and you are afraid that she will reject you because you aren't good in bed, I strongly recommend that you have sex with her no matter how bad it feels. It will pay off.

Testing your sexuality

If you feel that you are not sure of your sexuality, I first want to point out to you that erection and/or orgasm doesnt determine your sexuality. It is true that a man can almost get an erection from anything, I wish I had saved a report, it was a report about an experiment where they put 10 straight men in a room to watch homosexual pornography, and ALL of them got an erection. So if you have been testing your sexuality by watching Internet porn and trying to determine what you like best, or which arouses you the most is not going to give you the correct answer. The fantasies and fetishes that arouse us change over time, and they change pretty often. Remember what aroused you in the beginning of your sexual development, and compare that to what arouses you today, you will see that a lot has changed. Do not try to find an answer by thinking of what might arouse you, do not look into your fantasies. The easiest way to find out what your sexuality is, and the way you will be most sure to find the correct answer is by doing the following: Do not masturbate for as long as you can, with all this sexual energy that will build up in your body you will look for a way to express your desire, and if you have a huge amount of sexual energy, your desire will signal you that it wants someone. When you have a huge amount of desire it will ignore the feelings of rejection, because the desire will be so overwhelming that it will turn you desperate after sex. Do not retreat into your mind looking for an answer, do not retreat into your head at all, instead look at a real woman that is very attractive, and see if you feel anything. Look her up and down, if you havent masturbated for more than two months, and you start feeling many emotions towards her, not only sexual, but you would want her to fall in love with you, you would like to spend some time with her, if your heartbeat increases. Then you are heterosexual To make this work, you have to have been away from masturbating and porn for at least 8 weeks, the more time you can go without masturbation the more certain you will be of your sexuality. Note: It takes approximately 8 weeks to resensitize the brain to sex. When you approach a girl in the bar you talk to her a little bit and she starts flirting with you, and your heart rate increases, if this happens you are by definition heterosexual, this is how they test a persons sexuality in a lab. They also test a persons sexual fetishes by the heart rate. She doesn't even have to flirt with you, you might need to talk to a very cute secretary at work, and you always get a little nervous before talking to her. All are strong indicators of heterosexuality.

This is one of the best and MOST ACCURATE TEST, however the heart rate will not increase if a man has a neurochemical imbalance in the brain. If your brain is desensitized, your body will not want you to become aroused. It is also very important that you understand the difference between love and love. When people are unsure of their sexuality they try to see who they love. Well, the brain doesn't play by those rules, it will release the love chemicals when you find someone that triggers attraction and connection. You cannot test your sexuality by saying, Okey, who do I love? that man or that woman? The answer is that you don't love any of them, you would maybe love the woman if she triggered attraction in you or you got to know her better. Scientists agree that Sexuality is determined by desire, let the desire grow strong, and your body will signal who it would like to have sex with, when it gives you this answer you know your sexual orientation. You can get aroused by almost anything when you are fantasizing, if you don't believe me then here is an uncomfortable fact. Most men will sometime in their life fantasize about having sex with their own mothers, either they will dream about having sex with their mother or they will dream about having sex with another family member. While the men are dreaming this they are very aroused, but does that mean that they are aroused by their own mothers in real life? NO! You cannot check your sexuality by thinking of what might arouse you, you can only get an answer when you are with a woman that turns you on. So to summarize it, your desire will be boosted the more sexual energy you have and the more your brain is sensitive, the less you spend your sexual energy on masturbation the bigger your desire will be, and when it reaches a point of desperation it will find a target and signal your brain that it wants that target. Watching pornography and determining you sexuality is not accurate. Before we continue I also want to inform you that you should pay a little more attention to your feelings, not the sexual feelings you have, instead see if you feel nervous when you talk to a girl that is pretty? See if you sometimes say to yourself oh I wish she was mine! All of these unconscious patterns indicate what you like. Jealousy is a good indicator as well, if she is dancing with a guy and you really liked her, do you feel jealous? if Yes, then you are having feelings towards her, if you start to desire her, then you are by definition heterosexual! This problem occurs when a man is desensitized by pornography and suffers from avoidance. It is also associated with a low amount of sexual energy! What is a desire? A desire is a strong wish for something. If you see a girl that is very cute, and your stomach turns and you think man she is cute, I would really like to meet her.

