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Diccionario para Ingenieros

1';"'_ PSQS
Louis A. Robb
Miembro de
MXICO, 1997
~ 1
Ttulo original:
Edicin autorizada por:
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Copyright by John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
_,-"'.' 0,-,
Espaol-Ingls e Ingls-Espaol
Diechos resefyad()s respecto a la edicin en espaol:
Renacimiento 180, Colonia San Juan Tlihuaca,
Delegacin Azcapotzalco, Cdigo Postal 02400, Mxico, D.F.
Diseo de portada:
Selene Corona Vallejo
Miembro de la Cmara Nacional de la Industria Editorial
Registro nm. 43
ISBN 968-26-1118-0 (Segunda edicin, cambio de portada)
ISBN 968-26-0894-5 (Primera edicin)
Queda prohibida la reproduccin o transmisin total o parcial del contf
de la presente obra en cualesquiera formas, sean electrnicas o mecr
sin el consentimiento previo y por escrito del editor.
Impreso en Mxico
Printed in Mexico
Primera edicin: 1956
Cuadragsima quinta reimpresin: 19-96
Segunda edicin: 1997
Esta obra se termin de imprimir en junio de 1997
en los talleres de Litogrfica INGRAMEX, S.A. de CN.
Centeno No. 162 Local 1, Col. Granjas Esmeralda
C.P. 09810, Mxico, D.F.
Cuando los originales del Engineers' Dictionary quedaron listos en 1943, la
segunda guerra mundial estaba en su apogeo y esto llev6 a la casa editora y al
autor a convenir de que el libro no deba exceder de unas cuatrocientas cincuenta
pginas. Algn material debi6 ser retirado y aunque el libro resultante trataba
detenidamente de ingeniera civil, no pudo contener muchos trminos usados en
otras ramas de la ingeniera.
Poco tiempo despus de su publicaci6n yo me retir del trabajo activo de
ingeniera y desde entonces he tenido amplias oportunidades para dedicarme a la
compilaci6n de un diccionario ms extenso. El material que debi6 ser retirado
se ha agregado ahora y se ha estudiado una gran cantidad de material nuevo.
He onsultado con muchos amigos de la Amrica Latina y en cada viaje he trado
conmigo publicaciones tcnicas de diversas clases como fuente de trminos
espaoles. Constantemente he escudriado las revistas de ingeniera y los
libros nuevos publicados en ambos idiomas.
El campo de acci6n sigue siendo la ingeniera y las referencias frecuentes a la
qumica, la geologa o la metalurgia no significan que estas materias estn total-
mente abarcadas en este libro. Cada una de ellas necesitara un volumen aparte.
Los trminos incluidos de estas u otras materias son aquellos regularmente
requeridos en un trabajo o estudio Igual criterio se ha seguido en
la selecci6n de algunos pocos trminos de finanzas, seguros y transportes.
Al ampliar la obra mis principales prop6sitos han sido los siguientes:
Abarcar la ingeniera elctrica y mecnica en manera mucho ms amplia.
La radio que no se mencion6 para nada en la primera edici6n ha recibido cuida-
doso estudio. Se han incluido trminos importantes de la televisin.
Poner al da todos los ramos de la ingeniera civil. Se ha dado especialatenci6n
a la mecnica de los suelos, a la fotogrametra y al proyecto y construcci6n de ..
Incluir los trminos ms importantes correspondientes a minera, arqyitectura
naval, explotacin forestal, industria azucarera y campos petrolferos.
Una nueva adici6n es la indicaci6n de gnero de los substantivos en espaol.
El objeto de un diccionario tcnico es proporcionar informaci6n que no se
encuentra en otra parte. Se supone que el diccionario de Webster incluye todas
y cada una de las palabras del idioma ingls, an las ms tcnicas, pero no abarca
las frases que figuran en glosa.!,ios oficiales de las sociedades de ingeniera.
Muchas de las palabras de este libro se encuentran tambin en los mejores
diccionarios generales ingls-espaol. Buttress se encuentra en cualquiera de
ellos, igualmente que thread, pero no buttress thread. Aguja y tambin infernal
se encuentran, pero no aguja infernal. La mayora de mis esfuerzos se han
concentrado en el registro de significados o equivalentes de locuciones que no
pueden expresarse con una sola palabra.
La nomenclatura de piezas de maquinaria requiere un constante uso de buen
criterio. Cada fabricante tiene su propia lista de piezas para cada mquina
y algunas mquinas constan de tantas que llegan al millar. Las partes principales
de una mquina deben enumerarse y con ellas, fuera de los trmInos como
cojinete, leva, tornillo, resorte, rodillo y vlvula, deben identificarse con un
nombre la gran mayora de las piezas componentes.
A pesar de algunos consejos adversos recibidos, yo creo todava que las
definiciones estn fuera de lugar en un diccionario tcnico bilinge. El interesado
que busca en un libro como ste el trmino slip-ring motor quiere encontrar el
equivalente aceptado en espaol y no una descripcin del motor. Las de-
finiciones aumentaran mucho el volumen del libro. La prctica seguida ha
sido la de definir un trmino solamente al carecer de un equivalente satisfactorio
y en algunos casos para evitar ambigedades.
Es obvio que existen en este libro muchas palabras, tanto en espaol como
en ingls, que tienen otros significados adems de los anotados. Se han omitido
los significados no tcnicos, as como aquellos que pertenecen a la botnica,
zoologa y otras ciencias de inters muy relativo para el ingeniero.
Algunos de los trminos de la obra original han sido criticados llamndolos
"mal espaol". Un crtico me ha dicho que la incorporacin de tales trminos
a un diccionario tiende a perpetuarlos y a perjudicar el idioma. Mi punto 'de
vista es que la exactitud de los trminos tcnicos en cualquier idioma es esta-
blecida por los tcnicos que los crean y los usan, y la tarea del compilador del
diccionario es la de registrar su uso. En esta obra se trata de dar a los tcnicos
de habla inglesa de la Amrica del Narte la terminologa de ingeniera usada en
los pases de habla espaola de Amrica y viceversa. Trminos tomados de
publicaciones oficiales, de especificaciones de ingenieros y de libros de texto se
consideran expresiones usadas y "aceptadas". Para muchos mile::; de trminos
en ingls no hay equivalente en "buen espaol" si se sigue el criterio de la Real
Academia. Esta es la razn de la diferencia entre unos 125,000 trminos en
el diccionario de la Academia y de unos 500,000 en el de Webster.
Los equivalentes en espaol de marcas de fbrica o de comercio en ingls
presentan un problema. La simple aseveracin de que estos nombres no pueden
traducirse no soluciona el problema, porque muchas traducciones son de uso
corriente en los pases de habla espaola. Muchos de estos trminos ya se han
incorporado a otros diccionarios en espaolo en espaol-ingls. Hay propietarios
de marcas de fbrica o comercio quienes han creado expresamente equivalentes
en espaol para usarlos en s?- propaganda. Yo he seguido la prctica de incluir
todo trmino de esta clase que he encontrado en buen uso tcnico. Debe notarse
que muchos trminos en-ingls de esta clase se han hecho tan conocidos que con
la sancin de Webster regularmente se escriben sin mayscula.' Para la mayora
de estos trminos hay equivalentes en espaol igualmente bien establecidos.
Muchos amigos que me proporcionaron consejos en la preparacin de la
obra original me han ayudado de nuevo. Estoy particularmente agradecido. al
seor George C. Bunker con quien he pasado muchas horas en Caracas. Adems
de concederme amplio tiempo, me present a ingenieros venezolanos de qllienes
obtuve material de gran valor. Para muchos trminos de iQgeniera sanitaria.
tanto en ingls como en espaol, tengo que agradecer al seor Edmund B.
Besselievre de la Dorr Company y al seor Toms R. Yglesias de la ciudad de
Mxico. El seor Juan de Dios Tejada de la Habana me facilit su consejo
experto en muchas cosas. El vocabulario de exploracin geofsica tanto en
ingls como en espaol me fu suministrado por ingenieros de la Socony Vacuum
Oil Company.
Nueva York
Septiembre, 1949
Under the war conditions of 1943, when the original Engineers' Dictionary
was in preparation, publisher and author agreed that the book ought to be kept
down to about 450 pages. Some material had to be laid aside, and although the
resulting book dealt thoroughly with civil engineering, itcould not go very far
with the terms of other fields.
Shortly after publication of the original book I retired from active work and
have since found ample time to devote to the compilation of a much more com-
prehensive dictionary. The items formerly laid aside have been worked in and
a maJls of new material has been studied. I have consulted many friends in
Latln America and from each trip have brought back technical publications of
manykinds to be worked over for my Spanish terms. I have constantly combed
the engineering periodicals and the newest books in both languages.
My field is still engineering. Frequent references to chemistry, geology, or
metallurgy do not mean that these subjects are covered. Each of them would
need a volume of its own. Terms of these and other sciences here included are
those which are regularly n,eeded in connection with engineering work. The
same criterion has governed the selection of a very few of the terms of finance,
insurance, and transportation.
In enlarging the book my principal objectives have been three:
1. To cover electrical and mechanical engineering much more thoroughly.
Radio, of which the first edition had nothing, has been given thorough study.
Important terms of television have been included.
2. To bring aH branches of civil engineering up to date. Special attention
has been given to photogrammetry, soil mechanics, and airport construction.
3. To include the important terms peculiar to mining, shipbuilding, logging,
sugar milling, and oil-field operations.
A new feature is the notation of gender with all Spanish nouns.
The purpose of a technical dictionary is to furnish information not found
elsewhere. Webster's is supposed to include every word in the English language
no matter how technical, but it does not cover the phrases that are listed in
official glossaries of the engineering societies. Many of the words in this book
will be found also in the best English-Spanish general dictionaries. Broad is
found anywhere and so is irrigation, but not broad irrigation. Buttres8 is found
and so is thread, but they cannot be combined into an equivalent for buttres8
thread. Most of my effort has gone into pinning down the phrases.
The listing of machine parts calls for the constant use of judgment. Every
manufacturer has bis own list of parts for each machine, and some machines
have parts running into the thousands. The principal members of a machine
must be listed, and with these, plus terms like bearing, cam, bolt, spring, roller,
and valve, equivalents of the vast majority of part names may be written easily.
In spite of sorne advice to the contrary 1 still believe that definitions are out
of place in a two-Ianguage technical dictionary. The user who turns to slip-
ring motor in a book such as this wants the accepted Spanish equivalents o that
term and is not looking for a description of a slip-ring motor. Definitions would
add gretly to the book's bulk. My practice has been to define a term only in
default of a satisfactory equivalent 01' occasionally to avoid ambiguity.
Obviously there are many words here, both Spanish and English, that have
meanings other than those given. Nontechnical meanings have usually been
ignored, as have those which belong to botany, zoology, 01' other sciences thll.t.
do not concern the engineer.
Some of the terms in the original book have been criticized as "bad Spanish."
One critic tells me that the listing of such terms in any dictionary tends to
perpetuate them and does an injury to the language. My own view is that
the correctness of technical terms in any language is established by the technical
men who create them and use them, and the job of the dictionary maker is to
record this usage. This book aims to give the North American technical man
the accepted engineering terminology of Spanish America, and vice versa.
Terms taken from official publications, from engineers' specifications, and from
textbooks are "accepted" terms. For many thousands of English technical
terms there are no "good Spanish
' equivalents, if the Royal Academy is to be
the criterion. This is the principal reason for the difference between some
125,000 entries in the Academy dictionary and 500,000 inWebster's.
Spanish equivalents of English trade names are a problem. The simple
statement that proprietary names cannot be translated does not cover the situa-
tion because they are regularly being translated in Spanish-speaking countries.
Mimy such terms have already appeared in other dictionaries, both straight
Spanish and English-Spanish. There are owners of English trade names who
have deliberately created Spanish equivalents for use in their advertising.
My rule has been to include every term of this kind that 1 have found in good
technical use. It is to be noted also that there are a great many trade names in
English that have become so well known that, with Webster's approval, they
are regularly written without the capitalletter. For most of the terms in this
class there are Spanish equivalents equally well established.
.Many friends who advised with me in the preparation of the original book
have again been helpful. 1 am particularly grateful to Mr. George C. Bunker
with whom 1 have spent many hours in Caracas, Besides giving freely of his
own time he introduced me to Venezuelan engineers from whom 1 obtained
material o great value. For terms of sanitary engineering, both in English and
in Spanish, 1 have to thank Mr. Edmund B. Besselievre of the Dorr Co. and
Mr. Toms R. Yglesias of Mexico City. Seor Juan de Dios Tejada of Havana
gave me his expert advice on many questions. The vocabulary of geophysical
exploration, both English and Spanish, was furnishedby engineers of the Socony
Vacuum Oil Co.
New York
A Argentina Ec Ecuador Par Paraguay
AC Amrica Central Es Espaa Pe Per
B Bolivia EU Estados Unidos PR Puerto Rico
C Cuba F Filipinas RD Repblica Dominicana
Col Colombia M Mxico U Uruguay
Ch Chile Pan Panam. V Venezuela
a adjetivo ds dique seco loco locomotora
aa acondicionamiento ec equipo de construc- lu lubricacin
del aire cin m masculino
adv ed edificio mad madera
'. ag agregados ef explotacin forestal mam mampostera
ais aislamiento elc elctrico maq maquinaria
al alcantarillado em elaboracin de mat matemtica
an arquitectura naval maderas mec mecnico
ap aeropuerto en engranaje med medida
arq arquitectura es escalera met metalurgia
as aserradero est estructural mg motor de gasolina
asc ascensor exc excavacin mh mquina-herramienta
auto automvil
f femenino min minera
az ingenio de azcar fc ferrocarril miner mineraloga, cristalo-
bm bomba fin finanzas grafa
ca camino fma fotogrametra mo
cab cable for ingeniera forestal mot motor elctrico
cal caldera ft ferretera mr marea
carp carpintera fund fundicin mrl meteorologa
cb caballete geof geofsico ms mecnica de suelos
cf calefaccin geog geografa mtl material
cn construccin naval geol geologa, petrografa mv mquina de vapor
co camin gr gra mz mezcladora
com c.omercial her herrera nut nutico
conc concreto herr herramienta nav navegacin
cons construccin hid hil:lrulica of oficina
cont contabilidad il ingeniera de ilumi- op obras portuarias
ct cemento nacin 01' orugas
c cbico inst instrumento ot obras de tierra
cuch cucharn irr irrigacin pa purificacin de agua
cv cableva is ingeniera sanitaria pav pavimentacin
eh chapera kilo kilogramo(s) pb plomera
dac disposicin del agua lab laboratorio pet petrleo
de cloacas lad enladrillado pi pilotaje
di Diesel leg legal pint pintura
dim dimetro lev levantamiento pi pala
dib dibujo lib libra(s) pr preposicin
tub tubera
tn tnel
pulg pulgada(s)
seg seguro
qum qumica
si sierra
turb turbina
sol soldadura tv televisin
l' ro
sondeo de exploracin
v vlvula
tc tractor
telfono, telgrafo
ref refuerzos
rfg refrigeracin
to techo
vi vidrio
rfr refractarios
top topografa vol voladura
rociador automtico
tI' transportacin
rs rosca
ts tablestacado
A Argentina DR Dominican Republic Ph Philippines
B Bolivia Ec Ecuador PR Puerto Rico
C Cuba M Mexico Sp Spain
CA Central America Pan Panama U Uruguay
eh Chile Par Paraguay US United States
Col Colombia Pe Peru V Venezuela
a adjective eng engine mech mechanical
ac air conditioning exc excavation met metallurgy
act accounting F Fahrenheit mi mile
adv adverb fdy foundry min mining
ag , ggregates fin financial miner mineralogy, crystal.
ap airport fo forms lography
al' architecture for forestry mot motor
auto automobile gal gallon(s) mrl meteorology
bdg bridge ge gsoline engine mt machine tools
bl blasting geog geography mtl material
bldg building geol geology,petrography mx mixer
bo boiler geop geophysicaI n noun
bs blacksmithing gi girder na na,val archItecture
bu bucket gl glass naut nautical
bw brickwork ht heating (building) nav navigation
cab cable hw hardware of office
carp carpentry hyd hydraulics p piping
ce construction equip- il illuminating engi- pav paving
ment neering pb plumbing
chem chemistry in. inch(es) pet petroleum
ci castiron inl insulation pi piling
cm centimeter(s) ins insurance pmy photogrammetry
com commercial inst instrument pr preposition
conc concrete irr irrigation pt pinting
cons construction kilo kilogram(s) pu pump
el' crawler lab laboratory pw portworks
et cement lb pound(s) qt quart(s)
cu cubic lbr \ lumber l' river
cy cableway leg legal ra radio
<id drydock 19 logging rd road
de derrick loco locomotive re rivet
di Diesel lu lubrication reinf reinforcing steel
diam diameter m meter(s) rf roof
dwg drafting machy machinery rfg refrigeration
ea earthwork mas masonry rfr refractories
elec electrical math mathematics 1'1' railroad
~ ! e v elevator meas measure sa sawmill
sb shipbuilding su sugarmill tu truss
sd sewage disposal surv surveying tun tunnel
se steam engine sw sewerage turb turbine
sec second(s) t tool tv ! television
sen sanitary engineering tb test boring v I verb
sh shovel tc tractor va valve
sk automatic sprinkler tel tffiephone, telegraph ve ventilation
sm sol mechanics th thread w welding
sml sheet metal ti tide wp water purification
sp sheet piling tk truck wr wirerope
sq square tl trestle ww woodworking
st stair top topography
str structural tr transportation
ababn m, an Argentine lumber (senhard).
abac m, Manila hemp.
baco m, (ar) abacus; (min) washtrough, buddle;
(conc bldg)(M) drop panel; (A) graph,
chart, nomograph.
abajadero m, downgrade.
abajador m (min) (Es)(M), tool boy, tool carrier.
abajar, to lower, let down; to fall, descend.
abajo adv, down, below, under.
abalanzar, to balance.
abalizar, to buoy; to place beacons; abalizarse
(nut), to take bearings.
abamperio m (elc), abampere.
abancalar, to terrace, bench.
abanderado m (lev), fiagman.
-- delantero, head fiagman.
--trasero, back fiagman.
abanderar, to register a vesseI.
abanico m, fan; anythingfan-shaped; small der-
rick or crane; (rr) (e) (PR) switch target.
- aluvial (r), alluvial fan.
- de deyeccin (geol), debris cone.
-- eductor, exhaust fan.
abaniqueo m (auto), shimmy.
abarbetar, (naut) to lash, stop; (cab) to serve,
abarcn m (Es), clamp, cramp, anchor; iron ringo
abarloar (nut), to berth, dock, bring alongside.
abarquillamiento m (est), crippling.
abarquillar, to warp, curl; abarquillarse, to
buckle, warp.
abarrancar, to form gullies; abarrancarse, to
run aground.
.lbarrotar, (cons) to place a waler or strongback;
(naut) to batten; to stow (cargo).
abarrotes m, dunnage.
abastar, to furnish, supply.
abastecedor m, supplier.
abastecer, to furnish, supply.
abastecimiento m, supply, furnishing.
-- de agua, water supply.
- de combustible, fueling.
abastecimientos, abastos m, supplies.
abasto de agua, water supply.
abatanador m (M), wooden maulo
abatible, descending; collapsible.
abatidero m (Es), drain, gully, gutter.
abatimiento m, lowering; (str) disassembling;
(bldg) demolition; (conc) slump; (naut)
leeway; (machy) disassembly, teardown;
batter, rake; (pu)(M) drawdown.
abatir, to lower; to knock down, disassemble; to
demolish, raze; (naut) to make leeway; to
batter, rake, slope.
abculombio m (elc), abcoulomb.
abecedario (m) de estarcir, stencil for lettering.
abecedario para marcar, marking stamp.
abedul m (mad), birch.
abelita j, abelite (explosive).
aberracin j, aberration.
-- cromtica lateral (fma) , lateral chromatic
- cromtica longitudinal (fma) , longitudinal
chromatic aberration.
-- de coma (fma), coma.
-- de esfericidad, spherical aberration.
3 aboquillado
-- de refrangibilidad, chromatic aberration.
abertura j, an opening, aperture; open country
betwen mountains; cove, small bayo
- de chispa (elc), spark gap.
-- de dosificacin (di), metering passage.
-- de la raz (sol), root opening.
--libre, clear span, net opening.
aberturas de aligeramiento (en) ,lightening holes.
abete m (mad), fu, deaI.
abetinote m, rosin.
abeto m, fu, spruce, hemlock.
-- balsmico, balsam fu.
--blanco, white fir, white spruce.
--Douglas, Douglas fu, Oregon pine, red fu,
yellow fir.
-.- negro, black spruce; black hemlock.
--rojo, red fir, Douglas fu, Oregon pine, red
abetunar, to {)oat or impregnate with pitch.
abey m, jacaranda (and other tropical hard-
abfaradio m (elc), abfarad.
abhenrio m (elc), abhenry.
abierto, open. '
abigarrado, (miner) variegated, mottled (soil).
abisagrar, to hinge.
abisal (geol), abyssal.
abiselar, to bevel, chamfer.
abismal m, shingle nail, clasp nail; a (geol) abys-
sal, abysmal.
-- de tejar, slating nail.
abismo m (geol), abyss.
abitaque m, a timber; joist.
abitar, to make fast on a bitt.
abitn m (nut),bitt.
abladera j, howel, cooper's adz.
ablandador m (met) (agua), softener.
ablandar, to soften; to temper (mortar); ablan-
darse, to soften, become soft.
ablandecer, to soften.
abmho (elc), abmho.
abocardado, countersunk; bellmouthed.
abocardador (m) de tubos (cal), tube expander.
abocardar, to splay; to countersink; to counter-
abocardo m, countersink, countersinking drill.
-- de cabeza chata, fiathead countersink.
-- de fondo plano, (t) counterbore.
-- tipo caracol, snail-head countersink.
-- tipo rosa, rosehead countersink.
abocinado, bellmouthed.
abocinador m, fiarer, fiaring tool.
- de tubos (cal), tube expander.
abocinar, to fiare, form with a bellmouth.
abohmio m (elc), abohm.
abolladura j, dento
abollar, to dento
abombar, to crown, arch, camber; abombarse,
to buckle; to warp, bulge; (rd) to mush-
abonado, abonada 8, subscriber, customer, con-
sumer (electric current); (rr) commuter.
abonar, to fertilize; (act)
abonar m (com), note.
abono m, fertilizer; (rr) commutation.
aboquilladQ, bellmouthed.
acarreo acarreo 5 aceit
aboquillar, to splay.
abordaje m, abordo m, fouling of two vessels,
abordar (nut), to make a port; to berth at a
dock; to foul (another vessel).
abovedado m, crown of a road.
abovedadora I,road shaper, subgrader.
abovedar, toareh, vault, erown.
aboyar, to buoy. .
abra 1, (top) gap, pass; (geog) eove; (mm)
fissure; (Col) window sash; (surv) clearmg
for line of sight.
abrasin 1, abrasion, (hyd) seour.
abrasivo m a, abrasive.
-- de acero, erushed stee!.
abrazadera 1, clamp, clip; clevis; eleat; keeper
(loek); (reinf)(Pe) eolumn hoop.
_ antideslizante, (rr) antiereeper: (elee)' grade
- contrafuga (pet), leak clamp.
_ de anclaje, rail clamp (erane); (elee) strain
- de ballesta (auto), spring shaekle.
- del cabezal (torno), headstoek clamp.
- de carril (fe), rail braee: rail clip.
-- de compresin, pineheoek.
- de contacto (sol), eontact jaw.
- de la coraza (ele), armor ehlmp.
-- de la excntrica (mv), eeeentrie strap.
- de guardaearril (fe), guardrail braee.
- de hincar (pet), drive clamp.
- de masa (ele), ground clamp.
- de porcelana (ele), poreelain eleat.
-- de reparacin, repair clamp.
-- de servicio (tub), serviee clamp.
- de silla (tub), saddle clamp. l
- de taladrar, (p) drilling erow; (str) old mano
- para cable, cable clip.
- para cao, pipe clamp; (A) hose bando
--pllra manguera, hose band 01' clamp.
-- para retenida, guy clamp or clip.
-- para viga 1, beam clamp.
- terminal (ele), dead-end clamp.
- universal (mo), Universal clamp (trade-
abrazadera-aislador, cleat insulator.
abrazar, to clamp, clip.
abrebrechas m (ee), trailbuilder, Gradebuilder,
abrehoyo m (pet), reamer, hole opener.
abretrochas m (ec), trailbuilder.
abretubos m, (pet) pipe swage; (bo)(M) tube
-- de rodillos, roller swage.
abrevar, to water (horses); to wet down a wall
before stuceoing; (pu) to prime.
abreveredas m (ee), trailbuilder.
abridor (m) de llantas (auto) (M), tire spreader.
abridural (min)(M), enlargement of a gallery.
abrigo m, proteetion, eover; windbreak; harbor;
(min) width of a vein of .ore.
abrir, to open, unloek, unfasten.
abrojos m (nut), reef, hidden roeks.
abromado, honeyeombed by the worm-
abromarse, to beeome worm-eaten.
abronzado m (min)(M), name applied to severa!
different ores of eopper.
absaroquita I (geol), absarokite.
abscisa I (mat), abseissa.
absoluto, absolute (all senses).
absorbechoque m, shock absorber.
absorbedero m (Es), leaehing cesspool; sewer
catch basin.
absorbedor m, absorbedora 1, absorber.
absorbedor de choque, shock absorber.
absorbencia 1, absorption; absorbeney; absorp-
-- especfica, specific absorptive indexo
absorbente m, absorbent; a absorbent, absorp-
absorber, to absorb; (chem) to oeclude.
absorbible, absorbable.
absoreimetro m, absorptiometer.
absorcin I (hid) (elc) (qulm), absorption.
-- atmosfrica (ra), atmospheric absorption.
- del suelo (ra), ground absorption.
absorsor m (A), absorber.
abuinche m (Col), kind of machete.
abulonar (A), to bolt.
abultar, to bulk, swell.
abvoltio m (elc), abvolt.
acabado m, finish (surface); finishing coat.
- a frota mecnica (conc), machine finish.
- brillante, glossy finish.
- en fro, cold-finished.
-ligado (eonc), bonded finish.
- mate, flat or dull finish.
- satinado o semimate (ft), satin finish.
acabadora 1, finishing machine: finishing tool.
- de frota (ca), float finisher.
- de subrasante (ca), subgrade planer.
acabadora-pisonadora (ca), tamping finisher.
acabar, to finish (all senses).
acafe1ar (Es)(Col), to plaster; to wall up a door
01' window.
acaj m (C)(PR)(RD) (M), name applied to var-
ious trees yielding construetion lumber.
acalabrotado, cable-Iaid (rope), hawser-Iaid;
(elec cab) rope-Iaid.
acamado, on the flat; horizontal.
acampanado, bellmouthed, bell-shaped.
acampana!:, tO fiare, splay.
acampar, to camp; to build a campo
cana m 1, a West lndian cqnstruction timber.
acanalado, corrugated, fiuted, grooved, troughed.
acanalador m, channeling machine; groover; rab-
bet planeo
acanaladora 1, channeling machine, quarrying
machine; (t) crease.
acanaladura 1, groove, channel; (ar) flute; (elec)
acanalar, to groove, channel, corrugate, flute; to
acantilado m, cliff; a steep.
acantita 1, acanthite (silver ore).
acaparar (com), tO monopolize, corner, control.
acarreadizo, portable; shifting (sand).
acarreador m (tr), earrier.
acarrear, tO haul, transport, cart, carry, convey.
acarreo m, hauling, cartage, transportation, haul.
- extra (ot), overhaul.
"- fluvial, silt, alluvium; river transportation;
river drift.
- fluvioglacial (geol), fluvioglaeial drift.
-- hidrulico, sluicing, hydraulieking.
-libre (ot), free haul.
acarreos, material earried by a stream, bed load;
(geol) drift; (min) float ore.
- del escurrimiento (hid), silt runoff.
-- de glaciar, glacial drift.
acarreto m (M) (PR), cartage, hauling.
acartelado, braeketed, eantilever, corbeled.
acartelamiento m, knee braee; corbel, oversailing.
acastillaje m (cn), freeboard; upper works.
accela.dor m (is), Aeeelator (trademark).
accelofiltro m (dac), Aeeelofilter (trademarl:).
accesibilidad 1, aecessibility.
accesible, accessible.
acceso m, an approach; aocess.
-- dirigido desde tierra (ap), ground-controlbl
accesorio m, fitting, attaehment, appurtcnancc;
a accessory.
-- cargador (ec) , loader attachment.
-- de acceso (elc), access fitting.
- do'barrenar (em), boring attachment.
-- de cruce inferlor (eI6c), crossunder fitting.
- de dos vas (tub)(C), Y branch.
-- de escoplear (em), mortising attaehment.
-- para fresar (torno), milling attachment.
-- solar (trnsito), solar attachment.
accesorios, fittings, accessories.
- abocinados (tub), fiare fittings.
- de brida (tub), fianged fittings.
-- de bronce (v) , brass trimmings.
-- de cadena, chain attachments.
-- de caldera, boiler fittings.
-- de caera, pipe fittings.
-- de circulacin (tub) , circulatiBg..boiler fit-
-- de compresin (tub), compressionfittings.
- de conducto (elc), conduit fittings.
- de curva abierta (tub), long-sweep fittings.
-- de gra, derrick fittings 01' irons.
-- de insercin (conc), inserts.
-- de norma (auto), standard equipment.
- de orejas (tub), drop fittings,
- de pie (tub), buse fittings.
- de reborde (tub), beuded 01' banded fittings.
- de seccin completa (tub), full-flow fittings.
- de tornillo (tub) , screwed 01' threaded fittings.
-- de torno, lathe attachments.
-- de tractor, tractor equipment.
-- de tubera, pipe fittings.
- de unin (tub),union fittings.
-- de va (fe), track accessories.
-- de voladura, blasting accessories.
- drenables (tub), drainage fittings.
- embridados (tub), fianged fittings.
- para rbol de boca de pozo (pet), Christmas-
tree fittings.
-- para cable, cable attachments 01' fittings or
- partidos (eI60), split fittings.
- pendientes (tub), drop fittings.
- soldables (tub), welding fittings; solder-joint
- tipo de perilla, ball-pattern fJ.andrail fittint'B.
accidllltado, (top) hilIy, broken; (Sp)(A)(Ch)
injured in an aecident.
accidental (mat) (fsica),
accidente m, accidento
accidentes geolgicos, geologie structural pro.
accidentes topogrficos o del terreno, hills and
accin 1, action.
-- de anillo (ms), ring action.
-- disparadora (ra), trigger action.
--rpida, de, quick-acting.
-- simple, de, single-acting.
acciones, shares of stock.
-- ordinarias, common stock.
-- preferidas o privilegiadas, preferred stock.
accionado, driven, actuated,
-- a vapor, steam-driven.
-- elctricamente, motor-driven.
- por correa, belt-driven.
--por engranajes, gear-driven.
accionamiento m, operation, drive.
- a mano, hand operation.
-- por banda, belt drive.
-- por cadena, chain drive.
-- por tornillo sin fin, worm drive.
accionar, to drive, actuate, operate.
accionista mi, stockholder.
acebo m (mad) , holly.
acebollada (mad), showing shakes.
acebolladura f (mad), shake.
aceitado m, oiling, lubricatiml.
aceitador m, oiler (man); oil cup, lubricator.
-- a presin, force-feed lubricator.
-- cuentagotas, sight-fced lubricator.
- de lnea (perforadora), air-line oiler.
aceitaje m, oiling, lubrication.
aceitar, to oil, lubricate.
aceite m, oil.
-- aislante, insulating oil.
-- antracnico, anthracene (,iI.
-- bruto, crude oil; oil in bulk.
-- cocido (pint), boiled 01' drying oil.
- combustible, fucl 01' furnace oiI.
-- crudo, raw oil; crude oil.
-- de alquitrn, tal' oil.
-- de alumbrado, illuminati,g oil, kerosene.
-- de azufre, oil of vitriol, slilphuric acid.
-- de ballena, train 01' whak oil.
-- de calefaccin, furnace oi!.
-- de carbn, kerosene, coal oil.
-- de crter (auto), crunkcase oil.
-- de castor (Iu), castor oil.
-- de colza, rape 01' colza oil.
-- de creosota, creosote oil, dead oil.
- de engrase, lubricating
- de esperma de ballena, sperm oil.
- de esquisto, shale 01' schist oil.
- de grasa de cerdo (A), lard oil.
- de horno, furnace 01' fuel oil.
-- de lmpara (1\'1), kerosene.
-- de linaza o de lino, liaseed oil.
-- de linaza blanqueado, bleached oil.
- de maz, corn oil.
-- de manteca, lard oil.
6 acero acero
- de nabina, rapeoil.
- de palo, tung or China wood oil.
- de perilla, perilla oil. .
- de pescado, train or fish or menhaden oil.
-- de ricino, castor or rincinus oil.
- de taladrar, drilling oil.
_.- de trementina, oil of turpentine.
-- de vitriolo, oil of vitriol, sulphuric acid.
-- esencial, essential or volatile oil.
- fluidificante (ca), flux oil.
- graso, fatty oil.
- imprimador (ca), priming oil.
- isolante (Ec), insulating oil.
-lampante (Es), light oil; kerosene.
--lubricante de motor, motor oil.
- mate (pint), flatting oil.
-_. mineral, mineral oil, petroleum.
-- mineral de foca, mineral seal oil.
--mineral de manteca, minerallard oil.
-- muerto, dead or creosote oil.
--para mquinas, machine or engine oil.
- para temple (met), quenching oil.
- quemado (auto) (C), crankcase oil.
- secante (pint), boiled or drying oil.
- soluble, soluble or cutting oil.
--voltil, volatile or essential oil.
--vulcanizado, factice, vulcanized oil.
aceitera j, oiler, oilcan; oil cupo
--a presi6n, squirt can.
-- con gota visible, sight-feed oil cupo
-- c6nica, pyramid oiler.
- de lnea, air-line oiler (drill).
-- de mecha, wick oiler.
-- de resorte, oil gun.
--ferrocarrilera, railroad oiler.
aceitera j, oil house.
aceitero m, oiler (man); a Cuban hardwood.
aceitifero (M), oil-bearing.
aceitillo m (PR), a hardwood.
aceit6n m, (Iu) olive oil.
aceitosidad f, lubricity.
aceitoso, oily.
aceleraci6n j, acceleration.
-- casual (fma), random acceleration.
-- de entrada (hid), entrance acceleration.
-- de gravedad, acceleration of gravity.
- negativa, deceleration, negative acceleration,
acelerador m, (auto) (chem) (mas) (sk) (pmy) ac-
celerator; (met) energizer.
-- de fraguado, accelerator of cement setting.
- de mano (auto), hand throttle.
- de pedal (auto), foot accelerator.
- de reacci6n (quim), catalyst, accelerator.
- de taladrado, drill speeder.
acelerante m (qu!m), accelerante.
acelerar, to accelerate.
aceler6grafo m, accelerograph (earthquake).
atelerograma m, accelerogram;
aceler6metro m, accelerometer.
--integrador, integratingaccelerometer.
- registrador, recording accelerometer.
acendrar, to refine.
acntrico" acentric.
acentuaci6n j (ra), accentuation.
acentuador m (ra), accentuator.
aceaJ (Es), water wheel; water-power millo
acepilladora J, planer, surfacer.
-- cerrada, closed planer.
-- de banco, bench planer.
-- de engranaje recto, spur-geared planer.
-- de engranajes c6nicos, bevel-gear planer.
-- de herramienta m6vil, traveling-head planer.
-- de lado abierto, openside planer.
-- de tornillo sin fin, worm-geared planer.
--limadora, shaping planer.
--para curvas, radius planer.
--vertical, wa11 or vertical planer.
acepilladura J, planing.
acepilladuras, wood shavings, cuttings, turnings.
acepillar, to plane, dress, face, mill; to brush.
aceptaci6nJ (com), acceptance.
--libre, clean or general acceptance.
aceptador m, aceptante (com), acceptor.
aceptar, to accept.
aceptar m (quim)(ra), acceptor.
acequia j, irrigation ditch, canal; (Pe) brook.
-- derivada, branch canal.
-- evacuadora, return ditch.
-- madre o maestra o troncal, main canal.
acequiador m, irrigation workman, ditch digger.
acequiaje m, irrigation dues.
acequiar, to ditch.
acequiero m (irr) , canal tender, ditch-mainte-
nance mano
cer m, maple.
aceraJ, sidewalk, footwaIk; (Sp) face of a wall.
-- de transporte, moving sidewalk.
aceraci6n (1) superficial (met), chilling.
acerar, (met) to chill, harden; (mas) to face with
stone; (Col) to stucco; to laya sidewaIk.
acera j, steel millo
acero m, steel.
-- al carbono, carbon steel.
- al cobre, copper-bearing steel.
-- al hogar abierto, open-hearth stee!.
-- al manganeso, manganese steel.
--al nquel; nickel steel.
-- Bessemer, Bessemer steel.
-- cementado, casehardened or blister steel.
-- cobaltocromo, cobalt-chrome steel.
-- colado, cast stee!.
-- colado de crisol, crucible cast steel.
-- cromado, chromium steel.
-- cromonquel, chrome-nickel stee!.
-- cromovanadio, chrome-vanadium stee!.
-- de aleaci6n pobre, low-alloysteel.
-- de aleaci6n rica, high-alloy steel.
- de alta velocidad, high-speed steel.
-- de alto carbono, high-carbon steel.
-- de arado superior, improved plow stee!.
-- de construcci6n, structural steel.
-- de crisol, crucible steel.
- de fcil tallado, free-cutting steel.
-- de herramientas, tool stee!.
-- de horno elctrico, electric steel.
- de liga, alloyflteel.
- de Ungote o de tochos, billet or new-billet
- <Le nitruraci6n, nitrided steel.
-- de textura orientada, grain-oriented steel
- desplegado, expanded steel (pole).
- dulce, mild or soft or low-carbon steel, (sb)
flange stee!.
-- empavonado, blue stee!.
-- encerrado, rimmed stee!.
-- encobrado, copper-bearing stee!.
- fundido, cast steel.
--harveyizado, Harveyized steel.
--inmanchable o inoxidable, stainless or rust-
less stee!.
- intermedio, medium stee!.
--mangansico, manganese steel.
--mediano, medium or medium-carbon steel.
--moldeado, cast stee!.
- muerto, killed stee!.
--para nitruraci6n, nitriding steel, nitralloy.
--perfilado, structural shapes, rolled steel seo-
- rpido, high-speed steel.
-- relaminado, rerolled stee!.
-- semimuerto, semikilled steel.
-- Siemens-Martin, open-hearth stee!.
-- suave, soft or mild or low-carbon stee!.
- tapado, capped stee!.
- ultI:arrpido, high-speed stee!.
acerocromo m, chromium stee!.
aceronquel m, nickel steel.
acerrojar, to bolt (door); (str) (C) to bolt.
acetaldehido m (lab), acetaldehyde.
acetato m, acetate.
- butllico, butyl acetate. .
-- cprico, cupric or copper acetate.
- de alfa-naftilamina, alpha-naphthylamine
-- de uranio o de uranilo, uranyl acetate.
actico, acetic.
acetilnico, acetylenic.
acetileno m, acetylene.
acetiluro de cobre, copper or cuprous acetylide.
acetina j, acetin.
acetol m, acetol, acetyl carbino!.
acetona 1, acetone, dimethyl ketone.
aciberar, to grind, pulverize.
acclico (elc), acyclic.
aciculita j, needle ore, aikinite.
aciche m, paver's hammer.
acidez j, acidity.
acidificar, to acidify, (pet) to acidize.
acidmetro m, acidimeter.
cido m a, acid.
--actico glacial, glacial acetic acid.
--b6rico, boric or boracic or orthoboric acid.
-- carb6lico, carbolic acid, pheno!.
-- carb6nico, carbonic acid.
-- clorhdrico o hidrocl6rico, hydrochloric or
muriatic acid.
-- de aC\lmulador, battery acid.
--fnico, carbolic acid, pheno!.
--hidri6dico, hydriodic acid, hydrogen iodide.
-lodoso (pet) , sludge acid.
--nitrohidroc16rico o nitromuritico, nitrohy-
drochloric acid, aqua regia.
-- sulfrico, sulphuric acid, oil of vitrio!.
-- tnico, tannic acid, tannin.
cidos grasos, fatty acids.
acidular, to acidulate, (pet) to acidize.
acimut m, azimuth.
-- asumido, assumed azimuth.
-- de atrs, back azimuth.
-- de cuadrcula, grid azimuth.
-- de frente, forward azimuth.
- terrestre (fma), ground azimuth.
--verdadero, true azimuth.
acimutal, azimuthal.
acitara 1, partition wall; curtainwalL
aclarador m, clarifier.
aclarar, to clarify.
aclstico, aclasto, aclastic (optics).
acle m (F), a construction lumber.
aclimatar, to acclimatize.
aclnico, aclinic.
acmitaj (miner), acmite (pyroxene).
aco m (V), a construction lumber.
acodadera j, stonecutter's chisel.
acodado m, a bend; a bent to an angle.
- abierto (tub), eighth bend.
-recto (tub), quarter bend.
acodalamiento m, shoring, trench bracing.
acodalar, to shore, brace; acodalarse, to jamo
acodamiento m, bend, elbow; shoring, trencb
acodar,to bend; to shore, brace; to square up
(surv) to offset.
acodillado, bent to an angle; (str) crimped.
acodilladora I (cn), joggling machine.
acodillar, to bend to an angle; acodillarse, to
acojinar, to cushion.
acolchado, n. riprap, apron, hearth; a (cab)
acolchar, to cushion; to lay (rape).
acolchonar, to cushion.
acolladar m, calker; calking too!.
acollar, to calk with oakum;
acombar, to warp, buckle.
acometer, (p)(sw) (min) to branch.
acometidaj, (p)(sw) house connection; branch.
-- de cable, electric service connection.
acometimiento m, house connection.
acomodado almano, hand-placed (rack fill).
acomodamiento m (cab) (M), layo
acomodar, to place, arrange, fit in.
acomodo m, (V) assembly, framing.
acompaado m (Col), conduit, pipe trench.
acompaar, (Ch) to fill holes in a wall, to chink
aconcharse, to run aground; (Ch) to deposit
acondicionador m (aa)(dac) (pa)(pet), condi.
-- de agua, water softener or conditioner.
-- de cienos (dac), sludge conditioner.
-- de lodo (pet),mud conditioner.
- de radiaci6n o de tubos (aa) , surface-type
-- de rocio (aa), spray-type conditioner.
- enterizo o unitario (aa), unit conditioner.
acondicionamiento m, conditioning.
acondicionar, to condition; to repair, overhau!.
acopaci6n I (mad), cupping.
acopado, hollowed out, cupped, cup-shaped.
aclpar, to cup, hollow out; (min) to batter (sid'il
acope m (min) , )Jatter of sido timbers.
adala J, dale, spout, trough.
- Ele bomba, pump dale.
adamantino (miner), adamantine.
adamelita J (geol), adamelite, pIagioclase-granite
adaptador m, (mech) (ra) adapter; (p) transition
piece, fitting.
-- de antena (ra), antenna adapter or elimina-
-- de onda (ra), wave adapter.
- de vlvula (ra), valve adapter.
-- para tubera (pet) , casing adapter.
adaptar, to fit.
adaraja J, bondstone; (conc) bonding key; tooth-
adelantador (m) de fases (elc), phase advancer.
adelantar, to advance (all senses).
adelante, ahead; forward.
adelanto m, progress; advance payment; (se)
(geop) lead.
adelgazador m (pint), thinner. \
adelgazar, to make thin; to taper, skive; to
soften (water); to thin (paint); to cut
back (asphalt).
adema J (min), shore, prop.
ademado m, timbering, bracing, shoring; (M)
well casing.
-- de cajn, cribwork.
ademador m, timberman, shorer.
ademadora J, ax used in mine timbering.
ademar, to shore,. timber.
ademe m (min), strut, shore.
-- de prestado, temporary timbering.
adentar, to tooth.
adentelladura J, toothing.
adentellar, 'to tooth; (eonc) te> form bonding
adentro adv, inside.
aderezadora J, (mech) dresser; buzz planer.
aderezar, to fit out, rig, equip; to dress, rectify
aderezo m, dressing (belt, etc.).
adeudar (cont), to d",bit.
adherencia J, adhesion, bond.
adherente, adhesive.
adherirse, to adhere, cohere.
adhesin J, adhesion, bond; (w) freezing.
adhesivo, adhesive.
adiabtico, adiabatic.
adiactnco, adiaetinic.
adiatrmico, adiathermic.
adicin J, addition.
adicionante m (conc) (M), admixture.
adicional m (conc)(A), admixture.
adinola J (geoI), ..dinole.
adintelar (Col), to place a
aditamento m, a fitting, attachment, accessory
(auto) equipment; (eone)(Col) inserto
-- de muela (torno), grinding attachment.
- de taladrar (em), boring attachment.
- para fresar (torno), milling attachment.
-- de cadena, chain attaehments.
- de tractor, tractor equipment.
- de tubera (Col), pipe fittings.
aditivo m, additive; (eIec) additlOn agent; a
, - de fuel dope.
acopiar, to store, stock.
acopio m, storage, (hyd) pondage.
- de sobrecarga (hid), surcharge storage.
- en las riberas (hid), bank storage.
-- muerto, dead storage.
-- para uso (hid), conservation storage.
acoplado m, (A) trailer; (U) tow of barges.
-- directamente, direct-connected.
acoplador m, a coupling, coupler.
- ajustable (ra), loose coupler.
- de unin (tub), union coupling
acopladura J, coupling, joint, connection.
acoplamiento m, coupling, splice, joint, connec-
tion; (A) clutch; (carp) accouplement.
- a bayoneta, bayonet coupling.
- al ras, flush joint.
- cadena (ra) (A), link coupling.
-- capacitivo (ra) , capacitive or electrostatic
- cerrado (ra), close coupling.
-- cnico, cone coupling.
- corriente (tub), standard coupling.
-- crtico (ra), criticalor optimum coupling.
- de ajuste, flexible coupling.
- de bobina de reactancia (ra), choke coupling.
- de bridas (maq), flange coupling.
- de casquillos de caucho, rubber-bushing
-- de compresin, compression coupling.
-- de dilatacin, expansion joint.
- de disco flexible, flexible-disk coupling.
- de doble cono, double-cone coupling.
- de engranajes fijos, fixed-gear coupling.
-- de garras, clutch or jaw or claw coupling.
- de insercin (tub), inserted joint.
-- de manguito, sleeve coupling.
-- de pestaa, flange coupling.
- de planchitasempaquetadas,cushioned-plate
- de reaccin(ra), choke coupling.
- de resistencia (ra), resistance coupling.
- de rosca (tub), screw(ld or threaded joint.
- de rosca escalonada (tub) , step-thread joint.
-- de Sellers, cone or Sellers coupling.
- dbil (ra), weak or loose coupling.
- dentado, clutch or jaw coupling.
-- electromagntico, magnetic clutch.
- en cascada (elc), cascade connection.
- entrevlvula (ra), intervalve coupling.
- eslabn (ra)(A), link coupling.
- .,strecho (elc), close or tight coupling.
- exible a. correa, belt-type or flexible-band
- de ajuste doble, doubler-slider cou-
-flo]o (ra)(Es), weak or loose coupling.
-flido (auto)(A), fluid drive.
- hidrulico, fluid drive.
- impulsor, impulse coupling.
- intervalvular (ra), intervalve coupling.
- ptimo (ra), optimum o' critical coupling.
- por impedancia (ra), impedance coupling.
- por resistencia-capacidad (ra) , resistance-
capacitance coupling.
--recalcado interior (tub), internal upset joint.
-- resistivo (ra) , or resistance coupling.
8 acuamotol
- semirrs (tub), semiflush joint.
-- sin rosca, threadless coupling.
-- universal, universal joint.
acoplar, to eouple, join, connect, hook up.
acople m (A), acoplo m (C), a coupling.
acorazado a, armored; enclosed; (elec) ironclad.
acorchado, lined with cork.
acordamiento m. pieza de, transition piece.
acordar, to make level or fluah; (ra) to tune.
acordelar, to layout with a chaIk lineo
acordonado, cord (tire).
acordonar (ca) (Ch) (U), to windrow.
acortar, to shorten; acortarse, to contract, shrink,
acorvar, to bend.
acostarse, to get out of plumb.
acostillado, ribbed.
acotacin J, elevation or dimension marked on a
plan; boundary mark or monument; (C)
acotamiento m, boundary monuments;
dimensioning; (M) shoulder of a road.
acotar, to mark elevations, dimension; (surv) to
mark out, set monuments.
acotillo m, sledge, striking hammer.
acre m, acre.
acrecencia J, acrecimiento m (geol) (for) , accre-
acreedor m, creditor.
acrepi m, allre-foot.
acrepulgada J, acre-inch.
acribar, to screen, sift.
acribillar, to perforate, riddle.
acrisolar, to assay; to refine.
acromtico, achromatic.
acrmetro m, oleometer, acrometer.
acta J, memorandum of action signed by parties
actas, minutes of a meeting.
actnico, actinic.
actinio m (quim), actinium.
actinismo m, actinismo
actinodielctrico, actinodielectric.
actinoelectricidad J, actinoelectricity.
actinofnico, actinophonic.
actinografa J, actinography.
actingrafo m, actinograph.
actinograma m, actinogram.
actinolita, actinota J (miner), actinolite (ampbi
actinologa J, actinology.
actinometra J, actinometry.
actinomtrico, actinometric.
actinmetro m, actinometer.
actinomicetales (is), Actinomycetales.
activable (is), activable.
activador m (quim), activator, promoter.
activar, to activate.
activo m, assets; a (ch"m) active.
- circulante, working capital, liquid assets.
- invisible, good will.
actuador m, actuator.
actuante m (Es), actuator.
actuar, to actuate, drive, operate.
acuagel m (pet), aquagel.
acuamotor m (Es), hydraulic ramo
acuarela J, water color, wash drawing,
acutico, aquatic.
acuatizaje m (ap), landing on the water.
acueducto m, aqueduct, conduit, flume; water
system, waterworks.
cueo, aqueous.
cueoglacial (geol), aqueoglacia1.
cueogneo (geol), aqueoigneous.
acuerdar, to layout with a chalk lineo
acuerdo m, agreement; resolution, deeree,
acuerdo, pieza de (tub), fitting; transition piece.
acuicierre m, acuiclusa J, aquiclutle (geohydrol-
acufero, water-bearing.
acuifuga J, ac:uifuge (geohydrology).
acumulacin J, aceumulation; (geol) accretions.
acumulador m, (meeh) aceumulator; (elec) stor-
aga battery 01' cel!'; (ac) cumulator.
-- cido de plomo, lead acid 01' lead-lead acid
- compen3ador, floating battery.
-- de alta gravedad, high-gravity battery.
-- de baja gravedad, low-gravity battery.
-- de hierro-nquel, nickel-iron or Edisoll stor-
-- de plomo-cinc, lead-zinc cell.
-- de vapor, steam accumulator.
-- empastado (elc), pasted battery'.
- flotante, floating battery.
- hidrulico, hydraulie accumulator.
-- hidroneumtico, hydropneumatie aecumu-
- Plant, Plant battery.
acumuladorista m (M), battery-maintenance
acumulativo, cumulative.
acuador (m) de balasto (fc), ballast tamper.
acuamiento m (geol), thinning out of a vein.
acuar, to wedge, ehock, key; to jam; to tamp
(tias); acuarse, to jamo
acuoso, aqueous.
acuosoluble, soluble iu water.
acuotubular (cal), watertube.
acstica J, acoustics.
acstico, acoustic.
acutngulo, acute-angled.
achaflanar, to bavel, chamfer, splay.
acharolar, to japan; to varnish.
achatador m (her), flatter.
achatar, to flatten.
achicador m, bailer.
- de lodo (pet), mud soeket.
- de stanos, cellar drainer.
achicadura J, unwatering, bailing, drainage,
acrJcar, to unwater, bail out, drain.
achiflonado (min)(Ch), sloping.
aehiguar (A)(Ch), to bulge, buckle.
achique m, unwatering, bailing, draining.
aeholole m (irr)(M), excess water that runs off.
achololear (irr)(1\I), to run off (excass water).
achololera J (irr)(M), ditch to collect excess
achurada J (dib) (M), hatching.
aehurar (dib) (M), to hatch.
ad val6rem, ad valorem.
aditivo 10 aeroplano aeropoligonaci6n
- en polvo (conc), powdered adroixture.
adjudicar, to award, let (contract).
adjudicatario m, successful bidder.
administracin. f, administration, management;
roanager's office; headquarters.
-- delegada, agency forro of contract, cost plus.
-- judicial, receivership.
administrador m, manager.
-- auxiliar, assistant manager.
-- de obras, construction manager.
--interino, acting manager.
-- judicial, receiver.
admisin f, (eng) admission, intake.
- total (turb), full admission.
admitancia f (elc), admittanee.
- de entrada (ra), input adroittanee.
-- electr<lica (ra), electrode admittanee.
adobar, to apply dressiog (belt, etc.).
adobe m, adobe, mud construction; unburned
briek; kiod of loess; (bl) mudcap.
adoberaf, mold for adobe briek; adobe brickyard.
adobera f, adobe brickyard.
adobo m, belt dressing; cable compound.
adobn m, (Ch) one pour of adobe wall; (V)
large brick.
adoqun m, stone paving block.
- de asfalto, asphalt block.
- de madera, wood paviog block.
adoquinado m, block paving.
-- grantico, granite-block paving.
adoquinador m, pavero
adoquinar, to pave with blocks.
adosar, to abut against, baek up too
adovelado (arco), built of voussoirs.
adrales m, sideboards or racks of a truck.
-- sobresalientes, f1areboards.
adrizar (nut), to trim, right.
adsorbedor m (aa), ads()rber.
.adsorbente, adsorbent.
adsorber, to adsorb.
adsorcin, adsorption.
aduana f, customhouse.
aduanar, to enter io the custorohouse; to pay
duty; to put in bond.
aduanero m, customs official.
aduja f, coil (rope).
adujadas 1, eoils.
adujar, to eoil.
adulzar, to soften (metals or water).
adveccin f, advection.
advectivo, advective.
adyacente (mat), adjaeent, contiguous.
aeracin 1, aeration.
-- de dos etapas, two-stage aeration.
-- graduada (dac), tapered aeration.
-- por vertedero, weir aeration.
aerar, to aerate.
aereador m, aerator.
--a difusin, diffusion aerator.
--o a roco, spray aenator.
- a salpicadura, splllSh aerator.
- de aspiracin mecnica, foreed-draft aeratot.
- de batea de coque, coke-tray aerator.
-- de boquilla, nozzleaerator.
-- de cascadas o de escalones, cascade or step
-- de cono mltiple, multicone aerator.
- de corriente descendente, downdraft aera.-
- de escobilla, brush aerator.
- de paletas, paddle aerator.
- de placas deflectoras, baffle-plate aerator.
aerear, to aerate.
areo, aerial.
aerfero, containing air.
aerificar, to aerify.
aeriforme, aeriform.
aeroacetilnica, air-acetylene (welding).
aeroacondicionamiento m (A), air conditioning.
aeroaltemador m (U), alternator driven by a
aerobacter (is), aerobacter.
aerobase 1, air base, aviation base.
aerbico, aerobie.
aerobio m, aerobe.
aerobiosis I (is), aerobiosis.
aerocartgrafo m (fma) , aeroeartograph; aerial
photographic surveyor.
aerocreto, aeroconcreto m (Col), (eonc) Aero-
erete (trademark).
aerocroquis m (fma), mosaie.
aerodinmica 1, aerodynamie.s.
aerodinamicista, aerodynamieist.
aerodinmico, stream1ioed; aerodynamie.
aerdromo m, airport.
aeroelctrica, planta (M), wind-driven generat-
ing planto
aeroembolismo m (A), the bends, eaisson disease.
aeroexpreso m (tr), air express.
aeroeyector m (hid) (Es), air Iift.
aerofaro m, airway beaeon.
aerofiltracin 1, aerofiltration.
aerofiltro m, aerofilter.
aerfono m, aerophone.
aerfora I (min), aerophore.
aerofotografa 1, aerial photography, aeropho-
aerofotogrfico, aerophotographie.
aerofotograma m, aerial photogram.
aerofotogrametra 1, aerial photogrammetry,
aerofotogramtrico, aerophotogrammetrie.
aerofo'otopografa 1, topography by aerial pho-
aerogasolina 1, aviation gasoline.
aergeno a, aerogenie.
aergenos m (is), aerogenes.
aerografa 1, aerography.
aerogrfico, aerographie.
aergrafo m (ra), aerograph.
aerograma m, aerogram; (pmy) aerial mosaie.
aerohidrodinmico, aerohydrodynamie.
aerolita 1, aerolite (aluminuro alloy).
aeromagntico, aeroroagnetie.
aeromecnica 1, aeromechanies.
aeromecnico, aeroroeehanieal.
aerometra f, aerometry.
aermetro m, aerometer.
aeromotor m, aeromotor; (Sp)(U) wiudmill.
aeronafta 1, aviation gasoline.
aeronivelacin I (A), aerialleveling.
aeroplano m, airplane.
aeropoligonacin I (fma), aerial traversiog.
aeroproyeccin f (fma), aeroprojeetion.
aeroproyector m (iroa), aeroprojeetor.
aeropuerto m, airport.
-- aduanero, airport of entry.
-- de control, control airport.
-- de en.lace, feeder airp9rt.
-- de todo tiempo, all-weather airport.
--martimo, seaplane base, marine airport.
aeropulverizador m, eompressed-air atomizer.
aerosimplex (ima), aerosimplex.
aerosol m (aa), aerosol.
aerosttica 1, aerostaties.
aerosttico, aerostatie.
aerotcnico, aeroteehnieal.
aerotopgrafo m (froa), aerotopograph.
aerotransporte m, air transporto
f, aerial triangulation, aerotri.
aerova 1, airway.
-- de cable, aerial tramway.
afallamiento m (geol) (M),faulting.
afanita f (geol), aphanite.
afantico, aphanitie.
afeitanar,to cut off rivetheads.
aferrar, to biod with iron elarops; to grapple; to
anchor, moor; aferrarse (maq), to seize,
freeze. .
afianzador m, fastener.
afianzar, to tie, make fast; to bond (employee).
afiladera f, sharpener, whetstone.
afilado, (t) sharp.
-- a mquina (herr), maehine-dressed.
afilador (m) de barrenas, drill sharpener.
afiladora (f) de brocas, bit grioder.
afilar, to sharpen, whet, griod.
afiln m, sharpeniog stone.
afinacin j, affination; finishing; refining.
afinado m, finish (surfaee).
afinadora 1, (rd) finisher; surfaeer.
afinar, to finish; to refine; to regulate, adjust.
afinidadj (quiro) , affinity.
-- electrnica, eleetron affinity.
afino m, refiniog; (met) fining.
afirmadero m (Ch), strut, shore.
afirmado m, road surfaeing, pavement; (V) road-
afirmar, to make fast; (ea) to eoropaet; (rd) to
aflojar, to loosen, slaek; aflojarse, to get loose,
work loose, loosen up, start.
afloramiento m, outerop; (eone) (A) bleeding.
aflorar, to erop out, outerop; to emerge (ground
afluencia j (bid), runoff, inflow.
afluente m a, tributary.
afluir, to flow in.
aflujo m, inflow, runoff; afflux.
afolador m, ealkiog iron, eaIkiog ehisel; eaIker.
afolar (cal), to ealk.
afondar, afondarse (nut), to siok.
aforador m, stream gage; gager; appraiser.
-- de aduana, eustoros appraiser.
-- de alambre y pesa, wire-weight gage.
-- de cadena, chain gage.
- de cinta, tape gage.
- de flotador, float gage.
- de gancho, hook gage.
-- de resalto, standing-wave f1ume.
--registrador, reeording gage.
aforar, to measure; (r) to gage; to appraise.
aforo m, (r) gaging, measurement; appraisal;
classifieation (freight).
-- americano (A), American wire gage.
-- con disolucin salina (hid) , salt-dilution
method of gaging.
- de Birmingham (A), Birmingham wire gaco.
-.- por flotadores (hid), float gaging.
--por inercia-presin (hid) , inertia-pressure
method of gaging.
- por molinete (hid), ourrent-meter gaging.
- por velocidad de sal (hid) , salt-velocity
method of gagiog.
- qumico (hid) , ohemieal gaging, salt-dilution
aforrar, to lioe, sheathe; (fo) to lag; (eab) to
aforro m, lining, sheathing, lagging; (oab) serv-
aftita j, aphtit (alloy).
aftitalita f (miner), aphthitalite, glaserite arca-
nite. .'
agar m (lab), agar.
- de bilis, bile agar.
-- nutritivo, nutrient agar.
agar-agar, agar-agar.
agargantado (Es), grooved.
agarrabolsas I (fe), mailbag eateher, mail erane.
agarradera j, handle, grip, haft; clamp.
- D, D handIe (shovel); spade handIe (olee
- de cinta. (lev), tape grip.
- de pistola, pistol grip.
- de puerta, door pull.
-- de serrucho, saw pad.
-- de ventana, sash Iift.
agarradero m, clamp; handle, grip; (naut) an-
ohoring ground.
- de cable, cable olip.
-- de puerta, doorknob; door pull.
agarrador m, handIe, grip; (re) passer; (lg) dog-
- de riel (herr fe), gripper.
- de tensin (lev), tension handle (for tapo).
- de tubo (pet), tubing oateher.
agarradoraf (ef), skidding grabo
agarradurmientes m (fe) (M), tie tongs.
agarrar, to grip, grapple; agarrarse (maq) , to
seize, freeze, drag (brake).
agarratubos m (pet), tubing eateher.
agarre m, (re) (meeh) grip.
agarrotar (ef), to ehoke.
agencia (f) de colocaciones, employment agenoy,
labor exehange.
agente m, agent.
-- cataltico, catalytie agent.
-- comprador, purchasing agent.
-- de aduana (C), eustomhouse broker.
- de carga (fe), freight agent.
- de equipajes (fe), baggage agent.
- de va (fe) (A), roadroaster, supervisor.
- expedidor, forwarding agent.
--meterico, atmospheric agency.
- qumico, chemical agent.
--reductor (qum), reducer, reducing agent.
agitador m, agitator, mixer.
-- de chorro, jet agitator.
agitar, to agitate, stir.
aglomeracin 1, agglomeration. .
aglomerado m, (geol) agglomerate; coal bnquet.
aglomerante m, binder, matrix.
-- para machos (fund), core binder.
aglomerar, to agglomerat.. .
aglutinador m, binder, matenal..
aglutinante m, cementing matenal; (elec) bm?er.
aglutinar, to agglutinate; to cement, bmd;
aglutinarse, to cake.
agoja I (min), drain.
agojo m, a Philippine lumber.
agolparse (M), to jamo
agnico, agonic.
agotador m, exhauster: ".
agotamiento m, deplebon; exhaustlOn; lramage,
running down.
-- de metales, fatigue of metals.
agotar, to drain, unwater, evacuate; to exhaust,
run down.
agradacin I (geol), aggradation.
agramilar, to mark with a marking gage, to mark
agrandahoyos m (pet), reamer, hole enlarger.
agregado m, (conc) (rd) (geol) aggregate, road
- coloidal (pet), admixture.
-- en polvo (cone), powdered admixture.
-- escalonado o graduado, graded aggregll:te.
- grueso, coarse aggregate.
-- premezelado (conc), premixed aggregate.
--tal como sale, run-of-bank aggregate.
agregados (mee) (A), attachments, aceessories.
agremiado m, union man; a unionized.
agremiar, to unionize.
agrietamiento m, (geol) jointing; (Ibr) checking.
agrietarse, to crack, (lbr) tocheek.
agrilltltar, to fasten with a shackle.
agrimensor m, surveyor, land surveyor.
-- de minas, mine surveyor.
agrimensura 1, land surveying.
agrio, brittle; harsh; sour.
-'al fro (met), cold-short.
agrnomo m, agricultural engineer, agronomist.
agrumador m (pa), fioc former:
agrupacin 1, grouping, banking; (ra) gangmg.
agrupar, to group, bank.
agua 1, water.
- basta o bruta, raw 01' untreated water.
- blanda, soft water.
- eapUar (ms)(irr), eapillary water.
-'- connata (geol), eonnate 01' fossil water.
- corriente, running 01' fiowing water; water-
distribution system.
- cruda raw 01' unfiltercd water; hard water.
- de albaal, sewage.
- d alimentacin (cal), feed water.
- de cal, limewater.
- de cantera, quarry water.
- de cohesin (ms), eohesive water.
- de cola, gluewater.
aguce m (hen), sharpening.
agudeza j, sharpness.
agudizar, to sharpen.
agudo, sharp, aeute; sharp (curve).
agera j, irrigation diteh.
aguiero m (Es), round shoring timber.
aguiln m, (de) boom, jib, mast arm; (rf)
beveled tile at hip or valley; (rf) diagonal
horizontal tic.
-- acodado, gooseneek boom.
-- activo, live boom.
-- de gra, erane boom; derriek boom.
-- de pala, shovel boom.
- para carga pesada (en), heavy-lift or jumbo
- para pala de cable de arrastre, dragline
aguja 1, needle; (rr) switch point; (hyd) needle
beam; (earp) brad, finishing nail; (inst)
hand, needle; (eons) shore, spreader; (min)
small braneh vein; (surv) marking pin,
arrow; (fo) spreader.
-- area, aerial frog (trolley wire).
-- de agrimensor, surveyor's marking pin,
-- de brjula, eompass needle.
-- de cadeneo (lev), marking pin, arrow.
- de cambio o de carril o de chucho (fe)
switch point or blade.
- de carril cortado (fe) (Es), stub switch.
- de Gillmore (lab), Gillmore needle.
- de inclinacin, dipping needle.
-- de manmetro, ha.d of a pressure gage.
-- de marcar, seriber.
-- de marear, mariner's eompass.
-- de medicin, (surv) tally pin, arrow; (ge)
metering pino
- de pared (ed), needle.
- de plasticidad (ms), plastieity n"edle.
-- de polvorero, blasting needle.
-- de velero, sail needle.
- de Vicat (lab), Vicat needle.
-'- descarriladora (fe), derall switch.
-- dosificadora, metering pin (earburetor).
--imanada, magnetie needle.
--indicadora, (eng) bouneing pino
--infernal, plug and feathers, wedge and shims.
--para marcar, eenter puneh.
--trazadora (planmetro), traeing point.
agujas, (min) (Sp) poling boards.
- de arrastre (fe), trailing-pom.t switch.
-- de encuentro o en contrapunta (fe), faeing.
point switch.
-' de resorte (fe), spring switch.
- enclavadas (fe), interloeked switch.
- verticales (hid), needle beams.
agujal m (Col), hole in a wallleft by form bolt or
agujereador m, drill.
- de banco, beneh drill.
-- de columna, post dril!.
agujereadora j, puneh; drill, boring maehine.
agujerear, to bore, drill, perforate; agujerearse,
to form a pipe (earth dam) ; to form holes.
agujero m, hole.
- aceitero (A), oilhole.
agente 12 aguas
- de complemento (cal), make-up water..
-- de consolidacin (ms), water of eompaetlOn.
-- de constitucin (qum) , water of eonstitution.
-- de elaboracin, proeess water, (eone) mixing
- de enjuague (M), (wp) wash water.
- de expulsin (geol) (A), water of compaOOion.
- de fondo (pet) , bottom water.
- de formacin (geol) (A), eonnate water.
-- de gravedad (irr) (ms) , gravitational 01'
gravity 01' free water.
- de hidratacin (qum), water of hydration.
-- de imbibicin (irr), water of absorption 01'
of imbibition.
- de lavado (filtro), wash water.
- de noria (M), well water.
-- de pie, spring water.
-- de reemplazo o de rellenar (cal), make-up
- de salida, tail water (powerhouse).
-- de tormenta, storm water.
-- delgada, soft water.
-- dulce, fresh water; (su) sweet water.
-- estancada, standing 01' stagnant water.
--fretica, ground 01' suspended water.
- fretica a gravedad (in), gravity ground
--fretica afluente, infiuent ground water.
--fretica efluente, effiuent ground water.
--fuerte, aqua fortis, nitrie acid.
-- gorda o gruesa, hard 01' braekish water.
-libre (ms) (irr) , free water.
--llovediza o llovida o pluvial, rain water.
--muerta, still 01' stagnant water; slaek water.
--pelicular (ms), pellicular water.
--pluvial de albaal, storm sewage.
-- potable, 'drinking 01' potable water; domestie
water supply.
--regia, aqua regia, nitrohydroehloric aeid.
- singentica (geol) (A), connate water.
- solidificada (ms), solidified water.
-- sublvea, water in the bed of a stream.
--- subterrnea adherida, attached ground
-- subterrnea aislada, perehed ground water.
-- subterrnea endicada (A), perchad ground
- subterrnea fijada (A), attached ground
- subyacente (pet), bottom or edge water.
-.- superior (pet), top water.
-- surgidora o surtidora, artesian water.
-vadosa (geol) (A), vadose watcr.
--viva, running or fiowing water.
-- abajo, downstream.
-- altas, high water.
-- aprovechables, water resources.
-- arriba, upstream.
-- bajas, low water.
- blancas (Es) (A) (Pe), storm-water dramage.
- broncas (M), fiood waters.
-- caseras (Es)(Pe), domestic sewage.
-- cloacales combinadas, eombined sewage.
- de infiltracin, ground 01' infiltra-
tion water.
- cloacales industriales, industrial 01' trade
-- eloacales pluviales, storm sewage.
-- cloacales sanitarias, sanitary or house or
domestic sewage.
-- cloacales separadas, separate sewage.
-- corrientes (A), municipal water supply.
- de cabecera (PR), (1') headwaters.
- de fregadero (al), sink water.
- de retroceso (PR), tail water (powerhouse).
-- estiales, low water.
-- exeludas (Pe), SeWllge.
-- fccales, sewage, sanitary sewage.
- ._. industriales, industrial wastes 01' sewage.
--inmundas, sewage.
--juveniles (geol), juvenile waters.
-- metericas, rain or st.orm water; meteorie
-- mnimas, low water.
-- negras, sewage, domestie 01' house sewage.
-- pluviales, rainfall.
--rejuvenecidas (geol), rejuvenated water.
residuales domiciliarias, house or domestie
-- residales industriales, industrial wastes.
-- servidas, sewage.
-- servidas caseras, house sewage.
-- someras (A), surfaee water.
-- suspendidas, suspended water.
-- telricas (A), grolmd 01' well water.
- vertientes (bid), runoff.
aguabresa I (Es), soil pipe.
aguacero m, heavy shower, downpour, cloud-
. --presumido (hid), design storm, assumed rain-
aguachinar (Es), to saturate (soil).
aguada 1, water station; flood; (Pt) kalsomine;
(CA) watering trough.
aguadero m, water statjon.
aguador m, waterboy, water carrier.
aguaducho m, eonduit; fiood.
aguaje m, tideraee; tidal wave; hydraulic bore;
(C) (Ec) heavy shower; (M) well; (M)
watering trough; (M) eistern.
agualotal m (AC), bog, swamp. '
egullllita I (Pe), shallow water.
agualluvia 1, rain water.
aguamanil m, washbasin.
aguanieve 1, sleet.
aguantador m (re), dolly; bueker-up.
aguantar, to resist, Support; (re) to buek up.
aguantatubos m (pet), pipe hook.
aguante m (mee), enduranee, strength.
-- al calor, heat enduralee.
aguan m, hydraulie engineer.
aguar, to water, dilute; aguarse, to be drowned
aguarrs m, turpentine.
-- mineral, turpentine substitute.
aguatal m (Ee), pool; swamp.
aguatero m (A), water eart; water earrier.
aguatocha 1, pump.
aguatorre j. water tower.
aguay, agua m. an Argentine han:l:wood.
aguazal m, swarnp, bog, mursh.
ajustador ajustador
- ciego, blind holeo
-- de acceso, handhole, manhole.
- de culebra (vol), snake holeo
-- de engrase, oilhole.
__ de hombre, manhole (boiler, tank, etc; not
used for street manholes).
-- de inyecci6n, grout holeo
-- de lubricaci6n, oilhole.
-- de mano, handhole.
- de muestreo (is), sampling hatch.
- de nudo, knothole.
-- de paso, manhole (tank, etc.).
- de perno, bolthole.
-- de prueba, test holeo
_'- de remache, rivet hole.
-- de sonda, drill hole, boring.
-- maaual, handhole.
- oblongo, (str) slotted holeo
- para espiga (ais), pinhole.
- para pasador (est), pinhole.
- para poste, posthole.
-- pasante, through holeo
- piloto, pilot holeo
- por roscar, tapping holeo
- sin salida (A), blind holeo . .
agujeros de aliviamiento lightenmg holes.
agujeros de gua (mh), guIde holes.
agujetero m (mo) (V), through bolt to hold a
agujista m (fc), switchman.
aguJ6n (dib), pricke;. . .
agujuela j, brad, fimshmg nail.
agusanado, worm-eaten.
aguzadera j, whetstone.
aguzador m, drill sharpener.
-- de lpices, pencil sharpener.
aguzadora (f) de pernos, bolt pointer.
aguzar, to sharpen, whet, pomt; (pet) to dress
aherrumbrarse, to rusto
ahilar, to line up, align.
ahitar (lev), to set monuments.
ahocinarse (1'), to cut a gorge.
ahogadizo, nonfioating, heavier than
ahogado, submerged, drowned; lackmg arr for
eombustion; (M) embedded.
ahogador m (auto)(M), choke.
ahogar, to submerge, drown, fiood (carburetor);
(M) to embed; ahogarse, to be submerged;
(eng) to stall.
ahondar, to deepen, dig, sink (shaft).
ahonde m deepening, sinking.
m, running bowline; hitch.
ahorcarse, to jamo
ahorquillado, forked.
ahuecado, hollowed out.
ahuecador (m) metlico (ed), metal fioor pan.
ahuecamiento m, cavity, void, holl?w.
ahulado m, (CA) waterproof fabrlc; a rubber-
ahusado m, taper, (fdy) draft.
- al revs (herr) , back taper, longitudinal
- de entrada (herr), entering taper.
- la.rno, Jamo taper.
- Morse, Morse taper.
ahusamiento m, taper.
ahusar, to taper, skive; to batter..
ailsita j (geol), ailsyte (microgranIte).
aire m, air.. .
-- a presi6n (M), compressed arr.
-- arrastrado, entrained airo
-- comprimido, fompressed airo
-- detonante, firedamp.
--libre, al, outdoors.
--libre por minuto, free air por minute (com-
airear, to aerate; to ventilate.
aislaci6n j, insulation; (A) waterproofing.
- de humedad, dampproofing.
-- de relleno, fill insulation.
-- de sonido, soundproofing.
--refiectora, refiective insulation.
-- trmica, heat insulation.
aislado de papel, paper-insulated.
aislador m, insulator.
-- a bot6n clavado, nail knob.
-- abrazador, cleat insulator.
-- corriente, standard-duty insulator.
-- de amarre, strain insulator.
-- de anclaje, terminal strain
- de bot6n partido, split-knob
-- de cadena, string 01' suspenslOn msulator.
-- de campana, bell 01' pettieoat insulator.
-- de caperuza, hood insulator.
-- de carrete, spool insulator. .
-- de derivaci6n mltiple, take-off msulator.
-- de espiga, pin insulator. .
-- de fabricaci6n hmeda, wet-process msula-
toro . 1
-- de horquilla y macho, elevis-and-tap msu a- .
toro . . ul t
-- de ojillo y horquilla, eye-and-c1eVls ms a 01'.
-- de perilla, knob insulator.
-- de semianclaje, semistrain insulator.
-- de tres campanas, triple-petticoat insulator.
-- distanciador o de pie, standoff insulator.
- mural, wall insulator tube. ..
-- para horquilla, 01' clevlS msulator.
-- para viento, guy-stram msulator.
--prensado en seco, dry-process insulator.
-- seccionador, section insulator.
--tensor, turnbuckle or strain insulat6r.
-- tipo de niebla, fog-type insulator. .
--tubular, leading-in insulator, wall msulator
aislamiento m, insulation; isolation; (A) water-
proofing.. ..
aislante m insulatmg materlal, msulant.
-- de eambric insulation.
-- de ebonita hard-rubber insulation.
-- de pergamino, parchment insulation.
aislar, to insulate, isolate.
ajarafe m, tableland; fiat roof.
ajornalar, to employ by the day.
ajustable, adjustable. .
ajustado, tight, close; fitted; adJusted.. .
ajustador m, machinist, fitter, m.echamc;. adJust-
ing tool; (mech) (carp) adJuster; (ms) ad-
-- a cero (elc), zero adjuster.
-- de banderola,.transom operator.

. : E
- de batiente (carp), stop-bead adjuster.
- de claraboya, skylight operator; transom
- de tuercas, nut runner 01' tightener 01' setter.
-- de ventana batiente, casement adjuster.
ajustadora j, any adj usting device.
ajustaje m, fitting, adjusting; (A) machining.
ajustar, to fit, adjust, make true; (surv) to bal-
ance; ajustarse a, to fit into; ajustarse
sobre, to fit overo
ajuste m, adjustment, fitting, setting; (machy) a
fit; (C) piecework, small contracto
- a golpe ligero, tapping fit.
-- a inglete, miter joint.
-- a martillo, driving fit.
-- a prueba de vapor, steam fit.
-- ahusado, taper fit.
- apretado, tight 01' close fit.
-- clavado, drive fit.
-- con holgura, loose fit.
-- corredizo, sliding fit.
- de fase (tv), phasing.
-- de llave, wrench fit.
-- de presi6n, press fit.
-- de'rtaci6n libre, running fit.
-- del trazado, balancing the survey.
-- empotrado en caliente, shrink fit.
-- escogido, selective fit.
-- estrecho, press fit, shrink fit.
--forzado, tight or force 01' press 01' drive fit.
--forzado mediano, medium force fit.
- holgado, loose 01' free fit.
-libre, easy 01' light fit.
--por contracci6n, shrink fit.
--preciso, fine fit.
-- sin holgura, snug 01' wringing 01' tunking 01'
push 01' working fit.
ajustes, (p) (machy) fittings.
ajustero m (Col), small contractor; pieceworker.
ajust6n m (Ec), tight fit.
al costado (nut), alongside.
ala j, wing (dan< 01' bldg); leg (angle); fiange
(1 beam); blade (propeller); leaf of a hinge;
lea of a folding door.
- del coraz6n (fc), wingrail (frog)
- de mosca (Es), brad; tack.
alabandina, alabanditaj (mineral de manganeso),
alabandite,. manganblende.
labe m, (turb) bucket; (turb) gate, vane; (mx)
- director o del distribuidor (turb), wicket
gate, guide vane.
- regulable, adjustable blade.
alabearse, to warp.
alabeo m, warping, wind; (rd)(V) crown.
alacena j, locker, closet.
alacrn m, swivel; (Col) clamp.
aladrar, to plow.
aladrero m (min) (Es), timberman.
aladro m, plow.
alagadizo, liable to be inundated.
alagado m, inundated land.
alagar, to inundate, swamp, fiood; alagarse
(nut)(B), to leak.
alagunar (Ch), to inundate, fiood.
alambicar, to distill.
alambique m, a still.
-- acorazado o de casco, shell still.
- de tubos, pipe 01' tube still.
-- de vaco, vacuum still.
- desintegrador (pet), cracking still.
- despojador (pet), stripping still.
- destufador (pet) (M), sweetcning still.
- desulfurador (pet), sweetening still.
-- discontinuo, batch still.
--para redestilaci6n (pet), rerun still.
alambiquero m, (pet) stillman; (C) distillery.
alambor m, bevel cut, splay.
alambrado m, wiring; wire mesh; wire fence.
-- de bot6n y tubo, knob and tube wiring.
-- de fest6n, festoon wiring.
-- descubierto, exposed 01' open wiring.
-- encerrado, concealed wiring.
alambrador m (A), wire-fence erector.
alambraje m, wiring; wire fencing.
alambrar, to wire.
alambre m, wire.
- a prueba de intemperie (elc), weatherprtlct
-- agrio o brillante o claro, bright wire.
--baado de cobre, coppered wire.
-- cargado, live wire.
-- cinta, fiat wire.
-- cobrizado, copper-clad wire.
- de aporte (sol), filler wire.
-- de atar (ref), tie wire.
- de campanilla (elc), bell wire.
-- de contacto, trolley 01' contact wire.
-- de cuadro indicador (elc), annunciator wire.
- de disparo (vol), leading wire.
-- de edificaci6n (ele), building wire.
- de entrada (elc), lead-in wire.
-- de espinas, barbed wire.
-- de guardia (elc), guard 01' ground wire.
-- de masa (elc), ground wire.
-- de pas, barbed wire.
- de puente (vol), bridgewire (in the exploder)
-- de relleno, (wr) filler wire.
-- de soldadura, wire solder; welding wire.
-- desnudo, bare wire.
-- dulce, soft 01' anncaled wire.
-- enterizo (elc), solid wire.
- espigado (AC), barbed wire.
-- espinoso (Es), barbed wire.
-- estirado en fro, cold-drawn wire.
-- estirado medio duro, medium-hard-drawn
- forrado de algod6n, cotton-coveredwire.
--forrado de asbesto, asbestos-insulated wire.
--forrado de caucho, rubber-covered wire.
- forrado de .plomo, lead-sheathed wire.
--forrado de vidrio, glass-eovered wire.
--fundente, welding wire.
--fundente de lat6n, brazing wire.
--fusible, fuse wire, a wire fuse.
- mejor de lo mejor (ele) , best best (BB)
-- nudo, bare wire.
--para artefactos (elc), fixture wire; appliance
- pescador (elc), fish wire.
- piloto (ele), pilot wire.
alcayata 17 alicates
--por reestirar, redrawing wire.
- soldador, welding wire; wire solder.
- tejido, wire. fabrie or netting.
- trefilado, snanded wire.
__ trenzado, braided or stranded wire.
alambrecarril m (A), aerial tramway.
alambrera J, wire netting.
alambrn m (, wire rod.
lamo, poplar.
alamud m, door bolt.
alanita J (miner), allanite.
alar m, eaves; (Col) sidewalk.
alargadera J, lengthening bar for eompass;
lengthening bar for drill; (ehem) adapter.
alargamiento m, elongation, expansiono
-- al fallar, ultimte elongation.
alargar, to lengthen, extend, elongate; alargarse,
, to expand, lengthen, streteh.
alarife m, masan; builder.
alarma J, alarmo
- de falta de agua (cal), low-water alarmo
-- de incendio, tire alarm.
lliasquita J (geol), alaskite (granite).
alastrh", to ballast.
albaal m, drain; (C) sewage.
- sewer.
- de rebose, reiicl-or overflow sewer.
-- derivado, braneh or lateral sewer.
- domstico o de servicio, house sewer, serviee
- madre, main sewer.
-- pluvial, storm sewer.
-- sanitario, sanitary sewer.
albaalero m, sewer builder; sewer c1eaner.
albaear, to do mason work.
albail m, mason, brieklayer.
- de cemento, eement mason.
albailera J, masonry.
- ciclpea, eyelopean concrete.
- de piedra bruta, rubble masonry.
-- de piedra labrada, ashlar masonry.
- en hileras, ashlar masonry. .
-- en seco, dry masonry.
albarda J, paeksaddle.
albardilla J, eoping, eapstone; small paeksaddle;
(C) riding saddle.
- de cumbre (ed), saddle stone.
albardillado, erowned; troughed.
albardn m, (bldg)(Ca) eoping; (hyd)(A) check
dam; dike; ridge; (M) saddle.
albarrada J, mud wall; dry stone wall.
albarradn m, dike, small earth dam.
albayaldar, to coat with white lead.
albayalde m, white lead.
-- anaranjado, orange lead, mineral orange.
- de plomo, white lead.
- rojo, red lead.
albedn m, gutter, drain.
albedo m (fma), Slbedo.
albelln m, .sewer.
alberca J, poOl; pond; basin, tank.
albercnm, reservoir.
albergue m, bunkhouse, barraeks, dormitory.
alberquero m, tank tender, reservoir custodian.
albinaJ, salt pool or marsh; (miner) apophyllite.
albita J (miner), albite (feldspar).
albitana J (en), apron, stemson; propeller post.
albolita J (mam), albolite.
albolln m, drain, sewer.
albortante m (M), lighting post.
albufera J, tidallagoon.
albuhera J, pond, reservoir.
albmina J, albumino
albuminoide m, albuminoid.
albuminoideo a, albuminoid.
albumosaJ (is), albumose.
albura J, sapwood.
-- de primavera, springwood.
-- de verano, summerwood.
alburno m, alburnum, sapwood.
alcachofaJ (bm), strainer, footvalve and strainer.
alcalescencia J, alealeseenee.
alcalescente, alealeseent.
lcali m, alkali.
akalimetra J, alkalimetry.
alcalmetro m, alkalimeter.
alcalinidad J, alkalinity.
alcalinizar, to render alkaline.
alcalino, alkaline.
alcalinotrreo a, alkaline-earth.
alcalizador m (az), liming tank.
alcalizar, to alkalize, render alkaline; (su) to lime.
alcance m, reaeh; range; drift (taekle); (rr) rear-
end eollision; (eom) balance; (rd) overtak-
ing; (ra) eoverage; (ae) blow, throw.
-- de cavadura (pi), digging reaeh.
- de descarga (pi), dumping reaeh.
- de planeo (ap), gliding range or distanee.
-- de la vista (ca), sight or visibility distanee.
alcanca J (M), bin, hopper; (min) chute, mili
hole; (eone) tremie.
alcantarilla J, eulvert; sewer, drain; eonduit;
(elee) (Sp) cable duct; (M) basin, cistern.
-- anidable, nestable metal eulvert.
-- arqueada, areh culvert.
-- de alivio, relief sewer.
-- de cajn, box eulvert.
- de chapas mltiples, multiple-plat corru-
gated eulyerto
-- de descarga, outfall sewer.
- de platabanda (V), box eulvert.
-- de pozo, drop-inlet eulvert.
--interceptadora, intereepting sewer.
-- maestra, trunk sewer.
- para ganado (fe), eattle pass.
-- pluvial, storm-water sewer.
-- sanitaria, sanitary sewer.
--visitable (Es), sewer big enough for aman to
alcantarillado m, sewerage.
-- separativo, separate system of sewerage.
-- unitario, combined system.
alcantarillaje m, sewlge.
alcantarillar, to sewer, drain; to build culverts.
alcanzar, to reach; to overtake.
alcaparrosa J, copperaS.
alcarria J, plateau.
alcatifa J, layer of cinders or other filling under
floor or roof tiles. .
alcayata J, spike; (C) staple; (surv) spad.
-- de cao, pipe hook,leader hook; gutter spike.
-- de rosca (fe), screw spike.
- de va, traek spike.
alczar m (an), poop deek, quarter-deek.
alce m, raising.
alcohol m, alcohol; (min) galena.
-- amlico, amyl alcohol.
-- desnaturalizado, denatured alcohol, methyl-
ated spirit.
-- etlico, ethyl or grain alcohol.
- metlico, methyl or wood alcohol.
--proplieo, propyl alcohol.
alcor m, hill.
alcornoque m, eork tree.
alcorozado m (ed)(M), space between beams on
a wall; fillilg between beams.
alcotanaJ, piek, mattoek; stoneeutter's bammer.
- de dos hachas,. asphalt mattoek.
alcribs m, tuyere.
alcuba J, dome, eupola; vault.
alcubilla J, eovered reservoir; basin, pondo
alcumita J, Aleumite (alloy) (trademark)
alcuza J, oilean.
aldaba J, lateh, cateh, retainer.
-- de candado, hasp.
-- de contraventana, shutter bar.
- de picaporte, lateh hasp.
-- de resorte, spring lateh.
- de seguridad, safety lateh.
- dormida, deadlateh.
aldaba J, erossbar on a double door; horizontal
timber against a wall; plate or sill of a
aldabilla J (ft), hook, lateh.
aldohexosa J (az), aldohexose.
aleat::inJ, alloy.
-- a base de aluminio, aluminum-base alloy.
- cuaternaria, quaternary alloy.
-- de imprenta, type metal.
-- de nquel al plomo, leaded niekel alloy.
-- de punto bajo de fusin, low-melting alloy.
-- delta, delta,metal.
-- no ferrosa, nonferrous alloy
aleaje m (U), alloy
alear, to alloy.
alecrn m, an Argentine lumber. very hard and
alefriz m (earp), rabbet.
alegrador m, reamer, broaeh.
alegrar, to ream, broach.
alejamiento m, reeeding, separation.
alejamientos y desviaciones (Iev) (M), latitudes
and departures.
alema J, duty of in;igation water.
alemontita J (miner), allemontite, arsenieal anti-
alerce m, lareh, tamaraek, haekmataek.
alero m, eaves; (bldg)(dam) wing; (bdg) wing
alern m, aileron; damper.
alesador m (A), operator of a drill (shop)
alesadora J, drill.
alesaje m, bore (eylinder).
alesna J, awl.
alesnado, sharp-pointed.
aleta J, (mech) lug; fin, gitl; leaf (hinge); (mx)
blade; (turb) vane; (na) q1.\arter.
- amortiguadora, damping vaneo
- de hlice, propeller blade.
- de semforo (fe), semaphore blade.
-- desviadora (turb), redireeting blade.
-- directriz o distribuidora (turb), wieket gate,
guide vaneo
aletas de enfriamiento, eooling fins.
alevante m (min) (M), overhand stope.
aleviador m (hid), alleviator.
alfa-naftol m, alpha-naphtho!.
alfagra J (Es), ehannel, gorge.
alfaja J, door or window frame; batten; t.imber
10 by 14 cm; (Col) roofing board.
alfametilnaftaleno, alfametilnaftalina, alpha-
methyl naphthalene.
alfaque m, shoal, bar.
alfarda J, (earp) light wooden beam, seantling;
rafter; irrigationdues.
alfardar, to join in an irrigation development.
alfardn m (C), girder, heavy beam.
alfarera J (V), briek masonry; tilework.
alfarjar, to wainseot.
alfarje m, wainseot; paneling.
alfarja,same as alfaja.
alfizar m; splay of door or window.
alfiler m (M), peg, pino
-- de Pars (Es), wire nai!.
alfilerillo m, finishing nail, brad.
-- cortado, cut fi,nishing nail.
-- de alambre, wire finishing nail.
alfombrado m (mam)(V), base eourse, mato
alga J, alga.
algas, algae.
algt::eo, algal.
algaida J, sand dune.
algarrobo m, earob wood.
lgebra J,. algebra.
algebraico, algebraie.
algecida m, algaeeide.
algodn m, eotton.
-- colodin, eollodioneotton.
-- de calafateo, ealking eotton.
-- explosivo, guneotton.
- mineral (A), slag woo!.
--plvora, guneotton, nitroeotton; eotton pow-
--plvora nitrado (vol), tonite.
- trenzado (ele), eotton braid.
algoso, full of algae.
alguaza J, hinge.
alicatado m (C), wall of briek laid on edge.
alicates m, pliers; tongs; pineers.
-- aislados, insulated or eleetrieian's pliers.
-- de ngulo, diagonal pliers.
-- de articulacin movible, slip-join.t pliers.
- de ayustar (eab), splieing tongs.
-- de combinacin, combination pliers.
-- de corte lateral, side-eutting pliers.
- de crisol (lab) , crueible tongs.
-- de expansin, stip-joint ptiers.
-- de garganta, open-throat pliers.
-- de gl\sista, gas ptiers.
-- de guardalnea, lineman's pliers.
-- de punta plana, flat-nose ptiers.
-- de punta redonda, roundnose pliers.
-- narigudos, long-nose pliers.
-- puneh. plieTs.
alidada 18 almaiDa
alidada 1, alidade.
- de anteojo, telescope alidade.
- de anteojo fijo, fixed"tube alidade.
-- de explorador, exploration 01' expedition ali"
- de ge610go, geological alidade.
-- de mirilla, peep-sight alidade.
- de pnulas,. open-sightalidade.
-- de top6grafo, engineering alidade.
- para plancheta, plane-table alidade.
aligaci6n/, tie; bond; allOY.
aligerar, to lighten.
alijador m, lighterman.
alijadora 1, lighter; sander.
alijar, to lighten; to sandpaper.
alije m, unloading, lightening oC a ship.
alijo m, unloading; (C) locomotive tender.
alimentaci6n 1, feed (all senses), feeding.
a sinfin, worm Ceed.
- al vaco o por aspiraci6n, vacuum feed.
-- con gasto constante (pa) , constant-rate feed.
- de retroceso (ra), feedback.
- directa (pa), dry feed, direct Ceed (chlorin\3).
- en seco (pa), dry feed.
-- forzada, force feed.
- mecnica, power feed; mechanical stoking.
- visible (lu), sight feed.
alimentado a petr61eo (cal), oil-fired, oil-burning.
alimentado por gas, gas-fired.
alimentador m, feeder; feed wire; stoker.
- basculante, jog feeder.
-- con descarga por detrs, rear-cleaningstoker.
-- de bandeja, tray feeder.
-- de carb6n, stoker.
-- de correa, belt feeder.
-- de criba corrediza, traveling-grizzly feeder.
-- de descarga lateral, side-cleaning stoker.
- de disco rotatorio, rotary-clisk feeder.
-- de dosificaci6n (pa), proportioning feeder.
-- de enlace (elc), tie feeder.
-- de hogar, mechanical stoker.
-- de parrilla corrediza, traveling-grate stoker.
-- de pelcula (fma), film-metering device.
- de la red (elc), network feeder.
-- de vaciado superior, overfeed stoker.
-- oscilante, reciprocating feeder.
--pesador, weighingor weigh feeder.
- sin fin, screw feeder.
alimentar, to charge; to feed.
alimento m (mec), feed, feeding.
alindar, to mark boundaries.
alinderar (AC); to mark boundaries.
alineaci6n 1, alignment.
- y rasante, line and grade, line and leve!.
alineador m, aligning too!.
alinear, to line, ,Jine up, align.
alisador m,finishing tool; smoothing iron (as-
phalt); smoothing blade (road machine);
(Cdy) sleeker, smoother; (A) reamer.
alisadora 1, surfacing machine; dresser.
- de caminos, road scraper.
alisaduras 1, shavings, turnings.
alisar, to plane, face, smooth up, surface,
alisatubos m (pet), casing scraper.
alisios m, trade winds.
alistador (m) de tiempo, timekeeper.
alistonar, to lath; to cleat.
alita I (ct), alite,
aliviadero m, spillway, wasteway; sluiceway;
weep hole.
- de agua sobrante (al), storm overflow.
- de crecidas, (1') floodway; (sw) storm over-
- de cresta libre, open spil!way (no gates).
-- de fondo, sluiceway, undersluice.
-- de lluvia (Es), inlet to a storm sewer.
-- de pozo, shaft spillway.
-- de seguridad, emergency spil!way.
-- de superficie, wasteway, spillway.
--lateral, side-channel spil!way.
-- superior (irr), overchute.
--vertical de arena (ot), sand drain.
aliviador m, spil!way; relief valve.
alivianar (PR) (A), to lighten.
alivio m, easing, relief.
-- de esfuerzos, stress relief.
-- de expansi6n, expansion relier.
-- de vaco, vacuum relief.
aljaba (f) de electrodos (sol), electrode carrier.
aljarafe m, flat roof.
aljez m, gypsum, plaster of Paris.
aljezar m, gypsum quarry.
aljibe m, pool, tank, cistern; tank barge.
aljofifa 1, mop.
aljofifar, to mop.
aljor m, gypsum.
aljorozado m (V), scratch coat of lime and mudo
aljorozar, to plaster; to smooth up.
alma 1, core (dam); (str) web, stem (T); (cab)
center, core; (lbr) heart; dril! core; scaffold
- calada o de celosa (est), latticeweb.
- combada (ts), arched web.
-- de andamio, scaffold pole.
-- de camo, (wr) hemp center.
-- de ensayo, test 01' sample coreo
-- de riel, web of a rail.
- fibrosa, (wr) fiber C(ire.
-llena (est), solid web, plate web.
almacn m, warehouse, storehouse, storeroom;
store; magazine (camera).
-- afianzado, bonded warehouse.
-- de agua, cistern, tank.
-- de p6lvora, magazine.
almacenador m, warehouseman.
almacenaje m, storage, warehousing;warehouse
almacenamiento m, storage.
- de desbordamiento (hid), valleysiorage.
-- de sobrecarga (hid) , surcharge storage.
-- en las riberas (hid), bank storage.
-- momentneo (hid), instantaneous storage.
-- muerto, dead storage.
-- para uso (hid), conservation storage.
almacenar, to store, stock.
almacenero, almacenista m, storekeeper, ware-
almdana, almdena, almdina/, stone hammer,
spalling hammer.
almada 1, raft.
almagra 1, almagre m, red ocher,ruddle.
almaina 1, stone hammer.
almanque m (Col), putlog.
almarbatar, to frame (timber).
almrtaga 1, litharge.
almatriche m, irrigation ditch.
almenado, dentated.
almenara 1, (irr) rcturn ditch; (Col) surge tank.
almendrilla 1, fine coal; fine gravel; (geol) con-
glomerate of fine stones; small file.
almendr6n m (Es), conglomerate of large stones.
almid6n m, starch.
-- yodado (is), starch-iodine.
almilla I (carp), tenon.
almirez m (lab) , mortal'.
-- y mano, mortal' and pestle.
almoceda I (Es), water rights; irrigation rate.
almohada 1, cushion.
-- del escobn (cn) , hawse bolster.
almohadilla 1, pad,' cushion..
-- de apisonar, tamping pad.
- de tope, buffer block.
- filtradora (V), filter block.
almohadillas de freno, brake blocks.
almohadillas de fricci6n, (eng) friction blocks.
almoha.dHlado m (sol), padding.
almohadillar, to cushion.
almohad6n m, lowest voussoir in a semicircular
-- de agua, water cushion.
al mohatre m, sal ammoniac.
almojaya 1, putlog; outlooker.
al6geno (geol), allogenic, derivative.
alojamiento m (mec), seat, bearing, socket.
alosar, to lay tiles.
aloxito m, aloxite (abrasive).
alpax m, alpax (alloy)
alpende m, tool house.
alquilar, to rcnt; to alkylize.
alquiler m, rent, renta!.
alquilizar, to alkylize.
alquitarar, to distil!.
alquitrn m, tal', pitch.
__ cortado, cutback tal'.
-- de carb6n, coal tal'.
-- de gas, gas tal', gashouse coal taro
-- de gas de aceite, oil-gas tal'.
-- de gas ;le agua, water-gas tal'.
-- de hornos de coque, coke-oven tal'.
__ de hulla, coal tal', coal-tar pitch; gas tal';
coke-oven tal'.
- de hulla diludo, coal-tar cutback.
de lea, Stockholm tal'.
-- de madera, pine tal'.
-- de petr6leo, oil tal'; petroleum pitch.
-- de turba, peat tal'.
-- mineral, asphalt.
-- rebajado, cutback tal'.
--, vegetal, coal 01' wood tal'.
alquitranado m, tarpaulin; application oC tal',
alquitranadora 1, tar-spraying machine.
alquitranaje m, tarring.
alquitranar, to treat with pitch; to coat with tal'.
alquitranoso, tarry.
alta I (min), hanging wall.
--ley, de, high-grade (ore).
- multiplicacin, de, high-geared.
- nitidez (tv), high definition.
_ polarizaci6n, de, high-test (sugar).
_ resistencia a corta edad (ct) , high earIy
-tarea (C), high duty.
- volatilidad, de, high-test (gasoline).
altas (cn), upper works.
-- aguas, high water.
altar m (horno), bridge wall, fire bridge.
-- de agua, water bridge.
-- de humero, flue bridge.
altavoz m, loudspeaker.
alteraci6n I (geo!), alteration.
alternaci6n, alternation.
alternado, alternating.
alternador m (elc), alternator.
-- de imanes permanentes, magneto alternator.
-- de inducido giratorio, revolving-armature
__ de inductor e inducido fijos; inductor alter-
-- de inductor giratorio, revolving-field alter-
alternador-transmisor (ra), alternator transmit-
alternador-volante, flywheel alternator.
alternancia I (elc) (A), alternation, alternance.
alternar las juntas, to break01' stagger joints.
alternativo, (elec) alternating; (eng) reciprocating.
alterno, alternating; alternate.
alternogenerador m (Es), alternating-current
alternomotor m (Es)(A), alternating-current
altibajos m, broken 01' uneven ground.
altgrafo m, altigraph.
altillano m (Col), plateau.
altillo m small hill; penthouse, bulkhead; (A)
addition on top of a one-story build-
ing; (A) (Col) garret.
altimetra 1, altimetry, running levels, topo-
graphical survey.
altmetro m, altimeter.
-- de agrimensor, surveying altimeter.
-- registrador, recording altimeter, altigraph.
altiplanicie 1, plateau, tableland.
altiplanimtrico, topographical.
altiplano m, plateau.
altitud 1, altitude, elevation.
alto m, height; hill, elevation; (geol) h6.I1ging
wall; (bldg) lioor, story, upper floor; (1'1')
(auto) a stop; a high.
- calor, de, high-heat
- carbono, de, high-carbon (steel).
-- explosivo, high explosive.
--horno, blast furnace.
- rendimiento, high duty.
altos'm (A), first floor aboye the ground.
altoparlante m, loudspeaker.
-- a condensador, capacitor loudspeaker.
-- de conductor m6vil, moving-conductor loud-
__ dinmico, moving-coil 01' dyn.amic loud-
__ electromagntico, magnetic-armature loud-
altoparlante 20 amarra
amarra 21 ampermetro
-- electrosttico, condenser or electrostatic
altozano m, small hill.
altura j, elevation, altitude, height; (hyd) head;
(str) depth; (r) stage,
- cintica (hid), dynamic head.
-- de aspiracin (illd) , suction head; suction
- de carga (hid), head.
- de descarga o de impulsin (bm), discharge
-- de despejo o de franqueo, cIearance height.
- del instrumento o del ojo (lev) , height of
-- de paso, headroom.
- de presin (hid), pressure head.
-- de succin (bm), suction he.d.
- de tiro (aa), draft head.
- dinmica (hid), velocity head.
- efectiva, (str) effective depth; workingdepth
- esttica (hid), static head.
- hidrulica (al), hydraulic grade.
--libre, vertical clearance, clear height,
room; freeboard.
- manomtrica total (bm), total head.
-- metacntrica (an), metacentric height.
--piezomtrica (hid), piezometric heOO.
-.- til (est), effective depth.
alud m, avalanche, snowslide.
alumbrado m, lighting; a lighted; treatedwith
- a tubo de gas, gas-tube lighting.
-- de caveto, cove lighting.
-- de contorno, outline lighting.
-- de festn, festoon lighting.
--reflejado, indirect lighting.
-- semiindirecto, semi-indirect lighting.
alumbrar, . to light, illuminate; to treat with
alum; to emerge (ground water).
alumbre m" alum.
- crmico, chrome alum.
-- de amonio, ammonia alurri.
- para filtros (V), filter alum.
--potsico, potash alum, potassium aluminum
alumbrera j, alunite quarry.
almbrico, containing alum.
almina j, alumina, aluminum oxide.
aluminato m, aluminate.
-- diclcico (ct), dicalcium aluminate.
-- sdico (pa), sodium aluminate.
--triclcico (ct), tricalcium aluminate.
alumnico, aluminic.
aluminio m, aluminum, aluminium.
aluminita j (miner), .aluminite (aluminum sul-
aluminizar, to aluminize.
aluminofrrico, alJ.minoferric.
aluintnosilicato m, aluminosilicate.
aluminoso, aluminous.
aluminotermia j (met) , aluminothermy, alu-
aluminotrmico, aluminothermic.
alundo m (rfr), alundum.
alunita j (miner), alunite, alum rock.
aluvial, aluvional, alluvial.
aluvin m, alluvial deposit, alluvium; flood of
silt; (A) flood, inundation.
aluvionamiento m (A), silting up.
aluvionario (A), alluvial.
lveo m, bed of a river, channel.
alveolado (M), honeycombed.
alza j, rise, lift; shim; (hyd) flashboard, leaf of
a bear-trap gate; (hyd)(Sp) stop log; (Sp)
- de tablero basculante (hid) , automatic
flashboard, shutter weir, hinged-Ieaf gateo
- de la vlvula, valve lift.
alzacarros m, car-lifting device.
alzacoche m, automobile lift.
alzadaj, (dwg) elevation; face .of a building.
-- extrema,end elJ'lvation.
alzado m, (ar) elevation; (Sp) superstructure.
-- de costado, side elevation.
-- delantero, front elevation.
-- en corte, sectional elevation.
--trasero, rear elevation.
alzador m, any lifting device.
alzadura j, hoisting, raising.
alzaguaraj (Es), spring (water).
alzaprima j,' crowbar, lever, pinch bar.
- de traviesa (fc), nipper.
alzaprimar, to pry, move with a lever.
alzar, to hoist, raise, lift.
alzatubos m, pipe jack,
alzavlvula m (auto), tappet.
alzaventana m (auto), window opener.
allanador m (her), a flatter.
allanar, to grade, level: to flatten; (met) to plan-
allane m (M), leveling, grading.
allegador m (Es), fire hook, poker.
amacizar, to compress; to make solido
amacrtico, amacratic (lens).
amachambrado (PR) (Es), tongued and grooved.
amachetar, to chop with a machete.
amadrinar, to couple, join.
amaestrar, (mas) to set grounds; (hw) to master-
amainador.m (min), man who handles bucket at
top of shaft.
amainar, to lower, slack off; (min) to land the
bucket of ore.
amaine m, lowering,slacking off.
amalgamaj (met) (miner) , amalgamo
amalgamador m (met), amalgamator.
amalgamar, to amalgamate.
amantillar (gr), to top, peak, luff.
amantillo (gr), topping lift, topping or p",aking line.
amanzanar (A)(U), to lay outJand in blocks.
amaos m, tools, eguipment, outfit.
amaraje m, landing on the water (seaplane).
amarar, to land on .the water.
amarillo m a, yellow.
--benzo (is), benzo yellow.
-- de cinc, zinc yellow (pigment).
-- de montaa (miner), yellow earth or ocher.
amarra j, 'tie, lashing; mooring; (Ch)(M) cable
- de aleta (nut), quarter fasto
- de bote (nut), painter.
- de popa (nut), stern fasto
- de proa (nut), bow or head fasto
-- de puerto, mooring.
-- de travs (nut), breast fast, breast lineo
amarras para correa, belt hooks or cIamps.
amarraderaj (Col), mooring line; sling.
amarradero m, mooring post; mooring berth.
amarraje m, wharfage; (cab) serving.
amarrar, to tie, lash, splice, belay, make fast; to
moor; (cab) to serve, seize.
amarrazones j (nut), ground tackle.
amarre m, tie, splice, lashing; anchorage, moor-
ing; (conc)(M)(Pe) bond.
-- a pata de ganso, bridle mooring.
amartillar, to hammer.
amasada j (M), batch of mortar.
amasadero m, pugmill, clay millo
amasar, to mix (mortar); to puddle (fill); to pug,
amasillar, to putty.
amatol m, amatol (explosive).
amberitl).j, amberite (exploSive).
mbito m, ambit, contour.
ambulante, traveling (derrick), walking (drag-
ameba j, amoeba.
amelga j (irr), ridge, dike.
amelgar, to set boundary monuments; to furrow.
amellar, to notch.
amerar (Es), to seep, percolate.
amiantista m, asbestos worker.
amianto m, asbestos, amiaIlthlls.
amiba j, amoeba.
amibiano, ambico, amoebic.
amibicida m a, amoebicide.
amicrn m (qum), amicl'On.
amida j, amido m, (chem) amide.
amigdaloid-e a (geol), amygdaloid.
amilasa j (is), amylase.
amilo m (quim),amyl.
aminocido m (is), amino acid.
p-aminodimetilanilina (pa), p-aminodimethy1-
amo m, owner; employer; superintedent, fore-
amohosarse (A) (Ch) , to rusto
amojonar, to set monuments.
amojosearse (A) (Ec) , torust.
amoladera j, grindstone, grinder.
amolado m, grinding.
-- de avance longitudinal; end-feed grinding.
-- de avance. normal, in-feed grinding.
-- de avance pasante, through-feed grinding.
amoladora j, grind",r.
-- de armazn oscilante, swing-frame grinder.
-- de asientos de vlvulas, valve grinder.
-- de banco, bench grinder.
-- de brocas, bit grinder.
- de espigas, shank grinder (drill).
-- de pie, floor-stand grind",r.
-- de puntas, center-type grinder.
-- hmeda, wet grinder.
-- sin puntas, ecnterless grinder.
amolar, to grind, sharpen.
amoldar, to mold, shape.
amollar (cab), to slack, ease off.
amoniacal, ammoniaeal.
amoniacin j, ammoniation.
amoniaco m, ammonia.
- albuminoideo (is), albuminoid arnmonia.
amoniador m (pa), ammoniator.
-- de alimentacin directa, direct-feed ammo-
amnico a, ammonium, ammonic.
amonio m, ammonium.
amonizacin j, ammonization, ammonification.
amontonador m, amontonadora j, stacker, pilero
amontonador de carbn, coaltrimmer.
amontonar, to pile, pile up.
- el fuego, to bank the fire.
-- en camellones (ca), to windrow.
amordazar, toclamp.
amorfo, amorphous.
amortiguacin j, deadening; absorbing; (mech)
(elec) damping.
-- crtica (elc), critical damping.
-- de las crecidas (r), flood control.
-- peridica (elc), periodic damping, under-
amortiguador m, (mech) shock absorber, damper,
dashpot; (carp) door check; (hyd) stilling
pool; (auto) muffier; (elec) damper; (auto)
snubber; (chem) buffer.
-- de chispas,. spark arrester.
-- de choque, shock absorber; bumper.
- de energa, energy absorber; (hyd) stilling
pool, tumble bayo
- de escape, (eng) exhaust head,' exhaust
- de los faroles (auto), headlight dimmer.
-- de golpes de agua,water-hammer suppressor.
- de luz, (auto) dimmer.
-- de oleaje (illd),. surge suppressor; surge
-- de ruido, silencer,muffier.
-- de sacudidas (auto), harmonic balancero
-- del sonido, sound absorber.
-- de torsin, torsion damper.
amortiguamiento (m) de sonido, soundproofing.
amortiguar, to cusillon, deaden, lessen; to damp;
to absorb (shocks); (chem) to buffer.
amortizacin j, amortization.
amortizar, to amortize; to redeem; to refundo
amovible, removable, demountable.
amparar, to protect; (leg) to hold harmIess;
(min) to satisfy conditions for working a
ampelita j, ampelite (coal).
amper m (Es), ampere.
amper-espira j (Es), ampere-turn.
amperaje m, amperage.
- de carga, charging rate (battery).
-- efectivo, virtual amperes.
ampermetro m, ammeter, amperemeter.
-- calrico (Es), hot-wire ammeter.
-- de abrazadera, Clamp ammeter.
-- de alcance mltiple, multirange ammeter.
-- de bolsillo, pocket ammeter.
-- de expansin o de hilo caliente, eXPaIlsionor
hot-wire or thermal ammeter.
ampermetro 22 anchico ancho 23
-- dinamomtrico, dynamometer ammeter.
--indicador, indicating ammeter.
- para tablero, switchboard-type ammeter.
-- registrador, recording ammeter.
- trmico, thermal ammeter, thermoammeter.
-- termocupla thermocouple ammeter.
amperio m, ampere.
-- internacional, international ampere.
amperio-hora f, ampere-hour.
amperio-pie m, ampere-foot.
amperio-vuelta f, ampere-turn.
amperios-vueltas transversales, cross ampere-
amperivuelta f, 'ampere-turn.
amper6metro m, ammeter, amperemeter.
- trmico, thermal 01' hot-wire ammeter.
ampliaci6nf (fma), enlargement.
-- angular (fma), angular magnification.
-- del plazo, extension of time (contract).
ampliadora f, enlarging outfit (photo).
ampliar, to enlarge, amplify, extend.
amplidina f (ra), amplidyne.
amplificaci6n f, (elec) amplification, gain; (op-
tics) m.agniJication, amplification.
- de potencia, power amplification.
- de tensi6n, voltage amplification.
-- dinmica (geof), dynamic magnifieation.
-- multigradual o en, cascada, cascade amplifi-
- transportadora (ra) , carrier amplifieation.
amplificador m, magnifier; booster; amplifier.
- a vlvula, vaeuum-tube amplifier.
- clase A(AB, B, BC, C) (ra) , class-A(AB, B,
BO, O) amplifier.
-- de audiofrecuencia (ra) , audiofrequeney 01'
audio amplifier.
-- de desviaci6n (tv), def1ection amplifier.
-- de energa (ra), power amplifier.
-- de enfrenamiento, brake booster.
- de exploraci6n (tv), scanner amplifier.
- de faja (ra), band-pass amplifier.
- de oratoria (ra) (A), speeeh amplifier.
- de poder (A), power amplifier.
-- de realimentaci6n inversa (ra), degenerative
01' inverse-feedbaek amplifier.
-'- de sonido; loudspeaker.
- equilibrado (ra), push-pu11 amplifier.
- previo (Es) (A), preamplifier.
-- realimentado, feedback amplifier.
--reflejo (ra), reflex amplifier.
--' separador (ra), buffer amplifier.
amp'lific!lr (ele), toam.plify.
amplitud f (mat) (ele) (ra), amnlitude.
-- de la marea, tidal amplitude; range of the
ampollaf, blister, bulbi ampoule; (A) lamp bulbo
- de congelaci6n (ca), frost boil.
-- de vlvula (ra) , envelope.
ampollarse, to blister.
ampolleta f, ineandeseent lam.p; bulb, ampoule.
ampolloso (min), porous,containing cavities.
amura f (an), bow, fore part ofship.
- bulbosa, clubfoot,bulb bo"'.
amurada f (an), inside faee of the she11 plating.
amurallar, to wa11; to build into a "'all.
amurar (A), to emood in a wall.
anabergita f (miner), 8.!IDaoorgite, nickel bloom.
anab6lico (is), anabolic.
anacarado (miner), pearly (luster).
anaclinal (geol), anaclinal.
anaer6bico (is), anaerobie.
anaerobio m, anaerobe.
anaerobiosis f, anaerobiosis.
anaerognico (lab), anaerogenie.
anaglfico (fma), anaglyphie.
anghfo (fma), anaglyph.
anaglifoscopio m (fma), anaglyphoseope.
analtico (ptica), anallatie.
analatismo m (lev), ana11atism.
analcima, analcita f (miner), analeime, analeite.
analcitita f (geol), analeitite, analeimite.
anlisis m f, analysis.
-- de cedazo o de tamices, sereen 01' sieve anal-
-- de comprobaci6n, check analysis.
- de hornada (met), ladle analysis.
-- electroltico, eleetroanalysis.
--inmediato, proximate analysis.
-- ponderal, gravirnetrie analysis.
analista m f, analyst.
analtico, analytieal.
analizador m, analyst; (meeh) analyzer; (ra)
analyzer; (tv) scanner.
-- de arm6nieos (ra), harmonic analyzer.
-- de distorsi6n (ra), distortion analyzer.
-- de ondas (ra), wave analyzer.
-- de ruidos (ra) , noise analyzer.
-- de tambor (tv), drum scanner.
analizar, to analyze; (tv) to sean.
analoga (j) de la placa, slab analogy.
anlogo m, analogue.
anaquel m, shelf.
anaranjado de metilo (lab), methyl orange.
ancaramita f (geol), ankaramite.
ancaratrita f (geol), ankaratrite.
ancla f, (naut) (meeh) anchor.
-- de asta giratoria, swivel anchor.
-- de campana, mushroom anchor.
-- de espiar, kedge anchor.
-- de hlice, serew anchor (for guy).
- de pared (ed), wall anchor.
-- de seta, mushroom anchor.
-- de tierra, guy 01' earth anchor.
-- de tornillo, serew anchor.
-- de va (fe), antiereeper.
-- sin cepo, stoekless anchor.
ancladero m, anehorage, anehoring ground.
anclaje m, anehorage; anehoring; anehorage
anclar, to anchor.
anclote m,anehor.
anelotillo m, sma11 anchor, kedge.
anco m (min) (Pe), a silver ore.
ane6n m, bay, eove; (I'R) smalllighter.
anconadaf, large el1>ve, bay.
anconaje m (PR), lighterage;
ncora f, anchor.
ancoraje m, anchorage.
ancorar, to anchor,
ancorera.!, anchor shop.
ancorero m, anchor maker.
anchico m, an Argentine hardwood.
ancho m, width, breadth; a wide.
-- de faja (ra), band width.
- de via (fe), gage.
- tipo (fe)(M), standard gage.
anchura f, width, breadth.
anchur6n m (min), chamber, stall, room.
andada J, trail, path.
andadera J, trayeler, traveling derriek, traveling
andadero m, footwalk,
andador m, footwalk; (A) motor scooter.
ancialucita f (miner), andalusite.
.mdamiada f, seaffolding.
-- de carenaje (ds), gridiron.
andamiador m, seaffold builder, stagebuilder.
andamiaje m, seaffolding, staging. '
a"dalniar, to scaffold.
andamio m, seaffold; (bdg) (Ec) falsework.
-- acartelado, braek:et seaffold.
- ambulante o corredizo, traveler, traveling
-- colgante, hanging scaffold.
- de bscula (001), seaffold on outlookers ticd
baek to wall aboye.
-- de'cballctes, horse seaffold.
-- de parales, pole seaffold.
-- suspendido, swinging 01' hanging scaffold.
-- tubular, pipe scaffold.
-- voladizo o volado, flying 01' cantilever 01' ut-
riggcr scaffold.
andana f, row, file, line, tier.
andarache m (min)(Es), scaffold.
andarivel m, aCl,inl tramway, eableway, ropeway;
cable guardrail; single whip; cable ferry;
cable railway; (O) ferryboat.
andn m, (rr) platform; sidewalk on a bridge;
walkway; towpath; (top)(Pe)(B) terraee;
(ap) loading apron.
- de cabeza (fe), end platform.
-- de entreva (fe), island platform.
-- de llegada (fe), arTival platform.
- de salida (fe), departure platform.
~ de trasbordo, transfer platform.
ndito m, sie!cwalk; piazza.
andullo m (nut), fene!er, mato
anegable, subjeet to inune!ation.
anegaci6n f, inundation.
anegadizo, liable to be overtJowed; nonfloating.
anegar, to submerge, flooe!, inune!ate; (pu) to
drown; anegarce, to be flooded; to sink; to
beeome waterlogged.
aneletrieo, anelcetrie.
anemogrfico, anelllographie.
anem6grafo m, anelllograph, reeording wind
anemograma m, anemogram.
anemometra f, anelllOll1etry, wind gaging.
anemomtrico, anOlnon1ctl'ic.
anem6metro m, nnelllollleter, wind gage.
-- indicador, indil'ating anelllometer.
-- registrador, reeording anemometer.
anemometrgrafo ?n, anemometrograph, reeord-
ing wind gage.
anemoscopio ?n (Illrl), nnemoseope.
anerbico (is), anaerobie.
llnerobiosis f, anaerobiosis.
aneroide ma, aneroid.
-- altimtrico, altitude aneroide barometer.
-- de top6grafo, surveying aneroid.
aneroid6grafo m, aneroidograph.
anetadura f (nut), puddening.
anexo m (M),addition to a building, ell, wing.
anfibio m a (ap), amphibian.
anfbol m (miner), hornblende, amphibole.
anfiblico, amphibolie.
anfibolfero, eontaining amphibole.
anfibolita f (geol), amphibolite.
anfibolosquisto m (geol), hornblende sehist.
anf6tero (q1m), amphoteric.
angaletar (A), to miter.
angalete m (earp) (A), miterbox;
angarillas J, handbarrow.
angarillear (Oh), to move material in handbar-
angla f, (geog) cape.
anglesita f, anglesite, nativelead sulphate.
angostar, to narrow,eontraet.
angosto, narrow, close.
angostura f, gap, pass, narrows, gorge; throat.
-- de la marea, tideraee.
angra f, eov':!, small bay.
angstrom m (fsica), angstrom.
anguenaf (min) (Es), a silverore.
anguilas J, launehing ways.
angular m, (Sp) (O)(Pe) steel angle, angle iron;
any rolled steel shape;a angular, sharp(sand).
-- canal, ehannel iron.
- ele (O), steel angle, angle irOD.
--T, T bar, T iron;.
-Z, Z bar.
ngulo m, angle.
-- ascendente (lev), angle of elevation.
-- atiesador (est), stiffeningangle.
-- comprendido, ineluded angle.
-- con bord6n o con nervio (est), bulb angle.
- de arista redonda ( e ~ t ) , round-baek angle.
-- de asiento (est), shelf orseat angle, ereetion
-- de ataque, angle ofattaek; (mt) working
- de aterrizaje (ap), landing angle.
- de atraso (ele), angle of lag.
-- de avance, (se) angle of lead, angular ad-
vanee; (elec) angle of lead 01' of lag.
- del bisel (sol), groove angle, bevel angle.
-- de contingencia (fe), angle of interseetion.
-- del chafln (sol), groove 01' bevel angle.
- de deflexi6n (fe) (M) (AO) (Ee) , defleetion
- de deriva (fma), angle of erab.
- de desfasamiento (ele), phase angle.
- de despojo (mh) , clearanee angle.
- de desviaci6n, defleetion angle; angle of de-
viation; (eab) f1eet angle.
-- de entrada (mh), entering angle.
- de espacio libre labial, lip-relief angle (twisl
drill) .
-- de esviaje, angle of skew; (eab) fleet angle.
- de filo (mh), tool angle, angle of keenness.
-- de fricci6n, angle of frietion 01' of repose.
-- de frotamiento interno, aI;lgle of interna!
24 nodo nodo 25 anticongelador
- de la hlice (herr) (rs) , helixangle.
_ de la herramienta (mh), tool angle, angle of
- de incidencia, angleof incidence.
- de inclinacin lateral (mh), side-rake angle.
- de juego (mh) (A), relief angle.
- de llegada (ra), angle o arriva!.
- de planeo (ap), angle o glide, obstrQ.ction
-- de la ranura (sol), bevel or groove angle.
- de rayo (ra), beam angle.
- de rebajo o de relieve (mh), relief angle.
__ de reposo, angle o repose or o riction.
_ de resbalamiento (A), angle o repose.
_ de resistencia al corte (ms), angle o shear-
ing resistance.
-- de retraso (elc) , angle of lag, phase angle.
- de rincn vivo (est), square-root angle.
-- de rozamiento, angle o riction.
- de rumbo (geof), angle o strike.
- de salida, (ra) angle o departure; (geop)
angle o emergence.
- de separacin (mh), front clearance.
-- de sesgo, angle o skew.
- de varenga (cn), reverse frame.
- de vista (ma), angle of view or of coverage.
- descendente (lev), angle o depression.
- desigual (est), angle with unequallegs.
-- entrante, re-entrant angle.
--horario, hour angle.
- igual (est), angle with equallegs.
--incluso, included angle.
-labial (A), lip angle (twist drill).
- lateral de cada (mh), side rako.
- paralctico, angular parallax, parallactic
- perifrico (c) (V), dofloction angle.
- recto, right angle.
-- subtenso (lev), subtenso angle.
- sujetador (est), clip angle.
_ superior de inclinacin (mh) , back-rako
--tangencial (c), deflection angle.
--trancanil (cn), stringer angle.
- trasero de cada (mh) , back rake.
--vertical (lev), vertical angle, angle of eleva-
tion, altitudo or site angle.
-- adyacentes, adjacent angles.
- alternos, alternate angles.
-- de ensamblaje (est), connection angles.
-- en cruz (est), starred angles.
- espalda con espalda, angles back to back.
angulosidad J, angularity.
anguloso, angular; sharp (sand) .
anhdrico, anhydrous.
anhdrido m, anhydride.
anhidrita J (miner), anhydrite;
anhidro, anhydrous.
anidable, nestable.
anidado, nested.
aniego m, aniegue m (M), inundation, fiooding.
anilina J, aniline.
anilla J, ringo
anillar, to ormrings or hoops.
anillo m, ring, hoop, collar, rimo
- abrazadera (mh), clamp ringo
- aceitador (lu) , oi1 ringo
- anual (mad), growth ringo
-- colector (elc), slip or collector ringo
-- conector (carp), ring connector.
- de albura (mad), sap ringo
-- del asiento (v), seat ringo
- de bolas tipo empuje (cojinete), thrust ball
-- de cierre, lock ring (tire).
-- de cierre hidrulico (bm), lantern ringo
-- de crecimiento (mad), growth ringo
-- de mbolo, piston or packing ringo
-- de empaque, washer, packing or iunk ring;
(str) filling ringo
-- de empuje, thrust collar.
- de engrase (Iu), oil ringo
-- de estancamiento (Iu), seal ringo
-- de estopas o de guarnicin, (eng) iunk or
packing ringo
- de frotamiento (mot), slip ringo
- de la garganta (turb), throat ringo
-- de goteo (lu), drip ringo
-- de grasa (lu), grease ringo
- de guarapo (az), juice ringo
-- de horqnilla, clevis ringo
-- de levas, cam ringo
-- de lubricacin, oil ringo
-- de prensaestopas, (eng) iunk ringo
-- de remate (est), cap ringo
-- de resorte, snap ring (piston).
- de respaldo (sol), backing ringo
- de retenidas, (de) guy ringo
-- de retculo (inst), cross-hair ringo
-- de rodadura, bearing race, raceway.
-- de rodete,turbine case.
- de salida (turb), discharge ringo
- de traviesas (turb) (U), speed ringo
-- desgastable, wearing ringo
- distribuidor (turb), speed or stay ringo
- fiador, retainer (ball bearing).
- fraccionado (mad) , false ringo
-- guardapolvo, dust ringo
--limpiador de aceite (lu), wiperring.
--llenador (est) , filling ringo
-- micromtrico, micrometer collar.
-- portabolas, cage o a ball bearing, ball race.
- portante (tUrb), case ringo
-- portapaletas (turb), guide-vane ringo
- regulador (turb), gato orshifting ringo
--restregador (mbolo), scraper or wiper ringo
- rozante (mot), slip ringo .
- salpicador (ra), splash ringo
-, seguidor (hid), fol1ower ring (gate).
-- sincronizador (auto), synchronizing ringo
- sujetador (mh), shell chuck.
nima J, (cab) center, core; web (drill); (mech)
anin m, anion.
anisomtrico, anisometric.
anisotrpico, anistropo, anisotropic.
andico (elc), anodic, anodal.
anodizar, to anodize.
nodo m (elc), anode.
-- acelerador (ra) (tv) , accelerating anode.
-- partido, split anode.
- retenedor, holding anodo.
anofeles, anopheles (mosquito).
anofelino, anopheline.
anolito m (elc), anolyte.
anomala J, anomaly (all senses).
anortitaJ (miner), anorthite (eldspar).
anortosita J (geol), anorthosite.
anotador m, recorder, note keeper.
anotar, to take notes.
anotrn (ra), aIiotron.
antagonista, antagnico (mec), reactive, antag-
antebaha J (M), entrance to a bayo
antecmara J, (hyd) forebay; lobby, anteroom;
(di) antechamber.
- de compresin (M), air lock.
antecedentes m, preliminary data.
antecrisol m, forehearth.
antedrsenaJ, entrance to a dock; first o a series
of basins.
antedique m, "lntranco to a dry dock.
anteesclusa J, entrance to a lock.
anteespolnm, works to protect a mole or jetty.
anteestudio m, preliminary study.
anteforido m, step protecting the floor o a lock.
anteforna11a J, front part o firebox.
antegrada J (cn), lower end o bunching ways.
antehogar m, front part o firebox.
antena J (ra), antenna.
-- Adcock, Adcock antenna.
-- aperidica, deadbeat 01' aperiodic antenna.
--artificial, artificial 01' dummy antenna.
--Beverage, wave or Beverage antenna.
--binomia, binomial array.
-- cargada, loaded antenna.
-'- compensadora, balancing amia!.
-- de abanico, fan antenna.
-- de argolla, lodp antenna.
-- de capacitancia, condenser or capacitor an-
-- de capas, tier array.
--de cuadro, radio loop, loop antenna.
-- de cuarto de onda, quarter-wave ante""",.
- de doblete, doublet antenna.
- de fajas mltiples, multiband antenr..a.
-- de haz (Es), beam antenna.
-- de inversin, antenna reflector.
-- de jaula, cage antenna.
-- de lazo, loop or coil antenna.
-- de media onda, half-wave antenna.
-- de molinete, turnstile antenna.
-- de onda, wave or Beverage antenna.
-- de plena onda, full-wave antenna.
-- de reflexin, antenna reflector.
-- de techo plano, flat-top antenna.
-- de toda onda, all-wave antenna.
-- de vientre (Es), loop antenna.
- dipolo, dipole anterina, (Sp) doublet an-
-- direccional, antenna array, beam or direc-
tional antenna.
-- direccional transmisora, directive antenna.
-- emisora, transmitting antenna.
-- en V, folded-wire or V antenna.
-- espina de pescado, fishbone antenna.
--falsa, artificial antenna.
-- fantasma, phantom or dummy antenna;
-- ficticia (A), dummy antenna.
-- giratoria, rotary-beam antenna.
--indicadora de direccin (ap) , direction finder.
--larga, long-wire or harmonic antenna.
-- mltiple, multiple-tuned antenna.
--paraguas o sombrilla, umbrella antenna.
-- rmbica, diamond antenna.
-- sintonizada, tunedantenna.
antenas entongadas, stacked array.
anteojo m, telescope (transit or level).
--. astronmico o de imagen invertida o de
ocular simple, astronomical telescope (in-
verted image).
- buscador (fma), telescopic finder.
-- de ereccin o de imagen recta, erecting or
terrestrial telescope.
-- de foco exterior, external-focusing telescope.
-- de inversin (Es), erecting telescope.
- de puntera (ma), sighting te1escope.
--meridiano, meridian instrumento
-- solar (lev), solar telescope.
anteojos de camino, goggles.
antepagar, to prepay.
antepas m, foreland.
antepecho m, railinll; parapet; panelor apron.or
filler wall; spandrel; (min) bench.
antepozo m (A)(Es), pump pit forsemiartesian
antepresa J (Es), UJ}stream cofferdam.
antepresupuesto m,preliminary estimate.
anteproyecto m, preliminary designo
antepuerto m, outer harbor, anchorage outside
an artificial port.
-- fluvial, protective works aboye a river port.
antesolera J (hid), upstream hearth.
antestudio m, preliminary study.
antetecho m (Oh), overhang of a roo, eaves.
antetrn m, forecarriage.
anteumbral m (hid), upstream sill.
antiablandecedor, nonsotening.
anticido, acid-resisting.
antiaferrador, antiagarrador (maq), nonseizing.
antialabeo, nonwarping.
antialcalino, antalkaline.
antianofelino, antianopheline (mosquito).
antiaraador, nonscoring.
antiarcos (elc), nonarcing.
antibiosis J (is), antibiosis.
anticapacitivo (elc), anticapacitive.
anticatalizador m (qum), anticatalyst.
antictodo m (ra), anticathode, anode.
anticlstico (mat), anticlastic.
anticlinal m (geol), anticline; a anticlinal.
-- compuesto o mltiple, anticlinorium.
--interrumpido, arrested anticline.
--recostado, recumbent anticlino.
--tumbado, overturned anticline.
anticlinorio m (geol), anticlinorium.
anticloro m (qum) , antichlor.
anticoagulante, anticoagulant.
anticohesor m (ra), anticoherer.
anticombustible m, any fire-extinguishing chemi-
anticondensacin, anticondensation.
anticongelador m, deicer, anti-icer.
anticongelante 26 aparato aparato
anticongelante,. antreeze.
anticorrosivo, rust-resisting, anticorrosive, non-
anticorto-circuito (elc), antishort.
anticbirrido, antisqueak;
antiderrapante CM), nonskid.
antideslizante (m) para correas, belt dressing.
antideslumbrante (vi), antiglare.
antidesvanecedor (ra) , antifading.
antidetonancia J (mg), antiknock value.
antidetonante m, antiknock, antidetonant, fuel
dope; a antiknock.
antiebullicivo (ca1), antipriming.
antiecon6mico, unprofitable.
antiendurecedor, nonhardening.
antiengrane (A), antiseize.
antiespuma (ca1), antifoam, nonfoaming.
antiesttico (ra), antistatic.
antifase J (elc), antiphase, opposite phase.
antifiuctuacin (elc), antihunting.
antifriccin, antifriction.
antignico (lab), antigenic.
antgeno m (lab), antigen.
antigiratorio (cab), nonspinning.
antigolpeteo .(mg), antiknock.
antihalo (fma), antihalation.
antiherrumbroso, rust-resisting.
antihigroscpico (A), nonhygroscopic, moisture-
antiinductivo (elc), anti-induction.
antilarvario, larvae-destroying.
antilogaritmo m, antilogarithm.
antimagntico (A), nonmagnetic.
antimalrico (C), antimalarial.
antimicrofnico (ra), antimicrophonic.
antimoniado, containing antimony, antimoni-
antimonial, antimonial.
lIntimoniato m, antimonate.
antimnico a, antimony, antimonic.
antimonfero, containing antimony.
antimonio m, antimony.
- arsenical (miner), allemontite, arsenical an-
--blanco (miner), valentinite, white antimony.
-- gris (miner), stibnite, gray antimony.
-- pirofrico, explosive antimony.
-- rojo, red antimony; kermes mineral.
antimonioso, antimonious.
antimonita J (miner), antimonite, stibnite.
antimonito m (quim), antimonite.
antimoniuro m, antimonide.
antincrustantem, boiler or antiscale compound;
a preventing scaleformation; (pt)anti-
antinodo m (ra), antinode.
-- de la corriente, current antinode or loop.
antinormal, antinormal.
antioxidante, antirust, rust-resisting, antioxidant.
antipaldico, antimalaria.
antiparalela J (mat), antiparallel.
antiparalelo a, antiparallel.
antiparsito (elc), antiparasitic.
antiparras J, goggles.
antipatinador m,.antiskid device.
antiprico (C), fire-resisting.
antirrajadura, antisplitting.
antirrecbinante, antisqueak.
antirresbalidizo, nonslip, nonskid.
antirresonancia J (ra), antiresonance.
antirresonante, (A) soundproof.
antisalpicadura, nonsplash (funnel).
antisptico, antiseptic; (pt) antouling.
antisifonaje, antisiphon.
antisimtrico, antisymmetrical. .
antissmico, earthquake-proof, antiseismic.
antisonoro, soundproof.
antisuero m (lab), antiserum.
antitrmico, nonconducting of heat.
antivaho (A), antiglre (glass).
antizumbido (elc), antihum.
antlerita J, antlerite, native eopper sulphate.
antorcha J, welding torch; plumber's torcho
-- a soplete, blowtorch.
-- cortadora, cutting torcho
-- de arco elctrico (sol), arc torcho
-- de guitarra o de pared, banjo orwall torcho
--para camino, highway or road torch, fusee.
-- soldadora, welding torcho
antraceno m, anthracene.
antracfero (geol), anthraciferous.
antracita J, anthracite or hard coal.
antractico, anthracitic.
antracitoso, anthracitous, eontaining anthracite.
anulador (m) de energa, stilling pool, any device
for dissipating the energy of falling water.
anular a, annular.
anunciador m (elc), annunciator.
anunciar, to advertise.
anuncio m, announcement; advertisement.
aojada J (Col), skylight.
apaciguador (m) de arco (sol), arc pacifier.
apagabrasas m (loco), live-coal extinguisher.
apagacbispas m, spark extinguisher or arrester.
apagada al aire, air-slaked (lime).
apagador m, quencher, extinguisher; slaker;
(elec) (M) light switch.
-- a espuma, foam fire extinguisher.
-- de arco (elc), arc quencher.
-- de cal, lime slaker.
--visible (M), surface switch;
apagafuego, apagaincendios, apagallamas m, fire
apagar, to extinguish, quench; to slake (lime);
(elec) to switch off.
apainelado, elliptical (arch); (Colj paneled.
apalancar, to pry, movewith a lever.
apaleadora J (C), power shovel.
apalear, to shove!.
apamate m, a Venezuelan lumber.
apancle, apantle m (M), irrigation ditch; fiume.
apantallar (ra), to sbield, screen.
apantanar, to fiood, inundate.
aparadura J (cn) , garbel, plate of the garboard
aparar, to dress with an adz, to dub.
aparatista (Es), instrument maker.
aparato m, apparatus, device, fixture.
-- de distribucin (elc), switchgear.
-- de mando, control mechanism.
-- de seguridad, safety device.
- de timoneo (cn), steering gear.
-- dibujador, drafting machine.
- restituidor (fma), restitution machine.
- rotulador (dib), lettering machine.
-- tensor, take-up tackle, tightening device.
aparatos sanitarios, plumbing fixtures.
aparedar, to wall up.
aparejador m, rigger one who lays out the work;
(lg) fitter, marker.
aparejar, to rig; to layout; (pt) to prime, size,
fill; (mas) to bond; (lbr) to rough-dress.
aparejo m, block and fall; chain block; tackle,
rigging; purchase; (pt) priming, sizing,
filler; (mas) bond; (mas) laying out; pack-
-- a cadena, chain block.
-- atesador o de compensacin, take-uptackle.
-- cruzado (lad) , eross or Duteh bond.
-- cudruple, four-part tackle.
-- de dibujo, drafting machine.
-- de lantia, single whip.
-- de maniobras (pet), draw works.
-- de. molinete, eapstan pulley bloeks (for line-
- de perforacin (pet), drilling rig.
-- de retenida (en), vang purch::tse, guy taekle.
- de sogas biseladas (l::td) , elipped or secret
- de vlvula (mv) (M), valve gear.
-- diferencial, differential hoist, chain block.
- espigado (lad), herringbonc bond.
- fiamenco u holands (lad), Flemish bond.
- ingls (lad), English bond.
- ingls y cruzado (lad) , block-andl-cross or
cross-and-English bond.
-- quntuplo, five-part lineo
--tensor, take-up 01' tension taekle.
apartadero m, (rr) siding; (rr) turnout; (rd) wide
place for passing; (canal) wide spot where
boats may tie up.
-- de paso, passing siding, turnout.
--muerto, dead-end siding.
-- particular, private siding.
apartaderos solapados (fe), lap sidings.
apartado m, (min) oro separation; (M) smelting;
post-offiee box.
apartador m, ore pieker; smelter.
apartamiento (m) meridiano, meridian distance.
apartar, to sort, separate, classify; (1'1') to side-
apartarrayos m, lightning arrester.
apatita J (miner), apatite.
-- fiuor, fiuorapatite.
apeadero m (fe), small station.
apeador m, land survcyor.
apeadura, surveying.
apear, to fell (trees); to ehoek (wheel); to survey;
to shore, timber, brace; (Col)to support;
(M) to underpin.
apelotonar, to form into balls.
apelmazar, to eompress.
apeo m, a survey; timbering, shoring;cutting
treos; (M) undorpinning.
aperador m, wheelwright; foroman; (min) store-
aperar, to repair wagons.
aperiodicidad J, aperiodicity.
aperidico (elc), aperiodie.
apernar, to bolt; to pino
aperos m, tools, equipment, outfit.
apertura J, act f opening.
apestaar (Es), to f1ange.
apilador m (ef), decker.
apiladora J, stacker, portable elevator.
apilar, to pile, stack.
apilonar (C) (PR) (M), to pile, pile up, stack.
apiaduraJ (ef), ajam;
apiamiento (m) del espectro (eIc), spectrum
apiar, apiarse, to jam; clog; stick, stalI.
apique m, mine shaft.
apir m, laborer in a mine.
apisonado m (V), roadbed, subgrade.
apisonador m, rammer; tamper.
- de relleno, baekfill tamper.
-- de vapor, steam roller.
apisonadora J, tamper; roller.
--.- de neumticos, rubber"tire roller.
-- de patitas. de carnero, sheepsfoot or tamping
- niveladora (ca), tamping and Ieveling ma-
apisonar, to tamp, compact, ramo
apitn m, .a Philippine lumber.
apizarrado; containing slate.
apizarrar, to do slatework.
aplanadera J, straightedge; mason's f1oat; road
aplanador m, roller; grader; (bs) f1atter; (mas)
aplanadora J, roller; grader; mason's f1oat;
-- a vapor, steam roller.
-- automotriz, motor roller.
-- con pies de cabra o de pezua, sheepsfoot or
tamping roller.
-- mecnica (ec), power f1oat.
--pata de cabra, sheepsfoot roller.
aplanar, to level, grade; to smoothup; (mas) to
aplantillar, to work to a template.
aplastamiento m, collapsing; crushing; (Pi)
brooming; (conc) (Pe) (U) (A) slump. '
aplastar, to f1atten; to crush, (Pi) broom;
aplastarse. to collapse.
aplayar (1'), to overflow.
aplicador m (ca) (lab) , applicator.
aplicar,to place logainst, apply too
aplita J (geol), aplite.
aplobasalto m (geol), aplobasalt.
aplogranito m, aplogranite.
aplomar, to plumb; tocoat with lead; aplomarse,
to collapse.
aplomo m, verticality; plumb line; a plumb,
apocromtico, apochromatic (lens).
apomecmetro m (lev), apomecometer.
apopado (nut), down by the stern.
aporiolita J (geol), aporhyolite.
aporreador m (Ch) , sledge, maul, striking hammer.
aportacin J, (hyd) inflow, runoff; (w) weld
metal used in one opcration.
aportadero m, anchorage in a port.
aportar (nut), to arrivein port.
aporte m (hid), runoff, inflow.
aporticado (est)(A), rigidly framed (columns and
connecting beam .01' truss).
aportillar,. to make an openingin; aportillarse, to
apostadero m, naval station.
-- de hidroaviones, seaplane base, air harbor.
apotema J .(mat), apothem.
apoyadero m, strut, shore, support.
apoyado libremente (viga), simply supported.
apoyaherramienta m, tool resto
apoyapi m (auto),footrest.
apoyar, to support; apoyarse en, to abut against,
rest on.
apoyo m, support, bearing, cradle.
-- colgante, shaft hanger.
- de dilatacin, expansion bearing.
-- de oscilacin (est), rocker bearing.
-- de pasador, pin bearing.
-- de rodillos (pte), roller 01' expansion bearing.
apozarse (Col) (PR) , to back up (water), to form
apreciacin J, appraisal, valuation; estimate;
(inst) smallest reading.
appreciador m, appraiser.
apreciar, to value, appraise; to estimate.
aprecio m, appraisal,valuation.
aprendiz, apprentice.
aprendizaje m, apprenticeship.
apresar (Es), to dam.
aprestado m, dressing.
aprestador m (pint), primer.
aprestar, to make ready; (pt) to prime, size.
apresto m, outfit, equipment; (pt) priming.
- a soplete (pint), flame priming.
- para correas, belt dressing.
apretado, tight, close; compacto
apretador m, tightener.
-- de corredera, zipper.
- de tuercas (Ch), nut runner 01' setter.
apretar, to tighten, to set (brake); (sh) to crowd;
to crimp (blasting cap).
apretatubo m, hosecock, pinchcock.
apretn m (min), pressure.
apretura J, tightness; (top) gorge, narrows.
aprietacable m (A), cable clip.
aprietacadena m, chain tightener.
aprietatuercas m, nut runner 01' setter.
aprieto m, (min) pressure; (machy) seizing.
aproche (Col), aproches (M) m, approach.
apropiacinJ (C), appropriation.
aprovechamiento m, development, utilization,
exploitation; reclamation.
_.- forestal, logging, lumbering.
-- hidroelctrico, hydroelectric development.
aprovisionamiento (m) de agua, water supply.
aprovisionar, to furnish, supply.
aproximacin J, approximation; approach.
aproximado a, approximate.
apuntador m, timekeeper; note keeper, recorder.
apuntadora J (mh), pointing tool.
apuntalamiento .. m, shoring, timbering, trench
bracing; falsework.
apuntalar, to shore, brace, prop.
- adintelado, flat arch.
-- apainelado, elliptical arch.
--articulado, hinged arch.
-.- birrotulado, two-hinged arch.
- capialzado, arch behind a lintel.
- carbnico (elc) (A), carbon arco
-- carpanel, three-centered 01' elliptical arch.
-- crucero, rib at intersection of groined arches.
- cubierto (sol), shielded arco
-- de aligeramiento, relieving arch.
-- de ngulo constante, constant-angle arch
- de asa de canasta (M), three-centered arch.
-- de centro pleno, semicircular 01' full-centered
-- de cuatro centros, four-centered arch.
-- de declinacin (inst), declination arc.
-- de descarga, relieving arch.
-- de dos articulaciones, two-hinged arch.
-- de encuentro, groined arch.
-- de enjuto abierto, open-spandrel arch.
- de filete, fillet arch.
- de .la hlice (cn) , propeller arch, bridge
pICce, tuck plateo
-- de llama (elc), flaming arc.
-- de medio punto, semicircular 01' full-centered
-- de radio constante, constant-radius arch
- de sardinel,rowlock(brick) arch.
-- de segmento, segmental arch.
-- de sierra, hacksaw frame.
-- de tres articulaciones o de triple charnela o
de triple rtula, th.ree-hinged arch.
-- de tres centros, three-centered arch.
- descubierto .(sol) , unshielded.arc.
-- en esviaje, skew arch.
-- escarzano o rebajado, segmenta! arch.
- forestal (tc), logging arch.
--inverso (ra), arc-back, backfue.
- mltiple, multiple arch (dam).
-- nervado, ribbed arch.
- para troncos (tc), logging arch.
--parlante (ra), speaking arc.
- protegido (sol), shielded aro.
--rampante, rampant arch.
-. rectilneo, flat arch.
--reticulado, framed arch.
- rotulado, hinged arch.
-- sesgado, skew arch.
-- sonoro (elc), singing arco
-- taquimtrico (inst), stadia are.
--tricntrico o zarpanel, three-centered arch
- trirrotulado, th.ree-h.inged arch.
--vuelto, inverted arch.
arcn m, bin, bunker; caisson.
-- carbonero, coalbin.
arcosaJ (geol), arkose (sandstone).
archivador m, filing cabinet.
archivar, to file (documents).
archivero m (M), filing cabinet.
archivos m, (of) files.
arder, to burn.
rea J, arca; (meas) are.
- alimentadora o colectora (hid) , drainage 01'
catchment area, watershed.
- de cabezal, head shaft.
- de camas (A), camshat.
- de cola (ef), tail tree.
-- de conexiones (pet), Christmas tree.
-- de contramarcha, countershaft.
-- de desembrague, clutch-shifter 01' clutch-
throwout shaft.
- del diferencial (auto), live axle.
-- de direccin (auto), steering shaft.
--. de distribucin, camshaft.
-- de excntricas (C), camshaft.
-- de impulsin, driving shaft.
-- de levas, camshaft.
- de mando (auto) propeller shaft.
-- de reenvo (Es), countershaft, secondary
-- de sierra, saw mandrel.
-- de torsin, torque shaft.
-- de transmisin, driving shaft, (auto) propel-
ler shaft.
-- gigantesco, big tree, sequoia; redwood.
-- gra (ef), spar tree, head spar 01' tree.
-- motor, driving shaft 01' axle; crankshaft.
- partido, split shaft.
--propulsor, driving shaft, (auto) propeller
arbolar, to plant trees; to set a masto
arbolln m, sewer,drain.
arborizacin J, arborestacin J (M), forestation.
arbotante m, semiarch supporting a vault strut
of a flying buttress; outlooker, h ~ i s t i n g
arcaJ, box.
-- de agua, eisterll.
--de herramientas, toolbox.
arcada j, arcade, series of arches.
arcaduz m, conduit; elevator bucket.
arce m, maple.
-- sacarino o de azcar, sugar maple.
arcn m (Es), curb around a shaft 01' well; river-
arcilla j, elay
- batida, puddled clay.
-- cocida, burnt clay.
-- de batn, fuller's earth.
- de cohesin o de liga (ms), bond clay.
- de filtro, filter clay.
- de ladrillero, brick clay.
- de pedernal, flint clay.
- de pudelaje (M), clay puddle.
-- descoloradora, bleaching clay.
- endurecida (V), clay stone.
-- esquistosa, shale.
--ferruginosa, iron clay, clay ironstone.
-laminar (V), shale.
--refractaria, fue clay.
--refractaria apedernalada, flint clay.
arcillar m, deposit of clay; v to spread clay to
mix with clay. '
arcillita J (V), clay stone.
arcilloarenoso (geol), argilloarenaceous.
arcillocalcreo (geol), argillocalcareous.
arcilloso, clayey, argillaceous.
arco m, arch; arc; (elec) arco
--a regla, flat arch.
-.- acarreador de trozas (M), logging arch.
apuntar, to take notes; to sketch; to point; (inst)
to sight.
apunte m, rough sketch; memorandum, note.
apuntillado m (min), wedging, shimming.
apurar, to purify; to finish; to hurry.
aquastato m, Aquastat (trademark).
aquebradizar, to embrittle.
aquerita J (geol), akerite.
arabanaJ (az), araban.
arabinosa J (az), arabinose.
arado m, plow.
-- de caminos, road plow.
-- de nieve, snowplow.
-- desarraigador, rooting 01' rooter plow; grub
- descargador (fc), train plow, ballast plow.
- mltiple, gang plow.
-- quitanieve, snowplow.
araguaney, araguato m, Venezuelan lumber
aralejo m, a West Indian hardwood.
arancel m, tariff.
--. aduanero, schedule of customs duties.
-- consular, list of consular fees.
arandela J, washer, gasket; burro
-- abierta, slip washer, C 01' slotted washer.
--acopada, cup washer.
-- achaflanada o ahusada, bevel washer.
-- cortada, cut washer.
-- de aceite, oil retainer.
-- de cabo, grommet.
-- de cimacio o de gola, ogee 01' cast-iron
-- de cojn, cushion washer.
-- de empaque o de guarnicin, packing washer.
-- de empuje, thrust washer.
- de grifo, bibb washer.
- de placa, plate washer.
-- elstica o de resorte, spring washer.
-- espaciadora o separadora, spacing washer,
--fiador o de seguridad, lock washer.
--fijadora, check 01' lock washer.
--lubricadora, oiling washer.
--nervada, ribbed cast-iron washer.
- partida, split washer.
- taza (A), cup washer.
araaJ (mec),spider, yoke, crowfoot.
araar, to score, scratch.
arar, to plow.
araucaria J, a South American pine.
araz m, a South American hardwood.
arbitracin J, arbitration.
arbitrador, rbitro m, arbitrator.
arbitraje m, arbitration; arbitrage.
arbitrar, to arbitrate.
rbol m, tree; mast; (machy) shaft, axle; man-
drel; (bldg) center post of a spiral stairway.
-- acodado, crankshaft.
- balanceador (mg}.(A), rocker-arm shaft.
-- cardn, cardan shaft.
- cigeal, crankshaft.
-- compensador, compensating axle.
-- de anclaje (ef), spar tree, head spar.
-- del balancn, balance arbor.
- de boca de pozo (pet), Christmas tree.
28 aportadero
- de compresin (mbolo), compression ringo
-- de mbolo, piston 01' packing ringo
-- de freno, brake ringo
-- de guarnicin, packing ringo
- de neumtico (auto), rimo
-- de pistn, piston ringo
-- de resorte, snap ring (piston).
- de ventilacin (auto), ventilated piston ringo
-- dentado, ring gear.
- desmontable (auto), demountable rimo
-- empaquetador, packing ringo
--portabolas o de rodillos, ball race (bearing),
roller cage.
--rasca-aceite (auto)(A), scraper ringo
-- rascador, scraper ringo
-- regulador de aceite (auto), oil-co!1trolring.
arpeo m, cant hook; grapnel.
arpeos de pie, climbing irons, climbers.
arpillera J, burlap, bagging.
arpn m (pet), spear.
-- de circulacin y desprendimiento, releasing
and circulating spear.
-- de disparo, trip spear.
-- desalojador, releasing spear.
--pescacable, rape spear.
- pescatubos, casing spear.
--pescavlvulas, valve spear.
arponado, pronged,ragged (bolt).
arqueador m, ship surveyor.
arquear, to arch; to survey a ship; arquearse
(an), to hog.
arqueo m, arching; measurement of a vessel:
tonnage of a vessel; (com) audit appraisal
of assets.
-- bruto, gross tonnage.
- de registro, registered tonnage, tons register.
-- neto, net tonnage.
arquera J, series of arches, arcade.
arquitecto m, architect.
-- naval, naval architect.
- paisajista, landscape architect.
arquitectnico, architectural.
arquitectura J, architecture.
-- civil, architecture.
- hidrulica, hydraulic engineering.
-- militar, military engineering.
-- naval, naval architecture.
arquitectural (M) (Es), architectura1.
arquitrabe m, architrave; (C) beam; (Col) lintel.
arrabio m, pig iron; an ingot.
arramblarse, to be covered with sand by a fiood.
arrancaalcayatas m (fe), spike puller.
arrancaclavos m, claw bar, nail puller.
arrancada j, starting.
arrancador m, puller; grubber, ripper; (auto)
self-starter; (elec) starting compensator;
(pet) fishing too!.
-- a botn, push-button starter.
-- automtico, self-starter.
-- Bendix, Bendix drive.
- de estator (elc) (A), lield starter or control-
- de postes de cerco, fence-post puller.
-- de races, grubber.
-- de rotor (A), armature starter.
-- de yerbajos, weed eradicator.
31 armadura
_.- cruzada (conc), two-way reinforcement.
- de arco y cuerda, bowstring truss.
-.- de cubierta, roof truss.
-.- de dos pndolas, queen-post truss.
-- de enrejado, lattice truss.
-- de lnula, cresccnt truss.
-- de malla (conc), mat reinforcement; mesh
- de pasadores, pin-connected truss.
- de pendoln, king-post truss.
- de rigidez, stiffening truss.
de segueta (C), hacksaw frame.
- de surgencia (pet) (V), Christmas tree.
-- de tablero inferior, through truss.
--de tablero superior, deck truss.
-- de tijera, scissors truss.
-- de viga, trussing of a beam.
-- en abanico, fan truss.
-- en arco, arch !luss.
-- en espiral (conc), spiralreinforcement.
-- en K, K truss.
-- enana (V), pony truss.
-- Howe, Howe truss.
-- Pep.nsylvania, Pennsylvania 01' Petit truss.
-- Petit, Petit truss.
-- Pratt, Pratt truss.
-.- rebajada, pony truss.
--rechoncha (V), pony truss.
-- selectiva, selective assembly.
-- superior (A), through truss.
-- tejida (conc), mesh reinforcement.
--triangular, triangular 01' W'arren truss, War-
ren girder.
--volada, cantilever truss.
-- Warren, Warren girder 01' truss, triangular
-- Warren de doble intersecci6n, double tri-
angular truss.
-- Whipple, Whipple truss, double-intersection
Pratt truss.
armadura J, assembling shop.
armaje m, erection, assembly; (A) framework.
armar, to assemble, erect, frame; to reinforce; to
armario m, cabinet.
-- de cortacircuito (elc), cutout box.
- de dibujos, plan file.
-- de herramientas, tool cabinet.
armaz6n J, framework, skeleton, framc, chassis;
fioor system of a bridge; (V) concrete rein-
--A, A frame.
-- contraladeo (est), sway frame.
-- de orugas, (el') track frame, crawler frame.
-- de sustentaci6n, cribwork, cribo
- del tim6n (en), rudder frame.
- para serrucho (A), hacksaw framc.
--para troncos (te), logging areh.
armella J, eyebolt; staplc.
-- de resalto, shouldcr cyebolt.
arm6nico m a (mat)(elc), harmonic.
aro m,hoop, ring; (auto) tire rimo
_.- del aguil6n (gr), boom bando
- de barril, barrel hoop.
- de base plana (auto), fiat-base rimo
-- de caja (auto), ho11ow rimo
argamasn m, lump of mortar.
rgana J (Es), derrick, crane.
arganeo m, anchor ringo
argnteo, argental; silver-plated.
argntico, argentic. .'
argentfero, containing silver, argentiferous, sil-
argentino, argental, silvery.
argentita J, argentite (silver ore).
argentoso, argentous.
argilolita J, clay stone.
argilla J, clay. .
argirita, argirosa J (miner) , argyrIte, argyrose,
argentite. . .
argiritrosa J (miner) , argyrythrose, pyrargyrIte.
argo m (quim), argon.
argolla J, ring; staple; shackle.
arge m, windlass, capstan.
aridezJ, aridity. 'd
rido m, (conc) (rd) aggregate, road metal; a arI .
_ fino, fine aggregate, sand.
__ graduado, graded aggregate.
__ grueso, coarseaggregate. .
ariegita J (geol), ariegite (pyroxemte).
arietazo m (hid) , water hammer.
ariete m, ram; water hammer.
-- a vapor, steam ramo
__ hidrulico, hydraulic ram; water hammer.
arigue m (ed)(F), post, stud.
arista J, edge; salent angle; curb.
__ cortante, cutting edge. .
_ cortante del fuste (hen),
__ cortante de la punta (herr), pomt-cuttmg
edge. . f . ed
__ de encuentro, groin, intersectlOn o grom
arches. d' 'd
_ hidrogrfica (V), watershed lVl e.
__ matada, beveled edge.
_._ metlica de defensa, curb bar; corner bead.
__ viv,a, sharp edge; draft edge.
aristero m (to) (A), hipo .
aristn m, line of intersection of gromed arches;
reinfarced corner.
aritm,;tica J, arithmetic.
aritmtico, arithmetical.
aritmmetro m, calculating machine.
armada J, erection, assembly; nayY.
armada J, raft. . f d
armado, built-up, framed, assembled; rem orce ;
__ con pasadores, pin-connect;d.
armador m, erector, framer; ShlI:'0wner..
__ de buques, shipfitter, shipbmlder; shipowner.
_ de puentes, bridgeman, steel erector.
armadura J erection, assembly; bent, frame-
work;' truss; armature (magnet), keeper:
mounting; (conc) reinforcement; (V) con-
crete forms; (elec) (C) armature.
-- A, A frame.
__ articulada, pin-connected truss.
__ atiesadora, stiffening truss.
__ Baltimore, Baltimore truss.
-- Burr, Burr truss. .
__ comprimida (conc), compresslon reinforce-
_ contraquebranto (cn), hog frame.
_ de calentamiento (ap), warming-up area.
_ de captacin o drenaje (bid), catchment
area, watershed. .
_ de escurrimiento (bid)(Col), dramage area,
watershed. .
__ de inundacin, fiooded area; fiood plam.
__ de retencin (in), check.
__ de sobrerrecorrido (ap), runover area.
__ de soporte (est) , bear!"g area.
__ de sustentacin, bearmg area.
_._._ de viraje (ap), turn-around.
__ exploradora (tv), scanning
__ vertiente (hid) , watershed, dramage area.
reas extremas (ot), end areas.
arena J, sand.
__ acarreadiza, blow sand.
__ corrediza, quicksand.
__ cuarzosa, quartz sand.
__ chancada, crusher
__ de aristas vivas, sharp sand.
__ de cantera o de mina, pit sand.
__ de conchas, she11 sand.
__ de duna, blow 01' dune sand.
_ de escape (pet), thief sand.
__ de fundicin, molding 01' foundry sand.
__ de granos angulosos, shar:l> sand.
__ de mar o de playa, beach sand.
__ de revocar, plastering sand.
__ de silice, silica sand.
__ flida o movediza, quicksand.
__ fluvial, river sand.
__ gasfera, gas sand.
__ gorda o gruesa, coarse sand.
_ molida, rolled 01' manufactured sand.
__ normal, standard sand. ,
_ oriental (A), sand from Uruguay.
_'_ petrolfera, oil sand. .
_ productiva (pet), pay 01' producmg sand.
__ recia, coarse sand.
__ refractaria, fue 01' refractory sand.
-rodada, buckshotsand.
_ verde (fund), green sand.
arenceo sandy arenaceous.
arenador' m, sander;sandbox; (loco) sand dome;
(A) sandblast outfit.
arenadoraJ (ca), sand spreader,
arenal m, deposit of sand, sand plt 01' bar, (M)
sand dune.
arenar, to sand.
arenera J (M), sandblast
areneo m, sanding, sandblastmg. .
arenero m, sandbox; sand trap, settling basm;
grit chamber;(loco)sand dome..
arenilla J, fine sand, sand; grIto
arenillas (min) (M), tailmgs.
arenisca J, sandstone.
-- arcsica, arkose.
--verde, greensand.
arenisco, arenoso, sandy.
areometra J, (chem) areometry.
areomtrico, areometrIC.. .
aremetro, hydrometer, areometer, (su) spmdle.
aretillo m a Cuban hardwood.
argalleraf (Es), grooving saw, croze.
argamasa J, (mas) mortal'.
argamasar, to lay in mortar, to cemento
33 arrancador 32 artefactos artesa
por inercia, inertia starter.
arraneaengranajes m, gear puller.
arraneaesearpias m (fe), spike bar.
arraneapernos m, spike puller.
arraneapilotes m, pile puller or extractor.
arrancar, to start; to pull, draw; to root out; to
spring (areh); (min) to mine, digo
arranearraces m (ee), rooter, ripper.
arraneasondas m, drill extractor.
arrancatablas m (ts), plank puller.
arrancatocn m, stump puller.
arrancatubos m, pipe puller, tube extractor.
arranque m, (maehy) starting; beginning, intake
(canal); spring line (areh); (rr) load; (rr)
turnout; (min) breaking ground; (min)
mining, digging.
-- domieiliario,serviee eonneetion to a main.
- en fro, (eng) eold starting.
- prctico o real (fe), praetieallead.
- terico (fe), theoretieallead.
arrasador m (Ch), leveling or finishing maehine.
arrasar, to level; (bldg) to wreek, demolish, raze.
arrastradero m (ef), skidding or snaking trail.
arrastradora (1) de troncos (ef), log hauler.
arrastrar, to haul, move, pull, draw,drag; (hyd)
. to seour, wash out; (r) to carry in suspen-
sion; (hyd) (ehem) to entrain; (lg) to skid,
snake, twiteh, yard.
arrastratubos m, pipe puller.
arrastre m, haulage, hauling, earrying, dragging;
washout; drag mill; slope ofan adit; (ra)
pulling; (ra) traeking.
-- capilar, eapillary entrainment.
- de agua (cal), prirning.
-- de mbolo (auto), piston drago
- de fondo (r), bed load.
arrastres, suspended matter in a stream, silt.
arrecife m, ridge of roek, ledge, reef; eauseway.
--barrera o de barra, barrier reef.
-- costero, fringing reef.
arreglador (m) de averas (seg), average adjuster
or surveyor.
arremolinado m (r), eddy.
arremolinarse, to eddy, swirl, form whirlpools.
arrendador m, lessor.
arrendamiento m, lease.
arrendar, to rent, lease.
arr.endatario m, lessee, leaseholder.
arrestachispas m, spark eateher.
arrestallarnas m, flame arrester.
arriada J, flood.
arriar, to lower; to slaek off; (eab) to pay out;
arriarse, to be flooded.
arriba adv, aboye, overhead, upstairs.
-- de la corriente, upstream.
arricete m, roef of roeks.
arrimadero m, berth at a dock; ferry slip.
arrimadillo m, wainseot, dado.
arrimaje m, lighterage;(Ph) loading platform.
arrimar, to place against; (naut) to.doek, berth.
arrimo m, eurtain wall; party wall.
arriostramiento m (est), braeing.
-- contracimbreo o contraladeo, sway braeing.
-- contraviento, wind braeing.
- de portal (pte), portal braeing.
-- secundario o de contratensin (pte) , coun-
arriostrar, to braee, stay.
arroba J, weight of 25 lb; measure varying from
3}3 to 4X galo
arrojar (exc), to east, dump; to waste.
arrolladizo, rolling.
arrollado en derivacin (ele), shunt-wound.
arrollado en serie (ele), series-wound.
arrolladura J (mad),. shake.
arrollamiento m (ele), winding.
--anular, ring winding.
-- compensador, eompensating winding.
-- de arranque, starting winding.
-- de cuerdas, ehord or short-piteh or frac-
tional-piteh winding.
-- de lazo, lap winding.
-- de marcha, running winding.
-- de tambor, drum winding.
- diametral, full-piteh winding.
--inducido, armature winding.
- inductor, field winding.
-- ondulado, wave or undulatory winding.
- regulador, regulating winding.
arrollar, to roll, wind, reel.
arromar, to blunt, dull.
arroyada J, ehannel of a small stream, gully,
arroyado, gullied.
arroyo, brook, stream, ereek; small valley, gully,
draw; gutter.
-- consecuente (geol), eonsequent stream.
-- obsecuente (geol), obsequent stream.
--resecuente (geol), resequent stream.
-- subsecuente (geol), subsequent stream.
arroyuelo m, small brook or valley.
arrufaduraJ (an), sheer.
arrufo m (an) , sheer; sagging.
arruga J, eorrugation, wrinkle.
arrugas de doblez (tub), bending creases.
arrugado, eorrugated, fluted.
arrugamiento m (geol), small fold.
arrumaJ (en), a hold, cargo eompartment.
arrumaje m, stowage, stowing.
arrumar, to stow.
arrumbamiento m, (surv) (nav) bearing; (geol)
arrumbe, arrumbre m (Ch), rusto
arrumbrarse (Ch), to rusto
arsenal m, shipyard, doekyard; navy yard
arseniato m, arsenate, arseniate.
arsenical, arsenieal.
arsnico m a, arsenie.
--blanco, white arsenie, arsenio trioxide.
--piritoso (miner), arsenieal pyrites, arsenopy-
--rojo, red arsenic, realgar.
arsenioso, arsenious.
arsenito m, arsenite.
arseniuro m, arsenide.
arsenopirita (mineral de arsnico), arsenopyrite.
arsenieal pyrites.
artefacto m, deviee, applianee, future.
artefactos de alumbrado, lighting futures.
artefactos sanitarios,plumbing futures.
artesaJ, trough, tray,launder, mortar tub; (Col)
river basin.
-- de almacenamiento (Col), storage basin or
- de amortiguacin (hid) (Col), stilling pool.
-- de criba, sereen pan.
-- de despumacin o de espumas (dac), skim-
ming or seum trough.
- de lavado (pa), wash trough.
-- de rebose (az), save-all, eatehall.
- de salpicadura (lu), splash trough.
- de va (fe), traek pan.
- de volteo (mz), dumping chute.
-- oscilante (min), eradle.
artesano m, artesan, skilled workman, meehanie.
-- de banco, beneh worker, benehman.
artesianismo m (Pe), eondition of artesian water.
artesiano, artesiano
artesn m, tub, mortar box; panel;(min) wash-
artesonado m, paneling, wainseoting.
articulacin J, joint, hinge, artieulation, knee
-- cardn, cardan joint.
-- de cruceta (A), universal joint.
-- esfrica o de rtula, ball-and-soeket joint.
-- giratoria, swivel joint.
-- universal, universal joint.
articulado, j ointed, artieulated.
-- con pasadores, pin-eonneeted.
articular, to hinge, artieulate, joint.
artfice m, artisan, skillod workman; maker.
artificial, artificial.
artificio m, deviee, applianee.
artillero m (min) (Es), blaster, powderman.
artisela J, rayon.
as (m) de gua, bowline knot.
asa J, handle, haft, bail; (M) thimble.
- de cubo, bail (bueket).
asbestiforme (miner), asbestiform.
asbestina J (pint), Asbestine (trademarl:).
asbestino, made of asbestos, asbestine.
asbesto m, asbestos.
- acolchonado, (inl) asbestos blanket.
-- de corcho, mountain eork.
-- en cartn, asbestos board.
asbesto-eambray barnizado (ais) , asbestos-var-
nished eambrie.
ascensin recta, right aseension.
ascenso m, ::-ise; promotion.
--muerto (an), dead rise.
ascensor m, elevator.
-- de acera, sidewalk elevator.
-- de carga,freight elevator.
-- de tambor, drum-type elovator.
-- de traccin, traetion-type elevator.
-- hi<1rulico, plunger elevator.
-- sin engranaje, gearless elevator.
ascensorista m J, elovator operator.
ascua J, anything ineandeseent or red-hoto
asegurado m, the assured.
asegurador m, anchor; insurer.
aseguradores contra incendios, fue underwriters,
asegurar, to fasten; to insuro.
asentable (hid), settleable.
asentado m Cauto) (A). running in.
asentado de canto (mam), faee-bedded.
asentador m, .;tonemason; ehisol; (pet) settler.
-- de chavetas, key-seating ehisel.
-- de vlvulas, valve grinder.
asentamiento m, settloment; (eone) (A) (C) slump.
-- con vibracin (eone), vibratory slump.
-- normal (eone), standard slump.
asentar, (str) to set, seat; (aet) to enter; (mas)
to bed;(t) to hone; (maehy)(A) to run in;
asentarse, to settle.
aseo (m) urbano, street eleaning.
aserradero m, sawmill.
-- a sierra sin fin, band mill.
-- mltiple, gang mill.
--para chapa, veneer mill.
-- para durmientes, tie mill.
--.-. transpo,rtable,portable sawrnill.
aserradizo, fit to be sawed into lumbar.
aserrado por cuartos, quartersawed, edge-grain.
aserrado (m) (simple, tangent-sawing, plain-saw-
ing, bastard-sawing.
aserrador m, sawyer, sawmill worker; (Ee) saw-
aserradora J, power saw.
-- de banda, band saw, band milI.
-- de banda para repasar, band
-- de cantero, stone saw.
-- en caliente, hot saw.
-- en fro, eold saw.
aserradura J, sawing; a saw cut.
aserraduras, sawdust.
aserrar, to saw.
-- a coritrllhilo, to saw aeross the grain.
-- al hilo o a lo largo, to ripsaw.
-- metales, to haeksaw.
aserrn m, sawdust.
aserro m (C) (M), sawrnill.
aserruchar, to saw.
asesor m, consultant; (ins) adjustor.
-- de averas, average or insuranee adjuster.
-legal, counsel.
-- tcnico, teehnieal adviser.
asfaltador m, asphalt pavero
asfaltaje m, asphalting.
asfaltar, to asphalt.
asfalteno (M), asphaltene.
asfltico, asphaltio.
asfaltfero, eontaining asphalt.
asfaltina J, asphaltene.
asfaltita J (pet), asphaltite.
asfalto m, asphlt.
- adelgazado (M), asphalt eutbaek.
- artificial, artificial or oil asphalt.
-- cortado, asphalt eutbaek.
-- de alta penetracin (ca), high-penetration
-- de cura rpida, rapid-euring asphalt.
- de curado lento, slow-euring asphalt.
-- de petrleo, petroleum asphalt.
-- de roca, roek asphalt.
- diludo, eutbaek asphalt.
- fluxado (ca) (M), flux asphalt.
- insuflado, blown asphalt.
--lacustre, lake asphalt.
- mineral, roek asphalt.
- natural, native asphalt.
- plstico, asphalt putty.
- rebajado (ca), flux aspha!t, asphalt cutback.
- rebajado de curacin mediana, medium-cur-
ing cutback.
- refinado al aire, air-blown asphalt.
- refinado al vapor, steam-blown asphalt.
- rellenado,filled aspha!t, asphalt enamel.
asidero m,handle;
asiento m, (str) beaing, seat; (conc) slump; set-
tlement (foundation) ; (hyd) settlement,
settling; site; (act) entry; (A) saddle of a
- del aguiln (gr), boom-seat casti:r1g.
- de los aguilones (cn), boom or mast table;
- de cola (auto), rumble seat.
- de deslizamiento (maq), sliding bearing.
-- de expansin (pte), roller or expansion bear-
- de montaje (est), erectionseat.
-- de puente, bridge seat.
- de recambio (v) > renewable seat.
- de zaga (auto), rumble seat.
-longitudinal (cn), trim.
-- mineral, mining region.
--postizo (v), renewable seat, va!veinsert.
asignacin J, salary; appropriation.
asimetra J, asymmetry.
asimtrico, asymmetrical, unsymmetrica1.
asincrnico, asncrono (elc), asynchronous.
asincronismo m, asynchronism.
asintonizar (ra), to detune.
asntota J (mat), asymptote.
asinttico, asymptotic.
asismicidad J, aseismicity.
assmico, aseismic.
asistente, assistant, helper.
asnado m, mine timber.
asnas J, rafters.
asnilla J, strut, shore; (bldg) (Sp) needle.
asnillo m, carpenter's horse; shore.
asociacin J, association, company, union.
- de fabricantes, manufacturers' association.
-- obrera, labor union.
-- patronal, employers' association.
- profesional obrera (Ch), trade-union.
asomo m (geol), outcrop,inlier.
asotonar, to dig a cellar.
aspa Ji vane, wing, flight; (mx) blade; (min) in-
tersection of two veins.
aspas, X bracing.
aspereza J, roughness; (conc) harshness.
spero, rough;(conc)harsh.
aspern m, grindstone; flagstone, stone slab;
-- de diamante, diamondwhee1.
asperonar (M), to grind (tools).
asperosidad J (M) ,roughness.
aspersor m, sprinkler.
aspillera J, opening in a wall.
aspiracin J, suction, draft;
-- de polvo, dust exhausto
- mecnica, forced draft.
- normal, natural draft.
aspirador m, suction pipe; draft tube; exhauster;
-- de aserrn, sawdust collector.
34 ataluda1
-- de polvo, vacuum cleaner, dust exhauster.
aspirar, to suck, draw in.
asqustico (geol), aschistic.
astaJ, pole; (t) handle, shank; (mas) header.
- de canto (lad), bull header.
-- de suspensores (cv), carrier horno
-, muro de, wa1l1 brick thick.
- y media, muro de, wall 172 bricks thick.
astaticidad J, astaticism.
asttico (elc), astatic.
astatizar, to astatize.
astial m (Es), side wall of asewer; (min) side wall
of a gallery.
astil m, shank, handle; beam of a scale.
astilla J, chip, splinter; spall.
-- de cantera, quarry spall.
- de laminacin (met), spill, lapo
-- muerta (an), dead rise.
astillar, to splinter, (pi) broom; astillarse, to
spall; to splinter, (pi) broom.
astillero m, shipyard, dockyard, naval station;
rack for pipe or bars.
- de torre (pet), finger board.
astilloso, splintery, easily chipped; (met) spilly.
astrgalo m (arq), astraga1.
astronmico, astronomic, astronomica1.
asurcar, to furrow.
atabe m (pb)(Es), cleanout opening; vento
atabladera J, drag, Toad planer.
atablar, to screed, smooth off.
atacadera J (vol), bulling bar, tamping stick.
- de bloque, tamping block.
- de barro (min)(tn), bull, clay iron, claying
atacador m, tamping stick or bar.
atacamita J, atacamite (copper ore).
atacar (vol), to tamp, ram, stem.
atado m, a bundle.
atador (m) de troncos (ef), load binder, stretcher
atadora (f) de listones, lath binder.
atadura J, tie, fastening.
atagua J, (hyd) cofferdam; (mech) guides.
- celular, cellular (sheet-pile) cofferdam.
-- de cajn, open caisson.
-- de cofre, crib cofferdam.
-- de encofrado y relleno, puddle-wall coffer-
- de tablestacado simple, single-wall sheet-pile
-- encajonada, box cofferdam, open caisson.
- metlica (M), cofferdam of steel sheet piling.
ataguiar, to cofferdam.
atajadero m (hid) , small gate; (irr) division gate;
diversion dam.
atajadizo m, baffle wall.
atajador m (mec), arrester.
-- de golpe de ariete, water-harnmer suppres-
atajar, to obstruct; to dike.
atajo m, dike; (A) cofferdam; (M) cutoff wall;
trail, path; barrier.
atalajar, to haul; to couple; to harness, hitch up.
atalaje m, harness; coupling; hitching up.
ataludadora J (ca), backsloper, sloper blade.
ataludar, ataluzar, .toslope; to batter.
atanor m, draintile.
atapialar (Ec), to build mud walls.
ataque m, tamping of powder; (Pe) breaking
ataques (min), deads, rubbish.
atar, to tie, bind, lash.
atarazana J, shipyard.
atarjea J, drainpipe, small culvert; (M) small
sewer; (Pe) reservoir.
-- domstica, house connection to a sewer.
atarquinamiento m, silting up, covering with
atarquinarse, to silt up.
atarrajar, to thread, tapo
atarugar, to plug; to wedge.
atascadero m, mudhole, bogo
atascado (cab), foul.
atascamiento (m) de hielo,ice jamo
atascar, to stop pp, obstruct; (bl) (A) to tamp
powder; atascarse, to stick, jam; to bog
down; (eng) to stall.
atasco m, jamming, sticking.
atauja J (AC), conduit, drain.
ateje m, a hardwood of the 'West Indies.
atejo m (Col), bundle.
atemperador m (aa), attemperator.
atemperar (aa), to temper; to condition.
atenuacin J (elc), attenuation.
atenuador m (elc), attenuator, pad; (ra)(A)
atrmico, athermic.
aterrajado cnico, taper thread.
aterrajar, to thread, tap; (fdy) 'to strickle.
aterraje m (ap) (A), landing.
aterrar, to fill with earth; to demolish; aterrarse,
to silt up.
aterrizaje m (ap), landing.
-- a ciegas, blind or instrument landing.
-- a favor del viento, down-wind landing.
-- aplastado, pancake landing.
-- con velocidad crtica, stall. landing.
-- de precisin, spot or precision landing; ac-
curacy landing.
-- en tres puntos, three-point landing.
- planeado, glide landing.
aterronarse, to become lumpy, to cake.
atesador m, stiffener; take-up tackIe.
-- de correa, belt tightener.
atesar, to tighten; to stifTen.
atibar, (min) to pack, fill up; (Col) toload, stow.
atices m (min) (Col), lagging, spilling.
atierre m, filling with earth; silting up; (min)
slide of waste material.
atierres (min), deads.
atiesacadena m, chain tightener.
atiesador m, stiffener; take-up tackle.
- de apoyo, (gi) bearing stiffener.
- de mamparo (cn), bulkhead stiffener.
-- extremo, (gi) end stiffener.
atiesar, ti> tighten; to stiffen.
atirantar, to guy, stay; to truss.
atizador m, poker, slice or clinker or slash bar
fue hook; stoker.
atizar, to trim a fue.
atizonar, to bond with headers; to embed in a
atmmetro m, atmometer.
atmsfera J, atmosphere.
- tipo, standard atmosphere.
atmosfrica J (ra) (M), static, atmospherics.
atmosfrico, atmospheric.
atoaje m, towing, towage; a tow.
atoar, to tow.
atolladero m, bog; (machy) pocket, d e a ~ end.
atollar, atollarse, to stick, clog, jamo
atmico, atomic.
atomizador m, atomizer.
-- de pintura, pamtsprayer.
atomizar, to atomize.
tomo m, atom.
tomo-gramo, gram-atom.
atorarse, to jam, stick.
atornillador m, screwdriver.
, -- de empuje, automatic or spiral screwdriver.
'atornilladora (f) de tUercas, ,. nut runner or
atornillar, to screw; (C) to bolt
atoro m, obstruction, jamo
atracadero m, wharf, landing place, berth; ferry
--paralelo, marginal wharf.
atracar (nut), to berth, dock, bring a!ongside.
atrapador m, trap; (ra) catcher.
-- de agua, steam trap.
-- de mandbulas, alligator gnib.
- de ondas (ra)(A), wave trap.
-- de polvo, dust collector.
atrapadora (f) de arena (pet), sand trap.
atrapancleos m (pet), core catcher.
atrapar, to trap.
atraparripio m (pe), junk catcher.
atraque m, landing place, wharf; mooring.
atrasarse, (elec) to lag; (rr)to be late.
atraso m (elc) ,lag.
-- de imanacin, magnetic lag.
-- histertico, hysteresis lag.
atravesado m, (mas)(M) header, bondstone; a
atravesao m, header, cap, crosspiece; (bdg)
floor j)eam; (C) crosstie.
atravesar, to cross, pass through; to place cross-
wise; (tv) to traverse.
atravieso m (top)(Ch), gap, pass.
atrecho m (PR), trail, path.
atril m (lab), rack.
atronadura J (mad), check.
audibilidad J (ra), audibility.
audible, audible.
audfono m, headphone, earphone.
audio a (ra), audio.
audioamplificador m (ra), audio or audiofre-
quency amplifier.
audiofrecuencia J (ra), audiofrequency.
audimetro m, audiometer.
audin (ra), audion.
audiooscilador m (ra), audio or audiofrequency
audioseal J (ra), audio signa!.
auditor m (M), auditor.
auditora J (M), auditing.
augita J (miner), augite, pyroxene.
augita 36 autopropulsor autoprotector
avenar, to drain.
avenida 1, flood; avenue.
aventador m, blower, fan.
-- de arena, sandblast outfit.
avera 1, damage, breakd'own; a damaged artiele,
a seeond; (ins) average.
__ gruesa, general or gross average.
__ particular o simple, eommon or particular
averiar, to damage.
aviar, to equip, fit out; to finanee, advanee
money too
avin m, airplane.
__ marino, seaplane, hydroplane, flying boato
-- terrestre, landplane.
avos m, tools, equipment,outfit.
avisador m, indicator; warning sign; alarm; (ra)
(Sp) monitor.
- de bajo nivel (cal), alarm gage.
-- de incendio, fire alarmo
aviso m, advertisement; notiee; adviee.
-,- de embarque, shipping notic,e.
avivador m (Es), rabbeting plane molding plane.
axial, axil, axial.
xico (Es), axial.
axinita I (miner), axinite.
axonomtrico (dib), axonometrie.
ayacahuite m, a Mexiean pine.
ayudante, helper, assistant.
ayu m, an Argentine wood (semihard).
ayunque m (M), anvil.
ayustadera 1, marlinospike.
ayustador m, splieer.
ayustadora 1, cable-splieing rig.
ayustar (Cab), to spliee.
ayuste m, spliee.
-- corto, short or tuek splice.
-- de cuatro inserciones, four-tuck splice.
-- de maderero, logging splico.
-- de ojal, eye or loop or thimble spliee.
--largo, long or endless splice.
azada 1, spade; hoe; (C) adz.
--para cunetas, drain spade.
-- para hoyos, post spade.
--para zanjas, diteh spade.
azadn m, (t) ,hoo, grub hoe, spud; (ce) treneh
hoe, baekdigger.
-- de pala, scuffie or weeding hoe.
-- mecnico (ee), treneh hoo, baekdigger.
--para arcilla, pneumatie elay spade.
azadonar, azadonear, to spade.
azafrn m (en), rudder frame.
azanca I (min) (Es), subterranean spring.
azarbe m, irrigation diteh (return).
azarbeta 1, subsidiary irrigation diteh.
azarcn m, red Iead.
azimut m, azimuth.
-- asumido, assumed azimuth.
- de cuadrcula (fma), grid azimuth.
--terrestre (fma), ground azinIuth.
--verdadero, true azimuth.
azimutal, azimutha1. .
azoato m, nitrate.
azocalar (Ch), to build (a wall) with heavy base
or water tableo
zoe m, nitrogen.
augita-prfido (geol), augitophyre, augite-por-
phyry. .
aullido m (ra), howl.
- de borde, fringe howl.
aumentador m, aumentadora 1, booster; in-
ereaser; augmenter; magnifier.
-- de presin, pressure booster.
-- de velocidad, speed ,inereaser.
-"de salto (hid), fall increaser.
aureola I (geol), eontaet zone, aureole.
auricular m (tel), earpieee; a aural.
-- de mano (ra), hand reeeiver.
auriculares (ra), hedphone;
aurfero, gold-bearing.
austemplado m (met), austempering.
austenita I (met), austenite.
austentico, austenitie.
austral, southern, austral.
ausJi m (PR), a eonstruetion lumber.
ausuba}, ausubo m (PR) (RD), a hardwood.
autignico (geo!), authigenie.
autoabridor, self-opening.
autoactuador, self-aeting.
autoaeracin 1, self-aeration.
autoafilador, self-sharpening.
autoaguzador, self-sharpening.
autoajustador, self-adjusting.
autoalargador, self-lengthening.
autoalimentador, g. .....
autoalineamiento m, self-ah me'llt.
autoamolador, self-sharpening, self-grinding.
autoarraneador m, self-starter.
autobajador, se1f-lowering.
autobasculante, self-tipping, self-dumping.
autobias (ra), self-bias. .
autobomba 1, motor fue engine.
autobote m, motorboat, powerboat.
autobJis m, motorbus.
- de trole, trolley eoaeh or bus.
autocalafateador, self-calking.
autocalibrador, self-ealibrating.
autocamfon m, motor truek, autotruek.
autocapacidad I (ele), self-eapaeitanee.
autocarenaje m, self-doeking.
autocargador, self-loading.
autocarril m, ,automobile on a railroad traek;
(rr) (Ee)' motorear.
autocartgrafo m, (fma), autoeartograph.
autocataltico (pet), autoeatalytie.
autocebadura 1, self-priming.
autoeentrador, self-eentering.
autocerrador, selfloeking.
autoclstieo (geol), autoelastie.
autoclave 1, autoclave;retort.,
autocoagulacin 1, self-eoaleseenee.
autocohesor m (ra) , autoeoherer.
autocolimacin I (fma), auteollimation.

