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Day 5 Lesson Plan: Lets Create Maps!

UNIT TITLE: Geography: Maps UNIT LESSON: Lets Create Maps! GRADE: First Sunshine State Standards: SS.1.G.1.3: Construct a basic map using key elements including cardinal directions and map symbols Common Core Standards: LACC.1.SL.2.6: Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation LACC.1.SL.2.4: Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly Rationale: Students need to know key elements on a map in order to read or create one. In students lives, they will use maps to find their way around a new school or the mall. Students would then be able to create one and give directions. Goals Objective: The students will create a map using graph paper with 8/10 points attained from the rubric. ESOL and other exceptionalities Accommodations: Cooperative groups Visual aids (pictures to use for symbols) Simple question/response Materials: Map #1 (EXAMPLE ON Pg. 5) Map #2 (EXAMPLE ON Pg. 4) Markers Pictures of symbols Graphing paper Ruler

Printer paper Scissors Projector Transparency/ Computer 1 object per group Selfassessments (EXAMPLE ON PG. 7)

Rubrics (EXAMPLE ON PG. 6) Pictures of symbols Pencils

Student Activities/Procedure: 1. Turn on the projector and show students Map #1. 2. Take turns calling on students. Ask the students if this is an example of a complete map. The students should answer no; this is a non-example. Ask

Day 5 Lesson Plan: Lets Create Maps!

the students, What can we do to fix this map with what we have learned about proper maps? (Simple question/response) a. Students should recognize that the map does not have a compass, symbols, or a legend. Have students give you examples to add, or have students come to the projector to add such symbols. 3. Show Map #2 to the class. a. Ask, What coordinate is the water fountain at? b. Ask, Is the bathroom East or West of the library? c. Ask, Can someone give me directions to find my way to the elevator from the classroom? 4. Now, explain to the students that we will be creating group maps to find an object that you have placed around the school. (Cooperative groups) 5. Divide groups and pass out object locations with graph paper, scissors, symbol pictures, markers, ruler, printer paper, and pencils to build their maps. (Visual Aids) 6. Before students begin, show them the rubric. The assignment will get a total of 10 points. 7. Have students take 20 minutes to collaborate and create their group maps. 8. Once groups have had 20 minutes, pass out the self-assessments. Have the group self-assess their creations. 9. Collect all self-assessments. 10. Have students switch their maps. Depending on the group numbers, make sure each group switches once. 11. Allow groups to find their objects, they have 10 minutes. 12. Once all groups have returned with their objects, debrief the students about what their group excelled at, what they learned by reading someone elses map, and what they could have done differently while creating or finding maps. 13. Collect all maps to place in their portfolio with the rubric attached. Assessments: The students pre-assessment was using a class discussion. They were asked to add to the non-example to then classify it as an example of a proper map. This activated their prior knowledge, learned in the previous lessons. The students post assessment will be the creation of their map. They will be graded using the rubric. Evaluation: The students will create a map using graph paper with 8/10 points attained from the rubric. *There is a sample of the rubric on Pg. 6. **There is a sample of the self-assessment on Pg. 7. ***Maps #1 and #2 are on Pg. 4. ****An example of the final product is on Pg. 4 and 5.

Day 5 Lesson Plan: Lets Create Maps!

This is Map #1. The map is not made correctly. There are words, not symbols, and the map does not include a legend. Also, there is no scale or compass included on the map. Students should be able to recognize that this is not a proper map.

This is material Map # 2 and an example of what students will be doing. This is a proper map that students can identify for the class discussion. Also, it is a proper map that should be an example of what students will make for their evaluation.

Day 5 Lesson Plan: Lets Create Maps!

This is an example for what students will be doing with their map. These are the directions that each group will be making to find their object.

Day 5 Lesson Plan: Lets Create Maps! Group Map Rubric

2 pts Symbols: Legend: The map contained 4-5 symbols. The legend was clearly labeled with at least 5 symbols. Each symbol was labeled. There was a scale on the map. The scale was an approximate representation of the school. The compass was on the map. It had the symbol and the cardinal directions were correctly labeled. Directions were easy to follow. They contained cardinal directions and measurements. The directions were in complete sentences. 1 pt The map only had 1-3 symbols. 0 pts The map did not include any symbols. The legend was not The map did not easy to follow with include a legend. poor descriptions of the symbols. There was a scale on the map with inaccurate measurements. The compass symbol was on the map without cardinal directions or the cardinal directions were labeled incorrectly. The directions were unclear. They were not written in complete sentences. The map did not include a scale.



The map did not have a compass.


The group did not include directions.

Day 5 Lesson Plan: Lets Create Maps! Group Self-Assessment

Symbols: Our group included at least 4 symbols on our map. Legend: Our group included a legend that included at least 4 symbols. The symbols were labeled clearly. Scale: Our group included at least one scale. The measurement is accurate to the best of our abilities. Compass: Our group included a compass on the map. The compass is correctly labeled with cardinal directions. Directions: Our group included clear, detailed directions. The directions listed cardinal directions and accurate measurements.

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