Even though this is not a strong desire like the desire for food is, it becomes more powerful if you don't masturbate as I have mentioned. The question is, how many times do you feel this same feeling towards men? How many times do you feel that your stomach turns, or that you would like to introduce yourself? If you don't feel these emotions toward men then you are not homosexual, if you feel these emotions towards girls, you are heterosexual. These emotions can be really subtle, it can manifest in unconscious patterns of thinking. An example would be something like this: You know a girl that isn't feeling well, so you try to cheer her up, you try to make her realize how good you are, and you try to provide comfort and safety for her. This feeling is incredibly subtle, but it is a clear indicator of your sexuality. This want to take care of a woman is a big indicator that you are heterosexual. Ask yourself, again, how many times do you think this way about men? If none, then why are you worried? To relieve yourself of this stress try not to think about it, the more times you start checking your sexuality, the more feelings of confusion you will feel. Please do not be fooled by the internet, you cannot test your sexuality by watching pornography. No matter what your sexuality is, be proud of yourself! These tips under here are a few questions that you may find useful if you suffer from avoidance and sexual insecurity. These tips that are outlined down here, are tips given to me by a friend that helped me with my own insecurities, he was the only person who stayed with me through these confusing times and provided guidance. I want to wish him a happy life with his new husband. I share them because they helped me a lot and I find that they are really good questions to ask yourself if you are unsure of your sexuality. However do not dwell upon them for too long, try answering them when you are filled with sexual energy. I hope that everyone that reads this understands that I am aware that a homosexual man might read this and might find it offensive. Please be understanding, my goal is to help someone who suffers from a very strong sexual avoidance or HOCD. My hope is to lead this person to an answer and give him peace of mind. This guidance would have helped me when I felt lost, and it was given to me by a homosexual man.

Tip 1: One way to see if you are suffering from avoidance is to imagine that you perform oral sex on a girl, and see if you feel more safe. Then imagine having real sex, if you feel that you would like to perform oral sex on her but you wouldnt like to have normal intercourse, then you are probably just suffering from avoidance. This is namely one of the BIGGEST indicators that you have become avoidant, and NOT that your sexuality has changed! Tip 2: This is against what I teach, but if you feel that you have huge issues with avoidance, try unhooking yourself with a girl, then take a Viagra or something similar. Unhooking means, remove everything that triggers sexual anxiety. Viagra also removes hooks, but it is just temporary, however this temporary moment of freedom will give you an insight to your real feelings and desires. In other words when the fear is gone you will want to have sex with her. It is like entering into the state of sexual freedom for a few moments, with this book though we will make it accessible without any medical pills. The Sexual Power chapter is our Viagra. Tip 3: Remember when I said that pornography is bad? If you are having a situation where you feel that you do not know what your sexuality is, you should be aware of the fact that you could have created a fetish for homosexual or transsexual pornography. If you masturbate and watch porn, your brain will want to see the pornography that will give you the most emotions, therefore watching homosexual pornography which is considered bad gives you a strong emotion. This strong emotion will later be translated into an strong orgasm because you masturbated. I guess this is the biggest trigger to all of the sexual confusion questions. The only advice I can offer in this book is to stop looking at it, sometimes things like these can become like a compulsive disorder where you test yourself all the time, so for your best, stop watching porn! If you masturbate and ejaculate to pornography that made you uncomfortable in the beginning, it will actually start to feel good, this is due to the fact that when a man watches pornography, dopamine is released. Dopamine gives the brain a good feeling, so your brain becomes very confused by it. Tip 4: See if you feel stronger emotions towards girls that are emotionally or physically damaged. This is also a strong indicator that you suffer from avoidance, it is also connected to a mothers love. Usually men that have this want to secure love by making the girl dependent on them.

If you feel strong emotions towards these women, sexual and emotions of love, this is an indicator that you are heterosexual but that you also have emotional issues that you have to work through. Tip 5: Have you been alone for a few years? If you have been alone for a few years and the outside world has changed, then you might also be avoidant because of the fear of the unknown. If you are in your mid 20s and you have been while studying at the university, and now when you are done with your studies you moved to a new town for a job. It can become very frightening to actually go out and meet new people, because one has been passive for so long that he fears his return. He doesnt know if he fits in. It is especially true if you havent had female friends at all, then it can become very frightening and you can start questioning your sexuality. So ask yourself, have a lot of things changed around me? Have I been passive for a few years and now I feel that everyone is ahead? If Yes, then it is normal to feel that you have some identity questions. This insecurity however will pass, you can affect it by going out and meeting new people, time will give you an answer. And if you dont think about your sexuality, you will most often find yourself drawn towards a girl when you least expect it, if you were drawn to girls before you became insecure. We men are very analytical and logical, we would like to have a brain scan and be able to read all the things we feel and get an understanding of what they mean. Feelings dont work that way, which sometimes is a blessing and sometimes a curse. If you answer all of these questions, remember that you will most often get the answer when you least expect it. You will feel different and then you will maybe start feeling jealous when some guy talks to someone you are interested in. Or you simply fall in love. Tip 6: It is a very well known fact that many heterosexual men have experienced same sex attraction. So if you did experience this same sex attraction somewhere, it doesn't make you a homosexual. This would be as ridiculous as saying that if a man met and was attracted to a brunette, but has always preferred blondes before, has now changed, it is not true, one feeling of sexual attraction towards another of the same sex is common, but this attraction will not determine your sexuality. One feeling of attraction is not a feeling that is permanent. Take it easy because it will most often pass. This is NOT an indicator that you are homosexual, maybe you just became curious and now you cant stop thinking about it. Not being able to stop thinking about it just makes it worse.