autocoriduccinl (ele), autoeonduetion.
autocontrolado, self-exeited (oseillator).
autoeonvertidor m (ele), autoonverter.
autctono (geol), autoehthonous.
autodepuracin I (r), self-purilieation.
autodesplazable, self-moving.
autodina I (ra), autodyne.
autodinmico, autodyname.
autodinar (ra), to autodyne.
autodino a (ra), autodyne.
autoelevador, self-raising.
autoencendido m, self-ignition.
autoendurecedor, self-hardening.
autoeIlgrasador, self-Iubrieating.
autoetirasillante (ed), self-furring.
autoequilibrador (ele), self-balaneing.
autoestable, independently stliLble, self"Support-
autoestibante (nut), se1f-stowing.
autoestrada I (A) (M) (Es), automobile road.
autoexcitacin I (ele), self-exeitation.
autoferro m (U), aut9mobile on a railroad traek.
autofiltrador, self-filtering (lens).
autofundente, self-fluxing.
autogenerador, self-generative.
autogentico, autogensico, (geol) autogenetie.
autogenizador m (sol), autogenizer.
autgeno (sol), autogenous.
autogiro m (ap), autogiro, autogyro.
autgrafo m (inst), autograph.
autoheterodino (ra), autoheterodyne.
autoignicin 1, self-ignition; spontaneous eom
autoigualador, self-equalizing.
autoimpedancia I (ele), self-impedance.
autoimpulsor m (auto) (Es), self-starter.
autoindicador, self-indieating.
autoinduccin I (ele), self-induetion.
autoinductancia I (ele), self-induetanee, eoefli-
eient of self-induetion.
autoinductivo, self-induetive.
autoinductor m (ele), self-induetor.
autoinflamacin 1, self-ignition; spontaneous
autolavador, self-serubbing, self-washing.
autoligador, self-bonding.
autolimpiador, self-eleaning.
autolubricacin 1, self-oiling.
autolubricador a, se1f-oiling.
automtico, automatie.
automezclador m (eone), truek or transit mixer.
automotor m, (rr) motorear; (A) motor vehiele;
a self-moving, automotive.
automvil m, automobile.
- de plaza (A), taxieab.
-- de va, automobile on a railroad traek.
automovilario a, automotive, automobile.
automultiplicador, self-energizing (brake).
autonafta 1, motor spirit.
autonivelador m (ca), motor grader.
automnibus m, motorbus.
autooscilacin I (ra), self-oseillation.
autooscilador m (ra), self-oseillator.
autooxidacinl (qum), autooxidation.
autopatrol m (ca) (A) (V), motor patrol.
autopatrullera I (ca) ,motor ,patrol.
autopista I (A), automobile road.
autopolarizacin I (ra) (A), self-bias.
autoportante (A), self-supporting.
autopositivo (fma), Autopositive (trademark).
autopotencial m (geof), self-potential.
autoprensor m, elamshell bueket.
autopropulsor, self-moving, automotive.
autoprotector, sel-proteeting,
autopurificacin 1, se1f-purifieation.
autorrecocido m, self-annealing.
autorrectificador (ra), self-reetifying.
autorreductor, self-redueing.
autorregadora 1, street-sprinkling truek.
autorregistrador, sel-reeording.
autorregulador, self-regulating.
autorroscante, self-tapping (serew).
autorrotativo, sel-rotating.
autosellador, self-sealing.
autosifonaje m, self-siphoning.
autosostenido, sel-supported.
autotanque m (Es), tank truek.
autotcnica 1, automotive engineering.
autotcnieo m, automotive engineer.
autotrabador, se1f-loeking.
autotransformador m (ele), autotransformer,
balaneing eoil.
autotransporte m, motor transporto
autotr6fico (dae), autotrophie.
autoveheulo m (A), motor vehicle.
autoventilador, self-ventilating.
autova 1, automobile highway; m (A), gasoline-
drivn handear,
autovoleante, self-tipping, sel-dumping.
autozorra I (A), handear with power,
auxiliar, n helper, assistant, auxiliary: a aux-
auxiliares m (tub), speeials, fittings.
avalancha 1, avalanche; (A) flood.
avaliz m (A), 'beaeon.
avalorar, to appraise.
avaluador m, appraiser.
avaluar, to appraise; to evaluate.
avalJio m, appraisal, valuation.
avance m, (meeh) feed, advanee; (tun) heading;
(rr) lead, frog distanee; (se) lead, lap;
(elee) lead, piteh.
- a mano (mee), hand feed.
- angular (ele), angular piteh.
_ con frente entero (tn), full-faee tunneling.
-- de la admisin (mv), admssion lead.
_ del encendido (mg), advaneing the ignition.
__ del escape (mv), exhaust or inside lead.
- de fase (elc), phase lead or displaeement.
- de trabajo (fe), praetieallead.
-- por friccin (mh), friction feed.
-- por gravedad, gravity feed.
- prctico (fc), practieallead.
- terico (fc), theoretieallead.
- y banco (tn), heading and be;J.Ch. .
avantrn m, front truek of any pleee of rolling
stock, foreearriage.
avanzada(f) de onda (ele), wave front.
avanzador m, feeder.
avanzar, to advanee; (meeh) to feed; (tun) to
-la chispa (auto), to advanee the spark.
avejigar, to blister.
avellanado y cincelado (re), eountersu1lk and
avellanador m, eountersinking bit.
avellanar, to eountersink.
avellano m (A), a softwood.
avenamiento m, drainage, draining, subdrainage.
39 azogar 38 balance balance banco
azogar, to slake (lime).
azogue m, quicksilver, mercury; (M) silver ore.
azoguera j, amalgamation works.
azoico, (geol) azoic; (chem) nitric.
azoladora j (fc), adzing machine.
azolar, to adz; to dub.
azolvarse, to siltup; to become obstructed.
azolve m, silt.
azolvos m, silt; obstructions.
azotea j, roof, flat roof, (bldg) terrace.
aztico, nitric.
azcar m j, sugar.
-- amarilla, brown sugar.
--aprovechable, available sugar.
-- blanco, white or refinedsugar.
--concreto, concrete sugar.
-- crudo, raw sugar.
-- de alta polarizacin, high-test sugar.
-- de caa, cane sugar.
-- de centrfuga, centrifugal sugar.
--invertido, invert sugar.
--mascabada o morena o terciada, brown sugar.
--reductor, reducing or invert sugar.
-- refino, refined or white sugar.
- turbinado (C), centrifugal sugar.
azucarero m, sugar-mill worker, sugarhouse fore-
man; sugar technologist.
azuchar, to shoe piles.
azuche m, pile shoe.
azud j, diversion dam, weir.
-- de encofrado, crib dam.
--para peces, fish weir.
azuela j, adz.
-- curva, spout adz.
- de cotillo completo, full-head adz.
-- de espiga o de ribera, spur-head or ship car-
penter's adz. .
- de medio cotillo, half-head adz.
--ferrocarrilera, railroad adz.
azufre m, sulphur.
azufroso, sulphurous.
azul m a, blue.
- de bromoclorofenol (lab) , bromochlorophe-
- de bromofenol (lab), bromophenol blue.
-- de bromotimol (dac), bromothymol blue.
- de metileno (dac), methylene blue.
- de Prusia (dib), Prussian blue.
- de timol (dac), thyrnol blue.
azulado por recoccin, blue-annealed.
azulejar, to set glazed wall tiles.
azulejera j, glazed tilingo
azulejero m, tilemaker; tile setter (wall).
azulejo m, glazed tile; (A) wall tile.
--antisonoro, acoustical tile.
azumagarse, (Ch) to rust; (lbr)(Ec) to decay.
azuritaj, azurite, blue copper ore, blue malachite.
azutero m, custodian of a diversiondam or irri-
babazas j, slime (water mains).
babetaj (to)(A), flashing.
babor m (nut), port, larboard.
bacilar, bacillary.
bacilo m, bacillus.
-- coli, colon bacillus, Baclu8 eolio
bacteriano, bacterial.
bacterias j, bacteria.
-- autotrficas, autotrophic bacteria.
-- coliformes, coliform bacteria.
--nitrificantes, nitrifying bacteria.
bactericida j, bactericide.
bacterifago m (is), bacteriophage.
bacteriologa j, bacteriology.
bacterilogo m, bacteriologist.
bacteriosttico, bacteriostatic.
bculo m (M), transit rod, range pole.
bachadora j (M), road-patching machine.
bache m, rut; mudhole; pothole; (C) sump.
bacheado (m) en fro (ca), cold patch.
bachear, to patch a road.
bacheo m (ca), patching, filling ruts.
badn m, gutter; gully; (A) paved ford.
badilejo m, bricklayer's trowe1.
bagacilla m (az), trash, fine-cut bagasse.
bagazo m, bagasse; (min) mud from drill hole.
bahareque m, wall of cane plastered with mud
and chopped straw.
baha j, bay, harbor.
bahorrinaj (dac) (M), sludge.
bailar (auto) (A), to shimmy.
bailoteo m (auto), shimmy.
baja J, fall, drop; discharge (employee).
-- definicin (tv), low definition.
--frecuencia, low frequency.
-ley,low grade (ore).
bajadaj, descent, slope, downgrade; downspout;
(p) riser; (min) ladderway.
-- de antena (ra), leadin, down-Iead.
-- de inmundicias (pb), waste stack; soil stack.
-pluvial (ed), leader, downspout.
bajamar j, low tide (sometimes used to mean
-- ms baja, lowest low tide.
-- media, mean low tide.
--media ms baja, mean lower low water.
bajante m, low water; leader, downspout; (p)
stack; standpipe.
-- de aguas de lluvia, leader, downspout.
-- de aguas negras, soil stack.
-- de aguas servidas, waste stack.
-- de ventilacin, vent stack.
bajar, to lower; to descend; to drop, fallo
bajareque, see bahareque.
bajial m, low ground subject to overflowing.
bajo m, sand bar, shoal; lowland.
bajo m, sand bar, shoal; (min) (M) footwall,
floor; a low; adv below; pr under.
- calor de endurecimiento (ct) , low heat o
-- octanaje, de, low-octane (rating).
bajos m, ground floor.
bajomando m .(auto) , underdrive.
bajura j (PR), lowland.
bakelita j, bakelite.
bala j, ball; bale.
balance m, balance; (act) balance sheet.
-- calrico, heat balance.
-- de comprobacin (cont), trial balance.
- del oxgeno (dac), oxygen balance.
-- de la sacarosa (az), sucrose balance.
- de saldos (cont), trial balance.
balanceador (m) armnico (auto), harmonic bal-
balancear, (mech) (elec) (act) to balance; balan-
cearse, to rack, 1'011, wobble.
balanceo m, balancing; oscillation, rocking,
swinging; (naut) rolling.
balancn m, working beam, balancebeam; bas-
cule; handle; rockcr arm; beam of ascale;
whiffietree; spreader; pump jack; (A)
swinging scaffold; (A) eccentric-arbor
-- compensador, equalizing beam.
-- de bomba, pump brake.
-- del freno, brake beam.
- de tiempo (mg) (A), timing lever.
- tiracable (pet), spudder armo
balancines de la brjula (cn), gimbals.
balancinero m (A), operator of an eccentric-
arbor press.
balandra j, small sailing vessel; (A) scow.
balanza j, scale, balance; (min) blind shaft.
-- analtica (lab), analytical balance.
-- de hfunedad (ms), moisture scale.
-- de induccin (elc), induction balance.
-- de plataforma, platform scale.
-- de precisin, analytical balance.
---de resorte o de tensin, spring balance.
-- de torsin, torsion balance.
balanza-balde m, weighing bucket.
balanza-tolva j, weigh hopper.
balao m, a Philippine lumber.
balastaje m, ballasting.
balastar, to ballast.
balastera j, ballast pito
balasto m, ballast; road metal; (U) conglomerate
used for road building.
balastrar (M), to ballast.
balata j, balata ('lIso used for various gum-yield-
ing trees and sometimes used to mean
rubber); (V) a hardwood; (M) brake lin-
balate m, terrace; border of a trench.
balaustrada j, balustrade.
balastre m, baluster; (Ec) bricklayer's trowel.
balcn m, balcony; (M)(Pe) sidehill cut; (Ch)
car platform; (pet) derrick platform.
balconcillo m (pet), monkey board, derrick plat-
balconera j, balcony construction; balcony
balconero m (M), erector of iron balconies.
baldada j, bucketful.
balde m, bucket, pail.
-- arrastrador (A), drag scraper.
--basculante, dump or contractor's bucket.
- cargador (mz)(A), skip loader.
-- de arrastre, dragline bucket; drag scraper.
- de ascensor (B), elevator bucket.
-- de extraccin, mine bucket.
-- de hormign (A), concrete bucket.
-- de maniobra (ec), rehandling bucket.
_ ..... de pozo (exc), shaft bucket.
-- de transportadora (A), conveyor bucket.
- excavador (A), digging bucket.
- grampa (A), clamshell or grab bucket.
- volcador o de volteo, dump or contractor's
baldeadora j, fiusher.
baldear, to bail out; to wash, flush.
baldeo m, bailing; washing, f1ushing.
baldo m, uncultivated land; public land.
baldosa j, floor tile, paving tile.
- de techar (A), roof tile.
- de vidriado mate, matt-glazed or dull-glazed
-- gres, clay fioor tile.
baldosado m, tile paving.
baldosar, to lay f100r tiles.
baldosn m, fioor tile.
- de ladrillo (Col), a brick 20 x 20 x 4 cm.
balero m (M), ball bearing.
- de rodillos, roller bearing.
balicen) m (l\w)(M), rodman.
balinero m, ball race; ball bearing.
balines m, small balls (bearing) ;shot.
balita j (F), measure o about 0.69 acre.
baliza j, buoy; survcy polc;markcr,beacon.
- a farola (A), light bcacon.
- de acercamiento (ap), approach beacon.
-- delimitadora (ap) , boundary markE'r,
--fija, beacon, range marker.
--luminosa, gas buoy; light bcacon.
balizador m, buoy tender.
balizaje m, buoying; of beacons; bcaconage.
balizar, to buoy; to mark with beacons.
baln m, (lab) balloon; balloon tire.
balsa j, pool, pond; raft; balsa, corkwood; (A)
ferryboat; (V) flatboat; (min) hanging
scaffold uscd in shaft timbering.
-- de clasificacin (ef), sorting jack.
-- salvavidas, life raft.
balsada j, raft load, boatload.
j, ferry.
balsaje m, rafting; ferrying.
blsamo m (Es) (V), (lbr) balsam.
-- del Canad, Canada balsam.
balsear, to raft; to ferry.
balseo m, rafting; (Ch) ferry.
balserQ m, ferryman.
balsn m (M), backwater, pool.
ballesta j, laminated spring.
-- de arco o de media pinza, semielliptical
-- de cayado, three-quarter elliptical spring.
-- doble, el1iptical spring.
bambolear, to sway, wobble, (auto) shimmy.
bamboleo m, sway, swinging, wobbling, (auto)
bamb m, bamboo.
banca j, bench; banking; brokerage.
bancada j, bench; (machy) bedframe, solepiece,
bed (lathe); (Illachy) (A) bearing; (min)
bancal m, bcrm, bench, terrace; sandbank.
bancarrota j, bankruptcy.
bancaza j, bedplate; heavy bench.
-- del torno, lathe bed.
banco m, (fin) bank; (geol) stratllm; (carp)
bench; (cons)(M) bent;(r) sand bar; leve!
- aserrador, saw table.
- barrera, barrier beaeh.
- de arena, sandbank, sand bar.
- de balasto (fe), balIast pito
- del camino (Ee), roadbed.
- de coral, cora! reeI.
- de cota fija (lev), bench mark.
- de desperdicio (ot)(M), spoil bank.
-- de .doblar (ref), bending table, fabrieating
- de emisi6n, bank of issue.
- de estirar, drawbeneh.
- de grava, gravel bank.
- de hielo, ice floe.
- de interruptores (elc) (PR) , switchyard.
- de liquidaci6n, clearinghouse.
- de nivel (lev), beneh mark.
- de pruebas, test stand, testing bench.
- de sierra, saw table.
- de soldar, welding slab or table.
- de taller o de trabajo, workbench.
- hipotecario, mortgage bank.
banda J, belt, band; (CA) window sash; iron
tire; (M) belt eourse; side of a ship; (er)
- cruzada, crossed belt.
- de cadena (M), chain belt.
- de cuero, leather belt.
- del embrague, c1utch bando
- de esteras o de oruga, crawler belt.
- de freno, brakeband.
- de guardia (ra), guard bando
-- de hule, rubber belt.
- de ro, riverbank.
- de rodamiento, tread band (tire); (er) traek.
- de sintonizacin (ra), tuning bando
- de transmisi6n, driving or transmission belt.
- de transmisin libre (ra) , pass 01' filter-
transmission bando
- del ventilador (auto), fan belt.
- eslabonada (M), endless belt.
-lateral inferior (ra), lower side bando
-lateral superior (ra), upper side bando
- maciza (Es), solid tire.
- portadora (ele), carrier bando
- transportadora, belt eonveyor.
--V, V belt.
bandaje m, tire (rubber or iron); rimo
- del inducido (ele), armature bando
- macizo, solid tire.
bandarria, see mandarria.
bandeador m (C), tap wreneh.
bandear, to sway, weave, oseillate; (Ch) to per-
bandeja J, tray.
- cogegotas, drip pan.
- de bur1ujeo (pet) bubble tray.
- de res)1dacin (pet), sweating pan.
bandeo m, sway, weaving.
bandera J, (rr) (surv) flag.
banderero m (M), flagman.
bandern m, signa! flag.
banderola J, (rr) switch target; (bldg)(A)tran-
som; (surv) flag.
- a balancn (A), pivoted transom.
40 barco
banquear, to level; to bench; (Col)(V) to exea-
vate; (pmy) to bank (airplane).
banqueo m, leveling, grading, benehing;a beneh;
(pmy) banking; (Col) (V) exeavation.
- de prstamo (ot)(V), borrow pito
banquetaJ, berm; sidewalk; hauneh, shoulder of
a road; banquette.
banquilla (1) de aserrar (M), sawbuek.
banquillo m (to), crieket, cant, saddle.
banquina J, berm, shoulder; (A) walI footing.
banquisaJ (A), paek ice.
banquito m (A), rail clip.
baadera J, bathtub.
baado m (A) (U), marsh, wet land.
- de asfalto, asphalt-dipped, asphalt-coated.
- de cinc, zinc-coated.
- en caliente, hot-dipped.
- en estao, tin-dipped.
baar (pint), to dip.
baera j, bathtub.
bao m, bath; bathtub; bathroom; coating
(paint, etc.).
- congelador, freezing bath.
- de aceite, oil bath.
- de ducha o de lluvia o de regadera, shower
- de inversi6n (fma), reversing bath.
- endurecedor (fma), hardening bath.
- fijador (fma), fixing bath.
-- Mara (lab), water bath, double bpiler.
- para tubos, pipedip.
bao m (an), beam, eross timber, deek bearo.
- de bodega, hold beam.
- de horquilla, fork beam.
- del peto de popa, transom beam.
- maestro, midship or main beam.
- sesgado, eant beam.
baos de los raceles, panting beams.
baquelita j, bakelite.
baquelizar, to bakelize.
baquetaj (vol) (Es), tamping stiek.
bara J, bar (unit of pressure).
baranda J, barandado m, barandaje m, barandal
m, railing, handrail, balustrade, banister.
barandillaJ, railing; sideboard of a wagon; (PR)
stake of a flat truek.
- de resguardo, highway guardrail.
barba (1) de taladro, burr (steel), fin.
barbacana J, narrow opening in a wall; weep
hole; (hyd) (A) gate opening. .
barbeta J, lashing; (eab) seizing, serving; (naut)
gasket, stop.
barbetar (eab), to serve, seize.
barbilla J (earp), beveled end of a timber for
framing; tenon.
barbotaje m, barboteo m (lu), splash.
barca J, boat, barge.
- carbonera, coa! barge.
- chata, flatboat, seow.
- de gra, derr:ick barge.
- tanque,tankbarge.
barcada J, bargeload, boatload.
barcaza j, lighter, barge, flatboat.
- alijadora, lighter.
- perforadora, drilling barge.
barco m, vessel, boat, barge.
- costero o de cabotaje, eoasting vesse!.
- de carga, cargo boat, freighter.
- de transbordo, ferryboat.
- petrolero, oil tanker.
barco-puertaJ, eaiason of a graving dock, eaisson
baricntrico, baryeentrie.
baricentro m, baryeenter.
bario m (quim), barium.
barita J, baryta.
baritel m, windlass.
baritina J (miner), barite, barytes, barytine.
barjuleta J, tool bago
barlovento m, windward.
barniz m, varnish.
- aislador, eleetrie 01' insulating varnish.
- al aceite o al leo, oil varnish.
- craso o graso, oil varnish.
- de alcohol, spirit varnish.
- de alt, aceite, long-oil varnish.
- de aparejo o de apresto, sizing.
- de bajo aceite, short-oil varnish.
- de inmersin, dipjing varnish.
- de intemperie, spar varnish.
- de laca, shellae.
- de rociar, spraying varnish.
- exterior o marino, spar 01' exterior varnish.
- japons, japan drier; japan varnish.
- mate, fiat varnish.
- para secado al horno, baking varnish.
- secante, drier.
barnizador m, varnisher.
barnizar, to varnish.
barodinmica J, barodynamies.
barodinmico, barodynalnie.
bargrafo m, barograph, reeording baroJrleter.
barograma m, barogram.
baromtrico, barometrie.
bar6metro m, barometer.
- altimtrico, altitude barometer.
- aneroide, aneroid barometer.
- de mercurio, mercurial barometer.
- registrador, recording barOIneter.
barometrgrafo m, barometrograph, barograph.
baroscopio m, baroseope.
barotermgrafo m, barothermograph.
barotermmetro m, barothermograph.
barquear, to transport by boat, to ferry.
barquero m, boatman, ferryman, lighterman.
barqun m, belIows.
barraJ: bar, rod; sand bar.
- alimentadora, feed rod.
- angular (fe), angle bar, spliee bar.
- arrugada (ref), eorrugated bar.
- atiesadora (est), sag rod.
- cabecero (ref), header bar.
- colectora (ele), bus bar.
- colectora de compensacin, equalizer bus.
- colectora de control, control bus.
- colectora para fallas, fault bus.
- colisa (mh)(A), swivel bar.
- comercial, merehant bar.
- corrugada (ref), corrugated bar.
-- cuadrada giratoria (pet), grief stem, kelIy.
- cuadrada torcida (ref), square twisted bar.
41 barra
- cuello-de-ganso (herr) , gooseneck bar, wreek
ing bar.
- de alinear (fe), lining bar.
- de arco (met), areh bar.
- de argolla (est), eyebar, loop rod.
- de arge, eapstan bar.
- de asiento (compuerta), seat bar.
- de atalaje, drawbar.
- de brida (fe), spliee bar, angle bar, fishplate.
- de celosa (est), lattiee bar; web member.
- de coneyjn, (eng) eonnecting rod, pitman;
(elee) eonnection bar.
- de contratensin. (pte/, counterbraee, eoun-
- de corredera, (se) valve stem.
- de corto circuito (ele), shorting bar.
-l de cremallera,.rack bar.
- de cua (met), wedge bar.
- de chucho (fe), bridle 01' switch 01' head rod,
- de distribucin (ele)(C) , bus bar.
- de emergencia (ft), panie bar.
- de ewparrillado (cal), grate bar.
- de empedrador, pavingbar.
- de enclavamiento (fe), detcetor bar.
- de enganche, drawbar.
- de enrejado (est), lattiee bar.
- de entibar (re), dollybar.
- de estancamiento (compuerta), seal bar.
- de guarnicin, curb bar; corner bead.
- del inducido (ele), armature bar.
- de mina (min), hand drill.
- de ojo (est), eyebar.
- de orejas (ref), lug bar.
- de parachoques (auto), buffer bar.
- de parrilla (cal), grate bar; clinkerbar.
- de percusin (pet), sinker bar.
- de recalcar, swage bar (saw).
- de remolque, towing bar.
- de ro, shoal, bar..
- de rosca, threaded rod.
- de suspensin, hanger.
- de taras (bscula), tare bar.
- del tejido (V), (tu) web member.
- de tiro o de traccin, drawbar.
- de torsin (auto), torque armo
- de trabazn o d.e unin (ref) , bond bat"
- de ua, claw bar, nail puller.
- de ventana, muntin, window bar.
- deformada (ref), deformed bar.
- desviadora (fe), defiecting bar.
- en U (met), U bar.
- 1 (met), 1 bar.
- imanada, bar magneto
- indicadora (fe), detector bar.
-lisa (ref), plain 01' smooth bar.
- mnibus (elc) , bus bar.
- para encintado, eurb bar.
- patrn, test bar.
- perforadora (pet), sinker bar.
- plana acanalada, channel fiat.
- plana bruida, ground flato
- plana con cantos dE fleje, band-edge flat
- punta-de-cua, wedg,,-point crowbar.
- punta-de-espoln, pineh-point crowbar.
- p u ~ z n (vol), puneh bar,
barra 42 barrenos
barrer 43 bastida!
---.-- .....
-radial (auto),radius rod.
- rociadora (ca), spray bar.
- sacaclavos, stripping bar, nail puller; wreek-
ing or elaw bar.
- subtensa (lev) , subtense bar.
-- T, T bar, T iron.
--taladradora, boring bar.
-- tirante, tie rod.
- torneada (, turned bar.
- tractora (fe)(mh), drawbar.
--.- trancanil (en), stringer bar.
- trazadora (planmetro), traeing armo
- tumbadora (fe), tumbling rod.
-V, V bar.
-Z, Zbar.
- de armadura, reinforeing bars.
-- de barreno, drill steel.
- de deslizamiento, guides (gate).
- de enlace (est) (C). laeingbars.
- de yunque (az), anvil bars.
-- espaciadoras (ref), spaeing bars.
- portavstago (pet), earrier bars.
--repartidoras (reO, distributing bars, spaeing
barraca J, barraek, bunkhouse; warehouse, shed.
- de hierro (Ch), hardware atore.
- de maderas (Ch), lumber shed, lumberyard.
barracn m, barraeks.
barraganete m (en), bulwark stay.
barraje m, dike, barrage, diversion dam.
barrales m (Ch), sideboards of a wagon.
barramina J (Ee). drill.
barranca J, eliff, bluff; gorge, ravine; (A) river
bank; (A)(U) downgrade.
- abajo (A), downgrade, downhill.
- de falla, fault scarp.
- de falla con erosin, fault-line searp.
barranco m, preeipiee, eliff; gorge.
barrancn, m, gorge, eanyon.
barrancoso (top), broken, rough.
barranquilla J (M), gully.
barraquero m (A), warehouseman.
barreal m, clay pito
barredera J (ot) (Ee), drag seraper.
barredor m, sweeper (man).
-- de locomotora, pilot, eoweateher.
barredora J (maq), sweeper.
- de goma, squeegee.
-- de tractor (ca), tractor 8Weeper.
- elctrica (M), vaeuum eleaner.
- patrulladora (ca), patrol sweeper.
-- remolcada, drawn road broom.
barrena J, drill, auger, gimlet,drill bit; erowbar.
- adamantina .(M),adamantine drill.
- batidora, ehurn dril!.
- cola de pescado, fishtail bit,
-- cortancleo, eore bit.
- de arrastre (pet), drag bit.
- de cable, cable or well or ehurndrill.
- de canaleta recta, pod augeror bit.
- de canteador, stoleeutter's or plug drill.
- de caracol, twist dtill, auger bit.
- de cateo, earth borer.
- de cesto (pet), basket bit.
-- de cincel, ehisel bit,
- de columna, eolumn drill.
- de corchos (lab), eork borer.
-- de cruz, star bit or drill.
- de cuatro alas (pet), four-wing bit.
--. de diamantes, diamond drill.
- de discos (pet), disk bit.
-- de filo en cruz, star drill.
- de friccin (pet), drag bit.
-- de gua, eenter bit.
-- de gusano, worm auger.
-- de limpieza (sx), cleanout auger.
-- de mano, hand drill, jumper.
-- de ojo, ring auger.
-- de pecho, breast auger.
- de perforacin desviada (pet) , direetional
- de rodillos (pet), roller bit.
-- de tierra, earth auger, posthole digger, well
or soil auger.
-- espiral, twist drill, auger bit.
- iniciadora (pet), spudding bit.
-- para berbiqu, braee bit.
- para cabillas, dowel bit.
-- para hoyo de poste, posthole auger.
-- para macho, tap drill.
-- para mortajas, slotting auger.
-- para pozos, well dril!.
- picadora (sx), ehopping bit.
- piloto, pilot drill or bit.
-- principiadora (pet), spudding bit.
--rompepavimento, pavement breaker, bull-
-- sacancleos o saeatestigos, eore drill.
-- salomnica, twist drill; serew auger.
- tubular, eore drill; ealyx drill.
barrenas, drill steel.
barrenador m, drill runner; auger, drill.
barrenadora J; dril!.
-- de arcilla, pneumatic elay spade.
barrenar, to drill; to blast; barrenarse (tn) (M),
to hole through, eonneet up.
barrendera J (maq), sweeper..
barrendero m, sweeper (man).
barrenero m, drill runner.
barrenillo ?n, boring inseet.
-- de caa, eane borer.
-- de muelles, wharf borer.
barrenista m, drill runner.
barrenita (j) de mano, gimlet.
barreno m, drill; drill hole, borehole; (Col) drilled
- cebado (vol) (M), missed holeo
- de alivio (min), block holeo
-- de enlechado, grout holeo
- de voladura, blasting holeo
- fallido (vol) (M), missed holeo
- de alivio (tn), relief holes.
- de corte (tn) (M), cut holes.
-- de cuele o de franqueo (min), cut holes.
- de destrozo (min) (tn) , breakers, breaking-
down holes.
- de ensanche (min)(tn), holes for enlarging
-- del permetro (tn), rim holes.
--limitadores (vol), line holes.
barrer, to sweep; (di) to seavenge.
barrera J, fenee, barrier, barrieade; (rr) erossing
gate; elay pit; (hyd) diversion dam.
- colectora (ef), bag or saek boom.
- corrediza (fe), sliding gateo
-- cortafuego, fuebreak, fue stop.
- de bscula (fe), hinged and eounterweighted
erossing gateo
- de cable (ca), cable guardrail.
- de cinta (ca), traffie tape.
-- de clasificacin (ef), sorting boom.
- de detrito (hid)(A), drift barrier.
- de guardia (ca), guardrail.
- de gua (ef) , sheer or fender or glaneing
- flotante, log boom.
-- guardacamino, traille or road guard, high-
way guardrai!.
-- guardacruce (fe), erossing gateo
-- interceptadora (ef), eateh or trap boom.
--para basuras (r), drift barrier.
-- parahielos (r), ice sere.en.
barrero m, elay mixer.; e'lay pit; mudhole.
barreta J, yrowba; bullpoint; small bar; (min)
-- con espoln, pineh bar.
- de pinchar (A), pineh bar.
-- de punta, bullpoint.
- de punta recalcada (vol), bulge-point driv-
ing iron.
- de soldadura (V), welding rod.
-- de ua, elaw bar.
-- desquiciadora (Ee), bar for loosening roek.
--pata-de-eabra, elaw bar.
-- rompedora, bit of a paving breaker, bull-
barretas, (M) drill steel.
barretear, to bar, work with a bar.
barretero m, miner, drill runner in a mine; man
who works with a bar.
barretn m, heayy erowbar; (Col) miner's pick.
barridaJ (ciudad), distriet, ward, quarter.
barrial m, elay pit; mudhole.
barrica J, eask, barrel.
barricada J, barricade.
barrida J, sweeping; (di) scavenging.
barrido m (tv)(ra), sweep.
barriga J, bulge, belly.
barril m, barrel; mesure of about 20 galo
-- de frotacin, tumbling barrel.
barrilada J, eapaeity of a barrel.
barrilete m, clamp; pawl, dog; keg.
-- de leva, eam clamp.
barrillaJ (min) (B), doneentrates; metallic eopper
mixed in ore.
barrio m (ciudad), distriet, ward, quarter; sub-
barro m, mud, elay, silt; sludge; earthenware;
adobe; (pet) slush.
- amasado, elay puddle.
- cloacal (dae), sludge.
-- cocido, terra eotta, burnt clay.
- de barreno, drill sludge.
- digerido (dae), digested sludge.
-- esmaltado, glazed clay or terra cotta.
- refractario CC), fue clay.
barros a,ctivados (dae), aetivated sludge.
barroso, muddy, elayey, silty.
barrote m, heavy bar; grate bar; rung; (A) door
bolt; (rr) (C) angle bar; (sb) hateh bar
hateh batten.
barrotn m, batten of a hateh; hateh bar; (rr)
earline; (sb) earling.
barya J (fsica), barye.
basa J, base, pedestal.
basada j (en), launehing eradle.
basal (V), basa!.
bll.saltiforme, basaltiform.
basalto m (geol), basalto
-- analctico, analcite basalto
--prismtico, eolumnar basalto
-L. vtreo, basaltglass, vitrobasalt, hyalobasalt.
basaltoide, basaltoid, basaltiform.
basamento m, base; pedestal; (A) footing,
bscula J, seale (for weighing); (rr) (Ee) erossing
-- de balancn, beam seale.
-- de plataforma, platform seale.
-- de pozo, pit seale.
-- de va, traek seale.
- enclavable, dormant seale.
bscula-puente m, weighbridge.
bsculii-tolva J (ag) (A), weighing bateher.
bscula-vagones m, cal' dumper.
bascuiador m, dumper; roeker; (min) tippleman;
any tipping deviee.
- de caja (eo) , body roeker.
-- de carros, cal' dumper.
bascular, to tip, tilt.
base J, basis; base (0.11 senses); rail flange.
-- compound (mh) , eompound resto
-- de aviacin, air or aviation base.
-- de comparacin (Iev), eomparator base.
-- de comprobacin (lev), check base.
-- de cuchilla (motoeaminera), blade base.
-- de hidroaviones,air harbor, seaplane base.
- de riel (fe), base of rail.
- de rodado (A), wheel base.
-- de ruedas, wheel base.
- de la soldadura, root of weld.
- de tope (pet), landing base.
-- naval, naval base.
- negra (ca), blaek base.
-- sanitaria (ed), sanitary base.
bases del concurso, bidding eonditions.
bases de licitacin, biddillg eonditiolls, informa-
tion for bidders.
basicidad J, basieity.
bsico (qum) (geol) (met), basic.
basitas (geol) (A), basie roeks.
bastarda, bastard (file).
bastidor m, frame, bedframe; ehassis; (Col) win-
dow sash.
- auxiliar (auto), subframe.
-- de carril (te), erawler or traek frame.
-- de puerta, door buek, doorframe.
-- de rodaje, truek frame.
- de rodillos (met) , stand of rolls.
-- de sierra para metales, haeksaw frame.
- de ventana, window frame.
bidireccional 45 bituminoso
- inferior, underframe.
basto, rough, unfiJlished: coarse.
bastn m, (1'1') staff (block system); (su) proof
stick, sampler.
bastrn m, (t) spokeshave.
basural m (Ch), garbage dump.
basuras J, trash, rubbish, dirt, refuse; garbage;
river drift.
basurero m, garbage dump.
batalla J, wheel base, distance between axIes.
batayola J (cn), handrail.
bate m (fc), tamping pick.
batea f trough, launder: tray, mortal' tub: (V)
p ~ v e d ditch: (V) paved ford; (min) batea;
(auto) oil pan: (A) paved gutter crossing a
-.- de coque, coke tray (aerator).
- de pilada (conc), batch box.
bateador m (fc), tamping bar, tamper.
bateadora J, power tamper.
-.unitaria, unit tamper.
batear, to tamp (ties).
bateo m, tamping.
batera J, battery (a11 senses).
- A (ra), A 01' filament battery.
- andica (ra), anode 01' plate battery.
- B (ra), plate 01' B battery.
- e (ra), grid 01' C battery.
_ compensadora. (elc), floating battery; buf-
fer battery.
- de acumuladores, storage battery.
- de calderas, battery of boilers.
- de camiones (M), fleet of trucks.
- de filamentos (ra), A 01' filament battery.
- de inmersin (elc), plunge battery.
- de mazos, stamp millo
- de pantalla (ra), screen battery.
- de pega (min), blasting battery.
- de pisones, stamp millo
- de placa (ra), B 01' plate 01' anode battery.
- de .polarizacin negativa (ra) , bias ce11.
- de rejilla (ra), grid 01' Cbattery.
- elevadora (elc), booster battery.
batey m, ground occupied by a sugar mill and ap-
purtenances: (PR) area in front of a coun-
try house.
batidera J, beater, maul: (Sp) mortal' hoe.
batido m, (ra) beat: a hammered, wrought.
- en fro, cold-hammered.
batidor m, beater, agitator; (A) mixer; (min)
doUy: (met) shingler.
batiduras J (met) , millar hammer scale.
batiente m, jamb: gate sill: lock sill; (dam)
apron, hearth, . (dd) apron; (carp) stop
- de esclusa, miteror lock sill.
batir, to beat, hammer, pound, tamp; to stir.
batista barnizada (ais), varnished cambric.
batmetro m, bathometer.
baud (tel), baud.
bauxita J, bauXite(aluminum ore).
bayoneta J,. (mech) bayonet: (auto) bayonet
gage (oillevel).
bedano m, mortising chisel.
Beggiotoa (is), Beggiotoa.
begohmio m (elc), begohm.
bejuco m, rattan.
bel (elc), bel.
belio m (elc) (A), bel.
benceno m, benzene.
bencidina J, benzidine.
bencina J, gasoline: benzine.
beneficiable (min) .. workable.
beneficiador m, operator of a mine 01' smeltel';
processor: cultivator.
beneficiar, to smelt, refine; to work a mine; to
beneficiate (ore): to process.
beneficio m, smelting, ore reduction, beneficia-
tion: working of a mine: profit.
- de explotacin, operating profit.
- de madera, lumbering.
- de minerales, smelting.
bentonita /, bentonite.
bentontico, bentonitic.
bentos (is), benthos.
benzol m, benzol, benzena.
berbique, berbiqu m, carpenter's brace; (U)
- acodado, angular bitstock.
- de engranaje, angle brace.
- de herrero o de pecho, breast 01' fiddle drill.
- de matraca, ratchet braceo
- de ribera, ship carpenter's braceo
- para rincones, corner braceo
- y barrenas, brace and bits.
berilio m (qum), beryllium.
berlinga/, pole, round timber, spar.
berma/ (ot), berm, (rd) shoulder.
berroquea / a, granite.
besar, a, block and block, chockablock, two-
betanaftol m (qum), beta-naphthol.
betatrn m (ra), betatron, rheotron.
betonera J (Ch), concrete mixer.
betumen m, bitumen.
betuminadora/ (ca) (Es), bituminous distributor.
betn m, bitumen, piteh, (C) stucco.
- judaico o de Judea, asphalt.
betunar, to coat with pitch: (C) to stuceo.
bias (ra), bias.
- e o de rejilla, grid bias, C bias.
biasar (ra) (A), to bias.
biaxil, biaxial. ~ /
bixico (Es) (A) (V), biaxial.
bibern m (Iab), nipple.'
bibir m (mad), greenheart.
bicable, a double-cable.
bicarbonato m, bicarbonate.
bicilndrico, (eng) double-cylinder.
biclororo m, bichloride.
- de estao, tin 01' stannous chloride.
- de mercurio, mercuric chloride, corrosive
bicncavo, biconcave, double-concave, concavo-
bicnico, bieonical.
biconvexo, biconvex, double-convex.
bicromato m (qum), bichromate.
bicrn m (med), bicron.
bichero m, boat hook.
bid, bidet m (pb) , bidet.
bjdimensional, two-dimensional.
bidireccional (elc), bidirectional.
bidn m, steel drum: (C) drom of a hoist: a tin,
large can.
biela /, (eng) connecting rod, pitman.
- motriz, connecting 01' main driving roo.
- paralela o de acoplamiento (loco), coupling
01' side rod.
bienes m, property.
- inmuebles o races o sedientes, real estate.
- muebles, personal property.
- semovientes, cattle.
bienhechura / (C), improvements (real estate).
bifsico (elc), two-phase.
bifilar (elc), two-wire, bifilar.
bifluoruro m (qum), bifluoride.
bifurcacin/, junction of streams; eroteh; (p) Y
branch: (1'1') (C) (Sp) junction.
- de ramal paralelo (tub), upright Y branch.
- doble (tub), double Y branch.
- en U (tub), U branch.
bifurcador m (aa), bifurcator.
bifurcarse, to fork, branch.
bigorneta /, small anvil; tinsmith's stake.
- de acanalar (ch), creasing stake.
- de arita viva (eh), hatehet stake.
- de costura (ch), seaming 01' grooving stake.
- de pico, beakhorn stake.
bigornia /, anvil.
bigote de gato (ra) (A), cat whisker.
bigotera /, (dwg) bow compass, bow dividers:
slag tap (blast furnaee).
bigrilla (ra)(A), double-grid.
bihilar (elc), two-wire.
bijguara /, a Cuban hardwood.
bilabarqun m (Ee), carpcnter's horse.
bilateral (elc)(mec), bilateral.
bilis / (Iab), bile.
-lactoca, lactose bile.
bimbalete m (M), strut: ridgepole: pump jaek.
bimetal m, bimetal.
bimetlico, bimctallic.
bimrfico (ra), bi:norph.
bimotor, two-motor, bimotor.
binario (qum)(mat), binary.
binaural, binural.
bi::locular a, binocular.
bi::lodo m (ra) (mat) , binode.
binomio (mat), binomial.
bioactivacin / (dac), bio-activation.
bioaeracin / (dac), bio-aeration.
biofiltracin / (is), biofiltration.
biofiltro, biofilter.
biofioculacin / (is), biofiocculation.
biogentico (is), biogenetic.
bilisis /, biolysis.
bioltico (dac), biolitic.
biolgico, biological.
bioprecipitacin /, bioprecipitation.
bioqumica /, biochemistry.
bioqumico, biochemical.
biorreduccin/ (dac), bioreduction.
biosa / (az), biose, disaccharide.
biotita / (miner), biotite, black mica.
biotrn m (ra), biotron.
bixido m (qum), dioXide.
- carbr..ico, curbon dioxide.
- de estao, tin dioXide, stannic oXide.
bipi m, bipod.
bipolar, pipolar, two-pole.
biposte, bipost (lamp).
biprima (mat), double prime (x").
biriqum(Ec)(AC), carpenter's braceo
birlo m (M), stud bolt.
birrectngulo, birectangular.
birrefringencia / (fma) , birefringence.
birrefringente, birefringent.
birrotulado, two-hinged.
bisagra /, hinge, butt hinge.
- a municin, ba11-bearing hinge.
- acodada, .offset hinge.
- con levante, rising hinge, skew hinge.
- de bolitas, ball-tip door butt.
- de friccin, friction hinge.
- de muelle, spring hinge.
- de paleta o de ramal, strap 01' joint hinge. pasador. fijo, fast-pin butt.
- de pasador suelto, loose-pin butt.
- de resorte, spring hinge.
- de superficie, flap 01' surface 01' fu11-surfacCl
- de tiro ancho, wide-throw hinge.
- de tope, butthinge.
- desmontable, loose-pin butt.
- en T, T hinge.
- inerte, dead hinge.
- medio superficial, half-surface 01' half-mor-
tise hinge.
bisecar, to bisect.
biseccin /, bisection.
bisectriz /, bisector.
bisel m, a bevel, charnfer; (lbr) wane.
- al hilo (mad), bevelrip.
- a inglete, bevel miter.
- de trozar (mad), bevel cutoff.
biselado, beveled: (lbr) waney.
biseladora /, charnfering'tool.
biselar, to bevel, chamfer, skive.
bisilicato m (qum), bisilicate.
bismutina / (miner), bismuthine, bismuthinite,
bismuth glance. '
bismutinita /, bismuthinite, native bismuth sul-
bismuto m (qum), bismuth.
- blenda (miner), bismuth blende, eulytite.
bisulfato (m) de sodio, sodium bisulphate.
bisulfito m, bisulphite.
bisulfuro m, disulphide,bisulphide.
bita / (nut), cleat, bitt.
- de' amarre, mooring bitt. .
- de remolque, towing bitt: towing post.
bitcora / (cn), binnacle.
bitaduraj.,. turn of a ropearound a bitt.
bite m (A), bead (on a board).
bitn m, bitt: double-head chock.
- de fondeo, riding bitt.
- de remolcar, towing bitt.
bitoque m, (M) faucet, cock: (CA) sewer.
bitultico, bitulithic.
bitumstico, bitumastic.
bitumen m (U) (M), bitumen.
bituminfero, containing bitumen.
bituntinoso, bituminous.
bituvia 46 boca
bituvia / (ca), Bituvia (trademark).
bivalencia /, bivalehce.
bivalente (qum), bivalent.
biviario two-lane (highway).
m (Col), a salmon briek. .
blanco m, gear blank;blank form: a
-- de antimonio, antimony whlte (plgment),
antimony trioxide. ..
- de barita (pigmento), baryta white, banum
sulphate. ..
- de bismuto (pigmento), blsmuth whlte.
-- de cinc (pigmento), zinc white.
-- de China Chinese or zinc white.
- de ll:spafla, whiting, Spanish white.
- de plomo, white lead.
- .de yeso, whiting.
blando, soft.
blandura /, softness.
blanquear, to bleach. .
blanquillo m, an Argentme (semihard).
blastogranitico (geol), blastogramtlC.
blastoporfirtico (geol), blastoporphyritic.
bleck o bleque (A), a term applied to all tar and
asphalt products.
blenda / (miner), blende, sphalerite.
-- cadmfera, greenockite, eadmium blende.
- crnea (M), hornblende.
-- de zinc, zinc blende.
- roja, ruby blende (sphalerite). .
blindado, armored, ironcIad; (elee) shlelded'.
blindaje m, armor; (elec) shielding; (Sp) tunnel
-- antimagntico, magnetie screen or shield.
-- cerrado (elc), interlocking armor.
- del radiador (te), radiator guardo
blondn m (Es), cableway.
bloque m, block.
- amortiguador, eushion block.
- calibrador, gage block.
- comparador (Iab), block eomparator.
-- de barrenar, boring block.
-- de batir (ch), dolly block.
-' de casas (PR), eity block, block of houses.
-- de cilindrbs, cylinder block.
_.- de clavar, nailing block, wood briCk.
- de doblar (ref), bending block.
- de emasillar (ed), furring block.
- de estampar (her), swage block.
- de fallas (geol), fault block.
- de fusibles (ele), fuse block.
- de golpeo (pb),driving block, turnpin, tam-
-- de motor, engin block;
- de patas (fe), heel block, heel raiser.
- de recalcar (si), swage block.
- deulleno (ed), filler block.
-- desabollador (ch), dolly block.
- para triscar' (si), setting block.
- partido de emasillar, split furring tile.
- portaherramienta (mh),t1ilOl block.
- refractario deconstruccin, struetural tile.
- seccional '(fe), block
bloquear, t6 block (sil senses); (M) toehock;
(lnin) (B) to block out.
bloqueo m (fe) (ra), bloeking.
- absoluto o definitivo (fe),absolute blocking.
- condicional o facUltativo (fe), permissive
- manual (fe), manual bloeking.
bloqueraJ (Es), concrete-block maehine.
bobina /, (elec) coi!; (elec)bobbin.
-- apagachispas, blowout coi1.
-- captadora (ra), pickup eoil.
-- con ncleo de hierro pUlverizado, dust-eore
-- con temblador, vibrator coil.
- de acoplalniento (ra), eoupling eoil.
- del campo, field coil.
-- de carga, loading coi!.
- de cesto (ra), basket eoil.
-- de compensacin, eompensating eoil.
-- de chispas, spark coi!.
- de choque (A) (Col), choke or impedance coi!.
-- de desenganche, release coi!.
-- de devanado universal (A), honeycomb coi!.
-- de disparo, tripping coi!.
-- de encendido o de ignicin, spark or ignition
- de enfoque (ra), foeusing coi!.
-- de ensayo, exploring eoi1.
-- de extincin, blowout coi!.
-- de inductancia, 'inductanee coil, reactor, in-
-- de mxima, overload release coil.
-- de ncleo de hierro, iron-core eoil.
-- de. oposicin, bucking coi!. .
-- de panal, lattice-wound or honeyeomb cm!.
-- de prueba, exploring coil. .
-- de reaccin, ehoking or reactance or lmped-
anee or retardation coi!, reactor, kicking
-- de reactancia, reactanee eoil, inductor.
-- de regeneracin, feedback or tiekler coi!.
-- de retencin, retaining or holding eoi1.
-- de la voz (ra), voice coi!.
-- defiectora o desviadora (ra), defiecting coi1.
-- en derivacin, shunt eoil, (inst) potential
-- excitadora, exciting eoil.
-- exploradora, exploring or seareh coi!, ex-
-- inductora, induetion coi!.
- nido de abeja (ra), honeyeomb eoil.
-- sintonizadora (ra), tuning coi!.
- trmica (tel), heat eoi1.
-- tipo canasto (ra), basket-weave coi!.
--vibratoria, vibrator or trembler eoi1.
bobinado m, bobinaje m (ele), winding.
bobinadora /,winding maehine.
bobinar, to wind.
bobo m (PR)(V), a lumber used in building.
boca /, mouth, entranee: nozzle: (tun) portal;
(hyd) intake; (top) gap, pass, saddle; (t)
peen, nose.
-- de agua, hydrant.
-- de aspiracin, air inlet.
- de cada (al), drop inlet.
-- de calle, inlet to a storm sewer.
- de (en), eoaling hateh.
-- de carga, fire door of a boiler.
- de cepillo, a (mam) (V), finished with a
wooden fioat.
- de corazn (fe), toe of a frog.
-- de corneta, bellmouth.
-- de desage, drain inlet.
-- de descarga, outlet, diseharge opening.
-- de entrada, intake, inlet; portal; manhole.
- de incendio, fue hydrant, fueplug.
-- de inspeccin, manhole.
-- de limpieza, e1eanout hole; sluiceway.
-- de manmetro, gage hateh.
- de pez, fishmouth (spliee).
- de pozo (pet), wellhead.
-- de puerto, entranee to a harbor.
-- de registro, manhole, manhead.
-- de ro, mouth of a river.
- de salida, outlet.
- de tormenta (A) (U) (Pe), inlet to a storm-
water sewer.
-- de visita, manhole.
-- escotilla, hatehway.
- tipo de hongo (aa), mushroom outlet.
bocacalle J, stI'eet interseetion.
bocacaz m, opening in a fiume or dam.
bocal m, mouth, entranee; (top) gap: strait, nar-
rows (harbor): (min) pit head.
bocallave J, keyhole; keyhole plate; (A) soeket
bocamejora J (min), auxiliary shaft.
bocalnina /, entranee t a mine.
bocana / (Col), mouth of a river.
bocarte m, erusher, stamp mili; drag mili.
bocartear, to erush.
bocarteo m, erushing.
bocateja J, first tile in a eourse; hollow under a
roof tile; (V) eaves.
bocatoma / (hid), intake.
bocazo m (vol), blowout, pop shot.
bocel m, molding plane; eonvex molding.
boceladora j, molding plane.
bocelar, to form moldings.
bocelete m, small molding planeo
boceln m, large moldingplane; (rf) (Col) ridge
")ocina 1, bushing; bell end of a pipe; (auto) (ra)
horn; (O) hubeap; bellmouth; (sb) Ftern
tube; (hyd) (A) morning-glory (spillway).
-- de bruma, foghorn.
-- exponencial (ele), exponential horno
bocina-vertedero (hid), morning-glory spillway.
bocoy m, large hogshead: (C) measure of
about 175 ga1.
bochorno m, sulwy weather; (min) (M) after-
damp; ehokedamp, blaekdamp.
bodega J, warehouse, storehouse; (naut) hold;
eellar: (Ch) boxear.
-- de herralnientas, tool house.
-- de tramo (fe), seetion tool house.
bodegaje m, storage charges, warehousing.
-- en hmedo, wet storage (battery).
- en seco, dry storage (battery).
bodeguero m, storekeeper.
bogie m (fe), truek.
-- de arrastre, trailing truek.
-- giratorio o de un solo eje, pony truek.
- piloto, pilot truek.
bogue m (Es), Boghead eoa1.
boicot, boicoteo m, boyeott.
boj m, boxwood.
boje m, a hardwood of Cuba andP>'erto Rieo.
bola/, bal1.
- rompedora, skull eraeker, wreeking ball, ball
- y cuenca, ball and soeket.
bolas,del regulador (mv), governor balls.
bolardo m, bollard, mooring
boleo m, boulder;deposit of boulders; (sb) eam.
ber, roundup.
boletera / (fe), tieket offiee.
boletero m (fe), ticket agent.
boleto m,. ticket.
boln m, ball; shot.
bolina /, sounding line; (naut) bowIne.
bolo m, (lbr) (C) bole; (Ph) maehete.
Bolmetro m (ele), bolometer.
boln m, eobble, boulder:;rubble stone.
bolsa J, bag, saek; poeket; stoek exehange;
poeket of rieh ore.
-- de aire, air poeket, (eng) air loek.
- de atacadura (vol), tamping bago
-- de compensaciones (C), cIearinghouse.
-- de contraccin (met) , pipe, eontraetion cavit;y.
- de corteza (mad), bark poeket.
- de resina (mad), piteh poeket.
- de valores, stoekexehange.
- de vlvula, valve bago
- de vapor (mg}(pet), vapor loek.
bolsada /, poeket, eavity; poeket of rieh ore.
bolsn m, (geol) bolson; (min) poeket of rieh ore.
bolsonero (min)(B), in rieh poekets.
bomba!. pump; fue engine; bomb; (V) mudhole.
-- a mano, hand pump.
-- a nafta, gasoline-driven pump.
-- al vaco, vacuum pump.
-- a vapor, steam pump.
- alimentadora, feed or boiler-feed pump.
-- alternativa, reeiproeating pump.
-- aspirante, suction pump.
-- barrera, dredging or mud pump.
-- calorimtrica, bomb calorimeter.
-- centrfuga difusora, diffuser-type centrifuga!
-- centrfuga voluta, volute-type eentrifugal
-- colgante (exe), sinking pump.
-- contadora, metering pump (gasoline).
-- contra incendios, fue pump; fue engine.
-- chupadora, suetion pump.
-- de accin simple, single-aeting pump. I
-- de aceleracin (auto), aeeelerator pUlllp.
-- de aletas, vane-type rotary pump.
-- de aletas deslizantes, sliding-vane pump.
-- de aspiracin doble, double-suetion pump.
-- de aspiracin simple, single-suetion pump.
-- de balancn, beam pump.
-- de barrido (di), seavenge pump.
- de carena, bilge pump.
-- de carrera regulable, variable-displaeement
-- de cigea, erank-aetion pump.
-- de cigea y volante, erank-and-flywhcc,
-- de cilindro corredizo (pet), traveling-eylin.
der pump.
bomba 48 boquilla
boquilla 49
- de concreto, Pumpcrete' (trademark).
- de chorro, jet orwater-jet pump.
- de desplazamiento positivo, positive dis-
placement pump.
- de difragma, diaphragm pump.
- de doble efecto, double-acting pump.
- de doble paso. o de dos escalones o dI! dos
etapas o dedos grados, two-stage pump.
-- de dosaje, measuring pump.
- de dragado, dredging pump.
-- de efecto nico, single-acting pump.
- de mbolo, piston pump.
- dEl mbolo buzo o de mbolo macizo, plunger
- de engranaje de oreja triple, three-Iobe ro-
- de estribo, stirrup pump.
- de fango, mud pump.
de gasto variable, variable-discharge pump.
-- de hlice, propeller or screw pump.
- de impulso, impulse pump.
-- de impulsor abierto, open-impeller pump.
-- de impulsor cerrado, closed-impeller pump.
- de impulsorlls opuestos, opposed-impeller
- de inflar (A)(U), tirepump.
- de inmersin,submersible or dQep-well tur-
bine pump.
de lbulos; lobar-type rotary pump.
-- de lodo, mud jack; sludge pump; dredging or
mud pump; (pet) slush pump.
- de morj;ero (M), plunger pump.
- de ocho grados, eight-stage pump.
-- de oxgeno, oxygen bombo
-- de paletas deslizantes, sliding-vane rotary
- de 'paletas oscilantes, swinging-vane rotary
pump. )
- de paso mltiple, multiple-stage pump.
-- de paso recto,'straightway pump.
- de pique (auto) (A), accelerator pump.
-- de pistn, piston pump.
-- de potencia, power. pump (reciprocating
pump driven by external power).
-- de presin (pet), pressure bombo
-- de resorte, spring-actuated pump.
-- de, rodete doble, double-runner pump.
- de rosario, chain pump.
--; de salvataje, salvage or wrecking pump.
-'- de sentina, bilge pump; sump pump.
-,-- de simple efecto, single-aeting pump.
-- de succin al, extremo, end-suction centrifu-
I gal pump.
--. de succin lateral, side-suction centrifugal
-- de sumidero, sump pump.
- de trasiego, transfer pump.
- de turbina, turbine pump.
- de vaivn (A), reciprocating pump.
- desarenadora, sand pump.
- doble, duplex pump.
- giratoria, rotary pump.
- impelente, force orpressure pump; impeller
- impulsora de diafragma, diaphragm. force
- inatascable, elogless pump.
--insertada (pet), insert pump, casing pump.
--inyectora de combustible, fuel-injection
- manual, hand pump.
--medidora, measuring pump; (auto) metering
or dispenser pump.
- multigradual, multistage pump.
--para pozos profundos, deep-well pump.
-- quntupla, quintuplex pump.
--rarificadora (ra), vacuum pump.
--recproca (Pe), reciprocating pump.
-recogedora (pet), pickup pump.
-- reforzadora, booster pump.
--rotativa, rotary pump.
--rotativa de engranaje interior, internal-gear
-- sumergible, submersible or deep-well turbine
-- surtidora de gasolina, service-station or gas-
oline-dispensing pump.
- suspendida (exc), sinking pump.
--triple, triplex pump.
bombas gemelas, duplex pump.
bombaje m, pumping.
bombardeo electrnico, electron bombardment.
bombeable, pumpable.
bombeado m, pumping; arching, crowning; a
arched, crowned; dished.
bombeador m, pumpman, pumper.
bombear, to pump; to crown; to camber; bom-
bearse, to bulge, spring.
bombeo m, pumping; crowning; bulging; camber.
bombero m, pumpman; fireman.
bombilla J, incandescent lamp; bulbo
bombillo m, small pump; (p) trap; (C) lantern
globe; (C) incandescent lamp; (C) radio
bombn m, pump used in sugar mills.
bonanza J, large deposit of rich ore.
bonderita J, Bonderite (rustproofing) (trade-
bonderizar, to bonderize (rustproof).
bonete m (v), bonnet.
bongo m, scow, flatboat.
bonguero, boatman, bargeman, lighterman.
bonificacin J, bonus; (irr) (M) reclamation.
bonificar (eont), to credit.
bonista (C), bondholder.
bono m, (fin) bond.
-- a corto plazo, shortcterm bond.
-- colateral, collateral-trust bond.
--. de primera hipoteca, first-mortgage bond.
-- hipotecario, mortgage bond.
boquera J, head gate; sluice gate; outlet; (8p)
boquerel m, nozzle.
boquern m, largeopening; (top) gap, pass.
boquete m, gap, pass; opeIlng in a wall; (elec) (A)
air gap.
boquilla J, small opening; chuck, collet; socket;
bushing; nipple; nozzle; (tel)(hyd) mouth-
piece; (w) tip; (top) gap, pass; (mas) chink.
- ahusada (mh), spring collet, draw-in collet.
-- aisladora, insulating bushing.
-- aspiradora. aspirating nozzle.
- de agua, needle nozzle.
-- de anillo a escuadra, square-ring nozzle.
- de anillo agudo, undercut-ring nozzle.
- de Borda (hid), Borda's mouthpiecc.
- de borne (elc), terminal bushing.
- de brida, fianged nozzle.
- de calorfero, radiator bushing.
-- de collar, ring chuck.
- del electrodo (sol), electrode tipo
-- de engrase, oilhole.
de flujo, fiow nozzle.
-- de forro, liner bushing.
-- de gua, jig bushing.
-- de inundacin (aa), fiooding nozzle.
-- de manguera, hose nozzle.
-- de pulverizadora, spray 01' airbrush nozzle.
- de quijadas convergentes (mh) , collet 01'
draw-in 01' push-out chuck.
- de reborde hembra (tub) , outside head
- de reborde macho, inside hcad bushing.
-- de sujeci6n (hen), chuck.
-- de tuerca fiadora lock-nut bushing.
-- entrante (hid), Borda':; or re-elltrant mouth-
-- fibrosa (olo), fiber bushing.
-- inyectora de combustible, fuel-injcction
-lanzaarena, sandblast nozzle.
-- mezcladora, mixing nozzlc.
-- muestreadora (vapor), :;ampling nozzle.
-- para macho, tap chuck.
-- para soldar (tub), solclering bushing.
-- rociadora, spray nozzle.
-- sin cabeza, headless bushing.
-- sin reborde (tub), face bushing.
boratera J (A) (E) (Ch), bora.-,
borato m (qum), borate.
b6rax m, borax.
borbollar, borbotar, to gush, boil up.
borbo1l6n m, spring; boiling up.
borboteo m, gushing, bubbling, boiling up.
borbot6n m, boil in sand, a spring.
borda J (cn), bulwark; gunwalc;
borde m, edge; dikc, levce.
-- de ataque, upstream or leading or entering
-- de desviaci6n (in), bordor check.
-- de encauzamiento, lcvee.
-- de entrada, leading edge.
-- de obturacin, masking edge.
-- de retacadura, calking edge.
-- de salida, downstream 01' trailing or leaving
- de solapa (cn), sight edge.
- de la soldadura, toe of wele.
-laminado, rolled edge (steel plate).
-- recortado, sheared edge (stec! plate).
bordeadora J, tube expander, beading tool, (bo)
fiue roller; (irr) ridger.
-- de discos (in), disk ridger.
bordear, to fiange; to edge.
bordillo m, eurb, shoulder.
-- de labio (ca), lip eurb.
bordo m, dike; edge; side of a shi];).
- de contenci6n. levee, ,tlike.
- de encauzamiento, levee.
- libre (hid) (en). freeboard.
- provisional (M), eofferdam.
bord6n m, fiange of a wheel; bulb on an angk
or T.
boreal, northern.
brico (qum), borie, boraeie.
borna (eI6c), see borne.
borne m, (elcc) terminal, binding post; a hard-
-- de contacto, contaet terminal.
-- de masa (auto), ground terminal.
borneadero m (nut), berth; turning basin.
bornear, (naut) to swing, turn; bornearse, te
bornita f, bornitc, purple copper ore.
boro m (qum), boron.
borol6n m, Eorolon (abrasive) (trademark).
borra f (min), barren roek.
- de algodn, cotton waste; cotton linters.
corrador ?n, rough draft; eraser.
- de tinta, ink eraser.
borradura f. erasure.
borrar, to erase
borrascaf, ah llnproductivc 01' worked-out mine.
borrico ?n, (carp) sawhorse; donkey.
borric6n m, scaffold horse, !arge sawhorse.
borriquete ?n, sawhor,c, cnrpcntcr's horse.
boruro m (qum), boride.
bosque ?n, foresto
bosquejar, to sketch.
bosquejo 7n, sketch.
bota (f) de ascensor (E), elevator boot.
botas de goma, rubber boots.
botada J, launehing.
botadero rn (ot), dump, bank.
botador m, (carp) llail set; (re) backing-<mt
punch; (8b) 3etbolt; tappet.
- de vlvula, valve tappet.
botafango rn, nluclguard.
botaganado ?n, cowcatcher, loeomotive piloto
botaguas m (ed), water table; flashing; rain shed;
hood ovcr a door; leader boot; weathering.
botalodo m (PR), lllUdguard.
botal6n m, derriek boom; (V) stake.
-- de pala, shovcl boom.
-- para cable de arrastre, dragline boom.
botalonear (V), to stakc out.
botar, to dump; (exc) to waste; to launch; (re)
to back out.
- al agua, to launch.
botarel m, buttress, countmfort.
botavaca 7n (PIl), (loco) pilot, cowcatcher.
botavara J, boom, gaff; boat ho.ok; wagon poleo
botazo m (cn), fender, rubbing strip.
bote m, boat; container; (1\1) bucket, skip; (sh)
(M) dipper.
- de draga (M), dragline bucket.
-- de lata, tin container.
- de paso, ferryboat.
- de valva de almeja (M), clamshell bueket.
- salvavidas, lifeboat.
- volador, flying boato
bote-sif6n, siphon can.
botella J, bottle.
- aspiradora (lab), as))irator bottb.
- cuentagotas (!ab), dropping bottle.
- de lavar (lab) , wash bottle.
- de presin (lab), pressure bottle.
-- de sondeo, sounding bottle.
-- para filtrar, filter flask.
botero m, boatman.
boterola 1, dolly; rivet set or snap.
botiqun m, medicine chest.
- de emergencia, first-aid-kit.
- de urgencia, first-aid kit; first-aid station.
boto, blunt.
botn m, button; doorknob; crankpin; (chem)
bead; (lbr) knot; (M) snap team of mules
or.bulls; (mech) (C) boss.
- del alumbrado (auto), light button.
- de arranque, (auto) starter pedal; (elec)
starting button.
-- de avance transversal (mh), cross-feed knob.
- de bocina (auto), horn button.
.- de la calefaccin (auto), heater button.
- del cebador (auto), choke button.
- de contacto, push button; contact button.
- de embrague (mh), clutch knob.
- del estrangulador de aire (auto), choke but-
- de manubrio, (eng) crankpin.
- de pestillo o de puerta, doorknob.
- de presin, push button.
- de la puesta en marcha (auto)(A), starter
button or peda!.
- de sintonizacin (ra), tuning knob.
- de tope (cv), button stop.
-- de trfico (ca), traffic-marking button.
- partido (elc), split knob (insulator).
--pulsador, push button.
- reflector (ca), refiecting button.
- y tubo (clc), knob and tube (work).
botones de herramentero, toolmakers' buttons.
botonera 1, panel of push buttons.
bournonita 1, bournonite, wheel ore.
bveda 1, vault; arch; (geoI) dome, cupola; (A)
crown of a road. .
-- corrida, barrel arch or vault.
-- de aligeramiento, relieving arch.
- de aristas,.groined arch, cross vault.
- de. centro pleno, semicircular arch.
-- de crucera, groin vault.
-- de descarga, relieving arch.
- del fogn (cal), fire arch.
-- del hogar, fire arch.
-- de medio can, barrel arch; semicircular
- de medio punto, semicircular arch.
- de panderete (Es), timbrel or Guastavinoarch.
-- de segmellto, segmental arch.
-- en can,barrel arch or vault.
- escarzana, segmental arch.
- esfrica, dome.
-- rebajada, fiat arch.
- tabicada (Col), arch of brick laid on the flato
bovedilla 1, arch between steel floor beams;
c10sed body of a truck; (sb) poop, stern
overhang, counter, fantai!.
bovedn m (Pe), chamber in a mine.
boya 1, buoy; float.
-- cilndrica, can buoy.
50 brazos
-- cnica, nun buoy.
-- de amarre o de anclaje, mooring buoy.
-- de asta, spar buoy.
-- de campana, bell buoy.
-- de cuarentena, quarantine buoy.
-- de doble cono, nun buoy.
-- de espa, warping buoy.
-- de gongo, gong buoy.
-- de medio canalizo, mid-channel buoy.
-- de palo o de prtiga, spar buoy.
- de pito o de silbato o de sirena, whistling
-- de tambor, can buoy.
--luminosa, gas buoy, light buoy.
-- sonora, bell buoy.
boya-farol, gas or lighted buoy.
boya-tonel, can buoy.
boyante, buoyant.
boyar, to buoy; to float.
bracero m, laborer, workman.
braga 1, sling; spreader for hoisting.
bramante (m) aislador, insulating twine.
brarnil m, chalk Hile; a line marked with chalk.
branca I (Col), pier, pilaster.
brancal m, frame of a wgon; (PR) wagon shaft.
brandal m, backstay, tieback.
branque m (en), stem.
brasero m, brazier, fire pot, salamander.
-- de gasolina, plumber's torcho
braunita 1, braunite (ore of manganese).
brazal (nut), fathom.
brazada I (Col) (V), fathom.
-- de piedra (M), a cubic measure used in sell-
ing building stone.
brazaje m, depth of water.
brazal m, irrigation ditch.
brazo m, arm; leg of an angle; branch of a tree;
branch of a stream; mast armo
--, a, by hand.
-- de l!drizamiento (an), righting lever or armo
- de ataque (pl)(M), dipper stick.
-- del cigeal, (eng) crank armo
-- de comps, leg of a compass.
- del cucharn (pI), dipper stick.
-- de direccin (auto), steering armo
-- del mbolo, piston rod.
-- de gobierno (auto), control armo
-'de gra, (crane) boom, jib; (de) stiffieg.
-- del mun de direccin (auto), steering-
knuckle armo
-- de palanca, lever arm, leverage.
-- de pared, wall bracket.
-- de romana, beam ofa scale.
-- de ruptura (auto), breaker armo
-- montador (tn), erector armo
-- oscilante, rocker arm; (pet) swing armo
-- para lmpara, lamp bracket.
-- para retenida (poste), guy armo
-- polar, pole arm (planimeter).
--rastrillador (is), raking armo
- rgido, (de) stiffieg.
-- trazador, tracer arm (planimeter).
--volado (pte), cantilever armo
brazos, labor (men).
- de cucharn a horcajadas (pI), straddle-type
dipper sticks.

. ~
brazola 1, coaming; curb.
-- de escotilla, hatch coaming.
- de registro, manhole coaming.
brea 1, pitch, tar, brea, petroleum asphalt.
- de alquitrn (M), coal-tar pitch.
-- de carbn o de hulla, coal taro
- de hulla residual, coal-tar pitch.
- de primera destilacin, straight-run pitch.
-- de tierra, earth pitch.
-- mineral, asphalt, mineral pitch; maltha,
mineral taro
brear, to coat with pitch.
breccia I (geol), breccia.
brecha 1, a breach, opening, crevasse; (geol)
- de dislocacin (A), crush or friction or fault
-- de fallas o de friccin o de trituracin, fault
or crush or friction breccia.
-- de talud, talus breccia.
brechacin I (geal), brecciation.
brechiforme, brecciated.
brechero m (ec) (M), trailbuilder.
brecho,ide (B), brecciated.
brechoso, brecciated.
breque m, brake; (Pe) baggage caro
brequero m (Col), brakeman.
brete m (fc)(A), cattle pass, cattle rampo
briaga 1, sling; (Col) hoisting rope.
brida 1, (p) flange; clamp; splice plate; bridle
(cable); bridle (harness); (rr) splice bar;
(mt) dogo
- angular (fc), angle bar.
- ciega (tub) , blind flange; blank flange.
-- corrediza (tub), slip-on flange.
-- curva (tub), saddle or tank or boiler flange.
-- de acoplamiento, companion flange; coupling
- de arrastre (mh), clamp dogo
- de collar (tub), neck or collar flange.
- de copa (tub), hat flange.
- de deslizamiento (V), slip-on flange.
- de enchufe (tub), socket flange.
- de junta montada (tub) , Van Stone or
lapped-joint flange.
- de obturacin (tub), blind flange.
- de orificio (tub), orifice fiange.
-- de piso (pb), waste nut, floor flange.
- grapa (A), lathe dogo
-lisa (tub)(M), blank flange.
--loca, loose flange.
- para artefacto (pb), fixture flange.
--para martillar (tub), peening flange.
- para plato (torno), chuck plateo
- postiza (C), loose flange.
--reductora, reducing flange.
--roscada, screwed fiange.
- soldada, welded flange.
- tapadera (tub), blind flange.
-tapn (tub), barrel flange.
bridas gemelas o de unin, flange union, com-
panion flanges.
bridar, to flange.
brigada 1, party, squad, gang; (tk) fleet.
-- de campo, field forces or party.
-- de dibujantes, squad of draftsmen.
51 broca
- de tractores, fleet of tractors.
- del trnsito (lev), transit party.
-- sanitaria, sanitary squad.
- topogrfica (A), survey party.
brillante, bright (wire); glossy (finish).
brillantez I (il), brilliance, luminosity, subjective
brillo m, (miner) luster; (il) brightness; gloss;
(ra) glow.
-- anacarado, peady luster.
-- ceroso, waxy luster.
-- craso, greasy luster.
- de betn, pitchy luster.
-- grasiento o mantecoso, greasy luster.
-- grasoso (B), greasy luster.
- mate, dull luster.
-- nacarado, pearly luster.
-- resinoso, resinous luster.
-- sedoso, silky luster.
-- subjetivo (iI), subjective brightness, l u m i ~
nosity, brilliance.
-- terroso, earthy luster.
--vtreo, vitreous luster.
brinco (m) hidrulico, hydraulic jump.
briqueta 1, briquet.
briquetar, briquetear, to briquet.
briqueteadora 1, briqueting press; briquet moldo
brisa 1, breeze, light wind.
-- elctrica, electric wind.
--ligera, light or gentle wind.
-- moderada, moderate or fresh wind.
brisera I (C) (PR) , windshield.
brisero (Col), windshield.
brisote m, strong wind.
brstol m (dib) , Bristol board.
brizna 1, splinter, chip.
broca 1, drill, drill bit; (A) driftpin.
-- buriladora, router bit.
-- centradora, center bit or drilI.
- de acanalado doble, double-flute drilI.
-- de acanalado recto, straight-flute drili.
-- de acanalado simple, single-flute drili.
- de acanaladura triple, three-fluted drili.
-- de alambre, wire drill.
- de alegrar, reamer.
-- dc avellanar, countersinking bit.
-- de barrena, drill bit.
-- de canal de aceite, oil-tube drilI.
-- de canaleta recta, pod bit.
-- de cuchara, pod drill, spoon or pod bit
-- de diamantes, diamond bit.
- de doble corte, dual-cut drilI.
-- de espiga ahusada, taper-shank dril!.
-- de espiga recta, straight-shank drili.
-- de manguito, shell drili.
- de paso corto, high-spiral or high-helix
-- de trinquete, ratchet drili.
- desmontable, detachable bit.
-- destorllilladora, screwdriver bit.
- espiral o helicoidal, twist drili.
-- estrellada, star bit.
- pasadora (est), driftpin.
- piloto, pilot bit.
- postiza o recambiable, detachable bit.
- salomnica, twist drili.
brocal 52 bulbo
bulbo 53 caballn
brocal m, rim; mouth o ashat; curb around a
shaft; (M) sidewalk curb; (min) collar;
(exc) pit boards, well curb.
brocantita I (miner), brochantite (copper sul-
brocha 1, brush.
-- de alambre, wire brush.
-- de blanquear, whitewash brush.
-- para pintura, paintbrush.
--para ventanas, sash tool, fitch.
brochada 1, brush stroke; brush coat.
brochal m, header beam.
brochar, to brush.
broche m, hasp.
broches para correa (C) (A), belt hooks 01' lacing.
brochn, whitewash"brush.
broma 1, teredo, shipworm.
bromado, worm-eaten.
bromato m (qum), bromate.
bromhidrato m, hydrobromide, hydrobromate.
bromhdrico, hydrobromic.
brmico, bromic.
bromito m (qum), bromite.
bromo m (qum), bromine.
bromofenol m (is), bromophenol.
bromuro m, bromide.
- metlico, methyl bromide.
bronce m, bronze; brass; (min) iron pyrites.
-- al estao, tin bronze.
-- al estao-plomo, leaded tin bronze.
-- amarillo, brass.
-- anticido, acid bronze.
-- cromado, chromium bronze.
- de alto plomo, high-Iead bronze.
-- de aluminio, aluminum bronze.
-- de campanas, bcll metal, hard bronze.
-- de can, gun metal.
-- de carbn (min), coal brass 01' blende.
-- de nquel-estao, nickel-tin bronze.
-- duro, hard bronze, hard 01' bell metal.
-'- fosforado, phosphor bronze.
-- hidrulico, hydraulic bronze.
-- mangansico, manganese bronze.
-, sillcado, silicon bronze.
-- Tobin, Tobin bronze.
bronces (fc), cal' brasscs.
bronceado, brass-platcd, bronzed.
broncera 1, bronze work, brasswork; bronze 01'
brass shop.
-- de obra, structural bronze work.
broncero m, broncista m, brassworker, bronze-
brookita 1, brookite (titanium ore).
broqueles m (tn) (Es), poling boards.
broquero m (mh) (M), bit dresser.
brotadero m, spring (water).
brotar, to crop out; to emerge (ground water).
brotazn m, an outcrop.
brote m (C), outcrop:
- de filtracin, seepage outcrop.
broza 1, brushwood; (Ch) mine waste; (Pe)(B)
pOOl' ore.
brucita 1, brucite, native magnesium hydroxide.
brjula 1, compass, magnetic needle.
-- de agrimensor, surveyor's compass, circum-
-- de artesa, trough compass.
-- de azimut, azimuth 01' amplitude compass.
-- de bolsillo, pocket compass.
-- de declinacin, dcclination compass.
-- de gelogo, geologist's compass.
-- de inclinacin, dipping compass, dip needle.
-- de induccin, induction 01' earth-inductor
-- de minero, mine dial, mining compass.
-- de nonio, vernier compass.
-- de reflexin, prismatic compass.
-- de selvicultura, forester's compass.
-- de senos, sine galvanometer.
-- de tangentes, tangent galvanometer.
-- de topgrafo (M), surveyor's compass.
-- giroscpica, gyrocompass, directional gyro.
-- goniomtrica, radio compass.
-- martima, mariner's compass.
-- minera, mining compass.
-- repetidora, repeater compass.
-- suspendida (min), hanging compass.
bruidor m, burnisher.
bruir, to burnish, polish.
brusca I (cn), camber, roundup.
brusco, sharp (curve 01' grade).
bruto, gross; crude.
bruza 1, coarse brush.
bucear, to dive.
buceo m, diving, submarine work.
buchardal (mam), bushharnmer; crandall.
buchardar, to bushhammer.
bufarse, to swell, heave.
buhardilla 1, garret; (A) skylight.
buja I (tub) (maq) (M), bushing.
bujarda I (mam), bushhammer.
buje m, bushing, sleeve.
- al ras (tub), :flush bushing.
-- de ballesta (auto), spring bushing.
- de contratuerca (elc), lock-nut bushing.
- de reborde (tub), shoulder bushing.
-- de reduccin (tub), bushing.
- de tubo-conducto (elc), conduit bushing.
-- maestro, master bushing.
--para manguera, hose 1:ushing.
- para soldar (tub) , soldering 01' welding bush-
- partido, split bushing.
buja 1, spark plug; candle; candle power.
- caliente, hot spark plug.
-- de encendido o de inflamacin, spark plug.
- decimal (il), decimal candle.
-- elctrica, electric 01' J ablochkoff candle.
-- esfrica (il), spherical candle power.
--fra, cold spark plug.
- Refner (i!), Hefner candle.
-- hemisfrica (i!), hemispherical candle power.
--hora, candle-hour.
--internacional, international 01' British stand-
ard candle.
--luminosa o lumnica, candle power.
--mtrica, meter-candle.
--normal o patrn, standard candle.
-plomada (tn), plumb candle.
buja-pie, footcandle.
bulrcama I (cn), rider.
bulbo m, (A) bulb (Iamp); (ra) (M) tube.
- al vaco (M), vacuum tube.
- de amplificacin (ra)(M), amplifier.
- de fuerza (ra) (M), power tube.
-- de presin (ms), bulb of pressure.
-- electrnico (M), electron tub,e.
-- fotoelctrico (A), phototube, photoe!eetric
-- indicador de sintona (ra) (M), tuning indi-
cator tube.
- mezclador (ra) (M), mixer tube.
buln m, bolt, (A) machine bolt.
-- comn, machine bolt.
- de ajuste (est), fitting-up bolt.
-- de anclaje, anchor bolt.
-- de arado, plow bolt.
-- de cabeza de hongo y cuello cuadrado, car-
riage bolt.
-- de cabeza perdida, countersunk bolt; flat-
head stove bolt.
-- de cabeza ranurada, stove bolt.
-- de carrocera (A), caniagc bolt.
- de eclisa (fc), traek bolt.
- del mbolo, (eng) piston pino
-- de fijacin (A), stud bolt, setserew; chmp
-- de grillete, shaokle bolt.
- de montaje (est), ereetion bolt.
- de ojo, eyebolt.
- de pistn, (eng) piston pino
- de va (fc), track bolt.
- nervado (est), rib bolt.
-- ordinario, machine bolt.
-- para cangilones, elevator bolt.
-- para peldaos, step bolt.
-- torneado, turned bolt.
- zurdo, bolt with Icft-hand thread.
bulonado m, bolting, fitting up.
bulonar, to bolt.
bullir, to boil.
buque m, boat, vessel; (CA) doorframc.
-- carguero, cargo boat, freighter.
-- cisterna, tankcr.
-- costanero o de cabotaje, coasting vessel.
--fanal o faro, lightship.
-- frigorfico, refrigerator ship.
-- petrolero, oi! tanker.
burbuja 1, blister; bubble.
burda 1, backstay, tieback.
burel m, mar!inespike, fid.
bureta I (!ab), buret.
buril m, small chisel, graver.
burilada 1, ehisel cut.
buriladora/, graver; router.
burilar, to chisel, earve.
burlete m, weather strip; (p) j oint runner, gasket.
burnetizar (mad)(M), to burnettize.
burro m, sawhorse; trestle bent; (min) windlass;
donkey; (sb) vang; (PR) stepladder; (C)
cheek plate.
buscacloaca m, sewer-pipe locator.
buscador m, (inst) finder; (ra)(A) eat whisker.
- de fajas (tma), strip finder.
- de visin directa (fma) , direct-vision view
buscafallas m (elc), fault localizer, faultfinder.
buscahuella m (auto), spotlight.
buscapolos m (ele), pole finder.
buscatubo m, pipe finder.
busco m (hid),gate 01' loek 01' miter sill: toe wall.
butano m, butane.
buterola J, dolly, rivet seto
buzamiento m, (geol) dip; (min) pitch.
-- arriba, updip.
buzar (geol), to dip.
buzarda I (cn), breasthook.
buzo m, diver; plunger.
buzn m, bin, bunker; letter box; (B) chute; (Pe)
- de compensacin (ag), surge hopper.
- de inspeccin (al)(Pe), manhole.
-- de metralla, serap bin.
-- para carbn, coal bunker, coalbin.
buzones cargadores (conc), mixer bins.
buzonera 1, (M) drain. '
cabalgadura, pack animal.
cabalgar, to lap overo
caballaje m (e), horsepower.
caballera J, a land measure about 33U acres in
Cuba, 106 acres in Mexieo, 194 acres in
Puerto 1 ~ i 0 0 , about 111 acres in Central
America; saddle horse.
caballeriza J, stable.
caballero m (ot), spoil bank.
caballete m, trestle bent, A frame; horsehead;
(M) gantry; (A) truss; sawhol'se; ridge of
a roof, ridgepole, ridge 1'011; (va) yoke;
(mech) saddle: (ca) ridge, small dike; (rd)
-- A, A frame.
- de los aguiltmes (cn), boom eruteh.
- de andamio, scaffold horse.
- de aserrar, sawhorse.
- de cableva, cableway tower.
-- de extraccin (min), headframe.
-- de maniobra, (1'1') switch stand; floor stand
- de mltiples tramos, multiple-story bent.
- de pilotes, pile bent.
-- en R, H frame.
-- en marco, framed bent.
-- oscnante, rocker bent.
- portapoleas (pet), crown block.
caballo m, horse: horsepower: sawhorse: wood
roof truss.
-- de carga, pack horse.
-- de fuerza o de vapor, horsepower.
-- de fuerza al freno, brake horsepower.
-- de montar, saddle horse.
-- de tiro, draft horse.
-- elctrico, electrie horscpower.
-- mtrico, metric horsepower.
caballo-hora, horsepower-hour.
-- al eje, shaft horsepower.
- de establecimiento (Es), installed horse-
-- de rgimen (mot) , horsepower rating.
caballn m, dike, levee.
-- desviador (ca), water bar.
cabecear 54 cable cable 55 cabo
cabecear, to rock; to pitch (ship); (M) to cap;
(lbr)(M) to end-match.
cabeceo m, (naut) pitching; (M) stone revet-
cabecera j, headwalI; intake; capital city.
cabecerasj (Col), headwaters.
cabecero m, header beam; cap, lintel; head
block; (mas) header, bondstone; yoke of a
window frame.
- de caballete, cap of a trestle bent.
- de esclusa, lock head.
-- de pilotes, pile cap.
- de pozo (al), manhole head.
- de puerta, doorhead, lintel.
cabecilla j (eI6c) (U), binding post, terminal; m
(F), foreman.
cabellera.f (fma), coma.
cabestrillo m (carp), strap, diagonal tie.
cabeza j, head (rivet, bolt, nail) ; head of water;
head of horses; (gi) flange; addendum
- avellanada (re), countersunk head.
-- caliente (met) , sinkhead, hot top, feed-
-- cilndrica ranurada, fillister head (screw).
--, de, on end.
-- de la biela, (eng) big end.
-- de bot6n alto (re), aeorn head, high button-
- de cementaci6n (pet), eementing head.
-- de circulaci6n (pet), eirculating head.
-- de mbolo, pistonhead.
- de empaque (pet) , stuffing box.
- de esclusa (hid), lock head.
-- de la fbrica (re), manufaetured head.
- del filtro (az), filterhead.
- de golpear (pet), driving head.
- de hervidores (cal) (A), header.
- de hincado (pet), drivehead, driving eap.
-- de hongo, mushroom head (coluron): button-
head (rivet 01' bolt).
-- de mina, entrance to a mine.
- de negro (M), niggerhead, boulder.
- de perforaci6n (pet), drilling head.
- del pilote, butt of apile.
- de pozo (pet), welIhead; casing head.
- de remache, rivethead.
- de seta (re), buttonhead.
- de sonda (pet), drilling head.
- del tim6n(cn), rudderhead.
- de tornillo, screwhead.
- de tubera (pet), tubing head.
- de vlvula (A), valve bonnet.
- embutida (re), eountersunk head.
- encajadora (pet) (M), drivehead.
- fijadora (tornillo) (A), fillister head.
- fuera de la cuerda (en), ehordal addendum.
- fungiforme, mushroom head (coluron).
-- inferior, (gi) bottom flange.
- martillada (re), driven head.
- para llave, wrench head (bolt).
-- perdida (re), countersunk head.
-- superior, (gi) top flange.
-- trasera (perforadora), back head.
- (Para otros tipos de cabeza vase remache y
cabezada j, bridle, halter: (C) headwaters; (top)
highest part of a region; (min) header
beam; (naut) pitching.
cabezal m, cap, header, lintel: bridle; header
brick; (mt) headstock.
- alzador (gato), lifting head.
- de balancn (pet), beamhead.
- de caj6n (cal), box header.
-- de cerco (cal), ring headcr.
-- de conducto de servicio (elc), service head.
- de conexi6n mltiple (tub), branch T.
- de control (pet), control head.
-- de choque (fc) , bumper, bumping post 01'
- de entrada (az), inlet head.
-- de entubamiento (pet), casing head.
-- de nivelaci6n (inst), leveling head.
-- de pozo, welIhead, (pet) casing head.
-- de pozo con prensaestopa (pet), bradenhead.
- de seguridad (pet), safety head.
- de sujeci6n (mh), workhead.
- de taladrar (mh), boring 01' drilling head.
- de torno (mh), lathe head, headstock.
-- de tubera de revestimiento (pet) , casing
- de tubo de producci6n (pet), tubing head.
- de tubos, (p) branch T; (bo) tube header;
(C) tube sheet.
-- divisor (mh), dividing 01' index head.
- fijo (mh), headstock.
- giratorio (mh), toolhead.
-- mezclador (sol), mixing head.
- m6vil (mh), tailstock, poppethead.
- obturador (pet), packing head.
- para barrenar (mh), drilling head.
- para tubera de perforaci6n (pet) , drilling
--portacuchillas (as), adz 01' cutter block, cut-
ter cylinder.
- portatronco (as), head block.
-- transferente (as), transfer block.
cabezales (az), mill eheeks, housing.
cabezo m, submerged rock, reef.
cabez6n m, boulder, niggerhead; (Col) eddy,
cabezorro m, bolt with large head.
cabezote m, rubble 01' one-man stone, (cone)
cabida j, contents; capacity, space.
cabilla J, steel bar, dowel, driftbolt, treenail;
(naut) belaying pin; pintle; (conc) rein-
forcing bar.
- de repartici6n (ref) (M), distributing bar.
-- de tensi6n (ca), tension dowel.
- estriada (ref)(V), deformed bar.
-U, Ubolt.
cabill6n m, ladder rungo
cabina J, elevator ear; (tk)(sh) cab; cabin of an
cabio m, joist; trimmer beam; lintel; rafter.
caba m, lintel; rail of a door.
cable m, cable, rope, line; (eloe) cablo.
-- acorazado (ole), armored eable.
- agitador (pet), jork lineo
- alimentador (elc), feed cablo.
--antigiratorio, nonspinning wire rope.
-- armado, armored eable; muItiple-conduetor
- arrollado con encaje, (wr) locked-coil ctl.ble.
-- atesador, tightening 01' take-up lineo
--blindado, armored cable.
- carril (cv), track cable.
- cerrado (Es), locked-coil cable.
-- cinta, flat wire ropo.
-- concntrico (olc), concentrie-Iay cablo.
-- corredor, running rope.
-- de abac, Manila rope.
- de aceite (elc), oil-filIed cablo.
-- de acercamiento (cv), inhaul cable.
-- de acero, wire rope 01' cable.
- de achique (pot), swabbing line.
-- de alambre, wiro rope.
- de alambres ajustados, (wr) locked-wire
-- de alambres pareados (elc), paired 01' non-
quadded cable.
- de alejamiento, (cy) outhauI cable; (Ig)
-- de algod6n, eotton rope.
- de almas mltiples, multiple-core cable.
-- de alzar, hoisting line.
-- de aproximaci6n (cv), inhaul cable.
-- de arrastre, dragline, hauIing cable.
- de arrollado liso, (wr) smooth-coil cable.
-- de avance (PI), crowd lineo
- de botones (cv), button lino.
- de cadena, chain eablo.
-- de camo, Manila 01' hemp rope.
-- de carga, load 01' carrying cablo.
-- de cierre (cuch), c!osing 01' digging line.
-- de cola, tag lineo
-- de compensaci6n, take-up lino.
- de conductor mltiple (e16c), muItiple-con-
ductor cable.
-- de conductores de sector (elc), soctor cablo.
- de conductores encerrados (elc), shieldod-
eonduetor cable.
-- de conductores gemelos (o16c), twin wire.
-- de conductores separados (o16c), split-con-
duetor eable.
-- de cordones planos, flattened-strand wire
-- de corrida, running ropo.
- de la cuchara (pet), bailing line.
- de descarga (cuch), dumping 01' trip line.
-- de elevaci6n, hoisting 01' falI 01' load line.
- de empuje (pI), crowd line.
-- de espira cerrada, (wr) , locked-coil cable.
-- de extracci6n, cable on a mine hoist.
- de gas (eI6c), gas-filIed cable.
- de giro (gr), sluing line.
-- de henequn, sisal rope.
-- de izar, falI 01' hoisting 01' load lineo
-- de labor, running rope.
- de ladeo (tn) (nut) , bulIline.
- de levante (M), hoisting lineo
-- de mando, operating cable.
- de nudos (cv), button line.
- de recorrido (cv) (A), hauling 01' endless line.
-- de refrenamiento, snubbing lineo
-- de remolque, hawsor, towing line, towline;
(type of wire rope) hawser, mooring lineo
- de retenci6n, guy cable; (bu) holding lineo
- de retroceso, (sh) backhaul ropo; (lg) haul-
back, receding line.
- de las tenazas (pet), tong lineo
-- de torcido concntrico (elc) , concontric-Iay
- de tracci6n, (wr) hauIage cable; (cy) hauling
01' endless line; (ce) dragline.
-- de traslaci6n, (cy) hauling 01' endless line;
(lg) straw 01' grass lineo
- de va (cv), track 01' main cable.
- de volteo (cuch), dumping lineo
-, de un solo, (bu) single-line.
- gra (Es), cableway.
-- guardacarretera, highway guard cable.
-- Manila, Manila rope.
-- mensajero, carrying 01' messenger 01' load
cable. .
-- metlico de alma fibrosa, fiber-core wire rope.
-- muerto, standing ropo; (pot) dead lineo
--para encarrilamiento (fc), wrecking rope.
-- para intemperie (elc), weathorproof cablo.
-- para maniobras (fc), switching rope.
-- para vientos, guy cable.
--portador, (cy) main 01' load cable; suspension
-- preformado, proformed wire rope.
- protegido (eI6c), shieldod cable.
-- rastrero, hauling cable.
-rosario (cv)(A), button lineo
-- soltador (cuch), tripping lineo
-- suspendedor (pte), suspender cable.
-- sustentador, carrying 01' load cable.
-- telefrico, aerial tramway.
--tractor o sin fin (cv), hauIing 01' endloss lineo
--transbordador, cabloway.
- trenzado (eI6c), strandod 01' braided cable.
- vaciador (cuch), dumping lineo
cableado m (cab), layo
-- corriente, regular layo
-- cruzado, (cab) regular lay; pldin lay (rope).
--paralelo, lang layo
cablear (cab), to twist, to layo
cablecarril m, cableway; aerial tramway.
-- corredizo, travoling cabloway.
.-- giratorio, radial cableway.
cablero m (M), rigger.
cablerriel m (cv), track cable.
cableva m, cableway; aorial tramway.
- de arrastre (ef), cableway skidder.
- de cable templado, Tautline cableway
-- flojo, slackline cableway.
--radial, radial cableway.
--trasladable, traveling cableway.
cabo m, rope, strand; foreman; handle; cape; end
- ciego (A), cap nut.
-- de cuadrilla, straw boss, assistant foreman.
- de hacha, ax handle.
-- de labor, running rope.
- de mecha (A), shank of a dril!.
-- de pico, pick handle.
-- de pistola, pistol grip.
-- de retenida, guy cable; guy strand.
- guardacamino (ca), guardrail strand.
- Manila, Manila rape.
cada 57 caja
- mensajero, suspension or messenger strand.
- muerto, standing rope, guy cable.
- para vientos, guy strand.
cabotaje m, pilotage; coastwise shipping, cabo-
cabrestante m, winch, crab, capstan; A rame,
breast 01' house derrick.
_ corredizo (hid), traveling gate hoist.
-- de cadena, chain block.
__ manual, hand-power winch.
__ para remolcar, towing winch.
cabrestantero m (pet), winch-head man, cathead
cabria J, winch, capstan, windlass, crab; crane,
derrick; A rame, gallows rame, house
derrick; (lg) j ammer; oil derrick.
_ chinesca, differential windlass.
-- de aguil6n, jib crane.
- de manivela, crank windlass.
__ de martinete, pile-driver leads.
- de pies rgidos, stiffieg derrick.
- de tres patas, shear legs, tripod derrick.
- de vientos, guy derrick.
- izadora de compuerta (hid), gate hoist.
--remolcadora (tc), towing winch.
-- transportadora de troncos, logging arch.
cabriada J (A), truss; pile-driver leads.
cabrial m, rater.
cabrilla J, sawhorse, sawbuck; trestle horse.
cabrio m, joist; raUer.
cabrin m, chock.
cabs m (c) (M),
cabuya J, sisal 01' hemp rape.
cabuy m, an Argentine hardwood.
cabuyera J, rigging, outfit o ropes 01' cables;
ship chandlcry.
cabuyero m, ship chandler.
cacaraa J, pitting (rust).
cacaraado, pitted.
cacera J, channel, canal, irrigation ditch.
cacerola J (lab), casserole.
cachacera J (az), mud tank, blowup.
cachar (mad), to split; to rip.
cachaza J (az), scum, roth, oam, mud.
cacheta J (t), ward o a lock.
cachete m, splice plate, scab, fishplate; jaw 01'
cheek plateo
cachimbaJ, (A) shallowwell, spring; (M) miner's
lampo (Pe) house connection to a sewer.
cachimbo m, (V) nozzle; (V) inlet.
cachizo (mad), fit to be sawed.
cachorro, cacharrero m (vol) (A) (Ch) , very light
cachucho m (Ch), bucket; coi! pan in nitrate
cachuela J (Pe), rapids o a river.
cadahalso m, shed.
cadalso m, scaffold, staging.
cadenaJ, chain; log boom; (cons) tie, brace, rein-
orcement, buttress.
- afianzada, stud-link chain.
- antiderrapante (M), tire chain.
-- antideslizante, tire chain.
-- articulada, block chain; pitch 01' pintle chain.
- comprobada, proo coil chain.
-- con juntas de pasador, pin-connected chain.
-- de adujadas, coi! chain.
-- de agrimensor, surveyor's chain (66 feet).
-- de aisladores (elc), chain insulator, insula-
tor string.
- de ajuste, toggle chain, (lg) bunk chain.
-- de amarrar, mooringchain.
-- de cable o de contretes, cable 01' stud-link
-- de distribucin (auto), timing chain.
-- de dragado, dredge chain.
- de empuje (pI), crowding chain.
-- de engranaje, pitch chain.
-- de escalera, ladder chain.
-- de eslabn con travesao, stud-link chain.
-- de eslab6n torcido, twist-link chain.
-- de eslabones cortos, close-link chain.
-- de eslabones planos, flat-link chain.
-- de fondeo, mooring chain.
- de Gall, Gall's chain.
-- de Gunter, Gunter's 01' surveyor's chain.
-- de herramientas (pet), string o tools.
-- de mando, transmission 01' driving chain.
-- de medir, surveyor's 01' Gunter's chain; engi-
neer' s chain.
-- de montaas, mountain range.
-- de oruga, crawler belt.
- de paso corto, short-pitch chain (flat link).
-- de paso largo, long-pitch chain.
-- de produccin, assembly 01' production lineo
-- de rocas, reef, ridge of rock.
-- de rodillos, roller chain.
- de seales (cn), telegraph chain.
-- de transmisin, chain belt, driving chain.
-- de troncos, log boom.
-- enroscadora (pet), spinning chain.
--lubricadora, oiling chain.
-- motora, driving chain.
--para hojas de ventana, sash chain.
--para ingenieros (lev), engineer's chain (100
-- para neumtico, tire chain.
--rotatoria, roller chain.
-- silenciosa, silent chain.
-- sin soldar, weldless chain.
-- sorda, silent chain.
-- transportadora, chain conveyor.
cadenas de cola (e!), tag chains.
cadenadaJ (lev), length of one chain.
cadenear (lev), to chain.
cadenea m, chaining.
cadenero m, chainman.
-- delantero, head chainmau.
--trasero, real' chainman.
-- zaguero (A), real' chainman.
cadenetasJ (Ch) , bridging between joists.
cadenilla (f) de tiro (elc), pull chain.
cadmiado, cadmium-plated.
cadmio m, cadmium.
caedizo m, lean-too a unstable, ready to fallo de-
ciduous (tree).
caer, caerse, to fall, drop;
cagafierro m, slag, scoria.
caico m (C), ree, shoal.
cada J, all, drop; (hyd) head; (geol) clip; (str)
ailure; (min) slip, fall of rock; (bldg) roof
- bruta (hid), gross head.
-- de agua, waterall.
- de friccin, (hyd) riction drop.
-- de tensin de la reactancia (e1c) , reactance
drop, quadrature component.
- efectiva (hid), effective head.
- esttica (hid), static head.
-IR (elc), IR drop.
-- pluvial, rainfall.
-- por impedancia (elc), mpedance drop.
- til (hid), useful head.
cados (min), fallen material.
caimn m, Stillson "Tench; (M) ore chute; (pct)
caipn m (RD), a timber tree.
cairel m (cn), rail.
I:aja J, box, case; cal' body, truck body; (carp)
mOl'tise, recess; (elec) cabinet; (machy)
housing, casing; (elec) outlet box, junction
box; (rd) section excavatcd for pavement;
(min) thickness of a vein; (com) cash; safe,
cashbox; cashier's office; fundo (Ch) river
- basculante, dump body.
-- chic, petty cash.
-- de abonado (elc)(agua), service box.
-- de acceso, inspection box; (c1ec) pull box.
-- de la aguja (inst), compass box.
-- de ahorros, savings bank.
-- de alimentaci6n (az), feed well.
-- del alma (sx), core box.
-- de amortizacin, sinking fundo
-- de arranque (elc), starting box.
- de ascensor, elevator shaft.
- de avance (mh), feedbox.
-- de banjo (auto), banjo housing.
-- de bscula, scale box (weighing).
- de bobinas (auto), coil box.
-- de bolas (cojinete), ball cage, retainer.
-- de bomba, pump casing.
-- de borne (elc), terminal housing.
-- de cadenas (cn), chain locl,cr.
-- de cambio, (auto) gear case, gearbox; (mt)
speed box.
-- de cambios rpidos (torno), quick-chanc;e
-- de caracol (turb), scroll case.
- de carretilla, wheelbarrow tray.
-- de carro, car body; wagon body.
-- de caudales, safe.
- de cepillo (herr), plane stock.
- de cerradura (ft), lock case.
-- de cigeal (auto), crankcase.
-- de contacto (elc), receptac1e, socket.
-- de contador, meter bOlC, (elec) meter trough.
-- de c('ntrapeso (ventana), weight box.
-- de cortacircuito (elc), cutout box.
- de la chapaleta (v), clack box.
-- de chumacera, journal box, pillow block;
axle box.
-- de dcadas (elc), decade box.
- de derivaci6n, (clec) junction or tap box;
service box; (sd) diverting bOlC.
-- de der.rame (az), overflow box.
- del diferencial (auto), differential case 01'
- de distribucin, (se) valve chcst; (elec) dis-
tribution 01' junction box.
-- del eje, journal box, axle box.
-- del embrague (auto), clutch case.
- de empacadura (M), stuffing box.
-- de empalme (elc), junction 01' splice 01'
joint box.
- de empaque (M), packing case.
- de empaquetadura, stuffing box.
-- de enchufe (clc), receptacle, outlet.
-- de engranajes, gear case, gearbox; (auto)
-- de engrase (fc), journal box, axle box.
-- de entrega (irr), delivery box.
-- de escalera, stair well.
-. de esclusa, sluice box.
-- de estopas, stuffing box.
-- de extracci6n, mine cage.
- de fuego (cal), firebox.
-- de gasto visible, sight-flow box.
-- de grasa, grease case.
-- de. herramientas, toolbox, tool chest.
-- de humo, smokebox, breeching.
-- de incendio, hydrant.
-- de ingletes (carp), miter box.
-- de jubilaciones, pension fundo
- de lavado (al), flush tank.
-- de menores, petty cash.
-- de muestras (sx), core box.
- de orificio (hid), orifice box.
- de paso (elc), pull box.
-- de pilada (maro), batch 01' mortal' box.
-- de puente trasero (auto),
- de la puerta (M), door buck.
-- de registro, manhole (strect).
- de resistencias (eI6c), resistanco box.
-- de retiros, retirement fundo
-- de rodillos (cojinete), roller race.
- de salida (eI6c), outlet 01' conduit box.
- de salida doble, double 01' two-gang outlet
-- de salida simple, single 01' one-gang outlet
-- de salida triple, triple 01' three-gang outlet
- de sebo (U), grease oup.
-- de seccionamiento (elc), sectionalizing box.
-- de seguridad, safe; safe-deposit box.
-- de servicio, (elec) service box; (in) delivery
- de sulfitacin Caz), sulphur box.
-- de transferencia (co), transfer case.
-- de transmisin (auto), gear 01' transmission
-- de unin, junction box.
-- de vagn, car body.
-- de vlvula, valve chest; valve box.
-- de vlvula al cordn, curb box.
-- de vapor (mv), steam chest.
-- de velocidades, (auto) gear 01' transmissioD
case; (mt) speed box.
-- de ventilaci6n, air or ventilation shaft.
-- de visita, manhole, inspection box.
- del volante (auto), flywheel housng.
- de volteo, dump body.
,-derivadora (irr), delivery box.
_ distribuidora (ca), spreacIer box, cradle.
__ esparcidora (ca), spreader box.
_ espiral (turb), scroll case.
_ estancadora (maq), gland.
-- fuerte, safe.
_ grasera (fc)(Ch), journal box.
-- partida, split casing.
_ pequea (Ec), petty cash.
- playa (co) (A), f1at body. . .
_ portacuchilla acabadora (mh), fimshing box
_ portacuchilla desbastadora (mh) , roughing
box toor.
__ repartidora (irr) (M), division box.
__ volcable o volquete, dump body.
_ y espiga, (carp) mortise and tenon; (P) (M)
bel! and spigot.
caja-dique m, cofferdam.
cajear, to .mortise, recess.
cajera j, groove, channel, recess, key seat.
__ colectora (lu), collecting groove.
__o de chaveta (maq), keyway, key seat.
_ del eje, journal box, pil!ow block.
-- de lubricacin, oil groove.
cajero m, cashier; box maker.
cajn m, packing case; caisson; bin; skip, scale-
pan; cal' body; locker; (Ch)(V) gorge, .can-
yon; (Col) concrete forms; (elec) cabmet;
(Ec) box culvert.
-- cargador, loading skip.
__ de aire comprimido, pneumatic caisson.
__ de carro, wagon body; cal' body.
-- de embalaje, packing case.
-- de madera (exc), scale box.
- de volteo, dump body.
-- esqueleto, crate.
__ neumtico o sumergible, pneumatic caisson.
cajones de agregados, aggregate bins. .
cajonero m, (exc) man who handles SklpS 01'
scalepans, (min) bottomer, onsetter.
cajuela j, groove,
calj, lime.
__ area (Es), quicklime; high-calcium lime.
- apagada, slaked Jime.
__ blanca, high-calcium lime.
__ custica, caustic lime, quicklime.
._- grasa, rich 01' high-calcium lime.
- gruesa (A), quicklime.
__ hidratada, hydrated 01' slaked lime, mason's
--libre, free lime.
__ muerta, slaked 01' hydrated lime.
-- pobre, lean 01' magnesium lime.
--tal como sale, run-of-kiln lime.
--viva, quicklime, caustic lime.
-- y canto, stone masonry.
cala j, cove, smal! bay; hold of a vessel; (naut)
draft test core, test boring; test pito
__ de test boring, boring coreo
calabozo m (C), kind of machete.
calabrote m, hawser.
calado m, (naut) draft, depth; stencil, open-
work; (elec) (A) angular displacement.
- de popa, draft aft.
- de proa, draft forward.
- en plena carga, load draft.
- en rosca (A), light draft.
-- mximo, extreme draft.
-- medio, mean draft.
- sin carga, light draft.
calador m, calking iron; dril! for taking samples.
__ para rboles (for) , increment 01' accretion
caladura j, boring.
calafate m, calking chisel 01' iron.
calafateador m, calker (man); calking too!.
-- agudo, butt 01' sharp iron.
-- angosto, spike iron.
-- de cubierta, dumb 01' deck iron.
-- de estopa, yarning iron.
calafatear, to calk; (mas)(Col) to point.
calafateo m, calking.
calaje m, (elec) angulardisplacement; (t) setting
calamansanay m, a Philippine lumber.
calamina j (miner) (met), calamine.
calaminas(Ch) (B), galvanized corrugated sheets.
calandriaj, (chem) calandria; (machy) calender.
calaa j (Es), guard railing, parapet, bulk-
calar, n limestone quarry; v to perforate; to
wedge; to treat with lime; to make core
borings; to sink (caisson); (naut) to draw;
a calcareous.
calavera j (auto) (M), taillight.
calaverita j, calaverite (gold ore).
calcaj, a copy.
__ heliogrfica, sun print, blueprint.
calcado m, tracing.
calcador m, tracer.
calcantitaj, chalcanthite, native copper sulphate.
calcar, to trace, copy.
calcreo, calcareous.
calce m, wedge, liner, shim; underpinning; iron
clcico a (qum), calcic, calcium.
calcina j, (Sp) concrete.
calcinador m, calciner; (min) roaster.
calcinar, to calcine, burn, roast (ore).
calcio m, calcium.
-- clorurado, calcium chloride.
calcitaj (miner), calcite, calcspar.
calco m, a tracing; (V) original drawing on trans-
parent papel'.
-- a lpiz, pencil tracing.
_ heliogrfico (A), blueprint.
.--litogrfico, lithotracing.
calcocita, calcosina j, chalcocite (copper ore).
calcopirita j, chalcopyrite, yellow coppcr ore,
yel!ow pyrites.
calculador m, calculating machine; estimator,
__ circular, circular slide rule.
-- de red (elc), network calculator.
calcular, to compute, calculate; (str) (C) to
calculista, computer, estimator; (str) (C) de-
clculo m, computation; calculus.
calda j, heating; a heat (steel).
caldeador m, heater.
caldear, to heat; to weld.
caldn m, an Argentine wood used for paving
caldeo m, heating; welding.
a marti1lo, welding.
a rodillo, rol! welding.
- de herrero, blacksmith welding.
-- por induccin, induction heating.
caldera j, boiler; tal' kettle; (min) winze; (min)
--a combustin de aceite, oil-med boiler.
-- acuotubular, watertube boiler.
-- acuotubular rpida, express boiler.
-- de calefaccin, heating boiler.
-- de calor de desecho o de calor residual,
waste-heat boiler.
- de colector mltiple, multidrum boiler.
-- de cuatro pasos, four-pass boiler.
-- de hogar contenido, integral-furnace boiler.
-- de hogar exterior, external-mebox boiler.
-- de paso nico, once-through-type boiler.
-- de retorno de llama, return-tubular boiler.
-- de tiro descendente, downdraft boiler.
-- de tornallama, return-tubular boiler.
- de .tres colectores, three-drum boiler.
- de tubo directo, through-tube boiler.
- de tubos al aire, exposed-tube boiler.
- de tubos de agua o de tubos hervidores,
watertube boiler.
- de tubos de humo o de tubos de llama, me-
tube boiler.
-- de tubos sumergidos, submerged-tube boiler.
-- de vaco, vaeuum boiler.
-- elctrica, electric steam generator, electric
-- enteriza con hogar, integral-furnace boiler.
-- escocesa, Seotch boiler.
- humotubular (M), fire-tube boiler.
- gneotubular, boiler.
--instantnea o rpida, flash boiler.
--locomvil, portable boiler on wheels.
-- multitubular escocesa, Seotch marine boiler.
-- semifija, semiportable boiler.
--tipo locomotora, locomotive-type boiler.
- tubular de retorno, return-tubular boiler.
--tubular sin retorno, through-tube boiler.
- vaporizadora de mercurio, mercury boiler.
calderada j, water capaeity of a boiler.
calderera j, boilermaking; boiler shop.
calderero, calderista m, boilermaker.
calderilla j (min), blind shaft.
caldero m, boiler; caldron; (met) lacIle.
- de brea, tal' kettle.
- de colada, ladle.
caldo m (lab), broth.
- de formiato ricinolado, formate ricinoleate
-- de lactosa y bilis yerde brillante, bril!iant
green bile laetose broth.
--laetosado violeta cristal, crystal violet lae-
tose broth.
calefaccin j, heat, heating.
- a panel radiante, racIiant-panel heating.
-- a tubera simple (ed), one-pipe heating sys-
-- a vaco, vacuum hE'ating system.
-- a vapor, stcam heating.
59 calibrador
-- a vapor de muy baja presin, vapor heating.
-- de punto, spot heating.
-- por aire aspirado, draw-through hot-blast
- por aire soplado, blow-through hot-blast
--por vapor de escape, exhaust-steam heating.
calefaccionar, to heat.
calefaccionista m, heating contractor.
calefactor m, heater.
de panel, panelradiator.
calefn (m) elctrico (A), electric hcater.
calentada j, a hcat (steel).
calentado al blanco, white-hot.
calentado al rojo, red-hoto
calentador m, heater.
-- a presin, pressure feed-water heater.
--a roco, spray-type feed-water heater.
-- a soplo de aire, air-blast heater.
-- a vaco, vacuum 01' primary feed-water
-- a vapor de escape, exhaust-steam feed-water
-- a vapor vivo, live-steam feed-water heater.
-- atemperador (aa), tempering heater.
-- de agua de alimentacin, feed-water heater.
- de cambiava (fc), switch heater.
-- de contraflujo, counterflowfeed-water heater.
-- de chorro de aire (aa), blast heater.
-- de dinamita, dynamite thawer.
- de escape directo (cal), through 01' thorough-
fare heater.
-- de espacio, space heater.
-- de pasomltiple,multiflowfeed-watcrheater.
-- de serpentn, coil-type heater.
-- de superficie (asfalto), surface heater.
-- desaereador, deaerating feed-water heater.
--inducido, induced 01' draw feed-water heater.
--unitario, unit 01' space heater.
calentamiento (m) suplementario (sol), concur-
rent heating.
calentar, to heat; calentarse, to heat up, run hoto
calera j, limekiln; limestone quarry.
calera j, limekiln.
calero m, operator of a limekiln; a calcareous.
calesa j (min) (M), bucket.
calesn m, cart, wagon; concrete buggy.
caleta j, cove, small bay, inlet; (PR) short street.
caletero m, coasting vessel; (V) stevedore.
calezaj (Ch), ore bucket.
calibita j (mineral de hierro), chalybite, siderite.
calibracin j, calibration.
calibrador m, gage, calipers; sizer; (1'1') clearancl
template; (rr)(V) track gage.
-- a cursor, slide caliper.
-- con arco, wing calipers.
-- convertible, inside and outside calipers.
-- de ahusamiento, taper gage.
-- de alambre, wire gage.
-- de rboles, tree compass.
-- de cinta, feeler ribbon.
-- de corteza, bark-measuring instrumento
-- de cubo, socket gage.
-- de engranajes, gear-tooth caliper.
- de espigas, shank gage (dril!).
- de mechas, dril! gage.
callejn 61 cambio
-- de muescas, groove gage.
-- de roscas, screw-pitch gage.
-- macho, male gage.
__ para dientes, gear-tooth caliper.
__ para espesor, outside calipers; slip gage.
--para interior, inside calipers.
--para planchas, sheet gage.
calibraje m, gaging, calibration. .
calibrar to gage; to caliper; to cahbrate.
calibre gage, bore, caliber; (inst) gage, jig;
calipers; (rr) (M) gage.
-- a colisa, slide caliper.
-- a vernier, vernier caliper.
__ americano, American or Browne and Sharpe
wire gage.
__ corredizo, sliding calipers, caliper rule.
-- de altura, surface gage.
-- de anillo, ring gage.
__ de articulacin ajustable, lock-joint calipers.
__ de articulacin fija, firm-joint calipers.
__ de Birmingham, Birmingham wire gage.
-- de centro, center gage.
_ de circunferencia, circumference gage.
__ de comparacin, master or reference gage.
__ de comprobacin, check or setting gage.
-- de copa, socket gage.
-- de dientes limpiadores (si), raker gage.
__ de espesor, outside calipers; thickness gage.
-- de estirar, drawplate.
-- de juego mximo, not-go gage.
-- de juego mnimo, go gage.
-- de lmites, limit gage.
-- de macho, plug gage.
-- de nonio, vernier calipers.
- de profundidad, depth gage.
-- de ranuras, groove gage.
-- de resorte, spring calipers.
-- de superficie, surface gage.
- de taller o de trabajo, working gage.
- de tolerancia, limit gage.
- de traspaso, transfer calipers.
_ de triscado (si), tooth-set gage.
_. determinado o especfico, definite gage.
- escalonado, step gage.
__ exterior, snap gage; outside caliper.
--hembra, receiving gage.
__ hermafrodita, hermaphrodite calipers.
__indicador, indicator calipers; indicating gage.
--interior, male gage.
__ maestro o patrn, master or standard gage.
__ micromtrico, micrometer calipers.
--normal, standard gag.
_ para guardarriel (fe), guardrail gage.
--para troncos, log calipers.
- Stubs, Stubs wire gage.
-- trazador, marking caliper.
calicanto m, stone masonry.
calicata J (A), test pito
caliche m, caliche (stiff whitish clayey soil); (B)
(Ch) soil that produces sodium nitrate.
calichera J (Ch) (Pe), nitrate deposit; residue of
the caliche after production of the salitre.
calidra (M), a special kind of hydrated lime.
calientarremaches m, rivet'heater.
caliente" hot, warm.
calisuar m (A), reamer.
-- de estras, fluted reamer.
calita , calite (alloy).
caliza , limestone.
-- cavernosa, cavern limestone.
__ magnesiana, magnesian limestone, dolomite.
calizo, calcareous, containing lime.
calmar (met), to kill, deadmelt.
calor m, heat.
-- aprovechable, useful heat.
-- concomitante (sol), concurrent heating.
-- de desecho, waste heat.
- de fraguado (conc), heat of setting.
-- de hidratacin, heat of hydration.
- de humedecimiento (ms), heat of wetting.
-- de remojo (aa), heat of wetting.
-- de rozamiento, frictional heat.
-- de sublimacin (aa), heat of sublimation.
-- especfico, specific heat.
--latente de fusin, latent heat of fusiono
__ moderado de endurecimiento (ct), moderate
heat of hardenng.
- sensible (aa), sensible heat.
calora , calorie.
-- grande, large or great calorie, kilogram-
--pequea, smaH calorie, gram-calorie.
calora-gramo, gram-calorie, small calorie.
calora-kilogramo, kilogram-calorie, great calorie.
calrico, caloric.
calorfero m, radiator, heater; a giving heat.
-- de aire, hot-air furnace.
-- de tubera, pipe-coil radiator.
-- de vapor, steam radiator; heating boiler.
__ directo-indirecto, direct-indirect radiator.
-- mural, wall radiator.
__ seccionado de fundicin, sectional cast-iron
--tapado, concealed radiator.
calorfico, calorific.
calorfugo, nonconducting of heat, heat-resisting.
calorimetra J, calorimetry.
calorimtrico, calorimetric.
calormetro m, calorimeter.
__ de estrangulacin, throttling calorimeter.
__ de separacin, separating calorimeter.
calorita J (aleacin), calorite.
calorizar (met), to calorize.
calota (tn) (A), top heading.
caloventilador m (M), heating fan.
caluma (top) (Pe), gap, pass, gorge.
calza J, wedge, chock, shim, liner; (str) shoe;
(C) brake block; (t) tipo
calzada J, paved roadway, causeway; (A) im-
proved road; (Ph) wagon road.
calzador m (vol) (A), tamping stick.
calzar, to wedge, chock, scotch, shim; to key;
(rr) to tamp ties; (t) to tipo
calzo m, wedge, chock; shim; foot block; frictiou
block; (machy) shoe.
_ de detencin (c), scotch block.
- de puerta (ft), binder.
calzos de estiba (C), dunnage.
calzn m (tub), Y, bifurcation.
callapo m, (min)(Ch) strut; (B) handbarrow.
calle J, street.
__ urbanizada (Es), street paved and curbed.
callejn m, lane, aHey; (top) pass.
- del eje (en), shaft tunnel, shaft aHey.
callejuela , small street; (M) traffic lane.
cama J, bed, bedplate; stratum; cog; cam; body
of a flat truck or caro
--de mortero, bed of mortar.
-- de roca, bedrock, ledge rock.
camada J, stratum, layer.
camagn m, a Philippine lumber.
cmara , chamber, room; camera; (auto) inner
tube; (min) stall, room, chamber.
-- aerofotogramtrica, camera for aeria! pho-
tography, aerocamera.
-- ampliadora, enlarging camera.
-- anublada (1ab), fog room; cloud chamber.
- captadora (hid) (Pe), intake chamber.
-- cartogrfica, mapping camera.
-- cernidora (is) (Pe), screen chamber.
-- compensadora (com), clearinghouse.
-- cudruple (fma) , four-couple or four-lens
-- de aire, air chamber.
-- de aire comprimido, pneumat.ic caisson.
-- de ,ngulo ancho (fma), wide-allgle camera.
-- de aspiracin, (eng) suction chamber:
- de bajada (ve), downtake chamber.
- de bifurcacin (al), junction chamber.
- de calma (hd), stilling wol! or box.
-- de carga (hid), surge tank or chamber; fore-
- de cascajo (dac), grit chamber.
-- de comercio, chamber oI commerce.
- de compensacin. (hyd) surge tank or cham-
ber; (com) cIearinghouse.
-- de la compuerta (ds), caisson chamber.
-- de confluencia (al), junction chamber.
-- de copiar, COpying camera.
-- de decantacin, settling basin.
-- de descompresin (tn) , decomprossion
-- de digestin (dac) , digestion compartmont,
sludge-digestion chambor.
-- de dosificacin (dac), dosing chambor.
- de empalme (elc), splicing chamber.
-de equilibrio (hid), surge tank.
-- de esclusa, lock chambor.
-- de horizonte (fma), horizon camera.
- de limpia (al) (U), automatic flush tank.
,-de, control room.
-- de mquinas, engine room.
-- do;) oleaje (hid), surge chamber.
-- de pelcula continua (fma), continuous-strip
- de pleno (ve), plenuID chamber.
- de presin (hd), forebay.
-- de (auto) (U), mixing chamber.
-- de reduccin, reduction camera.
-- de reparticin (irr), division box.
- de retencin (dac) (Pe), detention chamber.
-- de roco (aa), spray chamber.
- de salida (hd), afterbay.
- de subida (ve), uptake chamber.
-- de trabajo, working chamber.
- de tranquilizacin (hid), stilling chamber.
-- de turbina, wheel pito
- de turbulencia (di), turbulence chamber.
- de vapor (mv), steam chest.
-- de vertedero (hd), weir chamber.
-- de visita, manhole, inspection chamber.
-- desripiadora (dac), grit chambcr.
-- desviadora, diversion chamber.
-- doble (fma), two-couple 01' two-lens camera.
-- espiral (turb), scrol! case.
-- estereofotogramtrica, stereocamera.
-- fotogrfica, camera.
-- granangular, wide-angle camera.
- hmeda (lab), fogroom.
-limpia (al) (U), flush tank.
-- mltiple (fma), multiple-Iens camera.
-- nnupla (fma), nine-lens camera.
-- proyectora, projection camera.
-- quntupla (fma),five-Iens camera.
--rectificadora (fma), rectifying camera.
--registradora (fma), recording camera.
-- separadora (hid), screen chamber.
-- sptica (dac), sept.ic tank.
-- simple (fma), single-lens camera.
--o televisora, tolevision camera.
-- tomavistas (fma), view camera.
- triple (fma), three-Iens camera.
camarn m, elevator cal'; shaft cage.
camarn m (Ch), wheels and a:de used to handle
camarote (en), stateroom.
cambar m (A), a softwood.
Gambiacorrea m, belt shifter.
cambiador m, changer; switchman; (elec) switch;
(rr) (Ch) (M) switch; belt shfter.
- de calor (M), heat exchanger.
-- de frecuencia (ra), frequency changcr.
- de polos (elc), pole changer.
-- de toma (elc), tap changer.
-- de torre (fe), towerman.
-- de velocidad, speed-changer, variable-speed
cambiar, to change, exchange; to switch.
-- engranajes (auto), to shift gears.
-- marcha (maq), to reverse; to change speed.
cambiava m (fe), turnout; switch; (C)(M)(PR)
switchman; (M) turntable.
-- de aguja, point switch.
-- de desvo doble, Y switch.
-- de resorte, spring switch.
-- de tope, stub switch.
-- de traspaso doble, diamond switch, double
-- en Y, Y switch.
-- saltacarril, jumper switch.
--tndem, tandem switch.
-- tumbadora, ground throw, ground-lever
cambio m, change; (rr) switch; (auto) shift;
(com) exchange.
- areo, overhead frog (trolley).
-- corredizo (fe), slip switch.
-- corrido (fe), flying switch.
- de aguja (fe), point or split or tongue switch
-- de arrastre (fe), trailing-point switch.
- de banda (ra) (A), band switch or selector.
- de bases (qum)(Pe), base exchange.
- de cruzamiento (fe) (A), slip switch.
- de descarrilar (fe), derail switch.
cambio 62 campana campanilla
-- de marcha, (eng) reversing.
-- de rasante, break in grade.
- de resorte (fe), spring switch.
- de taln (fe), trailing-point switch.
- de tope (fe), stub switch.
-,- de trazo (fc), ehange of line, relo?ation.
- de tres tiros (fe), three-throw sWItch.
- de velocidad (auto), gearshift.
-- de via (fe), switch; turnout. .
- de via triple (fe), three-throw SWItch.
- digital (auto), gearshift on the steeringwheel.
- enfrentado (fe), faeing-point switch.
-- extranjero o exterior (fin), foreign exehange.
- ingls (fe) (A), slip switch.
-- qumico, ehemieal ehange.
--volumtrico (ms), volume ehange.
cambista m, switehman; money ehanger.
cmbium m (mad), eambium.
c.amboat m, an Argentine lumber (semihard).
cambray m, eambrie.
-- barnizado (ais), varnished cambrie.
- impregnado, empire cloth, eambrie insula-
camelia J (met), camelia.
camelln m, sawhorse; (top) ridge; winlrow,
(irr) border.
- distribuidor (hid), spreader ridge.
camilla J, streteher;haridbarrow.
caminamiento (lev) (Es), traversing.
caminante, foot passenger.
caminero m, road workman; (rr)(A) traek la-
borer; a pertaining to roads.
caminillo m (C), runway, footwalk.
camino m, road.
-- afirmado, paved roadway, lmproved road.
-- carretero, wagon road.
-- carrozable (Ee), wagon road.
-- de acceso, aeeess road.
-- de acceso controlado, eontroUed-aeeess road,
through highway, parkway.
-- de acceso ilimitado, loeal-service road, serv-
ice drive.
--' de acceso limitado, through or limted-aceess
highway, freeway, parkway, thruway.
- de arrastre (ef), skid road.
-- de fomento, feeder road.
- de recua (V), trail.
-- de remolque, towpath.
-- de simple vertiente, hanging road.
-- de sirga, towpath.
-- de tierra, dirt or unimproved road.
-- de troncos, eorduroy road.
-- de un agua, hanging road.
-- en balcn, benehed road.
-- mejorado, improved road.
- natural, unimproved or dirt road.
-- real o troncal, highway, main road.
--vecinal, local or subsidiary road.
camin m, truek.
-- a horcadas, straddle truek.
-- agitador (eone), truek mixer; truek agitator.
-- andamio, (elee rr) tower truek.
- automvil, motor truek.
-- basurero, garbage truek.
-- batidor (eone), truek agitator; truek mixer.
- cisterna (A), tank truek.
- cuba, tank truek.
- chato, f1at truek.
- de adrales, flat truek with raeks.
-- de auxilio, wreeking ear.
- de barandas (A), flat truek with raeks.
- de caballete, straddle truek.
-- de cama plana, flat truek,
- de disparo (geof), shooting truek.
-- de escalera, (elee rr) tower truek.
-- de estacas, stake-body truek.
-- de expreso, expressor pickup truek.
-- de extensin, reaeh truek.
-- de gra, truek erane.
- de maroma (M), dump truek.
-- de medio carril, half-traek.
- de pilada o de revoltura (eone), batch truek.
- de plataforma, flat truek.
-- de registro (geof), reeording truek.
-- de reparto, express or pickup or delivery
- de taladro (geof), drill truek.
-- de teleros o de varales, flat truek with stakes.
-- de volteo, dump truek.
-- elevador o levantador, lift truek.
-- esparcidor (ca), distributor truek.
- materialista (M), truek for hauling eonere
-- mezclador (eone), truek mixer.
- multicelular (eone) (A), multiple-bateh truek.
-- plano, flat or platform truek.
- playo (A), flat truek.
-- regador, sprinkler truek.
-- remolcador, tow truck.
--tanque, tank truek.
-- tractor, truek tractor.
--volquete, dump truek.
camionada J, truekload.
camionaje m, trueking, truekage.
camionero m, truekman, truek driver; truek
owner, hauling eontraetor.
camioneta J, light truek.
camisa J, jacket, lagging; sleeve, bushing; drill
-- de agua, water jacket.
-- de caldera, boiler lagging.
- de nudo (M), eoupling sleeve.
- del pistn (auto) (A), piston skirt.
- de polvo (ag), dust jacket.
-- de vapor, steam jacket.
- hmeda (auto), wet-type eylinder liner.
- seca (auto), dry-type eylinder linero
camn m, feUoe, felly.
campamento m, eamp.
campana J, bell; anything bell-shaped; (P) hub,
bell; (elee) pettieoat (insulator).
-- de aire, air ehamber, air reeeiver.
-- de bucear o de buzo, diving bello
- de freno (A), brake drum.
- de goteo (ele), drip pettieoat.
- de lodo, mud soeket (drilling).
- de nieblas, fog bello
- de pesca (pet), soeket.
- de soldar (tub), welding bell.
- de vidrio (lab), bell glass or jaro
-- neumtica (M), pneumatie eaisson.
- y espiga (tub), bell and spigot.
campanilla (f) elctrica, eleetrie bello
campafla J, level eountry; field (work).
campista m, miner who works on shares, tributer.
campo m, field (all senses) ; mining eamp.
-- de aterrizaje, landing field, airfield, airpark.
-- de aviacin o de decolaje, airpark, airfield.
- de fuerzas (ele), field of force.
- de imagen (fma) , image field.
- de la lente (fma), field of view.
- de radiacin (ra), radiation field.
- fijo (ele), stationary or eonstant field.
- gasfero, gas field.
-- giratorio (ele), rotating or revolving field.
-- petrolero o petrolfero, oil field.
- productor (pet), produeing field.
-- raso, open or flat eountry.
--visual, field of view or of visiono
can m, eorbel, bracket, bolster; eolumn cap;
shoulder; pawl, dogo
ea:lal m, canal, ehannel, gullet;' chute, flume,
raee; (min) ground sluiee; (ra) ehanncl;
(elee) raeeway, wireway.
- alimentador, feeder canal, headraee.
-- asociado (ra) , assoeiated ehannel.
- auxiliar (ele), auxiliary gutter.
-- cribador, sereen chute.
- de acceso (hid), head canal, approaeh ehan-
-- de aduccin, headraee, head canal.
- de agotamiento, drainage canal.
-- de alcantarillado, drainage or sewer canal.
- de barras colectoras (ele), busway.
-- de carga (Es), headraee, open penstoek,
-- de combinacin (ele) , eombination raeeway.
- de conduccin, aqueduet canal.
-- de corriente portadora (ele), earrier ehan-
-- de derivacin, diversion ehannel.
-- de descarga, spillway ehannel, wasteway;
- de desfogue (M), tailraee.
-- de escurrimiento (ms), f10w ehannel.
-- de flotacin, log sluiee.
- de fondo abierto (ele), open-bottom raee-
-- de fuga, tailraee; spillway ehannel.
- de lodo (pet), mud diteh.
-- de llegada, headraee; channel of approaeh.
-- de mareas, tideway.
- de piso metlico celular (elc), eellular-
metal-floor raeeway.
-- de radiodifusin, broadeasting ehannel.
-- de riego, irrigation canal.
-- de traida, headraee.
-- derivado, braneh canal.
-- descubierto, open ehannel.
-- desviador, diversion ehannel.
-- dosificador (is), dosing flume.
- eri balcn (M), beneh flume.
-- evacuador, spillway ehannel, wasteway; (irr)
return diteh.
- madre (irr) (Pe), main canal.
-- maestro, main canal.
-- maritimo, ship canal.
- medidor, measuring f1ume.
- medidor de Parshall, Parshall flume.
-- metlico superficial (ele), surfaee metal
-- para alambres (ele), raeeway, eonduit.
-- para barras conductoras (I'le), buswy.
--para lanchones, barge canal.
--troncal (irr), main canal.
-- vertedor, trough spillway, chute spillway;
spillway ehannel.
canal J, eonduit, pipe, duet; ehannel iron; roof
gutter; groove, slot.
-- de aluminio (est), aluminum ehannel.
- de bajada (ed), leader, downspout.
-- de barra (est) , bar-mill ehannel.
- de cables, cable dueto
- de cruzamiento (fe), frog ehannel.
- de desage (Pe), sewer pipe.
- de enrasillado (ed), f\1rring ehannel.
- de humo (M), flue.
- de lluvia (to), gutter.
-- de pestaa, flangeway.
-- de ventilacin, ventilation dueto
-- para construccin de carros, ear-building
--para construcciones navales, shipbuilding
- U (M), ehannel iron.
canalado, eorrugated, fluted, grooved.
canalador m, ehanneler; rabbeting planeo
canaladura J, eorrugation, fluting.
canalera J (Es), roof gutter.
canaleria J, system of duets or ditehes.
canalero m (irr), custodian of a canal; (M) irdga-
tion subseriber.
canaleta J, chute; groove, eorrugation; roof gut-
ter, eaves trough; (A) street gutter; (cone)
-- de aforos venturi, Venturiflume.
-- de carga, loading chute.
-- de descarga, dumping chute.
-- de reparticin (irr), head flume.
- de toma en marcha (fe), traek pan.
-- plegadiza, jaekknife chute.
canalistas m (Ch), irrigation subseribers.
canalizacin J, eanalization; flume; piping; sys-
tem of duets; (elee) wiring; (elee) layout
'of eonduits; (ra) ehanneling.
-- de circunvalacin simple (ele), single run-
. around wiring.
-- de desages, sewer system.
- de red doble (ele), double-grid wiring.
-- de red simple (ele), single-grid wiring.
- descubierta (ele), exposed work.
-- elctrica, eleetrie wiring; system of eonduits
for eleetrie wiring.
-- maestra, mains.
-- oculta (ele), eoneealed work.
canalizar, to canalize; to ehannelize.
canalizo m, flume, ehannel; fairway, gut.
-- de control, control flume.
-- de evacuacin, sluieeway; (irr) return diteh.
-- medidor, measuring flume.
canaln m, flume; gutter, eaves trough; (elee)
gutter; waste pipe; (M) chute.
- armado o ensamblado (to) , box or
gutter. .
canaln 64 caera caera
-- de garganta, throat fiume.
- de media ladera, bench fiume.
- de Parshall, Parshall fiume.
- medidor, control 01' measuring fiume.
- suspendido (to), hanging gutter.
canasta J, basket; (hyd) strainer.
canastilla J, (M) bucket; (M) cal' of aerial tram-
canastillo (hid), trashrack.
canasto m, basket; (A) small mortal' bucket.
cancagua J (Ch), a stiff sandy soil.
cncamo m, eyebolt; bolt.
- arponado (M), ragged bolt.
- de I;uello, shoulder eyebolt.
- de ojo, eyebolt.
- de remache, rivet ringbolt.
cancel m, screen; (CA) partition.
cancha J, yard; level tract of land; airpark; wide
stretch of a river; (U) path, road.
- de almacenaje, store yard.
-- de aterrizaje, landing field, airfield, airpark.
-- de equipo (cons), equipment yard.
- de secamiento (dac) (Ch), sludge-drying bed.
canchal m, deposit of boulders, (M) moraine.
canchamina J, yard around a mine shaft.
canchaminero m (Ch), laborar in a mine yard.
canchero, yard foreman.
candado m, padlock; latch.
- de aldaba, hasp lock.
-- de combinacin, combination padlock.
candela J, fiare, torcho
candelero m, support, cradle; stanchion.
candeln m (RD), a hardwood.
candencia J, incandescence.
candente, incandescent, red-hoto
candil (m) de minero, miner's lampo
candileja J, (il) footlight; (1'1') fusee.
canecillo m, corbel, bracket.
canel m (Es), cannel coal.
caney m, small bay; (C) bend of a river.
canga J (A)(B), a soil containing iron.
cangagua J (Col), a soil used for making adobe
cangahua J (Ec), hardpan.
cangalla J, mine refuse, tailings.
cangiln m, bucket; (Col) (V) rut; (Ec) mudhole;
(PR) small waterfall.
- basculante, tip bucket.
- de arrastre, dragline bucket.
- de elevador, elevator bucket.
- volquete, dump 01' contractor's bucket.
cangrejo m (mec) , any grappling device, (pet)
casing spear.
canguiln m (Ch), bucket.
canilla J, faucet, spigot, bibb, cock; reel, spool.
-- para manga, hose bibb.
-- surtidora, faucet.
canoaJ, fiume, trough; launch, canoe; (CA) roof
canon m, list; rate; tax; royalty.
-- de arrendamiento, rental rateo
-- de riego, irrigation rate.
cantal m, stony ground; spall.
cantalita J (geol), cantalite.
canteador m, canteadoraJ, (t) edger; edging saw;
pitchin: tool.
-- cncavo, in-curve edger.
-- convexo, out-curve edger.
-- de acera, curb tool.
-- de peldaos, step edger.
-- en bisel, bevel edger.
- mltiple (as), gang edger.
cantear, to lay on edge; to cut stone; to pitch
(stone); to edge.
cantera J, quarry.
-- de arena, sand pito
-- de grava, gravel pit 01' bank.
- de lastre, ballast pito
-- de prstamo (ot), borrow pito
cantera J, stonecutting; quarrying; cut stone,
ashlar masonry; stonecutting yard.
cantero m, stonecutter, quarryman; (A) raised
area held by curbs.
cantidad J, quantity.
-- negativa, minus quantity.
cantil m, cliff.
cantilever m, cantilever.
cantimplora J, weep holeo
cantina J, commissary store, canteen; saloon.
cantizal m, stony ground.
canto m, edge; thickness of a board; ashlar stone;
pebble, boulder.
--, de, on edge.
-- de corte, cutting edge.
-laminado, rolled edge (steel plate).
- recortado, sheared edge (stecl plate).
--rodado, boulder, cobble, pebble.
-- sin labrar, rough ashlar.
--vivo, square edge.
cantonera J, curb angle 01' bar, corner bead, any
piece reinforcing a corner 01' edge; (Sp)
angle iron.
cantorral m, gravelly 01' stony ground.
caa J,shank, handle; shaft; (naut) tiller; cane,
reed; stem, stalk; rod.
-- brava, bamboo.
-- del ancla, shank o an anchor.
-- de azcar, sugar cane.
-- de barrena, drill shank.
-- de Bengala o de Indias, rattan.
-- de columna, shaft of a column.
-- de mina, mine gallery.
- del timn, tiller.
- de volar, blasting holeo
-- dulce o melar, sugar cane.
caada J, ravine, gorge, gulch; (C)(PR) brook;
(A) inlet, estuary.
caadn, canyon, gorge.
caahuate m, lignum vitae.
caamazo m, burlap; canvas.
caamelar m, sugar plantation.
caamiel J, sugar cane.
camo m, hemp, jute; (CA) hemp cord; (Ec)
-- de calafatear, calking yarn.
-- de empaquetar, hemp packing.
_.- de las Indias, jute.
'-'- de Manila, Manila hemp, abaca.
-- embreado, tarred marline.
- trenzado, braided hemp.
caera J, piping, pipe, conduit; pipework.
--bridada, fianged pipe.
- conductora (pet), line pipe.
-- corriente, standard pipe.
-- de acueducto, water mains.
-- de aduccin, supply line, aqueduct.
-- de arcilla vitrificada, sewer pipe, glazed tile
-- de barra enclavada, Lock-bar pipe (trada-
-- de carga, penstock, force main.
-- de conduccin (Iiid), aqueduct, supply line.
-- de duelas de madera, wood-stave pipe.
-- de entubacin (pet), casing pipe.
-- de fundicin, cast-iron pipe.
-- de fundicin liviana, soil pipe, lightweight
cast-iron pipe.
-- de hierro centrifugado, centrifugal cast-iron
-- de hierro forjado legtimo, genuine ,\,;Tought-
iron pipe.
-- de macho y campana, bell-and-spigot pipe.
-- derivada, branch pipe line.
-- extrapesada, extra-heavy pipe.
--forzada o de presin, pressure condut, pen-
-- maestra o matriz, mains.
-- remachada en espiral, spiral-riveted pipe.
-- roscada, screwed pipe.
-- sin costura, seamless tubing.
-- surtidora, aqueduct, supply pipe.
-- universal, Universal cast-iron pipe.
caero m, callista m, pipeman, plumber, pipe
fitter, steam fitter.
caito (m) pasador, pipe sleeve.
cao m, pipe, conduit; gutter; roof leader; small
(pw) channel; (A) hose; (C) sump,
floor drain, street inlet to a sewer.
- arenero (loco), sand pipe.
-- aspirante (bm) , suction pipe, (A) suction
- de absorcin (A), perLorated well pipe.
-- de acotamiento, service connection.
-- de alimentacin, fecd. 01' inlet pipe.
-- de bajada (ed), downspout, leader.
-- de bridas, flanged pipe.
-- de chimenea, stack.
-- de desborde, overflow pipe.
-- de drenaje, drainpipe, draintile.
-- de expulsin (bm)(A), discharge pipe.
-- de impulsin (bm), discharge pipe.
-- de perforacin, drill pipe; drive pipe.
-- de servicio (A)(C), service conneetion.
-- de subida, riscr.
-- de tornillo, screwed 01' threaded pipe.
- expelente, (eng) exhaust pipe; (pu) dis-
charge pipe.
-- pluvial (ed), leader, downspout.
can m, pipe, tube; gorge, cunyon; barrel oL an
arch; barrel oL a gun.; Ll1rrcl of a hydrant;
(Col) tree tl'Unk; (min) drift, gallery.
-- de ascensor, elevator shaft.
-- de caldera, boiler tube.
-- de cemento, cement gun.
-- de columna, shaft of a column.
-- de chimenea, chimney flue.
-- de escalera, stair well.
- de escobn (en), hawsepipe.
-- de expansin (en), expansion trunk.
-- de llave, shank of a key.
-- de ventilaci6n, air shaft.
-- electrnico (ra), electron gun.
--lanzacemento, cement gun.
- para tubos (ed), pipe shaft.
- perforador (pet), perforating gun.
cauela J (vol) (M), fuse.
caobaJ, mahogany.
-- falsa, bastard 01' false mahogany.
caobilla J (C)(PR), an inferior variety o ml'hog-
caobo m, mahogany tree.
caoln m, kaolin, China clay
caolnico, kaolinic.
caolinita J (miner), kaolinite, kaolin.
capa J, layer; stratum; ply; (pt) coat; (mas)
course; coat o plaster; (min) seam, vein'
(C) slicker, oilskin coat.
-- acufera, water-bearing stratum, aquifer.
- aisladora de humedad (A), waterproofing
- Appleton (ra), Appleton 01' F layer.
- azotada (U), scratch coat (plaster).
-- barrera (ra), barrier 01' blocking layer.
-- blanca (yesera), finishing 01' white 01' putty
01' skin 01' skim coat.
- caf (M), brown coat (plaster).
- de acabado, finishing coat; (plaster) white
01' putty coat.
- de baldeo (ca), flush sea!.
-- de base (ca), base course.
- de conglomerante (ca)(Ch), binder course.
-- de cubierta (ca), cover stone 01' coat.
-- de defensa o de desgaste, wearing coat 01'
- de desgrose (A), scratch coat o plaster.
-- de emparejamiento o de enrase (ca), level-
ing course.
-- de Heaviside (ra) , Heaviside layer, iono-
-- de imprimacin (pint), priming coat.
-- de ladrillos, course of brick.
-- de ligazn, binder course.
-- d mortero, bed of mortal'.
- de pega (ca) (V), tack coat.
-- de refiexin (geof) , reflecting layer 01' horizon.
-- de rodamiento (ca), wearing surace.
-- de sellado (ca), seal 01' carpet coat.
- de velocidad (geof), speed 01' veloeity bed.
- F (ra), F 01' Appleton layer.
--fretica, ground water, water table, aquier.
-- gasfera (pet), gas eap.
- pegajosa (ea) (M), taek eoat.
--rayada, scrateh eoat (plaster).
-- sellante (CI1), seal coat.
-- superficial (ca), surface course.
cap m (Plt) , a hardwood.
capacidad J, capaeity; (elec) eapacitance.
- al ras (ec), struck capacity.
- asignada, ruted capacity.
- colmada (ec), heaped capacity.
- corporal (ra) , body el1paeitance.
- de asiento bearing capacity.
-- de conduccin, (hyd) flow capacity; (elee)
current-carrying capacity.
capacidad 66 caracterstica
caracterstica 67 cardnico
- de ganancia, earning power.
- de modulacin (elc), modulation capability.
-- de soporte del terreno, bearing power of soil.
- directa (ra), straight-line capacitance.
-- dispersa (ra), stray capacitance.
- distribuda (ra), distributed capacitance.
-- electrosttica, permittance, electrostatic ca-
-- encubridora (pint) , hiding power, covering
-- entre electrodos (ra), interelectrode capac-
- grilla-placa (ra), grid-plate capacitance.
-- inductiva especfica (elc), permittivity, spe-
cific inductive capacity, dielectric constant.
-- interruptora (elc), interrupting capacity.
- parsita (ra), stray capacitance.
-- portante, carrying capacity, bearing power.
- rebosada (V), heaped capacity.
- trmica, heat or thermal capacity.
capacmetro m (A), capacitance meter.
capacitador m (elc), capacitor, condenser.
-- compensador (ra), buffer capacitor.
-- de acoplamiento, coupling capacitor.
-- de bloqueo, blocking capacitor.
capacitancia j (elc) (mec), capacitance.
- acstica (ra), acoustic compliance or capac-
- de entrada (ra), input capacitance.
-- de salida (ra), output capacitance.
--interelectrdica (ra) , interelectrode capac-
- lineal, straight-line capacitance.
-- propia, self-capacitance.
- rejilla-ctado, grid-cathode capacitance.
-- rejilla-placa, grid-plate capacitance.
--vagabunda, stray capacitance.
capacitivo (elc), capacitive.
capacitmetro m, (ra) (A) capacitance meter, (M)
condenser meter.
capacitor m (elc), capacitor, condenser.
-- de dcadas (ra), decade condenser or capac-
-- de placas ajustables, variable or adjustable
- de placas paralelas, parallel-plate capacitor.
--filtrador (ra), smoothing capacitor.
--regulable, variable capacitor.
capacho m, bucket; (sh) dipper; brick hod.
-- con descarga por debajo, bottom-dump
- de elevador, elevator bucket.
- de extraccin, mine bucket.
-- de pala, shovel dipper.
- de tiro, dipper of a pullshovel or trench hoe.
- de torre (conc), tower bucket.
- pesador, weighing bucket.
- tipo cscara de naranja (Ch), orange-peel
caparrosa j, eopperas.
capataz m, foreman.
- de brigada, squad boss.
- de carpinteros, foreman carpenter.
- del desencofrado (mo) , stripping foreman.
- del patio, yard foreman.
- del tramo (fc), section foreman.
- de turno, shift boss.
-- de la va, track foreman.
-- general, general foreman, walking boss.
caperuzaj, pipe cap; hood.
capialzado m, f1ashing over door or window.
capilar, capillary.
capilaridad j, capillarity.
capilla j, bonnet, hood, cowl.
- de vlvula (mg) (Es), valve chamber.
capillo m (met), cupe!.
- de prensaestopas (pet), packing gland.
capital m, capital (money).
- activo, working capital; (Ch) capital assets.
-- de explotacin, working capital.
-- en giro, working capital.
- fsico (Ch), capital assets.
--integrado o realizado, paid-up capital.
- pasivo (Ch), capitalliabilities.
-- social, capital stock.
capital j, capital (city).
capitalista, 8 a, capitalist.
capitalizar, to capitalize.
capitn m, captain; foreman.
-- de patio, yard foreman.
-- del puerto, harbor master, captain of the
capitana (j) del puerto, office of the harbor
capitel m, capital, column head, (conc) column
cap m (auto), hood.
caporal m (V), foreman.
capotaj, hood; auto top; cowling (airplane).
capote m, hood; (Col) topsoil.
cpsulaj, capsule, bottle cap; cartridge shell; lid,
cover; (lab) dish.
- de carbn (tel), carbon button or capsule.
-- de evaporacin (lab), evaporating dish.
-- detonante, exploder, blasting cap.
-- detonante <'e tiempo, delay blasting cap.
-- fulminante, blasting cap, exploder.
captacinj, (hyd) catchment, impounding; diver-
sion; (r)(A) capture; (ra) pickup.
captador (m) de polvo, dust collector.
captar (hid), to impound, collect; to divert.
captura j (r), capture.
capuchina j (Col), door or window latch.
capuchn m, (auto) valve cap; (pi) driving cap;
chimney cap.
capul m (Pe), kind of timber used in mines.
cara j, face; cheek.
-- anterior (dib), near side.
- brillante (cuero), f1esh side.
- dI campana, bell face (hammer).
-- de la flor o de pelo (cuero), hair or grain
-- de la raz (sol), shoulder, root face.
-- de rueda, tread of a wheel.
- posterior (dib), far side.
caracol m, spiral; (turb) scroll case; (A) worm
caracterstica j (mec) (elc) (mat), characteristic.
-- andica (ra), plate characteristic.
-- de desprendimiento (ra) , emission character-
- de grilla (ra), grid characteristic.
-- de traspaso (ra), transfer characteristic.
caramero m (V), drift carried by a f1ood.
carato (m) de cemento (V), cement grout.
cartula j (M), dial of an instrumento
carbodinamita j (vol), carbodynamite.
carbohidrato m (is), carbohydrate.
carbohidrgeno m, carbohydrogen.
carblico, carbolic.
carbolneo m, carbolineum (wood preservative).
carbolita j (abrasivo), Carbolite (trademark).
carboln m (abrasivo), Carbolon (trademark).
carbn m, coal; charcoal; carbono
-- activado (pa), activated carbono
-- aglomerante o aglutinante, caking coa!.
-- animal, bone charcoal, bone black.
--antracitoso, anthracite.
--bituminoso, bituminous coal.
-- brillante, glance coa!.
-- conglomerante, caking coa!.
-- de ampelita o de buja, cannel coa!.
- de astilla, splint coa!.
- de forja o de fragua, blacksmith coa!.
- de gas (V), gas carbono
-- de huesos, animal charcoal, bone black.
-- de lea o de madera, charcoa!.
-- de llama corta, smokeless or hard coa!.
- de llama larga, soft coa!.
-- de piedra, coal.
-- de retorta, gas carbono
- entrozado (M), broken coal.
-- graso, bituminous or soft or gas coal.
--lustroso, pitch coa!.
-- mate, cannel coa!.
-- mineral, coa!.
-- no aglutinante, noncaking or free-burning coal.
--para calderas, steam coal.
--pezoso, pitch coaL
--seco, dry or nonvolatile coal.
--semigraso, semibituminous coa!.
--tal como sale, run-of-mine coa!.
- vegetal, charcoa!.
carbonacin f (pa) (Pe), carbonation.
carbonado m, carbon or black diamond.
carbonatacin j, carbonation.
carbonatador m, carbonator.
carbonatar, to carbonate.
carbonato m, carbonate.
-- cido de sodio, acid sodium carbonate, bi-
carbonate of soda.
--amnico, ammonium carbonate.
-- de calcio, calcium carbonate, carbonate of
-- magnsico, magnesium carbonate, (miner)
-- sdico anhidro, soda ash, anhydrous sodium
carboncillo m, fine coal, slack.
carbonear, to char, carbonize; to load coa!.
carbonera j, coalbin; coal mine; (bl)(A) coyote
carbonera j, coalyard.
carbonero m, coal miner; coaldealer; coal han-
dler; a pertaining to coal.
carbnico, carbonic.
carbonfero, coal-bearing, carboniferous; coal-
carbonlla j, fine coal, pulverized coal; cinder.
carbonita j (miner)(vol), carbonite.
carbonizador m, carbonizer.
carbonizar, to carbonize; to charo
carbono m, (chem) carbono
- de temple (met), temper carbono
carbonmetro m, carbonometer.
carbonoso, carbonaceous.
carborundo m, carborundum (abrasive).
carburacin j, carburetion, carburizing.
-- doble, dual carburetion.
- por agente slido (met), pack carburizing.
--por pulverizacin, spray carburetion.
carburador m, carburetor.
-- a succin ascendente, updraft carburetor.
- de barboteo (Es), surface carburetor.
-- de corriente descendente, downdraft car-
-- de chorro, spray carburetor.
-- de evaporacin, surface carburetor.
- de flotador, f1oat-feed or constant-level car-
-- de inyector, jet or injection carburetor.
-- de pico compuesto, compound carburetor.
-- de pulverizador, spray carburetor.
- de surtidor (Es), spray carburetor.
- de tiro descendente, downdraft carburetor.
carburante m, carburetant.
carburar, to carburize, carburet.
carburizador m, carburizer.
carburizar, to carburize, caseharden; to carburet.
carburo m, carbide.
-- cementado, cemented carbide.
-- de hierro, iron carbide, cementite.
-- de silicio, sillcon carbide, carborundum.
carburmetro m, carburometer.
crcamo m, sump; wheel pit; (min) drain; (min)
-- de succin, suction pito
carcasa j, casing; framework.
- de motor (elc), motor frame.
- espiral (turb), scroll case.
crcava j, gully, ditch, gutter.
carcavn m (top), gorge.
carcu'm (M), carcass (tire).
crcel j, clamp, cramp; vise; (hyd) gate groove;
timber frame in a shaft; notch, (min) hitch;
(il) carce!.
-- de banco, bench vise.
-- para sierra, saw clamp.
-- para taladradora, drill or jig vise.
crcel-hora (il), carcel-hour.
carcomaj, wood borer, timber worm; dust made
by the borer.
- blanca (mad), white roto
- roja (mad), red roto
carcomerse, to become worm-eaten; te decav; lo
be undermined.
carcomida j, decay; corrosion; (conc) honey-
carcomido m, (Pe) wormhole; a worm-eaten,
(lbr) wormy; corroded; decayed; honey-
carda (j) para limas, file card or brush.
cardn, Cardan (joint).
cardnico, Cardanic.
cardenillo m, verdigris.
cardiar (V), to reamo
cardinal (mat), cardinal.
carear, to face, smooth up; to mili.
carenaf, ship repair, careening; ship's bottom.
carenaje m, ship repair; careenage.
carenar, to careen; to repair a ship, to dock for
carenero m, dockyard, shipyard; graving dock.
carenote m (en), bilge keel, rolling chock.
careta f, mask, face shield.
-- antigs, gas mask.
-- de soldador, welding mask, face shield.
carga f, load, loading; freight, cargo, lading;
(hyd) head; (conc) charge, batch; (elec)
charge, load; (met) heat, charge; (ra) load-
- a granel, buIk cargo.
- absoluta (hid), absolute head.
- accidental, live load.
- admisible, allowable load.
- alar (ap) (A), wing loading.
- bruta (an) , dead-weight tonnage.
- conectada (elc), connected load.
- de altura (hid) , elevation head.
- de arranque en fro (cf), pickup load, warm-
ing-up allowance.
- de aspiracin (bm), suction head.
- de atraque (vol) (A), stemming, tamping.
- de barreno, blasting charge.
- de buque, car,;o.
- de calefaccin (aa), heat load.
- de camin, truckload.
- de, carro, wagonload; carload.
- de cucharn, bucketful; (sh) dipperful.
- de descarga (bm), discharge head.
- de energa (hid), energy,head.
- de enfriamiento (aa), cooling load.
-- de ensayo, test load.
- de entrada (hid), entrance head.
- de faja (ms), strip load.
- de flexin (est), beam loading.
- de fractura, breaking load.
- de friccin (hid), friction head.
- de funcionamiento (hid), operating' head.
- de hormigonera, batch of concrete.
- de llegada (hid), head of approach, velocity
-- de ocupacin (aa), occupancy load.
-- de presin (hid), pressure head.
-- de prueba, test load, trialload.
- de punta, (str) column loading; (elec)(A)
peak load.
- de rotura, breaking or rupture load.
- de rueda, wheelload.
-- de seguridad, safe load.
-' de servicio o de trabajo, working load.
- de succin (bm), suction head.
- de utensilios (aa), appliance load.
- de vaco (hid), vacuum head.
- de velocidad (hid) , velocity or dynamic
- dinmica, moving load; dynamic heOO.
- efectiva, (hyd) effective or net hea,d; (tr)
pay load.
- espacial (ra), space charge.
- del distribuidor (rnv), valve traveI.
-- del mbolo, piston stroke or travel.
-- de encendido, (eng) ignition or working
- de erogacin (brn) (A), delivery stroke.
-- de escape, (eng) exhaust stroke.
-- de la excntrica, throw of the eccentric.
-- de expulsin, exhaust stroke, (di) scaveng-
ing stroke.
- de filtracin (pa) (U), filter runo
-- de fondo, groundsill.
-- de fuerza, power stroke.
-- de ladrillos, course of brick.
- de la leva, lift of the carn.
-- de la marea, range of the tide.
-- del martinete, drop of apile hammer.
- de pared (carp), wall plate.
-- de retroceso, back stroke.
-- de soga (lad), stretcher course.
- de techo, ceiling joist.
-- de tizones (Iad), header course.
-- de trabajo, working stroke (piston).
-- descendente, down stroke.
-- motriz, (eng) worldllg 01' power stroke.
-- portacabio (to), binding rafter.
carrero m, teamster, truckman; operator of a
carreta f, cart, wagon.
-- de remolque, trailer.
--volquete, dumpeart.
carretada f, cartload, wagonload.
carretaje m, cartage, drayage.
carretal m (Es), rough ashlar stone.
carrete m, reel, coil; spool; (elec) coil.
-- de autoinduccin (elc), se1f-induetion eoil.
-- de encendido (auto), ignition coi!.
-- de induccin (eJc), induetion coil.
- de pelcula (fma), film spool.
-- de resistencia (elc), resistullce coil.
-- en derivacin (elc), shunt coil, (inst) poten-
tial coil.
-- excitador (elc), exciting coil.
-- extintor de chispas (elc), blowout. eDil.
-- inducido (elc), armature coi!.
-- inlj.uctor, induction coil.
- terminal (ais), dead-end spool.
carreteable (ca), lit for hauling.
carretear, to cart, haul; (ap) to taxi.
carretel m, reel, spool; winch head, (pet) cathead.
carreteo m (ap), taxiing.
carretera f, highway, road.
-- biviaria, two-Iane highway.
-- cuadriviaria, four-lane highway.
-- de acceso, aceess road.
-- de accesos limitados, limited-accesB hign-
way, freeway.
-- de cuatro vas, four-lane highway.
-- de dos trochas, two-lane highway.
-- de trochas mltiples, multilane highway.
-- de va libre, express highway.
-- expresa, through 01' express highway, free-
-- matriz o troncal, main 01' through highway.
carretera-parque (E), parkway.
carretera J, wagon shop; whcclwright work.
carretero m, truckm:lll, team"ter; wheelwright.
69 carg6metro
cargmetro m, Loadometer (trademark).
cargueo m (Ch) , loading.
carguero m, carrier; beast of burden; loader,
charger; (A) cargo boato
carguo m, cargo, load.
cariado, disintegrated, rotten.
caries (f) seca, dry rot.
carleta f, (t) file.
carlinga f (cn), mast step.
carnalita f, earnallite (ore of magnesium and
carneta f (AC), notebook, field book.
carpa f, tent; (Ch) tarpaulin.
carpanel, see arco carpanel.
carpero m (Iev) (Ee) , man who looks after tents.
carpeta f, coating; pavement; (U) (M) slab.
-- asfltica, sheet asphalt.
-- bituminosa (ca), skin coat of bituminous
-- de desgaste, wearing surface.
-- de fundacin, foundation slab or mato
carpintear, to do carpenter work.
carpintera f, carpentry; carpentcr shop.
-.-.a vapor (A), shop carpentry.
-- de armar (V), structural carpcntry.
-- de blanco, trim, millwork.
-- de encofrado, form carpentry; form carpen-
ter shop.
-- de modelos, patternmaking.
-- de obra, structural carpentry.
-- de taller, shop carpcntry, millwork.
-- mecnica, millwork; mill, carpenter shop.
-- metlica, light ironwork in a building, espe-
cially doors and windows.
--naval, ship carpentry.
carpintero m, carpenter.
-- ademador, timberman.
-- armador, erecting carpenter, framer.
- de banco, shop carpenter.
-- de buque o de navo o de ribera, slpwright,
ship carpenter.
-- de carreta o de prieto, wheclwright.
--encofrador o de moldaje, form earpenter.
-- maestro, foreman or master earpenter.
-- modelador, patternmaker.
carraca f, ratchet brace, ratchet.
-- estiradora de alambres, fence ratchet.
carradaf (Es), earIoad; wagonload.
carrasca f, carrasco m, pin oak, swamp willte
oale; woodland.
carrascal m, woodland; (Col) gravel bod.
carrera f, strongback, waler, stringer, ranger;
(Col) girder; (carp) wall plate, sill; purlin;
girt; highway; (Col) avcnue; (rnaehy)
stroke, throw, travel; (mas) course; (dock)
stringpieee, backing log.
-- al aterrizar (ap), landing runo
-- ascendente, upstroke (piston).
-- de admisin, (eng) admission 01' intalee
-- de aspiracin, (eng) suction stroke.
-- de barrido (di), seavenging stroke.
-- de compresin, (eng) eompression stroke.
-- de la compuerta (hid), gate travel.
- de defensa (muelle), fender.
- de descarga (brn), delivery stroke.
-- especffica, unit load.
- esttica, (hyd) static head; (str) static or
dead load.
-- explosiva, blasting charge.
--fraccionada (est), partialloading.
- fundamental (elc), base load.
- hidrulica, head.
--inductiva (elc), inductive or lagging load.
--lmite, safe or allowable load.
-muerta (est), dead load.
--neta (an), cargo dead-weight tonnage.
- pagada, pay load.
- permanente (est), dead load.
- plena, fullload.
- por lotes, less-than-carIoad freight.
--por vagones, carIoad freight.
--presumida o prevista o supuesta, assumed
loading, design load.
-propia (est), dead load.
--remanente, residual charge, electric residue.
--rodante, moving or rolling load.
- tipo (est), standard loading.
- transversal (est), beam loading.
- til, pay or usefulload; live load.
--viva, live load.
cargada f, a load.
cargadero m, loading platform; freight station;
charging opening.
cargado sobre vagn, loaded on cars, FOB (free
on board).
cargador m, loader; mucking machine; mucker
(man); (bo) stoker; (elec) charger; shipper,
- a parrilla articulada (cal), chain-grate or
link-grate stoker.
- autoalimentador, force-feed loader.
--de acumuladores o de bateras, battery
-- de alimentacin superior (cal), overfeed
-- de cadena sin fin (cal), chain-grate stoker.
-- de cangilones o de cubos, bucket loader,
portable elevator.
- de carbn (cal), stoker.
-- de hogar, mechanical stoker.
- de hormigonera (mz), skip loader.
-- de mandil, apron loader.
- de parrilla corrediza (cal), traveling-grate
- de retorta lateral (cal), side-retort moker.
-- de retorta nica (cal), single-retort stoker.
- de retortas mltiples (cal), multiple-retort
-- de tractor (ec) , tractor shovel; tractor loader.
-- distribuidor o esparcidor, spreader stoker.
--por debajo, underfeed stoker.
-- porttil, wagon loader, portable conveyor.
- sacudidor (mz), shaking skip'loader.
cargadora f, any loading or stoking apparatus.
- de troncos (ef), logger.
-- de tnel, tunnel shovel, mucking machine.
cargamento m, load, cargo, loading.
cargar, to load; to charge; to stoke; (act) to
debit, charge.
cargo m, cargo, freight; oflice, position; (act)
68 cardenillo
7I carretilla
carretilla J, wheelbarrow; smail cal'; hand truek;
tramway bueket; eableway earriage; (1'1')
truek; trolley; (A)(U) small wagon; (lg)
bummer, skidder, dolly, drag eart.
- a horcada, straddle truek.
- alzadora, lift truek.
-- concretera, concrete barrow.
-- corrediza, I-beam trolley; eablewayearriage.
- de atrs (loco), trailing truek.
-- de cuerpo de acero, steel-tray wheelbarrow.
-- de equipaje, baggagetruek.
-- de mano, hand 01' warehouse truek.
- de riel (fe), pony cal'.
- de suspensi6n, eableway earriage.
- de va (fe), traek barrow.
- elctrica (vol), eleetrie squib.
-- elevadora, lift truek.
-- pesadora, weigh larry.
- portante (fe), pony truek.
-- portatubos (pet), casing' wagon.
-- tubular, tubular-frame wheelbarrow.
carretillada J, wheelbarrow load.
oarretillero m, wheelbarrow man; (min) trammer.
carreto m (Col) (V), a hardwood.
carret6n m, wagon, eart, truek; (PR) reel; (M)
concrete buggy.
-- corredizo, eableway earriage.
-- cuba, tank wagon.
-- de carriles o de orugas, traek 01' erawler
- de remolque, trailer.
-- de volteo, dumpeart, dump wagon.
--herramental, tool wagon.
-- regador, sprinkling wagon.
-- semiearril, half-traek.
- tanque, tank wagon.
carretonada J, wagonload, truekload, earUoad.
carretonaje m, eartage, trueking, hauling.
carretonero m, truek 01' eart driver, teamster.
earricuba m, sprinkling eart, tank wagon.
carril m, rail; traek, traffie lane; treadway; nar-
row road; (V) ruto
- a garganta, grooved 01' streetear rail.
-- americano, T rail.
-- conductor, third rall, eontaet 01' conductor
- contraaguja, stock rall.
-- de aguja, switch 01' point rail.
-,'- de alambre, aeria! tramway.
-- de alivio (fe), easer rail.
- de arranque (fe), lead rail.
- de bscula, weigh rail.
-- de cambio, switch rail.
-- de canal, grooved 01' streetear rallo
-- de cremallera, rack ral.
-- de desecho, serap rail.
-- de hongo o de patn, T ral, standard railroad
,-de muelle, spring rall (frog).
- de puerta corrediza, traek for sliding door.
-- de ranura, grooved 01' streetear rall.
-- de toma, third 01' conductor rallo
-- dentado, rack ral:
-- doble T, girder rail.
-- gua, guardrail.
-- maestro, stock 01' running rail.
70 carro
- partido (tranva), slot rall.
-- nico, monoral.
- Vignola, T ral, standard railroad rall.
carriles de oruga, erawler tread.
carriles para recolocaci6n, relayers.
carriladaJ, fiangeway; treadway.
carrilano m (Ch) , worker on a railroad, traek-
carrileo m (V), seraping a road to fill ruts.
carrileraJ, traek; rut; (rr)(C) siding; (Col) grat-
ing; (te) traek.
-- de carena, traek of a marine ralway.
-- de gra, erane runway.
-- de oruga, erawler tread.
-- de transbordador, runway of a transfer table.
-- deeauville, narrow-gage traek.
--industrial, industrial ralway.
earrilero m (Ch), railroad worker.
carrillo m, small eart; tackle block; I-beam trol-
ley; (Sp) sheave, pulley.
-- de contacto (feele), eontaet plow.
carriola J (Col), purlin.
carrito m, small cal'; concrete buggy; eableway
earriage; sliding-door hanger; traveler,
trolley; (lg) bummer, dolly, skidder; (ea)
(V) seraper.
-- cargador (ef), loading earriage.
-- corredizo, eableway earriage; lathe earriage;
traveler, trolley; (lg) skidding earriage.
-- de cigea, small cal' moved by hand power.
-- de mano, handear.
'-- para ruedas, wheel dolly.
-- portador (mh), lathe earriage.
carro m, ear; wagon, truek, eart; automoble.
-- aguatero, watering eart.
-- andamio (fe ele), tower cal'.
-- automotor (fe), motorcal'.
-- barrenador, drill earriage; wagon drill.
-- baseulador, dump cal'.
--o basurero, garbage cal'; trash cal'.
- bodega (Ch), boxear.
- caja (M), boxear.
- calichero (Ch) , nitrate cal'.
-- carbonero, eoal cal'.
-- cargador, eharging earriage.
-- cerrado, boxear.
-- correo, mal cal',
-- cuba, tank cal'; tank wagon.
-- de aparejo o de auxilio, wreeking 01' derriek
-- de aserradero, sawmill earriage.
-- de caj6n, boxear; (C) gondola cal'.
-- de carga, freight cal'.
-- de costado bajable, drop-side cal'.
-- de despejo, elearanee cal'.
-- de dos vertientes, gable-bottom cal'.
- de embudo (C), hopper-bottom cal'.
-- de equipajes, baggage cal'.
- de escalera (A), tower cal' (elee 1'1').
-- de expreso, express cal'.
-- de extracci6n, mine cal'.
-- de gra, wreeking 01' derriek cal'; erane truek.
- de hacienda (A), eattle cal'.
-- de herramientas, tool cal'; tool wagon.
-- de mangueras, hose eart.
-- de mano, handear, push cal'.
-- de perforadoras, drill earriage, jumbo.
- de plancha (C), fiatear.
-- de plataforma, fiatear.
-- de remolque, traler.
-- de riego, sprinkling eart.
-- de socorro, wreeking cal'.
-- de taladros, drill earriage.
-- de tolva, hopper-bottom cal'.
-- de torno, lathe earriage.
-- de torre (fe el6e), tower cal'.
-- de trampas, drop-bottom cal'.
-- de traslaci6n, transfer cal' 01' earriage.
-- de volteo, dump cal'.
-- de vuelco, dump cal'; tip eart.
-- decauville, narrow-gage dump cal'.
-- dormitorio (M), sleeping cal'.
- elevador, lift truek.
-- entero, por, in earload lots.
-- estafeta, mail cal'.
-- ganadero, eattle cal', stoekear.
-- gndola, gondola cal'.
- herramental, tool cal'.
- inferior, underearriage.
-lastrero (Ch), ballast cal'.
-- motor (fe), motorear.
-- nevera, refrigerator cal'.
--pagador, pay cal'.
-- para trozos, sawmill earriage.
- petrolero (Ch), tank cal'.
-- pipa, water eart.
--plano, fiatear.
--portaherramienta (mh) , tool earriage, tool-
-- portasierras (as), saw earriage.
--raso, fiatear.
--reja, eattle cal'.
- salitrero (Ch), nitrate ear.
- saln, ehair cal'.
-- separador, idler cal'.
-- tanque, tank cal'; water cart.
-- tralla (ce), wagon scraper.
- transversal (mh), eross carriage.
- tranva o urbano, streetcar.
--voleador, dump cal'; dump wagon.
carro-montacargas, Iift truck.
carro-soporte, lathe saddle.
carros completos, por, in carload lots.
carrocera J, automobile body (not usually ap-
plied to trucks); (M) truck body.
-- de turismo, touring-car body.
- de volteo (M), dump body.
-- transformable, convertible body.
carrocero m (Es), wheelwright.
carrosage m (auto), inclination of the front>
carroza J (en), companjon, companjon head.
carruaje m, any kind o vehiele.
carruchaJ (AC) , reel; sheave, pulley.
carta J, chart, map; letter, doeument.
-- caminera (Ch), road map.
-- certificada, registered letter.
-- colorimtrica (lab), color ehart.
-- constitucional, ineorporation papers, eharter....
-- de ciuladana, naturalization papers.
-- de crdito simple, clean letter of credit.
-- de fletamento, charter party.
- de pago, reeejpt.
- de porte, freight bill; bill of lading; (A) way.
- de privilegio, franchise, eoneession.
- de venta, bill of sale.
-- dinamomtrica, dynamometer cardo
- diurna (tel), day letter.
-- geogrfica, map.
-- geogrfica area, aerocartograph.
- hidrogrfica, chart.
-- magntica, magnetic chart.
- marina (A), chart.
- nocturna (tel), night letter.
- planialtimtrica (A), contour map.
cartab6n m, square; rul; gage; (dwg) triangle;
(str) gusset plate; peak of a roof; (A) splay.
-- con transportador, protraetor triangle.
-- corredizo, slide caliper.
-- de inglete, OOvel square.
- de profundidad, depth gage.
- de rotulacin (dib), lettering angle.
- dilatable (Es), OOvel protractor; protraetor
- para madera (A), board rule.
cartabonear (A), to work with a square.
cartn m (V), a hardwood.
cartela J, bracket, corOOl, console, boIster; knee
brace, gusset.
- aguantadora (en), toe bracket.
- atiesadora (en), tilting braeket; stiffen4ll'
bracket; tangency bracket.
- de tangencia (en), tangeney braeket.
crter m, housing, casing, cover.
- del diferencial (auto), differential case.
- de engranajes (auto), gearbox.
-- del motor (auto), crankcase.
cartera J, (Col) notebook, field book.
cartografa J, cartography.
-- area, aerial photographic surveying, air-
plane mapping.
cartografiar, to survey, make mapa.
cartogrfico, cartographie.
cartgrafo m, cartographer.
cart6metro m, chartometer.
cartn' m, cardboard, millboard, heavy papel';
(M) gusset plate, bracket.
-- alquitranado, tal' papel'.
- comprimido o de Fuller, pressboard, Ful1er
- de asbesto, asbestos board.
-- de bagazo, eelotex.
- de fibra, fiberboard.
-- de paja, strawboard.
- de yeso, plasterboard, wallboard.
-- embetunado, tal' papel'.
- fieltro (U), roofing papel' 01' felt.
-- piedra, papier-mach.
- tabla (C), wallboard.
eartoteca J (V), map file.
cartucho m, cartridge.
-- de dinamita, dynamite eartridge.
- de fusible (elc), fuse eartrid&e.
-- filtrante, filter eartridge.
- fusible (ele), cartridge fuse.
cartulina J, Bristol board.
carupal m, a Veneauelan lumOOr.
casa 72 castillete
castillete 73
casa 1, hous\l; firmo
-- central, main or home office.
-- constructora, construction company.
~ de azotea, penthouse.
-- de bombas, pump house.
-- de calderas, boilerhouse.
- de cambio, money-exchange office.
-- de cartas (cn), chart house.
_- de comando, control house.
~ del comando (cn), bridge house.
- de comercio, business concern.
- de las compuertas (hid), gatehol.lse.
~ de departamentos, apartment house.
~ de distribucin (elc), switch house.
~ de fuerza, powerhouse.
-- de liquidacin, c1earinghouse.
-- de mquinas, enginehouse; powerhouse.
-- de los molinos (az), mili house.
- de los tachos (az), boiling house.
--de tramo (fc), section house.
- matriz, main office.
- redonda (fc)(M), roundhouse.
cascada 1, waterfali, cascade.
cascadas (C), rapids.
cascajal, cascajar m, gravel pit or bed.
cascajero m, gravel bed; worked-out mine.
cascajo m, gravel; quarry waste; (rr) baliast;
(sd) grit; (A) rubble aggregate, cobbles.
cascajoso, graveliy.
cscara 1, casing, sheli; bark.
-- de naranja, (bu) orange peel.
cascarn m, sheli, casing; (ar) vault; (A) deposit
of scale.
casco m, aheli, casing; cask; (naut) hull; (V)
central part of a city.
-- de buzo, diver's helmet.
-- de caldera, sheli of a boiler.
-- de cojinete, bearing sheli.
-.del radiador (auto), radiator sheli.
- de soldador, welding helmet, head sbield.
cascote m, debris, rubbish; rubble; (A) brickbat;
(exc) muck.
cascotear (Col), to level up with rubbish.
caseoso (ms)(M), compressible, easily deformed.
caseta 1, smali building; cabin; (tk) (sh) cabo
- de balanza, scale house, weighhouse.
- de cabezal (min), head house.
- de control (elc), switchhouse.
- de guardaagujas (fc), switchman's shanty.
- del guardacrucero (fc), crossing watchman's
-- de mando, control house.
-- de mando de compuertas (bid), gatehouse.
- herramental, tool house.
--telefuica, telephone booth.
casetn m (ds) (M), caisson gateo
casilla 1, smali building, shed; privy; post-office
box; (loco) cab; (elec) cubicle; cabioet;
(Ec) water c1oset; (Sp) column in a note-
- de aceites, oil house.
- del cambiador (fc), switchman's shanty.
- de compuertas (hid), gatehouse.
- de correo, post-office box.
- de herramientas, tool house.
- del maquinista (loco), cabo
casillero m, rack (for pipe, etc.); (C) bin.
casimba 1, weli; spring.
casiterita 1, cassiterite (tin ore).
caso (m) fortuito, force majeure, contingency,
act of God.
casquete m, cap; sheli; helmet.
- de burbujeo (pet), bubble cap.
- del cabezal (torno), headstock cap.
- de espiga (ca), dowel-bar cap.
-- de hincar (pi), drive cap.
- de soldador, welding helmet.
-- de tubo, pipe cap.
-- de unin (v), union bonnet.
-- de la vlvula, valve bonnet.
-- guardahumo, smoke helmet.
- sellador (v), seal cap.
casquijo m, gravel, gravel bar.
casquillo m, ferrule; gland; sleeve, bushing;
socket; pipe cap; base of an incandescent
lamp; horseshoe; (min) blasting cap, ex-
- abierto (cab), open socket.
- acuado (cab), wedge socket.
-- cerrado (cab), closed socket.
-- conectador (el,:,), hickey.
-- del alma (sx)~ core barrel.
- de bayoneta, bayonet-socket base (lamp).
-- de boca cuadrada, square-drive socket.
- de calafateo (tub), calking ferrule.
-- de doce estras, twelve-point socket.
-- de empaque, packing foliower.
- de gua (mh), guide bushing.
-- de motn, coak.
-- de ocho estras, eight-point socket.
-- de prensaestopa, gland.
- de puente (cab), bridge socket.
-- de rosca, screw base (lamp).
- de soldar (tub), soldering bushing, sweating
- de tubo-conducto (eIc), conduit bushing.
-- deslizante, slip bushing.
-- destornillador, screwdriver socket.
- escalonado (cab), stepped socket.
-- escariador, reaming sheli (drilI).
- estriado, (t) socket.
-- flotante, floating bushing.
- para cabilla (ca), dowel socket.
- partido, split bushing.
- por soldar (tub), weIding neck; stub end.
-- reductor, pipe bushing.
-- universal, universal socket.
casquillos (fe), car brasses.
castaeteo m (herr), chatter.
castao m, chestnut wood.
castauela 1, lewis; Iewis boIt; stone bolt, split
bolt; (naut) c1eat.
-- de cantera, lewis.
castillejo m, scaffolding, trestIework; pedestal;
bed frame.
castillete m, scaffoId; trestle bent; A frame;
horse; pile-driver leads; gallows frame; oil
derrick; (min) headframe.
-- armado, framed bent.
-- de cableva, eableway tower.
- de pilotes, pile bent.
- de transmisin,transmission tower.
-- provisorio (pte), falsework.
castillo m, (min) headframe; (sb) foreeastle.
- de popa (en), poop deek.
-" de proa (en), forecastle.
castina 1, flux.
casucha 1, shanty; (sh) eab.
cata j, test pit; testing, test boring, expIoration.
cataclstico (geol), catac1astic.
catadora j, earth auger, any tool for exploring
the ground.
catalejo m, telescope.
catalina I (Es) (C), sprocket, gear whee!.
catlisis j (qum), eatalysis.
cataltico, catalytie.
catalizador m, eatalyst, eatalytic agent.
- de lecho fijo (pet), fixed-bed catalyst.
-- usado, spent catalyst.
catalizar, to catalize.
catlogo m, catalogue.
catalpa I (mad), eatalpa.
catar, to explore the ground, dig test pits; to
catarata j, waterfali, eataract; (se) cataraet.
catarina I (M), sprocket.
catarocasI (geol) (A), cataeIastie roeks.
catastral, cadastral.
catastro m, inventory of real estate in a district;
eensus, eadastre.
cateador m, prospector; sampIer, trier.
catear, to make borings, explore the ground,
prospect; to sample.
catenaria j, catenary.
-- hidrosttica, hydrostatic catenary, elastica.
cateo m, prospecting, exploration; sampling.
cateto m, leg of a right triangle.
catetmetro m (lab), eathetometer.
catetrn m (ra), cathetron.
catigu m, an Argentine wood (semihard).
catin m (ele), cation, kation.
catinico, cationic.
catdico, cathodie.
ctodo m (elc), cathode.
-- a calefaccin directa, directIy heated eathode.
-- de calentamiento indirecto, indirectly heated
or equipotential cathode.
-.- de charco (de mercurio), pool-type cathode.
--virtual (ra), virtual eathode.
catodgrafo m, cathodograph, radiograph.
catolito m (cIe) , catholyte.
catptrico, catoptric (light).
catraca I (A), ratchet.
cauce m, channel, river bed.
-- de alivio, floodway.
-- de derivacin, diversion channc!.
-- de escape, tailrace.
-- de evacuacin, spillway ehannc!.
-- de llegada, headracc.
--libre, open channel.
caucin j, security, guaranty.
-- de licitador, bid security.
caucionar, to bond (employee).
caucho m, rubber; (V) automobile tire.
-- endurecido, hard rubber.
--regenerado, rec1aimed rubber.
-- silvestre, native or wild rubber.
cauchotado (A), rubbcrized, waterproofed.
cauchotar, to treatwith rubOOr.
caudal m, volume of flow.
- afluente, runoff, inflow.
- crtico, critical flow.
-- de avenida, flood flow.
-- de estiaje, low-water flow.
-- graduado o regularizado, regulated flow.
--instantneo, momentary flow.
-- medio, mean flow.
-- slido, material in suspension in a stream.
-- subcrtico, streaming flow.
-- supercrtico, shooting or supercritieal flow.
caudaloso, of great volume, running full, in flood
causticador. m, causticizer.
causticar, to causticize.
custico, caustie (ali senses).
cantil m (AC), soldering iron.
cautn m, soldering iron.
cava j, pit, excavation.
cavadizo, easily excavated.
cavador m, cxcavator.
- de agujeros de postes, (t) posthole digger.
-- de zanjas, trench machine, ditcher.
cavadora j, excavator.
-- cargadora, elevating grader.
-- de arcilla, pneumatic clay spade.
-- de capachos, bucket exeavator.
-- de desages, drainage ditcher.
cavadura j, excavation, digging.
cavar, to excavate, digo
cavazanjas, mquina, trench machine.
cavazn j (Es), excavation.
cavn m, a Chilean hardwood.
caverna j, cavern, holiow.
cavernoso, fuli of cavities, porous, containing
caveto m, quarter-round concave molding.
cavidad j, cavity.
cavitacin 1, cavitation.
cayo m, small island, cay, key; shoal.
caz m, flume, canal, race.
-- de descarga, tailrace.
-- de trada, headrace.
--vertedor, spillway channe!.
cazaclavos m, nail pulier, c1aw bar.
cazadera j, (min) bitch.
cazangueo m (M), c1earing land.
cazarremaches m, rivet set or snap.
cazo m, ladle, bucket, dipper.
-- de cola, gluepot.
- de colada, pouring or charging IadIe.
- de fundidor, casting ladle.
--para asfalto, asphalt dipper.
cazoleta j, bucket of a turbine; pan; doliy; (Sp)
water-c1oset bowl.
-- del diferencial (auto), housing of the differ-
cazonete m, toggle.
cebadero m, opcning for charging a furnace.
cebador m, (auto) priming eup; choke; (pu)
cebadura j, priming.
cebar, (bl) to prime; (pu) to p ~ i m e ; (bo) to feed,
charge; cebarse (vol)(M), to misfire.
cebo m, (bl) primer, fuse; (rd) binder; (bo)
- de gelatina (vol), gelatin primer.
-- elctrico, exploder.
- fulminante, blasting cap, exploder.
- retardado, delay blasting cap.
cebolla J (bm), strainer for footvalve.
cedazo m, screen, sieve, strainer, riddle.
-- corredizo, traveling screen.
-- de arrastre, drag screen.
-- de banda, band screen.
-- de disco, disk screen.
-- giratorio, revolving screen.
- para peces (hid), fish screen.
- sacudidor, shaking screen.
-- vibrante, vibrating screen.
ceder, to yield, give way, fail; to assign.
cedro m, cedar.
cdula J, certificate, official document; schedule;
(fin) (A) bond.
- de cambio, bill of exchange.
-- de investigacin (tr), tracer.
- hipotecaria (A), mortgage bond.
cegar, to wall up; to plug, stop up.
cegesimal a, centimeter-gram-second.
ceiba J, ceibo m, tropical tree that yields kapok.
ceja J, flange; (M) tire bead; (C) trail, path.
celador m, watchman; maintenance mano
celaje m (Es), skylight; transom.
celda J, cell; bin.
- de batera (A), battery cell.
- de energa, (eng) energy cell.
- fotoelctrica, photoelectric cell.
celita J, (ct) (conc admixture) cellite.
celoidina J (fma), celloidin.
celosa J, (str) latticing, lacing; window blind,
. lattice.
-- de ventilacin, louver.
clula J, cell; cubiele.
- fotoelctrica (A), photoelectric cell, photo-
- fotoemisora, phototube.
- talofido (ra), thalofide cell.
celular, cellular.
celuloide m, celluloid.
celulosa J, cellulose.
celulsico, cellulosic.
celuloso a, cellular.
cementacin J (mam) (met) , cementation.
cementador m (pet), cementer, cementing outfit.
cementadora J, (Sp) cement gun; (pet)(Ec)
cementing equipment.
cementar, to cement; to carburize, caseharden.
cementero a, pertaining to cemento
cementista m, ceme1').t worker, cement mason.
cementita J(met), cementite.
cemento m, cemento
-- a gr8<nel, bulk or lose cemento
- artificial (Es), Portland cemento
-- armado, reinforced concrete.
