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Term paper Cse-202

dental patient management system

Submitted to ms.amandeep chawla D6801b54 10807427 submitted by- sanyam

I take this opportunity to present my votes of thanks to all those guidepost who really acted as lightening pillars to enlighten our way throughout this project that has led to successful and satisfactory completion of this study. We are highly thankful to Miss Amandeep for her active support, valuable time and advice, whole-hearted guidance, sincere cooperation and pains-taking involvement during the study and in completing the assignment of preparing the said project within the time stipulated. Lastly, We are thankful to all those, particularly the various friends , who have been instrumental in creating proper, healthy and conductive environment and including new and fresh innovative ideas for us during the project, their help, it would have been extremely difficult for us to prepare the project in a time bound framework.

. This Dental Patient Management System will be designed for multispecialty clinic, to cover a wide range of clinic administration and management processes. It will be an integrated end-to-end Patient Management System that will provide relevant information across the clinic to support effective decision making for patient care, clinic administration and critical financial accounting, in a seamless flow. This code helps in assisting patient with accurate information and supports in handling patient related enquiries efficiently. This code having excellent features and advanced search facilities improves the quality of services rendered to the user.

This process is adopted when management of the system development, Personnel decide that the particular system needs improvement. The system development life cycle is the set of activities, carried out by the analyst, designers and users to develop and implement a system. The systems that are present in the nature follow common life cycle pattern. For example consider the raining system. Initially the rain falls into the river, river flows into sea, the sea water evaporates to form vapors, the vapors form clouds which again bring rain. Similarly consider a man made system initially a system is analyzed, designed and made operational by the efforts of system analysis. After successful operation or a number of users, the system becomes less and less effective by change in the environment. So these changes have to be incorporated in to the system by minor modifications. So the general activities from the life cycle of the system are given below: Select ion and identification of the system to be studied Preliminary study Defining the system Design and development of the system Implementation of the system

#include <iostream.h> #include <fstream.h> #include <iomanip.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> char c,c1,c2,patient_name[50],patient_phone, patient_tv,patient_another; float f,patient_drfee, patient_subtotal, patient_total, patient_type; ofstream out_file; int j,patient_insurance, patient_room, patient_typ, patient_days; const float room_private = 125.00, room_semiprivate = 95.00, room_ward = 75.00; const float extra_phone = 1.75, extra_tv = 3.50; void GetName(); void Getpatient_type(); char GetPatient_Type(); void GetRoom(); char GetRoomType(); void GetPhone(); void GetTV(); void GetInsurance(); char GetInsuranceType(); float GetRoomCharge(); float GetPhoneCharge(); float GetTVCharge(); float GetSubTotal(); float GetInsCovers(); void GetFee(); void GetDays(); void DoOut(); void DoOver(); void GiveError(); void main() {"DENTAL.TXT"); cout<<endl; GetName(); out_file.close(); } void GetName() { clrscr(); cout << "Full Name: "; cin>>patient_name; Getpatient_type(); } void Getpatient_type() { cout << "\n\nDental patient Types: \n"; cout << "\n(1) Regular dental check up : R \n(2) Patient for teeth x-ray : X \n(3) Patient for removing teeth : T \n(4) Any other : O \n" << "Enter Dental Patient Type(1,2,3,4): "; cin >> patient_type; if (patient_type == 1) GetRoom(); else if (patient_type == 2) GetRoom(); else if (patient_type == 3) GetRoom(); else if (patient_type == 4) GetRoom(); else { GiveError(); Getpatient_type(); } } void GetRoom() { cout<< "\n\nRoom Types: \n"; cout<< "(1) Private : P\n(2) Semi-Private : S\n(3) Ward : W\n" << "Enter Your Room Type(1,2,3) : "; cin>> patient_room; if (patient_room == 1) GetPhone();

else if (patient_room == 2) GetPhone(); else if (patient_room == 3) GetPhone(); else { GiveError(); GetRoom(); } } void GetPhone() { cout << "\nDo you want Phone(y/n): "; cin >> patient_phone; if(patient_phone == 'y') GetTV(); else if (patient_phone == 'n') GetTV(); else { GiveError(); GetPhone(); } } float GetPhoneCharge() { if (patient_phone == 'y') return(extra_phone); else return(0.00); } void GetTV() { cout << "\nDo you want TV(y/n): "; cin >> patient_tv; if (patient_tv == 'y') GetInsurance(); else if (patient_tv == 'n') GetInsurance();

else { GiveError(); GetTV(); } } float GetTVCharge() { if (patient_tv == 'y') return(extra_tv); else return(0.00); } void GetInsurance() { cout << "\nInsurance Types:\n" << "(0) No Insurance\n" << "(1) HMO\n(2) PPO\nEnter Insurance Type(0,1,2): "; cin >> patient_insurance; if (patient_insurance == 0) GetDays(); else if (patient_insurance == 1) GetDays(); else if (patient_insurance == 2) GetDays(); else { GiveError(); GetInsurance(); } } void GetFee() { cout << "Doctor's Fee: "; cin >> patient_drfee; DoOut(); } void GetDays()

