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Marriage is between a man and a woman. Marriage is between a man and a woman. THAT IS THE LEGAL DEFINITION.

Read the law books. Read the case law. Ask your mother and father. Ask your grandmother and your grandfather. Go educate yourself. A man marries a woman to have a family. To have children. People who are married in accordance to the legal definition of marriage as attested by law books and case law and history and traditional values can frame their so called Marriage Certificate and hang it on a wall for everyone to see. The Courts of Law follow Judicial Precedent. That is a legal fact. Judges will always consult Case Law for guidance to make decisions that are legally correct based on judicial precedent. Marriage has always been defined in case law as between a man and a woman. That is the law. Go argue with the constitutional judges. It is sad some people feel that nature messed up their plumbing. Biological facts state that when male and female procreate, married or unmarried, the female will conceive and after gestation period of about nine months give birth to a child, or twins or triplets. That is the law of nature. Man and woman marry, and as husband and wife they have children. The females reproduce. The females have their eggs fertilized by male spermatatozoa. Or are the biological books wrong? Are children being taught wrong in school about the reproductive cycle? They do teach the reproductive cycles by law in the schools as part of the educational curriculum. Judges should not legislate from the bench. Judges do not make the law their job is to interpret the law. Marriage is the union between one and one woman. History ,tradition, social beliefs, moral practice and standards, religious beliefs have all upheld the view that marriage is between one man and one woman. The Bible defines marriage as the holy union between a man and a woman. ( Genesis 1:18-25; etc ). The Bible condemns homosexuality. (See Leviticus Chapter 18 verse 22; Romans Chapter 1 verses 24 to 32; Genesis chapters 18 and 19 etc condemn same sex unions ). Marriage is a heterosexual institution whereby a man and a woman in love get married and procreate and have children. We are not ignorant of the devices of the wicked one to destroy the sanctity of marriage and we therefore rebuke all foul filthy spirits that would try to touch the institution of marriage in the Name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. People who are not married strictly according to the legal definition of marriage that is ... a man marrying a woman in order to live as husband and wife... must think again. They have a big problem. They are not like normal traditional married couples . That piece of paper cannot buy respectability of the traditional Marriage Certificate . That paper may not confer that respectability. It will not. Society, tradition and religion have a strict moral and ethical standards. They have not met the strict religious and traditional standards of marriage .

A piece of paper signed by one or two people with no moral compass cannot legalise a perverse union and make it socially and morally acceptable. It does not. Do not call it marriage. It is not a Marriage Certificate. It is something else. It is Wicked. It is like putting horns on a donkey or putting lipstick on a pig. It is a shame to see grown ups playing games of pretend . NONSENSE. If the shoe fits , wear it and repent. Go and repent. Get your life straightened out. A man is born to be a man. A woman is born to be a woman. Male and female . Everything brings forth after its own kind. That is the law of nature, the law of reproduction. A man and a woman marry each other and become husband and wife. On the Marriage Certificate the man is recorded as the Bridegroom and the woman as the Bride . The drop in moral standards in recent years shows that mankind is living on the edge of civilisation. History shows that debauchery, perversion , moral decline signals the end of a so called civilization. Before judgement there is always a warning. There have been Biblical warnings, Judicial warnings, Political warnings, outrage from society warning against the tide of moral filth sweeping across the universe. Part of mankind is in danger of loosing their moral compass to those that have embraced moral perversity. When nature is perverted or tampered with there is always a penalty to pay. When mercy is spurned there is nothing left but judgement. We are at the end time. The world will end soon, just like Sodom and Gomorrah. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their wicked works. Fire not water, will destroy the world in these last days.

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