- asfltico, asphalt cemento
- de alta resistencia a .corto plazo (M), high-
early-strength cemento
- de alta resistencia inicial,high-early-strength
- de alta velocidad (M), high-eaJy-strength
- de alto calor, high-heat cemento
cebo 74 central
- de alto horno, slag cemento
- de bajo calor, low-heat cemento
- de calor moderado de fraguado, moderate-
heat-of-hardening cemento
-- de empizarrar, slater's cemento
-- de escoria, slag cemento
-_. de fraguado lento, slow-setting cemento
- de fraguado rpido, quick-setting or high-
early-strength cemento
-- de goma, rubber cemento
-- de slice, silica cemento
-- modificado, modified cemento
-- natural, natural cemento
-- para empaquetadura, gasket cemento
-- para pisos de vidrio, vault-light cemento
-- plstico para techos, roofing cemento
-- Portland, Portland cemento
-- puzolnico, pozzolanic cemento
-- reforzado (Col), reinforced concrete.
-- refractario, high-temperature or refractory
--resistente a los sulfatos, sulphate-resisting
-- romano (Es), natural cemento
-- sin arena, neat cemento
-- suelto, bulk or loose cemento
cementoso, cementitious.
cenagal m, swamp.
cenagoso, swampy.
cenicero m, ashpan, ashpit.
cenit m, zenith.
cenital, zenithal.
ceniza J, ash.
-- de soda, soda ash, anhydrous sodium car-
cenizal m, ashpit, ash dump.
cenizas, ashes, cinders.
-- de plomo, litharge, lead ash.
--volcnicas, volcanic ash.
centelleo m (ra), flicker.
centesimal, centesimal.
centsimo m a, hundredth.
centirea J, centiare, centare.
centibara J, centibar.
centgrado, centigrade.
centigramo m, centigram.
centilitro m, centiliter.
centimetrado (A), dividedintocentimeters(tape).
centmetro m, centimeter.
centinormal, centinormal.
centipoise, centipoise.
centner m, centner.
-- mtrico, metric or double centner.
centrador m, centralizcr, centering device.
- de embrague (auto), elutch piloto
- fijo (mh), steady rest.
centradora J, (mt) spotting tool.
centraje m, centering.
-- propio, de, self-centering.
central J, plant, station; powerhouse; sugar milI
telephone exehange; a central.
-- auxiliar, stand-by power planto
-- azucarera, sugar millo
- de bombeo (Col), pumping station.
-- de energa o de fuerza, power plant, power-
- de escorrenta (PR), river-run power planto
-- de hormign (A), concrete-mixing planto
-- de transformacin, transformer station, sub-
- elctrica a vapor, steam-electric powerhouse.
-- electrgena o generadora, generating or
central station, electric powerhouse.
-- elevadora, pumping plant; hoisting installa-
-- hidrulica, water-power planto
-- medio encerrada (ele), semioutdoor station.
--telefnica, telephone exchange.
-- trmica, steam power planto
-- termoelctrica, steam-electric power planto
central m (C), sugar milI.
centrar, to center.
cntrico, central, centric.
centrffuga, centrugadoraJ, centruuge, centru-
centrugar, to centruuge.
centrffugo a, centrifugal.
centrpeto, centripetal. .
centro m, center.
-- a centro, center t center.
-- de la .::rga o de distribucin (elc) , load cen-
ter, center of distribution.
-- de deformacin (fma), center of distortion.
-- de estacin (fma), camera station.
- de figura (mat), center of figure.
- de flotabilidad (an), center of buoyancy.
-- de flotacin (an), center of flotation.
-- de giro, center of gyration.
-- de gravedad, center of gravity.
-- de inercia o de masa, center of inertia or of
-- de momentos, center of moments.
- de perspectiva (fma), perspective center.
-- de presin, center of pressure.
-- de rotacin, center of gyration.
-- de simetra, center of symmetry.
-- de la vista (fma), center of visiono
- demogrfico, center of population.
- fotogrfico (fma), photographic or plate cen-
-- geomtrico, center of figure.
-- momentneo, instantaneous center.
- muerto, dead center (twist drill).
- substituto (fma), substitute center.
centroidal, centroidal.
centroide m, centroid.
centropunzn m (C), center puncho
ceolita J (miner)(pa), zeolite.
cepa J, butt end; stump; (Ch) trestle bent; (M)
footing, cutoff wall.
cepillado por cuatro caras (mad) , dressed four
cepillado por un canto (mad), dressed one edge.
cepilladora J, planer, plane; jointer.
-- de banco oscilante, reciprocating-table
-- desbastadora, jack planeo
cepilladuras J, shavings.
cepillar, to plane, face, dress; to brush.
cepillo m, plane; brush.
-- acabador, smooth planeo
-- acanalador, fluting planeo
75 cerca
- biselador, chamfer planeo
- bocel, plane for making half-round moldings.
- cncavo, hollovv planeo
-- convexo, round planeo
-- de achaflanar, bevel planeo
-- de alambre o de acero, wire brush.
- de albail (V), float.
-- de alisar, smooth planeo
- de angaletar (A), miter planeo
-- de astrgalos, beading planeo
-- de banco, bench planeo
-- de cantear, edge planeo
- de contrafibra, block planeo
-- de costado, side planeo
-- de encabezar escalones, nosing planeo
-- de ensamblar, dovetail planeo
-- de gramil, rabbet plane with fence.
-- de hierro doble, double-iron planeo
-- de juntas, jointing planeo
-- de madera (V), mason's float.
-- de mediacaa, half-round or reed planeo
-- de molduras, molding plane; beadingplane.
-- de ranurar, grooving or rabbet or plow or
dado planeo
-- de refrentar, cross-grain planeo
- dentado, toothing planeo
-- desbastador, jack planeo
--limador, shaping planer.
-- machihembrador, matching planeo
-- mecnico, planer, jointer.
-- mecnico de banco, bench planer or jointer.
-- metlico, wire brush.
--raspador, scraper planeo
--rebajador, rabbet or plowor sash planeo
--redondo, compass planeo
--universal, combination planeo
cepillo-juntera, jointing planeo
cepillo-rasqueta, scraper planeo
cepo m, waler, ranger, ribbon, stringpiece, strong-
back; cap of a bent; stock of an anvil;
stock of an anchor; shell of a tackle block;
clamp, vise.
cequin m (Ch) (V), irrigation canal.
ceraJ, wax.
- amarilla (pet), yellow wax.
-- de parafina, paraffin wax.
--para correas, belt wax.
cermica de construccin, hollow tile, structural
terra .cotta.
cermico, ceramic.
cerargirita J, cerargyrite, horn silver, native sil-
ver chloride.
cerca J, fence.
-- alambrada, wire fence.
--.alemana (C), worm or snake fence.
-- de estacas, paling fence.
- de lienzos (C) (PR) , fence built inpanels be-
tween posts.
-- de nacer, fence of wire onposts that have
taken root.
- de pie (C) (PR), paling. fence.
-- de piedra, stone wall.
- defensa de cable (ca), cable guardrail.
-- en zigzag, worm fence.
-- paranieve, snow fence.
--viva, hedge.
cercado 76 cicuta
77 cinchar
cercado m, fence, fencing.
- eslabonado, chain-link fencing.
cercar, to fence.
cerco m, fence; hoop; frame; (auto) rim; iron tire.
-- de alambre, wire fence.
- de barril, barrel hoop.
- de puerta, doorframe.
-- de rueda, tire.
-- de ventana, window frame.
cerco-gua (hid), gate frame.
cercha/, rib of an arch center; (Pan)(p) truss;
(Col) template; screed; (M) stalr string;
(dwg) spline; (,r) clearance gage.
cerchmetro m (fc)(A), clearance gage.
cerchn m, arch centering.
cerda I (inst), hair of the reticle.
creo a, wax, waxy.
ceresita 1, Ceresit. (trademark) (waterproofing).
cerezo m, cherry wood.
cerillo m, a Cuban lumber.
cernedor m, screen, sieve.
cerner, to screen, sift.
cernido .(m) hmedo, wet screening.
cemidor m, screen, sieve; (Col) buddle; sifter.
cerniduras 1, screenings.
cernir, to screen; (Col) to buddle.
cero m, zero.
ceroso, waxy.
cerrable (elc), sealable.
cerradero m, keeper or strike of a lock; padlock
eye; staple; any locking device.
-- angular, angle strike.
cerrado, closed; sharp (curve).
cerrador m, window shutter; locker; any closing
or locking device.
cerradura I (ft), lock.
- a tambor (A), cylinder lock.
- de aplicar (A), rim lock.
-- de arrimar, rim lock.
- de caja, rim lock; safe lock.
-- de cilindro, cylinder lock.
-- de cilindro paracntrico,paracentric lock.
- de combinacin, combination lock.
- de dos cilindros, duplex lock.
- de dos vueltas, double-throw lock.
- de embutir, mortise lock.
- de molinillo (Es), cylinder lock.
-- de muelle o de resorte, spring or snap lock.
- dormida, dead lock.
- rebajada, rabbeted lock.
--recercada (M), rim lock.
cerraja I (Es), lock.
cerrajear, to do locksmith work.
cerrajera 1, locksmithing; locksmith's shop;
builder's hardware; light ironwork; iron-
cerrajero m, locksmith; architectural ironworker.
cerramiento m, closure; bulkhead; fence; parti-
tion; curtain wall; (min) dam, dike.
cerrar, to close; to fasten, lock; to enclose; to
obstruct, block; to seal.
-- con llave', to lock.
- el trazado, to close the survey.
cerrillada 1, range of low hills.
cerril1ar, to mill, knurl.
cerro m, hill.
cerrojo m, door bolt, bolt of a lock, latch; (C)
machine bolt.
- jJcodado, neck bolt.
- cilndrico -de aplicar, barrel bolt.
-- de aplicar, surface bolt.
-- de caja, case bolt.
- de caja tubular, barrel bolt.
-- de embutir, mortise bolt, flush bolt.
-- de pie o de piso, foot or floor or bottom bolt.
- de resorte, latch, spring bolt.
- dormido, dead bolt.
certeneja I (Ch) , hole scoured in the bed of a
certificado m, certificate.
-- de acciones, stock certificate.
-- de ensayo, test certificate.
-- de incorporacin, corporation charter, incor-
poration papers.
-- de nacimiento, birth certificate.
cerusa 1, white lead, ceruse, cerussite.
cerusita 1, cerussite (lead ore).
cesante a, unemployed;. discharged.
cesantear, to discharge (men).
cesantes 8, unemployed, discharged workers.
cesanta 1, unemployment, discharge.
cesio m (qulm), cesium.
csped m, sod, grass, turf.
cespol m, cespul m, (pb) floor drain, cesspool
(sd) (M) cesspool; (pb) trap.
cesta 1, basket; bucket; strainer.
-- de aspiracin (bm), strainer for foot valve.
- pescarripio (pet), junk basket.
cesto m, basket.
- te la centrfuga (az), centrifugal basket.
- de pesca (pet), junk basket.
cestn m, gabion, bundle of brushwood filled
with stone used in bank protection or
stream diversion.
cestonada 1, revetment of gabions.
cetano m (pet), cetane.
cianita I (miner), cyanite, kyanite, disthene.
cianizar, to cyanize.
cianofceas (is), Cyanophyceae.
ciangeno m (qulm), cyanogen.
cianuracinl (met), cyaniding.
cianrico, cyanuric.
cianuro m, cyanide.
cciclo, cyclic.
ciclo m (elc)(mec)(qulm), cycle.
-- cerrado o completo, closed or complete
-- compuesto, (eng) mixed cycle.
-- de cuatro tiempos (mg), four-stroke cycle.
-- de enfriamiento invertido (aa) , reverse-re-
frigeration cycle, heat-pumping.
- de filtracin (pa), filter cycle.
-- de imanacin, magnetic cycle.
cicloidal, cycloidal.
cicloide 1, cycloid.
cicloinversor m (e16c), cycloinverter.
ciclmetro m, cyclometer.
cicln m, cyclone.
ciclnico, cyelonic.
ciclpeo (mam), cyclopean.
cicltomo (mat), cyclotomic.
cicuta I (mad), hemlock.
ciego, blind (flange, nut, window, etc.); blank
(flange, etc).
cielo m, ceiling; topo
-- abierto, a, on the surface, in open cut.
-- del hogar (cal), crown sheet.
-- descubierto, a, on the surface.
--raso, flat or flush ceiling, plastered ceiling.
-- raso acstico, accoustical ceiling.
cinaga 1, swamp, marsh.
ciencia 1, science.
cienegal m (PR), swamp.
cienmilsimo m, one hundred-thousandth.
cienmilmetro m, one hundredth of a millimeter.
cienmillonsimo m, one hundred-millionth.
cieno m, mud; sludge.
- activado (dac), activated sludge.
- de acumulador (e16c), battery mudo
- digerido (dac), digested sludge.
- elutriado (dac), elutriated sludge.
- hmico (dac), humus sludge.
cientfico, scientific.
ciento, cien m a, hundred.
cierracompuerta m (hid), gate-closing device.
cierrapuerta m, door check.
cierre m"closure, sealing, l o c k i n ~ .
-- a tornillo, screw lock.
- del cojinete (maq), bearing sed.
- de lnea (pet), line blindo
- del trazado (lev), closure.
- de vapor (mg) (M), vapor lock.
- definitivo (presa), final closure.
- hidrulico, water seal.
- relmpago, zipper.
cierro m, inclosure; fence.
cifra (f) global, lump sum (contract).
cigea 1, crank; sweep; winch, wincllass, cap-
stan; (C) handcar, automobile on a rail-
road track.
cigeal m, crankshaft.
- de compensacin, balanced crankshaft.
-- de cuatro codos, four-throw crankshaft.
- de dos codos, two-throw crankshaft.
-- de siete cojinetes, seven-bearing crankshaft.
-- eqUilibrado, balanced crankshaft.
-- simple o de un codo, single-throw crank-
--voladizo, overhanging crankshaft.
cilanco m, slack or stagnant water, backwater.
ciliado a (is), ciliate.
cilindrada/, piston displacement, cylinder capac-
cilindradora 1, road roller.
cilindraje m, rolling, compacting.
cilindrar, to roll, compacto
cilindreo m, rolling.
cilndrico, cylindrical.
cilindro m, cylinder; roller, roll.
-- apisonador, tamping roller; paving roller.
-- compresor, road or paving roller.
-- de bomba, pump cylinder; working barrel.
-- de caldera, shell of a boiler.
-- de caminos, road roller.
-- de culata en T, T-head engine cylinder.
-- de curvar, bending rollo
-- de frenaje, brake cylinder.
-- de laminar, roll in a steel millo
- de prueba, test cylinder.
- graduado (lab), graduate cylinder.
- maestro (auto), master cylinder (brake).
- primitivo (en), pitch cylinder.
-- sacancleos, core barrel (drill).
- triturador, crushing rollo
-- de conformar, forming ralls.
-- de enderezar, straightening rolls, (sb) man-
gle rolls.
-- de expansin (pte), expansion rollera.
-- de forjar, forging rolls.
-- terminadores (met), finishing rolls.
cilindroide m, cylindroid.
cilonita 1, Zylonite (trademark). 1, crest, summit, peak, topo
cimacio m, ogee; (M) spillway bucket.
-vertedor, rollway (dam).
cimborrio m, dome; (min) roof, ceiling.
cimbra 1, arch centering.
cimbrar, to center (arch); cinIbrarse, to sway,
cimbreo m, sway, vibration.
cimbrn m (A), vibration.
cimbronazo m (V), earthquake.
cimentacin 1, foundation, footing.
-- de cajn, pneumatic-caisson foundation.
-- de emparrillado, grillage foundation.
- de zampeado, mat foundation.
- escalonada, stepped footing.
-- sobre pilotes, pile foundation.
cimentar, to laya foundation, to found.
cimento m (geol), cementing material.
cimiento m, foundation, footing; foundation
material; cemento
- de retallo, stepped footing.
-- ensanchado, spread footing.
- romano (Pe), hydraulic lime.
cimmetro m (ra), cymometer.
cimoscopio m (e16c), cymoscope.
cinabarital (Es), cinnabar.
cinabrio m, cinnabar (mercuryore).
cinc m, zinc.
- no gastable (e16c), wasteless zinc.
cincado, galvanized, zinc-plated, zinc-coated.
-- a fuego, hot-galvanized.
cincar, to galvanize, zincify.
cincel m, chisel, cutter, graver.
-- arrancador, floor or box chisel.
-- de filo en cruz (cantero), cross chisel.
- de fundidor, flogging chisel.
-- de pico redondo, roundnose chisel.
-- de uas (Es), stonecutter's chisel.
-- dentado (cantero), tooth chisel, bumper.
-- debastador, drove chisel, boaster, drove,
boasting chisel.
- hendedor, splitting chisel.
cincelador m, chipping hammer; chipping chisel;
cincelar, to chisel, carve; to chip.
cincfero, containing zinc, zinciferous.
cincita 1, zincite, red zinc ore, red oxide of zinc
cinco sextos, five sixths.
cincha 1, girth, belt.
- de seguridad, safety belt.
cinchar, to cinch; to hoop, bando
cincho 78 crculo crculo 79 clavo
cincho m (M), belt, hoop, band, iron tire; (min)
frame for shaft timbering.
- de plomo, lead shield (for screw).
-- para herramientas, tool belt.
cinemtica J, kinematics.
cinemtico, kinematic.
cintica J, kinetics.
cintico, kinetic.
cinglador m, blacksmith's hammer; (met) shin-
gler; (met) squeezer.
-- de quijadas, alligator 01' crocodile squeezer.
-- rotativo o de leva, rotary 01' cam squeezer.
cinglar, to shingle (iron).
cinguera J (A), sheet-metal work, sheet-metal
cinguero m (A), sheet-metal worker, tinsmith.
cinta J, belt; tape; strip; (carp) batten, waler,
ribbon; (str) girt; sliver (rope).
- aisladora (elc), insulating 01' friction or
binding tape.
-- barnizada (elc), varnished tape.
-- conectora (carp), ribbon conneetor.
-- de acero, steel tape.
-- de agrimensor, measuring tape.
-- de bolsillo, poeket tape (measuring).
-- de cordones, corded tape (measuring).
- de dimetros (e), diameter tape.
- del embrague, eluteh bando
- de empalme (ele), friction or insulating
-- de encajonar, box strapping.
-- de freno, brake band; brake lining.
- de friccin, friction band; (elec) friction or
binding tape.
- de gnero (med), eloth tape.
-- de hierro, strap 01' band iron.
- de lienzo, linen tape.
-- de limpieza (al), eleaning tape.
-- de medir, tape line, measuring tape.
- de resorte, spring-winding tape (measuring).
-- de selvicultor, circumference or forester's
- de tela (lev), cloth tape.
-- de tela reforzada (lev), metallic tape.
- de transporte, belt conveyor.
-- de urdimbre metlica (C), metallic tape.
-- de vidrio (elc), glass tape.
- fusible (elc), fuse link.
- metlica (lev), metallic tape; (A) (Sp) steel
- metlica articulada (Es), chain belt.
- mtrica, measuring tape.
- pescadora (elc), fish wire, snake, pull wire,
fish tape.
- vitrificada (clc), glass tape.
cintada J (Iev) , tape length, tape measurement.
cinteada J (geal), band, strcak.
cintero m, (Sp) hoisting line; (surv) tapeman.
- delantero, head tapeman.
--trasero, real' tapeman.
cintillo m (PR), sidewalk curb.
cintra J, arch centering.
cintrar, to centor (arch).
cintrel m, template for an arch.
cintura J, :throat of a chimney; belt.
cinturn m, belt.
-- de guardalnea, lineman's belt.
- de seguridad, safety belt.
-- para herramientas, tool belt.
cipo m (Es), boundary monument; milepost.
ciprs m, cypress.
circn m (miner) (rfr), zircon.
circonia J (rfr), zirconia.
circnico, zirconic.
circonio m (qum), zirconium.
circuito m (elc), circuito
-- aceptor (ra), acceptor circuito
-- amortiguador, damping circuito
-- andico (ra), anode 01' plate circuito
-- atenuador de las altas (ra) , bass-boosting
-- ctodo-tierra (ra), cathode follower.
-- combinado, compound circuito
-- compuesto (tel), composited circuito
-- de absorcin (ra), absorption 01' tank circuito
-- de acoplamiento por resistencia, resistance-
coupled circuito
-- de admisin (ra)(A), acceptor circuito
-- de aproximacin (fc), approach circuito
-- de descarga (tv), discharge circuito
-- de disparo (ra), trigger circuito
-- de entrada, input circuito
-- de lnea (fc), line circuito
-- de media onda (ra), half-wave circuito
- de placa (ra), plate 01' anode circuito
-- de plena onda (ra), full-wave circuito
-- de prueba, test circuito
-- de rejilla (ra), grid circuito
-- de salida, output circuito
-- de sangra (ra), bleeder circuito
-- de va (fc), track circuito
-- de va libre (fc), elearing circuito
-- de vuelta, return circuito
-- derivado, branch circuito
-- desviador (tv), defiection circuito
-- en puente, bridge circuit; jumper circuito
-- equilibrado, balanced circuito
--fantasma, phantom circuito
--inducido, secondary circuito
--inductor, primary circuito
-- oscilador (ra), oscillatory circuito
-- oscilante barredero (ra), sweep circuito
--receptor (ra), receiving circuito
-- rechazador o repulsor (ra), rejector circuito
-- reflejo (ra), refiex circuito
-- restaurador (tv), restorer circuito
- tanque (ra) (A), tank circuito
-'- trampa (ra), trap circuito
circulacin J, circulation.
-- a gravedad (cO, gravity circulation.
-- forzada, forced circulation.
circulador m, circulator.
circular, v to circulate; a circular.
crculo m, cirele.
-- anual (mad), annualring.
-- azim.utal, azimuth cirele.
'-- cenital (trnsito), vertical circJe.
-- de ahuecamiento (en), dedendum cirele.
-- de aterrizaje (ap), circJe marker.
-- de cabeza (en), addendum circlc.
-- de esfuerzos, circle of stress.
-- de Mohr, Mohr's cirele.
- de pie (ms), 'oe cirele.
- de punto medio (ms), mid-point cirele.
- de talud (ms), slope cirele.
--primitivo (en), pitch 01' rolling cirele.
-- taquimtrico (inst), stadia circle.
circumpolar, circumpolar.
circunferencia J, circumference.
- de ahuecamiento o de raz (en), dedendum
01' root cirele.
- de base (en), base cirele.
-- de rotura, cirele of rupture.
-- de tensin (A), circle of stress.
-- primitiva (en), pitch cirele.
circunferencial, circumferentia!.
circunscribir (mat), to circumscribe.
cisco m, coal dust, culm, slack; (V) cinders.
-- de coque, coke breeze.
cisterna J, tank, cistern.
citacin (j) a licitadores, call for bids, invitation
to bidders.
citara J, brick wall 1 brick thick; (Col) partition
citarilla J, thin partition wall; (M) thin partition
citarn m,'(C) wall2 bricks thick; (Col) header.
citrato (m) frrico amnico (lab), ferric ammo-
nium citrate.
ciudad J, city.
ciudadela J (cn) (A), bridge deck.
cizalla J, a shear.
-- de dentar (si), gummer shear.
-- de escuadrar, squaring shear.
-- de guillotina, guillotine 01' gate shear.
-- de palanca, lever 01' alligator shear.
-- hendedora, splitting shears.
-- mltiple, gang shear.
-- para chapa, sheet-metal shear.
- para metralla, scrap shcar.
- para planchas, plate shear.
cizallador m, shearer (man).
cizallamiento m, shearing stress; shearing.
cizallar, to shear.
cizalleo m, shearing; shearing stress.
dara J (A), spacing, span.
claraboya J, skylight; transom; elearstory.
- de bveda, vault light.
-- sin masilla, puttyless skylight.
claridad J, (il) brightness; (tv) (Sp) brilliance.
clarificador m, clarifier.
- de batea (pa), tray elarifier.
- de batea mltiple (pa) , multiple-trayclarifier.
-- intermitente, intermittent elarifier.
clarificar, to elarify.
clarifloculador m (is) , Clarifiocculator (trade-
clarigestor m (is), Clarigester (trademark).
clarin m, crayon.
claro m, clear space; clear span, bay, opening; a
bright (wire); elear (glass); light (color).
-- de compuerta, gate opening.
-- de puente, span of a bridge.
-- de puerta, doorway. .
- de ventana, window opening.
clasificador m (is) (min) (ag) , classifier; Bcreen.
-- cnico, cone classifier.
-- de arrastre, drag cla8Sifier.
-- de cedazo, screen classifier.
- de paletas o de rastrillo, rake classifier.
-- de rastro de vaivn, reciprocating-rake elas
-- de rebose, overflow classifier.
-- de taza, bowl classifier.
-- en espiral (arena), spiral classifier.
--hidrulico, hydraulic elassifier, jig.
clasificar, to elassify, grade; to screen; to rateo
clstico (geol), elastic.
clavador m, (surv) (Ec) stake driver.
- de cabillas, (t) driftbolt driver.
-- de pernos, bolt driver; spike driver.
-- de postes de cerco, fence-post driver.
clavaestacadas m, sheeting hammer.
cJavar, to nail, spike; to drive piles; (sh) to crowd.
- a firme (Pi) (C), to drive to refusa!.
- hasta el rebote (pi),.to drive to refusa!.
clavazn J, stock of nails.
clave J, key, keystone; (conc) bonding key;
quoin; (V) lintel; (dwg) legend.
-- de trabazn (conc), bonding key.
clavellino m, a South American lumber.
clavera J, nail holeo
clavete m, small nail, tack.
clavetear, to tack, nai!.
clavija J, pin, peg, dowel, driftbolt; cotter; pin-
tle; (elec) plug; (elec) stud.
- a cuchilla (elc), knife plug.
-- de la cigea, (eng) crankpin.
-- de conexin (elc), terminal stud; attach-
ment plug.
- de contacto (elc), plug.
-- de correccin (inst), adjusting pino
-- de desconexin (elc), disconnecting plug.
-- de divisin (mh), index pino
-.- de dos patas, cotter pino
-- de escala, ladder rungo
-- de expansin (M), expansion bolt.
- de infinidad (elc), infinity plug.
- de piso (elc), fioor plug.
-- de trepar, polestep.
--hendida, cotter pin, split pin, spring cotter.
-- sincronizadora (elc), synchronizing plug.
- tndem (elc), tandem-blade plug.
clavito m, brad, small nail, tack.
-- cortado, cut finishing nai!.
-- de cabeza cnica, fiooring brad.
-- de Pars, wire brad.
--para contramarcos, casing nai!.
clavo m, nail, spike; (min) chimney; (min)(M)
rich body of ore.
- agrio, bright nail; (C) cut nai!.
-- arponado de techar, barbed roofing nai!.
-- comn de alambre, common wire nail.
-- corriente, common nail.
-- cortado, cut nail.
- cuadrado (C), cut nail.
-- de alambre, wire nai!.
- de barquilla, boat spike.
-- de cabeza acopada, cupped-head nai!.
- de cabeza embutida o perdida, countersunk
-- de cabeza excntrica, offset-head nai!.
-- de chilla, lathing nai!.
- de doble cabeza, double-headed nai!.
e1avo 80 cloroamonaco clorocresol 81
-- de embarcaciones, boat spike.
-- de filo de cincel, chisel-point nail.
de fundicin, foundry nail.
de listonaje, lath nail.
de muelle, dock spike.
de punta de aguja, needle-point nal1.
de punta diamante, diamond-point nail.
de punta excntrica, side-point nail.
-- de punta roma, blunt-point nail.
-- de ripiar, shingle nail.
-- de rosca, screw nail, drive screw.
-- de techar, roofing nail.
-- de tinglar, c10ut nail.
-- de va, track spike.
-- de 1 pulg, twopenny nail.
- de 1% pulg, threepenny nail.
- de 1V2 pulg, fourpenny nail.
- de 1% pulg, fivepenny nail.
-- de 2 pulg, sixpenny nail.
-- de 2
4 pulg, sevenpenny nail.
- de 2V2 pulg, eightpenny nail.
- de 2% pulg, ninepenny nail.
- de 3 pulg, tenpenny nail.
- de 3V4 pulg, twelvepenny nail.
- de 3% pulg, sixteenpenny nail.
- de 4 pulg, twentypenny nail.
- de 4%,pulg, thirtypenny nail.
- de 5 pulg, fortypenny nail.
- de 5% pulg, fiftypenny nail.
-- de 6 pulg, sixtypenny nail.
- de 8 pulg, eightypenny spike.
- espaol (C), cut nail.
--fechado, dating nail.
- francs, wire nail; (C) finishing nail.
- harponado, barbed nail.
-ingls (C), cut nail.
-lancero (M), toenail.
--marcador (min), spud, spad.
--para bisagra, hinge nail.
--para hormign, concrete nail.
- para lanchn, barge spike.
-- para remachar, c1inch nail.
- rielero, track spike.
clavo-pija, fetter-drive lag screw.
clavo-tornillo, drive screw.
clica I (ft) (A), keeper of a lock.
clima m, c1imate.
clima artificial (M), air conditioning.
climtico, c1imatic.
climatologa 1, c1imatology.
clingrafo m, c1inograph.
clinometra 1, clinometry.
clinmetro m, c1inometer, slope level, angle
clnquer m (M), clinker.
clismetro m (M), slope gage.
clistron m (ra), klystron,
clitmetro m, clinometer.
clivaje m (geo!), cleavage, stratification.
- de disyuncin, fracture c1eavage.
- de flujo, f10w c1eavage.
cloaca 1, sewer:
- colectora, intercepting sewer.
- de alivio o de rebose, relief or overflowscwer.
- de descarga, outfall sewer.
-- del edificio, drain.
-- de empotramiento (V), house eonnection to
a sewer.
-- de presin, depressed sewer.
-- derivada, branch sewer; lateral sewer.
-- domiciliaria, house sewer.
-- emisaria, outfall sewer.
-- escalonada, f1ight sewer.
--interceptadora, intercepting sewer.
-- maestra o mxima o troncal, trunk or main
-- ovoide, egg-shaped sewer.
-- pluvial, storm sewer.
-- secundaria, submain sewer.
-- tubular, pipe sewer.
- unitaria (C) (A), combined sewer.
cloacal, pertaining to sewerage.
cloaquista m (A), man who lays sewer pipe.
cloche m (V), c1utch.
.:loque m, grapnel, grappling iron.
cloracin 1, ehlorination.
-- al punto de saturacin (is) , break-point
-- con residuo combinado aprovechable (pa) ,
combined residual chlorination.
-- con residuo libre aprovechable (pa), free
residual chlorination.
-- simple (pa), plain chlorination.
clorador m, chlorinator.
-- al vaco, vacuum chlorinator.
-- de alimentacin directa, direct-feed chlo-
-- de mano, manual chlorinator.
-- de vaco visibl,e, visible-vacuum chlorinator.
cloramida I (qum), chloramide.
cloramina I (pa), chloramine, ammonia chlorine.
cloraminacin 1, chloramination. .
cloramoniar, to treat with chloramine.
clorar, to chlorinate.
clorato m (qum) , chlorate.
clorhidrato m, hydrochlorate.
clorhdrico, hydrochloric.
clrico, chloric.
clorificar, to chlorinate.
clormetro m, chlorimeter.
clorinacin 1, chlorination.
clorinador m, chlorinator.
clorinar, to chlorinate.
clorinmetro m, chlorometer.
clorita I (miner), chlorite.
clortico, chloritic.
cloritizacin 1, chloritization.
clorito m (qum), chlorite.
clorizacin 1, chlorination.
clorizador m, chlorinator.
clorizar, to chlorinate.
cloro m, chlorine.
-- amoniacal, proceso (pa), chlorine-ammonia
-- combinado disponible, combined available
ehlorine residual.
--libre disponible, free available chlorine re-
-- residual o restante (pa), chlorine residual.
cloroalimentador m (pa), Chlorofeeder (trade-
cloroamonaco m (is), chloramine.
clorocresol m (is), chloroc."sol.
clorofenol m (is), chloropheilOl.
clorofceas (is) , Chlorophyceae.
clorofila 1, chlorophy11.
clorometra 1, chlorometry.
clormetro m, chlorometer.
cloroplatinato m, chloroplatinate.
-- de amonio (lab), ammonium chloroplatinate.
-- potsico (is), potassium chloroplatinate.
cloroso, chlorous.
clorurar (qum) (met), to chloridize.
cloruro m, chloride.
-- urico, gold chloride.
-- de amonio, ammonium chloride, sal ammo-
-- de cal, ehloride of lime, bleaching powder.
-- de hidrgeno, hydrogen chloride, hydrochlo-
ric acid.
-- sdico, sodium ehloride, common salto
coagulacin 1, coagulation.
-- de flujo ascendente (is), upflow coagulation.
coagulador m, coagulator.
coagulante m, coagulant; a eoagulant, floceulent.
coagular, to eoagulate; to elump; coagularse, to
eoaglate, form f1oe; to clot, c1ump.
cogulo m, f1oc, coagulum, clot.
coaltar m (Es), tar, pitch.
coaltarizar, to coat with pitch.
coaltitud 1, coaltitude, zenith distance.
coasegurador m, coinsurer.
coaxial, coaxil, coaxial.
cobaltfero, containing cobalto
cobaltina, cobaltita I (miner), cobaltite, cobal-
cobalto m, cobalto
-- arsenical (miner), smaltite.
-- gris, smaltite, gray cobalto
cobaltoso, cobaItous.
cobertizo m, shed; penthouse; (Col) lean-to; (ap)
-- de trasbordo, transfer shed.
- de trenes, train shed.
-- para carros, carbarn, car shed.
--para nieve, snowshed.
cobertura 1, cover, covering.
cobijadura I (geol) (A) , overthrust; alluvial de-
cobola 1, a Costa Rican pine.
cobre m, copper.
-- abigarrado, bornite, purple copper ore.
-- amarillo (miner), copper pyrites, chalcopy-
-- ampolloso, blister copper.
-- ailado, covellite, indigo copper; azurite,
blue copper ore.
-- azul, azurite, blue copper ore, blue malachite.
-- de acarreo (geol), drift copper.
- del ctodo (met), cathode copper.
-- de cementacin, cement copper.
-- gris, tetrahedrite, gray copper ore.
-- negro, blister or black copper.
--piritoso, copper pyrites, chalcopyrite.
--rojo, red copper ore, cuprite.
-- tenaz, tough-pitch copper.
--verde (miner), malachite, green malachite.
--vtreo, vitreous copper, torbernite.
cobreado, copper-plated.
cobrera 1, copper work; copper shop.
cobrero m, coppersmith.
cobrizado, copper-plated.
cobrizo, containing copper; copper-colored.
coca 1, kink.
coccin 1, baking, roasting, burning (brick).
coceo m (M), thrust.
cocer, to bake; to boil.
cociente m, quotient.
-- diferencial, differential coefficient or quOo
coco m (is), coccus.
cocobolo m, cocobolo (hardwood).
cocodrilo m (mec), grab; squeezer.
cochal (B)(Ec), lake, pondo
coche m, (rr) car, coach; c10sed automobile.
- automotor (fc), motorcar.
-- comedor, dining caro
-- de estacin (auto), station wagon.
-- de observacin, observation caro
-- de pasajeros (Ch), passenger caro
-- de remolque, trail caro
-- de tranva, streetcar, trolley caro
-- de turismo (auto), touring caro
-- dormitorio, sleeping caro
-- motor, (rr) motorcar.
-- saln, chair caro
cochecito lateral, sidecar (motorcycle).
cochera 1, carbarn; garage.
cochern m, enginehouse, roundhouse.
cochinilla I (mad), wood louse.
cochino m (met), pig.
cochitril m, cribo
cochura 1, baking, roasting.
codal m, strut, spreader, spur, trench brace;
frame of a saw; try square.
- del eje (cn), shaft strut.
codaste m (cn), sternpost; stern frame.
--popel, rudderpost, sternpost.
--proel, sternpost, propeller post, body post.
codeclinacin 1, codec1ination, polar distance.
codera I (nut), breast fasto
cdigo m, codeo
- de edificacin, building code.
-- de seales, signal code.
Cdigo Elctrico Nacional, National Electri')
cdigo Morse (tel), Morse code.
codillo m, knee, elbow, bend.
cadmero m (pet), codirner.
codo m, (cons) knee; (machy) crank; (P) elbow,
-- abierto, long elbow.
-- angular, miter elbow.
-- cerrado, short elbow.
-- compensador, expansion bend.
-- con base o con soporte, base elbow.
-- con derivacin o con salida lateral, side-out-
let elbow.
-- con lomo o de copa, bossed elbow.
-- de campanas, bell-and-spigot quarter bend.
-- de curva alargada o de radio largo, long-
radius elbow.
- de doble ramal, double-branch elbow.
- de enchufes, elbow (for welding),
codo 82 coeficiente
- de inglete, miter elbow.
-- de orejas, drop elbow.
- de palanca (maq), crank.
- de pendiente o de rosca inclinada, pitch
-- de reducci6n, reducing elbow.
-- de retorno unido, return bend-close type.
-- de servicio, service or street elbow.
-- de tangente larga, long-tangent elbow.
-- de toma particular, service elbow.
-- de tres salidas, three-way elbow.
-- de uni6n, union elbow.
- de l/S, eighth bend.
- de tA, quarter bend.
- de 5%, sixty-fourth bend.
- de 11
4, thirty-second bend.
- de 22%, sixteenth bend.
-- de 45, eighth bend, 45 elbow.
-- de 60, sixth bend.
- de 72, fifth bend.
- de 180, return or half bend.
-- doble, offset; return bend; three-way
-- en escuadra, right-angle bend.
-- en octavo, eighth bend.
-- en U, return bend.
_.- falso (as), flse knee.
-- macho y hembra, service or street elbow.
- obtuso (A), eighth bend.
--para baranda, railing elbow.
- para inodoro (pb), closet bend.
-- recto con desplazamiento, single-offset quar-
ter bend.
--reductor, taper or reducing elbow.
-- suave, long-radius elbow.
coeficiente m, coefficient.
-- completo de traspaso de calor (aa), over-all
coefficient of heat transfer.
- de absorci6n (ptica), absorption factor, co-
efficient of absorption.
-- de acidez (geol), acidity coefficient, oxygen
-- de acoplamiento (elc), coupling coefficient.
-- de afluencia (hid), runoff coefficient.
-- de amortiguaci6n, coefficient of damping
-- de amortiguaci6n viscosa (ms), coefficient of
viscous damping.
-- de amplificaci6n (ra), amplification factor or
- de aprovechamiento (elc), load factor.
-- de aspereza (hid), coefficient of roughness.
-- de autoinducci6n (elc), coefficient of self-
induction, self-inductance.
-- de cada de tensi6n (elc), drop factor.
-- de cambio de volumen (ms), coefficient of
volume change.
- de cargamento (tr), load factor.
- de caudal (hid), coefficient of discharge.
-- de compactaci6n (ms), coefficient of consoli-
-- de conductividad trmica, coefficient of ther-
mal conductivitY.
- de consolidaci6n, (ea) coefficient of shrink-
age, shrinkage factor; (sm) coefficient of
- de deformaci6n (ms), deormation coeffi-
- de derrame (bid), runoff coefficient.
- de descargue (hid), coefficient of discharge.
- de deslizamiento, sliding factor (dam).
-- de desviaci6n (ra), defiection factor.
- de diagrama, (eng) diagram factor.
-- de dilataci6n, coefficient of expansiono
- de dispersi6n (elc), leakage factor.
- de elasticidad, modulus of elasticity.
-- de entrada (ve), coefficient of entry.
- de escamas (pa), coefficient of scale hard-
-- de escorrenta (bid), runoff coefficient.
-- de escuadreo (an), block coefficient, coeffi-
cient of fineness of displacement.
- de escurrimiento superficial (bid), surace
runoff coefficient.
-- de explotaci6n (fc), operating ratio.
-- de extinci6n (qum), extinction coefficient,
specific absorption indexo
-- de filtraci6n (ms), coefficient of percolation.
- del filtro (fma), filter factor.
-- de finura, coefficient of fineness.
- de flecha (est), defiection coeflicient.
-- de fricci6n o de frotamiento, friction factor,
coefficient of friction.
-- de fricci6n de deslizamiento, coefficient o
sliding friction.
- de gasto (hid), coefficient of discharge.
-- de hinchamiento (ms), coefficient of swelling.
- de inflaci6n (ms) (A), coefficient of swelling.
- de luminosidad (il), luminosity factor.
-- de modulaci6n (elc), modulation factor or
- de mortalidad, death rateo
-- de operaci6n (fc), operating ratio.
- de pandeo (est), buckling coeflicient.
- de permeabilidad, (hyd) percolation coeffi-
cient; (sm) coefficient of permeability.
-- de Poisson, Poisson's ratio.
-- de precipitaci6n, rainfall coefficient.
-- de producci6n, load factor (compressor).
- de productividad (pet), productivity indexo
-- de propulsi6n Can), propulsive coefficient.
-- de reactancia (elc), reactive factor.
-- de l;ectificaci6n (ra), rectification factor.
-- de recuperaci6n o de rechazo (Pi), coefficient
of restitution.
-- de recuperaci6n elstica (ms), coefficient o
elastic recovery.
-- de reflexi6n, (ra) refiection coefficient; (il)
refiection factor.
-- de relajamiento (met), relaxation factor.
-- de remoldeo (ms), remolding indexo
-- de rendimiento (aa) , coefficient of perform-
-- de resistencia, coefficient of strength.
- de restituci6n (ros) (fma), coefficient o resti-
-- de retardo, (byd) coefficient of retardation;
(wp) drag coefficient.
-- de retraso (hid), coefficient of retardation.
-- de riego, duty of irrigation water.
-- de rozamiento, coefficient of friction.
- de rugosidad (bid), roughness coefficient.
_ de seguridad, factor of safety.
_ de sequedad (irr), wilting coefficient.
_ de superficie (ag) , surface coefficient, sur-
face-area factor.
- de trabajo, factor of safety.
_ de transmisi6n, (ht) coefficient of transmis-
sion; (il) trantintitiion factor.
_ de traspaso superficial de calor (aa) , film
coefficicnt of heat tran8fer.
_ dielctrico, dielectric constant.
__ espumante, foaming coefficient (water).
__ resistivo (e16c) (A), coefficient of resistance.
__ uniforme (ms) (C), uniformity coefficient.
coeficientes del Almirantazgo (an) , Admimlty
coercitividad j (elc), coercivity, coercive force.
cofa j (en), top, crow's-nest.
cofactor?n (mat), cofactor.
cofsico, cophnsal.
cofre?n, box; crib; bin; (A) concrete form; (auto)
(M) hood.
cogedero m, handIe., grip; bail.
__ indicador de tensi6n (1cv) , tension handle,
sp;'ing balance.
cogegotas ?n, drip pan.
coger, to grasp; to collect; to c10se up, obstruct;
(mas) (Col) (V) to point.
cogollo m, small end of a pole or pile.
coherencia j (mat), coherenee.
coherente m, binder; a cohesive, coherent.
cohesin j, cohesion, bond.
__ aparente (ms) , apparent cohesion.
-- verdadera (ms), true cohesion.
cohesivo, cohesive.
cohesor m (m), coherer.
cohete m (min) , blasting fuse; blast hole; (M)
dynamite cartridge.
cohetear (min) (M), to blast.
coig m, a South American softwood.
coihue m, a Chilean hnrdwood.
coincidencia j, coincidence.
coincidente, eoincident.
coincidir, to coincidc; to match (rivet holes).
cojear, (eng) to knock.
cojn m, cushion, pad; pillow block.
__ del embrague, c1utch cushion.
-- de vaco (conc), vacuum mato
__ roscado para soldar (tub), welding pad.
cojinete m, bearing, pillow block, journal box;
bushing; (th) die.
__ a municiones, ball bearing.
-- a rulemn, roller bcaring.
__ acabador (rs), sizer die.
__ autoalineador, self-aJigning bearing.
__ autolubricador, oilless 01' self-Iubricating
__ axial, axial or thrust bcaring.
-- cerrado, solid bearing.
-- c6nico, cone Q()al'ing.
- de agujas, neeclle bearing.
__ de alineamiento, alignment bcaring.
__ de anmo esfrico, spherical-race bearing.
_ de asiento (A), step beariug.
-- de b{tllcada, base or muin bearing.
__ de bolas axial, thrust-type billl bearing.
- de bolas con adaptador, adapter-type ball
__ de bolas con anillo de resorte, snap-ring-
type ball bearing.
-- de bolas de contacto angular, angular-con-
tact ball bearing.
_ de bolas de empuje, thrust-type ball bear-
-- de bolas de empuje doble, two-direction
thrust ball bearing.
_ de bolas de protecci6n doble, double-
shielded ball bearing.
-- de bolas de protecci6n simple, single-shielded
ball bearing.
- de bolas doble, double-row ball bearing.
-- de bolas radial, radial ball bearing.
-- de bolillas, ball bearing.
-- de casco recambiable, replaceable-shell
- de cola, tail bearing.
-- de collares, collar bearing.
-- de descanso, pillow block.
_ de doble efecto, two-<1irection (roller) bear-
-- de efecto simple, single-direction (roller)
-- de empuje, thrust or axial bearing.
__ de engrase automtico, self-lubricating bear-
- de fila nica, single-row (ball) bearing.
- de filas mltiples, multirow (ball) bearing.
-- de gua, pilot or guide bearing.
-- de manguito, sleeve bearing.
-- de piedra (inst), jewel bearing.
-- de resorte (mh), spring die.
-- de rodillos ahusados, tapered roller bearing.
-- de rodillos esfricos, spherical roller bearing.
-- de rodillos rectos, straight roller bearing.
-- de rolletes, roller bearing.
- de rolletes c6nicos, tapered roller bearing.
-- de roscar, die for threading, screw plate.
-- de suspensin, suspension bearing.
-- de terraja, die for threading.
- de tope (U), thrust bearing.
-- enterizo, unit or solid pillow block.
-- exterior, outboard bearing.
-- flotante, floating bearing.
- partido, split pillow block.
--piloto, pilot bearing.
-- radial, radial or annular bearing.
--radioaxial, radial-thrust bearing.
-- recalentado, hot bearing.
cok m, coke.
-- de petr6leo, petroleum eoke.
-- de retorta, gas coke.
-- para altos hornos, blast-fumaee coke.
cola j, glue; tail; (t) tang, fang, shank; stub,
-- aislante, insu1ating glue.
-- animal o de huesos, animal glue.
- de agua fra o de casena, cold-water 01
casein glue. casein cemento
-- de barrena, shank of a drill.
- de carpintero, joiner's glue.
-- de golondrina (carp) (mec) , swallowtaiL
colocar 85 combustIeo
-- de martillo, peen of a hammer.
-- de milano o de pato, dovetai!.
- de pescado, isinglass; fish glue; fishtail (bit).
- de rata, rattail (file); driftpin.
-- marine, marine glue.
--para madera laminada, plywood glue.
colas (min), tailings, chats.
colada 1, (met) melt; (conc) pour; (conc) lift;
(conc) batch.
- de prueba, trial batch.
coladera 1, strainer; (M) (PR) leaching cesspool;
(M) sewer, drain.
coladera-punta, well point.
coladero m (min), winze, ore chute.
colado en el lugar (conc), poured in place.
colador m, strainer.
-- a presin, pressure strainer.
-- de cao pluvial (to), leader strainer.
-- de cesta, basket-type strainer.
-- de coque, coke strainer.
-- de lodo (pet), mud screen, shale shaker.
- para hojas (hid), leaf screen.
colagn m (M), conduit, canal.
colanilla 1, door bolt.
colapez 1, isinglass; fish glue.
colapsible (M), collapsible.
colapso m (M), failure, collapse.
colar, to pour; to strain; to cast; (tun)(M) to
drive, bore; to sink (shaft): colarse, to
seep, percolate; to sift.
-- en basto, to rough-cast.
colatitud 1, colatitude.
colato de sodio (Iab), sodium chalate.
colctar m (abrasivo), colcothar, rauge.
colcha I (ais), quilt, blanket.
colchado m (cab), lay.
- a la derecha, right lay.
-- a la izquierda, left layo
-- corriente o cruzado, regular or plain layo
--lang o paralelo, lang or cable layo
colchar, to lay rope.
colchn m, cushion, mattress; (elec cab) bedding.
- amortiguador (hid) (Col), stilling pool.
-- de agua, water cushion, stilling pool.
- de barro (hid), clay blanket.
- de cieno (dac), sludge blanket.
- filtrador (pa), filter blanket.
- hidrulico (M), stilling pool.
colear, to yaw, buck; (auto) to shimmy.
colectivo m (tI') (A), small public bus.
colector m, collector; catch basin, trap; intercept-
ing sewer; (irr) n;turn ditch; (elec) com-
mutator; (elec) collector; (min) collector;
(p) (Pan) manifold.
-- cloacal, main sewer.
-- de aceite, oil trap; drip pan; (auto) oil"pan.
-- de aguas blancas (A), storm-water sewer.
-- de aire, air trap.
- de aire comprimido, air receiver (compres-
- de alivio (M), relief sewer.
-' de arco (fc elc), bow trolley.
- de avenidas (Es), storm sewer.
- de barro, mud trap, catch basin.
-- de cascajo, grit collector.
-- de condensado, condensate or steam trap.
-- de corriente (elc), current collector.
-- de desage, (Pb) main soil pipe, house drain
(Pe) sewer.
-- de escamas (pet), scale trap.
-- de espumas (dac), scum collector.
-- de fango, mud trap.
-- de grasa, grease trap.
-- de humedad, moisture separator or trap.
-- de lodos, sludge collector.
- de prtiga (fc elc), pole trolley.
-- de polvo, dust collector.
- de sedimentos (cal), mud drum.
-- de tormentas (Es), storm sewer
- de tubos, manifold header.
-- de vapor (loco), steam drum.
--pantgrafo, pantograph trolley
-- pluvial, storm-water sewer.
-- sanitario, sanitary sewer.
--visitable (Es), sewer large enough for a man
to entero
colector-cabezal, header of a boiler.
clera (m) asitico, Asiatic cholera.
calero m, gluepot; (min)(M)(Pe) labor foreman.
coleta 1, burlap.
colgadero m, hanger.
colgadizo m, shed,lean-to; a hanging, suspended.
colgador m, hanger.
-- autoalineador, self-aligning hanger.
- de artefacto (elc), fixture hanger.
- de cable, (cy) fall-line carrier; (elec) cable
- de canaln (to), gutter hanger.
-- de mensajero (elc), messenger hanger
- del revestidor (pet), liner hanger.
-- de tubo, pipe hanger.
-- de vigueta, joist hanger.
c o l g a ~ t ~ m, hanger, pendant; a suspended, hang-
-- de servicio (elc), service drop.
-- giratorio, swivel hanger.
colgar, to hang.
coli-aergenes (is), coli-aerogenes.
colibacilo m (is), colon bacillus, Bacillu8 eolio
coliforme, coliform (bacteria).
colillas I (min), tailings.
colimacin 1, collimation.
colimador m, collimator.
colimetra I (pa) (U), coliform density.
colina 1, hil!.
colineacin I (mat), collineation.
colineal, collinear.
colisa 1, slide; (eng) link.
- de Stephenson (mv), Stephenson link.
colisin 1, collision.
colmado, heaped up.
colmatacin 1, colmataje m, filling; earth fill;
(A) silting up.
colocabilidad I (conc) (M), placeability.
colocado en fro (ca), cold-Iaid.
colocador m, setter, placer, positioner; (sa) seto
- de ladrillos (C), bricklayer.
-- de vagones, cal' spotter.
- de va (maq), track layer.
colocadora 1, setter, placer.
-- neumtica, pneumatic concrete placer.
colocar, to place, locate, set; to invest.
colodin m, collodion.
colofonia j, resino
cologaritmo m, cologarithm.
coloidal, colloida!.
coloide m, colloid.
coloniaj, (PR) sugar plantation; (A) farm; (Iab)
color m, color.
. color de recocido, tcmper color.
amarille>, yellow.
amarillo claro, light yellow.
amarillo de paja, straw color.
amarillo oscuro, dark yellow.
amarillo plido, faint yellow.
azul, blue.
azul brillante, bright blue.
azul oscuro, dark blue.
azul puro, full blue.
blanco, white.
castao amarillento, brown ycllow.
castao purpreo, purple brown.
castao rojizo moteado, spotted red brown.
cereza claro, light cherry.
negro' rojizo, black red.
pajizo oscuro, dark straw.
pajizo plido, pale straw.
prpura, purple.
rojo cereza mediano, medium cherry red.
rojo cereza oscuro, darle cherry red.
rojo cereza puro, full cherry red.
rojo de sangre oscuro, dark blood red.
salmn, salmon.
salmn claro, light salmon.
color patrn, standard color.
colorante m, coloring matter.
colorimetra 1, colorimetry.
calorimtrico, colorimetric.
colormetro m, colorimeter.
colpa 1, copperas; (min) (Pe) a silvcr ore.
columna j, column.
-- cerrada, boxcolumn.
-- combinada, combination column.
-- compuesta, (str) built-up column; (conc)
composite column.
-- de agua (fc), water column.
-- de asiento esfrico, round-end column.
-- de barras Z, Z-bar column.
- de burbujeo (pet), bubble column.
-- de caja, box column.
-- de celosa, latticed column.
-- de direccin (auto), steering column.
- de equilibrio (hid), surge tank.
-- de extremo fijo, fixed-end column.
-- de fraccionamiento, fractionating tower.
-- de fundicin, cast-iron column.
- de plancha y ngulos, plate-and-angle col-
-- de planchas atiesadoras, battened column.
-- escalonada (est), stepped column.
-- fnix, Phoenix column.
-- H, H column.
- Lally, Lally column.
-- positiva (eI6c), positive column.
- reguladora (hid), surge tank, standpipe.
-- tubular, steel-pipe column.
-- zunchada (conc), hooped column.
columnar (geol)(mincr), columnar.
columnata 1, row of columns, colonnade.
columpio m, bascule, any device with a swinging
coluvial (geol), colluvial.
collado m, hil1; saddle, gap, pass.
collar m (mec), collar, collet.
- de bolas, ball race (bearing).
-- de cementar (pet), cementing collar
- de circulacin (pet), mud collar.
-- del excntrico (mv), eccentric strap.
-- de hincar (pi), drive sleeve.
-- de mstil (en), mast collar.
- de perforacin (pet), drill collar.
- de terraja (mh) (A), threading die.
-- de tope, stop collar.
- de vaciado (tub) (V), joint runner.
-- micromtrico, micrometer collar.
-- para rueda (fc), whcel seat.
- poratescobillas (eI6c), brush ringo
collarn m, collar.
-- de empuje, thrust collar.
-- del prensaestopas, gland.
collera I (fc)(A), a length of track between two
pairs of opposite joints.
coma j (fma), coma.
comaln m (eI6c) (C), come-along clamp.
comando m, contro!.
-- a distancia, remote contro!.
- digital, finger-tip control.
comarca j, region, territory.
comba 1, warp, wind, bulge; camber; (rd) crown;
(Pe) maul, sledge; (auto)(A) caster; (ra)
(Sp) antinode, loop.
- de canto (mad), crook.
- de plano (mad), bow.
combada de oxgeno disuelto (is), oxygen sag.
combaduraj, warping, bulging; camber; sag.
combar, to camber; to bend; (Ch) to strike with
a maul; combarse, to sag, warp, bulge;
(na) to hog.
combersal (to)(A), valley.
combs m, waist of a ship.
combinacin I (mat) (qum), combination.
combinado qumicamente, chemically combined.
combinador m (eI6c), controller.
-- de gobierno, master controller.
-- magntico, full-magnetic controller.
combinarse (qum), to combine.
combo m, maul, sledge.
comburente m a, combustible.
combustibilidad 1, combustibility.
combustible m, fuel; a combustible.
- de seguridad, safety fuel.
-- tipo, reference fue!.
combustin 1, combustion.
-- a presin invariable, constant-pressure com-
-- a volumen constante, constant-voIume com-
-- espontnea, spontaneous combustion.
- fraccionada, fractional combustion.
--fumvora, smokeless combustion.
- retardada, afterburning.
combustleo m, fuel oil.
combust61eo 86 compreso
compres6metro 87 compuesto
compres- \ -- de calefaccin, furnace oil.
-- Diesel, Diesel oil.
-- para buques, bunker oil.
comejn m, termite.
comerciable, marketable; merchantable (grade).
comisara j, commissary.
comisariato m (Ec), commissary.
comisario (m) de averas (seg), average surveyor.
comisin j, committee, commission; (surv) (C)
party, corps; (com) cornmission.
-- de estudios (C), survey party.
compacidad j (ot) (V) (PR) , compaction, com-
compactacin j, compacting, consolidating.
compacto, compact, dense.
compaa j, company, corporation.
-- annima, ptock ompany, corporation.
-- aseguradora, insurance company.
- colectiva, partnership.
-- fiadora, bonding company.
- por acciones (C), stock company.
comparador m, comparator; comparer.
-- de banco, bench comparator.
-- de bloque, block comparator.
- de color, color comparator.
-- de pie, pedestal comparator.
compargrafo m (fma), comparagraph.
compartidor m (A), official charged with the dis-
tribution of irrigation water.
compartimiento m, compartment, (1'1') stateroom.
- de calderas (cn) (A), boiler room.
- de mando (co), driving compartment.
- de mquinas (cn) (A), engine room.
comparto m (irr)(A), division box.
comps m, compass, dividers, calipers.
-- con arco, wing compass 01' dividers; quadrant
- de agrimensor, surveyor's compass.
-- de biseccin, bisecting dividers.
- de calibres (Es), calipers.
- de corredera (Es), slide caliper.
- de cuadrante (Es), wing compass 01' dividers.
- de divisin, dividers.
- de divisin a resorte, hairspring 01' spring
- de espesor, calipers, outside calipers.
-- de espirales, volute compass.
- de exterior, outside calipers.
- de gruesos, calipers, outside calipers.
- de mar, mariner's compass.
- de marcar, scribing compass.
-- de muelle, bow pencil 01' pen 01' dividers.
- de precisin, hair compass, hairspring di-
- de proporcin, proportional dividers.
- de punta fija o de punta seca, dividers.
- de reduccin, proportional dividers.
- de regla (B), beam compass.
- de trazar, draftsman's compass.
-- de tres piernas, triangular compass.
-- de vara, beam compass, trammel.
-- deslizante, beam compass.
- divisor, dividers.
- giratorio, rotating 01' drop spring 01' rivet
-- hermafrodita, hermaphrodite caliper.
--interior, inside calipers.
-- micromtrico, micrometer calipers.
-- para huecos, inside calipers.
-- portalpiz, pencil compass.
-- universal, universal compasses.
compensacin j, compensation; balancing; take-
-- de bajos (ra), bass compensation.
-- de la brjula, compass compensation.
-- de la pendiente (fc) , grade compensation
(for curvature).
-- de tierra (ra) (Es), counterpoise.
- de tierras (ot), balancing cuts and filis.
-- por accidentes de trabajo, workmen's com-
compensador m, compensator (aU senses); equal-
izer, adj uster.
-- armnico (auto), harmonic balancero
-- de arranque (elc), starting compensator.
-- de freno, brake adjuster.
-- de impedancia (elc), impedance compen-
- de prdida de tensin (elc), line-drop com-
- de ruedas (auto) (A), wheel balancero
-- elevador (elc), balancer-booster.
compensar, to compensate (aU senses); to bal-
ance, equalize.
competencia j, competence, fitness, capacity;
competitive bidding, competition; (1') com-
competente (geol), competent.
complejo m a, complexo
- fundamental (geol), basal complexo
complementario (mat), complementary.
complemento m (mat), complemento
complexo a, complexo
componente m j, component (al! senses); (chem)
- desvatada (elc), wattless component.
-- electromagntica (ra), magnetic component.
-- en fase (elc), inphase component.
--harmnica (elc), harmonic component.
--negativa de secuencia (elc), negative se-
quence component.
--nula de secuencia (elc), zero sequence com-
--positiva de secuencia (elc), positive se-
quence component.
--vatada (elc), active 01' inphase component.
componer, to repair, overhaul.
composicin j (qum) (mat), composition.
composturas j, repairs.
compound a (mv) (elc), compound.
-- cruzado, cross-compound.
-- en tndem, tandem-compound.
compoundaje m, compounding.
comprador m, buyer.
compregnado, compregnated (plywood).
compresibilidad j, compressibility.
compresible, compressible.
compresmetro m (A), compression gage.
compresin j, compression.
-- de dos etapas, two-stage compression.
compresivo, compressive.
compreso, compressed.
compresmetro m, compression gage,
compresor m, compressor.
- de ngulo, angle compressor.
- de anillo (herr), piston-ring compressor.
- de chorro (aa), jet compressor.
- de un grado, single-stage compressor.
- de volumen (ra), volume compressor.
- en lnea recta, straight-line compressor.
- multigradual, mu1tistage compressor.
compresores gemelos, duplex compressor.
compresora j, compressor.
- a correa, belt-dl'iven compressor.
- a motor, motor-driven compressor.
-- axial, axial-flow compressor.
- centrfuga de aletas radiales, radial-blade
centrifugal comprcssor.
- de aletas corredizas, sliding-vane rotary'
- de cinco grados, five-stage compressor.
- elevadora, booster compressor.
- mvil, portable compressor.
-- neumtica (M), air compressor.
--rociadora, spraying compressor.
--rotativa, rotary compressor.
compresorista m, operator of a compressor.
comprimible, compressible.
comprimir, to compress, compacto
comprobacin (j) del trnsito (Ec), tracing (a
comprobador m, checker; tester.
-- de contadores, mcter testero
m, voucher.
- de venta, bill of sale.
comprobar, to check, verify; to proveo
compuerta j, (hyd) gato; (bldg) haH door; (tk)
gate; (V) bulkhead in a concrete formo
- abatible (co), down-folding gateo
- acuada (vi), wedge gate.
- aforadora, motcrgate.
-- basculante, tilting gato.
--Broome, Bl'oome 01' catorpillar gate.
- cilndrica, rolling 01' rollor gato; ring gate.
-- de abanico (M), Tainter 01' radial gato.
-- de abatimiento, bear-trap gato; drum gato.
- de aguja, noodle valve.
- de aletas ajustables (aa) , multiplo-Iouvcr
- de alzas, bcar-trap gate, roof wcir.
- de anillo, ring gateo
-- de anillo corredor (Col), ring-follower gateo
- de anillo estancador, ring-scal gate.
-- de anillo seguidor, ring-follower gate.
-- de arco (min), arc 01' radial gatc.
- de arco inferior (min), undcrswung are gate.
- de arco superior (min), ovcrhung arc gate.
- de .arranque, head gate.
-- de basuras, skimming gateo
-- de bifurcacin (irr) , bifurcation gatc.
-- de buzn (ag), bin gateo
- de cabecera, hoad gateo
-- de cierre anubr, ring-soal gato.
-- de cizalla, shoar gato.
- de cola (co), tail gate.
-- de cua, wcdgo gate (valve).
- de chapaleta o de charnela, fiap gate.
-- de desage o de evacuacin, sluice 01' waste
-- de deslizamiento, sliding gate.
- de doble cua, double-disk gate (valve).
-- de esclusa, sluice gate; lock gate, fioodgate.
-- de guillotina, shear gate; sliding gateo
- de limpia, sluice gate (dam).
-- de marea, tide gate, fioodgate.
-- de orugas, caterpillar 01' Broome gateo
-- de paso, shutoff gate.
- de perforacin (pet), drill gateo
- de postigo (turb), wicket gateo
- de purga, sluice gateo
-- de retencin, backwater gateo
-- de rodamiento, roller gate.
- de rodillos, fixed-wheel gate, truck-type
gate; Stoney gate; coaster gate.
-- de ruedas fijas, fixed-wheel gateo
-- de sector, sector gate; drum gateo
-- de sector rodante, rolling sector gate.
-- de segmento, segmental 01' Tainter gateo
-- de servicio (i1'1'), delivery gate.
-- de tablero engoznado, hinged-leaf gate,
shutter weir.
-- de tambor, drum gateo
- de tiro, damper (fiue).
- de tolva (ag), hin gateo
-- de toma, intake 01' head gateo
-- de urgencia, emergency gate.
- de vagn (Es), truck-type 01' fixed-wheel
-- defiectora (aa), defiecting damper.
-- derivadora (i1'1'), delivery gate, turnout, divi-
sion gate.
-- desarenadora, sand 01' sluice gateo
-- descargadora, sluice 01' waste gateo
- deslizable (A), coaster gateo
- desripiadora (Ch), sluice gateo
-- desviadora, diversion gateo
-- elevadora o levadiza, rising gateo
- estranguladora (aa), throttling damper.
-- flotante (ds), caisson.
-- medidora (irr), metergate.
-- partidora (i1'1'), bifurcation 01' division gate.
-- piloto, filler gateo
-- radial, radial 01' Tainter gate; (min) arc gate.
-- radial inferior (min), underswung arc gateo
-- radial superior (min), overhung arc gateo
--rodante, roller gate; rolling sector gate.
-- trasera (co), tail gateo
-- trasera cargadora, tail-gate loader.
- tubular (Es), gate valve.
-- de demasas, spi1lway gates.
-- de derrame, spillway 01' crest gates.
-- del-umbral, crest gates.
compuesto m, a compound; a compound, (str)
built up.
-- aditivo (qum), addition compound 01'
- aislador, insulating compound.
-- d cortar (mil), cutting compound.
-- de c)1racin (conc), curing compound.
-- de enfriamiento, cooling compound; (mt)
cutting compound.
- de pulir, lapping 01' compound.
compuesto 88 condensador condensador 89 conductor
-- de retacar, calking compound.
- de sellar (elc), sealing compound.
-- de soldar, soldering paste; brazing com-
- de tarrajar, thread dope.
-- desincrustante, boiler compound.
--impermeabilizador, waterproofing com-
- inflamable (vol), flash compound.
- para banda, belt dressing.
-- para cable, cable compound or dressing.
--para enchufes (tub), joint compound.
-- para engranajes, gear compound.
--para roscas, thread paste.
- para terminador de cable (elc), pothead
-- qumico, chemical compound.
- sellador de juntas (ca), joint-sealing com-
computador m (inst)(M), computer.
computar, to compute, calculate.
computista m, computer.
cmputo m, computation.
comunicacin!, communication.
concadenamiento m, linkage.
concavidad!, concavity.
cncavo m, cncava!, cavity, hollow.
cncavo a, concave, dished.
cncavo-convexo, concave-convex.
concentracin!, concentration.
- en seco (min), dry concentration.
- hidrogeninica (pa), hydrogen-ion concen-
- por venteo (min), dry blowing.
concentrado m, a concentrate; a concentrated.
concentrador m, concentrator.
concentrar, to concentrate.
concentricidad!, concentricity.
concntrico, concentric.
concesin!, concession, grant; (mech) allowance.
-- social, corporate franchise or charter.
concesionar (M), to grant a concession.
concesionario m, holder of a concession, licensee,
conconete m (M), small irrigation ditch.
concordancia (j) de fases (elc), phase coinci-
concrecin! (geol), concretion.
concrecional, concretionary.
concrecionar, to sinter.
concretar, to concrete.
concretera! (C), concrete mixer.
concreto m, (cons) concrete; (su) concrete, con-
crete sugar.
- a soplete (AC) , gunite.
-- acorazado, armored concrete.
-- agrio, harsh concrete.
-- aguado, sloppy concrete.
- armado, reinforced concrete.
-- ciclpeo, cyclopean concrete.
-- de cenizas, cinder concrete.
-- de clavar, nailing concrete, Nailcrete (trada-
-- de escorias, slag concrete; (C) cinder con-
-- en masa, mass concrete.
-- fresco, green concrete.
-- graso, rich concrete.
-- grueso, harsh concrete.
--magro o pobre, lean concrete.
-- premezc1ado, ready-mixed or plant-mixed
--premoldeado, precast concrete.
-- reforzado, reinforced concrete.
-- simple, plain concrete.
-- tieso, stiff concrete.
-- trabajable, workable concrete.
concurrente (mat) (seg), concurrent.
concursante, bidder.
concurso m, meeting, assembly.
- de acreedores, creditors' meeting.
- de competencia (A), competitive bidding.
concusin!, concussion.
"concha !, shell, casing; boiler scale; (V) mill
scale; (V) scale of rust; (ce)(M) scalepan,
- de almeja, (bu) clamshell.
conchabador m (A), labor contractor.
conchabero m (Col), taskworker, pieceworker.
conchfero, containing shells.
conchudo, shelly, shaly.
condensable, condensable.
condensacin!, condensation.
condensado m, condensate.
condensador m (mec) (elc) (fma) , condenser,
(elec) capacitor.
-- a vaco, vacuum condenser.
-- acorazado, shell-and-tube condenser.
-- atmosfrico (aa) (rfg) , atmospheric con-
-- cermico (elc), ceramic capacitor.
-- compensador (ra), balancing condenser.
-- de acoplamiento (ra) , coupling capacitor or
-- de aire (elc), air condenser.
-- de bajas prdidas (ra), low-loss condenser.
- de bloqueo (elc), stopping or blocking con-
-- de casco, shell-and-tube condenser.
-- de contraflujo (aa), counterflow condenser.
-- de corrientes opuestas, countercurrent con-
-- de corrientes paralelas, parallel-flow con-
-- de chorro, jet condenser.
-- de chorro mltiple, multijet condenser.
-- de dcadas (ra), decade condenser or capaci-
-- de derivacin (ra), by-pass condenser.
-- de doble flujo, double-flow or two-pass con-
-- de electrolito pastoso, dry electrolitic capac-
- de filtro (ra), filter capacitor.
-- de inundacin, flooded condenser.
-- de inyeccin, jet condenser.
- de pasaje (A), by-pass condenser.
-- de paso (elc), by-pass condenser.
-- de paso mltiple, multiflow condenser.
- de placa (elc), plate condenser.
-- de reflujo, reflux condenser.
-- de rejilla (ra), grid condenser.
- de roco, shower condenser.
- de superficie, surface condenser.
-- de un paso, single-flow condenser.
-- de vapor acuoso, vapor condenser.
-- fraccionador, fractionating condenser.
-- mltiple (ra), gang condenser.
-- neutralizador (ra), neutralizing capacitor.
- patrn, standard capacitor.
- radial, radial-fiow condenser.
- regulable (elc), variable or adjustable con-
--rotatorio (elc), rotary or synchronous con-
-- sintonizador (ra), tuning condenser.
-- sumergido (aa) (rfg) , submergcd condenser.
--variable (ra), trimmer or variable condenser.
condensar, to condense.
condensita! (elc), Condensite (trademark).
conduccin!, conduction; transportation, cart-
age; (auto) driving.
-- de calor, thermal conduction.
- delantera (auto) (M), front drive.
-- electroltica (qum), electrolytic conduction.
- final (auto) (M) ,final drive.
-- rasante (PR), gravity conduit.
conducir, to carry, conduct, convey; (auto) to
conductancia!, conductance.
-- andica (ra), plate conductance.
-- de dispersin (el('c), leakage conductance,
-- de entrada (ra), input conductance.
-- de grilla (ra), grid conductance.
-- electrdica (ra) , electrode or grid or plate
-- especfica (is), specific conductance.
-- molar (qum), molar conductance, molecular
-- unitaria de conveccin (aa) , unit convection
conductance, film coefficient for convec-
conductibilidad!, conductivity.
-- calorfica, thermal conducttvity.
conductividad!, conductivity.
--magntica, magnetic conductivity, perme-
-- molecular, molecular conductivity, molar
-- trmica, thermal conductivity.
conductivo (elc), conductive.
conducto m, conduit, flume, aqueduct; duct;
fiue; chute; (elec) conduit.
- celular (elc), conduit (street).
- de abastecimiento (hid), supply line, aque-
-- de aceite, oil duct or groove; oil pipe.
-- de aduccin, supply line, aqueduct, supply
pipe; supply duct.
-- de alambres, wireway, raceway, electric con-
-- de arcilla vitrificada, clay conduit.
- de banqueta (hid), bench fiume.
-- de barro vitrificado, vitrified-tile conduit.
- de basuras (hid), trash chute.
- de caja (hid), box flume.
- de calibracin (hid) , rating flume.
- de captacin (Pe), intake pipe.
-- de cuatro pasos (elc), four-way cable
-- de desage, sewer, drain.
-- de desembanque (presa), silt sluice.
-- de desfogue (hid), sluiceway, wasteway.
- de entrada (ds), filling culvert.
-- de espuma (az), foam canal.
-- de evacuacin, outlet pipe; sluiceway.
- de fibra (elc), fiber conduit, fiber-duct race-
-- de humo, flue.
- de impulsin (hid), force main.
-- de irrigacin, irrigation canal.
-- de servicio (elc), service conduit.
- de tormenta (Es) (A), storm-water sewer.
- de troncos (ef), log slide, dry slide, slip, log
- de vaciamiento (ds), emptying culvert.
-- de ventilacin, ventilation duct.
-- de va nica (elc), single-duct conduit.
- eductor (aa), exhaust duct.
-- elctrico, electric conduit, raceway.
- fibroso flexible (elc), 100m, flexible tubing.
--forzado (hid), pressure conduit, penstock.
- metlico flexible (elc), flexible metallic con-
duit, flexible raceway.
-- metlico superficial (elc), surface metal
raceway, metal molding, wireway.
- mltiple (elc), multiple-duct conduit.
--para barras colectoras (elc), busway.
- para hielo (hid), ice chute.
- para zcalo (elc), baseboard raceway.
-- pluvial, storm-water sewer; roof leader.
- por gravitacin (hid), gravity conduit.
- portacable (elc), cable duct.
- simple (elc), single-duct conduit.
-- sin fondo (elc), open-bottom raceway.
- superficial de alambres (elc), wireway, sur-
face raceway, molding.
-- superficial de madera (elc), surface wooden
raceway, wood molding.
-- surtidor, supply pipe.
conductomtrico (qum), conductometric.
conductmetro m, conductometer.
conductor m, (elec) conductor; (rr) conductor
(auto) driver, chauffeur; (Sp) motorman
operator of a machine; conveyor, carrier
(w) lead; a (elec) conductive.
-- a tierra, ground wire, grounding' conductor.
-- a tierra de la red, system grounding conduc-
- compuesto (elc), composite conductor.
-- de alimentacin, feed wire, feeder.
-- de arrastre, drag conveyor.
-- de artesas, pan conveyor.
- de bagacillo (az), trash conveyor.
-- de bagazo (az), bagasse carrier.
-- de bateas, pan conveyor.
-- de caa (az), cane carrier.
-- de cinta en espiral, ribbon conveyor.
- de contacto (elc), contact conductor.
- de correa, belt conveyor.
-- de cubetas, bucket conveyor or elevator.
- de cubiletes (C), bucket conveyor.
- de entrada (elc), lead-in wire.
conductor 90 conmutador conmutador 91 construccin
- de entrada de servicio (e16c), service en-
trance conductor.
-- de estera (C), apron eonveyor.
-- de gusano, serew eonveyor.
- de husillo (C), spiral eonveyor.
-- de locomotora, engine driver, loeomotive
- de obras (A) (Ch) , eonstruetion manager;
resident engineer.
-- de paletas, flight eonveyor.
- de rastrillo (C), drag eonveyor.
- de retorno, (elee) return conductor; (ce) re-
turn eonveyor.
- de segmento (e16e), segmental conductor.
-- de tablillas, slat or flight eonveyor.
-- de toma (e16e), eolleetor conductor.
- de tornillo (C), serew eonveyor.
-- espiral, serew or spiral eonveyor.
conductores de compensacin (e16e), compensa.
tory leads.
conductores de derivacin (ele), shunt leads.
condulete m (e16e)(V), Condulet (trademark).
conectador m, eonneetor; (elee) outlet.
-- de elementos, cen eonneetor.
-- de manguera, hose eonneetor.
- elctrico de carriles (fe), rail bond.
conectar (mee) (e16e), to eonneet.
conector m, eonneetor (all senses).
--a presin (e16c), pressure or solderless con.
- a tierra (e16e), grounding eonneetor.
-- angular (earp), elbow eonneetor.
-- cerrador (e16e), loeking eonnector.
-- corrugado (earp), eorrugated joint fastener.
- de anillo dentado (earp), toothed ring eon-
- de anillo partido (earp), split-ring eoIineetor.
-- de bridas, flanged eonneetion.
-- de caja (ele), box eonneetor.
-- de cordn (ele), eord eonneetor.
- de derivacin (e16e), tap eonneetor.
-- de entrada (tub) , serviee or house eonneetion.
-- de perno partido, split-bolt connector.
-- de rosca, threaded eonneetion.
-- de torones (eab), strand conneetor.
-- ele (earp), elbow eonneetor.
-- en cruz, eross eonneetor.
- sin soldadura (e16e), pressure or solderless
conexin f, eonneetion, joint.
-- de campo o de montaje (est) , field eonneetion.
-- de estrella (e16e), star or Y or wye eonnee.
-- de rosca, threaded eonneetion.
- domiciliaria (tub)(e16e), house serviee.
-- empernada, bolted eonneetion.
-- en cascada (e16e), easeade eonneetion.
- en delta (ele), delta eonneetion.
- en serie paralelo (e16e), series-parallel or
multiple-series eonneetion.
- en T (ele), branch or T joint, T or Seott
- en tringulo (ele), delta eonneetion.
-- en V (ele), V or open-delta eonneetion.
-- estrella-estrella (e16e), star-star eonneetion.
-- J,lara tubera, pipe eoupling; pipe fitting.
- particular (tub) (e16e), house eonneetion,
- perfecta a tierra (e16e), dead earth or ground.
- por enchufe, (elee) plug eonneetion; (p) bell-
and-spigot joint.
- tringulo-estrella (e16e), delta-star eonneo-
- tringulo-tringulo (ele), delta-delta. con-
configuracin f (qum) (top) (mat), eonfiguration.
confitillo m (M), pea gravel or stone.
conflacin f, smelting, ore reduetion.
confluencia f, eonfluenee, jtIDetion of streams;
(rr) junetion.
confiuente m a, tributary, eonfluent.
confocal, eonfoeal.
conformador m, grader, road shaper; drtpin;
(mt) shaper; eontour maehine; forming
-- de bastidor inclinable, leaning-frame grader.
-- de motor, motor grader.
-- de ruedas inclinables, leaning-wheel grader.
conformadora 1, grader; shaper; former.
-- de arrastre, pull grader.
-- de caminos, road seraper or grader, sub-
-- elevadora, elevating grader.
conformante (mat), conformal.
conformar, to shape.
conforme m, approval; a (math) eonformal.
Ilongelar, congelarse, to freeze.
conglomerdico (geol) (A), eomglomeratie.
conglomerado m (geol), eonglomerate; a con.
-- de boleos, boulder eonglomerate.
-- de chinos, eobble eonglomerate.
-- de fallas, fault eonglomerate.
- de granito (A), granolithie (floor)
- de peas (V), eobble eonglomerate.
- de peones (V), boulder eonglomerate.
-- de trituracin, erush eonglomerate.
--fundamental, basal eonglomerate.
conglomerante m, binding material.
conglomertico, eonglomeratie.
conglutinador m, eoaleseer.
conglutinarse, to eoalesee, eoagu1ate, cake.
congosto m, eanyon, gorge; pass.
congruente (mat), eongruent.
conicidad 1, taper; eonieity.
cnico, eonieal.
cnicohelicoidal, eonieo-helieoidal, spiral bevel.
confera I (mad), eonifer.
confero, eoniferous.
coniforme, eone-shaped.
conjugado, eonjugate.
conjuntador-disruptor m (auto), make and break.
conjunto m (mee), assembly.
-- de fusible, fuse unit.
- de la impulsin final, final-drive assembly.
- de varias salidas (e16e), multioutlet assem-
- motriz (auto) (A), power planto
conmutador m (ele), transfer or ehange-over
switch; eommutator.
-- al vaco (ra), vaeuum switch.
-- antena-tierra (ra), lightning switch.
- de bandas (ra) (M), band selector or switch.
- de cilindro, drum switch.
-- de cuatro terminales, four-way switch.
-- de cuchillas, knife switch.
-- de derivaciones, tap switch.
-- de dos direcciones, two-way switch.
- de escobillas, brush switch.
-- de gobierno, master switch.
-- de polos, reversing switch.
-- de tres direcciones, three-way switch.
- de vuelta (mot), direetion switch.
-- giratorio, dial switch.
--inversor, reversing switch.
--para rayos (ra), antenna or lightning switch.
--reductor (auto), dimmer switch.
4:onmutar, to eummutate; to throw over (elee
4:onmutatriz I (e16e), eonverter.
cono m, eone.
-- aluvial, alluvial eone, eone delta.
- basculable (ap), tipover eone.
-- de depresin de bombeo, eone of pumping
-- de deyeccin (geol), debris eone.
- de espigas (tub) (V), redueer with spigot
-- de pulverizacin, spray eone.
-- de revenimiento (eone) (M), slump eone.
-- de silencio (ap), eone of silenee.
- de viento (ap), wind soek.
- dispersor (hid), diffusing eone.
-- entre cono (geol), eone-in-eone.
--hidrulico, hydraueone.
- Imhoff (dae), Imhoff eone.
- primitivo (en), piteh eone.
--recto, right eone.
- roscado (mo) (A), eone nut.
-- sacabarrena (pet), horn soeket.
conocimiento m, bill of lading; voueher.
- corrido o directo, through bill of lading.
-- de almacn o de depsito, warehouse reeeipt.
- de embarque, bill of lading.
-limpio, clean bill of lading.
-- martimo, oeean bill of lading.
-- negociable, order bill of lading.
- no traspasable, straight bill of lading.
- tachado, foul bill of lading.
--terrestre, inland bill of lading.
- uniforme (fe), (US) unorm bill of lading.
conoidal, conoidal.
conoide m, eonoid.
conquilfero (Es), eontaining shells.
consecuente (mat) (geol), eonsequent.
consejo m, eommission, board, eouneil.
-- de administracin, board of direetors.
-- de aseguradores, board of underwriters.
- de sanidad, board of health.
-- directivo, board of direetors.
conservacin 1, maintenanee; eonservation, eon-
-- de la va (fe), traek maintenanee, mainte-
nance of way.
-- del lecho (fe), roadway maintenanee.
-- de material mvil (fe), maintenanee of equip-
-- de va y obras (fe), maintenanee of way and
conservador m (e16e), conservator, expansion
conservadora f (maq), maintainer.
-- caminera, road maintainer.
- de cuchillas mltiples, multiple-blade main-
conservar, to maintain.
-la derecha (ca), to keep to the right.
consignacin 1, eonsignment, shipment; appro-
-- , en, on eonsignment.
consignador m, eonsignor.
consignar, to eonsign.
consignatario m, eonsignee.
consistencia 1, eonsisteney.
consistente, eonsistent (material).
consistmetro m, eonsisteney meter, consistom-
consola 1, braeket, eonsole.'
-- colgante, shaft or drop hanger.
-- de andamiaje, seaffold braeket, builder's
-- para poste, post hanger.
consolidar, to eompaet, eonsolidate; consoli-
darse, to s9ttle, beeome eompaet.
consolidmetro m, eonsolidometer.
consonancia I (e16e), eonsonanee, resonanee.
consonante (e16e), eonsonant, resonant.
constantn, constantana, constantano m 1, eon-
stantan (alloy).
constante I a, eonstant.
-- de amortiguacin (ele), damping eonstant.
-- de elasticidad, spring eonstant (vibration).
-- del elemento (az), eell eonstant.
-- de fase (ra), phase or wave-length eonstant.
-- de gravitacin, gravitational eonstant.
-- de refraccin, eonstant of refraetion, speeifie
refraetive 'power.
- de rejilla (ptica), grating eonstant.
- del retculo (lev), stadia-interval factor.
-- de sintona (ra), tuning eonstant.
- de tiempo (e16e), time eonstant.
--taquimtrica (lev), stadia eonstant.
constantes de calibracin (fma), ealibration eon-
constitucin f (geol) (qum), eonstitution.
constitutivo, eonstitutive.
constituyente m (qum), eonstituent.
constriccin 1, eonstrietion.
construcl;in 1, eonstruetion; strueture.
- a tope, end eonstruetion (hollow tile).
- de combustin lenta (ed) , slow-burning or
mill eonstruetion, heavy timber eonstrue-
- de puentes, bridge building.
- esqueltica (ed) , skeleton eonstruetion
(walls earried on frame).
--incombustible, fireproof eonstruetion.
- naval, shipbuilding.
-- por etapas, stage eonstruetion.
-- resistente al fuego, fire-resistive eonstruc-
-- reticulada, framed strueture.
-- Seale (eab), Seale eonstruetion.
- vial, road building.
-- Warrington (eab), Warrington eonstruetion.
contrabalancear, to eounterbalanee.
contrabalancn m, balance bobo
contrabalanza j, eounterbalanee.
contrabisagra j, leaf of a hinge.
- de jamba, jamb lea.
-- de puerta, door lea.
contrabordo m (M), eurb.
contraboterolaj (re), dolly, holder-on.
contrabveda j, inverted vault or areh.
contrabranque m (en), apron, stemson.
contrabrazo m (auto), drag link.
contrabrazola j (en), headledge.
l:ontrabrida j, eounterflange; follower (Dresser
contracabeza j, lip forming f1angeway of a
grooved rail.
contracalibre m, mating gage.
contraeanal m, braneh canal.
contracan m (min) (M), drift in the footwall.
contracarril m (fe), guardrail.
- de resalte (fe), easer rail.
contraccin j, eontraetion.
- completa (hid), full eontraetion.
-- eliminada (hid), suppressed eontraetion.
-lateral (hid), end eontraetion.
--por desecacin (eone), drying shrinkage.
-- superficial (hid), surfaee eontraetion.
contraeercos m, door and window trim.
contracielo m (min) (M), raise, upraise.
-- de acceso, manway raise.
-- escalonado, stope raise.
--piloto, pilot raise.
--ramal, braneh or eutout raise.
--ventilador, ventilation raise.
contracimiento m, wall or paving to proteet a
contraclave j, voussoir next to the keystone.
contraclavijaj, gib, key, fox wedge.
contracodaste m (en), propeller post, sternpost.
contracodo m (tub), S bend.
contraconducto (min), eounterehute.
contracorazn m (fe), wing of a frog.
contracorricnte j, eountercurrent, eddy, reverse
current; a contracorriente, upstream.
contracuadernaj (cn), reverse frame.
contracuchilla j, fixed blade of a shear.
contracuneta j, intercepting ditch at top of a
slope, counterdrain, berm diteh.
contracua j, gibo
contracurva j, reverse curve.
contrachapada, madera (M), plyWood.
contrachaveta j, gibo
contrachoque m, bumper, buffer.
contradegello m (her), bottom fullero
contradepsito m (Es), reservoir below a dam.
contraderivacinj (elc), baek shunt.
contradiagonales j, (tu) counterbracing.
contradique m, supporting dike, spur dike, coun-
terdike; (A) cofferdam.
contradurmiente m (cn), clamp.
contraeje m, eountershaft, jaekshaft; tail shaft.
-- de velocidades (auto), transmission counter-
contraelectromotriz, counter eleetromotive.
contraembalse m (A), equalizing reservoir.
contraempuje m, couDterthrust.
constructor m. constructor.
--de ascensores, elevator constructor.
-- de buques, shipbuilder.
- de carros, earbuilder.
- de rasantes (ee), Gradebuilder.
- de veredas (ee), trailbuilder.
- naval, shipbuilder; naval architeet.
-vial, road builder (man).
constructora (j) de caminos (ee), Roadbuilder.
construdo en el lugar, built-in-plaee.
construir, to eonstruet, build, ereet.
consultor m, eonsultant; a consulting (engineer).
consumidor m, consumero
consumo m, consumption; (elee) current drain.
--unitario, speeifie eonsumption.
contabilidad j, aeeounting.
contabilista, contable, aeeountant.
contactador m (ele), eontaetor.
contacto m, eontact (all senses).
- corredizo (ele), sliding eontaet.
-- de inversin (ele), reverse contaet.
-- de resorte (ele), spring eontaet.
-- de rosca (ele), screwed eontact.
- de tope (ele), butt eontaet.
--perfecto a tierra (ele), dead earth or ground.
- por humedad (ele), weather eontaet.
- rodante, rolling eontaet.
- rozante (ele), sliding eontact.
contactos del distribuidor (mg) , distributer points.
contactos del ruptor (mg), breaker points.
contactor m, contactor.
-- de enfriamiento superficial (aa), surfaee-
cooled contaetor.
-- de leva, eam eontactor.
-- de reposicin (ele), reset contaetor.
contador m, aeeountant; meter; eounter.
-- a cantidad, quantity meter.
- a carga diferencial (hid), head meter.
-- compuesto (agua), eompound meter.
-- de altura, altimeter.
-- de amperios-horas, ampere-hour meter.
-- de rea variable (hid), variable-area meter.
-- de caldera, boiler (steam) meter.
-- de constriccin (hid) , eonstriction meter.
-- de consumo, service meter.
- de corriente, (hyd) eurrent meter; (elee)
ampere-hour meter.
-- de costos, eost aeeountant.
- de choque (hid), impaet meter.
-- de demanda mxima, demand meter.
-- de desplazamiento (agua), displaeement-type
-- de disco rotatorio, rotary-disk meter.
-- de mbolo, piston-type water meter.
- de enchufe (ele), soeket-type or detaehable
-- de energa desvatada (ele), reactive kva
-- de estacionamiento (auto), parking meter.
-- de expansin de la arena (pa), sand-expan-
sion reeorder.
-- de exposiciones (fma), exposure eounter.
-- de factor de potencia (ele), power-faetor
- de factor de reactancia (ele),reaetive-faetor
92 contraatagua
-- de fiujo o de gasto, fiowmeter.
-- de frecuencia, frequeney meter, (ra) fre-
queney indieator.
-- de hlice, propeller meter.
-- de kilometraje, speedometer.
-- de motor (elc), motor meter.
-- de orificio con placa delgada, thin-plate ori.
fiee meter.
-- de paletas, vane meter (water).
-- de prueba, testing meter.
-- de radiacin (ra), radiation eounter.
-- de reloj, dock meter.
-- de revolturas (eone), batch meter.
- de tantos (M), batch meter.
- de tarifas mltiples o de tipo mltiple (elc),
multirate meter.
-- de tiempo, timing deviee.
-- de turbina, turbine-type meter.
-- de vatio-horas, watt-hour meter.
-- de voltamperios reactivos, varmeter.
-- de volumen (hid) , volume or quantity meter.
-- de vueltas, revolution counter, speed indica-
--indicador, indieating meter.
--indicador de sintonizacin (ra) , tuning
--integrador a intervalos, intermittent inte-
grating meter.
--maestro, master meter.
--positivo (hid) , positive or displaeement
-- pblico o titulado, eertified publie aeeountant.
--rgistrador de demanda, reeording demand
-removible (ele), detaehable or soeket-tYP<l
--tipo ilativo (hid), inferential meter.
--vertedor (hid), weir meter.
contadura j, aeeounting; aeeounting ofliee.
contaminacin j, eontamination.
contaminador m, eontaminant.
contaminar, to eontaminate, pollute.
contn m, eurb
contenido m, contento
contera j, ferrule; pile shoe.
contingencias j, eontingeneies.
continuante m (mat), eontinuant.
continuidad j, eontinuity.
continuo m (mat), eontinuum; a continuous.
contorneador m (mh), router.
contornear, to saw around, cut a prome; to rout;
to trace a eontour; to seribe; to streamline.
contorno m, outline, eontour.
- baado (hid), wetted perimeter.
-- de deslizamiento (ms), shear pattern.
-- de inundacin (hid), f10wage lineo
contra, against, counter, opposite too
contra-amperios-vueltas j, baeK ampere-turns.
contraaguja m (fe), guardrail at a switch.
contraalabeo m (sol), prespringing, initial distor-
contraalcanca j (min), eounterehute.
contraantena j (ra), eounterpoise.
contrarbol m, eountershaft.
contraatagua j, seeondary cofferdam; buttress
to strengthen a eofferdam.
contrabalancear 93 contrapeldao
contraensayo m, check analysis.
contraerse, to eontract, shrink.
contraescaln m (es), riser.
-- atiesador, false riser.
contraescarpa j (hid) , hearth, apron. countcrc
contraestampaj (est), dolly, bucker.
contraestay m (nut), preventer.
contraexplosin j (auto), backfire.
contrafianza j, indemnity bond.
contrafibra j, cross grain.
contrafilo m (herr), baek edge.
contrafiln m (min), counterlode, countervein.
contrafiechaj, camber.
contraflujo m, reverse current. countereurrent,
counterflow, eddy.
contrafondo m (A), front.
contrafoso m, counterdrain.
contrafrente m (A), back.
contrafriccin, antifriction.
contrafuego, fireproof, fire-resisting.
contrafuerte m, counterfort, buttress; (top) spur;
(M) abutment.
-- de gravedad, massive buttress (Ambursen
contragalera j (min), countergangway.
contragolpe m, return stroke (piston); kiekbaek.
contragrada j (es), riser.
contragradiente j, reverse grade.
contragua j, stiffener for elevator guides; (hyd)
steellining in gate guides; eounterguide.
contrahierro m (cepillo), top iron, frog.
contrahilo m (mad), end grain; cross grain.
contrahuella j (es), riser.
contraincendios, fireproof, fire-resisting; for fire
contraladeo m (est), sway braee.
contralecho m (M), lower bed of an ashlar stone.
contralecho, a (mam) (Es), laid with natural bed
contralistonado m (ed), counterlathing.
contralor m, controller, auditor; (elec) (A) con-
contralora j, auditing; auditor's oflice.
contramaestre m, foreman; master mechanic;
(naut) boatswain.
contr"amanivela j, drag link.
contramarcar, to matchmark.
contramarcos m, door or window trim.
contramarcha j, (eng) reverse, reversing.
contramarchar, (eng) to run in reverse.
contramarea j, tidal countereurrent.
contramartillo m (re), dolly, bueker.
contramatriz j. top die.
contramecha j, counterbore.
--piloto, counterbore piloto
contramina j, adit; drift conneeting two mines.
contramotor m, opposing motor; haulback motor.
contramuro m (A) (Col). wall built against
contraonda j (ra) (A), back wave.
contrapar m, eaves board; rafter.
contrapaso m (Pe), stair riser.
contrapeado m (Es), plywood.
contrapeldao m (es), riser.
-- de rigidez, false riser.
contrapendiente 94 control
controlador 95 cord6n
contrapendiente J, reverse grade, aeelivity: (Es)
(A) downgrade following an upgrade.
contraperno (V), stop serew.
contrapesador (m) de ruedas (auto), wheel bal-
contrapesar, to eounterweight.
contrapeso m, eounterweight: eounterpoise, (ra)
balaneing eapaeity.
-- de las tenazas (pet), tong eounterbalanee.
-- de ventana, sash weight.
contrapilastra J, astragal, molding eovering a
door joint.
eontrapiso m, subfloor; (A)(rd) subgrade.
contraplacE. J, anchor plate.
contraplacado m, plywood.
- metlico (A), plymeta!.
~ superprensado, superpressed or high-density
contraplancha J, (str) spliee plate; (w) baeking
-- de escurrimiento (to), eounterflashing.
contrapolea J (Es), tail pulley.
contrapozo m (min), raise, upraise.
contrapresa J, (Sp) downstream eofferdam; (A)
stilling-pool weir.
contrapresi6n J, back pressure.
contraproducente, unprofitable.
contraprueba J, check test.
contrapuerta J, lining inside of firebox door:
storm door.
contrapunta J (mh), baek eenter; tailstoek, pop-
-- con cono, eone eenter.
- con palanca de mano (mh), hand-Iever tail-
contrapunz6n m, eounterpuneh.
contraquebranto m (en), hog frame, longitudinal
contraquilla J (en), keelson; false kee!.
contrarrampa J (Es) (A), upgrade following a
contrarrasante m (C), adverse grade.
contrarreguera J. subsidiary irrigation diteh;
diteh eonneeting ends of parallel irrigation
contrarremachador m (re), holder-on, dolly.
contrarremachar, to elinch: (re) to buek up.
contrarrestar, to resist (stress): to eounteraet.
contrarriel m (fe), guardrai!.
contrarrobl6n m .. burr, riveting wa.sher.
contrarroblonador m (re), holder-on, bueker.
contrarrodaJ (en), stemson, apron.
contrarrotaci6n J, eounterrotation.
contrasalmer m, areh stone next to the skewbaek.
contraseguro m, reinsuranee.
contrastar, to assay: to compare with a standard
(weights and measures).
contraste m, an assay: eomparison with a stand-
ard: (tv) eontrast.
contrata J, a eontraet.
contratajamar m (pte), downstream nosing.
contrataladrar, to eounterbore.
contrataladro m, eounterbore.
contratalud m, eounterslope, (rd) foreslope.
contratante 8, eontraeting party.
contratapa J, auxiliary top or eover.
contratar, to eontraet (a job).
contratensi6n J (ele) (A), eounter eleetromotive
contraterrapln m (A), any strueture to hold a fil1.
contratiro m, baek draft: (min)(M) auxiliary
contratista m, eontraetor.
-- acarreador, hauling eontraetor.
-- calefaccionista, heating eontraetor.
-- camionero, hauling or trueking eontraetor.
-- de la comisara, eommissary eontraetor.
-- de edificaci6n, building eontraetor.
-- electricista, eleetrieal eontraetor, electragist.
-- general, general eontraetor.
-- sanitario (ed), plumbing eontraetor.
contrato m, eontraet.
-- a costo ms honorario, eost-plus or foo
-- a destajo, taskwork contraet: (Ec) uriit-
priee eontraet of limited extent, duration,
and number of men employed.
-- a precio determinado, fixed-priee eontraet.
-- a precio global o a suma alzada, lump-sum
-- a precios unitarios, unit-priee eontraet.
-- de enganche, eontraet for furnishing work-
-- de fletamiento, eharter party.
-- de trabajo, employment eontraet.
--por medida, unit-priee eontraet.
contratope m, rear stop, baek bumper.
contratorcimiento m (sol), eounterdistortion.
contratuerca J, loek or set or jam nut: nut loek;
(U) loek washer.
contravapor m, baek-pressure steam.
contravstago m, piston tail rod.
contravena, contraveta ! (min) , eounterIode,
contraventamientos m (U), wind bracing: guys.
contraventana J, window shutter; storm sash.
contraventanas a prueba de incendio, fire shut-
contraventar, to braee: to guy.
contraventeo m, wind braeing; set of guys.
-- de portal, portal braeing.
contraviaje m (Col), skew, bevel.
contravidriera J, window blind: storm sash.
contravidrio m, glazing molding.
contraviento m. a guy: wind braeing.
contravoltaje ni (A), eounter eleetromotive force.
contrete m, stay bolt: (Ee) shore, strut.
control m, eontro!.
- a cable (te), cable control.
- a cristal (ra), erystal control.
-- a distancia, remote control.
--al tacto, finger-tip eontro!.
- automtico de volumen (CAV) (ra) , auto-
matie volume or automatie gain control.
- de avenidas (r), flood control.
- de las bajas (ra), bass eontro!.
- de brillo (tv), brightness control.
- de contraste (tv), eontrast control.
- por tensi6n regulable (eI6e), adjustable-
voltage control.
-- remoto, remote control.
controlador m, controladora J, eontroller (all
- de gasto (pa), rate eontroller.
-- de velocidad, speed eontroller.
controlar, to control; to check, verify.
controler m (ele), eontroller.
convecci6n J, eonveetion.
convectivo, eonveetive.
convector m (ele)(cf), eonveetor.
convenio m, agreement, eontraet.
convergencia J, (surv) (math) eonvergenee, eon-
vergeney: (auto) toe-in.
convergente, eonverging.
conversi6n J (mat) (ele), eonversion.
conversor m, conversora!, eonverter (all senses).
convertible, convertible.
convertidor m (ele)(met), eonverter.
-- Bessemer, Bessemer eonverter.
-- de arco (ele), are eonverter.
-- de fases (ele), phase eonverter.
-- de frecuencia (eI6e), frequeney ehanger or
-- de onda (ra), wave eonverter.
-- de refuerzo, booster eonverter.
-- de torsi6n, torque eonverter.
-- en cascada (ele), easeade eonverter.
-- pentarrejilla (ra), pentagrid eonverter.
-- rotativo (ele), rotary or synehronous eon-
convertir (qufm) (ele) (met) , to eonvert.
convexidad J, eonvexity.
convexo, eonvex.
convoy m, (A) (M) (Sp) railroad train.
coordenadas J, eoordinates.
-- cartesianas, Cartesian eoordinates.
-- en el espacio, spaee eoordinates.
-- esfricas, spherieal eoordinates.
-- pbnas polares, plane polar eoordinates.
-- terrestres (fma), ground eoordinates.
coordinat6grafo m, eoordinatograph.
coordinat6metro m (fma), eoordinatometer.
copa J, eup: anything eup-shaped.
-- de inflamaci6n (di), ignition eup.
-- enfocadora (ra), foeusing eup.
copador m (herr), fuller: ereaser.
- inferior (her), bottom fuller.
- superior (her), top fullero
copal m, copa!.
copete m, erest.
copia!, eopy.
-- al carb6n, earbon eopy.
-- al ferroprusiato, blueprint.
-- azul, blueprint.
-- de contacto (fma), eontaet print.
-- heliogrfica, blueprint, sun print.
-- negrosina, vandyke print.
copiloto m (fma) , eopilot.
copilla J, small eup.
-- de aceite, oil eup.
-- de cebar, priming eup.
-- de engrase, grease or oil eup, lubrieator.
-- de grasa, grease eup.
copla! (Ch), a eoupling.
coplano m, (pmy) eoplane: a eoplanar.
- bsico (fma), basal eoplane.
copie m, a eoupling.
copln m (C), a eoupling.
coque m, eoke.
- de alquitrn, piteh eoke.
- de alto horno, blast-furnaee eoke.
-- de fundici6n, foundry eoke.
-- de gas o de retorta, gas eoke.
-- de petr61eo, petroleum eoke.
coquificar, coquizar, to eoke.
coquimbita ! (miner) , eoquimbite, white eop-
coral m, coral.
corlico a (V), coral.
coralfero, coralgeno a, coral.
coralina J, eorallin: a eora!.
coraza!, armor, proteetive eovering.
- reticulada (ele), basket-weave armor.
- trabada (ele), interIoeking armor.
coraz6n m, eore: heartwood: (rr) frog, (A) frog
- con carril de muelle engoznado (fe), hinged-
spring-rail frog.
-- con insertados de acero endurecido (fe),
anvil-faeed frog.
- con pata de liebre m6vil (fe), spring-rail frog.
- de arcilla (hid), puddle eore.
-- de cable, (wr) eenter strand, eore.
- de plancha (fe), plate frog.
- de prueba (sx), drill eore.
- de punta m6vil (fe), movable-point frog.
- de riel fijo (fe), fixed-rail frog.
- de rieles ensamblados (fe), built-up frog.
- medio (fe), eroteh frog.
- rojo (mad), red heart.
corazonar (sx), to eore.
corbata!, (sb) (A) collar; (auto) (M) eanvas pro-
tector of inner tube.
corehado m (eab), lay.
-- cruzado, regular layo
-- directo, lang lay.
corcheta! (Es), rabbet in a doorframe.
corchete m, eramp: eateh,lateh; belt clamp.
corcho m, eork.
cordaje m, eordage, rope.
cordel m, rope, eord: belt eourse: a measure of
length (20.35 m): a measure of area (414
eentiares): formerIy in Cuba a measuring
_.- de marcar, ehalk lineo
cordelera J, rigging; rigging yard; ropewalk;
cordelero m, ropemaker: (surv)(C) tapeman,
cordera J, storehouse for rigging.
cordillera J, mountain range.
-- divisoria, divide.
cordita J, eordite (explosive).
cord6n m, eord, strand of rope: belt laeing: side-
walk eurb; (str) ehord, flange; (mas) eourse.
belt eourse; (p) spigotend: (earp)(w) bead,
(A) (C) mountain ehain: (A) (Ch) windrow.
-- comprimido (viga), eomprcssion flange.
-- de alambre, wire strand.
-- de alambre con eje fibroso, fiber-eenter wire
-- de andariveles, (wr) tramway strand.
-- de cerros, range of hills.
corrido corriente 97 cortador
- de lmpara (elc), lamp cord.
- de oropel (elc), tinsel cord.
__ de servicio recio (elc), hard-service cord.
-- de suspensin (elc), drop cord.
- de traslapo (sol), overlap bead.
-- de vereda, cqrbstone, sidewalk curb.
- guardapretil (pte), barrier curb.
_ inferior, (tu) lower chord, (gi) bottom fiange.
--para correa, belt lacing.
-- para tranvas, (wr) tramway strand.
- plano, (wr) fiattened strand.
--reflector (ca), refiecting curb.
_ sobrepasable (ca), surmountable curb.
_ superior, (tu) upper chord, (gi) top fiange.
coribronce m (M) (B), chalcopyrite (copper ore).
corindn m (miner), corundum, corindon.
cornamusa I (cn), cleat, bitt.
-- de gua, chock.
-- de remolcar, towing bitts.
-- escotera, chock, snatch cleat.
wrneana I (geol), hornfels.
cometa (f) de niebla, foghorn.
cornija 1, cornice.
cornijal m, corner post.
cornijn m, street corner of a building.
cornisa 1, cornice; (pet) (V) crown block.
cornisa, en (ca) (V), built up on a sidehill.
cornisn m, street corner of a building; (M) cop-
corolario m, corollary.
coronal, annular space; ring gear; (elec) corona;
crest (dam); (auto) rim; tubular drill bit;
crown of a road; (pet) (V) crown block.
- cortante (pet), boring head.
-- de arco, crown of an arch.
-- de diamantes, diamond bit.
-- de rodillos (cojinete), roller race. '
-- dentaja, sprocket, gear; crown wheel; ring
gear; calyx.
-fija (turb), speed ringo
--para municiones, shot-drill bit.
coronacin 1, crest.
coronadora I (Iab), capping machine.
coronamiento m, crest, coping, topo
coronar, to top out; to cap.
corporacin 1, corporation.
corral m, corral, yard for stock.
-- de almacenamiento, store yard.
-- de maderas, lumberyard.
corraln m, yard, store yard.
corrasin I (geol), corrasion.
correa 1, belt, strap; purlin, girt.
- alisadora (ca), finishing belt.
- articulada, link or chain belt.
-- cncava, trough belt.
-- conductora, belt conveyor.
-- corrugada, cog belt.
-- cruzada, crossed belt.
- de cadena, chain belt.
--de siete capas, seven-ply belt.
- de trallas, whipcord belt.
- dentada, cog belt.
-- en aspa, crossed belt.
-- en cua, V belt.
- en V-mltiple, multiple-V belt.
-.- seleccionadora, sorting belt.
- sin fin, endless belt.
--transmisora, driving or transmission belt.
--transportadora, belt conveyor.
- trapezoidal, V belt.
correaje m, belting.
- articulado de cuero, leather link belting.
-- compuesto, composition belting.
-- de alambre tejido, woven-wire belting.
- de cuero crudo, rawhide belting.
- de suela, leather belting.
correccin 1, correction; (inst) adjustment.
-- de estacin (lev), station adjustment.
- de los lados (Iev), side adjustment.
- del polgono (Iev), figure adjustment.
--por flecha (lev), correction for 'Bag.
--prismoidal (ot), prismoidal correction.
corredera 1, track, slide; (V) screed; slide valve;
skid; (surv) target; (inst) cursor, slide;
(mas) screed board; door hanger; (naut)
log line; (mt) ram; (r)(A) rapids.
--a municiones, ball-bearing hanger (door).
-- de cableva, cableway carriage.
- de calibre, slide of a caliper rule.
- de cuadrante oscilante (mv), slide block.
- de gua (ef), fender skid, sheer slcid,
-- de mira, target of a level rod.
-- de parrilla, gridiron valve.
- de regla, slide of a slide rule.
- de Stephenson (mv), Stephenson link.
--reguladora del cortavapor (mv) , cutoff or
expansion valve.
correderas, guides; skids.
- de compuerta (hid), gate guides.
-- de la cruceta (mv), crosshead guides.
corredero, corredizo a, sliding, traveling.
corredor m, passage, corridor; broker.
-- de aduana, customhouse broker.
-- de cambios, foreign-exchange broker.
-- de lnea (pet), line walker, pipe-line inspec-
-- de maquinaria (cons), equipment broker or
- de va (fc), trackwalker.
--martimo, ship broker.
corredura 1, flow; overflow.
corregible (inst), adjustable.
corregir, to correct; (inst) to adjust.
correlacin I (geol) (mat) , correlation.
correntada 1, corrental m, swift flow of a river.
correntilneo (M), streamlined.
correntmetro m, current meter.
correntn m (PR), strong current.
correntoso, fiowing strongly, torrentia1.
corren m, heavy strap or belt, (M) clevis.
correoso, tough.
correr, to run; to flow; to travel, slide; correrse
(pint), to sag.
--niveles, to run levels.
--una lnea (lev), to run a lineo
correspondencia I (fma), correspondence.
corretaje m, brokerage.
corrida 1, run, travel; (mas)(Ch) course; (min)
(Ch) outcrop; (min)(M) strike of a vein;
(min) (B) drift; (surv) a run (of levels).
corrido, continuous; lineal, running.
corriente 1, current, fiow; stream, river; electric
current; (C) slope of a roof; a regular, com-
mon, standard, plain.
-- abajo, downstream.
-- alterna (c.a.), alternating current (a.c.).
-- alterna simple, single.phase current.
-- alternada, alternating current.
-- andica (ra), anode or plate current.
-- arriba, upstream.
- avanzada (elc), leading current.
- baja (r), low water.
-- catdica (ra), cathode current.
-- con rotor fijo (mot), blocked-rotor current.
-- con rotor libre (mot), free-rotor current.
-- conductiva (elc), conduction current.
-- continua (elc), continuous or nonpulsating
direct cutrent.
~ cruzada, crosscurrent.
- de adelanto (elc), leading current.
- de atraso (e16c), lagging current.
-- de cierre (elc), sealing current.
-- de desplazamiento (elc) , dispJa.cement or
dielectric current.
-- de disparo (elc), drop-out current.
- de esape o de fuga o de falla (elc), leakage
or fault current.
-- de funcionamiento (elc), pickup current.
- de grilla (ra) (A), grid current.
-- del haz (ra), beam current.
-- de ionizacin _(ra), gas or ionization cur-
-- de la marea, tidal current, tide.
-- de placa (ra), anode or plate current.
-- de rayos andicos (ra), anode-ray or positive-
ray current.
- de rejilla (ra), grid current.
- de remolino (A), eddy current.
- desvatada (elc), wattless or idle current.
-- desviada (elc), stray current.
- directa (c.d.), direct current (d.c.).
-- directa con fluctuaciones (elc), ripple Cur-
-- efectiva (elc), effective or root-mean-squara
-- en tringulo (elc), delta current.
-- en vaco (elc), no-load or idle or reactiva
-- espacial (ra), space current.
-- especfica (elc), current density.
-- fretica (r), subsurface flow, water-tabla
--inductiva (elc), induced current.
--invariable o permanente (elc), constant
-- momentnea (elc), transient current; in-
stantaneous current.
-- momentnea mxima (elc), rated short-
time current.
-- oscilatoria (elc), oscillating current.
-- parsita (elc), eddy or parasitic or Foucault
-- portadora (elc), carrier current.
-- pulsativa (elc), pulsating current.
-- reactiva (elc), idle or reactive current.
--retrasada (elc), lagging current.
-- sangradora (ra) , bleeder current.
- sinusoidal (elOO), sinusoidal or simple har-
monic current.
-- sublvea (r), underflow.
-- subsiguiente (elc), follow current.
-- subterrnea aislada (r), subsurface perched
-- trmica, thermocurrent.
--terminadora (elc), finishing rate or current.
--vaga o vagabunda (elc), stray current.
--vatada (elc), active or watt current.
--vectorial (elc), vector or complex sinusoidal
corrientes dispersas (elc), leakage current.
corrientes terrestres (geof), earth currents.
corrimiento m, sliding; landslide; run; (elec)
creepage; (geol) (A) thrust.
- de fase (ra)(A), phase shift.
corroer, to corrode.
corromper, (M) to pollute, contaminate.
corromperse, to rot, decompose.
corrosible, corrodible.
corrosin 1, corrosion.
-- con esfuerzo, stress corrosion.
corrosividad 1, corrosivity.
corrosivo, corrosive.
corroyente, corrosive; abrasive.
corrugacin 1, corrugation; ruto
corrugado, corrugated.
corta 1, cutting; (Ig) felling.
cortaalambre m, wire cutters, nippers.
cortaarandelas m, washer cutter.
cortabarras m, bar cutter.
cortabilidad I (met), cuttability.
cortabulones, cortacabillas m, boltcutter.
cortacable m, wire-rope cutter.
cortacadena m, chain cutter.
cortacao m, pipe cutter.
cortacircuito m (elc), circuit breaker, switch,
cutout; cutoff.
-- de disparo instantneo, instantaneous-trip
circuit. brcaker.
-- de fusible, fuse cutout.
-- de fusible de cada, drop-out fuse cutout.
-- de fusible de expulsin, expulsion cutout.
-- de' fusible restablecedor, reclosing fuse cut-
-- de tiempo, time-delay circuit breaker.
--para sobretensiones, overvoltage cutout.
-- trmico, thermal cutout.
cortac1avos m, nail clippers.
cortacorrea m, belt cutter.
cortacorriente (elc), current breaker.
cortacristal m, glass cutter.
cortachapa m, sheet-metal cuttm-.
cortada I (exc), cut, through cut.
cortadera 1, blacksmith chisel.
-- en caliente, hot chisel.
cortado a medida, cut to length.
cortado a troquel, die-cut.
cortador m, cutter, clipper; (sa) slasher.
- a diamante (mh), diamond cutter.
-- de agujeros ciegos (e16c), knockout c u t ~ r .
-- de banco, bench cutter.
- de brechas (ec), Gradebuilder, trailbuilder.
- de cable, wire-rope cutter.
- de carbn (min), coal cutter.
cortador 98 costalera
- de carriles (fc). track chise!;
- de hoja metlica, sheet-metal cutter.
-- de ,malezas, brush or weed cutter.
-- de races (ec). root cutter.
- de ramas (ef). knotter. limber. knot bumper.
busher. swamper.
-- en caliente, hot cutter.
--, en fro, cold cutter.
- mltiple, gang cutter.
cortadora f, cutter, cbisel.
--, de engranajes, gear cutter.
-- de ranuras, slot or keyway cutter.
cortaduraf, cutting, shearing; shearing stress.
-- con arco metlico, metal-arc cutting.
- de penetracin, punching shear (stress).
- doble, double shear (stress).
--horizontal, horizontal shearing stress.
-- oxiacetilnica, oxyacetylene cutting.
-- por llama, f1ame-cutting.
- simple, single shear (stress).
cortaduras, cuttings.
cortaespoleta m, fuse cutter.
cortafierro m, cold chisel.!.etes, mquina, thread-cutting machine.
cortafro m, cold chisel or cutter.
-- con punta rmbica, chise!;
-- de herrer.o, cold cutter.
- quitarrebabas, burr cbisel.
-- ranurador, cape chisel.
cortafuego m. lire wa11 or stop; (elec) fue cutoff.
cortahierro m. cold chisel or cutter.
-- de ranurar, cape chisel.
--para canaletas, lantern chise!;
cortahoyo lateral (pet). side raspo side hole cutter.
corta1adrillos m, front chisel. bricklayer's cbisel.
cortamatas m, brush or bush hook.
cortamecha m (vol). fuse cutter.
cortametal, sierra, hacksaw.
cortamuestras m. sample cutter.
cortante, cutting. sharp.
cortancleos m. core bit or ,drill.
cortapemo m, boltcutter.
cortar, to cut.
- al hilo (carp). to rip.
cortarraces m. (t) root cutter.
cortarremaches, rivet buster or cutter.
cortarriel m (fc), track chisel.
cortarroscas f, threading machine.
cortatraviesa m (fc), tie cutter.
cortatubo m, pipe cutter; tube
- de caldera, boiler-tube cutter.
- de pozo (pet), casing cutter.
- de tres cuchillas, three-wheel pipe cutter.
cortavapor m (mv), cutoff.
cortavidrios m. glass cutter.
cortaviento m, windbreak. windshield.
cortavolandera m, washer cutter.
corte m a cut; a section; cutting edge; shearing
- a faldeo simple (A). see corte a ladera entera.
- al hilo en bisel (mad), bevel rip.
- a ladera entera, cut on a hillside 'for full
width of roadbed.
- a media galera (A), sidehill cut with over-
hanging roof.
- a media ladera, sidehiU cut.
- cerrado, (Ec) cut more than 2 m deep.
-- con arco de carbn, carbon-arc cutting.
-- con arco metlico, metallic-arc cutting.
- de acabado (mh). finishing cut.
- de cua (tn) (min), wedge cut. V cut.
- de desbaste, roughing cut.
- de empotramiento, fixed-end shear (stress).
- de pluma (carp) (A), bevel cut.
-- de prstamo, borrow pito
- de prueba (mh). trial cut.
- en balcn (M). sidehill cut.
- en bisel, bevel cut.
- en cajn (exc) (A)(M) , through cut.
- en trinchera (A), through cut.
-- especifico, specific shear (stress).
- esquilante (mh)(A), shearing cut.
-longitudinal (dib). longitudinal section.
- pasante (exc). through cut.
- petimetral (A). perimeter shear.
- piramidal (tn)(min). pyramid cut.
- tpico (dib), typical section.
--transversal, cross section.
- X (cristal ralo X cut, Curie cut.
- y (cristal ra), Y cut.
-- y relleno, cut and fill.
cortezaf. bark; crust; rind (sugar cane).
cortina f. curtain; (hyd) core wall. (A) cutofl'
wa11; (M) dam. nonoverflow dam.
- de acero articulada, rolling steel shutter.
-- de agua, water curtain.
- de arcos mltiples (M), multiple-arch dam.
- de cabeza (M), roundhead-buttress or dia--
mond-head-buttress dam.
- de enrocamiento (M). rock-fill dam.
-- de inyecciones, grout curtain.
- de machones (M). buttress dam.
- enrollable, rolling shutter.
- impermeable, (hyd) core wa11.
-- metlica de enrollar, rolling steel shutter.
- vertedora (M), spillway dam.
cortina-puerta, rolling steel door.
corto, short.
- circuito (elc). short circuito
-- circuito cabal, dead short circuito
-,- circuito directo, dead short circuito
cortocircuitadora f, short-circuiting device.
cortocircuitar (A). to short-circuit.
corunditaf (rfr), Corundite (trademark).
corundo m. corundum, native alumina.
corvadura J, curvature.
corvo, bent. curved.
cosecante m. cosecant.
coseno m. cosine.
--verso, coversed sine. versed cosine.
coser, to make a seam; to lace (belt).
cosinusoide f (Es), cosine curve.
cosmtico m. belt dressing.
coso m. wood borer, timber worm.
costa f. coast. shore.
-- de barlovento, weather shore.
-- de sotavento, leo shore.
-- martima, seacoast.
costado m. side.
- vapor, free alongside (FAS).
costal m. bag, sack.
costalera f (M), burlap.
costanera f. slope; (lbr) sIab; (carp) scab. f1itch,
costaneras (ed). siding.
costanero a. pertaining to the coast; sIoping.
coste m. see costo.
costear, to pay the cost o.
costeo m. financing. paying foro
m (mad). slaj); f1itch; a (C) coastwise.
costilla f .. (str) poling board; (bldg)
furrmg strIP; laggmg strip (arch); (Col)
costillaje m. furring; ribbing; frame of a ship'
(tun) lagging.
costo m, costo
-- efectivo, actual costo
-- en plaza. market price.
-- ms honorario fijo, cost plus fixed fee.
-- ms porcentaje, plus percentage.
-- ms sobrecoste, <M). cost plus fee.
-- menos depreciacin, cost less depreciation.
-- neto, prime costo net costo
-- Primitivo, original costo
-, seguro y flete (CSF), cost, insurance and
frcight (CIF). '
-- unitario, unit costo
costra J, scale; crust; (met) scab.
-- de caldera, boiler scale.
-- de forjadura (met). forge or hammer scale.
-- de fundicin, skin of a casting.
-- de herrumbre, rust scale.
- de laminado (met), mili or ro11 scale.
costroso, scaly.
costuraf. seam, joint.
-- con solapa, lap seam.
- de pelo (met), hair seam.
-- de soldadura, welded seam.
--por recubrimiento, lap seam.
cotaf (top). elevation.
-- de altura o de nivel, elevation.
-- de comparacin, datum.
-- de referencia, datum planeo datum.
- de retenida (hid), storage level.
cotacin J, elevation.
cotana J. mortise.
cotangente J, cotangent.
cote m. haH hitch.
cotillo m, polI (ax or hammer); striking face.
cotizacin f (com). quotation.
cotizar, to quote.
coto m, boundary monumento
cotunita f, cotunnite. native lead chloride.
covacha J. a void, smalI cave.
covelina, covelitaf (miner), covellite, indigo cop-
coyunda J (C) (AC), rope.
cez J, big end of a pole or pile; (min) (M) hitch.
craquear (pet) (A), to crack.
craqueo m (pet)(A), cracking.
crter m (elc)(geol) (sol) (pet) (vol), crater.
crece f (Ch), f1ood.
crecer, to increase; (r) to rise.
crecida J, f1ood.
creciente f (r), f1ood. rise.
-- de la marea, f100d tide.
crdito m, (act) credit.
-- confirmado, confirmed credit.
--irrevocable, irrevocable credit.
crditos pasivos, liabilities.
crema de almina (lab), alumina cream.
cremallera f, rack, rack rail, cograil.
-- de girar (gr), swinging rack.
-- en segmento, segment rack.
- reguladora (di), control rack.
-- y pin rack and pinion.
cremona J, large door bolt.
crentrix (is), crenothrix.
creosota f, creosote.
creosotado a presin, pressure-creosoted.
creosotar, to crcosote.
crepitacin J, crepit,ation, crackling; (ra) (A) mo-
cresa J, maggot.
eresol m (qum), cresol.
cresolftalena J (lab), cresol phthalein.
cresta J, crest.
-- de la corriente andica (ra). peak plate cur-
-- de gas (pet), gas cap.
-- divisoria (top). divide.
- normal (hid), standard crest.
--vertiente o vertedora (hid). spiIIway crest.
cresteraJ (top) , ridge, watershed line.
crestn m, outcrop; (top) crest.
creta f, chalk.
cretceo, chalky, cretaceous.
cretcico (geol), Cretaceous.
creyn (m) de marcar, marking or lumber crayon
criadero m (min), seam, vein. deposito
-- de mosquitos, mosquito-breeding area.
-- de petrleo, oil pool.
criba J, screen, strainer. grizzly. riddle; eribbel.
-- corrediza, traveling
-- de ala, wing screen.
-- de aspiracin (bm), strainer for foot valve.
-- de barrotes, bar screen.
-- de cesta, basket screen.
-- de correa, band screen.
-- de jaula, cage screen.
- del lodo (pet), shale shaker, mud screen.
-- de persiana (pozo), shutter screen.
-- de'tambor, drum screen.
-- dI( vaivn, shaking screen.
-- giratoria, revolving screen.
-- graduadora, gradation screen.
- hidrliulica (min), jig.
--lavadora, scrubbing or washing screen.
-- para basuras (hid), trash screen.
cribado m, screening.
-- con lavado, wet screening.
-- en seco, dry screening.
cribador m, sifter, screen tender.
cribadora f, screen.
cribar, to screen.
cribn m, grizzly.
cric m, jack, erick; ratchet.
-- de cremallera, ratchet jack.
-- de palanca, lever jack.
-- de tornillo, screw jack. jackscrew.
- hidrliulico, hydraulie jack.
criofilico (is), cryophilic.
crigeno, cryogenic.
criolitaf. cryolite (aluminum ore).
- armado (min), truss seto
-- calculador (ele), ealeulating board.
-- con mando de frente (ele), live-front switeh-
- corredizo (ele), draw-out-type switehboard.
- de carretillas (ele), truek-type switehboard.
-- de conmutadores (ele), switehboard, panel
-- de contador (ele), meter panel.
-- de distribucin, switchboard.
- de enchufes (tel), plug switchboard.
-- de entibacin (min) (tn) , drift frame, square
- de estacin (fe) (A), widened right of way to
inelude a station with its sidings, etc.
- de frente muerto (ele), dead..front switeh-
- de fusibles (ele), fuseboard.
- de gobierno, control board.
-- de instrumentos, instrument board.
-- de propuesta, bidding schedule.
-- de puerta, doorfrallle.
- de pupitre (ele), desk switehbJard.
-- de seales, signal board.
-- estadimtrico (Iev), stadia table.
-- indicador, annuneiator.
-- provisional (min), false seto
-rgido (est)(U), rigidfrallle.
cudruple m, (pet) fourble; a quadruple.
cudruplex (ele), quadruplex.
cudruplo m a, quadruple.
cuajada J, a Costa Riean lumber.
cuajar m (C), a wood used for eonstruetion.
cuajarse, to eoagulate, elot; to cake.
cuatitativo, quali tlJ.tive.
cuantiar, to appraise.
cuantitativo, quantitative.
cuantmetro m, quantollleter.
cuarcfero, quartziferous.
cuarcita J, quartzite, quartz roek.
cuarctico, quartzitie.
cuarta J, quart; quarter; lineal measnre of U
-- caa, quarter round.
cuartedura J, crack, split.
cuartear, to split; to divide into bloeks; to quar-
ter; cuartearse, to crack, split, (Ibr) to
cuartel m, barraeks; eity distriet; (sb) hateh
cuarteo m, crack, fissure; splitting, dividing into
parts, quartering; (min)(M) pieeework.
cuartern m, panel; (M) measure of 25 litcrs,
(Ch) diagonal braee in a partition.
cuarteta J (C), a measure of area, about 2 acres.
cuartillo m, a liquid and dry measure having
various values; in Argentina about 1 US
qt; in Mexico about 1% qt dry and about
;yz qt liquid; in Spain about 1 qt dry or
liquid; in Costa Rica 4.6 liters.
cuarto m, quarter; room; a quarter.
-- bocel, quarter-round lllolding.
-- de calderas, boiler room, fireroom, (sb)
-- de ca<l, quarter round.
- de galn, quart.
criptocristalino (geol), cryptocrystalline.
criptol m (ele), kryptol.
criptn m (qum), krypton. b k
crique m, (A) ratehet; pawl; jaek; (CA) roo.
criseno m (pet), ehrysene.
criscola J (miner), ehrysoeolla. f f
crisol m, erueible, melting pot; hearth o a ur-
nace. .
crisolada J, eharge of a erue.lble.
crisotilo m (miner), ehrysotlle (asbestos) ..
cristal m, glass; flint glass; a pane of glass, erys-
-- armado, wire glass.
- cilindrado, plate glass.
- de corte AT (ra), AT-cut erystal.
- de reloj (lab), wateh glass.
-- de roca, f1int glass; roek erystal.
- de seguridad, nonshattering 01' safety glass.
-- deslustrado o esmerilado, ground glass.
-- estriado, ribbed glass.
--irrompible (M), safety 01' nonshattering
glass. . .
cristalinidad J, erystallinlty.
cristalino, erystalline.
cristalizador m, erystallizer. .
- al vaco (az), vaeuum erystallizer.
cristalizar, to erystallize. .
cristaloblstico (geol) (miner), erystalloblastlC.
cristalografa J,
cristalogrfico, erystaHographlC.
cristoln m, erystolon (abrasive).
criterio m, eriterion.
crtico, eritieal.
crocidolita J, eroeidolite, blue asbestos.
crocota J, eroeoite, red lead ore.
croche m (V), eluteh.
cromado, ehromium-plated.
cromatar, to ehromate.
cromtica J, ehromaties.
cromtico, ehromatie.
cromato rn, ehromate.
-- de bario barium ehromate 01' chrome.
-- de plom, lead ehromate, (miner) eroeoite.
cromel m, ehromel (alloy).
crmico, eontaining ehromium, ehromie.
cromitaJ, ehromite ore).
eromito m (qum), ehromlte.
cromo m, ehromium, ehrome.
cromforo m (ele) (quim), ehromophore..
cromognico, cromgeno (is), ehromogeme.
crommetro m, ehromometer.
cromonquel, ehrome-niekel (steel).
cronfero m (ele), ehronopher.
cronografa J, ehronography.
cronogrfico, ehronographie.
crongrafo m, ehronograph.
cronometra J, ehronometry.
cronomtrico, ehronometrie.
cronmetro m, ehronometer.
cronoscopio m (ele), ehronoseope.
croquis m, sketch. .
cruce m, erossing; (1'1') erossmg f:og; (p) eross.
a nivelo de va, grade erossmg.
- caminero, highway 01' grade erossing.
- en arco (tub), erossover.
- en trbol (ca), c1over-Ieaf interseetion.
--inferior, undergrade erossing.
-- superior, overhead erossing.
cruces de rigidez (M), bridging (wood f1oor).
crucero m, batten, erosspieee; erossarm;
(P) eross; (1'1') frog; erossmg road
crossing; cleavage (stone).; (mm)
heading, erosscut; eross tImber; (=er)
-- a nivel, grade erossing.
--bsico (miner), basal c1eavage.
-- cbico (miner), eubie eleavage.
-- de carril continuo (fe),
-- de combinacin (fe), a set of slIp sWltehes
and movable-point erossings. .
- de puntas movibles (fe), movable-pomt
crossing. .
-- en hoja de trbol (ca), c1over-Ieaf mtersee-
- embridado (tub), f1anged eross.
- para soldar (tub), welding eross.
reductor (tub), redueing eross.
-- roscado (tub), screwed eross.
cruceros laterales (est), lateral
cruceta J, erossarm; erosshead; erossplece.
-- abierta o de alas (mv), wing-type erosshead.
-- atravesada (elc), buck arm, reverse armo
-- cerrada (mv), box-type crosshead.
-- de cabeza (mv), erosshead. .
-- de cuatro espigas (ele), four-pm crossarm.
-- de poste (ele), crossarm.
- del timn (en), erosshead.
crucetas, X braeing; bridging (wood f1oor).
cruciforme, erueiform.
crudeza J, hardness of water.
crudo, erude; raw (untreated); hard (water).
crujaJ, corridor, passage; .(bldg) (M) bayo
crujido m, ereaking, .
cruz J, (p) eross; (min) erossmg of two vems.
- con salida lateral (tub), side-outlet eross.
- de campanas (tub), aH-bell cross.
-- de curva abierta (tub), long-sweep cross.
- de limpieza (tub), blowoff eross:
- de San Andrs (Es) (V), X braemg.
- de seis pasos (tub), double eross.
- embridada (tub), f1anged eross.
-- , en, at right angles:
-- filar (inst), eross halrs.. .
--intercaladora (tub), euttmg-m cross.
-- para escalera (tub), stair-railing eross.
- para lavabo (pb), eross. . .
--para soldar (tub), weldmg eross; solder-Jomt
-- para tabiques (tub), p:;xtition eross.
--reductora (tub), reduemg eross.
--reticular (inst), eross hairs.
--roscada (tub), serewed eross.
-- sanitaria (tub), sanitaryeross.
cruzada J (min), erosseut.
cruzadilla J (AC), grade erossing.
cruzamiento m, crossing; (rr) er?ssing frog, frog.
- areo, aerial frog (trolley wrre).
- con cambiava (fe), slip switch.
- de carril engoznado (fe), swing-rail frog.
- de plancha (fe), plate erossing, plate frog.
- enlazado (fe) (C), slip switch.
- ensamblado (fe), built-up frog.
-- remachado (fe), riveted plate erossing.
cruzar, to eross; to place erosswise.
cuacuaversal (geol), quaquaversal.
cuaderna J, frame (espeeially of a ship).
-- invertida (en)(A), reverse frame.
-- maestra, midship frame.
cuadernas (en)
-- de escuadra, square frames.
-- de los receles, panting frames.
-- inclinadas, inelined frames.
-- sesgadas, eant frames.
cuadernal m, taekle block; (M) block and taekle.
cuaderno m, notebook, field book.
- de hojas sueltas, loose-Ieaf notebook.
'-- de nivelacin, level book.
cuadra J, stable, box stall; city block, square; a
measure of length-150 varas in Chile and
Argentina, 100 varas in Uruguay, Para-
guay, and Ecuador.
-- de popa(an), quarter.
-- de proa (an), forward quarter.
cuadradillo m, grilIage.
cuadrado m, square; (math) square; a square.
cuadral m, knee 01' diagonal 01' angle braee.
cuadrangular, quadrangular.
cuadrngulo m, quadrangle; a quadrangular.
cuadrantal, quadrantal.
cuadrante m, quadrant; dial of an instrumento
-- azimutal, azimuth dial.
-- oscilante (mv), Stephenson link.
cuadrar, (math) (earp) to square.
cuadrtico, quadratie.
cuadratura J, squaring; measuring areas; (math)
(elee) quadrature.
-- de espacio (ele), spaee quadrature.
- de tiempo (ele), time quadrature.
c:ladrcula J, grilIage; anything in eheekerboard
-- de azimut (fma) , azimuth grid.
-- de perspectiva (fma), perspeetive grid.
-- de tanteo (fma), trial grid.
- de trazar (fma), plotting grid.
cuadriculado m, eheekerwork; a in squares.
cuadricular, v to gratieulate, mark off iL. squares;
a in squares.
cuadrifilar (A), four-wire.
cuadriltero m a, quadrilateral.
cuadrilongo, rectangular.
cuadrilla J, gang, party, squad.
-- aserradora (ef), saw erew.
-- caminera, road gang.
-- de arrastre (ef), skidding erew.
-- de colocacin (eone), plaeing gang.
-- de dibujantes, squad of draftsmen.
-- de perforacin (pet), drilling erew.
-- de reparaciones, repair gang.
-- de salvamento, wreeking gang.
-- de sanitacin, sanitary squad.
-- de tramo (fe), seetion gang.
- de tumba (ef), felling erew.
-- de urgencia (fe), wreeking erew.
cuadriviaria a (ca), four-Iane.
cuadro m, square; timber frame; table of figures,
tabulation; (elee) switehboard; (tv) frame;
(min) (B) shaft; (min) case, frame, seto
- anunciador, indieator board.
-- de mando, control room
-- de mquinas, engine room.
-- de los tachos (az), pan room.
-- de vuelta, quarter turno
- hmedo (1ab), fog room.
-- oscuro (fma), darkroom.
cuartn m, girder, large beam, timber; (C) parcel
of land; (min) boulder; (M) fiagstone.
cuarzo m, quartz.
--bastardo, bastard or bull quartz.
-- citrino, citrine quartz. .
cuarzo-monzonita, quartz-monzorute.
cuarzoso, quartzose.
cuaternario m (mat), quaternion; a (math)(geol)
quaternary. .
cuaternio m (mat), quaterruon.
cuaterno (mat), quaternary.
cuatrifilar a, four-wire.
cuatro m a, four.
-- capas, de, four-ply.
- codos, de, four-throw (crankshaft).
-- etapas, de, four-stage. .
--inserciones, de, four-tuck (splice).
--pasos, de, four-way
- pisos, de, four-story (buildmg).
-- tiempos, de, four-cyc1e (engine).
--vas, de, four-Iane (highway).
cuatropear (M), to break joints.
cuba/, tank, vat, tub; cask; tank car; bucket of
a turbine; conveyor bucket; stack of a
blast furnace.
- del flotador, fioat chamber (carburetor).
cubaje m, volume, cubical contents.
cubertura/, cover; (auto) cowl.
cubeta /, bucket, pail; ba:sin; leader head; v:ater:
closet bowl; (A) spIllway bucket; keg, tub,
cuvette; (geol) (V) basin.
-- autoprensora, clamshe11 bucket.
- del carburador (mg), fioat chamber.
-- de elevador, elevator bucket.
-- del termmetro, bulb of a thermometer.
-- sacalodo, sand pump.
--volcadora, dump or contractor's bucket.
cubeta-draga, dragline bucket.
cubetada /, bucketful.
cubicacin/, cubical contents, cubage; computa-
tion ofvolumes.
cubicaje m, cubica! contents, volume, cubage,
displacement. .
cubicar, to cube: to compute volumes; (mm) to
block out.
cbico, cubic, cubical.
cubculo m (elc), cubicle.
cubierta /, cover, covering, lid; roof, roof cover-
ing; (sb) deck: (str) cover plate; (mech)
casing, hood; (A)(U) tire shoe; (exc)(M)
overburden; face slab (dam).
- de aire libre (cn), weather deck.
-- a copete o a cuatro aguas, hip roo.
-- a dos aguas, peak roo.
- biolgica (is), biological film.
- corrida (en), fiush deck.
- de abrigo (cn), shelter deck.
- del al,czar. (cn) , quarter deck.
- de arqueo (cn), tonnage deck.
- de bordo libre (cn), freeboard deck.
- para ingletes, miter knife.
- para maSilla, putty knife.
-- para yeseros, wa11 scraper.
-- quitahielo, sleet cutter.
- separadora (top) (U), divide.
-- zanjeadora, ditcher.
cuchillas de caa (az), cane knives.
cuchillo m, knife, blade; scraper; (Col) raiter;
(top) ridge.
-- a dos Dlanos, drawknife.
-- de vidriero, putty knife.
--para rayos, spokeshave.
-- perimetral, cutting edge (caisson).
cuchillo-serrucho, saw knife.
cuchilln m (Ch), broadax.
cuele m (min), driving (drift), penetration; sink-
ing (shaft); (1\'1) blasting holeo
cuelga /, (Col) (Ch) slope, grade (especialIy river
or canal).
cuelgaballesta m (1oco)"(auto), spring hanger.
cuelgacable m (elc), cable hanger.
cuelgamuelle m (auto) (A), spring hanger.
cuelgatubo m, pipe hanger.
cuello m, collar, neck, throat; (machy) journal;
gland (stuffing box); (Col) collar beam:
(pet) pipe coupling.
-- de cisne o de ganso, gooseneck.
-- de empuje, thrust collar.
- tcrico (sol), theoretical throat.
-- Venturi, Venturi throat.
- verdadero (sol), actual throat.
cuenca /, basin, drainage area, watershed; val-
ley; (geol) trough, graben.
- alimentadora (hid) (A), watershed, catch-
ment area.
-- carbonfera, coal basin.
-- cerrada (geol), closed basin.
-- colectora o de captacin; drainage or catcn-
ment area, watershcd.
-- de drenaje (A), drainage area.
-- de fallas (geol), graben, fault trough.
-- de retencin, detention basin.
-- de sedimentacin (geol), sedimentary basin.
-- fluvial, river basin.
-- hidrogrfica o tributaria, watershed, drain-
age area.
--hullera, coal basin.
- imbrfera (A) (U), drainage area, water-
-- petrolfera, oil pool.
-- pluviomtrica (Col), catchment area, water-
-- recolectora (A), drainage arca, watershed.
cuenco m, pool, basin.
-- amortiguador (hid), stillbg pool.
-- de esclusa, lock chamber.
cuenta (1) de gastos, cxpense account.
cuentas a cobrar, accounts reccivable.
cuentas por pagar, acC'ounts payable.
cuentaemboladas m, piston-stroke counter.
cuentagotas m dropping tube.
-- de engrase, sig:lt-feC'd lubricator.
cuentakilmetros m, speedometer (kilometers).
cuentamillas m, spcedometer (miles).
cuentapasos m, pcdometer, odometer, passom-
cuarto 102 cuchara
- de la bovedilla (cn), poop deck.
- de castillo (cn), forecastle deck.
- del cilindro (mv) , cylinder lagging.
- del diferencial (auto) (U), differential hous-
-- de escotilla (cn), hatch cover.
- de filn (min), hanging wa11.
- de las lanchas (cn), boat deck.
-- de lona, tarpaulin, canvas cover.
- de los mamparos (cn), bulkhead deck.
- de motor (auto), hood.
- de paseo (cn), promenade deck.
- de popa (cn), after deck.
- del puente (cn), bridge deck.
- del sollado (cn), or1op, orlop deck.
-- de tubera, pipe insulation.
-- de un agua, lean-to roo.
- flotante, fioating roof (tank).
-- guardanieve, snowshed.
- rasa (cn), fiush deck.
cubierto m, cover, roof, shed.
cubilete m (1ab), beaker.
cubilote m (met), cupola.. .
cubo m, pail, bucket, SkIP: cub.e: cubIcal con-
tents; hub; socket; boss; bnck (math)
cube; (Ch) volume of excavatlOn or con-
crete. .
- de aguiln, boom bucket (paver).
- de almeja, clamshe11 bucket.
-- de andarivel, tramway bucket.
-- de arrastre, dragline bucket.
-- de bayoneta, bayonet socket. .
-- de desmontes, volume of excavabon.
-- de extraccin, mine bucket.
- de garras (pet), spider.
- de la hlice (cn), prope11er boss.
-- de incendio, fire bucket.
- del inducido (elc), armature hubo
- de pala, shovel dipper.
-- de rosario, elevator bucket.
- de tralla (ec), bowl of a scraper.
--voleador o de volteo, tip or dump bucket.
cubreasiento m (auto) (M), seat cover.
cubrecadena m, chain guardo
cubrecostura m (cn), seam strap.
cubrechasis m (ra), chassis cover.
cubrejunta m, splice plate, butt
scab; astragal; (sb) edge strIp, seam stnp,
seam strap; (p) joint runner. .
--longitudinal (cn), seam edge stnp.
cubreneumtico m (auto), tIre cover.
cubreplaca m (est), cover plate.
cubrerrueda m, mudguard.
cubretablero m (auto), cowl.
cubrir, to cover.
cuchara /, spoon; bucket; dipper, scoop,
(mx) (A) skip loader; (A) (C) mason S
trowel; posthole shovel; (pet) bailer:
molder's spoon; (turb) bucket.
--agarradera, grab bucket, clamshelI.
-- automtica, clamshe11.
- cogedora (Es), grab bucket, clamshe11.
- de albail, trowel.
-- de arrastre (Es), drag scraper.
-- de biela (auto), connecting-rod dipper.
- de colar, ladle.
- de cuatro gajos (M), orange-peel bucket.
- de cuerno (lab), horn spoon.
- de desnatar, skimming ladle.
-- de fundicin, casting ladle.
- de polvorero (vol), blasting spoon.
- de vaciar (fund), pouring ladle.
- desabolladora (ch), spoon.
--limpiapozos (pet), cleanout bailer, swab.
-- muestreadora (sx), sample spoon.
--para horadar, tunneling scoop.
--para hoyos, telegraph or post spoon.
- taladradora (mh), she11 bit.
- vertedora (pet), dump bailer.
cuchara-draga (Ec), dragline bucket.
cucharada /, bucketful, (sh) dipperful.
cuchareo m (pet), bailing.
cucharn m (A), pointing troweI.
cucharn m, bucket, dipper, scoop, skip; scraper.
-- aplanador (pI), skimming dipper.
- bivalvo (M), clamshe11 bucket.
-- cargador (mz), skip loader, charging skip.
- cogedor, scraper bucket, scraper.
-- de almeja excavador, digging clamshell.
-- de a)meja para remanejo, rehandling clam-
-- de arrastre, dragline bucket; drag scraper.
- de botaln, boom bucket (paver).
- de colada, ladle.
- de conchas de almeja (M), clamshell bucket.
-- de descarga por debajo, bottom-dump or
drop-bottom bucket.
-- de draga, dredge dipper; dragline bucket.
-- de extraccin, ore or mine bucket.
- de gajos de naranja (M), orange-peel bucket.
- de garfios (M), grab bucket.
-- de garras o de mordazas, clamshe11 bucket.
-- de granada, orange-peel bucket.
-- de maniobra, rehandling bucket.
-- de pala, shovel dipper.
-- de quijadas, clamshell or grab bucket.
-- de tralla (ec), bowl of a scraper.
-- de tres gajos, three-blade orange-peeI bucket.
- de un cable (ec), single-line bucket.
- de valvas de almeja (M), clamshe11 bucket.
-- desencapador (pI), skimmer scoop.
-- excavador, digging bucket.
--para cajn, caissan bucket.
-- para muestreo, sampling scoop.
--para remanipuleo, rehandling bucket.
- prensor (M), grab bucket.
-- recogedor, scraper bucket.
--tipo casco de naranja, orange-peeI bucket.
--volcador, dump bucket.
cuchilla/, blade, knife, cutting tool; wall Scraper;
moldboard; (Pan) road scraper; (top)(Col)
(U) ridge.
-- de acepillar, pIaner knife.
-- de arado, colter.
-- de cepillo, plane iron.
- de contacto (elc), blade of a switch.
-- de dos mangos, drawknife.
- de interruptor (elc), switch blade.
- de moldurar, molding knife.
- de rajar (si), slitter knife.
-- empujadora o niveladora (ec), bulldozer,
Bullgrader, Roadbuilder; moldboard.
cc.acarrandal, chacarrandn, chacarranday, Ven-
ezuelan lumber.
chafirro m (AC), machete, knife.
chafln m, bevel, chamfer; (M) knee braceo (rfl
cricket, canto '
-- abierto (cn), open bevel.
- cerrado (cn), closed bevel.
chaflanador m, beveling tool.
chaflanar, to chamfer, bevel.
chalana 1, scow, lighter, flatboat.
- cisterna, tank barge.
-- de compuerta, dump scow, hopper barg...
- de paso (V), ferryboat.
chalcocita 1, chalcocite (copper ore).
- de transicin, (rr) transition or easement
-- de velocidades en una vertical (hid), verti-
cal-velocity curve.
- de 45 (tub), eighth bend.
- de 90 (tub), quarter bend.
- de 180 (tub), haH bend.
-- clstica, elastica, elastic curve.
- en U (tub), U bend.
- en U ancha (tub), return bend-open type.
- en U con desplazamiento (tub), single-offset
U bend.
- en U con doble desplazamiento (tub), dou-
ble-offsct U bend.
-- en U estrecha (tub), return bend-close type.
-- en U para soldar (tub), welding return.
-- entrpica, entropy diagram.
-- o forzada o fuerte, sharp curve.
- hipsomtriya (A), contour lineo
-- inversa, reverse curve.
-- (dib), French or irregular curve.
--lsobata, depth co=ltour.
--isocora, isochor.
--loxodrmica, rhumb E:c.c, loxodromic curve
-- senoidal, sine curve. .
-- suave, easy curve.
- tipo hoz (pct), sic!ole bend.
-- vertical cncava (ca), sag vertical.
-- vertical de cumbre (ca), summit vertical.
- del arquitecto naval (dib), ship curveo.
-- freticas, ground-watcr contours.
-- p;ra va (dib), railroad curves.
curv:>arras m, bar bcnder.
curvaci0n 1, curvature.
curvadora f, bendcr.
curvar, to bend, curve.
curvarricles m, rail hender.
m, pipe bender.
curvatura/, curvature; bending
-- escabr, scalar or specific eurvature.
-- por arrugas (tub), wrinkle bending.
-- por plic"ues (tub), crease bending.
curvgrafo m (C), French or irreb'Ular curve.
curvilneo, curvilinear.
curvmetro m, curvometer.
curvo, curved.
cspide 1, crest, apex, peak, vertex; cusp.
cuy m (C), a hardwood.
105 cuproso
cuproso, copper-bearing, cuprous.
cpulal, dome, cupola; (geol)(B)(V) dome.
-- de arena (loco), sand dome.
-- de caldera o de vapor (loco), steam dome.
cura I (conc), curing.
cur m, a Central American hardwood.
curacin 1, (conc) curing; (Ibr) seasoning; (mct)
-- hmeda (lab), fog curing.
curado m, curing.
-- al agua (conc), water curing.
-- con saturacin (Iab), fog curing.
-- en masa, mass curing.
curar, (conc) to cure; (lbr) to season.
. curiche m (B), lake, pool.
currentilneo, streamlined.
curso m, stroke, throw, course, travel; (sb)
-- del mbolo, piston travel.
-- fluvial o de agua, watercourse, strearn.
cursor m, (machy) slide; indicator (slide rule).
- del objetivo (inst), objectiye slide.
- en ngulo (mh), angular slide.
-- portahernimienta (mh), toolslide.
-,-'transversal (mh), cross slide.
curtido al cromo, chrorne-tanned.
curtido al roble, oak-tanned.
curtidura, curtiembre 1, tannery.
curupaina, curupay m, a South American hard-
curva 1, curve, bend.
-- abierta, (rr) easy curve; (P) long sweep.
-- adiabtica, adiabatic curve or line, adiar-
-- aguda o brusca, sharp curve.
-- cerrada, (rr) sharp curve; (p) short sweep.
-- compensadora con doble desplazamiento
(tub), double-olIset expansion U bend.
- compensadora en U (tub) , expansion U bend.
- compuesta, compound curve.
-- de acuerdo, (rr) transition curve; (handrail)
ramp, easement.
-- de altura-gasto (r), stage-discharge curve.
-- de cabidas (hid), capacity curve.
-- de deformacin-esfuerzo, deformation or
stress-strain curve.
-- de dilatacin (tub), expansion bend.
-- de enlace, (rr) transition curve; junction
curve; (handrail) ramp, easing.
- de gastos (hid), flow curve.
-- histresis (eI6c), hysteresis loop.
-- de nivel, contour lineo
-- de oxgeno colgante (is), oxygen sag.
-- de paso (tub), crossover.
- de paso con salida atrs (tub), back-outlet
-- de persistencia (hid) (A), duration curve.
- de pie (tub), base elbow.
- de recorrido-tiempo (vibracin), travel-time
-- de remanso (hid), backwater curve.
-- de retorno abierto (tub), return bend-open
-- de retorno cerrado (tub) , return bend-close
-- de ribera, flow line (reservoir).
culata 1, butt; haunch; (ge) cylinder head; yoke,
(Col) rear wall; (C)(PR) side wall.
- abovedada (mg), domed head.
- antiturbulente (mg), nonturbulent head.
-- de tubos, pipe header.
- de turbulencia (mg), high-turbulent head.
- en F (mg), F head.
- en L (mg), L head.
-enT (mg), T head.
culatazo m, kick, recoil.
culateo m, backIash, recoil, kick.
culatn m, shank.
culombimetro m, coulomb meter, coulometer.
culombio m (elc), coulomb.
culote m, base, butt, bottom.
cultivadora I (ec), cultivator.
cumarona I (pint) (ais) , cumar, coumarone resino
cumbre 1, crest, summit, ridge, peak, topo
cumbrera 1, ridge; cap; ridgepole; ridge cap,
ridge roll; crown o an arch.
- para poste (elc), ridge iron.
cumulante m (mat), cumulant.
cumulativo, cumulative.
cuna I (mec), cradle.
- de botadura (cn), launching cradle, sliding
cuneta 1, ditch, gutter; (na) waterway.
-- de escape (ca), rundown, escape gutter.
-- de guardia, intercepting ditch, counterdrain,
(rd) berm ditch.
cuneteadora I (maq) (A), ditcher.
cua 1, wedge, chock; key, gib; rog o aplane;
paving stone; gad; (pet) slip.
- aislante (elc), insulating wedge.
-- con agujas, plug and feathers.
-- de cantero, stone wedge.
- del colector (elc), co=utator bar.
- de grada (cn), a slice.
- de talla transversal (pet), crosscut slip.
- de trozador (ef), bucking wedge.
- de tumbar (e), alling wedge.
- enteriza (v), solid wedge.
- para hender, splitting wedge.
- para tubera (pet), casing slip.
- partida (v), split wedge.
- sacamecha (mh), drift or center key.
cuas gemelas (M), gib and cotter.
cuar, to wedge.
cuero m, (C) keyWay, key seat; (pet) roan who
places wedges.
cuete m, keg.
cuota (j) de agua, water rate.
culota de fiete, freight rate.
cupla 1, a coupling; (A) torque.
-- antagnica (A), countertorque.
-- de reduccin, reducing coupling.
- momento (A), torque.
cupo m, tax rate; quota.
cupn m, coupon; (U) short rail.
cprico, cupric.
cuprfero, copper-bearing.
cuprita 1, red copper, cuprite, ruby copper ore.
cupromanganeso m, cup'romanganese (allOY).
cupronquel m (aleacin), nickel bronze, cupro-
cuprosilicio m, cuprosilicon (alloy).
cuentarrevoluciones m, speedometer, tachom-
eter, revolution counter.
cuentavueltas m, tachometer, counter.
cuerda 1, cord, line, rope; chord; cord of wood;
(gi) flange; (PR) land measure of about
1 acre; (M) screw thread; (Ec) beam,
joist; (sb) ledge.
__ de algodn, cotton rope.
__ de alinear o de marcar, chaIk lineo
- de camo, Manila rope.
-- de correa, belt lacing,
_ de plomada, plumb lineo
- de seal, signal cord.
_ inferior, (tu) lower chord, (gi) bottom flange.
_ izquierda (M), left-hand thread.
-larga (fc), long chord.
- mecha (vol), fuse.
__ para ventanas, sash cord.
_ superior, (tu) upper chord, (gi) top flange.
cuerillo m, a Costa Rican lumber.
cuerno m, horno
_ de amarre (elc), outrigger.
_ de arco (elc), arcing horno
__ de colgadores (cv), horn of a cableway car-
__ de yunque, horn of an anvil.
cuero m, leather.
__ cromado, chrome-tanned leather.
-- crudo o verde, rawhide.
-- de cochino, pigskin.
_ de monta.a, mountain leather (asbestos).
-- de suela, sole leather.
-- de vaca, cowhide.
cuerpo m, body; corps, party.
- central (cn), middle body.
__ compuesto (qum), chemical compound.
-- de agrimensores, survey party.
-- de arco, arch ringo
__ de bomba, pump barrel; pump casing.
__ de cabrestante, barrel of a capstan.
- de caldera, boilershell.
-- de carretilla, wheelbarrow "rayo
__ de columna, shaft of a column.
-- de mbolo, piston barrel.
_ de fundicin guarnecido de bronce (v), iron
body bronze-mounted.
-- de ingeuieros, engineer corps.
- de polea, shell o a tackle block.
- de popa (an), aterbody.
- de proa (an), orebody.
-- de remache, shank o a rivtlt.
- de la vlvula, valve body.
- dividido (bm), split casing.
_ espiral, (turb) spiral casing, scroll case; (pu)
volute casing.
- maestro (an), middle body.
--mineral, ore body.
__ muerto, deadman; (pw) permanent moor-
- simple (qum), elemento
cuesco m, coreo
cuesta 1, slope, hill, grade.
- abajo OO1J, downgrade.
-- arriba OO1J, upgrade.
cueval, cave; cellar.
cuezo m, hod, mortar box; trough, basin.
106 107
chalupa /, launch, boat, small vessel; (M) ore
bucket, skip.
chamarasca /, brushwood.
chamba/, (Ec) sod, tur; (Col)ditch: (M) occu-
chambear, (Col) to dig trenches; (Ec) to sod.
chambranas/ (carp), trim.
chamburgo m (Col), pool, backwater.
champa J (A), sod (especially that used to rein-
orce border o irrigation ditch).
champn m, large flatboat.
chanca J, crushing.
chancado m, crushed stone.
_ sin cribar, crusher-run aggregate.
chancadora J, crusher.
- de cilindros, roll crusher.
- de cono, cone crusher.
- de discos, disk crusher.
_ de mandbulas o de quijadas, jaw crusher.
- de martillos, hammer millo
_ giratoria, gyratory crusher.
_ reductora, reduction crusher.
chancar, to crush.
chanchorona J, an Argentine wood (semihard).
chanfle m, bevel, chamfer: (A) quarter round
chanfiear, to beveL
chango m (pet) (M), derrickman.
changote m, steel billet, bloom.
chanto m (Es), fiagstone.
chapaJ, sheet, plate; veneering; (C) brass check
door lock; (auto) (C) license plateo
_ abovedada o combada, buckle plateo
_ acanalada o corrugada, corrugated sheet.
- aplomada o emplomada, terneplate.
- calada, perorated plateo
- canaleta (A), corrugated sheet.
- de caldera, boiler plateo
- de cinc, sheet zinc.
_ de circulacin (auto)(C), license plateo
- de guarda (puerta), finger plateo
- de nudo (est), gusset plateo
- del ojo, keyhole escutcheon.
- de palastro, plate steel; sheet iron.
- de pared (elc), wall or switch plateo
-.- de patente (auto), license plateo
- de relleno (est), filler plateo
- de unin, splice plateo
- desplegada, expanded metal.
- escamada (U), checkered plateo
- estampada, stamped or pressed metal.
- estriada,checkered plateo
- etiqueta o de identidad, name plateo
-lisa, flat sheet metal.
- matrcula (auto), licenseplate.
- metlica, sheet metal: (C) sheet brass.
- nodal (est), gusset plateo
- ondulada, corrugated sheet metal.
_ para llave (elc), switch or wall plateo
- plomo-estao, ternep)ate.
- rayada, ribbed plateo
- tubular (cal), tube sheet.
chapaleta J, flap valve: clapperof a check valve.
chapapote m (M), tar asphalt.
chapapotear, to coat with taro
chaparrn m, cloudburst, d9wuYOjlr,
chapeado m, veneering: plywood.
- de latn, brass-plated.
chapear, to veneer: to line with metal: (C)(PR)
to clear land, grub.
chapeo m (C), clearing, grubbing.
chapera / (Es), ramp of boards with cleats.
chaperaJ, plate work; sheet-metal work.
chapemo m, a Central American lumber.
chapista m, sheet-metal worker, tinsmith.
chapistera J, sheet-metal work.
chapistero m, sheet-metal worker, tinsmith
chapita J, brass check.
chapitel m, capital (column).
chapoteo m, splash.
chapuro m (AC), asphalt; taro
chaquear (A) (B), to clear land.
chaquetaJ, casing; jacket.
- de agua, water jacket.
- de caldera, boiler lagging or insulation.
- de cilindro, cylinder lagging.
- de polvo, dust jacket (screen).
chaquiro m, a Colombian pine.
charca J, charco m, pool, pond, puddle.
charcal m (AC), pondo
charnela J, hinge, knuckle, articu1ated joint.
- de direccin (auto), steering knuckle.
- de piso, floor hinge.
charol m, a coating; varnish: patent leather.
charolar, to varnish, japan: to coat.
charpado m (carp), scar.
- en caliente,
charpar, to scar.
charquear (min), to bale out, unwater.
charquero m (min), drainage ditch.
charral m (AC), thicket, underbrush.
chasis m (auto)(ra), chassis; (pmy) plateholder
chasquear (maq), to clatter.
chata J, flat truck; flat barge.
- alijadora, a lighter.
- barrera, mud scow.
chatarra J, junk, scrap iron.
chatarrera J, junk shop or yard.
chatarrero m, junk dealer.
chato, flato
chauti m (M), clay.
chautoso (M), clayey.
chaveta J, cotter, key, gib, wedging piece.
- cncava, saddle key.
- de cabeza, gib-head key.
- embutida, sunk key.
- hendida o de dos patas, cotter pin, cotter.
- y contrachaveta, gib and cotter.
chavetero m (U), key seat.
chazaJ, (Pe) inner basin of a port (Ch) cooper's
chazo m (Col), nailing block, wood brick.
checar (M), to check; to crack.
chedita J, cheddite (explosive).
cheje m (AC), link.
cheque m, check; (C) check valve.
- aprobado o certificado o intervenido, certi
fied check.
- de viajero, traveler's check.
- propio o de administracin, cashier's check.
chequeador m (AC), checker.
chequear, (Col)(CA)(C) to check, verify; (CA)
to draw a check or draft.
chequeo m (C), checking.
cherardizar (Es), to sherarclize.
chicana J, baffle.
chicotes m, packing, junk.
chicuite m (min), small bucket.
chicharra J, ratchet; electric buzzer: (E) jack-
chicharrn m (C), a hardwood.
chicharrones (az), tailings.
chichn m (C), (mech) boss.
chifin m, flume; strong draft of air; chamber in
a mine; (min) slide of loose stone; (min)
inclined gallery; (Ch) rapids; (CA) water-
fall; (Col) spring (water): (M) nozzle.
- de agua (M), water jet.
- de arena (M), sandblast.
chigre m (Es), crab, winch.
chiguaJ (Ch), bulge, belly.
chileno m (min), edge or Chile millo
chilucaJ (M), kind of porphyry used as building
chillaJ: clapboarding; lathing; thin board.
- de metal, metallath.
chillado m, weatherboarding, clapboarding: lath-
chillar, to creak, squeak.
chillido m, squeaking; (ra) howl.
chilln m, small nail, lathing nail.
- real, spike.
chimbuzo m (Ec), funnel.
chimenea J, chimney, stack: fireplace: (min)
aseending gallery, drawhole, shaft.
- de aire, air shaft.
- de equilibrio (hid), surge tank.
- de extraccin (min), drawhole.
- de visita, inspection shaft.
china J, small stone, cobble.
chinarro m, pebble; cobble.
chinata J (C), pebble; eobble.
chinateado m, paving of small eobbles.
chinche m, chincheta J, thumbtack.
- de ranura, slotted thumbtack.
- estampado, stamped-stel thumbtaek.
chino m, cobble; (PR) boulder; (min) iron or
eoppN pyrites.
chipodeado (mam)(M), rock-faeed.
chiquero m (C), crib, eribwork.
chircaJ, an Argentine lumber (semihard).
chirle m (Col), grout; whitewash.
chirriar, to squeak, creak.
chirrido m (maq) , squeaking: (ra) birdie.
chispa J, spark.
- apagada (elc), quenched spark.
- atrasada (auto), spark retarded.
- avanzada (auto), spark advanced.
- de entrehierro (elc), jump spark.
- piloto (elc), pilot spark.
chispas de hielo (hid), frazil ice.
chispear, to spark; (PR) to spray, sprinkle.
chispeo m, sparking.
chispero m, spark arrester; blacksmith.
chispmetro m (ele), measuring spark gap.
- disparador, triggering gap.
chisporroteador m (vol), spitter.
chisporrotear, to spark; (bl) to spit (fuse).
chisporroteo m, (elec) sparking; (w) spatter,
chiva m (min)(M), claw bar.
chivato m (B), helper, apprentice.
chocar, to eollide; (naut) to foul.
choco m (Ch), stump.
chfer, chauffeur.
chompa J (V), churn or hand drill.
chompn m (V), hand drill.
chopo m, poplar.
choque m, impact, shock, eollision.
- de agua o de ariete, water hammer.
- elctrico, eleetric shock.
chorizo m, mud wall; mixture of mud and straw
for plastering a wall.
chorreadero m (min) (M), ore chute.
chorrear, to spout, gush; to drip.
chorreo m, spouting, gushing.
chorro m, jet; stream.
- contrado (hid), vena contracta.
- de arena, sandblast.
- de marcha en vaco (mg), idling jet.
- de municiones o de perdigones, shot blast.
- de vapor, steam jet.
choy m (M), kind of soft shale.
chozo m, shed, shanty.
chubasco m, squall, shower.
chuchero m (fe)(C), switehman.
chucho m, (rr) switch; (elee) switch; (rr)(C) sid-
ing; (rr) (C). turnout.
- biselado (fe), lap s\viteh.
- de aguja (fe), point or split switch.
- de arrastre (fe), trailing switch.
- de cuchilla (elc) (C), knife switch.
_. de descarrilar (fc), derail switch.
- de tope (fe), stub switch.
- de tres tiros, three-throw switch.
-. enfrentado o en contrapunta (fe), facing
- muerto (fc) (e), dead-end siding.
chulano m (min), upward drill holeo
chumaeera J, bearing, pillow block, journal box;
rowlock (boat).
- a rodillos, roller bearing.
- anular, annular or radial bearing.
- de balines, ball bearing.
- de bolas encerrada, double-shielded ball
- de camisa, sleeve bearing.
- del contravstago (mv), tail bearing.
- de empuje, thrust bearing.
- del timn (cn), rudder bearing.
- exterior, outboard bearing.
- partida, split bearing.
- recalentada, hotbox, hot bearing.
chumba J, chumbe m (miner)(B), zinc blende
chumero, chunero m (AC) , helper, apprentice.
chupadero m, suetion pipe.
chupador m, (pu) strainer for foot vah'e; (lab
nipple: (pet) swab.
chupar (bm), to suek, draw.
chupn m, plunger: (A) (C) foot valve.
chuzo m, pike pole: (Ch) erowbar.
delantero m, (st) nosing; a front.
delator de fallas (elc), fault localizer.
delegado m, delegate (union).
deletreo, deleterious.
deleznable, unstable (ground), crumbly, brittl
(soil) .
deleznamiento m, slaking (soil).
delfn m, mooring post, dolphin, pile cluster.
delga j, thin sheet; commutator bar.
delgadez j, slenderness.
delgado a, thin, light.
delicuescencia j, deliqueseenee.
delicuescente, deliquescent.
delineacin J, delineation.
delineador, delineante m, draftsman, desiguer.
delinear, to design, draw.
dlta m (1'), delta; j (elc), delta.
deltaico, deltaic.
demanda j, demand, load.
-- bioqumica de oXgeno (is), biochemical oxy.
gen demando
- de cloro (is), chlorine demando
-- de recalefaccin (aa), reheating load.
-- de transmisin (aa), transmission load.
- mxima (elc), peak load.
- por aparatos (aa), appliance load.
-- por infiltracin (aa), leakage load.
- por ocupacin (aa), oceupancy load.
demarcacin j, laying out; (A) fencing.
demrito m (cont), depreciation.
demodulacin J (ra), demodulation.
demodulador m (ra)(A), demodulator.
demoledor m, building wrecker.
demoledora j, demolition too!.
demoler, to demolish, raze, (bldg) wreck.
demolicin j, wrecking, demolition.
demoraf, delay; (rr) demurrage; (naut) bearing
- del envolvente (ra), envelope delay.
demulsibilidad j, demulsibility.
demulsionar, demulsificar, desemulsionar, to
dendriticismo m (sol), dendriticism.
dendrmetro m (ef), dendrometer.
denominador m, denominator.
densidad j, density.
-- de corriente (elc), current density.
-- de flujo dielctrico, electric induction, dielec
tric flux density.
-- de flujo magntico, magnetic flux density
magnetic force 01' intensity.
- en masa (ms), bulk density.
densificacin j (ms), densification.
densimetra J, densimetry. -
densimtrico, densimetric.
densmetro m, densimeter; hydrometer.
densitmetro m, densitometer.
denso, dense, thick; (conc)(A) stiff.
dentado m, toothing, indentation, (hyd) dental
(conc) bonding key; a dentated, toothed
dentador m (si), gummer.
dentar, to tooth, notch, indent.
dentellado, toothed, notched, dentated.
dentelln m, cutoff wall (dam); toothing of a
brick wall.
denudacin /, denudation.
dacita f (geol), dacite.
dactico, dacitic.
dactilgrafa f, typist.
dactilografista m f, typist.
dactilgrafo m, typewriter;
dado m, die; (mas) small pler; capstone; (M)
- de barrena (M), jackbit.
- de operacin (v) (V), operating nut.
-- de resorte (rs), spring or prong die.
-- de roscar, die.
- de amortiguamiento (hid), baffle blocks.
- deflectores (hid), baffle piers or blocks, den-
- para tornill0ll (rs), J;lOlt
- para tubera (rs), pIpe dles.
dagaf (PR), machete.
dagame m, a hardwood of Central America and
the West Indies.
dala f, dale,spout, trough; (M) slab.
dama f dam of a blast furnace; (A) mound of
left under an engineer's stake.
damar m, dammar.
damero-estampa (A), swage block.
daar, to damage.
dao m, damage.
daos y perjuicios (leg), damages.
dar, to give.
- alcance, to overtake.
- bocazo (vol), to blow out.
-- contra, to coilide with, strike against.
- contramarcha o contravapor (maq) , to re-
- cuele (tn) (M), to drive.
- cuerda (inst), to wind.
- de baja, to discharge (men); (Ch) to scrap.
- en un bajo (nut), to run aground.
--fondo (nut), to anchor, drop anchor.
--fuego, to put off a blast; to blow in a furnace.
-- inters (A), to bear interest.
- manija (auto) (A), to crank.
-- manivela (auto), to crank.
-- mechazo (vol), to misfire.
- presin (cal), to get up steam.
--vapor (cal), to steam.
- viaje, to taper.
--vueltas, to revolve, slue.
daraf (elc), daraf.
dardo m (pet), dart.
drsena J, basin, dock, inner harbor.
- de flote, wet dock, basin.
-- de maniobra,.turning basin.
- de marea, tidal basin.
-- para embarcaciones menores, marina, boat
haven, boat harbor.
dato m, datum.
datos, data.
datolita J (miner), datolite, humboldtite.
davina J, miner's safety lamp;
dbil, weak.
debilitar, to v.:eaken.
decaamperio m, deca-ampere.
dcada J, decade.
decaedro m, decahedron.
decaestreo m, decastere.
decagonal, decagonal.
decgono m, decagon.
decagramo m, decagramo
decalado, decalaje m (elc) (herr), angular dis-
decalador (m) de fase (elc), phase shifter.
decalaje de escobillas (elc), brush shifting.
decalescencia j, decalescence.
decalescente, decalescent.
decalina j, decalin, decahydronaphthalene.
decalitro m, decaliter.
decmetro m, decameter.
decano m (qum), decane.
decantable (hid), settleable.
decantacin j (hid), sedimentation, settling, de-
cantation; pouring.
-- contracorriente (is) , countercurrent decan-
decantador m, settling tank, catch basin, (sw)
silt basin; (su) settler.
-- de arena, sand trap or separator, catch basin.
decantar, to deposit silt, settle; to pour; to drain
decapitacin J (geol) (A), stream capture.
decarbonatador m (mg), decarbonator.
decarbonatar (M), to decarbonate.
decarbonizar, to decarbonize.
decarburacin j (M), decarburation, decarboni-
decrea j, decare.
decauville, narrow-gage (especial1y portable
track and side-dump cars).
deceleracin J, deceleration, negative accelera-
tion, retardation.
deciamperio m, deciampere.
decirea j, deciare.
decibemetro m, decibel meter.
decbelo m, decibel.
deciestreo m, decistere.
decigramo m, decigramo
decilitro m, deciliter.
decimal 8 a, decimal.
--peridico o repetidor, recurring or periodic
decimtrico (ra), decinletric.
decmetro m, decimeter.
dcimo m a, tenth.
decinormal, decinormal.
declinacin J (brjula), declination, variation.
declinatorio m, declination compass.
declingrafo, declinograph.
declinmetro m, declinometer.
declive m, slope, grade, incline, pitch.
- de subida, upgrade.
declividad j, slope.
declorinacin j (Pe), dechlorination.
decolaje m (ap), take-off.
decolar (ap), to take off.
decrecer, to ebb (tide); to fall (level of river); to
decremento m, decremento
decrmetro m, decremeter.
decrepitacin j, decrepitation.
dedal m, cap, ferrule.
dedo (m) de contacto (elc), contact finger.
defasaje m (elc) (A), phase difference.
defecacin J, defecation.
defecador m, defecator.
defecante m, defecant.
defecar, to defecate.
defecto m, defect, flaw.
defectuoso, defective.
defensa J, guard, fender, protecton.
-- de la escotilla (cn), coaming.
-- de orillas, shore protection.
-- fluvial ode riberas (r), bank protection.
- martima (A), sea wall.
dficit m, deficit; shortage.
definicin j (fma) (tv), definition.
- amplia (tv), high definition.
-- escasa (tv), low definition.
definitivo, final, definitive.
deflacin j (geol), deflation.
deflagrador m (Es), blasting machine.
defla/(rar, to deflagrate.
defleccin J (est) (ra) (Es) (A), deflection.
defleccionar (est) (A), to deflect.
deflectmetro m, deflectometer.
deflector m, baffle, deRector; bucket (dam).
- de aceite (lu), oil thrower.
- de descarga, bclt plow.
-- fumvoro (cf), smokeless arch.
-- separador, separating baffle.
defleJmador m, deflegmator.
deflegmar, to deflegmate.
deflexin J, (str) (surv) deflection.
-- de la aguja, magnetic deviation.
deflocuhnte m (is) (M), defloccubnt.
deflocuhr (C)(M), to defloccubte.
deforestar, to deforesto
deformacin j, dcformation, strain; distortiO:l.
- anelstica (A), plastic f1ow.
-- armnica (m), har!110nic distortion.
-- de amplitud-frecuencia (ra), attenuation dis-
tortion, amplitude-frequency distortion.
-- de corte, shearing strain.
-- del envolvente (ra), envelope distortion.
-- de fase (ra), phase ..
- en fro, cold dcformation.
--lindera o de lmite (ms), boundary deforma-
-- plana, plane deformation.
-- plstica, plastic deformation, (A) plasticf1ow.
deformar, defonnarse, to dform, distort.
deformmetro m, deformeter.
degausaje m (cn), degaussing.
degeneracin j (ra) , degeneration, negative or
inverse feedback.
degolladura j (lad) (Es), vertical joint.
degradable, erosible (soil).
degradacin J, erosion; disintegration; (chem)
(geol) degradation.
degradador m (mam), mortar chise!'
degradar, (chem) (geol) to degrade; (mas) to rake
degello (m) inferior (her), bottom fullero
degello superior (her), top fullero
delantal m (mee) (auto) (hid) , apron.
-- de embarcar (ap), loading apron.
- de soldador, welder's apron.
- impermeabilizante (M), face slabof a dam.
delantera f. front end, front parto
110 111 denuncia
denuncia m (min), denouncement.
- de accidente, accident reporto
denunciar (min), to denounce.
departamento m, compartmcnt: department;
apartment; (1'1') stateroom.
-- de calderas, boiler room.
-- de caminos, highway department.
dependencia 1, braneh oflice; department, bu-
deplecin I (A), depletion. . .
deposicin I (met) (sol) (geol), .d.eposltron.
, -- electroltica, electrodeposltlOn.
-- electrnica (met), sputtering.
depositacin I (hid) (A), sedimentation.
depositar, to deposit; depositarse, to settle
(dregs). .
depsito m, storehouse, warehouse; store; bm;
tank; reservoir; sediment, precipitate; de-
posit: (geol) deposition.
-- alimentador, distributing reservoir.
-- aluvial, alluvial deposito
-- compensador, regulating reservoir.
-- compresor, pressure tank.
- de acarreos (hid), silt deposition.
-- de acumulacin, storage reservoir.
- de aduana, customs warehouse.
-- de aire comprimido, air receiver (compres-
- de baldeo (al), flush tank.
-- de captacin, impounding reservoir.
-- de carbn, coalbin.
- de carga (hid) (Es), forebay.
-- de compensacin, (ag) surge bin; (hyd) rcg-
ulating reservoir.
-- de detencin, detention basin.
- de distribucin, distributing reservoir.
-- de explosivos, magazine.
-- de incrustaciones, dcposit of scalc.
- de limpia (al) (Es), flush tank.
-- de locomotoras (fc) , enginehouse, round-
-- de maderas, lumberyard.
-- de minerales, mineral deposito
-- de rebose (ag), ovcrflow bino
- de retencin (dac)(Pe), detention basin.
-- decantador o de sedimentacin, settling
--fiscal, government warehouse.
--franco, warehouse in a free port.
-.- regulador, regulating reservoir; standpipc.
--unitario (sol), rate of deposition.
depreciacin 1, depreciation.
- acumulada, accrued depreciation.
- de desuso (elc), shelf depreciation.
depreciar, depreciarse,. to depreciate.
depresin 1, (top) depression, hollow; gap, pass;
(hyd) (V) (Pe) drawdown; (s1ll'Y) depres-
depresor m, depressor (all senses).
deprimido m (hid), drawdown.
depurador m, cleaner, purifier;filter.
-- centrfugo (aa), centrifugal cleaner.
- de cok, coke scrubber (gas).
-- de vapor, steam scrubber 01' purifier.
depurar, to purify.
'1erecha 1, right hand.
derecho m, grant, concession; law; a straight;
right (hand).
-- de bosque o de monte, timber rights.
-- de paso o de va, right of way.
derechos, taxes, duties, fees; rights.
-- aduaneros o arancelarios, customs duties.
-- consulares, consular fees.
-- de agua, water rights.
-- de almacenaje, storage 01' warehouse charges.
-- de anclaje, anchorage dues.
-- de atraque, wharfage.
-- de baliza, beaconage.
- de barrera (ef), boomage.
-- de depsito, storage dues.
-- de entrada o de importacin, import 01' cus-
toms duties.
-- de esclusa, lockage, locking charges.
-- de exportacin, export duties.
-- de faro, lighthouse dues.
-- de gra, cranage, crane charges.
- de lanchaje, lighterage.
-- de mineraje, mining royalty.
-- de muelle, wharfage.
- de patente, patent royalty.
-- de puerto o de quilla, harbor ducs, keelage.
-- de remolque, towage, towing chargcs.
-- de riego, irrigation rights; irrigation dues.
-- de salida, export duty.
-- de salvamento, salvage.
-- de tonelaje, tonnage dues.
-- petroleros, oil rights.
- portuarios, port charges, harbor dues.
deriva/, (naut) (geop)(pmy) drift; (naut) l e e w ~ y .
derivacin 1, diversion; by-pass; branch, scrVlce
connection; overflow: (elec) shunt; (math)
-- central (ra), center tapo
- corta (elc), short shunt.
- del abonado (elc), service connection.
- de cable partido (elc), split cable tapo
- de enrollado mltiple (elc) , muItiple-wrap
cable tapo
- de nudo (elc), knotted tap joint.
-- de servicio (tub), housa connection 01' serv-
- enrollada (elc), wrappcd tap joint.
-larga (elc), long shunt.
--maestra (elc), master service.
-- particular (tub), house service.
derivada I (mat), derivative.
derivado m, (chem) derivative; branch.
derivados de coque, coke by-products.
derivador (m) de seguridad (vol), safety shunt.
derivar, to divert; (elec) to shunt; to branch off;
(naut) to drift; (elec) (ehem) to derive.
-las juntas (Ch), to break joints.
derivativo a (qu!m) (mat), derivative.
derivmetro m (fma), drift meter.
derramadero m, (hyd) apron; spillway; (M) val-
ley of a stream.
derramamiento m (hid), runoff.
derramarse, to overflow; to run off.
derrame m, (hyd) runoff, flow, effiuent, overflow;
(bldg) water table; splay of a window 01'
doorjamb; (C) drip, overhang.
- s6lido (I)(A), silt load.
derrapada I (auto) (M), skid, skidding.
derrapar (auto) (M), to sltid.
derretido m, (su) a melt; (cons) grout; a melted,
-- de cemento, (C) eement grouting.
derretidor m, melter.
derretir, to meIt, fuse; derretirse, to melt, thaw:
to fuse.
derribarboles m (tc), treedozer.
derribador m, felling ax; building wrecker.
derribar, to wreck, demolish; to fell.
derribo m, wrecking, demolition, fe1ling.
derribos, building rubbish, debris.
derrisco m (top) (C), gorge.
derrocadoral (A), rock breaker.
derrocamiento m, demolition; (A) rock excava-
derrocar, to tear down, demolish
derrochar, to waste.
derroche m, waste.
derrota 1, ship's course.
derrotero m (nut), course, route.
derrubiar, to erode, wash away.
derrubio ~ , erosion, undercutting, seour, under-
mining; material eroded.
- glacial (A), glacial drift.
derrumbarse, to fail, collapse; to slide (earth).
derrumbe m, fall, failure; slip, landslide; cave-in;
(sm) slump, flow; (min) cave, runo
-- por deslizamiento (muro), sliding failure.
-- por volcamiento (muro), tilting failure.
desabollador m, tool for straightening sheet
desabollar, to straighten out dents 01' bulges.
desabsorcin 1, desorption.
desaceitado, lacking lubrication.
desacelerar (M), to decelerate.
desacentuador m (ra), deaccentuator.
desacidificar, to neutralize acids.
desacoplar, to uncouple, disconnect; (ra) to
desacople m, uncoupling, throwout.
desacoplo, desacoplamiento m (ra), decoupling.
desactivar, to deactivate.
desacuar, to remove wedges: to unseat.
desadoquinar, to tear up pavement.
desaereador m, deaerator.
desafilado, (t) pull.
desafilarse, to become dul1.
desaforrar, to remove sheathing; (eab) to un-
desagarrar, to release a clamp 01' c1utch.
desagotar, to unwater, drain.
desagote m (C) (M), unwatering, draining.
desagregacin 1, disintegration.
desagregado, disintegrated.
desagrupacin I (ra), debunching.
desaguable, drainable.
desaguadero m, drainpipe, drain; (M) sewer.
desaguador m, a drain; drainer; dewaterer.
- de basuras (hid) , trash sluice.
desaguadora (j) de stanos, cellar drainer.
desaguar, to drain, unwater; to discharge; des-
aguarse, to drain, drain off.
desaguazar, to drain.
desa:e m, drainage; a drain, drainpipe; gutter.
-- cloacal, sewer; sewerage.
- de azotea (pb), roof drain.
- de desperdicios (hid) (M), wasteway.
-- de fondo, sluiceway, undersluiee.
- de piso (Pb), floor drain.
- domiciliario (pb), house drain.
- filtrante (pa), filter drain.
--inferior, subdrainage, underdrainage.
--pluvial, storm-water sewer.
-- superficial, surface drainage.
desahogado (hid), unsubmerged.
desahogador m, relief valve 01' trap.
desahogar, to vent, relieve pressure; (Sp) to
desahogo m, vent, discharge, relief of pres-
I sure.
aesahuciar, (Ch) (Ec) to diseharge (men).
desahucio m, (Ch) (Ec) discharge (men); (Pan)
desaire m (A), venting.
desairear, to deaerate.
desaislacin 1, removal of insulation.
desajustarse, to get out of order.
desajuste m, bad order, breakdown.
desalabear, to straighten.
desalineado m, drift (rivet) ; a out-of-line, untrue,
unfair (holes).
desalinearse, to get out of lineo
desalmacenar, to take out of a warehouse.
desalojamiento m (M), displacement.
desalojar, to dislodge, clear away.
desamoldar (conc), to strip forms.
desanchar (min) (M), to resue.
desanche m (min) (M), resuing.
desangramiento m (conc)(M), bleeding.
desaparejar, to dismantle, strip, unrig.
desapemar, to loosen bolts; to remove bolts.
desaplomado, out-of-plumb.
desapretar, to loosen.
desapuntalar, to remove shores.
desarbolar, to dismast.
desarborizacin 1, dcforestation.
desarenador m, sand trap, grit chamber, eatch
basin, (sw) silt basin; sluiceway, sand
desarenar, to remove sand, desando
desarmable, collapsible, detachable, demount-
desarmado, knocked down, dismantled.
desarmador m, (Ec) elaw bar, stripping bar; (M)
-- de cruz (M), screwdriver for recessed-head
desarmar, to dismantle, disassemble; (fo) to
desarme m, dismantling.
desarraigador m (ec), rooter.
desarreglo m, bad order.
desarrollar, to umoll; to develop.
desarrollo m, development.
-- de potencia, power development.
desarticular, to disjoint.
desasfaltar (pet), to remove asphalt, deasphaIt
desasiento m, unseating (pressure).
desatascar, to rsmove an obstruetion.
desaterrar 112 descomposici6n
113 desenlodt
desaterrar, to remove silt; to clean up rubbish;
(min) to remove deads.
desatierrem (Inin), removal of rubbish; a dump.
desatorar to remove obstructionB; to clear away
spoi orrubbish.
desatornillador m (AC), screwdriver.
destornillar, to unscrew.
desazolvar (M), to remove silt.
desazolve m (M), desilting.
desazufrar, to desulphurize, (pet) sweeten.
desbacterizacin I (A), sterilization.
debalanceo m (V), unstable equilibrium.
desbanque m, (M) stripping top soil; (Ec) side-
hill excavation.
desbaratar, to wreck, demolish.
desbarate m (Ch) , rubbish from a demolished
desbarbador m, chipping chisel.
desbarbadora 1, snagging wheel; chipping ham-
desbarbar, to chip, trim, smooth off, snag.
desbarnizar, to remove varnish.
desbarrar, to remove sludge or silt.
desbastador m, hewer; any trimming or shaping
tool; (sa) trimmer; dresser.
debastar, to dress roughly, trim, scabble, snag;
to hew.
desbaste m, hewidg; roughdressing.
desbisagrar, to unhinge.
dasbocarse, (machy) to race; (bl) (Pe to blow
desbordarse, to overflow.
desboscar, to cut down trees, deforest, clear.
desbosque m, clearing (land), cutting trees.
desbroce m, clearing (land) , grubbing, (lg)
swamping; brushwood, branches.
desbrozador m (ef), swamper, busher.
desbrozar, to clear (land), to grub, (lg) to swamp.
desbrozo m, clearing (land); brushwood.
desbutanizador m (pet), debutanizer.
descabezamiento m, tension on a rivet; cutting
off rivethead.
descafilar, to clean mortar from brick.
descalcador m, reeming iron, ravehook, ripping
descalcar, to remove calking.
descalce m, removing wedges; underrnining.
descalibracin I (M), faulty calibration.
descalzar, to remove underpinning; to remove
wedges or chocks; to undermine.
descamador m (herr), scaler.
descamarse, to scale off.
descaminarse, to run off a road.
descamino m, running off a road.
descansadillo, descansapi m (auto), footrest.
descansillo m, stair landing.
descanso m, bearing, pillow block; stair landing;
level stretch in a steep stream; (Ch) water
closet; (str) (A) bearing.
- de bolas, ball bearing.
-- de rodamiento o de rodillos, roller bearing.
descansos, (rr)(Pe) car brasses.
descantear, to chamfer, splay; to round off.
descantilladora 1, (t) chipper.
descantilladuras 1, chips, spalls.
descantillar, to chip off, spall; to bavelthe edges
descantilln m (Col), template; straightedge.
descapotar (Col), to strip topsoil.
descarbonatar, to decarbonate.
descarbonizador m (az), decarbonizer.
descarbonizar, to remove carbon; to decarbonize.
descarburar, to decarbonize. ,
descarga/, unloading, dumping; (hyd) discharge,
outlet; (machy) exhaust; (elec) discharge.