You should also understand that if you feel strong emotions towards a man all the time, sexually and romantically, then you might be homosexual. Do your best not to think about it, gather sexual energy and you will very quickly get an answer. Tip 7: Are you over your last girlfriend? If not, then it is normal to feel weird when you have to let yourself be loved by someone else. If you are not over her then men usually do become avoidant. I met a man that had lived with his wife for 14 years. She left him for another man, while he tried to save the relationship. Our conversation was a very unique, we had never spoken before. We met on a buss and had a 9 hour journey ahead of us. So we started talking. He told me that he didn't even want to have sex anymore, he just wanted to have a female that would hold him. Can you identify with any of his feelings? If yes, know that it is common to feel avoidant after a breakup, especially if you were faithful and loved the girl very much. The first step is the hardest one, but you have to force yourself out there and try to meet someone new. This someone could be the true love of your life! Tip 8: If you try to hold off on the masturbation, and you fear that your sexuality has changed. The increase in your sexual energy will be so huge that you will easily be turned on by almost anything, even homosexual fantasies will be enough to get you going if you abruptly stop masturbating and watching porn. However a fantasy is just that, a fantasy. It is not real, therefore after a few weeks of abstinence you have to test yourself on real humans and not on your fantasy. Tip 9: If you have never questioned your identity, if you haven't searched for who you are. Then it is only normal for you to ask yourself, who am I attracted to? Especially if you suffer from avoidance when you ask this question. There was a young man that once told me about a similar situation, he himself never really questioned his identity. This man, he suffered from avoidance and sexual anxiety. He tried to have sex and failed many times, after a few hours he knew how to cure it. He was abstinent for 8 weeks, he didn't masturbate nor did he watch pornography, he had emotional breakdowns during these 8 weeks. His emotions never got to surface because he was suppressing them with pornography, he even wondered if he was schizoid. He believed so because he said, and I quote I love my daughter because she is my daughter, but I don't light up when I see her. I rarely ever miss her. Repetition: Dopamine makes a man feel good, but when a man really messes up his sensitivity to dopamine, it gets harder and harder to feel good emotions.

When the 8 weeks passed, he told me about his transformation. He said that he started to feel again, he was nervous around girls, he used to get erections spontaneously, his food intake had been decreased (Abstinence will create a good food intake, if you empty your sexual energy you will want to eat or sleep, to recover your body). The most important thing that he achieved was, he started feeling better, he had sex with girls again and was totally recovered. All of this was recovered by abstinence from pornography and masturbation. His harnessing of sexual energy made him a real man again! Suddenly all of the problems he had disappeared, his avoidance was gone, his outlook on life had changed. His attitude towards girls changed as well, he said. Quoted from memory I had totally forgotten about the other feelings, my mind was always focused on sex that I forgot about intimacy, about love, I had forgot how I liked to be a protector of my ex-wife, I had forgotten that there was another real person under the shell that I was seeing. Tip 10: Have you had a very bad experience in the past? There are often men that have sex with someone they shouldn't have had sex with, and the experience was terrible. This causes a man to get very avoidant. If you have this you should stop watching pornography and stop masturbating, do this and find a partner that you trust, unhook yourself and try to have amazing sex with her. When you do, get into the habit of making love with her, soon the avoidance will be gone and everything will be back to normal. If you still aren't convinced that you are okay and that your sexual avoidance and confusion is caused by pornography and excessive masturbation, let me explain it to you scientifically.

If you receptors are desensitized you will not feel any desire.
Without desire, you are Asexual!.. This means that you have to stop masturbating and you will start to feel desire and attraction when the sensitivity come back! Compare it to eating food, when you are incredibly hungry and you take a slice of pizza, your brain releases dopamine and tells you Eat more of that So you eat and you eat, when your brain believes that you are full, it says OK now stop, and it stops releasing dopamine When you are full, do you desire food? NO! This is like walking around and being concerned if you will ever want to eat again just after you ate. Of course you will, but you will not crave it until the DESIRE for food grows strong! who cut back often remark on changes: more energy, better concentration, interacting with potential mates more easily, greater gains from workouts, stronger erections, healthy dietary changes, return to earlier sexual tastes, more optimism, seeing women differentlyeven deeper voices. As with other aspects of life, it seems that finding a middle ground pays. Yet when it comes to ejaculation, few people are talking about what might constitute a healthy middle ground. - Psychology Today I want to give special credit to Science teacher Gary Wilson. He is a pioneer in this field and he really understands this at a very deep level. In fact, if it wouldn't have been for him, I wouldn't have had enough information to complete this e-book. And before we move on, if you would like a deeper (and better) explanation on porn induced ED. Go check out his work. He has the following websites. and Now you are not alone, many men have experienced what you are experiencing now. And here are is a link with a few stories of how men resensitzed their brains and began leading a richer and better life. Here is a link with many success stories. About how men stopped using pornography and stopped masturbating and their lives transformed. I hope that this is evidence enough, that it is just desensitization that is messing with your erection and your sexual tastes. Let it go now! Everything is going to be fine! Don't masturbate for 8 weeks and you will become aroused to what you previously were aroused to.

The End
I hope this gave you a piece of mind. Take care and I hope that you write me an e-mail with a success story after you take a time out period to resensitize and restore your brains natural balance. Drop by my website form time to time, I will be releasing a book on how to break pornographic addiction which will be 100% free, just like this one. Wishing you all the best! - Benjamin Brice

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