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2010 2011 SCHOOL YEAR

PRESCHOOL 3 -4 y. o.

Transdisciplinary theme: Unit title: Focus: Central idea: Inquiry lines:
How we express ourselves

LETS PLAY Arts, Math We play to express our feelings and ideas and to discover new things. how we play imaginative use of everyday materials expressing ourselves through play

Concepts: Related concepts: IB Learner profile elements: Attitudes: Transdisciplinary skills:

Function, Perspective Behaviour, Subjectivity Communicator, Balanced

Cooperation, Creativity Social skills, communication skills

LANGUAGE Oral language: listening and speaking

Conceptual understandings:
Conceptual understandings Spoken words connect us with others. People listen and speak to share thoughts and feelings.

Visual language: viewing and presenting

Conceptual understandings:
Conceptual understandings Visual language is all around us. The pictures, images, and symbols in our environment have meaning. We can enjoy and learn from visual language.

Written language: reading writing

Conceptual understandings:
Conceptual understandings Illustrations convey meaning. Print conveys meaning. People read for pleasure. Stories can tell about imagined worlds. Printed information can tell about the real world. There are established ways of setting out print and organizing books. Learning outcomes: Learners: enjoy listening to stories

Conceptual understandings:
Conceptual understandings Writing conveys meaning. People write to tell about their experiences, ideas and feelings. Everyone can express themselves in writing. Talking about our stories and pictures helps other people to understand and enjoy them.

Learning outcomes: Learners: use gestures, actions, body

Learning outcomes: Learners: attend to visual information

Learning outcomes: Learners: experiment with writing using

language and/or words to communicate needs and to express ideas listen and respond to picture books, showing pleasure, and demonstrating their understanding through gestures, expression and/or words name classmates, teachers and familiar classroom and playground objects interact effectively with peers and adults in familiar social settings tell their own stories using words, gestures, and objects/ artifacts understand simple questions and respond with actions or words

showing understanding through play, gestures, facial expression reveal their own feelings in response to visual presentations, for example, by showing amusement, curiosity, surprise attend to visual information showing understanding through play, gestures, facial expression observe visual cues that indicate context; show understanding by matching pictures with context make personal connections to visual texts, for example, a picture book about children making friends in a new situation use body language to communicate and to convey understanding, for example, pointing, gesturing, facial expressions select and incorporate colours, shapes, symbols and images into visual presentations show appreciation of illustrations in picture books by selecting and rereading familiar books, focusing on favourite pages

choose and read picture books for pleasure locate and respond to aspects of interest in selfselected texts (pointing, examining pictures closely, commenting) show curiosity and ask questions about pictures or text listen attentively and respond to stories read aloud participate in shared reading, joining in with rhymes, refrains and repeated text as they gain familiarity make connections to their own experience when listening to or reading texts recognize their own first name express opinions about the meaning of a story join in with chants, poems, songs, word games and clapping games, gaining familiarity with the sounds and patterns of the language of instruction.

different writing implements and media choose to write as play, or in informal situations, for example, filling in forms in a pretend post office, writing a menu or wish list for a party use their own experience as a stimulus when drawing and writing show curiosity and ask questions about written language participate in shared writing, observing the teachers writing and making suggestions listen and respond to shared books (enlarged texts), observing conventions of print, according to the language(s) of instruction write their own name independently.

Pattern & function
Conceptual understandings:
Patterns and sequences occur in everyday situations.

Shape and space

Conceptual understandings:
Shapes can be described and organized according to their properties.

Learning outcomes:
When constructing meaning: understand that patterns can be found in everyday situations, for example, sounds, actions, objects, When transferring meaning into symbols: describe patterns in various ways, for example,using words, drawings, symbols, materials, actions, numbers

Learning outcomes:
When constructing meaning: understand that 2D and 3D shapes have characteristics that can be described and compared When transferring meaning into symbols: sort, describe and compare 2D shapes

When applying with understanding:

When applying with understanding:

extend and create patterns

explore and describe the paths, regions and boundaries of their immediate environment (inside, outside, above, below) and their position (next to, behind, in front of, up, down)

Conceptual understandings:
Conceptual understandings Safe participation requires sharing space and following rules.

Active living
Conceptual understandings:

Conceptual understandings:
Group experiences depend on cooperation of group members. Ideas and feelings can be communicated with others in a variety.

Learning outcomes:
When constructing meaning:

Learning outcomes:
When constructing meaning:

Learning outcomes:
When constructing meaning:

recognize that acting upon instructions and being aware of others helps to ensure safety

enjoy interacting, playing and engaging with others take turns listen respectfully to others share their own relevant ideas and feelings in an appropriate manner

Overall expectations: Strand: Skills:
Students will develop their observational skills by using their senses to gather and record information, and they will use their observations to identify simple patterns, make predictions and discuss their ideas. Students will explore the way objects and phenomena function, and will recognize basic cause and effect relationship. Materials and matter The study of the properties, behaviours and uses of materials, both natural and human-made; the origins of human-made materials and how they are manipulated to suit a purpose a. Observe carefully in order to gather data b. Use a variety of instruments and tools to measure data accurately (use standard and non-standard unit for measurement; measure, compare and record data; d. Identify or generate a question or problem to be explored (for example, students will ask questions or show curiosity about the natural and physical environment; ask questions or identify problems that may lead to investigations; pose questions and define problems that will facilitate effective investigations or inquiries). f. Make and test predictions (for example, students will observe similarities and differences; guess and suggest what will happen next in structured situations; based on prior learning and/or observations, suggest outcomes of an investigation; make justified predictions; propose ideas or simple theories that may be explored or tested).

Learning outcomes:

use senses to describe observable properties of familiar materials

VISUAL ARTS Responding Conceptual understandings:

- The art is a means of communication and expression - People make meaning through the use of symbols. - People share art with others. - We express our responses to artwork in a variety of ways. - We reflect on our artwork and the work of others. - In creating art, people make choices to construct meaning about the world around them. - We can express ourselves through arts. Our experiences and imagination can inspire us to create.

Creating Conceptual understandings:

- We can enjoy and learn from creating art. - The creative process involves joining in, exploring and taking risks.

Learning outcomes:
- enjoy experiencing artworks - show curiosity and ask questions about artworks - describe what they notice about an artwork - identify the materials and processes used in the creation of an artwork - express opinions about an artwork - analyse the relashionship within an artwork and construct meaning. - create artwork in response to a variety of stimuli - communicate their initial responses to an artwork in visual, oral or physical modes

Learning outcomes:
- engage with, and enjoy a variety of visual arts experiences - select tools, materials and processes for specific purposes - combine different formal elements to create a specific effect - realize that their artwork has meaning - use their imagination and experiences to inform their art making - create artwork in response to a range of stimuli - take responsibility for their own and others safety in the working environment - participate in individual and collaborative creative experiences

MUSIC Responding Conceptual understandings:

We enjoy and experience different forms of arts.

Creating Conceptual understandings:

We can enjoy and learn from creating art.

Learning outcomes:
Learners: - use voice to imitate sounds and learn songs - bring music from home to share

Learning outcomes:
Learners: - use vocal sounds, rhythms and instruments to express feelings or ideas

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