- espontnea (elc), self-discharge, local ac-
- inferior, bottom dump (car).
-lateral, side dump (car).
-luminiscente (elc), glow discharge.
- oscura (elc), dark discharge.
- radiante (elc), brush discharge.
- superficial (elc), surface leakage.
--trasera (co), rear dump.
descargadero m, unloading platform.
descargador m, (hyd) wasteway, outlet, escape;
(elec) lightning arrester; (elec) (steam) die-
charger; unloader (compressor).
- a disco (elc), disk discharger.
-- de acumulador, battery discharger.
-- de carros, car unloader.
- de chispa apagada (ra), quenched gap.
-- de fondo (presa), sluiceway, silt sluice.
-- electrosttico, electrostatic arrester.
descargadora (j) de vagones, car unloader.
descargar, to unload; to discharge; (eng) to ex-
haust; descargarse, to discharge; to run
down (battery).
descargo m, unloading; (com) discharge.
descargue m, unloading.
descarrilador m (fc), derail switch.
descarrilarse, to run off the track.
descarrilo m (A), derailment.
descascararse, to spall, scale, flake.
descebarse (bm), to lose prime.
descentrado, out-of-line, off-center, eccentric.
descimbrar, to strike centers (arch).
descimentar, to undermine.
descincado m, dezincmcation.
desclavador m, claw bar, nail puller.
desclavar, to pull naUs.
desclavijar, to remove a pin or cotter.
desclorar, to dechlorinate.
desclorinacin 1, dechlorination.
desclorlnador m, dechlorinator.
descoagulante, clot-dissolving.
descobrar, to decopperize.
descohesin 1, decoherence.
descohesor m (ra), decoherer.
descolchar (cab), to unlay.
descolmatar, to desilt.
descoloracin I (pa), color removal.
descolorante m, decolorizer.
descolorar, to remove color, bleach, decolorize.
descombrar, to muck, remove spoil, clean up.
descombro m, muck, excavated material, rul>-
descomponer, to decompose; to break down; to
take apart; (math) to resolve; descom-
ponerse, to decompose, decay, rot; to get
out of order.
descomponible, decomposable.
descomposicin 1, decompositioJl.
-- de fuerzas, resolution o' forces.
-- trmica (pet), cracking.
descompostura li bad order, breakdown.
descompresinI, decompression. ,
descompresorm, decompressor.
descompuesto, out-of-order; disintegrated.
desconcentrador m, deconcentrator.
desconchamiento (m) a soplete (met), fiame-
desconchar, tostrip off;" (met) to chip, scar;
desconcharse, to spall, scale off; to, exfo-
liate, flake.
desconectador ,m, disconnect, disconnecting
switch, disconnector.
--fusible, disconnecting fuse.
desconectar, to disconnect;(elec) to cut out.
iesconexin1" disconnecting.
__' a tensin mnima (elc) , ,undervoltage re-
descongelacin I (aa), defrosting.
descongelador m, defroster.
descongelar, to thaw.
descontaolo m (M),. breaking contacto
descontaminacin 1, decontamination.
descontinuidad 1, discontinuity.
descontinuo, discontinuous.
descorregido (inst), out-of-adjustment.
descortezador m (ef), barker, rosser, peeler, spud-
descortezadora 1, bark millo
descortezar, to strip bark; to strip topsoil.
descostrador m, boiler compound.
descostrar, to remove scale; descostrarse, to
spall; to scale.
descrecer, (ti) to ebb; to fall (level of river).
descripcin I (lev), description.
descuajar, to grub. '
descuaje m, grubbing.
descubierto, exposed, open.,
-- , al, aboye ground, in sight, in the openair,
in open cut.
descubridor (m) ,de tubos, pipe locator.
deschavetar, to remove a key or cotter.'
desdoblar, to straighten out, open up, take aparto
desecacin 1, drying, desiccation;. (lbr) season-
;ng; (M) drainage.
desecador m, drier, dehydrator, desiecator.
-- a roco (aa), spray drier.
-- de cienos (dac), sludge drier.
-- de contacto (aa), contact drier.
-- de tambor rotativo (aa), rotary-drum drier.
-- instantneo, flash drier.
desecante m a, desiccant.
desecar, to dry,season,desiccatc; (M) .todrain,
desecativo m, drier.
dese;har, to scrap.
desecho m, scrap, junk; (surv) offset; (rd) de-
desechos, spoil, waste, rubbish; scrap; rejects
(screen) ; (min) dllads;, (min)tailings, chats.
-,' de curtido (is), tannery. wastcs.
_,__o .de chancado, cmsher wast,e.
-- de fundicin, foundry scrap.
-- de hierro, scrap iron.
-- de lavanc:lera (is), laundry wa;;jles.
-- de tintorera (is), dYll wastes.
dllsembaldosar, to takll up tilo pavement.
dllsembalsar (A), to discharge from a reservoir.
desembancar, to remove silt.
dllsembanqull m, silt removal.
desembarcadero m, landing place, wharf.
-'-' flotante, landing stage or float.
desembarcar, to unload; to disllmbark.
desembarco, desembal:quem, unloading; de-
desembarrar, to elllar o mud or silt.
dllsembocadura l. outlllt, mouth, outfalI.
desembocar (r), to disoharge, llmpty.
dllsemboque m, mouth, outlllt.
desembragar, to rlllease a elutch.
desembrague m, elutch release;throwout.
-- por sobrecarga, overload release.
desempaador m, windshield cleaner.
desempapar, to desaturate.
desempaquetar, to remove packing.
desempatar, to disjoint, take aparto
desempedrar, to tear up paving,
desempernar, to remove bolts.
desempleo m, unemployment.
desemplomar, to remove lead.
desempotrar, to loosen somethingfixed or em-
desenastar, desencabar, to remove a handle.
desencadenar, to remove chains.
desencajar,' tothrow out of gear, ,unmesh,dis-
desencapadoraI (ec),stripping shovel,skimmer
desencapar, to strip (topsoil).
desencapillar, to strip, unrig, dismantle:
desencastrar, to free something embedded; to
disconnect a mortise joint.
(bm) (Es), to lose prime.
desenceilp ,Oar, to strip sod.
desenr.laver. t., pull nails; to rclease a clutch.
deser.davijaI, to remove a dowel or ,pino
dese",x irar .(conc),to strip'.forms.
desencolar, toremove gluing orsizing.
desencorvar" to straightcn.
desenchufar, to unmesh; to unsocket; to unnest.
desenergizar, to de-energize.
desenfangar, to dcsiIt, rcmovemud.
desenfocado, out-of-focus.
desenfrenar, to release brakes.
desengalgar"to.remove achock or wcdge.
desenganchar, to unhook, disconnect,disengage,
release, uncouple. '
desenganche m, unhooking, uncouplirig; (elec)
-- de retraso (eIc), time release.
desengoznar, to unhinge.
desengranar, to throw out ogear, diseng;age;
desengrasador m, grease remover.
desen;;rasar, to degrease.
desengrase m, degreasing.
desengrilletar, te unohackle.
deselljarciar, to unrig.
desenladrillar, to take upbrick pavement.
desenlamem. (M), removal o mud,
desenlodar, to desiIt, rcmove mud,
desnivelarse, to get outof level.
desnudo, bare (wire).
desocupaci6n 1, unemployment.
desocupados,the unemployed.
desodorante m,'deodorant.
desodorar, .desodorizar, to deodorize.
desoxicolato de sodio (lab), sodium desoxy-
desoxidar, to deoxidize.
desoxigenar, to deoXygeIlte, deoxidize.
desozonizar, to deozonize.
despllchador'm,sender; dispatcher.
- del petrleo, oUdispatcher.
- d.e
despachantede aduana, custoIIlhouse broker.
despachar, tosliip; to fulfill (norder).
despacho m, office; shipping,shiplllent;dispatch.
- de billetes, ticke-toffice.
-- de equipajes,<baggageroom.
-- de telgrafos, telegraphoffice.
--telegrfico, telegrarn.
despachurramiento m (est),crippling.
despalmador m, dockyard.
desplmar,to clean a vessel'sbttorn; to'rdtigh-
desparafinar (pet), relllove paraffin.
desparedar, to throwd0WJ;l awall.
desparramador m,distributer; spreader.
desparramar, to spread;
desparrame m, spreading (fill).
despasar (cab),. t(ju?,reeve; tof1eet.
despasioso (r); sluggish; .
despedazado, shattered, broken.
despedida 1,
despedir, (men),layoff.
despegar, to separate, detach, disunite; despe-
garse, to take off (airplltne).
desJlegue m,. separation, detachment; take-off
(airplarie) .
despejar, td strip (topsoil), c1ear; (m.ath) to
solve foro
despeiem (mh)(A), clearance.
despejo 711:' clearing, stripping; clearance.
despensa 1, storeroom.
despensero m, storekeeper.
despeadero m, cliff, precipice.
desperdicio m, spoil, excavated material; waste.
desperdicios,' wastes.
-- auranciceos (is), citrus wastes.
-- de algodn, cotton waste.
. _,_o de cantera, quarry spalls; quarry waste.
-- de hierro, junk, scrap iron,
-- de lana, wool waste.
--industriles (is), industrial
desperfecto m, damage, injury.
despezar, to taper.
despezo m, tapar, (fdy) draft.
despido m(Ec), discharge (employee).
despiezo m,taper; (Col) laying out or bon4ing of
stones inmasonry construction.' .....
despilar, to remove pillars in a mine; to remove
despilarar (min), to throw down
desplantar (M), te excavate; toset, place,lay
Qut. '
deslinde m, marking boundaries.
deslingar, to unsling.
desliz m, slipping, slip.
deslizaderas 1, slides;(hyd) gate guides; (sb)
slippers; (lg) slip skids.
deslizadero m, chute; (sb) slipway, launching
deslizaIllento plstico (A), pllUlticflow;
deslizar, to slide, slip; (ir) tocreep (ralls).
deslubricado (A), lacking lubrication.
deslumbramiento m, glare;
deslustrado, dull (finish);ground (glass).
desmagnetizador m, demagnetizer.
desmagnetizar, to demagnetize, de-energize.
desmangar, to remove a handle.
desmaniguar (C) (PR), to clear land.
desmantelar, to dismantle.
desmejorar, to damage, impalr; desmejorarse,
to deteriorate.
desmenuzable, friable; unstable.
desmenuzadora J,. pulverizer, crusher,. shredder.
desmenuzar, to crush, pulverize; desmenuzarse,
to crumble,disintegrate.
desmezclado (conc), separated, unmxed.
desIllneralizador m (pa) , demineralizer.
desIllneralizar, to demineralize.
desmochar, to cut off, crop; (Col)'to unroof.
desmochos m (met), crop.
desmodulacinl (ra), demodulation, detection.
---.por rejilla, grid detection.
desmoduladorm (ra), demodulator.
desmoldador m, stripper (forms).
desmoldar, to stri>forms.
desmontable, detachable, removable,collaps:'
ible, demountable.
desmontado, knocked-'down, dismantled.
desmontador m, delllounter.
-- de neumticos (heF)' tirerelllover.
desmontaje m,. dismantling, delllounting, dis-
desmontar, to dismantle, disassemble,tak
apart; to deIIl0,t,Int; to clear (land); to ex-
cavate, dig, cut.
desniontavlv-ulas m, valv"l{lifter.
desmonte m, clearing; excavation, cut; dirt ffi.()V-
- y terrapln, cut andfill.
desmontes (min), deads. . ...
_ de cantera (Ch), q!1arry refuse.
desmoronadizo, crumbly,easily disintegrated,
unstable (soil). ..'
desmoronarse, to
desmultiplicador m, reduction geal.'.
desmurar, to wreck walls.
desnatador m, skimmer, (su) foam scrap'er.
desnatar, to skim,removescum.
desnevado m, a thaw: .
desnitrificar, to
desnivel m, difference"of elevation, fall, drop,
(hyd) haad.
-- bruto, gross head.
__ de funcionaIllento,operating head,
_._ efectivo, net or effective llcad. .
--til, useful head.
desnivelacin (, difference of elcvatioIl.
desgracia J, accidento
desgrasar, to degrease.
desguace m (mad), :ough'-dressing.
desguarnecer, to stripo1Y fittings" dismantle;
desguarnir, to unreeve; tostrip rigging.
desguazar (mad), torough-dress.
deshacerse, to disintegrate:
deshelador m, deicer.
-- de din8.11lta, dynamite thawer.
deshelar, to thaw; to deice; to unfreeze; deshe-
larse, to thaw.
desherrar, to strip ironwork.
desherrumbrar, toclean off rusto
deshidratador m, dehydrator, dewaterer.
- de gas (pet), knockout.
deshidratar, to dehydrate,. dewater.
deshidrogenacin J, dehydrogenation.
deshidrogenar, to dehydrogenize, dehydrogenate.
deshielo m, thawing, thaw.
deshierbar,to grub.
deshierbe m, grubbing.
deshilachador (az), cane shredder.
deshincar, to pull (piles).
deshojador m (hid) , leaf screen.
deshollinador m, soot catcher.
deshollinar, to removesoot.
deshumectador m (aa)', dehumidifier.
deshumectar, deshumedecer{aa); todehumidify.
deshumedecedor m (0.0.), dehumidifier.
-- de roco, spray-type dehumidifier.
deshumidificar (A), to dehumidify.
desitonar (A), tosiphon.
desigul, unequal.
desiguldad 1, inequality.
desimanador m, demagnetizer.
desim3nar, desimantar, todemagnetize.
desincrustador m, boiler-tube cleaner; scaling
desincrustante m, boiler compound.
desincrustar, to remove scale.
desinfectante ma, disinfectant.
desinfectar, te disinfect, sterilize.
desinflado, f1at (tITe). '
desinfiar, to deflate.
desintegracinj, disintegration; (pet) cracking.
-- catltica, catalytic cracking.
-- trIllca,thermal cracking.
m, disintegrator; (pet) cracking
- de caa (az)(C), cane shredder.
desintegrar, to disintegrate.
desintonizar (ra), to detuhe.
desionizar, to deionize.
desisobutanizar (pet), to deisobutanize.
desjuntar, to disjoin-t, take aparto
desladrillar, to tear up brick paving.
deslamar, to desilt, remove mud; (min) to de-'
deslastrar, to remove ballast.
deslatar, to strip off laths or battens.
deslavable, erosible, erodible.
deslavar, to erode, wash.away; to wash,rinse.
m, erosion; eroded material; (min). tall'
desler, to dilute.
deslindar, telllarkbolldaries;to survey.
desenlosar, to take up f1agstones.
desenmangar, to remove ahandle or.haft.
desenmohecer,. to clean off rusto
desenrace m, grubbing.
desenraizadora I (ec), rooter.
desenraizar, to grub. .
desenrollar, to unreel, unwind; uncoil, unspool.
desenroscar, to unscrew.
desenrosque m, unscrewing.
desensamblar, to knock down, disassemble.
desensibilizador m '(fma), desensitizer;
desensibilizar (fma), to desensitize.
desensortijar, to remove kinks.
desentablar, to strip off boards.
desentarimar, toremove planking.
desentarquinar, to. desilt.
desentechar (AC), to umoof.
desentejar, to strip off roof tiles.
desentornillar, to unscrew.
desentubar, to remove boiler tubes.
desenyerbar, to strip, remove grass.
desenyesar, to tear off plaster.
desequilibrado, unbalanced.
desequilibrio m, unstable' equilibrium, unbal-
-- de impedancia (ra), mismatch.
desescamador m, scaling chise1 '
desescamar, to remove scale.
desescarchador m, defroster.
desescombrador (m) de alcantarilla, culvert
desescombrar, to clear away rubbish; to muck.
desescombro m, cleaning up; mucking.
desespumar, to remove scum.
desestaar, to detin.
desexcitar, tode-energze.
desfasado, desesfaje m (elc), phase displace-
ment; (ra) outphasing.
desfasador m, phase shifter.
desf.asaIllentom (elc), phase difference.
desfatigar, to relieve stress.
desferrificar, desferrizar, to deferrize.
desfibradOl."a 1,' shredder,disintegrator.
desfiladero m (top), gap,pass, defile.
desfiemadora 1" dry kiln.
desfioculador m (is),def1occulator.
desfiocular, to,def1occulate.
desfiorarse (V), to disintegrate,breakup.
desfogar, to vent; .(hyd)to drain off, sluice.
desfoguem"relief (pressure) ; vent; outlet; (hyd)
(M)' wasteway, sluice.
desforestacin 1, deforestation.
desforrador de, cable (elc)., cable stripper.
desforrar, to remove sheathing or lining.
desfrenar, to release, brakes.
desgll.char, to unhook.
desgarrador, m,. :ipper' (road);
desgarraIllento m, (est) crippling; (V).shatter-
ing, breaking"up;
desgarrn m, rent, tear, cut.
desgasificador m, degasifier;
desgasificar, to degasuy.
desgastar, to erode, wear, abrade; desgastarse,
to ",ear, wear out.
desgaste m, erosion,abrasion, wearidetrition;
desgoznar. to unhinge;
desplante 116 desviacin desviacin
117 da
desplante m (M),excavation; subgrade.
desplayado m, flats left by receding water.
desplazador m (mec), displacer.
- de engranajes (auto), gea,rshift.
desplazamiento m, (geol) (elec) (pmy) (na) (se) dis-
placement; (1'1') (U) change of line, reloca-
tion;(surv) o:ffsej;; (mt) setover;(ra) drift.
- cargado (an), loaded displacement.
-- de construccin (an) , molded displacement.
- de fase (elc), phasedisplacement 01' differ-
- de paralaje (fma) , parallactic displacement.
-- de relieve (fma), reliefdisplacemeI:lt.
-- en plena carga (an), loaded
-- enrosca b sin carga (an),lightdisplacement.
-- sin plancheado. (an) , molded displacement.
desplazar, todisplace.
desplegador m (herr), spreader.
despliegue m, unfolding; spreading.
- en abanico (geof) , fan spread.
-- en cruz (geof), cross spread.
desplomar, j;o batter, inc!ine;,desplomarse, to
get out of plumb; to.collapse.
desplome m, batter; (M) overhang; collapse;
(conc) slump. '
desplomo m, deviation from the vertical.
despojado (maq), backed off.
despojar, (mech) to back off; (pet) to strip,
despojo m (mec), backing off.
despojos, debris, rubbish, spoil.
-- de albaal, sewage.
- de hierro, scrap junk.
despolarizador, despolarizante m (ele), depo-
despolarizar, todepolarize.
desprender, to detach, unfasten; to give off,
emit; desprenderse (ot) to slip, slide, sag,

desprendimiento m, loosening; (ra) emission;
1a,11-dslide,slip; (sm) slump,flow.
- de rEl)illa (ra), grid emission.
-- terminico (ra) , thermionieemission, Edi-
despropanizadora I (pet), depropanizer,
despulido,ground (glass).
despUlnacin/, skimming; despumation.
m (is), foam
despntes m; cuttings; short ends of bars 01'
tiesquebrajada (rock).
to<:iislo<:ige, break loose.
desquijerar, to te11-
desraizar, to grub.

desrielar, to derail. . ,:,
desripiador m (dad),' gritambel'.
desripiar, to remo"e grfvel., .', ..,.'
desroblar, to cut out rivets.
'fI'!' (A), r()cj;: eX,cavation.
destajador m" str:ij;:llig h!tl?Irler.. ".
destajero, . piecewprker; (min)
destajo m, tfSkwork, piecework;(min)tribute.
destapaderom (elc), knockout.
- a palanquita, prY-out.
destapar, to unCQVer, strip.
destechar, to unroof.
destejar, to remove roof tiles.
destelladorm (elc), flasher.
destemplar, to annea,).;destemplarse, tQlose tem-
destemple m, annealing; (Pt)distemper.
destilacin 1, ,distflation,
-- al vaco, vacuum distilltiolJ..
- intermitente (pet), batch.distillation.
- pirognica (pet), cracking distillaj;ion.
destiladera 1, destilador m,a still.
destilado m, distillate.
destilar,to distill.
destilera 1, distillirlg plant; (pet) tenery.
destinatario m, consignee.
destitucin 1, discharge (men).
destituir, to discharge (men).
destorcer, to untwist, (cab) unlay.
destornillador m, screwdriver; wrench.
-- a. crique, ratchet screwdriver.
--.. - acodado o descentrado, offset screwdriver.
-- automtico, spiral screwdriver.
-- de berbiqu, screwdriver bit.
--. de golpeo de percusin, impactscrewdriver.
destornillar, to unscrew.
destrabadorm (pet),bumper jaro
destral m, hatchet.
m (az),caneshI'edder.
destrgiro, clockwise.
destroncar, destroncoIlar (M) (V), to cIea!" land;
to pull stumps.
destroncadora I (ec), treedozer; stllmppUlIer.
destronque 'fI'!' e1earing, grubbing; stump pullilJ.g.
destrozar, to destroy; to shatter.
destruccin /, destructiol1.
destructor m, destructor, destroyer.
-- de basuras, refllse destructor.
--. de malezas, weedkiller.
- del vrtice (hid), whirlpool breaker.
destruir, to destroy, demolish; destruirse (mat),
to m,neel. .. , ... .
destufacin / (pet), sweeteniLlg.
destufador, deSulfurador m (pet) , lSweetener,
sweetening still.
dsulfurar, to desulphurize, desulphurate, (pet)
desusarse, to become obsolete.
desuso m, obsoleteness.
desvaI:lecedor m (ra) , fader.
desvanecimiento (ra), fading.
desvaporar, to let offsteam.
desvaporizar,to de,,::>;poriie. "'.'
desvatado, desvatiado waj;tless.
desvegetacin / (M), stripping of vegetation.
desventador m, vento '
desventar, to vcllt. . . , ,.
desviacin/, diversion; deviation(compass) ; de-
flection (angle); (surv) departure; (rd) de-
tour; (str) (C) deflectin; (pet) drift
(machy) runout; (elec)displacement
(brush), shift; displacement (crank);
(ra) drift, defiectioIl.
- del arco (sol),arcblow.
_. de las escobillas (mot), brush, diSplaeement
or shift. ., ",
_ electromagntica (ra) , electromagnetic de-
desviadero m (fe), siding;turnout.
desviador mi' deflector, baffle; diversion dam;
diverter; by-pass.
-- de correa, beltshifter.
- del rayo (auto), headlight deflector.
desviaje m, diversion.
desviar, to divert; to deflect; (rr) to switch;
desviarse, todeviate; tobranch off.
desvo m, diversion; by-pass; (rr) siding, turn-
out; (rd) detour; (ra) drift.
-.-, de atajo (fc),catch siding.
- de las escobillas (elc) (A), brush shifting.
-- de frecuencia (ra), frequency drift.
-- muerto,dead-end siding, spur track, stub
-- transversal (fc), crossover.
- volante (fc), flying switch.
desvimetro m (pet), drift meter.
desvitrificacin /, devitrification.
desvolcanarse (Col), to collapse; tobe de-
desvolvedor >m, 'tap ,'I\Tench; (Sp) monkey
desvulcanizado,r m. devulcanizer.
desvulcanizar, to devulcanize.
desyerbador m, grubber.
desyerbar, to grub.
desyerbe m, grubbing.
desyuye m.(A), grubbing.
detallar, to detail.
detalle m, detail.
deteccin / (ra) (M), letection, demodulation.
- por diodo, diode detection.
--por placa, plate detection.
-- por rejilla,grid detection.
-- por vlvula terminica,tube detection.
detectador m (elc) (Col), detector.
detector m, (elec) dctector; (rr) (A) dctector bar.
- a diodo (ra),diode detector.
-- a ley de cuadrados (ra), squarc-bwdetector.
-- a vlvula, vacuum-tube, detector.
-- de cristales (ra), crystal detector 01' rectifier.
-- de escapes o de fugas,leak 01' water-waste
-,- de gas (pet), gas detector.
-- de polarizacin negativa de rejilla (ra), grid-
bias detector.
-lineal (ra), linear or plate detector.
-- terminico (ra), valve ,dctector.
detector-zapata:(fc)(A), detect.o.r bar.
detencin/, stop, delay, standstill, (mech) dwell.
detenedor m' (mec), arrester, catch.
-- de ariete, water-hammer suppressor.
-- de llamas, flame arrester.
-- de polvo (aa), dust arrester.
deterioro m,' wear and tear; detedoration.
determinacin (j) en blanco (lab), blank deter-
determinacin hidrogeninica, ,. hydrogen-ion de-
determinado (mat), determinate.
determinante m / (mat), determinant.
-.- continuante,coritinuant.
-- cumulante, cumulant.
detonacin /, detonation; (auto) knocking,pink-
detonador m, blasting' machine; bla.stingcap,
dctonator, exploder.
-- comn, blasting cap.
-- de explosin demorada, delay blasting cap.
--,elctrico,. exploder.
-- elctrico de tiempo, delayelcctrieblasting
-- instantneo, instantalleous blasting cap.
- retardado, delayblasting cap.
detonadora 1, blasting machine.
detonancia I (mg), knoeking, detonation.
detonante, highly explosivc, detonating.
detonar, todetonate, explode.
detrtico (geol), detrital.
detrito (m) de falda (A),talus.
detritor m (dac), Detritor (trademark).
detritos m, detdtus, (tun) muck.
deuaa 1, dcbt.
- a largo plazo, long-term debt.
-- consolidada, funded debt.
- flotante, fiQating dcbt.
devanadera /, reel,spool..
devanado m (clc),willding.
-- amortiguador, damper 01' amortisseJlrwind-
-- anular o de anillo; ring.winding.
-- de arranque (mQt),
-- de cadena, chain winding.
- de canto, edge. winding,
- de compensacin, <compensating winding.
-- de cuerdas, chord, 01'. short-pitch' 01' frac"
tional-pitch windillg.
-- de espiras mltiples, banked winding.
-- de fase partida,split,-pha,se winding.
-- de marcha o de trabajo (mot) , runningwind-
-- de tambor, drUl\l winding.
-- diametral ode paso entero, full-pitchwind-
-- en derivacin, shunt 'l\inding.
-- enjaula, squirrcl-eage winding.
-- en paralclo,parallel ormultiple winding.
-- en serie, series 01' wavewinding.
-- en zigzag, zigzag win,ling.
-- estabilizador, stabilizing or tcrtiary wiLlding.
--imbricado, lap 01' multiple winding.
-- inducido, armature winding.
-- ondulado, wave 01' undulatory winding.
--regulador, regulating winding.
--reticulado, basket. winding.
-- simple, single winding.
devanador m, reel, spool.
devanadora /, Willding machine; reel.
devanar, to reel;,to wind.
devatado (elc) (A), .wattless. '.',
dextrgiro, dextrogira.torio, turning clock:wise.
dextrorrotatorio (az), dextrorotatqry.
dextrorso, clockwise;.toward theright.
deyeccin / (geol), debris.
deyecciones humanas,human cxP;elllen.tniePa,i
da m,day.
-- de la marea., tide day,
- de pago,payday.
118 diferencial diferencial 119 dique
- hbil (A), working day.
-.-laborable o til, working day.
das de gracia (tr), days o grace.
diabasa f (geol), diabase.
diabsico, diabasic.
diablo m, (M)(A) rail bender; (Col)jack;(Ch)
(M),pair of wheels for moving logs; (Sp)
warehouse truck; (pet)(M) go-devil.
diaclasa f (geol), diaclase.
diaclasado, fractured, diaclastic.
diaesquistoso (geol), diaschistic.
diafonfaI(tel),cross taIk.
difono m,diaphone (siren).
diafragma m, diaphragm; (bdg) (M)backwaIL
- iris, iris diaphragm.
diagmetro m (elc), diagometer.
diagonal f a, diagonal.
diagonales cruzadas, X or diagonal bracing;
diagrfico, diagraphic.
digrafo m, diagraph.
diagrama m, diagram.
- de acumulacin (hid), massdiagram.
-- de corte (ms), shear pattern.
__e de fuerzas, force diagram.
- del indicador, (eng)indicator diagram.
-- de volmenes (ot), mass diagram.
- estereogrfico (geol), block diagram.
--vectorial, vector diagram.
diagrmiltro m, diagrammeter.
dilaga f (miner), diallage(pyroxene).
dillagita / (geol), diallagite.
diamagntico, diamagnetic.
diamagnetismo m, diamagnetism.
diamante m, diamond.
-- borde 'o negro, bort, black or carbon dia-
-- cortavidrio o de vidriero, glazier's diamond.
diamantinaf, diamantine (abrasive).
diaIll.etral' dianietrical, diametral.
dimetro m, diameter.
-- conjugado,conjugate diameter.
- de huella '(M), tread diameter (sheave).
-- del paso (rs) , pitch diameter.
-- de rodamiento, tread diameter (sheave).
-- exterior,outside diameter;(th) major di-
-- mxitllo(rs),major or outside diameter
(screw); fulldiameter (nut).
-- mayor (rs);majordiameter.
--menor (rs); niill()r?ianieter.
-- mnimo (rs), minOJ:'orcore diameter (screw);
inside diameter (nut).
- primitiv() (rs)(en),pitch or effectivedi-
dianegativa f (fma), dia,negative.
dianegativo a (fma)diallegative.
diapositivo a;diar>0sitive.
diario m, logbook; (act)journal;
diastasa f (is), diastase. .
diatomea f, diatom.
diatomita f, diatomite, diatomaceousor infuso-
rial earth; diatomite (ex;llosive/.
dibromoquinona f <is), dibromoquinoneo'
dibujador, dibujante m, draftsman.
dibujar, to draw, draft.
-- en escala, to draw to scale.
dibujo m; drawing, plan; design, pattern;
- a mano alzada (C), freehalld drawing.
-- a mano libre o a pulso, freehand drawing.
-- acotado,dilllen.sioneddrawing.
-- de construccin en fbrica,shop drawing.
-'- de detalle, de'aildrawing.
-- de ejecucin o de trabajo, working n.rawing.
-- de lneas, line drawing.
-- de montaje,erection plan.
-de rodamiento. (auto), design ofthe tire
- de taller, shop drawing.
-- en perspectiva, perspective drawing.
--lavado, wash drawing.
--patrn, standard plan or drawing.
dibujos del contrato,contractplans;
diclcico a, dicalcium.
dicll.lita, Dicalite (trademark), diatomaceous
dicloramina f (qum), dichloramine.
diclorodifluorometano 'm (rfg) , dich1orodifiuoro-
dicromato potsico;potassium bichromate.
dieciseisavo m, onEl"sixteenth.
dielctrico m a, dielectrico
diente m,tooth, cog; (conc) bonding key; (hyd)
cutoff wall, toe wall;(hyd) dental;
-- americano (si), great Americantooth.
- biselado (si), gullet tooth.
- cepillado (en), machine-cut tooth.
-- comn (si), peg or commolortenon or plain
- cortante (si), cutting tooth.
- de diamante (si),diamond tooth.
- de empotramiento (hid) ,'cutoff wall.
-- de envolvente normal (en), involutestand-
. ardtooth;
-- de envolvente truncado (en), stub involute
- de lanza (si), lancetooth.
-'delobo (si), gullet tooth.
- en M (si), lightningtooth.
--fresado, machine-cut tooth.
--limpiador o raspador (si), rakeror .drag
-- postizo (si), bit, inserted tooth.
-- tipo campen (si),champion tooth.
- triangular (si) mill tooth.
dientes de choque (hid) ,baffiepiers or blocks.
diezmilsimo m; one ten-thousandth.
diezmilmetro m,one"tenth of amillimeter.
diezmillonsimo. m, oneten-millionth.
difsico (elc) (A), two-phase.
diferencia f (mat), difference.
- de tensin (elc),electric potentialdiffer-
-- en ms, plus difference.
-'- en menos, minus'difference;
diferenciable (mat), differentiable.
diferenciacin "differentiat.ion.
diferenciadorm (ra), differen'tiator.
diferencial f, differential (all senses),;(M)chain
block; a differential.
- de. ,cuatro satlites (auto), four.pinion dif-
diferir, to defer, ppstpone; extend, prolong; to
difraccin f,diffraction.
difractar, to diffract.
difundir, to diffuse.
difusibilidad f. diffusibility, (conc)(chern) dif-
difusin f, diffusion; (ra) broadcasting.
difusivo, diffusive.
difuso, diffused.
difusor m (dac), diffuser, disperser.
-- oscilante (dac), swing diffuser.
difusora f (ra), broadcasting station.
oigestin f, digestion.
- del fango o de los lodos (dac), sludgediges-
-- por etapas (dac), stage digestion.
digestor m, digester.
-- de basuras, garbage digester.
-- de cienos (dac) sludgedigester.
dilatacin f, expansion, enlargement.
dilatador, dilatante, dilatant.
dilatancia f, cElatancy.
dilatar, dilatarse, to dilatc, expando
dilatmetro m, dilatomctcr.
dilucin f, dilution.
diluente m, diluent; (pt)thinner.
diludo, dilute, thin, weak.
diluir, to dilute; to cut back (asphalt).
dilutor m,diluter. .
diluvial (geol), diluvial.
diluvio m, flood; heavy rain;
diluvin m. (geol), dilvium.
dimensin f, dimension (all senses).
-- a escala, scaleddimension.
-- acotada, figured dimensiono
-- extrema, over-all.dimension.
dimensional, dimensional.
dimensionar, to proportion, dimension; to size.
dimetlico, dirnetallic.
dimetilketol (az), dimethyl keto1.
dina f, dyne.
dingrafo m, dynagraph.
dinmetro m, dYIlameter.
dinama f, dyne.
dinmica f, dynamics.
dinmico, dynamic.
dinamita f, dynamite.
-- amoniacal, arnmonia.dynamite.
-- corriente, straight.dynamite.
-- de alto amonaco,high'-arnmonia dynamite.
-- de baja densidad, low.dellsitydynamite.
- de base explosiva,extra.dynamite;"
-- de nitroglicerina, nitroglycerin-dynarnite.
-- gelatina, gelatin dynamite.,
-- para explotacin forestal, loggin.g' dynamite.
-- para sismgrafo,seisrnographdynarnite.
dinamitar, to blast.
dinamitero m, blaster,;
- ssmico (geof), seismic shooter.
dnamo m f, dynamo.
-- dinamomtrico, electric-cradle dynamom-
dnamo-freno,eddYccurreont brake..
dnamo-motor, motor generator.
dinamoelctrico, dynamoelectric.
dinamomtrico, dynamometrie.
dinammetro m,' dynamometer.
-- a friccin de agua, water brake.
-- de aletas, fan-brake dynamometer.
-- de corriente parsita,eddy-current brake.
--,de friccin flida, fluid-friction dynamom-
-- de retraso magntico, magnetic.drag brake.
-- de torsin, torsion dynamometer;
-- de transmisin,.transmission dynamometer.
-- elctrico de cuna, electric-cradle dynamom-
--friccional, absorption dynamometer.
-- hidrulico,.hydrodynamometer.
dinamotor m (elc), dynamotor.
dinatrn m (ra), dynatron.
dinodo m (ra), dynode.
dintel m, lintel, cap, doorhead.
dintelar, to place a lintel. '
diodo m (elc), diode.
dipsido m (miner), diopside (pyroxene).
dioptra f, sight of an instrument; alidade.
dioptria f, diopter (unit of lens power).
diptrico, dioptric.
dioritaI (geol), diorite.
-- miccea, mica diorite.
-- nefelnica, nephelite.diorite.
-- orbiCular, corsite, napoleonite.
diortico, dioritic;'
dixido m (qufm), dioxide,. bioxide.
-- carbonico, dioxide, carbonic"acid gas.
-- de azufre,sulphur.dioxide, sulphurousanhy-
--e.desilieio, silicon dioxide, silica.
diplex (ra), diplex.
diplococos (is), diplococci.
dipolar, dipolar.
dipolo ma(elc), dipole.
--magntico, magnetic doublet or dipole.
dipo1oS'entongados,stacked dipoles.
dipotlsico a, dipotassium.
dique m, dike,levee; dani;(geol) dike, rib; (A)
dock; (C) (Sp) dry dock.
- a cabeza redonda (A), round-head-buttress
-- a contrafuertes, buttress dam.
........a gravedad, gravity dam.
-- a vertedero, spillway or overflow dam, weir.
--'. aligerado (A), hollow dam.
-.- afloramiento, subsurface dam.
-- de arco mltiple, multiple'-arch dam;
- de ataje (A), cofferdam.
-- de aterramiento. (A), desilting dam.
-- de captciri, impounding dam.
--' de. carena o de buque, dry or gravingdock.
-- de cierre, bulkhead or nonoverflow dam.
-- de contencin de arrastres,desilting dam.
-- de defensa, levee, dike..
- de desvo, diversion dam.
-.- de embalsa o de represa, impoundin.g or
storage dam.
-- de encauzamiento, levee.
-- de escollera o de enrocamiento, rock"fill dam
-- de gua, trainingdike.
distorsionar (M), to, distort.
distribucin j, distribution.
-- del encendido (mg), ignition timing.
-- de sector (mv), link motion.
-- por circuito cerrado (elc),loopdistribution.
--por derivaciones miiltiples (clc), tr,,\l sYS"
tem of distribution.
- por parrilla (elc), network system, ofdis-
-- St\lph\lnson (mv), Stephenson's link motion.
distribuidor m, distributor (aIl senses) ; spreader;
(se) slide valve; (turb) speed ring; (rein)
distributing bar; (p) manifold.
-- a presitin(ca), pressure distributor,
-- cilndrico o de mbolo (mv), piston valve.
-- de encendido (auto),distributor,timer.
distribuir, to distribute.
distributivo, 'distributive. '"
'/1'! (qum), solute; aclissolved.
disyuncin j (geol), fracture. ,
disyuntor m (elc), circuit breaker,
-- de contra.corrientes, reverse7current circtlit
-- de dos vas,
-- de, mxima, Qverload, circuito ,breaker.
-- de mnima. te11sin, )lndervoltage circuit
- de tapn, plug cutout. , "" ' ,"
-- de va nica, singlorthrowcircuitbreaker.
--o en aceite, oil circuit breaker.
-- en el aire, air breaker.
divergencia j, divergence; (auto) toe-out.
divergente, divergent, diverging.
divergir, to diverge.
dividendo m (mat)(fln), dividendo
divisas j, foreign exchange 01' currency.
divisible, divisible.
divisin j, (math) (rr) division; (mech) indexing.
-- contine11tal, continental divide.
-- diferencial (maq), differential illdexing.
- simple (maq),direct indexing.
divisor m, (math) divisor; (dwg) (A) dividers.
- de fase (elc), phase splitter.
-- de frecuencia (elc), frequency divider.
-- de fuerza (auto), power divider.
- de muestras (lab), sample splitter.
-- de voltaje, voltage or potential divider.
divisora, (j) de tensin, voltage or, potential
divisoria j (top), divide.
-- continental, continental divide.
-- de las aguas, divide, ridge. , , .
--o de las aguas freticas, ground-water divide.
divorcio (m) de las aguas (top), divide, ridge.
doblaj (Pe), night shift. '
dobladillo m (ch), hem.
doblado, bent.
-,- al fuego o en ca:liente, hot-bent.
-- en fro, bent cold.
doblador m, (t) bender; (ra) doubler.
-- de frecuencia (ra), frequency doubler.
-- de rieles, rail bender.
-- de tubos-conductos (elc), hickey, ,conduit
dobladora j, bending machine,
dispersador m (dac), disperser.
-- de chorro, jet disperser.
dispersin j, dispersion; (elec) leakage; (elec)
-,-- anmala (tv), anomalous dispersion.
-- anormal (tv) (Es), anomalous dispersion.
--- electrdica (ra), electrode dissipation.
--magntica, magnetic leakage, leakage flux.
-- snica de la, niebla (ap) , sonic fogdispersa!.
-- trmica de la niebla (ap),thermal, fog dis-
dispersivo, dispersive.
dispersor m (dac), disperser, ,diffuser.
__ode energa (hid), en"lrgy disperser or dissipa-
-- tipo de hongo (aa), mushroomair diffuser.
disposicinj, disposal; disposition,arrangement.
-- del agua de cloacas, S\lwage disp()saJ.
- del a:!baal (e), sewage disposal.
-- de las blisuras, garbage,disposll,l:refuse or
wtSt"l disposal.
dispositivo m, device, appliance,fixture,meclJ.-
anism; arrangement, layollt; facility.
- de evacuacin (hid)"outlet, works";bIO\voff

-- d 'gobierno (tc) , control or power control
-- de mando, control mechanism.
-- de retroceso, (eng) reversing gear.
-- de seguridad, safety device.
-- de sobrecorriente (elc), overcurrent device.
- derivadot (vol), shunt attachment.
-- de distribucin (elc), switchgear.
- de salida (hid), outlet works.
-- de servicio (elc), service equipment.
- de toma (hid), intake works.
-- para torno, lathe attachments.
disrupcin j" disruption.
disruptivo, disruptive.
distancia j, distance.
-- cenita:!, z'enith distance.
-- de agrupacin (ra) , driftspace. , ,
- de decolaje o de despegue (ap), take-off dis-
- de enfoque (fma), focallengj;h.
-- de interrupcin (elc), break distance.
- de visibilidad (ca), sight or visibility dis-
- disruptiva (elc), spark gap.
-- entre ejes, wheel base.
- explosiva (elc), spark gap.
-- exterior (fe), external distance.
- foca:! posterior (fma), back focal distan.ce.
-- polar, polar distance, codeclination.
--progresiva (lev), cumulative distance.
--tangencial (fc), tangent distance.
-- taquimtrica, stadia distance,
distanciamiento m, spacing, pitch.
distanciomtrico, telemetric.
distancimetro m (Es) (A), telemeter.
distorsin J, distortion.
-- de atenuacin-frecuencia,.(ra), attenuation
or amplitude-frequency distortion.
- del campo (elc), lield distortion.
- de retardo (ra), delay distortion,
-'- 'exploradoro de orificios' (tv), scfuming disk;
- motor (auto), driving disk.
-- para engranaje, gear, blank.
- para tubera (pet) , casing disk.
disconformidadj (geol), disconformity.
discontinuidad j, diseontinuity.
discontinuo, discontinuous.
discordancia! (geol), uIlconformity, discordance.'
discordante (geol), unconformable, discordant,
discreto a (mM), discrete.
discriminacin j (ra), discrimination.
discriminador m (ra), discriminator.
discriminante m a (mat),discriminant.
discurrimiento m (U), fJ.ow.
disector (m) de imgenes (tv), image dissector.
disentera j, dysentery.
-- amibiana, arrioebie dysentery.
--bacilar, bacillary dysentery.
diseador m, designer.
disear, to design; to sketch.
diseo m, design; sketch.
disgregacin j, disintegration, separation.
disgregador m,' cutterhead (dredge).
- de cienos (dac),sludge disintegrator.
disilicato m (qum), disilicate.
disilcico, disilicic.
disimetra j, dissymmetry.
disimtrico, unsymmetrical.
disimilacin j (is), dissimilation.
disipacin de placa (ra), anode dissipation.
disipador m; (hyd) disperser; a dissipative.
-- hl energa (hid), energy disperser.
- de neblina (ap), fog disperser.
disipar, to dissipate (heat), disperse.
dislocacin j, a slide; '(geol) 'dislocation, heave,
offset; fault.
- ascendente (geol), upthrow.
-,- descendente, downthrow.
-longitudinal (A) ,strikefault.
- rumbeante (A), strike fault.
--transversal, eross fault.
dislocado, (geol), faulted, displaced.
disociacin j (qm), dissociatiori.
disdico a (qum), disodium.
disoluble, dissoluble.
disolucin j, solution; disintegration; dissolution;
- de sa:!, mtodo de (hid) , chemical or titra-
tion or salt-dilution method.
-- disolutivo a, solvento
disolutor m (az), melter.
disolvente m, solvent;dissolvent; adissolvent.
disolver, disolverse, to dissolve.
disonancia f (elc), disson,ance.
disparada j(maq),raeing.
disparador m, tripper, release; blaster, powder-
'man;" (geop)shooter.
-- de electrones, electron gun.
__ode tensin nula, no-voltage release.
disparadora j (pet), machin.
disparar, te trip, release; to explode; (bl) to
shoot, Jire, put off; diSpararse (maq) , to
disparejo, uneven.
disparo m, discharge, explosion; (bl) shooting
- lln abanico'(geof),fanshooting. '
-- de machones de cabeza redonda, reund
head-l:mttress dam;
-- de retardo, retard, current orstream retardo
-- de retencin, bulkhead or nonoverflow dam;
- de ribera (U); levee.
-- de tierra; earth or earth-fill dam.
-. de utilizacion ,mltiple,' multiple-purpose
-,- de zanja, ditch check.
-- derivadoro de toma, diversion dam;
-,- distribuidor (A), diversion dam.
--,en arco, single-archdam, arch dam.
- flotante, f10ating dry dock.
--insumergible, nonoverflow or bu1kheaddam.
--lateral, saddle dam;wingof adamo
-- marginal, levee.
--nivelador, diversion dam.
--provisorio, eofferdam, temporarydam;
- repartidor (A), diversion dam.
-- seco, dry or graving dock.
-- seco de carena, graving dock, gravingdry
-- sumergible o vertedor, spillway dam, weir,
overflow dam.
- tajamar (A), cofferdam.
- tipo muro alivianado (A), roundhead-but-
tress dam.
direccin j, management; manager's offiee; (A)
department" division, section; board of
directors; address; (auto) steering;, direc-
tion; instruction; (geol) strike.
-- de edificacin, building department.
- de vialidad, highway department.
-- general, headquarters.
--reversible (auto), reversible steering gear.
direccional, directional.
directivaj, board of directors.
directividad j (ra), directivity.
directivo m, director (member of the board).
directoi direct; straight.
director mdirector, manager, ehief; (ra)
--o de obras, eonstruction manager.
-- ejecutivo, executive director.
-,,- genral, 'general manager.
directorio m, board of directors.
directrices j (turb)', ,guide vanes.
directrizj, directrix;archtemp1ate; (turb) guide
dirigir, to manage,direct;(auto) tosteer;to di-
reet (letter).
disacrido.m (lab);disaccharide; biose.
disco m, disk.
- alimentador. (rrih), dial: feed;
- analizador;(elc) scanningdisk;
--o centrador con,ranurai crotch center(lathe).
- compensador,(bm),balaric.disk.,
- del mbolo,.pistonhead;'
- de estrella (ra) (Es)',e'spider;'
-- de levas, cam ring:
- de mando del 'embrague (auto),' clutch-
driving disk.
- del nonio (inst),wermer ,plate.
--de taladrar, drillpad(lathe).
-,distribuidor (mv), wristplate.
dobladora 122 duraluminio
duramen 123 eje
-- de chapas, eorniee brake.
doblar, tobend; to double; to snub (belt); (ato)
totUJ:'n .
doble, double, duplex.
-0- asta, muro de; wa.ll 2brieks thiek.
_o campana (tub), double hubo
-o- citara, wall 2 brieks thiek.
-_o declletro(A), a rule 20 cm long.
--- efecto, de, double-aeting.
__00 escuadra (dib) , T square.
-_o extrafuert (tub), double-extra-strong.
- fondo (m); double bottom.
- T, 1 beam; (p) Cross.
- trenza, double-braid (insulation).
_o tumo, doble'shift.
doblegarse (est), to buekle.
doblete m (ele) (fma) , doublet.
doblez m, bend, kink.
documentos de embarque, shipping doeuments.
di1e m, dolly; orivetset.
doladeraj, broadax; howel.
dolador m, stoneeutter; hewer; trimmer.
dolar, t hew; to trim.
dolerita J .(geol), dolerite.
- traquftica (geol), traehydolerite.
dolobre m,stone hammer; spallinghammer.
doloma J (geol) (miner), dolomite.
dolomita J (M), dolomite.
dolomtico, dolomitie.
dolomitizu; to dolomitize;
dominante (mat)(ele), dominant.
domo m (arq) (geol) (miner), dome.
-- de vapot(loeo), steam dome.
- salino (geol),salt dome.
donqui m (AC), cargo hoist, wineh.
donsantiago m, rail bender.
dormido m,mudsill, sleeper;(sb)
dorso m, baek edge, heel.
dos aguas, a; peaked (roo).
dos bocaS, de, double-ended (wreneh).
dos ciills;de, two-ply; two-coat.
dos colas, (file).
dos' etapas, de, two-stage (pump).
dos tandas, de,double-shift.
dos (loek).
dosadora J (A}(Pe), dosing 01' proportioning ap-
PIP:a.t llS,
dosificacinJ, dosing; (eone) proportioning,
dosifica.dor m, proP0rtioller,dosing apparatus;
(eone) (A)bateher;
dotacinj,duty(water),irrigation reqirement;
supplY;erew,personnel. .o o o
-- corriente (auto) (maq); standard 01' n;gular
- de agua. "\Vaper sllI)ply.
--unitaria de riego (irr) , wterduty, allow-
anee par unit of area.
dovela J,
- de ladrillo,rcl(brick.
dovelaje m, l3et.ofiarehstoneso'
dovelar, to eutareh stones.
dozavado, twelve-sided.
dragaJ, dredge; drglil1eOtfit;drag.
- a balde (A), elaIIlshell dredge.
-- a dipperdredge.
-- ambulante o andadora o caminante, wlking
dragline. .
--aspirante O setion orhydralie
dredge,o sand' dredger.
-- cavadora, dragliI1exeavtor; slackliI1e ea.-
- de almeja, o<;Iamshell dredge. 00
-- de arcadllceso de cangilones 0 de escalera o
de rosario, ladder 01' bueket 01' elevator
dredge. o o
-- de arrastre, slaekliI1e eahleway, slaekliI1e-
dragline; power drag scraper.
-- de bomba centrfuga, suetion dredge.
-- decucharh,dippi' dredge.
- decuchllr6n de quijadas,elamshell dredge.
- depallinca (M), dipper dredge. o
- de tolvas, hopperdredge.
_o_o de valvas ode almeja (M),' ell'IIlshell hueket.
dragado (m) hidrulico, hydtaliedredging.
dragadora, dredge.
dragaje m, dredging.
dragalinaI(Es), dragliI1e.
dragalneaJ (M), iragliI1e exeavator.
dragar, to dredge;(naut) todrag.
dren m, drain.
--inferior, uriderdrin.
drenabilidadJ, drainability.
drenable, drainable.
drenaje m,' drainge.
-- de poblaciones, sewerage.
drenar, to drain.
dualina J, dualin (dYriaIIlite).
ductibilidad J (A) (M), duetility.
dctil, duetile.
ductilidad J, duetility.
ductilmetro m;duetilometer.
ducto (m) de cables (M), cable dueto
ducha J, shower bath.
duelaJ, stave.
- para piso (M), flooringboard.
duelas paraocielo(M), eeiling.
duelera J, set of stves; hevvillg, trimming, rough-
dressing. . ....
dulce, fresh (water); 130ft (steel); (chem) s'feet.
dulcita J (1ab), duleitol, duleite;
dulzuraJ (Pe), softness (water).
dulzurar, to remove salt (water).
duna J, dune.
dunita J, (geol) dunite; dunnite
duodecimal, duodecimal.
duodiodo m (ra),dudiode,double diode;
duolateral (ra), duolateral.
duotriodom (ra), dutriod, dOllbletriode.
duplicador (m) de voltaje (ra),voltagedoubler
duplicadoraf (IIlh), d
plictor. .
dplice,duplex, double. o
duplo m, double.
duque de Alba.,(pw)elusterofpiles.
durabilidad J, durability. .
durable, durable, sound.
duracin (f) de serVicio,service life;
duradero,drable.. . ooo .00 oo
duralita J,
duraluminio m/dmalumin(alloy).
duramen m, duramen, heartwood.
dureza J, hardness; hardness of water.
-- a indentacin, indentation hardness.
--Brinell, Brinell hardness.
-- carbonatada o de carbonatos (pa), carbonate
- carbontica (pa) (V), carbonate hardness.
-- del escieroscopio, scleroscope hardness.
-- de jabn (pa), soap hardness.
_o de sulfatos (pa), sulphate hardness.
-- escleromtrica (miner) , scratch 01' sclero-
scope hardness.
-- no carbonatada (pa), nonearbonate hard-
durmiente m, mudsill, groundsill,ground plate,
solepieee; (hyd) gate sill; (1'1') tie, erosstie;
(sb) clamp.
- de aguja (fe), switch tie.
- de caballete, sill of a trestle bent.
- de cambio o de chucho (fe), switch tie.
- de gra, derriek sill.
- de palo (fe), pole tie.
- de puente (fe), bridge tie.
durmientes de desvo (fe), switch timber.
durmientes de grada (cn), ground ways.
duro, hard.
-- al rojo, red-hard.
durmetro m, durometer.
ebanista m, joiner, eabinetmaker.
ebanistera J, joining, eabinetmaking; (V) trim,
bano m, ebony.
ebonita J, ebonite.
ebonizar, to ebonize.
ebullicin J, ebullition, boiling.
eclmetro m, eliI1ometer.
eclisa J (fe), spliee bar, lishplate.
-- angular o cantonera, angle bar.
-- de alivio o de resalte, easer joint bar.
-- de deslizamiento, ereeping plates.
- elctrica (Ch), rail bond.
eelisar, to place spliee bars.
economato m, eOIIlmissary store.
econmetro m, econometer.
economa J, eeonomy; saving.
economista de petrleo, petroleum economist.
economizador m,e.eonomizer.
-- de combustible, fuel eeonomizer.
-- de petrleo, oil saver.
economizador (a) de trabajo,laborsaving.
ecuacin J, equation.
- de estado (aa), equation of state.
-- de primer grado, simple equation.
ecuador m (geog) (mat) , equator.
echado m (geol) (M), dip.
echar (exe), to casto
-- a andar, (maehy) to start.
-- a pique (nut), to wreck; to sink.
-- abajo, to wreek, demolish.
-- carb6n, to stoke.
-- el ancla, to drop anchor.
-- el escandallo, to takesoundings.
-- un remiendo, to patch.
edafol6gico, edaphological.
edificacin J, building; a building.
edificador m, huilder.
edificar, tobuild, construet, ereet.
edificatorio, pertaining to building.
edificio m, a; building.
-- de administracin (ap), administratior.
- de combustin lenta, sIow-burnng bilding
(mill eonstruetion).
-- de madera,frame building.
educcin J, eduction; (eng)exhaust; (pu) dis-
eductor m, eduetor, exhauster; steam ejector.
edulcorar (A), to soften (water).
efectivo (mec) (elc), effective.
efecto m (mec) (ele), effect.
- ametralladora o(ra) (A), .shot effeet.
- de arco (ms), arching.effeet.
- de borde (ra) , fringeeffect.
-- de chimenea (aa), stack 01' chimney efreet.
- de parpadeo (ra), flicker effect.
- doble, de, double-aeting.
- Edison (ra), Edison effeet (thermionie emis-
- Joule (ele), jouleaneffect.
- Kelvin (elibe), skin 01' Kelvill effeet.
- pelicular (elc),skin effect.
-- simple, de, single-aeting.
-- termoelctrico, thermoeurrent, thermoelec-
trie effect.
-- nico, de, single"aeting.
-- til de transmisin,transmission efficieney.
- volante (ra), flywheel effect.
- Volta (elc), contact tension,Volta effeet.
- elctricos (C), electricl supplies.
marille hardware 01' supplies.
-!anitarios (C), plumbing fixtures.
eficaz, effeetive.
eficiencia J, efficiency.
eficiente, effieient.
eflorescenciaJ,effioreseenee; (min) (Pe) outcrop.
efloreseerse, to effloresce.
efluente m, effiuent, outflow.
efluvio m (ele), effiuvium.
efusivo (geol), effusive, extrusive.
egin m (M), scab, eleat, ehoek, bracket.
egreso m, egress, exit.
eidgrafo m (dib), eidograph.
eje m, axis; shaft, axle, sheave pin; eore;
-- acanalado, spline shaft.
-- acodado o cigeal, crankshaft, cmnk axle.
-- auxiliar, eountershaft.
--baricntrico (est), centroidalor gravityaxis.
-- cardnico, cardan shaft.
-o- compensador, eompensating axle;
- completamente flotante, full-floating arle.
- de ajuste (as), set shaft.
-- de atrs, real' axle.
- de cambio (auto), shifter shaft.
-- de camo (cab), hernpcenter.'
-- de carrettt;ax1etree,.
-- de centro bajo (auto),drop"eellter'ax].e.
-- de colimacin, line of eollimation.
124 125
electrotermstato .m, electrothermostat;
electrotituiacin j, electrotitration.
elemento m, (chem) element; (elec) element
cell; (str) member. . .'. ."
-- de acumulador (elc), storagecell.
-- de cadmio (elc), cadmium 01' Weston cell.
-- de caldeo, heating elemento
- del objetivo (fma), lenselement.
-- de resistencia (elc) , resistor element.,
- motor (tel), motor element;
- obturador (pet), pack-off, elemento
- testigo (elc), pilot cell.
elementos de urgencia (elc), emergency cells.
elementos hidrulicos, hydraulic elements.
elevacinj, elevation, altitude; (dwg) elevation'
lift. '
- acotada (top), spot 01' figured elevation.
-- delantera, front elevation.
-.- desarrollada, developed elevation.
_. en corte, sectionarelevation.
-- en el extremo, end elevation.
--lateral, side elevation.
--posterior, real' elcvation.
elevado m (M) (PU), elevator.
elevador m, elevator, lift; hoist; booster.
-.. -' cargador, clevating charger.
_.- del aguiln (pI), boom hoist.
-- de automviles, automobile lift.
- de bagacillo (az), trashelevator.
- de baldes (V)(B), bucket elevator:
-- de caja de camin, truck-bodyhoist.
-- de cangilones o de capachos, bucket elcva-
tor, ladder.
-- del carbn animal (az),charelevator.
-- de carga, freight elevator.
-- de cenizas, ash hoist.
-- de cienos (dac), sludge elevator.
- de la compuerta (hid) (M), gatehoist.
-- de correa, belt.elevator.
--de cristal (auto), window opener.
-.,- de Cubos, bucket elevator.
-- de cuezos, hod hoist 01' elevator.
- de efecto 'directo (co), direct-lift hoist.
- de la potencial (elc), booster.
- de leva y rodillo (co),cam"and-rollerhoist.
-- de tensin (alc), booster.
- de tubera .(pet),tubing elevator.
elevador-reductor (elc), reversible booster.
elevadora (j) conformadora (M), elevating
elevar, to elevate, hoist, raise.
- al cuadrado (mat), to square.
-_o a potencia (mat), to raise toa power.
elevatorio a (Pe), elevating, raising.
eliminacin j, elimination.
-- de las basuras, garbage disposa!.
---,de olores (is), odor remova!.
-- de sabor (pa), taste remova!.
eliminador m, eliminator.
-- de aceite, oil separator01' elinrinator:
-- de antena (ra),antenna eliminator 01'
-- de arena (ec), sand,eliminator.
-- de bateras (ra) , batteryeliminaton'>'
-- de golpe de ariete, water-harnmersuppres-
electroforjado, electrofraguado, Electroforged
electrofusin j, electrofusion.
electrogalvnico, electrogalvanic.
electrogalvanizar,to electrogalvanize.
electrogenerador m, electric generator.
electrgeno, generating electricity.
electrogrfico, electrographic.
electrohidrulico, electrohydraulic.
electroimn m, electromagnet.
electrolero m, electrolier.
electrlisis j, electrolysis.
electroltico, electrolytic.
electrlito m, electrolyte.
electrolizar, toelectrolyzc.
electroln m, Electrolon (trademark) (abrasive).
electromagntico, electromagnetic.
electromagnetismo m, electromagnetismo
electromecnica j, electromechanics.
electromecnico m, worker on electrical machin-
ery; a electromechanical.
electrometalurgia j,electrometallurgy.
electrometra j, electrometry.
electromtrico, electrometric.
electrqmetro m,' electrometer.
-- de balanza, balance 01' absolute electrometer.
-- de cuadrante, quadrant electrometer.
-- de torsin, torsion elcctrometer.
electromotor m, electric motor; a electromotive.
electromotriz, electromotive.
electromvil m, electric autoIlJ.obile; a (A) motor-
electrn m, electron.
electronegativo, electronegative.
electroneumtico, electropneumatic.
electrnica j, electronics.
electrnico, electronic.
electrosmosis j, electroosmosis.
electroosmtico, electroosmotic.
electropolar, electropolar.
electropositivo, electropositive.
electropropulsin j (an), electric drive.
electroqumica j, electrochemistry.
electroqumico, electrochemica!.
electrorreceptivo, electroreceptive.
electrorreduccin j,electroreduction.
electrorrefinacin j" electrorefining, electrolytic
electroscpico, electroscopic.
electroscopio m, electroscope.
electrosemforo m (A), electrically operated
electrosiderurgia j, electrometallurgy of iron and
stee!. .
electrsmosis j, e1ectrosmosis, electroosmosis.
electrosoldadura j,. electric :welding.
electrosttica j, electrostatics.
electrosttico, electrostatic.
electrotecnia. j, electrical engineering, electro-
electrotcnica j, electrotechnics, electrical eng-
electrotcnico m, electrical engineer;a electro-
electrotrmica j, electrothermics.
electrotrmico, electrothermal, electrothermic.
-- de los agregados (conc) , aggregateprocess-
-- de maderas,woodworking.
elaborar, to work (material), process; too manu-
facture;,' (Ch)to .fabricate.
elastancia j (elc), elastance.
-- especfica, elastivity.
elasticidadj, elasticity, resilience, spring.
-- elctrica, electric elasticity,elastivity
elstico m,(auto) a spring; a .elastic.
elastita j, Elastite (trademark) (expansion
ele j, angle iron; pipe elbow.
-- cerrada, short elbow.
-- con derivaCin, side-,outlet elbo:w.
-- de base, base elbow.
-- de curva abierta, long-radius elbo:w.
-- de lomo, bossedelbow.
-- de reduccin, reducingelbo:w.
electricidadj, electricity. .."
-- dinmica, dynamical 01' voltaic electricity.
-- esttica, statical electricity.
electricista m, electrician.
-- de obras,erectingorinstalling electrician,
elctrico, electric.
electrificar, electrizar, to electrify.
electroacero m (M), electric steel.
electroacstico, electroacoustic.
electroafinidad j, electroaffinity.
electroanlisis m, electroanalysis.
electroanalizadorm, electroanalyzer.
electrobomba j, motor-driven. pump.
electrocapilar, electrocapillary.
electrocintico, electrokinetic.
electrocloracin j, electrochlorination.
electrocomunicacin j, electrocommunication.
electrocorrosin j, electrolytic, corrosion.
electrochapeado m, electroplating.
electrodeposicin j, electrodeposition, electro-
electrodinmica j, electrodynamics.
electrodinmico, electrodynamic.
electrodinammetro m, electrodynamometer.
electrodo m, electrode.
-- acelerador (1'0,), acceleratingelectrode.
- baado (sol), washed 01' bare orlightly
coated electrode.
-- cubierto (sol), covered electrode.
-- de calomelanos, calomel electrode.
- de enfoque (tv), focusing electro<.le.
-- de placa, plate electrode.
-- de tierra,.grounding .electrode.
- desnudo (sol), bare 01' ,lightly coated.elec-
- revestido con fundente. (sol)" flux-coated
-- semirrevestido (sol), semicoated electrode.
electrodos coplanos (1'0,), coplanar electrodes.
electroesherardizacin j., (met),. electrosherardiz-
ing. .
electroesttica j, electrostatics.
electroesttico, electrostatic.
electrofiltracin j (geof)" filtration.
electrfonom, electrophone.
electrofresis j, electrophoresis.
_ de contrapunta (mh), tailstock spindle.
-- de coordenadas, axis ofcoordinates.
-- de direccin (auto), steering shaft.
-- de doble reduccin (auto),double-reduction
- del mbolo, (Sp) pistonrod; (auto) pistonpin.
__odelaexcntrica,eccentric shaft.
- de excntricas (mg) (A), camshaft.
-.-'de la hlice (cn) , piopeller shaft.
-- de henequn (cab), hemp center.
-- de impulsin, driving shaft 01' axle.
- de inclinacin (fma), axis oftilt.
-- de levas, camshaft.
-- de lnea, line shaft. mando, driving axle.
-- de manivelas (C), crankshaft.
-- de momentos,.center of moments.
-- de oscilacin, axis of oscillation.
- de propulsin (auto), propeller shaft.
-- de sierra, saw arbor,saw mandre!.
-- de transmisin, driving 01' line .01' transmis-
-- de vaina, quill shaft.
-- de la va (fc), center lineof track.
--de visacin (lev), line of sight.
-- delantero, front axle.
-- director, steering axle.
- dividido, split snaft.
-- exterior (trnsito), outer spindle.
-- fibroso, fiber center (wire strand).
--' fiducial (fma) , fiducial 01' plate 01' photo-
graph axis.
--flotante (auto), floating axle.
- fuera de bordo (cn) ,tail shaft.
__o impulsado, driven shaft.
--interior (trnsito), inner spindle.
--intermedio o de transmisin intermedia,
countershaft, jackshaft.
--libre (est) (A), axisof inertianormal to lat-
--loco, idler shaft.
--maestro (maq), line shaft.
-- magntico, magnetic axis.
-... -.material' (est) (A) ,.axis of inertiaparalleLto
--- mayor, major axis.
- menor, minar axis.
--momentneo, instantaneous axis.
--motor;driving. shaft, drivingor live axle.
- muerto, dead axle, (tk).trailing axle.
--neutro, neutrala:xis;
- partido, split shaft.
--,--:..,polar (fma),.polaraxis.
- portahlice (cn), propeller, Shaft,
-.- separador, isolatingshaft.
-- ssmico,seismic axis,
--tres cuartos. flotante; three-,quarter-floating
- vivo (M), live
eje-balancn, rocking axle;
eje-mandril (A), latheIlJ.aIl,drel.
ejercicio m, fiscalyear;
ejin m, scab, cIeat, chock; bracket.
elaboracin j, manufacture, fabrication,process-
126 127
-- de remanso (hid), bae!<:water, suppressor.
elinvarm, eliJ:).var (allOY).
elipse /,. ellipse.
elipsgrafo m, ellipsograph.
elipsoide m,ellipsoid.
elptico, elliptieal.
elongacin /, elongation.
elongmetrom (Es), extensometer.
elutriacin /, elutriation.
elutriador m, elutriator.
elutriar, to elutriate.
eluvial (geol), eluvial.
eluvin m (geol) , eluvium.
emanacin/, (ehem) emanation; (bl) fumes.
embadurnar, to butter (briek).
embalaje m, packing (for shipment).
embalamiento m, (eng) racing, run"up.
embalar, to pack; tobale; (maehy) to raee, spin;
embalarse, (machy) to raee.
embalastar, to ballast.
embaldosar, to pave with tile; to flag.
embalsadero m, marsh; pool.
embalsado m (A), marsh; pool.
embalsar, to impound, dam, pondo
embalse m, impounding (water) ;reservoir; (Sp)
-- de acumulacin (A), storage reservoir,
-- de almacenamiento o de reserva, storage
-- de aprovechamiento mltiple, multipurpose
-- de compensacin, equalizing reservoir.
-- de detencin, detention basin.
-- de retencin, f1ood-eontrol teservoir.
-- de uso simple, single-purpose reservoir.
-- regulador, regulating reservoir.
--retardador, retarding basin or reservoir.
embancamiento m (Ee), embankment.
embancarse, tosilt up (reservoir).
embanque m, silting; depositof silt; (Ec) em-
embanquetar (M), to laya sidewalk.
embarbillar (earp), to join, frame, assemble.
embarcacin /, boat, vessel.
- de alijo, lighter.
embarcadero m,loading platform,wharf; ferry;
ferry slip; (lg)yard, landing.
-,-,- flotante,landing stage.
embarcador m, shipper; shipping agent.
embarcar, to ship; toload.
embarnizar, to varnish.
embarque mi shipment, loading.
embarrado m,. mud plastering; rough plastering.
embarrancarse, to stiekin the"mud; (naut) to
ron aground,
embarrar, to plaster with mud;to rough-plaster;
to pug.
embarrilar, to paek inbarrels,
embarrotar (nllt),.to,batten.
embasamiento m,' fdoting; base eourse, pliJ:).th
embayonetar, (est)(A);toerimp.
embeber,.to.imbibe;(Col) to embed.
embecadura.' ,spandrel (areh).
embestida / (PI), erowding.
embetunar,to impregnate with piteh;to bitu-
embisagrar, to hinge.
emblandecer, emblandecerse,to soften.
emblecar (A), to treatwith tarorasphalt.
embobinar (ele) (M), towind.
embocadero m,embocadura , mouth" outlet.
embolada/, pistonstroke; piston displaeement.
mbolo m, piston.
--amortiguador, damping piston.
- buzo de empaque central, (bm), center-
paeked or inside-paeked plunger.
--buzo de prensaestopa exterior (bm),outside-
end-paeked plunger.
- compensador, balance piston; (turb) dummy
-- de cierre hidrulico, water-paeked piston.
-- de cubeta,cup-type piston.
-- de disco, disk piston.
-,- distribuidor (mv), piston valve.
-- economizador (auto), eeonomizer piston.
- equilibrador (bm), balaneing piston.
--macizo, plunger, ramo
mbolos opuestos, opposed pistons.
embolsador m, bagging maehine, eement.paeker.
embolsar,to put in bags.
embonado m (V), leveliJ:).g eourse of mortar under
roof tiles.
embonar;. to repair; toreinforee.
embono m (cn), liner, filler.
emboque m, mouth,
emboquillado m, mouth, portal; (mas)pointing
or chinking joints.
emboquillar, to splay; (mas)to pointor chink
embornal m, seupper.
embotar, to blunt,dull.
embragar, to throw in a clutch; to, sliJ:).g.
embrague m, clutch.
- a flido (auto)(A), f1uiddrive.
-- amortiguador, cushion clutch.
-- de anillo, rim orring frietion elutch.
- de avance o de marcha (pi), travel clutch.
- de banda o de cinta,band clutch.
-- de cojn, eushion clutch.
-- de compresin, compressionlutch.
-- de direccin, steering elutch.
- de disco flotante, f1oating-disk clutch,
- de disco seco, dry-disk cluteh.
-- de disco nico, single-disk clutch,
--, de discos mltiples, nill1tiple-disk clutch.
-- de expansin interior, internal-,expanding
-- de frotamiento, friction cluteh.
- de garras, claw or dogclutch.
- de giro (pI), swinging,clutch.
-- de manguito, sleeve or coupliJ:).g clutch.
-- de mordazas o dequijadas;,jawcllltch.
-- de placa seca,.dry-plate cluth.
- de placa triple, three-plate clutch,
- d platos" disk orplate.eluth;
-- de rodillos, roller clutch.
--- de rueda libre (auto), overrunningorfree-
wheeling cluteh.
-- dentado, toothedor dental eluteh.
-,., .deslizante,'slipclutch.
- espiral, coil clutch.
-- maestro, master clutch.
embreadora/ (cn),piteh payer.
embrear, tocoat or impregnate with tar.
embridar, to f1ange.
embrochalar, to frame with a header beam.
embudador m, oil hole to hold a funnel.
embudiforme (A), funnel-shaped.
embudo m, funnel; leader head; (M)(C) hopper;
(C) bin; (top) holldW.
-- acodado, offset funpel.
-- de abatimiento de presin, cone of pressure
relief (ground water);
-- de azotea, lader head.
-- de caa (az) , cane hopper.
-- de depresin del nivelfretico, eone of water
table depression.
-- ensacador (az) , bagging bin.
.- separador (lab), separatory funnel.
- sumidero (hid) (A), shaft or glory-hole spill-
embujar (maq) (C) (A), to bush.
embulonar (A), to bolt.
embutidera /i rivet st; nail seto
embutidq, countersunk; embedded; flush.
-- y emparejado (re), countersunk and hipped.
embutidor m, nail set; pile follower;rivet set,
driving die; puncho
- de tapones (fe), tie-plug puneh.
embutir, to embed; to countersink; (earp) to let
emergencia /, emergence; emergency.
emisario m, outlet, outfall.
emisin / (ra), emission.
-- espectral (il), spectral emission.
emisividad /, emissivity.
emisor m (ra), transmitter, emitter.
emisora /, broadcasting station.
emitir, to emit; (ra) to broadeast, beam.
empacable" nestable.
empacar,to paek (for shipmeht).
empadronar, to take a census; to registerirriga.-
tibn subscribers.
empajar, to cover with straw.
empalizada /, paling fence.
en..palizadas (A), trench sheeting.
empalmador m, eonnector,'clamp; splicer.
empalmadora (1) de correa, belt laeer.
empalmadores (m) para correa, belt clampsor
empalmar, to splice, join, connect.
empalme m, (carp) joint;(elec) spliee; (rr) junc-
tion; (eab) spliee; (P) , couplihg, ,jdint;
(mech) connection, joint; (rd) intersee-
tion, junction.
- a cola de rata (elc),rat-tailed joint.
- a media (carp) , halvedjoint.
-- a rosca, threaded connection.
-- a tope, butt joint.
-- amilanado o de cola de milano, dovetail
--biselado, miter joint.
- borde (C), butt joint.
-'-,britania (elc), Britannia joint.
-- carretero, road intersection.
- corto (cab) , short splice.
- cubierto (elc), shielded joint.
- charpado (elc), scarf joint.
- de aletas (ele), lug splice.
-- de compresin (elc), ompression spliee.
-- de cruz (elc), CrOSS joint.
-- de derivacin (e16c), tapjoint Or splice.
- de enrollado mltiple (elc),multiple-wrap
cable splice.
-- de enrollado simple, single-wrap eablesplice.
-- de espiga y mortaja (carp), mortise-and-
tenon joint.
-- de reduccin (elc),reducihg joint.
-- de solapa, lap joint.
-- de vas (fe), jUIlction.
- derecho (ele), straight-linesplice.
- doblado (ele), back-turnspliee.
-- en cruz de enrolllmieIlto paralelo (elc) ,
double CrOSS joint.
--invisible (ca) ,blind interseetion.
-largo (eab), long or endless spliee.
--para artefacto (e16e), fixture splice.
--para manguera, hose cOllplihg.
--retorcido (e16c), twist splie.
-- termoelctrico, thermojunction:
empalomado m (Es) (Col), diyersiondam of dry
empalletado (m) de choque, fenderor bol!isin
empandarse, to deflect, sag.
empanelado m (V), paneling.
empantanar, toswamp, sllbmerge;eniplmta"
narse, to stick in the mlld, bog down.
empaetar, toplaster.
empaete stl.1co.
empapar, to soak, saturat.
empaque m, gasket, packing, oakum; (eleceab)
bedding; (str) filler plate.
-- acopado, seating Cllp (iVwellpump).
- de caracmpleta{tub),full-face gasket.
-- de cojn (elc), cushiongasket.
--, de hule con insercin de tela,
-,- de vstago, rod paeking.
::'::""':partcalafatear (M), calking yarn.
empaquetadura /, ,packing; gasket.
-'--coIfihsercin de alambre, wirecinsertion
-- de camo, liemp packing.
--. de cinta, gasketing tape.
-- de cuero crudo, rawhide paking.
--'de laberinto, labyrintli packing.
-'- de lino, flax paeking.
-"- del lodo (pet), mud seal.
-- de mecha, wick paeking.
---laminar, sheet packing.
-- metlica fibrosa, fibrous metallic packing.
--retorcida, twist paeking.
--tubular, tubular gasketing.
empaquetar (mec), to pack.
emparchar, to patch.
emparedar, to wall up.
emparejadora /, straightedge, screed.
emparejar, to grade, level off; (rr) to surface;
(re) to chip;' to screed; to rougli-pllUlter;
emparrillado m, grillage, grating, grate, grid; (rr)
gridiron tracks.
encespedar, to sod,turf, grass.
encimaf (q!lm), enzyme; advoverhead, on top;
encina f, ,encino m, oak.
encingar (Ch), to place galvanized sheet-metal
work. '
encintado' m, ()!lrb;(elee) taping.
encintar (ele), to tape.
enclavamiento m, nailing, spiking; (meeh) (rr)
(elec) interlocking.
-,-de aproximacin (fe), approaeh locking.
- de tiempo (fe), time loeking.
- de trfico (fe), traflie loeking.
- de tramo (fe), seetian loeking.
- de trazado. (fe), routl" loeking.
-. indicador. (fe) ,i,ndieation loeking.
enclavar, to nail, spike; to loek, interlock; tll
drive (well); enclavarse, to loek,
enclavijar, to dowel, pino
encobrado, eopper-plated; eopper-bearing,
encofrado m, forms; ph.nkingsheeting framing'
cribwork. ,. ' , ,
-- deslizante, traveling forms.
encofrador m, form ()arpenter.
encofrar, (eone) to form; to plank.
encoger, encogerse, to eontraet, shrink.
encolado m (pint), sizing.
encoladora!. gl!ling maehine.
encolajem,sizing; gluing.
encolamiento m (A), gl!le.eementing material.
encolar, to gl!le; to size.
encorchetar, to clamp.
encordar, to lash (oeeasionally meansto reeve).
encorozax;, (Ch) to smooth np awall; (Col)to
fill In between beams.on awall
encorvado en fro, bent cold.
encorvador (m) de rieles, rail bender, jim-erow.
encorvar, to bend,eurvl"; encorvarse,to defieet,
encostillado m, lathing; lagging in a mine or t!ln-
encostrarse, to form scale.
encribado m, cribwork,bloeking.
encristalado m, glazing.
encrucijada f, street interseetion, roaderossing.
-- con glorieta, rotary interseetion, road eross,
i,ng with traflie eircle.
encuadrado m (tv), framing.
encuadrar, to sq!lare; to frame.
encubado m (min), eribbing, tubbing.
encuelladero m (pet), monkey board.
encue1l:adorm (pet) , man whoco!lples pipe,der.
encuentro m, joint; junetion; interseetion.
encuesta (j) .sanitaria (V) ,sanitary survey.
encuar, to wedgc, key.
enchapado con ()admio, eadmi!lm-plated.
enchapado de plomo, lead-eoated.
enchapar, to veneer; to line withsheet metal
(A) to plate; (eone) (V) to. b!lild!lp by
enchaquetado, jaeketed.
encharcado, swampy.
encharcarse, to beeome swampy,
(sd) to pool.
enchavetar, to key,
encalladero m, shoal, sandbank.
encallar, to run aground, strand.
encamacin! (min) , .timberip.g; lagging.
encamisar, to place lagging, lining, sleeve or
bushing. '
encanalar (Es), to conduct. (water); to canalize.
encanalizar (Es), to eanalize.
encandilamiento m (auto) (M:) , glare, da!ilzling.
encaada! (B), canyon.
encaado m, (Sp) guttl"r; (Sp) conduit; (V)
framework of cane.
encaar, to pipe; to drain.
encape m (min)(B),' overburden.
encapillar (tn) (min) , to enlarge a heading.
encapsular (lab), to eapsule.
encarcelar, 'to clamp.
encargado m, man in ()harge.
--.del trnsito (lev) , transitman, instrument-
-- de va (fc) , roadmaster, supervisor.
encarriladera ! (fc) , wrecking frog, rerailing
device. .' '
encarrilador m, wrecking frog, car replacer.
encarrilar, to remil, place on the rails.
encllqUjamiento m (cab) , kink.
encasquillar, to b!lsh; to ferrule; to shoe horses.
encastillada, castellated (n!lt).
encastrar, to embed; to let in; (wr) to socket.
encastre m, groove; soeket; insert; (U) reeess.
-' abierto (eab), open soeket.
- acuado (eab), wedge soeket.
- cerrado (eab), elosed soeket.
- cerrado para puente (eab) , closed bridge
- con gancho (eab), hook soeket.
- con gancho giratorio (eab) , swivel-hook
de mun (nut), gudgeon, gudgeon soeket.
-- de puente (eab), bridge soeket.
- escalonado (eab), stepped soeket.
-- giratorio (eab), swivel soeket.
encauchar, to treat with rubber.
encauzar, to guide (stream), to eanalize.
encenagamiento m (A), dl"Posit of mud.
encendedor m, (bl) (di) igniter;(ge) sparker,
igniter;(ra) igniter, exeiter.
- a hilo caliente (vol), hot-wrre fuse lighter.
-- de mecha (vol), f!lse igniter.
- de tiempo (vol), delay igniter.
encender, to ignite; encenderse, toignite,take
encendido m, ignition; (bl) (Sp) firing.
-- a cabeza ardiente, hot-b!llb ignition.
-- anticipado, preignition.
- doble, d!lal ignition.
-- espontneo, self-ignition, spontaneo!ls igni-
-- por compresin, eompression ignitioll.
-- por chispa, spark ignition.
-- por tubo incandescente,hot-tube ignition.
encepar, to place a cap or header.
encerado m, tarpa!llin, oilskin.
encerar, to make stiffer (mortar).
encerrable, (elee)sealable.
encerrado, enelosed; sealed.
encerrojamiento m (fe) '. interloeking;.
- de almeja, bull claro sp.ovel.
-- de ngulo, angledozer.
-- de tralla, seraper pusher.
__ niveladora, bJIlidozer, .Buligrader, Road-
empujax:, to push.
empujatierra!, bulldozer.
empuje m, thrust,.push, pressure; bearing (rivet
or pin) ; (sh)erowding.
- a cable (PI), cable erowd.
- de cadena (pI), ehainerowd;
_.-..hidrosttico (pet) , water drive.
- por gas (pet), gas drivl".
empuadura (j) de pistola,pistol grip.
emulsificadora!, emulsifier.
emulsificar, to emulsify.
emulsin!, emulsiono
__ de penetracin (ca), penetration orquiek,
breaking emulsiono
emulsionadora!, emulsifier.
emulsionar, to emulsify.
emulsivo, emulsive.
emulsoide m, emulsoid.
emulsor m, emulsifier; (hyd) (Sp) air lift.
enagnazar,to fiood; tosaturate,
enajenaeiQn (j) forzosll-, .expropri8,tion, eondem-
enehanehar, to widen.
enangostar, to .narrow.
enarcar (Es), toareh.
enarenacin !, sanding; plastering of lime and
snd. ,
enarenar, to sand; to depqsit sand,silt up.
enastar, to put a handle on.
encabar (C)(PR), to put a handle on.
encabezado m (PR), foreman.
encabezador m, heading tool.
__ de pernos, tO()l.
_._ de remaches, rivet header.
encabezamiento m, heading; title of a drawing.
enfro, eold-heaPing (bolt).
encabezar, to cap; to plaeepnend; to frame end
to end; to head (bolts).
encabillar, to dowel, pino
encabriar, to place rafters.
encachado m, (tun) lining; paving of a. eulvert;
(C) riprap.
encachar, to linewith concrete; toriprap;to
pave a stream bed or culvert.
encadenado m, (mas) bond; (A)bracing; (V)
buttress, retaining wall.
encaden,ar,to ehain; tobra()e; tobuttresa; (mas)
to bond.
encajable, nestable.
encajar,.to rabbet; to gear;tofit.
encaje m,rabbet, recess; soeket; ,fitting; (Col)
gear; (Sp) hell end of a pipe.
_ chaflanado (Col), bevelgear.
encajonadom,cofferdam; boxing;a narrow; con-
fined by steep hillsides.
encajonar, to box, pack; to eofferdam;.to con-
fine; encajonarse (r),to runin aCanYon.
encalado m (V); finishing eoat o plaster, whitr,
or skim eoat;
encalar, to treat with lime; to.whitewash.
_ de bscula,tiltinggrate.
__ de piso, floorgrating.
__ oscilante, shakinggrate.
empastax:,to, paste;, (M) to
empatar, to spliee, joll
empaten" join,t"spliee, seam.
_.,_ a inglete, miter
__ de solapa, lapjoint.
__, de tope,butt joint.
_-o-. para cadena,eonneetingor repair link.
__ para cinta (lev), tape spliee.
empatillar (A), to spliee, join.
empavonado, blue (steel).
empedrado m, stone pavement.
empedrador m,payer.
empedrar, to pave with stone.
empegar, to epatwitp. piteh.
empelotarse (C), to spall.
, empernar,to bolt,spike, dowel, pin; (str) to fit
empilar (V), .to pile, pile up.
empinado, steep; p.igh.
empinarse, to slope up; tp stand at asteepslope.
empino m, erpwnor anareh.
empizarrar, to roof with slate.
emplantillado m.(Ch), floor paving.
emplasto m, pateh (tire).
emplazamiento m (PR), lqeation, site.
emplazar (A), to set, plaee,loeate,
empleado m, employee; oflice employee.
emplear,to employ.
empleo m, employment. .
emplomado, poured or.eoatedwi
.emplomador m, leadworker.
emplOIll,adura!, leadwork.
emplomar, to lead.
empolvarse, tOe beeome dusty. .....,
empotrado., embedded; fixed (beam).
__epor una extremidad, fixedone .end.
emP0trs,miento. n" abutment; embedding; (p) (V)
braneh outlet; (V) serviee eonnection to a
empotrar, .to eITlhecr, to fix in a wall; (earp) to let
in; (B) to ITlortise.
potre..11f <y),p.ouse connection to a sewer; tap
ina mam.
empozarse, to forITlPools, become stagnant.
empresaf, undertakIlg; enterprise; cqmpany.
_._ constn.c;tQra,,!1on,struc;tioncompan

__ de deagnapotable, water. com-

_ de .. servic;ios .pjpl,ieos"publie-utility com-
pany. . ...
__ de eom-
--fiadora, bpnding;()ompan,Y.
--fiscal, a govern,mentl"n,terPrise.
--, por, by eontra()t;
emprl"sas municipales, municipal utilities.
empresario m, eontnwtor;.emploYl"r.
emprstito m, borr()wed .fill;.aloan,.
empujadQr m,.pusher.
__ de.. cs,rros, ear IIl,over.orpusher.
-- de tubos,
empujadora!, pusher.
130 engargantar engargoladora enlace
--intermedio o loco, idIe gear.
-- maestro, master gear.
- moldeado, molded gear.
-- multiplicador,increasing gear, over-gear.
- planetario o satlite,planetary gear.
-receptor (A),driven gear.
--recto, spur gear.
--reductor, reducing gear.
-- sol, sun gear.
-"-.tallado,c.ut-tooth or machine-cut gear.
- trabador(auto), locking gear.
--transmisor,drive gear.
engranajes (rnh)
-,-,de cllJIlbiorpido, quick"change gears.
-- de reversi6n (A), change gears.
--traseros, ,back gearing.
engranar, to gear,engage; engranarse, to meSh,
engage; .(A)to. seize. stick.
engrane m, gear; meshing;(machy)(A) seizing.
engranzar(A), to surface with gravel or crushed
engranzonar (V), to surface with graveI.
engrapadora 1, any.clamt>ing device.
engrapar, to clamp, cramp.
engrasadera 1, grease cup.
engrasador m, grease ,cup; grease gun; .oiler.
-- a pistola, grease gun.
-- de compresi6n, grease cup.
- de gotas visibles, sight-feed
-- de pist6n, grease gun.
engrasaje m, lubrication, greasing.
engrasar, to grease, lubricate.
engrase m, lubrication, greasing.
--por anillos, ringlubrication.
- por gravedad (auto), gravity lubrication.
--por mecha" wick lubrication.
--por presi6n, forced lubrication.
engravar, to surface with graveI.
engravillar,to surface with grits or stone screen-
engredar, to treatwithclay.
engrilletar, to attach a socketi clevis, or shackIe.
engrosar, to upset (bar); engrosarse, to swelL
engrudo m, belt dressing; paste.
enguijarrar, to surface with graveI; to pave with
enhuacalado m, (M) cribw:ork; crating.
enhuacalai, to crate.
enhuecar,. to hollow out.
enjarciadura 1, rigging.
enjarciar, to rig.
enjarje m (lad), toothing.
enjaular (min), to load in the cage.
enjuagar, to rinse; (e) toflush; (M) to backwash
enjugador m (pet), stripper.
enjunque m, pig-iron ballast, kentIedge.
enjuta 1, spandrel (arch).
enjutado m (Es), spandrel filling.
enjutar, to dry.
enjuto, dry; (conc) lean.
enlacar (M), to shellc.
eulace m, interlocking; lacing; linkage;bond;
(rr) crossover; (rr) laddertrack;(p} con
-- domiciliario (tub) (A), house connection.
engargoladora1, matcher, groover.
engargolar, to groove; to make a male-and-fe-
male joint.
engarzar, to hook, couple.
engasamiento m (pet)(M) ,gassing.
engastador (m) de tomillo,screwchaser.
engastar, toembed, incase.
engaste, setting, blldding.
engatillar, to clamp, cramp.
engendrador m (mat), generator.
-- de engranajes, gear generator.
engendrar (mat), to generate.
engomado, rubberized; gummy, (oil).
engomarse, to gum (oil).
engoznar, to hinge.
engramar, to grass, sod.
engrampar, to clamp;to staple.
,engranado directamente, direct-geared.
engranaje m, gearing;a gear.
-- angular o c6nico,bevelgear.
-- cilndrico, spur gear.
-- circumferencial, girth gear.
-- c6nicohelicoidal,spiral bevel gear.
-- de aumento, inereasing gear.
-- de avance, feed gear.
- de baja (auto), low gear.
- de cambio (de velocidad), changeorchange-
speed gear.
- de contramarcha (auto), reverse gear.
- de corona, crown wheel; face gear.
- de dientes escalonados, stepped or stag-
gered-tooth gear.
- de dientes helicoidales angulares, double
helical gear.
- de dientes postizos, mortise gear.
- de distribuci6n (mg), timing, or distributer
- de espina de pescado, herringbone gear.
- de Ginebra, Geneva,motion.
-,- de giro (gr), bull gear.
- de inglete, miter gear.
- de inversi6n (mh), tumbler gear.
- de linterna, pin gear.
- de 16bulos, lobe gear.
-- de mando, driving gear.
-- demanguito,quill gear.
-- de marcha atrs o de retroceso (auto), re-
verse gear.
-- de paso corto, fine-pitch gear.
-- de reducci6n simple, single-reduction gear-
- de reversa (auto) (M), reversegear.
-- de rosca o de tornillo sin fin, worm gear.
'-- de rotaci6n (gr), swinginggear.
-- de transposici6n, transposing gear.
-- de triple reducci6n, triple-reductiongear.
- - desplazable, sliding gear.
- diferencial planetario, planet differentia1.
- doblehelicoidal, herringbonegear.
-- en bisel, bevel gear.
-- espiral, spiral or helica! gear.
--fresado, machine-cut gear.
-,- helicoidal, helica! or worm gear;,screw wheeI.
- hipoidal, hypoid gears.
--impulsado o mandado, driven gear.
--bnpulsor o motor, drive goar, driver.
- hidrulica, water power.
--inversa, reverse power.
--permanente, firm orprimary power; primary
--primaria, fum power; primary energy;
--' provisoria, dump power; secondary power.
--radiante, radiant energy..
-- secundaria, secondaryenergy; secondary or
surplus power.
--trmica, steam-generated power.
energizar, to energize.
ensimo (mat), nth (power).
enfajinado m (r), fascine work,bankprotection
of branches; (M) stonfl riprap.
enfangar, to cover with mud; enfangarse, to silt
enfardadora (f) de sacos, cement-bag balero
enfermedad (f) hdrica (Ec)(V),water-borne
enfermedad profesional, occupational disease.
enferradura 1, ironwork; (eh) relnforcing steeI.
enfilar, to line up, aJign, range.
enfocar, to focus.
enfoque m, focusing.
-- a gas o i6nico (ra), gasorionic focusing.
enfoscado m (M), coat of plaster.
enfoscar, to patch or fill with mortar.
enfrenar, to brake.
enfrentado y perforado (tub),faced and Irilled.
enfrentar, to face.
enfriadero m, cooler.
enfriado, cooled.
--por agua, water-cooled.
--por aire, air"cooled.
enfriador m, cooler; coolant; (pet) chiller.
--intermedio, intercooler.
-'- unitario (aa) , unit cooler.
enfriamiento mi (eng) (ac)cooling; refrigeiation.
-- atmosfrico o 'evaporativo, atmospheric or
evaporative cooling.
-- de elaboraci6n, processcooling.
- de punto (aa) , spotcooling.
-- de roco, spray cooling.
-- de superficie (a), surface cooling.
--indirecto (aa), indirect'cooling or refrigera-
enfriar, to cool;enfriarse, to cooI, cooloff.
enfurgonar (PR), to load a box caro
engalabernar (eol),tofram timbers together.
engalgar, to chock, scotch.
enganchadorm;coupler; Iaboragent; (lg) hooker,
hook tender; (min) bottomer, onsetter.
- de correa, belt stud.
enganchar, to hook, couple,engage; to employ,
to recruit labor
enganche m" coupling, coupler; hooking on;
hiteh; reeruiting(labor).
- completamente 'flotante, full-floatinghitch.
- de gancho,snatchhitch
-- de garras, jawor M.e.B. coupler.
-- de vuelta, anchOr hitch.
-- giratorio, swivel hitch;
- para remolque, towing hitch;tritilerhitch.
-- universal, universal hitch.
engargantar, to mesh, engage.
enchinar, to ,pave with
enchuchar (fc)(e), to switch.
enchufar, to telescope; to nst; to mesh; to plug
enchufe m, bell end of a pipe; bell-and-spigot
joint; (elec)plug; (cab)socket.
- abierto (cab), open socket.
-- cerrado (cab),closed socket.
- de aprieto, (mh), grip socket.
_ de joint; (pet)
bell socket.
- de pesca (pet), overshot.
- de puente (cab) , bridge socket.
- desalojador (pet), releasing socket.
_ desprendedor(pet),releasing socket or over-
- fusible, fuse plug.
- hembra,bell end of pipe.
- macho, spigotend ofpipe; (elec) (A)plug.
- y cord6n o y espiga (tub); belland spigot,
hub and spigot.
endentado m, (conc) keyway; (mas) toothing;
(hyd) toe wall; a toothed, dentated.
endentar, to key, tooth; to :mesh.
enderezador m, straightener; rectifier.
- de cocas, (wr) kink iron.
-- de diamante, diamond dresser.
- de pozos (pet), hole conditioner.
- de ruedas (auto), wheel straightener.
enderezadora1, straightener; rectifier.
enderezar, to line, straighten; (elec) to rectify';
(pmy)(A) to rectify.
endicamientom, dike,levee.
endicar, tobuild dikes;
endoble m (fuin); shift ofdouble length.
endoclinal m (geol), endocline; a endoclinaI.
endodino (ra)(Es), endodyn.e.
endoenzima f(is),endoenzyme.
endolado m (ed)(eh), soffitof a door or window
endoparsito (is), endoparasite.
endudo m (A), brush coat of groutor a water-
proofing material; finishing coat of plaster.
endulzar, to soften (water); to sweeten (oil).
endurecedor m, hardener (all senses);
endurecer, to",harden';to indurate;endurecerse,
to harden, get hard.'
--1 amartillo, to hammer-harden.
endurecido, hardened.'
-- al aire, air"hardened.
-- a martillo;,hlimmer"hard;
endurecimiento m,hardening; hardness.
- de trabajo '(m:t); workhardness.
- pordeformad6n{mt) ;strain' hardening.
. - por inducci6n (met), induction hardening.
- porprecipitaci6n;(met),;precipitationharden-
energa 1, energy;I\owr.
-- absorbida,'input;
- continua, firm power; primary,power.
- de base (U), firmpower;priml'ypower.
- de deformaci6n, strain energy.'
-,de salida,'output;
- especfica (hid), specific energy.
- firme (M), firm power.
132 ensayar ensaye
133 entresecado
enlaces de correa, belt laei:llg:
enladrillado m, briek pa.vitlg.
layi:llg. .....
__.reforzado, rei:llforeed briekwork.
enladrillador m pavero
enladrillar, to briek. to pave with briek.
enlagunar, to flood, i:Ilundate.
enlajar, to lay flagstones.
enlamar, to eover with silt.
enlatar;to toof withti:ll: tolath;to lag; tdeleat.
enlazadora (j) de correas, belt laeer.
enlazar, to j oi:ll, eonneet. splice.
enlechar, to grout.
enlegamar, to eoverwith mlld; enlegamarse, to
silt up.
enlistonado (m) metlico,metallathing.
enlistonar, to lath; to eleat, batten; to lag.
enlodamiento m. silti:llg up; eoveri:llgwith mud;
(maehy) fouling.
enlodar,to place mud; to sealwithmud; enlo-
darse, to beeome muddy.
enlodazar, to eover withmud.
enlosado (m) hueco (V), hollow-tile eonstrue-
enlosador m, tile pavero
enlosar, to pave with 'flags or tiles.
enlozar, to enamel, glaze.
enlucido m, plaster eoat;sidewaIk finish.
enlucidor m,plasterer.
enlucir, to plaster.
enllantar, to putea tireon; torimo
enmaderacin/ (Ch), bditrdi:llg, forms.
-- de zanjas, trenehtimberi:llg;
enmaderador m, timbermano. shorer.
enmaderar, to plank, board,timber.
enmadrar (Col) oto confine a river,.,eanalize.
enmangar, toput ahandleon.
enmasillar, to putty;
enmechar (earp) (M), to rabbet;tomortise.
enmendar, to fleet, (taekle); to revise (plans).
enmienda (j) de planos, revision of ,plans:
enmohecerse, to rusto
enmontado, wooded (eountry).
enmuescar, to noteh, mrtise.
enmurado, builti:llto a wall.
enquiciar, to hi:Ilge.
enrajonar, tobuildawallwith rubble; toriprap;
(C) to ehi:llk joints.
enrallado m (Col), tie beam o a wood truss.
enramado m, mattress o branches.
enrarecer, to rarey.
enrasador de tierra (irr),landplane.
enrasar, to make level, grade; to rough-plaster;
to sereed, smoothup: to fur; to dub out.
enrase m, leveling up, grading.
enrasillado m, furring;filling ontop' ofloor
enrejado m, (str) grillag; (str)lattiei:llg, laei:llg;
(hyd) ,trashraek"barsereen; grizzly; (V)
(Col) lap o roo tiles; a foul (rope); (M)
-- de alambre, wite netti:llg,wite mesh.
'-=- delradiador(auto);.radiatorshiltter.'

enrejalar (Col), to lay briek with open spaees
enrejar, to plaeegrati:llgs or grills; (str) to lace,
enrejillado m, grati:llg, grid.
enrieladura /, raillaying; rails i:Il place.
enrielar, to layrails; te> puton the rails.
enripiar, to surade withgravel.
enrocamiento m, roekfill,stoneriPrap; enroek-
- acomOdado, roek fill hand-plaeed.
- vertido, roek fill dumped, dumpfill.
-volteado (M), roek filldumped.'
enrocar, to fill with roek;to riprap.
enrojecido al ueg, red-hoto
enrollable, rolli:llg (shutter).
enrollado m (ele), winding.
enrollador m, reel; (met) eoiler.
enrollamiento m (ele), winding.
- apilado (A), banked windi:llg.
- superpuesto (A), banked winding.
enrollar, to wind, reel, eoil.
enromar, to blunt, dull.
enroscar, to thread;to'serew up;
enrosque m, threading; serewing up.
ensabanado m,serateh eoat of plaster.
ensacar, to put in bags.
ensamblado, dovetailed, built-up, framed.
ensamblador m, joi:ller; frmer. '
ensambladora /, assembling maehi:lle;
ensambladura /, joi:llt.
- a cola de milano, dovetail joint.
-amediamadera,(earp),halved joi:llt.
- a tope, butt joint.
-'-- de caja'y espiga;mortise-and-tenon joi:llt.
-- de inglete, miter joi:llt.
-- de lengeta, tongue-and-grdove joi:llt.
-- de pasador, pi:ll-eonneetedjoi:llt.
-- enrasada, flush joi:llt.
- solapada, lap joi:llt.
- soldada, weldment.
ensamblaje m, assembling,joi:lli:llg, joi:llt, fram-
-- a medio inglete, half-miter joi:llt;
-- charpado, searf joint.
-- de lengeta postiza,splined or Ioose-tongue
- de media madera en bisel, beveledhalving.
-'- de rebajado, dentado, tabld joi:llt.
-- selectivo (maq), seleetive assembly.
ensamblar, to assemble, frame,joi:llreonneet.
ensamble m, joi:llt, assembly.
ensanchador m, widener; reamer, broaeh, drift;
(bo) tube expandr;,(str)driftpi:ll; (pet)
- de entrecarril de ,expansin (e)"rail-joi:llt
- de fondo (pet) " underreamer.
-- de neumticos, (auto), tire spreader.
ensanchadora. (j)de cminos,road widener.
ensanchadora-acabadora;"widning finisher.
ensanchar, to widen, enlarge;toream.
ensanchatubos m, ,pipeexpander.
ensanche m, wideni:llg,'extension, enlargement;
ensa.rdinado, m (Ch), rowloek,eours of briek on
ensayador m. assayer, tester; testi:llg maehi:lle.
ensaye m, test, assay.
-- por rbitro, umpire assay or test.
ensayo m, test, assay.
--- al choque, impaet test.
-- al freno, brake test.
- al jabn (pa), soap test.
-- a tinte, dye test.
-- a la traccin, tensile test.
- de adherencia (re), pull-out test.
-- de arrastre (is), elutriation test.
-- de asiento (eone),slump test.
- de campaa, field test.
- de candi (az), eandy test.
-- de desgaste por rozamiento, abrasion test.
- de doblado, bending test (bar).
-- de envejecimiento (met), aging test.
- de extendido (eone)(A), slump or eonsist-
eney test.
-.- de flexin, bendingtest (beam).
- de golpe, shock test; impaet test.
-- de golpeo, rattler test.
-- de maza caediza, drop test.
- de remoldaje (eone), remolding test (for
workability) .
- por gotas (az), spot test.
ensebar, to grease.
ensenada/, eove,smallbay, embayrnent.
ensenarse (r), to embay.
ensortijamiento m,. kink.
ensortijar,ensortijarse, to ki:llk.
enstatita / (miner), enstatite.
entabicar, to partition; to wall up;
entablar, to sheathwith boards, to plank.
entablerar (earp) (M), topanel.
entablillado,m (V), tiling on,flat roof.
entablillar, to batteri. eleat.
entablonado m, planking.
-- de contencin, bulkhead.
entalpfa /, enthalpy, heat contento
entalladura/, mortise, noteh,groove, dap; (mas)
(C)(M) pointing.
entallar, to noteh, dap, mortise; to earve, make
a cut;, (mas) (C)(M) to ,point.
entamborado m (V), door or window trim;
entarimar, to sheath with boards.
entarquinamiento m, deposit o mud or silt.
entarquinarse, to silt up (reservoir).
entarugar, to plug; to lay wood bloeks.
entechar, to roo.
entejar, to lay roof tiles.
entenalla para empalmar (C), spliei:llg clamp.
entenallas /, small vise.
entepar (A), to sod.
entrico (is), enterie.
enteritis / (is), enteritis.
enterizo, in one pieee, solid, i:Iltegral;
entero m, integer, wholenumber; a whole, i:Ilte-
gral, complete.
entibado m, timbering; eribwork, bloeking.
entibador m, timberman: (re) bueker, dolly.
entibadora (f) neumtica (re), holder-on.
entibar, to timber, shore,prop; (re)to bUek up.
entibo m, shore, prop.
entintar (dib), to ink in.
entizar (Ch)(Pe) to plaster.
entornillar, to thread.
entoscar (A), to fill or surfaee with tosca.
entrada/,entranee; (hyd) intake, inlet; (rd) ap-
proaeh; (min) entry; (eom) eash reeeipts;
point of a drill or reamer; (cone) embedded
end of a beam; eneased part of a loek.
- de operacin, op\lrating ineome.
entradas brutas, gross reeeipts.
entradas y. salidas, reeeiptsand expenditures.
entramado m, floor framing, framework; stud-
ding: eribwork; (Col) grillage.
- continuo (est) (A), eonti:lluous frame.
entrante m,<reeess; rabbet,step; (top) hollow; a
entrecanal /" spaee between eanals; spaei:llg, of
grooves or eorrugations.
entrecarril m (fe) (V), gage.
-- compensador (fe), expansion gap.
entrecavado,partly exeavated.
entrecierre m, interloek;partialelosi:llg.
entrecinta /, (tu) collar beam.
entrecorteza/, bark showing in i:Ilterioroftimber.
entrecruzado, intererossed.
entrecubiertas m (en), betweeri deeks.
entrediente m (si), gullet.
entreds m (C), filler, spaeer, separator;. pipe
entreeje m, distanee between axles,wheel base.
entrefino, medium-fine.
entrega/, delivery: (Col) the part of a beam em-
bedded in a wall.
entregar, to deliver; to embed.
entrehierro m (ele), clearanee, airgap;
-- para ondas, surge gap.
entrejuntar, to,put together, assemble, fit up.
entrelaminado (geol), interbedded.
entrelazar, to interlaee; to interlock; to hook up
entremezclar, to intermix.
entrenzado m (est), laeing, lattieing.
entrepao m, panel; shelf.
entreperfil m (Es), distanee between eross sec-
entrepilastra /, spaei:llg of pilasters.
entrepiso m, (bldg) mezzanine: (M)(A)(V) upper
floor; (A)floor strueture (in a reinforeed-
concrete or steel-frame building the' wear-
i:Ilg surfaee is piso, the cinder-eonerete fill
contrapiso, and the floor strueture en-
trepiso) ; (mi:Il) i:Iltermediate gallery be-
tween two mai:lllevels.
- de losa plana (A), flat-slab (concrete) Hoor.
- nervurado (A), ribbed floor.
entrepuentes m (en), between deeks.
entrerranuras m (A), spaee between groovs,
entrerrpido, medium-fast.
entrerreborde (maq), i:Ilterflange.
entrerrenglonar (tv), to interlaee.
entrerrieles m (fe) (Es), distanee betwen tracks;
entrerrosca / (tub),nipple.'
-- con tuerca, hexagon-eenter nipple.
-- corta, short nipple.
- de largo mnimo, close nipple.
-larga, long nipple.
- para tanques, tank nipple (speeial tbred).
entresecado, partly seasolled.
135 entresuelo 134 equipo equipo
entresuelo m, mezzanine; (min) (M) intermediate
gallery between two,m.ain leve1S;shallow
entresurco, m, spaeing of furrows.
entretenimiento m (Es), (maehy) maintenanee.
entrevlvula (ra), intervalve.
entreventana 1, mllion, pier between windows.
entreva::1 (fe), gage; (Sp) (C) spaee' between
-- angosta, narrow gage.
-- normal, standard gage.
entrevigado m, spaeebetween beams.
entrevigar (Es), to fill in betweenbeams;
entroncar (fe), to join,make ajunetion.
entronque m, (rr) junetion; (C) sewer or water
eonneetion to a main.
entropa I,entropy.
p.ntubacin 1, piping,tubing, well casing; (M)
piping (earth dam).
entubado (m) de pozos, well casing.
entuhar, topipe; entubarse (M), to pipe (earth
entuercadora I (herr), nutrunner or.setter or
entumecerse; to swell;
enturbiarse, to beeome turbid.
envagonar (Pe)(PR),toload aear.
envarillado m, (A) grill; (A) (M) concrete rein-
envasar, to paek (for shipment).
envase m, paeking, boxing'; a container.
envejecimiento m, aging (all senses).
- por sumersin (met), queneh aging.
__e por deformacin (met), strain aging.
envergadura I (ap) , span or spread of an air-
enverjado m (est) (Es), lattieing; web mem.ber.
enviajado m, skew;
enviar, to send, ship, forwa'rd.
envigado m, floor framing, system o beams.
envigar tosetbeams.
envo m, shipment.
envoltorio m (A),housing, container.
envoltura. ,!,easing, jacket, housing; Jagging.
-.-" de guitarra. (auto),banjo housing.
(M) ,.tire shoe.
envolvente.m''easing, jacket; (math) envelope.
-,- aslador,.insulation;Jagging.
- dealdera,boilershell; ,boiler Jagging.
- deFembrague (ato)(U), cluteh housing.
delvolante,(auto), flywheelhousing;
enyerbar, to sod,grasiv
enyesado m,plastering.,
enyesar, to plaster.
enzarzado m; frame of.stakesand,header usedin
enzima I (qum};.ehzy;me;'
enzimico,.,enzyIllie.", ..,. .'.... '.
enzolvar (hid)(M), tosiltup.
enzunchar,to 1).oop,.band.,
elico (geol), aeolian.
eosina I (is), eosIl;;
eosinato m (Iab) , ,eosinate,eosate.
epicentral(geol), epieentral.
epicentro m, epieente;r.
epidiorita I (geol), epidiorite.
epidoto m" epidota I(miner),epidote.
-- clizo, lime epidote, zoisite.
--mangansico, piedmontite, manganese epi-
epipolar (fma), epipolar.
epipolo m (fma), epipole.
poca I (geol), epoeh;
-- de crecidas,flodd season.
-- de lluvias; rainy season.
- de magras (A), seaSonolow water.
-- de sequa, dry season.
epsomita 1, epsomite, nativeEpsom salto
eptodom (ra) (Es), heptode.
equingulo, equiangular.
equiaxil, equiaxial.
equicohesivo (met), equieohesive.
equidepresin I (fma), equidepression.
equidimensional, df equaldimensions, equiaxed.
equidistanciaf, spaeing, piteh; equidistance.
equidistante, equidistant.
equidistribucin 1, (M), .equal distribution.
equigranular, equigranular.
equiltero, equilateral.
eqllibrador m, balaneer; equilibrator.
equilibrante m, equilibrant.
equilibrar, to balanee,counterbalanee; toequil-
equilibrio m, equilibrium, balance.
- al deslizamiento (Col); stabilityagamst slid-
ing (dam).
- de calor, heatbalanee.
-- de oxgeno (is), oxygen balance.
-- de suerosa (az);.suerosebalanee.
-- dinmico, dynamie or. running balance.
-- estable, stable equilibrium.
-- esttico, statie or standing balance.
--indiferente, neutral equilibrium.
--inestable, unstable equilibrium.
- plstico (ms) , .plastie equilibrium.
equilibristato m (fe), equilibristat.
equimolecular, equimoleeular.
equinoccio (m) otoal, autumnal equinox.
equinoccio vernal, vernalequinox.
equipar, to equip, fitout.
equipo m, equipment, plant, outfit, rig; kit;
gang, shift.
-- clasificador (ag),sereening equipment;
- de da, day shift.
- de dosificacin (eone},batehingplant.
-- de emergencia, wreekinggang;
-- de ingenieros, engineeringparty oreorps.
-- de machaqueo, crusher planto
- de noche, night shift.
-- de ocasin (ee), used equipment.
-- de perforacin, drillingrig;
-.- de reparaciones.repairgang.
-- de trabajo, eonstruetionplant;
- de tumbadores (ef) fallingerew.
-- de urgElncia,.wrecking,erew.
-- dragador,.dredgingequipment.
-.--. mudadorde tierra, earth-moving equipment
- normal ode norma (auto), standard equip
-- proporcionador (eone}", bateherplant.
- rodante (fe), rolling stock, equipmeht;
-- suavizador, softening plant (water).
equipotencial, equipotential.
equivalencia 1, equivalence.
equivalente m a, equivalent.
- centrfugo de humedad (m.s); eentrifuge
moisture equivalent.
- de humedad en el campo (ms) (C), field
moisture equivalent.
-- mecnico del calor, meehanieal equivalent
of heat.
era 1, paved or graded area, working area; mix-
ing board.
ereccin 1, erection.
erector m, erector, steehvorker; erector (opties).
ergio m, ergo
erigir, to erect, set up, build.
eritrina I (miner), erythrite, eobalt bloom.
eritrosina I ([ab) ,erythrosin.
erogacin/, expenditure;(pu)(A) delivery.
- de combustible (A), fuel eonsumption.
erosin 1, erosiono
erosional, erosionll.!.
erosionar, to erode.
erosivo, erosive.
errtico (geol), erratie.
error m (mat), error.
-- de cierre (lev), error of c1osure.
-- restante (mat), residual error.
-- sistemtico ( , eonstant or systematie
erstedio m (ele)(A), oersted.
erupcin 1, eruption.
eruptivo, voleanie, eruptive.
esbeltez (f), relacin de (est), s10nderness ratio.
esbozar, to sketch.
esbozo m, sketch.
escabroso, rough, rugged (ground).
escafandrista m, diver.
escafandro m, diving suit. '
escafilar, to trim briek.
escala 1, ladder; scale (of a drawing); seale
(draftsman's) ; gage; port of callo
-- absoluta (temperatura), absoluteor Kelvin
- de aguja (hid), point gage.
-- de arquitecto (dib), an architeet's seale (feet
and inehes);
-- de cable, ropelaclcler.
- de calado (nut), draft gage.
- de cinta (hicl), tapegage.
-- de dureza, seale of harclness.
-- de emergencia, fire escape.
-- de esclusas, flight of loeks.
- de flotador (hid), float gage.
- de gancho (hid) , hook gage.
- de garfios, hook ladder.
- de gato (nut), rope or Jacob's ladder.
de graduacin total (clib), ehainseale.
-- de ingeniero (dib), an engiheer's seale (deci-
- de listones, cleat lndder.
-- de mareas, tide gage.
-- de millas, seale of miles.
-- de octa.nos, oetane seale.
-- de peces o de pocillos (hid) , fish ladder, fish-
-'- de plomada (hid), plumb-bob gage.
-- de sueldos, wage seale.
-- fiuviomtrica o hidromtrica, stream or
--fraccionaria (dib) , fraetional seale, repre-
sentative fraetion.
- grfica (dib), graphie seale.
- platino cobalto (pa), platinumeobalt seale.
--real (en), aeeommodation ladder.
- registradora diferencial (hid) , reeording dif-
ferential gage.
- salmonera (hid), fishway, salmon ladder.
escala-transportadora, protraetor seale.
escalador m (A); esealator.
escaladores, elimbers.
escalafn m, seale of wages; register ofemployees.
escalar, v (dwg) to scale; asealar.
escaleno (mat), sealene.
escalera 1, stair, stairway, ladder.
-- de caracol o de husillo,spiral.stairway.
-- de cuerda, rope ladder.
-- de escape o .desalva.mento, lire escape,
- de escapulario, lauder "fixed in a' shaft or
- de ganchos, hookladdel\
- de ida y vuelta o de media vuelta, half-turn
-- de largueros corredizos, extensioriladder.
-- de mano, ladder,stepladder..
-- de papagayo; pole with peg steps.
- de peces (hid), fishway;
- de portaln (en), aeeommodatiori ladder.
-- de tijera, stepladder; trestle ladder.
-- mecnica o mvil, esealator.
- rampante (A), ramp with eleats, ehieken lad-
der, erawling board,
- rodante (A), esealator.
- sin fin (C), esealator.
-'- voladiza, hanging stairs.
escalerilla 1, rack (for pinion); ear step.
- para cables (eI6e), cable rack.
escalerista m (A),stairbuilder.
escalero m (Es), man who reads the stream gage.
escalmetro m, escalgrafo m (dib)(A), triangu-
lar seale;
esclinata 1, small stairway;outside stairway.
escalnes (Ch), manhole steps.
escaln m, step, rung, stair tread; gradin; (exe)
beneh; (dd) altar; (min) stope.
- de banco (min), underhand stope.
-- de barra, manhole step.
-- de cielo (min), overhand stope.
-' de denudacin (geol) (A), esearpment pro-
dueed by erosion;
- de fractura (geol) (A), fault searp.
escalonado,stepped; graded (grave!).
escalonamiento m, steps; (elee) notehing; (ag)
roek ladder.
escalonar, to form in steps; (surv) to offset.
escama 1, boiler seale, seale of rust, flake.
escamaciones 1, incrustations, seale.
escamarse (Pe), to form seale, seale off.
escamoso, sealy, flaky; (geol) platy.
escandallar, totake soundings.
escandallo m, sounding lead.
escantillar, to gage, to measure; to layout.
escantilln m,strl!ight!ldge, scre.!ldistrickle,
screed board; rule; gage; template; level
board; (rr)gagebar .
__ de Birmingham, Birmingham wiregage.
- de bililel, miter rod,
_ para puntas (mh), center gage.
_ para roscas, screw-pitch gage.
_. vibratorio (pav), screed.
escape m, leak; exhaust; outlet;escapement
(rr) (M) siding;(pu) slip.
- de fondo (Col), sluiceway (dam).
_ de incendio (M), fue escape.
__ de rejilla (ra)(A) , grid leak.
escapolitaJ (miner), scapolite, wernerite.
escarabajo m, beetle; (fdy) air holeo
-. de corteza (mad), barkbeetle.
_ de podricin seca (mad), powder-post beetle
escaramujo m, barnacle.
escarbador m, plugging chisel.
-- de, juntas,bricklayer'sjointer .
escarbar juntas (lad), to rake joints.
escariado m, reaming" broaching.
-- de desbaste, rough reaming
- de superficie, surface broaching.
- rustico (A), rough re.ming.
escariador m, reamer.
- acabador, finishing reamer.
-- acanalado o arrugado, fiuted reamer.
- ahusado o cnico,taper r.eamer.
- ajustable, expansion reamer,
-- centrador, center reamer.
-- cilfndripo, straight reamer.
- corona (A), sheU reamer.
-- chato, fiat reamer.
-- de cabeza cortante, rose reamer.
de canal espiral o d.e estras llspirales. spiral-
fiuted reamer.
-- de empuje, push broach.
_ de espiga cilndrica, straight-shank reamer.
-_. de espiga cnica, taper-shank reamer.
.- de estras rectas, straight-fiuted reamer.
-- de fondo (pet), underreamer.
ridge reamer.
-.- mandril,chucking reamer.
_. de pared de pozo (pet), waU scraper.
-- !le ratQhet reamer.
_._ desbarbador .().quitarrebabas o de rebaba,
burring rearrer.
-- escalona,do,.stepped or roughing reamer.
-- esfrico,.J:allrearrer.
-- estructural, bridgerearrer.
- hueco,shelfrearrer
- .... fJ.J.-bott()ming reamer.
escariadora J, broaching rrachine, reamer.
escarifipador llh.llarro1Y, scaJjfier,ripper, rooter
--. de tO()tlll1liJl"ow. discos, disk harrow. .
escarilicar,t()sclirify, lllirro1Y. , .., .'...
escarpa!, eClirpment; (M) sidewaJ.k:,
- de fractura, (geol)(A.),Jaults)IlrP.
escarpado, steeP;
escarpar, to e.s<ltrp;slope, .. ;
escarpe m, scarp,escarpment;.(lII). blitter;(hyd)
apron; (A) scarL
escarpelo m, rllsp,
escarpia J,spike; (sUf'V)spad; (Sp)stat.>le.
-- con filo de cincel, Qhisel-pointed spiJ:e.
-- cortada, cut spike.
-- de filo paralelo,reverse,.point spike.
--. de madera, tieplug,1Yooden spike.
-- de va, track spike.
escarpiador m (fc),spiker.
escarpiar, to spike.
escarzano, segmenta!. (arch).
escasear (Es), to bevel.
escatol m (is), ska,tole.., . .
escayola J, scagliola; (Col) white .coatof plaster.
esclergrafo m (pet), sclerograph.
esc1eromtrico, sclerometric.
esclermetro m, sclerometer.
esc1eroscopio m, scleroscope.
esc1usa J, sluice; air 10ck;navigatioIllock.
-- contra la marea, tide lock.
-- de cuenco, navigation lock.
-- dedes:viacin, diversion sluice,
-- de emergencia, emergency lock.
- de escape (tn), escape lock.
- de salida, taillock.
_. en T (tn), T lock.
-- neumtica, air lock.
- para armadas (r), log sluice.
- para escombro (tn), materialloQk.
esclusa-hospital, hospitalor medicallock.
esclusada J, lockful, volume of water in a.lock.
esclusaje m, lockage; sluicing.
esclusar, to lock (vessel); to sluice.
esclusero m, lock tender.
escoba J, broom.
-- camineJ;a, road broom.
-- de arrastre, drag broom.
-- de caucho, squeegee.
-- de piazava, bass broom.
--mecnica, sweeper, power broom.
escobn m (cn), hawsehole.
escobilla J, brush; (elec) brush.
-- de alambre, wire. brush
- de alambres (elc), wire commutator brush.
- de carb9n (elc), parbon brush.
- de prueba (elc), pilot brush.
- de tela metlica (elc)" wire-gauze brush.
_ desincrustadora(cal), fiue brushorcleaner.
- graftica (elc), graphite brush.
--limpialimas, file card.orcleaner.
-limpiatubos (cal),fiue brushorcleaner.
escobilln m, boiler-fiu.e cleaner;, pushbroom;
(pet) swab.
escobina J, chips, sawdust, filings.
escoda J, stonecutter's haIlliller
escodar, to cut stones.
escofinaJ, rasp, raspccutfi1e;(C) bastard file.
- bastarda, bastard file.
- cortapared (pet), siderasp.
-- de herrador, flirrier's.rasp. picaduralilimple, fioat-cut file.
-- dulce, smooth raspo
-- encorvada, riffier.
-- para madera, wood.rasp.
escofinar,to rasp, file.
escollera J, rock fill; riprap; breakwater.
_. acompdada,no,rock fill placed by
-- arrojada o vertida o a granel o a piedra per-
dida, rock fill dumped.
escolleradom, rock fill, riprap.
escollo m, reef; (M) breakwater.
escombramiento m (V), dirt moving.
escombrar, to muck, remove spoil; to clean up
escombrera J,dump, spoil bank;spoil, muck.
escombro (m) glacial (A), glacial drift.
escombros, spoil, muck, rubbish, debris,dirt;
quarry waste; (min) deads; riverdrift.
esconce m (Es), rabbet,
escopladura J, chisel cut.
escopleadora J, mortising orgaining machine.
-- de broca hueca, hollow-chisel mortizer.
escopleadura J, notch, mortise; chiseling.
-- con llama de gas, fiame-gouging.
escoplear,to mortise, notch, dap;.to chisel.
escoplo m, chisel, socket or framing or mortising
-- ancho de torno, slick chisel.
-- angular, corner chisel.
--biselado, bevel chisel.
-- calafateador de estopa, yarning chisel.
-- con rabo, tang chisel.
-- de acabar, finishing chisel.
-- de descortezar, bark spud.
-- de ebanista, cabinet chisel.
- de espiga hueca, socket chisel.
-- de mano, pocket or paring chisel.
-- de torno, turning chisel.
-- de vidriero, glazier's chisel.
-- degradador, mortarchisel.
-- para bisagras, butt chisel.
-- perforador, chisel bit.
--ranurador, cope chisel.
-- separador, parting chisel.
escoplo-punzn, firmer chisel.
escoraje m (ds), shoring.
escorar, (dd) to shore; (ti) to reach thelow point.
escoras J (ds), shores.
escoria J, slag, clinker; (A) (C) cinders.
-- de cemento, cement clinker.
-- de fragua, anvil dross, hammer slag.
-- de fundicin, slag.
_.- de hulla, clinker.
-- filamentosa, mineral wool.
escorias de alto horno, blast-furnace slag.
escorial m, slag dump; deposit of volcanicash;
lava bed.
escoriar, escoriarse, to slag, clinker.
escorificador m, scorifier.
escorificar, to reduce to slag, clinker, scory.
escorredero m (Es), drainage ditch. .
escorredor m (Es), drainage ditch; sluice gateo
escorrenta J, (hyd) (PR) (Pe) runoff.
escota J, stone hammer; miner's pick.
escotadura J, notch, recess; opening, trap door.
-- de aforo (hid), gage notcl!.
escotar, to notch, cut out.
escote m, notch.
-- de descarga, (M) measuring weir.
escotera J (nut) ,. chock.
-- con rodillo, roller chock.
-- de espiar, warping chock.
-- de remolcar, towing chock.
escotilla J, shaft (elevator); hatchway, trap door.
- de bodega (cn), cargo hatch.
- de calderas, boilerhatch, fiddley.
-- de camarote, companion hatchway, booby
-- de mquinas, engine hatch.
- de muestrear (dac), sampling hatch.
escotillllm, trap door, hatchway.
-- de cargar, loading trap.
escotillones de acera, sidewalk doors.
escrepaJ (t) (M), scraper.
-- de arrastre, drag scraper.
-.-_. de empuje, bulldozer.
-- de empuje en ngulo, angledozer.
-.-..- de ruedas,wheeledscraper.
--fresno, fresno scraper.
- hidrulica, hydraulicallyoperated scraper.
escritorio m, desk; (A) (Ec) .
escritura J, contract; deed; policy; legal instru-
-- de constitucin,.corporation charter.
-- de fundacin, incorporation papers, certifi-
cate oforganization.
- de propiedad, title deed.
-- de seguro, insurance policy.
- de venta, bill of sale; (C) deed.
-- matriz, notary's original documento
- pblica, contract registered with the official
- social, incorporation papers; partnership,
escrpulo m, pennyweight.
escuadra J, square; angle iron; (dwg) triangle;
knee, corller brace, gusset plate; (sb)
bracket, beam knee; (Ch) gang(men).
-- , a, square, at Tight angles.
- abordonada o con nervio (est), bulbangle.
- de agrimensor (Es) (A), goniometer.
-- de ajustar (carp), framing square.
-- de dimetros (carp) , center square.
- de ensambladura o de unin (est) , gusset
-- de espaldn (carp),'try square.
-- de espejos (lev), angle mirror.
-- de inglete (carp), miter square.
-- de reflexin (Es),refiecting goniometer;
- en T (dib), T square.
- falsa (carp), bevel square.
-- , fuera de, out of square.
-- para cabrios (carp), rafter square.
--prisma (lev), angle prism;
- rebordeada (est) (A), bulb angle.
- universal de dibujo (Es) ,drafting machine.
escuadra-transportador (dib) (A), bevel protrac-
escuadras del cordn, (gi) fiange angles.
escuadras de ensamblaje (est) , connection
escuadrar, to square.
escuadreo m, squaring; sectional area.
escuadra J,. a section; scctional area.
escuchador (m) de prueba (ra) ,
escudete m, (tun) shield;(str)(Sp) gusset plate;
(hw) escutcheon plate; (elec) canpy;
(elec) wall plate, faceplate.
- de borrar (dib), erasing'shield.
escudete 138 esmerilador esmeriladora
--romboidal, rhomb spar, dolomite.
esptula J, mason's float; trowel; putty knife,
spatula; molder's Spoon; (ll.uto)(M) tire
especialidades (f) para vapor, steam specialties.
especificacin J, specification.
-- modelo o normal, standard specification,
especificar, to specify.
especfico, specific.
espcimen m, specimen.
espectral,. spectral.
espectro m,spectrum.
-- de faja, band spectrum.
-- de frecuencias portadoras (elc), carrier
--lineal, linespectrum.
espectrofotoelctrico, spectrophotoelectric.
espectrofotomtrico, spectrophotometric.
espectrofotmetro m, spectrophotometer.
espectrgrafo m, spectrograph.
espectrometra J, spectrometry.
espectrmetro m,spectr()meter.
espectromicroscopio m, spectromicroscope.
espectrorradiomtrico, spectroradiometric.
espectrorradimetro m (il) ,spectroradiometer.
espectroscopia J, spectroscopy.
espectroscpico, spectroscopic,
espectroscopio m, spectroscope.
--monocromtico, monochromator.
especular, specular (iron).
espejo m, mirror; (Pan) stair riser; (C) seat of a
slide valve.
-- de agua, water surface.
- de falla o de friccin (geol), slickenside.
-- de horizonte (inst), horizon glass.
-- de popa (cn), esc.utcheon.
--retroscpico o retrovisor (auto). rear-vision
espejuelo m, (Ch) finegravel, grits; (PR) a hard-
wood; (miner) selenite, (Ch) calcite.
espeque m, lever, handspike.
espera J (carp),dap, notch, rabbet,mortioo,
espesador m (is),thickener.
-- de batea, tray thickener.
- de cieno (dac), sludge thickener.
espesar, to thicken.
espesartita J (geol), spessartite.
espeso, thick, heavy, dense.
espesor m, thickness,gage (sheet), depth (slab).
-- de arco (en), circular thickness.
- de cuerda (en), chordal thickness.
espesura J, density; thickness.
espetn m,poker; jron pino
espa J, warping cable;. (mech)telltale.
espiar (nut), to warp.
espiche .m,peg,dowel.
espidmetro m (M),
espiga J, pin, peg, needle, dowel, (sb) oot1olt;
tenon; (t) shank, fang; (P) spigot; (re)
- ahusada (herr), taper shank.
- cilndrica (herr), straight.shank.
-- con oreja, lugged shank.
-- cuadradacnica,square tapershank.
- de aislador (elc), insulatorpin. .
esmeriladora J, grinder; honing machine.
-- de banco, bench grinder.
-- de pie, pedestalgrinder.
-- de roscas, thread grinder.
- de velocidad graduable, adjustable,-speed
-- para brocas, bitgrinder.
-- para mandril de. tomo, chucking grinder.
-- sin centros, centerless grinder.
esmerilaje m, grinding.
esmerilar, to grind; to polish with.emery.
esmitsonita J, smithsonite, zinc spar.
espaciado m, spacing, (re) pitch.
espaciador m, separator, spacer, packing block.
- del balancn (pet), beam spacer.
-- de barras (ref), bar spacer.
-- del empaque, packingspacer.
espacial, spatia1.
espaciamiento m, spacing; extent, space.
espaciar, to space; (mech)to indexo
espacio m, space.
--libre, clearance.
-libre labial (A), lip relief (twist drill).
-- muerto, clearance.
-- nocivo, clearance (cylinder).
-- oscuro catdico (elc), cathode or Crookes
dark space.
espadilla J, (conc) (A) blade tamper.
espadn m (fc) (Es), switch blade.
espalda J,back.
- con espalda, back to back.
espaldn m, shoulder, heel.
espaoleta J, door bolt.
esparavel m, plasterer's hawk, mortarboard;
plasterer's float.
esparcidor m, spreader; finisher.
-- corredizo (dac), traveling distributer.
-- de asfalto, asphalt spreader.
-- de cascajo (ca), chip spreader.
-- de horll1gn, concrete spreader.
-- giratorio, rotary distributer.
esparcidora J, spreader, finisher.
-- acabadora, spreader-finisher.
-- de cola; glue-spreading machine.
esparcimiento (m) de banda (ra) (A), band
esparcir, to spread, distribute.
esprrago m, pin, peg; (w) stud; (C) stay bolt;
(A) stud b6lt.
esparramar (A), to spread.
esptico, spathic, sparry.
espato m (miner), spar.
-- adamantino, adamantine .spar,corundum.
-- azul, blue spar, lazulite.
-- bruno, brown spar (dolomite or magnisite).
__e calcreo o calizo, calcite,calc-spar, calcare,-
ous spar.
-- de hierro, siderite, sparry iron.
- de Islandia, Iceland spar (calcite).
_. de manganeso, manganeoo spar (rhodonite
or rhodochrosite).
--ferrfero, siderite; sparry iron,chalybite.
-.- fluor, fluor spar, ifluorite.
--lustroso, satin spar- (calcite or gypsum).
--pardo, brown spar;. dolomite, magnesite.
--pesado, heavy spar, barite. tensi6n, tensile stress.
-- de trabajo, workingstress.
-- de traccin, tractiye effbrt; tensional stress.
-- de traccin diagonal, diagonal tension.
-- de tronchadura (Es), shearing stress.
-- de. zuncho, hoopor tangential stress.
-- dielctrico, electric or dielectric stress.
-- electrosttico, electrostaticpressure orstress.
-- en la fibra, fiber stress.
-.-._. especfico, unit stress.
-- flexor (est), bendingstress.
--lmite de trabajo, allowable working stress.
--lindero, boundary stress.
-- principal, principal stress; (A) diagonal ten-
-'.- rasante, (Sp) longitudinal shear; (M) shear.
--restante, residual stress.
--tangencial, tangentialor. shearing stress;
-- tractor, tensile stress; tractive effort.
--unitario, unitstress.
esguazable (r), fordable.
esherardizar (met), to sherardize.
eslabn m,link.
-- con mallete o de travesao, stud link.
- de acoplall1ento (ra) , link coupling.
- de ajuste, hunting link.
- de arrastre (auto)(M);drag link.
-- de compostura,missing .or repair link.
-- de retencin, grabJink, slip grabo
- de seguridad (turb), breaking link.
- de solapa, lap link.
- fusible (elc), fuse link.
-- giratorio, swivel.
- interruptor (elc), disconnecting link.
-- pivotante, swing link.
-- reparador, connecting or chain-repalr link.
eslabonamiento m, linkage.
eslinga J, sling.
-- de brida de dos partes, two-Ieg bridle sling.
- de brida doble, doublebridlesling.
- de cables mltiples, multiple-part sling.
-- de cadena, chain sling.
-- de doble suspensin, basket hitch.
-- de igualacin, equalizing sling.
-- estrllnguladora, choker sling or hitch, anchor
-- sling.
eslingaje m, slinging charge (ship'scargo).
eslingar, to sling.
eslora J (nut), length.
-- de clasificacin, classification length,
-- de' flotacin, water"line length.
-- entre perpendiculares, length.between per-
- total, over-alllength.
esmaltar, tocnarriel.
esmalte m.enameL
- de asfalto, filled asphalt,asphalt ename1.
esmaltina, esmaltita J (miner), smaltite.
esmeril m, emery.
esmerilado.m, grinding.
-- al aire o sin puntas,centerless grinding.
-- en hmedo, wet grinding,
esmerilador m, emery.wheel, grinder"
-- de vlvulas, valvegrinder.
-. de cerradura, rose (lock).
- de expansin,expansion shield(bolt) .
_ de pulsador (elc) , push-button plate.
-' de receptculo (elc), receptacle plateo
escudilla J, rose (lock).
escudo m, shield; escut.cheon plate; (elec)canopy.
- de perforacin, tunnel shield.
- ensanchador,expansion shield (bolt).
escudriamiento m (tv), scartning.
escurrente m, effluent.
escurrideras J (M), water running off from irri-
gated land.
escurridero m, drain hole, outlet;. weathering;
drip; leak.
escurrimiento m, (hyd) runoff;(M) piping (earth
dam); (elec) creepage.
-- crtico (hid), criticalfiow
- especfico (irr), specificyield.
--plstico, plastic fiow, (conc) creep, time
- pluviomtrico' (Col), runoff.
-- slido, siltrunoff.
escurrirse, to run off, drain;to Jeak.
esencia J, essence; (Sp) gasoline.
-- de petrleo (Es), gasoline;kerosene.
-- de trementina, oilof turpentine;
- mineral, (Sp) mineral oil; mineral spirits.
esencial,' essential.
esfalerita J (miner), sphalerite, zinc blende.
esfeno m,. esfenaf (miner), sphene, titanite.
esfera J, sphere; dial of a gage.
esfericidad J, sphericity.
esfrico, sphericaL
esferoidal,esferodrico, spheroidal.
esferoide m,spheroid.
esferoidizar (met), to spheroidize.
esfermetro m, spherometer.
esforzar (U), to stress.
esfuerzo m, stress; effort,
- admisible"safe orallowablesttess.
--,c7"' compuel'lto,compound stress.
- cortante de penetracin, punching shear.
- cortllntedoble,doubleshear.
- corfantesiIllple,single shear.
- de adb:esin.(ref); bond stress.
-- de aplllstall1ento, crushing stress.
-- de apoyo; bearing stress (beam).
-- de cizallllmiento, shearing stress.
-- d,} compresin, compressivestress.
-- de contraccin'(conc), shrinkage stress.
- de corte perimtrico,pe.rimeter shear.
- de dobladura'(cab),bending stress.
- empuje,<bearing'stressonrivets or pins.
-- deexteJil'liI1;tensibnaLstress,
-- de fle:ri6n(est), bending stress.
- del hinclldo(pi),.driying stress.
- de impacto'Ae rodaje (ap), rolling impact
- de lmite (ms),
- de manipulacin, handling. stress;
-- de montaje. (pte);.erection stress..
- de prueba,proof stress, '.
-- de rotacin,
__e de .ruptura, .breaking stress,. ultimate br rup-
ture strength.
- de seguridad, safe. stress.
141 espiga
- debalsar,'r3oft'dog.
__e de, la bisagra' (ft) , 'hingepin;
-- decla excntrica (mv) , 'eccentrie pino
- de reborde (barrena), lug sh3onk.
__e de la vlvUla (Es)(C)i'valve stem.
- (dril1).
- gua,guide stem. . '
- para trinquete, r30tehet shank.
- pareja, straight shank (drill).
--roscada, dowel serew.
_ y campana o y enchufe (tub), bel! 30nd spigot.
espigadora J, tenoner; (pav) dowel-settingm3o-
__e doble,double-end tenoner.
-- simple, single-end tenoner.
espigar, to dowel, pin; to tenon; to shank.
espig6n m, j'etty, wing dam, pier dam, spur dike;
pier, dock.
espigueta J, blasting needle.
espiguilla J, herringbone (bond).
espilita J (geol), spilite.
espina r, barb; thorn; splinter.
-- de arenque o de pescado, herringbone (gear).
espinazo m, (Co!) eroWIi of a. barre13oreh.
-- de pescado,herringbone.
espinela J (miner), spinel.
espinillo m, 30n Argentine h3ordwood.
espinter6metro m (ele), measuring sparkgap.
espiocha J, mattoek,piek.
espira J, turn, loop; spir30L
__e cerrada (eab), loeked eoil.
espiractor m (pa), Spiraetor (tr3odemark).
espiral J a, spiral; (miner) gyroidal.
-- de diez cuerdas, (ca), ten-ehordtransition
-- de transicin (ca) (fe), transition curve:
espirilos m (is), spirilla.
espritu (17l.) de petr6leo, mineral or white spirits.
espitaJ, eoek, faucet; spout,
- de prueba (cal), try eoek.
-- de purga, drain eek.
espoletaJ, (elee)(bl) fuse; (auto)(U) hood.
-- de tiempo, time fuse.
- elctrica (vo!) (M), exploder.
- fUlminante (M), blasting cap.
espol6n m, cutwater; wing dam,jetty,pier dam,
groin; mole; st3orling, fender;(top) spur.
espolvorizar, tospray withpowder.
esponja J, sponge.
esponjamiento m, swelling.
esponjarse, toswell.
esporas J (is), spores.
esporfero,eontaining spores, spore-forming.
esporUlaci6nJ (is),sporulation.
esporUlario, sporular.
espuela J, spur; (rr) siding: (C) elinlbingiron;
(t) ;>oint, to,?th. "
espuma f.' seum; foam; froth. '.
'--,-:- apagadora, firiHoam.
espumadera J, skimmer; spray nozzle; (1oCl;
seum el>ek.
espumadora J, foamgerier3otot.
espumante m (min).frothet.
to froth;'(bo)tfprime;:,'
espurio (r3o),spurious .
esqueleto 'm, erate: blankform; (eone)coarse
aggregate; (str) frame skeleton.
esquema m, sketch, plan, diagram;seheme, plan.
-- almbrico (ele);wiringdiagram.
-'-- de las cargas, load diagram.
esquemtico,diagrammatie, sehematic.
esquifada J, vault, groined, areh.
esquem, skiff;, barrel areh; (M) sealepan, skip.
esquilar (mh) (A), toshear.
esquileo m (A), shearing.
esquina J, eorner.
esquinal m, kneebraee;' eorner post.
esquinera J, eornerpost or pieee; knee braee,
esquirol m, strikebreaker.
esquisto m, shale, slate, sehist.
-- aluminoso"alum shale or sehist;
-- arcilloso, clay slate, killas.
-- clortico, ehlorite sehist. '
-- de barro, mudstone.
-- micceo, mica sehist.
-- petrolfero, oil shale.
--talcoso, tale sehist.
esquistoideo, sehistoid.
esquistosidad J, sehistosity.
esquistoso, slaty, shaly, sehistie, sehistose.
esquistosomas (is), sehistosomes.
esquistosomiasis J, (is), sehistosomia,sis.
esquizomieetos (is) ,',sehizomyqetes.
estabilidad J, stability.
- al deslizamiento o al resbalamiento" stabil-
ity a,ga,inst sliding (dam).
-- al giro o al vuelco, stability against overturn-
-- de volumen (et), eonstaney of volume.
estabilizaci6n(f) de suelos, soil stabilization.
estabilizador m, estabilizadora Ji stabilizer.
-- de arco (sol), arestabilizer.
estabilizar, to stabilize.
estable a, stable.
establecimiento, m, (A) (U) (Ch) plant, instal1a-
--e de aguas corrientes (A), waterworks.
-- de depuraci6n, (A), purifieation planto
'-del puerto, establishment of the port.
- siderrgico (A), steel millo
establo m, a stable,
estaca J; stake, paling; pile, sheet pile.
-- de cerca, fenee post.
- de declive (M), slopestake.
-- de rasante, grade stake.
-- directriz, guide pile.
--e' indicadora, (lev), witness stake:
-limitadora de talud, slope st,ake.
--volada (tn), spile>
estacas de avance (tn),polingboards,spilling.
estacada J, sheeting, sheet piling; fenee.
--flotante, log, boom. '
estacar, tostakeout.'
estaci6n!, station;plant; season; survey station.
- cabecera (fe) (A), terminal station.
-- carbonera,"'coaling'station.
-- central (ele) .'eentral,station; generating
- de aforos (hid),gagingstation;
- de bombeo, pumping"plant.
- de carga, freight sta,tion.
- de fuerza, power plant, powerhouse.
-- de machaqueo (Es), erushing planto
-,--e de radiofacsnile, facsimile broa,dcast sta_
-- de secas, dry season.
-- de servicio, serviee station.
-- de toma (fma), eamera.or exposure station.
-- de transbordo (fe), transfer station.
-- de transformaci6n al aire libre (elc), out-
door suosta,tion. '
-- del trnsito (lev), transit point.
-- de viajeros, passenger station.
--edepuradora, purifiea,tion pla,nt.
-- difusora, bl'oadcasting sti1tion.
-- ferroviaria, railroad station.
- filtradora, ,filter, planto
-- fluviomtrica o hidromtrica (bid), gaging
station. .
-- generatriz, central station, powerhouse.
-- gravimtriea (geof), gravity station.
--lluviosa o pluvial, rainy season.
-- naval, naval station.
--pluvi()mtrica, rain-gaging station.
--radiofaro, radio range station.
- recolectora (pet), gathel'ing station.
- transmisora (ra), sending station.
'In, (auto) (ap) parking; (cone)
(A) euring; (lbl')(M)(A) seasoning. '
estacionar, (auto)to park; (A) to berth (ship);
(A)(M) to season (lumber); (surv) (Sp) to
set up.
estacionario, stationary.
estacn m, large stake; pile; (M) poleo
estacha J, hawser, towline.
estadal m,a measure of length about 3.3 m; a
squal'e measure about 11.2 sq m; (M) level
-- de corredera, level rod.
-- enrollable, flexible level rod.
--e estadimtrico, stadia rod.
estadalero m (M), rodman (leve!).
estadia J, stadia.
estada J, demurrage; stay; (naut) lay days.
estadigrafo m (inst), stadiagraph.
estadimtrico, a stadia, stadiametrie.
estadio m, stadium; furlong.
estadimetro m, stadiometer.
estadstica J, statisties.
estado m, state, eondition; (r) stage; statement,
report; staff; state (US, M, etc.); (meas)
2 varas.
- de cuenta, statement of aeeount.
- de pago, estimate for payment (eontract).
estafilococos (lab), staphylococei.
estai m (C), stay.
estajar (est), to erimp.
estaje m, (str) erimping; (CA) piecework, task-
estajear (AC) , to do work by the task orpieee
estajero m CAe), taskworker, pieeeworker.
estalagmmetro m (Iab), stalagmometer.
estallabilidad J, explosibilit:V.
estallable, explosible.
estalladora J, blasting machine.
-,- deeIllPuje, push-down maehine.
-- de vuelta, twist-type machine.
estalladura J, (auto) blowout;. (bl) blast,shot.
-- de roca (min), roek burst.
estallar, to explode, burst.
estambor m (9Il! ,
estampaJ, (re) dolly;(os) swage; rivet set; stamp,
-- de swage.
-- inferior, bi:>Uom swage.
-- superior, top swage.
estampas de empatar, seamingdies.
estampado profundo, deep drawing.
estampadora J, stampiIl.g Illaehine..
estampar, to stamp ;to swage.
-- en caliente, to hotcswage.
e,stancado, stagnant; dammed.
estancamiento m, damming;baeking up (wa-
ter) ; waterproofing. '
estancar, todam; tomakewatertight; estan"
carse, to baekup (water), to stagnate.
estanco, watertight, airtight, ",eathertight.
-- al aceite, oiltight.
-- al agna, watertight, waterproof;'
-- al aire, airtight.
- al gas, gastight.
- al goteo, driptight.
- a la humedad, moisturetight.
-- a llamas, flametight.
- al polvo, dust-tight.
-- al vapor, steamtight, vaportight.
estndar (V) (M), standard.
estandardizacin J (M) (A) (V), standl'dization.
estannato m (qu!m), stannate.
estnnico (qu!m), stannie.
estannita J (miner), stannite, tin pyrites.
estannito m (qu!m), stannite.
estannoso (qum); stannous.
estannuro m (qu!m), stannide.
estanque m, reservoir,basin.
-- almacenador, storage reservoir.
-- amortiguador, stilling or eushion pool.
-- de acumulacin (A). storage reservoir.
-- de clarificaci6n o de deposici6n, >ettling
-- de distribuci6n, distributing reservoir.
-- de enfriamiento, cooling pondo
-- de lixiviacin, leaehing tank.
-- de rodada, spray pond,
-- decantador, settling basin.
-- mezclador; mixing tank.
- para colas (min), tailings pondo
--regulador, regulating reservoir.
-- sptico, septie tank.
estanquedad 1, wa.tertightIless.
estanquero m, reservoir a;ttendant.
estantal 'In (Es), buttress, pilaster>
estante m,post, upright; buek:
- de probetas (liLb),test-tuberaek.
- para cerca (V), fenee post.
estantera J, shelving,
estaado, tin-plated.
estaador, estaero m, tinworker.
estaadura!, tinwork.
estaar, to tin; to tin-plate; to sold; toblaIleh
estafero, containing tino '
estao m. tino .
estrobo m, grommet; becket; (C) sling.
estroboscpico, stroboscopic.
estroboscopio m (ra), stroboscope.
estrobotrn m (ra), strobotron.
estroncio m (qum), strontium.
estropajear (M), to mop.
estropajo m, mop.
estropeado,.broken down.
estropeo m, damage; rough handling.
estructura J; !structure; (conc) forms; (geol)
- abajo (pet), downstructure.
-- armada o reticulada,framedstructure
._-'" arriba (pet),upstructure. .
-.- costrosa (suelo), crusted structure.
-- de migas (suelo), crumb'.structure.
---', de terroncillos. (suelo), cloddy structure
__o esqueltica,skeleton construction; .' . .
-- (suelo), floury orfiuffy structure.
--mfenor, substructure. ,; ... '
-- superior, superstructure.
estructuras. de descarga. (hid);'outlet'works:
estructuracIn f (U) ,construction:
estructural, structura1.
-- comerciable (mad), merchantable structural
- de corazn (mad), heart structura1. .
- primera calidad (mad), prinle structural.
estruJar, to extrude.
estuacin J(mr),flood, rising.
estuarino (geol), estuarine.
estuario m,estuary, inlet.
estucar, to stucco.
estuco m; stucco.
estuche m, case, box.
estud!ar, to study; to plan, design;
estudio. m, stud.y: consideration; designing, plan-
mng, devlsmg; survey;design.
-.-.-. de desperdicios. de agua, water-waste survey.
-- de trazado, location survey;
- definitivo (fc) (M), .finallocation;
-- geoelctrico, geo-electric. survey.
-- gravimtrico (getli), gravity survey.
-- sanitario, sanitary survey.
-- survey.
estufar (mad) (M), to season, kiln-dry.
estuque m, stucco.
estuquista m, plasterer cementmason
esviaje m, skew. '. .
esviar, to skew.
etapaJ, station, stop; stage'of the work; (machy)
- amplificadora (ra),amplifier stage.
- de entrada.. (ra.), input stage.
- desmoduladora (ra), demodulator stage.
--- (ra), detector
- Impulsora (ra) (A), driver stage.
-- mezcladora (ra) , mixer stage, firstdtector
--preamplificadora (ra), driver stage.
etapas mltiples, de, l'Ilultiple-step.
ter m (qum) (fsica), ether.
-- de petrleo, petroleum ether.
eternita J, Eternit (trademark).
etilo m, ethy1.
etiqueta J, label, tag.
eucalipto m, eucalyptus.
-'- de lana, wool waste.
- de plomo, lead woo1.
estopar, to pack.
estopera J (C) (M), stuffing box.
eJtopero m, calking iron or chise1.
m, wick; (M) spike;(Sp) clout nail.
estopm m (vol), exploder.
estorbar, to obstruct, be in the way.
estrada J, paved roadway, causeway.
estrangulador m, throttle; (auto) choke' (lg)
choker. '
- de aire (auto), choke.
- de botn (autO), push-buttolil. throttle.
- manual, hand throttle.
estrangulamiento m (top) (A), gap, pass.
estrangular, to throttle; towiredraw (steam)'
(auto) to choke. '
estratificacin J, stratification, straturn, bedding.
-.cruzada (geol), cross-bedding.
-- (A), cross-bedding.
estratificado, stratified.
estratigrafa J, stratigraphy.
estratigrfico, stratigraphic.
estrato m; stratum.
estratmetro m (sx), stratameter.
estratosfera J, stratosphere.
estrave m (cn), forefoot.
estrechar, to narrow; estrecharse, to contract,
estrecho m, strait, guti neck; gap, pass; a nar-
row, close; sharp (curve).
- de la marea, tiderace.
estrechura J (top), gap, narrows.
estrella J, (mech) star, spider, yoke; (elec) star.
- polar, north star.
(lbr) checked; (miner) stellate.
estrematografo m (fc), stremmatograph.
estrenar (maq),to run in:
estreno m (maq), running in.
estreptococos m (lab), streptococci.
estraJ, groove, fiuting; (geol) stria.
-- de lubricacin, oil grotlve;
estriacin J (geol), striation.
estriado, fiuted, ribbed; checkered (plate); ser";
rated (gasket) ;knurled.
estriadora J, machine to cut grtloves knurling
estr!adura J, fiuting; (geol) striation.
estnar, to gi"Oove, fiute, knurl, score.
estr!bacin J, counterfort; (top)
en, to rest on, abut against, be based on:
estnbo m, (reinf) stirrup,
hoop; JOlSt hanger
bridle iron;
(auto) runnmg board; (rr) car step' stirnip
(saddle). '
- de aguiln (gr), boom bailo
- de la biela (pet); pitman stirrup.
- de. fleje (ref)(A), hoop.
- de mstil (gr), mast baH;
- de pared (ed), wallhanger.
-- de tiro (elc), pulling-in iron.
-- en U, U abutment.
estribor m (nut), starboard.
estringa J (M), stringer.
estrobar, to place grommets; to furnish with a
estereografa J (dib),Stereography.
estereogifico (fma)(dib), stereographic.
esteregrafo m,stereograph.
estereogramam, (pmy) stereogram (geol) block
estereometra J (rnat), stereometry.
estereomtrico, stereometric.
esteremetrom, stereometer.
estereomicrmetro m, stereomicrometer.
estereoplangrafo m (fma), stereoplanigraph.
estereoscopa J (fma), stereoscopy.
estereoscpico, stereoscopic.
estereoscopio, esterescopo m (fma), stereo-
estereosimplex (fma); stereosimplex.
estereotelmetrom (fma),
estereotoma J, stereotomy (stonecutting)
estereotopogrfico (fma), stereotopographic.
estereotopgrafo m (fma), stereotopograph.
estereotopmetro m (fma), stereotopometer.
estereotrazado m (fma), stereoplotting.
estereotrazll.dor m .(fma), stereoplotter.
- radial, stereo-radialplotter.
estril, sterile, (pet) dry (we11).
esterilizador m, sterilizer, sterilizing agent.
esterilizar,to sterilize... .
esterilla J, mesh; matting:
-- de alambre, wiremesh.
-.-. dll aterrizaje, landing mat (airfield).
estero m, estuary,inlet (A)(M) swamp; (V)
pond; (Ch) small stream.
estiaje m, (r) low water; (A) low tide.
estiba J, stowage; (A) loading.
estibador m, stevedore, longshoreman, dock
estibar, to stow; to load cargo.
estibnita J (miner), stibnite, grayantimony.
estilete m, style, pencil of a. recordlng instru-
ment (dwg) stylus, tracer.
estilo m, style, gnomon.
estilladura J (PR), split, crack; spall.
estillarse (PR), to crack; to spall; to splinter.
estimacin J, anestimate, estimating.
- grosera (A), rough estiIIlate.
estimador m, estiIIlator.
estimar, to estimate, appraise.
estimativo, estimated.
estirado, drawn (tubing); expaIlded (metal);
-- en caliente,
-- en duro,
-- en fro,
estirador m,' stretchllr.:
estiraje m, stretching.
estiramiento m (A)(V), elongation.
estirar,todra';V, stretch.
--por presin, to extrude.
'TIl-' styrllnll'
estivador m (A), stevedOre.
estoa J, staIld o the tide.
estopaJ, oakum, calk:itgy.arn; (C) cotton waste.
- alquitranada (M), tarred marline.
-- de acero, steel woo1.
-- de algodn, cotton waste.
- de acarteo ode placer (miner),stream tin
(cassiterite) .
- emplomado;tewe (plate).
- en lingotes, pig tino
- fosforado, phosphor tino
-leoso (miner), cassiterite,wood tin..
-- piritoso (miner), stannite, tin pyrites.
- vidrioso (miner), tinstone,. cassiterite.
estaoso (qum), stannous.
estquear, to stake out.
estaqueo m, staking out.
estaquero m (lev), axman.
estaquilla J, peg, pin,dowel stake.
- de aislador (elc), insu1ator pino
-- de nivel, grade stake.
estaquillar, to stake out.
estarcido m, stencil. '.
esta.rcir, to sten.cil.
esttica J, statics; (ra) (M) (e) static.
-- graphical. statics.
estticamente indeterminado, statica11y. indeter-
esttico, static.
estticos m (ra) (A), static.
estatizar (Ch), to convert t() government owner-
ship or operation.
estator m (elc)(turb), stator.
estatscopo, estatoscopio ni (V), statoscope.
--' registrador, recordingstatoscope.
estaurolita J (miner), staurolite, cross-stone.
estay m,stay; stay bolt.
este ni, east.
esteatita J (miner), steatite, soapstone.
estefanit J, stephanite, .brittle. silver ore.
estei m (C), stay.
estelita I (met), stellite..
estemenara J (cn), futt.ock.
estemple m, timber bent in a mine ortunnel;
strut, stuli, stemple.
- stull.
- en,yin"llJ1i,do, saddlebackstu11.
estep,0 40 ,(Fa.)
estengrafo, estengrafa, stenographer.
esteo ;.l'hore.
estepaJ, steppe, teract of, arid land.
estera f, Inat (IIlllcb:)a.pron. (C)
- de aterrizaje (ap)"landing mato
-- de refuer.zo (COI).c), IIlesll reinforcemeIlt.
- de tablillas (C),
-- para vola4W:ll.s,J)lasting mll.t.
esteras, t.r:ead.
esterbn m, (abr8.l'ive)Jtr.ademarlt).
estreo m stereo.
graph: . ,.... < ,.'" "" . (ra); stere()ph()Ilic.< ".....,., "<'" '.'
estereofotografla J (fma) ,stllreophot()graP1:lY;
stereophot{)grll.p1:l., T', <. f! .
estereofotograDa m, stereoPllQtograIIl'
estereofotogramtrico, ..
estereogonimetro m (fma) , sterll()gOlMOIIl,ej;'llF'
stereoscopic goniometer. . .
explotable, workable.
explotacin J, operation, working; (min) a work-
- fiscal (Ch), Government operation.
-- forestal, logging.
- hidrulica (min), hydraulicking.
-- maderera, logging, lumbering.
-- particular, private operation.
explotador m, operator of an enterprise.
explotar, to operate, work; to exploit; (A)(C) to
explode;(M) to blast.
exponencial (mat), exponentia1.
exponente m, exponent.
exposicin J (fma), exposure.
exposmetro m (fma) (V), exposure meter.
expreso m (tr), express.
- areo, air express.
exprimir, to express, press out.
expropiacin J, expropriation.
expropiar, to expropriate, condemn.
expuesto (fma), exposed.
expulsancleos m (pet), core pusher.
expulsin J, expulsion, ejection; (eng) exhaust;
(pu) discharge.
expulsor m, expeller.
exsicacin J, exsiccation.
extendedor m, extendedora J, spreader.
- de balasto (fc) , ballast spreader.
- de cuchilla (ca), blade spreader.
-- de tornillo (ca), 8crew spreader.
extender, to stretch; too spread; to layout; to
swage (saw); to draw (check); to draw up
(contract) .
extensibilidad J, extensibility.
extensible, extensible.
extensin J, extension; tension; (A) elongation.
- de avenamiento (hid) (Col), drainage or
catchment area.
-- de plazo, extension of time (contract).
extensmetro m, extensometer.
extensor m, extension pieee.
- de cubiertas (A), tire spreader.
exterior, externo, outside, external, exterior.
extincin J, extinguishing, extinction.
extinguidor m, extinguisher; (elec) quencher.
-- a espuma, foam fire extinguisher.
- aprobado, labeled fire extinguisher (ap-
proved by Underwriters).
extinguir, tp extinguish.
extintor m, extinguisher.
-- a granada, grenade fue extinguisher.
-- de incendio, fire extinguisher.
extirpador m (ec)(Es), rooter.
extra, extra.
- mejor del mejor (alambre), extra best best
- selecto (mad), extra selecto
extra-alta (ra), ultrahigh (frequency).
extraccin J, removal of ore from a mine, win'
ning, exploitation; yield, output of a mine'
(tun) mucking; (su) extraction.
-- de agregados (conc), aggregate procuring.
-- de raz (mat), extraetion of a root.
extracelular (is), extracellular.
extracorriente J (elc), extra current.
e::dracorta (ra), ultrashort (wave).
-- de aros, piston-ring expander.
-- de volumen (ra), volume expander.
expedidor m, shipper; shipping agent, forwarder.
expediente m, file of papers, docket.
_ de construccin (A), documents of an appli-
cation for building permito
expedir, to ship, forward.
expeler, to e.iect, expel.
expensar (M), to pay the cost of, finance.
experiencia J, experience; experiment, test.
experimentado, experienced, experto
experimentador m, experimenter.
experimental, experimental.
experimentar, to test; to experiment; to experi-
experimento m, experimento
experticia J (V), expert testimony or advice.
experto m a, experto
explanacin J, grading; subgrade, roadbed.
explanada J, level space.
explanadora J, grader; scraper.
-- caminera, road grader.
-- cargadora o elevadora, elevating grader.
-- de armazn inclinable, leaning-frame grader.
-- de arrastre, pull grader.
-- de cuchilla, road scraper, blade grader.
-- de empuje, bulldozer.
-- de motor, motor grader.
-- de rueda recta, straight-wheel grader.
-- de ruedas inclinables, leaning-wheel grader.
explanar, to level, grade.
explayar, to extend in area.
exploracin J, exploration, prospecting; (tv)
- a salto de lnea (tv) (Es), line-jump scan-
- alterna de lneas (tv) (Es), alternate-line
- cercana o fina (tv), close scanning.
-- elctrica (geof), electrical prospecting.
- entrelazada (tv), interlaced or alternate-line
- geofsica, geophysical survey.
- progresiva (tv) , progressive or sequential
- ssmica, seismic prospecting.
- sismogrfica, seismograph survey.
explorador m, prospector; (ra) exploring coil,
explorer; (tv) scanner.
explorar, to explore.
exploratorio, exploratory.
explosmetro m (min) (al), Explosimeter (trade-
explosin J, explosiono
- de retroceso (auto) (A), backfue.
explosivo m a, explosive.
-- aprobado o permisible, permissible explosive.
-- deflagrante, deflagrating explosive.
-- destructor o instantneo o violento, high 01'
disruptive explosive.
-- detonante, detonating explosive.
--lento o no detonante, low or nondetonating
-'-lento detonante, low pow:der.
explosor m, exploder; (A)(M)(Sp) blasting ma-
chine; (elec) spark gap.
- de cable afl.ojable o de cable areo,' slack-
line eableway, slackline-dragline.
-- de cable de arrastre, slackline cableway or
-- de cable detraccin, dragline exeavator;
power seraper.
-- de capachos o de rosarlo,bueket.exeavator.
-- de cuchara, power shovel.
- de mordazas (Es), c1amshell bueket.
-.- de tiro (A), baekdigger,pullshovel.
-- de torre, tower excavator.
-- de trl!-ctor, tractor shovel or eXCavator;
-- de. zanjas; treneh digger, ditcher.
- elevadora (M), elevating grader.
- explanadorl!-(Es), elevating grader.
--funicull!-r, slackline eableway.
--neumtica, clay digger, pneumatic clay
- para profundidad (A). diteher, backdigger.
--telefricl!- .decaballetes, trestle exeavator.
excavar, to excavate, digo
excedente m (cont), surplus.
excntrica J (maq), eecentrie.
excentricidad J, eceentrieity; (mt) set9ver.
excntrico a, eccentrie.
exceso (m) esfrico (mat), sPherjcal excess.
excitacin J (ele), excitation.
-'.-' compuesta,.e()mpoundexeitation.
-- en derivacin, shunt excitation.
-- en serie, series. excitation.
-- por choque (ra), impact orshock.excitation.
--propia, self-excitation.
-- pulsativa (ra), impulse excitation.
excitadorm. (elc), excite.r.
--, piloto, pilot exciter.
excitar, to excite, energize.
excitatriz J,exciter.
excitrn m (elc), Excitron (trademark).
exclusa J (hid), lock; sluice.
excrecin J, ex.cretion..
excrementicio,. excremental,excrementitious;
excremento m, excremento
excretorio (is), excretal.
excretos m, excreta.
excusado m, water closet, toiletroom, privy; (V)
toilet, water-closet (future).
exfiltracin J, exfiltration.
exfoliacin J, scaling, exfoliation.
exfoliar, to exfoliate.
exhalar, to emit vapor. .'
exhaustl!-r (C) (PR), .to.13xhaust.
existencia, en, in stoqk.
existencias!, stock, stol'a,ge.
exodom (ra), hexode.
exoenzimas J (is), exoenzymes, ectoenzymes.
exgeno, exogenic, exogenous.
exoln m, exolon. (abrasiye).
expandidor m, expandel"
-- de aros de mbol(),piston-ring expander.
- para tubos expander.
expandir, to expaIld..
expansible, expansible.
expansin J, expansiono
expansionarse (C) (Es), to expando
expansivo" expansive.
expansorm (A) (M), expander.
eudimetr() 'm (l,ab) , .eudioi:neter.
eupateoscopio m (aa);eupatheoscope;
eutctica J, eutectic; .
eutctico a, eutectic.
eutectoide (met), eutectoid.
evacuador m,(hyd) wasteway. escape, (A)spill-
way; (mech) evacuator.
evacuar, to empty, exhaust, evacuate; (sw)to
evaluacin!; valuation, appraisal; evaluation;
evaporacin J, evaporation.
m,' evaporator;'
- a temperatura alta, high-heat-level evapora-
tor (245 F).
-- a temperatura baja, low-heat-levelevapora-
tor (210 F). . ' ....'
- de cudruple efecto. (az),. quadruple,-effect
_ evaporator.
- de efecto (az), multiple-effect evap-
-- de rejilla, gridccoil evaporator.
- de tubos aC9dados, bent-tube evaporator.
-- instantneo, flash evaporator.
evaporadora J, evaporator,., (l,ab) .,evap9rating
evaporar,' evaporarSe, too evaporate.
evaporativo, evaporatorio, evaporative.
evapormetro m, evap9ration tank, evap9rimeter,
evaporizar, evaporizarse, to evap()rate.
evapormetro m, evaporometer" atnlOmeter.
evapo-transpiracin J (in), evapqtranspiration.
eventualidades J,
exactitud J, accuracy.
exae.dro m,hexahedron.
exagonal, hexagonal.
exgon9 m,hexagon; a hexagonal.
exanitrodifenilamiI1a j" hexanitrodippenylamine
exapolar (elq)
exarac,in f (gl)ol) (A),. glacial erosi9n.
excavacin J, I)xqa,va,tion, cut,digging.
- a cielo abierto,open cut.
-.- a granel (M), massl)xcavation;
--a mediaJall1a<o,ame.l1ia ladera, aidehilI ex_
cavation. '
- dI) corte .througpeut.
-- de ensayo, test pit or exeavati9n.
- en balcn (N:), sidehill exqavation.
-.-.-.en m,asa,mass exea,va#o,n.
-- en zanja, treneh exeavation..
excavador m,. exqayat;pr. (mau) ,<iigger
- de agujero,
excayadoraf{ee) i.l)xqa,yatqr; (A);(lM)(Qq1) .power
shovel. .,.;>'.);;'}u;>. ;;
- a cangilonlll!, tre,ne'b,wa,eh,i:p.e
eavato,.<,:,;, .
- acarrea.dol'a, (Jarryall.sera,Pe:r.
-- eX(Jayator.
- ambulante de cable a.:r:rastre, waUcing
dragline.. ""' .. '}"",','')'
- cargadora'
-- de arcilla, pneumatie clay spa<ie
- de arrastre, pOWlr scraper.
-- de cl!-ble, eablewayexqa,y,ator.
fajinada j, revetment of brushwood.
fajinante m (Pan)(F), common laborer.
falca j (cn), washboard, wasteboard.
falda j, slope, hillside.
_ del mbolo, piston skrt.
faldear, to make a sidehill excavation.
faldeo m, sidehill cut; slope of a hill.
_ a media ladera (A), sidehill cut and fill.
_ simple (A),. cut for ful! width of roadbed.
faldn m, slope of a roof; (mech) skirt.
_ del vertedero (hid)(PR), spillway apron.
falencia j (A) (Ch), bankruptcy.
_ acacia (mad) , locust.
__ escuadra (carp), bevel square.
__ escuadra en T, T bevel.
_ explosin (auto) (A) (U), backfire.
-lengUeta (carp), spline.
_ quilla (cn) , falsekeel.
falsarregla j (carp), bevel square.
falseado (maq), out-of-line, untrue.
falsear, to bevel; falsearse, (V) to buckle, sag,
give way.
falseo m, beveling, bcvel.
falsete m, chamfered cornero
falso, false.
_ chasis (auto) (U), subframe.
_ flete (nut), dead freight.
_ pilote, pile fol!ower.
falla j. falure, breakdown; (geol) fault; (elec)
fault, failure.
_ acostada (geol), thrust or overthrust fault.
__ corriente (geol), stril(e fault.
_ de estratificaci6n (geol), bedding fault.
_ de tiro (vol), misfire.
_ diagonal (geol) (A), inclined fault.
_._ distributiva o escalonada (geol), step or dis-
tributive fault.
_ escarpada (geol) (M), fault scarp.
__ e.structural, structural failure.
_ girada (geol), rotary or pivotal fault.
_ giratoria (geol), rotational fault.
__ invertida (geol), reverse fault.
--por deslizamiento (muro), sliding failure.
_ por empuje (geol) (M), thrust fault.
__ por empuje inferior, underthrust fault.
__ por volcamiento (muro), tilting failure, over-
_ ramificada (geol), branching fault.
_ secundaria (eIc), secondary fault.
_ simple (geol), normal fault.
_ transversal (geol), dip or cross fault.
fallado, faulted.
fallamiento m, faultage, faulting.
fallar, to fail; (ge) to miss.
fallebaj, door bolt, cremone or espagnolette bolt.
__ de emergencia o de salida, exit or panic rolt.
fallido (vol) (M), missed (hole).
fallir (V), (com) to fal.
fallo m (C), flaw, defect; (met) blowhole.
fanal m, lamp, lantern, (Sp) headlight.
_ de arrumbamiento (ap), bearingprojector.
_ de aterrizaje (ap), landing light.
_ de flashlight (lighthouse).
_ de trfico, traflic light.
_ giratorio, revolving light (lighthouse).
_ de seguridad, factor of safety.
_ de seguridad final, ultimate factor of safety.
_ de simultaneidad (elc), demand factor.
__ de transmisin difusa (il), diffuse transmis-
sion factor.
__ de transmisin directa (il) , regular transmis-
sion factor.
_ de transmisin espectral (il), spectral trans-
mission factor.
_ de utilizacin, (elec) utilization factor; (tr)
load factor.
_ gravado de percolacin (hid) , weighted filtra-
tion factor.
factoraj, factory; agency; (Ec) foundry.
-'naval (Es), shipyard.
factorial (mat), factorial.
factorizar (mat), to factorize.
factura j, bill, invoice.
__ comercial,. commercial invoice.
__ consular, consular invoice.
__ de embarque, shipping memorandu
__ simulada o pro forma, pro forma invoice.
facturar, to biIl, invoice; to enter on a bill of
lading; to check baggage.
facultativo (is), facultative.
fachada j, fa9ade, front of a building.
__ de caldera, boiler front.
fadmetro m, Fadeometer (trademark).
faenaj, work; (Ch) gang, shft.
faenero m, common laborer.
faetn m, (ce) carrying scraper; (conc) buggy;
(auto) phaeton.
faja j, strip, belt, band; (rd) lane; (ra) channel.
__ central (ca), separation strip, parkway.
__ de aceleracin (ca), accelerating lane.
__ de apoyo, columnstrip (flat-slab construc-
_ de aterrizaje, flight strip, flightstop, landing
strip, airstrip.
__ de comunicacin (ra), communication band,
band of emission.
_ de control (fma), control strip.
__ de deceleracin (ca), decelerating lane.
_ de doblar (ca), turning lane.
__ de estacionamiento, (rd) parking lane; (ap)
parking apron.
__ de frecuencias, radio channel, frequency
_ de frecuencias de limite (ra) , frequency
_ de guardia (ra), guard bando
__ de ondas (ra) , wave bando
__ de pasar (ca), passing lane.
__ de servicio (ra), service bando
__ de transicin (ca), transition strip.
__ divisora (ca), parting strip, parkway, separa-
tion strip.
_ expropiada (fc), right of way.
_ lateral (ra), side bando
-libre (ra), cIear channel.
_ volada (fma), flight strip.
fajado m, mine timber.
fajadora j (ca), striping machine.
fajar, to band; to strpe.
fajina j, fascinc, bundlo of brushwood, fagot;
work, task.
m (Es), manufacturer.
facsmile, facsmil m, facsimile.
factor m, factor (all senses); (rr) (Sp) freight or
baggage agent.
-' compen.sado de :filtracin (hid), weighted
filtratlOn factor.
= el sliding factor (dam).
e a sorClOn, absorption coefficient
- de abultamiento (ms), bulking
- (ms) (elc). damph,g fac-
-- magnification factor (vibra-
- de am
Pflittid (elc), amplitude or crest or
pea actor.
-- de rfea (ag), surface-area factor
sur ace coefliClent. '
-- (elc), capacity or use factor
-- e
capaCIdad de la estacin, plant. capacity
- de carga (elc), load factor.
- carga de la planta, plant load factor
-- e carga de la red, system load factor
- de( defo)rmacin (elc) , distortion factor
- de (elc), demand factor.
-- (elc), deviation factor.
-- e cross-talk factor.
- def dlsperslon (elc), leakage or dissipation
- de (elc), availability factor
- de (elc), diversity factor .
= eritmica (il), erythemai factOr.
de empuJe (ms), earth-pressure factor
-- de encaramiento (aa), exposure factor'
-- e escala (fma), scale factor
- de. escurrimiento (bid) (Col) runoff coefli
Clent. ,-
- de (elc), space factor.
- de estab.i1idad (ms)(elc) stabil't f' t
__ de e '", ,1Y ac oro
d valPoraclOn (cal), factor of evaporation
-- e exp osivos (exc), pbwder factor '.
-- def :filtracin (bid), creep ratio, ation
- del :filtro (fma), filter factor
-- :exi.n, be.nding factor. kern distance.
-- e unClOnanuento, operation factor
- de ?asto, load factor (water meter)
- de infiltracin (aa), leakage factor.
-- de marea, tidal constant
-- de mieles (az), molasses factor.
-- de P?rcolacin (hid), filtration factor creep'
ratIo. '
-- de potencia (elc), power factor
-- de produccin, output factor. .
--def propagacin (ra),propagation or transfe.r
- (il), reflectance, refiectionfactor.
reflexlOn espectral, spectral reflection fac-
-- de reflexin especular, regular reflection fac-
-- def' rendimiento, performance factor load
actor (compressor). '
_ :e (ms), bearing capacity factor.
e ng ez, stiffness factor.
lil' mill, shop; plant; masonry' a
u mg. . '
- central(lc), .cent:al station.
-- de acero, steeIworks.
-- de azcar, sugarmill.
-- de cantera, ashla,rmasonry.
-- de cemento, cement millo
- de electricidad; electric powerplant
- de g:,-s, gasworks, gasplant. .
-- de hierro,ironworks.
-- factory
-- e rubble masonry.
-- de masonry.
-- ce.ntral station, powerhouse
-- slderunca, steel mill. . . ..'..... .
fabr!cacin j, fabrication, manufacture.
fabncante m, manufacturer, fabricator
fabricar, to fabricate. manufacture; todoD.struf;
to process. ... . c
extractivo (M), extractive.
extractor m,extractor, puller.
- de buje, bushing puller.
-- de cojinetes, bearingpuller.
-- de engranaje, gear puller.
-- de grasa, greaseeXtractor.
-- de muestras,' sampler.
-- de neblina (pet), mist eXtractor.
-. de ncleos,coreextractor (drill)
-- de pin; pinion puller.
- del (pet), liner puller.
- de nplO (pet), junk catcher.
- de I'I}eda (auto), wheel puller.
-- de vlvulas, valve remover
extrads m, extrados.
extraelevada (ra), ultrahigh (frequency).
extraer, to extract; tq pul! (piles).
extrafino, extra-fine.
extraflexible, extra-flexible, extra-pliable.
extrafuerte, extra-strong, heavy-duty.
extragrueso,. extra-thick, extra-heavy.
extrable (mm), minable.
extraliviano, extra-light.
extrapesado, extra-heavy.
extrapolacin j, extrapolation.
extran;esistente, extra-strong.
extraviarse, to get out of line
extremidad j, extremo m, end.
extremo a extremo, out-to-out, over-all
(m) muerto, dead end. .
extruslvo (geol)(M) extrusive
exudacin j (ca),
exudar, to exude.
eyector m, ejector, eductor.
-- a chorro de agua, water-jet eductor
-- a chorro de vapor, steam-jet ejector:
--cebador (bm), priming ejector.
-- condensador, ejector condenser.
-- de agua a vapor, steam-operated waterejec-
-- de negras, sewageejector.
-- de cen;zas(cn), ash ejector.
- de fUSIble (elc), fuse ejector.
frreo ferrera
- trasero o de cola,taillight.
fanega 1, a drymeasure having many different
values between 50 and 150 liters; (M) land
measure of about 8.8 acres.
fanegada, fanega de tierra, land measure of
various' values: (Pe) 1.6 acres, (V) 1.7
fangal m, marsh, bogo
fanglomerado m (geol), fanglomerate.
fango m, mud, muck, silt; sludge.
-activo (dac), active sludge.
--mineral (min), slimes.
fangos activados (dac), activated sludge.
fangoso, silty, muddy.
fanotrn m (ra), phanotron.
faqua (carp)(V), batten.
faraday (elc), faraday.
fardico (elc), faradic.
faradmetro m (elc), faradmeter.
faradio m (elc), farad.
faradizacin 1, faradization, faradism.
faralln m, cliff, bluff, headland; (min) outcrop.
farda I (carp), (Col) dap, notch, gain, rabbet;
(Sp) mortise.
fardo m, bale, bundle.
farero m (pet), derrickman.
faro m, lighthouse, beacon; headlight.
-- alternante, alternating light.
- buscador (auto), spotlight.
-- de aeropuerto, airport or airport-Iocation
- de banquina (auto) (A), spotlight.
- de destellos, flashing light.
-- de direccin (ap), bearing projector.
-- de luz continua, fixed light.
- de peligro (ap), hazard beacon.
- de 'perforacin (M), oil derrick.
-- de ruta, course light.
-- de ruta area, airway beacon.
- flotante, lightship.
-- giratorio (ap) , rotating baacon.
-- localizador o de identificacin o de ref-
erencia (ap),landmark beacon.
--localizador de pista (ap) , runway localizing
--marcador (ap),marker beacon.
-'- omnidireccional (ap) , omnidirectional b\la-
- para niebla (auto), fog light.
-- titilante,flashing beacon.
farol m, lantern, lampo
- de acercamiento (ap), approach light.
- de aterrizaje (ap), landing light.
- de cambio (fc),switch lampo
-- de enlacin, range light.
- de"frente;,headlight.
-- de marcha atrs; backinglight.
- de pista (ap), contact or runway light.
-- de reflector contenido' (auto), sealed-beam
- de seal (fc),signallamp.
- de trfico, traffic light:
- delimitador' (ap),boundary light.
- trasero o de zaga (auto), taillight, tail
lampo '
farola 1, large lanterIlorlight, headl'ight.
farolero m, lamp tender.
farolito sealero (auto), stop light.
farolito trasero (auto), taillight.
fase I (elc) (qum) (met), phase.
-- avanzada (elc), leading phase.
-- continua (qum), continuous phase.
- dispersa (qum), dispersed phase.
-- opuesta (ele), opposite phase, antiphase.
- partida (elc), split phase.
- retrasada (elc), lagging phase.
fases desequilibradas (elc), unbalanced phases.
fases equilibradas, balanced phases.
fasmetro m (elc), phase meter.
fastial, see hastial.
fatiga 1, stress; fatigue.
-- admisible, allowable stress.
-- con corrosin, corrosion fatigue.
-- cortante o al corte, shearing stress.
-- de apoyo, bearing stress (beam).
-- de compresin, compressive stress.
-- de contraccin, contractile stress.
-- de empuje, bearing stress (rivet).
-- de flexin, bending stress; bending
-- de metales, fatigue of metals.
-- de ruptura, breaking stress, ultimate
-- de seguridad o de trabajo, safe or working
--de tensin o de traccin, tensile or tensiona:1
--, especfica o unitaria, unit stress.
--principal, principal stress, (A) diagonal ten-
--superficial, surface fatigue.
fatigmetro m (M), strain meter.
fatigar, to stress.
faz 1, front, face.
- de laboreo (min), working,face.
fecal, fecal.
fecaloide (is), fecaloid.
feldesptico (geol), feldspathic.
feldespatizacin 1, feldspathization.
feldespato m (miner), feldspar.
-- calizo, lime feldspar.
-- de barita, baryta feldspar, hyalophane.
-- de cal, lime feldspar, anorthite.
-'- potsico, potash feldspar, orthoclase.
--sdico, soda feldspar, albite.
--vtreo, sanidine, glassy feldspar.
felsita I (geol), felsite, petrosilex.
felstico, felsitic.
fenestral (Col), window.
fenestraje m, fenestration.
fnico, carbolic, phenic.
fenol m (qum), phenol.
fenolftalena I (is), phenolphthalein.
fenlico, phenolic.
fenolizar, to phenolize, phenolate.
fenmeno m, phenomenon.
fenosafranina I (fma), phenosafranine.
ferberita 1, ferberite' (tungsten ore).
fermentador m (lab), fermenter.
fermentar, to fermento
ferodo, Ferodo (trademark) (brake lining).
ferrato m (qum), ferrate.
frreo, contaillng iron, made o iron, .ferrous.
ferrera 1, ironwork; i.ron shop.
ferrete m, steel markmg stamp. .
ferretear, to bind with iron; to mark wlth a steel
stamp. . k
ferreteraf, hardware; hardware store; lronwor .
-- de edificacin, builder's hardware.
-- de postera, pole-line hardware.
-- gruesa, heavy hardware.
--marina, marine hardware.
-- para ebanistera, cabinet hardware.
ferretero m, hardware lealer.
ferricinico, ferric;l'anic.
frrico, ferric.
ferrfero, eontaining iron.
ferriprusiato m (C), blueJ?rint.
ferrita f (geol) (met), fernte.
ferrtico, ferritic.
ferritizacin f, ferritization.
ferrito m (qulm), ferrite. .
-- diclcico (ct), diealeium fernte.
ferroacero m, semisteeI.
ferro-barco (fe) (A), car float.
ferroaleacin 1, iron alloy.
ferroaluminato tetraclcico m (et), tetracaleium
ferroaluminio m, ferroaluminum. .. ..
ferroaluminosilicato m, ferroalummosilicate.
ferroboro m, ferroboron.
ferrocarril m, railroad, railway.
-- areo, elevated railway..
-- de circunvalacin, belt lme.
-- de cremallera, rack railway. .
-- de va angosta, narrow-gage
-- de va normal, standard-gage rallway..
__ fiscal o del estado, govcrnment railroad,
state railway.
--funicular, cable railway.
-- subterrneo, subway.
-- troncal, trunk-line railway.
-- urbano, street railway.
fp.rrocarrilero m, railroad man; a pertammg to
ferrocerio m, f'3rrocerium (alloy). .
ferroconcreto, ferrohormign m, remforced' con-
ferrocromo m, ferroehromium.
ferrofsforo m,
ferroinductancia I (ele), ferromductance.
ferroinductivo, ferroinductive.
ferroinductor m, ferroinductor:
ferromagnesiano, ferromagneslan:
ferromagnsico (A),
ferromagntico, ferromagnetIC.
ferro:manganeso m, ferromanganese.
ferromolibdeno m, ferromolybdenum.
ferroniquel m, ferronickeI. .
ferroprusiato m (C), blueprmt.
ferrorreactancia I (elc), ferroreaetance.
ferrorreactor m (elc), ferroreactor.
ferrorresonante (elc), ferroresonant,'
ferrosilicio m, ferrosilicon (alloy).
ferroso, ferrous.
ferrotitanio m, ferrotitanium (alloy).
ferrotungsteno m,
ferrovanadio m, fcrrovanadlUm.
ferrova 1, railroad.
ferrovial, pertaining to railroads.
ferroviario m, railroad man; a railroad.
ferrugneo, containing iron.
ferruginoso, ferruginous.
ferrumbre I (C), rusto
ferrumbroso (Ch), rusty. .
frula 1, ferrule; tap (water mam).
- embridada (tub), floor plateo
fiador m, fastener, retainer, toggle, eatch; bonds-
man, surety, guarantor.
-- acodado, elbow catch.
- atravesado (cadena), toggle.
-- de boterola, rivet-sctretainer.
-- de cadena (cn) , chain stopper.
-- de freno, brake dogo
--de tuerca, nut lock. .
-- de ventana, window fastener, sash fast, wm-
dow lock.
fianza 1, bond (surety).
-- de almacn, warehouse bond.
-- de averas, avcrage bond.
-- de cumplimiento, performance bond.
- de fidelidad, fidelity bond.
- de licitador, bid bond,
-- de pago, paymen't bond.
fibra 1, fiber; vein (wood).
-- atravesada, cross gramo
- corta, shortleaf (pine).
- de plomo (M), lead wool.
-- extrema, extreme fiber.
-- fina, fille grain.
--gruesa, coarse grain.
-larga,longleaf (pine).
-- ms alejada, extreme fiber.
-- recta, straight grain.
--vulcanizada, vulcanized or hard fiber.
fibras de vidrio, fibcr glass.
fibrina I (is), fibrin.
fibrocemento m, fiber cemento
fibroso, fibrous.
ficticio (elc), fictitious.
ficha 1, brass check; card; plug; (A)
(M) surveyor's pin, markmg pm; (A) door
_ de cuchillas paralelas (elc), parallel-bla e
- de trabaio (V), time sheet.
- hembra (elc) (A), jack.
-tndem (ele), tandem-blade plug.
fichero m, eard indexo
fidelidad I (elc), fidelity.
fiducial (mat), fiducial.
fiebre (f) tifoidea, typhoid fever.
fieltro m, felt.
--antisonoro, acoustical felt.
- asfaltado, asphalt felt, roofillg felt.
- calorfugo, Fire-felt (trade,mark).
-- de aislacin, insulating felt.
- de asbesto, fclted asbestos.
- de calafatear, calking felt.
- de crin o de pelo, hair felt. .
-- de empizarrar, slating felt..
- de hilacha o de trapo, rag felt.
-- embreado, tarred feJt.
- filtrador, filter felt. '. ,.
__ impermeable, or waterproofillg felt.
- intermitente (dac), intermittent filtration.
-- por etapas, stage filtration.
filtrado m, filtrate.
filtrador m, filter.
filtraje m (A) (C), filtration.
filtrar, to filter; filtrarse, to seep, leak.
filtro m (hid) (elc), filter.
-- a gravitacin, gravity filter.
-- a presin, pressure filter.
-- al vaco, vacuum filter.
-- acstico (ra), acoustic filter.
--con sobrecarga (ms), loadedfilter.
- de banda (ra), band 01' band-pass filter.
- de bolsa (met)(aa), bag filter.
- de borde, (eng) edge filter.
-- de canecillo (az), cantilever filter.
- de carbn animal (az), chal' filter.
-- de cortina automtica (aa) , multipanel 01'
automatic-curtain air filter.
- de cuerdas (dac), cord filter.
-- de direccin (ra), directional filter.
- del efluente (dac), effiuent filter.
- de entrada (geof), input filter.
