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Utthita Trikonasana Tones up the leg muscles Removes the stiffness of legs and hips Corrects minor deformities

ies in the legs Strengthens the ankles Relieves back pains

Utrasana Strengthens the spinal code Benefits people with hunched backs and drooping shoulders Paripoorna nawasana 2Effective on the intestine. Strengthen the back. Ardha nawasanaeffective on liver and gall bladder Strengthen the back. Relieves the abdominal discomfort Reduces gastric Reduces fat around waist line Tones the kidneys

Purottanasana Strengthens the waist Strengthens the ankles Expands the chest fully Helps easy breathing Improves the movement of the shoulder joints Ananta asana Tones Hamstring muscles Relieves the back pain Prevents the hernia development within the body Mayurasana Mayura means a pea-cock Strengthens abdominal portion of the body heavily Helps Proper blood circulating in the abdominal organs Cures ailments of stomach and spleen Controlls diabetes Strengthens the arm wrist and elbows

Vipritha chakrasana Tones the spine code Leads to Proper blood supplying Strengthens the arms and wrist Soothes the head. Gives more energy and lightness Halasana Gives an extra supply of blood to the spine Relieves the back ache Strengthens palms and fingers Bakasana Baka means a crane Strengthens the arms Strengthens the abdominal organs

Sarwangasana Mother of asana Gives harmony and the happiness for the human system Helps to get a balanced and well develop body and brain Has a direct effect on the glands and direct them to function properly supports a smooth blood flow to the heart without any stains Causes a proper blood circulation around neck Relieves the breathlessness palpitation ,asthma ,bronchitis and throat ailment etc Due to soothing effect of the pores and the nervous ,those suffering from hypertension, irritation, shortness of temper nervous break down and insomnia are relieved Relieves temper nervous break down and insomnia are relieved Good for urinary disorders , uterus displacement , menstrual troubles, hemorrhoid and hernia. It relieves epilepsy, anemia, peptic ulcers, colitis Caution: people suffering from high blood pressure should perform halasana before attempting sarwangasana.. Feeling new vigor and strength and be happy and confidence Gets a peaceful and a contented mind Marichasana Strengthen abdominal organs and increase digestive power Supta Konasana Strengthens the legs Contracts the abdominal organs

Maha Mudra asana Strengthens the abdominal organs Strengthens the kidneys and adrenal glands Help women in preventing the prolapsed uterus Help men in preventing ailment of the prostate gland Prevent spleen diseases Helps Proper digestion

Soorya Namaskara This is recommended to perform at least six rounds. For a better effect,the performance of soorya namaskara should follow a good warm up process.

Parsva Halasana The spine moves laterally and become more elastic Bowels start to move freely Prevents the chronic constipation Helps in acquiring a relieved mind Supta virasana (good after meals prior to bed) For proper digestion Stretches the abdominal organs Relieves the legsache.

Matsyasana Chest gets expanded Thyroid benefits due to the stretching of neck Pelvic joints become elastic Free from complication of hemorrhoid

Trikonasana Paripurna Navasana Ustrasana Purvottanasana Marichyasana

Anantasana Halasana Parsva Halasana Supta Konasana Viparita Chakrasana Matsyasana Supta Virasana Sarvangasana Bakasana Mayurasana

Yoga if practiced well under proper instructions,will benefit you in many ways.In short, be it maintaining both physical and mental health or shedding off some kilos ,shapening up your body ,yoga remains one of the best to experience a unique harmony within yourself while staying fit,open a new chapter in your life with yoga as I did!!!!

Setu Bandhasana This is recommended to do soon after the Chakrasana. This gives the spine a backward movement and it removes the strain on the neck caused by other movements of Chakrasana. This helps the nervous system to be flexible and healthy. Makes the man sound in mind and body. Good for curing stiffness in the knees and ankles. Spine and abdominal organs are toned due to blood circulation in the lumbar region This asana is recommended for practicing Pranayama.

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