{ cout << "Days: "; cin >> patient_days; GetFee(); } float GetSubtotal() { patient_subtotal = GetRoomCharge() * patient_days; patient_subtotal = patient_subtotal + (GetPhoneCharge() * patient_days); patient_subtotal = patient_subtotal + (GetTVCharge() * patient_days); patient_subtotal = patient_subtotal + (patient_drfee); return(patient_subtotal); } float GetInsCovers(void) { if (patient_insurance==0) return(0.00); else if (patient_insurance == 1) return(GetSubtotal() - 250.00); else if (patient_insurance == 2) j=(patient_subtotal/100)*20; return j; } void DoOut() { clrscr(); cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint | ios::right); cout << setprecision(2) << endl; out_file << setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint | ios::right); out_file << setprecision(2) << endl; cout << "Name:"<< setw(20) << patient_name << endl; out_file << "Name:" << setw(20) << patient_name << endl; cout << "Patient Type: "<< setw(20) << GetPatient_Type() << endl;

out_file << "Patient Type: " << setw(20) << GetPatient_Type() << endl; cout << "Type Of Room: " << setw(8) << GetRoomType() << endl; out_file << "Type Of Room: " << setw(8) << GetRoomType() << endl; cout << "Number Of Days: " << setw(10) << patient_days << endl; out_file << "Number Of Days: " << setw(10) << patient_days << endl; cout << "Type Of Insurance: " << setw(20) << GetInsuranceType() << endl; out_file << "Type Of Insurance: " << setw(20) << GetInsuranceType() << endl; cout << endl; out_file << endl; cout << "Charges:" << endl; cout << setw(13) << "Room" << setw(16) << GetRoomCharge()*patient_days << endl; cout << setw(14) << "Phone" << setw(15) << GetPhoneCharge()*patient_days << endl; cout << setw(11) << "TV" << setw(18) << GetTVCharge()*patient_days << endl; cout << setw(16) << "Dr. Fee" << setw(13) << patient_drfee << endl; out_file << "Charges:" << endl; out_file << setw(13) << "Room" << setw(16) << GetRoomCharge() << endl; out_file << setw(14) << "Phone" << setw(15) << GetPhoneCharge() << endl; out_file << setw(11) << "TV" << setw(18) << GetTVCharge() << endl; out_file << setw(16) << "Dr. Fee" << setw(13) << patient_drfee << endl; cout << "Subtotal" << setw(21) << GetSubtotal() << endl;

out_file << "Subtotal" << setw(21) << GetSubtotal() << endl; cout << "Insurance Pays" << setw(15) << GetInsCovers() << endl; out_file << "Insurance Pays" << setw(15) << GetInsCovers() << endl; cout << "Total Due" << setw(20) << (GetSubtotal() GetInsCovers()) << endl; out_file << "Total Due" << setw(20) << (GetSubtotal() GetInsCovers()) << endl; cout << "\n\nPress any Key to Continue" << endl; getch(); DoOver(); } char GetPatient_Type() { if (patient_type == 1) return('R'); else if (patient_type == 2) return('X'); else if (patient_type == 3) return('T'); else if (patient_type == 4) return('O'); else c1='a'; return c1; } char GetRoomType() { if (patient_room == 1) return('P'); else if (patient_room == 2) return('S'); else if (patient_room == 3) return('W'); else c2='w'; return c2; }

float GetRoomCharge() { if (patient_room == 1) return(room_private); else if(patient_room == 2) return(room_semiprivate); else if(patient_room == 3) f= room_ward; return f; } char GetInsuranceType() { if (patient_insurance ==0) return('N'); else if (patient_insurance ==1) return('H'); else if (patient_insurance == 2) c='p'; return c; } void DoOver() { clrscr(); cout << "Would you Like to Add Another Patient?(y/n): "; cin >> patient_another; if (patient_another == 'y') { int i; out_file << endl; i = 15; while (i < 67) { out_file << '\n'; i = i + 1; } GetName(); } else if (patient_another == 'n')

cout << "Ending Program ..."; else { GiveError(); DoOver(); } } void GiveError() { cout<<"\n\nError: You Have Entered Incorrect Data\n"; }

Testing is the major control measure used during software development. Its basic function is to detect errors in the software. During requirement analysis and design, the output is a document that is usually textual and no executable. After the coding phase, computer programs are available that can be executed for testing purpose. This implies that testing not only, has to uncover errors introduced during coding, but also errors introduced during previous phase. Thus the goal of testing is to uncover the requirements, design and coding errors in the programs. So after testing the outputs of my project are as follows:

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