-- de escurrimiento, trickling filter.
- de faja (ra) , band Or band-pass filter.
-- de fuerza bruta (ra), brute-force filter.
-- de gravedad, gravity filter.
-- de guarapo (az), juice strainer.
- de luz (fma), filter.
-- de malla (auto), filter screen.
- de paso alto (ra), high-pass filtel'.
- de paso bajo (ra), low-pass filter.
- de paso de banda (ni) (A), band-pass or band
-.- de pulsaciones (ra) (A), ripple filter.
-- de rascadura (ra) (Es), scratch filter.
-- de regadera, sprinkling filter.
-- de resistencia-capacidad (ra) , resistance-
capacity filter.
- de ruido de pa (ra), scratch filter.
- de salida (geof), output filter.
-- de tambor, drum filter.
- de todo paso (ra), all-pass filter.
-- de un cuarto de onda (ra) , quarter-wave
-- desaceitador, oil-removal filter.
- desbastador (pa) (A), roughing filter.
-- desferrizador (pa), iron-removal filter.
-- desodorizador (pa), odor-removal filter.
-- eliminador (ra), band-eliminationfilter.
- goteante (M), trickling filter.
-- intermitente de arena (dac) , intermittent
sand filter.
--invertido (hid), inverted 01' reverse filter,
- pasa-altos (ra) (A), high-pass filter.
- pasa-bajos (ra) (A), low-pass filter.
- percolador (dac), .trickling or percolating
- rpido de arena (pa), rapid sand filter.
- rociador (dac), sprinkling filter.
--rotativo (az), rotary-leaf or rotary filter.
--seco (aa), dry-type filter, air mato
- suavizador (pa),softening filter.
filtro-prensa de alimentacin central, center-
feed filter press.
financiar, to finance.
financista m, financier, financial backer. (geol)(A) folding.
fineza 1, fineness. floculacin 1, flocculatlOn.
finito, finite. floculador m (is), flocculator.
fino, fine. floculante m, flocculant.
finos m, fines. flocular, to flocculate; a(C) flocculent.
finura 1, fineness, grain. . . 1 t
- del molido (ct), fineness of grmdmg. floculento a, floccu en .
firme m, roadbed, foundation course; a firm, flculo m, floc.
flocus m (pa) (Pe) , floc. .
solid, stable, compacto
th flogopl'ta 1, phlogopite, brown mlCa. fiscal, pertaining to the treasury or e govern-
flojedad 1, slack; looseness.
ment; fiscal. .... flojo, slack, loose; unstable (,?,ound).
fiscalizacin 1, control, mspectlOn. flor de, a, flush with, level wlth.
fiscalizador m, inspector, supervIsor. flor de agua, a, awash.
fiGcalizar, t::> control; to inspect. flor de lluvia (A), shower head.
fisco m, national treasury. flores. .
i3ica 1, physics. __ de antimonio . (miner), antlmony bloom,
- de suelos, soil physics. white antimony, valentinite.
fi3ico m, physicist; a physical. __ de cinc, zinc oxide, flowersof
fi3i1, fissile. _ de cobalto, cobalt bloom,
fisilidad I (geol), fissility. _ de nquel, nickel bloom, annabergIte.
fisura 1, seam, fissure. flota (j) de madera (Pan), mason's float.
fisurarse (A) (M), to crack. flotabilidad 1, buoyancy.
fito, see hito. __ de reserva (an), reserve buoyancy.
fitoplancton m (is), phytoplankton. _ de servicio (an), working buoyancy.
flagelos m (is), flagella. flotable (1'), navigable for
flama 1, flameo . k d flotacin 1, (naut) (min) flotatlOn; buoy.ancy. .
flamante, brand new, unused; SplC an span. __ selectiva (min) , selective 01' dIf'ferentla!
flambear, to buckle; to defle?t. flotation.
flambeo m, buckling, deflectlOn.
flanco m, side', slope of a wal1; (.geol) limb; (t) flotador m, float.
al1 ( ) - de bastn (hid); rod float.
(th)(gear) flank; sidew tIre. _ tubular (hid),tube float.
flanche ?n (pet) (V), flange. flotajem, flotation,floating.
flanquear, to flank. flotante m, float; a floating.
flatachar (A), to trowel; to float. flotar, to float.
flatacho m (A), mason's float; trowel.. . fluctuacin I (ra), fluctuation.
flecha 1, deflection, sag; middleordmate; nse fluencial (Es) (Pe), flow.
(arch); crown (road); pole (wagon);. (M) fluidal (geol) (A), fluidal.
Shaft, axle', (M) spade of a concrete VIbra- di
fluidez 1, fluidity, liqui ty.
tor; (A) derrick boom. .. fluidificante m, 'flux.
- de propulsin (auto) (M), propel1er or dnve fluidificar, to liquefy, flux, fluidize.
shaft. 11 h ft fluidmetro m, fluidimeter. .
-- motriz (auto) (M), prope el' s a . flido m, fluid; a fluid; (geol) flUIdal.
flechital (dib), arrowhcad. . _ de cortar, cutting fluid.
fleje m, band, iron strap, hoop; (met) stnp. __ de perforacin (pet), fluid.
fletador m, freighter, charterer. . __ enfriador (met), quench flUId.
fletamento, fletamiento m, charter, affrelght- fluidmetro m, Fluidometer (trademark); (C)
mento flowmeter.
fletante m, one who owns any means oftransport flu'lmetro m (Ch), flowmeter.
for hire (boats, trucks,' beasts of burden,
fluir, to flow, (pt) to sag.
etc.). . ht _ en fro, to cold-flow.
fletar, to charter, hire; to affrelg . flujo m, flow; flux; (met) creep.
flete ?n, freight; freight rate! frelght charges. __ de arco (sol), arc stream.
- debido o por cobrar, frClght collect. _ de dispersin (elc), leakage flux.
-- pagado, freight prepaid. . () 11 wash
. of means of -- de la hlice ap, prope el' .
fletero m, freight owner __ de la marea, flood tide. .
transport for hlre. __ electrosttico o elctrico, electrlc 01' electro-
flexarse to bend, deflect. static flux.
flexibilidad 1, flexibility, pliability. _ eritmico (il), erythemal flux..
flexible, flexible. __ inductor o mawtico, magnetlC flux.
flexmetro m (Es), deflectometer. --laminar (hid), laminar 01' viscous flow..
flexin 1, bending, flexure. --luminoso, luminous flux 01' power;
-- compuesta, compound fle;xure. __ turbulento (hid) , turbulent or smuous or
-- pura o simple, pure bendmg. tortuous flow.
flexional, flexural. _ viscoso (hid), laminar or viscous 01' stream-
flexionarse, to deflect, bend, buckIe. line fl()w,
tlex9m.etro m, flexometer,
- para subrasantes (ca), subgrade felt.
fierro m, iron.
- angular, angle iron.
-- canal, channel iron.
- dulce (Pe), wrought iron.
--forjado, wrought iron.
--fundido, cast iron.
- soldado (Ch), wrought iron.
--viejo o de desecho, junk, scrap iron.
fierros, (CA) tools.
figueroa 1, an Ecuadorian lumber.
figura I (dib), figure.
fija 1, trowel; (Pe) blade tamper.
fijacin 1, fastening; (chem) fixation.
fijado m (fma), fixing.
fijador m, fastening, binder, keeper; (pmy) fixer.
-- de tuercas, nut runner or setter.
fijar, to fasten; to fix.
fijo, stationary, fixed.
fila 1, row, line, range.
- divisoria (top)(V), divide.
filamento m, filamento
filamentoso, filamentous.
filstica 1, marline, calking or rope yarn.
-- alquitranada o embreada, marline.
- de plomo, lead wool.
filetaje m (A), threading.
filete m, thread; fillet.
- a la derecha, right-hand thread.
- a la izquierda, left-hand thread.
- bastardo, bastard 01' buttress thread.
-- de toruillo, screw thread; bolt thread.
-- de tornillo sin fin, worm thread.
- de tubo, pipe thread.
--insertado, screw-thread inserto
-- macho, male thread.
-- matriz, female thread.
-- Sellers, Sellers' thread.
- tallado, cut thread.
-- trapezoidal, buttl'ess thread.
-- triangular, V thread.
-- troquelado, pressed thread.
--. Whitworth, Whitworth thread.
fileteadora 1, threading machine; chasing tool.
filetear,to thread, chase.
fileteo m, threading.
filita I (geol) (minE)r), phyIlite.
filo m, cutting edge; (top) ridge.
-- de cincel, chisel poiQt.
-- de corte, cutting edge.
filn m, vein, seam, lode, (min) reef.
-- atravesado, cross vein or lode.
-- ciego, blind vein orJ()de.
-- compuesto, compound vein.
-- de contacto, cOI;ltact vein.
-- en cua (min) , gash 01' rakevein.
-- escalonado, stepvl:'in.
- inclinado, rake verl.
- paralelo (a la l:'str,tificacin), bec:i Ol' bedded
- principal, masteror champioI;lor mothE)rlode.
-- sin afloramiento, blind vein..
-- transversal, cross vell 01' l0cl
filtrabilidad 1, filtrability.
filtrable, filtrable. ,
filtracin 1, filtration; seepage, creeR;
financista 151 flujo
flujmetro 152 frmula
fiujmetro m, fiuxmeter.
fior m (qu!m), fiuorine.
-- espato (miner), fiuor spar, fiuorite.
fiuoracin J, fiuorination.
fiuorapatita J (miner), fiuorapatite.
fiuorescencia J, fiuorescence, (pet) bloom, (pet)
fiuorescente, fiuorescent.
fiurico (qu!m), fiuoric.
fiuorita, fiuorina J (miner), fiuorite, fiuor spar.
fiuoruro m,. fiuoride, fiuorate.
fius m, fiue, tube.
-- de acero enterizo, seamless tubing.
-.- de caldera, boiler tube.
fiusera J, set of boiler tubes.
fiuvial, pertaining to rivers, fiuvial.
fiuvio-elico (geol), fiuvio-aeolian.
fiuvioglacial (geol), fiuvioglacia!.
fiuvigrafo m (hid), recording stream gage; fiu-
fiuviolacustre (geol), fiuviolacustrine.
fiuviomarino (geol), fiuviomarine.
fiuvimetro m (hid), current meter; fiuviograph;
-- registrador, recording current meter.
fiuviovolcnico (geo!) , fiuviovolcanic.
fiuxmetro m, (A) fiuxmeter; (M) fiushometer.
fiuyendo, fiowing.
focal, foca!.
foco m, focus; focal point.
- catdico (ra), cathode spot.
- elctrico (A) (M), incandescent lampo
- incandescente (M) (Col) (Pan), incandescent
- piloto (M), pilot lampo
-- principal (inst), principal focus.
--real, real focus.
-- virtual, virtual focus..
fogn m, firebox, furnace.
fogonadura J (cn), mast hole.
fogonazo (m) de retorno (sol), backtire.
fogonera (f) automtica, mechanical stoker.
fogonero, foguista, m (cal), tireman stoker.
foguear (M), to stoke a furnace.
fogueo m (M),stoking.
foliacin J (geol), foliation.
foliado, foliated. .
fomentar, to promote (a project).
fomento m, development; promotion.
fomita J, foamite (tire extinguisher).
fon, phon (unit of loudness).
fondaje m (hid)(C), sedimento
fondeadero m, anchorage, berth.
fondear, to anchor, drop anchor.
fondeo m, anchoring, mooring.
fondo m, bottom, far end, base, bed; fund; depth;
(tv) background.
-- de amortizacin, sinking fundo
_. de barril, barrelhead.
- de la caldera, boiler head.
- del cilindro, cylinder head, backcylinder
- del mbolo, pistonhead.
- de laboreo (tn)(min), working face.
-- de renovacin, replacement fundo
-- del ro, river bed.
- de la rosca, root of thread.
- de la soldadura, root of weld.
- doble (cn), double bottom.
-- rotativo, revolving fundo
fondos, funds.
fnico, phonic.
fonoadaptador m (ra), phono adapter.
fonocaptor m (elc) phongraph pickup.
fonoelctrico, Phonoelectric (trademark).
fonforo (te!), phonophore.
fonolita J (geol), phonolite, clinkstone.
fonmetro m, phonometer.
fontanera J, pipework, piping, plumbing.
fontanero m, pipeman, plumber.
foquito m (A), small incandescent lampo
forcejear, to force.
forcita J (vol), forcite.
forestacin J (M), forestation.
forestal, pertaining to forests.
forja J, forge; forging.
-- con martinete, drop-forging.
-- con martinete a vapor, steam-hammer forg-
-- con matriz abierta, smith or open-die forg-
-- con presin o de prensa, press-forging.
-- de banco, bench forge.
-- de herrero, blacksmith forge.
-- de recalcar, upsetting forge.
-- de soldar, welding or brazing forge.
-- de tiro hacia abajo, downdraft forge.
forjabilidad J, malleability, forgeability.
forjable, malleable, forgeable.
forjado, forged, wrought.
-- a martinete o a troquel, drop-forged.
-- en caliente, hot-forged.
-- en fro, cold-forged.
forjador m, blacksmith, forge smith.
forjar, to forge; to rough-plaster; (Col) to fill be-
tween beame on awall.
-- a presin, to press-forge.
forma J, form, shape; (conc) form; (Col) roof
formabilidad J,. formability.
formacin J (geol), formation, country; (elec)
formador m, shaper; former.
formadora (f) de engranajes, gear shaper.
formaldehido m, formaldehyde.
formaleta J, small form, centering, form for con-
crete pipe; (C) straightedge.
formar, to form.
frmicaJ (elc), Formica (trademark).
formn m, chisel, mortising or firmer.or framing
-- con chanfie, cant chisel.
-- de ngulo, corner chise!.
-- de cubillo, socket chise!.
-- de cuchara, bent; entering chise!.
-- de espiga, tang chise!.
-- de filo oblicuo, side or skewchise!.
-- de punta de lanza, spear-point chise!.
-- de punta redonda, roundnose chisel.
-- de tornero, turning chiser'.
frmula J, formula; (A) blank formo
- de Chzy (hid), Chzy formula.
__ de Manning (hid), Manning's formula.
__ del prismoide, prismoida! formula.
__ de la seccin media (ot) , average-end-area
__ dinmica (pi), dynamic formula.
-- esttica (pi), static formula.
formulario m, blank formo
__ de contrato, contract form.
__ de fianza, form of surety bond.
__ de propuesta, bidding form or blank, pro-
posa! formo
fornallaJ, tirebox, furnace; (C) ashpit (furnace).
fornaza J, small furnace.
forrar, to line, sheath, cover, c ~ i l , coat, f ~ c e , lag.
forro m, lining, lagging, sheathmg; bushing.
-- aislante, insulation.
- centrifugado (tub), spun lining.
-- de cilindro, cylinder linero
-- de cojinete, bearing sleeve, bushing.
-- de chimenea, fiue lining.
-- de chumacera, bushing, linero
-- de freno, brake lining.
_ hmedo (di), wet-type cylinder linero
forros de zanja, sheeting, sheet piling..
forsterH J (miner), forsterite (magnesium sili-
fortalecer, to strengthen.
fortaleza J, strength.
fortificacin J (min), system of supports, timber-
fortificar, to strengthen, brace, buttress, shore.
forzar, to force.
fosaJ, pit; drain; (met) sow.
-- de excreta, cesspoo!.
-- sptica, septic tank. .
fosfatar, fosfatizar, to phosphate, phosphatlze.
fosftico, phosphatic.
fosfato m, phosphate.
fosfito m, phosphite.
fsfor m (ra), phosphor.
fosforado, phosphated. .
fosforar, fosforizar, to phosphorate, phosphorIze.
fosforescencia J, phosphorcscence.
fosforescente, phosphorescent.
fosforescer, to phosphoresce.
fosfrico, phosphoric.
fosforita J (geo!) (miner), phosphorite.
fsforo m, phosphorus; (ra)(Sp) phosphor.
fosforoso, phosphorous.
fosfuro m, phosphide.
foso m, trench, ditch, pito
_ colector (pet), gathering pito
_ de abastecimiento de combustible (ap), fuel-
ing pito
-- de aserrar, saw pito
_ de caldeo (met), soaking pito
-- de cenizas, ashpit.
__ de cintura, marginal or interceptingditch.
_ de colada (fund), casting pito
_ del lodo (pet), mud ditch.
_ de prstamo (ot), borrow pito
_ de recalentar (met), soaking pito
__ de servicio (ap) , service pito
__ de succin (bm), suction pito
- de volante, fiywheel pito
.-- sptico CEs), septic tank.
fosterita J(ais), Fosterite (trademark).
fot m (i!), phot.
fotoactivo, photoactive.
fotoareo (M), pertaining to aerial photography.
fotoalidada l (fma), photoalidade.
fotobulbo m (A), phototube.
fotocalcar, to blueprint.
fotocalco m, sun print; photographic copy; photo-
- azul, blueprint.
--blanco, white print.
fotocarta J, photomap.
fotocartografa J,photographic mapping, photo-
fotocartgrafo m, photocartograph.
fotoctodo m (ra), photocathode.
fotocelda J (M) (A), photoelectric cell.
fotoclula J, photocell, photoelectric cell.
fotoclinmetro m, photoclinometer.
fotoconductividad J (elc), photoconductivity.
fotoconductivo (ra) ,photoconductive.
fotocopia J, photocopy,blueprint.
- azul, blueprint.
-- blanca, white print.
- negra, blackprint.
-- parda, brownprint.
fotocopiar, to blueprint, make aphotocopy.
fotocroquis (fma), mosaic, photosk,tch.
fotodesintegracin J, photodisintegration.
fotoelasticidad J, photoelasticity.
fotoelstico, photoelastic.
fotoelectricidad J, photoelectricity.
fotoelctrico, photoelectric.
fotoelectrn m,photoelectron.
fotoemisivo,foto.emisor (ra), photoemissive.
fotoesttico (M), photostatic.
fotoesteregrafo m (fma), photostereograph.
fotfono m, photophone.
fotognico, photogenic.
fotgeno m, photogen (oil).
fotogoniometra f(fma), photogoniometry.
fotogonimetro m (fma), photogoniometer.
fotograbado m, photoengraving.
fotografa J, photography; a photograph.
_ compuesta (fma), composite photograph.
fotografiar, to photograph.
fotgrafo (fma), photographer, cameraman.
fotograma m (fma), photogram.
fotogrametra J, photogrammetry, photographic
-- area, aerosurveying, aeria! photogram-
-- cercana, close photogrammetry.
__. por imagen nica, single-image photogram-
_ por imgenes dobles, two-image photogram-
__ terrestre, terrestrial photographic surveying.
fotogramtrico, photogrammetric.
fotogrametrista m, photographic surveyor, pho-
fotogrmetro m, photogrammeter, phototheodo-
fotoionizacin J, photo-ionization.
fotolaboratorio m, photographic laboratory.
fotolmpara J (A), photoelectric cell.
frecuencia 155 fresar
fotoluminiscencia J, photoluminescence.
fotomapa m, photoplan, photomap.
fotomecnico, photomechanical.
fotometra J, photometry,
fotomtrico, photometrical, photometric.
fotmetro m, photometer, (V) exposure meter.
-- de dispersin, dispersion photometer.
-- de globo, sphere photometer.
--integrador, integrating photometer.
-- por destellos, flicker photometer.
fotomicrografa J, photomicrography.
fotomicrgrafo m, photomicrograph.
fotomicroscopio m, photomicroscope.
fotn m (ptica), photon.
fotoperspectgrafo m (fma) , photoperspecto-
fotoplano m (fma), photoplan.
fotorreproduccin J, photoreproduction.
fotorresistencia J, photoelectric resistance, pho-
fotorrestitucin J (fma),
fotorrestituidor m (fma) , photographic restitu-
tion machine.
fotosensible, photosensitive.
fotosntesis J (qulm), photosynthesis.
fotosinttico, photosynthetic.
fotostatar, to photostat.
fotstato m, photostat.
fototaquimetra (Es), photogrammetry.
fototaqumetro m, phototheodolite with stadia
fototelegrafa J, phototelegraphy.
fototeodolito m (fma), phototheodolite.
fototopografa J, photographic topography, pho-
fototopogrfico, phototopographic.
fototopgrafo m, phototopographer.
fototriangular, to phototriangulate.
fototubo m, phototube, photoelectric tube.
-- a gas, gas or soft phototube.
- multiplicador, multiplier or electron-multi-
plier phototube.
fotovlvu1a J (A), phototube.
fotovoltaico, photovoltaic, photoelectric.
fotrnico (il), Photronic (trademark).
fracasar, to be unsuccessful; to fail; to be
fracaso m, failure; breakdown.
fraccin J, fraction.
-_. continua, continued fraction.
--impropia', improper fraction.
--propia, proper fmction.
-.-reptesentativa (dib) , representative frac-
.tion, fractional scale.
fraccionado, fractional,divided; broken.
fraccionador m (pet), fractionator.
fraccionamiento de viscosidad (pet) , viscosity
fraccionar,. to break down, divide into parts; to
fraccionario, fractional.
fractura J, fracture, breaking.
-- astillosa (miner), splintery fracture.
-- concoidea (miner), conchoidal fracture.
- de copa (met), cup fractUl:e.
- escalonada (geol)(A), step fault.
-mellada (miner) , hackIY fracture.
fracturar, to fracture.
fragataJ (C), boxcar, cal' body.
frgil, brittle; frail.
fragilidad J, brittleness; frailty.
-- custica, caustic embrittlement.
-- en caliente, hot-shortness.
fragmentacin J, fragmentation.
fragmentar, to break up, shatter.
fragmentario, fragmentoso (geol), fragmental.
fragua J, forge; blacksmith shop; (ct) setting.
-- baja, bloomery.
-- de recalcar, upsetting forge.
-- de soldar, welding or brazing forge.
- final (ct), final seto
- inicial (ct), initial seto
fraguado m, forging;. (ct) setting.
--trmico, thermosetting.
fraguador m, blacksmith, forge smith.
fraguar, to forge; (ct) to set; to cure (agphalt);
(Col) to grout.
frage m, setting, seto
franco, open, free, clear; exempt.
a bordo o sobre vagn (FAB)(tr), free on
board (FOB).
- bordo (an) (A), freeboard.
- de avera simple (seg) , free of particular
-- de derechos, duty-free.
-- de porte, prepaid (carriage).
--fuera del buque, free overside.
- sobre muelle (tr), free alongside (FAS).
franja J, strip, bando
- capilar (A), capillary fringe.
franklinita J, franklinite (ore of manganese).
franquear, to span, clear; to clear away.
franqueo m, postage; prepayment; clearance,
(machy) relief, backing-off; (tun) (min)
--lateral, side clearance.
-- superior, headroom, vertical clearance.
franquicia J, franchise; tax exemption.
frasco m, flask, bottle, vial.
- de filtrar, filter flask.
- gotero (lab), dropping bottle.
- separador (lab), parting flask.
frasquito m (lab), vial.
fratacho m (A), mason's float.
frats m, plasterer's trowel, mason's float.
fratasar, to trowel, to float.
fretico, phreatic, subsurface.
freatmetro m (A), device for gaging ground
freatofitas J (hid), phreatophytes.
frecuencia J, frequency (aH senses).
-- amortiguadora (ra), quenching frequency.
-- angular o de radin (ra) , angular or radian
-- audible (ra), audio frequency.
- crtica (fsica), threshold or critica! fre-
- de corte (ra)(A), cutoff frequency.
-- de cuadro (tv), frame frequency.
- de imagen (ra), image lrequency; (tv) pie-
ture frequency.
- de lnea (tv), line frequency.
-- de visin (ra), video or visual frequency.
- heterodina o de pulsacin (ra) , beat or
heterodyne frequency.
-- nominal, rated frequency.
-- patrn, standard frequency.
-- portadora (elc), carrier frequency.
- portadora fijada o' portadora asignada (m),
center or resting frequency.
-- propia (ra) , natural frequency or wave length.
- superelevada (ra), superhigh frequency.
-- ultraelevada, ultrahigh frequency.
- vocal (ra) (A), voice froquency.
frecuencmetro m, frequency meter.
-- de lengetas, vibrating-reed frequency
-- heterodino, heterodyne wavemeter.
--registrador, frequency recorder.
fregadero m (Pb), sink.
fregador m (Pan), sink.
frenada J (A), braking.
frenaje m, braking.
-- de recuperacin. o de regeneracin, regenera-
tiye braking.
--reosttico, resistance or rheostatic braking.
frenar, to brake.
frenero m, brakeman.
freno m, brake.
-- a corrientes parsitas, eddy-current brake.
- al cardn (auto) (A), transmission brake.
-- al vaco, vacuum brake.
-- aerodinmico, air brake (airplane).
-- de aceite, oil brake.
-- de aire, air brake.
- de almohadillas, block brake.
-- de automultiplicacin de fuerza, sel-ener-
gizing brake.
- de banda o de cinta, band brake.
-- de crculo completo, fuH-wrap brake.
-- de direccin, steering brake.
- de discos mltiples, multidisk brake.
- de doble zapata, two-shoe brake.
-- de electroimn, eleetromagnetic brake.
- del embrague (auto), clutch brake.
- de estacionamiento. (auto), parking brake.
-- de expansin interior, internal-expanding
-- de friccin, friction brake; Prony brake.
- de patn (fc), slipper brake.
- de pedal o de servicio (auto), foot or service
-- de seguridad o de urgencia, emergency
- de timn (cn), rudder brake.
-- dinamomtrico, dynamometer or Prony
-- manual, hand brake.
-- medidor de potencia, absorption dynamom-
-- neumtico, air brake.
-- para puerta, door check.
frente m, face, front, (min) heading.
- corrido (min), longwall.
-- de ataque, working face, forcbreast.
-- de manzana, city block (distance between
strcets). .
- muerto, dead front (switchboard).
- vivo, live front (switchboard).
frentear, to face, mill, machine.
frenteo m, facing, milling.
frentero m (min), miner employed at the work-
ing face.
frentista m (A) (U), cement mason for stucco
fren (rfg), Freon (trademark).
fresa J, bit, milling tool, miller; (C) reamer; (A)
countersinking bit.
- cilndrica helicoidal, sIn.bbing cutter.
- cola de pescado, fishtail cutter.
-- cortadora, cutter bit.
-- de corte lateral, side milling cutter.
-- de cuchillas postizas, inserted-blade cutter.
- de dientes escalonados, staggered-tooth cut-
-- de dientes grandes, coarse-tooth cutter.
-- de disco, side cutter.
- de espiga, end millo
-- de ranurar, gaining head.
-- de refrentar, face cutter.
-- de roscar, thread milling cutter, thread-cut-
ting tool.
-- desbllstadora,roughing orstocking cutter.
-- en cruz (pet), cross cutter.
-- escariadora, end millo
-- escariadora hueca, shell end millo
-- estriadra, fluting cutter.
-- madre, hobo
-- mltiple, gang cutter.
- partidora, parting too!.
-- perfilada, profile or formed cutter.
- perfilada sim,ple, fly cutter.
-- ranuradora, cotter millo
- recortadora, cutting-off tool (lathe).
--rotativa de ranurar, dado or grooving or
gaining head.
-- semiesfrica, rose mill or cutter.
fresas de disco acopladas, straddle millo
fresa-taladradora, boring and turning millo
fresabilidad J, machinability.
fresable, machinable.
fresado m,:miiling.
_.- a gas, gas or flame machining.
-- a mquina, machine-cut.
-- angular, angular milling.
-- de frente, face milling.
-- en espiral, spiral milling.
- y taladrado (tub), faced and drilled.
fresadora J, milling machine; hobbing machine;
shaper; (C) reamer; (A) countersinking bit.
--acepilladora, planer-type milling machine,
rotary planer, planomiller, milling planer.
-- de banco, bench miller.
-- de desbastar, rougher, roughing reamer.
-- de engranajes, gear miller 01.' hobber.
-- de punt'.ls, spot-facer.
-- de roscar, thread miller.
-- de superficie, slab miller.
--para levas, cam cutter.
--ranuradora, spline milling machine.
fresar, to face, mill, machine; to hob; (C) to
rearo; (A) to countersink.
--la cara de atrs, to back-face.
fresar 156 funcionar funcionario 157 galera
--para las tuercas, to spot-face.
fresno m (mad), ash.
friabilidad J, friability; brittleness.
friable, brittle; friable.
friccin J, friction.
- cintica, kinetic 01' sliding friction.
-- de arranque, starting 01' breakaway friction.
-- de deslizamiento, sliding friction.
-- de rodamiento, rolling friction.
-- de zafar, breakaway friction.
-- esttica, static 01' starting friction.
- pelicular (A), skin friction.
frigocentral J (A), refrigeration planto
frigorfico m, cold-storage plant; meat-packing
plant; a frjgorific.
frigorgeno,producing cold.
frisadom,(V) Same as friso.
friso m, wainscot, dado; (V) scratch coat 01'
brown coat of plaster.
froga J (Col), rubble filling between ashlar faces.
frogar (Col), to fill joints; to grout the stones in
a wall.
frontal a, front, head. ,
frontera J (Es), front wall.
frontis m, fascia; fa9ade.
frontispicio m, fa9ade, front wall.
frontn m, pediment; (min) working face, fore-
frota J, cement mason's float.
frotador m, rubber; (elec) (U) contact brush.
frotamiento m, friction, chafing, rubbing.
-- de deslizamiento, sliding frictioll.
-- de rodadura, rolling friction.
frotar, to rl1b; to chafe.
ftalato de potasio (lab), potassium phthalate.
ftlico (qum), phthalic.
fucsina J (is), fuchsin.
fuego m, fire.
fuellar, to blow with a bellows.
fuelle m, bellows, blower; connection between
car vestibules; (C) automobile top; bel-
lows of a camera.
fuente/, fountain; spring; source.
-'- aceleradora (mg), accelerating well.
-- artesiana, artesian spring.
-- de abastecimiento o de provisin, source of
water supply.
- de afloramiento, gravity spring.
-- de beber, drinking fountain.
- de carga, feed well.
-- de contllcto" conj;act spring.
- de energa A (B, C)(ra), A (B, C) power
--de fisura,. fracWre ar fissure spring.
--de holld()nada,depression spring;
- desarenadora'(A), sand,trap.
--luminosa, (il), l11minous source.
-- surtidora, sourceof suppl:v.
fuentes fluviales, (PR) water resollrces.
fuera adv, out, outside.
-- de ajuste, out-of-adjustment.
- de aplomo, out-of-plumb.
- de bordo, outboard.
- del camino, off-the-road (hauling).
-- de centro, off-center, out-of-center.
- de escuadra, out-of-squarec
-- de fase, out-of-phase.
- de juego (C), out-of-gear.
-- de lnea, out-of-line.
-- de redondo, out-of-round.
-- de servicio, out-of-service.
-- de toma, out-of-gear, unmeshed.
fuerte, strong, powerful; sharp (curve); heavy
fuerzaJ, force, power.
-- al freno, brake horsepower.
-- a vapor, steam power.
-- caballar, horsepower.
-- capilar, capillary force.
-- centrfuga, centrifugal force.
-- coercitiva (elc), coercive force.
-- continua, firm 01' primary power.
-- contraelectromotriz, back electromotive
-- de agua, water power.
-- de arrastre, tractive force.
-- de brazos, hand power; man power.
-- de elevacin, lifting power.
-- de filtracin (ms), seepage force.
- de levantamiento, uplift (dam).
-- de sangre, animal power.
-- discontinua, dump 01' secondary power.
-- electromotriz, electromotive force.
-- electromotriz aplicada, impressed 01' applied
electromotive force.
-- hidrulica, water power.
-- hidromotriz (A), water power.
--indicada de caballos, indicated horsepower.
-- magntica, maghetic strength 01' force 01'
-- magnetomotriz, magnetizing 01' magnetomo-
tive force.
-- mayor, force majeure, aet of God.
-- motriz, power, motive power.
-- permanente,firm 01' primary power.
-- portativa (ra)(A), carrier power.
-- primaria, primary power.
-- provisoria, dump power.
-- termoelectromotriz, thermoelectromotive
-- tractora, tractive force.
fuetazo m, whipping of a cable.
fugas J, (hyd) leakage; (elec) fault.
fulcro m, fulcrum.
fulgor azul (ra) (A), blue glow.
fulguracin J, fulguration.
fulgurita f (geol) (vol), fulgurite.
fulmicotn m, guncotton.
fulminante m, blasting cap, exploder; detonator.
fulminar, to cause to explode; to discharge.
fulminato m, fulminate.
fulmnico, fulminc.
fumfugo, smokeless.
fumvoro, smoke-ponsumng, srhokeless.
funcinJ (mat), function.
-- de simple valuacin, single-valued function.
- de valuacin mltiple, multiple-valued fune-
-- escalar, scalar function.
--vectorial, vector, function.
funcionamiento m, operation.
funcionar; to run, work, operate.
funcionario m, official, officer.
funda J, case, sheath.
- de cemento (PR), cement bago
-- de neumtico (auto), tire cover.
--para herramientas, tool rollo
fundacin J, foundation.
-- corrida, continuous footing.
-- de cajn, pneumatic-caisson foundation.
-- ensanchada, spread footing.
-- escalonada, stepped footing.
fundamental J, (ra) fundamental; a fundamental
(all senses).
fundamentar, to laya foundation.
fundamento m, foundation, footing; (geol) base-
fundar, to found.
fundente m, welding compound, flux.
- para soldadura, soldering 01' welding flux.
-- para soldadura de latn, brazing flux.
fundera J, foundry; casting.
fundible, fusible.
fundicinJ, foundry; casting; a casting; smelting
-- al coque, coke hon.
-- a presin o a troquel, die-casting.
-- argntea, silvery iron.
-- atruchada, mottled iron.
-- blanca, white cast iron, white iron.
- bruta (A), pig iron.
- centrifugada, centrifugal casting.
-- de acero, steel casting; steel foundry.
-- de aleacin, alloy cast iron.
- de hierro, iron founding; iron foundry; cast
-- de hierro gris, gray-iron casting.
-- de hierro maleable, wrought-iron casting.
-- de latn, brass casting; brass foundry.
-- de liga, alloy cast iron.
-- de segunda fusin, gray cast iron.
-- escoriosa, cinder pig iron.
-- gris, gray-iron casting; foundry pig.
-- maleable, malleable casting, malleable cast
--truchada, mottled iron.
fundido, cast; fused, melted.
-- centrfugamente, centrifugally casto
-- en arena, sand-cast.
- en bloque (auto), cast-in-block.
-- en foso de colada, pit-cast.
fundidor m, foundryman, founder; melter.
fundir, to cast; to melt, smelt; to blow out (fuse);
fundirse, to melt, fuse.
fungicida m, fungicide.
fungiforme a, mushroom (column head).
fungisttico, fungistatic.
funicular m, cable railway; a funicular.
-- areo, aerial tramway.
furgn m, baggage car; truck with closed body,
van; (M) boxcar; (A) baggage, express, 01'
mail caro
- de carga (A), freight caro
-- de cola, caboose.
-,- de equipajes, baggage caro
furgonada J, carload, truckload.
furnia! (C), sump.
furo m, orifice; (top) channcl.
fuselado m, fairing, streamlining; a streamlined.
fuselaje m, fuselage.
fusetrn (elc), Fusetron (trademark) (time-lag
fusibilidad J, fusibility.
fusible m, fuse; (C) rail bond; a fusible.
-- de accin retardada, tirne-delay or time-lag
- de bayoneta (C), knife fuse.
- de cartucho a casquillo, ferrule-type car-
tridge fuse.
-'- de cartucho a cuchillo, knife-blade-type car-
tridge fuse.
-- de cinta, link or strip fuse.
-- de cuchilla, knife fuse.
-- de desprendimiento, drop-out fuse.
-- de recierre, reclosing fuse.
- de tapn, plug fuse.
-- de tiempo, time-lag fuse.
-- renovable, renewable fuse.
fusiforme" fusiform, spindle-shaped; stream-
fusi n J, fusiono
fusionar (A), to fuse.
fuslina J (Es) (A), smelter.
fuste m, shaft of a column; shank of a rivet or
gabari, gabarit, gabarito m (fe), clearance gage;
track gage.
gabarra J, scow, barge.
-- de gra, derrick barge.
gabarraje m, lighterage.
gabarrero m, bargerilan.
gabera J (Col), brick moldo
gabinete m, laboratory, office, study; (1'1') state-
room, (rr) (M) drawing room;' (ra)(M)
gabin, m (1'), gabion.
gablete m, gable.
gbrico, gabbroic.
gabro m (geol), gabbro.
gafaJ, cant hook; (C) gall'.
-- de palanca, cant hook.
gafas de soldador, welding goggles.
gaitaJ, a Puerto Rican lumber.
gajo m, leaf of an orange-peel bucket; branch
mountain chain.
gal (geof), gal.
galactita J, fuller's earth.
galpago m, centering (arch) ;saddle; ;lig, ingot,
sow; (sb) hatch batten.
galena J, ,galena (lead ore).
galnico, galenic.
galeotaJ (cn), carling, beam carline, girder.
galera !, wagon, van; jack plane; (CA) shed,
galerada J, wagonload.
galera J, gallery, heading, (min) drift,
- captante (hid), collectinggallery.
-- cntrica de avance (tn), center drift.
- de agotamiento (min) draining adit.
- de arrastre (min) , haulageway; slushinr;
- de ataque (tfi)(min), heading.
- de avance, heading; pilot bore.
- dellvance superior (tti), top heading.
- de captacin (hid), infiltration or eolleeting
- de carga (min) , loading drift.
- de coleccin, (hyd) eolleeting gallery; (min)
gathering drift.
- de desarrollQ (min), development drift.
- de descarga, sluieeway (dam).
- de direccin, (tun) advanee heading; (min)
- de empino (tn), erown drift.
- de escombrar (min), mueking drift.
- de evacuacin (hid), sluieeway, undersluiee,
silt sluiee.
- de extraccin (min), adit.
- de pala de arrastre (min), slushing drift.
- de revisin, inspeetion gallery.
- de servicio (min), serviee drift.
- de servicios (Es), street tunnel for pipes and
- de sondeo, exploration gallery.
- de toma (hid), intake tunnel.
- desarenadora (presa), silt sluiee, under-
- filtrante, filtration or infiltration gallery.
- inferior de avance (tn) , bottom drift or
-lateral de avance (tn) , side drift or heading.
galerna J, galerno m, gale.
galern m (M)(AC), barraeks; shed.
galgas J (M), ealipers.
galibador m (en), loftsman.
galibar, to work to a template.
glibo m, template, jig; straightedge; clearanee
-_..... de ajuste (en), lofting template.
- de caja, box jig.
- de fijacin, holding jig.
- de inclinacin, slopegage; (sb) deelivity
- de muones (mh), trunnion jig.
- de perfil normal (fe), elearanee gage.
- de silletas (fe), tie-plate gage.
- para guardacarril (fe), guardrail gage.
galn m, gallon.
-.- imperial, imperhL1 gtllon.
galpn m,storehouse, inclosed shed, shanty.
- de cargas, freight shed.
- de removido (A), transfer shed.
galponista m (A), erector of iron sheds.
galvnico, galvanie.
galvanismo m, galvanismo
galvanizacin (f) por inmersin en caliente, hot
or hot-dip galvanizing.
galvanizado al. fuego o en. caliente, hot-galva-
galvanizar, to galvanize.
galvanometra J, galvaIlometry.
galvanmetro m,. galvanometer.
- amortiguado, deadbeat galvaIlometer.
-- de aguja, needlegalvanometer.
- de bobina mvil, moving-eoil galvanometer.
- de cuerda, string galvanometer.
- de dinamitero, blasting galvanometer.
- de espejo o de reflexin, refieeting galva--
- de senos, sine galvanometer.
- de tangentes, tangent galvanometer
galvanoplastia J, galvanoplasties, eleetrotypy,
galvanoplstico, galvanoplastie.
galvanoscopio m, galvanoseope.
gallegom (az)(C), eane leveler or kieker.
galleta J, eement pat; soil cake; target (rod).
galletera J, kind of briekmaking maehine.
gallito m (M), faucet, bibb.
galln m, sod.
gama J, range, limits.
- de onda (m) (A), wave bando
gambota J (en), eounter timber.
gambusino m, skilled miner; prospeetor.
gamella J, yoke for oxen; plasterer's hawk;
trough; washtub; (Ch) chute; (min)
- de lavar (min), washtrough.
- fija (min), sleeping table.
gamma J, gamma.
ganancia J, profit, earnings; (ra) (A)
- bruta, gross profit.
-lquida, net profit.
- de explotacin, operating profit.
- no distribudas, undivided profits.
- y prdidas, profit and loss.
gancho m, hook.
- agarrador (ef), rafting dog, tail hook; grab
- centrador (pet), wall hook.
- de abrazadera, elevis hook.
- de amarrar, mooring hook.
- de arrastre (eo) (te), pull hook.
- de cable de izar, hoist hook.
- de carga, cargo hook.
- de cerrojo, safety hook(hoist).
- de clavija, pintle hook.
- de deslizamiento, slip hook.
- de disparo, trip hook.
- de estibador, box hook.
- de estibar, cargo hook.
- de estrangulacin (eab), ehoker hook.
- de gaza, (lg) ehoker hook.
- de grillete, elevis hook.
- de maderero, dog hook.
- de mosquetn o de resorte, snap hook.
- de motn, hook of the Jall block, hoist hook.
- de ojo, eye hook.
- de pared (pet), wall hook.
- de retencin de cadena, gr'ab hook.
- de seguridad, safety hook.
- de traccin, pullhook, (lg) draw hook.
- de volteo (M), eant hook.
- giratorio, swivel hook.
- para trozas, swamp hook.
- sacatapa, manhole hook.
- soltador, release or pellean hook, (lg) dump
- y hembra o y picolete, hook and keeper, hook
and eye.
- de correa, belt .hooks or elamps.
- de fardo, bale hooks.
- escaladores, ellmbing irons.
- gemelos, match or sister hooks.
- para bidn, can hooks.
gandingas J (min), eoneentrates.
ganga J, gangueo
- cuarzosa, vein quartz.
gnguil m, dump seow.
ganzaJ, false key, piekloek; skeleton key; (Sp)
hook wreneh.
garabatillo m, small vise, clamp.
garabato m, grapnel, grappling iron.
garaje m, garage.
garandumbaJ (A), barge,lighter.
garante m, guarantor, bondsman.
garanta J, guaranty.
garantizar, to guarantee.
garbancillo m, (M) buekshot eoal; (Sp) fine
gravel, grits.
garbanzo m (M), pea eoal.
garfio m, hook, (C) gaf(;eanthook.
garfios de trepar, elimbing irons, elimbers.
garganta J, (meeh) groove, ehannel;. (top) gap,
narrows, gorge; gullet (saw); (w) (meeh)
throat; (tun) (A) beneh.
- del Venturi, Venturi throat.
grgol m, groove, noteh, gain.
garita J, eab of a shovel or truek; watehman's
box; (A) elevator ear.
- de mstil (en), erow's-nest.
- de seales (fe), sigual tower.
- de soldar, welding booth.
- de vista completa (pI), full-vision eab.
gariteaJ (Ee), :flatboat.
garlanchaJ, opade; (Col) blade tamper.
garlopa J, jaek or jointing or fore plane.
garlopn m, jaek or fore or trying plane.
garnierita J, garnierite (niekelore).
garra J, c1uteh, eateh, elaw, grlp.
- de cable (ele), cable grip.
- de compresin, eompression eluteh.
- de friccin, frietion e!uteh.
- de seguridad, safety eluteh.
- de zapata (or), grouser.
garras para correa, belt hooks or elamps or laeing.
garranchaJ (Col), hook.
garrapato m (A), a hardwood.
garrochaJ (M), pike pole.
garrote m, (Ch) (M) brake.
barrotero m (M), brakeman.
garruchaJ, sheave, pulley; (M) taeklll block.
- agarradora, grip sheave.
- cabecera (pet), erown sheave.
- cerradora (eueh), c10sing sheave.
- de bisagra (M), snateh block.
- de cadena, ehain block or hoist.
- de la cuchera (pet), sand sheave.
- del entubado (pet), casing sheave.
- de garganta farpada, poeket or ehain wheel.
- de gua, guide or defieeting sheave, fair-lead
- de rayos, spoke sheave.
- deslizante, sliding or fieeting sheave.
- desviadora, defieeting or knuekle
- diferencial .(M), differential hoist.
- igualadora, equalizing sheave.
- posterior (pet), heel sheave.
garrucho m, eringle.
gas m, gas.
- acetileno, aeetylene gas.
-. cloacal, sewer gas.
- comburente, eombustion gas.
- combustible, fuel gas.
-- de aceite (C), oil gas.
- de. agua, water gas.
- de aire, air gas.
- de alto horno, blast-furnaee gas.
- de alumbrado, illuminating gas.
- de boca de pozo, easing-head gas.
- de carbn, coa! gas.
- de cieno (dae),sludgegas.
- de desperdicio, waste gas.
- de digestin (dae), digester g;as.
- de la formacin (pet), formational gas.
- de horno de coquizacin, eoke-oven gas.
- de hulla, eoal gas.
- de los lodos (dae), shldge gas.
- de los pantanos, marsh gas.
- de madera, wood gas.
- de petrleo, oil gas.
-licuado de petrleo, liquefied petroleum gas.
- natural, natural or easing-head or oilcwell
gas, green gas.
- pobre, producer or generator gas.
- residual o seco (pet), dry or residue gas.
- rico, illuminating gas.
- verde (pet), green or natural gas.
gases de desecho, waste gases.
gases de escape, exhaust gases.
gasa (1) de alambre, wire gauze.
gaseiforme, gaseous, gasiform.
gaseoso, gaseous.
g;asero, gasfiter, g;asista m, gas fitter, pipeman.
gasfitera J, pipework, gas fitting.
gasfero, eontaining gas.
gasificar, to gasify.
gasoducto m (A)"pipe line for gas.
gasgeno m, gazogene; gas produeer.
- de acetileno, aeetylene generator.
- de tiro descendente, downdraft produeer.
- escorificador, slagging produeer.
gasoleno m, gasoline.
gasleo m, gas oil.
gasolina J, gasoline.
- de alto octanaje, high-oetane gasoline.
- de alta volatilidad, high-test gasoline.
- de destilacin directa, straight-run gasoline.
- de destilacin final, end-point gasoline.
- estabilizada, stripped gasoline.
- mezclada, blended gasoline.
- natural, natural or easing-head g;asoline.
- reformada, eraeked gasoline.
gasolinera J, (M) filling station; (C) gasoline
gasometra J, gasometry.
gasomtrico, gasometrie.
gasmetro m,gasometer, gas tank; gas meter.
gastable, erosible (soil).
gastar, to wear, wear out, wear away; to use up
to spend; to wear, wear out.
geodsico geodesta 161 g6ndola
gasto m, volume of expenditure;
consumption; wear.
-- crtico, critica.l flow.
-- de crecida, flood flow.
- de derrame (hid), runoff rateo
_ instantneo, momentary flow.
__ s6lido (hid),bed load, material in suspension.
__ supercrtico,supercritical flow.
gastos, charges, costs, expenses.
__ de administraci6n, administration expenses.
__ de conservaci6n, maintenance charges.
__ de embarque, shipping charges.
_ de establecimiento (Es), capital or fixed
_ de explotaci6n, operating expenses.
__ generales, general expense, overhead,
__ imprevistos, contingencies.
gata J, (naut) cat; (Ch) (Pe) jack; (Ch) crank.
gatillo m, cramp; pawl, dog, trip,trigger, latch.
- con anillo, ring dogo
- de banco (cn), slab dogo
- de descarga, trip latch.
gatillos con cadena, chain dogs.
gato m, jack; (M) ral bender; (Col) bridging be-
tween joists.
-- a crique, ratchet jack.
__ acodador, shoring j ack.
__ ademador, shoring jack; mine jack.
_ alzatubos (pet), pipe jack.
_ autobajador, self-lowering jack.
_ corredizo, traversing or wheeled jack.
-- de auxilio, wrecking jack.
-- de cadena, chain jack.
__ de cremallera, ratchet or rack"and-pinion
_ de garaje (auto), service jack.
-- de gusano, screw jack.
- de husillo (C), screw jack.
- de lodo, mud jack.
-- de manivela, Windlass jack.
-- de oreja, olaw jack, ground-lifting jack.
-- de palanca,lever jack.
_ de perforador (pet), oil-well jack.
- de pie alzador, foot-lift jack.
- :le puente, bridge jack.
__ deI'emolque, toWing j ack.
-- de rosca () de tornillo, screw jack;jackscrew.
- de tirar, pulling jack.
__ de tornillo corredizo, traversing screw jack,
sWing jack.
__ detorI!illoengrallado, geared screw jack.
__ de tornillo invertido, inverted screw jack.
_ de velocidad regulable, variable-speed jack.
-- de va:, trackjack.
_ empujador de tubos,pipe pusher.
_ encarrilador (fc);wrecking jack.
- hidrl11ico, hydral11icjack.
_levantatubos(pet),casing jack.
__ minero, mine' j ack.
-- para carrete, cable-reel jack.
-- para muones, journa.l jaek.
- para postes, pole jack.
_ para zarija,trench jack, djustable trench
_. puntal, trench jack.
gausiano (mat), Gaussian.
gausio, gaussio m (elc), gauss.
gaveraJ, (Pe)form for mud wall; (V) (Co1) brick
mold; (V) box for meaauring concrete ag-
gaveta J, drawer, locker, (auto) glove compart-
gaviete m (nut), cathead.
gaviln m, center screw of a carpenter's bit;
gavi6n m (r), gabion.
gazaJ, loop; (cab) bend; (reinf) hook; (lg) choker.
gel-cemento m (A), cement gel.
gelatina J, gelatin.
-- amoniacal (vol), ammonia gelatin.
- aprobada (vo!), permissible gelatin.
-- explosiva, explosive or blasting gelatin, gel-
atin dynamite.
-- explosiva corriente, straight gelatin.
-- nutritiva (is), nutrient gelatin.
gelatinizar, to gelatinize.
gelatinoso, gelatinous.
gel m, an Ecuadorian lumber.
gelignita J, gelignite, gelatin dynamite.
gemaJ (carp), wane.
gemelo, tWin, duplex, double.
gemelo (m) de ballesta (auto), spring shackle.
gemelos de campaa, fleld glasses.
genemotor m (ra), genemotor.
generador m, generator.
-- al arco (ra) , arc generator.
-- a viento (elc), Wind charger, Wind"driven
-- asincr6nico, induction generator.
-- compound plano, flat-compound generator.
-- de acetileno, acetylene generator.
-- de arm6nicos, harmonic generator.
-- de colectores mltiples, multicommutator
-- de corta derivaci6n, short-shunt generator.
-- de espuma, foamgenerator.
-- de gas, gas producer.
-- de imanes permanentes, permanent-magnet
-- de ondas (elc), surge or impulse generator.
-- de seales (ra) , signal or all-wave generator,
all-wave oscillator.
-- de sobrecorrientes (elc), surge generator.
-- de tensi6n constante, constant-potential gen-
-- de tercera escobilla, third-brush generator.
-- de toda onda (ra), signal generator, all-wave
- de vlvula (ra), tube generator.
- de velocidad gobernada (fc) , controlled
speed generator.
-- entrerrpido, medium-speed generator.
-- magnetoelctrico, magneto, magnetoelectric
-- tipo paraguas, umbrella-type generator.
generador-volante,flyWheel generator.
generar, to generate.
generatriz J, generatrix; (elec) generator.
gnero m, fabric, cloth; carcass (tire).
genol m (en), futtock.
geodesia J, geodesy.
geodesico, geodtico, geodetic, geodeslC.
geodesta m, geodesist.
geoelctrico, geo-electrical.
geofsica J, geophysics.
-- elctrica, electrogeophYsics.
geofsico m, geophysicist; a geophysical.
ge6fono m, geophone;
geofotogrametra J, terrestrial photogrammetry.
geogrfico, geographical.
geohidrologa J, geohydrology.
geologa J, geology.
geol6gico, geological.
ge610go m, geologist.
-- consultor, consulting geologist.
-- petrolero, petroleum geologist.
geometra J, g'eometry.
-- ana:ltica, analytical or coordinate geome-
-- descriptiva, descriptive geometry.
--tridimensional, solid geometry.
geomtrico, geometric, geometrical.
geosttico, geostatic.
gerencia J, m;.nager's .office; administration,
gerente m, manager.
- de compras (M), purchasing agent.
-- suplente, acting man!>ger.
germen m, gerill.
germicida, germicidal.
gestor m, promoter; agent, representative.
gibsita J (miner), gibbsite.
gigante m, giant, monitor.
gilbertio m (elc), gilbert.
girable, rotatable.
giraescariador m, reamer wrench.
giramachos m, tap wrench.
girar, to revolve, turn, slue, swivel, sWing, rotate;
to draw (draft).
-loco, to spin (wheels).
giratorio, revolving, gyratory, rotary.
giro m, revolving, sluing; turn; (machy) revolu-
tion; overturning (dam); (sh) swinging;
(com) a draft; trade, line of business.
- a la derecha (auto), right turno
- a la izquierda (auto), left turno
- a la vista, sight draft.
-- de maderas, lumber business.
girogravilladora J (Es), rotary gravel screen.
gir6metro m, gyrometer.
gir6n m, strip of wood, scantling; (Pe) length of
a city block.
girosc6pico, gyroscopic.
giroscopio m, gyroscope.
girosttica J, gyrostatics.
girosttico, gyrostatic.
gir6stato m, gyrostat.
gis m, crayon.
glacial, glacial.
glaciar m, glacier.
glaciofluvial (geol), glaciofluvial.
glacis m, glacis.
glndula J, occasionally used meaning packing
glaseado m, glazing; a glazed.
glicerina J, glycerin.
glicerol m (qum), glycerol.
glicina J (fma), glycine.
glicol m (qum), glycol.
- de etileno, ethylene glycol.
- etilnico dinitrato (vol), ethylene glycol di.
glic6lico, glycolic.
globo m (il),globe.
globular, globular.
gl6bulo m,globule.
gl6bulos reflectores (ca), reflector beads.
glorieta J, traffic cirole.
glosador m (M),auditor.
gneis m (geol), gneiss.
gnisico, gneissic.
gneisoide, gneissoid.
gnomon m, gnomon; carpenter's square.
gnom6nico, gnomonic.
goaJ, pig (iron) , bloom; sow.
gobernalle m (en), rudder.
gobernar, to control.
gobierno m, government; lllanagement, diree-
tion; control.
-- a distancia, remote control.
goetita J, goethite (iron ore).
gola J, ogee; (A) spillwaybucket.
golfo m, gulf.
golilla J, washer; (Ch) pipe f1ange; (Sp) sleeve,
-- de cojinete, bearing race.
golpe m, blow, shock; (eng) stroke; (C) throw.
-- de ariete o de agua, water hammer.
- de aspiraci6n, suction stroke.
-- de compresi6n, compression stroke.
- de compuerta (M), water hammer.
-- de expulsi6n" exhaust stroke.
- de retardo, backlash.
-- de retroceso, return stroke; backlash.
-- elctrico, electric shock.
golpeador m, striker (with a hammer).
golpear, to strike, pound; (eng) to knock.
golpeo m, striking, pounding; (eng) knock.
--por encendido, spark knock.
golpetear, (eng) to knock, hammer.
golpeteo m, knockillg, pounding, (tel) thump.
- del mbolo, piston slap.
gollete m, (mech) throat, neck; journal.
gomaJ, gum; rubber tire; eraser.
- aisladora (elc), splicing gum.
- de bal6n, balloon tire.
- de borrar, eraser.
- de la caa (az), cane gum.
-- de cuerdas, cord tire.
- de empalme (elc), splicing gum.
-- de tela, fabric tire.
- elstica, rubber.
- esponjosa de borrar (dib), sponge rubber.
--,floja, flat tire.
--'laca, shellac.
- mineral, mineral rubber.
- recuperada, reolaimed rubber.
gomaguta J (dib), gamboge.
gomar, to treat with rubber.
gomera J (A), tire-repair shop.
gomero (m) vulcanizador (A), tire vulcanizer.
gomoso, gummy.
g6ndolaJ, (rr) gOlldola car; (ce) (M) narrow-gage
dump car; omllibus.
- de cuerda (elc), cord grip.
- del freno (pet), brake staple.
- de madera, hand screw. carpenter's clamp.
- de prueba (elc). test clip.
- de tensi6n (elc), strain clamp.
- golpeadora drive clamp.
- para cable, cable clip; cable clamp.
- para pendientes (elc). grade clamp.
grapas para banda, belt hooks.
grap6n m, cramp iron, clamp, dogbolt.
- de hincar (ts), sheeting cap, plank cap.
grasa l. grease; slag.
- animal (lu), animal fato
- de cerdo, lardo
- de copa, cup grease. '
- de jab6n de aluminio, aluminum-soap grease.
- de jab6n de cal, lime-soap grease.
- graftic!l, graphite grease.
-lubricante, cup or lubricating grease.
- miccea, mica grease.
- para ca!,le, cable compound, rope grease.
- para caJa de engranajes, transmission grease.
- para copilla de presi6n, cup grease.
- para axle grease.
- para engranajes, gear compound.
- para inyector, gun grease.
- vegetal, vegetable fato
grasera (1) de compresi6n, grease cup.
grasero m (M), slag dump.
grasiento, greasy, oily.
graso, oily; (conc) rich; fat (mixture).
grata l. rasp; wire brush.
gratificaci6n l. bonus to an employee.
grauvaca I (geol), graywacke.
grava f. grave!.
- de boleos, boulder grave!.
- de cantera o de mina, pit grave!.
- de guijas (V). granule grave!.
- de playa, beach grave!.
- en bruto (M), pit-run grave!.
- fluvial, river grave!.
- graduada, graded grave!.
- provechosa (min). pay grave!.
- sin cribar o tal como sale, run-of-bank or
unscreened grave!.
gravadora I (Es), gravel screen.
gravedad 1, gravity.
- Ilspecfica, specifie gravity.
gravera 1, gravel pit or bank.
gravfico (M), gravitationa!.
gravilla 1, fine or pea gravel; grits.
gravilladora I (Es), gravel screen.
gravimetda/. gravimetry.
gravimtrico, gravimetric.
gravmetro m. gravimcter, gravity meter.
gravitaci6n l. gravitation, gravity.
gravitacional (M). gravitational.
gravitar, to gravitate.
gravit6metro m, gravitometer.
- registrador, recording gravitometer.
gravoso (M), gravelly.
greda l. loam. clay, marl, fuller's earth.
- arenosa, sandy loam.
gredal m, clay pito
gredoso, clayey, loamy.
gremio m, labor union; craft union; trade, craft,
goni6grafo m (Es), plane table.
goniometrll 1, goniometry.
goniomtrico,. goniometric.
goni6I1letro m, goniometer, angle meter.
- de aplicaci6n, contact goniometer.
- de refiecci6n, refieetion goniometer.
gordo, (cone) rich; hard (water); oily; buIky.
gorr6n m, gudgeon; male pivot; journal, trunnion;
- del eje, journal.
- de manivela motriz, erankpin.
gorupo m, hawser bend.
gota 1, drop; (pt) tear.
goteadero m, drip.
gotear, to leak; to drip.
goteo m. leakage, leaking; dropping.
gotera 1, leak; (Ee) gutter; (top)(Sp) channe!.
gotero m, drip (sill); weep hole.
goter6n m, condensation gutter (skylight); drip.
gozne m, hinge, strap hinge.
- amortiguador de piso, cheeking floor hinge.
- de paleta, strap hinge.
- de piso, floor hinge.
- de placa, plate hinge.
- en T, T hinge.
grabador m. grabadora 1, graver, eutting too!.
grabar, to engrave; to earve.
grada l. step; gradin; stepladder; harrow; ship-
way, slip; (min) stope; (dd) altar; (lg)
jumbo, go-devil; (bldg) (V) wall plate.
- al revs (min), overhand stope.
- abierta (min). open stope.
- de astillero, shipway, launehing way.
- de dientes, tooth harrow.
- de discos, disk harrow.
- de espiguilla (min), herringbone stope.
- de halaje (en), slipway.
- de relleno (min), filled stope.
- derecha (min), underhand stope.
- ramal (min), braneh stope, stope cutout.
gradaci6n 1, (pmy) gradation; (ag)(Col) grada-
gradar, to harrow.
gradera 1, series of steps; stadium, grandstand.
gradiente m 1, grade, slope. gradient; (Ch) Up-
- de la energa, energy gradient.
- de potencial, potential gradient.
- de la presi6n (ms). pressure gradient.
- de tensi6n (ele), voltage gradient.
- de velocidad (hid). veloeity gradient.
- gravimtrico (geof), gravitational gradient.
- hidrulico o piezomtrico, hydraulic gradi-
gradilla 1, briekmold; stepladder; (1ab) tube
gradino m, stoneeutter's ehisel, graver,
gradi6metro m, gradiometer.
grado m, grade, class, rate; (maehy) stage;
(math) degree.
- antidetonante, antiknoek rating (gasoline).
- de agudeza (fc)(V), .degree of curve.
- de calor, degree of
- de curvatura (fe), degree of curve.
- de latitud, degree of laWude.
- de octano, octane rating(gasoline).
- de pureza (met), fineness.
- de velocidad, rate of spead.
--, de un (bm), single-stage.
- elctrico, eleetrieal degree.
- nico, de, single-stage.
grad6metro m, gradometer.
graduable, adjustable.
graduaci6n 1, gradation, graduation, grading;
(Ee) grading, leveling; (maehy) staging.
- cetnica, cetane rating.
- de presi6n (turb), pressure staging.
- de velocidad (turb), veloeity staging.
- octnica, oetane rating (gasoline).
graduador m, gage; graduator; adjuster.
graduadora I (mh). graduator.
graduar, to graduate; to elassify; (ag)to grade;
(meeh) to index; (Ec) to level, grade; to
adjust; (maehy) to stage.
grfica 1, graphics; diagram, graph.
- del indicador, (eng) indicator cardo
- de las mareas, tidal graph.
- psicromtrica, psychrometrie chart.
graficismo m (Es), graphies.
grfico m, diagram, graph, ehart; a graphie,
- fluviomtrico o hidrulico, hydrograph.
grafio m, stoneeutter's ehisel; (M) ruling pen.
grafitar, to apply graphite; to graphitize.
graftico, graphitic.
grafitizar (A), to apply graphite; to graphitize.
grafito m, graphite.
- escamoso, flake graphite.
- fabricado, artificial graphite.
grafitoso (V), graphitic.
grafomtrico, graphometric.
graf6metrom, graphometer.
grafosttica 1, graphostatics.
grafosttico, graphostatic.
Gram-negativo (lab), Gram-negative.
Gram-positivo (lab), Gram-positive.
grama 1, grass.
gramil m, (earp) marking or scratch gage; router;
(Sp) gage line ofrivets; (str)(M) gage dia-
- doble, mortise gage.
- para bisagras, butt gage.
- para mortajas, mortise gage.
- para rebajar, rabbet gage.
gramilar, to mark out, layout.
grami6n (qum), gram ion.
gramo m, gramo
gramo-metro, gram-meter.
gramocalora I (M), ealorie, small or gram cal-
grampa 1, clamp, clip, eramp; staple.
- a cadena, chain vise.
- de elstico (auto), spring clip.
- de guardacarril (fc), guardrail clamp.
- de mariposa, thumb clamp.
- para cable, cable clip; cable clamp.
-. para cerca, fence staple.
-'- para manguera, hase clamp.
- para moldes, form clamp.
grampas para correa, belt clamps or hooks or
granada (1) extintora, grenade fue extinguisher.
granadillo m (V), a hardwood.
granalla 1, granulated metal; shot.
- de carb6n (tel). carbon granules.
granangular, wide-angle (camera).
granate m, garnet.
granatfero (geol). containing gameto
grancillas l. stone screenings.
granel, a, loose, in bulk.
granetazo m, punch mark.
granete m, punch, center puncho
- a campana, bell or self-centering center
- espaciador o de resorte, locating center
to mark with a center puncho
m (geol) (V), granophyre.
grantico, granitic.
granitero, granitiferous.
granitforme, granitiform.
granitita I (geol), granitite.
granitizaci6n l. granitization.
granito m. granite.
- potsico, potash granite.
m, granitoid.
granitoideo a, granitoid.
granitullo m (A). small granite pavingblock.
graniza I (A), grita, small gravel.
granizo m, hail.
grano m, grain; grain (weight).
- abierto (C), coarse grain.
- cerrado, close grain.
- fino, fine grain.
- gordo (C). coarse grain.
- grueso, coarse grain.
granoblstico (geol), granoblastic.
granodiorita I (geol). granodiorite.
granofrico, granophyric.
granofuo m (geol). granophyre.
granogabro m (geol), granogabbro.
granoltico (pav), granolithi

granolito m, granolith.
granosidad l. granularity.
granoso, granular.
granudo (Es) (M), granular.
granulaci6il 1, granulation; (ag) (A) grading.
granulado, granulated.
granulador m, granulator.
granuladoral (A), sand crusher or rollo
granular, granular.
granulita I(geol), granulite.
granultico, granulitic.
granulitizaci6n 1, granulitization.
grnulo m. granule.
granulometral (M), grading, graduation.
granulomtrico, granulometric.
granulosidad 1, granularity.
granuloso, granular.
granza l. stone screenings; (C) gravel; (A)
crushed stone.
granz6n m, stone screenings; gravel, grits; (V)
run-of-bank grave!.
grapa 1, clip. clamp, cramp; staple; (sa) dogo
- de anclaje (elc). dead-end clamp.
- de aserradero, mill dogo
- de banco, bench clamp.
- de cada (as), drop dogo
- del oficio, eraft union.
__ industrial, industrial uroon.
__ obrero, trade-union; labor union.
grenoquita 1, greenoekite (eadmium ore).
gres m, pug, elay mixture for makmg sewer pipe,
briek, etc.
_ vidriado, glazed tile (pipe), glazed terra
greta I (M), litharge.
grieta 1, crack, seam, ehin.k; (lbr) check; (geol)
__ capilar, hair crack.
__ de contraccin, shrmkage crack.
__ de desecacin (mad), season check.
_ pasante (mad), through check
__ trmica (vi), fire crack.
grietarse, to crack.
grietoso, eraeked, seamy.
grifa 1, (Ee) pattern, template; (A) straighten-
ing too1.
grifera j, stock 01' assortment of eoeks 01' bibbs.
grifo m, eoek, faueet, pibb; (Pe) hydrant.
__ de aparejamiento (auto), priming eoek.
__ de cierre automtico, self-cIosmg faueet.
__ de cilindro, eylinder eoek.
__ de compresin, eompression eoek.
__ de corporacin, eorporation eoek.
de desage, mud 01' drain eoek.
_ de desahogo, blowoff eoek.
__ de descarga del sedimento, mud valve.
_ de despunte (az) (C), sampling eoek.
_ de detencin (Es), check valve.
_ de flotador (Pb) (Es), float valve.
__ de macho, plug eoek.
__ de mar (en), sea eoek 01' valve.
_ de prueba (cal), try 01' gage eoek.
__ de purga, dram 01' blowoff eoek.
__ de resorte, sprmg faueet.
__ de tres conductos; three-way eoek.
_ descompresor (auto)(Es), priming eoek.
__ indicador de nivel, gageeoek.
__ para incendio, fire plug.
__ para manguera, .hose bibb.
_..__ purgador de espumas, seum eoek.
grilla I (A), grill, grate; (elee) grid.
_ de control (ra), control grid.
__ supresora (ra), suppressor grid.
grilla-pantalla (ra), sereen grid.
grillaje m (A) (Col), grillage.
grillero m (A), grate eleaner.
grillete m, soeket; elevis.
_ abierto (eab),open soeket.
_ cerrado (eab), elosed soeket.
__ con perno roscado, serew-pm shaelde.
_ de guardia (ef),eye-guard shaekle.
_ de media vuelta, .shaekIe.
_ de motn, block .shaekle.
__ de perno ovalado, oval-pin shaekle.
_ de puente (eab) , bridge soeket.
__ de resorte, snap shaekle.
_ de seguridad, safety shaekle.
_ en horquilla (eab) ,. open soeket.
_ escalonado (eab), stepped soeket.
__ forma corazn, heart shaekle.
__ giratorio, swivel shaekle.
__ para ancla, bending or an.chorshaekIe.
gris m (min), firedamp.
grismetro m, testing deviee for firedamp.
grisunita 1, grisounite (explosive).
grisuoso, eontaining firedamp.
grisutina 1, grisoutine (explosive).
grosor m, thiekness; (ag) eoarseness.
gra 1, erane; derriek; hoist.
__ alimentadora (fe), water erane.
__ amontonadora, tiering 01' staeking erane.
__ arrumadora, stevedoring 01' roustabout 01'
cargo erane.
-- atirantada, guy derriek.
__ automvil o autocamin (U), truek erane.
_ con pie de gallo (M), stiffieg derriek.
__ corredera o corrediza, traveling erane; trav-
eling derriek.
__ de aguiln, derriek; jib erane.
-- de armador, ereetor's derriek.
_ de arrastre (M), dragline exeavator.
_ de auxilio (fe), wreeking erane.
- de bote (en), davit.
-- de brazo, jib erane.
__ de brazos rgidos, stiffieg derriek.
__ de caballete, gantry erane.
_ de cable radial, radial eableway.
_ de cable trasladable, traveling eableway.
_ de cadena (A), ehain block, differential
__ de camin, truek erane.
__ de carriles, erawler 01' caterpillar erane.
__ de columna, pillar erane.
__ de contravientos de cable, guy derriek.
__ de edificacin, builder's derriek.
__ de esteras (C), erawler erane.
_ de grada, shipbuilding erane.
__ de martillo, hammer-head erane.
__ de mnsula, braeket erane.
__ de montaje, ereetors' derriek.
__ de muelle, dock 01' wharf erane.
__ de orugas, erawler erane.
- de palo, gin poleo
__ de pared, wall 01' jib erane.
-- de pescante, jib erane.
_ de piernas rgidas (M), stiffieg derriek.
_ de prtico o de portal, gantry 01' bridge 01'
portal erane.
__ de poste, pillar erane; gin poleo
__ de puente, traveling erane; bridge erane.
__ de retenidas, guy derriek.
__ de rotacin completa, erane; (ce) whirler.
__ de salvamento (fe), wreeking crane.
__ de tijeras, shear legs, shears.
-- de torre, tower derriek.
__ de .tractor, tractor erane.
__ de transbordo (fe), transfer erane.
-- de trllode, tripod derriek.
__ diferencial, differential hoist.
-- fija, derriek.
-- gigante, titan erane.
_ hidrulica o hidrante (A), (1'1') water erane,
traek standpipe.
--locomotora o locomvil, loeomotive erane.
__ transportadora de troncos, logging
__ viajera, traveling derriek.
gra-pontn, derriek barge, floating erane.
gruesa 1, a gross.
grueso m, thiekness; a thiek, dense, heavy,
.. eoarse; hard ,(water); harsh (concrete),
grujldor m, glazier s nippers.
grumo m, fioe, elot, buneh.
grupo m, group; set, battery.
- compensador (ele), balaneing seto
- de cabeza de pozo (pet), wellhead assembly.
-- de calderas, battery of boilers.
-- de carga, battery-eharging seto
-- de motor y generador, motor generator seto
- del (fma), shutter assembly.
-- del fan assembly.
-- electrogeno o generador,generating seto
-- motobomba, pump and engine.
- motopropulsor, eleetrie drive' (auto) (A)
power planto '
-- (auto), powei: planto
guabuoba 1, an Argentine lumber(semihard)
guachipeln m (AC), a hardwood. .. .
guadaa (1) para arbustOG, bruslJ. seythe
guafe m (C), small wharf. .
guaico, see huaico.
paldera j, stair string, stringer, carriage;
(maehy) shroud.
-- de (es), eurb string, cIosed string.
- del moton,eheek of a taekle block.
-- de pared (es), wall string
gualdrn m, weather strip.
gualtaco m (Ee), a hardwood.
gualle m (Ch), a hardwood.
guanteletes m, gauntlets.
guantes (m) de soldador, welder's gloves.
guarac m (Col), basalto
guaral m (Col) (V) ,light rope.
guarapariba I (V),eedllr.
guarapo m (az), juiee.
-- alcalizado, limed juiee.
-- crudo, mill 01' raw juiee.
guaraturo m (V), fiint; quartz.
guardaj, gullrd; ward of a loek 01' key.
guarda m (fe), conductor, brakeman, guardo
-- forestal, forest warden.
guardaaguasm (ed), fiashing.
guardaagujas m (fe), switehman.
guardaalmacn m, storekeeper.
guardaaludes m., .shed to proteet railroad traek
from landslides.
guardaanimales m (fe), eatt1e guardo
guardaarenas m, sand trap, eateh basin.
guardabanda m, belt guardo
guardabandera m (lev), fiagman.
guardabarrera m (fe), erossing watehman gate
tender. '
guardabarro m, mudguard, (auto) fender.
guardaborde m, eurb bar.
guardabosque m, forest warden.
guardabrisa m, windshield; (C) windbreak.
guardacabio m (ed), eaves board.
guardaeable m, cable guardo
guardacabo m (eab), thimble.
-- de estacha, hawser thimble.
-- de igualazin, equalizing thimble.
-- de maderero, logging thimble.
-- enterizo, solid thimble.
-- terminal (ele), dead-end thimble.
g;ardacadena m, ehain KUard.
guardacambio m (fe), switehman.
guardacamino m, road 01' highway 01' traffie
guardacanto m, eurb bar; eorner beOO, nosing'
(Plywood) banding, railing. . '
guardacarretera m, 01' road 01' traffie
- de placa, steel-plate highway guardo
-- de sprin.g-steel highway guardo
- de tiras mltiples, . multistrip highway
guardaearril m (fe), guardrail.
guardacrter m, erankease guardo
guardacellisea m (ele), sleet hood.
guardacenizas m, ashpan.
guardaeomejn m, termite shield.
guardacorrea m, belt guardo
guardacrucero m (fe), erossmg watehman.
guardacuerpo m, railing.
guardachispas m, sparkarrester.
m (auto), bumper.
guardadarsena m, custodian of a dock01' basiri.
strueture for proteetion
agamst eave-ms.
guardadique, custodian o a daIi1
guardaengranaje m, gearguard;'
guardaescaln m (es) (A) , safety treOO.
guardaestanque m (Ch), reservoir custodian.
guardafango m, mudguard.
guardafarol m, lamp guardo
guardafierros m (M), tool keeper.
guardafiltro m, filter attendant.
guardafreno m (fe), brakeman.
guardafuego m, (for) fireguard; (elee) fire eutoff'
a fire-resisting. .'
guardagalpn m (U), storekeeper.
m (fe), eattle guard; (loco) (M)
pilot, eoweateher.
guardagrasa m, grease retainer.
guardagua(m) de vlvula (auto), valvecguide
guardaherramientas m, tool keeper.
guardahielo m (hid), ice apron.
guardahilos m (ele), lineman.
guarda}lormigas m, ant guard.
m, smoke helmet; smoke stop,
guardajunta m (ca), joint shield.
guardalado m, parapet, railing.
guardalmpara j, lamp guardo
m (fe) (Ch), eurb to retairi ballast.
guardahneas m, lineman.
guardalodos m, mudguard.
guardalluvia m, hood over door 01' window.
guardamano m (sol), handshield.
guardamina m, mine guardo
guardamonte m, forester, forest warden.
guardamotor m, proteetive deviee for a motor.
m, guard over !\ grmding wheel.
guardameves m, snowshed.
guardaojal m, metal grommet.
guardapjaros m (ele), bird guardo
guardapis m (fe), foot guardo
guardapolea m, pulley guardo
guardapolvo m, dust guard; dust seal 01' shield;
overalls; (Sp) flashing 01' hood over door
01' Willdow.
- de ship carpenter's ax.
- de medIa labor, half broadax.
- de o de tumba, falling 01' felling ax.
- mecaruca, power ax, wood splitter.
- para descortezar, peeling ax.
hachador m (A), axman.
hachagubial (M), ax uscd in mine timbering
hachazo m, blow of an ax.
hachazuelal (M), adz.
hachear, to hew, cut with an ax.
hachero m, axman,woodeutter.
hacheta 1, hatchet.
hachn m (fc),fusee.
hachuela 1, hatchet; (C) adz.
- ancha, broad 01' shingling hatchet.
- de banco, bench hatchet.
- de Hooring hatchet.
- de lathing hatehet.
- de hatchet with hammer faee.
- de me<;lia labor, half 01' lathing hatehet.
- de oreja o de ua, claw hatchet
hachurar (dib) (Ch), to hatch. .
hachuras I (dib) (Ch) , hatching haehures
(m) d,e vagones, cal'
halaJe m, hauling, haulage.
halar, to haul, pullo
halavagones m, cal' pullcr.
halita 1, halite, native 01' rock salt;
halo m (fma), halation. .
hangar m, .hangar; (A) warehouse, shed.
- de .nal'1z (ap), nose hangar.
(met), hardenite.
harma! (ca), Hour.
- fsil, fossl Hour, kieselguhr diatomaceous
earth. '
-.mineral (ca), mineral filler.
harmoso, floury (soil).
harmnico m a (ele)(mat), harmonie.
harnear (Col) (Ch) , to sift, screen.
harnerero m, Screen tender.
- harnero m, scrcen.
- corredizo, traveling sereen.
- de alas, wing screen.
- revolving screen.
- vlbcatorio, shaking screen
hastal m, front ,,:all; gable, (Sp) side
wall of a bnck sewer.
- de piso (min)(B), footwall.
- techo (min)(B), hanging wall.
hastiales (min) , side walls of a gallery.
haya 1, beeeh.
haz m, bundle; fagot.
- de ma:cha (a:uto),driving 01' country bear-,_
- de radIO, radIO beam.
- de rayos, bundle of light rays, cone of rays.
- de (auto), traffic beam (of light).
- eleC!r?lllCO, electron stream; radio beam.
-lumlruco, bundle of light rays.
haz 1, stlrface; fa<;ade.
hebra!, grain (wood) ; vein of ore; thread; (cab)
(Ch) strand.
hectrea 1, hectare.
hectogramo m, hectogramo
hectolitro m, hectoliter.
hectmetro m, hectometer.
hectovatio m, hectowatt.
guimbarda !, rabbeting 01' reuter 01' housing
guinchador m (A), hoist runner, hoisting engi-
guinchar .(A), to handle (cargo) with a hoistin
engene. g
guinche, m (A) (U)(Col), hoisting engine, wineh
willdlass; erane. '
- carril, locomotive erane.
- colgante, trolley hoist.
- corredizo, traveling hoist.
- del ancla (en), anehorwineh.
- de compuerta, gate hoist.
- de mano, windlass wineh
- locomvil, loeomotive
-. trasladable (A), travelinghoist.
m (A)(Col), hoist runner.
m (C), hoist runner;
(C), slope of a roof.
small rope,. eord.
gumdaleza 1, hawser.
guindaste m (AC), jib erane.
m, an Argentine lumber (semihara).
1, boatswain's ehair; life preserver.
gulOn m, (A) an upright; stake for sighting' (Ch)
rafter. '
m, miningexpert.
genz;taldal (,,:ut), fender, rubbing strip, dolphin.
guruta 1, gumte.
gunitista m, eement-gun worker
gusanillo m, gimlet, twist drill.
gusano m, drill bit; worm; (V) spiral reinforce-
gusto m, taste.
gutapercha 1, gutta-percha.
gutaperchado (A), rubber-covered.
haber m, (act) credit.
outfit, equipment; fitting out.
habilitado m (Es) (V), official who handlesmoney
paymaster. '
habilitar, to equip, fit out, rig.
hacer, to make; to do.
- agua (nut), to leak.
- asiento, to settle.
-- efectivo, to cash, eollect.
- escala en, to call at, stop ato
- estacin (lev)" to fu a transit point; to set
up the transIto
- masa (ele), to ground.
- quiebra, to go into bankruptcy.
- saltar (vol), to fire shoot
hacienda 1, tr,easury; larided works, plant;
farm; (A) cattle, livestock.
- de azucar (PR), sugar millo
- de b.eneficio o de fundicin, smelter.
- cyanide planto
- publica, publie treasury.
hacinador m, stacker.
hacinar, to stack, pile.
hacha!, ax.
- ancha, broadax.
- de dos filos, double-bit ax.
- de mano, hatehet, harrd ax.
guatamb m,' a South American wood.
guaya f (V), wire rope.
guayabi, guayaibi m, a South American hard-
guayacn m, guayaco m, lignum vitae, guaiaeum.
guayarote m (PR), kindof eedar.
guayo m (O) (Ch) , ahardwood.
gubia!, gouge (earpenter's and ironworker's).
- acodada, bent gouge.
- con espiga hueca, soeketgouge.
- con rabo, tang gouge.
- de maceta, firmer gouge.
- de mano, paring 01' seribing gouge.
- de torno, turning gouge.
gubia-punzn, firmar gouge.
guia!, (meeh) guide, fairleader; (bl) fuse; (geol)
braneh vein; (min) leader; (1'1') waybill;
(1'1') timetable; permito
- colorimtrica (lab), color ehart.
- de campaa (A), waybill.
- de carga (tr), waybill.
- de. cortar al hilo (em), rip gage.
- de depsito o de almacn, warehouse
- de embarque (A), bill of lading.
- de equipaje (fe), baggage reeeipt.
- de espigar, doweling jig.
- de filn (min), pay streak; leader
- de limar (si), filing guide.
- de ondas (ra), wave guide.
- de rotular (dib), lettering guide.
- de sierra, saw guide orgage.
- de trozar (em) ,C'utoff gage.
- de trozar ingletes, miter eutoff gage.
- de la vlvula, valve guide.
_. del vstago de mbolo, piston-rod guide.
-enV, Vway.
- para biselar, ehamfer gage.
- colgantes (Pi), swinging 01' hanging leads.
- del contrapeso (ase), eounterweight rals.
- del martinete, ple-<1river leads.
guiabarrena m (pet), whipstoek.
guiacuchilla! (ele), blade guide.
guiadera (1) de cojinete, bearing raee.
guiaderas, guides.
guiar, to guide; (auto) to drive.
guiasondas m (pet), whipstoek.
guija!, pebble.
guijarral m, grave1 hed.
guijarreo, guijarroso, guijeo, guijoso, grave11y.
guijarrillos m, pebbles.
guijarro m, pebble, eobble, boulder.
guijo m, gravel; (maehy) journal,gudgeon; (su)
(C) 1'011 shaft; (Ph) a eonstruetion lumber.
guillame m, rabbet plane, fillister.
- de acanalar, fluting planeo
- de costado, side fillister.
- de inglete, ehamfer planeo
- hembra, ho11ow planeo
- macho, grooving planeo
guillotina!, a shear; double-hung window.
- de palanca (M),lever shear.
- para pernos (M), bolt elippers.
guimbalete m, pump jaek; eorniee brake; sweep
of a bit braee.
guardaposte m,. wheel guard; strain plate; guy
guardapretil m (pte), eurb to proteet parapeto
guardapuente m, bridge guardo
guardapue-ta!, storm door.
guardarradiador m (auto), radiator guardo
guardarrana m (fe) , guardral at a frog.
guardarratasm (nut), rat guardo
guardarraya ! (M) (C) (PR) , boundary monu-
ment; boundary lineo
guardarretenida m (ele), guy guard; guy-wire
guardarrielm (fe), guardral, guard timber, guide
- exterior (fe), guard timber.
guardarrienda! (A), guy guardo
guardan;oscam, thread protector.
guardarruedas m, wheel guard; (V)
guardasierra m, saw guardo
guardasillas!, ehair ral.
guardatestigo m (sx), eore barreL
guardatiempo m (Ee), timekeeper.
guardatierra m (M), wing wa11.
guardatoma m (hid), intake custodian.
guard.lltrn m (A), brakeman, conductor.
guardavaca! (fc), eattle guardo
guardaventana!, window guard; storm window.
guardaventilador m, fanguard.
guardavia m (fe), trl).ekwaIker; (A) erossing
watehman, fiagman.
guardaviento m, windshield.
guardavivo m, eorner head, eurb bar, edge pro-
guardavolante m, flywheel guardo
guardera! (C), shield; (maehy) shroud.
- contra hormigas (C), ant guardo
guardin m (Ee) (U), watehman, custodian, po-
guardin m (en), rudder ehain 01' cable.
guaribo m (M), a softwood.
guarismo m, figure, numbr, eipher.
guarnecer, to trim, fit out; to stueeo; to line
(brake); to bush (bearing).
guarnecido m, stueeo, (A) brown eoat of plaster.
- de. bronce, witJl. brass trimmings.
guarnicin!, 'paeking; gasket; lining; (earp) trim;
(M) eurb; (meeh) .insert.
- de amianto, asbest.os paeking.
-. decert'a4ura., Wck. trim.
- del embrague, eluteh lining.
- de freno, brake lining.
- de motn, strap?f a.taekle block.
- de sellar (ele)"sea1iIlggasket:
- espiraloide, labyrint.h PlLcking.
guarniciones,. fittings,trWimings.
- de condl1ctcl{ele), eonduit fittings.
- de grapa fittings.
- divididas (ele), split
- terminales de (:onducto(le), raeeway ter-
minal fittiIlgs. , ,.
guarnir, to reeve; to.rig; to.trim.
guarrusca! (Col), machete.
guata!, (Ch) buekling,warping, defleetion; (A)
eottoIl waste.
guataca! (C), hoe.
- neumtica (C), elay spade, air spade.
hidratado, hydrated' hydrous
hidratador m, hYdrator.
hidratar, to hydrate.
hidrato m, hydrate.
- de calcio, hydrate 01' hydroxide.
- de cloro, chlorme hydrate.
- de sodium hydrato 01' hydroxide
caustlC soda. '
hidrulica J, hydraulics.
-.- applied hydraulics.
J, hydraulicity.
m, hydraulic engineer; a hydraulic.
m (Es), hydraulic engineer.
hIdnco, hydric.
(qum), hydriodic.
(Es), an artificial sandstone.
. m, seapiane, hydroplane, flying boato
m, hydrobarometer.
J, hydrobiology.
J (Es), an artificiallimestone.
m, hydrocarbonate.
hidrocarburo m, hydrocarbon.
hidrocinico, hydrocyanic.
hidrocmetico, hydrokmetic
hidroclorato m,
hydrochloric. .
hidrocloruro m, hydrochloride.
- de benzidine hydrochloride.
- de (is), hydroxylamine hydro-
m (pet), hydrocodimer.
hidrodifuslOn J, hydrodiffusion
hidrodinaIDlco, hyqrodynamic' streamlined
J, .
hidroextractor m, centrifugal drier, hydroextrac-
absorbent, hydrophilic.
m, hydrophone.
J (pet), hydroforming.
hidroforo m, hydrophore.
hidrfugo m, waterproofing compound' a water-
proof. '
to hydrogenize, hydrogenate
J (elc),
hidrogemon m, hydrogen ion.
hidrgeno m, hydrogen.
- sulfurado, sulphureted hydrogen (min)
stinkdamp. '
J, hydrognosy.
J, hydrography.
to make a hydrographic survey.
hidrografico, hydrographic
hidrgrafo m, hydrograph;' hydrographer.
- recessional hydrograph.
-.- umtatlo, umt hydrograph, unitgraph.
m (A)(M), hydrograph.
hidrolasa j (is), hydrolase.
J (qum), hydrolysis.
hidrolita j, hydrolyte.
hidroltico, hydrolytic.
169 herramientas
- de fogn (cal), :lire tools.
- de fragua, blacksmith tools.
- de percusin (pet), cable tools.
- de yunque, anvil tools.
- deflectoras (pet), deflecting toob.
- torneadoras, lathe tools.
herranza J (Col), blacksmith work.
herrar, to shoe horses, do blacksmith worl-
herrera J, blacksmithing; blacksmith iro
work. ' n-
- art:,tica (A), ornamental ironwork.
- de angulos (en), anglesmithb"
_ de obra, structural ironwork. o
herrero m, blacksmith.
- armador, iron erector.
- carrocero, blacksmith for wagons.
- arte, maker 01' erector of ornamental
- de structural ironworker' black-
smIth. ,.
- structural-iron erector, steelworker.
herrm m, Iron rusto
herrumbre J, rusto
herrumbr:oso, rusty.
hertziano (elc),hertzian.
m, hertz (unit of frequency).
m, water leg of a boiler.
hervIdor m, small boiler; water lego
- de aceite, oil boiler.
-'- (elc), immersion heater.
hel'Vlr, to bOll.
m, boiling, ebullition.
hesita J (miner), hessite, telluric silver
heterodinaJ (ra), heterodyne. .
m (ra) (A), heterodyning;
heterodmar, to heterodyne.
heterodino a, heterodyne.
heterogneo, heterogeneous.
heterosttico, heterostatic.
heterotrfico, heterotrophic.
heumita J (geol), heumite.
hexadrico, hexahedral.
hexaedro m, hexahedron.
hexafsico, six-phase.
hexagonal, hexagonal.
hexg?no m, hexagon; a hexagonal.
m (qum), hexahydrate.
hexahldnco, hexll.hydric.
m: hexametaphosphate.
J (i8), hexamethylenetet-
hexngulo, hexangular.
hexano m (qum), hexane.
hexapolar (elc), six-pole.
hexavalente (qum), hexavalent.
hexodo m a (ra) (tel) hexode
hialino a, hyaline.' .
m (geol), hyalobasalt, basalt gluss
(elec) (geol), hybrid. .
hlcoria J, hickory.
hidrcido m, hydracid.
hiJrante m, hydrant.
- antifreezing hydrant.
- de mcendlO, fire hydrant.
hldratable, hydratable.
hidratacin J, hydratioll.
hendidura J, split, crack, seam, (lbr) check.
henequn m, sisal, henequen.
henrio m (elc), henry.
heptano m (qum), heptane.
heptod m (ra), heptode.
heptxido m (qum), heptoxide.
herido m (Ch), atrench.
hermanar (mee), to mate.
hermeticidad J, watertightness.
hermtico, watertight, airtight, hermetic.
- al aceite, oiltight.
- al agua, watertight.
- a la luz, lighttight.
- al polvo, dust-tight.
_ al vapor, vaportight,steamtight.
hermetizar (A), to make tight, waterproof.
herrador m, horseshoer, blacksmith, farrier.
herradura J, horseshoe.
herraje m, ironwork, hardware.
_ de los aseguradores (ed) , underwriters'
herrajes, iron fittings.
_ del aguiln, (de) boom irons.
_ de gra, derrick fittings.
_ depostera, pole-line hardware.
_ marinos, marine hardware.
_ para casquillo, socket ll.ttachments.
_ para ,construcciones (A), builder's hardware.
herramentaje m, outfit of tools.
herramental m, toolbox; kit of tools.
herramentero m, tool boyo
_llevabarrenas, drill nipper.
herramentista m, operator of a machine tool.
herramienta J, tool.
_ abocinadora, flaring tool.
_ acabadora (mh), finishing 01' necking tool.
_ acodada (mh), bent 01' offset tool.
_ alisadora (mh), smoothing tool.
_ amolada (mh), ground tool.
_ calzada (mh), tipped tool.
_ centradora (mh), centeringtool.
_ cortadora, cutting tool.
_ de ahuecar (mh), trepanning tool.
_ de caja (mh), box tool.
_ de cuchillas postizas (mh), inserted-cutter
_ de filetear, chasing tool.
_ de filo ancho (mh), broll.d-nose 01' stocking
_ de pesca (pet), fishing tool.
_ de punta simple (mh), single-point tool.
_ de puntas mltiples, multipoint cutting tool.
_ de recortar (mh), cutting-off tool.
_ de refrentar, facing tool.
_ descentrada (mh), offset tool.
_ desviadora (pet), deflecting tool.
_ esquilante (mh) (A), shearing tool.
_ manual, hand tool.
_ mecnica, machine tool; power-driven tool.
_ moleteadora, knurling tool.
_ percusora, percussion tool.
_ ranuradora (mh), slotting 01' splining tool.
_ rebajadora (mh), cutting-down tool.
_ tajante (mh) (A), cutting tool.
_ de dotacin (auto), tools supplied withthe caro
hecho, made.
- a mano, handmade.
_ a mquina, machine-made.
- en sitio,built-in-place.
hechura J, workmanship, making.
hechurar (A), to make.
helada J, trost.
heladera J, refrigerating plant; icebox.
helar, helarse, to freeze.
helero m, glacier.
heliantinaJ (lab), helianthin, methylorange.
hlice J, screw propeller; helix.
_ de aletas fijas (turb), Jixed-blade propeller.
_ de aletas regulables (turb) , movable-blade
hlices gemelas, twin screws.
helicoidal, helicoidal.
helicoide m, helicoid.
helicptero m, helicopter.
helio m (qum), helium.
heliografa J, heliography; blueprint, sun print.
heliogrfico, heliographic.
heligrafo m, heliograph, heliotrope.
heliograma m, heliogram.
heliosttico, heliostatic.
helistato m, heliotrope, heliostat.
heliotropista m, operator of a heliotrope.
heliotropo m, (inst) heliotrope; (miner) helio-
trope, bloodstone.
hematita, hematites J, hematite (iron ore).
hematites parda, brown hematite, limonite.
hematites roja, red hematite, hematite.
hemattico, hematitic.
hembra J, pipe cap; nut; a (mech) female.
_ de cerrojo' (ft) , keeper, staple, bolt socket,
lock strike.
_ de cerrojo de aplicar, surfacestrike.
_ de cerrojo de arrimar,rimstrike.
_ de cerrojo de embutir, inortise strike.
__ de fleje acodado, strap staple.
_ de gorrn (nut), gudgeon.
_ de terraja, die for male thread.
_, de torillo, nut.
hembras del timn (en), rudder gudgeons.
hembrilla J,eyebolt.
hemicelulosa J (is), hemicellulose.
hemiciclo m, hemicycle.
hemicristalino"'hypocrystalline, hemicrystalline.
hemielipsoidal, hemiellipsoidal.
hemihidrato m (qum), hemihydrate.
hemimorfa f (miner), hemimorphism.
hemimorfita J (miner), hemimorphite, calamine.
hemisfI'ico, hemispherical.
hemisferio m, hemisphere;
henchidor m,(wr) filler wire.
henchimiento m (cn)/boss.
hendedor m, splitter; (lg) froe.
hendedura J, split; crack,crevice; (1br) check;
(min) cleat; cleavage.
_ de desecacin, season check.
hender, to split, rive;(lbr) to rip; henderse,to
split, (lbr) to check;
hendibilidad J, fissility.
hendible, easily split, fissile, cleavable.
-.- de tablestacas, sheeting hammer.
(f) de pilotes, pile driving.
hincapilotes m (A), pile driver.
-- de calda, drop hammer.
hincar, (Pi) to drive! (mt) to bite, cut, sink.
-.- a rechazo, to dnve to refusal.
to swell; (rd) to mushroom.
1, swelling, bulking.
hiperbola 1, hyperbola.
m, hyperboloid.
.(elc), overcompounded.
(A) (V), statically indeterminate.
(met), hypereuteetoid.
hiperfocal, hyperfocal.
I (ra), hyperfrequency.
1, hypocycloid.
hipoclorador m, hypochlorinator
hipoclorito m, hypochlorite
hipocloroso, hypochlorous.
(met), hypoeutectoid.
a (maq), hypoid.
hipomvil (A), horse-drawn
hiposulfito (m) de sodio, hyposulphite
hypo. ... '
hipoteca 1, mortgage.
--posterior, junior mortgage.
-.- refundente (C), refunding mortgage.
hipotecar, to mortgage.
hipotenusa 1, hypotenuse.
hiptesis 1, hypothesis.
1, hypsography.
hipsogrfico, hypsographic
m, hypsograph:
hipsometra 1,. hypsometry.
m, hypsometer.
histeres.metro m (elc), hysteresis meter, hyster-
histresis 1, hysteresis.
-- dielectric hysteresis 01' absorp-
-- elstica o. mecnica, mechanical 01' elastic
-- magnetic hysteresis 01' fricton.
-- VISCOUS hysteresis, magnetic
histertico, hysteretic.
m, histogram.
brad, finishing nail.
hito m, monument; guidepost.
-:-: de boundary monumento
m (mm), driftbolt, spike.
hOCinO m, gorge, narrows canyon
hodgrafo m, odograph. ' .
hodmetro m, odometer.
hogar m, furnace, firebox.
- de, open-hearth (steel).
--o esconador, slag hearth.
hOJa/,l.eaf; sheet; ply; blade; pane (glass),light;
wmdow sash; leaf of a door; leaf of a spring'
(A) land of a twist drill.
- anc:
, de (rbol), broadleaf, deciduous.
--batiente, casement sash,hinged w.indow.
hietografa 1, hyetography science of rain dis-
m (rnrl), hyetograph.
I (rnrl), hyetology.
hietologlco, hyetological.
hietmetro m, hyetometer rain gage
m, selfcreg-
lstermg ram gage.
higiene 1, hygiene.
- pblica, public health.
higinico, hygienic.
higienista, hygienist.
to make sanitary, hygienize.
m (mrl), hygrograph.
I (mI'1), hygrometry.
higrometro m, hygrometer.
-- de hair hygrometer.
-.- hygrograph.
1, hygroscopicity.
m (rnrl),hygroscope.
1, hygrostatics.
71'1- (aa), hygrostat, humidistat.
m, liygrothermograph.
m, a South American softwood.
hiJuela 1, subsidiary irrigation ditch' branch
. sewer; small vein of ore. '
hila I (Es), measure of irrigation water (about
lIters per sec)
I (C), cotton waste:
(f) de algodn, cotton waste.
hilacha de acero, steel wool
hilada.!, layer, course, (con) lift.
-- atizonada o. cabezal (mam) , header course.
-- de co:onaclOn (mam), coping.
-- de (mam), stretcher course.
-.- voladIza (mam),corbel course.
(f) de asbestos yarn.
hilera I! purlm: ndgepole; (mas) Course; (met)
plant; kind of brickmaking
-.- a (met),diamond dies.
hilo m, wrre; thread; (M) strand' (C) screw
thread; smallvein of ore. '
- de (elc)(Ch), contact wre.
- de guardia (elc), guard wire.
-- de masa (auto), ground wire.
- de plomada, plumb lineo
-- de velas, sail twine.
- de .Wollas!on (inst), Wollaston wire.
-f';1slble (elec), fuse wire.
- piloto, pilot wire.
- aplasta,dos (cab) (M), fiattened strand.
-- del o en cruz (inst), cross hairs.
- (M), stadia wires.
-- taqwmetncos, stadia wires.
-- desvan.ecedores, disappearing
stadla halrs.
.hincada I (pi), driving.
hincador m, driver.
-- de postes de cerco, fence-post driver
-.- de tubo, pipe driver.
hincadora 1, driver.
-- al coque, coke iron.
-- al molibdeno, ferromolybdenum.
- al nquel, ferronickel.
-- al titanio, ferrotitanium.
-- acanalado, corrugated iron.
-- acerado, semisteel.
-- afinado, refined iron.
--alfa, alpha iron.
_. angular, angle iron, (sb) angle bar.
-- arsenical, arsenopyrite, mispickel.
--batido, wrought iron.
--beta, beta iron.
- casual (ct) (az) , tramp iron.
-- cochino, pig iron.
-- colado, cast iron.
-- cromado, (miner) chromite.
- crudo fundido, chill cast pig.
- cuadrante (Es), Phoenix-column segmento
-- de canal, cbannel iron.
-- de carbn vegetal, charcoal iron.
-- de cepillo, aplane iron.
-- de desecho, scrap iron, junk.
- de doble afinacin, double-refined iron.
-- de fragua, wrought iron.
-- de fundicin, cast iron.
-- de lingote, ingot iron; pig iron.
-- de marcar, a branding iron.
- de paquete (Es),ingot iron.
-- de parrilla, grate bar.
-- de primera fusin, pig iron.
-- de recalcar, calking tool.
-- delta, delta iron.
- doble T, 1 beam.
--.dulce, wrought iron; ingot iron.
-- dulce de fusin, malleable cast iron.
-- en bruto, pig iron.
- ele (A), angle iron with unequal legs; any
angle iron.
_.- esptico, spathic iron, siderite.
-- especular, specular iron, spiegeleisen.
-- espinela (miner), iron spinel, hereynite.
--fangoso, bog iron ore, limonite.
-- forjable, malleable iron.
-- forjado o fraguado, wrought iron.
--forjado legtimo, genuine wrought iron.
-- fundido o moldeado, cast iron.
-- gamma, gamma iron.
-- guardaborde, curb bar.
--1,1 beam.
--laminado, rolled iron.
-- magntico, magnetite, magnetic iron ore.
-- mangansico, ferromangan.ese.
-- ondulado, corrugated iron.
--pantanoso, swamp ore, limonite.
--pardo (miner), limonite, brown hematite.
-- perfiado, structural shapes.
-- semiacerado (Pe), semistee1.
-- soldador, a soldering iron.
-- T, T iron, T bar.
- tableado (Es), fiat iron.
-- U, channel iron.
-- U cuadrado, square ahannel.
--vaciado, cast iron.
--viejo, scrap, junk.
--Z, Z bar.
hietal, hyetal, pluvial.
hidrolizar, to hydrolyze.
hidrologa 1, hydrology.
hidrolgico, hydrologic.
hidrologista m, hydrologist; hydraulic engineer.
hidrlogo m,hydrologist.
hidromtico, hydromatic. I,hydromechanics.
hidromecnico, hydromechanical.
hidromensor m, stream gager.
hidromensura 1, stream gaging.
hidrometalurgia 1, hydrometallurgy.
hidrmetra m (Es), stream gager.
hidrometra 1, measurement of fiow, stream gag-
ing; (A)(C) hydrometry.
hidromtrico, hydrometric.
hidrmetro m, stream gage, current meter; (A)
(C) hydrometer.
hidromotor, hydromotor.
hidroneumtico, hydropneumatic.
hidroplano m, seaplane.
hidroprensa 1, hydropress.
hidroquinona 1, hydroquinone.
hidroseparador m, hydroseparator.
hidrosilicato m, hydrosilicate.
hidroso, hydrous.
hidrosttica 1, hydrostatics.
hidrosttico, hydrostatic.
hidrostato m, hydrostat.
hidrosulfato m, hydrosulphate.
hidrosulfito m, hydrosulphite.
hidrosulfuro m, hydrosulphide.
hidrotaquimetro m, hydrotachymeter.
hidrotasmetro m, hydrotasimeter.
hidrotecnia 1, hydraulics, hydraulic engineering.
hidrotcnico m, hydraulic engineer; ahydro-
hidrotermal, hidrotrmico, hydrothermal.
hidrotimetra 1, hydrotimetry.
.hidrotimtrico, hydrotimetric.
hidrotimetro, hydrotimeter.
hidrotitaf, Hydrotite (trademark) (pipe joints).
hidrotratador m, Hydrotreator (trademark).
hidrxido m, hydroxide, hydrate.
-- clcico, calcium hydroxide 01' . hydrate,
slaked lime.
-- de alu.minio,alumimlm hydroxide, (miner)
-- de magnesio, magnesium hydroxide, (miner)
-- de potasio, .potassium hydroxide, caustic
- de sodio, sodium hydroxide, caustic soda.
hidroxll m,hydroxyl.
hidroxilar, to hydroxylate.
hidroyector m, ejector.
hidroro m, hydride.
hielo m,ice.
- de anclas (hid), anchor ice.
-- de cloro. (pa) , chlorine iceorhydrate.
- de chispas, frazil ice.
- de fondo, anchor ice, ground ice.
-- flotante; drift ice.
- seco, dry ice.
hierro m, iron; iron of aplane; any ironimple-
mento .
--al carbn de lefia, charcoal
-- de rl)calentar (met), soaking furnace.
-- de reverbero, 01' air furnace.
-- de soldar, weldmg furnace.
-- (met), bloomery.
--mcmerador de basura, garbage incinertor.
- para Machos (fund), core oven.
-- by-product coke oven.
--penodico, penodIc kiln.
-- Siemens-Martin, open-hearth furnace.
horquetaJ, yoke; fork of a road; fork of a stream.
- de trole, trolley harp.
-- y tornillo exterior (v) , outside screw and
horquilla J, fork; yoke; clevis' wshbone (con-
struction). '
- con guardacabo (elc), thimble clevis.
-- de anillo, clevis ringo
- de balasto (fc), ballast 01' stone fork
- de cambio (auto), shifter yoke 01' fo;k.
-- de correa, belt fork.
- de (auto), clutch-re1ease Y0kc.
- de pletina (elec), bent-strap clevis.
-- estructural, bridge clevis.
- guardacable (elc), thimble clevis.
--para n;edidor (agua), meter yoke.
-- para nel, rail fork.
- port,:aislador, insulated fork 01'
- ter.mmal (eI6c), dead-ending clevis.
--umversal (elc), universal clevis
horquillado, forked. .
horsteno m (geol), chert.
hortegn m (PR), a hardwood.
hoya f, .basin, d:r:.ainage area, watershed.
-- de lnundaclon, :tlooded area
-- o hidrolgica o o tribu-
tarla o de c.aptacin o de drenaje, catch-
ment 01' dramage area, watershed.
hoyadaf (top), depression.
hoyador m (C), posthole digger.
hoyar (C)(Ch),to dig holes.
hoyo m, hole, pito
- de colada (fund), casting pito
- de disparo (geof), shot holeo
-- de poste, posthole.
-- para cenizas, ashpit.
hoz J, (t) sickle; (top) pass, defile, gap.
huacal m, crate; (M)cribwork
huaico m in a river made
by materIal washed from thehlls
huaipe m, cotton waste.
-- mineral, mineral wool
huaironaf (Pe), limekiln..
huaro m (Pe), cable ferry.
huebneritaJ! huebnerte (tungsten ore).
hueco m, vOld, hollow,cavity; a hollow.
-- del ascensor, elevator shaft.
-- de escalera, stair well.
huelga f, strike.
- patronal, lockout.
huelgo m (maq), play, allowance.
-- negativo, negative allowance.
- P?&itive allowance, neutral
huelgwsta, strIker. . '
huelIa J, stair tread, run; trail, track,rut; wdth
of tread of a vehicie; (miner) streak' (Sp)
tread of a tire. '
173 hormigonera
--por cargas, batch mixer.
--remolcable, trailer mixer.
--volcadora, tilting mixer
hormigueros m (conc),
f (miner), hornblende, amphibole.
-- esquIstosa, hornblende schist
hornablndico, hornblendic. .
hornablendfero, containing hornblende
hornablendita f (geol), hornblendite. .
hornadaf, (met) a melt; (conc)(A) a batch.
hornaguera /, coal.
hornallaf (A), brickkiln; furnace.
hornaza f, small furnace.
f (geol), hornfcls.
hormllo m, small furnace, fire pot; (rUin) (Sp)
chamber for a blast.
-- de destemplar, annealing furnace.
-- de estaador, tinner's furnace.
-- para soldar, plumber's furnace gasoline
torcho '
horno m, furnace, kiln, oven.
-- a petrleo, ol furnace.
- abierto (met) (C), .open hearth.
-- (met), converting furuace
-- crematorio, incinerator. .
-,- de arco voltaico (met), electric-arc furnace.
-- de balanceo, rocking furnace.
-- de corrediza, car-bottom furnace.
-- de caja, box-type furnace.
- de cal, limekiln.
-- de calcinar, calcining furnace.
-- de calentadores elctricos, resistor furnacc.
de calor ascendente, updraft kiln.
de calor descendente, downdraft kiln
de chamber kiln (brick).
- de carbon ammal (az) , char kiln.
-- de carga completa, batch-type furnace.
-- de carro, car-type furnace.
-- de cementar (met), cementation furnacc.
-- de cemento, cement kiln.
-- de cocer, baking oven.
-- de cok, coke oven.
-- de combusti6n arriba, overfired furnace
-== de combusti6n lateral, side-fired
-- de combustin por debajo, underfired fur-
-- de conductor, convoyar furnace.
-- de copela, cupeling furnace.
-- de crisol, crucible 01' pot furnaca.
-- de cuba o de cubilote, shaft furnace.
-- de ensayar, assay furnace.
-- de escorificacin, slag furnace.
-- de forjar, forging furnace.
-- de foso, pit furnace.
- de fundicin, smelting furnacl) (M) blast
furnacl). '
-- de hogar abierto, open,hearth furnace.
-- de hogar de rodillos, roller-hearth furnace.
-- de rotary-hearth furnace.
-- de mducclOn, mduction furnace
- de ladrillos, brickkiln. .
-- de manga, cupola furnace.
-- de mufla, muffie furnace
-- de ncleos, core oven. .
- de pudelar (met), puddling furnace.
-.- de quema (U), incinerator.
hondura/, depth; (top) depression.
hongo m, (bldg) mushroom head of a column;
(str) button head of a rivet; (1'1') head of a
rail; fungus.
hongos, fung.
honorario m, fee.
horaf, hour.
horas extraordinarias, overtime.
horadador m, driller.
horadar, to drill, bore, perforate; (tun) (A) to
horado m, drilled hole, through hole.
horca f, gallows frame; fork.
horcajadas, a, straddling.
horcajo m, confiuence, junction of streams; yoke;
horizontal, horizontal.
horizontalidad f, horizontality.
horizontalizar (V), to make horizontal.
horizontar (Es), to revel, make horizontal.
horizonte m, stratum, horizon.
__ acufero, water-bearing stratum.
__ artificial (inst), artificial horizon.
__ de correlaci6n (geof), correlationhorizon.
__ de imagen (fma), horizon trace.
__ de reflexi6n (geof), refiecting layer 01' hori-
__imaginario (geol), phantom horizon.
--real, true horizon.
__ sensible o visible, apparent 01' local 01' visible
horma/, mold, form; dry wall; (Col) bed of sand
under tile pavement.
hormiga (f) blanca, termite, white ant.
hormig6n m, concrete.
__ acorazado, armored concrete.
__ armado, reinforcedconcrete.
__ bituminoso, bituminous concrete.
__ cicl6peo, cyclopean 01' rubble'concrete.
__ clavable o clavadizo(A), nailing concrete.
__ de acero (Es), facing concrete.
__ de alquitrn, tal' concrete.
__ de aserrn, sawdust concrete.
__ de carbonilla (A), cinder concrete.
__ de fbrica (A), ready-mixed concrete.
__ elaborado, ready-mixed concrete.
__ en masa, mass concrete.
__ enjuto o magro, lean concrete.
__ gordo o graso, rich concrete.
__ mosaico, road surface made by binding maco,
adam with cement grout.
__ pobre, lean concrete.
__ reforzado, reinforced concrete.
__ simple, plain concrete.
__ tosco (A), harshconcrete.
hormigonadaf, I1Pour, alift.
hormigonado aparte (PR), precast.
hormigonaje' m, concreting.
hormigonar, to concrete.
hormigonera f, concrete mixer.
__ ambulante (A), transit mixer.
__ autom6vil o de cami6n, transit 01' truck
__ no volcable, nontilting mixer.
__ para edificaci6n, building mixer.
__ pavimentadora, paving mixer.
__ calibradora, thicl:ness gage, feeler.
_ corta, shortleaf (pine).
__ de aluminio, aluminum foil.
_ (A), balancesheet.
__ de, computaciones, work sheet.
_ <\ecuchillo, knife blacIe.
__ de elstico, leaf of a spring.
__ de empuje (ec), bulldozer, Bullgrader, Road-
_ de empuje a cable, cable-controlled bull-
__ de empuje angular, trailbuilder, Roadbuilder,
angledozer, Bullgrader, Gradebuilder,Doze-
__ de estao, tin fol.
__ de estao emplomado, terneplate.
__ de lata, tin plate.
__ de lat6n, sheet brass.
_ de madera, "Veneer.
__ de oro, gold leaf 01' foil.
_ de pedido (V), order blank.
_ de plomo, lead foil.
_ de ruta (tr), waybill.
__ de sierra, saw blade.
_ de trbol (ca), clover-Ieaf (intersection).
-larga, longleaf (pine).
__ maestra, main leaf (spring).
__ metlica, sheet metal; metalleaf, foil.
__ niveladora (ec), scraper blade.
_ para taludes (ca), sloper blade, backsloper.
_ punzante (ec), Stinger blade (tradeIllark).
_ topadora (ec), bulldozer.
hojalata/, tin plate; sheet metal.
__ al coque, coke tin plateo '
hojalatera /, tinsmithing, sheet-metal work;
sheet-metal shop.
hojalatero m, tinsmith, sheet-metal worker.
hojarasca J, dead leaves, trash, rubbish.
hojear (M), to slice a log for veneering.
hlgura / (maq), play.
holoclstico (geol), holoclastic.
hol6fano, Holophane (trademark).
hol6metro m, holometer, pantometer.
holostrico, holosteric.
holozoico (is), holozoic.
soot, lampblack.
to foul (spark plug) , to become-sooty.
honlnero m, soot catcher, chimney cap.
holliniento, sooty.
hombre viejo m (fc) (C), old man, ral bender.
hombrillo m, bench on a sidehill; shoulder of a
road. '
hombro m (carIl),shoulder.
homoclinal m (geol), ahomoclinal.
homogeneidad /, homogl)neity.
homogneo, homogeneous,
homogenizar, to
hom610ga f (mat) (qum,), homologue.
homologa f, homology.
hom610go, hoIIlologous.
homopolar (elc),hoIllopolar. ,.'
homosista, homoseisml1l,cQseisIlllotl.
honda /, sling. . . . ..'
hondo m, depth; bottom; a.deep, 10'W.
hondonada / (top), low land; (U) saddll),depres-
imadas 175 incendiario
hundir, tu sink; hundirse, to settle; to sink, foun-
der; to cave in.
huracn m, hurricane. k
hurgn m, slice bar, poker, clinker bar, firehoo ,
slash bar.
hurgonear, to trim a fire. .
husillo m, shank; stud, mandrel, spmdle, sheave
pin' small drum. .
_ de la' contrapunta (mh), tailstock spmdle.
_ de perilla, knob spindle.
_ de torno, lathe spindleo
_ fijo (mh), dead
_ giratorio (mh), live spmdle.
_ simple, de (mh), single-spindle.
huso m, drum, winch head.
_ de torno, lathe spindle.
imponente, investor.
importe m, amount; price, value.
impostaj, skewback; impost; (Sp) be1t course.
impotable, impotable.
impregnado de oil-impregnated.
impregnar. to impregnate.
impresin!, print; printing.
-- a contacto, (photo) contact printing; contaet
-- a proyeccin (fma), projection printing.
-. azul. blueprint.
- fotogrlifica, photoprinting; photoprint.
- sepia (fma), sepia print.
impreso (m) litogrfico,lithoprint.
impresora 1, printing machine.
-- a contacto, contact printer.
- reductora (fma) , reducing printer.
--restituidora (fma), restitution printer.
-- transformadora (fma), transforming printer.
imprevistos m, contingencies.
imprimador m (pint) (ca), primer.
imprimar, to prime.
improbacin j, disapproval, rejection.
impuesto m, tax.
--a la renta, income tax.
-- sobrevllntas, salestax.
impulsar,t drive,actuate, operate.
impulSin j, discharge; impulse; drive; momen
- a barra de acoplamiento (loco elc) , Tod
- a horquilla (loco elc), yoke d:oive.
-"vanina (loco elc) , quill drive.
- a varillaje (locoelc),linkage drive.
-- de cadena, chaindrive.
- final (auto), final drive.
--por agua (pet), water drive.
-- por correa, belt drive.
--por cuatro ruedas, four-wheel drive.
-- por maroma, rope drive.
impulso m, impulse; momentum.
impulsor m, impeller, (pu) runner; tappet.
-- abierto (bm), open impeller.
- de admisin simple (bm), single-inlet impel-
-- de bujes, bushing driver.
- de paletas alabeadas (bm), warped-vane
- de la vlilvula (mg), tappet rod.
- encerrado (bm), shrouded or fully enclosed
-- semiencerrado , (bm), semienclosed impcller.
impulsores opuestos (bm), opposed impellers.
impurezas j, impurities.
impurificar, to contaminate.
inaccesible, inaccessible.
inactivacin j (qulm), inactivation.
inactivo, inactive.
inalmbrico, wireless.
inanublable, shadowproof.
inastillable (vi), nonshattering, splinterproof.
inatascable, obstructionproof, clogless (pump).
incandescencia j, incandescence.
incandescente, incandescent.
incapacidad (1) absoluta, total disability.
incendiario m (vo!), squib.
imadas f (cn), launching ways.
imagenj (tv) (fma) , image.
- falsa o fantasma (tv), ghost image.
-latente (fma), latent image.
- real (ptica), real image.
- virtual (ptica), virtual image.
imn m, magneto
-- amortiguador o frenante, damping magneto
-- anular, ring magneto
- apagador, blowout magneto
-- compensador, compensating magneto
-- de herradura, horseshoe magneto
- inductor, field magneto
--laminado, compound magnet, magnetic bat-
_.-levantador, lifting magneto
imanacin j, magnetization.
--transversal, cross magnetization.
imanador m, magnetizer.
imanar, imantar, to magnetize.
imbibicin j, imbibition.
imbornal m, scupper;sewer inlet.
imbornales de varenga (cn), limber holes.
imbricado; imbricated, lapped.
impaccin j, impacto
impacto m, impacto
- de aterrizaje (ap), landing impact.,
impactor m, impactor.
impalpable, impalpable.
impar, uneven (number), odd.
impedancia j (elc) , impedance.
-- amortiguada, blocked or damped impedance.
- andica o de placa (ra), plate or anode im-
-- caracterstica o de sobretensin. character-
istic or surge impedance.
-- cintica (tel), motional impedance.
- de entrada (ra), input impedance.
- de salida (ra), output impedance.
-- de traspaso, transfer impedance.
-- electrdica (ra), electrode impedance.
- equilibrada (ra), matchedimpedance".
- propia (A), self-impedance.
--reflejada, coupled or reflected impedance.
--terminal" terminating impedance.
impedancias conj\lgadas, conjugateimpedances.
impederreventones m (pet) (V), "blowout preven-
impedmetro m, impedance 'meter, impedometer.
impeler, to drive.
impenetrable al polvo, dust-tight.
impermeabilidad j, impermeability, watertight-
impermeabilizacin j, waterproofing, damp-
impermeabilizador m, waterproofer.
impermeabilizante m, waterproofing
impermeabilizar, to waterProof.
impermeable. impermeable, impervious, water-
impermeables m, oilskins, waterproof clothing.
mpetu m, impetus.
impetuoso (r), flashy.
implementos m, tools.
implcito (mat), implicit.
impolarizable, nonpolarizing.
ibirain m, ibiraper m, ibirapit m, ibirar m,
South American hardwoods.
icnografa j, ground plan.
icnogrfico, ichnographlC.
iconometra j, iconometry.
iconmetro m, iconometer.
iconoscpico, iconoscopic.
iconoscopio m, iconoscope.
idear, to design; to plan.
idiosttico (elc), idiostatic. .'
idocrasa j (miner), idocrase,
idoneidad j, competence, . II th
igaraps m, branches of a nver (especla y e
gneo, igneous.
gneotubular (cal), fire-tube.
ignicin j, ignition.
__ a contratiempo (auto), ...
__ por compresin, 19mtlOn.
__ por chispa, spark 19mtlOn.
ignifugar (Es), to fireproof.
ignfugo, fire-resisting.
ignitor m (ra), ignitor.
ignitrn m (elc), ignitron.
igualacin (1) de impedancia (ra) , impedance
igualador m, equalizer. . .
__ de atenuacin (ra), attenuatlOn equalizer.
__ de caminos, road planer.
__ de dientes (si), jointer.
__ de gasto, flow equalizer. .
__ de retraso (ra) , delayequahzer. . . t
igualar, to equalize; to level, smooth off; to Jom
). .' ess'
igualdad j, equal.ity; unormlty; evenn ,
(math) equatl.on. .
ilmenita j (miner), l1menlte. . .
iluminacin j,. illumination; lightl?g. o
_ de ctodo fro, cold-cathode ..
__ de caveto o por cove hghtmg.
__ dusa, diffused illummatlOn. . .
_ proyectada, hghtmg.
__ unitaria, specific illummatlOn: .'
iluminador m, illuminator, illummant;a lUuml-
iluminar to light, illuminate. o'
m (m, illuminometer,lununometer.
_ antirresbaladiza o de seguridad (es), safety
tread. . ul t' t
huincha (1) aisladora (Ch), ms a mg 'apeo
huincha de acero (Ch)(B), steel tape.
huinchadaj (Ch), tape meas,:rement.
huinche m (Ch),
__ a bencina, gasoline hOlst.
__ de buque, cargo hoist. .
__ de cablevla,
__ de extraccin, rome hOlst. .
__ de tambor nico, single-drum .
huinchero m (Ch) , hoist runuer, hOlStlllg engl-
neer.. '
hungaro m .pick.
hule m, rubber; oilc1oth.
hulla j, coal.
_ aglutinante, caking
-- antracitosa, anthraClte.. 1)
__ blanca, water power (white coa .
_ brillante, hard coal. .
__ conglutinante, caking or cokmg coa1.
__ de caldera, steam coaJ..
_ de fragua, blacksmith coa1.
__ grasa, soft coal..
__ magra, noncoking coa1.
__ seca, dry or nonvolatile coa1.
hulleraj,coal mine, c?llieJ7'
_ a tajo abierto, strlp mme.. . 1
hullero m, coal a pertammg to coa.
hullfero coal-bearmg.
humato (m) de calcio, calcium humateo
humear, to smoke, emit smoke! to fume.
humectar, to wet, dampen, mOlsten..
humedad j, humidity, dampness,
_ absoluta (mrl) (aa), absolute hunudlty.
__ capilar,capillary moisture.
__ de cantera, quarry water. oo o
_ de equilibrio (mad) , equillbrlUm moisture
contento ( )
__ equivalente de campo o del terreno ms,
field moisture equivalent. .
_ equivalente de centrifuga (ms) , centruge
moisture equivalent. . o o .
_ especfica (aa) , specific hunudity, hunudlty
ratio. 'do
_ relativa (mrl}(aa), relative hunu lty.
humedecedor m, humidifier;dampener.
__ a vapor steam humidifier.
_ de pan humidifiero . '
humedecer, to humidify, dampen, mOlsten;
hmedo, wet, damp.. .
humero m, fiue; breeching, smokeJack.
hmico, humic.
humidificador m (A),humidifier.
humidificar (A), to humidify.
humidistato m (aa), humidistat. hygr?stat. .
__ de accin graduada; gradual-actmg humld-
istat. .. h d
__ positivo. positive or qUlck-actmg uml-
istat. .'
humo m, smoj(:e; fume; (mm) damp.
_ de acetileno, acetylene
humotubular (M), fire-tube (bOller).
humpe m\(min), chokedamp, blackdamp.
humus m, humus.
hundido m (geol) (M), dip.
Incendio 176 indicadol indicador 177
incendio m, fue.
incidencia f (mat),
incidente a (mat), incident.
incienso m, .a South American hardwood.
incinerador m, incinerator.
-- de basura, destructor,garbage incinerator.
-- de cieno (dac), sludge incinerator.. .
- de hogar multiple, multiple-hearth memera-
incinerar,to ineinerate.
incipiente, incipient.
inciso, ineised.
inclinab1e, tilting, inelinable.
inclinaci6n f, dip, grade, inelination, slope, piteh,
rake; (pmy) tilt, tipo
-- magntica, magnetic dip or inclination.
inclinarse, to slope, rake; (geol) to dip.
inclinmetro m, clinometer, inclinometer; dip
inclusin f (mee) (sol) (geol), inclusion.
-- de escoria (sol), slag inclusion.
- gas,eosa (sol), gas inclusion.
inclusivo, inclusive.
ine6gnita f,unknown quantity.
incoloro, colorless.
incombustibilizacin f, fireproofing.
incombustible, fireproof, incombustible.
incompresible, ineompressible.
incondensab1e, incondensable.
ineonductib1e, nonconducting.
incongelable, frostproof, nonfreezing.
inconsistente, unstable (ground), loose, not com-
incorporar, incorporarse, to ineorporate.
incorrosible, rust-resisting, rustproof, nonrust-
incremental, incremental.
incrementar, to inerease.
incremento m, increment; (ra) gain.
-- para calibre (rs), gage incremento
--para paso (rs), piteh inerement.
incrustal)i6n f (cal), seale, incrustation.
incrustado, embedded; incrusted.
inerustant; a seale-forming.
incrustar, to embed; to form scale.
incubacin f (is), incubation.
incubadorl!-f, incubator.
incumbaf (Col), skewback.
incurrente (hd), influent.
indem11idad/, indemnity.
indemnizaci6n f, indemnity, indemnification,
indentaci6n f, indentation, dentation.
indentar, to indent, to form teeth.
indesarreglab1e, foolpr()Of.
indeterminado, indeterminate.
indicacin f (inst), reading.
indicador m, indicator, gage;annunciator; (chem)
indicator; signo
- continuo de (pa), continuous
stability indicator.
- de aceite, oil gage.
- de agujeros, hole spotte
- de alineacin, alignmentj;ag.
- de aquebradizaci6n, embrittleillentdetector.
- de cambio (fc) (A), switch signa!.
-- de cambio de frecuencia (ra), frequeney-
deviation meter.
- del canal (ra), channel indicator.
-- de cartula, dial indicator.
- de carga, 1011d indicator; (auto) battery gage.
- de caudal (hid), flow indicator.
- de columna (tub), post indicator.
-- de consistencia,consistency meter.
-- de convergencia (auto), toe-in gage.
- de deriva (fma), drift indicator.
- de desviaci6n (pet), drift indicator.
-- de direccin, direction indicator, (ap) diree-
tional marker.
-- de escapes, leak detector.
-- de esfuerzo, stress meter.
- de estabilidad (pa), stability indieator.
-- de exceso de velocidad, overspeed tachom-
- de falta de oxgeno (dac) , oxygen-demand
-- de fases (elc), phase indicator.
-- de flecha, deflection gage.
- de foco del farol (auto), beam-indicator
- de fuga (elc), fault localizer.
- de gasolina (auto), fuel gage.
- de gasto' (hid) , rate-of-flow gage, flow indica-
- de golpeo, (eng) knock meter.
-- de humedad, moisturmeter.
-- de humo, smoke detector.
-- de inclinaci6n, inclinatioll gage; (Pmy) tilt
-- de llama, flame detector.
- de nivel, level gage; (bo) gage glass.
- de prdida de carga (hid), loss-of-head gage.
- de prdida por histresis (elc), hysteresis
- de prdidas a tierra (elc), ground or leakage
-- de peso, weight indicator.
- de peso suspendido (Pet), line scale.
- de pH (is), pH indicator.
-- de polos' (elc), pole or current-<iirection in-
-- de presin, pressure gage.
- de profundidad (pet), depth meter.
-- de radio de viraje (auto), turning-radius
- de rayo (auto), beam-indicatqr light.
-- de relacin, ratio gage, ratiometer.
-- de sentido, (elev) direction indieator; (ra)
sense finder.
-- de sintonizacin (ra), tuning indicator.
-- de suma, summator.
- de techo (ap), ceiling-heightindicator.
-- de tensin, tension in<iicator; (elec) voltage
- de tierra (elc), ground detector.
-- de tiro, draft gage.
-- de torsin, tOrsion meter.
-- de tubera, pipe locator.
-- de vaco, vacuum gage.
-- de velocidad, speedometer; speed indicatqr;
velocity gage.
- de velocidad admisible (fc), speed-limit indi-
-- de viraje (auto), turn indicator.
-- de viscosidad, viscosimeter.
- de vuelo (fma), flight indicator.
--integrador, integrating indicator.
--para campaneo (fc), ring signo
- para silbato (fe), whistle signo
--registrador, recording gage.
--totalizador, integrating indicator.
ndice m, (math) (mech) (inst) index; (inst) hand.
-- antidetonante, antiknock rating.
-- cetnico, cetane number.
-- coliforme (is), coliform inuex.
-- de aCidez, acid number or value.
-- de cobre (qulm), copper index or number or
-- de compresi6n, (sm) compression index; (ge)
compression ratio.
-- de concentracin (ms), concentration indexo
-- de dur'}za, hardness number.
- de escurrimiento (hid) (Col), runoff coeffi-
-- de fijacin (est), restraint indexo
- de flujo (ms), flow indexo
-- de hinchamiento (ms), swelling indexo
-- de intemperismo, weathering index (coal).
- de rigidez (est). stiffness indexo
-- de sedimentacin (dac), sludge indexo
-- de tarjetas, card indexo
-- de tenacidad, toughness indexo ..
--octnico (mg). octane number or indexo
--plstico, plasticity indexo
indicios m (qulm), traces.
indirecto, indir<:lct.
indisoluble, indissoluble.
indivisible, indivisible.
indo1 m (is). indole.
indos m (hid) (V), invert.
induccin f (elc), induction.
-- de incremento, incremental induction.
-- elctrica, electric induction, dielectric flux
-- electrosttica, static or electric or electro-
static induction.
-- frrica o intrnseca, intrinsic or ferric induc-
-- magntica, magnetic induction or flux den-
- propia (A), self-induction.
-- remanente, residual induction.
inducido m (elc), armature.
-- al tambor, drum armature.
-- de anillo, ring armature, gramme ringo
-- de barras, bar-wound armature.
-- de devanado cerrado, closed-eoil armature.
-- de disco, disk armature.
inducir (ele), to induce.
inductancia f (elc), inductance.
-- de sintonizacin (ra), tuning inductance.
inductividad f (elc), inductivity.
inductivo, inductive.
induct6fono m (tel). inductophone.
inductmetro m (elc). inductometer.
inductor m, (elec) field, inductor; a inductive.
-- de ncleo de aire, air-core inductor.
-- de tiro, draft inducer.
-- giratorio, revolving field.
--variable, variometer, variable inductor.
industria f, industry.
-- azucarera, sugar industry.
- extractiva, (Ch) mining industry; (M) mino
ing, petroleum production, lumbering.
-- maderera, lumber industry, lumbering.
industrial m, manufacturer; a industrial.
industrializaci6n f, industrialization; (V) manu-
facture, production.
ineficiente, inefficient.
inelstico (M), inelastic.
inercia f, inertia.
inerte, inert.
inertes m (eonc), aggregates.
inescarchable, nonfrosting.
inestabilidad f, instability.
inestabilizar, to destabilize.
inestable (est) (qulm), unstable.
inestanco, not watertight.
inexacto, inaccurate.
inexplosible, nonexplosive, explosionproof.
infeccin f, infection.
infeccionar (Pe), to contaminate. pollute.
infeccioso, infeetious.
inferior,lower, bottom; inferior.
infiltracin f. (hyd) infiltration, pereolation, (ac)
leakage, infiltration, inleakage.
infinidad f. infinity.
infinito, infinite.
inflador m, tire pump.
inflamabilidad f. inflammability.
inflamable, inflammable, ignitible.
inflamaci6n f, firing; (eng) ignition.
-- de chispa, spark ignition.
- espontnea, spontaneous combustion or igni.
- por bola caliente, hot-bulb ignition.
-- por tubo incandescente, hot-tube ignition.
inflamar, to ignite; inflamarse, to takefue,
inflar, to inflate.
inflexin f, contraflexure.
influencia f (elc), influence.
influente (hid), influent.
influjo m, inflow; flood tide.
informacinf. information; report; investigation.
informe m. reporto
infraccin f. infringement (patent).
infradino (ra), infradyne.
infraestructura f, substructure; (rr) (A) roadbed.
inframedida, undersize.
infranormal (A), undersize.
infrapuesto, underlying.
infrarrojo, infrared. ultrared.
infrasnico (ra). infrasonie.
infratamao (M). undersize.
infrayacente (V), underlying.
infringir, to infringe (patent).
infundible, infusible,
infusorio, infusorial.
infusorios m. infusoria.
ing m. an Argentine lumber (semihard).
ingeniar, to devise. design, engineer.
ingeniera f. engineering.
- de campo, field engineering.
interceptado m (mat), intercepto
interceptador m, interceptadora j, interceptor
(all senses).
interceptar, to intercepto
intercepto (m) estadimtrico (lev) , stadimetri&
interceptor m, separator, trap.
__ a vaco, vacuum trap.
_ basculador, tilting trap.
-- de aceite, oil trap.
__ de agua, steam trap.
_ de agua a balde invertido, inverted-bucket
steam trap.
_ de agua a flotador, fioat trap.
__ de agua tipo impulso, impulse steam trap.
--de aire, air trap., .
_ de arena o de cascajo (al), sand or gnt
__ de escamas (condensador), scale separator.
-- de espumas, scum trap.
-- de grasa, grease trap.
- elevador, lifting trap.
__ separador, separating trap.
intercierre m (M), interlock..
intercolumnio, m, mtercolurnma-
tion, column spacmg: .
intercomunicador m (tel), mtercommumcator.
intercondensador m, intercondenser.
interconexin j, interconnection.
intercostal (cn), intercoStal.
interdigitacin j (geol), interfingering.
intereje m, distance between axles, wheel base
interelectrdico, interelectrode.
interenfriador m, intercooler (?ompressor).
interenfriamiento m, intercooling.
inters m, interest.
__ devengado, accrued interest.
__ punitorio, penal inter.est. .
interestratificado (geol), mterbedded, mterstrat-
ified, interleaved.
interetapa (ra), interstage.
interfacial, interfacia1.
interfsico (elc) (A), interphase.
interfaz j, interface. .
interferencia j (mec) (elc) (ra),
__ de la frecuencia imagen (tv) , Image mterfer-
ence. l' f
__ entre los canales (ra), interchanne mter er
ence. .
interferomtrico, interferometnc.
interfer6metro m, interferometer.
interfrrico, interferric.
interfiexin (fma), fiare.
intergrado (turb), interstage.
ex- intergranular, intergranular.
interior m a, interior, inside.
interlaminado, interlaminated.
interlinear, to interline; (tv) to interlace.
intermedio a, intermediate.
intermitencia j (pet), intermitting . .
intermitente, intermittent; (C)
intermodulacin j (elc), intermodulatlOn.
intermolecular, intermolecular.
intermoler, to intergrind.
interno, interior, internal.
instrumental m, set of instrurnents; a instrumen-
instrumentalista m, instrument maker.
instrumentista m, (surv) instrumentman; (Sp)
instrument maker.
instrumento m, instrument.. .
__ grfico o registrador, recordmg or graphlC
__ indicador (elc), indicating instrumento
__ investigador (ra) , tracing ..
instrumentos de agrimensura, surveymg mstru-
instrumentos de dibujo, drafting instruments.
insulita (ais), Insulite (trademark).
insumergible, nonoverflow (dam).
integracin j (mat),
integrador m, integrator, totalizer.
intgrafo m, integraph. . .
integral j (mat), integral; a urut, whole, mtegral.
integrar, to integrate.
integro, entire, whole, complete.
intemperie j, bad weather.
__ , a la, outdoors, to the weather.
intemperismo m,
intemp'erizacin j, weathermg.
intemperizarse, to weather.
intensidad j, intensity.
_ aparente del haz (il), apparent beam cand\e
__ de buja, candle power.
_ del campo de perturbaciones (ra) , noise field
intensity. ...
__ de campo elctrico, electnc mtensIty or field
strength or force. ..
__ de espacio libre (ra) , free-space mtensIty.
_ de olor (pa), threshold .
__ especfica de radiacin (il), radlance, specific
radiant intensity.
--luminosa horizontal (il), mean horizontal
candle power. ...
--luminosa unitaria (il), specific lurnmous m-
__ magntica, magnetic intensity or force or
flux density.
intensificador m, intensifier (all senses).
interaccin j, interaction.
intercalacin j (geol), intercalation.
intercalado (geol), interbedded.
intercalar (elc), to cut in. . .
intercambiabilidad j, interchangeabilIty.
intercambiable, interchangeable.
intercambiador m, interchanger.
__ de aniones (elc), anion exchanger.
__ de calor, heat exchanger or interchanger.
__ de cationes (elc), cation exchanger..
_ de hidrogeniones (pa), hydrogen-lOn
_ de iones (e1c), ion exchanger.
intercambio m, interchange.
_ de bases (quim), base exchange.
__ en hoja de trbol (ca), cloverleafinterchange.
__ por dos (ca), two-quadrant or
semicloverleaf mterchange:. .
intercepcin, interceptacin j (hId), mterceptlOn
(rainfall intercepted by and, evaporutod
from plants).
- ell caliente, hot-e!ipping.
- en fro, cold-dipping.
--regenerativa (met), regenerative quenching.
inmiscibilidad j, immiscibility.
inmiscible, immiscible.
inmovilizadar m, locking device.
inmuebles m, real estate.
innavegable, not navigable.
inoculacin j (is), inoculation.
inodoro m, water closet (fixture); (V) trap; a
inodorous, odorless.
- a la turca (A), hole in f100r with places for
-- de borde lavador, f1ushing-rim water closet.
-- de evacuacin sifnica (A), siphon-jet water
-- de sifn inyector o sifnico de chorro, si-
phon-jet water closet.
-- de tolva larga, long-hopper c!oset.
inorgnico, inorganic.
inosita j (lab), inositol, inosite.
inoxidable, rustless, rust-resisting, nonrusting.
inquilinato m, leasehold.
inscribir (mat), to inscribe.
inscripciones (dib) (C), lettering.
inseguro, unsafe.
insercin j, insertado m, inserto
msertadora (j) de vlvulas, valve-inserting ma-
inserto m, insert; a inserted.
insolubilidad j, insolubility.
insoluble, insoluble.
insolvencia j, insolvency.
insolvente, insolvent, bankrupt.
insonoro, soundproof.
inspeccin j, inspection.
inspeccionar, to inspect.
inspector m, inspector.
-- adjunto (V), assistant inspector.
inspirador m (mec), inspirator.
instabilidad j, instability.
instable, unstable.
instalacin j, instal1ation; an installation, a
- colectora (pet), gatherin:g planto
-- cribadora, screening planto
-- de aforo (r), gaging station.
- de calefaccin (ed), heating system.
-- de construccin, construction planto
-- de fuerza, power planto
-- de tratamiento, processing planto
-- depuradora, purification planto
- dosificadora (conc), batching planto
-- evacuadora (pet), disposal system.
-- generadora, electric power planto
- sanitaria (ed), plumbing.
-- siderrgica, steelworks.
-- suavizadora, water-softening planto
instalaciones portuarias, port works.
instalador m, erector.
-- de caera, pipeman, plumber.
- de lneas (elc), lineman.
-- electricista, installillg or erecting electrician.
-- sanitario, plumber.
instalar, to install, erect, place, seto
instantneo, instantaneous; momentary.
- de iluminacin, illurninating engineering.
-,- econmica, engineering economics.
-- marina, marine engineering.
ingenieril a (M) (C), engineering.
ingeniero m, engineer.
-- agrnomo, agricultural engineer.
-- asesor o consultor, consulting engineer.
- automotor (A), automotive engineer.
-- auxiliar, assistant engineer.
-- civil, civil engineer.
-- consejero (Es), consulting engineer.
-- de alumbrado, ilIuminating engineer.
-- de minas, mining engineer.
-- de montes, forester, forestry engineer.
- de nivel (Ec), levelman.
-- de sanidad, sanitary engineer.
-- de suelos, soils engineer.
-- del trnsito, transitman,
-- diseador, designing engineer.
-- electricista, electrical engineer.
-- encargado, engineer in charge.
-- fiscal (Ch), government engineer.
-- forestal, forester.
-- hidrulico, hydraulic engineer.
-- jefe o mayor, chief engineer.
--localizador, layout engineer.
-- matriculado, licensed engineer.
-- mecnico, mechanical engineer.
- minero, mining engineer.
-- naval, marine engineer.
-- paisajista, landscape engineer.
--petrolero, petroleum engineer.
--principal, chief engineer.
-- proyectista, designing engineer.
-- residente, resident engineer.
-- sanitario, sanitary engineer.
-- tasador, valuation engineer.
-- trazador, locating engineer; layout engineer.
-- vendedor, sales engineer.
--vial, highway engineer.
ingenio m, mil!, plant; sugar mili; (rnin) smelter.
-- azucarero, sugar mili.
inglete m, miter.
ingrediente m, ingredient.
ingreso m, ingress, entrance.
ingresos, revenue, receipts, earnings.
inhabilitado, out-of-order, broken down.
inhalador m, inhalator.
inhelable, frostproof.
inherente (elc), inherent.
inhibidor m (aum), inhibitor.
inhibitorio, inhibitive.
ininflamable, noninflammable.
ininvertible, nonreversible.
injerto m (tub), T; Y; branch.
- a gasto completo (hid) , full-f1ow tap, pipe
-- a presin, pressure tapo
- de brida (hid), f1angetap.
- de radio (hid), radius tapo
- doble (tub), crOSS.
- doble obliCUO, double Y branch.
- oblicuo, Y.
--recto, T.
inmanchable, stainless (steel).
inmersin j, immersion.
interperi6dico 180 invalidez invalidez
181 isohieto
interperidico (ra) (A), interstage.
interpolador m (tel), interpolator.
interpolar, v tointerpolate; a (elec) interpolar.
interpolo m (elc), interpole.
interranura J (mec), land.
interrefrigerador m, intercooler.
interregional, interregional.
interrupcin (f) al aire (elc), air break.
interruptor m (elc), switch; circuit breaker; re-
lease; interrupter; (ra) chopper.
-- al aire, air-break or air switch.
-- a distancia, remote-control switch.
-- a flotador, float switch.
-- a motor, motor-operated switch.
-- aislador, isolating switch.
-- anticapacitancia (ra) , anticapacitance switch.
-- automtico, circuit breaker.
-- automtico del campo, field-discharge switch.
-- automtico de cuba inerte, dead-tank circuit
-- automtico de reloj o cronomtrico, auto-
matic time switch.
- de aislador ladeante, tilting-insulator switch.
-- de aplicar, surface switch.
-- de arranque, starting switch.
-- de artefacto, appliance switch.
-- de botn, push-button switch.
-- de campana, canopy switch.
-- de campo, field switch.
-- de carga mnima, underload switch.
- de circuito (A) (M), circuit breaker.
-- de clavija, plug switch.
-- de contacto, contact breaker.
-- de contacto instantneo, quick-make switch.
- de contacto mltiple, multiple-contact
-- de contactor, contactor or unit switch.
-- de cordn, pull switch.
-- de cordn pasante, through-cord switch.
-- de corriente, current breaker.
-- de cuchillo, knife switch.
-- de cuernos apagaarcos, hrn-gap switch.
-- de chorro de mercurio, jet interrupter.
-- de descarga de campo, field-discharge switch.
-- de desenganche libre, trip-free circuit
-- de desviacin, diverter switch.
-- de disrupcin en el aire, air-break switch.
- de doble ruptura, double-break switch.
-- de dos vas, double-throw switch.
- de enchufe o de ficha, plug switch.
-- de excitacin, .field breaker or break-up
-- de leva, cam switch.
-- de lmite, limit switch.
-- de lnea, line breaker.
-- de llave, key switch.
-- de mando, control switch.
-- de mnima, no-load circuit breaker.
- de navaja (M), knife switch.
-- de palanca, knife switch; lever switch.
de palanca rotativa, dial switch.
- de parada (asc), stopping switch.
- de pedal, foot switch.
- de portarreceptor (tel), hook switch.
-- de posicin mltiple,.multiposition sv.-\tch.
-- de puesta a tierra, ground switch.
-- de reloj, time switch.
-- de resorte, snap switch.
-- de ruptura brusca, quick-break switch.
-- de ruptura nica, single-break switch.
-- de seguridad, safety switch.
-- de separacin, disconnect switch.
-- de servicio, entrance or service switch.
-- de transferencia, transfer switch.
-- de tres cuchillas, triple-throw switch.
-- de uso general, general-use switch.
-- de va mltiple, multiposition switch.
-- de va nica, single-throw switch.
- de volquete, tumbler or toggle switch.
-- desconectador, disconnect switch.
-- desionizador, deion circuit breaker.
-- electroltico, electrolytic interrupter.
- embutido, flush switch.
-- en aceite, oil or oil-break switch.
-- en mercurio, mercury switch.
--fusible, fuse.
-- giratorio, turn or revolving or dial switch.
--horario, time switch.
--indicador, indicating switch.
--instantneo, quick-break switch; momen-
tary-contact switch.
-- maestro, main or master switch.
-- momentneo, switch.
-- para baja carga, underload switch.
-- pendiente o suspendido, pendant switch.
--protector, circuit breaker.
-- seccionador, section switch.
--separador, isolating switch; disconnecting
- silenciador (ra), muting switch.
intersecar, intersecarse, to intersect.
interseccin J, intersection.
intersectar, intersectarse, to intersect.
intersolapar, to interlap.
intersticial, interstitia!.
intersticio m (turb), clearance.
intersticios, interstices.
interurbano, interurbano
intervalo m, (elec) gap; (math) interva!.
-- de reposo (tel), spacing interval.
intervalmetro m (fma), intervalometer,interval
intervalvular (ra), intertube, intervalve.
intervisibilidad J (ca), intervisibility.
interyacente, interjacent.
intomable (A), impotable (water).
intrads m, intrados.
intradosal, intradosal.
intransitable (ca), unfit for traffic, impassable.
intrnseco (mat) (elc) (il), intrinsic.
intrusin J (geol), intrusion.
intrusionar (geol) (V), to intrude.
intrusiva J (geol) (V), intrusion.
intrusivo (geol), intrusive.
inundable, subject to inundation.
inundacin J, inundation, flood.
-- de avenida, sheetflood.
inundador m (M),inundator (sand).
inundar, to inundate,flood.
inutilizado, broken-down, out-of-order.
invalidez (f) absoluta, total disability.
invalidez relativa, partial disability.
invariante J a (mat), invariant.
invencin J, invento m, invention, device.
inventar, to invento
inventariar, to inventory.
inventario m, inventory.
inventor m, inventor.
invernada J (V), heavy rain.
invernazo m (PR), rainy season (July to Septem-
inversamente proporcional, inversely propor-
inversinJ, investment; reversing; inversion (all
senses); (pmy) reversion.
-- de esfuerzos, reversal of stresses.
-- de fase (elc), phase reversal or inversion.
-- de marcha, (eng) reversing.
inversionista, investor.
inverso, inverse, inverted.
inversor m, reversing mechanism; (elec) inverter,
-- de fase (ra), phase inverter.
invertible, reversible.
invertido m (al), mvert.
invertimiento m (hid) (Pe), discharge, outfall.
invertir, to invert; to plunge (transit); to reverse
(engine); (pmy) to revert; (hyd) (Pe) to dis-
charge, empty; to invest.
investigacin J, investigation; research; explora-
- de la seal (ra) , signal tracing.
involutometra J, involutometry.
inyeccin J, grouting, injection.
-- de barro, mud-jacking; clay grouting.
- directa (di), direct or solid injection.
- piloto (di), pilot injection.
-- por bomba de resorte (di), spring-pressure
-- por etapas, stage grouting.
-- cementicias (A), grouting.
-- de colchn, blanket grouting.
-- de consolidacin, consolidation grouting.
-- de cortina o de pantalla, curtain grouting.
inyectador m (cal), injector.
inyectar, to inject; to grout.
inyector m (cal), injector.
-- aspirante, lifting injector.
-- autoajustador, self-adjusting injector.
__ automtico, restarting or automatic injector.
-- de barro o de lodo, mud jack; mud gun.
__ de cemento o de lechada, grout machine.
- de chorro doble, double-jet injector.
-- de grasa, grease gun.
-- de tubo doble, double-tube injector.
-- de tubo nico, single-tube injector.
_._ sin aspiracin, nonlifting injector.
iodado, iodato, ioduro, etc., see yodado, yodato,
yoduro, etc.
ion m (qulm), ion.
- de hidrgeno, hydrogen ion.
-- oxdrilo, hydroxyl ion.
inico, ionic.
ionizador m, ionizer.
ionizar, to ionize.
ionmetro m, ionometer.
ionosferaJ (ra) , ionosphere, ionized or Heaviside
ionosfrico, ionospheric.
iridescencia J, iridescence.
iridescente, iridescent.
iridio m (qum), iridium.
iridosmina J (miner), iridosmine.
. irisacin J, irisation.
irracional (mat), irrationa!.
irradiacin J, irradiation.
-- espectral (il), spectral irradiation.
--unitaria, specific irradiation.
irradiador acstico (ra) (A), acoustic radiator.
irradiar, to irradiate.
irreversible (mec) (elc), irreversible.
irrevocable, irrevocable (credit).
irrigable, irrigable.
irrigacin J, irrigation.
-- con lqnido cloacal (dac), broad irrigation.
-- por corrugaciones, corrugation irrigation.
-- por cuadros rebordeados, block or eheck
-- por surcos, furrow irrigation.
-- por tubera superficial, surface pipe method.
-- subterrnea, subsurface irrigation.
-- superficial, surface irrigation.
irrigador m, irrigator.
irrigar, to iiTigate.
isentrpico, isentropic.
isla J, island.
-- de gua (ca), directional island.
-- de seguridad o de refugio (ca), traffic island,
isobara J (mrl) , isobar.
isobrico, isobaric.
isobaromtrico, isobarometric.
isbato, isobath.
isobela J (elc), isobe!.
isobujllJ (il),jsocandle.
isocentro m, .i5ocenter.
isoclinal m (geol), isocline.
isoclnico, isoclinal, isoclinic.
isoclor (qulm), isochlor.
isocora J (qulm), isochor.
isocromtico, isochromatic.
iscrona J, isochrone.
isocronismo m, isochronism.
iscrono a, isochrone, isochronal, isochronic.
isodiabtico, isodiabatic.
isodinmico, isodynamic.
isodinas J, isodynamic lines.
isoelctrico, isoelectric.
isoelectrnico, isoelectronic.
isoesttico, isostatic.
isoestrico (qulm) (mr!), isosteric.
isofase, isophase.
isgala J (geof), isoga!.
isgama J (geof), isogam.
isgonas J, isogonic lines.
isgono, isognico, isogonic.
isografa J, isography.
isogrfico, isographic.
isgrafo m (inst), isograph.
isograma m (mat), isogram.
isohieta, isoieta J (mr!), isohyet.
isohieto, isohyeta!.
isolador 182 jornada
jornada 183 kernita
isolador m (Ec), insulator.
isolantita (ais), Isolantite (trademark).
isolux (il), isolux.
isomtrico, isometric.
isometr6grafo m, isometrograph.
isom6rfico, isomorphie, isomorphous.
isomorfismo m (qum) (miner) (mat) , isomor-
isomorfo m, isomorph; a isomorphie.
isooctano m (qum), isooetane.
isopacas J (geol), isopachous lines.
isopicica J. isopiestie line.
isopluvial (mrl), isohyetal, isopluviaI.
is6ptico (mat), isoptie.
isorradial (fma), isoradiaI.
issceles, isoseeles.
isossmico, isosista, isoseismie.
isosttico, isostatie.
isoterma J, isotherm.
isotermo, isotrmico, isothermal, isothermie.
isotropa J (mat), isotropy.
isotr6pico, istropo, isotropie.
isoyeta J (mrl) (Ch), isohyetalline.
isoytico (M), isohyetal.
istmo m, isthmus.
itabirita J (geol), itabirite.
itabo m (V), bayou, inlet.
itacolumita J (geol), itaeolumite.
iterativo (mat), iterative.
ivirapere, ivirapita, iviriraro, South Ameriean
izador m, hoist; elevator.
-- de barriles, barrel elevator.
- del botaln (pI), boom hoist.
- de compuerta (hid), gate hoist.
-- planetario, planetary hoist.
izaje m, izamiento m, hoisting.
izar, to hoist; to heave.
izquierda J, left hand.
izquierdo a, left, left-hand.
jaba J, erate; basket; gabion.
jabalc6n m, strut, treneh braceo
jabalconar, to shore, braee, prop.
jab m, a Cuban lumber.
jab6n (m) de Castilla, eastile soap.
jabonaduras J (lu), suds.
jabonCillo m, steatite, soapstone.
jacal m (M), shanty, tool house.
jacarand m, a South Ameriean hardwood.
jcena J, girder; header beam; (Sp) truss.
-- compuesta, built-up girder.
-- de alma llena, plate girder.
-- de celosa, lattiee girder.
-- maestra, girder.
--triangulada, lattiee or Warren girder.
jagel m (Pe)(B), eistern.
jaharrar, to plaster, Tough-plaster.
jaharro m, plaster, plastering, rough plastering.
jalar (M), to haul, pullo
jalatocle m (M), eroded soil earried to a stream.
jalea (f) mineral, mineraljelly.
jales m'(min), tailings.
jaln m, milepost, milestone; (surv) rod, pole.
- de cadeneo (lev), chaining pino
-- de mira, level rod.
jalonar, to run a survey line; to set mileposts.
jalonero m, rodman.
jamba!, jamb.
jambaje m, door or window frame.
jamesonita J, jamesonite, feather ore.
jangada J, raft.
jaquelado m, eheckerboard pattern, checker-
jarabe m (az), sirup.
jarciaJ, Manila rope, sisal rope; rigging, cordage.
-- de acero (C), wire rope.
-- trozada, junk.
jarja J (Col), double skewbaek.
jaspilitaJ (geol), jaspilite.
jaula J, cage (shaft); cattle car; crate; (V) erib.
-- de ardilla, squirrel cage (motor).
-- de bolas, ball cage, retainer.
-- de cojinete, bearing eage.
-- de extracci6n, mine eage.
jefatura J, headquarters; division, department.
--fornea (M), field or provineial headquarters.
jefe m, ehief.
-- de adquisiciones (Ch), purehasing agent.
- de brigada (lev), ehief of party.
-- de carpinteros, carpenter foreman.
-- de compras, purehasing agent.
-- de construcci6n, construetion manager, su-
-- de cuadrilla, squad boss; chief of party.
-- de dibujantes, chief draftsman.
- de equipo (lev), chief of party.
-- de estaci6n (fe), stationmaster.
-- de estudios, chief of surveys; ehief designer.
-- del lomo (fe), humpmaster.
--- de maquinaria, master meehanie, chief engi-
-- del muelle, dockmaster.
-- de obras, works or projeet or eonstruetion
-- de oficina, offiee manager.
-- de operarios, labor foreman.
-- de patio (fe), yardmaster.
-- de proyectos, chief designer.
-- de servicio (M), purchasing agent.
-- de taller, shop foreman, master meehanie.
- de tracci6n (fe)(Ch), superintendent of mo-
tive power.
-- de trfico, traffie manager.
-- de turno, shift boss.
-- desmoldador (mo), stripping foreman.
--ingeniero, chief engineer.
-- mecnico, master mechanic.
-- montador, foreman ereetor.
jemal (earp) (Es), wane.
jeniqun m (C), sisal, henequen.
jeringa J, syringe.
-- de grasa, grease gun.
-- para aceite, oil gun.
jibarac6n m (r) (C), ontfall of fiood waters, fiood-
jinenllos m (ev), faH-line earriers.
jirn m (Pe), city bloek; street.
jornada J, day's work; shift.
- del filtro (pa), filter rUno
- doble, double shift.
- simple, single shift.
jornal m, wage, day's wages, (C) hourly wage.
--, a, by day's work, by the hour.
jornalar, to employ by the day.
jornalero m, workman, laborer.
joule m (ele), joule.
jcaro m, a West Indian hardwood.
juego m, a set; (maehy) throw; (maehy) play,
clearanee, lash.
- balanceador (ele), balaneing seto
- de cambio (fe) (M), switeh and frog.
- de cerradura (ft), loek seto
-- de funcionamiento (maq) , running clearanee.
-- de laminadores (met), roll stand.
-- de la leva, lift of a eam.
-- de motor y dnamo, motor generator seto
-- de nuez, ball-and-soeket joint.
-- de planos, set of plans.
-- en vaca, lost motion.
-- generador, generating seto
--lateral, side play.
-.-longitudinal, end play.
-- muerto o perdido, lost motion, baeklash.
- terninal (mee)(A), end play.
jugo m, juiee.
juil m (M), driftpin.
julio m (ele), joule.
julimetro m, joulemeter.
junta J, joint, eonnection, spliee; gasket; eom-
mission, eouneil, board; meeting.
- al aire (fe), suspended joint.
-- a inglete, miter joint.
- a media madera (earp), halved joint.
-- a tope, butt joint.
- apoyada (fe), supported joint.
-- atornillada, serewed eoupling; threaded joint.
-- cardnica, universal or eardan joint.
-- constructiva (eone) (A), eonstruetion joint.
-- corrediza, slip or expansion joint.
-- de accionistas, stoekholders' meeting.
-- de aceite, oil joint.
-- de acreedores, creditors' meeting.
- de anillo (tub), ring joint.
-- de aseguradores, board of underwriters.
- de asiento (mam) (V), bed joint.
- de bisagra, hinged joint.
- de bola, ball joint.
- de canto (sol), edge joint.
- de codillo, toggl joint.
-- de colado (eone), eonstruetion joint.
-- de comercio, board of trade.
-- de compensaci6n o de dilatacin, expansion
-- de construccin, eonstruetion joint.
-- de contracci6n, eontraetion joint.
- de-cuatro bulones (fe), four-bolt spliee.
-- de cubrejunta, butt joint.
-- de charnela, hinge or knuekle joint.
-- de directores, board of direetors.
- de doble cubrejunta, double-butt-strap joint.
-- de entrepao, panel point (truss).
- de hule, rubber gasket.
-- de interrupci6n (eonc)(A), construetion
- de lechada (lad), dipped joint.
- de lengeta postiza (carp), feather joint.
- de montaje, field joint.
-- de pasador, pin joint.
- de plegado saliente (eh), standing seam.
- de puente (fe), bridge joint.
- de reborde (lad), bead joint.
- de sanidad, board of health.
-- de superposici6n, lap joint.
-- de trabajo (eone), eonstruetion joint.
- de tramo (fe), bloek or insulated joint.
- de tres traviesas (fe), three-tie joint.
- degradada (lad), raked joint.
-- directiva, board of direetors.
- embadurnada (lad), buttered joint.
- enchufada, (p) bell-and-spigot or mal&'
and-female joint.
-- enrasada, fiush joint.
-- escalonada (fe), step or compromise spliee
- escarbada (lad), raked joint.
-- esfrica, ball joint.
-- esquinada abierta (sol), fuH-open comer
- esquinada medio abierta (sol), half-open
comer joint.
- flotante (fe) (Es), suspended joint.
-- giratoria, swivel joint.
--metaloplstica, metallie gasket.
-- montada, lap joint.
- muescada (ea), key joint.
- plomada (tub), fiush joint.
- raspada (lad), raked joint.
--resbaladiza, slip joint.
-- seguida, continuous joint (not staggered).
-- simulada (pav), dummy joint.
-- solapada, lap joint.
- suspendida reforzada (fe), bridge joint.
-tomada (mam) (A), pointed joint.
-- universal, universal joint.
Junta Nacional de Aseguradores, National
Board of Fire Underwriters.
-- a rosca (tub), serewed joints.
-- alternadas, broken or staggered joints.
-- empelladas (lad), push or shove joints.
-llenas (lad), fiush joints.
-remetidas (lad), raked joints.
juntar, to spliee, join, couple.
juntear, to j oint; to fill joints.
junteo m, jointing.
juntera J, jointing plane; jointer, buzz planer.
-- de duelas, stave jointer.
juntura J, joint, spliee.
-- de pestaa, fianged coupling.
-- montante, vertical joint; field joint.
--para manguera, hose coupling.
justipreciador m, appraiser.
justipreciar, to a.ppraise, rate.
kapok m, kapok.
kenotrono, kenotrn m (ra), kenotron.
keratfiro m (geol), keratophyre.
kerita J (ais), kerite.
kern (mat), kern.
kernita J, kernite (borax ore).
ker6geno m (pet), kerogen.
kerosn m, kerosina J, kerosene.
kersantita J (geol), kersantite.
kianizar, to kyanize.
kieselgur m, kieselguhr.
kilaje m (A), weight in kilograms.
kilirea J, kiliare.
kiloamperio m, kiloampere.
kilobaraJ, kilobar.
kilocaloda J, kiloealorie, great ealorie.
kilociclo m, kiloeyele.
kilodina J, kilodyne.
kiloergio m, kiloerg.
kilogrmetro m, kilogram-meter.
kilogramo m, kilogramo
kilojulio m, kilojoule.
kilolibra J, kip, kilopound, 1000 lb.
kilolnea J (eI6e), kiloline, kilomaxwell.
kilolitro m, kiloliter.
kilometraje m, distanee in kilometers.
kilomtrico, kilometrie.
kil6metro m, kilometer.
kilovatiaje m, power in kilowatts.
kilovatio m, kilowatt.
kilovatio-hora, kilowatt-hour.
kilovoltamperio m, kilovolt-ampere.
--reactivo, kilovar, reactive kilovolt-ampere.
kilovoltmetro m, kilovoltmeter.
kilovoltio m, kilovolt.
kineseopio m (tv), kineseope.
konmetro m (min), konimeter.
kovar (aleaei6n), Kovar (trademark).
labedntico a, labyrinth, labyrinthine.
laberinto m (mee), labyrinth.
lbil (quim) (ra), labile.
labio m, lip, edge.
- cortante, cutting edge (drill).
labor J, work, labor; (min) a working; cultiva-
tion; (meas) 177.14 acres; (Sp) 1000 briek
or tile.
-.- a cielo (min), overhand working.
-- a cielo abierto, open-pit m'ining.
-- a travs (min), erosseut.
-- con pilares en retirada (min), retreating
-- con pilares y cmaras (min), pillar-and-stall
mining, chamber working.
-- de anchur6n y pilar (min), room-and-pillar
mining, chamber working.
- de bancos (min) , underhand stoping.
-- de cantera (min), open-pit work.
- de dsanche (min) (M), resuing.
-- de frente corrido, longwall mining.
-- de frente escalonado, breast stoping.
-- de realce o de testeros, overhand. stoping.
-- en rebajo, underhand stoping.
- por lajas (min), slabbing, slashing.
labores hulleras, coal workings.
laborabilidad J (eone) (A) (V), workability.
laborable, tillable, arable; (eone) (A) (V) work
laborador m, worker, laborer.
laborar, to work; to tillo
laboratorio m, laboratory.
-- de campo, field laboratory.
-- de ensayo, testing laboratory.
-- de investigaciones, researeh laboratory.
laboratorista m (U) (M), laboratory worker.
laborear, to reeve; to work.
laboreo m, reeving; working; (min) a working.
-- a euaddcula, bord-and-pillar mining.
- de grada (min), stoping.
- de sU?niveles, substoping, drift or sublevel
-- en avance (min), advancing system.
-- en retirada (min), retreating system.
-- hidrulico, hydraulieking, sluieing.
-- por cuadros (min), panel working.
laborero m (min) (Ch), heading foreman.
labra J, working, cutting, stonecutting.
lbrabilidad J, machinability.
labrable, machinable.
labrado m, dressing, machining; (min) (M) a
working; a dressed; wrought; manufaetured.
- a escoda (mam), hammer-dressed.
-- a mano, hand-tooled.
-- cuatro caras (mad), dressed four sides.
-- por llama, flame-machining.
-- por un canto (mad), dressed one edge.
--por una cara (mad), dressed one side.
labrador m, worker.
labrar, to work; to till; to dress, faee, mill; to
carve, tool; to manufacture.
-- en caliente, to hot-work.
-- en fdo, to cold-work.
--toscamente, to rough-dress.
laca J, lacquer; shellac, lae.
- blanqueada, bleaehed shellac.
-- japonesa o negra, japan.
lacar, to shellac.
lacmoide m (lab), laemoid.
lactasa J (is), lactase.
lactosa J (is), lactose.
lacustre, laeustrine.
ladeado, out-of-plumb.
ladearse, to tip, get out-of-plumb' to tilt (M)
to warp. "
ladeo m, sway, tilting, sidesway; (pmy) (Es)
ladera J, hillside, slope of a valley.
ladero m (fe) (M), siding.
lado m, side; (M) leg of an angle.
--recto (mat), latus reetum.
ladrillado m, briek pavement; briekwork.
ladrillador m, brieklayer.
ladrillal m, briekyard.
ladrillar m, brickyard; briekkiln; '/) to lay briek,
pave with briek.
labrillejo m, briquet.
ladrillera J, briekmaking maehine; (Ee) briek
ladrilleda J, briekyard.
ladrillero m, briekmaker.
ladrillo m, briek.
-- al hilo, streteher.
-- a tiz6n, header.
-- aislador, insulating brick.
-- alabeado, areh-burned briek (warped in
- alivianado, hollow briek.
- aplantillado (Es), radial briek.
-- spero, rougll-faee briek.
-- atizonado, header.
-- cocido, well-burned briek.
-- comn o corriente, eommon briek.
-- cr6mico, ehrome briek.
-- crudo, unburned brick.
- de alta almina, high-alumina briek.
- de alta cochura (Es), well-burned briek.
-- de ngulo entrante redondo, internal-bull-
nose briek.
-- de arco, areh briek, voussoir.
-- de asta, header.
- de barro blando, soft-mud briek.
-- de barro duro, stiff-mud briek.
-- de cal y arena, sand-lime briek.
-- de campana, elinker briek.
- de canto de bisel, featheredge briek.
-- de cara c6ncava, cave streteher.
-- de cara peinada, tapestry briek.
-- de clave, key briek.
-- de cuello, neek. briek.
-- de cua. (rfr) , wedge briek.
-- de' esquina redonda, buIlnose briek.
-- de esquisto, shale briek.
-- de extremo c6ncavo, cave header.
-- de fachada o de paramento, faee or front
-- de fuego, firebriek.
- de jamba, jamb briek.
-- de lechos cortados por alambre, sido-cut
-- de magnesita, magnesite briek.
-- de manguito, sleeve briek.
-- de mquina o de prensa, pressed briek.
-- de mquina hilera, wire-eut. briek.
- de pinta, well-burned briok.
-- de slice, siliea briek.
-- de soga, streteher.
-- escoriado, elinker briek.
-- esmaltado, enameled briek.
--frotador, rubbing briek.
-- glaseado, glazed briek.
--hueco de enrasillado, furring briek.
-- mate, matt-faee briek.
-- moldeado en arena, sand-struek briek.
- oblicuo (rfr), skew briek.
-- para jaquelado, eheeker briek.
-- pavimentador, paving briek.
-- prensado a mquina, power-pressed briek.
--prensado en seco, dry-pressed briek.
--recio, eommon briek.
--recocho, well-burned briek.
--recortado, wre-eut briek.
--refractario, firebriek.
-- refractario aislante, insulating :li:rebriek.
--reprensado, repressed briek.
--requemado, clinker or overburned briek.
--rosado, salmon or underburned or soft-
burned or pale briek.
-- santo, hard-burned briek; overburned briek.
-- silicocalcreo, sand-lime briek.
-- sin cocer, adobe briek.
-- superrefraetario, superduty firebriek.
- tabl6n (Col), briek 25 x 25 x 5 cm.
- tolete (Col), briek 26 x 13 x 6 or 7 cm.
-- vidriado a sal, salt-glazod briek.
-- a sardinel o de canto, briek laid on edge, row-
-- de testa, briek laid on end, soldier course.
--parados (M), soldier eourse, briek on end.
ladr6n m, (hyd) sluiee; (dd) culvert; (C) over-
flow pipe.
- de admisi6n (ds), filling eulvert.
- de desage (ds), emptying culvert.
lago m, lake.
lagrimal m,. woop hole.
laguna J, lake, pool, lagoon.
-- de deeantaei6n (min), tailings pondo
-- de enfriamiento, eooling pondo
lagunato m (C), pool, pondo
laine m (C), liner, shim.
laja J, flagstone, slab; layer; stratum of roek;
lajeado (M) (U), laminated.
lajilla J (V), shale.
lajoso (U), laminated.
lamaJ, mud, silt; ore dust; (min) tailings, slime;
(M) loam.
lamelar, laminated.
lminaJ, sheet, plate; (geol) lamina; (min) slab;
(Pan) (M) sheet metal.
-- acanalada (M), eorrugated iron.
-- acufera, water-bearing stratum, ,,:ater tableo
- adherente (hid), elinging nappe.
- asfltica, sheet asphalt.
- de ballesta, spring lea.
- de fibra (M), fiberboard.
-- de goma, sheet rubber.
- de muelle (A), spring lea.
- estaada, tin plateo
-vertiente (hid), nappe (spillway).
laminaci6n J, lamination.
laminado m, laminate; a rolled (steel) ;lamillated;
(geol) tabular.
- a troquel, die-rolled.
-- en caliente, hot-rolled.
-- en duro, hard-rolled.
-- en fdo, eold-rolled.
laminador m, rolling mill; roll; lamin::t.tor.
-- acabador, finishing rollo
-- continuo, eontinuous millo
-' de grueso o de lupias, blooming mili.
- de planchas, plate millo
-- de reducci6n en fdo, eold-reduetion millo
-- de roscas, thread roller.
- de temple, temper millo
-- de tira en caliente, hot-strip millo
- de tochos, billet millo
-- desbastador, puddle train or rolls; blooming
- enderezador (en), mangle rolls.
laminar, '/) to roll (steel); to laminate; a lam-
inated, laminar.
laminilla J, seale (rust), flake.
-- metlica, metal foil.
laminita J, shim, small plateo
lampa J, large shovel.
lampada J, shovelful.
lmpara J, lampo
- a gas (elc) (A), gas-filied lampo
- biposte (elc), bipost lampo
- de alto (auto), stop light.
- de arco, arc lampo
- de ctodo caliente, hot-cathode lampo
- de ctodo fro, cold-cathode lampo
- de contraste, comparison lampo
- de cuarzo, quartz lamp (mercury vapor).
- de descarga luminosa (elc), gas-discharge
- de despejo, (auto) clearance lampo
-- de plomero, blowtorch, gasoline torcho
- de proyeccin (elc), projector lampo
- de prueba, test lampo
- de seguridad, safety or miner's or Davy
- de soldar, blowtorch.
- de tntalo, tantalum-filament lampo
- de tungsteno, tungsten-filament lampo
- de vapor de mercurio, mercury-vapor lampo
- de vapor de sodio, sodium-vapor lampo
- electrnica (A), electron tube.
- fotoelctrica (A), photoelectric cell.
- inundante, floodlight, flood lampo
- nen, neon lamp or tube.
- plomada (min), plummet lampo
- proyectante, searchlight, floodlight, flood
- testigo (elc), pilot lamp or light.
lamparilla J, smalllamp; incandescent lampo
lampazo m, mop, swab.
lampear, to shovel (with lampa).
lampero m, shoveler.
lampn m (Ec), long-handled shovel.
lamprfiro m (geol), lamprophyre.
lana J, wool.
- de asbesto, mineral wool.
--de cristal o de vidrio, glass wool.
- de escoria, slag or mineral wool.
--de madera, wood wool.
- de plomo, lead wool.
- mineral, mineral or rock or slag wool.
- ptrea, rock wool.
lance m (M), a melt (steel).
lanceta (f) de oxgeno (sol), oxygen lance.
lanchaJ, launch, lighter, scow; flagstone, slab.
- automotriz, motorboat, motor launch.
- barrera, mud scow.
- carbonera, coal barge.
- de descarga automtica, dump scow.
- encajonada, covered lighter.
- plana, deck barge.
- salvavidas, lifeboat.
lanchada J, bargeload.
lanchaje m, lighterage.
lanchar m, flagstone quarry.
lanchero m, boatman, lighterman.
lanchn m, lighter, barge, scow, flatboat.
- alijador, lighter.
- carbonero, coal barge.
- de arrastre (ef), pullboat.
- de cubierta, deck barge.
- petrolero, oil barge.
lanchonero m, lighterman, boatman.
lanza J, nozzle, giant, monitor; wagon pole; (A)
slice bar, (A) clinker bar; pikepole.
lanzaarena m, sandblast outfit.
lanzador m (min), nozzle, monitor.
- de electrones (ra), electron gun.
- de remaches (herr), rivet passer.
- de troncos (sa), kicker.
lanzadora (f) de arena (fund), sand slinger.
lanzamortero m (M), cement gun.
laa J, clamp, cramp, dogbolt.
laar, to clamp.
lapaJ, barnacle; (min)(Pe) footwall.
lapacho in, a South American hardwood.
lapicera J (auto) (U), high-tension conductor.
lapicero m (dib), pencil holder of a compass.
lpiz m, graphite, black lead; peneil; lead for pen-
cil or compass; (elec) carbon point, carbon
- de maderero, lumber crayon.
- de tiza (A), marking crayon.
- rellenable, refi11able pencil.
lapizar, to draw with a pencil.
laquear, to lacquer.
largada J, distance, length.
largo m, length; (tel) (A) dash; a long.
- de pandeo o sin apoyo (est) , unsupported
- desarrollado, developed length.
- total, over-all length.
largos corrientes, stock or standard lengths.
largor m, length.
larguero m, stringer, girt, purlin; waler, ranger,
strongback; sill; skid; pile cap; stile o a
door; (min)(tun) wall plateo
- central (puerta), muntin, mullion.
- del bastidor (auto), side rail.
- de bisagra o de suspensin (puerta), hanging
or hinge stile.
- del casco (cn), she11 stringer or longitudinal.
- de cerradura (puerta), lock stile.
- de encuentro (puerta), meeting stile.
- de escalera, stair string.
largura J, length.
larval, larval.
larvas J, larvae.
larvicida m, larvicide.
lasca J, spa11.
lascar, to spa11; (cab) to slack off, pay out.
lastra J, slab, flagstone.
lastraje m, ba11asting.
lastrar, to ba11ast, weigh down; to surface with
lastre m, (rr) (naut) ballast; (Ec) road metal;
(Ch) gravel.
- de agua, water ba11ast.
lastrear (Ch), to ballast.
lastrn m, large flagstone.
lata J, a tin, tin can; (C) tin plate; lath, batten
(mas) darby.
latente, latent.
lateral m, (P) lateral, Y; a lateral, side.
-- de reduccin (tub), reducing Y or lateral.
latera J, tin plate.
laterita J (geol),' laterite.
latertico, lateritic.
laterizacin J, laterization.
latero m, tinsmith.
ltex m (ais), latex.
latigazo m, whipping o a cable.
latilla J, lath.
latita J (geol), latite.
latitud J, latitude.
- geodsica o geogrfica o topogrfica, geodetic
or geographical or topographicallatitude.
latitudes y desviaciones (lev), latitudes and de-
latitudinal, latitudinal.
lat6n m, brass; a large can; (PR) iron water pail;
(min) plank.
- cobrizo, red brass.
- corriente, yellow brass.
- de aluminio, aluminum brass.
- naval, naval brass (62% copper, 37% zinc,
1% tin).
- para soldar, brazing brass.
- rojo al plomo, leaded red brass.
- semicobrizo, semired brass.
- silcico, silicon brass.
latonado, brass-plated.
latonera J, brasswork; brass shop.
latonero m, brassworker; (Col) (V) sheet-metal
worker, tinsni.ith.
laurel 'm, a South American lumber.
laurilo m (lab), lauryl.
lava J, lava; (min) washing.
lavabo m, washbasin, lavatory.
lavadero m, washer; lavatory, washbasin; wash-
tray, washtub; washroom; place where
gravel is washed for gold.
- de pared, wa11-type washbasin.
- de pie, pedestal washbasin.
lavado (m) contracorriente, countercurrentwash-
lavador m, washer.
- de arena (ag), sand washer or tank.
- de calle, street washer.
- de cascajo (dac), grit washer.
- de gas, gas scrubber.
- de paletas, paddle-type sand washer.
- rociador (aa), spray air washer.
lavadora J, 'washer.
- de carb6n, coal washer.
- de impresiones (fma), print washer.
lavaduras J, washings.
lavaje m, washing; (di)(A) scavenging.
lavamanos m, washbasin, lavatory.
lavar, to wash.
lavatorio m, lavatory; washbasin.
- de arrimar, wall-type lavatory.
~ v i c o , lavatic, lavic.
laya J, spade.
- de descortezar, bark spud.
lazo m, loop, tie; (lg) choker.
- de goteo (elc), drip loop.
- de histresis (elc), hysteresis loop.
lazulita J (miner), lazulite, blue spar.
lectura J (inst), reading.
- de atrs (lev), backsight.
- de mira, rod reading.
- estadimtrica, stadia reading.
- frontal, foresight.
Icchada J, grout; slurry; (C) whitewash; (pe)
- de cal, milk o lime; (V) whitewash.
lechadear, to grout.
lechado m, grouting.
lecho m, bed, stratum; (min) floor.
- amortiguador (hid), stilling pool, tumble bay.
- bacteriano (dac), septic bed.
- de cantera, natural bed of a stone.
- de la carretera, subgrade, roadbed.
- de contacto (dac), contact bed.
- de la corriente, stream bed.
- de creciente (r), flood plain, bed o the stream
at maximum.
- de fundaci6n, foundation material or bed.
- de oxidacin (dac), oxidizing bed.
- del ro, river bed.
- de roca, bedrock, ledge rock.
- de la va (fc), roadbed, roadway.
- desecador o secador (dac), drying or sludge
- filtrante o percolador (pa), filter bed.
lechosidad J (V), laitance.
ledita J (tub), Leadite (trademark).
lgamo m, mud, silt, (min) slime.
leg6n m, grub ax; grub hoe; (C) spade.
legra J, reamer, broach ;reeming iron.
leguario m (Ch), milestone.
ledo m (inst), reading.
leja J, lye.
lemniscata J (mat), lemniscate.
lengua J, tongue.
- de carpa, kind of chisel.
- de pjaro, taper file.
- de vaca, pointing trowel.
lengeta J, tongue, lug; (rr) switch point or
blade; (rr) point of a frog; (carp) spline,
feather; (mech) key, spline.
- ahusada, taper spline.
- calibradora, thickness gage.
- paralela, feather key, spline.
- postiza, spline, feather key, loose or slip
- y ranura, tongue and groove.
lenta quemadura, de, slow-burning.
lente m J, lens (optical); lens (geol).
- autofiltrador, self-filtering lens.
- colectora o convergente, converging lens.
-' condensadora, condenser, condensing lens.
- de ampliacin (fma), enlarging lens.
- de elaboracin, process lens.
- divergente, diverging or negative lens.
- Fresnel (ap), Fresnellens.
- objetiva (inst), object glass.
- ocular (inst), eyepiece, eyeglass.
- telefotogrfico, telephoto lens.
lenteja J, disk; (geol) lenticle, lentil.
lenticular, lenticular.
lento, slow.
lea J, firewood.
- de cuerdas, cordwood.
lear, to cut wood.
leo m, log, timber.
leptmetro m, leptometer (viscosity).
lesna J, awl, bradawl.
- de dibujante, pricker.
- de marcar, scratch or marking awl.
- para correas, belt awl.
- para puntillas, bradawl.
189 letra 188 lija lija
letra J, draft, bill, documento
-- de cambio, bill of exchange.
letras de identificacin (ra) (tel) , call1etters.
letrero m, sign; (dwg) title.
letreros (dib)(M), lettering.
letrina J, latrine, privy; (C) cesspool.
levaJ, pawl, dog, catch; cam; (C) lever.
-- de admisin (mg) , admission cam.
-- de cara, face cam.
-- de disco, .edge or disk or platecam.
-- del encendido, ignition cam.
-- de escape, exhaust cam.
-- de tambor, drum or barrel cam.
levadizo, lift (bridge), rising, lifting.
levador m, cam.
levaje m, lifting.
levantaaguja m (inst), needle lifter.
levantacoches m, automobile lift.
levantador m, lifter, elevator.
-- de banderola, transom lifter.
-- de resorte de vlvula (mg), valve-spring re-
levantaescobillas m (elc), brush lifter.
levantamiento m, survey; raising, lifting; (geol)
-- altimtrico, topographical survey.
- capilar (A), capillary rise.
-- de localizacin (M), location survey.
-- de planos, surveying, mapping.
-- de ruta, route surveying (reconnaissance,
preliminary survey, and location survey).
-- estadimtrico, stadia survey.
-- fotogrfico, photographic mapping.
-- geodsico, geodetic surveying.
-- gravimtrico, gravity survey.
-- ordinario o planimtrico o plano, plane sur-
-- taquimtrico, stadia survey.
levantar, to hoist; to survey; to heave, lift.
--una planimetra, to make a survey.
--una topografa, to make a topographical
- vapor (C), to get up steam.
- vuelo (ap), to take off.
levantarrieles m, levantava m, track jack.
levantavlvula m, tappet, push rod; valve lifter.
levantaventana embutido, flush sash lift.
levante m, raising, hoisting; (conc)(A) a lift.
leve, light, easy (grade).
levigar, to levigate.
levgiro, turning anticlockwse,levorotary.
levorrotacin J, levorotation.
levorrotatorio (az) , levorotatory.
ley J, law; (met) fineness, grade.
-- de Coulomb, Coulomb's law, law of electro-
static attraction.
-- de Faraday, Faraday's law, .1aw of electro-
magnetic induction.
-- de la inversa de los cuadrados (fsica), in-
verse-square law.
-- senoidal, sine law.
-- tangencial, law of tangents.
leyes de Kirchhoff, Kirchhoff's laws, laws of elec-
tric networks.
leyendaJ (A) (dib) , legend.
lezna J, awl, bradawl.
liar, to tie, bundle.
lber m, inner bark, basto
libra J, pound.
-- de ensayador, assay pound.
-- esterlina, pound sterling.
librapi m, foot-pound.
librar, to free; (com) to draw.
libre, free.
- al costado vapor, free alongside (FAS).
- a bordo (LAB), free on board (FOB), loaded
on cars.
-- de avera particular (seg), free of particular
-- de derechos, duty-free.
-- de impuesto, tax-exempt.
libremente apoyado (est), simply supported.
libreta J, notebook.
- de campo, field book.
-- de jornales, time book.
- de medicin (ef), scale book.
- de tiempo (M), time book.
- de trazado (lev), transit notebook.
libretn (m) de jornales (V), time book.
libro m, book.
-- de caja, cash book.
-- diario, journal.
-- mayor, ledger.
licencia J, license, permit; leave of absence.
-- de manejar (auto), driver's licensp
-- para edificacin, building permito
licenciar, to license.
licitacin, bidding, taking bids.
licitador, licitante m, bidder.
licitar, to bid in competition; to take bids.
licor m (qum), liquor.
licuacin J, liquefaction; (met) liquation.
licuar, to liquefy.
licuefaccin J, liquefaction.
lidita J, (miner) lydite, touchstone; lyddite (ex-
lienza (f) metlica (lev), metallic tape.
lienzo m, fa!:mde, front wall; bay of a wall; panel
of a fence; fabric, cloth.
liga J, alloy; binding material; bond; flux.
-- de asbesto, asbestos bonding.
-- metlica, alloy.
- para frenos (V), brake fluid.
ligado on agua, water-bound (macadam).
ligador m, binder.
- asfltico (ca), asphalt binder.
ligadura J, tie, lashing; ral bond; (reinf) (V) col-
umn hoop.
-- a bobina de reaccin (fc), impedance or react-
ance bond.
ligante m (ca), binder.
ligar, to bond, tie; to alloy.
ligazn J, tie, fastening; (mas) bond; (rr) ral
bond; (V) stile of a door.
-- de impedancia (fc),impedance or reactance
ligero, light, thin.
lignina J, lignill.
ligntico, lignitic.
lignitizar, to lignitize.
lignito m, lignite.
lija J, sandpaper.
-- de carborundo, carborundum paper.
-- esmeril, emery paper.
lijadora J, sandpapering machine, sander.
-- de banda o de cinta o de correa, belt sander.
-- de columna, column sander.
-- de disco, disk sander.
-- de husillo oscilante, oscillating-spindle San-
-- de rodillos, roll sander.
-- de tambor, drum sander.
lijar, to sandpaper.
lima 1, (t) :lile; (rf) hip or valley, hip or valley
- ahusada, taper file.
-- ahusada delgadsima, double-extra-slim file.
- ahusada extradelgada, extra-slim taper file.
- - basta, rough file.
- bastarda, bastard :lile.
-- cilndrica, round file.
-- cuadrada puntiaguda, entering or square
taper :lile.
- de aguja, needle file.
-- de canto liso, safe-edge or side :lile.
-- de cerrajero, warding or .key :lile.
-- de !lola de rata, rattail file.
-- de cuchilla, hack or knife :lile.
-- de cua con canto redondo, great American
- de doble talla, double-cut or crosscut :lile.
- de dos colas, double-tang :lile.
-- de ebanista, cabinet:lile.
- de espada, featheredge file.
- de hender, slitting :lile.
- de navaja, knife file.
-- de picadura cruzada, double-cut :lile.
-- de picadura simple, single-cut file.
-- de segundo corte, second-cut :lile.
- de talla mediana, middle-cut :lile.
-- de tornero, lathe :lile.
- delgada, slim file.
-- dulce, fine or smooth :lile.
-- encorvada, riffier, bow file.
-- entrefina, second-cut file.
-- finisima, superfine :lile.
-- finsima puntiaguda, crochet file.
- hoya (to), valley.
-- musa, single-cut file; smooth file.
-- ovalada, crossing or double-half-round :lile.
- para entredientes (si), gulleting :lile.
--para paletones, warding :lile.
- paralela, blunt :lile.
- paralela de un canto liso, pillar :lile.
--plana para sierra, milI :lile.
- puntiaguda, taper :lile.
--ranuradora, cotter or slotting :lile.
- sorda, dead-smooth or dead :lile.
-- superfina, superfine :lile.
- tesa (to), hip, angle rafter.
- triangular, cant or three-square or lightning
- triangular achatada, cant or barrette :lile.
lima-cuc'tillo, slitting or knife :lile.
limador m, :liler.
limadora J, shaper; power :lile, saw-filing tool.
-- de cabeza mvil, traverse or traveling-head
- de columna, pillar shaper.
-- de corte de retroceso, drawcut shaper.
-- de manivela, crank shaper.
limaduras 1, :lilings.
-- de acero, steel grito
limalla 1, filings.
limar, to :lile; to shape.
limatn m, rasp, coarse file; (Ch) hip or valley
limbo m (inst) (geol), limbo
-- azimutal, horizontallimb, lower plate (tran-
- graduado (trnsito), graduated limbo
limbo-ndice (inst) (V), graduated limbo
limera I (cn), rudderhole.
limitacorriente m (elc), current limiter.
limitadorm, (hyd) spillway; (clcc) limiter; (auto)
fuel or speed rcgulator; (mech) a stop.
- de amplitud (ra) , amplitude limiter.
- del campo visual (fma), field stop.
- de luz (fma), aperture stop.
- de pico (ra), peak limiter.
-- de ruidos (ra), noise limiter.
-- de tensin (elc), voltage limiter.
-.- en cascada (ra), cascade limiter.
- horario (elc), time switch.
limitadora I (ra), limiter.
:mite m, boundary, .limit.
-- de aguante, endurance limito
-- de agudeza (fc),limiting curvature.
--. de continuacin (M), endurance limito
-- de contraccin o de encogimiento (ms),
shrinkage limito
- de elasticidad, elastic limito
- de escurrimiento (A), yield point.
- de estabilidad (elc), stability limito
-- de estabilidad momentnea, transient sta-
bility or transient power limito
-- de expansin lineal (ms) , lineal-expansion
- de fioculacin (is), fiocculation limito
- de fiuencia (A), yield point.
- de fiuidez (ms), liquid limito
- de fiujo (met), creep limito
-- de hidratacin, hydration limito
- de hinchamiento, swelllimit (soil).
-- de lubricacin, lubrication limit (soil).
-- elstico aparente, yield point.
-lquido (ms), liquid limito
- plstico o de plasticidad (ms), plastic limito
limtrofe a, boundary, limiting.
limngrafo m, water-Ievel recorder.
limnimtrico, limnimetric.
limnfmetro m, stream or staff gage, limnimeter.
limnita 1, limnite (iron ore).
limngrafo m, limnograph.
limnologa 1, limnology.
limo m, mud, silt.
limn m, stair string, carriage; wagon shaft.
limonita/, limonite, brown hematite, brown iron
ore, (miner) brown ocher.
limontico, limonitic.
limoso, silty, muddy.
limpia 1, cleaning.
- por chorro de arena, sandblasting.
limpia 190 lista lista
- por llama (pint) , flame-priming, flame-elean-
-- por vapor, steam-cleaning.
limpiador m, eleaner; (tun) mueker; (Pet) strip-
-- al vaco o de succin, vaeuum eleaner.
-- de barrenos (min), seraper.
- del cable (pet), line wiper.
--vortiginoso (aa), vortieose eleaner.
limpialimas m, file cleaner or eard.
limpianieve m, snowplow.
limpiaparabrisas m, windshield wiper.
limpiaparrilla m (cal), sliee bar.
limpiapozo m (pet), swab, bailer.
limpiar, to elean; to strip, clear.
limpiarrejas m (hid), rack eleaner or rake,
limpiatubos m, pipe-eleaning maehine; (bo) tube
eleaner, flue seraper; (pet) swab, bailer,
pipe wiper.
limpiava m (fe), loeomotive piloto
limpiavidrio m (auto), windshield wiper.
limpieza J, cleaning, clearing, stripping.
limpio, elean.
linaza J, linseed.
lindante, bordering, abutting. .
linde m, lindero m, boundary, border, property
lnea J, line, traek; one twelfth of an ineh.
-- aclnica, aelinie line, magnetie equator.
-- bsica, base lineo
- continua o corrida (dib), fullline.
-- de acondicionamiento (aa), eondition lineo
- de acortamiento (lev), eutoff lineo
-- de aguas mnimas, low-water mark.
-- de arranque, spring line (areh).
-- de aviacin, airline; airway.
- de bajamar (mr), low-water mark.
-- de base, base lineo
- de cargas (ra), load lineo
- de las cargas (dib), load lineo
- de circulacin (ca) (M), traffic lane.
- de colado (eonc), lift lineo
-- de colimacin (lev), line of eollimation.
- de corriente (top), valley line, thalweg.
- de cota (dib), dimension lineo
- del chafln (en), bearding lineo
- de deriva (fma), drift lineo
- de dislocacin (geol), fault lineo
-- de distancia (fma), distanee lineo
-- de edificacin, building lineo
-- de eje, axis, eenter lineo
- de energa (hid) ,energy lineo
- de escuadra (mam), pitch lineo
-- de exploracin (tv) , seanning lineo
- de fe (lev) (Es), eenter line of level-rod target.
-- de flotacin con carga (an), load water lineo
-- de fuerza (ele), line of force.
- de fuga (dib), vanishing lineo
- de imposta, spring line (areh).
-- de marcar, ehaIk lineo
-- de marea alta, high-water mark.
-- de meandro (lev),meander lineo
- de mira (lev), !ine of sight.
-- de montaje, produetion or assembly lineo
-- de nivelacin, a line of levels.
- de pago (exc), pay lineo
- de propiedad, property or building lineo
- de puntera (inst), line of sight.
- de punto y raya o de puntos y trazos (dib) ,
dot-and-dash lineo
- de puntos (dib), dotted lineo
- de rayas o de trazos (dib) , broken or dash
-- de trnsito (ca), traffie lane.
-- de transporte de energa o de transmisin
(ele), transmission lineo
-- decauville, portable or industrial traek.
-- derivada, braneh lineo
--frrea o ferroviaria, railroad traek, railroad.
-- fundamental, ground line (perspective).
-interrumpida (dib), dotted or broken lineo
--limtrofe, boundary lineo
-llena (dib), full or solid lineo
-- media, eenter lineo
-- municipal, building lineo
-perdida (lev), random lineo
-- piezomtrica, hydraulie grade lineo
- primitiva (en), piteh lineo
- puntada o punteada (dib), dotted lineo
- quebrada (dib), dash or broken lineo
- troncal (fe), trunk lineo
- visual (lev) (A), line of sight.
-- de equidepresin (fma) , equidepression lines.
-- de influencia, influence lines.
- de vuelo (fma), flight lines.
--trigonomtricas, trigonometrie funetions.
lineal, linear, lineal, linear.
linealidad J, linearity.
linemetro m, lineameter.
lingote m (met), pig, ingot; bloom, bil!et.
lingotera J, mold for pig iron, billet moldo
lingue m (Ch), a hardwood.
linguete m, pawl, dogo
liniero m (C), !ineman.
lino m, eanvas, saileloth; linen, flax.
-- de calcar, traeing linen.
lintel m, linte!.
linterna J, lantern, lamp, (Ch) poeket flashlight;
roof monitor; (meeh) eage.
-- avisadora, signallight.
--para machos (fund), eore barrel.
- trasera (auto), tail!ight, taillamp.
linternilla J (AC), transom.
linternn m, clearstory; big lantern; monitor.
liuelo m, strand of rope.
lipasa J (is), lipase.
liquidador m, liquidator; (ehem) liquefier; (eom)
(Ch) reeeiver.
-- de averas (seg) , average adjuster.
liquidar, toliquidate; to liquefy; liquidarse, to
liquidez J, liquidity.
lquido m, liquid; a liquid; (eom) neto
lquidos cloacales crudos (A), raw sewage.
lquidos residuales (A), sewage.
liquidmetro m,liquidometer, liquid-level gage.
lisera J, berm.
lismetro m, lysimeter.
lista J, list; strip.
- de embalaje o delos bultos, paeking listo
- de partes (maq), part listo
- de raya (M), pay rollo
listado (min), in thin layers.
listero m, timekeeper.
listo de maquinaria (C), maehined, milled, faced.
listn m, lath, eleat, batten, slat; lattiee bar.
- cubrejunta, astragal (door).
-- de cierre, sealing strip.
-- de defensa, wearing strip.
-- de enrasar (ed), furring strip.
--para clavado, nailing strip.
- para tejado (to), gage or tiling lath.
-- separador (ventana), parting strip or slip,
- voladizo (tn), spile.
-- yesero, lath.
listones de avance (tn), poling boards spilling
forepoling. "
listn-gua, sereed, ground.
listonado m, lath, lathing.
- metlico, metallath.
- metlico costillado, ribbed metallath.
Iistonador, listonero m, lather.
listonar, to lath; to place cleats or battens.
listoncillo m, lath.
listoneda J, lathing.
litarge, litargirio mi litharge.
litera J, bunk, (rr) berth.
litio m (qum), lithium.
litoclasa J (geol), lithoclase, natural fracture.
litofisuras J (geol), lithophysae.
litografa J, lithograph; lithography.
litografiar, to lithograph.
litogrfico, lithographie.
litologa J, lithology.
litolgico, lithologiea!.
Iitomarga J (miner), lithomarge (kaolin).
litopn, litopono m, lithopone.
litoral m, eoast, shore; (geol) littoral; a littora!.
Iitraje m (A), volume in liters.
litro m, liter.
liviano a, light (weight).
Iixiviador m, lixiviator.
lixiviar, to leaeh, lixiviate.
lon m (F), land measure of about 3000 square
lobos m (met), salamander, bear, shadraeh.
16bulo m (mee), lobe, lug; (M) flange.
local m, site; room; a local.
localizacin J, loeation, site; laying out, plaeing.
localizador m, loealizer.
localizar, to layout, loeate, place.
loco, loose (pulley).
locomotor a, loeomotive, self-moving.
locomotora J, loeomotive.
-- a bencina, gasoline loeomotive.
-- a vapor, steam loeomotive.
-- articulada, Mallet or artieulated loeomotive.
-- cientopis, eentipede loeomotive.
- de acumuladores, storage-battery loeomo-
- de empuje, pusher engine.
- de maniobras o de patio, switehing or drill
or yard engine.
- de recorrido, road engine.
-- de turbina con engranajes, geared-turbine
-- decpoda, deeapod loeomotive.
-- decauville, eontraetor's narrow-gage loeomo-
tive, dinkey.
-- elctrica de combinacin, eombination elee-
trie loeomotive.
-- mastodonte, mastodon loeornotive.
--micado, mikado loeomotive.
-- mogol, mogulloeomotive.
--petr61eo-elctrica, oil-eleetrie loeomotive.
locomotora-alijo, locomotora-tnder, tank loeo-
locom6vil J, loeomobile, boiler and engine on
wheels; a portable, movable, loeomobile.
lodazal m, marsh, bogo
lodo m, mud; sludge.
- de cal (pa), lime sludge.
- de perforacin, drill sludge, drilling mudo
- digerido (dae), digested sludge.
-hmico (dae), humus sludge.
--mineral (min), slime.
lodos activados (dae), aetivated sludge.
lodoso, muddy.
loes 1/1, (geol), loess.
logartmico, logarithmie.
logaritmo m, logarithm.
-- comn u ordinario, eommon logarithm.
--hiperb6lico o natural, hyperbolie or natural
-- neperiano, Napierian logarithm.
--vulgar (Pe), eommon logarithm.
loma J, ridge, hill; (rf) (C) hipo
10madaJ (A), hil!, ridge.
lomera J, ridgepole.
lomero m (M), range of hills.
lomo m, ridge; shoulder oLa road; (meeh) boss;
(geol) hogbaek; (irr) border.
-- de agua subterrnea, ground-water ridge.
-- de perro (V), erown of a road; eoping on a
-- de sierra, rib of a baeksaw.
lona J, eanvas, sailcloth; (M) (A) tarpaulin.
- engomada (A), tarpaulin.
loncha J, flagstone.
loneta J, eotton duek.
longmetro m (M), measuring tape.
longitud J, longitude; length.
- de onda lineal (ra), straight-line wave
- de pandeo, unsupported length (eolumn).
-- geodsica o geogrfica, geographieal or geo-
desie longitude.
- total, overalllength.
longitudinal, longitudinal.
10ngrinaJ, cap; bridge stringer.
loro m (A), a hardwood.
losa J, slab, floor tile, flagstone.
- celular (V), hollow building tile.
-- con armadura cruzada (eone), two-way slab.
- de cubierta, deek slab (hollow dam).
- de refuerzo (A), drop panel (flat slab).
- hongo (ed) (A), flat slab.
- nervada (eone), ribbed slab.
- perimetral (M), slab supported Olil four sides
- plana (ed), flat slab.
losado m, tile floor.
losar. to tile (floor).
luz luz 193 llave
loseta /, floor tile; small slab.
losilla /, briquet.
lote m, lot; batch; (A)(Col) tract of land.
- de vagn (A), carload loto
lotear, to bundle, bunch; to layout in lots.
loteo m, laying out in lots.
lotificacin / (M), division into lots.
loza /, porcelain; (C) flat tile.
lubricacin /, lubrication.
__ a inundacin o por inmersin, flood lubrica-
tion. .
__ a plena presin o de presin completa, ful1-
pressure lubrication.
__ a salpicn o por salpicaduras, splash lubrica-
- de goteo, drop-feed oiling.
__ forzada, force-feed oiling.
-- por anillo, ring oiling.
__ por mecha, wick lubrication.
lubricador m, lubricator.
_ a lodo (pet), mud lubricator.
_ de alimentacin regulable, adjustable-feed
_ de alimentacin visible, sight-feedlubricator.
lubricante, lubrificante m, lubricant.
lubricar, lubrificar, to lubricate.
lubricidad /, lubricity.
lubrificador m, lubricator.
lucarna / (A), louver; dormer window.
lucera J, skylight.
lucerna/, (rf) monitor, louver; (C) skylighl;; dor-
mer window.
lucernario m, (rf) monitor, louver; clearstory;
(C) skylight.
luces J, lights.
_ de balizamiento (op) (ap) , range lights.
__ de estacionamiento (auto), parking lights.
- de pista (ap), contact lights.
- de rodaje (ap), taxi lights.
-- de ruta, course lights (airway).
- del tablero (auto), panellights.
- de trfico (ap), traffic-signallights.
luceta /, skylight; small window; transom.
lucros (m) Ydaos,profit and loss.
luchadero m, journal box; journal.
ludimiento m (pet) , gall.
ludir, to abrade, chafe, rubo
lugar m, space; site; a room.
- ciego (ra) , blindspot.
-- de estacionamiento, parking space.
-- geomtrico, locus.
luir, to abrade;wear away.
lumbreJ, light; skylight; transom.
-- del agua, water surface.
lumbrera J, opening; shaft; skylight; engine
port; (M) louver.
__ de admisin, steam 01' intake 01' admission
-- de aspiracin (bm), suction port.
- de cubierta (cn), bull's.eye, deadlight.
-- de escape, exhaust 01' relief port.
-- sangradora, bleeder port.
lumbreras de toma (hid), intake openings.
lumbreras provisionales, diversion openings
lumbricoide (is), lumbricoid.
lumen m (il), lumen.
lumen-hora, lumen-hour.
lumenmetro m (il) (Es), illuminometer, luminom-
lumilina, Lumiline (trademark).
lummetro (A), illuminometer.
lumnico, pertaining to light.
luminffero, luminiferous.
luminiscencia J, luminescence, glow.
- azul (ra), blue glow.
- azUlina (ra) (Es), blue glow.
-- catdica (ra), cathodoluminescence.
luminiscente, luminescent.
luminosidad J, luminosity, brilliance.
-- catdica, cathode glow.
--remanente o residual (ra), afterglow.
luminoso, luminous.
luminotecnia J, illuminating engineering.
luminotcnico m, illuminating engineer.
lunacin J, lunation.
lunar, lunar.
luneta (j) fija (mh) (A), steady resto
luneta mvil (torno), follower resto
lunicorriente J (mr), lunicurrent.
lupa/ (A) (V) (Es), magnifying glass.
lupia /, bloom (steel).
-- para forjar, forge bloom.
lurte m, avalanche, landslide.
lustre m, gloss; glaze; (miner) luster.
lutita / (M) (V), shale.
lux m (il), lux, meter-candle.
luz! light; span, opening; clearance; (bldg) bay.
-- ~ distancia (auto) (A), country 01' running
- alternante (ap), alternating light.
- brillante (C), kerosene (really a particular
- cenital (Col), skylight.
- clara (C), clear span.
-- de acceso o de aproximacin (ap), approach
- de aterrizaje (ap), landing light.
-- de aviso, warning light.
- de bveda, vault light (sidewalk).
- de cabeza, headlight.
- de calcio, calcium light, limelight.
- de clculo (V) (A), effective 01' design span.
- de contacto (ap), contact light.
- de cruce (auto) (A), traffic beam,antiglare
- de cuidado (A), warning light.
- de demarcacin (ap), boundary light.
- de destellos, flashing light (lighthouse).
- de identificacin (ap), identification light.
_ de marcha, running light; (auto) driving
light, country beam.
- de matrcula (auto), license-plate light.
- de parada (auto), stop light.
-- de pase (auto), passing 01' traffic bearo.
- de pie (ap), pedestallight.
- de prueba, testlight.
- de reverso (fc), back light.
- de sentido de aterrizaje (ap), landing-direc-
tion light.
- de techo, ceiling light, (auto) dome light.
- de trfico (ca), traffic light.
- de zaga (auto), taillight.
-- efectiva, effective span.
-- franca (C), clear span.
- giratoria, revolving light (lighthouse).
--indicadora, indicating light.
--libre, clear span.
-- neta, net opening.
- piloto, pilot light (burner).
- relmpago (faro), flashlight.
- trasera, taillight.
llaga/ (mam), crack; (Col) vertical joint.
llama /, flame.
-- aeroacetilnica, air-acetylene flameo
-- carbonizadora (sol), carbonizing flame.
- del arco (sol), arc flame.
-- oxidante, oxidizing flame.
--reductora, reducing flame.
llamar a concurso o a licitacin, to call for bids.
llamperas (min)(B), mass of material that has
slid, talus.
llampo m (Ch)(B), finely broken ore.
llana/, plain; plasterer's trowel, mason's float.
-- acabadora, finishing trowel.
-- acodada o de ngulo, corner 01' angle trowel.
-- de cuneta, gutter tool.
-- de enlucir, plasterer's trowel.
-- de jaharrar, browning trowel.
- - ~ d e juntar, jointing tool.
-- de madera, mason's float.
llanada /, flatland, level ground.
llanadora J (A), grader.
llanca/ (Ch), a copper ore.
llano m, flatland; a even, flat, smooth.
llanta J, iron tire, tire rim; tread; rubber tire;
steel flat.
-- articulada, crawler belt.
-- de costado blanco, white-side-wall tire.
-- de refaccin o de repuesto, spare tire.
-- de volante, flywheel rimo
-- desmontable, demountable rimo
-- maciza, solid tire.
- sin pestaa (loco), blind 01' blank tire.
llantas de oruga, crawler tread, caterpillar
llantera J (M), tire iron.
llanura /, plain, flatland; (C) tread of a wheel.
-- costanera, coastal plain.
-- del ro, valley flat 01' floor, bottom land.
llaucana J (Ch), miner's crowbar.
llave J, key (lock); wrench; (mech) key, wedge;
valve, cock, bibb, faucet; (elec) key, small
switch; (mas) header, bondstone; key-
stone; (min) (Sp) crib; (com) (A) good will;
(min) section of ground left in place to sup-
port roo.
-- a botn o a pulsador, push-button switch.
-- a crique, ratchet wrench.
__o a palanca, lever switch.
-- acodada o angular, offsetwrench; anglevalve.
-- ahorquillada, fork wrench.
- botonera (A), push-button switch.
-- cerrada, box wreneh.
- ciega, blank (key).
- colgante, pendent switch.
-- conmutadora, change-over switch.
-- de adjustador, machine wrench.
-- de alivio, snifting valve.
-- de ngulo, angle valve; offset or obstruction
-- de arco, keystone.
-- de armador, construction wrench.
-- de artefacto, appliance switch.
-- de berbiquf, brace wrench.
-- de boca, open-end wrench.
-- de boca sencilla, end 01' engineer's or set-
screw wrench.
- de bola, ball valve.
-- de bridas, flangedvalve; flange wrench.
-- de cadena, chain wrench 01' tongs;
-- de caja o de casquillo o de copa, socket or
box wrench.
-- de cao, pipe wrench.
-- de cebar, prirning cock.
-- de cierre, stopcock.
- de cilindro (mv), cylinder cock.
-- de cinco vas, five-way cock.
-- de cincha, girth pipe wrench.
-- de cola, fitting-up 01' spud wrench.
- de comprobacin (cal), try 01' gage cock.
-- de compuerta, gate valve.
-- del conmutador, switch key.
-- de contador, meter cock.
-- de cordn pasante, through-cord switch.
-- de la corporacin, corporation cock
-- de correa, strap wrench.
- de croche (V), ratchet wrench.
-- de c:uatro pasos o de cuatro salidas, four-way
-- de cuatro puntos, four-point switch.
-- de cuatro vas (elc), four-way switch.
-- de cubo, socket wrench; box key.
- de cua (mec), taper key.
-- de chicharra, ratchet wrench.
-- de choque, impact 01' pneumatic wrench.
-- de decantacin, drain cock.
-- d desage, drip 01' drain cock, petcock.
- de doble curva, S wrench.
- de doble entrada (M), double-ended wrench.
- de doble juego (A), double-throw switch.
- de dos bocas, double-ended wrench.
- de dos golpes, double-break switch.
- de eclisas (fc), trackwrench.
-- de. embutir, flush switch.
- del encendido (auto), ignition switch.
-- de escape, exhaust valve; blowoff cock, pet-
-- de espiga, pin wrench.
-- de flotador, float valve, ball cock.
-- de gancho o de horquilla, spanner or hoo
-- de gancho con espiga, pin spanner.
-- de golpe o de impacto, impact wrench.
-- de humero, damper.
- de lengeta (elc), strap 01' tapping key.
-- de leva, cam switch.
-- de llanta metlica (auto), rim wrench.
- de macho, plug valve 01' cock.
llave 194 macr6grafo macrossmico
-- de manguera, spanner or hose wrench; hose
-- de maquinista, engineer's wrench.
- del maquinista (loco), engineer's brakevalve.
-- de mar (cn), sea cock.
- de martillo, slugging or striking wrench.
-- de media vuelta, stopcock; plug valve.
-- de mordaza, alligator or bulldog wrench.
- de nivelo de prueba (cal), gage cock.
- de paletn (ft), bit key.
- de paletn entallado, warded key.
- de paso, by-pass valve; stop, cock, stopcock;
shutoff or line valve; master key.
-- de pata, crowfoot wrench.
-- de pernete, pin wrench.
-- de pico de loro, Stillson wrench.
-- de punzn, needle valve.
-- de purga, blowoff valve, drain cock, petcock.
- de retencin, check valve; shutoff cock.
-- de seguridad, safety valve.
- de servicio, service cock; faucet; house valve.
- de supervisin (tel), monitoring key.
- de torsin, torquewrench.
- de trabazn (conc), bonding key.
- de tres conductos o de tres pasos, three-way
- de tres puntos o de tres vas o de triple juego
(elc), three-way or three-point switch.
- de trinquete, ratchet wrench.
- de tuercas, wrench.
- de un polo, single-pole switch.
-- dentada, alligator or bulldog wrench.
- desahogadora, air cock.
- desconectadora, disconnect switch.
- en T (v), T wrench.
- esclusa (A), gate valve.
- espaola (C), open-end or engineer's wrench.
- espitera (A), cock wrench.
- falsa, false key, picklock, skeleton key.
- ferrocarrilera, track wrench.
- forma S, S wrench.
- goteadora, drip cock.
- goteadora de alimentacin visible, sight-feed
- indicadora, indicator cock.
--indicadora de tensin, tension wrench.
--inglesa, lllonkey wrench,
- inversora,reversing switch.
- maestra, (hw) master or pass key; corpora-
tion Mck (water).
- mezcladora (Pb), mixing valve.
- momentnea, momentary-contact switch.
-- municipal, corporation cock (water).
-- neumtica, pneumatic percussion wrench.
-- ptica (fma), optical switch.
- para boca de agua, hydrant wrench.
-- para bujas, spark-plug wrench.
-- para hidrante, hydrantstop; hydrant wrench.
- para levantavlvulas, tappet wrench.
- para mandril (mh), chuck wrench.
-- para robinete, cock wrench.
-- para s,almuera, brine cock.
-- para tornillo de presin, setscrew wrench.
-- para tubos, pipe or Stillson wrench.
-- para tuercas y caos, combination wrench.
- reguladora, pressure-regulating valve.
- roncadora, snifting valve.
-- selectora, selector switch.
--suspendida, pendent switch.
- telegrfica, telegraph key.
-- tubular, socket wrench.
--universal, monkey wrench.
llave-tenedor, fork wrench.
llavn m, key, latchkey.
llenaj (M), fiood.
llenaderas j (pet), loading rack.
llenador m, (str) filler plate; (pt) (V) filler.
- de acumulador, battery filler.
llenante j, fiood tide.
llenar, to fill.
llenos (m) de popa (cn), buttocks.
llevabarrenas m, nipper, drill-steel carrier.
llevar, to carry, convey.
--a cabo, to carry out, execute, finish.
-- en suspensin (r), to carry in suspension.
--intereses, to bear interest.
--la contabilidad, to keepthe accounts.
-- una poligonal (lev), to run a traverse.
lloradera j, leak.
lloradera m, weep or drain hole; leak; spring
llover, to rain.
lluvia j, rain, rainfall; (A) shower bath, shower
lluvioso, rainy.
macaco m (Pi), striking plate, bonnet, hood,
dolly; pile follower.
macdam m, macadam.
-- al agua, water-bound macadam.
-- alquitranado, tar macadam.
-- asfaltado, asphalt macadam.
-- de penetracin, penetration or oil macadam.
-- enlechado, grouted or cement-bound mac-
--hidrulico, water-bound macadam.
--ligado con tierra, soil-bound macadam.
-- seco, d r y ~ b o u n d macadam.
macadamizar, to macadamize.
macadn m, macadam.
macana j, spade.
maceracin j, maceration.
-- compuesta (az), compound maceration.
--verdadera (az), true or bath maceration.
macerador m, macerator.
macerar, to macerate; (A) to slake (lime).
maceta j, maul, hammer, malleto
-- de aforrar, serving malleto
-- de calafatear, calking mallet, hawsing or
reeming beetle.
-- de hojalatero, tinner's malleto
macetear, to strike with a mau!.
macetn m (M), stone sledge.
macizar, to fill in, make solid.
macizo m, bulk, mass; a massive, solid, heavy.
-- de anclaje, deadman, anchorage, anchor log
macizos desviadores (hid), defiector blocks.
macrocristalino (geol), macrocrystalline.
macroestructura j, macrostructure.
macrgrafo m, macrograph.
macrossmico, macroseismic.
macrosismo m, macroseism, majar earthquake.
machacadora j, crusher.
- de carbn, coal breaker.
- de discos, disk crusher.
-- de mandbulas, jaw crusher.
-- de martillos, hammer millo
-- giratoria, gyratory crusher.
--reductora, reduction crusher.
machacamiento m, crushing; (M) crushing stress.
machacar, to crush; to pound.
machado m, hatchet.
machaqueo m, crushing; pounding; (Sp) crushed
machar, to hammer, break with a hammer.
machete m, machete, bush knife; (in Cuban sugar
mills machetes are revolving cane knives).
machetear, to cut with a machete.
machetero m (lev)(Ec), man who clears ground
with a machete.
machihembraj (A), jointing plane.
machihembrado (mad) , tongued and grooved"
- al tope, end-matched.
- y rebajado, matched and plowed.
machihembrador m, machine or cutting tongue
and groove.
machimbre m, a tongued and grooved board.
machina j, pile driver; shear legs; (C) wharf
machinal m, putlog; (carp) (A) knee, corbel,
macho m, dowel; pintle; mandrel, shaft, journal,
spindle; gudgeon; sheave pin; sledge ham-
mer; pier, buttress; (fdy) core; (t) tap; (P)
spigot end; (geol) dike; (va) plug; spud
(vibrator); (min) unproductive vein; a
(mech) male.
--acabador, finishing or sizer tapo
-- ahusado o cnico, taper or entering tapo
- cilndrico, straight or bottoming tapo
--corto, stub tapo
-- de aterrajar, tapo
- de barrena (M), shank of a drill.
- de espiga acodada, bent-shank (tapper) tapo
-- de expansin, collapsible tapo
- de fragua, blacksmith sledge.
- de gancho, hook tapo
- de husillo, spindle staybolt tapo
- de imn (elc), plunger.
- de llave, plug o a cock.
-- de peines insertados, inserted-chaser tapo
- de perno, bolt tapo
- de pesca (pet), fishing tapo
-- de roscar o de terraja, tapo
- de timn (nut), rudder pintle.
- de tres orificios (v), three-port plug.
-- desbastador, roughing tapo
-- escalonado, step tapo
--maestro de roscar, hob or master tapo
- para tubera, pipe tapo
--para tuercas, nut or tapper tapo
- - paralelo, straight or plug tapo
- y campana (tub), bell and spigot.
- y hembra, male and female, box and pin; (p)
(C) bell and spigot.
machos de serie, serial taps.
machn m, buttress, pier, counteriort; shaft,
gudgeon; (A) strut; (V) concrete column
in a brick wall.
- de gravedad, massive buttress (Ambursen
machota j, rammer, tamper.
machote m (M), blank formo
machucar, to pound.
machuelar (M), to tapo
machuelo m, tapo
- mancasondas, screw grab or bello
madera j, wood, lumber, timber.
- al corazn (Es), quartersawed lumber.
- al hilo (Es), tangent-sawed lumber.
- alburente, sapwood.
-- anegadiza, wood heavier than water.
- cepillada, dressed lumber.
- compensada o contrachapada o contrapeada
o contraplacada, plywood.
--' curada, seasoned lumber.
- de acarreo, driftwood.
- de barraca, yard lumber (all stock sizes less
than 6 in. thick).
-- de construccin, structural timber.
-- de corazn, heartwood.
- de demolicin,secondhand lumber.
- de deriva (M), driftwood.
-- de estro, summerwood.
-- de hierro, ironwood.
- de hilo, lumber dressed four sides.
-- de invierno o de primavera, springwood.
- de pulpa, pnlpwood.
- de raja, split timber.
-- de savia, sapwood.
-- de sierra, swn lumber.
- desecada, seasoned lumber.
- dura, hardwood.
-- en pie, standing timber.
-- en rollo, logs;
- enchapada (C), p1ywood.
--fresca, green lumber.
-labrada, dressed or surfaced lumber.
-laminada, plywood.
--laminada con alma maciza, lumber-core ply.
--laminada impregnada, Compreg, pregwood.
-laminada sin alma, all-veneer p1ywood.
--limpia, clear lumber'
- multilaminar o terdada, plywood.
- perfilada, worked lumber.
- por elaborar, factory or shop lumber.
- renacida, second-growth timber.
-residual (M), scrap wood, wood,waBte.
--rolliza o rstica, loga, unsawn lumber.
-- sana, sound lumber.
- serradiza, timber fit to be sawed.
--tierna, sapwood; green lumber.
- tosca, rough lumber.
-troceada (A),cordwood.
--verde, green lumber.
--virgen, virgin timber.
--viva, standing timber.
maderable, fit to be sawed.
maderada j, raft, fioat; timber grillage.
- de manguito (A), compression coupling.
- para mechas (A), drill sleeve 01' socket.
manchones de unin (A), flange union.
mandado, driven, aetuated; controlled.
-- a mano, hand-operated.
- a piloto, pilot-operated.
-- a potencia, power-controlled, power-oper-
--a vaco, vacuum-operated, vacuum-eon-
mandar, to send; to control, drive, actuate.
mandarria , maul, sledge.
-- de leero, wood chopper's maul.
-- de marinero, ship or top maulo
mandbula, jaw.
mandil m, apron.
-- alimentador, apron feeder.
mando m, drive, rperation, control.
-- a distancia, remote control.
- a la izquierda (auto), left-hand drive.
-- a mano, hand control.
-- a punta de dedo, finger-tip control.
-- a sinfn, worm drive.
-- de engranaje, gear drive.
-- de potencia, power control.
-- de relacin ajustable, variable-ratio drive.
- digital, finger-tip control; (auto)(A) gear-
shift on the steering column.
- doble (auto), dual drive.
- exterior, de (elc), externally operable.
- final (auto), final drive.
- hidrulico (auto), fluid drive.
-- por botn, push-button control.
mandn m (min)(M), foreman.
mandril m, mandrel, spindle, arbor; driftpin;
broach; boring tool; (mt) mandrel; (mt)
chuck; (Pi) core, mandre!.
- ahorquillado, fork chuck.
-- automtico para macho, automatic tapping
-- cortador, cutting drift.
- de boquillas con barra tractora (A), draw-in
collect chuck.
- de bordear (cal), tube teader.
- de' broca, drill ehuck.
- de copa (mh), pot chuck.
- de ensanchar (est), dritpin.
- de expansin, (bo)tube expander; (mt) ex-
panding or cone mandre!.
- de mano, (A) tap wrench.
-- de pas o de puntas (em), prong or spur
-- de quijadas convergentes, draw-in or coIlet
or push-out chuck.
- de tornillos, bell 01' cathead chuck.
- de torno (mh), mandrel; chuck.
-- de tuerca, nut mandre!.
-- escalonado, step chuck.
-- flotante, floating chuck.
-- para mechas, drill chuck.
mandriladora , broaching machine.
mandrilar, to bore; to 1'011 (boiler tubes); to drilt
(holes) ; to broach.
mandrn m (est), driftpin.
mandrinar, to drit (rivet holes); to roIl (boiler
maderaje, maderamen m, .timberwork, wood-
work; falsework.
maderar, to cut trees for lumber.
maderera , lumberyard.
maderero m, lumber dealer, lumberman, lumber-
j aek, logger.
maderil. (A), pertaining to lumber.
maderista m, lumber dealer.
madero m, log; a timber.
-- eaehizo, log fit to be sawed.
- de empuje (fe), push poleo
- de escuadra (M), squared timber.
--rollizo, log.
maderos de estibar, dunnage.
madre , bed of a river; main irrigation diteh.
madrejn m (A), pool formed by overflow o a
madreprico a, coral.
madrina J, shore, braee; stringer.
madurar, to age; (wp) to ripen (filter).
maduro, ripe (filter).
maestra , (P) a main; (mas) s e r e ~ d , ground;
(bldg) girder; draft (stoneeuttmg); (min)
main timber.
- vibradora (ca) (Es), vibrating sereed.
maestranza , maehine shop.
maestrear (mam), to set grounds; to sereed.
maestro m, journeyman, master workman; a
main, principIe, master.
-- aguan (Es), hydraulie engineer.
-- albail, master mason.
-- de obras, eonstruetion manager, superin-
tendent, builder.
- de taller (Ch), master meehanie.
-- de va (e), roadmaster.
-- en plomera, master plumber.
-- mayor, master workman; building superin-
, tendent; man lieensed to direet eonstrue-
tion but not to designo
-- mecnico, master meehanie.
maestros constructores de carros, master ear-
magazn m (vol) (U), magazine.
magistral m (met) , magistral.
magma m (geol), magma.
- .. basltico, magma basalto
magmtico, magmatie.
magna1io m, magnalium (alloy).
magnavoz m (M), loudspeaker.
magnesia , magnesia, magnesium oxide.
magnesiano, magnesiano
magnsico a, magnesium, magnesie.
magnesio. m, magnesium.
magnesita ,.magnesite, native magnesium car-
magntica , magnetics.
magntico, magnetie.
magnetismo m,magnetism.
-- remanente, residual magnetism, remanence.
-- subpermanente, subpermanent magnetismo
magnetita , magnetite,. magnetic iron ore, load-
magnetizable, magnetizable.
magnetizar, to magnetize.
magnetom, magneto, magneto alternator; (Ch)
-- alternador, magneto alternator.
-- de volante, flywheel magneto.
magnetoelctrico, magnetoelectric.
magnetoestriccin , magnetostrietion.
magnetoestrictivo, magnetostrictive.
magnetfono m, magnetophone.
magnetgrafo m, magnetograph.
magnetometra J, magnetometry.
magnetmetro m, magnetometer.
magnetomotriz, magnetomotive.
magnetoscopio m, magnetoscope.
magnetrn m (ra), magnetron.
-- de nodo hendido, split-anode magnetron.
-- de cavidad resonante, resonant-cavity mag-
magnificacin (ptica), amplification, magnifi-
magnificar, to magnify.
magnitud , magnitude.
magnolia, magnolia (wood); magnolia metal.
magro, (conc) lean; low (water).
magujo m, ravehook, reeming iron.
mainel m, mullion.
majal, majadero m (lab), pestle.
majar, to pound, crush, break.
majomo m (V), a softwood.
malacate m, hoisting engine, winch, hoist, crab;
(A) turret (lathe).
-- a correa, belt-driven hoist.
-- corredizo, traveling hoist.
-- de amarre (cn), mooring winch.
- de arrastrar (tc), towing winch.
- de arrastre (e), yarding engine.
- de buque (cn), cargo hoist.
-- de camin, truck winch.
-- de colisa (mv) , link-motion or reversible
-- de cono de friccin, cone-rietion hoist.
-- de la cuchara (pet) , sand reel.
-- de dos tambores, double-drum hoisting en-
- de escotilla (cn), hatch winch.
-- de espiar (cn), warping winch.
-- de extraccin, mine hoist.
-- de friccin de banda, band-riction hoist.
-- de hincar, pile-driver engine.
-- de mando (tc), power control winch.
- de molinete (e), spool donkey, gypsy yarder.
- de pozo (min), shaft hoist.
-- de tambor simple, single-drum hoist.
-- de tractor, tractor hoist.
-- estibador, cargo hoist.
--para ancla (cn), anchor winch.
--para cableva, cableway engine.
-- para excavadora funicular, slackline engine.
-- para tuberas (pet), caIf wheel, casing spool.
- situador.(fc), spotting winch.
malacatero m, hoist runner.
malaquita , malachite (copper ore).
malaria , malaria.
malaxadora (M), pugmill.
maleabilidad , malleability.
maleabilizar, to malleableize.
maleable, malleable.
malecn m, sea wall, bulkhead, mole; dike; (A)
jetty; (C) heavy wall.
malezas , underbrush; weeds.
malquita (geol), malchite.
maltasa (is), maltase.
malla , mesh,screen; network.
-- ancha, coarse mesh.
-- angosta, fine mesh.
-- de alambre, wire mesh or fabrie.
-.- de barras (ca), bar or rod mato
-- de cerca, woven-wire fencing.
-- de nervadura, rib lath.
-- metlica, wire mesh.
--rmbiea, diamond mesh.
mallete m, mallet; stud of a chain link; wedge,
chock; (Ec) dap, notch.
- de calafate, calking malleto
mallo m, wooden mau!.
mampara , screen, partition.
-- de estancamiento (hid), core wall.
mamparo m, bulkhead; (hyd)(A) core wall.
- celular (A), cellular core wall.
-- contraincendio, fire wall.
- de abordaje (en), collision. bulkhead.
- de bovedilla (cn), poop bulkhead.
- de las calderas (cn), boiler-room bulkhead.
- de corrimiento (cn), wash bulkhead.
- de las mquinas (cn) , engine-room bulkhead.
- del prensaestopas (cn), aterpeak bulkhead.
- divisorio (cn), partition bulkhead.
- encerrador de escotilla (cn), trunk bulkhead.
mampostear, to build with masonry.
mampostera , masonry, stonework.
-- a hueso, dry masonry.
-- ciclpea, cyclopean masonry.
-- concertada o de piedra bruta, rubble ma-
- de cascote (Col), rubble masonry.
-- de sillares, ashlar masonry.
-- de sillares sin hiladas, broken-range work.
-- en seco, dry masonry.
-- hidrulica (C), stone masonry laid in cement
-- hormigonada (Es), eyclopean concrete.
mampostero m, stonemason.
mampuesta J (mam), a course.
mampuesto m, block of stone; (conc) plum.
manadero m, spring (water); surface seepage of
manantial m, spring (water).
-- artesiano o surtidor, artesian spring.
-- ascendente, artesian spring; contact spring.
-- de falla o de fisura o de grieta, fracture or
fissure spring.
-- de hondna1a o de valle, depression spring.
-- de ladera, gravity or contact spring.
-- descendente, depression or.gravity spring.
-- rebosante o de estrato, gravity spring.
--resurgente o de desbordamiento, contact
manar, to flow out.
mancha , stain, spot.
~ azul (mad), blue stain.
-.- del ctodo (ra), cathode spot.
- oscura (tv), dark spot.
manchn m, patch; (A) shaft coupling.
- de acoplamiento (A), coupling flange.
- de mando (auto)(A), driving flange.
manto m, stratum; (geol) mantle; (geol) nappe.
- de corrimiento (geol), nal'pe.
--fretico, water-bearing stratum.
- hidrulico (C), water-bearing stratum.
- sobreescurrldo (geol), overthrust.
manuabilidad I (cone), workability.
manuable, handy, easily handled; (eone) work-
manual m, handbook; a manual, hand.
manubrio m, erank, handle.
-- de la excntrica (mv), eccentrc erank.
-- saliente, overhung crank.
manufactura/, manufacturing, manufacture; (V)
manufacturar, to manufacture; (V) to fabrcate;
to process.
manufacturero m, manufacturer.
manutenci6n j, maintenance.
manzana 1, city block; (C) (PR) hub; land me88-
ure: (A) about 2.5 acres, (CA) about 1%;
manzanillo m, becket of a tackle block.
manzano m, apple wood.
mai m (Ch), a softwood.
mapa m, map.
--bsico, base map.
-- caminero, road map.
-- catastral, real-estate or cadastral map;
- de vuelo (fma), flight map. .
-- estadstico, spot map.
- hidrogrfico, chart.
-- maestro, master map.
--meteorol6gico, weather map.
- planimtrico, line map.
- topogrfico, . eontour map, topographieal
--vial, road map. .
mapoteca I (A), collection of mapa, place where
maps are kept.
maqueta I (Es) (M) (V), model.
mquina 1, machine, engine.
-- a nafta, gasoline engine.
- a petr6leo, oil engine.
-- a vapor, steam engine.
- borradora (dib), erasing machine.
- calculadora, calcu1ating machine.
-- condensadora, eondensing engine.
-- de acanalar, ch=eling machine, ch=eler.
-- de aceite, oil engine.
-- de aire caliente, hot-air engine.
- de amantillar, (de) lufling engine.
- de avance o de empuje (PI), erowding
- de balancn, beam engine.
-- de ciclo compuesto, mixed-cyele engine.
-- de combusti6n, internal-combustion engine.
-- de cuatro correderas (mv) , four-valveengine.
- de dibujar, drafting machine.
-- de elevaci6n, a hoist; (sh) hoisting engine.
- de enclavamiento (fe), interlocking maehine.
-- de encorvar, bending machine.
- de enroscar, bolt-and-pipe or threading
-- de ensayo, testing mac1line.
- de escape libre (mv), noneondensing engina.
- de escribir, typewriter.
199 manobrabilidad
maniobrabilidad I (ec), maneuverability.
maniobrable, maneuverable.
maniobrar, to operate, handie; (rr) to drill.
manipulaci6n/, handling, manipu1ation; (ra) (tel)
- cat6dica (ra), cathode or center-tap keyillg.
-interpuesta (ra), break-in keying.
manipulador m, manipulator; telegraph key.
manipular, to handle; (ra) to key.
manipuleo m, handling.
manivela 1, crank; handle.
-- de arranque, starting crank.
- del avance transversal (mh), eross-feed knob
or handle.
- de barra corrediza (herr) , sliding-bar handle.
- de bola, ball crank.
- de cabilla (herr), pin handie.
- de disco, crank disk, disk crank.
-- divisora, index erank.
-- motriz, driving crank.
--volada, overhung crank.
mano 1, hand; (Pt) eoat.
--,a, by hand.
-_. aprestadora o de aparejo o de fondo, primiug
or filler coat.
- del almirez o del mortero (1ab), pestle.
-- de ballesta (auto), dumb iron.
- de campo, field coat.
-- de obra, labor; workmanslllp.
-- de taller, shop coat.
manobre m, hod carrier.
manomtrico, manometric.
man6metro m, pressure or steam gage, manom-
-- al vaco, vacuum gage.
-- compuesto, eompound manometer.
-- de aceite, oil-pressure gage.
-- de agua, water manometer.
- de alarma (cal), alarm gage.
-- de Bourdon, Bourdon gage.
-- de compresi6n, compressometer, compres-
sion gage.
- de diafragma, diaphragm gage.
-- de mercurio, mercury manometer.
- de tubo U, U-tube manometer.
-- marcador o registrador, recording gage.
--para neumticos, tire gage.
manom6vil m (A), hand truck
manoplas I (sol), gauntlets.
man6stato m, manostat.
mansard m (Co!), truss of a gambrel roof.
mansarda 1, gambrel or mansard roof.
manta 1, tarpaulin; (min) thin bed of ore; (inl)
quilt, blanket.
manteado (min), in fiat beds.
mantenci6n 1, maintenance (equipment or per-
-- de va (fc), maintenanee of way.
mantenedor m (maq), road maintainer.
mantener, to maintain.
-la derecha (ca), to keep to the right.
mantenimiento m, maintenanee.
manteo m (geo!) (U), bedding.
mantillo m. humus, vegetable moldo
mantilloso, eontaining humus.
mantisa 1, mantissa.
_ para freno neumtico (fc), brake hose.
__ para vapor, steam hose.
mangueta/, door jamb; '.
manguito m, sleeve, pIpe couplin/?; bu;>hil;g,
socket; small handle; chuck; thlIll;ble, qU1ll.
__ aislante, insulating sleeve or
__ de acoplamiento, sleeve coupllt;'g.
_ de algod6n (elc), cotton sleevm.g.
_ de asbesto (elc), asbestos sleevmg.
- de broca, drill socket.
- de cable, thimble.
__ de cilindro, cylinder sleeve.
_ del colector (elc), commutator shell.
__ de compostura, repair sleeve.
_ de derivaci6n (tub), tapping sleeve.
-- del eje, axle sleeve.
__ de empalme, splicing sleeve, (elec) connector.
__ de estrangulaci6n (cab), choker sleeve.
__ de expansi6n, expansion shield. .
__ de expansi6n para pija, lag-screw shield.
_ de madera, wood bushing.
- de mot6n, coak. ldin
_ de soldar, (elec) wiping sleeve; (pet) we g
sleeve. lin
_ de tubera de hincar (pet) , drive coup g.
__ de tuerca, sleeve nut. .
__ de uni6n (elc), splicing sleeve; coupling
__ enroscado, threaded coupling.
__ excntrico (tub), eccentric coupling.
__ para manguera, hose coupling. .
__ para recalcar, anchor (for machine
_ para soldar (tub), welding sleeve.
_ para taladrado (tub): tap:ping sleeve.
__ para tubera subfiuVlal, rlver sleeve.
_ portabrocas, drill chuck.
_ portalIerramienta (mh), chuck.
__ reductor, reducing sleeve.
__ roscado con trinquete, steamboat ratchet.
_ sujetador (elc), hickey.
--tensor, sleeve nut. .
_ tipo condensador (elc), condenser bushing.
manigero m (Es), labor foreman.
manigua I (C), underbrush:
manigueta 1, handle, sash lift. .
manija 1, handle; clamp; hand of a gage, sash
lift, (A) door pull; (A) duorknob; (auto)
(A) (U) starting crank.
_ con cerradura (auto), locking handle.
_ de admisi6n (auto), throttle lever.
__ de cambio (mh), change-gear lever.
__ de ignicin (auto), spark lever.
_ de la media tuerca (mh), half-nut lever.
__ inversora del avance (mh), feed-change
lever, feed-reversing handle.
__ para machos, tap wrench.
__ para robinetes, cock wrench.
manijero m, foreman.
manij6n m, heavy handle.
manilla 1, hand of a gage.
maniobra j, operation; control; handling; (rr)
__ a distancia, remote control.
-- a mano, hand operation.
I -- mltiple, gang operation.
manea I (M), brake.
maneador m (fc)(M), brakeman.
manecilla 1, hand of a gage; smaJ1lever, handIe.
_ de admisi6n (auto), !ever.
manejabilidad I (conc), workability.
manejable, workable. dr' .
manejar, to handle; to manage; (auto) to lve,
(eng) to run, operate. .
manejo m, handling; management; operabon;
(auto) driving.
__ a distancia, remote control.
_ al tacto (A), finger-ti? control;
__ de materiales, materIal handling.
__ doble, dual operation.
maneta I contact finger.
manga j, hose; (mech) sleeve; (naut) beam;
breadth' (conc)(A) elephant-trunk chute,
(rr)(A) to a loading platform for
__ de arqueo (an), register beam. .
__ de compresi6n (tub) , compreSSlOn sleeve
(coupling) .
_ de construcci6n (an), molded breadth.
__ de lona (conc), canvas tremie.
__ de reparaci6n (tub), repair sleeve.
-maestra (an), midship beam.
-total (an), extreme breadth.
mangas de soldador, we1der's sleeves.
mangaje m (Es), length of hose.
manganato m, manganate. .
mangansico, manganesffero, conta;mmg man-
ganese, manganiferous.
manganeso m, manganese.
__ gris, manganite, gray manganese. ore.
__ negro, black manganese, pyroluSlte.
mangnico, .
manganina I (aleaclOn), manganrn.
manganita/, manganite, gray ore.
manganito m (quim), mangarnte.
manganoso, manganous.
mangar to put a handle on.
mangav'eletal (ap), wind sock.
manglar m, mangrove swamp.
mangle m, mangrove.
mango m, shank, grip, haft.
_ cilndrico, stralght shank.
_ c6nico, taper shank. .'
._ del cazo o del cuchar6n (PI), dipper stlCk.
__ de girar, turning handle.
__ de palanca, lever handle.
__ de pistola, pistol grip.
_ de serrocho, saw pad.
_ de T(v), T handle.
_ para pico, pick handle.
mangos de cuchar6n (PI), dipper arma.
mangote m, chuck.
manguardia 1, wing wall; buttress.
manguera 1, hose; inner .
__ alambrada o armada, wrre-wound or armored
hose. . h
__ aspirante o de succi6n, suctlOn ose.
__ de incendio, fire hose.
_ de soldador, welding hose.
__ entorchada, wire-wound hose.
__ neumtica, air hose.
_ para chorro de arena, sandblast hose.
marrano m, timber of a mine-shaft frame; (Col)
mudsill, sleeper.
marro m (M), maul, striking hammer.
martellina /, bushhammer; marteline; erandall.
martellinar, to bushhammer.
martensita / (met), martensite.
inartenstico, martensitie.
martillar, to hammer.
martillazo m, blow of a hammer.
martilleo m, hammering; (ge) knoeking.
--hidrulico, water hammer.
martillo m, hammer.
- burilador, sealing hammer (air).
-- cincelador, ehipper, ehipping hammer.
-- con bolita, ball-peen hammer.
-- de adoquinador, paver's hammer.
-- de ajustador, maehinist's hammer.
- de boca cruzada, eross-peen hammer.
-- de boca derecha, straight-peen hammer.
- de boca esfrica o de bola, ball-peen hammer.
- de cada libre (Pi), drop hammer.
-- de calafatear, ealkinghammer.
-- de cantero, stoneeutter's hammer.
-- de cara de campana, bell-faeed hammer.
-- de carpintero, elaw 01' earpenter's or nail
-- de cotillo plstico, plastie-tipped hammer.
- de chapista (auto), ding hammer, blaekjaek,
bumping hammer.
-- de dos bocas, peen hammer.
-- de dos cotillos, double-faee hammer.
-- de enladrillador, briek hammer.
- de forja o de fragua, bIaeksmith or forge
- de fundidor, flogging hammer.
-- de herrador, farrier's hammer.
-- de hojalatero, tinner's 01' raising hammer.
-- de leador, wood ehopper's maulo
-- de madera, beetle, wooden maulo
-- de marcar (ef) , marking hammer, log stamp.
-- de orejas, elaw hammer.
-- de orejas rectas, ripping hammer.
-- de pala, pneumatie clay spada, air spada.
-- de pea, peen hammar.
- de pea blanda, soft-tipped hammer.
-- de pea cruzada o de pea transversal, erosS'"
pean hammar.
- de pea dentada (cantero), tooth ax.
-- de pea derecha, straight-peen hammar.
-- de pea doble, double-pean hammer; pean
hammer (stone).
- de pea plstica, plastic-tippad hammer.
-- de picapedrero, stoneeutter's or knapping
-- de pizarrero, slater's hammer.
- de realce (min), stoper.
-- da recalcar (si), swaging hammar.
- detruptor (auto)(U), breaker armo
-- de triscar, saw-setting 01' bloeking hammar.
-- de ua, elaw 01' nail hammar.
-- de ua recta, ripping hammer.
- desabollador (eh), peeking 01' bumping ham-
- desincrustador, sealing hammer.
-- escarpiado!: (fe), spiking hammer, spike
martillo 201 marea
- alta o llena, high tide.
-- alta media, mean high water.
--ascendente o creciente o entrante o llenante
o montante, flood tide.
- baja, low tide.
-- de apogeo, apogean 01' neap tide.
-- de perigeo, perigean 01' spring tide.
-- decreciente o descendente o menguante o
saliente o vaciante, ebb tide.
- diurna, diurnal tide.
-- escorada, extreme low tide.
--media, mean tide.
- muerta, neap tide; slaek tide, stand of the
--viva, spring tide.
mareamotriz a, tide-power.
marecanita / (geol), marekanite.
marejada /, surl, swell, heavy sea.
-- de reflexin, standing wave.
maremoto m, bore (tidal), eagre, tidal flood.
mareogrfico, marigraphie.
maregrafo m, marigraph, reeording tide gage.
mareograma m, marigram.
maremetro m; tide gage.
marfil m, ivory.
margal, marl; loam.
margarodita /, margarodite (mica).
margen m /, riverbank; margino
-- de seguridad, margin of safety.
-libre (hid)(M), freeboard.
marginal, margina!.
margoso, marly; loamy.
marimba / (M), eorduroy road.
marina/, seaeoast; seafaring; marine, ships; navy
personnel; (pw) marina.
-- de guerra, navy.
-- mercante, merehant marine.
--para hidroaviones, air harbor, seaplane base.
marinar, to man a ship.
marinera /, ship's erew.
marinero m, seaman, sailor; a seaworthy.
marino, marine, nautiea!.
mariposa /, butterfly (valve); (M) wing nut;
(auto) throttle.
-- de aceleracin (auto), throttle, aeeelerator.
- del cebador (auto), ehoke valve.
- regulador de tiro, butterfiy damper.
marisma /, tideland, salt marsh.
martimo, marine, maritime.
marjal m, marsh.
marlita /, marlite.
marmaja / (M), mareasite, iron pyrites.
marmita /, small furnaee, tar kettle, small
- de gigante (geol), pothole.
mrmol m, marble.
marmolera /, marble shop; marble work.
marmolero, marmolista m, marble setter 01' eon-
marmolete m (V), kind of limestone.
marmolina / (A), marble dust.
mama / (A), mar!.
maroma /, cable, rope.
marquesina/, loeomotive eab; marquee.
marquetera /, marquetry; eabinetmaking.
marra /, sledge, maulo
--ndice, witness mark.
--registrada, trademark.
_ de colimacin (inst),eollimating marks.
-- de embarque, shipping marks.
- fiduciales (fma), fidueial marks.
__ guas ereetion marks; matehmarks.
__ registradoras (fma), register ma:ks.
marcacin /, marking; bearmg.
__ magntica, magnetlC bearmg.
__radiogoniomtrica, radio bearing.
--real, true bearing.
marcador m, marker; (lg) spotter; (lg) fitter;
(Ch) deviee for measuring irrigation water.
_ de astrgalos (mam), beading too!.
__ de caminos, road sign 01' marker.
__ de estacas (lev), stake marker.
__ de sincronizacin (auto), timing marker.
- de tiempo (C), timekeeper.
_ delimitador (ap) , boundary marker.
_ enterrado (ap), flush marker.
_ tipo abanico (ap), fan marker.
marcar a fuego, to brand.
marcasita / (miner) , mareasite,white iron py-
marco m frame' yoke; (min) set; standard of
for timber; measure of irrigation water
used in South Ameriea.
__ a cajn, doorframe with trim both sides.
_ adaptador (fma), adapting frame.
_ armado (min), truss seto
__ ceido (A), frame formerly used to measure
irrigation water. (It was a full square
while the marco de tajo was open at the
- de buzn (Pe), manhole frame.
_ de compuerta (hid), gate frame.
__ de extensin, extension frame (haeksaw).
- de la hlice (en), stern frame.
- de lima, file holder.
__ de medicin (fma), measuring frame.
_ de pares (min), rafter seto
__ de pozo, manhole frame; shaft frame.
__ de puerta, doorframe, door buek.
__ de registro, manhole frame.
__ de segmento (min), segment seto
__ de serrucho, haeksaw frame.
__ de sierra, saw gate or frame.
_ de tajo (A), measuring weir formerly used for
irrigation water.
__ de ventana, window frame.
- en A (M), A frame.
_ fundamental (A), bedframe.
__ rgido (est), rigid frame.
__ y tapa, frame and eover. .
marcha/, movement; progress; (maehy) runmng;
(auto) (M) self-starter. .
_ a rueda libre (auto), freewheeling.
__ atrs, baeking up; (maehy) reversing.
-- de ensayo, tria! runo
__ en vaco, idling, rUlilling with no load.
__ muerta, lost motion, baeklash.
marchar, to go, move, funetion; to progress:
(maehy), to run, operate.
marea /, tide.
__ a sotovento, lee 01' leeward tide.
_ de expansin triple (mv) , triple-expansion
engine. .'
_ de explotacin loggmg engme.
__ de extraccin, mine hOlst:. .
_ de giro (gr), sluing s'YlIlgmg e1;1gme.
_ de imprimir (dib), prmtmg
__ de influencia (ele), influenee maehine, elee-
trostatie generator. .
__ de inyectar cemento, grout maehme.
_ de maniobras (fe), drill engine, yard loeomo-
tive. .
__ de prueba, testing maehine.
__ de sumar, adding maehine..
_ detonadora o estalladora, blastmg maehine.
__ Diesel, Diesel engine. . .
_ dobladora, maehine.
__ equilibradora, balanemg maehme.
__ heliogrfica, blueprint maehine; .
__ insertadora d" vlvulas, valve-msertmg ma-
ehine. .
__ izadora, hoisting engine, hOlst.. .
_ motora de los molinos (az), mili engme.
_ motriz, prime mover.. .
__ para voladuras, blastmg maehine.
_ perforadora (pet), drill rig. .
__ reforzadora (loco), booster engme.
_ rotuladora (dib), lettering maehine.
_ sopladora blast 01' blowing engine.
__ trmica, heat engine; (M) internal-eombus-
tion engine.
__ timoneadora (en), steering engine.
- tipo de barril, barrel engine.
__ tomamuestras, sampling maehine.
mquina-herramienta, tool.
mquina-tnder, tank loeomotlve.
maquinal, meehanieal. .
maquinar (M), to maehine.
maquinaria /, maehinery. . . .
_._ caminera, road maehinery, road-building
equipment. .
__ de construccin, eonstruetion plant 01' eqUlp-
__ de extraccin, mining maehinery.
-- de moler (az), milling maehinery.
-- de ocasin, used maehinery.
__ explotadora de madera, logging
__ para labrar madera, woodworkmg maehin-
_ vial road-building equipment.
maqumIsmo m (Es), meehanization.
maquinista m, operator of an en-
gine, loeomotlve engu;eer. .
__ conductor (A), loeomotlve engmeer.
-- de arrastre (min), haulageman.
__ de extraccin (min), hoistman.
_ de tractor, tractor operator, eat skinner.
-- naval, marine engineer.
--titulado, lieensedengineer.
marm/, sea.
- de fondo, gro).lIld swell.
__ encontrado, eross sea.
maraca/ (bm) (V), foot valve and strainer.
maraa /, jungle.
marca/, brand, make; mark.
__ de comercio o de fbrica, trademark.
_ de fuego (A), branting iron.
mayor 203 medida
_ hincador de tablestacas, sheeting hammer.
-- macho, sledge hammer.
-- neumtico, air hammer; jackhammer.
_ para bordear (cal), fiue-beading hammer.
__ para descantillar, chipping hammer.
-- para puntillas, brad hammer.
__ para virotillos, stay-bolt hammer.
--perforador, jackhammer. ., .
__ picador, paving breaker; pneumatlc mmmg
tool. .
__ remachador o roblonador, rivetmg hammer.
__ rompedor, concrete buster.
martillo-cincel, chipping hammer.
martillo-estampa, button set, rivet set; set ham-
martillo-piln, drop or trip hammer.
martillo-sufridera (re), holding-up hammer.
martinete m, pile driver, pile or drop hammer.
-- a vapor, steam hammer.
__ de bscula,tilt or helve hammer.
- de cada (pi), drop hammer.
_ de doble efecto, double-acting steam ham-
__ de movimiento diferencial, differential-act-
ing steam hammer.
__ de simple efecto, single-acting steam ham-
__ forjador, trip or forging hammer.
ms, plus; more.
masa/, mass, bulk; (elec) ground.
__ plstica (A), mastic, rooing cement, asphalt
masacocida I (az), massecuite.
mscara J, mask.
-- contra el polvo, dust mask.
_ de cabeza (sol), head shield.
msico a (A), mass.
masicote m, massicot, unfused lead monoxide.
masilla J, putty; (V) mastico
- de asfalto, asphalt putty.
- de asiento, beddingputty.
- de borde, back putty.
- de cal, lime putty.
-- de calafatear, calking compound.
-- de cara, face putty.
__ de limaduras de hierro, iron-rust cemento
__ de vidriero, glazier's putty.
masillo m (C), plaster.
mastelero m (cn), topmast.
mstil m, mast; (U) transmission tower.
__ de carga (cn), cargo masto
mstique m, mastic; (M) (V) putty. .
__ asfltico, asphalt putty; asphalt mastICo
-- de asbesto, asbestos plaster.
mata J (met), matte.
matas J, brush, undergrowth.
matacn m (Col), cobblestone.
matachispas m, spark arrester.
matafuego m, fire extinguisher.
matar (carp) to bevel; to round off; (met) to
kill, deadmelt; to slake (lime); (elec) to
--las aristas, to bevel the edges; to round off.
matatenal (M), cobble; pebble.
mate m (ma), matte.
matemticas J, mathematics.
-- superiores, higher mathematics.
matemtico, mathematical.
material, matter; material; subject.
-- mineral, mineral matter.
-- prima, raw material.
material m, material; (elec) equipment; (A)
-- aglomerante, binding material.
-- de desecho, scrap.
-- en bruto, raw material.
--filtrante, filtering medium.
__ fraguante (terreno), cementing material.
__ mvil (fc), equipment, rolling stock.
materiales de fabricacin (C), building mate-
mato m (A), a hardwood.
matorral m, underbrush, thicket.
matraca J, ratchet.
--invertible, reversible ratchet.
matraz m (qum), matrass.
- de lavado (lab), wash bottle.
matrices escalonadas, step dies.
matrcula J, license (engineer's, auto, etc.).
matricu1&do, registered, licensed.
matriz 1, die, mold, form; (mech) (math) matrix;
(bs) sow; a main, principIe; (mech) female.
-- acabadora, shaving die.
--bruidora, burnishing die.
_ colocadora (mh) , gage die.
__ combinada, combination die.
-- compuesta, compound die.
_ de alcantarillado (Ch), trunk sewer.
- de bombear, bulging die.
-- de cizalla, shearing die.
__ de comparacin, master die.
-- de corte, cutoff die.
-- de divisin, index die.
_ de doblar compuesta, compound bending die.
__ de doblar simple, plain bending die.
__ de embutir o de formar, drawing or forming
-- de estampa, stamping die.
__ de neumtico, matrix (tire mold).
-- de punzonzar, blanking die.
__ de reduccin, reducing or redrawing die.
-- de relieve, embossing die.
-- de remachar, riveting die.
- de tamao, gaging block (drill).
__ encabezadora, heading die.
-- maestra, master die.
-- mltiple, gang dies.
- partida, split die.
__ perforadora, perforating or piercing die.
__ rebordeadora, curling die.
__ recortadora, trimming die.
matriz-patrn, master die.
matrizar, to form with a die, die-casto
mujo m, rasing iron; ravehook.
mximo m a, maximuffi.
__ comn divisor, greatest common divisor.
__ magntico (geof), magnetic high;
maxwell m (elc), maxvelio (A), mxwel (Pe),
maxwell-vuelta, ma"well-turn.
mayocol m (M), foreman.
may6lica I (A), glazed tile.
mayor vala, unearned increment; good will.
mayoral m (Pe), foreman.
mayordomo m, foreman; janitor.
maza 1, drop hammer; pile hammer; stamp;
crushing roll; mallet, striking haromer;
- bagacera o de descarga (az), bagasse or back
or discharge rollo
- caera o de alimentaci6n o de entrada (az),
feed or cane rollo
-- de martinete, drop hammer.
- de molino o de trapiche (az), mill rollo
-- de rueda, hubo
- de vapor (A), steam hammer.
-- desmenuzadora (az), crusher rollo
-- mayor o sobrepuesta o superior (az), top or
upper rollo
-- para hincar postes, post maulo
-- trituradora, bucking hammer.
mazacote m (Es), concrete.
mazar m (Col), paving tile.
mazo m, maul, sledge, beetle, malleto
-- de calafate, hawsing malleto
mazonera I (Es), stone.masonry.
mazoner m (Es), mason.
mazote m (C), drop hammer.
meadero m (Es), urinal.
mendrico a (M), meandering (stream).
meandro m, meandering of a stream.
mecnica J, mechanics; machinery, mechanism.
-- aplicada, applied mechanics.
-- de ondas (fsica), wave mechanics.
-- de los suelos, soil mechanics.
mecnico m, machinist, mechanic; a mechanical.
-- electricista (A), electrical repairman, electri-
-- jefe, master mechanic.
--reparador, repairman.
mecanismo m,mechanism, gear.
- de ataque (Pl)(M), crowding gear.
-- de avance, feed mechanism; (sa) feed works;
(sh) travel mechanism.
- de control (elc), switchgear.
-- de desenganche, releasing gear.
-- de direcci6n (auto), steering gear.
-- de distribuci6n (mv), valve gear.
- de empuje (PI), crowding gear.
- de giro (gr), bull gear.
-- de inversi6n, reversing gear.
-- de maniobra, operating mechanism.
-- de marcha (gr), traveling gear.
-- de reposici6n (regulador), restoring mech-
-- de timoneo (cn) , steering gear.
--relojero, clockwork.
-- servomotor, servomechanism.
mecanizar, to mechanize.
mecan6grafo, mecan6grafa, typist.
mecate m (M), rope.
mecha J, fuse; wick; drill bit; (C) oxyacetylene
-- aceitadora, oiling wick.
-- Bickford, Bickford fuse, safety fuse.
-- centradora, center bit or drill.
-- cilndrica, straight-shank twist drill.
- cnica (A), taper-shank twist drill.
- de algod6n (vol), cotton fuse.
- de avance lento (vol), slow-burning fuse.
-- de cuchara, spoon bit.
- de discos, disk bit.
-- de electricista, electrician's bit.
-- de expansi6n, extension bit.
- de explosi6n (vol), detonating fuse.
- de ncleo s6lido (vol), solid-core fuse.
- de p6lvora suelta (vol), loose-powder fuse.
- de punta chata, fiat drill.
- de segnridad (vol), safety fuse.
-- del tim6n (A), rudder stock.
- detonante (vol), detonating fuse.
- espiral, twist drill.
-- extractora, tap or screw extractor.
- forrada de cinta (vol), tape fuse.
- salom6nica, twist drill.
mecha-macho (tub), combined tap and drill.
mechazo m (vol), Inisfire.
mechero m, burner; (Col) plumber's torcho
- Bunsen, Bunsen burner.
mechinal m, weep hole; putlog hole; putlog.
mdano m, sandbank, sand dune.
medial (mat), mean.
-- aritmtica, arithmetical mean.
-- asta, muro de, wall Y: brick thick, tier, withe.
-banda (co) (M), half-track.
--buja hemisfrica, mean hemispherical can-
dle power.
- citara, wall Y: brick thick.
- cuchara (M), semiskilled mason.
-- diferencial, arithmetical mean.
- falda, a, sidehill (cut).
- galera (ca) (A), sidehill rock cut with over-
hanging roo.
-- garlopa, short jack planeo
-- geomtrica, geometric mean.
-ladera, a, sidehill, half cut and half fill.
-luna,shank (inserted-toothsaw).
- madera, a, halved (timber joint).
--marea, half tide.
--marea muerta, mean neap tide.
-- marea viva, mean spring tide.
-- ordenada, middle ordinate.
- oruga (co) (M), half-track.
- planta (an), half-breadth plan.
--proporcional, geometric mean.
- suela (pet), half sole.
- tuerca, half nut.
mediaagna/, lean-to, roof sloped in one direction.
mediacaa 1, half-round.
mediana I a, median.
medianera 1, party wall.
medianera J, partition; party wall.
mediar, (Ec), to measure.
mediatriz J, median lineo
medici6n J, measurement; mensuration.
-- de comprobaci6n (lev), tie or check distance.
-- en corte (ot), place measurement, measure-
ment in cut.
-- en la obra, measurement in place.
mediciones de referencia (lev) , ties, reference
medida J, measure, measurement; rule, measur-
ing tape.
-- agraria, land measure.
-- con calibrador, caliper rule.
-- de longitud, long measure.
-- de superficie, square measure.
-- de tabla o para madera, board measure.
--para troncos, log measure. . . .
medidor m, meter; batcher,measurmg devICe;
gage; sizer; (lg) scaler; (surv) tapeman.
--a inundacin, inundator (sand).
-- de abonado, service meter.
_ de audibilidad (ra), audibility meter.
-- de brillo, glossmeter.
__ de buzamiento, dip meter.
__ de capacitancia (elc), capacitance meter.
-- de capilaridad, capillometer.
-- de cargas (conc), batcher.
_ de combustible (auto) (M), fuel gage.
-- de consistencia, consistency meter.
__ de corriente (hd), current meter; fiowmeter.
__ de deformacin, strain gage or meter.
-- de detonacin (geof), detonation meter.
- de disco, disk meter (wat\lr).
-- de esfuerzo, stress meter.
-- de exposicin (fma), exposure meter.
- del factor de deformacin (ra), distortion-
factor meter.
-- de fiujo, fiowmeter.
-- de gasto (hd), fiowmeter; rate recorder.
- de golpeo, (eng) knock meter.
- de gravedad (geof), gravity meter.
-- de hierro mvil (elc), moving-iron meter.
-- de humo, smoke meter.
-- de iluminacin, light or illumination meter.
-- de inclinacin (fma), tiltmeter.
- de intensidad luminosa (il), brightness
-- de maderas, dimension gage.
-- de modulacin (ra), modulation monitor or
-- de nevada, snow gage; snow sampler.
-- de ondas (ra), wavemeter.
- de pelcula (fma), film-Iletering device.
-- de pH (is), pH meter, hydrogen-ion meter.
-- de pies-bujas (il), foot-candle or sight meter.
- de presin de aceite (auto) (M), oil-pressure
- de profundidad, depth gage, sounding lineo
- de remolinos Chid), swirl meter.
- de resalto (hid) (M), standing-wave fiume.
-- de roscas, screw-pitch gage.
- de temperatura (auto)(M), temperature in-
-- de tensin mxima (elc), crest voltmeter.
-- de torsin, torque meter.
- de troncos (ef), scaler.
-- de velocidad, speedometer.
- de visibilidad (il), visibilitymeter.
-- de voltaje, voltmeter.
-- para canaln (hid), fiume meter.
- por peso (ag); weighing batcher, weigh hop-
- por titulacin (qum), titrimeter,
-- por voluIJ!.en (ag), volume batcher.
-- registrador, recording meter.
--Venturi, Venturi meter.
-- vertidero (Pe), measuring weir.
medidora (j) de piladas (conc), batcher.
medio m, middle; mean; a half; mean; adv
-- abrir, a, half-open.
-- acabar, a, semifinished.
-- angular, subangular.
--bocel, half-round convex molding.
-- can, a, semicylindrical.
- corte, a, halved (timber ioint).
- de cultivo (1ab), culture medium.
-- de dispersin (qum), dispersionmedium.
-- de enfriamiento, cooling medium.
-llenar, a, half-full.
--mecnico u oficial, semiskilled workman.
-- ovalado, half-oval.
--proporcional, mean proportional, geometric
-- punto, de, semicircular (arch).
medio-tillado (C), fourpenny naiL
medir, to measure.
-- a pasos, to pace.
-- en el lugar, to measure in place.
mdula J (mad), pith.
megabara J, megabar.
megaciclo m (ra), megacycle.
megadina J, megadyne.
megaergio m, megaerg.
megafaradio m, megafarad.
megfono m, megaphone.
megalneaJ (elc), megaline, megamaxwell.
megmetro m, megameter.
megamperio m, megampere.
mgano m, sand dune, sandbank.
megassmico, megaseismic.
megasismo m, megaseism, violent earthquake.
megavatio m, megawatt.
megavoltio m, megavolt.
megohInio m, megohm.
megohmmetro m, megohmmeter.
megohmita J (ais), megohmit.
meghmmetro m, megohmmeter, megger.
megotalco m (ais), megotalc.
mejor del mejor (alambre), best best (BB).
mejorador m (conc)(M), admixture.
mejorar, to improve.
meladura J (az), sirup.
melfido, melftro m (geol), melaphyre.
melanterita J, melanterite, r.ative copperas.
melazaJ (az), sirup, molasses.
melinita J, melinite (explosive).
mella J, notch, nick.
-- de calibracin, gaging notch.
mellar, to notch, nick; (t)(C) to dull.
membrana J, membrane.
memoriaJ, report;(min)(M) pay rollo
menaJ, ore.
-- de los pantanos, bog iron ore, limonite.
menestral m (Es), mechanic, artesano
menestrete m (Es), claw bar.
menguaJ, low water; (lbr)(M) wane.
menguante J (mr), ebb.
menguar (mr), to ebb, fallo
menisco m, meniscus.
menos, minus.
mensajero m, messenger cable; a carrying, car-
rier, messenger.
-- enlazador (elc), lacing messenger.
mnsula J, bracket, console, corbel; column cap;
haunch (Ambursen dam).
-- de garrucha (gr), sheave bracket.
- del mstil (gr), mast bracket.
mensular, to bracket.
mensura J, measurement.
mensurar, to measure.
m e o l l ~ r (m) de camo (A), calking yarn, pack-
meollo m, pith.
meple m, maple.
mercaptn, mercaptano m (qum), mercaptan.
mercptido (m) de sodio, s')dium mercaptide.
merced J, concession, grant.
-- de aguas, concession for the use of water.
-- de tierras, grant of land.
mercurial, mercurial.
mercrico, mercuric.
mercurio m, mercury, quicksilver.
-- argnteo, argental mercury.
-- crneo, horn quicksilver.
- fulminante, mercury.fulminate.
mercurioso, mercurous.
meridiana J, meridian lineo
meridiano m, meridian; a meridional, meridiano
-- de gua (lev), guide meridiano
--verdadero, true meridiano
meridional, southern; meridional.
merln m, marline.
merma J, shrinkage; leakage.
mesa J, plateau, tableland; table; stair landing;
wall plateo
- colimadora (tma), collimating tableo
-- concentradora, concentrating tableo
-- corrediza (rnh), traveling tableo
-- de acepilladora, platen of a planer.
- de agua (Pe)(V), water table (ground).
-- de ayustar, splicillg bench.
- de calcar (dib), tracing tableo
-- de clculo, computer tableo
-- de control, operating table, control desk.
-- de dibujo, drawing or drafting table.
-- de ensayos de escurrimiento, fiow tableo
-- de entradas, an office in every Government
department where all documents are rc-
ceived for subsequent distribution.
- de escogido (miner) (V), sorting fioor.
- de fiujo, fiow tableo
- de operaciones (pa)(Pe), operating tableo
- de sujecin (mh), work tableo
-- de trabajo, workbench.
-- de traslacin, transfer tableo
- durmiente (min), sleepingtable.
- giratoria, (rr) turntable; (mt) swivel table;
(pct) rotary tableo
--medidora, sizing tableo
-- muestreadora, sampling tableo
-- oscilatoria o sacudidora o trepidante, shak-
ing or cOllcentrating tableo
- rotativa (mh), revolving tableo
--rotatoria, turntable; (pet) rotary tableo
mesada J, monthly rate of payo
mesana J (cn), mizzenmast.
mesero m, employee paid by the month.
meseta J, plateau; stair landing.
mesilla J, window sill; stair landing.
mesita (1) de control (fma), control stand.
mesoflico (is), mesophilic.
mesotrmico, mesotermal, mesotherlllal.
metaantracita J, meta-anthracite.
metabasita J (geol), metabasite.
metabisulfito (m) de potasio (fma) , potassium
metabolismo m (is), metabolismo
metaborato m (qum), metaborate.
metacntrico, metacentric.
metacentro m (an), metacenter.
metaclasa./ (geol), metaclase, rock showing
metadina J (ra), metadyne.
metafosfato m (qum), metaphosphate.
metafosfrico (qum), metaphosphoric.
nletal m, metal; (C) brass, bronze; (M) ore.
- amarillo (C), brass.
-- antifriccin o blanco, Babbitt or bearing
-- bsico (sol), base or parent metal.
- de aporte (sol), filler metal, adding material.
- delta, delta metal.
- desplegado, expanded metal.
-- duro, hard metal, hard bronze, bell metal.
-.- en bruto, ore.
-- en polvo, powdered metal.
--estirado, expanded metal; drawn metal.
- expandido (V) (Es), expanded metal.
-- monel, monel metal.
-- Muntz, Muntz metal.
--no ferroso, nonferrous metal.
- patente (C), Babbitt metal.
-- pulverizado, powdered metal.
metalada J, metal content of ore.
metlica J, metallurgy.
metlico, metallic, metal.
metalfero, containing metal, ore-bearing.
metalista m, metalworker.
metalistera J, metalwork, metalworking.
metalizar, to metalize.
metalografa J, metallography.
metalogrfico, metallographc.
metaloide m, metloid.
metalurgia J, metallurgy.
metalrgico m, metallurgist; a metallurgical.
metalurgista m, metallurgist.
metamrfico (geol), metamorphic.
metamorfismo m (geol), metamorphsm.
-- de carga o de presin, static metamorphism.
-- de contacto, contact or local metamorphsm.
-- de dislocacin, dynamic metamorphism.
-- geotrmico, thermal metamorphism.
--hidrotrmico, hydrothermal metamorphsm.
--regional, regional metamorphism.
metamorfizado, metamorfoseado, metamor-
metamorfosis J (qum), metamorphosis.
metanitrofenol m, metanitrophenol.
metano m, methane, marsh gas.
metanol m, methanol.
metanmetro m, methanometer, gas detector.
metapolo m (fma), metapole.
metasilicato (m) de sodio, sodium metasilicate.
metasilcico, metasilicic.
metasomtico, metasomatie.
miliamperio m, milliampere.
milirea J (med), milliare.
milibara J, millibar.
m, millimicron, millicron.
milifaradio m, millifarad.
m (il), milliphot.
(geof), milligal.
m, milligram.
m (elc), millihenry.
(il), millilambert.
mililitro m, milliliter
mililux m (il),
divided millimeters.
m, length in millimeters.
milnietro m, millimeter.
ljIlilimicrn m, millimicron.
m, milliohmmeter.
miliohDllo m, milliohm
milipulgada J, mil, 0.001 in.
-- circular, circular mil.
-.-. cuadrada, square mil.
milisegundo m, millisecond
milivatio m, milliwatt.
m, millivoltmeter.
m, millivolt.
J (geol), mylonite.
mylonitic, cataclastic.
milla J, mile.
--cuadrada, square mile.
- de (M), statute mile.
Inglesa o terrestre, statute mile.
-- marma o martima, nautical or sea or geo-
graphical mile.
-. n.utica (M), nautical mile.
millaJe m, mileage.
m, mimbrera J, willow.
roma 1, mine; underground chamber or passage'
(A) ,blast hole; (A) graphite, lead of ;
-- de a.luvin, placer.
-- de arena, sand pito
- de ba.lasto, ballast pito
-- de grava, gravel pit or bank.
- de pe'rleo; deposit o oil.
_.- en labor (V), mine being worked.
--hullera, coal mine
minable, minable. .
m, mine working.
mtnador m, minero
minar, to mine; to undermine
m, mining. .
mtnera.l,m, ore, mineral; mining district mine' a
mIneral. ' J
-- bajo de ley,low-grade ore.
- de a.lta ley, high-grade ore.
-- de contacto, contact mineral.
-- de maquila, custom ore.
-- graso, rich ore.
--pobre, low-grade ore.
--verde de plomo, green lead ore, pyromor-
m, mineralizer.
to mineralize.
1, mineralogy.
mtnera.logIsta. mineralogist.
metasomatismo m (geol), metasomatism.
metatitanato m (qum), metatitanate.
metatrfico (is), metatrophic, saprophytic.
meterico, meteoric, meteorologicaL
meteorizacin J, operation of atmospheric phe-
nomena; (V) (Col) (M) weathering.
meteoro m, storm, any atmospheric phenom-
meteorgrafo m (mrl), meteorograph.
meteorologa J, meteorology.
meteorolgico, meteorologicaL
meteorologista, meteorlogo m, meteorologist.
metilar, to methylate.
metilato (m) de sodio, sooium methyIate.
metileno m (qum), methylene.
metilfenol m (qufm), methylphenol.
metilico, methylic.
metilo m (qufm), methyl.
- de naranja (is)(Es), methylorange.
mtodo de cero (elc), zero or null or balanced
metol m, metol.
metol-hidroquinona (fma), metol-hydroquinone.
metrado m (Pe), schedule of quantities.
metraje m, distance in meters; area in square
meters; volume in cubic meters; measure-
ment, meterng.
metralla J, scrap iron.
metrar, to meter, nieasure.
mtrico, metric.
metro m, rule, scale; (meas) meter.
- contador (C), meter (water).
- corrido, lineal meter.
-- cuadrado, square meter.
-- cbico, cubic meter.
- de bbj, boxwood rule.
- de cinta, cloth tape.
- de tramos o plegadizo, folding rule.
metro-buja (il), meter-candle, luxo
metrofotogra.fa J, photographic surveying.
metrologa J, metrology. .
metrolgico, metrological.
metropolitano m, city tunnel, subway.
mezanina J (Col), mezzanine.
mezcla J, mix, mixture; mortar.
-- a brazos (conc), hand mixing.
- de prueba o de tanteo, trial mix.
- delgada o pobre, lean mixture.
- despolarizante (elc), depolarizing mix.
-- en camino (pav), road mix.
- en fro (pav), cold mix.
- en planta (pav), plant mix.
- grasa (conc), rich mixture.
mezclable, miscible.
mezclado (m) en sitio (pav), mix in place; road
mezclador m, mixer, (su) mingler.
- de agua, water blender or mixer.
- de cienos (dac), sludge mixer.
- instantneo o relmpago, flash mixer.
mezcladora J, mixer.
- ambulante, traveling mixture.
- basculante o inclinable o volcable, tilting
- caminera o pavimentadora, paving mixer.
- de lechada, grout mixer or machine.
-- de macdam bituminoso, bituminous mixer.
-- en camin, truck or transit mixer.
-- enyesadora, plaster mixer.
-- no basculante, nontilting mixer.
- para remiendos en caliente (ca), hot-patch
-- por cargas, batch mixer.
--transportable, portable mixer.
mezcladura (f) a mano, hand mixing.
mezclar, to mix; (pt) to tempero
-- en el lugar o en sitio, to mix in place.
mezclilla J (V), paste of neat cemento
- de ca.l (V), lime putty.
mezclote m, (Col) lime mortar containing cut
straw for first coat of stucco; (V) mud
plaster with or without lime.
mho m (elc), mho.
miaroltico (geol), miarolitic.
miascita J (geol), miaskite.
mica J, mica.
--blanca, white mica, muscovite.
-- dilatada (ais), expanded mica.
-- esquisto o pizarra, mica schist.
-- negra, biotite, black mica.
-- parda, brown mica, phlogopite.
micceo, micaceous.
micacita J, mica schist, micacite.
micanita J (ais), Micanite (trademark).
micarta J (ais), Micarta (trademark).
micasquisto m, mica schist.
micra J (med), micron.
microampermetro m (elc), microarnmeter.
microamperio m, microampere.
microanlisis m, microanalysis.
microanaltico, microanalytical.
microba.lanza J, microbalance.
microbargrafo m, microbarograph.
microbatera J (elc), microbattery.
microbiano, micrbico, microbic, microbiano
microbicida m (A), bactericide.
microbio m, microbe.
microbiologa J, microbiology.
microbiolgico, microbiological.
microc1stico (geol), microc1astic.
microclina J (miner), microcline (feldspar).
micrococo m (is), Micrococcus.
microcolornietro m (is), microcolorimeter.
microcrista.l m, (geol) microcrystal, mir.rolite.
microcristalino, microcrystalline.
microelectroscopio m, microelectroscope.
microesferultico (geol), microspherulitic.
microestructura J, microstructure.
microfaradio m (elc), microfarad.
microfelsita J (geol), microelsite.
mierofsica J, microphysics.
microfiora J (is) , microflora.
micrfono m, microphone.
-- a carbn, carbon microphone.
-- de cinta o de velocidad, ribbon or velocity
-- de condensador, capacitor or condenser mi-
-- de llama, flame microphone.
-- electroesttico, condenser microphone.
microfotografa J, microphotography.
microfotogrametra J, microphotogrammetry.
m, microphotometer.
m, microgalvanometcr.
J, micrograph.
nucrogrfico, rrncrographic.
m (inst), micrograph.
microgramo m, microgram.
microgranoso, microgranular.
m (elc), microhenry.
m (elc), microhm.
m, microindicator.
J (miner), microlite.
m (geol), microlite, microcrystal.
m (med), microliter.
. m (il), microlux.
m micromanipulator.
m: rrncromanometer.
J, mICromeasurement.
mtcrometro m, micrometer.
-- de (elc), spark micrometer.
-- de medida externa, outside micrometer cali-
-- de profundidad, micrometer depth gage.
-- screw-thread micrometer.
--hnea.l, linear or scale micrometer
-.- para interiores, inside
mlcromho (elc) micromho
m, micro"microfarad.
m (med), micromicron.
m, micromicrowatt.
m, micromillimeter.
J, micromineralogy.
m (med), micron, micrometer.
(ra), microwave.
m (is), microorganismo
(geol), micropegmatite.
J, microinch.
J, microscopy.
m, microscope.
microsegundo m, microsecond
microssmico, microseismic
microsismo m, faint earthquake
shock. '
m, microtelephone.
DllcrovatlO m, microwatt.
m, microvoltmeter.
Dllcrovoltio m, microvolt
miel J, molasses; honey..
- fina.l o de purga (az), blackstrap, :final molas-
miembro m, member, piece.
- del a.lma (tu), web member.
- superabundante (est)(M), redundant mem-
n m (M), loam, topsoil.
(geol), migmatite, injection-gneiss.
mtgraclOn J (pet), migration.
-- de los iones, ion migration
('!1') (A) (C), circul;r mil.
mil-pie, mil-foot.
milsimo m a, thousandth.
circular (Col) (C), circular mil.
miliampernietro m, milliammeter.
minera 208 moldes moldes 209 monocloramina
mineda , mining.
minero m, minar; a pertaining tomines.
-- de contracilo, raiseman.
- de cuarto (M), shiit boss.
- mayor (M), foreman.
mingitorio m, urinal (upright).
mnimo m a, minimum.
-- comn mltiplo, least common multiple.
--magntico, magnetic low.
mnimos cuadrados, least squares.
minio m, red lead; minium.
-- de plomo (A), red lead.
minuendo m (mat), minuendo
minutas , (surv) notes.
--taquimtricas, stadia notes.
minuto m, minute (arc and time).
min m (Es), slag; (min) iron ore.
mira . level rod; target (rod); a sight; stream
_ .... angular, angle target.
-- atrs, backsight.
- de cinta (lev), tape rod.
-- de corredera, target rod.
-- de delante o de frente, foresight.
-- de enchufe, telescoping level rod.
- de espalda, backsight, plus sight (level).
-- de estadia, stadia rod.
-- de nivelar, level rod.
- de tablilla (lev) (Es) (C), target rod.
- extendida (lev), high rod, long rod.
--limitadora de taludes, slope-stake rod.
--micromtrica, micrometer targct.
--parlante, speaking rod.
- puntual (A), transit rod.
--tquimtrica, sta:dia rod.
miriagramo m, myriagram.
mirimetro m, myriameter, 10,000 m.
miriavatio m, myriawatt.
mirilla , small opening in a boiler door; small
window; (surv) target; (inst) peep sight.
miriaque m (A), locomotive pilot, cowcatcher.
miscibilidad , miscibility.
miscible, miscible.
mispiquel m, mispickel, arsenopyrite.
mitad , hall; middle.
mitrar (M), to miter.
moco m, slag.
mocha (C)(M), kind of machete.
mocheta , splayof a window jamb; (Col) rah-
bet; (Sp) poll of an ax.
mochila , tool bago
modelador, modelista m,patternmaker.
modelaje m, shaping, forming; patternmaking.
modelar, to form, shape.
modelera (Ch), pattem shop.
modelo m, model; pattern; standard; blank formo
-- a escala, scale model.
-- de contrato, form of contracto
-- de fianza, form of bond.
-- de guia, working model.
-- de proposicin, bidding formo
moderador m (mec), moderator.
"modulacin, modulation.
- cruzada (ra), cross modulation.
-- de absorcin (ra), absorption modulatior
- de amplitud (ra), amplitude modulation.
- de brillantez (tv) , brilliance or intensity
- de fase (ra), phase modulation.
-- de frecuencia, frequency modulation.
-- de placa (ra), anode or plate modulation.
-- en rejilla (ra), grid modulation.
modulado en amplitud (ra) , amplitude-modu-
modulador m (ra), modulator.
-- a vlvula, vacuum-tube modulator.
-- equilibrado, balanced modulator.
modular (ra), to modulate.
mdulo m, modulus; (mech) module; (hyd) mod-
ule; (geol) (V) mode.
- adiabtico de volumen, adiabatic bulk
-- clcico, lime modulus.
-- de corte, modulus of shear (vibration).
-- de elasticidad de volumen, bulk modulus of
-de elasticidad en corte, modulus of elasticity
in shear, coefficient of rigidity.
- de finez8. (ag) (A), fineness modulus.
-- de finura, fineness modulus.
- de incompresibilidad (ms), modulus of in-
-- de rebote, modulus of resilience.
-- de resistencia o de la seccin (est), section
-- de rigidez, modulus of rigidity.
-- de ruptura, modulus of rupture.
-- de volumen, bulk modulus.
modulmetro m (ra) (A), modulation monitor or
mofeta (min), afterdamp.
mofie m (auto)(M), muffler.
moho m, rust; mold, mildew.
mohosearse (Pe), to rusto
mohoso, rusty; musty, moldy.
mojn m, monument, landmark; milestone;
(surv) (A) hub, transit point.
--testigo o de referencia (lev), witness corner,
reference monumento
mojona , land survey, setting of monuments.
mojonamientom (lev), monumentation.
mojonar, to set monuments.
molabe m (F), a construction lumber.
molal (quim), molal, molar.
molar m, (Col) rubble stone, foundation stone:
a (chem) molar.
moldadQ en fro, cold-molded.
moldaje m, forms, forming.
moldar, to form; to moldo
molde m, form; mold; pattern.
-- de curvar, bending formo
-- de matrizar, die moldo
-- deslizante (conc), slip formo
-- para contn y cuneta, curh-and-gutter formo
-- para recauchado (auto), recapping or re-
treading moldo
moldes (conc), forms.
-- corredizos, traveling forms.
-- dejados en obra, forms left in place.
-- ensamblados en obra o hechos en sitio, forms
built in place.
- forrados de metal, metal-linad forms.
-laminados o contraplacados, p1ywood forms.
moldeado m, forming; a formed.
-- en caliente, hot-forming.
-- en fro, cold-forming.
-- en el1ugar (conc), cast in place.
--en el terreno (pi), cast in place.
moldeador m, molder; foundryman.
moldeadora (fund) , molding or sand-packing
moldear, to cast; to mold; to formo
moldeo m, forming, centering; casting.
- centrifugo (tub), centrifugal casting.
-- en arena, sand-casting.
-- en matriz, die casting.
moldura , a molding.
-- cncava, cove molding.
- de guia, window stop.
-- escurridera, drip molding.
-- para tomacorrientes (elc), plug-in strip.
moldura-conducto (elc), wood molding, surface
wooden raceway.
molduradora , machine for making wood mold-
ings; molding plane.
-- exterior, outside molder.
--interior, inside moldcr.
moldurar, to mold; to shape into moldings.
moldurera, machine for making wood moldings;
(A) press for making tiles.
moldurero m (M), molding maker.
molcula j, molecule.
molcula-gramo, gram molecule, mole, mol.
molecular, molecular.
moledor m, grinder.
-- de arcilla, clay millo
-- de basura, garbage grinder.
-- de cerniduras (dac), screenings grinder.
- de tubos, tube mi.ll.
moledora j, grinder.
-- de arena, sand roll or crusher.
- de bolas, ball grinder.
-- de cabillas, rod millo
-- de' finos, fine grindcr.
molejn m (C), reef, ridge of rock.
moler, to grind; to comminute.
moleta , (met) muller; (A) dresser (emery
wheel); knurling tool.
-- de diamante, diamond dresser.
moleteador m (A), dressing tool; knurl.
moletear, to mill; to knurl.
molibdato m (qulm), molybdate.
- amnico (lah), ammonium molybdate.
molibdenita , molybdenite (moIybdenum ore).
molibdeno m, molybdenum.
molibdico, molybdic.
molibdita (miner), molybdite, molybdic ocher.
molibilidad , grindability.
molido m, grindingol
molienda , grinding, milling.
-- en seco, dry grinding.
molinero m, millworker.
molinete m, turnstile; (hyd) current meter; (eng)
winch head, gypsyhead, niggerhead.
-- acopado o de cubetas, Price or cup-type cur':'
rent meter.
-- acstico, acoustic current meter.
-- contador o hidromtrico, current mllwr.
-- de paletas, propeller-type current meter.
- de pozo (elc), manhole capstan.
-- magntico (hid), electric current meter.
molino m, mill. grinder.
-- a martillos, hammer milI.
- a tambor, tumbling barrel.
- balero (M), ball millo
- chileno, Chile mill, edge millo
-- de amasar, pugmill.
-- de arcilla, pugmill, clay mill or mixer.
-- de arena, sand roll.
- de bolas, ball millo
- de cabillas, rod mill.
-- de cilindros, crushing roll or mill, roller millo
-- de frotamiento, attrition milI.
-- de mazos, stamp milI.
- de piedras, pebble millo
-- de rodillos, roll crusher.
- de rulos (M), roll crusher.
- de tres mazas (az) , three-rollQr mill.
- de tubos, tube millo
-- de viento, windmill.
- desleidor (ct), wash mill.
--o hidrulico, water millo
- mltiple (az), multiple mill.
--triturador, crushing mill or rolls.
molo m (Ch)(V), breakwater, sea wall, jetty.
- de abrigo (Ch), breakwater.
molturar (Es), to grind (sugar).
mollejn m, grindstone.
momento m, moment; (C) momentum.
-- de adrizamiento (an), righting momento
- de empotramiento (est), iixed-end momento
-- de estabilidad, resisting momento
-- de fijacin, restraining momento
-- de fiexin, bending momento
-- de inercia, moment of inertia.
- de torsin de parada (mot), stalling torque.
-- de vuelco, overturning momento
-- esttico, static momento
- fiector (A) (Es), bending momento
- fiexionante (M), bending momento
-- fiexor, bending momento
-- mnimo de torsin de aceleracin (mot) ,
pull-up torque.
--resistente, resisting momento
-- torsional de rgimen, rated torque.
monacita (miner), monazite.
monitor m, (hyd) monitor, giant; (ra)(A)(Sp)
monoicido m a, monoacid.
monoamnico a, monoammonium.
monoatmico, monatomic, monoatomic.
monobisico (quim), monobasic.
monobiselado a, single-beveI.
monobloque, monobloc.
monocable a, single-cable.
monoclcico a, monocalcium, monocalcic.
monocarbonato m, monocarbonate.
monocarril m, monorail.
monocfclico (elc), monocyclic.
monocilindrico, single-cylinder.
monoclinal, (geol) monoclinal; (miner) (A) mono-
monoclinico, monoclino (miner), monoclinic.
monocloramina , monoch1oramine.
-- de escariar, broaching fixture.
-- de orugas, crawler or caterpillar mounting.
-- de suspeQ.sin (fma), suspension mount.
montante m, post, upright, stud; jamb, guide;
stile; vertical member of a truss; mullion,
sash bar; transom.
-- cornijal, corner post.
- de la cerradura, lock stile (door).
- de contencin (cal), buckstay.
-- de encuentro, meeting stile (casement).
- de escala, ladder string.
- de gua (mh), guide post.
-- de puerta, hanging stile; jamb.
- extremo, (tu) end post.
- gniacable (elc), guide rack.
montantes del camain (asc), car rails.
montantes de gua (asc), rails (car and counter-
montaa, mountain; (Pe) (PR) forest; (min) (M)
country rock.
montaoso, mountainous.
montar, to erect, assemble, mount, seto
-- en caliente, to shrink on.
montaraz m, forest warden.
montarrn m (Col), foresto
montasacos m, bag elevator.
montatrozas m (as), log haul-up rig.
montavagones m, car elevator.
monte m, mountain; woodland, forest, uncleared
-- alto, foresto
--bajo, underbrush.
--tallar, forest fit for cutting into timber.
montea , stonecutting; camber, rise of an arch;
full-size drawing.
montear, to layout, to make a working drawing
of; to arch, vault.
montera , skylight; (min) overburden; (min)
(Sp) roof timber.
montculo m, mound, hll.
montn m, pile, heap; (M) windrow.
-- de acopio o de almacenamiento, stock pile.
montura , saddle; mounting, setting; erection,
monzonita (geol), monzonite.
mora (A)(V), a hardwood used for eonstruc-
moral m, moreral (mad), mulberry.
morbilidad (is), morbidity, morbility.
mordaza , clamp, jaw; (rr)(C) splice bar; (C)
pipe vise.
- aisladora (ele), cleat insulator.
-angular (fc)(C), angle bar.
-- de amarre, splicing clamp.
-- de articulacin, hinge jaw.
-- de ayustar, rigger's vise.
-- de cable, cable clamp.
- de contacto (ele), eontact clip.
- de interrupcin (elc), break jaw.
- de placas (cab), plate clamp.
- de va (fe), rail braceo
- para cabo de retenida (elc), guy clamp.
--para tubera subfluvial, river clamp.
- para tubos (Pet), pipe grip.
- tirador de alambre, eome-along clamp (lineo
monocloroactico, monochloroacetic.
monocontrol m (ra) (A), single-dial control.
monocromtico, monochromatic.
monocular (inst), monocular.
monodisco, single-disk.
monofase (A), single-phase.
monofsico (elc), single-phase, monophase.
monofilar, single-wire.
monohidrato m (qum), monohydrate.
monohidrico, monohydric.
monoltico, monolithic.
monolitizar (A), to solidify, make monolithic.
monolito m, monolith.
monomagnsico a (quirn), monomagnesium.
monometlico, monometallic.
monomineral (geol), monomineral.
monomio m (mat), monomia!.
monomolecular (quim), monomolecular.
monomotor, single-motor.
mononitrato m (quim), mononitrate.
monopasto m, single-sheave block.
monopolar (elc), single-pole, monopolar.
monopotasio a, monopotassium.
monorriel m, monorail.
monosacrido m (az), monosaccharide.
monoscopio m (tv), Monoscopa (trademark).
monoseal (ra), single-signa!.
monosilicato m, monosilicate.
monosilcico (quim), monosilicic.
monosimtrico (miner), monosymmetric, mono-
monosdico a, monosodium.
monosulfuro m, monosulphide.
montono (mat), monotonic.
monotubo (pi), Monotube (trademark).
monovalente (qum), monovalent, univalent.
monovalvular (ra) (A), single-tube.
monxido (m) carbnico, carbon monoxide.
monxido de estao, tin monoxide, stannous
monta , (mech) (C) lapo
montaautomviles m, automobile lift; automo-
bile jack.
montabarco m, device for raising boats in a canal.
montacarga m, material hoist; windlass, winch,
hoisting engine.
- colgante, trolley hoist.
-- de acera, sidewalk elevator.
- de cadena, chain hoist or block.
-- de cajn, skip hoist.
- para arrastrar (tc), towing winch.
--para edificacin, builder's hoist.
montacarros m, elevator for automobiles.
m, ash hoist.
montado a horcajadas (mec), straddle-moUnted.
montado en bronce, bronze-mounted.
montador m, erector, steelworker.
-- electricista, installing electrician.
-- jefe, foreman erector.
montadura , mounting, setting, erection; (bo) a
montaje m, erection, mounting, instaIlation; (mt)
- al aire (pte) (Ec), cantilever method of erec-
- de divisin (mh), index fixture.
mordaza mordiente
mordiente m, (rd) curb: (mas)(C) toothing,
bonding key.
morena (geol), moraine.
- basal (A), ground moraine.
- central, medial moraine.
--frontal, terminal moraine.
- glacial, till, glacial tillo
--interna o del fondo, ground moraine.
--lateral, lateral moraine.
--terminal de retroceso, recessional moraine.
mornico, morainic, morainal.
morfologa (geol), morphology.
morfolgico, morphological.
morillo m, mudsill; deadman.
morrillo m, cobble, boulder, rubble stone, nigger-
morro m, headland; mass of masonry; (hw) ward
of a lock.
morsa , vise.
-- de ngulo, angle vise.
-- de mano, hand vise.
-- de mquina-herramienta, machina visa.
-- de pie, leg vise.
-- giratoria, swivel vise.
--paralela, paraIlel vise.
mortaja , mortise, socket.
- ciega, stub mortise.
-- y espiga, mortise and tenon.
mortajadora , mortising or gaining machine.
mortajar, to mortise.
mortalidad , mortality.
mortero m (mam) (lab) , mortar.
- areo (Es), nonhydraulic mortar.
- bastardo, (V) mixture of 1 cement to 6 sand
for scratch coat; (M) mortar gaged with
plaster of Paris.
.- con maja (lab), mortar and pestle.
.- de fragnado al aire (rfr), air-setting mortar.
- de fraguado al fuego (rfr), heat-setting mor-
- hidrulico (M), cement mortar.
-lanzado (M), gunite.
mosaico m, mosaic; (M) (A) (Pan) floor tile;
a mosaico
--fotogrfico, mosaic of aerial photographs.
--regulado (fma), controlled mosaie.
mosaiquista m, mosaic layer.
mosaista m (A), floor-tile layer.
mosquetn m, snap hook.
mosquitero m, mosquito screen or neto
- a guillotina, vertical!y sliding mosquito
mosquito m, mosquito.
mtil (is), motile.
motilidad , motility.
motobomba , pump and engine.
motocabrestallte m (Es), power winch.
motocaminera , motor grader, road patrol.
motocamin m, motor truck.
motocompresor m, motor-driven compressor.
motoconformadora, motoexplanadora (ca),
motor grader.
motogasolina , motor fuel.
motogenerador m, motor generator.
motogra , truck crane.
motmetro m (auto), motometer.,
motomezclador m (conc), truck mixer.
motn m, block, puIley.
- con gancho rgido, stifI-hookblock.
- con ganchos gemelos, match-hook block.
-- con ojal giratorio, swivel-eye block.
- de amantillar, (de) topping block.
- de aparejo, tackle block.
-- de cinco garruchas, five-sheave block.
- de cola, tail block.
-- de cuerpo cerrado, secret block.
- de dos gariuchas, double block.
- de dos ruedas (A), double block.
- de gancho, fal! or hoisting or hook or load
- de gancho libre, loose-hook block.
- de garruchas mltiples, multisheave block.
- de izar, load or faIl block, (pet) traveling
-- de muesca ancha, wide-mortise block.
- de rabiza, tail block.
-- de tensin, tension block.
- de tubera (pet), tubing block.
-- diferencial, difIerential hoist.
- doble, double or two-sheave block.
- fijo, standing block.
-- giratorio, swivel block; monkey block.
-- sencillo, single block.
- viajero (pet), traveling block.
- volante, fly block.
motones de compensacin (e), heel blocks.
motonave , motor ship.
motonera , set of tack1e blocks.
motoneta (M), smaIl motor vehicle.
motoniveladora (ca), motor grader.
motopatrullera (ca) (A), motor patro!.
motopavimentadora , self-propelling paving
motopropulsor, grupo, electric drive.
motor m, motor; engine; a driving, motive.
- a bencina (Ch), gasoline engine.
-- a combustin interna, internal-combustion
-- a chorro, jet motor.
- - a nafta, gasoline engine.
-- a petrleo, oil angine.
--abierto, open motor.
--acorazado, enclosed motor.
- blindado, totally enclosed motor.
-- compound, compound-wound motor.
- compound acumulativo (A), cumulativE
compound motor.
- con decalaje de escobillas, brush-shifting
-- de aceite, oil engina.
-- de agua, water motor.
- de anillo o de anillos rozantes o de -aro
corredizo, slip-ring motor.
-- de arranque (auto), starting motor.
-- de arranque con capacitor, capacitor-start
-- de arranque con reactor, reactor-start motor.
-- de arranque con repulsin, repulsion-start
-- de arranque con resistencia, resistance-start
-- de capacitor, capacitor motor.
212 213 motor
- de carburacin o de combustin, internal-
combustion engine.
- de cuatro tiempos, four-cycle engine.
-- de devanado cumulativo, cumulative com-
pound motor.
- de devanado diferencial, differential com-
pound motor.
- de disco o de plato, face-type motor.
- de dos "tiempos, two-cycle 01' two-stroke-
cycle engine.
-- de esencia (Es), gasoline engine.
- de explosin, gasoline engine.
-- de fase partida, split-phase motor.
-- de fuera de abordo, outboard motor.
-- de gas, gas engine.
-- de histresis, hysteresis motor.
-- de induccin, induction motor.
- de inducido de barras o de inducido de
jaula o de jaula de ardilla, squirrel-cage 01'
bar-wound motor.
-- de inducido devanado, slip-ring motor.
- de marcha (auto) (M), starting motor.
-- de marcha lenta, slow-speed motor.
- de partida (A), servomotor.
-- de plato rebordeado, f1ange-type motor.
- de potencia fraccionada, fractional-horse-
power motor.
-- de presin constante, constant-pressure-
combustion engine.
- de puesta en marcha (auto), starting
- de reaccin, reaction motor.
-- de reluctancia, reluctance motor.
-- de repulsin compensada, compensated re-
pulsion motor.
- de rotor devanado, wound-rotor motor.
-- de tres etapas, three-cycle engine.
- de velocidad adjustable o regulable, adjust-
able-speed motor.
- de velocidad constante, constant-speed
-- de velocidad variable, varying-speed 01'
polyspeed motor.
-- de velocidades mltiples, multispeed motor.
- de viento, wind motor; windmill.
- de volumen constante, constant-volume-
combustion engine.
-- Diesel completo, full-Diesel engine.
-- en derivacin, shunt-wound motor.
-- en serie, series-wound motor.
-- en V (auto), V motor.
-- invertible, reversible motor.
- primario, prime mover.
- sin cigeales, crankless engine.
- supersincrnico, supersynchronous motor.
-- trmico, heat engine.
- tipo repulsin-induccin, repulsion induction
motor-convertidor; motor converter.
motor-generador, motor generator.
motor-serie, series-wound motor.
motor-shunt, shunt-wound motor.
motorista m, motorman; automobilist; chauffeur;
(U) operator of a crane 01' hoist.
- adjustador (A), engine repairman.
motorizar, to motorize.
motorriel m (fc) (Ch) , track velocipede with
mototralla / (ot), self-powered scraper, tractor-
motramita/, mottramite (vanadium ore).
movedizo, movable, unstable.
mover, to move, drive, actuate.
movible, movable, mobile, portable, (Iab)
movido a correa, belt-driven.
movido por motor, motor-driven.
mvil, portable, movable, mobile.
movimiento m, movement, motion.
-- de tierras, dirt moving.
-- de vaivn, reciprocating 01' swinging move-
-- perdido, lost motion.
muca / (M), kind of stone used for building.
mucheta / (A), jamb.
muebles (m) para bao (M), plumbing fixtures.
muela /, grindstone, whetstone, grinder; f1at-
topped hill; (C) pawl, dogo
-- acopada, cup wheeI.
-- de esmeril, emery wheel.
-- de recortar, cutting-off wheel.
-- para engranajes, gear grinder.
- pulidora, polishing wheeI.
--ranuradora, spline grinder.
muellaje m, wharfage, dock charges.
muelle m, spring; wharf, dock, quay, mole, piel';
(1'1') platform; (Ig) yard, (lg) landing.
-- antagonista, recoil 01' reactive or antagonistic
-- carbonero, coal wharf, coaling station.
-- de abrigo, breakwater, jetty.
-- de ballesta o de hojas, laminated spring.
-- de compresin, compression spring.
- de medias pinzas o de pincetas (auto)(U),
three-quarter elliptical spring.
-- de reclamo (A), recoil 01' return spring.
-- de retorno, retraction 01' return spring.
-- de transbordo, transfer platform or wharf.
-- embarcadero, loading wharf.
-- en espiral, spiral spring.
- saliente (op) , pier.
--tensor, tension or extension spring.
muerto m, deadman, anchorage.
muesca /, notch, mortise, groove, dap, gain,
(min) hitch.
-- de chaveta, keyway.
-- y espiga, mortise and tenon.
muescadora /, (min) hitch cutter; (lg) notcher,
muescar, to notch, mortise, groove, dap.
muestra /, sample.
-- de sondaje (sx), coreo
-- fortuita o sin escoger, grab sample.
muestrario m, collection of samples, set of drill
muestreador m, sampler.
-- de tierra, soH sampler.
muestrear, to sample.
muestreo m, sampling.
mufla /, block and fall; (met) mume.
-- con cadena, chain block.
mula /, mulo m, mule.
mulato m (min) , mime used locally for various
silver ores.
muleta /, any crutch-shaped device; (va) T
-- para poste (herr), deaclman.
muletero m, mule driver.
mulet11a / (min), T-headed nail uscd in survey-
multa/, penalty, fine.
multar, to penalize, impose a penalty.
multibanda (ra), multiband.
multicanal (ra), multichanneI.
multicapa, multilayer.
multicelular, multicellular.
multicntrico, multicentric.
multidigestin / (dac), multidigestion.
mu1tidirreccional, multidirectionaI.
mu1tielectrdico (ra) , multielectrode (tube).
multiespiral (tv), multispiraI.
multiestabilizador m (pet), multistabilizer.
multietapa (ra) , multistage.
multifaja (ra), multiband, multichanneI.
multifsico (elc), polyphase.
mu1tifilar, multiple-wire, multiwir".
mllltifrecuencia (elc), multifrequency.
multigama (ra) (A), multiband.
multigradual, multistage, multiple-stage.
mu1tmetro m (elc), multimeter, multiple-
purpose tester.
multimotor, multiengined.
mu1tinomio ?n, multinomiaI.
multiparcelar, consisting of several parcels
mltiple m, a manifold; a multiple, multiplexo
-- de admisin, intake manifold.
- del agua (di), water manifold.
-- de escape, exhaust manifold.
-- efecto, de, multiple-effect.
multiplicacin /, multiplication.
multiplicador m (mat) (elc), multiplier.
-- de frecuencia (elc), frequency multiplier.
-- de fuerza al vaco, vacuum booster.
multilicadora electrnica, electron multiplier.
multiplicando m, multiplicando
multilllicar, to multiply.
multplice a, multiple.
mltiplo m, multiple.
-- c0111n, common multiple.
multiploar (elc), multiple-pole, multipole.
multiradial (drill).
multirrejilla (ra), multigrid.
mu1tisimtrico, multisymmetricaI.
multitubular multitubular.
multiunitario, multiunit.
multivlvula (ra), multitube.
multivelocidad, multivelocity.
multivibrador m (ra), multivibrator.
multivoltaje, variable voltage, multivoltage.
municionera / (V), ball bearing.
municiones /, shot, small balls.
municipal, municipal.
mueca /, poppet of a lathe; crankpin.
-- corrediza (torno), tailstock, poppethead.
- fija (torno), headstock.
mueco m, (V) swivel; (CA) a hardwood.
muequilla /, pin, spindle;
-- del cigeal, crankpin.
mun m, gudgeon, journal, pivot, trunnion.
-- del cigeal o de la manivela, crankpin.
-- de direccin, steering knuckle.
- de rueda (auto), wheel spindle.
muonera/, socket; journal box, bearing; (naut)
muralla /, wall.
- de mar, sea wall.
muralln m, heavy walI.
--de defensa, sea wall, bulkhead.
-- de ribera, dike; sea wall; wall for bank pro-
murar, to wall.
murete m, light wall.
- cortaaguas (hid), baffle or cutoff wall.
- de guardia (ca), guard wall.
-- defiector (ca), deflector barrier.
- interceptador (hid), cutoff wall.
-- separador (ca), barrier.
muritico, muriatic.
muriato m (qum), muriate, chloride.
-- de amonaco, ammonium chloride.
muro m, wall; (min) footwall.
-- a prueba de incendio, tire wall.
- alero (pte) , wing wall.
- colgante (geol), hanging wall.
-- contrafuego o cortafuego, tire wall or stop.
- de acompaamiento o de ala (pte) , wingwall.
- de alma (hid), core wall.
-- de apoyo, retaining wall; bearing wall.
- de asta, wall 1 brick thick.
- de asta y media, wall lY2 bricks thick.
- de atraque, quay wall, bulkhead.
- de cabecera o de cabeza, headwall (culvert)
-- de carga, bearing wall.
- de catorce (M), wall Y2 brick thick.
-- de cerca, stone fence 01' wall.
-- de cimiento, foundation wall.
-- de contencin a gravedad, gravity retaining
- de cortina, (hyd) core wall; (bldg) curtain
- de chicana o de desviacin (hid), baffle wall.
-- de defensa, wing wall; sea wall; parapeto
-- de dentelln o de guarda o de guardia, cutoff
wall (dam).
-- de encauzamiento o de encauce o de gua,
river wall, training wall.
- de enclavamiento (hid)(C), core wall.
- de enjuta, spandrel wall (arch).
- de fachada, front wall.
- de fianqueo (1') (M), training wall.
- de impedir (hid) (M), baffle wall.
-- de margen (1'), training wall.
- de media asta, wall Y2 brick thick.
-- de muelle, sea wall, bulkhead, quay wall.
- de obstruccin (hid), bame wall.
- de pie, toe wall, (A) cutoff wall (daro).
-- de piedra seca, dry wall.
- de remate (V), headwall(culvert).
-- de retencin:, retaining wall.
-- de revestimiento, facing or breast wall.
-- de ribera, bulkhead, sea wall; river wall.
- de salto, defiector (spillway).
- de sostn, retaining wall.
muro 214 niple niple 215 niveladora
- de sostenimiento, retaining wall; (C) bearing
- de sostenimiento empotrado (A) o de soste-
nimiento en mnsula (A), cantilever retain-
ing wall.
- de tres astas, wall 3 bricks thick.
- de ventiocho (M), wall 1 brick thick.
- de vuelta (A), return 01' wing wall.
-- desviador, deflector wall.
-- divisorio, partition wall.
-- en seco, dry wall.
- encofrado o encribado, crib wall.
- impermeabilizador o nuclear o pantalla (hid),
core wall.
-- martimo (M), sea wall.
-- medianero, party wall.
-- nervado, buttressed wall.
--refractario, fire wall.
- ribereo de contencin, bu1khead.
muscovadita I (geol), muscovadite.
muscovado m (az), muscovado.
muscovita I (miner), muscovite (mica).
muselina I (ais), muslin.
nabo m, spindle.
nacer (r), to rise, originate.
nacientes 1, headwaters; (C) outcroppings.
nacimiento m, (1') headwaters; (Sp) spring line
nadir m, nadir.
- fotogrfico (fma), plate nadir point, photo-
graphic nadir.
nadiral, nadiral.
nafta 1, gasoline, naphtha; (Sp) petroleum.
-- de alto octanaje, high-octane gasoline.
-- de aviacin, aviation gasoline.
naftalina 1, naphthalene.
napa 1, sheet of water, nappe.
- acufera (Pe), ground water.
--fretica, ground water, water table.
nariz (f) del husillo (mh), spindle nose.
narria 1, sled, log boat; road drag; cart.
nata 1, laitance, scum.
nutico, nautical.
nave 1, ship; (bldg) bay; (C) shed.
navegable, navigable.
navegacin 1, navigation.
-- costanera, coastwise shipping.
-- fluvial, river navigation.
naviero m, shipowner.
navo m, ship.
neblina 1, mist, fog.
necton (is), nekton.
nefelina, nefelital (miner), nepheline, nephelite.
nefelinita I (geol), nephelinite.
negativa I (fma) (M), negative.
negativo m, (pmy) negative; a negative.
negatrn m (ra), negatron; electron.
negociado m, bureau, department, division.
- de patentes, patent oflice.
negrillo m (min), black silver, stephanite.
negro m a, black.
- bueno, el (C), (str) old man; (1'1') rail bender,
- de anilina, aniline black.
-- de carbn, carbon black.
- de gas (M), gas 01' carbon black.
-- de humo, lampblack, carbon 01' gas black.
- de lmpara (Es), lampblack.
--de marfil, ivory black.
- de plomo, graphite, black lead.
-- japn, japan.
negrosina 1, vandyke print.
neis m (geol), gneiss.
nisico, gneissic.
nen m (qum), neon.
neopreno m, neoprele.
neovolcnico (geol), neovolcanic.
nper (mat), neper.
neperiano (mat), Na,pierian.
nervado, ribbed.
nervadura 1, rib, counterfort; (rf) purlin; (min)
nervio m, rib, counterfort; (str) web; stay; (rf)
nervura I (A), ribo
nervurado (A), ribbed.
nesslerizar (is), to nesslerize.
neto a, neto
neumtica 1, pneumatics.
neumtico m, pneumatic tire; a pneumatic.
--acordonado, cord tire.
--baln, balloon tire.
'-- de costado blanco, white-side-wall tire.
-- de orejas, lug tire.
-- de recambio, spare tire.
-- de taln, clincher tire.
- de tejido, fabric tire.
--hidromtico, hydromatic tire.
--para todo tiempo, all-weather tire.
neumticos gemelos, dual tires.
neutral, neutro 8 a, neutral (all senses).
neutralizador m, neutralizer.
-- de atraccin local, magnetic compensator.
neutralizar, to neutralize.
neutrodino (ra), neutrodyne.
neutrn m (qum), neutron.
nevada 1, snowfall.
nicromio m, Nichrome (alloy)(trademark).
nicho m, niche, (tun) manhole; (elec) cubiele;
(rd) pothole; (elec) cabinet.
- del tnel (cn), tunnelrecess.
- popel del tnel (cn), stuffing-box recess.
- proel del tnel (cn), thrust recess.
nido (m) de abeja, honeycomb (all senses).
niebla 1, fog.
-.- de adveccin, advection fog.
-- de radiacin, radiation fog.
- de la soldadura, welding haze.
nieve 1, snow.
--carbnica, dry ice.
niple m (tub), nipple.
--corto, short nipple.
--de asiento (pet), seating nipple.
- de botella, bell nipple.
-- de largo mnimo o de rosca corrida, close
- de tanque, tank nipple.
-- de unin, unon nipple.
- elevador (pet), lifting nipple.
- estrangulador, choke nipple.
--largo, long nipple.
-- para manguera, hose nipple.
-- para soldar, soldering 01' welding nipple.
--reductor concntrico, concentric reducing
nquel m, nickel.
-- arsenical, niccolite, arsenical nickel.
niquelado, nickel-plated.
niquelfero, containing nickel.
niquelina 1, (miner) niccolite, copper nickel;
nickeline (alloy).
niquelocre m, nickel ocher, annabergite.
nisa I (mad), tupelo, black gum, bay poplar.
nitidez I (tv) (fma) , definition.
nitradora 1, nitrator.
nitral m, nitrera 1, nitrate bed.
nitrar, to nitrate.
nitratina 1, nitratine, caliche, native sodium ni-
nitrato m, nitrate.
-- de soda, sodium nitrate, nitrate of soda.
nitrera 1, nitrate reduction works.
nitrico, nitric. .
nitrificacin 1, nitrlfication.
nitrificador m, nitrifier.
nitrito m, nitrite.
nitro m, niter, saltpeter.
-- potsico; potash niter, potassium nitrate.
-- sdico, soda niter, sodium nitrate.
nitroalgodn m, nitrocotton, guncotton.
nitroalmidn m (vol), nitrostarch.
nitrobacterias 1, nitrobacteria.
nitrobenceno m, nitrobenzene.
nitrobenzol m, nitrobenzol, nitrobenzene.
nitrocelulosa 1, nitrocellulose.
nitrogelatina I (vol), nitrogelatin.
nitrogenado, nitrogenous.
nitrogenar, to nitrogenize.
nitrgeno m, nitrogen.
-- albuminoideo (is), albuminoid nitrogen.
-- amoniacal (is), ammonia nitrogen.
-- de nitratos, nitrate nitrogen.
nitroglicerina 1, nitroglycerine.
-- gelatinada (vol), gelatinized nitroglycerine.
nitrmetro m, nitrometer.
nitronaftalina 1, nitronaphthalene.
nitrosacin 1, nitrification.
nitroso, nitrous.
nitrosomonas I (is), nitrosomonas.
nitrosulfrico, nitrosulphuric.
nitrotolueno m, nitrotoluol m, nitrotoluene, ni-
nitruracin I (met), nitriding.
nitruro m, nitride.
nivel m, grade, level, elevation; (inst) level.
- aplomador o de albail, plumb and level,
mason's level.
- basculante (inst), tilting level.
- caballero (Es), striding level.
-- con plomada, plumb level.
- de Abney, Abney level.
- de agricultor, farm level.
-- de agrimensor o de anteojo, engneer's level.
-- de agua (inst), water level.
- del asua, water level (pond).
- de aire o de burbuja, spirit level.
-- de anteojo corto, dumpy level.
- de apoyos en Y, Y level.
- de base, (1') base level; (tv) pedestallevel.
- de bolsillo, pocket level.
-- de omparacin, datum.
- de control (inst), controllevel.
-- de cuerda, a line level.
- de equilibrio (pozo), standing level.
- de hormigonado (conc), lift lineo
- de horquetas, Y level.
- de intensidad de sonido (ra), loudness level.
-- de mano, hand 01' Locke level.
-- del mar, sea level.
- de mira (lev), rod level.
- de negro (tv), black level.
-- de nonio, vernier level.
-- de pendiente, slope gage.
- de peralte (fc) (Ch) , a track level.
-- de perpendculo, plumb and level.
- de plomar (lev), rod level.
-- de portadora (ra), carrier level.
- de potencia (elc), power level.
-- de prisma, prism level.
-- de referencia, datum plane; (ra) reference
- de respiracin (aa) , breathing line (5 feet
above floor).
- de mido (ra), loudness level; noise level.
- de seal (ra), signallevel.
- de torpedo, torpedo level.
-- de va, a traek level.
- francs (M), Y level.
--fretico, ground-water level, water tableo
-- geodsico (inst), geodetic level.
-- medio del mar, mean sea level.
-- montado o montante (inst), striding level.
-- para constructor, a builder's level.
- para jaln (lev), rod level.
--rgido, dumpy level.
--taquimtrico de mano, stadia hand level.
nivelacin 1, leveling; grading.
--baromtrica, barometric leveling.
-- compuesta, compound leveling.
-- de precisin, precise leveling.
--taqnimtrica, stadia leveling.
--trigonomtrica, trigonometric leveling.
nivelada I (Es), (surv) a sight.
- de adelante o de frente, foresight.
- de atrs o de espalda, backsight.
nivelador m, (surv) levelman; (ce) grader.
-- de arrastre, pull grader.
-- de caa (az), cane leveler 01' kicker.
xp.veladora 1, grader, road scraper.
-- automotriz, motor grader.
-- cargadora o elevadora, elevating grader.
-- de arrastre, drawn 01' pull grader.
- de cuchilla o de hoja, blade grader.
- de empuje angular, trailbuilder, bullgrader
-- de patrulla, patrol grader.
-- de rueda recta, straight-wheel grader.
-'- de ruedas inclinables, leaning-wheel grader
-- de subrasantes, subgrader.
-- empujadora, bulldozer.
-- exacta, finegrad(lr.
niveladora 216 oblicuo obligaciones 217 ofertante
- para ensanche de caminos, road widener.
nivelar, to level, grade; to run levels; (rr) to sur-
niveleta f (Es), T-shaped rod for sightng in
points on a grade.
nivelmetro m, Levelometer (trademark).
nivomtrico (A), pertaning to measurement of
nivmetro m (A), snow gage.
nobleza f, richness (ore).
noctovisinf (tv), noctovision.
nodal (mat), nodal.
nodo m, (math)(elec) node; (str)(A)(M) panel
- de corriente (elc), current node.
- de salida (fma), emergence node.
- de tensin (elc), voltage node.
nodulacin f, nodulation.
nodular, nodular.
ndulo m (geol), nodule.
nogal m (mad), walnut.
- americano, hickory.
- blanco, butternut, white waJnut.
nombre (m) de fbrica, trade name.
nmina f, payroll, list, statement.
nomogrfico, nomographic.
nomograma m, nomograph, nomogram, align-
ment chart.
nonio m, vernier.
- retrgrado, retrograde vernier.
nonius m (Es), vernier.
noray m, moorng post or bitt, bollard.
nordeste m a, northeast.
noria f, well; chan pump; bucket elevator; any-
thng operated by endless chain; (C) pool.
- elevadora o de cangilones, bucket elevator.
norma f, norm, standard, pattern.
normal f a, standard, normal; (math) normal,
normalidadf (qum), normality.
normalizar, to standardize; to normalize (iron).
noroeste m a, northwest.
norte m a, north.
- de brjula, compass north.
- magntico, magnetic north.
- verdadero, true north.
novaculita f (geol), novaculite.
nuclear, nuclear, nucleal.
ncleo m, core; nucleus; (elec) kernel.
- celular, cellular core wall (dam).
- de aire (elc), air coreo
- de arcilla (hid), puddle coreo
- de cable metlico, independent wire-rope
- de camo (cab), hemp center.
--de cordn metlico o de torn de alambre,
(wr) wire-strand coreo
- de cuerda (cab elc), rope core.
- del inducido (elc), armature coreo
- de perforacin, drill core.
- de plvora (mecha de yol), powder train or
- del radiator (auto), radiator coreo
- del transformador, transformer coreo
- fibroso, (wr) fiber coreo
- magntico, core of a magneto
- testigo (sx), boring or sample coreo
nudillo m, plug; nailing block set in masonry;
(rf) (V) collar beam.
nudo m, knot (rope); (1br) knot; (tu) panel point,
connection; (P) coupling; (naut) knot:
(top) junction of mountain ranges; (su)
node of cane.
- apretado (mad) , sound or fast knot, inter-
grown knot (live branch).
-blando (mad), rotten knot.
- corredizo (cab) , running knot or bowline;
slip or sliding knot.
- de los aseguradores (elc) , underwri:ters'
- de presilla (cab), bowline knot.
- de rizos (cab), reef or flator square knot.
- derecho, flat or reef knot; carrick bend.
- encajado (mad), encased knot (dead braneh).
- flojo (mad), loose knot.
-llano (eab), flat or reef knot.
- sano (mad), sound or tight or red knot.
- vicioso (mad), unsound or loose knot.
nudoso (mad), knotty.
nuez f, drill ehuek; ball-and-soeket.
numerador m, numerator; numbering maehine.
numrico, numerieal.
nmero m, number.
- atmico, atomie number.
- cetnico, eetane number.
- cuntico, quantum number.
- de emulsin a vapor, steamemulsion number
- de fbrica (maq), shop or faetory number.
- de ndice Diesel, Diesel index number.
- de masa (qum), mass number.
- de neutralizacin, neutralization number
- de precipitacin (qum), precipitation num-
- de Reynolds (tub), Reynolds number.
- de saponificacin (qum) , saponifieation
- de serie (maq), serial or shop number.
- de tinte (1ab), dye number.
- de transferencia (qum), transport or trana-
ference number.
- de viscosidad, viseosity number.
- de yodo, iodine value or number.
-PH (is), pH number.
numultico (geol), nummulitie.
nutacin f, nutation.
fiandubay m, a South American hardwood.
fiir m, an Argentine lumber (semihard).
obenque m, guy; obenques (en), shrouds.
objetivo m, objeet glass, objeetive.
- gran angular (fma), wide-angle lens.
oblicungulo, oblique-angled.
oblicuar, to eant, skew.
oblicuidad f, skew, .obliquity.
oblicuo, oblique, skew.
obligaciones, liabilities.
obligacionista, bondholder.
obligado (C), tight, strained, foreed.
obra f, work; job, project; strueture.
- blanca (earp) (A) (U), trim, millwork.
- caminera, road work.
- de mano, labor; handwork.
- de tierra, dirt moving, earthwork.
- extra (C), extra work.
- falsa, (bdg) (C) (M) falsework; (conc)(C)
-limpia (V), masonry or woodwQrk not plas-
- muerta, (sb) upper works; (hyd) (sb) free-
board; (pet) deadwood.
- viva, (na) submerged part of a ship; (meeh)
(C) moving parts.
obras, works, jobs.
- de acueducto o de agua, waterworks.
- de aduccin (hd), headworks, intake works,
headraee, approaeh canal.
- de arranque o de cabecera (hid), headworks.
- de arte, structures along a railroad, canal, or
- de captacin (hid), impounding works; (Pe)
headworks, intake.
- de excedencias (hid) (M), spillway struc-
ture, wasteway.
- de toma (hid), intake works, headworks.
- fiscales (Ch), public works.
-ligeras (en), upper works.
- portuarias, port works.
_. pblicas, publie works.
- viales, road work.
obrador m, workman; workshop; working plat-
form; (A) construction planto
obraje m, working, manufacture; workshop; (A)
lumber eamp.
obrajeraf (B), lumber shed.
obrajero m, foreman; (B) skilled workman; (A)
obrar, to work; to eonstruet, make.
obrero m, workman; laborer.
- de la va (fe), trackman, traek laborer.
- diestro, skilled workman.
- electricista, electrician's helper; any elee-
trical worker.
observacin f, observation.
observador m, observer.
obsidiana f, obsidian, voleanie glass.
obsidianitjl f (geol), obsidianite.
obsolescenciaf (Ch), obsoleseence.
obsoleto (C), obsolete.
obstruir, to obstruct, block.
obturado por aire, airbound.
obturador m, plug, stopper; (pb) trap; (auto)
ehoke;(pet) packer; (pmy) shutter, stop;
(auto) throttle.
- central (ima), between-the-Iens shutter.
- del aire (auto), choke.
- de cemento (pet), eementing plug.
- de circulacin (pet), circulation paeker.
- de cortinilla (fma), louver shutter.
- de diafragma iris (fma) , iris-c1iaphragmshut-
- de flujo (pet), flow paeker.
- de la gasolina (auto), throttle.
- de hojas paralelas (fma), parallel-Ieaf shut-
- de laminillas (fma), laminated shutter.
- de laminillas giratorias (fma), rotating-Ieaf
- de laminillas radiales (fma), radial-Ieaf shut-
- de persiana (fma), louver shutter.
- de plano focal (fma), foeal-plane shutter.
- de produccin (pet), produetion paeker.
- de traslado (pet), erossover paeker.
- dentro. del objetivo (fma), between-the-lens
obturar, to stop up, plug, seal; (auto) to throttle.
obtusngulo, obtuse-angled.
obtuso, obtuse.
ocasin, de, secondhand, used; at a bargain.
occidental, western.
ocano m, ooean.
oclusin f, oeelusion.
oconita f (ais), okonite.
ocote m (M), pine.
ocozol m (mad), gum.
ocre m, ocher.
- amarillo (miner), yellow ocher or earth,
- azul, mineral blue, azurite.
- colorado (miner) (pigmento), red oeher.
- de antimonio, antimony oeher, native anti-
- de nquel, annabergite, niekeloeher.
- negro, blaek ocher, wad, bog manganese.
octagonal, octagonal.
octgono m, oetagon; a uetagonal.
octal (ra), octal.
octanaje m, oetane rating.
octnico, a octane.
octano m, oetane.
octante m (mat) (inst) , oetant.
octavaf (ra), octave.
octavalente (qum), oetavalent.
octavo m, one eighth.
octodo m (ra), octode.
octogonal, octagonal.
octgono m, oetagon.
octosa.! (az), oetose.
ocular m, eyepieee, ocular; a ocular.
- reticulado, filar eyepiece.
- simple, simple eyepiece (inverte'd image).
- terrestre o de imagen recta, terrestrial or
ereeting eyepieee.
oculto (ele), eoncealed.
ocupacin f, occupation, job, trade.
ochava f, beveled comer of a building at street
ochavado, octagonal.
ochavar, to make octagonal; (A) to bevel the
comer of a building.
odgrafo m, odograph.
odmetro m, odometer, hodometer.
odontgrafo m, odontograph.
oersted m (elc), oersted.
oeste m, west.
oferta f, bid, proposal, tender.
ofertante (A), bidder.
oficial 218 onda onda 219 ortic6n
oficial m, officer, official: journeyman, worker at
a trade (skilled, semiskilled, or helper
according to locality): a officia1.
-- carpintero, journeyman carpenter.
- major, chief clerk.
oficina/, office: workshop; (Ch) nitrate works.
-- central o matriz, headquarters, main office.
-- de beneficio o de fusin, smelter.
_. de campo, field office.
-- meteorolgica, weather bureau.
- salitrera (Ch), nitrate works.
llficinista, office employee.
oficio m, trade, occupation; officialletter.
oficios de edificacin, building trades.
ofita / (geol), ophite (diabase).
hmico, ohmic.
ohmmetro, ohmimetro, hmmetro m, ohm.
ohmio m (elc), ohm.
ohmio-milla, ohm-mile.
ojada/ (Col), skylight; putlog hole.
ojal m, loop; grommet; eyelet.
-- con tuerca, eye nut.
-- de arandela, washer grommet.
- de candado, padlock eye.
- de pas, teeth grommet.
- para cable, thimble: grommet.
ojalador m (Ec), puncho
ojete m, ear (elec rr); eyelet.
ojillo m, eyelet, eye, grommet.
- de platillo, pad eye, eye plateo
-- giratorio, swivel eye.
ojiva /, ojive, rib of a groined arch.
ojo m, eye; opening, span, bayo
-- de agua, spring.
-- de buey, bull's-eye; porthole, air port.
- de la cerradura o de la llave, keyhole.
-- de la escalera, stair well.
-- de puente, bridge span, bay of a bridge.
-- elctrico (Es), electric eye, photoelectric cell.
- mgico (ra) (M), magic eye, tuning indicator
- tipo de azuela (herr), adz eye.
- tipo de hacha (herr), ax eye.
ola/, wave.
-- de fondo, ground swell; ground roller.
-- estacionaria o de interferencia, standing
olaje m, wave action, waves, wave motion.
oleada /, big wave; surge; swell.
oleaginoso, oleaginous.
oleaje m, wave action, waves; surge, hydraulie
oleato aluminico, aluminum oleate.
leo m, oil.
oleoducto m, pipe line for oil.
olemetro m, oleometer.
oleoneumtico, oleopneumatic.
oleosidad / (lu), oiliness.
oleoso, oily.
oligisto m, oligist, hematite, speeular iron ore.
-- micceo, mieaceous iron ore, hematite.
-- rojo, red iron ore, hematite.
oligoclasa / (miner), oligoclase.
oligoc1asita / (geol), oligoclasite.
olmo m, elm.
olor m, odor.
olormetro m, odorimeter, odorometer.
olla /, pot, dish.
- de remolino (r), pothole.
- para fundir, melting pot.
- para soldadura, solder pot.
ollao m, grommet hole in canvas, eyelet grommet.
olleta/ (top), pothole.
ombrgrafo m, recording rain gage, ombrograph.
ombrmetro m, rain gage, ombrometer.
mnibus m, bus, omnibus.
-, barra (ele), bus bar.
-- de trole, trolley eoaeh.
omnigrafo m (tel), omnigraph.
omnmetro m (lev), omnimeter.
onda/, wave; (elee) surge, impulse.
-- acstica, sound wave.
- amortiguada (elc), damped wave.
- celeste o de cielo (ra) (A), sky or indirect or
ionospherie wave.
-- conductora (ra) (A), carrier w!tve.
-- continua interrumpida (ra), interrupted con
tinuous wave.
-- corta, de (ra), short-wave.
-- cuadrada (ra), square wave.
-- de compresin o de empuje (vibracin), push
or compression or P wave.
-- de corte (vibracin), shear or transverse or
S wave.
- de dilatacin (geof), dilational Wave.
- de explosin (geof), blast wave.
-- de frecuencia acstica, voiee.frequeney e l e ~
tric wave.
- de llamada (ra), calling wave.
-- de oscilacin, oscillating or gregarious wave.
-- de reposo (ra), spacing or back wave.
-- de retroceso (explosivo), retonation wave.
-- de seal (ra), signal wave.
-- de tierra (ra), ground wave.
- de trabajo (ra) (A), signal wave.
-- de translacin, translatory wave.
-- diente de sierra (ra), saw-tooth wave.
- dirigida (ra), guided wave.
-- elctrica o hertziana, electric or hertzian
-- entretenida (ra) (A), eontinuous wave.
-- espaciadora (tel) (A), spacing wave.
- espacial (ra) (A), sky or indireet or i o n ~
spherie wave.
- extraelevada (ra) (A), ultrashort wave.
--fija, standing wave.
--insertada (ra), insert wave.
-limtrofe (geof), boundary wave.
-- marcadora (tel), marking wave.
- modulada por llave (ele), telegraph-modu-
lated wave.
-- oscilatoria (elc), oscillatory surge.
--plana (ra), plane wave.
--polarizada horizontalmente (ra) , horizon-
tally polarized wave.
--portadora o transportadora (elc), carrier
--refleja o reflejada (ra), reflected or indirect
wave; echo.
--senoidal o sinusoide, sine wave.
--separadora (tel), spaeing or back wave.
--ssmica, seismic rayo
-- sonora, sound wave.
-- sostenida (ra), continuous wave.
--terrestre (ra), ground wave.
--transversal (vibracin), shearor transverse
or S wave.
ondmetro m (ra), wavemeter.
-- de absorcin, absorption wavemeter.
--heterodino, heterodyne wavemeter or fre.
queney meter.
ondmetro m (A) (Es), wavemeter.
ondgrafo m (ele), ondograph.
ondograma m (elc), ondogram.
ondoscopio m (ele), ondoseope.
ondulacin /, undulation.
ondulado, eorrugated; wavy.
ondulatorio, undulatory.
onza /, ounee.
--lquida, fluid ounee.
ootita / (geol), oolite.
opacador m (auto) (U), dirnmer.
opacidad /, opacity.
opaco, opaque.
opalescencia /, opalescenee.
opalescente, opalescent.
operable a mano, manually operable.
operacin f, operation, working.
operaciones de campaa o de campo, field work.
operaciones de escritorio o de gabinete, office
operaciones de taller, shopwork.
operador m, engine runner, operator; workman;
(A) telegraph operator; (surv) (Sp) (A) in-
strumentman; (Sp) too!.
operar, to run, operate, work.
operario m, workman, laborer, operative; engi.'le
operario-herramentista, maehinist, operator of a
maehine too!.
oposicin / (ele), opposition.
opresor m, setserew; (M) cable clip.
-- de cubo ranurado, fluted-soeket setserew.
-- de macho corto, half-dog-point setserew.
-- de macho largo, full-dog-point setscrew.
-- de punta ahuecada, cup-point setscrew.
-- de punta cnica, eone.point setserew.
-- de punta chata, flat-point setscrew.
-- de punta ovalada, oval-head setserew.
-- hueco, soeket or hollow setserew.
-- sin cabeza, headless setserew.
ptico, optiea!.
ptimo, optimum.
oquedad /, cavity, hollow; (M) porosity.
orden J, order, command.
-- de compra, purchase order.
orden m, order, suceession, sequenee.
-- alternado (sol), wandering sequence.
-- de aterrizaje (ap), landing sequence.
- de encendido (mg), firing order.
-- de retroceso (sol), step-back sequence.
-- equilibrado (sol), balanced sequence.
ordenada J, ordinate, offset.
--media, middle ordinate.
ordenanzas (f) de edificacin, building law or
orear (C), to ventilate; to aerate.
oreja/, lug, lobe, fiange; fluke of an anchor; claw
of a hammer; (elec rr) ear.
- de alimentacin (fe elc), feeder ear.
- de anclaje, (elec) outrigger; (elee rr) strain
- de empalme (fc elc), splicing ear.
- de traccin (or), grouser.
- tensora (fe ele), strain ear.
orejeta (1) de rueda (auto), wheellug.
orejeta de soldadura, solder lug.
orgnico, organic.
organismo m, organismo
rgano m (mee), part, piece, member, device,
- de desprendimiento (ele), releasing gear,
trip meehanism.
- de mando de la vlvula, valve gear.
-- de maquinaria, machine parts.
-- de regulacin, regulating mechanism.
organolptico (is), organoleptic.
orientacin /, (surv) (chem) (miner) (math) orien-
tation; (pmy) heading.
- de base (fma), basal orientation.
--relativa (fma), relative orientation.
orientador m, orientator.
oriental, eastern.
orientar, to oriento
orificio m, orifice, holeo
- alargado (est), slotted ho1e.
- de admisin, (eng) intake port.
- de aristas vivas o de borde afilado (hid),
sharp-edged orifice.
-- de drenaje, weep or drain holeo
- de entrada redondeada (hid) , rounded-ap
proach orifice.
-- de escape, (eng) exhaust port.
- de estrangulacin, throttling orifice.
- de purga, drain hole.
-- de revisin, inspection holeo
- gua, pilot hole.
--sin contraccin. (hid), suppressed orifice.
- sumergido (hid), submerged orifice.
origen m (lev) (mat), origino
orilla/, edge; (r) bank, shore; (rd) shoulder.
-- cortante, eutting edge.
-- de acera, curb.
-- del camino, roadside.
-- del mar, seacoast.
orn m, rusto
orina J, orines m, urine.
orinal, orinario m, urinal.
-- de pared, wall urinal.
- de pie, pedestal urinal.
--recto, stall urinal.
orinola / (F), urinal.
orinque m, buoy rope.
orla fretica (A), eapillary fringe.
oro m, gold.
- corrido (Ch), alluvial gold.
orogrfico, orographie.
orgraf m (lev), orograph.
orohidrografa J, orohydrography.
orohidrogrfico, orohydrographie.
ormetro m, orometer.
orticn m (tv), Orthicon (trademark).
220 221 orticonoscopio
orticonoscopio m (ra), orthiconoseope.
ortoaluminato (m) de calcio, ealeium
ortoclasa J (miner), orthoelase.
ortoc1asita J (geol), orthoelasite.
ortoclstico, orthoelastie.
ortocromtico, orthoehromatie.
ortofira J (geol), orthophyre.
ortofosfato clcico, ealeium orthophosphate, bone
ortogneis m (geol), orthogneiss.
ortogonal, orthogonal, right-angled.
ortogrfico (mat), orthographie.
ortosa J (miner), orthoclase. orthose.
ortosilicato (m) de calcio, ealeium orthosilieate.
ortosillcico, orthosilieie.
ortotolidina J (qum), orthotolidine.
orugas J, erawler tread, caterpillar mounting.
oscilacin J, oseillation.
-- amortiguada, damped oseillation.
-- forzada (ele), foreed oseillation.
-- parsita (ra), parasitie oseillation.
oscilador m (mee) (elee) (ra) , oseillator.
- a cristal (ra), erystal oseillator.
- a vlvula, vaeuum-tube oseillator.
-- autocontrolado, self-exeited oseillator.
-- barredero (ra), sweep oseillator.
- de acoplamiento electrnico (ra) , eleetron-
eoupled oseillator.
-- de audiofrecuencia (ra) , audio or audiofre-
queney oseillator.
- de bloqueo (ra), bloeking oscillator.
-- de desviacin vertical, vertieal-defieetion
-- de frecuencia variable, variable-frequeney
-- de parrilla, grate rocker.
-- de prueba (ra), test or all-wave oseillator.
-- de pulsacin (ra), beat oseillator.
-- de relajamiento (ra), relaxation oseillator.
-- de toda onda (ra), signal or all-wave oscilla-
-- piezoelctrico, piezo oseillator.
- tipo explosor (ele), spark-gap oseillator.
oscilar, to oseillate, swing.
oscilatorio, oseillating.
oscilografa J, oseillography.
oscilogrfico, oseillographie.
oscilgrafo, oseillograph.
-- electrnico, eathode-ray or eleetronie oseil-
oscilogram m, oseillogram.
osciloscopio m, oseilloseope.
-- de rayos catdicos, eathode-ray oseilloseope.
osmiom (qum), osmium.
osmondita J (met), osmondite.
smosis J, osmosis.
osmtico, osmotie.
osteocola J, animal glue.
otero m, hill, knoll.
ovado, ovate, oval.
oval a, oval.
ovalado, oval, slotted (hole).
ovalizar, to make oval.
valo m, oval.
ovoide, egg-shaped, ovoid.
volo m, quarter round.
oxalato m, oxalate.
-- de amonio (is), ammonium oxalate.
--potsico, potassium oxalate.
oxlico, oxalie.
oxiacetilnico a, oxyaeetylene.
oxicloruro (m) de plomo, lead oxyehloride.
oxidabilidad J, oxidizability.
oxidable, oxidizable.
oxidacin J, oxidation, rusting.
--fraccionada, fraetional oxidation.
oxidante m, oxidant.
oxidar, to oxidize; oxidarse, to rusto
oxidasa J (is), oxidase.
xido m, oxide.
-- carbnico, earbonie oxide, earbon monoxide.
-- cprico, eopper or euprie oxide, (miner) ten-
-- cuproso, euprous oxide, red oxide of eopper,
eopper suboxide.
-- de calcio, ealeiu;m oxide, quicklime.
-- de cinc, zinc oxide, (miner) zineite.
-- de hierro, iron oxide.
-- de magnesio, magnesium oxide, magnesia.
--frrico hidratado, hydrous ferrie oxide.
--ferrosofrrico o magntico, ferrosoferrie or
magnetie iron oxide.
--hdrico, hydrogen oxide, water.
--rojo de cinc, zineite, red zinc ore, red oxide
of zinc.
oxidrilin m, hydroxyHon.
oxidr,ilo m, hydroxyl.
oxigenar, to oxygenate.
oxgeno m, oxygen.
oxihidrato m, oxyhydrate.
oxihdrico, oxyhydrie.
oxilquido m, liquid oxygen.
oxinitrato m, oxynitrate.
oxisal J, aeid salto
oxisulato m, oxysulphate.
oxisulfuro m, oxysulphide.
oyamel m, a Mexiean pine.
ozonador, ozonizador m (pa), ozonator, ozonizer.
ozonar, ozonificar, ozonizar, to ozonize, ozonate.
ozono m, ozona J, ozone.
ozonometra J, ozonometry.
ozonmetro m, ozonometer.
ozonoscpico, ozonoseopie.
ozonoscopio m, ozonoscope.
pabelln m, bellmouth; tent, eanopy; (U) auto
hood; (Ch) shed.
- dormitorio (PR), bunkhouse.
pabilo m, wiek; paeking; (C) ealking yarn.
paca J, bale.
pacana (mad), pecan.
pacar m, a South American lumber (semihard),
paco m (miner), paco.
pacur m (A), a hardwood.
pafln m, soffit.
pagador m, paymaster.
pagadura J, paymaster's offiee.
pagar m, (eom) note.
pago m, payment.
-- al contado, eash payment.
-- a cuenta, payment on aceount.
-- anticipado, advanee payment.
--' aplazado, deferred payment.
paila J, boiler (small).
pailera J, (C) boiler shop, boilermaking; (M)
eoppersmith shop.
pailero m (C), boilermaker.
painel m, panel.
paisajista m, landsepe engineer or eontraetor.
paja J, straw.
-- de agua, measure of water equal to 2 cu cm
per see plus. (In sorne plaees 76 of a
-- de madera, exeelsior.
pajareque m (V) (AC), see bahareque.
pajuelaJ (vol) (M), fuse.
palaJ, shovel; blade; paddle; seraper.
-- a cuchara (A), power shovel.
-- a guinche (A), eable-operated seraper.
-- a vapor, steam shovel.
-- aplanadora (A), skimmer seoop.
-- carbonera, seoop or eoal or fue shovel.
- con balde de arrastre (A), dragline exeava-
-- con empuadura de estribo o con pua de
asa, D-handle shovel.
-- cuadrada, square-point shovel.
- de arrastre, drag or slip seraper; treneh hoe,
pullshovel, baekdigger.
-- de arrastre giratoria, rotary seraper.
-- de azadn, baekdigger, pullshovel.
-- de bencina, gasoline shovel.
-- de buey o de caballo, drag or slip seraper.
-- de cable de arrastre, dragline exeavator.
-- de camin, truek shovel.
- de cubo (A), seoop shovel.
-- de cuchara, seoop shovel, eoal seoop.
-- de chuzo (min), round-point shovel.
- de empuje recto (V), bulldozer.
-- de fogonero, eoal seoop.
-- de fuerza o de potencia, power shovel.
- de mango largo, long-handled shovel.
- de palear (A), square-point shovel; shovelof
any type as opposed to a spade.
- de punta (Es), round-point shovel.
-- de reverso abierto, hollow-baek shoveI.
-- de reverso liso, plain-baek shovel.
-- de ruedas, wheeled seraper.
- del timn (en), rudder blade.
- de tiro (ee) , dragshovel, pullshovel, treneh
-- de traccin, traetion shovel.
-- de tractor, tractor exeavator or shovel.
-- desencapadora, stripping shovel.
-- empujadora, dozer shovel.
-- excavadora (Es), power shovel.
- flotante, dipper dredge.
--fresno, fresno scraper.
-- hidrulica de nrrastre, hydraulic seraper.
-- mecnica, power shovel.
-- neumtica, pneumatic clay spade, air spade;
(A) pneumatieally operated seraper.
--niveladora, skimmer scoop.
- oval (M), round-point shovel.
- para hoyos, posthole or telegraph shovel.
- para puntear (A), spade.
-- punta corazn (A), round-point shovel.
-- punta cuadrada, square-point shovel.
--rasadora, skimmer scoop.
--redonda, round-point shovel.
--retroexcavadora, dragshovel, pullshovel.
- topadora (A), bulldozer.
--transportadora, earrying or Carryall or haul-
ing seraper.
-volcadora (A), drag seraper.
-- zanjadora, ditehing shovel, treneh.hoe.
pala-draga, pala-gra rastrera, dragline
palada J, shovelful.
paladio m (qum), palladium.
palagonita J (geol), palagonite.
palanca J, lever, erowbar; arm of a eouple; pur-
ehase; (A) steel billet.
- acodillada o angular, bell erank.
- de acoplamiento (A), eluteh lever.
-- de adrizamiento (an), righting arm or lever.
- de aguja (fe), switch lever.
-- de balancn, roeker lever.
- de cambio, (rr) switch lever; (auto) gearshift
lever; (mt) quiek-ehange or ehange-gear
-- de cambio de marcha, reversing lever; gear-
shift lever.
-- de contramarcha o de inversin, reversing
- de chucho (fe), switch lever.
-- de detencin, braking lever, sprag.
-- de distribucin (mg), timing lever.
-- del freno, brake lever.
-- de friccin, frietion-eluteh lever.
-- de gancho, eant hook, peavy.
-- de leva, eam lever.
-- de mando, eontrollever.
-- de maniobra, operating lever; (rr) switch
lever; handspike.
- de la media tuerca (mh), half-nut lever.
-- de quijada (en), wheeze bar.
- del regulador (loco), throttle lever.
- de tumba (fe), ground or tumbling lever.
-- de vaivn, roeker armo
-- de vlvula (mg), valve lever, roeker armo
- de velocidades (auto), gearshift lever.
-- disparadora, tripping lever.
-- en T, T erank.
--inversora del avance (mh), feed-reverse
-- oscilante, roeker lever.
-- ruptora (auto), breaker armo
paJ.anganaJ, washbasin; water-eloset bowl.
palanque m (M), barring, working with a bar.
palanquear, to pry.
palanquero m, (Ch) brakeman; (Col) timberman.
palanqueta J, handspike; smalllever.
palanquilla J, (A) (Sp) steel billet.
palanquita J, smalllever.
- de desembrague (auto), cluteh-release lever.
-- de desenganche, trip lever.
- del encendido (auto), spark lever.
- de estrangulacin o del obturador (auto),
throttle lever.
palanquita 222 panza
223 paranitrofenol
- del interruptor (elc), switch lever or key.
palastrear, to trowel.
palastro m, plate steel; sheet metal; steel slab.
-- de ensamble, gusset plateo
-- de hierro, sheet iron.
- en bruto (met) (est), steel slab.
-- ondulado, corrugated sheets.
palastre m, trowel.
palconcellos m (hid) (A), stop logs.
paleador m, shoveler.
paleadoraJ (Pe), power shovel.
palear, to pound; to shovel.
palendra J (Col), shovel, spade.
paleo m, shoveling.
palero m, shoveler; (min) timberman.
paletaJ, small shovel; blade; trowel; blade tamp-
er; pallet; paddle; (turb) wicket, vane;
(turb) bucket; (mech) pallette.
-- acabadora, finishing trowel.
-- de amasar, gaging trowel.
- de la hlice, propeller blade.
- de madera (mam), float.
-- de regulacin, wicket of a turbine, guide
-- de yesero, plasterer's paddle.
- directriz o guiadora (turb) , guide vane,
wicket gateo
-- esparcidora (ca), spreader-finisher.
-- espumadora (az), foam scraper.
paletada J, trowe1ful.
paletador (conc), spader.
paletazo m, stroke of a trowel.
paletn m (llave), bit, web.
patn m, spade.
- neumtico (V), clay digger, air spade.
palizaJ (Ec), split-cane base for mud plaster.
palizadaJ, fence, palisade, stockade; trestle bent.
--para nieve, snow fence.
palma, palmera J, palmo
palmejares (cn), cargo battens.
plmer m (A), micrometer caliper.
palmito m, palmetto.
palo m, pole, log, timber, mast, staff.
- amargo (A), a hardwood.
--blanco, whitewood, poplar.
--brasil, brazilwood.
-- de amarre, mooring post.
-- de hierro, ironwood, breakax.
- de hierro blanco, white ironwood, Madeira
- de interruptor (elc), switch stick.
-- de lanza, lancewood.
-- de mesana (cn), mizzenmast.
-- de rosa, rosewood.
- de trinquete (cn), foremast.
-- macho (cn), pole mast; lower masto
-- mrmol, a hardwood.
--mayor (cn), mainmast.
- piedra (A), a hardwood.
-- santo, lignum vitae.
palometa J (B), wall bracket.
palomilla J, wall bracket; bearing, j ournal box.
- de barandilla, handrail bracket.
- de pared (elc), house or wall bracket.
- para clavar (elc), drive bracket.
paldico, malarial.
paludismo m, malaria.
palustre m, trowel; a swampy, marshy.
palustrear, to trowel.
palustrillo m, pointing trowel.
pallete m (nut), fender mat, cargo mato
pampa J, flat country, prairie, pampas.
pampero m (A) (U), thunderstorm, line squall.
pan m, a cake or lump of anything, a pat.
-- de carbn, coal btiquet.
-- de hierro, pig of iron.
-- de tierra, soil cake.
panales m (conc), honeycomb.
pancromtico, panchromatic.
pancromatismo m, panchromatism.
pancho m (Pi)(Ch), drop hammer.
pandaJ (C), sag; warp.
pandear, to buckle, sag, bulge.
pandeo m, buckling, sagging, bulging.
panderete m, course of brick laid on edge; wall
of brick on edge; walll brick thick.
panel m, panel; bay of a building.
- del despachador (asc), starter's panel.
-- de instrumentos (auto), instrument board.
- deprimido (ed conc), drop panel.
panelaJ (V), panel; flat tile; brown sugar.
panino m (min) (M), country rock.
panizo m (Ch)(B), gangueo
panne J, breakdown, engine failure.
panormico, panoramic.
pantalla J, screen; (inst) sunshade; (hyd) core
wall, cutoff wall, face slab (dam); (w) face
- acstica (ra), baffle.
- antideslumbrante (auto), glare shield.
- antidifusora (il), spill shield.
- central hueca (hid), cellular core wall.
-- corrediza (hid), traveling screen.
- de agua (cal), waterwall.
- de aguas arriba, deck (Ambursen dam).
- de arcilla (hid), puddle core; clay blanket.
-- de color, color screen.
-- de impermeabilizacin, core wall (dam).
- de rebote (is), baffle.
- electrosttica (ra), electrostatic shield.
- Faraday (elc), Faraday cage, electrostatic
-- magntica, magnetic screen or shield.
-- mosaica (tv), mosaico
- nuclear (hid), core wall.
- plana (A), flat slab (dam).
pantano m, lake, reservoir; swamp, bog, marsh.
-- de reserva, storage reservoir.
--regulador, regulating reservoir.
pantanoso, swampy, marshy.
pantelgrafo m, pantelegraph, facsimile tele-
pantogrfico, pantographic.
pantgrafo m, pantograph.
pantmetra J, pantometer.
pantometra J, pantometry.
pantomtrico, pantometric.
pantmetro m, pantometer; bevel square.
pantoque m (cn), bilge, turn of the bilge.
pantscopo, pantoscopio m, pantoscope.
panzaJ, belly of a vessel; entasis of a column.
- de pescado, fish belly, bulge.
paetada J (Col), batch o mortar.
paete m (Col), mortar, plaster, stucco.
pao m, panel; cloth; (A) sash of a double-hung
- de filtro, filter cloth.
paol m, storeroom; bino
- de carbn (C), coalbin.
papalote m (M), windmill.
papel m, papero
-- aceitado (ais), oiled papero
-- aislador, insulating papero
-- alquitranado, tar papero
-- asbestino, asbestos papero
- brillante (fma), glossy papero
-- carbnico (A), carbon papero
- congo (lab), Congo papero
-- cuadriculado, crosS-section or graph or co-
ordinate papero
- chupn, blotting papero
-- de calcar, tracing papero
-- de carbn, carbon papero
- de cartucho (dib), cartridge papero
-- de curacin (conc), curing papero
-- de crcuma (1ab) , turmeric or curcuma
-- de dibujo, drawing papero
- de edificacin, building papero
-- de ensayo, test papero
-- de esmeril, emery papero
-- de estao, tin foil.
-- de filtrar, filter papero
-- de granate, garnet papero
-- de lija, sandpaper.
- de lija de pedernal, flint papero
-- de Manila, Manila papero
-- de ozono (lab), ozone papero
- de pescado (elc), &h papero
-- de revestimiento, sheathing or building
- de tornasol (lab), litmus papero
-- de vidrio, glass papero
-- embreado, roofing or tar papero
--heliogrfico, blueprint papero
--indicador o reactivo, test papero
-- para juntas, gasket papero
-- para perfiles, profile papero
- para subrasante (ca), subgrade papero
- parafinado (ais), paraflined papero
- o timbrado, stitmped paper (oflicial).
-- semilogartmico, semilogarithmic papero
- tela (dib) (Col), tracing papero
- yodatado (lab), iodate papero
papelote m (auto) (M), throttle valve.
paquete m, package; (met) billet.
par m, (fin) par; (math) (mech) (elec) couple;
(bldg) rafter; (elec) cell; team of horses; a
equal; even (number).
-- de arranque, starting torque.
-- de fuerzas, couple.
-- elctrico, electric moment; electric cell.
-- estereoscpico (fm.l), stereo pairo
-- magntico, magnetic couple.
-- motor o de rotacin, torque.
-- trmico, thermocouple, thermopair, thermo-
electric couple.
parabalancn m (pet), headache post.
parbola J, parabola.
parablico, parabolic.
paraboloide m, paraboloid.
parabrisa m, windshield.
paracadas m, safety device on an elevator; para-
paracarbonilla m, cinder trap.
paracntrico, paracentric.
paraclasa J (geol), thrust, fault.
paracolon (lab), paracolon.
parachispas m, spark arrester.
parachoque m, bumper, buffer.
parada J, a stop; obstruction; (hyd) diversion
dam; shutdown, (elec) outage; (M) shift
(men), gang, crew.
paradera J (hid), sluice gateo
paradero m, railroad station; stopping place;
parking space.
paradiclorobenceno m, paradichlrobenzene.
parado, steep.
parador m (mec), stop.
parafango m, mudguard.
parafina J, paraflin.
parafinado, paraflin-dipped, treated with par-
parafinicidad J, parafinicity.
parafnico, paraflinic.
parafinoso, containing paraflin.
parafuego m, tire stop.
paragneis m (geol), paragneiss.
paragolpes m, bumper, buffer; bumping post;
fender pile; door stop.
- de empuje (tc), push bumper.
paraguas para agrimensor, surveyor's um-
parahielos m (hid), ice screen.
parahusar, to drill (metal).
parahuso m, hand drill for metals.
paraso m,a South American hardwood.
paral m, post, upright, pole; (sb) ground way.
paralctico, parallactic.
paralaje J, parallax.
-- estereoscpica absoluta (fma) , absolute
stereoscopic parallax.
paralelaJ (mat), parallel.
paralelas de cruceta (mv), crosshead guides.
paralelar, to parallel.
paraleleppedo m, parallelepiped.
paralelismo m, paralleHsm.
paralelo m, (geog) (math) parallel; a paraBel.
paralelogramo m, parallelogram.
paralizar, to stop, shut down.
paralurte m, shed for protection against land-
parallamas m, flame arrester or check; fire stop
or wall.
paramagntico, paramagnetic.
paramagnetismo m, paramagnetism.
paramentar, to face.
paramento m, face, surface; (C) hanging ledge.
paramera J, region of paramos, bleak country
paramtrico, parametric.
parmetro m (mat), parameteF.
pramo m, high plateau, paramo.
paranieve, snow fence, snow trap.
paranitrofenol (lab), paranitropheno!.
224 225
parante m (A), post, stud, seaffold pole; vertical
member of a truss.
parapectina I (az), parapeetin.
parapeto m, parapeto
parar, to stop, shut down.
pararrayos m, lightning arrester or rod.
- a pilas de aluminio, aluminum-eell arrester.
_ de antenas o de cuernos, horn-type arrester.
_ de capa de xido, oxide-film arrester.
_ de entrehierro mltiple, multigap arrester.
_ de expulsin, expulsion-type arrester.
_ de peine, eomb-type arrester.
_ de vlvula, valve-type arrester.
parsito m a, parasite, (elee) stray.
_ paldico, malaria parasite.
parsitos atmosfricos (ra), atmospherics, statie.
parasol, visera (auto), sun visor. .
parata J, terraee.
paratrfico (is), paratrophic.
paraso m, gimlet, earpenter's braee: mandrel.
parllviento m, windshield.
paraxial, paraxial.
parcela 1, parcel of land.
parcelar, to divide into lots.
parcial, partial.
parchar, to pateh.
parche m, pateh.
parcho m (C)(PR), pateh.
parecillo m, rafter.
pared 1, wall.
- acerada, faeed wall.
- apionada (Col), gable wall.
- cargada o de apoyo, bearing wall.
_ cortafuego o contra incendio, fire wall.
_ de arrimo, eurtain wall; partition.
_ de gravilla o de pedregullo, gravel wall (well).
- de particin (Col), partition.
_ de relleno (ed) , eurtain or panel or filler or
enclosure or apron wall.
_ desviadora (hid), baffle wall.
_ divisoria o de separacin, division wall, par-
- divisoria parafuego, fire partition.
- encerradora o de cerramiento, enclosurewall.
_ enchapada o revestida, veneered wall.
- maestra, main or bearing wall.
- medianera, party wall.
paredn m, thiek wall: (M) eliff.
pareja 1, team of horses: (pt) (C) priming eoat.
- auxiliar,snap or snateh team.
parejo, even, flush.
parnquima m, pith of sugar eane.
pargasital (miner), pargasite, hornblende.
parhilera1, ridgepole: (V) framework of a peaked
parihuela 1, handbarrow; (lg) ranking bar.
parlante m (ra), loudspeaker.
_ de bobina mvil, dynamie or moving-eoil
paro m, shutdown; breakdown; strike; loekout.
- forzoso (C), loekout.
- obrero, strike.
- 'patronal, loekout.
parpadear, to flicker (light).
parpadeo m (ra), flicker.
parqueadero m (auto), parking place.
parquear, to park.
parqueo m, parking.
parquerizar (met) , to parkerize.
parrilla 1, rack, grating, grate, grid; grizzly; (dd)
gridiron; (elee) grid, network; (rd)(M) bar
- articulada, ehain grate.
- contra basuras (hid), trashraek.
- corrediza o viajera, traveling grate.
- de bscula, dumping grate.
- de hogar, grate.
- del radiador (auto) (A), radiator grille.
- escalonada o de grada, step grate.
- oscilante, roeking grate.
- sacudidora, shaking grate.
parte m, report, eommunieation.
- del accidente, aeeident reporto
parte 1, part; (leg) party.
- alicuantas, aliquant parts.
- alcuotas, aliquot parts.
- contratantes, eontraeting parties.
- de repuesto, replaeement parts, spares.
parteaguas m, (top) divide, ridge; (irr)(M) divi-
sion box; (bdg) (M) nosing (pier).
- continental, continental divide.
parteluz m, muilion; muntin, sash bar.
partcula J, particle.
- alfa, alpha particle.
particulado, partieulate.
partida/, item; lot, shipment, eonsignment; (aet)
- global, lump-sum item (eontraet).
partido, split, divided.
partidor m (irr), deviee for proportional division
of water over a diversion dam: division
box: (va) spreader.
- del fango (min), sludge splitter.
- de muestras, sample splitter.
- de ncleos (min), core splitter.
- de tensin (ele), voltage divider.
partidora (j) de hormign, concrete or paving
- de pavimentos, paving breaker.
pasa I (nav), ehannel, fairway, gut.
pasabanda (ra) (A), band-pass (filter).
pasacorrea m (Ch), belt shifter.
pasada I (cal) (sol) (met) , pass.
pasadera 1, walkway, footbridge, eatwalk; (rr)
(A) overhead erossing.
pasadizo m, passage, corridor, aisle, hallway; eat-
- del ascensor (A), elevator shaft.
pasador m, pin, eotter; door bolt: traek bolt; tie
rod: driftbolt; (Sp) dowel.
- ahusado, taper pin, driftpin.
_ antilevadizo (bisagra), nonrising pino
- de aletas (U), eotter pino
- de articulacin, wrist pino
- de banco (en), slab pino
- de bisagra, hinge pino
- de cabo, marlinspike, fid.
- del cigeal, erankpin.
- de la cruceta, erosshead pino
- de cuero (Ch), leather belt laeing,
- de chaveta, eotter pino
- de eje (auto), axle pino
- del mbolo, piston pin, (auto) gudgeon pino
- de embutir, mortise door balt, flush bolt.
- de enganche, eoupling pino
- del excntrico, eeeentrie pino
- de grillete, shaekle bolt.
- de horquilla, elevis pino
- fijo o inafiojable, fast pin (butt).
- hendido, eotter pino
- suelto, loose pin (butt).
pasahombre m (A), manhole.
pasaje m, passage money, fare: narrows, strait:
passage, eorridor.
pasajero m, passenger.
pasamano m, handtail, banister: gangway.
pasaporte m, passport.
pasaport m (PR), kwhole saw.
pasarela 1, footbridge; (A) walkway.
- de servicio, operating bridge.
- puente, footbridge.
pasatiempo m (Ch), timekeeper.
pase m (fe), pass.
paseo m, (PR) shoulder of a road: (Sp) sidewalk.
pasero m (Col), ferryboat; ferryman.
pasillo m, walkway, eorridor, aisle, passageway.
pasividad I (quim)(ele), passivity.
pasivo m (eont), liabilities; a passive (all senses).
paso m, step, pace; passage; step, stair tread, run;
ladder rung; (top) pass; ford: (meeh) piteh,
lead: (eab) tuek.
- a nivel, grade erossing.
- aparente (rs), apparent piteh.
- circunferencial, circular or are piteh.
- de arrollamiento (ele), winding piteh.
- de batea (V), paved ford.
- de buzn (Pe), manhole step.
- de calibracin (di), metering passage.
- del colector (ele), eommutator piteh.
- de cuerda (en), ehordal piteh.
- de filtracin (hid), path of seepage.
- de hojarasca (hid), trash chute.
- de hombre, manhole.
- de maderas (hid), log sluiee.
-- de planco (ap) , glide path.
- diametral (en), dimetral piteh.
- inferior, undergrade erossing, underpass.
- normal (en), normal piteh.
- para poste, pole step.
- polar (ele), pole spaeing or piteh.
- por debajo (fe), undergrade erossing.
- por encima (fe), overhead erossing.
- regulable (turb), variable piteh.
- superior, overhead erossing, overpass.
- trasero (ele), baek piteh (armature).
pasta 1, paste, pulpo
- arcillosa (M), elay puddle.
- cementicia (A), eement paste.
- de cal, lime putty or paste.
- de cemento, eement paste.
- de cierre (ele), sealing eompund.
- de esmeril, emery paste.
- de soldar, soldering paste.
- para correas, belt dressing.
- para vlvulas, valve-grinding eompound.
pasteca J, snateh block, guide or lead block.
- de una sola gualdera, eheek block.
pastilla 1, soil cake: eement pat.
pastn m (concHA), batch.
pata/, leg of a bent; dredge spud; grouser; shank;
wing rail of a frog; (meeh) foot; (rr) flange
of an angle bar.
- de cabra, sheepsfoot (roller); erowbar; elaw
- de draga, dredge spud.
- de gallina (mad)(Es), starshake.
- de gallo (mee), erowfoot: (M) stiffleg (der-
- de ganso, noteh; crowfoot; bridle (mooring).
- de liebre (fe), wing rail of a frog.
- de oveja (Ee), sheepsfoot (roller).
- de pjaro (cal), erowfoot braee.
- de vaca, neat's-foot (oil).
- inclinada (eb), batter post.
- rgida, (de) stiffieg.
patagua I (Ch), a softwood.
patarrez m, guy, backstay.
patecabra, rodillo (PR), sheepsfoot roller.
patecabras J (Ee), erowbar.
patentar, to patento
patente J, patent; grant; license, permit: conces-
- solicitada. o en tramitacin, patent applied
pates de registro (Es), manhole steps.
patilla I (en), skeg.
patn m, shoe; brake shoe; (elee) eontaet shoe:
skid, slide; base of a rail; runner; (M)
flange; (M) leg of an angle.
- del colector pantgrafo (fe ele), pantograph
pan or shoe.
- de contacto (fe elc), trolley shoe.
- de la cruceta, (eng) erosshead shoe.
- de toma '(ele), trolley or third-rail shoe.
patines de gua (ase), guide shoes.
ptina I (met), patina.
patinada 1, patinazo m, skid.
patinaje m, skidding, slipping.
patinar, to skid, slip; (met) to patinize.
patio m, inner eourt (house); (mtl) yard; (rr)
- de' almacenaje o de depsito, store yard.
- de clasificacin o de seleccin (fe), classifiee.-
tion or sorting yard.
- de entrega (fe), delivery yard.
- de limpia (fe), ear-cleaning yard.
- de.lomo (fe), hump or summit yard.
- de llegada (fe), reeeiving yard.
- de maniobra por gravedad (fe), gravity yard
- de reserva (fe), storage yard.
- de retencin (fe), hold yard.
- de salida (fe), departure or forwarding yard.
patitas (f) de carnero, sheepsfoot (roller).
patgeno m (lab), pathogen; a pathogenk.
patrn m, standard; template, pattern, jig; em
ployer; (Col)(B) foreman; (A) landlord.
- de agujerear, drilling template.
- de ancho (fe), traek gage.
- de frecuencia (ra), frequeney standard.
- de montaje, assembly jig.
- de peralte (fe), gaga for Buperelevation
stepped level board.
- de taladrar, drill jig.
perceptor m, perceptor.
perclorato m (qu!m), perehlorate.
perclrico, perehlorie.
perclorn (pa), Perehloron (trademark).
percloruro m, perehloride.
percolacin I (bid), pereolation, seepage, ereep,
- afluente, influent seepage.
- efluente, efl1uent seepage.
- inferior, underseepage.
percolador m, filter.
percolarse, to seep, pereolate.
percrmico (quim), perehromie.
percusin 1, pereussion; (str) impaet.
percusor m, jar (well drilling); (A) pereussion
- de pesca (pet), fishing jaro
percutor m, any striking device; (A) striking
percha/, pole, roo; (meas) (A) roo; (Col) seaffold.
- de carga (en), cargo boom.
prdida 1, loss.
- al fuego (et)(Es), loss on ignition.
- de carga (bid), loss of head.
- de carrera (maq), baeklash.
- de entrada (hid), entranee loss.
- de salida (bid), exit loss.
- en el cobre (ele), eopper 10BS.
- en la conduccin (hid), conveyanee loss.
- en las scobillas (ele), brush loss.
- en el ncleo (ele), eore loss.
- por cojinetes (maq), bearing loss.
- por chisporroteo o por salpica{iura (sol),
spatter loss.
- por choque (bid), shock loss.
- por ignicin (et), loss on ignition.
- por remolino (hid), eddy loss.
prdidas en vaco (ele), no-load 10Bses.
perditancia I (ele) (A), leakanee.
perfil m, profile, seetion; a rolled stool shape;
(geop) log.
- aerodinmico, streamlining.
- alzado (A), distorted-seale profile.
- angular, steel angle.
- cadal en e (est), C ehanneI.
- compensado (ot), balaneed profile.
- dlll avance del trabajo, progress profile.
- de canal, ehannel iron.
- de construccin, structural shape, rolled
steel seetion.
- de gola, ogee.
- de gravedad, gravity section (dam).
- del rasante (fe), grade profile
- de velocidad (fe), veloeity profile.
- doble T, I beam.
- edafolgico, soil profile.
- en escuadra, steel angle, angle iron.
- estructural, struetural shape.
- exterior (an), outboard profile.
- gravimtrico (geof), gravity profile.
-1,1 beam. .
- interior (an), inboard profile.
-laminado, rolled steel seetion.
- magntico (geof), magnetie profile.
- natural, natural-seale profile.
- normal (est), standard section.
patrones de color Oab), color standards.
patronita 1, patronite (vanadium ore).
patrono m, employer.
patrulla 1, gang, patrol.
- caminera (maq), road patrol.
patrulladora I (maq), road patrol.
- automotriz, motor patrol.
- de remolque, traler patrol.
pavimentacin 1, paving, pavement.
pavimentadora 1, paving mixer.
- de tambor doble, dual-drum pavero
_ reacabadora, retread pavero
pavimentar, to pave.
pavimento m, pavement.
pavn, pavonado, blue (steel).
peaje m, tollo
peatn m, foot passenger, pedestrian.
pectina I (lab), peetin.
pectnico, pectinous.
pechblenda, pechurana 1, pitehblende (ore of
radium and uranium).
pedacera (1) de fierro (M), tramp iron.
pedal m, pedal, treadle, foot lever.
- del acelerador (auto), aeeelerator pedal.
- de arranque (auto), starter pedal.
_ de desembrague o del embrague (auto),
eluteh pedal.
- de los frenos (auto), brake pedal.
pedernal m, flint; niggerhead (stone).
pedestal m, pedestal.
- colgante, shaft hanger.
-'de apoyo o de asiento (pte), bearing shoe.
- de armadura (est), truss shoe.
- de chucho (fe), switch stand.
- de chumacera (maq), bearing pedestal.
- de maniobra, (hyd) gate stand, floor stand;
(rr) switch stand.
- de oscilacin (pte), roeker.
- indicador . de maniobra (bid), indieating
floor stand.
pedido m, order, requisition; demando
pedologa 1, .pedology.
pedmetro m, pedometer.
pedrapln m, roek fill; riprap.
pedregal m, gravel bed; stony ground.
pedregn m (Ch), boulder.
pedregoso, stony.
pedregullo m, gravel, broken stone, eoarse aggre-
gate, road metal.
- de ladera (A), talus.
pedrejn m, boulder.
pedrera 1, quarry.
pedrero m, stoneeutter; (Ch) stony ground.
pedricero m (min), paeker, paekbuilder.
pedriscal m (M), riprap.
pedriza/, stony ground; gravel bed; quarry; (Sp)
pedrusco m, boulder, block of stone; (M) eobble.
pega 1, piteh, mastie, eementing material; (min)
a blast.
pegada I (M), blast, shot.
pegador m (min), blaster.
pegajoso, stieky, gummy, taeky, (min) fitehery.
pegar, to stock, glue; (min) to fue a blast;
pegarse, to eohere, cake, stiek, bind, (min)
to fiteher.
pehun m, Chllean pine.
peinazo m (puerta), ral, ledge.
- de la cerradura, lock ral.
- inferior, bottom rail.
- intermedio, eross rallo
- superior, top rallo
peine m, serew ehaser, die for threading;
ing tool; (elee) eomb, colleetor; (A) pill.
- para hembras, inside ehaser.
- para machos, outside ehaser.
peirmetro m, peirameter.
peladilla I (Es), pebble, small eobble.
pelarse, to seale off.
peldao m, step, tread, ladder rungo
- de poste, pole step.
- de registro, manhole step.
- de seguridad (es), safety tread.
pelcula 1, pelliele; (pmy) film.
- biolgica (is), biologieal film.
- en carrate (fma), roll film.
- superficial (bid), surface film.
pelicular, pellieular.
pelo m, hair; fiber, filament; (inst) eross hair.
- de agua (A), water level or surfaee.
- de camello, eamel's hair.
pelos de la estadia (lev), stadia hairs.
peloro m (lev), pelorus.
peltre m, spelter, zinc.
pellada I (Col), trowelful of mortar or plaster.
pellejo m (C), hard skin or film.
pelln m (Ch), a hardwood.
penacho m (ele), brush diseharge.
pendiente m (min), hangng wall; a hangng.
pendiente 1, grade, slope, gradient; (A)(C)(Ch)
(Sp) downgrade.
- abajo, downgrade.
- arriba, upgrade.
- asistente, assisting gradient.
- baromtrica, barometrie gradient.
- crtica, eritieal grade or slope.
- de la energa, energy gradient.
- de flotacin (hid), flotation gradient.
- de frotamiento (hid), frietion slope.
- de lmite, limiting grade.
- de temperatura (mrl), temperature gradient.
- de vaivn (fe), switehbaek.
- determinante o dominante, ruling grade.
- en descenso, downgrade.
- en subida, upgrade, adverse grade.
- fuerte, steep or heavy grade.
_ hidrulica o piezomtrica, hydraulie slope or
-leve o ligera o suave, light or easy grade.
.- magutica (geof), magnetie slope.
- reguladora (M), ruling grade.
- transversal (ca), erossfall.
- virtual (fe), virtual grade.
pndola/, hanger; (tu) queen post; (tu) kingbolt;
- extrema, (tu) hip vertical.
pendoln m, hanger; (tu) king post.
-lateral, (tu) queen post.
- rey (Col), king post.
pendular, pendulous, pendular.
pndulo m, pendulum; a hanging, pendant.
- de torsin, torsion pendulum.
- hidromtrico, hydrometrie pendulum.
penellanura, peneplanicie I (geol), peneplain.
penessmico, peneseismie.
penetrabilidad 1, penetrability.
penetrable, penetrable.
?;lenetracin/, penetration, punehing (shear).
- invertida (ca), inverted penetration.
penetrador m (inst), penetrator.
penetrmetro m, penetrometer.
pennsula 1, peninsula.
peniplano m (M), peneplain.
pentaclorofenol m, pentachlorophenol.
pentafsieo (elc), five-phase.
pentafilar, five-wire.
pentagonal, pentagonal.
pentgono m, pentagon.
pentagrilla, pentarrejilla I (ra), pentagrid.
pentano m, pentane.
pentapolar (ele), five-pole.
pentatrn (ra), pentatron.
pentavalente (quim), pentavalent.
pentodo m (ra), pentode.
pentosal (az), pentose.
pentosanal (az), pentosan.
pentxido m, pentoxide.
- de nitrgeno, nitrogen pentoxide, nitric an-
penal, roek, eliff; peen of a hammer; (V) eobble.
peascal m, mass of roek, eliff; (V) eobble gravel.
peasco m, eliff, large roek.
peascoso, roeky.
pen m, mass of roek; boulder; eliff.
peonal m (V), boulder gravel.
pen m, laborer; (meeh) journal, apindle; (min)
strut, shore.
- caminero, road workman.
- cementista, eement mason's helper.
- de albail, mason's helper, hod earrier.
- del botadero (ot), dumpman.
- de carpintero, earpenter's helper.
- de moldes (ca), form setter's helper.
- de muelle, dock laborer, stevedore.
- de pico y pala, eommon laborer.
- de va (fe), traekman, traek laborer.
- electricista, eleetrieian's helper.
- entibador, timberman's helper.
- vial, road laborer.
peonada 1, a day's eornmon labor; (A) gang of
peonaje m, eommon labor; gang of laborers.
pepita 1, nugget.
peptizar (is), to peptize.
peptona I (is), peptone.
percido m (qu!m), peraeid.
peral m, pear wood.
peraltaje m (fe) (V), superelevation.
peraltamientom,superelevation, banking (curve).
peraltar, to raise; to bank (curve); (rr) to super-
peralte m, raising; (rr) superelevation; rise o an
areh; (rd) banking; depth of a girder; cam-
ber; (st) rise.
- efectivo (est)(M), effeetive depth.
peralto m, rise (areh); rise (step); (V) height;
(C) depth of a beam.
percn m (Ch), rusto
- sobrealzado (A), distorted-seale profile.
--T, T iron.
-- transversal (lev), eross seetion.
--U steelehannel, ehannel iron.
-- U' para eonstrucci6n de carros, ear-building
--U para construcciones navales, shipbuilding
-Z, Z bar.
-- Zors, trough plateo
perfiles corrientes, regular struetural shapes.
perfiles de ala ancha, wide-flanged seetions.
perfil-barra, bar-size seetion.
perfilaci6n (j) continua (pet) , eontinuous profil-
perfilado m, hiring; a outlined, shaped; stream-
- en fro (met), eold-forming.
perfiladora J, shaper; profiling maehine.
perfilaje elctrico (geof), eleetrie logging.
perfilar, to shape, form; to outline, rout.
perfilero m (Ee), engineer who takes eross see-
tions with hand level.
perfil6grafo m, profilograph.
perfil6metro m (inst), Profilometer (trademark).
perforaci6n J, drilling, boring, perforation; drill
hole; rivet hole.
-- a balas, shot drilling; (pet) gun perfora-
-- a mano, hanq drilling.
-- con coraz6n, eore qrilling.
-- con lavado, wash boring.
- con salida, through hole.
- de disparo (geof), shot holeo
- de ensayo (pet), wildeat well.
- de lmite (exe), line drilling.
-- de prueba, test boring.
-- exploradora, exploration drilling.
- normal (mee), standard drilling.
-- para inyecci6n, grout holeo
- sin salida, blind holeo
perforaciones de cuele (min) (Es), cut holes.
perforaciones de cua (min)(tn), cut holes.
perforacorchos (lab), eork borer.
perforador m, perforator; driller; (C) borer (in-
- de caa (C), eane borer.
perforadora J, drill.
- a bala, shot drill; (pet) gun perforator.
-- a brazo, hand drill.
-- a cable, well or cable or ehurn drill.
-- de carretilla, wagon drill.
-- de cateo, prospeeting drill.
-- de columna, eolumn drill.
- de corona, eore drill.
-- de diamante, diamond drill.
- de galera (min) (M), drifter.
- de grenalla (A), shot drill.
-- de hoyos para postes, post-hole digger.
- de mano, jaekhammer; hand drill.
- de martillo, hammer drill.
-- de munici6n o de perdigones, shot drill.
-- de percusi6n, per{Jussion or hammer-type
-- de piso, sinker drill.
- de pozos, well or cable drill.
- de realce (min), stoper.
-- de tierra, earth auger or drill.
-- de torre, tower drilI.
- de trpode, tripod drill.
-- giratoria o de rotaci6n, rotary drill.
- horizontal (min) drifter.
- inicial (pet), spudding unit, spudder.
-- neumtica, air drill.
- para pozo angosto (pet), slim-hole rig.
--vertical (min), stoper.
perforar, to drili, bore, perforate; (tun) to drive.
perforatubos (pet), casing perforator.
perforista m, drill runner, driller.
performancia J (Es), (meeh) performance.
periclasaJ, periclase, perielasite, nativemagnesia.
periclinal (geol), perielinal.
peridotita J (geol), peridotite.
peridoto m (miner), peridot, ehrysolite.
periferia J, periphery.
perifrico, peripheraI.
perifonear (ra), to broadeast.
periforme, pear-shaped.
perigallo m, (de) topping lift.
perigeo m, perigee.
perilla J, knob, doorknob.
-- de sintonizaci6n (ra), tuning knob.
- partida (ele), split knob.
perimtrico, perimetrie, perimetrieal.
perimetro m, perimeter, girth.
- mojado (hid), wetted perimeter.
periodicidad J, periodieity.
peri6dico, periodie.
perodo m (maq) (ele), period; eycle; stage.
-- de retenci6n (pa), retention periodo
- de rodaje (auto) (A), running-in periodo
perisc6pico, periseopie.
periscopio m, periseope.
peritaje m, expert testimony, expert appraisal,
work of an experto
perito m, expert; appraiser; arbitrator; (min)
skilled miner; a expert, skiliful.
perla (j) aisladora (ele), insulating bead.
perlita J (met) (geol) , pearlite, perlite.
perm m (ele), perm, maxwell per ampere-turn.
permanencia J (mat), permanenee.
permanganato m (quim), permanganate.
permeabilidad J, (hyd) permeability; (elee) per-
meability, speeifie permeanee.
permeable, permeable, pervious, porous.
permemetro m (ele), permeameter.
-- de carga constante, eonstant-head permeam-
-- de carga descendente o de carga variable,
variable-head or falling-head permeameter.
permeanciaJ (ele), permeanee.
permiso m, permit, lieense.
-- de ausencia, leave of absenee.
-- de edificaci6n, building permito
-- de exportaci6n, export permito
- de paso, (V) right of way.
permitancia J (ele), permittanee, eleetrostatie
permitibilidad J (ele) (Es), permittivity.
permitividadJ (ele), permittivity, speeifie indue-
tive eapaeity.
permitivo (ele), permittive.
permutable, interehangeable; (math) permut-
permutaci6nJ (mat), permutation.
permutador m (ele), permutator; ehange-over
-- trmico, heat exehanger.
pernera J, stock of bolts.
pernete m, peg, pin, bolt, gudgeon.
pernio m, hinge.
pernitrico (qum), pernitrie.
perno m, bolt, spike, pin, stud; (V) door bolt.
-- agarrador, clamp bolt.
- ajustado, turned bolt.
-- arponado, ragged or swedge or fang bolt.
- aterrajador (fe) (A), serew spike.
-- cabezorro, lewis bolt; ragged balto
- ciego (M), drift bolt.
- clavado (M), driftbolt.
-- comn, maehine bolt.
- con cuello de aleta, fin-neek balto
-- de acci6n rpida, quiek-aeting or fitting-up
-- de acoplamiento, eoupling pin, drawbolt.
- de ajuste (est),fitting-up bolt.
-- de anclaje o de cimiento, anchor or founda-
tion bolt.
-- de arado, plow bolt.
-- de argolla, ringbolt; eyebolt.
-- de armella o de cncamo, eyebolt.
- de articulaci6n, (tu) pino
- de cabezachataranurada,flatheadstovebolt.
-- de cabeza de hongo ranurada, roundhead
stove bolt.
-- de cabeza de hongo y cuello cuadrado ear-
riage bolt. '
-- de cabeza hembra, internal-vi>Tenehing bolt.
---de cabeza perdida, eountersunk bolt; flathead
stove bolt.
-- de carruaje, earriage bolt.
- de castauela, lewis bolt.
-- de cerradura, spindle ofa loek.
- de coche (M), earriage bolt.
-- de collar, collar pino
-- de cua, wedg;e bolt.
-- de charnela, swing bolt.
- de chaveta, key bolt.
- de eclisa (fe), traek bolt.
-- de erecci6n o de montaje (est), fitting-up or
ereetion bolt.
-- de expansi6n, expansion bolt.
- de fiador, toggle bolt.
- de fijaci6n (A), setserew, stud bolt.
- de fuste pleno, full-shank bolt.
-- de fuste reducido, redueed-shank or upset
- de gancho, hook bolt.
- de grillete, shaekle pin or bolt.
- de guardacabo, thimble-eye bolt.
- de horqueta o de horquilla, fork bolt.
-- de muesca, stove or slotted bolt.
- de ojillo, eyebolt.
-- de ojo con resalto, shoulder eyebolt.
-- de ojo para dos crucetas (ele), double-arm-
ing eyebolt.
-- de orejas, wing bolt.
-- del pist6n, piston pino
- de puente, bridge bolt.
- de puntal, stay bolt.
- de punto, stiteh bolt.
-- de ranura, slotted or stove bolt.
- de remiendo, boiler-pateh bolt.
-- de retencin (mh), gage pino
- de rosca continua, full-threaded balto
-- de sujecin, anchor bolt; (A) setserew.
- de techo, roof bolt.
- de va (fe), traek bolt.
- dentado (A), ragged bolt.
- fabricado en fro, eold-made bolt.
-- flotante del mbolo, floating pistn pino
-forma U, U bolt.
- hendido, split or lewis or fox bolt.
--hueco, hollow-head setserew.
--maestro o pinzote, kingbolt.
- maquinado (M), turned bolt.
-- nervado, rib bolt.
-- ordinario, maehine bolt.
--para cangilones, elevator bolt.
-- para cruceta (ele), erossarm bolt.
-- para llantas de hierro, tire bolt.
- para peldaos (es), step bolt.
- pasante, through bolt.
- portaescobilla (ele), brush-holder stud.
- prisionero, stud bolt, tap bolt; (M) anchor
- rayado, rib bolt.
- real, kingbolt.
--recalcado, upset or redueed-shank balto
-- sin tornear, unfinished bolt.
-- torneado, turned or maehined bolt.
- zurdo, bolt with left-hand thread.
perol m (Col), large-headed nail.
perolero m (V), tinsmith.
peroxidar, to peroxidize.
perxido m, peroxide.
perpendicular J a, perpendicular.
-- de popa (an), after perpendicular.
-- de proa (an), forward perpendicular.
--media (an), mid perpendicular.
perpendicularidad J, perpendieularity.
perpendculo m, plumb bob; pendulum; perpen-
perpiao m (mam), header, bondstone, perpend.
perrillo m (PR), machete.
perro m, (meeh) dog, pawl; (C) clamp; (C)(M)
cable clip.
- de abrazadera o de brida (mh), clamp dogo
- de seguridad, safety lathe dogo
-- de torno, lathe dogo
--impulsor (mh), driver.
persianaJ, window blind, shutter; louver; (auto)
radiator shutter.
persistencia J (ra), persistenee.
personal m, personnel, erew.
-- de campaa, field forees.
personero m, offieial representative, attorney in
faet; a eity offieial who frequently direets
most of the eity's business.
perspectiva J, perspeetive.
-- a vista de pjaro, bird's-eye perspeetive.
- c6nica o lineal, eonie or linear perspeetive.
- de dos puntos, angular or two-pointperspec-.
- de cantera, quarry pick.
- de la carga (elc), peak load.
- de cateador, prospector's pick.
- de la crecida, peak of a flood.
- de cuervo, ravehook, ripping iron.
- de dos cortes, mil! pick.
- de flauta (carp)(A), scarf.
- de minero, drifting or miner's pick.
- de montaa, mountain peak.
- de pata, duck-bill (point).
- de punta y cotillo, polI pick.
- de punta y pala, contractor's pick, pick-
- de punta y pisn, railroad or tamping pick.
- de rotular (dib), lettering nib.
- ferrocarrilero o pisn, railroad or tamping
- minero, miner's pick.
- momentneo (elc), instantaneous peak.
- regador, spray nozzle.
- soldador, welding tipo
picofaradio m (elc) (A), micromicrofarad.
picolete m,staple; keeper of a lock.
picoloro m (C), Stillson wrench.
picn (m) de cantera, quarry pick.
picota, peak; pick; pike.
picrato m (quim), picrate.
pcrico, picric.
picrita (geol), picrite (Peridotite).
picuta (Ch), pointed spade.
pichancha (M), strainer.
pichipn m (mad) (V), yellow or pitch pine.
pie m, leg of a bent; (min) strut; (meas) foot (in
some countries pie is 73 of a vara).
- corrido, running foot.
- cuadrado, square foot.
- cuadrado de tabla, board foot.
- cbico, cubic foot.
- de agua (V), hydrant.
- de alzar (gato), lifting foot.
- de amigo, shore, prop.
- de la biela, (erig) small end; (auto) bottom
- de cabra, pinch bar, crowbar; claw bar;
sheepsfoot (roller); (Ch) tripod of poles
filled with stone used as a buttress in
stream diversion.
- de gallo, (lbr) heart shake; (min) diagonal
brace; (de) (M) stiffleg; (hyd) see pie de
cabra (Ch).
- de lmpara (elc), lamp base.
- de lmpara de dos clavij::lS, bipost lamp base.
- de lmpara de dos espigas, bipin lamp base.
- de molino (A), hand pump.
- de rey, foot rule; gage.
- de roda (cn), forefoot, gripe.
- de tabla, board foot.
- de talud, toe or foot of slope.
- derecho, stud, upright, leg of a bent, post,
column, stanchion.
- frontal, front foot (real estate).
- por segundo, foot-second.
pie-acre m (hid), acre-foot.
pie-buja m (il), foot-candle.
pie-Iambert m (il), foot-Iambert.
pie-libra m, foot-pound.
- de tres puntos, oblique or three-point per-
- paralela o de punto nico, parallel or one-
point perspective.
perspectividad , perspectivity.
perspectivo a, perspective.
perspectgrafo m (dib), perspectograph.
perspectograma m, perspectogram.
persulfuro m (quim), persulphide.
pertenencia (min), a claim.
prtica , perch (9.7 feet).
prtiga , pole, rod; (meas) rod.
- del trole, trolley poleo
pertrechar, to supply, equipo
pertrechos m, tools; .. .
pervibracin (conc) (A), mternal vlbratlOn.
perydico (qum), periodic.
pesa , a weight; counterweight.
- corrediza, jockey weight.
pesas de balanza (lab), balance weights.
pesas de contrapeso, counterbalance weights.
pesaitido m (A), acidimeter.
pesada , pesaje m, weighin

pesado, heavy.
pesador m, pesadora , weigher.
pesadora de piladas (conc), weighing batcher.
pesantez , weight, heaviness; gravity.
pesar, to weigh.
pesasales m, salinometer, salimeter.
pesca (pet), fishing.
pescabarrena m (pet), bit hook.
pescacable m (Pet), rope spear, ;fishing tool for
pescacuchara m (pet), bailer grab, boot socket,
pescadespojos m (pet) , mousetrap.
pescador (m) a pestillo (pet) , bootjack, latch
j ack, boot socket.
pescadora , any fishing too!.
pescaespigas m (pet), pin socket. .
pescaherramientas m (M), socket, fishing too!.
- abocinado (M), horn socket.
pescante m jib, boom, mast arm, cathead, out-
looke;; cab of a truck; (C) (U) driver's seat.
- hidrulico (fc), water crane.
-locomvil, locomotive crane.
pescancleo m (pet), core catcher.
pescar, to fish for, grapple for; (elec) to fish.
pescarripio m (Pet), fishing tool, catcher.
pescasondasm (pet) (M), socket, fishmg too!.
- de media vueta, half-turn socket.
pescavlvulas m (pet), valve spear.
;;escavstago m (pet), overshot.
pesebre m, stable, stall.
pesebrera , stable.
peso m, weight; a scale.
- atmico, atomic weight.
- bruto, gross weight.
- de embarque, shipping weight.
- de joyera, troy weight.
- de resorte,spring balance.
- de trabajo (ec), operating weight.
- dinmico, live or moving load.
- especfico, specific gravity; unit weight.
- especfico aparente, apparent specific grav-
- especfico en masa (ms), bulk or mass spe-
cific gravity.
- especfico real (M), absolute specific gravity.
- esttico o muerto o propio, dead weigh't, dead
- sin acojinar, unsprung weight.
- unitario, unit weight.
pestaa , flange, rib, shoulder; fluke of an
anchor; (auto) tire rimo
- falsa (fc), false flange.
pestaador m, flanger; (rr) flangeway scraper;
(smI) beading machine.
pestaadora, flanging machine; cornice brake.
putillo m, latch, catch; bolt of a lock.
- acodado, elbow catch.
- de friccin, friction catch.
- de resorte, spring latch, latch bolt, night
pesua , sheepsfoot (roller).
petanque, petlanque m (min) (M), silver ore.
petardear (auto), to backfire.
petardeo m, (auto) backfiring; (ra) sputtering.
petardo m, (bl) exploder, detonator, blasting
cap; (rr) torpedo.
peteberf m, a South Americanlumber (semiliard).
peterreo m (ra), sputtering.
peto m. (herr) (Es), peen.
- de popa (cn) , poop, stern overhang; tra.usom
frame, stern frame.
ptreo a, stone, stony.
petrografa , petrography.
petrogrfico, petrographic.
petrgrafo m, petrographer.
petrolar (ca), to oil.
petrolato m, petrolatum.
petrleo m, oil, petroleum.
- a granel, oil in bulk.
-bruto, crude oil; oil in bulk.
- combustible, fuel oil.
- craso, crude oil; fuel oil.
- crudo, crude oil.
- de alta gravedad, high-gravity oil.
- de alumbrado, kerosene.
- de asfalto, asphalt-base oil.
- de carga, charge stock (refinery).
- de esquisto, shale or schist oil.
- de hogar o de horno, fuel or furnace oil.
- de parafina, paraflin-base oil.
- difano (M), light oil.
- Diesel, Diesel oil.
- dulce, sweet oil.
- insuflado o soplado, blown oil.
-lampante, kerosene.
- parafinoso, paraffin-base petroleum.
petrolero m, tanker, tank steamer; oil-field
worker; a pertaining to oi!.
petrolfero, oil-bearing, petroliferous.
petrolfico, petrolific.
petrolitico, petrolithic.
petrolizador m, oil sprayer, oile:;.
petrolizar, to oil (road), coat Wlth 011; to petro-
petrologa , petrology.
petrolgico, petrologc, petrologca!.
petrlogo m, petrologist.
petrosfiex m (geol), petrosilex, felsite.
petrosilceo, petrosiliceous.
pez , pitch, tar.
- de alquitrn, coal-tar pitch.
- griega o rubia, rosin.
- mineral, asphalt.
pezn m, journal, pivot; pin of a key.
pezonera , linchpin.
pezoso, containing pitch.
pezua , sheepsfoot (roller).
pica , pike, pick; trail; line cleared through
- de espuela, pickaroon.
- de gancho, cant dog, peavy, hookaroon.
- de gancho de espiga hueca, socket peavy.
- de gancho de grapa, clip peavy.
picacho m, polI pick; (A) mountain peak.
picada , survey line, line of stakes; staking out;
path; (A) ford; (A) a boring.
picadera (A), pitching too!.
picaderos m (cn), keel blocks.
-laterales, bilge blocks.
picado m, (C) (PR) path, trail; (auto) (A) knock-
ing; a pitted (steel); worm-eaten (lumber).
picador m, worker with a pick; operator of a
prieumatic tool; miner; file cutter.
picadora (herr), chipper.
- de arcilla (ca), clay shredder.
- de costeros (mad), slab chipper.
picadoras de caa:' (az), cane knives.
picadura, puncture; pitting; cut of a file' rough-
ening of concrete surface. '
- bastarda, bastard cut (file).
- cruzada, double cut (file).
- de gusano, wormhole.
- dulce, smooth cut (filc).
- gruesa, rough cut (file).
- simple, single cut (file).
- sorda, dead-smooth cut (filc).
picaduras, pitting; (gl) sand holes.
picafuego m, poker, fire hook, clinker blU'.
picapedrero m, stonecutter.
picaporte m, latch, thumb latch.
- de arrimar, rim latch.
- de embutir, mortise latch.
- de resorte, spring latch.
picar, to pick; to break, knap, crush; to chop; to
open up (lode); (conc) to roughen; to pit
(rust); to puncture (tire); picarse, to be-
come pitted (rust).
picaza , grub ax. .
picea , spruce.
- albar, white spruce.
- del Pacfico, Sitka spruce, tide1and or yellow
- roja, red spruce.
picnmetro m (!ab), pycnometer.
pico m, pick, pickax; peak; spout, nozzle; nib,
tip; beak of an anvil; (min)(M) sledge.
-, a, steep.
- bate, tamping pick.
- carrilano (Ch), tamping or railroad pick.
- con martillo, polI or miner's pick.
- con pala y hacha, mattock.
- con punta y corte, contractor's pick.
- cortador, cutting tipo
- de acuar, tamping or railroad pick.
pie-milipulgada (m) circular (e1c), circular mil-
piedra J, stone, rock. ils
_ afiladera o aguzadera, whetstone, o tone.
- alumbre, alum stone, alunite.
- amoladera, grindstone. .
- angular, cornerstone; quom.
_ aparejada, hand-placed rock filI.
- arcillosa, clay stone.
__arenisca o arenosa, sandstone.
__asentadora, oilstone, whetstone.
- azul, bluestone; (!"1) limestone.
_ berroquea, grall1te.
_ braza (M), one-man stone.
-bruta, rubble; (min)(M), country rock.
_ cachumba (O), native calcium sulphate.
_ calcrea o caliza, limestone.
_ conglomerada, congiomerate.
- cmea, hornstone.
- de aceite, an oilstone. .
_ de afilar, grindstone, whetstone, sharpenmg
stone, hone.
_ de albardilla, copestone, coping stone.
- de arena (001), sandstone.
_ de asiento, bearing stone, bridge seat.
_ de baldosa (M), flagstone. .
- de campana, clinkstone, p?-onolite.
_ de cantera (Es) (M), grarote.
- de cordn, curbstone.
- de cua para afilar, slip stone.
- de chuz, cross-stone, staurolite.
- de esmeril, emery stone.
- de grano (M), granite.
- de guarnicin (M), curbstone.
_ de igualar (si), jointer stone.
- de jabn, talc, soapstone.
- de molino, millstone, buhrstone.
- de remate, coping stone.
- de repasar, oilstone.
- de sapo (A), mica.
-'- de sillera, ashlar stone.
_ de talla (M) (U), ashlar or cut stone.
- de toque (miner). touchstone.
- en bruto, rubble stone.
- filtradora, filter stone.
_ franca, stone easily worked, .
-fundamental, cornerstone; startmg pomt of
a survey. .
_ imn, lodestone, loadstone, magnetlte.
- India, India oilstone.
-labrada, cut stne, ashlar.
--miliaria, milestone.
- ollar, serpentine.
- para, brownstone.
- partida, broken stone.
_ pasante (mam), header, bondstone.
- pez, retinite.
_ picada, crushed or broken stone. ..
_ pmez, pumice, pumice stone, pUIDlclt.e. .
_ pulidora, polishing stone, stone for grmdmg
_ rodada boulder, cobble, pebble.
_ sonora: phonolite, clinkstone.
_ vaciada, artificial stone.
- viva, ledge rock.
piedras de acarreo (geol) (M), erratic blocks.
piedra-bola (M), boulder.
piedrecillas, piedrecitas, piedrezuelas J, pebbles.
pielJ skin, hide; leather.
J, post, upright, leg; leg of an angle.
piezaJ, piece, part, member; ro?m.
- comprimida (est), member.
- de acordamiento, transltlOn .
- de acuerdo (tub), fitting; transltlOn plece.
- de armadura (est), web member.
_ de enrejado, web member; lattice bar.
- de mquinas, engine room.
- de prueba, test piece.
- de puente (M), floor beam (truss bridge).
- de repuesto, spare or replacement parto
- de trabajo (A), workpiece.
_ fija de contacto (elc), stationary contact
- mvil de contacto, moving contact member.
- polar (elc), pole
- sanitaria (V), plumbmg future.
piezas de reserva,.
piezodielctrico, ..
piezoelectricidad J,
piezoelctrico, piezoelectnc.
piezgrafo m, piezograph.
piezagrama m (A),
piezomtrico, piezometnc.
piezmetro m, .
piezooscilador m, plezo oscillator.
piezorresonador m, piezo resonator.
pigmento m (Pint),
- bsico, basic or body plgment.
- de la bilis (lab), bile pigmento
- de color, color pigmento . .
_ de extensin, extending plgment, extender.
pigote m (met), pig.
pija J, lag or coach screw.
_ de cabeza roscada, hanger lag screw.
- de ojillo, screw eyebolt.
-- de ojo, lag-screw eye. .
_ para clavar, drive-type or fetter-dnve lag
screw. . 1
_ punta cnica, cone-point or fetter-drlve ag
_ punta de gusanillo, lag
pila J fountain trough, basm; water tap, pile,
'heap; bent; (bdg) pier; (elec) bat-
tery, cell; (geol) pothole.
- Clark (elc), Olark cell.
- de acopio, storage pile.
- de bicromato (elc), bichromate cell.
- de carga, counterfort. .
_ de cilindro de carbn (elc), carbon-cylinder
cell. . 't b t-
_ de circuito cerrado (elc), closed-crrcUl a
tery. . II
- de dos lquidos (elc), two-flUld c.e
_ de estribacin (pte), abutment pler.
- de existencia, stock pile.
- de gas (elc), gas cell.
_ de gravedad (elc), gravity or crowfoot cell
- de Grove (elc), Grove cell.
- de Leclanch (elc), Leclanch cen.
- de pilotes, pile bent.
- de puente, bridge pier.
- de selenio (elc), selenium cell.
- de vaso poroso (elc), porous-cup cell.
- detonadora, blasting battery.
- electroltica, electrolytic cell.
- fotoelctrica, photoelectric cell, electric eye.
- hmeda (elc), wet cell.
- Lalande (elc), Lalande or caustic-soda cell.
-local (tel), local battery.
- patrn (eI6c), standard cell.
- reversible (elc), reversible cell.
- seca, dry battery or cel1.
- termoelctrica, thermopile, thermocouplc.
- voltaica, voltaic pile, electric column.
pila-estribo (pte), abutment pier.
pilada J, batch.
pilar m, pier, buttress; col=, pillar, standard;
(min) pillar, toop.
pilastraJ, pilaster; counterfort; (OA) bridge pier.
piletaJ, sink, basin, trough; pool; (A) washbasin.
- de cocina, kitchen sink.
- de lavar, washbasin, washtub.
- de patio (A). floor drain with trap, cesspoo1.
- de sedimentacin, settling basin.
piln m, basin, watering trough; (A) dredge spud;
tower, trestle bent; (O)(M) drop hammer;
pylon; (V) a hardwood.
- de gravedad (M), drop hammer.
- de vapor (M), steam hammer.
pilotaje m, (cons) piling; (naut) pilotage, harbor
- de retencin, sheet piling.
pilotxico (geol), pilotaxitic.
pilotaxtico (geol) (A), pilotaxitic.
pilote m, pile.
- amortiguador, fender pile.
- compuesto, composite pile.
- con resistencia de punta, point-bearlng pile.
- de alas, wing pile.
- de amarrar, dolphin.
- de anclaje, anchor pile.
- de arena, sand pile.
- de botn, button-bottom pile.
- de bulbo, bulb pile; button-bottom pile.
- de carga, bearing pile.
- de cimiento, bearing or foundation pile.
- de columna, end-bearing pile.
- de defensa, fender pile.
- de desplazamiento, displacement pile.
- de disco, disk pile.
- de enfilacin, range pile.
- de ensayo o de prueba, test pile.
- de friccin, friction pile.
- de gua, guide pile.
- de pedestal, pedestal pile; bulb pile.
- de rosca, screw pile.
- en H, H pile (steel).
- encerrado, cased (concrete) pile.
- enlistonado, lagged pile.
- inclinado, batter or spur or brace pile.
- para subpresin, tension or uplift pile.
- paragolpes, fender pile.
- prevaciado, precast concrete pile.
- sustentador, bearing pile.
- tipo proyectil, projectile-type composite pile.
- vaciado en sitio, concrete pile cast in place.
pilotes de palastro, stool sheet piling.
pilotear (M), to drive piles.
piloto m, piloto
pina J, felly, felloe.
pinabete m, fu, yellow pine; hemlock.
pinar m, pine foresto
pincel m, brush.
-'- de pelo de camello (dib), camel's-hair brush.
- para pintura, paintbrush.
pincelada J, brush stroke; brush coat.
pinchaduraJ (auto), puncture.
pinchar, to puncture; to tap; (A) to pry with a
bar, to pincho
pinchazo m (auto), puncture.
pinche m (Es), tool boy, nipper.
pingo m (Ec), strip of wood, lath, batten.
pino m, pine; a steep.
- abete o abeto, spruce; spruce pine.
- albar, white pine.
-- alerce, tamarack or 10dgepole pine.
- amarillo, yellow pine.
- araucano, Ohilean pine.
- austral (M), southern or longleaf pine.
- bastardo, bastard pine.
- colorado (Pan), yellow pine.
- de California, redwood.
- de hoja corta, shortleaf pine.
- de hoja larga, longleaf or Georgia or heart
- de noruega, Norway or red pine.
- del Pacfico, Douglas fu, yellow
- de tea, yellow or pitch pine.
- gigantesco, redwood.
- martimo o rodeno, cluster or red pine.
- oregn (A) (Pe), Douglas tir.
- plateado, white pine.
- resinoso, pitch pine.
- rojo, redwood; red or Norway pine; red fu:
- spruce (A), a European spruce lumber.
pinotea m, yellow or pitch pine.
pinta J, pinto
pintar, to paint.
pintor m, painter.
pintura J, paint, painting.
- al agua, cold-water paint, kalsomine.
- a la. aguada (Es), cold-water paint.
- al alquitrn, bituminous or coal-tar paint.
- al barniz, varnish paint.
- a la cola, cold-water paint, kalsomine.
- a grafito, graphite paint.
- ll1 leo, oil paint.
- a prueba de la broma, teredoproof paint.
- a prueba de vapor, steamproof paint.
'-al temple (V), cold-water paint.
- alumnica, aluminum paint.
- antihumedad, dampproof paint.
- antincrustante, antifouling paint.
- contrafuego, me-resisting paint.
- de aceite, oil paint.
- de agua fra (M), cold-water paint.
- de bao o de inmersin, dipping paint.
- de cal, whitewash..
- de rociar, spraying paint.
- en obra, field painting.
- grafitada, graphite paint.
- hecha o preparada, prepared or ready-mixed
- de tejar, roofing slate.
- gredosa, clay slate.
pizarral m, slate quarry.
pizarreo, pizarroso, slaty, shaly.
pizarrero m, slater.
placa J, plate, slab, sheet.
- abovedada (est), buckle plateo
- atiesadora (est), ba.tten or stay plateo
- calentadora (lab), hot plate.
- de agua (cal), water leg.
- de apoyo (est), bearing plateo
- de arrastre (ef), skdding pan.
- de asbesto, asbestos board.
- de asiento, bearing or wall or base plate, hed-
platel (rr) tie plateo
- de base, bedplate, base plateo
- de borne (elc), terminal plateo
- de burbujeo (pet), bubble tray.
- de cabeza (cal), crown sheet.
- de cara (est), skin plate, faceplate.
- de centrar (inst), shifting plateo
- de contacto, (pmy) focal-plane plate, con-
tact gIass; (elec) contact plateo
- de contraccin (ca), contraction plate.
- de contravientos (gr), guy cap or spider.
- de cuarzo (ra), quartz plateo
- de cubierta (est)(turb), cover plateo
- de cua, liner; shm.
- de choque, buffer platel (hyd) baffle plateo
- de choque desviadora, de!lecting baffle.
- de choque separadora, separating baffle.
- de chucho (fc), headchair,. headshoe.
- de defensa, wearilig plate; (rr) tie plateo
- de desconexin (pet), breakout plateo
- de divisin (mh), index base or plateo
- de empalme (est), gusset or connection plateo
- de ensamblaje, (str) runge plate; gusset
platel (carp) fitch plate.
- del fabricante (maq), name or shop plate.
- de fijacin, clamp plateo
- de frotamiento, wearing plate.
- de fundacin, base plate, bedplate.
- de ganchos (tub), hook plateo
- de giro (Es), turntable.
- de guia (hid), defiector, baffle.
- de huellas (1ab), streak plate.
- de inspeccin (auto), inspection plate.
- de interruptor (elc), switch plateo
- de junta (est), splice or gusset plate.
- de matriz colocadora (mh), gage plateo
- de nudo (est), gusset or connection plate.
- de nmero, (auto) license plate.
- de orificio (rud), orifice plate.
- de paramento, face slab (dam).
- de pasador (est), pin plate; hinge plate.
- de piedra, fiagstone.
- del plano focal (fma), focal-plane or contact
- de presin (fma), pressure plate.
- de recubrimiento (est), faceplate.
- de relleno (est), filler plate.
- de retenida (elc), guy plateo
- de rozamiento, rubbing or wearing or chafing
- de seal (fc), switch target.
- de sujecin (mh), faceplate.
_ impermeabilizadora, dampproofing paint.
- marina, marine or deck pamt.
- mate, flat paint.
_ para intemperie, outdoor paint.
- primaria, priming coat.
- vidriada, enamel paint.
pintureraf (A), painting; paints; paint shop..
pinula 1, sight of an instrument; (C) blackBIDlth
_ de deriva (fma), drift sight.
pinulas para nivel, level sights.
pinza 1, clamp, clip.. .' .
_ ajustable (A), slip-Jomt pliers.
- de contacto (elc), clip.
pinzas, nippers, pliers, (1ab) forceps.
_ cargadoras (pet), carrymg tongs.
_ con corte adelante, end-cutting pliers.
_ cortantes o de filo, cutting pliers.
_ cortantes al costado, side-cutting pliers.
- de combinacin, combination pliers.
- de gasista, gas pliers.
- de lagarto, alligator grabo
- punzadoras, punch pliers.
pia 1, knob; plug; hub; wall knot.
pin m, pinion; (Sp) sprocket; (Col) gable wall;
(Ch) (Col) pine.
- con gualderas, shrouded pinion.
- cnico o de ngulo, bevel pinion.
_ de accionamiento o de mando, driving pin-
- de arranque (auto), starter pinion.
- de ataque (C), driving pinion.
- de comando (U), driving pinion.
- de cuero verde, rawhide pinion.
- de linterna, lantern pinion.
- deslizable o desplazable, sliding pinion.
- diferencial, (auto) pinion gear.
- doble helicoidal, herringbone pinion.
-loco, idler pinion.
- motor, driving pinion.
- recto, spur pinion.
piocha 1, miner's pick.
piocho m (C), mattock.
piognico, pigeno (1ab), pyogenic.
piola 1, houseline; twine, string; (A) light rope.
pipa 1, cask, hogshead.
- de riego, watering can.
pipeta I (1ab), pipet.
- de absorcin, absorption pipet.
- medidora, measuring pipet.
- para muestreo, sampling pipet.
pique m, (Ch) tunnel shaft, shaft; well; .(A)
path, trail; (auto) (A) plCkup, acceleratlOn.
-, a, very steep; vertical.
- de popa (an), runo
- de proa (an), entrance.
-, echar a (nut), to sink.
-, irse a (nut), to founder, sink.
piqueador m (min), striker (with a hammer).
piquear (min), to strike a drill with a hammer.
piquera 1, burner; tap hole; iron runner, outlet
of a blast furnace.
piqueta/, pick; mattock; mason's hammer; stake.
piquetaje m, staking out.
'liquete m, stake; survey pole; picket.
piqueteo m, staking; piling; pile drivin.
piquetero m, tool boy in a mine.
piquetilla 1, gad, wedge.
piramidado (Es), pyramidal.
piramidal, pyramidal.
pirmide 1, pyramid.
- fotogrfica (fma), photograph pyramid.
piranol m, pyranol.
piranmetro m, pyranometer.
pirargirita 1, pyrargyrite, ruby silver ore.
pirca 1, dry wall; stone wall.
pircada 1, dry masonry.
pircar, to build a dry wall.
pirhelimetro m, pyrheliometer.
pirita 1, pyrite, iron pyrites.
- arsenical, arsenical pyrites, arsenopyrite,
- blanca, marcasite, white iron pyrites.
- capilar, capillary pyrites, millerite.
- cobriza o de cobre, copper pyrites, chalco-
- comn, iron pyrites, pyrite.
- de cobalto, cobalt pyrites, linnaeite.
- de estao, tin pyrites, stannite.
- de fierro (M) (Pe), iron pyrites.
- de hierro, pyrite, iron pyrites.
- magntica, pyrrhotite, magnetic pyrites.
- marcial, iron pyrites.
piritas, pyrites.
pirtico, pyritic.
piritizar, to pyritize.
piritoso, containing pyrites, pyritic.
pirln m (Col), doorsill, saddle, threshold.
pirobitumen m, pyrobitumen.
pirobituminoso, pyrobituminous.
piroclstico (geol) (M), pyroclastic.
piroconductividad 1, pyroconductivity.
piroelectricidad J, pyroelectricity.
piroelctrico, pyroelectric.
pirofosfato (m) tetrasdico, tetrasodium pyro-
pirofosfrico, pyrophosphoric.
piroglllico, pyrogallic.
pirogena J, pirogeno m, pirgeno m, pyroxene.
pirognico (geol), pyrogenic.
pirolusita 1, pyrolusite (manganese ore).
piromagntico, pyromagnetic, thermomagnetic.
pirometalurga 1, pyrometallurgy.
piromtrico, pyrometric.
pirmetro m, pyrometer.
piromorfita J, pyromorphite, green lead ore.
piroqumico, pyrochemical.
pirosulfrico, pyrosulphurie.
piroxena J, piroxeno m, pirxeno m, pyroxene.
piroxenita J (geol), pyroxenite.
piroxilina J, pyroxylin (explosive).
pirqun m (B), piecework, eontract work.
pirquinear (Ch), to work a leased mine.
pirquinero m (Ch) (B), eontractor for mine work;
pirrotita, pirrotina J (miner) , pynhotite, mag-
netie pyrites.
piso m, !loor, story; (tun) bench; roadbed; bot-

- alto, upper !loor or story.
- bajo, ground or first !loor.
- de glllibos (cn), scrive board.
- de parrilla (pte), grid Hoor.
- del valle, valley !lat or !loor.
- metlllico celular (ed), cellular metal Hoor.
- monoltico, concrete Hoor having finsh cast
integrally with slab.
- pegado (ed), stuck-down .floor.
pisolita 1, pisolite (limestone).
pisn m, rammer, tamper; ram, stamp.
- de martillo, harnmer tamper.
- para moldes (ca), form tamper.
- saltarn, a heavy tamper operated by power.
pisonador m, pisonadora 1, tamper.
- de impacto, impact tamper.
- de relleno, backfi1l tamper.
pisonadura 1, tamping, ramming.
pisonem:, to tamp,. compact, ramo
pIsoneo m, tampmg, rammmg.
pista I (ap), runway, landing strip; taxiway.
- cerrada de rodaje, stub-end taxiway.
- de aterrizaje, runway, landing strip' fight
strip, airstrip. '
-.- de decolaje, runway.
- de despegue, runway, landing strip.
- de n;taniobras o de rodaje, taxiway.
- para aterrizaje ciego, instrument runway.
- perifrica de rodaje, peripheral taxiway.
pistas gemelas o paralelas (ap), dual runways.
pistolaJ, pistol; paint sprayer; (M) jackharnmer'
(min) small drUl hole. '
- de arena, sandblast nozzle.
- de barrenacin (M), jackharnmer.
- de cemento (M), cement gun.
- de grasa, grease gun.
- de lavar (auto), !lushing gun.
- de perforacin (pet), gun perforator.
- de rociar (Ch), spray gun.
-lubricadora, grease or oil gun.
- neumtica (M), jackhammer.
- pulverizadora, spray gun, airbrush.
- remachadora (M), riveting hammer.
--rompedora (M), paving breaker.
pistolero m (M), operator of a j ackhammer.
pistoleta I (dib) (A), French or irregular curve.
pistolete m, nozzle; (min) small drill hole.
pistoln m, pistol grip.
pistn m, piston; (Ch) giant, monitor.
- de achique (pet), swab, cleanout bailer.
- economizador (auto), economizer piston.
pistonada 1, pistn stroke.
pistoneo m, piston slap.
pita J, pita, maguey; (C) sisal.
pitada1, blast of a wrustle.
pitar, to whistle.
pitarrasa I (cn) , horse iron.
pitazo m, whistle signal, blast of a whistle.
pito m, wrustle.
pitmetro m, pitometer.
pitn m, nozzle, spout; screweye.
- atomizador, spray nozzle.
pivotaje m, pivoting.
pivotar, to pivoto
pivote m, pivoto
- de direccin (auto), kingpin, knuckIe pino
pizarra 1, slate, shale; bulletin board. .
- anfiblica (Es), hornblende scrust.
- de distribucin (C), switchboard.
planimtrico planmetro 237 plastocemento
- medidora de tantos (eone), batching plant,
- mezcladora de cemento, cement-blendng
- motriz (auto), power planto
- picadora (ag) (C), crushing planto
- piloto, pilot plant.
- quebradora, erushing planto
- revolvedora (eone) (M), mxing plant.
- seleccionadora (ag), sereening plant.
- suavizadora de agua, water-softenng planto
- vista, top view, plan.
plantar, to place, set; to set up, ereet.
plantel m (A), equpment, planto
planteles de construccin (A), eonstruction planto
planteo m, layout, arrangement.
plantilla J, pattern, jig, template; sereed, (mas)
ground; subgrade; (M) nvert; (dwg)
Freneh curve.
- curva (dib) (A), irregular curve.
- del canal, bottom, fioor.
- de clavar (ed), fioorng sleeper.
- de corredera, slotted template.
- de curvar, bendng jig.
- de curvas (Es) (C), French curve, irregular
curve. '
- de devanado (elc), windng former.
- de espesor, thiekness gage, feeler.
- de filetear, serew chaser.
- de guia, jig.
- de mano (fma), hand template.
- de montaje, assembly jig.
- de muescar, gainng template.
- de prueba (en), check template.
- de radio, radius gage.
- de rotular (dib), lettering guide.
- de soldador, welding jig.
- de taladrar, drillng template.
- de talud, slope gage.
- de yeso, fioatng sereed.
- mecnica (fma), meehanieal template.
- mecnica desarmable (fma) , spider tem-
- mltiple (mh), eombnation jig.
- para brocas, drili-grnding gage.
- para filete o para roscas, thread or serew-
piteh gage.
- para puntas (mh), center gage.
- rayadora (ea), serateh template.
- sujetadora para soldar, weldng fixture or jg.
plantillero m, patternmaker.
plaquear (M), to veneer.
plaqueta J (fe) (M), tie plateo
plaquita J, shim, sma11 plateo
plasma J (miner) (ele), plasma.
plasmlisis J (is), plasmolysis.
plaste m, (C) mastie, putty; (pt) sizing.
plastecer, to eoat with mortar; (bw) to butter
(pt) to size.
plstica J, plasties.
plasticador m, plastieator.
plasticidad J, plastieity.
plasticimetro m, plastieimeter.
plstico m a, plastie.
plastificante m (pnt), plastieizer.
plastificar, to plastieze.
plastocemento m (M), plastie eement.
planimetro m, planimeter.
- compensador, eompensating planimeter.
- de disco, disk planimeter.
- de regla, rule planimeter.
- polar, polar planimeter.
- rodante o de rodillos, rolling planimeter.
plano m, plan, drawng; plane; (M) fioor of a
mine working; a fiat, level, planeo
- acotado, topographieal plan; dimensioned
- altimtrico, topographiealplan, eontourmap.
- anterior (fma), front planeo
- azul, blueprnt.
- bsico o de base (fma), ground planeo
- catastral, real-estate map.
- , de, on the fiat.
- de clivaje (geol), c1eavage planeo
- de colado (eone), fi11 plane, lift lineo
- de comparacin (lev), datum plane.
- de deslizamiento (ms), slip plane.
- de ejecucin, workng drawng.
- de estratificacin (geol), bedding plano.
- de falla (gol), fault plane or surfaee.
- de formacin (fe), subgrade, roadbed.
- de hendidura, plane of eleavage.
- del horizonte (fma), horzon planeo
- de imagen (fma), image or pieture plane.
- del meridiano, meridian planeo
- de la perspectiva (dib), perspeetive planeo
- de referencia (lev), datum planeo
- de resbalamiento (geol), fault planeo
- de situacin o de ubicacin, loeation plan.
- de taller, shop drawng.
- de visacin (lev), plane of sight.
- focal (fma), focal planeo
- fundamental (fma), ground planeo
- hidrogrfico, ehart.
- maestro, master plan.
- nodal (fma), nodal planeo
- principal (ms) (fma), prneipal plane.
- rasante (Es) (A), subgrade.
- tipo, standard plan.
- topogrfico, contour map, topographieal plan.
plano-cncavo, plano-eoneave.
plano-convexo, plano-eonvex.
plano-paralelo, plano-para11el.
planoteca J (V), plan file.
planta J, plant, equipment; ground plan; (bldg)
fioor, (C)(A) story; (min) bottom.
- alta, upper fioor or story.
- baja, ground fioor.
- clasificadora (ag), sereening planto
- de agua potable, waterworks.
- de fuerza, powerhouse, power planto
- del piso (ed), fioor plan.
- de repuesto, spare equipment.
- de reserva, reserve equipment.
- depuradora, purifieation planto
- depuradora de aguas c1oacales, sewage-dis-
posal planto
- desintegradora (pet), cracking planto
- estabilizadora (pet), stablizing planto
- filtradora, filter planto
- generadora, eleetrie power plant, generating
- hormigonera (eone), mixing plant.
_ de canto laminado (met), mili-edge plateo
_ de canto recortado, sheared-edge plateo
__ de cubierta (est), eover or fiange plateo
- de desgaste, wearng plateo
- de doblar (tub), bendng slab.
- de escurrimiento (to), fiashng.
-,de escurrimiento superior, eounterfiashng,
cap fiashing.
- de fondo, bedplate.
_ de fundacin, fioor slab (dam); foundation
slab; base plateo
- de guia del bagazo (az) , turnplate,trash
turner, dumb turner.
_ de inglete, miter rod (plasterer).
- de orificio (hid), orfice plateo
_ de rigidez (est), batten or stay plateo
_ de traviesa (fe), tie plate.
_ de trituracin (min), buekng board.
_ de unin (est), spliee plate; gusset plate.
_ estriada, eheekered plateo
_ giracarro (mn) , turnsheet, turnplate.
_ muerta (cal), dead plateo
_ nervada, rbbed plateo
- trancanil (en), strnger plateo
_ universal (met), universal-mili plateo
- Zors (est), trough plateo
planchadaJ, slab; gangplank; (Ch) staging, plat-
- de carga, loadng platform.
plancheado m (en), platng.
- a tingladillo, elinker system.
- del casco, she11 platng.
- de los mamparos, bulkhead platng.
- endentado, in-and-out system.
- enrasado, fiush platng.
planchear (en), to plateo
planchetaJ (lev), plane or traverse tableo
- de pinulas, traverse plane tableo
planchista m (Es), sheet-metal worker.
planchita J, shim, sma11 plateo
_ de retenida, guy shim (pole lne).
planchn m, slab, sheet; (Col) barge.
planchuela J, steel fiat, fishplate; plasterer's
- de pasador, (tu) pn plateo
- de perno, washer.
planear, to plan; to glide (airplane).
planeo m, planning; glidng (airplane).
planemetro m, planeometer.
planetario, planetary (gear).
planialtimetria J, eontour map; topographieal
planicie J (top), plain.
planificar (Ee) (M), to plan.
planigrafo m (dib), planigraph.
planilla J, tabulation, list, schedule.
_ del avance del trabajo, progress schedule.
- de envasamiento, paekng listo
- de flujo, fiow sheet.
- de materiales, bili of material.
_ de pago, payro11; estimate for payment.
planimetrar, to measure with a planimeter.
planimetraJ, planimetry; plane surveyng, map-
png; ground plan, map.
- , en, in plan.
planimtrico, planimetrie, plane (surveying).
- de tope, buffer plateo
_ de tubos (cal), tube sheet, fiue plateo
_ de unin, spliee plate, fishplate, seab; gusset
_ de vacio (fma), vaeuum plateo
- de via (fe), tie plateo
__ deflectora (hid), baflle plateo
_ delantal, skrt plateo
_ difusora (dae), dffuser plateo
_ distribuidora (aa) , distributor plateo
_ elevadora (fe), riser plate.
_ embutida (Es), buekle plate.
_ empastada (ele), pasted plateo
_ escurridiza (to), fiashng.
_ esparcidora, diffuser or spreader plateo
_ fotomecnica, proeess plateo
_ giratoria, (rr) turntable; (mt) swivel plateo
_ guardaposte, st.ran plate (pole line).
-lavadora (aa), serubber plateo
-lisa (eone)(V), fiat slab.
_ muerta (cal), dead plateo
- nervada, ribbed plateo
_ nodal (est), gusset plateo
_ ondulante u oscilante (maq), wobbler, swash
_ portatubos (cal), tube sheet.
_ presionante (auto) (A), pressure plateo
_ quitagotas (aa), elimnator plateo
_ revestidora (tn), liner plateo
_ sensible (fma), sensitiveplate.
_ sufridera (her), swage block.
- tubular (cal) (M), tube sheet.
- volada, eantlever slab.
_ costillas o de avance (tn) , poling plates.
_ eliminadoras (as), elimnator plates.
placa-marca (maq), name plateo
placel m (r), sand bar.
placer m, placer; sandbank.
- con montera, buried placer.
- de bajio, river-bar placer.
- de banco, beneh placer.
- de playa, beaeh placer.
placeta J (Ch), fiat place on a hillside.
plafn m, soffit.
plagioc1asa J (geol) (miner), plagoc1ase.
plagioclasita J (geol), plagoc1asite.
plagifido m (geol), plagiophyre.
plan m, plan, seheme, design; (Ch) fiatland; bot-
tom level in a mne.
-, de (V), on the fiat.
_ de trabajo, eonstruetion programo
plana J, (bs) fiatter; (M) trowel; (C) mason's
float; (A) eooper's planeo
planadaJ (Ee), fiat eountry.
plancton m (is), plankton.
plancha J, plate, sheet, slab; gangplank; (C)
_ abovedada (est), buekle plateo
_ atiesadora (est), tie plate.
_ cizallada, sheared plate, plate wth sheared
- de ala, (gi) eover plateo
- de alma (est), web plateo
- de asfalto, asphalt smoother.
- de base, base plateo
plastmetro m, plastometer. .
plastrn m (4.), hedof mortar; footmg.
plataf, silver.
- agria (miner), argentite, silver glanee.
- alemana, niekel or German silver.
- crnea (miner), eerargyrite, horn silver.
- fulminante, fulminating silver.
- gris (miner), argentite, silver glanee:
- negra (miner), blaek silver, stephamte.
- nquel, nickel silver. . .
- roja clara, light red silver ore, proustlte.
- roja oscura, dark red ore, .pyrargy;lte.
- vtrea, argentite, Vltreous silver, silver
platabanda f, spliee plate, fishplate, s?ab; (str)
(A) eover plate; (V) slab; (M) lintel; flat
areh, platband.
platachar (Ch), to trowel; to float.
platacho m (Ch), mason's float.
plataforma f, platform; roadOOd, subgrade; (Sp)
(M)(Ee)(CA) flatear; (top)(A) plain.
- continental continental plateau.
- de carga, or eharging platform.
- de descarga (op), relioving platform (buIk-
- de pista (ap) (A), apron.
- de transbordo, transfer platform.
- de la va (fe), roadOOd, subgtade.
- giratoria, turntable.
plateaf (hid) , hearth, apron, floor, mato
plateado, silver-plated. .
platillo m, small plate; dlSk; washer; pipe
flange. '
- ciego, blind flange; blank flange.
- de balanza (lab), sealepan, balance pan.
- de piso (tub), floor flange.
- de presin (auto), pressure plate.
- de rosca, serewed flange.
- de techo (tub), eeiling plate.
- de transmisin (auto), driving flange.
- postizo (C), loose flange.
- soldado, welded flange.
- suelto, loose flange.
platillos compaeros o gemelos, flange union.
platina f, steel flat; (rr) tie plate; (P) flange;
- de corredera (fe), riser plateo
platinar, to platinize.
platnico, platinie.
platinfero, eontaining platinum.
platinita f, platinite (a11oy); (miner) platynite.
platino m, platinum.
nlatinos (auto), eontact points.
-"- del distribuidor, distributor points.
- del ruptor, breaker points.
platinoide m, platinoid (alloy).
platinoso. platinous.
plato m, plate, disk; web of a wheel; faeeplate of
a lathe, ehuek.
. - campana (A), 0011 ehuek (1athjl).
- combinado. eombination ehuek.
- con ajuste espiral, sero11 ehuek.
- de agujero simple. bar ehuek.
- de bgulo, monitor ehuek.
- del guarapo (az), juiee pan.
- de mordazas independientes, independent
- de Petri (is), Petri dish.
- de tomo, faeeplate (lathe), ehuek.
- divisor (mh), index or dividing plate.
- giratorio (pet), rotary table.
- motor (auto) (M), driving flange.
- para valos (mh), oval or elliptie ehuek.
- universal, universal ehuek.
platos difusores (dae), splash plates.
plato-manivela. disk erank.
playaf, beaeh; (rr) yard; (geol) playa.
- de carga, loading yard; freight yard.
- de clasificacin, c1assifieation yard.
- de descarga, delivery yard.
- de distribucin (ele), switehyard.
- de estacionamiento (auto), parking spaee.
- de llegada (fe), reeeiving yard.
- de maniobras. drill or switehing or c1assifiea-
tion yard.
- de ro. sand bar.
- secadora (dae) (A), sludge-drying bed.
playo (A) (Ee) , flato
plazaf, sma11 park; yard; market.
- de acopio, store yard.
- de doblado (ref), bending yard.
- de estacionamiento (auto), parking spaee.
- de moldaje (eone), form yard.
plazo m, time, period, termo
pleamar f, high tide (sometimes used meaning
flood tide).
- ms alta. highest high tide.
- media, mean high water.
- media ms alta, mean higher high tide.
plegable. folding; pliable.
plegadizo, folding.
plegador m, folder, OOnder.
- de cpsulas (vol), cap erimper.
- de tubos, pipe erimper.
plegadora (f) de palastro (eh), comice brake;
plegamiento m (geol), fold.
plegar. to fold, bend; to snub (belt).
plena admisin (turb), fu11 admission.
plena carga. fullload.
plena flotacin, de, full-floating.
plena velocidad, full speed.
plenamar f, high tide.
pleno m, plenum; a full, complete.
pletina f, bar, flat, sma11 plate; flange; shim.
- de relleno (est), filler plate.
pliego m, folder; file of papers; doeument.
- de condiciones, speeifieations, bidding eondi-
- de licitacin, information for bidders; bid-
ding formo
- de proposiciones, bidding form. .
pliegue m, ply, sheet; fold, bend; (geol) fold, pli-
eation, drago
- anticlinal, upwarp, antielinal fold.
- cerrado, elosed or isoelinal fold.
- compuesto, compound fold.
- de arrastre, drag fold.
- echado, overold.
- en abanico, fan fold.
- inclinado, inelined fold.
- invertido, overturned fold.
- isoclnico, isoelinal or elosed fold.
- recostado, reeumOOnt fold.
- recumbente (V), reeumOOnt fold.
- tumbado, overturned antieline, overfold.
- sinclinal, downwarp, synelinal fold.
yacente (A), reeumOOnt fold.
plinto m, baseboard; plinth.
pliodinatrn m ("a), pliodynatron.
pliotrn m (ra), pliotron.
plisamiento m (geol), fold.
plomada f, plumb bob, plummet.
plomar, to plurob.
plombagina f, graphite, plumbago.
plomear (M), to plumb.
plomeria f, plumbing; leadwork.
plomero m, plumber.
- contratista, plumbingeontraetor.
-licenciado, lieensed plumber.
plomfero, eOID.taining lead.
plomo m, lead; plumb bob.
- a, plumb, vertical.
- amarillo, wu1fenite, yellow lead ore.
- antinlonioso, antimonial or hard lead.
- blanco (M), white lead.
- de galpago o en lingotes, pig lead.
- de hilacha, lead wool.
- en hojas, sheet lead.
- esponjoso (elc), lead sponge.
- pardo, pyromorphite.
- rojo, eroeoite; (M) red lead.
- tetraethyllead, ethyl fluid.
- verde, green lead ore, pyromorphite.
plomoso, eontaining lead.
plotear (V), to plot, plato
pluma f, pen; boom; gin pole; (Col)(V) water
serviee eonneetion; (PR) Jaueet.
- de agua, (Col) (V) (C) water tap or serviee;
(PR) bibb, faueet.
- de cartgrafo, mapping pen.
- de cuervo (dib)(M), erow-quill.
- de dibujo, lettering pen.
- de gra, derriek or erane boom.
- de pala, shovel boom.
- para cable de arrastre, dragline boom.
plumbato m (qum), plumbate.
plmbico (qum), plumbie.
plumbfero, containing lead.
plumbito (m) sdico,. sodium plumbite.
plumilla f, crow-quill, fine pen; (C) cotter
. plus vala f (eont), good will; unearned inere-
plutnico (geol), plutonic, abyssal.
pluvial, pertaining to rain, pluvial, hyetal.
pluvmetro, see pluvimetro.
pluvioconducto m (Pe), storm-water aewer.
pluvioducto m (A), storm-water aewer.
pluviografaf (mrl), pluviography.
pluviogrfico, pluviographic.
pluvigrafo m, reeording rain gage, pluviograpli
pluviograma m, pluviogram.
pluviometra /, pluviometry.
pluviomtrico, pluviometrie.
pluvimetro m, rain gage, pluviometr, hyetom-
- registrador, udomograph, hyetograph, sel-
registering rain gage.
pluviosidad / (Col), rainfall.
pluvioso, rainy.
poblacin/, population; town, small eity.
poblado m, village; (tun) (min) (M) layout of
holes for a blast.
poblador m (tn)(min) (M), shift boss; bIaster,
man who lays out the blast holea.
pobre, poor; lean (concrete); low-grade (ore)'
(auto) lean (mixture). '
pocera f, well drilling or digging.
pocero m, well driller or digger.
pocota f, aump, pool.
pocillo m, sump, eateh basin, eateh pito
poder m, power, strength; authority; power of
- dielctrico, dieleetrie strength.
- resolutivo (inst), resolving power.
poderoso, powerful.
podmetro m, podometer, pedometer.
podn m, pruning hook; grub hoe; mattoek.
podricin f, rot, deeay, (1br) dote.
- azul (mad), blue rot, bluing.
-blanca (mad), white roto
- fungosa (mad), buttrot.
- hmeda, wet roto
- parda (mad), brown roto
- seca, dry roto
podrido, rotten, putrid.
podrimiento m, rot, rotting.
podrlrse, to rot, deeay.
podsol m, podsol (soi).
podslico, podsolie.
polainas (f) de soldador. welder's leggings.
polar, polar.
polaridad /, polarity.
- directa, straight polarity.
- invertida. reversed polarity.
polarimetra /, polarimetry.
polarimtrico, polarimetrie.
polarmetro m, polarimeter.
polariscpico, polariseopie.
polariscopio m, polariseope.
- de cua simple, single-wedge polariscope.
- de doble compensacin, double-eompenEat..
ing polariscope.
- de penumbra, hal-shadow polariseope.
- de triple campo, triple-field polariseope.
polarita / (dae), polarite.
polarizacin f, polarization
-negativa de rejilla (ra), grid bias.
- plana, de, plane-polarized.
polarizador m, polarizer.
polarografa f, polarography.
polarogrfico, polarographie.
polargrafo m, polarograph.
polea /, pulley, sheave.
- aCanalada, sheave.
- ajustable para velocidad. variable-apeed
- conducida (A), driv-en pulley.
- conductora (A), driving pulley.
- de aparejo, taekle block.
- de cabeza (pet), erown sheave.
- de cadena, pocket wheel, sprocket, chain pulley
241 polea 240 pondaje ponderal portalmpara
- de cara bombeada, crown-face pulley.
- de cola, tail pulley.
- de cono, cone pulley.
- de contacto, trolley wheel.
- de desviacin, guide pulley.
- de friccin, friction gear or pulley or wheel.
- de fundicin, cast-iron pulley.
- de garganta, sheave.
- de gravedad, tension or idler pulley.
- de gua, idler or guide pulley; knuckle
- de pestai'l.a, flanged pulley.
- de tensin, tension or jockey pulley.
- de transmisin, driving pulley.
- de transportador, conveyor pulley.
- de trole, trolley, trolley wheel.
- diferencial, differential hoist, ehain block.
- enteriza, solid pulley.
- equilibrada, balanced pulley.
- escalonada, speed cone, cone or stepped
- falsa, dumb aheave.
- flja, fixed or tight or fast pulley.
- hbrida (M), mule pulley.
- impulsada, driven or tail pulley.
-loca, loose pulley; idler pulley.
- motriz o impulsora, head or driving pUlley.
- muerta, idler pulley.
- mltiple, stepped pulley.
- para ventana, ,sash pulley.
--partida, split pulley.
- portasierra, band-saw pulley.
- quitahielo (fe ele), sleet wheeL
- ranurada, sheave.
'-tensora, idler or tension pulley.
- viajera (pet), traveling block.
poliatmico, polyatomic.
polibsico (quim), polybasic.
polibasita 1, polybasite (silver ore).
policntrico, polycentrie.
policclico (elc) (qufm) , polycyclie.
JIOlicillndrico, multieylinder.
:POlicnico, polyconic.
polidrico, polyhedral.
poliedro m, polyhedron; a polyhedral.
poliestireno m, polystyrene.
polietileno m, polyethylene.
polifaseado (A), polyphase.
polifsico (elc),polyphase, multiphase.
polifilar, multiple-wire, multiwire.
polifoto (elc), polyphotal.
poligonacin I (lev), survey by a series of poly-
poligonal 1, (surv) traversa; a polygonal.
poUgono m, polygon; a polygonal.
- de fuerzas, force polygon.
- funicular, funicular polygon.
poligonometral (lev) (Es),determination of areas.
polilla 1, (M) termite.
- de mar (M), marine borer.
poUmetro m (mrl), polymeter.
pollmotor, multiengined.
poUn m, roller; (ce) skid; (rr)(C) crosstie; ground-
sill; nailing strip on 1 beam.
polines de desvo (fc)(C) , switch timber.
polinomio (mat), polynomial.
polipasto, polispasto m, taekle, block and fall,
- diferencial, differential hoist.
polipolar (A), multipole.
polisinttico, polysynthetic.
polisulfuro m (qufm), polysulphide.
politcnico, polytechnic.
politrpico (mat), polytropie.
polivalente (qufm), multivalent, po1yvalent.
polivinilo m (quim), polyvinyl.
pliza I (seg), poliey.
- de avenas, average poliey.
- flotante, floater policy.
polo m (elc) (mat) , pole.
- auxiliar (ele), commutating pole, interpole.
- consecuente (ele), consequent pole.
- del campo (ele), field pole.
- de compensacin o de conmutacin, intel"
pole, eommutating pole.
- saliente (elc), salient pole.
polonio m (quim), polonium.
polucin1, pollution.
polucionar (Pe), to pollute.
poluto, polluted.
polvo m, powder, dust.
- blanqueador (A), bleaching powder.
- broncmeo, bronze powder.
- de azcar, sugar dust.
- de barreno, drilling dust, bore meal.
- de carbn o de hulla, coal dust.
- de cinc, zinc dust.
- de diamante, diamond powder.
- de elaboracin, process dust.
- de esmeril o de lijar, flour of emery, emery
- de madera (vol), wood flour or meal.
- de piedra o de trituracin, crusher or stone
- de roca (geol), roek flour, glacial meal.
- fundente, welding powder.
- metlico, metal powder.
plvora 1, powder, gunpowder.
- de grano gordo, pellet powder.
- de mina (A), blasting powder.
- destroncadora (vol), stumping powder.
- detonante, blasting or detonating powder.
- fulminante, fuIminating powder.
- gigante, giant powder (dynamite).
- negra, blasting or black powder.
- para voladura, blasting powder.
- para zanjeo, ditehing powder.
polvorazo m (Ch), a blast.
polvorero, polvorista m, blaster, powderman.
polvoriento, pulverulent, dusty, floury (soil).
polvorm m, magazine; fine blasting powder.
polvorizar, see pulverizar. .
polvoscopio m, dust-counter.
pomela I (A) (U) (Ch), kind of hinge.
pmez 1, pumice.
pomo m (A), doorknob.
poncelet (ele), poncelet.
poncelet-hora, poncelet-hour (360,000 kilogram
meters per hour).
ponchadura I (auto)(M), puneture.
ponchar (auto)(M), to puncturll.
pondaje m (hid) (A), pondage.
ponderal, ponderal, gravimetrie.
poner, to put; (illst) to set; (surv) to set up.
- a andar (maq), to start.
- a tierra (ele), to ground.
- el freno, to set the brake.
- en circuito (ele), to switch on.
- en marcha (maq), to start.
- en obra, to erect, install.
- en punto, to adjust, seto
pongo m (Ec), gorge of a river with rapids.
poniente m, west.
pontear, to bridge.
pontezuelo m, small bridge.
pontn m, pontoon, ponton (military); scow,
lighter; (Col) (V) box eulvert; (Sp) large
- de fango, mud seow.
- de gra, derriek boato
- de transbordo, ferryboat.
popa I (en), stern.
-, a, aft.
- de, a, aft of, abaft.
popel a (en), after.
populosidad 1, (Col) population.
por ciento, per cent.
porcelana 1, porcelaln.
- circnica (als), zircon porcelain.
- de mullita (als), mullite porcelain.
- para alta tensin, high-voltage porcelain.
porcelanita I (geol), porcelanite.
porcentaje m, percentage.
porfdico, porphyritic.
porfidita I (geol), porphyrite.
prfido m (geol), porphyry.
- augtico, augitophyre, augite-porphyry.
- cuarzoso, quartz porphyry.
- de diorita, diorite-porphyry.
porfrico (A), porphyritic.
porfirita I (geol), porphyrite.
porfirtico (M), porphyritic.
pormillonaje m (Es), parts >er million.
pororoca m (mr), pororoca.
porosidad 1, porosity.
porosmetro m, porometer.
poros m, pores.
poroso, porous.
porqueta I (mad), wood louse.
porra 1, maul, sledge.
porrilla 1, hand or drilling hammer.
porta I (en), port; porthole.
- de carbn, coaling port.
- de carga, cargo port.
- espa (A), portholo.
portaaislador m (ele), insulator braeket.
portaalambre m (e16c), wireholder.
portaalegrador m, reamer chuck.
portaartefacto m (eI6c), fi..xture stud or strap.
portabandera m (lev), rodman, flagman.
portabarrenas 1, drill chuck or holder.
portabarrera'ln (ca), guardrail support.
- de resorte, sprillg support for guardrall.
portabolas m, ball or bearing race.
- de empuje, thrust ball race.
portabombillo m (ele)(C), lamp soc!et.
portabroca m, drill ehuek or holder, pad.
JIOrtabulbos m (ra)(M), ehassis.
portabureta 1, buret clamp.
portacable m, cable hanger.
portacadena m (lev), ehainman.
portacmara m (fma) , camera frame 01 liUP-
portacanaln m (to), gutter hanger.
portacandado m, hasp.
- de charnela, hinge hasp.
portacao m, pipe hanger.
- de resorte, spring hanger.
portacarbn m (e16c), carbon holder.
portacarrete m (fma), reel holder.
portactodo m (ra), cathode holder.
portacinta I (lev), tape holder.
portacojinete m, diestock, die head; bearing
portaconductor m (elc) , conductor holder.
portacorrea 1, belt support.
portacristal m (ra), crystal holder.
portacruceta I (elc), pole gain.
portacuchilla m (mh), cutter bar, adz block, cut-
terhead, cutter blck.
- de caja, box tool.
- de casquillo, bushing box tool.
portacuchillas de machihembrar, matcher head.
portacumulador m, battery carrier or hanger.
portachapa (m) de patente (auto) ,license braeket.
portachuelo m (top), gap, pass, saddle.
portada 1, gate; (min) timber frame in a
portadado m (M), diestoek.
portadiferencial m (auto), differential carrier.
portador m (eom), bearer.
portadora I (elc), earrier.
- de imagen (tv), image earrier.
- flotante (ra), floating carrier (system).
portaelectrodo m, electrode holder.
portaempaquetadura 1ft, packing gland.
portaemulsin I (fma), emulsion earrier.
portaengranajes m (en), planet earrier.
portaequipajes m, baggage mck.
portaescariador ?n, chuck for reamer.
portaescobillas m (eI6e), brush holder or socket.
- regulable, brush rocker.
portaestacas m (lev)(Ec), axman, stake carrier.
portaestampa 1, die holder.
portafarol m, lamp bl'ltcket.
portafreno m (auto), brake support.
portafresa m (mh), mili holder.
portafusible m (e16c), cutout base, fuse block 01'
- de derivacin, branch cutout.
portaguantes?n (auto)(A), glove eompartment.
portahlice m (cn), propeller shaft.
portahembra 1, screw plate.
portaherramienta ?n, toolholder, chuck.
- de charnela (mh), clapper box.
- mltiple (mh), gang tool.
portahilo m (elc), wireholder.
portahusillo m (mh), spindlehead.
portaimagen m (fma), image carrier.
portainstrumento m (ley), illstrument carrier.
portal m, portal; gateo
portalmpara m, lamp socket; lamI> holder.
- colgante (e16c), pendellt lamp holder.
- con abrazadera de cordn, cord-grip sockllt
242 243 portalmpara
- de aplicar o de superficie, surface-mounting
lamp holder.
- de bayoneta, bayonet lamp soeket.
- de cadena, ehain-pull lamp holder, pull
- de intemperie, outdoor lamp soeket.
- de llave giratoria, key soeket.
- de media pulgada, eandelabra lamp holder.
- de rosca, serew lamp soeket.
- en miniatura, miniature lamp holder (lU2
- mediano, medium lamp holder (1 in.).
- mogol, mogullamp holder (172 in.).
- sin llave, keyless soeket.
- tipo Edison, Edison base 01' serew shell.
portalpiz m, peneil point (eompass); peneil
portalente m (fma), lens eone 01' holder.
portalima J, file earrier 01' holder.
portalinterna J, lamp holder.
portaln m, gangway; door in the side of a ship;
door in a boiler setting.
portaIlanta J, tire holder 01' rack.
portamacho, portamachuelo m, tap holder.
portamadera m, sawmill earriage.
portamandril m (torno), ehuek plateo
portamapas m, map case.
portamstil m (gr), mast step.
portamatrcula m (auto),lieense-plate braeket.
portamatriz J, die holder 01' seto
portamechas m, drill ehuek.
portamensajero m (ele), messenger hanger.
portamezcIa J, plasterer's hawk.
portamina m (dib) (A), peneil point for eompass.
portamira m (lev), rodman.
- de nivel, level rodman.
portamoleta J, handle for dresser 01' muller.
portaneumtico m, tire rack, spare-tire holder.
portanonius m (Es), vernier support.
portaola J, porthole.
portaobjetivo m (fma), lens holder.
portaocular m (fma), eyepieeeholder.
portapantalla m (ele), shade earrier.
portapatente J (auto), braeket for lieense plate.
portapeinem (herr), ehaser holder.
portapeIcula J (fma), film holder.
portapieza m, work holder.
portapipeta J (lab), pipet stand.
portaplaca J (fma), plateholder, plate earrier.
-. de nmero (auto), lieense-plate bracket.
portaplantilla m, template holder.
portaplato m (torno), ehuek plate.
portapoleas m (pet), traveling block.
portaposte m, post braeket (railing).
portaprobeta J (lab), test-tube support.
portapa J (as), dog soeket.
portapunzn m, puneh holder.
portaquicionera, portarrangua f (gr), foot block.
portar, to earry.
portarreceptor m (tel), reeeiver support 01' hook.
portarreflector m (ele), shade earrier,reflector
portarretorta J, retort stand.
portarrodillos m, eage of a roller bearing.
portarrueda m (auto), spare-wheel rack.
portataladro m, drill stand.
portatestigo m, eore barrel (drill).
porttil, portable.
portatobera J, nozzle holder.
portatrabajo m, work holder.
portatraviesa m (fe), tie earrier.
portatroncos m, sawmill earriage.
portatrozas m (M), eant hook, peavy; ~ i m b e r
portatubo m, pipe hanger; (ra) soeket.
- de ganchos, hook plate.
portatil m, toolholder.
portavlvula m (ra), soeket.
- de discos, wafer soeket.
portavstago m (pet), stem holder.
portaventanero m (Es), maker of doors and win-
portavidrio m (sol), lens holder.
portavista m (fma), view holder.
portavoz m, megaphone.
portazgo m (ca), tollo
porte m, freight, earriage; (naut) burden; earriage
- a pagar, freight eolleet.
- bruto (an), dead-weight tonnage.
- debido (A), freight eolleet.
- efectivo (an), cargo dead-weight tonnage.
- pagado, freight prepaid.
porteador m (tr), earrier.
porteaje m (1') (M), portage.
porteo m (M), eartage, transportation.
portezuela J, small door, gate; (top) pass.
portezuelo m, handhole; (top) pass, gap, saddle;
prtico m, gantry; portal; trestle bent; (str) mill
bent; rigid frame.
- de claro mltiple (est), multiple-span bent.
- de dos aguas (est), peaked bent.
- dentado, saw-tooth bent.
portillo m, opening in a wall, weep hole; gate;
small sliding gate in a loek gate.
- de evacuacin (hid), sluiee gate.
- de flotacin de maderas, log sluiee.
- de limpieza (presa), sluieeway, undersluiee.
portn m, opening; large door; gate; (1'1') erossing
portuario, pertaining to ports.
posarse, to settle (sediment).
posicin J, position; plaeing.
posicionador m, welding positioner.
positivo m (fma), positive; a positive.
positrn m, .positron, positive eleetron.
posos m, sedimento
posrecocer (met), to postanneal.
postacin J (Ch) (B), pole lineo
postamoniacin J (pa), postammoniation.
postcalentamiento m, postheating.
postcIoracin J (is), postehlorination.
postcondensador m, aftereondenser.
poste m, post, pole, stud, eolumn, stanehion.
- aguantador, drilling post.
- cartabn (fe), elearanee post.
- de agua potable, drinking fountain.
- de alambrado, fenee post (wire fenee).
- de alumbrado, lighting standard, lamppost.
- de amarre, mooring post, dolphin, snubbing
- de anclaje (ele), anchor pole.
_ de busco, miter post (nav lock).
- de cabria (ee), gin poleo
- de cambiava (fe), switch stand.
- de celosa, lattieed poleo
- de cerca, fenee post.
- de conexin (ele), binding post.
- de divisin (fe), division post.
- de farol, lamppost.
- de gato (ee), jaek leg.
- de gua, guidepost.
- de incendio, fire hydrant, fireplug.
- de lmpara, lamppost.
- de milla, ruilepost.
- de muelle, bollard, mooring post.
- de quicio, quoin post (nav loek), heelpost.
- de ret3ncin (ele), strain poleo
- de tope (fe), bumper, bumping post.
- de tramo (fe), seetion post.
- en A (U), A frame.
_ enrejado o de rejilla, lattieed pole 01' eolumn.
- extremo, (tu) end post.
_.- gra, gin pole; pedestal erane.
- indicador (tub), indieator post.
- kilomtrico, post marking distanee in kilo-
- maestro (pet), samson post.
- miliar, milepost.
- para guardacamino (ca), guardrail post.
- parabalancn (pet), headaehe post.
_ portaherramienta abierto (mh), open-side
_ portaherramienta revlver (mh), turret tool-
- surtidor (U), publie water tapo
- telegrfico, telegraph poleo
posteo m (min), setting stemples, posting.
postera J, posting; pole line, line of posts.
postformacin J, postforming.
postigo m, hinged panel in a door; small hinged
window; shutter; (turb) wieket.
postizo, detaehable, demountable, removable.
postmineral (geol), postmineral (fault).
postor m, bidder.
postpas m (A), baekIands.
postrefrigeracin J, aftereooling.
postrefrigerador m, aftereooler.
postulado m, postulate.
postura J, bidding; a bid.
potabilidad J, potability.
potabilizar (A) (C), to make potable.
potllble, potable.
potamologia J, potamology.
potasa J, potash.
__ custica, eaustie potash, potassium hydrox-
potsico a, potassium, potassie.
potasio m, potassium.
pote (m) para cola, gluepot.
poteaJ (Es), lute, molding elay; putty.
_ de estao, putty powder, tin putty.
potenciaJ, power; (math) power; (min) thiekness
of a vein.
- a plena carga (mot), full-load horsepower.
- al freno, brake horsepower.
_ activa (ele), true 01' active 01' actual power.
- aparente, apparent power.
- calentadora, heating power.
_ calorfica, heating power; ealorifie value.
- constante (ele), firm 01' primary power.
- consumida, input.
- de anexin (ele), eonneeted load.
- de cinco medios (mat), five-halves power.
- de despegue (ap), take-off rating.
- de entrada, input power.
- de friccin, frietion horsepower.
- desvatada (ele), reactive 01' wattless power.
- dos-tercios (mat), two-thirds power.
- efectiva (ele), active 01' true power.
- ficticia (ele), fietitious power.
-firme (ele) (M), firm power.
- frigorfica, eooling power.
- hidrulica, water power.
- indicada, indieated horsepower; rating.
- instalada, installed eapaeity.
-instantnea o momentnea (ele), instanta-
neous power.
-lumnica (il), luminous power 01' flux.
- menos diez (mat), minus ten power.
- motora o motriz, motive power.
- nociva (A), frietion horsepower.
- permanente (ele), firm 01' primary power.
- provisional o temporaria (ele), dump power.
- pulsativa (ele), pulse power.
-reactiva (ele), reactive power.
- real (ele), true 01' active power.
- receptora (ra) (A), reeeptive power.
- secundaria (ele), surplus 01' seeondary
- tractora, traetive force.
- tres-medios (mat), three-halves power.
- til, useful power.
potencial m J, potential; a potential.
- capilar, eapil!ary potential.
- cero (ele), zero potential.
- de descomposicin (ele), deeomposition
- de gravitacin, gravitational potential.
- de placa (ra), plate potential.
potenciomtrico, potentiometrie.
potencimetro m, potentiometer.
- de conductor corredizo, slide-wire potenti-
--registrador, reeording potentiometer.
- sangrador (ra), bleeder potentiometer.
potente, powerful; (geol) deep (vein).
poundal, poundal (unit of force).
poyo (m) de ventana, eurtain wall under a win-
dow; window sil!.
pozal m, eateh basin, sump; eurb around a well
01' shaft.
pozo m, well; pit; shaft; (sb) trunk.
-- a bomba (pet), pumping well.
- abisinio, Abyssinian 01' driven well.
- absorbente, absorbing well; seepage pit; (C)
- ahogado (pet), drowned well.
- amortiguador (hid), stilling well.
- artesiano, artesian well.
- ascendente (A), semiartesian well.
- brotante (pet), flowing well; spouter.
- ciego, blind drain; blind shaft, winze.
pozo 244 precio precio 245 presa
-- clavado, driven well.
- con filtro de gravilla o con forro de grava o
con pared de pedregullo, gravel-wall well.
- chino (M), dug well.
-- de acceso, manhole, manway.
- de aguas claras (pa) (C), elear well.
-- de aire, air shaft.
-- de alivio (presa), pressure-re1ief well.
-- de alquitrn, tar well (gasworks).
- de arena (ot), sand welL
-- de arrastre, inelined shaft, adit.
-- de ascensor, elevator pito
-- de aspiracin, suetion pit, wet well.
- de auxilio (pet), relief well.
- de avance (tn), pilot shaft.
- de avanzada (pet), outpost.
- de bajada (tn), downtake shaft.
- de brocal (Pan), dug or draw well.
- de cada (al), drop manhole, wellhole.
- de cala, test pito
- de calma (hid), stilling well.
- de cateo, test pit; test well, (pet) wildeat
- de cienos (dae), sludge welI.
-- de cigea, (eng) erank pito
-- de coleccin, seepage or eolleeting well.
-- de confluencia (al), junetion manhole.
-- de decantacin, settling basin.
- de desarrollo (pet), development well.
- de empalme (elc), splieing ehamber.
-- de ensayo, test pito
-- de entrada, entranee well, manhole; inlet
well, reeeiving basin. '
-- de escalera, stair welI, wellhole.
-- de escaleras (min), ladderway.
- de escotilla (en), hatehway trunk.
-- de evacuacin (pet), disposal well.
-- de excreta, eesspooL
-- de expansin (en), expansion trunk.
-- de exploracin, test pit; test well.
- de explosin (geof), shot holeo
-- de extraccin, mine shaft for hoisting.
- de inyeccin, (pet) input well; (M) grout
-- de izar, hoistway.
_.- de lmpara (al), lamphole.
- de lastre (Ch), ballast pito
-- de limnmetro, gage well.
- de limpieza (al), flushing manhole, auto-
matie flush tank.
-- de lnea o de paso (al), line manhole.
-- de locomotora (fe), engine pito
- de luz, light shaft.
-- de mina, mine shaft.
-- de observacin, observation well.
-- de percolacin, leaehing eesspool; (ea) filter
-- de petrleo, oil well.
-- de prueba o de reconocimiento, test pit; test
-- de recogida,sump.
-- de registro, manhole.
- de remolino (r), pothole.
-- de restablecimiento, reeharge well (ground
-- de revisin, inspeetion well or pito
- de salida de aire (min), upeast.
-- de sondeo, test pito
- de subida (tn), uptake shaft.
-- de tornamesa, turntable pito
-- de tubo, driven well; drilled well.
-- de visita, manhole; inspeetion well.
- descubridor (pet), discovery well.
-- desviador (al), diversion manhole or eham-
- exploratorio (pet), wildeat well.
- filtrante, gravel-walI well; (ea) filter well.
--hincado, driven well.
- horadado, drille,! well.
- inclinado (tn), adit.
- indio (M), well driven by hand.
-lavador (a1), flush tank.
-- maestro (min), main shaft.
--negro, eesspooL
- para tubera (ed), pipe shaft.
--petrolfero, oil well.
- piloto (tn), pilot shaft.
- seco (pet), dry hole or well.
-- semisurgente, semiartesian well.
-- sptico, septie tank.
-- silenciador, muille pito
-- sumidero, wet well; (A) eesspoo!.
-- surgente, artesian or flowing well; spouter.
- tolva (min), main shaft.
- tubular, driven well; drilled well.
- vertedero (hd), shaft spillway.
pozuelo m, sump.
practicaje m, pilotage.
practicar, to make, do, perform, exeeute.
prcticom, pilot; (min) expert; (bldg) mechanie,
praetieal mano
pradera f, prairie, meadow.
prado m (ca), parkway.
preaeracin f, preaeration.
preaereador m, preaerator.
preaislado, preinsulated.
preamplificador (ra), preamplifier.
prearmado, preassembled.
prebarrenado (mad), prebored.
prebombeo m (so1) , prespringing, initial distor-
precalafateado, preealked.
precalentador m, preheater.
-- de dos pasadas, two-pass preheater.
-- de placa, plate-type preheater.
-- recuperador, reeuperative preheater.
--regenerador, regenerative preheater.
precalentar, to preheat.
precargado, preloaded.
precaucin f, eaution ( ~ i g n ) .
precesin f, preeession.
preciador m, appraiser.
preciar, to appraise.
precinta f, precinto m, strap, band; seal.
precintas (eab), parceling.
precintar, to strap; to seal; (eab) to paree!.
precio m, priee.
-- alzado, lump sumo
-- competidor o de competencia, eompetitive
-- corriente o de plaza, market or eurrent priee.
-- de compra, purehase priee.
-- de factura, invoice priee.
-- mnimo fijado, upset priee.
-- unitario :> por unidad, unit priee.
precipicio m, eliff, preeipiee.
precipitable, preeipitable.
precipitacin f, preeipitation; rainfall.
- pluvial, rainfall.
- presumida (hid) , assumed rainfall, design
-- qumica, ehemieal preeipitation.
precipitado m, preeipitate.
precipitador m (mec), precipitator.
-- de polvo, dust precipitator.
precipitante m (qum), preeipitator, preeipitant.
precipitar, to preeipitate, deposito
precipitrn (aa), Preeipitron (trademark).
precisin /, preeision, aeeuraey.
precloracin, preclorinacin f, preeh1orination.
precolar (eone), to preeast.
precombadura/ (sol), precamber.
precombustin /, preeombustion.
precompresin f, preeompression.
precompreso, preeompressed.
precond,ensador m, precondenser.
preconsolidacin f (ms), preconsolidation.
precordillera f, hills at the base of a mountain
range, foothills.
precurvar, to preeurve (rail).
predepurador m, precleaner.
predesinfeccin f (pa), predisinfection.
predesmenuzadora f, preerusher.
predio m, real estate, landed property.
preencendido m, preignition.
preenfriador m (aa), precooler.
preenfriar, to preeool.
preensamblado m, preassembly.
preestirado, prestretehed.
preevaporador m, pre-evaporator.
prefabricado, prefabrieated, (lbr) preframed.
prefatiga f, initial stress, prestress.
prefatigado, prestressed.
prefijo m (ra), prefix.
prefiltracin /, prefil tration.
prefiltro m, prefilter.
prefloculacin f (is), prefiocculation.
prefocar, to prefocus.
preformado (eab), preformed.
prehidratado, prehydrated.
preignicin f, preignition.
prelubricacin f, prelubrication.
premezclado (eonc), premixed (ready-mixed,
central-mixed, transit-mixed, or shrink-
premineral (geol), preminera! (fault).
premio m, bonus.
-- de seguro, insuranee premium.
premoldeado, precast, premolded.
prendas (1) de proteccin (sol), proteetive cloth
prensaf, press, vise, clamp; (Sp) jack.
-- a bisagra, hinged vise.
-- a cadena, ehain vise.
-- combadora (est), gag press.
-- conformadora, forming press.
-- de ayustar, rigging screw.
-- de balancn, eceentric-shaft press.
-- de banco, bench vise.
-- de canecillo (az), cantilever press.
- de columna, column press.
-- de cremallera, rack-and-pinion press.
-- de curvar o de doblar, bending press.
-- de chapa caliente, hot press.
-- de estampar, stamping press.
-- de estirar, stretching press.
-- de excntrica o de leva, cam press.
-- de filtrar, filter press.
-- de forjar, forging press.
-- de formar, forming press.
- de hojas fijas (az), stationary-Ieaf press.
-- de husillo, arbor press.
-- de madera (carp), hand screw.
- de palancas acodilladas, toggle press.
-- de pedal, foot press.
- de placas y cuadros (az) , plate-and-frame
-- de rtula, toggle press.
-- de soldar, press welder, brazing clamp.
-- de taladro, drill press.
-- de tornillo, vise; screw press; clamp screw.
-- de troquelar, stamping press.
-- de volante, fiy press.
-- dobladora, erimpillg or bending press.
-- enderezadora, straightening or gag press.
-- enfardadora, baling press.
- escariadora, broaehing press.
-- estrujadora, extrusion press.
- forzadora, foreing press.
--hidrulica, hydraulie or hydrostatie press;
(Sp) (Ee) hydraulie jaek.
--ladrillera, brick press.
-- moldeadora, molding press.
--para briquetas, briqueting press.
-- para caos, pipe vise.
--para sierra, saw vise or clamp.
--perforadora, piercer press.
-- punzonadora, blanking or puneh or draw
--rebordeadora, fianging press.
--recalcadora, upsetting press.
-- Sllcaperno, bolt press.
-- sujetadora (mh), vise ehuek.
-- taladradora, drill press.
prensado en caliente, hot-pressed.
prensado en fro, cold-pressed.
prensador m, press opera'oor, pressman.
prensaestopas m (mv) (v), stuffing box.
-- de laberinto, labyrinth stuffing box.
prensahilo m (ele), cleat insulator.
prensar, to press.
prensista m (M), operatorof a press.
prerrefrigeracin f, precooling.
prerrotacin f, prerotation.
presa f, dam; (M) reservoir; (Sp) fiume; (Sp)
irrigation ditch.
-- a parrilla (A), diversion dam with bar screens
on the crest.
- aligerada (A), cellular gravity dam; hollow
-- aliviadero, spillway dam.
- Ambursen, Ambursen or fiat-slab buttress
- auxiliar. saddle dam; cofferdam.
presa 246 privilegio
privilegio 247 protuberancia
-- captadora de acarreos, debris barrier or dam.
-- cilndrica, rolling or roller dam.
- de abatamiento, shutter dam.
- de agujas, dam of needle beams.
-- de almacenamiento, storage dam; (M) stor-
age reservoir.
-- de alzas, bear-trap dam; roof weir.
-- de aprovechamiento mltiple, multiple-pur-
pose dam.
-- de arco, arch or single-arch dam.
- de arcos mltiples, multiple-arch dam.
-- de aterramiento, desilting weir.
-- de bveda simple, single-arch dam.
-- de cajn, crib dam.
-- de cilindro, roller dam.
-- de contencin, nonoverflowor bulkhead dam.
-- de cpula, dome dam.
-- de derivacin o de desviacin, diversiondam.
-- de detencin, check or barrier dam.
-- de doble aprovechamiento, dual-purpose
- de durmientes (Es), stop-Iog dam.
-- de embalse, impounding or storage dam.
- de enchuflado (M), crib dam.
-- de enrocamiento o de escollera,rock-filldam.
- de gravedad, gravity dam.
-- de machones, buttress dam.
-- de machones de cabeza redonda, roundhead-
buttress dam.
-- de machones de cabeza rmbica, diamond-
head-buttress dam.
- de pantalla plana, Ambursen or flat-slab but-
tress dam.
--de rebose, overflow or spillway dam, weir.
-- de regularizacin, regulating dam.
-- de retencin, bulkhead or nonoverflow dam;
impounding dam.
- de roca suelta (Pe), rock-fill dam.
-- de sedimentacin, hydraulic-fill dam.
-- de terrapln, earth or earth-fill dam.
--de tramos abovedados, multiple-arch dam.
-- derivadora, diversion dam.
-- en arco, single-arch dam.
--insumergible, bulkhead or nonoverflow dam.
--maciza, gravity or solid dam.
-- mvil, movable dam.
- niveladora, diversion dam; (lg) splash dam.
--para escombros, debris dam.
-- sumergible o vertedora, spillway or overflow
dam, weir.
presa-bveda, single-arch dam.
presada I (Es), reservoir.
presaturado, presaturated.
prescripciones (1) generales (V) (U), general
presedimentacinl (is), presedimentation.
presedimentado, presettled.
preselector m (elc), preselector.
presero m, custodian of dam or reservoir.
preservativo m a, preservative.
presilla/, clip, clamp; loop, bight.
-- aislante, cleat insulator.
- de prueba (elc), test clip.
-- para vidrio, glazing clip.
presin1, pressure.
- a reventar, bursting pressure.
-- asignada, rated pressure.
- de aplastamiento (tub), collapsing pressure.
-- de apoyo, bearing pressure.
-- de asentamiento (hd), seating or face pres-
--de contraste (A), test pressure.
-- del criadero (pet), reservoir pressure.
-- de ejercicio (hid) (U), service pressure.
-- de ensayo o de prueba, test pressure.
-- de estallido, bursting pressure.
-- de impacto, impact or dynamic pressure.
- de levantamiento (hd), uplift pressure.
-- de rechazo, refusal pressure (grout).
-- de rgimen, working or rated pressure.
-- de trabajo, working pressure.
-- de velocidad, velocity pressure.
-- electrosttica, electrostatic stress or pressure.
--manomtrica, gage pressure.
-- media efectiva, mean eiIective pressure.
-- no equilibrada, unbalanced pressure.
presionar (A), to press.
prstamo m, borrowed fill; borrow pit; a loan.
presuponer, to estimate.
presupuestar (A) (C) (M), to estimate; to bulget.
presupuesto m, estimate; budget.
pretil m, parapet; (Ch) dike; (V) cliff.
pretilero m (M), mason.
pretratamiento m, pretreatment.
pretratar, to pretreat.
prevaciado (conc), precast.
primal, premium; bonus; a (math) prime (al).
-- de seguro, insurance premium.
- y multa, bonus and penalty.
primario, primary (all senses).
primer auxilio, first aid.
primer detector (ra), first detector, mixer stage.
primera curacin, first aid.
primera destilacin, planta de (pet) , topping
primera mano, (pt) priming coat.
prisionero m, setscrew, stud bolt, tap bolt, cap
-- de cabeza hueca, socket-head cap screw.
-- de collar, collar stud.
- de macho, tap-end stud bolt.
--, de punta ahuecada, cup-point setscrew.
-- de punta cnica, cone-point setscrew.
-- de punta ovalada, round-point setscrew.
- de resalto, shoulder stud.
-- de rosca continua, continuous-thread stud
- de rosca doble, double-end stud bolt.
-- encajado, hollow setscrew.
-- espigado, pivot-point setscrew.
prisma m, prism.
-- de reconocimiento (fma) , reconnoitering
- Porro, Porro prism (optics).
--recto, right prism.
prismtico, prismatic.
prismoidal, prismoidal.
prismoide m, prismoid.
privada 1, priyY, water doset.
privilegiado, patented.
privilegio m, franchise, concession; patent, copY
-- de invencin, patento
proa I (cn), bow, stem, prow.
-- , de, fore, forward.
-- de, a, forward of.
probador m, tester; testing machine.
-- de acumuladores, battery tester.
-- de centro (mh), center indicator.
-- de la compresin, compression tester.
-- de contadores, meter prover.
- del estrato (pet), formation tester.
- de inflamacin (pet), flash testero
-- de manmetros, gage tester.
- de nevada (hid), snow sampler.
- de tensin (elc), voltage tester.
- de vlvulas (ra), tube tester.
probadora (1) de cemento, cement-testing ma,..
probar, to test.
probeta 1, test piece; test tube; buret.
- graduada (lab), graduate.
problema m, problem.
- de dos puntos (lev), two-point problem.
procedimiento m, process, method, system, pro-
proceso m (M) (V) (B), process, processing.
procurrelte m, pennsula.
produccin 1, production; product, throughput.
- afluente o brotante (pet), flush production.
-- de fuerza, power development.
- de zona mltiple (pet) , multzone produc-
-- en masa o en serie, mass production.
producir, to yield, produce.
productivo, productive.
producto m, product, yield, production, through-
put; profit; revenue, income; (math)
-- bruto, gross proceeds.
-- de desecho, waste producto
-- escalar (mat), scalar producto
--liquido, net proceeds.
-- neto fuera de la operacin (fc), nonoperating
-- secundario, by-producto
--vectorial (mat), vector producto
productor m, producer.
- de esporas (lab), sporeforming.
proel a (en), fore, forward.
profesin I (Ch), occupation, trade.
profesionista (M), professional man.
profundidad 1, depth.
- efectiva, working depth (gear).
-- media, mean depth.
- neutra o normal (hid), normal or neutral
profundizar, to deepen.
profundo, deep.
progresin I (mat), progression.
--aritmtica, arithmetical progreSsion.
-- geomtrica, geometrical progression.
progresiva 1, station on a survey lineo
- completa, full station (100 feet).
--fraccionada, plus station.
pros m, mooring, head fast; mooring bitt.
prolongador m, extension piece.
prolongar,to prolong; (dwg) to produce.
promediar, to average.
promedio m, average, mean.
-- aritmtico, arithmetical meMo
-- compensado o pesado, weighted average.
-- geomtrico, geometric mean, mean propor-
prominencia I (top) , ridge, hill, elevation.
promontorio m, promontory.
promotor, promovedor m, promotor.
promover, to promote (a project).
propagacin 1, propagation.
propano m (pet), propane.
propiedad 1, property.
- aditiva (qum), additive property.
-- inmueble o raz, real estate.
--limtrofe, abutting property.
--mueble, personal property.
propietario m, owner.
propilita I (geol), propylite.
propiltico, propylitic.
propilitizacin I (geol), propylitzation.
proponente, bidder.
proporcin 1, proportion.
proporcionador m, proportioner.
proporcional, proportional.
proporcionalidad 1, proportionality, proportion-
proporcionar, to proportion.
proposicin 1, proposal, bid; proposition.
propuesta/, bid, proposal, tender.
-- a precios unitarios, unit-price bid.
-- a suma alzada, lump-sum bid.
- desequilibrada, unbalanced bid.
propulsin 1, propulsion, drive.
-- a cadena, chain drive.
-- de engranajes, gear drive.
- delantera (auto), front drive.
-- por correa, belt drive.
propulsionar (A), to drive, propel, actuate.
propulsivo, propulsive.
propulsor m, propeller; impeller; (V) blower; a
propulsive, driving.
prorratear, to prorate.
prorrateo m, prorating.
prrroga (1) de plazo, extension of time (con-
prorrogar, to extend, prolongo
prospeccin I (Es) (V) (Col), prospecting.
prospectar (min), to prospecto
proteccin 1, protection.
protector m (mec) (elc), protector; a protective,
- de lmpara, lamp guardo
- de la red (elc), network protector.
proteger, to protect.
proteico (is), proteic, proteinaceous.
protena I (is), protein.
protocloruro m (qum), protochloride.
protgeno (geol), protogenic.
protomena I (geol), protore.
protn m (ra), proton.
protoplasma m (is), protoplasm.
protosulfuro m (qum), protosulphide.
prototipo m, prototype.
protxido (m) de hierro, ferrous oxide.
protozoarios, protozoos m (is), protozoa.
protuberancia1, (mech) boss.
248 249 protuberancia
-- de aguas subterdlleas, ground-water mound.
--para conexi6n roscada (tub), tapping boss.
proustita 1, proustite (silver ore).
proveedor m, supplier; (Ec) storekeeper, com-
missary mano
proveedura I (Ec), commissary.
proveimiento (m) de agua, water supply.
provento m, receipts, income.
provisi6n (f) de agua, water supply.
provisorio, provisional, temporary.
proximidad I (ra), proximity.
proyecci6n 1, projection; designing.
-- central, central or gnomonic projection.
-- de Mercator, Mercator's projection.
-- en perspectiva, perspective projection.
normal (A), orthographic projection.
-- ortogonal, orthographic or orthogonal pro-
planimtrica (A), horizontal projection.
proyectaci6n I (A), design, designing.
proyectar, to design, plan; to project.
proyectista, designer.
proyecto m, design, plan; a project, development.
-- de ejecuci6n, detail designo
-- de fuerza hidrulica, water-power prject.
-- de ley, bili, proposed law.
proyector m, searchlight, spotlight; projector.
-- amplificador (fma), enlarging projector.
-- corrector (fma), correcting projector.
-- de compensaci6n (fma) , equalizing projector.
de control de trfico (ap), traffic-control pro-
de direcci6n (ap), directional floodlight.
-- de exploraci6n (tv), scanning hendo
de mano (ap), pistol light.
-- de orientaci6n (ap), bearing projector.
--trazador (fma), tracing projector.
proyectoscopio m, projectoscope.
prueba 1, test; test piece.
-- al choque, impact test.
-- a la ebullici6n, boiling test.
-- al freno, brake test. .
a tiz6n (ed), brand test.
de agrietamiento (met), cracking test.
de campo, field test.
de desuso (elc), shelf test.
de doolado, bending test (bar).
-- de emulsificaci6n a vapor (pet), steam emul-
sioa test.
de flexi6n con plantilla, guided-bend test.
-- de fiexi6n libre, free-bend test.
-- de fiuidez, pour test.
-- de intemperismo, exposure or weathering
de lazo (ele), loop test.
de mancha (Cl'.), stain or pat stain test.
-- de mella, niek-break test.
de pliegue en fro, eold-bending test.
-- de sondaje, test-boring coreo
-- de trfico acelerada (ap), accelerated traffic
de tres aristas, three-edge bearing test.
-- en fbrica, mili test.
por plegado, bending test.
prueba de, a, proof against.
-- cidos, aeidproof.
-- agua, waterproof.
-- aire, airtight.
lcalis, alkalipfoof.
-- atollamiento, nonsticking.
bala, bulletproof.
-- calor, heatproof.
--cellisca, sleetproof.
-- congelaci6n, frostproof.
-- chispa, sparkproof, nonsparking.
elementos, (C) weatherproof.
entremetido, tamperproof (cable).
-- error, foolproof.
-- explosiones, explosion-proof.
-- fuego, fireproof.
-- gas, gasproof.
golpes, (elec) shockproof.
-- goteo, dripproof, leakproof.
-- grasa, greaseproof.
--humedad, dampproof, moistureproof, mois-
--impericia, foolproof.
--incendio, fireproof.
--intemperie, weatherproof.
--interferencia atmosfrica, (ra) staticproof.
ladrones, burglarproof.
lima, file-hard.

--llamas, flameproof.
--lluvia, raintight.
--moho, rustproof.
oleaje, (elec) surgeproof.
--pinchazo, punctureproof.
-- polvo, dustproof.
--rayos, lightningproof.
--resbalamiento, slipproof.
--ruidos, noiseproof, soundproof.
-- salpicaduras, splashproof.
-- tormenta, stormproof.
-- terremotos, earthquake-proof.
--vapor, steamproof.
pruebatubos m (pet), casing testero
prusiato m (qufm), prussiate.
-- de potasio, prussiate of potash, potassium
prsico (qufm), prussic, hydrocyanic.
psamita I (geol), psammite, sandstone.
psefita I (geol), psephite.
pseftico, psephitic.
psicr6grafo m (aa), psychrograph.
psicromtrico, psychrometric.
psicr6metro m, psychrometer.
- de aspiraci6n (aa), aspirated psychrometer.
- de honda (Es), sling psychrometer.
- giratorio (aa)(mrl), sling psychrometer.
psilomelano m (miner), psilomelane.
psofomtrico, psophometric.
psof6metrom (tel), psophometer.
pa 1, barb, (lg) gaff.
pucelana 1, pozzolan.
puchada I (Col), grout.
pudelador m, puddler.
pudelaje m, puddling.
pudelar, to puddle (iron).
pudinga I conglomerate.
pudrirse, etc., variants of podrirse, etc.
pueble m (M), working force, gang, shift.
pueblo m, village, tOWll; people.
puente m, bridge; (naut) deck; (carp) cap,
heooer, putlog.
-- acueducto, aqueduct bridge.
arqueado, arch bridge.
basculante, lift or bascule bridge.
-- cantilever, cantilever bridge.
-- carretero, highway bridge.
-- colgante, suspension bridge.
-- corredizo, transfer table; ferry bridge.
chaln (M), ferry bridge.
de alcantarilla, culvert bridge.
-- de arco, arch bridge.
-- de armadura, truss bridge.
de arqueo (cn), tonnage deck.
-- de ascensi6n vertical, vertical-lift bridge.
-- de atracar o de espiar (cn), warping bridge.
-- de barcas, pontoon bridge.
-- de b6vedas, arch bridge.
de caballetes, trestle bridge.
de calzada (V), highway bridge.
de capacitancia (elc), capacitance bridge.
de celosa (Ec), truss bridge.
de comando o de mando (cn), bridge.
de hilo y cursor (elc), slide-wire bridge.
del hogar (cal), bridge wall, fire or flame
-- de impedancia (elc), impedance bridge.
-- de in<luctancia (elc), inductance bridge.
-- de manicbra o de servicio, operating
de meclida (eIc) (A), Wheatstone bridge.
-- de paso a travs, through bridge.
-- de paso superior, deck bridge; overhead
-- de peaje, toll bridge.
-- de peatones, footbric1ge.
de pilotaje, pile bridge.
-- de pontones, pontoon bridge.
de p6rtico (A), rigid-frame bridge.
-- de suspensi6n, suspension brid;e.
-- de tablero inferior o de va inferior, through
-- de tablero superior o de va superior, deck
de tramo mltiple, multiple-span bridge.
-- de trasbordo, transfer table; bridge crane.
-- de vigas compuestas, girder bridge.
de Wheatstone (elc); Wheatstone bridge.
delantero (auto), front axIe.
-- en esviaje, skew bridge.
--ferroviario, railroad bridge.
giratorio, swing bridge, drawbridge; turn-
-- giratorio de apoyo central, cellter-bearing
-- giratorio de apoyo circunferencicl, rim-bear-
ing draw.
--levadizo, lift bridge, drawbridge.
-levadizo rodante, rolling lift bridge.
--magntico, magnetio bridge.
-- oblicuo o sesgado, skew bridge.
para seales (fc), signal bridge.
- portaescobilla (elc), brush yoke.
--posterior o trasero (auto), rear axle.
- rectificador (elc), bridge rectifier.
- rodante, transfer table; (A) (Pan) traveling
orane, bridge crane.
- superior o volante (cn), flying bridge.
-- suspendido, suspension bridge.
-- transbordador, transfer bridge; ferry bridge,
aerial ferry, transporter bridge.
--volado, cantilever bridge.
puente-bscula, weighbridge.
puente-canal, flume; aqueduct.
puente-gra corredizo (A), traveling orane.
puentecillo m, culvert, smaIl bridge.
- del hogar (cal), fire bridge.
puerta 1, door; gateo
-- a bisagra, hinged door.
- a caj6n (A), hollow door.
--arrolladiza, rolling door.
--barrera levadiza (fc), crossing gateo
-- caediza, drop or trap door.
- colgante, hanging or sliding door.
- contrafuego o a prueba de incendio (ed) , fire
-- corrediza, sliding door.
- de busco, mitering gate (lock).
-- de cerco, gateo
-- de cortina articulada, rolling steel door.
-- de charnela, hinged door.
-- de entrepaos, framed or panel door.
-- de esclusa, lock gateo
-- de existencia, stock door.
- de fuego o del hogar o de horno (cal), fire
de golpe, gate that oloses by gravity.
-- de guillotina, vertically sliding door.
- de hombre (M), manhole.
-- de mano derecha, right-hand door (hinges at
right when door is pushed opcn).
-- de mano izquierda, left-hand door.
- de peinazos y riostra, ledged and braoed
de rejilla, slat door.
-- de tesoro, vault or safe door.
- de tolva, bin gateo
-- de vaivn, double-swing door.
-- ensamblada, framed or panel door.
- entablerada (M), panel door.
_. estanca (cn), watertight door.
forrada de hojalata, tinclad door.
-- gemela, double door.
-- giratoria, revolving door.
- incombustible, (bldg) fire door.
--levadiza, lift or rising door.
--lisa o llana, flush or sanitary door.
-- metlica a caj6n, hollow metal door.
-- mosquitera, screen door.
-- oscilatoria, double-swing door.
--pabell6n, oanopy door.
-- persiana, slat door.
--plegadiza, folding door; accordion door.
--plegadiza horizontal, jackknife door.
romanilla (V), slat door.
--ventiladora (min), gage door.
- zaguera (00) (Es), tail gateo
puerta-reja, door or gate of open ironwork.
puerta-ventana, French window or door.
puerta-vidriera, glass door.
puertaventana I (Es), window shutter.
puerto m, port, harbor; (top) gap, pass, saddle.
- areo (M), airport.
-- de aviacin, airport.
-- de escala, port of eall.
-- de matrcula, port of registry.
-- fluvial, river port.
--franco, free port.
-- martimo, seaport.
puesta J, setting, plaeing.
-- a punto, adjusting.
-- a tierra (ele), ground eonneetion.
-- en marcha (maq), starting.
-- en obra, plaeing, ereetion, installation; (C)
delivered on the jobo
-- en servicio: putting into serviee.
puesto a bordo, free on board (FOB).
puesto sobre vagn, loaded on ears.
pujamante m (Ee), ehisel.
pulgadaJ, ineh (or 736 of a vara).
-- circular, eireular ineh.
-- cuadrada, square ineh.
-- de agua, water-ineh; (ae) ineh of water.
-- de minero, miner's ineh.
pulgada-libra, ineh-pound.
pulgada-yarda (ca), ineh-yard.
pulicn m (Es), turning ehisel.
pulidor (m) de madera (A), spokeshave.
pulidora J, polisher; buffer.
pulimentadora J, lapping or buffing maehine.
pulimentar, to polish; to buff; (va) to grind.
pulir, to polish; to finish; to surfaee.
pulmotor m, pulmotor.
pulpa J, pulpo
pulpera J (Ch), eommissary.
pulpero m (V), eommissary man.
pulsacin;, pulsation, (elee) pulse; (elee) surg-
ing; (ra) beato
- borradora (tv), blanking pulse.
pulsador m, pulsator; push button.
pulsar, to pulsate.
pulsativo, pulsating.
pulsetaJ (M), ehurn drill; sounding rod.
pulso, a, by hand; (dwg) freehand.
pulsmetro m (bm), pulsometer.
pulverizador m, pulverizer; atomizer, sprayer.
-- de pintura, paint sprayer.
pulverizar, to atomize; to eomm.inute; to pulver-
ize; to grind (ore).
pulverulento, pulverulento
pulla J (Col), kind of machete.
puna J, high plateau.
punceta (1) de calafatear, ealking ehisel.
puncin J. (V), punehing.
punta J, point, nib; nail; bullpoint; eape, head-
-- acopada (torno), eup eenter.
-- coladora, well point.
-- , de, on end.
-- de aguja, (rr) switch point; needle point
- de alambre (Ch), wire nail.
-- de barreta, moil point (pneumatie tool).
-- de cabeza perdida, brad, finishing nail.
-- de cajonero, box nail.
- del corazn (fe), point of frog (actual); point
of tongue.
- de los dedos, a, finger-tip (control).
-- de espuela (herr) , spur point; spur eenter
- de flecha (dib), arrowhead.
-- de Pars, eommon wire nail.
- de Pars de 8 pulg, wire spike, SO d wire naiL
-- de torno, lathe eenter.
-- de trazar, marking awl.
-- de vidriar, glazier's point.
- enclavadora (fe), detector point.
- fija (torno), dead eenter.
-- giratoria (torno), live eenter.
-- norte (inst), north point.
-- para hormign, eonerete nail.
-- para maehimbre, flooring nail.
--rmbica (herr), diamond point.
--rompedora, bullpoint.
-- seca (dib), needle point for eompass.
-- sur (inst), south point.
- viva (mh) (A), live eenter.
puntas de chispa (ele), sparking points. .
puntal m, shore, strut, prop, spur, eompreSSlOn
member; (elee rr) push-off; dredge spud;
(sb) depth of hold; (sb) stanehion.
-- de alero, eaves strut.
- de arqueo (en), register depth.
-- de colisin (pte), eollision strut.
- de construccin (an), molded depth.
- de draga, dredge spud.
- de invertido (tn), invert strut.
--inclinado, raking braee.
punteado (M), pitted (rust).
puntera J (lev), sighting.
puntero m, point ehisel; bullpoint; hand (gage).
punterola J, miner's piek; bullpoint.
puntiagudo, sharp, pointed.
puntilla J, finishing nail, brad; (C) eommon wir",
nail; (min) poling board.
-- de mquina, maehine brad.
-- de Pars, wire brad.
--francesa, finishing nail.
-- para contramarcos, casing nail.
-- para entarimado, flooring brad.
puntillado (dib), stippled.
puntista m, (min) laborer who works with a bar;
(su) panman.
punto m, point.
-- a punto, point-to-point.
- accidental (dib), aeeidental point.
-.- caliente (di) (met), hot spot.
-- caracterstico (bm), design point.
-- cedente, yield point.
- de acercamiento (fe), fouling point.
-- de alimentacin (ele), feeding point.
-- de anilina (pet), aniline point.
-- de arranque, starting point.
- de burbujeo, bubble point.
- de cambio, (rr) point of switeh (theoretieal)
(surv) turning point.
-- de cartabn (fe), clearanee point.
- de eentello (M), flash point.
-- de combustin, fire point (oil) , burning
- de comienzo (fe) (M), point of curve.
-- de comprobacin (lev) , control point.
-- de condensacin, dew point.
-- de congelacin, freezing or ice point; pour
point (oil).
- de corazn (fe), point of frog (theoretieal).
- de cota fija (lev), beneh mark.
- de la curva (fe) (ea), point of eurve.
-- de curva compuesta, point of eompound
- de chucho (fe), point of switch.
-- de deformacin, yield point, elastie limito
-- de derretimiento, melting point.
- de destilacin, distillation point (oil).
- de disparo o de explosin (geof), shot point.
-- de ebullicin, boiling point.
-- de encendido, ignition point.
- de encuentro, (tu) panel point.
- de escantilln (fe), gaging point.
- de espiral (fe), point of spiral.
-- de espiral-curva (fe), point of spiral-ecrvo.
- de estacin (lev) (Es), transit point.
-- de exploracin (tv), seanning spot.
-- de exposicin (fma), exposure station.
-- de fluidez, pour point.
- de fuga (dib), vanishing point.
-- de fusin, melting point.
- de glibo (fe), elearanee point.
-- de goteo, dropping point.
-- de hielo, freezing point.
-- de ignicin, ignition point.
-- de imagen (geof), imago point.
-- de inflamacin, flash or ignition point.
-- de inflexin, (str) point of eontraflexure, in-
fleetion point; (rr) (rd) break in grade.
- de interruptor (ele), switch point.
- de llama, fue point (oil), burning point.
-- de marca (lev), station.
- de nivelacin (V), beneh mark.
- de obscuridad (pet), eloud point.
- de partida (lev), starting point.
-- de rasante (lev), grade point.
-- de reblandecimiento, softening point.
-- de recocido, annealing point.
-- de referencia (lev), referenee point; datum
-- de roclo, dew point.
- de solidificacin (qulm), setting point.
- de tangencia (fe) (ca), point of tangeney, tan-
gent point.
- de trmino (fe) (M), point of tangeney.
-- de trabajo (ra), operating or quieseent point.
- de tramo, (tu) panel point.
-- de trnsito (lev), transit point.
- de trocha (fe), gaging point.
- de la vista (dib), vanishing point.
- dominante (lev), control point.
- fiducial (fma), fidueial point.
- fijo altimtrico, beneh mark.
- fijo de nivel, beneh mark.
--focal primario (fma), prirnary focal point.
--inflamador, flash point.
-- muerto, dead end; (eng) dead eenter; (se)
rnid gear; (auto) neutral position; (ra)
dead spot.
-- muerto del sector (mv), mid gear.
-- muerto inferior, bottom dead eenter.
- muerto superior, top dead eenter.
- n:lciral (fma). nadir point, V point.
- nodal anterior o de incidencia (fma) , inei-
dent or front nodal point.
-- nodal imagen, rear nodal point.
- nodal objeto, froJ;lt nodal point.
- nulo (geof), null point.
-- obligado (lev), eontrol or governing point.
-- posterior o de salida (fma), rear nodal point,
nodal point of emergenee.
-- principal (fma), principal point, optieal cen-
-- terrestre de referencia (fma) , ground con-
trol point.
--topogrfico de referencia, beneh mark.
--trigonomtrico (V), triangulation station.
- V (fma), nadir or V point.
- y raya o y trazo (dib), dot and dash (line).
puntos cardinales, cardinal points.
puntos del distribuidor (auto), distributor points.
punzado en caliente, hot-punehed.
punzador m, puncher (man).
punzadora J, punehing machine.
-- de palanca, lever puncho
punzadura J, puneture.
punzar, to puncho
punzn m, puneh, bullpoint; gadding pin; (va)
needle; pile spud.
-- aflojador, starting puneh.
-- ahusado, taper puneh.
-- autocentrador, self-eentering center puneh.
-- botador, pin puneh.
-- centrador o de centrar, eenter puncho
-- cortador, eutting puneh.
-- de agujeros ciegos (ele), knoekout puneh.
- de broca, bit puneh (drill).
-- de marcar o de puntear, center or priek
- de plegar, bending puncho
-- de resorte, spring puncho
-- de rieles, traek puneh.
- de tierra, soil puneh.
-- de tornillo, screw puncho
-- de trazar, seriber.
-- de velero, sailmaker's awl.
-- formador o troquelador, forming puncho
--mltiple, gang puneh.
-- para clavitos, brad puneh.
-- para clavos, nail seto
-- para correas, belt puneh.
- para empaquetadura, gasket puncho
- para espigas, shank puneh (drill).
-- sacaclavos, box chisel.
punzn-estampa, steel marking stamp.
punzn-mandril, drift puneh.
punzonador m, puncho
-- a palanca, lever puneh.
punzonadora (f) mltiple, bloek or gang puneh.
punzonar, to puneh.
puo m, grip; doorknob; handle.
pupila J (ptica), pupil.
-- de entrada, entrance pupilo
-- de salida, exit pupilo
pupitre m, desk (switehboard).
-- de distribucin, control desk, benchboard.
-- de instrumentos, instrument desk.
puquio m (Ch)(Pe), spring (water).
pureza/o purity.
purga 252 quintal quintal
253 radioingeniero
purga J, draining; venting; blowoff.
-- de arena (hid), sand.sluice.
purgador m, blowoff, drain cock, mud valve, pet-
cock; purger.
purgar, to drain; to cleanse; to vent; (cal) (M) to
blow off; (ac) to purge.
purificador m, purifier.
purificadora (f) de aceite, oil reclaimer.
purificar, to purify.
purina J (1ab), purine.
prpura (f) de bromocresol (1ab) , bromocresql
prpura de metacresol (Iab), metacresol purple.
putrefaccin J, putrefaction, decay.
- hmeda (mad) , wet roto
putrefactivo, putrefactive.
putrescibilidad J, putrescibility.
putrescible, putrescible.
ptrido, putrid.
puzolana J, pozzolan.
puzolnico, pozzolanic.
quebracho m, quebracho (hardwood).
quebrada J, brook; small valley, ravine, gully,
draw; gorge.
quebradizo, brittle, friable, (Ibr) brash, (met)
- al frfo, cold-short.
-- en caliente, hot-short.
quebrado m, (math) fraction; (C) channel be-
tween reefs; a broken; bankrupt; (top)
hilly, brokcn.
--propio, proper fraction.
quebrador m, crusher.
quebradora J, crusher.
-- de carbn, coal breaker.
-- de cono, cone crusher.
-- de impacto, impact breaker 01' millo
-- de mandbula o de quijadas, jaw crusher.
-- de martillos, hammer mili or crusher.
-- de roles (M), roll crusher.
-- giratoria, gyratory crusher.
--reductora, reduction crusher.
quebraja J, brcak, crack.
quebrajar, quebrajarse, to crack, split.
quebrantable, brittle.
quebrantadora J, crusher; paving breaker.
- de mandbulas, jaw crusher..
-- giratoria, gyratory crusher.
quebrantaolas m, breakwater.
quebrantapavimentos m (Es), paving breaker.
quebrantar, to crush, break.
quebranto m (an), negative or hog sheer; hog-
quebrar, to crush, break, rupture; to fail, become
quebraza (f) de hierro (A), steel wooL
quemador m, burner.
-- a chorro de vapor, steam-atomizing burner.
-- a ventilador, fan-blast or low-pressure
-- antideslumbrante (ap), nonglare burner.
-- de alta presin, high-pressure burner.
- de arcilla (pet), clay burner.
-- de malezas, weed burner.
-- de llama hueca, hollow-flame burner.
-- de llama plana, flat-flame burner.
-- de mezcla interna, inside-mix burner.
-- de petr61eo, oil burner.
-- de premezcla, external-mixing burner.
-- de surtidores mltiples, multitube burner.
-- de tubo transversal, cross-tube burner.
-- de turbulencia:' turbulent burner.
-- mecnico, mechanical-atomizing burner.
- para combustibles mltiples, multifuel
-- rotatorio a motor, motor-driven rotary
quemadura J, burning; burn.
quemar, to burn; quemarse, to burn up, burn
out (bearing).
querargirita J (miner), cerargyrite, horn silver.
queratfiro m (geol), keratophyre.
querosene m (A), kerosene.
quiastolita J (miner), chiastolite, macle.
quicial m, doorjamb; hanging stile; quoin post.
quicialera J, doorjamb.
quicio m, pivot; hinge; (C) doorsil!.
- dentado (hid)(C), dentated sill.
quicioneraJ, socket; step bearing; (de) foot-block
quiebra J, crack; bankruptcy, failure.
quiebrahacha m, breakax, ironwood.
quiebramar m, breakwater.
quiebravirutas m (mh), chip breaker.
quijadaJ, jaw, cheek.
- de arranque del cigeal (auto), crankshaft
starting jaw.
quijera J (carp) (Col), shoulder; cheek, side face.
quijero m (Es), slide slope of an irrigation ditch.
quijo m (min), quartz containing gold or silver.
-- de hierro, gossan, iron hato
quilatador m, assayer.
quilatar, to assay.
quilate m, carat.
quilogramo, quilmetro, etc. (Es), same as kilo-
gramo, kilmetro, etc.
quilla J, kee!.
- de balance, bilge keel, rolling chock.
- de rolido (A), bilge kee!.
--interna (A), keelson.
-lateral, bilge kee!.
quimbo m (PR), machete.
qumica J, chemistry.
-- geolgica, geochemistry.
--magntica, magnetochemistry.
qumicamente puro, chemically pureo
qumico m, chemist; a chemica!.
-- azucarero, sugar chemist.
-- geolgico, geochemist.
quimihidrometra J, ehemihydrometry.
quimiluminiscencia J, chemiluminescence.
quimgrafo m, kymograph.
quimosinttico (is), chemosynthetic.
quimotaxia J (is), chemotaxis.
quincha J, lathing of cane 01' small branches used
as foundation for mud 01' cement plaster-
ing; (A) window sil!.
quinta rueda (co), fifth wheel.
quintal m, quintal (100 lb).
- mtrico, metric quintal (100 kilos).
quintalaje m (Ch), weight in quintals.
quintante m (inst), quintant.
quintilln m, quintillion.
quinto m a, fifth.
quiselgnr m (geol), kieselguhr (porous diatomite).
quiste m (is), cyst. '
quisticida, cysticida!.
quita y pon, de, detachable.
quitabarniz m, varnish remover.
quitabujes m, bushing puller.
quitacostra m, scale remover.
quitador m, remover, puller, extractor.
-- de cienos, sludge remover.
-- de neumticos, tire too!.
quitaespumas m, scum remover.
quitanieve m, snowplow.
-- de alas, wing snowplow.
-- de camin, snowplow wings, truck snow-
- de cuchillas laterales, wing snowplow.
-- de vertedera, moldboard snowplow.
-- rotatorio, rotary snowplow.
quitapiedras m (loco), pilot, cowcatcher.
quitapintura J, paint remover.
quitapn, de, detachable, removable.
quitar, to remove, take away, extract, take off,
,quitarrebabas m, burr chisel; burring reamer.
quitatenazas m (ef), grab skipper.
rabera J, (t) tang; breech (tackle block).
rabin m, rapids; riffie.
rabiza J, end of rope; tail of a block.
rabo m, shank, handle, tang, fang; breech
(tackle block).
- de rata (cab), pointing.
raccl m (an), run, entrancc.
-- de pepa, runo
-- de proa, entrance.
racional (mat), rationa!.
rachaJ, slab of wood; splinter; crack, split.
rada J, roads, anchorage, roadstead.
radar, radar.
radiacin J, radiation (all senses).
-- de extensin (ci), extended radiation.
-- espuria (ra), spurious radiation.
-- primaria (cf), prime radiation.
-- X, X radiation.
radiador m, (auto) (ht) (ra) radiator; (ra) trans-
- de aletas y tubos (auto), fin-and-tube radia-
-- de colmena o de panal, honeycomb radiator.
- de tubos achatados (auto), flat-tuberadiator.
radial, radia!'
radin m (mat), radian.
radiancia f, radiance, specific radiant intensity.
radiante m, radian; a radiant.
radiar, to radiate; (ra) to broadcast.
radical m a (mat) (qum) , radica!'
radier m (hid) (Ch) , floor, mat, apron, hearth.
radio m, radius; radium. .
- atmico (qum), atomic radius.
-- de giro, radius of gyration; turning radius.
-- de inercia, radius of inertia.
-- de viraje, turning radius.
--hidrulico medio, mean hydraulic radius,
hydraulic mean depth.
- hidrulico principal, major hydraulic radius.
-- vector, radius vector.
radio J, radio.
-- brjula, radio compass, direction finder.
radio-comps m (A), radiogoniometer, direction
radioactividad, radiactividad f, radioactivity.
radioactivo, radiactivo, radioactive.
radioacstica J, radioacoustics.
radioamplificador m (A), amplifier.
radioanalizador m (A), analyzer.
radioantena J (A), antenna.
radioarmador m (A), radio mechanic.
radioaxial, radial-thrust (bearing).
radiobaliza J, radio range beacon.
-- a seales ignales, equisignal radio range
radioblindado (elc), radiocshielded.
radioblindaje m, radio-shielding.
radiobulbo m (A), electron tube.
radiocanal m, radio ehanne!.
radiocomunicacin J, radio communication.
radioconductor m, radioconductor.
radiocontrol m, radio contro!.
radiodetector m, radiodetector.
radiodifundir, to broadcast.
radiodifusin J, broadcasting.
radiodifusora J, broadcasting station.
radiodinmico, radiodynamic.
radioelctrico, radioe!cctric.
radioelemento m, radioelement.
radioemisin J, broadcasting.
radioemisora J, broadcasting station.
radioescucha m (ra), monitor; radio listener.
radioespectro m, radio spectrum.
radioestacin J, radio station.
radiofacsmile m. facsimile broadcasting.
radiofaro m, radio beacon; radiophare.
-- de alineacin, radio range beacon.
-- de aterrizaje (ap), landing beacon.
-- de equiseal, equisignal beacon.
-- marcador o de orientacin, radio marker
radiofnico, radiophonic.
radifono m, radiophone.
radiofotografa J, radiophotography.
radiofrecuencia J, radiofrequency.
radiognico, radiogcnic.
radiogoniometra J, radiogoniometry, direction
radiogonimetro m, radiogoniometer, direction
radiografa J, radiograph, X-ray photograph.
skiagraph, shadowgraph; radiography; ra-
radiografiar, to radiograph; to radiotelegraph.
radiogrfico, radiographic.
radigrafo m, radiographer.
radiograma m, radiogram.
radioingeniero m, radio engineer.
ranurar 255 rayo
radioinstalador m (A), installer of radio equip-
radiolarios m (is), Radiolaria.
radiologa J, radiology.
radilogo m, radiologist.
radiolumhtiscencia J, radioluminestJence.
radiomecnico m, radio serviceman.
radiomensaje m, radio message.
radiometalografa J, radiometallography.
radiometra J, radiometry.
radimetro m, radiometer.
radiomicrmetro m, radiomicrometer.
radioonda J (A), radio wave.
radiooperador m (A), radiotelegraph operator.
radiopaco, radiopaque.
radiopropalar (A), to broadcast.
radioqumica J, radiochemistry.
radiorientador m radio direction finder.
radiorreceptor m: receiving set, ra?io receiver.
radio1'1'eparador m (A), radio reparrman.
radioscopia J, radioscopy.
radioscopio m, radioscope.
radiosnico, radiosonic.
radiotcnica J, radioteehnology, radio engineer-
radiotcnico m, radio engineer.
radiotelefonema m (A), radiotelephone J1lessage.
radiotelefona J, radiotelephony.
radiotelefonista, radiotelephone operator.
radiotelfono m, radiotelephone.
radiotelegrafa J, radiotelegraphy.
radiotelegrfico, radiotelegraphie.
radiotelegrafista, radiotelegraph operator.
radiotelegrama m, radio telegram.
radiotrasmisin J, radio transmission.
radiotrasmisor m, radiotransmitter.
-- a chispa, spark transmitter.
radiotriangulador m (A), radial triangu1ator.
radiotricista m (A), radio mechanic.
radiotrn m, radiotron.
radiotubo in (A), electron tube.
radiovlvula J (A), electron tube.
radiovisin J, radiovision.
radiovisor m, radiovisor.
raedera J, seraper; (hyd) trashrack rake;
straightedge, screed.
- de cienos, sludge scraper.
-- con vuelo (ca), bullnose screed.
raedor m (herr), scraper.
- de tinta, ink eraser.
raer, to abrade, serape;to sereed.
rafa J, (Sp) cut for intake of subsidis:ry irrigation
diteh; (min)skewback cut ID roek; (V)
(Col) reinforeement of a mud wall.
rail m (fe), rail.
raz J, root; (math) root; (reinf) (V) dowel, bond
- cuadrada, square root.
-- cuadrada de la media de los cuadrados,
-- cbica, cube root.
- de la rosca (A), root of thread.
- de la soldadura, root of weld.
- quinta, fifth root.
raja J, crack, fissure, ~ p l i t ; splinter, chip; (lbr)
rajas (min) (M), lagging, spilling.
rajable, rajadizo, easily split, fissile.
rajadura J, crack, fissure, split.
rajar, to split, rive; (pi) to broom; rajarse, to
split, crack; (Pi) to broom.
rajatocones m (ee), stump splitter.
rajatubo m (pet), casing splitter.
rajo m (Ch) (B), exeavation, cut. .
rajn m, rubble stone, (cone) plum; (C) brlCkbat.
ralo, light, thin (liquid).
rama J, braneh, arm; leg of an angle; (1'1') fiange
of a spliee bar.
ramas desiguales, unequallegs (angle).
ramas iguales, equallegs.
ramal m, branch, arm; strand of rope.
- a 45 (tub), Y.
- a 90 (tub), T.
- cerrado (fe), loop lineo
- cloacal (A), braneh 01' lateral sewer.
- de falla (geol), braneh fault.
-- de servicio (tub), service eonnection.
- de 180 invertido (tub), vent branch.
- T (tub), T braneh.
-y (tub) , Y 01' wye braneh.
ramalla J, brushwood.
rambla J, ravine; brook; avenue.
rameadora J (Ch), tie-tamping maehine.
rameo m (Ch), tamping (ties).
ramificarse, to braneh off.
ramita (f) de filn (min), small branch of a lode,
ramo m, branch, seetion, division.
ramojo m, brushwood.
rampa J, ramp, slope, grade, incline, (A) (Sp)
- autoactuadora o de gravedad (min) , self-
acting 01' gravity 01' go-devil planeo
-- de acceso (ca), accommodation rampo
- salmonera (hid), fish ladder, fishway.
rana J (fe), frog.
-- con carril de muelle, spring-rail frog.
-- de punta movible, movable-point frog.
-- encarriladora, wrecking frog.
rancho m, raneh; shanty; eamp; mess, board,
ranchn m (PR), mess hall, boardinghouse.
ranfia J, ramp; (C) chute.
rango (m) de ondas (ra) (A), wave bando
rangua J, soeket; step bearing, pivot bearing;
(de) foot-bloek easting.
ranura J, groove, slot, keyway, ehannel, rabbet,
-- colectora (lu), eolleeting groove.
-- de aceite, oil groove.
- de ataguiamiento (hid), stop-Iog groove.
- de chaveta (maq), keyway.
-- de engrase o de lubricacin, oil groove.
- de pestaa (fe), fiangeway.
-- en T, T slot.
- motriz (rnh), driving slot.
-- para aro (mg), piston-ring groove.
-- y lengeta (mad), tongue and groove.
ranuradora J, grooving maehine 01' tool; slottll:lg
-- de manivelas, erank slotter.
-- para tornillos, serew-slotting cutter.
ranurar, to groove, slot, ehannel, rabbet.
rpida J (M), chute, fiume.
- para troncos, log chute.
rapidez J, speed.
rpido m (hid), chute, drop.
- en cascada (al) (Es), stepped chute.
-- en pendiente, sloping chute.
rpidos, rapids.
rarefaccin J, rarefaction.
rarefacer, rarificar, to rarefy.
ras m, level, surface, plane.
-- , al, level ful!, struck off.
- de, al, fiush with.
rasador m, straightedge, screed board.
rasadoraJ (ec)(U) (V), skimmer scoop.
rasante J, grade line, subgrade.
- con, fiush with.
- dominante, ruling grade.
- undulada, rolling grade.
rasar, to level, smooth off, strike off.
rascaceite, aro, scraper ring (piston).
rascacenizas m, fire rake.
rascacielos m, high building, skyscraper.
rllscadera J, scraper;
rascador m, scraper.
- de pared (pet), wall scraper.
- de parrilla (cal), clinker bar.
rascar, to scrape, roughen.
rascatubos m (cal), tube scraper.
rasero m, straightedge, screed board.
rasgador m (ec), rooter, ripper.
-- de cable, cable ripper.
-- hidrulico, hydraulic ripper.
-- rotativo, rotary ripper.
rasgadora J, rooter, ripper.
rasgar, to rip, tear.
rasgueo m (dib), shading.
rasilla J (Es), thin brick used for furring 01' for
raspa J, rasp, coarse file.
raspacojinetes m, bearing scraper.
raspadera J, spokeshave.
raspador m, rasp, scraper, buffer (tire); steel
eraser; (pet) stripper.
-- de banco, bench scraper.
-- de cilindro, 1'011 scraper.
-- de neumticos, tire buffer.
-- de tinta, ink eraser.
--para correas, belt scraper.
raspadora (f) de barros, sludge scraper.
raspadura J, scraping; abrasion.
raspante m a, abrasive.
-- de acero, crushed stee1.
raspaparedes m (pet), wall scraper.
raspapintura m, paint scraper.
raspar, to scrape, rasp, buff (tire).
--las juntas (mam), to rake joints.
raspatubos m, tube cleaner; (pct) go-devil, casing
rasqueta J (herr), scraper; shave hook.
-- de ebanista, cabinet scraper.
-- para cubiertas, deck 01' ship scraper.
-- para tubos de caldera, tube scraper.
--triangular, painter's triangle.
rasquetear, to scrape; to roughen.
rasqueteo m, scraping.
rastra J, dragging; road drag 01' hone 01' planer,
stoneboat; harrow; (lg) jumbo, go-devil,
log boat, travois; sled; (M) groundsill.
- de arpillera (ca), burlap drago
- de cuchillas, blade drago
- de dientes o de clavos, peg-tooth 01' spike-
tooth harrow.
-- de dientes de resorte, spring-tooth harrow.
-- de discos, disk harrow.
-- de escobas, broom drago
rastrear, to rake; to harrow; (rd) to drago
rastre1 m, straightedge, screed board; screed
-- acabador (ca), finishing screed.
--vibratorio, vibratory screed.
rastreo m, dragging.
rastrillador m, raker (man).
rastrillera J, slip scraper.
-- de ruedas, wheeled scraper.
rastrillo m, rake; harrow; road drag; ward of 1\
lock; grizzly; check dam; (hyd) trashrack
rake; (loco) pilot; (hyd) (A) cutoff wali
(V) slip scraper; (C) drag conveyor.
- de asfaltador, asphalt rake.
- de estancamiento (hid) (A), cutoff wall.
-- de malezas, brush rake.
- de ruedas (V), wheeled scraper.
-- de traccin (V), drag 01' slip scraper.
-limpiador (hid), rack cleaner 01' rake.
--para matas (ec), brush rake.
- portacables (elc), cable rack.
rastro m, rake, harrow; cutoff wall (dam); (C
junk yard.
rastrn m (A), drag scraper.
rata J (Col) (V), rate.
ratear, to prorate.
rateo m, prorating; (auto)(A) missing, misfire.
ratonera J (pet), rathole.
raudal m, stream, torrent, race.
raudales, rapids.
raudaloso (A), in fiood, running full.
raul m, a South American softwood.
raya J, line, dash; boundary; (M)(B) day's
wages; (M)(B) payroll; (miner)(A)(B)
streak. .
rayas de trfico (ca). traffic stripes.
rayado m, ruling; rifling; (dwg) hatching; (M)
laborar; a fiuted, scored, ribbed.
-de gua (ca), traffic striping.
-- en espiral, rified.
rayador m, grooving tool; (M) timekeeper; pay
master; (dwg) section-liner.
rayadora J (ca), striping machine.
rayar, to groove, scratch, score; (M) to pay off
(dwg) to hatch; to rule.
rayente a, abrasive.
rayo m, ray; spoke; stroke of lightning; radius.
-- alfa, alpha rayo
-- canal (ra), positive 01' canal rayo
-- catdico, cathode rayo
-- de aterrizaje (ap), landing beam.
-- de imagen (fma), image rayo
- de planeo (ap), glide beam.
-- del radio, radio beam.
-- electrnico, electron beam.
-- gamma, gamma rayo
256 recalce recalefacci6n 257
-localizador (ap), localizer beam.
_ medular (mad), medullary 01' pith rayo
-- positivo (ra), positiveor canal rayo
-- tangencial, tangent spoke.
- visual (lev), line of sight.
rayos principales (fma), principal visual rays.
rayos ultravioleta, ultraviolet rays.
rayos X, X rays.
ray6n m, rayon.
raz6n J, ratio, rate.
__ agua-cemento, water-cement ratio.
-- de absorci6n (il), absorption ratio.
__ de contracci6n (ms), shrinkage ratio.
__ de delgadez (est), slenderness ration.
de engranajes, gear ratio.
-- de salario, rate of payo
__ de transformaci6n (eI6c), transformer ratio.
__ inversa, inverse ratio.
__ social, partncrship, firm; firm name.
__ trigonomtrica, trigonometric function.
reacci6n J, reaction (all senses).
- del apoyo (est), end reaction.
__ qumica, chemical reaction 01' change.
reaccionar, to rcact.
reacerar, to retempcr (iron).
reacondicionador m (pet), hole conditioner.
reacondicionar, to recondition; to dress (grinder).
reactancia J (eI6c), rcactance.
-- capacitiva o de capacidad, capacity 01' capac-
itive reactance.
-- de dispersi6n, leakage reactance.
-- momentnea, transient reactance.
reactivaci6n J, reactivation.
reactivador m, reactivator.
reactividad J, reactivity.
reactivar (qum) (ra) , to reactivate.
reactivo m, reagent; a reactive.
.-- depresivo (min), depressant.
reactor m, (elec) reactor, impedance coil; (pet)
-- de alimentador, feeder reactor.
-- de arranque, starting reactor.
-- de barras colectoras, bus reactor.
- de filtro (ra), filter choke.
-- de saturaci6n, saturating reactor.
-- en derivacin, shunt reactor.
-- en paralelo, paralleling reactor.
--limitador de corriente, current-limiting reac-
- sincronizador, synchronizing reactor.
readoquinado m, repaving.
reafilar, to resharpen, regrind.
reafirmado m (ca), resurfacing, repaving.
real (m) de agua (min), an old measure of water
based on a pipe the size of a real (about
3 cu in. per sec).
realce m, raising; mised work (hyd) flashboard;
(min) rising drift, overhand stope; (C)
superelcvation of a curve.
realera J (AC), kind of machete.
realimentacin J (elc), feedback.
- acstica (ra), acoustic feedback 01' regenera-
- estabilizada (ra), stabilized feedback.
-- negativa (ra), negative feedback.
rearborizaci6n J, reforestation.
reaseguro m, reinsurance.
reaserradero (m) sin fin (em), band resaw.
reataJ (M) (B), small rope.
rebaba J, burr (steel); fin, rough seam: (w) flash,
reba1:>adora J, chipping hammer.
rebabar, to trim a casting; (th) to burro
rebabeadora J (M), chipping hammer.
rebajada J, recess, offset, (str) cope.
rebajado m, (pmy) weakening; a recessed, offset;
cut back (asphalt); segmental (arch); (lbr)
rebajador m, rabbeting plane; gummer (saw);
(pmy) weakener.
rebajadora J, rauter.
-- de mica (eJc), mica undercutter.
rebajar, to cut down, relieve, rabbet, scarf, shave
off, back off; to offset; to neck down; to cut
back, dilute: (str) to cope; (pmy) to
rebaje m, a cut.
- de cabeza (min) (M), overhand stope.
- descendente (min) (M), underhand stope.
rebajo m, offset, rabbet, scarf; groove, recess.
- del cielo (min) (M), overhand stope.
rebalsa J, pool, pondo
rebalsar, to dam, impound, pond; (A)(Ch)(pe)
to overflow; rebalsarse, to back up, form
a pool.
rebalse m,jmpounding; (Ch)(Pe) overflow.
rebanado m (min), slicing.
rebanador m, slicer.
rebarba (C), see rebaba.
rebasar, to overflow; to pass, go beyond.
reblandecer, to soften; to cut back (asphalt)
reblandecerse, to soften.
reblandecimiento de agua, water softening.
reborde m, edge; dike; flange: (hyd) sill; (w)
overlap, rollo
-- de acera, curb.
- de la campana (tub), hub bead.
- del macho (tub), spigot bead.
- deflector (hid), deflector sill.
- dentado (hid), dentated sill.
rebordeador m (cn), flange turnar (mau).
- de tubos (cal), fluc beader.
rebordeadora J, flanging tool.
rebordear, to flange.
rebosadero m, spillway; overflow pipe; (Ch)
irregular deposit of ore.
rebosar, to overflow.
rebose m, spillway; overflow.
reboso m (V), overflow, flood.
rebotar, to rebound.
rebote m, rebound, resilience.
-- elstico, elastic .l'esilience.
-- final, ultimate resilience.
rebufo m, recoil.
recalcado (m) en fdo, cold-upsetting.
recalcador m, calker (man); swage (saw).
recalcadora J, upsetting machine.
-- de traviesas (fc), tie tamper.
recalcar, to calk; (str).to upset; (1'1') to tamp
(mas) to point; to swage (saw).
recalce m, underpinning, wedging.
recalefacci6n J (C), superheating.
recalentador m, superheater; reheating pan
-- compensador, compensating-type super-
-- de convetCi6n, convection superheater.
-- de paso nico, single-pass superheater.
- de vuelta mltiple,. multiple-Ioop super-
-- encima de los tubos, overdeck superheater.
-- entre tubos, interdeck superheater.
recalentar, to superheat; to overheat; to reheat;
recalentarse (maq), to run hot, heat up.
recalent6n m, overheating.
recalescencia J (met), recalescence.
recalescente, recalescent.
recalibrador m, recalibrator.
recalibrar, to recalibrate.
recalzar, to underpin.
recalzo m, underpinning; outer felloe of a Whelll.
recmaraJ (M) (C), boiler breeching.
recambiable, replaceable, renewable.
recambio m, re-exchange (all senses).
recambios (maq), spare parts, replacements.
recapar (auto)(C), to recap.
recape (auto)(C), recapping.
recarbonaci6n J (Pe), recarbonation.
recarbonataci6n J, recarbonation.
recarbonatador m, recarbonator.
recarburador m, recarburizer.
recarburar (mct), to rccarburize.
recarga J, recharging.
recargar, (mcch)(elcc) to recharge: to apply a.
surcharge (moncy).
recargo m (com), surchargo.
recargue m, rechargo; surcharge; superimposod
recata J (A), recess.
recat6n m (Col), whoel guardo
recauchaje m (auto), rccapping, rctreading.
recauchar, recauchotllr, to recap, rotread.
recauchutaje m (auto) (A), rotreading, recapping.
recebar, (rd) to spread binder; to surface with
recebo m, road gravel, screenings, hoggin, binder.
recepci6n J, acceptance (of tho job); (ra) recep-
- definitiva, final accoptance (job).
- heterodina o de batido (ra), beat 01' hetero-
dyne reception.
--homodina (ra) , homodyne 01' zero-beat re-
receptculo m (eI6c), rocoptac1e; jack; (A) lamp
-- atornillado o de caja roscada, screw-shcll
-- de aguja, pin jack.
-- de clavija, plug receptac1o.
-- embutido, flush receptac1o.
receptor m, receiver (all senses); (pb)(tel) (ra)
-- de aire, air receiver (compressor).
- de alta fidelidad (ra), high-fidelity receiver.
- de bandas mltiples (ra) , multiband re-
- de cabeza (tol) (ra), headphone.
-.- del condensado, condensation receiver.
-- de cristal (ra), crystal reccivcr.
-- de ondas cortas (ra), short-wavo receiver.
-- de prueba (ra), monitoring receiver.
-- de toda onda (ra), all-wave receiver.
--miniatura (ra), midgct receiver.
--monitorio (ra) (Es), monitoring receiver.
-- telef6nico, tclephone receiver.
recerrador m (eMc) , recloser.
receso m (Col), reccss, setback, rabbet.
recial m (1'), rapids.
recibidor (m) de aire, air receiver.
recibo m (com), rcccipt.
recierre m, l'cclosing.
recio, strong; coarse.
recipiente m, container, vesscl; air receiver,
pressure tank; battery jaro
- de acetileno, acctylcno cylindcr 01' bottle.
-- de aire, air receiver (compressor).
reclproca J (mat), reciprocal.
reciprocidad J (qulm) (eMc) , reciprocity.
reclproco a, reciproca!.
recirculaci6n J, recirculation.
reclamaci6n J, claim.
recloraci6n J (pa), rechlorination.
reclutamiento m, recruiting (labor).
recobaJ (A), arcado over a. sidewalk (sometimes
recocci6n J, annealing.
recocer, to annca!.
recocido m, annealing.
-- azul, bluc-anncaled.
- brillante, bright anncaliug.
-- completo, full annealing.
-- encofre, box annoaling.
--negro, black annealing.
-- por tratamiento, process annealing.
recocho (ladrillo), well-burned, hard-burned.
recodo m, bond.
recogedero m, collecting basiu: drainage area.
recogedor m, collector.
-- de aceite, drip pan.
-- de cieno, sludge collector.
-- de espumas (dac), scum collector.
- de'piedras (draga), rock trap.
-- de virutas, chip pan.
recogegotas m, drip pan, safo.
recog?muestras m, thicf tubo. sampler.
recogIda J (Es), watercourse, channcl.
-- de basuras, garbage collection.
recolector (m) de lodos (dae), sludgo collector.
recolocable (fc), fit for track.
recombinacin J, recombination.
recompresi6n J, recompression.
reconcentrado m (M), a concontrato.
reconcentrar, to concentratc.
reconocer, to inspect; to mako a reconnaissaneo
reconocimiento m, reconnaissanco, oxploration.
reconstruccin J. reconstl'twtion.
reconstruir, to reconstruct., rcbuild.
recorredor (m) de la Unea (elfe), lineman.
recorredor de vla (fc), trnckwalker.
recorrido m, routo, path, travel, run; (eng
- de aterrizaje (ap), landing runo
- de despegue (ap), take-off runo
_ del mbolo, piston strokeor travel. .
._de filtraci6n (hid), path of seepage, line of
creep; (sm) flow line.
- de planeo (ap), glide path.
-- muerto (mh), overtravel.
recortado a la orden, cut to length.
recortador (m) de pernos, boltcutter, bolt clip-
pero .
recortadora J, cutter, shear; shaper; (sa) trun-
recortar, to cut, cut off, cut away; (str) to
cope. .
recorte m, cutting, a cut; (str) cope; (mm) cross-
-- en bisel, bevel cutoff.
recortes, cuttings, chips.
recostado (geol), recumbent.
recostar (min), to dip.
recristalizaci6n J, recrystallization.
recta J, straight line; (rr) tangent.
rectangular, rectangular.
rectngulo m, rectangle; a right-angled.
rectificable (inst), adjustable.
rectificaci6n J, rectification.
- por aplastamiento, crush-dressing. .
_ por curva an6dica (ra), anode-bend rectifica-
rectificador m, rectifier (all senses); grinder, hon-
ing machine.
- de alto vaco (ra), high-vacuum rectifier.
- de nodos mltiples (ra) , multianode rec-
- de cilindro, (eng) cylinder hone.
- de cobre (elc), copper-oxide rectifier.
- de disco seco (elc), dry-disk rectifier.
__ de engranajes, gear grinder.
- de gas (ra), gaseous rectifier.
-- de herramientas, tool grinder.
-- de media onda (elc), half-wave rectifier.
_0- de mercurio (ra), mercury-arc rectifier.
- de onda completa, full-wave rectifier.
-- de 6xido de cobre, copper-oxide rectifier.
- de puente (elc), bridge rectifier.
- de ruedas abrasivas, wheel dresser.
-- de selenio (elc), selenium rectifier.
-- de vlvulas, valve grinder.
- de vapor de mercurio (ra) , mercury-vapor
_ termi6nico (ra), thermionic or vacuum-tube
- Tungar (ra), Tungar rectifier.
rectificadora J, rectifier; grinder, dresser.
-- de barrenas, drill grinder.
_ de dientes postizos, inserted-tooth grinder.
-- de mbolos, piston grinder.
-- de fresas, cutter grinder.
-- de machos, tap grinder.
- de mesa, bench grinder or d r e s ~ e r .
-- de puntas, center-type grinder.
- de roscas, thread grinder.
- sin puntas, centerless grinder.
rectificar, to rectify; to rebore (cylinder); to
true up.
rectilneo, rectilinear.
'ecto, straight; right (angle).
recuadro m, (ar) panel; (tu)(M) panel.
recubrimiento m, lap, overlap; facing, covering;
road surfacing; coating; (rein) embed
- ancho (auto), full capping.
- angosto (auto), top capping.
- de admisi6n (mv), steam lapo
- de escape (mv), exhaust lapo
--interior (mv), inside lapo
-longitudinal (fma), end lapo
- transversal (fma), side lapo
recubrir, to cover; to sheath; to lap; (auto) to
recuesto m, slope; (min) dip; (geol) hade.
reculada J, recoil, kickback.
recular, to recoil, kick back.
recule m, recoil.
recuar, to wedge; to excavate rock by wedging.
recuperable, recoverable.
recuperaci6nJ, recovery; (ac) regain; (ra) pickup.
--o- de ncleos (sx), core recovery.
recuperador m, recuperator; (lu) reclaimer.
recuperar, to recover; to reclaim.
recursos m, resources.
-- acuferos (Pe), water resources.
--hidrulicos o hdricos, water resources.
--petroleros, oil resources.
rechancar, to recrush.
rechazador m (mec) (ra) , rejector.
rechazar, to reject.
rechazo m, rejection; recoil; (Col) dislocation of
a lode.
- horizontal (geol) (A), shift.
- vertical (geo!) (A), throw.
rechazos, rejects (screen).
rechina mot6n, a, chockablock, two-blocks, block
and block.
rechinado m (maq), squeaking.
rechinar, to squeak; (machy)(C) to chatter.
red J, net, netting; network, system.
-- caminera, system of roads.
-- cloacal, sewer system.
-- de aguas corrientes, water system.
-- de alambre, wire netting or mesh.
-- de antenas, curtain antennas.
- de base (lev), base neto
-- de carga o de estibar (nut), cargo neto
- de celosa (elc), lattice network.
- de distribuci6n (elc) (agua), distribution
-- de energa, power system.
__ de escurrimiento o de flujo o de percolaci6n
(hid), flow neto
- de nivelaci6n (lev), level neto
__ de saneamiento, sewerage or drainage sya-
__ doble de alcantarillado, separate sewerage
-- en pi (elc), pi network.
-- equilibradora (elc), balancing network.
--ferroviaria, railroad system.
-- neutra secundaria (elc), secondary neutral
- tubular, layout of piping.
- nica de alcantarillado, combined sewerage
--vial, system of roads.
rederretido m (az) , remelt.
redevanar, to rewind.
rediente m (conc), bonding key.
rdito m, proceeds, revenue.
redituar,to produce, yield.
redoblar, to clinch.
redobl6n m, clinch nail; (rf) (Col) lashb::;.
redoma J (lab), flask, balloon.
redondear, to round off.
redondela J (A), washer.
redondeo m, rounding off.
redondez J, roundness.
redondo, round.
reducci6n J, reduction (all senses); reducer.
- en fro (met), cold reduction.
reducido m (tub), reducer.
reducir, (chem) to reduce, resolve; (math) to
reduce, to salve (equation).
reductasa J (is), reductase.
reductivo, reductive.
reductor m, reducer; (chem) reductor; reducing
-- ahusado o c6nico (tub), taper reducer.
-- de basuras, garbage grinder.
- de luz (auto), dimmer.
-- de ruidos (ra), noise-reducing.
-- de tensi6n (elc), negative booster.
-- de velocidad a engranaje c6nicohelicoidal,
sprral-bevel-gear speed reducer.
- de velocidad a engranaje helicoidal de tor-
nillo sin fin, helical worm-gear speed re-
-- de velocidRd a engranaje recto, spur-gear
speed reducer.
-- de velocidad a motor, motorized speed re-
- soldable (tub), welding reducer.
reductora J (fma), reducer.
redundante (est), redundant.
reedificar, to rebuild.
reembolsar, to reimburse.
reembolso m, reimbursement.
reempaquetar, to repack.
reempedrar, to repave.
reemplazable, renewable.
reemplazar, to replace, renew, substitute.
reencauchadoraJ (auto), recapping moldo
reencauchar (auto), to retread, recap.
reencauchutaje m (auto) (Ec), retreading, recap-
reensayar, to retest.
reentrante, re-entrant.
reenviar, to forward.
reesmerilable, regrinding (valve).
reestampar (re), to recup.
refacci6n J, (Ch) (Ec) (CA) repairs; (M) spare
part, replacement; (PR) financing.
refaccionar, (Ch)(Ec)(CA) to repair; (PR) (C) to
refaccionarfa J (M), shop where spare parts are
refaccionista (C), financial backer.
refeccionar, to reparr.
refecciones J, repair parts, repairs.
refiletear, to rethread.
refil6n, de, obliquely, on the skew.
refiltraci6nJ (az), refiltration.
refinaci6n J, refining.
refinado a fuego, fire-refined.
refinador m, refiner.
refinar, to refine.
refinera J, refinery.
-- azucarera, sugar refinery.
- de petr6leo, oil refinery.
I refinero m, refiner.
refino, refined.
reflectancia J (il), reflectance.
reflect6metro m, relectometer.
reflector m, searcblight, headlight; reflector; a
- angular (il), angle reflector.
- buscacampo (ap) , bearing projector.
- buscahuella (auto), spotlight.
- de campana (il), dome reflector.
- de resorte (il), snap-on reflector.
- de ojo de buey (ca), bull's-eye reflector.
reflectoscopio m, relectoscope.
reflejador m (A), reflector.
reflejar, to reflecto
reflejo m, relection; a reflex, reflected.
reflexi6n J, relection.
-- anormal o espordica (ra), abnormal or spo-
radic relection.
- difusa o irregular (il), diffuse or irregular'
- especular o regular (il), regular or specular
or mirror reflection.
- mixta (il), spread or mixed reflection.
reflexividad J, reflectivity.
refluir, to flow back; to ebb, fallo
reflujo m, ebb tide; reflux.
reforestaci6n J, reforestation.
reformaci6n J (pet), reforming, cracking.
-- cataltica, catalytic reforming or cracking.
--trmica, thermal reforming.
reforrador (m) de frenos, brake reliner.
reforrar, to reline.
reforzado, reinforced.
reforzador m, booster (all senses).
-- deireno, brake booster.
-- de presi6n, pressure booster.
- de salto (hid), fall increaser.
reforzar, to reinforce; to strengthen;. (elec) to
refosfomaci6nJ (met), rephosphorization.
refracci6n J, refraction.
- difusa (H), diffuse refraction.
- irregular (il), irregular or spread refractioo.
refraccionar (pet), to refractionate.
refractar, to refracto
refractario, fire-resisting, refractory.
refractividad J, refractivity.
refractometra J, refractometry.
refractomtrico, refractometric.
refract6metro m, refractometer.
--azucarero, sugar refractometer.
-- de inmersi6n, nunersion refractometer.
refractor m, refractor; refracting telescope.
refrangibilidad J, refrangibility.
refrangible, refrangible.
refrenar (cab), to snub.
refrentado m, facing; a faced.
refrentador 260 regresin regreso
refrentador (m) de vlvulas, valve grinder.
refrentar, to face, grind, millo
refrigeracin!, refrigeration; (ac) (eng) cooling.
-- por absorcin, absorption refrigeration.
- por aire, air cooling.
refrigerado por aceite, oil-cooled.
refrigerador m, cooler, refrigerator.
refrigerante m, refrigerant; (auto) radiator; a
refrigerar, to cool; to refrigerate.
refringencia!, refringency.
refringente, refringent.
refringir, to refracto
refuerzo m, reinforcement.
-- de malla soldada, welded wire reinforce-
- negativo, reinforcement for negative bend-
ing momento
- positivo, reinforcement for positive bending
refu,gio m, (rd) traflic island; (tun) niche.
refulado m (A), hydraulic filling.
refular, refoular (A), to pump dredged material.
regable, irrigable.
regadera !, subsidiary irrigation ditch; (Pb)
shower head; (sk) sprinkler head; coal
miner's pick.
- automtica, automatic sprinkler, sprinkler
regado m,
regados, irrigated lands.
regadizo, irrigable.
regador m, one who irrigates; (Ch) measure of
irrigation water about 15 liters per seco
regadora!, sprinkler.
regadura!, sprinkling; (rnin) undercutting.
regala! (cn), plank-sheer, plate-sheer, gunwale.
regala!, bonus; (M) (A) royalty.
regantes, irrigation subscribers.
regar, to sprinkle, spray, water; to irrigate; (Col)
to wreck, demolish; (rnin) to undercut.
regata!, (irr) small subsidiary ditch; (bldg) (Col)
regatn m, ferru1e; nozzle; (Col) pile shoe.
regeneracin f (elc), regeneration, feedback.
-- acstica (ra), acoustic feedback or regenera-
- negativa (ra) , degeneration, negative feed-
regenerador m, regenerator; a regenerative.
-- para onda portadora (elc), carrier repeater.
regenerar, to regenerate (all senses).
regenerativo, regenerative.
regente m (min) (B), general foreman.
rgimen (m) hidrulico, hydraulic regimen.
registrador m (mec), recorder.
- de carga (e1c),load recorder.
- de demanda (e1c), demand register.
- de esfuerzos, stress recorder.
- de flujo (hid), flow recorder.
-- de gasto mximo (al), maximum-flow gag'!.
-- de marcha sin fuerza (elc), coasting re-
- de nivel de lquido (dac), recording liquid-
level meter.
-- de peso, weightometer.
-- de soldadura, weld recorder.
-- de temperatura, temperature recorder, re-
cording temperature gage.
-- de tiro, draft recorder.
-- grfico, autographic recorder.
registrar, to record, register, enter; to examine;
to check (baggage).
registro m, record, log; opening, handhole, man-
hole, inspection box.
-- de chimenea, damper.
- de empalme o de encuentro (al), junction
- de hombre (M), manhole.
-- de inspeccin, manhole.
- de lmpara (al), lamphole.
-- de limilieza, handhole, c1eanout hole.
-- de mano, handhole.
-- de nieves (al), snow manhole.
-- de tiro, damper.
-- de vlvula, valve box.
- de visita (al) (Es), manhole.
- electrogrfico (pet), electric logging.
-- grfico, a graph.
-- hidromtrico, stream-flow records.
- manual (Pe), handhole.
-- de gasto, stream-flow records.
-- de perforacin, log of borings.
-- pluviomtricos, rainfall records.
regla,!, rule, scale; straightedge, level board,
screed board; rule, precepto
-- de cajera, key-seat rule.
- de clculo, slide rule.
-- de clculo taquimtrico, stadia slide rule.
-- de calibrar, slide caliper rule.
-- de contraccin (fund), shrink or contraction
-- de curvas (dib), irregular or French curve.
-- de enrasar, straightedge, screed board.
- de Fleming (elc), Flerning's rule.
- de gancho, hook rule.
- de la mano derecha (elc), right-hand rule.
- de la mano izquierda (elc), left-hand rule.
- de Maxwell (elc), Maxwell's law.
-- de senos, sine bar.
-- de tres, rule of three.
- de tres dedos (elc), Flerning's rule.
- flexible (dib), spline, curve rule.
--para apreciar troncos, log or scale rule.
--para madera, board rule.
-- plegadiza, folding rule.
- plomada, plumb rule.
--recta, straightedge.
--T, T square.
reglas paralelas, parallel ruler.
regla-cinta, tape rule.
reglable, adjustable.
reglaje m, regulation, adjustment.
reglamentar, to regulate.
reglamento (m) de edificacin, building codeo
reglar, to regulate; to rule.
reglilla!, slide of a slide rule.
regln m, straightedge measuring rod.
regolita! (geo!), regolith, mantle.
regomar (auto), to retread.
regresi6n! (mat), regrcssion.
regreso m, return.
reguera!, irrigation ditch; sprinkler; drip.
reguo m (Ec), irrigation.
regulable, adjustable; controllable.
regulacin!, regulation, governing; (eng) timing.
- a tercera escobilla (elc), third-brush regula-
- de las crecidas (r), flood control; flood rout-
- de las vlvulas (auto), valve timing.
regulador m, governor, regulator, adjuster, con-
troller; throttle valve.
-- a presi6n de aceite, oil-pressure governor.
-- a toma o deja, hit-and-miss governor.
-- a vaco, vacuum governor.
--axial, shaft governor.
-- centrfugo, centrifugal or flyball governor.
-- del agua de alimentaci6n, boiler-feed regula-
- de agujas (fc), switch-point adjuster.
- de aire (auto), choke.
-- de rbol, shaft governor.
-- de banderola, transom operator.
- de bobina mvil (elc), moving-coil regula-
- de bolas, ball governor.
- del campo (elc), field regulator.
- de carga (eJe), load regulator.
-- de la contrapresi6n, back-pressure regulator.
-- de correa, belt take-up.
-- de corriente (eJc), current regulator.
-- de disparo, disellgagement governor.
- de estrangulacin o de gollete, throttling
-- de frecuencia, frequency regulator.
-- de gasto, rate-of-flow controller.
-- de gasto cloacal, sewer regulator.
-- de humedad, humidity controller.
-- de induccin, induction regulator.
- de inercia, inertia governor.
-- de juego, slack adjuster.
- del lodo (pet), mud conditioner.
-- de mariposa, throttle valve.
- de nivel (pa), level control.
- de nivel de lquido (dac), liquid-Ievel con-
-- de pndulo cnico, Watt or conical-pendu-
lum governor.
-- de presi6n, pressure regulator.
- de resbalamiento (eJc), slip regulator.
-- de resorte, spring governor.
-- de temperatura, temperature regulator.
- de tensi6n (elc), voltage or potential regu-
-- de tiro, damper, draft controller; damper
- de traslapo (fma), overlap regulator.
-- de vaco, vacuum regulator.
-- de vapor, (se) governor.
-- de varillas cruzadas, crossed-arm governor.
-- de volante, flywheel governor.
-- de voltaje, voltage or potential regulator.
-- del volumen del flujo, rate-of-flow control-
-- diferencial o dinamomtrico, differential or
dynamometric governor.
- dispersor (!lid), diffusing regulator.
--recargado, loaded or Porter governor.
--reductor de la presi6n, pressure-reducing
--registrador, recording regulator or control-
regular, 11 to regulate, govern; a regular.
regularizar (r), to regulate.
rgulo m (met), regulus.
rehabilitar, to recondition, overhaul.
rehervidor m, reboiler.
rehervir, to reboil.
rehinchar, to fill, backfil1.
rehinchido m (Col), rubble filling in a wall with
ashlar faces.
rehincho m, filling, backfilling.
rehundir, to deepen, cut down.
reina! (Col), (tu) queen post.
reja f, rack, grating, grill" grille; plowshare;
-- de barras, bar screen.
-- sacudidora, shaking screen.
rejado m, grating.
m, checkerboard pile of brick to dry.
rejalgar m (miner), realgar.
rejera! (nut), mooring line, painter.
-- de popa, stern fasto
-- de proa, bow fast, head fast, painter.
-- de travs, breast fasto
rejilla!, rack, grating, grl, grille, bar screen.
-- aceleradora (ra), accelerating grid.
- amortiguadora (hid), stilling rack.
- atrapadora (cal), trap grate.
- coladera o contra basuras (hid), trashrack.
- de carga espacial (ra), spaee-charge grid.
- de control (ra), control grid.
-- de difracci6n, diffraction grating.
-- de espumas (dac), scum grid.
- de flujo mltiple (elc), multiflow grid.
-- de inyeccin (ra), injection grid.
- de paletas (is) (Es), wing screen.
- del radiador (auto), radiator grille.
- de s,eguridad, safety grating (floor).
- de sumidero (al), catch-basin grating.
-- de supresi6n (ra), Supprcssor grid.
-- de ventilaci6n, louver; ventilation grillo
-libre (ra), floating or free grid.
--para maletas, baggage rack.
- para peces (hid), fish sereen.
rejilla-pantalla (ra), screen grid.
rej6n m (M), rubble stone; spall.
rejonear (M), to chink (dry wali).
rejuntador m, pointing trowel.
rejuntar (mam), to point, fil1 joints.
rejuvenecimiento m (gcol), rejuvenation.
rel (elc), rel, unit of reluctance.
relaci6n!, relation, ratio; reporto
-- agua-cemento (eonc), water-eement ratio.
-- crtica de huecos (ms), critical void ratio.
-- de absorci6n (il), absorption ratio.
-- de aguante, endurance ratio.
-'- de amortiguaci6n (elc) (mec) , damping
- de amplitud (elc), amplitude ratio.
-- de atenuacin (ra), attenuation ratio.
- de calor sensible (aa), sensible-heat factor.
-- de carbn animal (az), char capacity, bone-
black ratio.
-- de compresin, compression ratio.
-- de consistencia (ms), consistency indexo
-- de contraccin (ms), shrinkage ratio.
-- de convexidad (sol), convexity ratio.
-- de depsito (sol), deposition efficiency.
__ de desviacin (016e), deviation ratio or fae-
-- de engranajes, goar ratio.
-- de esbeltez (est), slonderness ratio.
-- d;} escala (fma), seale fraetion.
-- de fase (e16e), phase relation.
-- de floculacin (pa), floeeulation faetor or
__o de fusin (sol), melting ratio.
-- de huecos (ms), pore or voids ratio.
-- de humedad, (ae) humidity ratio, speeifie
humidity; (sm) moisture indexo
-- de impedancia (e16e), impedanee ratio.
-- de oxgeno (geol), oxygen ratio, aeidity eo-
-- de recuperacin (ms), reeovery ratio.
-- de resalto, projeetion ratio (eulvert).
-- de retroceso aparente (an) , apparent slip
-- de retroceso real (an), true slip ratio.
-- del talud, rate of slope, slope ratio.
- de torbellino (hid), swirl ratio.
-- de transformacin (e16e), transformer ratio.
- de vueltas (elc), tum ratio.
-- gas-petrleo, gas-oil ratio.
--hemisfrica (il), hemispherieal ratio.
--modular, modular ratio.
-- seal a ruido (ra), signal-noise ratio.
-- seal-imagen (tv), irnage ratio.
--slice-sesqulxido (ms), siliea-sesquioxide
relal, relas m (ele), relay.
-- a presin, pressure relay.
-- avisador, aIarm relay.
-- ayudante, auxiliary relay.
-- de accin retardada, timing relay.
-- de aleta, vane-type relay.
-- de baja tensin, undervoltage relay.
-- de cierre, closing relay.
-- de corriente baja, undereurrent relay.
-- de corriente inversa, reverse-current or eur-
rent-direetional relay.
-- de direccin, direetional relay.
-- de distancia, distance relay.
- de equilibrio de fase, phase-balanee relay.
-- de fase abierta, open-phase relay.
-- de gasto, flow relay.
-- de inversin de fase, reverse-phase 01' phase-
rotation relay.
- de lnea, line relay.
-- de maniobra, control relay.
-- de potencia, power relay.
-- de potencia baja, underpower relay.
-- de retardo, tirne-delay relay.
-- de sincronizacin, synehronizing relay.
-- de sobrecarga, overload relay.
-- de sobrecorriente, overeurrent relay.
-- de sobretensin, overvoltage relay.
-- de tensin, voltage relay.
- de tiempo fijo, definite-time relay.
-- de tierra, ground relay.
-- de transferencia, power-transfer relay.
- de va (fe), traek relay.
-- diferencial, differential or balaneed rolay.
-- disparador, trip relay.
-- enclavador o fijador, loeking relay.
-- para cambio de fase, phase-rotation relay.
-- para puesta a tierra, ground relay.
-- para sentido de corriente, reverse-eurrent or
current-direetional relay.
-- para sentido de fuerza, power-direetional
-- para sentido de sobrecorriente, direetional
overeurrent relay.
--polarizado, polarized or polarity-direetional
--protector, proteetive relay.
--trmico, temperature or thermal relay.
relajamiento m (met) (ra) , relaxation.
-- del esfuerzo, stress relaxation.
-- de tensin (A), stress relaxation.
relaje (m) del embrague (auto) (A), c1uteh re-
relaminado, rerolled (steel).
relmpago m, lightning.
relampaguear, to flash.
relampagueo m, flashing.
relato m, report; statement.
relator m, reporter, relator, spokesman (usually
attaehed to a board or eommission and
frequently is a teehnieal eonsultant).
relavador m, rewasher.
relaves m (min),'tailings.
rel m (ele), relay (see relal).
relejar, to taper, slope; to step baek (wall); to
releje m, taper, batter, step-baek; (Pe) (B) tirn-
bering or masonry support in a mine.
relentido m (Es), slowing down.
relevador m, release, tripping deviee; (elee) relay
(see relal).
relevamiento m, topographieal survey; (A)(U)
--nivomtrico, snow survey.
-- planimtrico (A), plane survey.
--taquimtrico (A), stadia survey.
relevar, to take topography; to release.
relevo m, relief, shift (men); (meeh) relief.
-- de terreno, topography.
relieve m, relief (map); relief (eutter).
relinga J, boltrope, rope reinforeing edge of
reliz m (M), plane bounding vein of ore or fault;
- del alto (M), hanging wall.
- del bajo (M), footwall.
relocalizacin J, reloeation.
reloj m, wateh, c1oek.
- de agua (e), water meter.
-- de arena, sandglass.
- de gas (e), gas meter.
-- de segundos muertos, stop wateh.
-- fechador, time stamp.
--marcador de tiempo, time c1oek.
-- para sereno, watehman's cloek.
relojero, mecanismo, elockwork.
reluctancia J (ele), reluetanee, magnetic resist-
-- especfica, reluetivity, specifie reluetanee
magnetic resistivity. '
reluctividad J (elc), reluetivity, speemo relue-
rellano m, stair landing.
rellenador m, (rd) filler; (str) filler plateo
rellenadora J (ee), baekfiller.
rellenar, to baekfill, fill, refill; (eab) to worm
relleno m, baekfilling, filling, fill, earth fill mier'
(eab) worming; (elee eab) bedding' ,
- de tope (Ee), baokfill. .
- para hendeduras (oa), oraek filler.
remachacar, to recrush.
remachado m, riveting.
-- a mano, hand riveting.
-- a solapa, lap-riveted.
- a tope, butt-riveted.
- de montaje, field riveting.
-- de taller, shop riveting.
remachador m, riveting hammer; civeter.
- apretura (eh), pneumatic holder-on
-- de presin, rivet squeezer. .
remachadura J, riveting.
-- a presin, squeeze or press riveting.
-- de puntos, stiteh riveting.
-- en caliente, hot riveting.
-- en fro, cold riveting.
-- en obra, field riveting.
remachar, to rivet; to clinch.
remache m, rivet.
-- abocardado, eountersunk civeto
- ciego, blind rivet.
- de argolla, rivet ringbolt. '
- de cabeza achatada, flathead rivet.
-- de cabeza cilndrica, machine-head rivet.
- de cabeza chanfleada (A), panhead rivet.
- de. cabeza de botn o de hongo, buttonhead
-- de cabeza de cono, steeple-head rivet.
-- de cabeza de con? truncado, conehead rivet.
-- de cabeza embutida, countersunk
-- de cabeza rasa, flush rivet.
-- de cabeza segmental, truss-head rivet.
-- de campo o de montaje, field rivet.
-- de cierre, closing rivet.
- de hilvn (M), stitch rivet.
-- de hojalatera, tinner's rivet.
-- de ojo, rivet eye bolt.
-- de punto, stitch rivet.
- de redoblar, clineh rivet.
- de taller, shop rivet.
- de .tuerca, Rivnut (trademark).
-- flOJO, loose rivet.
remandrilar, to rebore (eylinder)' to reroll
(boiler tubes). '
remanejar, remanipular, to rehandle.
remanejo,. remampuleo m, rehandling.
remanenCla J, remanenee, residual magnetism
remanente, residual, remanent. .
remansar (Es), lO dam, impound; remansarse,
to back up (water).
remanso m, baekwater, stagnant water, pool.
rematante (Es), sueeessful bidder.
to finish, top out; to auotion; to take
blds; to foreolose.
remate m, bidding, auction; top,
crest, finishmg pleee; (M) pile eap.
- de torre (pet), masthead.
rematista (Pe), bidder.
remedir, to remeasure.
remendador (m) de mangueras, hose mender.
remendar, to patch; to repair.
remesa J, shipment; remittanee.
remezclar, to remix.
m (eol)(Ec), light earthquake.
remtendo m, patch; repair.
- en fro (ca), cold patch.
remocin J, (M) diseharge (men).
-- de tierra, dirt moving.
remodelar, (A) (e) to remodeL
remojar, to wet, moisten, drench, 8Oak.
remolcador m, a tug.
remolcar, to tow.
remoldabilidadJ (conc), remoldability.
remoldeo m, (conc) remolding' (sm) smear
molding. ' , re-
remoledor (m) tubular, tube millo
to regrind; to grind.
remolinar (r), to eddy swirl
m, ed?y, whrlpool; whirlwind (di) air
sW1rl; (mm) pocket of ore.' ,
- de fondo (hid), bottom roller
-- de viento, whirlwind.
remolque m, towing; trailer; tow.
- de plataforma, platform trailer.
- de volteo, dump traller.
-- para camin, truck trailer.
- para carrete (elc), cable-reel trailer.
- para postes, pole trailer.
-- tanque, tank trailer.
- tipo cuello de cisne, gooseneck trailer
--voleador, dump trailer.
(m) de pintura, paint remover.
remoVlble, removable.
rendija J, crack, crevice.
rendimiento m, effieiency, output, yield, duty;
runoff; revenue, earnings.
- anodico o de placa (ra), plate efficiency.
-- (maq), apparent efficiency.
- cuntico (ra), quantum efficiency.
- de. humedecimiento (aa), humidifying effi-
- de la red. (elc), system efficiency.
-- de reflective efficiency.
-- de rated efficiency.
- de (elc), energy or watt-hour
- v:oltios, volt efficiency (battery).
- diana (';Uaq), all-dayefficiency.
- econmtco commercial effioiency.
- sJ?ecific yield (ground water); apeo
capaClty (Pump).
-lummoso o luminous efficiency.
- seguro, safe Yleld (ground water).
- t.otal (maq), over-all effioiency.
rendir, to produce, yield.
reniforme, reniform.
renovable, renewable.
renovacin f, renewal, replacement.
reseccin reseccionar
renta /, ineome, revenue; renta!.
-- bruta, gross ineome.
rentas de explotacin, operating revenue.
renvalsar (Es), to rabbet.
renvalso m (earp)(Es), rabbet.
re6foro m (ele), rheophore.
remetro m, (elee) rheometer; (hyd) current
reosttico, rheostatic.
restato m (elc), rheostat.
-- de agua, water rheostat.
-- de arranque, starting rheostat.
- de rejilla, grid rheostat.
_ regulador del campo, field rheostat.
reostriccin/ (elc), pineh effect.
reotano m, rheotan (allOY). ,
retomo m (ele), rheotome, interrupter.
reotrn m (ra) , rheotron, betatron, induetion
retropo m (ele), rheotrope.
reoxigenacin /, reoxygenation.
reparaciones /, repairs.
reparador m, repairman, serviceman.
- de lneas (ele), lineman.
reparar, to repair.
reparo m, repair, repairing; proteetion, defense;
reparticin /, distribution; division, seetion, de-
- de las cargas, load distribution.
-- de costos, eost distribution.
-- de los esfuerzos, stress distribution.
-- de las presiones, distribution of pressures.
-lineal, straight-line distribution.
repartidor m, (t) fuller, spreader; any distribut-
ing deviee; (A) offieial eharged with distri-
bution of irrigation water.
- de carga (ele), load dispateher.
repartidora / (hid), distributor.
repartir, to distribute.
reparto m, distribution; real-estate deve10pment,
- de las aguas (top) (Col), ridge, divide.
repasadera / (earp), finishing planeo
repasar, to review; to revise; (th) to ehase; (mas)
(C) to point; (pet) to reeyele.
repaso m, review, revision; (pet) reeyeling.
repavimentar, to repave.
repecho m, ramp, incline.
repelente m a, repellent.
-- al agua, water-repellent.
--al fuego, fire-resistant.
repeler (ele), to repelo
repelo m (mad), crooked grain; eross grain.
repeloso, cross-grained; erooked-grained.
repellador m, plasterer.
repellar, to plaster, stueeo.
repello m, stueeo, plaster.
--acstico, aeoustie plaster.
- de asfalto, asphalt putty.
repetidor m (tel) (mat) (met), repeater.
-- de regeneracin, regenerative repeater.
repicar (cone), to roughen with a piek or ham-
mer and chisel.
repiquetear (maq), to c1atter, ehatter.
1'""1. (n13o). ehattf.'riup;.
repisa (f) de ventana, window stool 01' sill.
replanteador m, layer-out.
replantear, to layout.
replanteo m, laying out.
replegable, folding, retractable.
replegador m (en), flange turner (man).
replegadora/ (en), joggling maehine.
repoblacin (j) forestal, reforestation.
reporte m (M), reporto
reposadero m, reposadera/, settling basin, sump.
reposarse, to settle (sediment).
reposicin /, replaeement; (elee) reset.
- manual (ele), hand reset.
reposiciones (maq), replaeement parts.
reposo m, settling, depositing sedimento
repotenciar (A), to reeondition an engine.
represa /, dam; reservoir; damming, impound-
ing; (M) (V) loek; check in a canal.
--de almacenamiento, storage reservoir.
-- derivadora, diversion dam.
--insumergible, nonoverflow dam.
-- sumergible, spillway dam, weir.
represar, to dam, impound.
reproduccin /, reproduetion.
reproductor m (ra) (fma), reprodueer.
-- de imgenes (tv), image reeonstruetor.
repuestos m, spare parts.
repulsin / (ele), repulsion.
repulsor m (ra), rejeetor.
repuntar, (r) to begin to rise; (ti) to turn, begin
to ebb or flow.
repunte (m) de la marea, slaek tide, turn of the
requemado, overburned.
requiebro m, reerushing.
requintar, (CA) to tighten; (rr) (M) to tamp ties
(M) to wedge.
rerradiacin /, reradiation.
rerroscar, to rethread.
resaca/, surf, ground roller, undertow, outgoing
wave, baekwash; (A) deposit of silt; (M)
dry bed of a stream.
resaltar, to projeet.
resalte m. projeetion.
resalto m, projeetion, salient, step, offset; (surv)
offset; (hyd) defleetor sill; hydraulie jump.
- dentado (hid), dentated sill.
- hidrulico, hydraulie jump.
resanar, (rd) to mend; (eone) to pateh and point.
resbaladera /, slide.
- del ancla (en), billboard.
resbaladeras (mh), ways.
resbaladero m (min), ore chute.
resbaladizo, slippery, (rd) sliek.
resbalamiento m, sliding, slipping; skidding
landslide; (A) shearing stress.
- y giro, sliding and overturning (dam).
resbalar, to slide, slip, skid.
resbalo m, steep slope.
resbaln m, landslide; (min) fault; (auto) skid.
resbaloso, slippery.
rescatar, to salvage, reeover.
resecar, to dry; to drain.
reseccin J (lev), reseetion.
-- en espado, spaee reseetion.
-- plana, plane reseetion.
reseccionar (lev), to reeross-seetion.
resecuente, resequent.
reseguro m, reinsurance.
reserva J, reserve.
- conectada a la barra colectora (ele), spin-
ning reserve.
- de flotabilidad (an), reserve buoyaney.
-- de la red (ele), system reserve.
-- fuera de funcionamiento (ele), eold reserve.
-- fuera de servicio (ele), hot reserve.
reservas (min), reserves.
--petrolferas, oil reserves.
-- probadas (pet), proven reserves.
reservorio, reservatorio m, reservoir.
-- de almacenamiento, storage reservoir.
-- de distribucin, distributing reservoir.
--regulador, regulating reservoir.
resfriar, to eool; (met) to ehill.
resguardo m, guard; shelter; (eom) eollatera1;
elearanee; (hyd) freeboard; (M) voueher.
- para caminos, highway guard (cable).
--para encintado, eurb nosing.
residenciaJ (M), resident engineer's offiee.
residual m a, residual.
residuo 'm, residue; sludge; (math) remainder.
-- de cloro (pa), ehlorine residual.
-- de cloro combinado disponible, eombined
available ehlorine residual.
- de cloro libre disponible, free available
ehlorine residual.
-- elctrico, eleetrie residue, residual eharge.
residuos, rubbish, garbage; (min) tailings; (geol)
residual soil.
-- arcillosos, residual elay.
-- cloacales, sewage.
-- de cantera, quarry spalls.
-- de chancado, stone sereenings.
-- de hierro, serap iron, junk.
resiliencia J (C), resilienee.
resina J, resin, pitch.
resinificar, to resinify.
resinoide m, resinoid.
resinoso, resinous.
resntesis J, resynthesis.
resistencia /, resistanee, strength; (elee) resist-
anee, resistoI.
- al aplastamiento, erushing strength.
-- al cizallamiento o a la cortadura, shearing
strength 01' resistance.
-- a la compresin, eompressive strength.
- al desgarramiento (est), erippling strength.
-- a la extensin, tensile strength.
- al fallar, breaking or ultimate strength.
-- a la fatiga, fatigue resistance.
- al flarilbeo (M), eolumn strength.
-- a la flexin, bending strength.
- a la fractura o a la rotura, breaking strength.
-- a punto cedente, yield strength.
-- a reventar, bursting strength.
-- al rodamiento, rolling resistance.
-- a la torsin, torsional strength.
-- a la traccin, tensile strength.
-- aisladora, eleetrie 01' dieleetrie 01' insulating
- amortiguada (ra), bloeked resistanee.
- autorreguladora (ra), ballast resistor.
- conmutadora (ele), load-shifting resistor.
- de agua (ele), water rheostat.
- de alta frecuencia (ra), high-frequeney or
radiofrequeney resistanee.
-- de arranque, starting resistance.
- de carga, (ra) load resistor; (M) compressive
- de carga de placa (ra), plate load resistance.
- de columna, (str) eolumn strength; (Pi) point
- de compensacin (ra), ballast resistor 01'
tube; (A) bleeder resistanee.
- de contacto de escobilla (ele), brush-eon-
taet resistance.
- de dispersin (ele), leakage resistance.
- de drenaje (ra), bleeder resistor.
-- de frotamiento o de rozamiento, frietional
-- de materiales, strength of materials.
- de placa (ra), plate or anode resistanee.
-- de polarizacin negativa (ra), bias resistor.
-- de puesta en marcha, starting resistanee.
- de punta (Pi), point resistanee.
-- de radiofrecuencia, radiofrequeney or high-
frequency or effeetive resistance.
- de rejilla (ra), grid resistor, grid leak.
- del suelo, bearing power o the soil.
- de velocidad (fe), veloeity resistanee.
-- del viento, wind resistance.
- dcada (ra), decade resistance.
- derivadora (ra) , shunting resistor; (A)
bleeder resistor.
-- dielctrica, eleetrie or dieleetrie or disruptive
strength, die1eetrie rigidity.
- dinmica de placa (ra), dynarnie or altemat-
ing-current plate resistance.
- direccional (forja), direetionality.
-- efectiva (ra), effective 01' radiofrequeney
- especfica, unit strength; (e1ee) resistivity,
speeifie resistance.
- final, ultimate strength.
--friccional (an), skin 01' frietional resistanee.
- frontante (M), frietional resistance.
-hidrulica (ele), water rheostat.
- indicadora (ele), load-indieating resistor.
-lirnitadora de corriente (ele), eurrent-lirnit-
ing resistor.
--magntica, reluetanee, magnetie resistanee.
--magntica especfica, reluetivity.
- mecnica final (ais), ultimate meehanieal
- hmica o real (ele) , ohmie 01' true resistanee.
- reductora de luz (ele), dimrning resistor.
- sangradora (ra), bleeder resistor.
- superfilal (ele)(ef), surface resistance.
- tensora (M), tensile strength.
- trmica total (eO, over-all thermal resist-
resistencias de inercia (fe), inertis resistances.
resistencia-filtro (ra), filter resistor.
resistente, strong, resistant.
-- al agua, water-resistant.
- al calor, heat-resisting.
- a la fatiga (met), fatigue-resisting.
-- a la friccin, antifriction.
- al fuego, fire-resisting.
-- a la intemperie, weather-resisting.
-- a la podricin, rot-resistant.
resistividad J (elc)(cf), resistivity, specific re-
- de volumen, volume resistivity.
--magntica, magnetic resistivity, specific re-
resistivo (elc), resistive.
resistor m (elc), resistor.
-- amortiguador, damping resistor.
resnatrn m (ra), resnatron.
resolver (mat), to solve.
resolladero m, vent; (C) point where under-
ground stream emerges.
resonador m, resonator; (tel) sounder, receiver.
-- agrupador, buncher, buncher resonator.
-- colector, catcher, catcher resonator.
-- piezoelctrico, piezo resonator.
resonancia J, resonance.
- de fase o de velocidad (elc), phase or veloc-
ity resonance.
-- natural (elc), natural or period resonance.
resonante, resonant.
resonar, to resonate.
resorte m, spring (steel).
-- antagonista, resisting or antagonistic or re-
lease spring.
- de anillo, hoop spring.
- de ballesta o de hojas, laminated spring.
-- de espira cnica, volute spring.
--'de retroaccin, antagonistic spring.
__ode tirabuzn, spiral spring.
-- de torsin, torsion spring.
-- espiral, coil or spira! spring.
--recuperador, recoil spring.
-- retenedor, retainer spring.
--retractor o de retorno o de retroceso, retract-
ing or return spring.
-- tensor, tension or extension spring.
resorteo m (M),1"esilience.
respaldar, to back up,support.
respaldo m, back; (min) wall of a vein; (w) back-
ing strip; shoulder of a road.
- alto (min), hanging wall.
-- b:ljo (min) , footwall.
respiracin J (transformador), breathing.
respiradero m, air inlet, ror valve, vent, breather;
ventilation shaft.
- del sifn (pb), crown vento
respirador m, respirator.
resplandor m (il), glare.
responsabilidad J, responsibility; (leg) liability.
- civil, civilliability, (ins) public liability.
-- contingente, contingent liability.
responsabilidades ante terceros, public liabil-
responsabilidades de patrones, employers' lia-
respuesta J (ra), response.
- de faja, flat or band-pass response.
- de frecuencia, frequency response.
--indebida, spurious response.
resquebrajar, resquebrajarse, to crack, split.
resquebrajo m, crack, split, fissure.
resquebrar, resquebrarse, to crack, split.
resquicio m, crack, crevice, split, chink; (top) (M)
resta J, subtraction.
restante m, remainder; a remaining, residual.
restar, to subtract.
restaurador m (ra), restorer.
restinga J, ledge of rock, reef; sand bar.
restirador m (M), drafting board.
restitucin J (geof) (fma), restitution.
restituidor m (fma), restitution machine.
restituir (fma), to restitute.
resto m (mat), remainder.
resudamiento m, sweating, condensation; seepo-
age, slight leakage.
. resulfitacin J (az), resulpbitation.
resultante J a, resultant.
resumidero m, catch basin, sump.
retacador m, calker.
__o de relleno, backfill tamper.
retacar, to calk; to tamp; (min) to pack behind
the lagging.
retallar, to offset, step.
retallo m, offset, setback, setoff.
- de derrame (ed), water table.
retama J (A), a hardwood.
retaque m, calking; packing; tamping.
retardacin J, deceleration; retardation; lag.
retardador m, retarder (all senses).
-- de incendios, fire-retardant.
- de troncos (ef), deadener.
-- de vagones, car retarder.
retardamiento m, lag.
retardar, to retard; to decelerate.
retardo m, deceleration; delay; (eng) lag.
- de la explosin (vol), firing delay.
-- de la inflamacin, ignition lag.
-- de la inyeccin (di), injection lag.
-- de tiempo, time lag.
--viscoso (pa), viscous drago
retazos m, scrap.
-- de fundicin, casting scrap.
retemplar, to retemper.
retn m, pawl, catch, dog, fastener.
-- de aceite, oil retainer.
- de la barrena, steel retainer (drill).
-- de bolas, ball retainer (bearing).
-- de cadena (cn), chain stopper.
-- de engrase (M), grease seal.
- de lubricacin (M), oil seal.
-- de resorte, spring catch.
-- de seguridad, safety catch.
-,- de tuerca, nut retainer.
-- de vlvula, valve retainer.
-- de vidrio, glazing molding,
retencin (1) especfica (irr), specific retention.
retenedor m (mec), retainer.
-- de cemento (pet), cement retainer.
-- del empaque, packing retainer.
-- de grasa, grease retainer.
-- de puerta, door holder.
retenida J, guy, tieback, (elec rr) bridle, (sb)
- a tierra (elc), down guy, anchor guy.
-- area (elc), span guy.
- final (elc), head guy.
retenidas de lnea (elc), line guys.
retentividad J (elc), retentivity.
retcula J, retculo m (inst), cross hairs, reticle.
reticulacin J (fma), reticulation.
reticulado m, framework; (A) truss; a framed.
-- de alambre, wire mesh.
reticular, reticular, framed (structure).
retculo estadimtrico, diaphragm with stadia
retintn m, (eng) knocking.
retirado m (Col), setback, offset, recess.
retirador m (as), receder.
retirar (pi), to retracto
retitulacin J, back-titration.
retorcer, retorcerse, to twist
retorcido m (cab), layo
- a la derecha, right layo
- a la izquierda, left layo
-- corriente o regular, regular layo
-- en caliente, hot-twisted.
-- en fro, cold-twisted.
- paralelo, lang layo
retorno m, return.
-- a masa (elc), ground return.
retorta 1, retort.
retraccin J, retraction.
- de fraguado (eonc) (Es), shrinkage in setting.
retrctil, retrable, retraetible.
retranca J, brake.
retrancar, to brake.
retranque m (Col), skew, bevel.
retranqueo m (Es), braking.
retranquero m, brakeman.
retransmisin J (ra), retransmission.
retransmisora J, retransmitting station.
retrasador m (fma), restrainer.
retrasar, to retard.
retraso m, retardation, delay; (elec) (hyd) (ti) lag.
- de la escobilla (ele), brush lag.
- de fase (ele), phase lag.
retrazado m (fe) (ca), reloeation.
retrazar (lev), to retraee.
retrete m, water closet, toilet room,latrine, privy.
-- a la turca, hole in floor with plaees for feet.
retribucin (f) fija (Ee), fixed fee.
retriturar, to reerush.
retroacci6n J (ra), rtroaetion.
retroactivo (ra), retroaetive.
retroalimentacin J (elc), feedback.
retroarco m (ra), are-baek.
retroceder, to recede; (auto) to back up.
retrocesin J (bid), reeession, retrogression.
retroceso m, backward motion; (elee) (hyd) retro-
- de la llama, (auto) backfiring; (w) flashback.
retroexcavadoraJ, dragshovel, baekdigger, trench
retrgrado, retrograde.
retrolectura J, backsight (leveling).
retromarcha J (maq), reversing, baeking.
retrovisor (auto), rear-vision (mirror).
retrovisual J (lev), backsight.
retundir (mam)(Col), to point.
reubicacin J, relocation.
reuni6n J, meeting.
revancha J (bid), freeboard.
revelado m (fma), developing.
revelador m, (pmy) developer; (elec) detector.
- de grano fino, fine-grain developer.
revelar (fma), to develop.
revenci6n J (A), saturation, waterlogging.
revenido (A), waterlogged.
revenimiento m, cave-in; (A) waterlogging'
(cone)(M) slump; (min) draw. '
revenir, (Sp) to anneal; revenirse, to cave,
reventadero m, rough ground; (min) outcrop.
reventar, to burst, explode, blow out; reventarse,
to burst; (bl) to go off.
reventaz6n J, blowout; (top)(A) spur; breaker
revent6n m, blowout, explosion; (min) outerop;
(M) ehalk lineo
reverberador m, reverberator.
reverberar, to reverberate.
reverberatorio, reverberatory.
reverbero m, reverberation; reverberator.
reversibilidad 1, reversibility.
reversible, reversible.
reversin J (trnsito) (Es), plunging.
reverso m, baek, rear side.
revs m, baek, reverse side.
revesa J, countereurrent, eddy.
revesar, to eddy.
revestido de cemento, cement-lined.
revestidor m (pet), liner.
r e v e s t i ~ e n t ~ m, lining, facing, sheathing, sur-
faerng; rnvestment, eoating; revetment.
-- aerocelular, air-eell pipe eovering.
-- calorfugo, heat insulation.
-- de embrague, elutch facing or lining.
-- de taludes, slope paving, riprap.
-- de zanjas, trench sheeting.
--por rotaci6n (tub), spun lining.
--' sordo, soundproof sheathing.
revestir, to line, faee, surfaee, ceil, coat.
revirado, twisted.
reviro m (an), fiare.
revisador m, inspector; auditor.
revisar, to inspect; to audit, check.
revisin J, inspection, review, examination.
-- aduanera, customs inspeetion.
-- de cuentas, audito
revisor (m) de cuentas, auditor.
revivificaci6n J (quim), revivification.
revocador m, plasterer.
revocar, to plaster, stucco.
revoco m, stueeo, plastering.
revoltura J, mixture; (cone) batch; (M) mortar.
-- de comprobaci6n o de contraensayo (conc),
check batch.
- de tanteo, trial batch.
revoluci6n J (maq), revolution.
revolvedoraJ (eonc) (M), mixer.
-- de cami6n, truek or transit mixer.
-- de lechada, grout mixer.
--intermitente, batch mixer.
--pavimenfadora, paving mixer.
revolver, to revolve, turn; to turn over, mix; to
agitate, stir.
revoque m, stuceo, plaster.
- a presin (A), gunite.
-- antisonoro, acoustic plaster.
robinete robinete
- rustico, rough plaster.
revuelta!, winding; a turno
rey m, (tu) (Col) king post.
reyectador m (ra) (M), rejector.
rezaga! (tn) (M), muck. '
rezagador, rezaguero m (tn) (!M), m u c ~ e r .
rezagadora! (tn)(M), muckmg machine, tun-
nel shovel.
rezago m, salvage material; (A) scrap; (min) ore
left in a mine.
rezn m, grappling iron.
rezumadero m, cesspool; sump; seep.
rezumarse, to percolate, seep, ooze.
ra!, estuary, creek.
riacho m, small stream.
riachuelo, small river, creek.
riada!, flood.
ribazo m, steep riverbank.
ribera!, riverbank; shore, beach, foreshore.
riberano, ribereo, riparian.
riberanos, ribereos m, riparian owners.
ribero m, dike, levee.
ribete m, curb bar, corner bead, any protecting
ribeteadora! (eh), beading machine.
riego m, irrigation; sprinkling.
-- con rebordes, border irrigation.
-- de aguas negras (dac), broad irrigation.
- de liga (ca) (A), tack coat.
- intermitente (dac) (Es), intermittent filtra-
--por surcos, furrow irrigation.'
-- subterrneo (dac), subsurface irrigation.
riel m, rall; (hw) track; (met) ingot.
-- acanalado, streetcar rall, girder rall.
-- conductor, third rall.
-- contraaguja, stock rail.
- de ala, wing rail (frog).
- de boca (fc), toe rail (frog).
-- de cambio, switch rail or point.
-- de canal o de garganta o de ranura, grooved
or streetcar rail.
- de contacto inferior (elc), underrunnng
third rail.
-- de contacto superior, overnmning third rall.
-- de desecho, scrap rail.
- de doble hongo, double-headed rail (Euro-o
- de gua, (rr) guardrail; (elev) guide rall.
-- de hongo o de patn, T rail, standard rallroad
-- de punta, switch point.
-- de tlfer, tram rail.
- de toma (elc), third or conductor rall.
-- de tranva, streetcar rall.
-- dentado, rack rail.
- doble T, girder rall.
--Viguoles, T rall, standard railroad rail.
- de arranque (fc), lead rails.
-- del camarn (asc), car rails.
- del contrapeso (asc), counterweight ralls.
rielera! (met), ingot moldo
rielero m (fc), track laborer, trackman.
rienda!, (A) guy.
riesgo m, risk, hazard.
- de guerra (seg), war risk.
-- de incendio, fire hazard or risk.
--martimo, marine risk.
rifle m, rime.
rigidez!, stiffness, rigidity.
-- a la flexin, flexural rigidity.
rgido, rigid, stiff.
rigola! (Es), small trench, drain.
rima! (C)(M), reamer.
rimar (C)(M), to reamo
rimero m, pile, stack.
rincn m, corner, angle (interior); groin.
--vivo, square root (angle).
rinconera!, corner, angle; corner bracket; corner
rin m, haunch (arch).
ro m, river, stream.
-- abajo, downstream.
-- arriba m, headwater; adv upstream.
-- consecuente, consequent stream.
-- de marea, tidal river.
-- flotable, river navigable for rafts only.
-- subsecuente, subsequent stream.
riolita! (geol), rhyolite.
riostra!, brace, shore; stay bolt; tie beam.
--angular, angle or knee brace.
-- contracimbreo o contraladeo, sway bracing.
-- cruzadas, X bracing; bridging (wood floor).
-- de contratensin (pte), counterbracing.
- del portal (pte), portal bracing.
--laterales, lateral bracing.
riostrar, to brace; to stay.
ripia!, shingle; (Col) shavings.
ripiador m, shingler.
ripiar, to shingle; to surface with gravel.
ripio m, gravel; brickbats; spalls, chips; (pet)
ripioso, gravelly.
risco m, cliff, crag.
risimetro m (hid), rhysimeter.
ristrel m, scantling, batten, lath, any strip of
rivera!, brook, small stream.
robadera! (Es), drag scraper.
robar (Col), (mas) to rake joints; (carp) to bevel.
robn m, rusto
robinete m, valve, cock; bibb, faucet.
-- con tope y desage, cock with check and
-- de cabeza en T, T-head stopcock.
-- de cabeza plana, flathead stopcock.
-- de cilindro, cylinder cock.
-- de compresin, compression cock.
-- de comprobacin (c;tl), try cock.
-- de copa, (eng) priming cup.
-- de cordn, curb cock (water service).
-- de cuatro salidas, four-')'ay cock.
-- de derivacin, service stop.
-- de descarga, blowoff cock.
-- de dos vas, two-way cock.
-- de empaque acanalado, channel-packed or
U-packe<i cock.
-- de prueba (cal), try or gage cock.
- de purga, blowoff or drain or drip cock.
-- de resorte, sprinl'-loaded cock,
-- de triple paso, tn.ree-way cock.
- empaquetado de asbesto, asbestos-packed
-libre (U), unmdtered water-service connec-
-- municipal, corporation cock (water service).
-- para hidrante, hydrant stop.
--para salmuera, brine cock.
- purgador de espumas, scum cock.
robinetera!, stock of valves; valve making.
robinia! (mad), locust.
roblar, to clinch, rivet.
TOble m, oak (and other hardwoods).
- albar, white oak.
-- amarillo, yellow or chinquapin oak.
-- blanco de pantano, swamp white oak.
-- carrasqueo, pin oak.
-- castao o montas, chestnut oak.
-- colorado, red or turkey or Spanish oak.
- negral, black oak.
- pelln (A), a hardwood.
--vivo o siempre verde, live oak.
robln m, rivet; (Col) ridge roof tile.
-- de cabeza chata, flathead rivet.
-- de cabeza redonda, buttonhead rivet.
-- de cierre, closing rivet.
-- de montaje o de obra, field rivet.
-- de taller, shop rivet.
-- embutido, countersunk rivet.
roblonado m, riveting.
-- a mano, hand riveting.
-- con recubrimiento, lap-riveted.
-- de simple unin, stitch riveting.
-- en obra, field riveting.
roblonador m, riveter; riveting hammer.
roblonadora (f) neumtica, air riveting hammer.
roblonadura!, riveting.
-- de campo, field riveting.
-- de puntos, stitch riveting.
-- sencilla, single riveting.
roblonar, to rivet.
robrar, to rivet, clinch.
roca!, rock.
-- asbestina, asbestos rock.
-- calcrea, limestone.
-- conglomerada, conglomerate.
-- de caja (min), country rock.
- de respaldo (geol) (min) , wall rock.
-- decompuesta, disintegrated rock.
-- desecha, rotten rock.
- determinante (pet), key rock.
-- en banco, ledge rock.
-- en pedrapln, rock fili.
- encajonante (min)(B), country rock.
- fija, ledge or solid rock.
-- filoniana, dike roek.
--firme, ledge rock; sound rock.
-- floja, loose rock.
-- maciza, solid 'ock.
-- madre (min), country rock.
-- muerta, rotten rock.
--petrolfera, oil rock.
--picada, crushed stone.
- resca (Col), ledge rock.
--rodada, boulder.
-- sana, sound roek.
-- suelta, loose rock.
--trapeana, traprock, trap.
- verde (geol), greenstone.
- virgen (Es), ledge rock.
--viva, ledge rock.
rocas de cubierta (pet), cap rock.
rocalla!, pebbles; stone chips, spalls; talus.
rocalloso, rocky.
roce m, friction; (Ch) clearing (land).
--resbaladizo, sliding friction.
--rodadero, rolling friction.
rocera!, clearing (land).
rociador m, spraying nozzle.
-- automtico, automatic sprinkler.
-- de brea, tar spray.
-- de pintura, airbrush, paint sprayer.
r&ciar, tosprinkle, spray.
roco m, dew; light shower; spray; sprink1ing.
-- de enfriamiento, cooling spray.
--metlico, metal spraying, metalizing.
rocoso, rocky.
roda! (cn), stem.
- de popa, sternpost.
--lanzada, clipper bow.
rodada!, rut, wheel track; treadway.
rodado m, cobble, boulder; (min) nugget; nm-
ning gear; tread of a wheel; a rounded.
-- tipo oruga, erawler tread.
rodadura!, rolling; rut; tread of a wheel; (lbr)
-- de traccin, traction tread (tire).
- pasante (mad), through shake.
rodaja!, sheave; small wheel, easter.
rodaje m, tread of a wheel; small wheel; set of
wheels; (ap) taxiing; (Pe) tax on vehicles.
rodamen m, wheels and axle; (Sp) roller bearing.
rodamiento m, a bearing; revolving, rolling.
- de bolas, ball bearing.
-- de rodillos, roller bearing.
rodapi m (Col) (V), baseboard.
rodaplancha!, ward of a key.
rodar, to revolve, rollo
rodeo m, detour; traverse of a closed survey.
rodera!, ruto
rodete m, rotor, impeller, (pu) (turb) runner;
ring; (surv) (Sp) eloth tape that winds
into a case.
- acuado (Es), ring of segmcntal tunnellin-
- de giro (gr), bull wheel.
--fiador, ward of a lock.
--impulsor, pump runner.
rodillaje m (Ec), rolling, eompacting.
rodillar, to roll, compacto
rodillo m, roller.
-- a vapor, steam roller.
- activo (as), live rollo
--albardillado, troughing idler, concave roller.
-- alimentador o de avance, feed roll or roller
-- apisonador o compresor, tamping roller.
- aplastador (mh), crusher rollo
- de bachear (ca), patch roller.
-- de discos, disk roller.
-- de empatar, (sml) seaming rollo
-- de imbibicin (az), imbibition roller.
-- de leva, caro follower; cam roller.
rodillo 270 rosca
-- de neumticos, rubber-tired roller.
- de pie de cabra o pata de cabra, sheepsfoot
or tamping roller.
- de retorno (correa), return idler.
- gua, guide roller or pulley.
- inerte (as), dead rollo
--loco, idler roller or pulley.
-- moleteador, knurl roller.
-- para maderos, timber dolly.
-- para remiendos (ca), patch roller. .
- pata de oveja (Ec), sheepsfoot or tampmg
- patecabra (PR), sheepsfoot roller.
- tensor, tension roller, idler pulley.
- transferente (as), transfer rollo
- triturador, crushing rollo
- de carril (tc), track rollers.
-- de dilatacin (pte), expansion rollers.
-- de encorvar, bending rolls.
-- de enderezar, straightening rolls.
-- de formacin (met) , sizing or forming
- desbastadores (met), roughing rolls.
radio m (qu!m), rhodium.
rodocrosita f (miner), rhodochrosite, manganese
roentgen, roentgen (unit).
roentgenizacin f, roentgenization.
roentgenografa f, roentgenography.
roentgenograma m, roentgenogram, radiograph.
roer, to erode, corrode.
rojo m a, red.
- apagado, dull red.
-- cereza, cherry red.
-- de alizarina (is), alizarin red.
- de clorofenol (is), chlorphenol red.
-- de cresol (is), cresol red.
- de fenal (is), phenol red.
- de metilo (lab), methyl red.
-.- de pulir, rouge.
- de tolil (is), tolyl red.
rol m (M), roller.
- de pago (Ec), payroll.
rola f (V), log for the sawmill.
roladora f roll, roller.
rolar (M), to rollo
roldanaf, pulley, sheave; washer; spoolinsulator;
(e) tackle block.
-- aisladora, spool insulator.
- de polea (M), sheave.
- para <te guillotina, sash pulley.
-- plana, cut or fiat washer.
rolear (V), to cut into logs.
rolido m (nut) (A), rolling.
rolo m (Pan), roller.
rollete m, small roller; small wheel, caster\
-- de gua, stay or guide roller.
rollizo m, log.
rollo m, log; roller; roll, coil.
-- de alimentacin, feed roller.
romana f, scale, steelyard.
- de plataforma, platform scaIe.
-- de va, track scale.
romaneaje m, weighing.
romanear, to weigh.
romanilla f (V), slat construction (door or win
rombal, rmbico, rhombic, diamond-shaped.
rombo m, rhombus, rhomb, diamond (shape).
romboidal, rhomboidal.
romboide m (mat), rhomboid.
romo, blunt, obtuse.
rompealud m, structure to check slides of earth
or snow.
rompeastillas m '(em) , chip breaker.
rompecollares m (herr), collar buster.
rompedera f, blacksmith's puncho
rompedor m, breaker, crusher.
-- circular (A), gyratory crusher.
-- de caminos, road ripper, rooter.
-- de concreto, concrete or paving breaker.
-- de espuma (dac), scum breaker.
- de machos (fund), core buster.
-- de vaco, vacuum breaker.
- neumtico (M), paving breaker.
rompedora f, breaker, buster, paving breaker.
-- a cilindros, crushing roll, roll crusher.
-- de escorias (herr), clinker breaker.
-.- de n.ano, . .
rompehielos m, lcebreaker, nosmg of a pler.
romphuelga m (PR) (C), strikebreaker.
rompemachos m (fund), core buster.
rompeolas m, breakwater, jetty.
rompepavimentos m, paving breaker.
rompepiedras m, stone crusher.
romper, to break, crush, rupture.
-- juntas, to break joints.
romperremaches m, rivet buster.
romperrocas m (Es), rock crusher.
rompevientos m, windbreak.
rompevirutas m, nick in edge of drill to break up
rompiente m, reef, shoaI; nosing on a pier; surf,
rompimiento m (min), breaking through.
ronda f, round of a watchman, beat, patro!.
rondana f, washer, burro
-- de presin, lock washer.
rondela f, washer.
roada f, grommet.
roqueo, rocky.
rosa (1) de los vientos, rosa nutica, compass
card or rose.
rosario m, chain pump; bucket elevator; bucket
- de cangilones (M), bucket elevator.
rosca f, thread; (P) nipple; (M) nut; (Sp) (Col)
arch ringo
- a la derecha, right-hand thread.
- a la izquierda, left-hand thread.
- aplanada, fiat-top thread.
- autotrabadora, self-Iocking thread.
-- cnica, taper thread.
- corrida (tub) (C), nipple.
-- cortada, cut thread.
-- cruzada, crossed thread.
- cuadrada doble, double square thread.
- de gas o de tubo, gas or pipe thread.
-- de gusano, worm thread.
-- de paso ancho, coarse thread.
- de perno, bolt thread.
- de tornillo, screw thread.
-- de 29, acme thread.
- doble (tub) (A), short nipple.
-- esmerilada corriente, commerciaI-ground
- esmerilada de precisin, precision-ground
-- gruesa, coarse thread.
-- hembra o matriz, female or internaI thread.
-- inserta, screw-thread inserto
-- interior (v), inside screw.
--internacional, international thread.
-labrada, cut thread.
- laminada, rolled thread.
-- macho, male thread.
-- mtrica, metric or international thread.
- pareja, double thread.
-- prensada, pressed or rolled thread.
- sencilla (tub) (A), close nipple.
- tipo estribo (A), buttress thread.
- trapezoidal, buttress or bastard thread.
- truncada, truncated thread.
- Whitworth, Whitworth thread.
- zurda, left-hand thread.
roscador m, threading machine.
roscadora (f) de tuercas, nut-tapping machine.
roscar, to thread, tapo
- a macho, to tapo
roseta f, (elec) rosette; (hw) escutcheon plate.
-- fusible, fusible rosette.
rostrar (M), to face (stone).
rota f, roten m, rattan.
rotacin f, rotation, revolution.
-- dextrorsa, clockwise rotation.
--magntica especfica, specific magnetic rota-
-- sinistrorsum, anticlockwise rotation.
rotacional, rotational.
rotmetro m, rotameter.
rotar, to roll; to rotate.
rotativo, rotatorio, rotary, revolving, rotative.
rotferos m (is), Rotifera.
roto m, (Ch) unskilled laborer; a broken.
rotmetro m, rotometer.
rotonda f, (rr) (A) roundhouse.
rotor m, (elec) rotor; ,(turb) runner.
-- bobinado o devanado o de arrollamiento
(mot), wound rotor,
- de barras (mot), bar-wound rotor.
- en jaula de ardilla (mot) , squirrel-cage
rtulaf, hinge joint; knuckle.
rotulacin f, lettering on a plan; hinge joint.
rotular (dib), to letter.
rtulo, tag, label; signo
rotura f, fracture, breaki..,g, rupture.
roturador m (min) (B), breaker.
roza f, clearing (land) ; (min) undercutting;
(mas) (Col) bonding recess; (C) a land
measure about 1.2 acres.
rozadera f, rubbing plateo
rozador m (elc), wiper.
rozadora f (Es), pneumatic mining tool.
rozadura f, friction, rubbing, chafing.
rozamiento m, friction, rubbing.
-- cintico, kinetic or sliding friction.
- de deslizamiento, sliding friction.
-- de rodadura o por rotacin, rolling -I'riction.
-- esttico, static or starting friction.
-- superficial, skin friction.
rozar, to rub; to clear (land); (min) to undercut,
cut away; rozarse, to drag (brake).
rubidio m (qu!m), rubidium.
rueda f, wheel; (turb) ruuncr.
-- acanalada, double-fiangcd wheel
- achatada, fiat wheel.
- ai3lante (v), nonheating wheel.
- articulada (auto) (A), independent wheel.
- catalina (Es), sprocket.
-- (loco), leading whee!.
- cnica, bevel wheel.
-- de agua, water wheel.
-- de amolar, grinding whce!.
-- de avance a mano (mh) , carringe or apron
-- de banda, band whcel, pullcy.
-- de bruir, polishing wheel.
-- de cadena, sprocket, chain pulIey.
-- de cadena enteriza, salid sprocket.
-- de cadena partida, split sprocket.
-- de cangilones, bucket wheel.
-- de direccin, steering wheel.
-- de engranaje, gear wheel.
-- de estrella, star wheel.
-- de garganta, sheave.
- de giro (gr), bulI wheel.
- de ndice (tel), finger wheel.
-- de linterna, lantern wheel.
-- de mano, handwheel.
-- de mano del tablero (mh), apron or carriage
-- de manubrio, crank wheel; handwheel.
-'- de pecho (hid), breast wheel.
- de plato (auto), disk wheeL
- de rayos de alambre (auto), wire wheel.
- de reborde, fianged wheel.
-- de recambio (auto), spare wheel.
- de recortar (mh), cutoff wheel.
-- de tornillo sin fin, worm wheel.
-- de traccin, traction wheel.
- del trinquete, ratchet or dog wheel.
-- dentada, gear; sprocket; chain pulley; cog-
- directriz, (turb) speed ring; (loco) leading
- elica (Es), windmill.
-- esmeril, emery wheel.
-- excntrica, cam or eccentric wheel.
- gua, guide wheel, idler.
- hidrulica, hydraulic turbine, water wheel.
- independiente (auto), independent wheel
(suspension) .
-libre (auto), freewheel.
--loca, idler wheel.
--llena, disk wheel.
- pulimentadora, buffing wheel.
--rec;tificadora, grinding wheeL
- voladora (C), flywheel.
- acopladas (loco), coupled wheels.
- directoras (auto), front or leading or steer-
ing wheels.
- gemelas auto), dual whe.::ls:
_ motrices o propulsoras, drlvmg wheels.
rueda-cedazo, screen wheel.
rueda-cuchilla, eutter wheel (pipe).
ruedatubos m, pipe roller.
rufa j (Pe), drag seraper.
ruido m, noise.
ruidos de fondo (ra), background noise.
ru1emn m (A), roller bearing.
__ de municiones (A), ball bearing.
ruleta j, (A) measuring tape that winds into a
leather case.
_ de tela, eloth tape.
rulo m, (Sp)(M) roller; (A) transition curve.
rumbatrn m (ra), rhumbatron.
rumbo m, direetion, route, eourse; eompass bear-
ing; (geol) strike; rhumb.
_ computado, ealeulated bearing.
- de atrs, baek bearing.
- de brjula, eompass eourse.
- del filn (geol), bearing.
- de frente, forward bearing.
- inverso (lev), reverse bearing.
- magntico, magnetie bearing or course.
- radiogoniomtrico, radio bearing.
--verdadero, true bearing.
ruptor m (auto), breaker.
ruptura j, rupture, breaking, failure.
rstico (A), rough, unfinished.
ruta j, tOute.
- area, airway.
sabaleta f (to)(C), flashing.
sabanaj, flat country, plain.
sabanalamar j (C), low land frequentIy flooded
by the sea.
sabanazo m (C), small stretch of flat land.
sabic m, a hardwood (like mahogany).
sabin m (unidad de absorcin acstica), sabin,
sabln m, eoarse sand, grits.
sabor m, t a ~ t e .
sabulita j, sabulite (explosive).
sbulo m, grits, fine gravel.
sabuloso, gravelly, sandy.
sacaalma m (sx), core extractor.
sacaarena m, sand pump.
sacaarmellas m, staple puller.
sacabarrena m, drill ejector; drill e"tractor.
sacabarro m (min), scraper.
sacabocado m, hollow or soeket punch, dinking
- a golpe, socket puneh, any hollow puneh for
striking with a hammer.
-- a tenaza, revolving puneh.
sacabroca in, drill extractor.
sacabujes m, bushing extractor.
sacaclavos m, nail puller; box ehisel.
-- de horquilla, claw bar.
sacacubo m (auto), 1mb puller.
sacaculata m (auto), eylinder-head puller.
sacachinche m (dib), taek lifter.
sacador (m) de muestras, sampler.
sacaengranaje m, gear puller.
sacaescariador m, broaeh puller.
saeaescarpias m (fe), elaw bar.
saeaespigas m (pet), pin soeket.
saeaespoleta, saeafusible m (ele), fuse puller.
sacaestopas m, tool for pulling out paeking.
sacafilstica m, ravehook.
sacagomas, palanca (auto), tire iron.
sacalodo m, sludger, sand pump.
sacamacho m, tap extractor; (pet) pin socket.
sacamanguito m, sleeve puller.
saeamechas m, drill-bit extractor; drift key, cen-
ter key.
sacamuestra m, sampler; (pet) core barrel.
sacancleo m (sx) (pet) , core lifter or extraetOl'
or barrel.
- de pared (pet), wall sampler.
sacapasador m, tool for pulling eotters.
sacaperno m, bolt press.
sacapilotes m, pile puller or extractor.
sacapintura m, paint remover.
sacapin m, pinion puller.
sacaprisionero m, stud puller.
sacapuntas m (M), peneil sharpener.
sacar, to pull out, draw, extraet, take away.
- a flote, to float (stranded vessel).
- a licitacin pblica (A), to eall for bids.
--beneficio o ganancia, to derive a profit.
-- patente, to take out a patento
- un boleto (fe), to buy a ticket.
--una muestra, to take a sample.
sacarmetro m (az), saecharimeter.
saearocarbonato m (az), sucroearbonate.
sacarosa j, saeeharose, suerose.
sacarripias m, shingle ehisel.
sacarrueda m (auto), wheel puller.
sacasondas m, drill extractor.
sacatapn m (elc), plug puller.
saeatestigo m, core barrel (drill).
sacatornillos m, serewextractor.
sacatrapos m, tool for extraeting W8l'lte from car
sacatubos m, tuba puller or extractor.
sacatuerca m, nut extractor.
sacavolante m (auto), steering-wheel puller.
saccarato m, saeeharate.
saccaretina j (az), saeeharetin.
saco m, saek, bago
sacudida j, shaking.
-- elctrica, eleetrie shock.
-- ssmica, earthquake.
sacudidor m, shaker.
-- para cedazos, sieve shaker.
-- para sacos, saek shaker.
-- transportador, shaking conveyor.
sacudidora , shaker.
- del cargador (mz), skip shaker.
sacudir, to shake.
saetn m, chute, flume, headraee; finishing nail.
safranina (is), safranin.
sagital, middle ordinate; rise of an arch.
sajarrear (Col), to rough-plaster.
sal , a salt; (e) scale, inerustation.
-- cida, aeid salto
-- amonaco, sal ammoniac.
- amortiguadora, buffer salto
- comn, common salt, sodium ehloride.
- de mina o de piedra o de roca, roek salt,
- gema, roek salto
sala , room.
-- de calderas, boiler room.
-- de dibujo, drafting or drawing room.
- de espera (fe), waiting room.
- de glibos (cm), mold 10ft.
- de mando o de maniobra, control room.
-- de mquinas, engine room.
- de proyectos (V), drafting room.
salado, salt, braekish.
salamandraj (ee), salamander.
salar, saladar m (A) (Ch), salt deserto
salario m, wages, salary.
salazn , (A) salinity.
salbanda (geol), gouge, fault elay, selvage, sal-
salchicha (vol), fuse.
salchichn m, fascine, bundle o branehes.
saldo (eom), balance.
-- acreedor, eredit balance.
-- deudor, debit balance.
saledizo m, projeetion, ledge; (surv) offset; a pro-
jeeting, overhanging, salient.
saliclico, salieylie.
salicina (lab), saliein.
salida , outlet, mouth, outfall; (elee) outIet;
(min) outerop; (bldg) exit.
-- de albaal (M), house eonneetion to sewer.
-- de desage, blowoff; sluieeway.
- del guarapo (az), juiee outlet.
-- de incendio (M), fue escape.
salideros m, leakage.
saliente m, projeetion, lug, salient; a projecting,
salfero, containing salto
salina , salt mine; (A) salt desert; (M) salt
salinidad , salinity.
salinizacin , salinization.
salino, saline.
salinmetro m, salimeter.
salirse, to leak.
- de madre (r), to overflow.
- fuera de lnea, to get out o lineo
salitral m, nitrate bed; a nitrous.
salitre m, natural sodium nitrate; sa1tpeter.
salitrera , deposit of nitrates; salt deserto
salitroso, nitrous.
salmer m, skewbaek, springer.
salmiac m, sal ammoniae.
salmuera , brine.
salobre, bfaekish.
salobridad , salt eontent, braekishness.
salomnico, spiral.
saln m, room; (min) ehamber, stall, room.
- de espera (fe), waiting room.
salpicadero m, splashguard, (auto) mudguard;
(sd) splash plate.
salpicadura , (lu) splash; (w) spatter, splatter.
salpicar, to splash; (w) to spatter.
salpicn m, splash, spatter.
salpique m (lu) , splash.
saltacarril m (fe) (Es), jump frog.
saltacin f (r), saltation.
saltadura (Es), spall, chip.
saltamonte m (az)(C), grasshopper conveyor.
saltar, to come loose; to explode; to blow (fuse).
- , hacer (vol), to blast.
saltarregla , bevel square.
saltear, to break (joints), stagger.
saltillo m (cal) (C), bridge wall.
salto m, (hyd) head, fall; (hyd) drop strueture;
(min) slide, displacement; (geol) throw.
- aprovechable o disponible (hid) , availabk
--bruto, gross head.
-- de agua, a water power, waterfall.
-- de arco (ele), are-overo
--hidrulico, hydraulic jump.
- horizontal (M), offset.
--neto, net or effeetive head.
- til, useful head.
salubridad , health.
salvabarros m, mudguard.
salvador m (nut), wreeker.
salvamento, salvataje m, salvage, wreeking.
salvar, to span; to salvage; (e) to pave.
salvarruedas m, wheel guardo
salvavidas m, life preserver.
salvavidrio m, window guardo
salleros (min)(B), material that has slid down,
smago m, sapwood.
sandalias (f) de asfaltador, asphalt sandals.
saneamiento m, drainage, sewerage; sanitation.
sanear, to drain; to sewer.
sangradera , drain.
sangrado m (eone)(M), bleeding.
sangrador m (ra), bleeder.
sangradura , drainage, draining; bleeding.
sangrar, to drain; to bleed; to tap (fumaee).
sangre, a, by animal power.
sangra , drain, treneh; drainage; bleeding.
sanidad , sanitation; soundness.
sanidina , sanidine, glassy feldspar.
sanidinita (geol), sanidinite.
sanitacin j (e), sanitation.
sanitario m, sanitarian; (V) plumbing fixture
(V) toilet; a sanitary.
sano a, sound.
santiago m (A), rail bender.
santorina, Santorin (pozzolan).
sapo m (fe), frog.
- con riel de muelle (M), spring-rail frog.
-- de punta movible, movable-point frog.
- ensamblado, built-up frog.
-- medio, croteh frog.
saponificable, saponifiable.
saponificador m, saponifier.
saponificar, to saponify.
saponita , soapstone.
saproftico (is), saprophytie.
saprfito m, saprophyte; a saprophytic.
saprognico (is), saprogenic.
saprolita (geol), saprolite.
saprozoico (is), saprozoie.
saquisaqui m (V), kind of cedar.
sardip,el m, (bw) rowloek; (e) walkway; (Col)
sidewalk curb; (Pe) erown of an areh.
sargento 274 selectivo
selecto 275 sentazo
sargento m, clamp, vise.
- de cadena, chain vise.
--de madera, hand screw, carpenter's clamp.
sarro m, incrustation, boiler scale.
sarta j, string, series, line, seto
- de entubado (pet), casing string.
-- de pesca (pet),' fishing string.
- de produccin (pet), f10w string.
--vstago (pet), drill string.
sasasa j (V), kind of sandstone.
satlite m, satellite (gear).
satinado m (ft), satin finish.
satinador m, polishing too!.
saturable, saturable.
saturacin j, saturation.
-- de tensin, voltage saturation.
saturador m, saturator.
saturante m, saturant.
saturar, to saturate.
sauce m, willow.
savia j, sapo
sazonar (mad), to season.
scheelita , scheelite (tungsten ore).
sebe (hid), wattle, hurdle.
sebo m, taIlow.
seca , drought.
secada! m, barren land, deserto
secadero m, dry kiln; (sd) (A) sludge-drying bed.
secado al aire, air-dried, air-seasoned.
secado a! horno, kiln-dried.
secador m, drier.
--al vaco, vacuum drier.
-- del carbn de hueso (az), char drier.
secadora , drier.
- de impresiones (fma) , print-drying machine.
- de pelcula en rollos (fma), roIl-film drier.
secaje m (mad)(M), seasoning.
secamiento m, drying; siccation.
secano m, (r) sand bar; unirrigated farm land.
secante , (math) secant; (pt) drieI'; siccative.
-- externo, external secant.
secar, to dry; to season; secarse, to dry out, be-
come dry.
seccin , section.
- compuesta (ot), compound cross section.
-- de tres niveles (ot), three-Ievel section.
-libre, (rr) clearanee.
- maestra (an), midship section.
- normal o tipo, standard section.
-- transversal, cross or transverse section.
secciones conjugadas, conjugate sections.
seccionado, sectional, in sections.
seccionador m (ele), section or isolating switch.
seccional, sectiona!.
seccionar, to section; to eross-section; to section-
seco, dry.
-- ai horno, ovendry.
- y suelto (ag), dry loose.
secoya , redwood.
secretara , secretary's offiee; government de-
secretario m, secretaria!, secretary.
- interino, -na, acting secretary.
sectll (miner), sectile.
sectllidad , se"t,ility.
sector m, sector.
-- de acercamiento (ap), approach sector.
- de cambio de marcha (mv) , Stephenson link.
-- dentado, sector gear.
secular, secular.
secundario m a, secondary.
sede (j) central (A), headquarters.
sedimentable, settling, settleable (solids).
sedimentacin , sedimentation, settling, silting
sedimentador m (pa), settler.
sedimentar, to deposit silt; to cause to settle; to
puddle (earth).
sedimentario, sedimentary.
sedimento m, sediment, silt.
segmental, segmenta!.
segmento m, segmento
-- colector (elc), commutator segmento
-- de contacto (elc), contact segmento
-- de mbolo, piston ringo
segregacin (cone) (met) , segregation.
segregador (m) de gas (pet), gas anchor.
segueta , compass or keyhole or fret saw; (V)
-- mecnica (M), power saw.
- para arco (M), hacksaw blade.
- para fierro (M), hacksaw.
seguidor m (mec), foIlower.
- de la leva (mg), cam foIlower.
segunda mano, de, secondhand.
segunda marcha. (auto) (Ec) , seeond speed.
segundo m a, second.
- administrador (C), assistant manager.
-- capataz (U), subforeman.
-- carpintero (Es), carpenter's helper.
-- ingeniero en jefe, assistant chief engineer.
-- superintendente, assistant superintendent.
--travesao (auto), second cross member.
segundos de viscosidad Saybolt, Saybolt sec-
segur , ax; sickle.
segureta , hatehet.
seguro m, (mech) pawl, dog, latch, stop; insur-
-- contra accidentes, accident insurance.
-- contra incendio, fire insuranee.
-- contra responsabilidad civil, liability insur-
-- contra responsabilidades del contratista,
contractor's liability insurance.
-- contra responsabilidades de patrones, em-
ployer's liability insurance.
-- de compensacin, eompensation insurance.
- de responsabilidad pblica, public liability
-- martimo, marine insurance.
-- obrero, workmen's insurance.
-- para compensacin de obreros, workmen's
compensation insurance.
seis, six.
seisavado, hexagona!.
seleccin de engranajes, gear selection.
seleccionar (U), to selecto
selectancia, selectividad (ra), selectance, selec-
selectivo, selective (goar).
selecto (mad), selecto
selector m (elc) (mec) , selector.
-- de corriente (elc), current selector.
-- de faja (ra), band selector or switch.
-- de octano (auto), octane selector.
-- de ondas (ra), wave trap.
-- de paradas (asc), stop selector.
-- de pulsacin (ra), pulse selector.
-- de puntos (fma), point selector.
-- de rapidez (fma), speed selector.
- tipo de cuadrante, dial selector.
selenio m (qum), selenium.
selenita (miner), selenite (gypsum).
3clenito m (qum), selenite.
seleniuro m (qum), selenide.
selva , foresto
selvtico, pertaining to forests; wooded.
selvicultor m, forester, forestry engineer.
selvicultura , forestry.
sellado m, seal, sealing.
-- de arrastre (ca), drag sea!.
-- de penetracin (ca), penetration sea!.
selladora (ca) (A), seal coat.
sellaporos m (Pint), filler.
sellar, 'to seal, close.
sello m, sea!.
- a presin, pressure sea!.
- de grasa, grease sea!.
-- de lubricacin o de aceite, oil sea!.
-- hidrulico del eje, shaft sea!.
semforo m, semaphore.
sembrar, to seed, sow.
semejante (mat), similar.
semejante (m) hidrulico, semejanza hidrulica,
hydraulic similarity.
semiacabado, semifinished.
semiacero m, semisteel, ferrosteel, high-strength
gray iron.
semiacoplado m (A), semitrailer.
semiajustable, semiadjustable.
semingulo m, semiangle.
semiantracita , semianthracite.
semiarco m, semiarch.
semirido, semiarid.
semiasfltico, semiasphalt.
semiaustentico (met), semiaustenitic.
semiautomtico, semiautomatic.
semiballesta (A), semielliptical spring.
semibastardo, semibastard (file).
semibituminoso, semibituminous.
semibveda , semiarch, semivault; niche.
semicantllever, semicantilever.
semicafin m, half of barrel arch.
semicarril m (co), half-track.
semicic10 m (elc), hemicyc!e.
semicilndrico, semicylindrical.
semicircular, semicircular.
semicrculo m, semicirc!e.
semicircunferencia , semicircumference.
semiconductor (elc), semiconducting.
semicoque m, semicoke.
semicristalino, semicrystalline.
semicbico, semicubica!.
semicuerda , semichord.
semidimetro m, semidiameter.
semi-Diesel, semi-Diesel.
semieje m, semiaxis; (auto)axle shaft.
semielaborado, semifinished.
semielstico m (A), semielliptical spring.
semielptico, semielliptica!.
semiempotrado (viga), semifixed, restrained.
semiencerrado, semienclosed.
semiesfera , hemisphere.
semiesfrico', hemispherica!.
semiexploratorio (pet), semiwildcat.
semifijo, semiportable; semifixed (beam).
semiflotante (maq), semifloating.
semifl.ido, semifl.uid.
semigelatina , semigelatine.
semigraso (carbn), semibituminous.
semihachuela , half hatchet.
semihidrulico, semihydraulic.
semiincombustible (ed), semifireproof.
semiindirecto (il), semi-indirecto
semiinfinito, semi-infinite.
semilogartmico, semilogarithmic.
semiluz , semispan.
semillero m (az), seeder, seed tank.
semimagntico, semimagnetic.
semimate (il), semimat.
semimetlico, semimetaIlic.
semionda (ra), half wave.
semiperodo m (A), hemicycle.
semiporttil, semiportable.
semiprotegido, semiprotected.
semirrasante, semifl.ush.
semirredondo, half-round.
semirrefinado, semirefined.
semirrefractario, semirefractory.
semirremolque m, semitrailer.
semirrevestido, semieoated (electrode).
semirrgido, semirigid.
semiseccin , half section.
semisurgente, semiartesian.
semitractor m (co), half-traek.
semovientes, stock (horses, mules, etc.).
senario (mat), senary.
senarmontita , senarmontite (antimony ore).
sencillo, single, simple.
senda , path.
senderar, to cut a path.
sendero m, path, footpath, trail.
seno m, sine; slack of rope, sag, bight.
- de onda, trough of a wave.
--hiperblico, hyperbolic sine.
--logartmico, logarithmic sine.
--natura!, natural sine.
--verso, versed sine.
senoida! a, sine.
sensibilidad , sensitivity, (inst) sensibility, re-
sponsiveness, smaIlest reading.
-- de desviacin (ra), deflection sensitivity.
--luminosa (ra), luminous sensitivity.
sensibilizado (fma), sensitized.
sensible a la luz, photosensitive, light-sensitive
sensible a la presin, pressure-sensitive.
sensitividad i, sensitivity.
sensitometra , sensitometry.
sensitmetro m (fma), sensitometer.
sentamiento m, settlement.
sentarse, to settle, sink.
sentazn m (Ch), slide in a mine working.
sentido 276 serradizo serrador 277 sierra
sentido m, direetion, (ti) seto
sentina , drain, sink; (sb) bilge.
seal , signal, signo
- avanzada o de avance (fe), distant 01' ad-
vanee signa!.
-- avanzada de curva (ca), advance turn
-- de advertencia, warning signo
- de brazo roto (fe), smashboard signa!..
-- de cambio o de chucho (fe), switch signa!.
- de cautela, eaution signo
- de control (ca), control signo
- de 'destellos (ca), flasher.
- de destino (ca), destination signo
- de direcci6n (ca), direetion signo
- de disco (fc), disk 01' banjo signa!.
- de disco oscilatorio (fe), wigwag signa!.
- de distancia (fe), distant signa!.
- de doblar (ca), turn marker.
-- de enfrenamiento (auto), brake signa!.
- de entrada, (1'1') home signal; (ra) input
- de guitarra (fe), banjo 01' disk signa!.
- de la imagen (tv), pieture 01' video signa!.
- de lomo (fe), hump signa!.
-- de nieblas, fog signa!.
-- de parada, stop signa!.
-- de precauci6n, eaution signa!.
- de prueba (ra), test signa!.
- de ruta (ca), route marker.
- de salida (ra), output signa!.
- de sentido (eo), direetional signa!.
- de trano (fe), block signa!.
- de video (ra), video 01' pieture signa!.
-- enana (fe), dwarf signa!.
-local (fc), home signa!.
-- para cruce (fe), erossing signa!.
-- parsita (ra), interfering signa!.
- probadora (ra), test signa!.
- de bloque (fe), block signals.
-- de carretera o de. trfico; traffie 01' highway
-- enclavadas o entrelazadas (fe), interloeking
- Q (ra), Q signals.
sealaci6n (ca), marking, signs.
-- sealador, sealero m, signalman.
sealar, to signal; to place signs.
sealizaci6n , system of signs; (rr)(Ch) opera-
tion of signals.
seorita (V), chain block, differential hoist.
separable, detaehable, separable.
separaci6n , separation, spaeing, piteh; (geol)
separation; (miner) parting.
-- de empleo, diseharge.
-- de niveles, grade separation.
- estratigrfica (geol), stratigraphie separation
01' throw.
-- neta (ag), elean separation.
-,- transversal (mad), eross break.
separador m, separator; spreader, spaeer, paek-
ing block; (mt) stripper; ball eage (bear-
ing); trap.
- a contracorriente, reverse-eurrent steam
-- atravesable (ca), erossable or surmountable
-- basculante, tilting steam trap.
-- centrfugo, centrifugal separator.
-- cicl6nico, cyclone separator.
- con flotador de bola, ball-float steam trap.
-- de absorci6n, absorption steam separator.
-- de aceite, oil separator.
-- de agua, steam trap.
-- de agua con retorno, return trap.
-- de agua sin retorno, nonreturn trap.
-- de aire, air valve 01' separator.
- de amplitud (tv) , amplitude 01' synehroniz-
ing separator, elipper.
-- de arena, sand separator or eolleetor.
-- de barras (ref), bar spaeer.
-- de cubeta abierta, bueket 01' open-float trap.
-- de cubeta invertida, inverted-bueket steam
-- de espumas (dae) , seumboard, seum re-
mover 01' trap.
-- de esquistos (pet), shale separator 01' shaker.
-- de frecuencias (tv), frequency separator.
-- de gasolina, gasoline trap; gasoline strainer.
-- de grasa, grease trap.
- de impacto (vapor), baffie-plate or impaet
-- de impulso, impulse steam trap.
-- de malla, mesh-type steam separator.
-- de la parafina (pet), wax stripper.
-- de polvo, dust eolleetor or separator.
-- de rejilla, gridiron steam separator.
-- de sedimentos, 'sediment trap 01' separator.
-- de sincronizaci6n (tv) , impulse separator;
amplitude separator.
-- de vapor agotado, exhaust-steam separator.
-- eyector, ejection trap.
-- sobrepasable (ca), erossable or surmount-
able separator. '
separadora , separator, classifier.
- de lutita (pet) (V), sha!e shaker, mud sereen.
sepia (dib), sepia.
septentrional, northern.
septicidad , septieity.
sptico, septic.
septizaci6n , septieization.
sequedad , dryness, drought.
sequero m, barren land, deserto
sequa , drought.
sereno m, watehman; dew.
serie (ele) (mat) (qum) (geol), series.
-- acetilnica, aeetylene series.
-- electroqumica o electropotencial, electro-
motive 01' eleetrochemical or eleetropoten-
tial series.
-- parafnica, paraflin series.
serpear, serpentear (1'), to meander.
serpenteo m, (auto) shimmy.
'serpentn m (tub), coil, worm.
-- atemperador (aa), tempering coi!.
-- calentador, heating coi!.
-- enfriador o de refrigeraci6n, eooling coi!.
serpentina , (p) eoil; (geol) serpentine; worm
(still) .
-- de atemperaci6n (aa), tempering coi!.
serradizo (mad), fit to be sawed.
serrador m, sawyer.
serraduras , sawdust.
serrana, ridge, watershed line, mountain range.
serrar, to saw.
serrera , sawmill.
serrezuela , small saw.
serrn m, sawdust.
serr6n m, large-toothed saw.
serrote m, two-man saw.
serruchada , stroke of a handsaw.
serruchar, to saw; to hacksaw.
serrucho m, handsaw; erosseut saw.
-- braguero, pit saw.
- calador de metales, keyhole haeksaw.
-- de calar, eoping 01' jig 01' eompass or pad saw.
-- de cortar a inglete, miter saw.
-- de cortar metales, haeksaw.
-- de corte doble, double-eut saw.
-- de costilla, baeksaw.
-- de estuquista, plasterer's saw.
-- de hacer espigas, dovetail saw.
- de hilar, hand ripsaw.
-- de lomo c6ncavo, hollow-baek saw.
-- de lomo recto, straight-baek saw.
-- de lomo reforzado, baeksaw.
-- de machihembrar, dovetail saw.
-- de punta o de pual, compass 01' keyhole 01'
pad saw.
-- de triple oficio, triple-duty saw.
-- de trozar, hand crosscut saw.
-- para astilleros, doeking saw.
-- para modelador, patternmaker's saw.
-- para pisos, flooring saw.
- puntiagudo, keyhole 01' eompass saw.
serventa (C), easement, right of way.
servicio m, service; duty; (A) water closet.
-- de corta duraci6n, short-time duty.
-- domstico o domiciliario (tub) , house con-
neetion 01' serviee.
- pesado, heavy duty.
-- simple, de, single-duty.
servidumbre , right of way, easement.
-- de aguas, eoneession for use of water.
- de paso, right of way.
- de va (fc), right of way.
serviola , hoisting beam, eathead
servocilindro m, servo eylindel'.
servofreno m, servo brake.
servomecanismo m, servomeehanism.
servomotor m, servomotor.
-- para el arranque (mv), barring engine.
servorregulador m, servoregulator.
sesenticuatroavo m, one sixty-fourth.
sesgadura , skew. '
sesgar, to skew; to chamfer, beve!.
sesgo m, skew.
-- abierto (en), open beve!.
-- cerrado (en), closed beve!.
sesil (is), sessile.
sesqui6xido, sesquioxide.
-- de hierro, ferrie oxide.
sesquisilicato m, sesquisilieate.
seta (f), cabeza de (re), buttonhead.
seto m, fenee, wall.
seudocoloidal (is), pseudoeolloida!.
seudom6rfieo (miner), pseudomorphie.
seud6podos m (is), pseudopodia.
sexagesimal, sexagesima!.
sexagonal, hexagona!.
sextante m, sextant.
- de bolsillo o de caja, poeket sextant.
-- hidrogrfico, surveying sextant.
sicomoro m (mad), syeamore.
sideral, sidreo, siderea!.
siderita, siderosa (mineral de hierro), siderite,
ehalybite, sparry iron.
siderotecnia (Es), siderurgy.
siderurgia , siderurgy.
siderrgico, siderurgiea!.
siembra , seeding.
Siemens-Martin a (met), open-hearth.
siena (dib), sienna.
-- natural, raw sienna.
-- tostada, burnt sienna.
sienita (geol), syenite.
sienodiorita (geol), syenodiorite.
sierra , saw; mountain range.
-- al aire, pit saw; bueksaw.
-- a mquina (A), power saw.
-- alternativa, two-man sw; reeiproeating saw.
-- bracera, handsaw; two-man erosseut saw.
-- cabrilla, whipsaw.
-- caladora, keyhole 01' jig 01' fret or eoping 01'
seroll saw.
-- cilndrica, barrel 01' erown ortube saw, saw
-- circular, circular 01' buzz saw.
-- circular oscilante, drunken 01' wobble saw.
-- circular para hender, circular ripsaw.
-- colgante, swing saw.
-- comba, bilge saw.
-- con armaz6n, bueksaw, milI saw.
-- con gua, gage saw.
-- con sobrelomo, baeksaw.
-- continua, band saw.
-- cortametal, haeksaw.
-- de alambre, wire saw (for stone).
-- de arco, haeksaw; bow saw.
-- de cadena, ehain saw.
-- de cantear, edging saw.
-- de cantero, stone saw.
-- de cinta o de cord6n, band saw.
-- de columpio, swing saw.
-- de cortar a 10 largo, ripsaw.
-- de cortar en fro (met), eold saw.
-- de costilla, baeksaw.
-- de chiquichaque, two-man erosseut saw.
-- de dientes postizos, inserted-tooth saw.
-- de dimensi6n, dimension saw.
-- de disco (M), circular saw.
-- de hender o de hilar, ripsaw.
-- de hender en bisel, bovel ripsaw.
-- de lomo, baeksaw.
-- de lomo c6ncavo, hollow-baek saw.
-- de mano, handsaw.
- de montaraz (A), bueksaw.
-- de municiones, shot saw (stone).
-- de pndulo, swing saw.
-- de p u ~ t a , eompass 01' keyhole saw.
- de reaserrar, resaw.
-- de recortar, eutoff saw.
- de talar o de tumba, felling or falling saw.
sierra 278 sin sin 279 sobrecarga
- de tapn, plug saw.
- de tiro, dragsaw.
- de trasds, baeksaw.
-- de travs, erosseut saw.
- de trozar en bisel, bevel eutoff saw.
-- de vaivn, shuttle saw.
-- elptica o excntrica, wobble or drunken saw.
- en caliente (met), hot saw.
-- enteriza, solid-tooth saw.
- huincha, band saw.
-levadiza de recortar (as), jump saw.
- mecnica de guas, muley saw.
-- mltiple, gang saw.
- neumtica, air-driven saw.
_ para contornear, turning saw; eompass or jig
-- para ingletes, miter-box saw.
-- para listones, lath millo
- para lupias (met), bloom saw.
- para metales, haeksaw.
- para rajar, ripsaw.
- perforadora, hole saw.
- ranuradora, grooving saw.
- sin fin, band saw.
- topadora, butting saw.
- tronzadora, two-man erosseut saw; dragsaw.
--trozadora, bueking saw; erosseut saw.
sifn m, siphon; trap.
- aliviadero, siphon spillway (dam).
- alternante, alternating siphon.
- con orificio de limpieza (pb), handhole trap.
- de artefacto (pb), fixture trap.
- de campana, bell trap.
- de limpieza automtica (al), automatie flush
- de servicio (pb), house trap.
- desconectador (Pb) (U), house trap.
- dosificador (is), dosing siphon;
- en D (tub), D trap.
-- en P, P trap.
- en S, 8 trap.
- en S a 45, %-8 trap.
- en S a 90, half-S trap.
- en U, running trap.
- vertedero (hid), siphon spillway.
sifonaje m, siphoning, siphonage.
sifonar, to siphon.
sifnico, siphonie.
signo m, sign, mark, signal, symbol.
-- de curva (ca), turn marker.
-- de diferencial, differential signo
- de la integral, sign of integration.
-- menos, minus signo
- radical (mat), radical signo
signos convencionales (dib) , eonventional signs.
signos para montaje, ereetion marks.
silanga J (F), gut, strait, ehannel.
silbato m, whistle.
silbido m, whistle signal; (elee) hissing (are),
- heterodino (ra), heterodyne whistle.
silenciador m, sileneer, muffier.
-- de admisin (auto), intake or suetion si-
leneer, intake muffier.
-- de escape, exhaust sileneer, muffier"
- de ruidos (ra), noise silencez:.
silencioso m (A) (U), muffier; a silent.
silero m, silo.
silicacin J, silieation.
silicatado, silieated.
silicato m, silieate.
-- bsico de calcio, basie ealeium silieate.
-- de soda, silieate of soda, sodium silieate,
water glass.
-- diclcico (et), diealeium silieate.
-- triclcico (et) , triealeium silieate.
slice J, siliea, silex, silieon dioxide.
-- gelatinosa, siliea gel.
silceo, silieeous.
silceobituminoso, silieeobituminous.
silcico, silieie.
silicio m, silieon.
siliciuro m, silieide.
silicn m (ais), silieone.
silicosis J, silicosis.
silieoso (M) (Pe), silieeous.
silo m, silo, bin.
silvanita J (mineral de oro y plata), sylvanite,
graphie tellurium.
silvicultor m, forester, silvieu!turist.
silvicultura J, forestry, silvieulture.
silla J, saddle; ehair; (rr) tie plate; (mt) saddle.
-- colgante, shaft hanger.
- de asiento (fe), tie plate.
-- de ballesta, spring seat.
- de campana (pb), saddle hubo
-- de derivacin (agua), serviee oz: tapping
-- de detencin (fe), antiez:eepez:.
- de montar, saddle (riding).
- de respaldn (fe), rail braee.
- para soldar (tub), welding saddle.
sillar m, an ashlar stone.
-- de arranque, skewbaek.
sillarejo m, small ashlar masonry.
-- de concreto, concrete block.
sillera J, ashlar masonry.
silleta J, a bearing; (rr) tie plate.
- de apoyo (fe), tie plate.
- de empuje (fe) (A), rail braee.
silln m (mec), support, saddle, ehair.
sima J, ehasm, eavern.
simbiosis J (Iab), symbiosis.
simbitico, symbiotie.
smbolo m, symbol.
-- qumico, chemieal symbol.
smbolos convencionales, conventional signs.
simetra J, symmetry.
simtrico, symmetrieal.
similitud J (mat), similitude.'
simonizar, to simonize.
simptica, sympathetie (vibration).
simpiezmetro m (hid), sympiesometer.
simple, single; simple.
-- efecto, de, single-aeting.
- vertiente, de, single-pitch (roof).
simultneo (mat), simultaneous.
sin cocer, unburned (briek).
sin condensacin, (eng) nOileondensing.
sin costura, (p) seamless.
sin chispas, sparkless.
sin dimensin (mat), nondimensional.
sin empaquetadura, paekless.
sin escala, sin parada, nonstop.
sin fin, endless.
sin hilos, wireless.
sin humo, smokeless.
sin retorno, nonreturn (trap).
sin rieles, traekless (trolley).
sin soldar, weldless, solderless.
sinc1stico (mat), synclastie.
sinclinal m (geol), syncline; a synclinal.
sinclinorio m (geol), synelinorium.
sincrnico (ele), synehronous.
sincronismo m, synehronism.
sincronizador m, synehronizer.
-- separador (tv) , amplitude or synehronizing
separator, elipper.
sincronizar, to synehronize.
sncrono, synehronous.
sincroscopio m, synehroseope.
sindicalismo m, unionismo
sindicar, to syndieate; to unionize.
sindicato m, syndieate.
-- gremial, trade-union, labor unon.
- industrial, industrial union.
-- obrero, labor union.
sindicatura J, reeeivership.
sndico m, (fin) reeeiver.
sinergismo m (is), synf3rgism.
sinfn (m) y rodillo, worm and roller.
singentico (min), syngenetie.
siniestra J, left hand.
siniestro m, damage, loss; shipwreek; a left-hand.
siniestrgiro, siniestrrsum, eountercloekwise.
sinterizaci6n J (V), sintering.
sntesis J, synthesis.
sinttico, synthetic.
sintetizar, to synthesize.
sintol m, synthol (fuel).
sintona J (ra), syntony, resonanee; tuning.
sintonizable (ra), tunable.
sintonizaci6n J (ra), syntonization, tuning.
-- aguda, sharp tunillg.
-- aplastada o plana, flat or broad tuning.
-- selectiva, selective tuning.
sintonizador m, tUllcr.
-- de cuarto de onda, quarter-wave tuner.
sinusoidal, sinusoidal.
sinusoide J (mat), sinusoid.
sirca J (Ch), vein of ore.
sircar (Ch), to strip the overburden from a vein.
sirena J, siren.
sirga J, hawser; towing.
sirgar, to tow.
sisal m, sisal.
l'iseo m (sol), hissing.
sismicidad J, seismicity.
ssmico, seismic.
sismo m, seismism; earthquake.
-- final, aftershock.
-- preliminar o precursor, foreshock.
-- tect6nico o de disloeaci6n, teetonie earth-
sismocron6grafo m, seismoehronograph.
sismografa J, seismography.
sismogrfico, seismographie.
sismgrafo m, seismograph seismographer.
-- de dos componentes, two-point seismograph.
-- de reflexi6n, reflection seismograph.
-- de refracci6n, refraetion seismograph.
sismograma, sismogramo m, seismogram.
sismologa J, seismology.
sismol6gico, seismologieal.
sism6logo m, seismologist, seismographez:.
sismomtrico, seismometrie.
sismmetro m, seismometer.
sismometrgrafo m, seismometrograph.
sismoscopio m, seismoseope.
sismotectnico (geol), seismoteetonie.
sistema m, system.
-- a vaco (cf), vaeuum system.
-- audiofrecuente (ra) , audio system.
-- caminero o vial, system of roads.
-- cegesimal, eentimeter-gram-seeond (egs)
-- c1oacal, sewer system, sewerage.
- de acueducto o de agua potable o de aguas
corrientes, water system, waterworks.
- de alumbrado o de iluminacin, lighting
-- de antenas (ra), antenna array.
-- de aterrizaje a ciegas (ap) , blind-Ianding
- de bloque (fe), block system.
- de corriente ascendente (ve), upward sys-
-- de energa o de fuerza motriz, power system.
- de laboreo (min), method of working.
- de piso (ed) (M), floor system.
-- de tubera nica (cf), one-pipe system.
-- de vapor descendente (ef), downfeed system.
-- ferroviario, railway system.
--mtrico, metrie system.
- polifsico equilibrado (ele) , balaneed poly-
phase system.
-- separativo (al), separate system.
- unitario (al), eombined system.
sitio m, site; (M) area of 4338 acres.
situacinJ, site, loeation; eondition.
situador m, spotter.
- de barrena, hole spotter (drill).
-- de vagones, ear spotter.
situar, to loeate, place; (auto) (ap) to park.
smithsonita J (M), smithsonite (zinc ore).
sobradillo m, hood over door or window, pent-
sobreacarreos m (ot), overhaul.
sobreacoplado (ele), overcoupled.
sobreagrupacin J (ra), overbunehing.
sobrealimentacin J (mg) (di), supereharging.
sobrealimentador m, supereharger.
sobreamortiguado,overdamped (vibration).
sobreancho m, extra width; (rr) widening of gage
on curves.
sobrearco m, relieving areh.
sobrecalentador m, superheater.
sobrecalentar, to overheat; to superheat.
sobrecapa J (exc), overburden.
sobrecapataz m, general foreman.
sobrecarbonizado (az) , overburned (ehar).
sobrecarga J, sureharge; overload; live load,
(elee) overcharge; (exc) overburden.
-- admisible, permissible overload,
280 soga
soga 281 soldadura
-- de corta duracin, short-time overload.
- mvil, moving load.
- recurrente, reeurrent overload.
sobrecargar, too overload; to sureharge; (elee) to
sobrecarrera J (maq), overtravel.
sobrecejo m (Col), lintel.
sobrecorre.ecin J, overeorreetion.
sobrecorriente J (ele), overeurrent.
sobrecortadorm (tn), overeutter.
sobrecosto m (M), fee on eost-plus eontraet.
sobredimensionado (A), oversize.
sobredoblar, to overflex.
sobredosificacin J (pa), overdosing.
sobreedificar, to build on top of.
sobreelevacin J, superelevation; inerease in
sobreenfriar, to supereool; to overeool.
sobreescurrimiento m (geol)(A), overthrust.
sobreesforzar (U) (M), to overstress.
sobreesfuerzo m, overstress.
sobreespesor m, exeess thiekness.
sobreexcavacin J, overexeavation.
sobreexcitacin J, overexeitation.
sobreexpansin J, overexpansion.
sobreexposicin J (fma), overexposure.
sobreexpuesto, overexposed.
sobrefatiga J, overstress.
sobrefatigar, to overstress.
sobrefrecuencia J (ele), overfrequeney.
sobrefusin J, superfusion; supereooling.
sobregua J (min), intermediate level.
sobreinclinacin J (fma), overtilt.
sobreinflar (auto), to overinflate.
sobreintensidad J (ele), overvoltage.
sobrejunta J, spliee plate, fishplate, seab, butt
sobrejuntar, to spliee with butt straps, to seab.
sobrelecho m, lower bed of ashlar stone; (Col)
upper bed.
sobremando m, sobremarchaJ (auto), overdrive.
sobremedida J, oversize.
sobremodulacin J (ra), overmodulation.
sobremonta J (sol), overlap.
sobrenadante, supernatant.
sobrenadar, to f1oat.
sobreneutralizacin J (ra), overneutralization.
sobrepaga J, extra payo
sobrepasable (ca), surmountable (eurb).
sobrepasar, to overtop.
sobrepeso m, overweight.
sobrepiso (V), top eourse of f1oor.
sobrepln J (en), rider.
sobreplegamiento m (geol), overfold.
sobreponer, to cap, lap; superimpose.
sobrepotencia J (ele), overpower.
sobreprecio m, surcharge, additional priee.
sobrepresin J, exeess pressure; (V) pressure.
sobrepuerta J, hood over door; transom bar.
sobrequilla J (en), keelson.
-- central, middle-line keelson, vertical keel.
-- de pantoque, bilge keelson.
- lateral, side keelson.
--transversal, eross keelson.
sobrerrajado m (min)(B), overbreak.
sobresaliente, projeeting, overhanging.
sobresalir, to overhang, jut out, projeet.
sobresaturado, supersaturated.
sobrestada J (fe), demurrage.
sobrestante m, foreman; (A) (U) engineers' rep-
resentative on the work, inspector.
-- de taller, shop foreman.
-- de tramo (fe), seetion foreman.
-- de turno, shift boss.
-- de va (fc), traek foreman.
-- general, walking boss, general foreman.
-- montador, ereetion foreman.
sobresueldo m, extra payo
sobresuspendido (auto), overslung.
sobretamao m, oversize.
sobretecho m, monitor, c1earstory.
sobretemperatura J, (elee) overtemperature; (A)
sobretensin J (ele), overvoltage.
sobretiempo m, overtime.
sobretono m (ra) , overtone.
sobretratamiento m (pa), overtreatment, excess
sobreumbral m (Col), lintel.
sobrevega J (PR), highest part of traet of low
sobrevelocidad J, overspeed.
sobreverterse, to overflow.
sobrevidriera J, window sereen; window grill;
sobrevoltaje m, overvoltage.
sobrextra fuerte, double-extra-strong.
socalzar, to underpin.
socarrn m, eaves.
socarrena J, spaee between roof beams.
socava J, undermining.
socavacin J, undermining; piping (earth dam);
washout; (w) undereut.
socavadora J (herr min), undereutter.
socavar, to undermine; (hyd) to seour, undereut;
to exeavate; (mt)(A) to baek off.
socavn m, adit, drift, gaIlery; eavern; (C) pito
-- de cateo, prospeeting tunnel..
-- de desage, drain gaIlery, draining adit.
socaz m, tailraee.
sociedad J, soeiety; eompany, eorporation; part-
-- annima, stock eompany, eorporation.
-- aseguradora, underwriters, insuranee eom-
-- colectiva o comanditaria, partnership.
- de responsabilidad limitada, limited-liability
-- obrera, labor union.
--por acciones, stock eompany.
socIo m (M), footing.
soco m (Col), journal, gudgeon, pivot; stump.
soda (f) custica, eaustie soda.
sdico a, sodium, sodie.
sodio m, sodium.
sofito m, soffit.
soga J, rope; (mas) streteher.
-- acalabrotada, eable-laid rope.
-- de cableado corriente, plain-laid rope.
- de canto (lad), buIl streteher.
-- de cuatro torones con alma, shroud-laid rope
-- de cuero crudo, hide rope.
-- de torcido apretado, hard-laid rope.
-- de torcido flojo, soft-laid rope.
-- y tizn (mam) , streteher and header; thiek
ness of 1)1 brieks.
soguera J, outfit of ropes, rigging; ropewalk.
soguero m, ropemaker.
solado m, pavement, floor.
solador m, paver, tile layer.
soladura J, paving.
solapa J, lapo
solapadura J, lapo
-lateral (fma), side lapo
-longitudinal (fma), end lapo
solapar, to lap, overlap.
solaque m (B), mortar made of briek dust.
solar m, plot, lot; v to pave, fioor; a solar.
- yermo (C), vaeant loto
solarizacin J (fma), solarization.
soldabilidad J, weldability.
soldable, weldable.
soldado, welded, soldered.
- a solapa, lap-welded.
- a tope, butt-welded.
--por recubrimiento o por superposicin, lap-
soldador m, welder; soldering iron.
-- de cobre, soldering eopper.
soldadora J, welding outfit.
-- de banco, beneh welder.
-- de costuras, seam welder.
- de puntos mltiples, multipoint or multiple-
spot welder.
-- por presin, press welder.
-- por puntos, spot welder.
soldadura J, welding, soldering; solder; welding
eompound; a weld.
-- al arco, are welding.
-- a cadena, ehain welding.
-,- a contraccin, shrink welding.
- a doble bisel, double-bevel weld.
--a gas, gas welding.
- a horno (tub), furnaee weld.
-- a la inversa, baekhand welding.
-- a martillo, hammer weld.
- a nudo (pb) (A), wiped joint.
-- a pulsacin, pulsation welding.
-- a resistencia con salientes, projeetion weld-
-- a resistencia por induccin, induetion resist-
anee welding.
-- a rodillo, roll welding.
-- al sesgo, searf weld.
-- a soplete, toreh welding.
-- a termita, thermit weld.
- a tope con arco, flash butt welding.
-- a tope con recalcado, upset butt welding.
-- aeroacetilnica, air-aeetylene welding.
-- alternada, staggered intermittent weld.
-- aluminotrmiea, thermit or aluminothermie
-- amarilla, hard solder.
-- angular, eorner weld.
-- autgena, autogenous welding.
-- automtica por puntos, progressive spot
- blanca, soft s o l d ~ .
-- compuesta, composite weId.
-- con arco de hidrgeno atmico, atomie hy.
drogen welding.
-- con cubrejunta, strap weld.
-- con electrodos de carbn, carbon-are weld
-- con energa acumulada, s1x>red-energy weld-
- con filete, filIet weld.
- con fundente protector, f1ux-shielded weld-
-- con ncleo cido, aed-eore solder.
-- con ncleo de resina, rosin-core solder.
-- con proteccin gaseosa, gas-shielded weld-
-- con reborde, bead weld.
-- con recalcadura, upset butt welding.
-- de aluminio, aluminum soldering.
-- de arco con latn, are brazing.
. -- de arco de carbn, earbon-are welding.
-- de arco metlico, metal-are welding.
-- de arco protegido, shielded-are welding.
-- de. arista o de cantos, edge weld.
-- de arriba, overhead weld.
- de biselo de chafln, bevel or groove weld-
- de bronce (A), brazing.
- de capas mltiples, multilayer welding.
-- de contacto, eontaet or toueh welding.
- de cordn, bead weld.
-- de costura, seam welding.
- de cua, plug weld.
-- de chafln sencillo en V, single V-groove
-- de electrodo cubierto, eovered-eleetrode
- de enchufe (tub), eup weld.
-- de esprragos, stud welding.
-- de espiga, pin welding.
-- de estampado, mash welding.
-- de estao, soft solder.
-- de fondo abierto, open-root weld.
-- de fondo cerrado, elosed-root weld.
-- de forja, forge or hammer or blaeksmith or
roil welding.
-- de forja a mano o del herrero, blaeksmith
-- de forja con laminador, roll welding.
-- de hojalatero, tinner's solder.
-- de impacto, pereussive welding.
-- de induccin, induetion welding.
-- de latn, brazing; brazing solder; hard solder
- de llama mltiple, multiple-f1ame welding.
- de montaje, field weld.
- de muesca, eleft or slot welding.
-- de ncleo, cored solder.
-- de obturacin o de sello, seaI welding.
- de paso mltiple, multipass weld.
-- de paso simple, single-pass weld.
-- de plata, silver solder; silver brazL'1g.
-- de plomero, plumber's solder.
- de prueba, test weld.
-- de ranura, slot or groove weld.
-- de ranura biselada, bevel-groove weld.
-- de ranura en J, J-groove weld.
- de ranura en X, double V-groove weld.
282 sonda sonda 283 suhatmosfrico
-- de ranura recta, square groove weld.
-- ele ranura simple, single groove weld.
-- de resalto, projection welding.
-_de resistencia a tope, resistance butt weld-
--de retroceso, back-step welding.
-- de revs, backhand welding.
- de solapa, lap weld, lap-welding.
- de tapn, plug weld.
-- de tejido o de vaivn, weaving.
_ de tope, butt welding, butt or jam weld.
-- directa, forehand welding.
-- en ngulo exterior, corner weld.
-- en ngnlo interior, fillet weld.
-- en posicin plana, downhand welding.
-- en serie, series welding.
-- en T, T-joint weld.
-- en tres posiciones, three-position weld.
-- en V simple, single-V butt weld.
-- esquinera, corner weld.
-- estancadora, seal weld.
--tuerte, brazing or hard solder; brazing.
-- fuerte al arco, arc brazing.
-- fuerte al horno, furnacebrazing.
-- fuerte a soplete, torch brazing.
-- fuerte con inmersin, dip brazing.
-- fuerte de resistencia, resistance brazing.
--fuerte por induccin, induction brazing.
-- fundente, welding compound.
-- hidromtica, hydromatic welding.
--intermitente, intermittent weld.
-- mltiple a resistencia, multiple resistance
-- mltiple de puntos, multiple spot welding.
-- oblonga, slot weld.
-- ondulada, ripple weld.
-- oxhdrica al arco, atomic hydrogen welding.
-- oxiacetilnica, oxyacetylene welding.
-- oxihidrgeno, oxygen-hydrogen welding.
-- para resistencia, strength welding.
- plana, fiat weld; downhand welding.
-- por arco metlico, metallic-arc welding.
-- por msin, fusion welding.
-- por inmersin, dip brazing.
-- por laminador, roll welding.
-- por pasos longitudinales, pass wclding.
-- por pasos transversales, build-up welding.
-- por percusin, percussive welding.
-- punteada o por puntos, spot or tack or inter-
mittent welding;
--repetida, repetitive welding.
--salteada, skiR weld, staggered intermittent
welding. /
-- sin presin, nonpressure welding.
-- sobrecabeza, overhead weld.
-- tierna, soft solder.
-- ultrarrpida, ultraspeed welding.
soldaje m, welding.
soldar, to weld, solder, braze,sweat.
- con latn o con soldadura fuerte, to braze.
-- en fuerte, to braze.
1lOlenoidal, solenoidal.
solenoide m, solenoid.
solera J, sill, solepiece: (min) soleplate; (carp)
wall plate; (dd) fioor; (hyd) invert; a steel
f1at; (M) f100r tile; (rr) (A) guard timber;
(rd) curb, (Ch) sidewaIk curb.
- de calzado (ca) (A), subgrade.
-- de fondo, sill, ground plate, groundsill.
-- de puerta, saddle, threshold, doorsill.
-- de ventana, window sil!.
- del vertedero (hid), spillway crest.
- dentada (hid), dentated sil!.
-- inferior (carp), sill, soleplate.
-- superior, cap, wall plate.
solera J, pavement; paving materia!.
solevamiento m (geol), upheaval, upthrust.
solicitacin J, stress.
solicitar, to stress.
solicitud J, application; requisition.
solidez J, solidity.
solidificar, to solidify.
slido m a, solid.
slidos sedimentables (dac), settleable solids.
solifluccin J (ot), sloughing, solifiuction.
solivio m (hid), uplift, upward pressure.
solsticio (m) hiemal, winter solstice.
solsticio vernal, summer solstice.
soltadizo, removable, collapsible.
soltador (m) de barrena (pet), bit breaker.
soltar, to loosen, release, let go.
solubilidad J, solubility.
solubilizar, to solubilize.
soluble, soluble.
solucin J, solution.
-- acondicionadora (bm), priming solution.
-- amortignadora o retardadora, buffer solution.
-- doctor (pet), doctor solution.
-- estabilizadora (C), buffer solution.
-- indicadora, indieator solution.
-- madre, stock solution.
-- normal o patrn, normal or standard solu-
solucionar, to solve (problem).
solvente m, solvento
sollado m (cn), lowest deck, orlop.
sombra J, shadow, shade.
sombreado m (dib), shading.
sombrerete m, hood; cap; eoping; cowl; (Pi)
driving cap; (va) bonnet.
- del eje (auto), hubcap.
- del mstil (gr), mast topo
sombrero m, (M) hubeap.
-- de hierro (min), iron hat, gossan.
sombrgrafo m (Es), shadowgraph.
sonador m (tel), sounder.
sonda J, drill, earth auger; sounding rod or line;
(geog) sound; (naut) fathometer; (su)
proof stick; (A) thickness gage.
- de cable, cable drill.
-- de consistencia, eonsisteney gage.
-- de corona o de ncleo, eore dril!.
-- de corona dentada, ealyx drill.
-- de cuchara o de tierra, earth auger.
-- de diamantes, diamond dril!.
-- de granalla o de municiones o de perdigones,
shot drill.
-- de percusin, percussion drill.
-- de prospeccin, prospecting dril!.
-- de rotacin, rotary drill.
--locomvil, traveling or wagon dril!.
-- neumtica, air drill.
sondador m, sounder.
-- de cieno (dac) , sludge sounder.
sondaje m, boring, drilling, sounding.
-- a chorro (Pe), wash boring.
-- a diamante, diamond drilling.
-- con corazn o de testigo, core drilling.
-- de exploracin, test boring.
sondaleza J, sounding line.
sondar, sondear, to make borings, to drill; to
take soundings.
sondeador m, drill runner; man who takes sound-
sondeadora J, drill; sounding line.
sondeo m, boring; sounding; drilling.
- hidrulico (M), wash boring.
sondista m (Es), drill runner.
snico, sonic.
sonido m, sound.
songrafo m, sonograph.
sonmetro m, sonometer.
sopalancar, to raise 'with a lever.
sopanda J, knee-brace strut; (C) truss rod.
sopapa J, pump valve.
sopladero m, vent, air .hole.
soplado m (min), cavity in a vein.
soplador m, blower, ventilator.
-- de aserrn, sawdust blower.
- de forja, forge blower.
-- de nieve, snow blower.
-- de vapor, steam blower.
sopladura J, blowhole (casting).
soplar, to blow.
soplete m, blowtorch, blowpipe, welding torch;
(bo) (A) oil burner.
-- atomizador, paint strayer.
-- cortador, cutting torcho
-- de arena, sandblast.
-- de gasolina, plumber's or gasoline torcho
-- de hidrgeno atmico, atomic hydrogen
- de perdigones, shot blast.
--lanzallamas (V), plumber's torcho
-- oxiacetilnico, oxyacetylene torcho
-- oxhdrico, oxyhydrogen blowpipe.
-- perforador (sol), oxygen lance.
-- soldador, welding torcho
sopletear (A), to use a blowpipe or blowtorch; to
weld with a torch; to solder.
sopleteo m, blowing, blasting.
sopletero m, operator of paint spray or oxyacet-
ylene torch or sandblast; (A) man who
tends oil burners.
soplo m, blast.
-- de arena, sandblast.
-- de ventilador, fan blast.
-- magntico, magnetic blowout.
-- magntico del arco (sol), arc blow.
soportar, to support, carry.
soporte m, support, bearing, standard.
-- colgante, hanger, shaft hanger, door hanger.
. -- combinado o compuesto (mh) , compound
-- de cua, knife-edge bearing
-- de rodillos, expansion bearing, roller support.
-- exterior, outboard bearing.
-- para inducidos, armature stand.
soquete m (Ch), socket.
sorbita J (met), sorbite.
sorbtico, sorbitic.
sordina J, muffier, silencer, any soundproofing
sordo, soundproof.
sorra J (nut), gravel banasto
sortija J, hoop, ringo
sosa J, soda.
sosqun m (ed)(C), corner which is not square.
sostn m, small pier, support.
-- de cable (cv), fall-rope carrier.
- de crisol (lab), crucible holder.
sostenedor (m) de tubera (pet) , casing suspen-
sostener, to support.
sostenimiento m, support; (C)(M) maintenance.
sota m (Ch), foreman.
sotabanco m, skewback; (Col) penthouse (roof).
stano m, cellar, basement; (M) cave in lime-
stone formation; (pet) cellar.
sotavento m, lee, leeward.
sotechado m, shed; penthouse, bulkhead.
soterramiento m, (p) bury; (min) cave-in.
soterrar, to bury, put under ground.
sotominero m (min), subforeman.
sotomuracin J, underpinning.
-- preensayada, pretest underpinning (pat-
sotrozo m, linchpin.
speiss (met), speiss.
standardizar (Ch), to standardize.
suaje m (M), a swage.
suave, smooth; soft (water); mild (steel); easy
(curve); light (grade).
suavizador m, water softener.
-- a presin, pressure softener.
-- a va caliente, hot-process softener.
-- de cal-bario, lime-barium softener.
-- de cal-sosa, lime-soda softener.
-- de ceolita, zeolite softener.
- de combustible, fuel dope.
-- por precipitacin,. precipitation softener.
suavizar, to soften (water); to fiatten (slope).
subcido m, subacid.
subcueo, underwater, subaqueous.
subadministrador m, assistant manager.
subalimentador m (elc), subfeeder.
subalmacn, substoreroom.
subalterno m a, subordinate, assistant.
.sublveo, subsurface, below river bed.
subangnlar, subangnlar.
subngulo (m) de desviacin (lev), subdeflection
subrea J, subarea.
subarmnica J (elc), subharmonic.
subarrendar, to sublease, sublet.
subarrendatario m, subtenant.
subarriendo m, sublease.
subartesiano, subartesian.
subasta J, competitive bidding; auction.
subastar, to take bids; to auction.
subatmosfrico, subatmospheric.
subatmico 284 subtropical subusina 285 superconductividad
Bubatmico, subatomic.
subbalasto m (fc), subballast.
subbanco m (tn), subbench.
subbase f, subbase.
subbastidor m (auto), subframe.
subbituminoso, subbituminous.
subcapa f, sublayer.
subcapataz m, subforeman, straw boss.
subcarbonato m (quim), subearbonate.
subcarburo m, subearbide.
subcarrera f (to), subpurlin.
subcentral f (ele), substation.
subcentro (m) de distribucin (ele) , subeenter
of distribution.
subcero, subzero.
subconjunto m, subassembly.
subcontratar, to subcontraet.
subcontratista m, subcontractor.
subcontrato m, subeontraet.
subcorriente f, subeurrent.
subcristalino, suberystalline.
subcrtico, suberitieal.
subcuadro m (ele), subpanel.
subcuerda f, subehord, short ehord.
subcultivo m (lab), subculture.
subdesage domiciliario (pb), subhouse drain.
subdiagonal f, (tu) subdiagonal.
subdirector m, assistant manager.
subdividir, to subdivide.
subdivisin f, subdlvision.
subdrn m, subdrain.
subdrenaje m, subdrainage.
subempresario m (Ch), subeontraetor.
subenfriamiento m (aa), subeooling.
subestaci6n f (ele), substation.
-- al aire libre o tipo intemperie, outdoor sub-
-- completa o enteriza o unitaria, unit sub-
subestrato m, substratum.
subestructura f, substrueture.
subexcitacin f, underexeitation.
subexposicin f (fma), underexposure.
subfiador m (C), seeondary bondsman.
subfirme m (V), subgrade.
subfluvial, subfluvial, underriver.
subfrecuencia f (ele), underfrequency.
subgalera f (min), subdrift.
subgerente m, assistant manager.
subgrupo m, subassembly.
subhorizonte m, substratum.
subhmedo, subhumid.
subida f, aseent, upgrade, rise.
- y bajada (fe), rise and fallo
subilla f, awl.
subndice m (mat), subindex, subscript.
subingeniero m, assistant engineer.
subinspector m, assistant inspector.
subirrigacin f, subirrigation.
subjefe m, subforeman, assistantehief.
sublarguero m (pet), substringer.
sublavado m (1') (A), undereutting.
sublecho m (fe), subbed.
sublevacin f (hid), uplift.
sublimacin f, sublimation.
sublimado (m) corrosivo, eorrosive sublimate,
mereurie ehloride.
sublimar (quim), to sublime, sublimate; sub-
limarse, to sublime.
submarino, submarine.
submedida (A), undersize.
submetlico, submetallie.
submicrn m, submieron.
submicroscpico, submieroseopie.
subminiatura (ra), subminiature.
submomentneo (ele), subtransient.
submuestreo m, subsampling.
submltiplo m, submultiple.
submurar (A), to underpin.
subneutralizacin f (ra), subneutralization.
subnitrato m (quim), subnitrate.
subnivel m (min), sublevel.
sub6xido m (quim), suboxide.
subpanel m (ele) (A), subpanel.
subpermanente, subpermanent.
subpieza f, (tu) submember.
subpillar m, subpier.
subportadora f (ra), subearrier.
subpresin f (hid), uplift.
subproducto m, by-produet.
subpuntal m, substrut.
subpunzonado m (est), subpunching.
subramal m (irr), sublateral.
subrampa f (min), subineline.
subrasante f, subgrade.
subregado m, subirrigation.
subsanar, to repair; to eorreet; (eone) to pateh
and point.
subsecretario m, assistant seeretary.
subsidencia f (hid) (Pe), sedimentation, settle-
subsidiario, subsidiary.
subsidio m, subsidy.
subsncrono, subsynehronous.
subsolera f, subsill.
subs6nico, subsonie.
substano m, subbasement, subeell9.r.
substancia f, substanee.
substituir, sustituir, to substitute (all senses).
substitutivo, sustitutivo a, substitute.
substituto, sustituto m, substitute.
substracci6n f, subtraetion.
substractivo, subtraetive.
substraendo m (mat), subtrahend.
substraer (mat), to subtraet.
substrato m (A), substratum.
subsuelo m, subsoil; (A) basement.
subsuperficial (M), subsurfaee.
subtablero m (ele), subpanel.
subtaladrar, to subdrill.
subtamao m, undersize.
subtangente f, subtangent.
subtender, to subtend.
subtensa f (mat) (Es), ehord.
subtenso a (lev), subtense.
subterrneo m, subway; a subterranean, under-
subtirante m (est), subtie; subtension member.
subtotal m, subtotal.
subtransmisin f (elc), subtransmission.
subtropical, subtropieal.
subusina f (ele) (A) (U), substation.
subvenci6n f, subvention.
subvertieal f (est), subvertieal.
subyacente, under1ying.
succin f, suction.
-- al extremo (bm) , end suetion.
-lateral (bm), side suetion.
succionador m, sueker; (pet) swab.
succionar, to suek.
sucrato m (az), suerate, saeeharate.
sucrocarbonato m (az), sueroearbonate.
sucrosa f, sucrose, saeeharose.
sucursal f, braneh of a business house.
sud m, south.
sudamiento m, sweating, eondensatioll.
sudeste m a, southeast.
sudoeste m a, southwest.
suela f, leather; base, sill; (str) (Ch) eover
- del freno, brake shoe.
sueldo m, salary, wages.
suelo m, floor; ground, soil; bottom; (ra)(Sp)
- falso, filled grotind.
- fungiforme (ed) (A), flat-slab cOllstruetion.
-- residual o sedentario, sedentary 01' residual
sufridera f (est), dolly, die, bucker.
-- acodada, straight gooseneck dolly.
- de palanca, heel dol1y, dolly bar.
-- de pipa, gooseneck dolly.
-- de resorte, spring dolly.
-- maciza, club dolly.
sufridor m, holder-on man in a riveting gang.
sufrir, to carry, support; (re) to buck up.
suiche m, (elec) switch; (rr)(Col) switch.
sujecin f, fastening; (A) constraint (beam).
sujetaalambre m, wire holder 01' clip.
sujetacable m, cable clip;(pet) wire-line anchor.
sujetador m, fastener, clip, clamp, anchor.
- de barrena, steel holder (drill).
-- de clavo, nail anchor.
- de conducto (elc), conduit clip.
- de tubera (pet), tubing catcher.
- para rectificar, honing fixture.
sujetadora f, clip, clamp, fastener.
sujetaexcntrica m (mh) , eccentric chuck.
sujetafreno m, brake hanger.
sujetafusible m (elc), fuse clip.
sujetagrapa m, clamp holder.
sujetahilo m (elc), binding post; cleat insulator;
wiring clip.
sujetamacho m, tap chuck.
sujetaposte m, post holder (railing).
sujetarriel m, rail fastening.
sujetatubos m, pipe clamp.
sulfanfliCo, sulphanilic.
sulfatar, to sulphate.
sulfato m, sulphate.
-- alumnico o de aluminio, aluminum sul-
phate, filter alum.
-- alumnico potsico, potash alum, potassium
aluminum sulphate.
-- amnico, ammonium sulphate.
-- brico, barium sulphate, (min:,) barite.
-- de calcio, calcium sulphate, gypsum.
-- de hierro, iron sulphate; ferrous sulphate,
ferric sulphate.
- de plomo, lead sulphate, (miner) anglesite.
-- manganoso o de manganeso (is) , manga-
nese 01' manganous sulphate.
sulfhidrato m, hydrosulphide, hydrosulphate,
sulfhdrico, hydrosulphuric.
sulfitacin f (az), sulphitation.
sulfitador m (az), sulphitor.
sulfito m, sulphite.
sulfocarbnico, sulphocarbonic.
sulfocianuro (m) de potasio (is) , potassium sul-
phocyanide 01' thiocyanide.
sulfonaci6n f, sulphonation.
sulfonaftaIena f (lab), sulphonphthalein.
sulfonato m, sulphonate.
sulf6nico, sulphonic.
sulfosal f, sulpho salto
sulfurar, to sulphurize.
sulfreo, sulphurous, sulphureous.
sulfrico, sulphuric.
sulfuro m, sulphide.
-- de cadmio, cadmium sulphide, (miner) green-
-- de plomo, lead sulphide, (miner) galena.
sulfuroso, sulphurous, (pet) sour.
sumaf, sum, summation; adclition.
-- algebraica, algebraie sumo
-- alzada o global, lump sumo
-- geomtrica, geometrieal 01' vector addition.
-- vectorial, vector sumo
sumadora f, adding machine; summator.
sumar, to add; to reeapitulate.
sumergencia f (M) (Pe), submergence.
sumergible, overflow (dam); submergible, (elec)
sumergir, to submerge; sumergirse, to be over-
topped; to sink.
sumersi6nf, submersion, submergenee; (pt) dip-
ping; (met) quenching.
sumidero m, sump, cateh basin; eesspool; sink.
-- ciego, blind drain, soakaway.
-- de piso, floor drain, cesspool.
suministrador m, supplier.
suministrar, to furnish, supply.
suministro (m) de agua, water supply.
suministros, supplies.
suncho m (V) (U), hoop.
superacabado m, superfinish.
superacabadora f, superfinisher.
superalcalino, superalkaline.
superavenida f (M), flood of unusual volume.
supervit m (eont), surplus.
supercaIentador m, superheater.
supercaIentar, to superheat.
supercalor m, superheat.
supercapilar, supercapillary.
supercargador m (M), supercharger.
supercarretera f, superhighway.
supercentrfuga f, supercentrifuge.
supercloracin, superclorinacinf, superehIorina-
supercompresibilidad f, supereompressibility.
supercompresi6n f, supereompression.
superconductividad f, superconduetivity.
superconsolidacin J (ot), supercompaetion.
superconstruccin J, superstrueture.
supereontrol m (ra), supereontrol.
superelevacin J, superelevation.
superentender, to superintend, supervise.
superestructura J, superstrueture; (sb) upper
superficial, superficial, surfaee.
superficie J, surfaee, area.
-- aerodinmica, airfoil.
-- alabeada, warped surfaee.
-- baada (en), wetted surfaee.
-- calrica o de caldeo, heating surfaee.
-- de apoyo, bearing area.
-- de desage, drainage area, watershed.
- de deslizamiento (geol) (A), sliekenside.
-- de dislocacin o de falla o de fracturacin
(geol), fault plane.
-- de dispersin (il), seattering surface.
- de evaporacin, surfaee of evaporation.
-- de redireccin (il), redireeting surfaee.
-- de revolucin, surfaee of revolution.
-- de rodamiento, wearing surfaee (tire).
-- de solapa (en), faying surface.
-- especifica (et), speeifie surface.
-- mojada (cn), wetted surfaee.
- pelicular (hid), surfaee film.
-- por labrar (mh), work surfaee.
-- primitiva (en), pitch surfaee.
superfino, superfine.
superfraccionador m (pet) , superfraetionator.
supergnico (geol), supergene.
superheterodino (ra), superheterodyne.
superndiee m (mat) , exponent.
superintendencia J, superintendenee.
superintendente m, superintendent.
-- auxiliar, assistant superintendent.
- del patio (fe), yardmaster.
--interino, aeting superintendent.
superior, upper, topo
supermedida J, oversize.
superoxidacin J, superoxidation.
superponer, to superpose.
superposicin J, superposition; (pmy) lap, over-
-lateral (fma), side lap.
-longitudinal (fma), forward lap.
superpotencia J (ele), superpower.
superprensado, superpressed (plywood).
superpresin J, (bo) superpressure.
superpuesto m, overlap; a superposed.
superregeneracin J (ra) , superregeneration.
superregenerativo (ra), superregenerative.
supersaturar, to supersaturate.
supersensible (fma), supersensitive.
supersincrnico, supersynehronous.
:supersnico (ra), supersonic, ultrasonie.
supervigilador m, supervisor, director, inspector.
supervigilancia J, supervision.
:supervisar (M) (Ee) , to supervise.
:supervisin J, supervision.
:superyacente, overlying, superincumbent.
:suplementario (mat), supplementary.
:suplemento m (mat), supplement.
suposicin J, assumption.
supratamao m (M), oversize.
supresin (j) de la frecuencia portadora (ra) ,
earrier suppression.
supresor m, suppressor.
-- de chispas (elc), spark killer or eondenser.
-- de ecos (tel), echo suppressor.
-- de oleaje o de ondas (hid), surge suppressor.
- de ruidos (tel), noise killer.
sur m, south.
surcado (m) en contorno, contour plowing.
surcador m, lister.
surcar, to plow, furrow.
surco m, furrow, rut; groove.
surgente, surging; (hyd) artesiano
surgidero m (nut), anehoring ground.
surgir, (hyd) to surge, spout; (naut) to anchor.
surqueo m (M), furrowing.
surtidero m, supply line, eonduit.
surtidor m, jet; supply pipe; spout, nozzle; filling
-- auxiliar (auto), supplementary jet.
-- compensador (auto), eompensating jet.
-- de aceleracin (auto), aeeelerating jet.
- de baja (auto), low-speed jet.
-- de gasolina, metering pump for gasoline; fill-
ing station.
- de poder (auto)(A), power jet.
-- principal o de potencia (auto), main or power
-- suplementario (auto), supplementary jet.
surtir, to furnish, supply; to spout, spurt.
suseeptancia J (elc-), susceptance.
susceptibilidad f (elc), suseeptibility.
suspender, to hang, "uspend.
suspensin J, suspension.
-- cardnica, Cardanie suspension.
-- catenaria compuesta, eompound catenary
-- catenaria doble, double eatenary suspension.
-- con ruedas independientes (auto), independ-
ent wheel-suspension.
-- en cuatro puntos (auto), four-point mount-
ing or suspension.
suspenso, suspended, hanging.
-, en (hid) (A), in suspension.
suspensoide m (quim), suspensoid.
suspensor m, han,ger.
- del balacin de freno (fe), brake hanger.
-- de cable (cv), fall-line carrier.
-- de carrito, trolley hanger (door).
-- de conducto (elc), eonduit hanger.
-- de muelle, spring hanger.
-- de puerta, door hanger.
-- para cable mensajero, messenger hanger.
sustentacinJ (ap), wing lift, buoyancy.
--hidrulica, buoyancy.
sustentar, to support.
sustraccin J, subtraetion.
sustractivo, subtraetive.
sustraendo m (mat), subtrahend.
sutileza J (et), fineness.
T J, (p) T; T (steel); (dwg) T square.
-- abordonaaa o con bordn o con nervio (est),
bulb T, deck beam.
- angular (tub), miter T.
-- con cruce en arco o con curva de paso (tub),
crossover T.
- con salida lateral (tub), side-outlet T.
- con toma auxiliar lateral (tub), side-inlet T.
-- con unin (tub), union T.
- de aterrizaje (ap), landing T.
- de campanas (tub) , all-bell T.
-- de conexin redondeada (tub), sanitary T.
-- de cuatro pasos (tub), four-way T.
- de cuerpo corto (tub), short-body T.
- de curva simple (tub), single-sweep T.
-- de dibujante, T square.
- de orejas (tub), drop T.
- de ramal reductor (tub), reducing-outlet T.
-- de reduccin (tub), reducing T.
-- de rincn vivo (tub), miter T.
-- de servicio (tub), service T.
- de silla, saddle T (water main).
-- de vientos (ap), wind T.
-- desviadora (cf), fiow-direeting T.
- macho y hembra (tub), serviee T.
- mltiple (tub) , braneh T.
-- para escalera (tub), stair-railing T.
-- para inodoro (tub), closet T.
-- para insertar (tub) , eutting-in T.
- para lavabo (tub) , basin T.
- pendiente (tub), drop T.
T-Y (tub), T-Y braneh.
tabica J, faseia board, bargeboard, vergeboard;
stair riser.
tabicar, to wall up; to partition.
tabicn m, thiek partition.
tabique m, partition; (Ch) mud partition rein-
forced with wood frame; (Col) thin brick
wall with wood reinforeing; (C) stair riser;
(M) fiat briek; (Ee) eaves; (CA) lintel;
fascia board.
-- aislador (elc), barrier.
-- de canto (A), partition of briek on edge.
-- de desviacin horizontal (pa), round-the-end
-- de desviacin vertical (pa) , 6ver-and-under
-- de grasa (A), grease retainer.
- desviador o interceptor (hid), baffle wall.
--impermeabilizador (hid) , eore wall.
-- sordo, wall with air spaee.
tabiquera J, layout of partitions.
tabiquero m, partition builder.
tablaJ, board; width of a board; (str) eover plate;
fiat stretch of a river; table, tabulation.
-- aisladora, insulating board.
-- de aforrar (nut), serving board.
- de agua (C), water table (ground).
- de alto (min) (M), hanging wall.
- de bajo (min)(M), footwall.
-- de banquillo o de chafln (to) , cant strip,
cantboard, saddle board.
- de chilla, clapboard.
- de dibujo, drafting board.
-- de materiales, bill of material.
- de pie (andamio), toeboard.
-- de piezas de repuesto, list of parts.
- de quitapn (hid), fiashboard.
'-de zcalo, baseboard.
- delantal, skirt board.
- multilaminar, plywood.
- portamezcla, plasterer's hawk.
- taquimtrica, stadia table.
- tinglada (Ch), clapboard.
-- basculantes automticas (hid) , automatic
- de cordn doble, double-beaded ceiling or
-' de fibra (C), fiberboard.
- pluviales, louver boards.
- rebordeadas, beaded lumber.
-- solapadas, weatherboarding, clapboarding.
tablacho m (hid), small gate.
tabladillo, tablado m, boarding, board platform.
tablaje m, boarding.
tablazo m, mesa, fiat-top hill; fiat streteh of a
tablaznJ, planking; stock of planks.
- del frente (min), breast boards.
tablear, to saw into boards; to sereed.
tableo m, sawing into boards; screeding.
tablero m, switehboard; (carp) panel; (bdg)
fioor; (hyd) leaf of a gate; (M) panel of a
truss; (Sp) slab.
-- de anuncios, bulletin board.
-- del ascensorista (asc), operator's panel.
- de bornes (elc), terminal board or block.
-- de carretera (M), highway signo
-- de conmutadores, switchboard.
-- de consumo propio, station-power switch-
-- de cortacircuitos, panel board.
-- de control, switehboard, panel board.
-- de dibujo, drawing or drafting board.
-- de distribucin, switchboard, distribution
- de fluidez, fiow tableo
-- de fusibles, fuseboard.
-- de gobierno o de mando, control panel.
-- de instrumentos, instrument board; (auto)
-- de torno, apron of a lathe.
- rebajado (ed) (M), drop panel.
-- terminal (ele), terminal board.
tableros de cierre (hid), stop logs.
tablestaca J, sheet pile; (min) poling board.
-- de alas, steel sheet pile with eenter fiange.
- de tablones ensamblados, Wakefield pile.
-- en Y, Y pile.
- en Z, Z-type steel sheet piling.
-- maestra, master pile.
-- de alma combada, arehed-web sheet piling.
-- de alma profunda, deep-web sheet piling.
-- de alma recta, straight-web sheet piling.
-- entrelazadas o de enlace, interloeking sheet
tablestacado m, sheet piling.
- de traba, interloeking sheet piling.
tablestacar, to sheet-pile.
tableteo m (ra) (A), motorboating.
tablillaJ, batten, slat, lath, thin board, eleat; (V)
fiat roof tile; (Sp) (C) level rod target.
-- aislante, insulating board.
288 289
- de la maza (az), rol! she1l.
-- de retenci6n, (de) holding or dumping drum.
-- de tracci6n o de traslaci6n (cv), hauling or
endless or fleeting drum.
-- de vapor (cal), steam drum.
- elevador (ec), hoisting drum.
-- giratorio descortezador, barking drum.
tambores de giro (pI), sluing drums.
tambre m (Col), dike, diversion dam.
tambuche m (en), booby hatch, companion
tamidina! (elc), tamidine.
tamiz m, screen, sieve.
-- vibrador, shaking screen.
tamizacin por va hmeda, wet screening.
tamizadot m, screen, strainer, sifter.
tamizar, to screen, sift.
tampn m (qu!m)(A)(C), buffer.
tanato m, tannate. .
tanda J, gang, shift; (irr) turn; (pet) runo
tndem m, (su) tandem, miU train; a tandem.
- moledor (az), milIs.
tandeo m (irr), distribution of water by tUrns.
tangencia J, tangency.
tangencial, tangentia!.
tangente! a, tangent.
- de atrs (Iev), back tangent.
- de frente (Iev), forward tangent.
tnico, tannic.
tanino m; tannin.
tanque m, tank.
-- at vaco, vacuum tank.
-- abastecedor (az), charge tank.
- aforador (hid), gaging tank.
- aforador de orificios mltiples, multiple-
orifice gaging tank.
-- aforador de vertedero, weir gaging tank.
- alcalizador (az), liming tank.
- alimentador (az), feed wel!, charge tank.
--almacenador, storage tank.
- amortiguador (hid), stilling poo!.
-- asentador o de decantacin, settling tank.
-- automltico de inundaci6n (al), automatic
f1ush tank.
- automotor (Col), tank truck.
-- carbonatador (az), carbonation tank.
-- colador, straining tank.
-- de acero empernado, bolted steel tank.
- de baar, dipping tank.
- de compensacin (hid), surge tank.
-- de compresin, air receiver, pressure tank.
- de corriente radial (dac), radial-flow tank.
-- de corriente transversal (dac), cross-flow
-- de dosificacin (dac), dosing tank.
-- de equilibrio (en), trimming tank.
-- de expansi6n (elc) , expansion tank, con-
- de flotacin de grasas (dac) , grease-flota-
tion tank.
- de flujo espiral (dac), spiral-flow tank.
- de inmersi6n, dipping tank.
- de lastre (en), ballast tank.
- de lavado automtico (al), automatic flush
- de medici6n (pet), gage tank,
- tern;nal (elc), terminallug.
talpetate m, (geol) talpatate; (CA) limestone
used for road surfacing; (CA) hardpan.
talque m (rfr), tasco.
talquita J (geol), tale schist.
talud m, slope, batter; talus.
- de aguas, upstreamslope (dam).
-- de reposo (ot), natural slope.
- de seguridad o de trabajo (ot), safe slope.
- detrtico, talus.
- exterior (ca), backslope.
- interior de la cuneta (ca), foreslope, side
-- natural, slope of repose, natural slope.
taludar, to slope.
talweg (Pe), thalweg.
talla!, cut.
- basta o gruesa, rough cut (file).
- bastarda, bastard cut (file).
- cruzada, double cut (file).
- dulce, smooth cut (file).
- entrefina, second cut (file).
- simple, single cut (file).
- sorda, dead-smooth cut (file).
- superfina, superfine cut (file).
tallador m, cutter.
-- de engranajes, gear cutter.
- de ranuras, slot cutter.
-- de roscas, threading machine.
- de vidrio, glass cutter.
talladora J (cantera), milIing machine.
tallar, v to cut, carve, dress; Cmech) to generate;
a fit for cutting into lumber.
taller m, shop, milI, factory; (Sp) mine working.
- agremiado o exclusivo, union or closed shop.
- de doblado, bending shop.
- de forja, blacksmith or forge shop.
-- de fundici6n, foundry, casting shop.
-- de laminaci6n, roIling milI.
-- de mecnica, machine shop.
-- de modelaje, pattern shop.
-- de servicio, service station.
-- franco, open shop.
-- mecnico, machine shop.
-- siderrgico, steel milI.
tallerista m, shopworker.
tallista m, wood carver; cutter, engraver.
-- de piedra, stonecutter.
tallo m, (t)(M) shank.
tamao m, size.
-- corriente, stock size.
- efectivo, efi'ective size.
- entero o natural o real (dio), fuIl size.
-- normal o modelo, standard size.
tambor m, drum, reel; (su) sheIl of a milI roIl.
-- clasificador, revolving screen.
-- cribador (hid), wheel screen.
-- de compensaci6n (bm), balance drum.
-- de doble cono Cmz), double-cone drum.
-- de enfriamiento, cooling drum.
-- de enrollar, winding drum.
- de exploraci6n (tv), drum scanner.
-- de frenaje, snubber.
-- del freno, brake drum.
- de friccin, friction drum.
- de izar, hoisting drum.
-- de columna, post dril!.
-- de plantillas, jig borer.
- mltiple, gang driIl, multiple-spindle boring
- radial, radial drill.
taladradora-torneadora, boring and turning ma-
taladrar, to drill, bore.
taladro m, drill, auger, carpenter's brace; drill
hole, bolthole; (min)(CA) adit.
- a mandril, chucking drill.
-- a municiones o de granalla, shot drill.
-- alternativo o de empuje, push or reciprocat-
ing drill.
-- angular, corner braceo
-- anular o de alma, core drill.
-- de ajuste lateral, traverse drill.
- de banco, bench drilI.
-- de cadena, chain drill.
-- de carreta, wagon dril!.
-- de diamantes, diamond drill.
- de mano, hand drill.
- de pecho, breast or fiddle drill.
-- de pedestal, column drill.
-- de percusi6n, hammer drill.
- de piso, floor-type drill.
- de poste, post drill.
-- de rotaci6n, rotary drill.
-- de tierra, earth auger.
- de torrecilla, turret drilI.
-- de trinquete, ratchet drilI.
- de tubo, calyx drill.
-- explorador, prospecting dril!.
- mltiple, gang drill.
--neumtico, air dril!.
- ovalado, sIotted hole.
--para carpinteros, carpenter's braceo
-- para macho, tap drill.
-- para rieles, track drilI.
-- para robl6n, rivet hole.
- piloto, pilot dril!.
-- ranurador, cotter drilI; traverse dril!.
-- sacancleo, core drill.
-- salom6nico, twist drill.
--sensible, sensitive drill.
-- sobre ruedas, wagon dril!.
- testjgo (PR), core drill.
--tubular, core or calyx drill.
taladro-sierra, saw drilI, tube saw.
talanquera J, picket fence; (C) gateo
talar, to feIl (trees).
talasmetro m, tide gage, thalassometer.
talco m, talc.
talcoso, talcose.
talio m (qu!m), thallium.
taliza J (C), spacing strip in apile of lumber.
talochaJ (Es) (M), mason's float.
tal6fido m (ra), thalofide.
taln m, heel (dam); flange or lug on a tire; bead,
molding; ogee; stub, coupon, ticket.
- de la aguja (fc), heel of switch.
--- de cable (elc), cable lug.
- de la escala (dib), subdivided end unit of a
-- de expreso, express receipt.
- de tierra (elc), ground lug.
tabln m, plank; (V) 1 hectare.
tabl6n-llana (M), straightedge. strickle, screed
tablonaje m, planking.
tabocha (Col), (t) plane.
tabulaci6n J (M) (PR) , tabulation.
tabular>v (PR) (M) to tabulate; a (geol) tabular.
tacana i, (A) a silver ore; (B) berm. bench, cuIti-
vated terrace.
tacanear (A), to tamp; to crush.
taco m, plug, bung; chock; hee1 (dam); (fo)
spreader; (bl) stemming, tamping; lug on
auto tire.
-- de remachar. holder-on, doIly.
- de rienda (A), deadman for guy.
tacos del ruptor (auto) (U), breaker points.
tac6grafo m, tachograph, recording speedometer.
tacograma m, tachogram. -
tac6metro m, tachometer, speed gage.
tac6n m, rail brace; chock; heel (dam).
taconear, to tamp (powder); (Ch) to fili.
tac6scopo m, tachoscope.
tacha J, smal! nail; pan, vat.
tachero m, tinsmith; (su) panman, sugar boiler.
tacho m, pan, bucket.
-- al vaco, vacuum pan.
- de calandria o de serpentn o de tubos (az),
calandria pan, coil pan.
-- de presi6n (az), pressure pan.
- de punto (az), strike pan.
- de rederretido (az), remelt pan.
tachuela J, tack, smal! nai!.
- centradora (dib), center tack.
- de punto o para estaca (Iev), stake tack.
--fechadora, dating nail.
tajada!, cut, slice; (M) section.
tajadera J, cutter, chisel, cold set; rivet buster;
hardy; slitter; (M) hacksaw; (M) howel.
- de yunque (her), hardy.
-- en caliente, hot cutter or chisel.
tajado m (min), slicing.
tajadora J, cutter.
tajalpiz m, pencil sharpener.
tajamar m, cutwater,breakwater, jetty, starling;
nosing of a pier, ice apron; (Ch) sea wall;
(A) basin.
tajar, to cut, notch.
tajatubo m (pet) , casing splitter.
tajea J, culvert, drain.
tajear (min) (Pe), to stope.
tajea m (min)(Pe), stoping.
tajo m, cut, excavation, trench; wooden block.
-- a media ladera o en balcn, sidehilI cut.
-- abierto o descubierto, open cut.
-- pasante, through cut.
tala J, cutting oftrees, feIling; (V) ax; (A) a
talacha J, talacho m (M), pick, mattock.
taladora J, tree-feIling machine.
taladra!, ship auger.
taladrable, drilIable.
taladracorchos m (lab), cork borer.
taladrado m, bore.
taladrador m, drilIer, drill runner; boring ma-
taladradora J, drill press, boring machine or tool.
tanque 290 tarco tarea
- de oleaje o de oscilacin (hid), surge tank.
- de recoleccin (pet), gathering tank.
- de remolque, tank trailer.
-- de reposo o de sedimentacin, settling
- de reserva (al), stand-by tank.
- de revelar (fma), developing tank.
-- de roco, spray pondo
- de ruptura de carga (hid)(V), surge tank.
- defecador (az), defecator.
- depurador (pet), scrubber tank.
- detritor (dac), detritus tank.
- Emscher (dac) , Emscher tank.
- forrado de caucho, rubber-lined tank.
--forrado de vidrio, glass-lined tank.
- hidrogenador (pet), hydrogenator.
- igualador (hid), surge tank.
--inyector de cido" acid egg, blow case.
-- medidor, measuring tank.
-- receptor de aire, air receiver.
--remolcado, tank trailer.
- sptico (dac), septic tank.
- sulfitador (az), sulphitation tank.
-- trmico, thermotank.
- tipo ImholI (dac), ImholI tank.
tanquera f (C), group of tanks.
tanquero m (A), tanker.
tantalio, tntalo m (quim), tantalum.
tantear, to try out; to look over the ground; (Ch)
to make an approximate estimate.
tanteos (m), por, by trial and error.
tanto m, so much; quantum; (conc) batch.
tapa f, cover, lid, cap; cylinder head; (P) cap.
- ciega (elc), blank cover.
-- de barril, barrelhead.
- de buzn (Pe), manhole cover.
-- del cilindro, cylinder head, front cylinder
-- de cojinete, bearing cap.
-- del distribuidor (auto), distributor cap.
-- de la escotilla, hatch cover.
-- de municiones (Iab), shot cap.
-- de radiador (auto), radiator cap.
-- de registro, manhole or handhole cover.
-- del respiradero (pb), vent cap.
-- del tambuche (cn) , companion, companion
- de tubo, pipe cap.
-- de unin (v), union bonnet.
- hembra (A), pipe cap.
- para soldar (tub), welding cap.
tapabarro m (Ch), mudguard.
tapacubo m (auto), hubcap.
tapadera f, cap, cover, lid.
tapader'o m, plug,stopper.
tapador m, plug, stopper; packer; cover; sealant.
- de vidrio (Iab), glass stopper.
tapagoteras m (A), waterproofing material, roof-
ing cemento
tapajunta m, splice plate, butt strap, scab; as-
tragal; (M) water stop (in a joint).
tapalodo m (PR), mudguard, fender.
tapaobjetivo m (fma) , object-glass cap.
tapaporos m (pint), primer, filler.
tapar, to cover; to plug.
taparrueda m (auto) (Col), fender, mudguard.
tapia f, mud wall; unit area of mud wall about
50 square feet; (C) brick wall.
-- acerada (Col), mud wall with cement stucco.
-- real, wall of mud and lime mixture.
tapiador, builder of mud walls.
tapial m, form for mud wall; mud wall.
tapialera f, (Ec) mud wall; (Sp) wall form (mud
or concrete).
tapialero m (Ec), mud-wall builder.
tapiar, to wall up; to build mud walls.
tapiera f, mud-wall construction.
tapiero m (Col), builder of mud walls.
tapita (f) de vlvula, valve cap (tire).
tapo m, (A) plug; (irr) (M) small diversion dam.
- de limpieza (A), washout plug.
tapn m, plug, stopper, bung; bulkhead.
- adaptador (herr), adapter plug.
- atacador (vol), tamping plug.
- ciego (pet), bul! plug.
-- de avellanar o de cabeza hueca (tub), coun-
tersunk plug.
- de cabeza cuadrada (tub), square-head plug.
-- de cementacin (pet), cementing plug.
- de contacto (elc), attachment plug.
- de cristal o de vidrio (Iab), glass stopper.
- de cubo (auto), hubcap.
-- de evacuacin o de limpieza o de purga,
drain plug, washout or cleanout plug.
-- de grasa, grease plug.
-- de prueba, test plug.
-- de receptculo (elc), receptacle plug.
-- de tope, stop plug.
-- desconectador (elc), disconnect plug.
-- encendedor o incandescente (di), glow plug.
- fusible fusible plug; (elec) plug fuse.
-- giratorio, swivel plug.
- hembra (A) (Col), pipe cap.
- mach,o, (A) pipe plug; (pet) bull plug.
- obturador (tub) , blanking plug.
-- para traviesa (fc), tie plug.
-- roscado, screw plug.
taponar, to plug.
taponear (M), to plug.
taqueador m, tamping bar for powder; (Col)
taquemetro m (Iev), tachymeter, tacheometer.
taquete (m) de plomo, lead shield (for screw).
taquetes (Col), bridging between wood joists.
taqugrafo, taqugrafa, stenographer.
taquilita f (geol) ,tachylite.
taquillaf, rack of pigeonholes; plug switchboard;
(rr) ticket oflice.
taquillera f, any cellular construction.
taquillero m (fc), ticket agent.
taquimecangrafo, stenographer-typist.
taquimetra f, stadia survey; tachymetry.
taquimtrico, tachymetric.
taqumetro m, tachymeter; stadia transito
tara f, tare.
tarabilla f, latch, catch; (C) turnbuckle.
tarabita f, rope ferry.
taraje m, weighing light; tare weight.
tarar, to weigh before loading; to tare, weigh
light; (A) to gage, measure for capacity
(A) to rateo
tarco m (A), a wood (semihard).
tarea f, taskwork, piecework; job, task; shift
(men); (machy)(C) duty; (DR) 6.28 ares;
(C) 69 sq m.
- de lea (C), cord of wood.
tarifa f, tariff, rate; fare.
-- aduanera, schedule of customs duties.
-- de carga, freight rateo
- de demanda, demand charge.
tarificacin f, rate making.
tarimaf, platform, bench, stand, rack; (tk) bunk.
tarjero (1ev) (M), note keeper.
tarjeta f, card; (hw)(A) surface latch.
- ndice, index cardo
tarqun m, mudo
tarraja f, bolt-and-pipe machine, stock thread-
ing machine. '
tarrajadora f, threading machine; tapper.
tarrajar, to thread.
-' con macho, to tapo
tarrajear (Pe), to thread.
tarugo m, wooden pin, plug, bung; wood paving
- de barrera (ef), boom pino
- de cubierta (cn),deck plug.
-- de traviesa (fc), tie plug, wooden spik9.
-- ensanchador (pb), turnpin, tampion.
-- para clavado, nailing plug.
-- para escarpia (fc), spike dowel.
tarvia f (ca), tarvia.
tas m, small anvil.
-- de estampar, swage block.
tasa f, rate; valuation; rating.
-- de agua, water rateo
-- de inters, rate of interest.
-- de mortalidad, death rate.
tasacin f, appraisal, valuation; rating.
tasador m, appraiser.
-- de avera (seg), average adjuster:
-- de pozos, well ratero
tasar, to appraise; to tax; to rate.
tasca f (Pe), wave, breaker.
tasemetro m, taseometer.
tasimetra f, tasimetry.
tasimtrico, tasimetric.
tasmetro m, tasimeter.
tasmanita f (geol) (miner), tasmanite.
tatar m, a South American lumber (semihard).
tautcrono (mat), tautochronous.
taxear (ap), to taxi.
taxmetro m, taximeter.
taza f, basin, bowl, bucket; (turb) (pu) (Pe)
-- a la turca (Es), see inodoro a la turca.
-- del carburador, carburetor bowl.
-- de cojinete, bearing cupo
-- de encastre, basket of a wire-rope socket.
-- de grasa, grease cup.
-- de inodoro, water-closet bowl.
- de rueda (auto)(U), hubcap.
- de vertedero (hid), spillway bucket.
-- engrasadora o lubricadora (M), oil cup.
- Petri (is), Petri dish.
tazn m, large basin, stilling pool; (ea) bowl of a
scraper; (V) bowl of deep well.
te f, (p) T; (str) T bar.
- de bridas (tub), lb.nged T.
-- de rosca, screwed T.
teca f, teakwood.
tecla f, key of adding machine, typewriter, etc.
teclado m, keyboard.
tecle m, single-whip tackle; (Ec) chain block.
- de cadena (Ch), chain block.
tcnica f, technique; engineering.
- del automvil, automotive engineering.
-- electrnica, electronics.
--frigorfica, refrigerating engineering.
-- hidrulica, hydraulics, hydraulic engineering.
tecnicismo m (M), technology.
tcnico m, expert, technician; a technical.
-- agrcola, agronomist, agricultural engineer.
-- de azcar, sugar technologist.
-- electricista, electrical engineer.
-- en hormign, concrete technician
--forestal, forestry engineer.
-- vial, highway engineer.
tecnologa f, technology.
-- de los suelos, soil technology.
tecnolgico, technological.
tecnlogo (m) de concreto, concrete technologist.
tecorral m (M), dry wall, stone fence.
tectnica f (geol), tectonics.
tectnico, tectonic.
techado m, roofing, roof covering; a roof.
-- armado, built-up roofing.
- felpa (C). roofing felt.
--prearmado o preparado, ready or prepared
or composition roofing.
techador m, roofer.
techar, to roof.
techo m, ceiling; roof; shed; (ap) ceilmg.
-- a cuatro aguas, hip roof.
-- a dos aguas o a dos pendientes, peakroof.
-- a simple vertiente o de agua simple, lean-to
or single-pitch roof.
- absoluto (ap), absolute ceiling.
-- dentado o de dientes de sierra, saw-tooth
-- en can, barrel roof.
- flotante o de pontn, fioating roof (tank).
-- mediaagua, lean-to roof.
-- raso, fiat ceiling.
techumbre f, roof, ceiling.
- rampante, lean-to roof.
tefgrama m (mrl), tephigram.
tefrita f (geol), tephrite.
teipe (m) elctrico (C), insulating tape.
teja f, roofing tile.
-- canaln, gutter tile; pantile.
-- cornijal, corner tile.
-- de barro, clay tile.
-- de cimacio, pantile.
-- de madera, shingle.
- estructural (C), structural title.
--lomada, ridge tile.
--vierteaguas, fiashing tile.
teja-canal, teja-cobija, roof tile laid with con-
cave surface upward.
tejadillo m, shed; pentholEe; (M) monitor (roof)
tejado m, roof, tile roof.
-- a cuatro aguas, hip roof.
-- a dos aguas, peaked roof.
-- a un agua, lean-to roof.
teletransmisor teletransmisorista 293 tensin
tejador m, tiler, tile layer.
-- de ripias, shingler.
tejaman, tejamanil m, shingle.
tejar, n briekyard; tileworks; v to roof with tiles.
tejaroz m. eaves.
tejavn m (M). shed.
tejavana , building roofed with tiles without
tejera , tileworks.
tejero m. tilemaker; tile setter, tiler.
tejido m, fabrie; mesh; (V) web of a truss; (w)
-- de acero, wire cloth.
__ de alambre, wire mesh or fabrie; wire cloth.
_ de alambre soldado, welded steel fabrie.
-- de bronce, brass wire eloth.
-- de cernir, bolting eloth.
_ de cesto (ele). basket-weave (armor).
- de filtrar, filter fabrie.
-- de refuerzo, mesh reinforeement.
-- de saco, bagging, burlap.
-- de vidrio, glass cloth.
tejo m. bearing. pillow block; (lbr) yew.
tejoleta , broken tile. briekbat.
tejuela , small tile; pieee of tile; briekbat.
tejuelo m, small tile; soeket; pillow block, step
bearing; gear blank.
tela . cloth; (C) a traeing; a South American
__ alambrada o metlica, wire eloth or fabrie.
-- de acero o de malla, wire mesh or eloth.
-- de asbesto, asbestos eloth.
-- de calcar. traeing cloth.
-- de dibujar, drawing cloth.
- de filtro, filter eloth or fabrie.
- de pedernal, flint cloth.
-- esmeril o lija, emery eloth.
-- mosquitera, mosquito sereening.
-- para gallinero, ehieken wire.
-- para perfiles, profile cloth.
telaraa (ra)(A), spider-web antenna.
telautgrafo m, telautograph.
teleaparato m (A), television equipment.
telearmador m (A), television meehanie.
telebulbo m (A). television tube.
teleciencia (A), seienee of television; science of
telecomunicacin , telecommunieation.
telecontrol m, remote contro!.
telectroscopio m, telectroseope.
teledifundir, to telecast, broadeast by television.
teledifusin , television broadeasting.
teledinmico, teledynamie.
teleemisora (A). television transmitter.
teleequipo m (A), television equipment.
teleferaje m, transportation by aerial tramway.
telefrico, sistema, telpher system; aerial tram-
telefonema m (Es) (A), telephone message.
telefona . telephony.
-- a onda acstica, voiee-frequeney telephony.
-- almbrica. wire telephony.
-- de alta frecuencia, high-frequencytelephony.
__ por corrientes portadoras o por onda porta-
dora, carrier-eurrent telephony; line radio.
-- sin hilos, wireless telephony.
telefnico, telephonie.
telefonista, telephone operator.
telfono m, telephone.
-- de cabeza, headphone.
-- de disco selector, dial telephone.
telefongrafo m. telephonograph.
telefonograma m (A), telegram reeeived by tele-
telefoto, telephoto.
telefotografa, telephotography.
telefotogrfico, telephoto. telephotographic.
telefotmetro m, telephotometer.
telegrafa , telegraphy.
-- almbrica, wire telegraphy.
-.- de frecuencia acstica, voiee-frequeney car-
rier telegraphy.
- mltiplex, multiplex telegraphy.
-- sin hilos, wireless telegraphy.
telegrafiar, to telegraph.
telegrfico, telegraphie.
telegrafista, telegraph operator.
telgrafo m, telegraph.
-- autogrfico, faesimile telegraph, telauto-
telegrfono m, telegraphone.
teleimpresor m, teleprinter.
teleindicador m, telegage, remote gage.
teleingeniero m (A), television engineer.
teleinterruptor m (ele), remote-eontrol switch.
telelctrico, teleleetrie.
telemanmetro m, telemanometer.
telemecnica , telemeehanics.
telemecnico m (A), television meehanic..
telemecanismo m, telemeehanism.
telemedicin , telemetering.
telemetra , telemetry.
telemtrico, telemetric.
telmetro m, telemeter.
-- de corriente, eurrent-type telemeter.
-- de impulso, impulse-type telemeter.
-- de relacin directa, direet-relation telemeter.
-- de relacin inversa, inverse-relation telem-
-- de tensin, voltage-type telemeter.
teleobjetivo (fma), teleobjeetive.
teleoperador m (A), operator of television equip-
telera , jaw of a vise; (str) hinge plate; (Col)
eramp, clamp.
telern, teleran (television-radar air naviga-
telero m, stake of fiat truek or fiatear.
telerreceptor m, television reeeiver.
telerregulacin , remote contro!.
telerreparador m (A), television meehanie.
telescopiar, to teleseope.
telescpico, teleseopie; teleseoping, nesting.
telescopio m, teleseope.
teleseal , television signa!.
telessmico, teleseismie.
telestereoscopio m, telestereoseope.
teletcnico m, television engineer.
teletermmetro m, telethermometer.
-- registrador, telethermograph.
teletipo, teletype.
teletransmisor m. television transmitter.
teletransmisorista (A), operator of a television
teletricista m (A), television meehanie.
teletubo m (A), television tube.
televisar, to televise.
televisin , television.
televisor m, televisor; a television.
, televisor.
tlfer m, telpher.
telferaje m, telpherage.
telferar. to move by telpher.
telfrico a, telpher.
telrico. tellurie.
telurio m (qum), tellurium.
telururo m, telluride.
tembladero m, bog, marsh.
temblador m (mg) , trembler, vibrator, make-and-
temblor m, earthquake, earth tremor.
tmpano (m) de hielo, ice fioe, iceberg.
temperador (m) de aire (A), air eonditioner.
temperatura , temperature.
-- absoluta de ebullicin, absolute boiling
-- de acercamiento (aa) , approaeh tempera-
- de ampolleta hmeda (aa) , wet-bulb tem-
-- de ampolleta seca, dry-bulb temperature.
-- de roco. dew point.
-- de saturacin (mrl) (aa) , saturation tempera-
ture, dew point.
-- efectiva de com,odidad (aa), eomfort lineo
--lmite (inyector), breaking or limiting tem-
tempestad , storm; whole gale.
templa , (eone) batch; (su) strike.
templabilidad (met), hardenability.
templadera (irr)(Es), division gate. head gateo
templado m, tempering, quenehing.
-- al aceite, oil-tempered; oil-quenehed.
-- a llama, fiame-hardened.
-- a salmuera, brine-quenehing.
-- en fragua, fiame-hardened.
-- superficialmente, chilled (iron); casehard-
templador m, turnbuekle.
- para banda, belt tightener.
templar, to temper, queneh; t stress; to haul
temple m, temper, tempering.
-- blando, soft or dead-soft tempero
-- con rotacin, spin-hardening.
-- dulce, mild tempero
-- extraduro, very high tempero
-- mediano, medium tempero
-- por laminacin en fro, temper rolling.
-- suave,low or mild tempero
-- superficial, easehardening; ehilling.
-- vivo. high tempero
temporada , season.
-- de aguas, rainy season.
-- de secas, dry season.
tenacidad , toughness, tenaeity.
tenacillas , pliers, pineers, tweezers.
"- de corte alIado. side-euttin; pliers.
- para crisol (lab), erueible tongs.
tenalla (M), vise.
tenaz, tough.
tenaza , elaw, clamp; (earp)(A) matehed joint.
-- de cadena, ehain wreneh or tongs.
-- de fulminantes (vol), cap erimper.
tenazas, eutters, pliers, tongs, nippers, pineers.
- atornilladoras, pipe tongs, (pet) buekup
-- de banco (vol), beneh erimper.
-- de cpsula (vol), cap erimper.
- de contrafuerza (pet), baekup tongs.
-- de corte, eutting pliers or nippers.
-- de disparo, pile-driver nippers.
-- de forja o de .herrero, blaeksmith tongs.
-- de soldar, welding or brazing tongs.
-- de triscar, saw seto
-- desconectadoras (pet), breakout tongs.
-- para carriles (fe), rail tongs.
-- para detonador (vol), cap erimper.
-- para maderos, timber earrier.
"-- para roca, roek grabo
-- para tirar remaches, passing tongs.
-- para traviesas (fe), tie tongs.
-- para trozas (ef), skidding tongs.
-- para tubera (pet) , casing or earrying tongs.
tendal m, tent, awning; (Col) rafter. upper ehord
of roof truss.
tendedor m, placer, layer, extender.
- de balasto (fe), ballast spreader.
-- de moldes (ca), form setter.
-- de tubera, pipe layer.
tendedora (f) de rieles (fe), rail-l:J,ying maehine.
tendel m, ehalk line; bed of mortar, mortar joint.
tnder m (fe), tender, tank.
tender, to spread, streteh; to lay (rails); t6 set
(forms); to pull (wires); to spread plaster.
tendido m, line; streteh, run; slope of a roof; eoat
of plaster; (A) brown eoat; a sloping
-- de carriles, raillaying.
-- de tubera, pipe lines.
-- elctrico, eleetrie wiring.
tenedero m (nut), holding ground, anehorage.
tenedor m, holder; fork.
-- de acciones, stockholder.
- de balasto o para piedra (fe), ballast fork.
-- de bonos, bondholder.
-- de libros, bookkeeper.
-- de pliza, policyholder.
tenedura (f) de libros, bookkeeping.
tenera , tannery.
tensimetro m, tensiometer.
tensin , (str)(elee) tension; (A) stress.
-- acelerante (ra), aeeeleration or beam volt-
-- andica directa (ra), forward anode voltage.
-- andica inversa (ra), inverse anode voltage.
-- aplicada (ele), impressed voltage.
-- capilar, eapillary potentia!'
-- circunferencial, ring tension.
-- crtica de rejilla (ra), eritical grid voltage.
-- de adherencia (reO (A), bond stress.
-- de asentamiento o de cierre (ele), sealing
- de audiofrecuencia (ra), audio voltage.
termgeno termgrafo 295
-- de circuito abierto, open-circuit voltage.
__ de compresin (A), compressive stress.
-- de contacto (elc), contact potential.
__ de corte, cutoff voltage; (A) shearing stress.
__ de desenganche, drop-out voltage.
-- de entrada, input voltage.
__ de equilibrio del electrodo, equilibrium elec-
trode potential.
__ de funcionamiento (elc), pickup voltage.
_ de placa (ra) , anode or plate voltage.
__ de reactancia, reactance or choking voltage.
-- de rgimen, rated voltage.
- de rejilla (ra) , grid voltage.
__ de resbalamiento (A), shearing stress.
__ de rotura, ultimate tensile strength.
-- de salto, flashover voltage.
-- de servicio, working or operating voltage.
-- de torsin (A), torsional stress.
-- de traccin (A) tensile stress.
-- diagonal, diagonal tension.
-- diente de sierra (ra), saw-tooth voltage.
- disruptiva, disruptive or puncture or break-
down voltage.
-- especfica, unit tensional stress.
-- final, cutoff or final voltage.
--inversa mxima (ra), peak inverse potential.
-- magntica, magnetic strain.
-- momentnea, instantaneous voltage.
-- nula (elc), zero potential.
-- principal (A), principal stress.
-- superficial, surface tension.
-- tangencial (A), shearing stress.
_.- virtual, virtual or effective volts.
tensionar (A), to stretch, pull taut.
tenso, taut.
tensor m, turnbuckle, sleeve nut; tension mem-
ber; guy.
-- de armadura, truss rod.
-- de cadena, chain-tightening device.
-- de cinta (lev), tape stretcher.
-- de correa, belt tighten(lr; idler pulley.
- de doble grillete, shackle-and-shackle turn-
-- de dos ganchos, hook-and-hook turn-
-- de horquilla y ojo, jaw-and-eye turnbuckle.
-- de manguito, sleeve nut.
-- de ojillo doble, eye-and-eye turnbuckle.
__ de resorte (lev), tension handle, spring bal-
- de tornillo, turnbuckle.
tentemozo m, shore, prop, strut.
teidura J, stain (wood).
teodolito m, theodolite, transito
-- altacimutal, altazimuth instrumento
-- de trnsito (Es), engineer's transito
-- repetidor, repeating transito
- taqumetro, stadia transito
teorema m, theorem.
teora J, theory.
-- cuntica o de los tantos, quantum theory.
-- electrnica, electron theory.
tepe m, sod, turf.
tepetate m, (M) hardpan, conglomerate; (min)
country rock, attle; caliche; volcanic tuff.
tequezquite m (M), native sodium carbonate.
tequio m (min) (M), quantity of work to be done
in 1 day.
terceadora J (V), concrete mixer.
tercear (V), to mix concrete.
terceo m (V), mixing, mixture, proportions;
tercer riel, third rail, contact or conductor rail.
tercera J, arbitration.
tercero m, arbitrator, third party.
terciado (mad), laminated, ply.
terciar, to arbitrate; (M)(e) to dilute.
tercio m, one third; a third.
- central o medio, middle third (dam).
teredo m (e), teredo, shipworm.
termal, thermal.
trmico, thermic, thermal.
terminado m, finish.
-- al fro, cold-finished.
terminador m, finisher; terminator; a finishing.
-- de cable (elc), cable terminator; pothead.
__ de tres ramas (elc), three-conductor pot-
terminadora J, finishing machine.
terminal m, (elec) (rr) terminal; a terminal.
-- areo (elc), air terminal.
-- de derivacin (elc), service head.
-- de oreja (elc), lug terminal.
terminar, to finish (job); to finish (surface); to
terminate, dead-end.
trmino m, terminus, terminal; finish, comple-
tion; (math) term; boundary monumento
__ de extremo cerrado (fc) , dead-end ter-
__ de paso continuo (fc), through terminal.
-- medio, average.
termin m (Hsica), thermion.
terminica J, thermionics.
terminico, thermionic.
termita J (sol), thermit.
-- de forja, forging thermit.
-- para fundicin, cast-iron thermit.
-- simple, plain thermit.
termoampermetro m, thermoammeter.
termobargrafo m, thermobarograph.
termobarmetro m, thermobarometer.
termocataltico, thermocatalytic.
termocinemtica J, thermokinematics.
termoclinal m, .thermocline, temperature gra-
termocompresor m, thermocompressor.
termoconductor m, thermoconductor.
termocortacircuito m, thermo-cutout.
termocupla J, thermocouple.
termodetector m (ra), thermodetector.
termodinmica J, thermodynamics.
termodinamicista, thermodynamicist.
termodinmico, thermodynamic.
termoelstico, thermoelastic.
termoelectricidad J, thermoelectricity.
termoelctrico, thermoelectric.
termoelectromotriz, thermoelectromotive.
termoelemento m (elc), thermoelement.
termoflico (is), thermophilic.
termfono m, thermophone.
termogalvanmetro m, thermogalvanometer.
termgeno, termognico, thermogenic.
termgrafo m, thermograph, recording ther-
termograma m, thermogram.
termoguarda m, thermoguard.
termoide, Thermoid (trademark).
termointegrador m (aa), thermointegrator.
termointerruptor m (elc), thermostat-controlled
termoinico, thermionic.
termoluminiscencia J, thermoluminescence.
termomagntico, thermomagnetic, pyromagnetic.
termomtrico, thermometric.
termmetro m, thermometer.
- de ampolleta hmeda. wet-bulb thermom-
-- de ampolleta seca, dry-bulb thermometer.
-- de cuadrante, dial thermometer.
- de fronda (V), sling thermometer.
- de resistencia, resistance thermometer.
- para punto de condensacin (aa), dew-point
- registrador, recording thermometer.
- seco, dry-bulb thermometer.
termometrgrafo m, thermometrograph.
termomotor m, heat engine; a thermomotive.
m, termopila J (elc), ther-
mopile, thermobattery, thermomultiplier.
termopar m, thermocouple.
termopermutador m, heat exchanger.
termoplstico, thermoplastic.
termorreactivo, heat-reactive.
termorreduccin J (quim)(met), thermoreduc-
termorregulador m (cf), thermoregulator.
termorruptor m, Thermo-ruptor (trademark).
termosifn, thermosiphon.
termosttico, thermostatic.
termstato m, thermostat.
- combinado, compound or combination ther-
- de accin mltiple, multiple-point or multi-
ple-insertion thermostat.
- de accin simple, unit or single-point ther-
-- de conducto, insertion or duct thermostat.
- de dos temperaturas, dual or high-Iow ther-
- de inmersin, immersion-type thermostat.
- de servicio simple, single-duty thermostat.
-- de superficie, surface-type thermostat.
-- intermedio o de accin graduada, intermedi-
ate or graduated-acting thermostat.
-- maestro o piloto, master or pilot thermostat.
- positivo, positive or quick-acting thermostat.
-- reajustable a distancia, submaster or remote
adjustable thermostat.
termotector m, Thermo-tector (trademark).
termotensin J (met), thermotension.
termounin J (elc), thermojunction.
ternario (mat) (quim)(met) , ternary.
terracear (M), to terrace.
terracerfas J (M)(V), earth fill, earthwork.
terracota J, terra cotta.
terrado m, flat roof; terrace.
terraja J, stock (for dies); threading machine;
(met) strickle.
-- de cojinete o para dados, diestock.
- y dados, stock and dies.
terrajadora J, threading machine.
- para tuercas, nut-tapping machine.
terrajar, to thread, cut threads, tap; (e) to
- con macho, to tapo
terrapln m, earth fill, earthwork, embankment.
- de desperdicio (M), spoil bank.
-- prestado, borrowed fill.
terraplenaje m, earth filling.
terraplenar, to fill with earth.
terrateniente, landowner.
terraza J, terrace.
-- mangum, mangum terrace (check soil ero-
terrazadora J, terracer.
terrazar, to terrace.
terrazo m, terrazzo.
terremoto m, earthquake.
terreno m, land, ground, soil; terrain; (geol) ter-
-- accidentado, rough ground, hilly country.
- aportado (Es), alluvial soil.
-- de acarreo, alluvial soil.
-- de cimentacin, foundation material.
-- de recubrimiento, overburden.
- de relleno, filled ground, madeJand.
- de trnsito (Es), hardpan.shale.
- de transporte (Pe), alluvial soil.
-- echadizo, refuse dump.
-- ejidal, public or comrnunity land.
-- escabroso, rough ground.
-- falso, filled ground; unstable ground.
-- flojo, unstable soil, loose ground.
-- ganado, reclaimed land.
-.- hullero, coal field.
-- marginal, marginal land.
-- movedizo o corredizo, running ground.
-- primitivo, original ground.
-- quebrado, rolling country; broken ground.
-- sano, solid ground.
-- sedentario, sedentary soil.
-- suelto, loose ground (not requiring blast-
trreo, earthy.
terrero m, dump, spoil bank.
terrestre, terrestrial.
terrn m, clod, lump.
- de lodos (dac), sludge cake.
terroso (miner), earthy.
tertel m (eh), hardpan.
tesar, to tighten, haul taut.
teselado, tessellated (floor).
teso, taut.
tesoro (m) de seguridad (A), vault, safe.
testa J, face, front, head.
-- , de, on end.
testera J, front, front wall; header.
-- de caldera, boiler front.
-- del cilindro, cylinder head.
testero m, front, end piece, end wall; (min) over.
hand or back stope.
-- abovedado (min), domed or pyrarnid stope.
- de techo plano (min), flat-back stope.
-- escalonado (min), rill stope.
testigo 296 tinglado
testigo m, sample, speoimen; (surv) referenoe
-- de perforaoin, drill oore.
--, perito, expert witness.
testimonio (m) pericial, expert testimony.
tesura /, stiffness, tautness.
tetn m, lug, boss.
tetraborato m (qum), tetraborate.
tetrabromuro m, tetrabromide.
tetracilndrico, (eng) four-oylinder.
tetracloruro m, tetraohloride.
tetradrico, tetrahedral.
tetraedrita /, tetrahedrite (ore 'Of silver and oop-
tetraedro m (mat), tetrahedron.
--indicador de viento (ap), wind tetrahedron.
tetraetilo (qum), tetraethyl.
tetrafsico (elo), four-phase.
tetrafilar (elo), four-wire.
tetragonal, tetragonal.
tegrgono m, tetragon; a tetragonal.
tetranitrodiglicerina / (vol), tetranitrodiglyo-
tetrapolar, four-pole.
tetrationato m (lab), tetrathionate.
tetravalente (qulm), quadrivalent, tetravalent.
tetril m, tetryl (explosive).
tetrilo m (qum), tetryl.
ttrodo m (ra), tetrode.
tetrosa / (az), tetrose.
textolita / (plstioo), Textolite (trademark).
textura /, texture.
- flida (geol), fluidal 01' flow texture.
textural, textura!.
teyolote m (M), small stone for filling joints in
rubble work.
tezontle.m (M), voloanio stone used for building.
ticholo m (U), small tile for floor 01' flat roof.
tiempo m, time; weather; (eng) cycle, stroke.
-- aparente, apparent 01' solar time.
-- astronmico, astronomioal 01' mean solar
-- civil, civil time.
-- de admisin o de aspiracin (mg), admission
01' intake 01' suction stroke.
-- de compresin, oompression stroke.
-- de escape, exhaust stroke.
-- de intercepcin (geof), interoept time.
- doble, double time; (M) double shift.
-- extra, overtime.
-- medio solar, mean solar time.
--motor o de trabajo (mg), working 01' power
--normal, standard time.
- sencillo (M), single shift.
-- sideral, sidereal time.
-- solar, solar 01' apparent time.
--verdadero, true 01' solar 01' apparent time.
-- y medio, time and a half.
tiempos de propagacin (geof), travel times.
tienda/, tent; store; awning.
-- de costados verticales, wall tent.
tiendetubos m (ec), pipe layer.
tienta/, earth auger, sounding rod; feeler gage.
tientaaguja /, sounding 01' boring rod.
tientaclaro /, feeler gage.
tierra /, earth, soil, land, ground, dirt; (eleo)
- alcalina (qum), alkaline earth.
-- aluvial, alluvium.
-- cocida, terra cotta.
-- de batn, fuller's earth.
-- de labor, oultivated land.
- de ladrillos, briok olay.
-- diatomcea, diatomaoeous earth.
-- elctrica, ground oonnection.
-- endurecida, hardpan.
- franca (M), topsoil.
- hmica (U), topsoil.
--infusoria, infusorial earth.
-- mantillosa o negra, topsoil, loam.
-- pesada, heavy spar, barite.
- reformada (M), reolaimed land.
- refractaria (A), fire olay.
- rescatada (M), reolaimed land.
-- suelta, loose 01' unstable ground.
--transportada, filled ground.
--vegetal, topsoil.
tierras raras, rare earths.
tieso, stiff, taut, tight; (cono) stiff.
tifn m, typhoon.
tija/ (Es), shank of a key.
tijeral, shear; sawbuck; small ditch.
-- a pedal, foot-power shear.
-- guillotina, power shear.
-- mecnica, shear.
-- para pernos, bolt clipper.
-- universal, universal shear.
tijeras, shears, snips; sawbuok; shear legs.
-- de banco, bench shears.
-- de golpe, anvil cutter.
-- de hojalatero,snips, tinsmith's shears.
--para poste, pole buok.
tijeral m (Ch), roof truss.
tijerales, X braoing.
-- verticales, sway braoing.
tilita / (geol), tillite.
tilo m, linden, basswood.
tillado m, board floor;(C) eightpenny nail.
timba / (C), a timber.
timbradora / (Es), briok press.
timo1ftaleina / (is), thymolphthalein.
timn m, rudder; wagon pole; plow beam; (auto)
(C) steering wheel.
-- compensado, balanoed rudder.
-- mecnico (on) , gyropilot, meohanioal steer-
ing devioe.
--suspendido (cn), underhung rudder.
timonear (nut), to steer.
timoneo m (nut), steering.
timonera / (on), pilothouse, wheelhouse.
timpa /, hearth, grate; (met) tymp.
tmpano m, spandrel wall; gable.
tina/, bathtub; vat, tubo
-- de lavar, laundry tub, washtray.
tinaco m, vat, tubo
tinaja / (M), natural reservoir.
tincal m, tinoal, tinkal, native borax.
tingladillo (m) ahusado, bevel siding.
tingladillo, de, clapboarded; (naut) olinker-built.
tinglado m, shed, shanty, lean-to, open shed.
- del pozo (min), head house.
tinglar, to clapboard; to do clinker work (boat).
tinguaita / (geol), tinguaite.
tinta /, ink.
- a prueba de agua, waterproot ink.
- china, India ink.
tinte m, stain; dye.
-- al agua (pint), water stain.
-- al alcohol, spirit stain.
-- al leo, oil stain.
- indicador (lab), indicator dye.
- inhibitorio (lab), inhibitive dye.
(hid), dye-velocity (gaging).
tmtinear (maq), to rattle, ohatter clatter.
tintineo m. olattering; knooking. '
tintitaco m (A), a hardwood.
tintofotmetro m, tint photometer.
tintometra /, tintometry.
tintmetro m, tintometer.
tintura /, stain; tineture.
tiuela /, teredo, shipworm.
tiocianato (m) de potasio, potassium thiocyanate.
tiocianuro m, thioeyanide, sulphoeyanide.
tiosu1fato m, thiosulphate.
tiotrix (is), thiothrix.
tipa /, a South American hardwood.
tipo m, standard; rate; type, kind.
- de cambio, rate of exehange.
- de flete, freight rateo
-- del mercado, market rateo
- de sueldo, rate of payo
tquet m (PR), ticket.
tiquete m (AC), tioket.
tira /, a length (pipe); strip, stripe; (1'1') (C)
- aislante (ele), insulating strip.
- bordeadora (ca), curb strip.
-,- calibradora, feeler gage.
- central (ca), eenter strip.
-- de banquillo (to) , eant strip, arris fillet.
- de cuero para correa, leather belt laeing.
-- de distancia o de separacin, distanee strip.
- de pelcula (fma), film strip.
-- de relleno (ca), filler 01' expansion strip.
- de respaldo (sol), baeking strip.
-- mosaica (fma), strip mosaico
- protectora, guard strip.
- y empuje (ra)(A), push-pull.
tirada /, lift of concrete, course of masonry; a
stretch, length; (Ee) haul.
tiraderas /, traces (wagon).
tiradero m, spoil bank, dump; (C) snatch tllam.
- de troncos (e), log dump.
tirador m, handle, door pull, doorknob; puller.
- de alambre, wire puller, eome-along clamp.
- de cable (ele), cable puller.
-- de cinta pescadora (ele), fish-wire puller.
-- de puerta, door pullo
- de uniones, eoupling puller.
tirafondo m, wood screw, serew spike, wood
serew with square head; (C)(A) lag serew.
-- para va (fe), serew spike.
tiraje m (mee), draft.
-- descendente, downdraft.
-- forzado, foreed draft.
- inducido, indueed draft.
tiralneas m, drawing peno
-- de articulacin de resorte, spring-hinge rul-
ing peno
-- del comps, pen point.
-- de fuente, fountain ruling peno
-- doble, railroad peno
--loco, oontour peno
-- para detalles, detail peno
- para puntear, dotting peno
-- para rayado, hatehing peno
tiramollar, to fleet (taekle).
tiranta / (Col), tie rod, tie beam.
tirante m, tie rod, guy, tension member; stay
bolt; beam; depth of water; a taut.
- crtico (hid), eritieal depth.
- de agujas (fe), switch rod, tie bar, bridle rod.
-- de armadura, truss rod, hog rod.
--, de caldera, stay bolt.
-- de radio (auto), radius rod.
-- de suspensin, hanger.
- lo doble T, I beam.
-- ojalado o de ojo, loop rod.
tirantes, traces (wagon).
-- de giro (gr) , sluing rods.
- de moldes, form tieso
tirantera /, framework, floor framing.
tirantez J, tightness, (eab) strain.
tirantillo m, seantling, small beam.
tirar, to pull, drag, draw; to throw, throw away;
to blast; to clump; (exe) to waste; to draw
tiratrn m (ra), thyratron.
tiravlvula m, valve rod.
tiravira J: parbuekle, (lg) erosshaul, (lg) eroteh
tireta (f) de correa, belt laeing.
tirita / (ele), Thyrite (trademark).
tiro m, (meeh) draft; (bl) a shot; (tun) shaft a
length; flight of stairs; (surv) (A)
(Col) hoisting lineo '
-- aspirado, indueed draft.
-- ciego (min), winze, milI.
-- de alcanca (min) , chute raise.
- de arrastre (min)(M), adit, inelined shaft.
- de destrozo (min) (Es), enlarging shot.
-- de ensanche (tn), enlarging shot.
-- de escalera, flight of stairs.
-- de escombros (min), waste raise.
-- de franqueo (tn), unkeying 01' cut 01' OOar-
ing-in shot.
-- de mina, mine shaft.
- de recueste (min)(M), adit, inelined shaft.
-- descendente, downdraft.
--forzado, foreed draft.
- inclinado (min) (tn), adit, inelined shaft
--inducido o por aspiracin, indueed draft.'
-- normal, natural draft.
--ventilador, aii- 01' ventilation shaft.
tirn m (eab), strain.
tironear, to drag, labor, hold baek, work with an
titnico (quim), titanie.
titanifero, eontaining titanium, titaniferous.
titanio m, titanium.
titracin J, titration.
titulable, titrable.
titulacin a punto final, end-point titration.
tonelaje tonelaje 299 tornillo
titulador m, titrator.
titular, to titrate.
ttulo m, (dwg) title; (leg) title; (fin) bond; li-
-- de acciones, stock eertifieate.
tiza J, ehalk.
tizar (Ch), to design, draw.
tizate m (M), ehalk.
tiz6n m, (mas) header, bondstone; brand.
- a sardinel (lad), bull header.
- falso, blind or false header.
toa J, hawser, rope.
toar, to tow.
toba J, tufa.
-- calcrea, eale-tufa.
-- de cenizas, volvanie tuff.
-- silcea, silieeous sinter.
tobceo, tuffaeeous.
tobagn m (M), chute.
tobar (Col), to tow.
tobera J, nozzle, tuyere.
-- atomizadora, spray nozzle.
-- de aguja, pintle nozzle.
-- de aspiraci6n, suetion nozzle.
-- de choque, impingement nozzle.
-- de doble vlvula, double-valve nozzle.
-- de estrangulaci6n, throttling nozzle.
-- de labios, lip nozzle.
--de rificio nico; single-orifiee nozzle.
-- de orificios mltiples, multiple-orifiee nozzle.
-- engrasadera, grease-gun nozzle.
--lanzaarena, sandblast nozzle.
-- lanzamortero, eement-gun nozzle.
-- pulverizadora, spray nozzle.
-- plana, nozzle plateo
tobo m (V), bueket; (sh) dipper.
toboso, tuffaeeous.
toc6n m, stump.
tochimbo m (Pe), smelting furnaee.
tocho m (met), billet.
toda velocidad, lull speed.
todo vapor, full steam.
todouno m, run-of-mine eoa1.
tofo m (Ch), fire elay.
tojn m (V), tapered insert to leave hole in con-
crete or mud wall.
tojino m, bitt, eleat; ehoek.
toldilla J (en), poop deek.
toldo m, tent, awning; (U) auto topo
tolerancia J, tolerance.
-- de frecuencia (ra), frequeney tolerance.
-- de laminaci6n (met), rolling toleranee.
-- en ms, plus tolerance.
-- en menos, minus tolerance.
- equivalente en el ngulo (rs) , equivalent
angle tolerance. .
_ equivalente para paso (rs), equivalent lead
-- extrema para dimetro primitivo (en), ex-
treme piteh-diameter tolerance.
tolete m, tholepin; (Col) eomIhon briek.
tolva J, hopper, bin; (Pe) tremie; (min) glory
-- cribadora, sereening hopper.
-- de carga, eharging or loading hopper.
__ de extracci6n (min), glm'y hole, mill holeo
-- de piso (eone), fioor or ground hopper.
-- de revoltura (eone), batch hopper.
-- de torre (eone), tower hopper.
-- dosificadora o medidora (eone), bateher.
-- ensacadora (az), bagging bin.
--igualadora (ag), surge hopper.
-- pesadora (eone), weighing bateher.
-- receptora, reeeiving hopper.
- y tubera (eone)(A), tremie.
tolvas cargadoras (eone), mixer bins.
tomaJ, intake; watertap; (elee) outlet; (elee) tapo
-- de aire (carburador), air inlet.
- de corriente (ele), eurrent tap, outlet, tap,
plug cluster; eurrent eolleetor.
- de embutir (ele), fiush outlet.
- de enchufe (ele), plug reeeptaele.
-- de escape (aa), exhaust inlet.
- de juntas (mam) (A), pointing joints.
- de manguera, hose eonneetion, hose bibb.
-- de potencia, power take-off.
-- de receptculo (ele), reeeptacle outlet.
-- de tierra (ra)(A), ground eonneetion.
-- directa (auto), direet drive, high gear.
-- particular, serviee eonneetion (water).
tomacorriente m (ele), outlet, tapo
- a tierra, ground outlet.
-- con interruptor, switehed outlet.
-- de clavija, plug reeeptaele.
- de pared, wall outlet.
-- de techo, eeiling outlet.
-- de utilidad o para uso general, eonvenienee
- embutido, fiush outlet.
-- mural, wall outlet.
-- para artefacto particular, speeial-purpose
-- tapado, eapped outlet.
tomadero m, inlet, intake.
tomador (m) de tiempo, timekeeper.
tomafuerza J, power take-off.
tomamuestras m, sampler, sampling maehine.
tomar, to take; (mas)(A)(Pe) to point; (p)(A)
(Pe) to fill joints.
t6mbolo m (nut), tombolo.
tomero m (A), man who looks after intakes of
irrigation subseribers; also ealled tomero
tonel m, eask, hogshead, barrel.
-- de extracci6n, ore bueket.
-- de riego, sprinkling eart.
tonelada J, ton.
-- bruta, long or gross ton.
-- corta, net or short ton.
-- de arqueo o de registro (an) , register ton
(100 eubie feet).
-de carga (an), dead-weight ton (2240 lb).
-- de desplazamiento (an) , displaement ton
(2240 lb). .
-- de ensayador, assay ton.
--larga, long or gross ton.
-- mtrica, metrie ton.
-- neta, net or short ton.
toneladas de porte, tons eapaeity.
tonelada-milla, ton-mile.
tonelaje m, tonnage.
-- de carga (an), cargo dead-weight tonnage.
-- neto de registro (an), net registered tonnage.
-- oficial (an), registered tonnage.
-- total de registro (an) , gross registered ton-
tonelmetro m, metrie ton; (Ch) meter-ton.
tonelera J, eooperage.
tonelero m, eooper.
tonga, tongada J, layer, stratum, tier.
t6nico (ra), tonie.
topadora J, butter, butting saw; (ce) bulldozer.
- angular, angling-type bulldozer, angle-
dozer, gradebuilder, Roadbuilder, trail-
builder, Bullgrader, Dozeeaster.
- de cable, eable-eontrolled bulldozer.
- empujadora, bulldozer.
- hidrulica, hydraulieally operated bulldozer.
-- recta, bulldozer.
topar, to strike against, butt into, eollide with;
to make a butt joint.
tope m, butt; lug; bumper, buffer; stop, check;
butt end; (min) faee of a heading; (sb)
- , a, butt to butt.
-- amortiguador, shoek-absorbing bumper.
- de banco, beneh stop or hook.
-- de carro (mh) , earriage stop.
- de direcci6n (auto), steering stop.
- de filetear o de rosca (mh) , thread-eutting
- de puerta, doorstop.
-- de retenci6n o de va (fe), bumping post.
- retn de bolas, thrust ball bearing.
topes del tim6n (en), rudder stops.
topera J (M), subdrain.
topo m, (M) drainage diteh; (Pe) about %acre.
topografa J, topography; surveying.
topogrfico, topographieal.
top6grafo m, topographer; (M) transitman; (A)
(Col) surveyor.
topologa J (mat), topology.
topol6gico (top), topologieal.
torbellino m, whirlpool, eddy.
torca J (top), depression, basin, sunken area.
torcedor (m) de alambre, wire twister.
torcedor de manguitos de uni6n (ele), sleeve
wreneh or twister.
torcedura J, twist; kink.
torcer, to twist.
torcido m, (eab) strand; (eab) lay; a twisted.
-- a la derecha, right layo
-- a la izqulerda, left layo
-- achatado, fiattened strand.
- apretado, de (eab), hard-Iaid.
-- corriente, regular layo
-- en caliente, hot-twisted.
-- en fro, eold-twisted.
- encontrado (M), regular layo
- flojo, de (eab), soft-laid.
-lang, lang layo
- paralelo (M), lang layo
-- regular, regular layo
torci6grafo m, torsion meter.
torcretador m, eement-gun worker.
torcretar, to place gunite, do eement-gun work.
torcretizar (Col), to do eement-gun work.
torcreto m, gunite; shotereta.
toria J (qum), thoria, thorium dioxide.
toriado (ele), thoriated.
torillo m, driftbolt, dowel, (sb) setbolt.
-- en angulo recto, dogbolt.
torio m (qum), thorium.
torita J (miner) (explosivo), thorite.
tormenta J, storm.
tornado m, tornado.
tornal1amas m, fue bridge, bridge wall.
tornamesa J, turntable.
tornapunta J, spreader, braee, strut, spur.
tornasol m, litmus.
tornava J (fe), turntable.
torneado m, turning (lathe).
-- c6nico, taper turning.
torneador (m) de rodillos (mh), roller turner.
torneador desbastador, rough turner.
torneadora J, turning maehine or tool, eutter bit.
torneaduras J, lathe euttings, chips.
tornear, to turn on a lathe; to maehine.
torneo m, turning.
tornera J, lathe work; lathe shop, turnery.
tornero m, lathe operator, turner; hoist runner.
-- mecnico (A), lathe operator.
tornillar (C), to bolt.
tornillera J, stock of boltsor serews.
tornillo m, serew, bolt; vise.
-- a charnela, hinged vise.
- ajustado, turned bolt.
-- albardillado sin fin, hourglass Torm, Hind-
ley's serew.
-- alimentador, feed serew; (pet) temper serew.
-- aterrajador (A), tap bolt, tap serew.
-- compuesto, eompound or differential serew.
-- con aletas de resorte, spring-wing toggle
-- con cono de expansi6n, eonehead toggle bolt.
-- corrector (inst), adjusting serew.
-- de ajuste, setserew; adjusting serew.
-- de apriete, setserew.
-- de aproximaci6n (inst), slow-motionor tan-
gent serew.
-- de armar, ereetion bolt.
-- de avance, lead serew; feed serew.
-- de avance transversal (mh) , eross-feed
-- de ayustar, rigber's vise, rigging serew.
-- de banco, beneh serew; beneh vise.
- de brida (fe), traek bolt.
-- de cabeza, cap serew.
-- de cabeza de arandela, washer-head serew.
-- de cabeza de hongo, roundhead bolt; mush-
room-head serew.
-- de cabeza en cruz, reeessed-head serew.
-- de cabeza perdida, fiathead serew; fiathead
stove bolt.
-- de cadena, ehain vise.
-- de caja, box vise.
- de carruaje (M) (C), earriage bolt.
-- de casquete, cap serew.
-- de coche, eoaeh serew; (M) earriage bolt.
- de coincidencia (inst) , tangent serew.
-- de collar, collar serew.
-- de compresi6n, eompression serew.
-- de correcci6n (inst), adjusting serew.
-- de descanso, setserew.
300 301
- de eclisa (fe), traek bolt.
-- de empuje, thrust serew.
__ de enfoque (inst), foeusing serew.
- de estufa (M), stove bolt.
-- de expansin, expansion bolt.
__ de fiador excntrico, tumbling toggle bolt.
__ de fijacin, setscrew; clamp serew; loek-
_ de gancho, llOOk bolt.
__ de herrero, blaeksmith vise.
__ de hincadura (A), drive serew.
__ de mano, hand vise or serew.
_ de mquina (M) (C), maehine bolt.
__ de mariposa o de orejas, thumbserew, wing
__ de mecnico, maehinist's vise.
__ de mordazas, jaw vise.
__ de movimiento lento (inst), slow-motion
- de ojo, eyebolt.
__ de paso diferencial, differential serew.
-- de pedal, foot vise.
-- de pie, leg vise.
__ de presin, setserew; (inst) clamp serew.
__ de ranuras cruzadas, eross-slotted serew.
_ de reborde, collar serew.
_ de rosca doble, double-thread serew.
-- de seguridad o de traba, loekserew.
__ de sujecin, anchor bolt; setserew; clamp
serew; (elee) terminal serew, binding post,
binding or clamping serew.
-- de tope, shoulder or stop serew.
- de vla (fe), traek bolt.
__ embutido, countersunk bolt or serew; safety
-- esprrago, stud bolt.
__ exterior y caballete (v), outside serew and
-- fiador, setserew; stud bolt.
- fijo (V), setscrew.
--forzador, foreing serew.
- garfiado (Pe), rag or swedge bolt.
-- graduador, adjusting or temper serew.
--levantaaguja (inst), needle lifter serew.
--limitador, stop serew.
- maestro (az), kingbolt.
- maquinado (M), turned bolt.
-,- micromtrico, mierometer screw.
-- opresor, setserew; tap bolt, stud bolt.
- para madera, wood serew.
-- para metales, maehine serew.
-- para serruchos, saw clamp or vise.
-- para tubos, pipe vise.
-- paralelo, parallel vise.
- pasante, through bolt.
- patrn (mh), lead serew.
-- platinado (auto), platinum-tipped serew.
-- prisionero, setserew; grub serew.
_ prisionero de punta ahuecada, eup-point
_ prisionero encajado, hollow or safety set-
-- ranurado sin cabeza, grub screw.
-- seguro, loekserew.
- sin fin, worm.
- sujetador, setserew, binding ser"w.
-- tangencial (inst), tangent serew.
- tangentlmetro (inst) (V), tangent serew.
-- tapn o trabante, setserew.
-- tensor, turnbuekle; take-up serew.
- tipo pulgar (A), thumbserew.
- tirafondo (A), lag serew.
-- torneado, turned bolt.
-- transportador, serew conveyor.
-- y yugo exteriores (v), outside screw and
-- zurdo, left-hand serew.
tornillos calzadores o niveladores (inst), leveling
tornique m (C), turnbuekle.
torniquete m, turnbuekle; turnstile; fenee
ratehet; tourniquet.
-- de alambrado, fenee ratehet.
-- de aparejador, rigging turnbuekle.
- de doble grillete, shaekle-and-shaekle turn-
-- de dos ganchos, hook-and-hook turnbuekle.
-- de dos horquillas, jaw-and-jaw turnbuckle.
-- de gancho y ojo, turnbuekle with hook and
-- de manguito, pipe turnbuekle, sleeve nut or
- de ojillo doble, eye-and-eye turnbuckle.
-- tubular, pipe turnbuckle.
torno m, lathe; hoist, hoisting engine, (pet) eat-
head; drum, reel; (A) vise.
-- al aire, faee lathe.
- a malacate (A), turret lathe.
-- arrastrador de carros, car puller.
-'- combinado (mh), eombination lathe.
-- con cabezal de engranajes, geared-head
-- con cambio rpido de engranajes, quiek-
ehange gear lathe.
-- corredizo, traveling hoist.
-- de aire, pneumatie or air hoist.
- de rboles mltiples, multiple-spindle lathe.
- de bancada, bed lathe.
- de bancada escotada o de bancada partida,
gap lathe.
- de banco, beneh lathe.
-- del cable sacancleos (pet), coring reel.
-- de columna, eolumn lathe.
- de conformar o de chapista, spinning lathe.
- de cono escalonado, eone lathe.
- de despojar, baeking-off lathe.
-- de engranaje o de engranajes reductores,
baek-geared lathe.
-- de escote, gap lathe.
-- de espiar, warping drum.
-- de extensin, extension lathe.
-- de extraccin, mine hoist.
- de filetear, chasing or serew-eutting lathe.
- de herramentista, toolroom lathe.
-- de herrero (A), blaeksmith vise.
-- de latonero, fox or brassworker's lathe.
- de mandril, ehueking lathe.
- de mano, hand or speed lathe.
- de modelista, patternmaker's lathe.
- de pedal, foot lathe.
- de pie (A), leg vise.
-- de precisin, preeision lathe.
- de pulir, buffing or polishing lathe.
- de relojerla, watehmaker's lathe.
- de remolcar, towing wineh.
- de roscar, chasing or threading or serew-eut-
ting lathe.
- de torrecilla, turret lathe.
- de tuberla (pet), casing spool.
-- desbastador, roughing lathe.
-- elevador o izador, hoisting drum, hoist.
- mecnico, lathe.
- para barras, bar-stock lathe.
- para ejes, axle or shafting lathe.
- para lingotes, ingot lathe.
-- para madera, woodworking lathe.
- para tallador de herramientas, toolmaker's
- revlver, turret or capstan lathe.
- sin contrapunta, faee lathe.
- nico, de, single-drum (hoist).
-- universal, universallathe.
toro m (mat), torus.
toroidal, toroidal.
toroide m (mat) , toroid.
torn m" (eab) strand.
-- achatado, flattened strand.
- aplanado (M), flattened strand.
- de barbetar, seizing strand.
-- guardacamino (ca), guardrail strand.
- mensajero, messenger strand.
-- para tranvas, tramway strand.
torpedear (pet)(M), to torpedo, dynamite.
torpedo m, (rr) torpedo; (auto) eowl.
torquetador m (U), eement gun.
torre , tower; (mt) turret; (C) staek, ehimney.
-- de absorcin (pet), absorption eolumn or
- de anclaje, anchor tower.
-- de ngulo (ele), comer or angle tower.
-- de baliza (ap), beaeon tower.
- de borbotaje o de burbujeo (pet), bubble
- de cabeza (ev), head tower.
- de cola (ev), tail tower.
- de controlo de gobierno o de mando (ap),
control tower.
- de destilacin, distillation tower.
- de elaboracin (pet), proeessing tower.
- de enfriamiento atmosfrico, atmospherie
cooling tower.
-- de enfriamiento de tiro mecnico, meehani-
cal-draft or foreed-draft or indueed-draft
eooling tower.
- de equilibrio (hid)(Col), surge tank.
-- de expansin (pet), flash tower.
-- de extensin (pet), teleseoping derriek.
- de fraccionamiento (pet) , fraetionating
-- de mquina (cv), head tower.
- de observacin (lev), observing tower.
- de perforacin o de taladrar (pet), derriek.
-- de primera destilacin (pet), stripping tower.
-- de retencin (ele), strain tower.
- de seales (fe), signal tower.
- de sulfitacin (az) , sulphur tower.
- de toma (hid), intake tower.
- de transmisin (ele), transmission tower.
- desasfaltadora (pet), deasphalting tower.
- despentanizadora (pet), depentanizing tower
-- enfriadora o refrigeradora, eooling tower.
-- inalmbrica o radiodifusora, radio tower.
-,- montacarga (ed), hoisting tower.
- petrolera, oil derriek.
-- rociadora, spray tower.
-- terminal, terminal tower; (ey) tail tower.
torres gemelas, twin towers.
torre-tanque (A), standpipe, surge tank.
torrecilla (mh), turret.
torrefaccin , torrefaetion.
torrencial (r), torrential, flashy.
torrente m, torrent, flood, turbulent stream.
torrentera , gully eroded by storm water.
torrentoso (r) (Pe) (V), torrential, flashy.
trrero m (pet) (M), derriekman.
- guardacambio (fe), towerman.
torrontero m (Es), dump, spoil bank; deposit left
by a flood.
torslmetro, torsimetro m, torsion meter, torsim-
eter, torsiometer.
torsin , torsion; twist.
-- de frenaje, braking torque.
-- de marcha (auto), driving torque.
-- de reposicin, restoring torque.
- derecha (eab), right-hand layo
- izquierda (eab), left-hand layo
torsional, torsional.
torta , pat, cake, briquet; (M) eoat of plaster.
-- de cachaza o del filtro-prensa (az), press or
filter-press cake.
- de cieno (dae)(B), sludge cake.
- de filtro (dae), filter cake.
tortada, (Col) bed of mortar; (M) plaster eoat.
tortol, tortor m, stiek or bar for twisting wire ties;
Spanish windlass.
tortuga (M), handhole plate; handhole frame.
tortugo m (PR), a eonstruetion lumber.
torzal m, twist; (M) strand.
-- empaquetador, twist packing.
tosca , hardpan; in local usage, 'many different
kinds of earth or roek; in Uruguay, mate-
rial resulting from disintegration of bed-
roek of that eountry.
-- estimacin (M), rough estimate.
tosco, coarse, rough; (eone) harsh.
tosquilla (A), a fine-grained eompaet subsoil.
tostar (met), to roast.
totalizador m, totalizer.
totalizar, to totalize.
toxicidad , toxieity.
txico, toxie.
toza , stump; log.
trabal, tie; ehoek; (mas) bond; obstruetion.
- flamenca (lad), FI",mish bond.
- por gas (pet), gas loek.
trabado m, loek, interlock.
- por aire (tub), airbound.
trabador m, loeking deviee; (A) saw seto
- del diferencial (auto), differentialloek.
trabadura, bonding, bond.
trabajabilidad (eone), workability.
trabajable, workable.
trabajador m, workman, laborer.
trabajar, to work.
trabajar 302 tramo tramo
-- en vaco (maq), to idle.
trabajo m, work, job; labor; duty; stress.
-- a destajo o a tarea, pieeework.
-- a jornal, day labor.
-- a medida, pieeework, taskwork.
- a trato (Ch), taskwork.
-- continuo (ele), eontinuous duty.
-- de campaa o de campo, field work.
-- de corta duracin (ele), short-time duty.
-- de desmontes, dirt moving, exeavation.
-- de gabinete, offiee work.
- de operacin (ele), operating duty.
-- de taller, shopwork.
- de va (fe), traekwork.
- extraordinario, extra work.
--intermitente (ele), intermittent duty.
-liviano de arranque, light starting duty.
- manual, manual labor, hand work.
- mnimo, least work.
-- peridico (ele), periodie duty.
- pesado de arranque, heavy starting duty.
- virtual, virtual work: :
trabalinguetes m (pet), pawl eateher.
trabanca j (min)(Es), timber frame to support
trabante m, tie rod, stay bolt.
trabar, to fasten; to loek; to join; to jam; (mas)
to bond; to set (saw); trabarse, to jam;
(eab) to foul; (min) to fiteher.
trabazn j, (mas) bond; (str) web of a truss.
- cruzada, eross bond.
- de tizones en espiguilla, herringbone bond.
-- flamenca u holandesa, Flemish bond.
- inglesa, English bond.
-- ordinaria, American or eommon bond.
trabe j, beam, girder.
- armada (M), plate girder.
- compuesta, built-up girder.
-- de alma llena, plate girder.
-- de celosa, lattiee girder.
- de rigidez, stiffening truss.
- doble T, beam.
--remachaqa, riveted girder.
_trabilla j (est), anchor.
-- de fleje, strap anchor.
traca j (en), strake, wale.
-- de aparadura, garboard strake.
-. de cinta, sheer strake.
-- de costado, side strake.
-.- de fondo, bottom strake.
, -- de pantoque, bilge strake.
-- de trancanil, stringer strake.
-- perdida, fraetional strake.
-- subcinta, topside strake.
traccin j, tension; traetion, pul!; hauling.
- a sangre, animal traetion.
- diagonal, diagonal tension.
- especfica, unit tension.
-- magntica, magnetie traetion.
tractivo, traetive.
tractolina j, traetoline.
tractomotriz (Ch), traetive (power).
tractor m, tractor.
-- agrcola, farm-t'ritetor.
-- caminero, highway tractor.
- de camin, truek tractor.
-- de carriles o de orugas o de esteras o de
lagarto, erawler or caterpillar or traek-type
-- de neumticos, rubber-tired tractor.
-- de ruedas, wheeled tractor.
-- empujador, push tractor.
-- gra, tractor erane, boom tractor.
-- para fbricas, industrial tractor.
-- suplementario de tiro, snap tractor.
tractorista m, tractor operator, eat skinner.
traficable (ca) (V), passable, usable, transitable.
trfico m, traffie.
-- atravesado, eross traffie.
-- automotor, motor traffie.
-- caminante o de peatones, pedestrian traflie.
-- unidireccional, one-way traffie.
tragaluz m, skylight; transom; small window.
--lateral, c!earstory.
traganieves m (al) (Es), snow manhole.
tragante m, fiue, breeehing; smokejaek; air shaft;
throat, eharging opening; (C) sump; (C)
eateh basin.
-- de cloaca, sewer inlet.
-- de piso, fioor drain.
tralla j (ee), seraper.
-- acarreadora, earrying or Carryall seraper.
-- automotriz, self-powered seraper, traetor-
-- cargadora, seraper-Ioader.
-- de arrastre, drag or slip seraper; power or
cable seraper; semitrailer or drawn-type
earrying seraper.
-- de cable, cable seraper, seraper bueket;
eable-operated earrying seraper.
-- de cable de arrastre, power seraper; cable
exeavator; slaekline seraper.
-- de ruedas, wheeled seraper.
-- de volteo, rotary seraper.
-- fresno, fresno seraper.
-- giratoria, rotary seraper.
-- hidrulica, hydraulieally operated seraper.
-- mecnica, power drag seraper.
-- ~ o d a n t e , wheeled seraper; earrying seraper.
-- semirremolque, semitrailer or self-powered
-- sin fondo, bottomless seraper bueket.
-- transportadora, hauling or earrying seraper.
traillar, to grade with a seraper.
traje (m) de buzo, diving suit.
traje de fajina (A), overalls.
trajn m, earriage, transportation.
tralla j, whipeord.
trama j (eab), lay; eonstruetion.
-- a la derecha, right lay.
-- a la izquierda, left lay.
-- corriente o en cruz, regular layo
-- inversa, reverse lay.
--lang, lang lay.
-- Seale, Seale eonstruetion.
tramo m, bay, span, panel; (st) flight; strand
(belt); (rr) block; length, run, streteh, (r)
-- de anclaje (pte), anchor armo
-- de armadura, panel of a truss.
- de instalacin (tub), laying length.
-- de retorno (correa), return strand.
-- de servicio, serviee bay (powerhouse).
-- giratorio (pte), swing span, drawspan.
--levadizo (pte) , drawspan.
- suspendido (pte), suspended span.
--volado (pte), eantilever span.
trampa j, trap; trap door; (rr) (A) derailing
-- basculadora, tilting steam trap.
-- compuesta, eompound steam trap.
- con flotador de bola, ball-float steam trap.
- de aire, air trap.
- de alivio (ef), vent trap.
-- de arena, sand trap.
- de botella (tub), bottle trap.
- de campana (tub), bell trap.
- de carbonilla, einder trap.
- de cargar (ee), loading trap.
-- de cubo invertido, inverted-bueket steam
-- de flotador abierto, bueket steam trap, open-
fioat trap.
- de flujo a nivel (tub), running trap.
-- de gas, gas trap.
-- de goteo, drip trap.
- de hojas (hid), leaf eateher.
-- de impulso, impulse steam trap.
-- de llamas, fiame trap.
-.- de onda (ra), wave trap.
-- de orificio, orifiee steam trap.
- de pote (tub), pot trap.
-- de retorno directo, direet-return steam trap.
-- de sedimentos, dirt trap.
- de tambor (tub), drum trap.
-- elevadora, lifting trap.
-- estratigrfica (pet), stratigraphie trap.
--paranieve (ca), snow trap.
-- sin retorno, nonreturn steam trap.
trampilla j, trap door; bin gateo
- guardaolor (dae), steneh trap.
trampoln m, (Ig) springboard; (hyd) energy dis-
trancanil m (en), stringer; waterway.
trancar, to dam; to obstruet, block; (CA) to
trancha j, tinsmith's stake; (A) eutter, blaek-
smith's ehisel.
tranque m, (Ch)(B) dam; (C) braee.
-- a gravedad, gravity dam.
-- auxiliar, saddle dam; eofferdam.
-- de arco mltiple, multiple-areh dam.
-- de embalse, impounding dam.
-- de escollera, roek-fill dam.
-- de tierra, earth or earth-fill dam.
-- derivador, diversion dam.
-- en arco, single-areh dam.
--insumergible, nonoverflow or bulkhead dam.
-- provisional, eofferdam.
-- sumergible, spillway dam.
-- tipo Ambursen, Ambursen or slab-and-but-
tress dam.
-- vertedero, spillway dam.
tranquera j, gata (fenee); paling fenee.
-- de cruce (fe), erossing gate.
tranquero m (ed), cut stone for jamb or lintel.
tranquil m, plumb lineo
transadmitancia j (ra), transadmittanee.
transbordador m, transfer or traverse table;
ferryboat; ferry bridge; fioat bridge; erane
ror transferring loads.
-- areo, eableway.
transbordar, to transship, transfer.
transbordo m, transshipment, transfer.
transceptor m (ra), transeeiver.
transconduetancia j (ra), transeonduetanee, mu-
tual eonduetan'ce.
-- rejilla-placa, grid-plate transeonduetanee.
transcristalino (met), transerystalline.
transductor m (ele), transdueer.
transfinito (mat), transfinite.
transformacin j, transformation; (pmy) reetifi-
transformador m (ele) (fma) , transformer.
-- a prueba de intemperie, outdoortransformer.
-- acoplador (ra), eoupling transformer.
-- acorazado, shell-type transformer.
-- aumentador, booster transformer.
-- autoprotector, self-proteeting transformer.
-- de baja tensin, low-voltage transformer.
- de corriente, eurrent transformer.
- de corriente constante, eonstant-eurrent
- de corriente oscilante, oseillation trans-
-- de desenganche, tripping transformer.
-- de doble devanado, two-winding trans-
-- de energa o de fuerza o de potencia, power
-- de enfriamiento propio' por aire, self-air-
eooled transformer.
-- de ensayo, testing transformer.
-- de entrada (ra), input transformer.
-- de fase, phasing transformer.
-- de impulso, impulse transformer.
-- de intensidad, eurrent transformer.
- de medida, instrument transformer.
- de ncleo, iron-eore transformer.
-- de ncleo de aire, air-eore transformer.
-- de ncleo y bobina, eore-and-eoil trans-
- de paso alto (A), step-up transformer.
- de paso bajo (A), step-down transformer.
-- de placa era), plate transformer.
-- de poder (A), power transformer.
-- de potencial o de tensin, potential or volt-
age transformer.
- de salida (ra) , output transformer:
- de sintonizacin doble (ra) , double-tuned
-- de sintonizacin sencilla (ra) , simple-tuned
-- de tensin constante, eonstant-potential or
constant-voltage transformer.
-- de triple devanado, three-winding tran8-
-- disminuidor (A), step-down transformer.
-- distribuidor, distribution transformer.
-- elevador, step-up or booster transformer.
-- en aceite, oil-immersed transformer.
- enfriado por aceite a presin, forced-oil-
cooled transformer.
- enfriado por aire, air-cooled transformer.
transformador 304 transportador transportador
305 traviesa
- entre etapas (ra), interstage transformer.
-- entrevlvula o intervalvular (ra), intervalve
-- erizo, hedgehog transformer.
-- static transformer.
-- igualador, balancing transformer.
- multiplicador (A), step-up transformer.
-- para bveda, vault transformer.
-- para parrilla, network transformer.
-- para puesta a tierra, grounding transformer.
- rectificador, rectifier transformer.
- reductor, step-down transformer; choke
- regulador, regulating transformer.
- rotatorio o sincrnico, rotary transformer,
synchronous converter.
-- seco, dry or air-cooled transformer.
-- sintonizado, tuned transformer.
transformar, to transform (pmy) to rectify.
transgresin J (geol), transgression.
transgresivo (geol), transgressive.
transicin J, transition.
- de puente (elc), bridge transition.
transitable (ca), fit for traffic, transitable.
transitar, to travel over, to transito
trnsito m transit traffic; transition; (inst)
-- comn, plain transito
-- de agrimensor, engineer's or surveyor's
- de anteojo lateral, side-telescope transito
-- de bolsillo, pocket transito
-- para edificacin, builder's transito
--para minas, mine transito
--para montaas, mountain transito
--para reconocimiento, reconnaissance transito
--repetidor, repeating transito
--taquimtrico, stadia transito
--vial, road traffic.
translador m (elc), translator.
translcido, translucent.
transmisibilidad J, transmissibility.
transmisible, transmissible.
transmisin J, (mech)(elec)(auto)(ra)(ac) trans-
--" a cardn, shaft drive.
- a facsmile (ra),facsimile transmission.
- a portadora suprimida (ra) , supprcssed-
carrier transmission.
-- a rayo (ra), beam transmission.
-- acopada, cup drive.
-- compuesta! compounding transmission.
- de banda lateral nica (ra), single-side-band
-- de cadena, chain drive.
-- de cambios (fc) (A),switch-operating system.
-- de contramarcha, (eng)reverse drive.
-- de engrane constante, cOnstant-mesh trans-
- de velocidad regulable, variable-speed trans-
-- difusa (ily, diffuse transrnission.
-- en grupo, group drive;
- final (auto), finaldrive.
- hidrulica (auto), fluid
- monocromtica (tv), monochrome transmis-
-- mltiplex (ra), multiplex transmission.
-- planetaria, planetary transmission.
-- por correa, belt drive.
--por engranajes, geared transmission.
-- por onda portadora (elc), carrier transrnis-
-- regular (il), regular transmission.
-- selectiva (auto), selective transmission.
transmismetro m (ap), transmissometer.
transmisor m (tel) (ra) (mec) , transmitter; a
-- a tubo de vaco (ra), vacuum"tube transmit-
-- de corriente portadora (elc), carrier trans-
-- de chispas (ra), spark transmitter.
-- de media onda (ra), half-wave radiator.
-- de onda corta (ra), short-wave transmitter.
-- de varias etapas, multistage transmitter.
-- por arco (ra), arc transmitter.
transmisorista m (A), radio operator.
transmitencia J (il), transmittance; transmit-
transmitir, to transmito
transmutacin J, conversion, transmutation.
-- qumica, chemical change.
transparencia (f) magntica, magnetic transpar-
transparente, transparento
transpiracin J, transpiration.
transponer, to transpose.
transportabilidad J, portability.
transportable, portable.
transportacin J, transportation.
transportador m, conveyor, carri!lr; traverser;
-- a gravedad, gravity conveyor.
--- acanalado, troughing conveyor.
-- alimentador (ec), feed conveyor.
-- de aguiln, boom conveyor.
-- de arrastre, drag conveyor.
-- de artesas o de bateas, pan conveyor.
-- de banda o de cinta o de correa, belt con-
-- de cable, cable conveyor.
-- de cable areo, cableway.
-- de cadena, chain conveyor.
-- de cangilones o de cubos, bucket conveyor.
-- de cangilones pivotados, pivoted-bucket con-
-- de correa articulada o de mandil, apron con-
-- de entrega (ec), delivery conveyor.
- de escala (dib), scale protractor.
-- de limbo, limb protractor.
-- de listones, slat conveyor.
-- de paletas o de rastras, fiight conveyor.
-- de regreso (ec), return conveyor.
-- de rodillos, roUer conveyor.
-- de tornillo, screw conveyor.
-- de transbordo, transfer conveyor.
-- de tres brazos, protractor.
-- delantal (B), apron conveyor.
-- hacinador,.stack!lr.conveyor.
__ helicoidal, spiral or screw conveyor.
_ movible, portable conveyor.
__ sacudidor, shaking conveyor.
__ telfrico, trolley conveyor, telpher.
transportador-saltarregla, bevel protractor.
transportar, to transporto carry, convey, haul;
(surv) to plato
transporte m, transportation, hauling, haul;
(elec) transmission.
- adicional (ot), overhaul.
-- automotor, motor transporto
-- de fuerza, power
-- ferroviario, railroad transportation.
-- fluvial, river transportation.
-- hidrulico, sluicing, hydraulicking.
-- martimo, ocean transportation.
-- motorizado, motor transporto
--vial, highway transportation.
transportista m, shipping agent, forwarder; haul-
ing contractor.
transposicin J (quim) (elc), transposition.
transrectificacin J (elc), transrectification.
transrectificador m (elc), transrectifier.
transversal m J, (Sp) (Ec) crosS section; atrans-
transverso, transverse.
transvertidor m (elc), transverter.
tranva m, street railway; streetcar; tramway.
-- areo, aerial tramway.
tranviario, pertaining to street railways.
trapa J, traprock.
trpano m, drill.
trapeano, trap (rock), trappean.
trapecial, trapezoidal.
trapecio m, trapezoid.
trapezoidal, trapezial.
trapezoide m, trapezium.
trapiche m, machinery for grinding sugar eane;
(Ch) (Pe) ore erusher.
trapichear (A) (M) (C), to grind (sugar).
trapichero m, operator of sugar-millmaehinery.
traquetear (maq), to ehatter.
traqueteo m, vibration, trembling, ehattering.
traquiandesita J (geol), traehyandesite.
traquibasalto m (geol), traehybasalt.
traquita J (geol), trachyte.
traqutico, traehytie.
tras m, trass.
trasbordar, to transship, transfer.
trascantn m, trascantonada J, wheel guardo
trascendental (mat), transcendental.
trascolar to seep, pereolate.
trasds m, extrados.
trasdosear, to back up, support in the rear.
trasegar, to transfer liquid to another container.
trasera J, baek, rear.
trasero a, baek, rear, hind.
traslacin, trasladacin J (mee), translation.
trasladable, movable, traveling.
trasladadora (f) de via (fe), traek shifter.
trasladar, to transfer, shift, traverse.
traslado (m) de tierra, earth moving.
traslapar, to lap, overlap.
"traslape (m) lateral (M), side lapo
traslape por cabeza (M), end lapo
traslapo m, lap, overlap.
traslapos (mad), ship1ap.
trasluciente, translueent.
trasminacin J, seepage.
trasmisividad J, transmissivity.
trasmitencia J, transmittaney.
trasmutacin J, eonversion, transmutation.
traspalable, spadable (sludge).
traspalar, traspalear, to shovel.
traspaleo m, shoveling.
traspasar, to assign; to transfer.
traspaso m, (meeh) transfer; (leg) assignment.
-- de calor, heat transfer.
- doble (fe), double erossover, diamond
traspontn m (auto), folding seat.
trasportar, see transportar.
trasquilar (mh) (A), to shear.
trasroscado (M), erossed (thread).
trassolera J (hid), downstream apron.
trastejador m, tile layer.
trastejar, to lay roof tiles; to repair a tile roof.
tratado m, treatise.
- al caldeo, heat-treated.
-- a presin, pressure-treated.
- en fro, eold-treated.
tratador m (dae) (pet), treater.
-- de aceite, oil treater.
tratamiento m, treatment.
-- antisonoro (ed), aeoustie treatment.
--por llama, flame-treating.
-- trmico, heat treatment.
tratar, to treat (water, timber, etc.); to nego-
tiate; to proeess; to diseuss, treat, deal
with, write about.
tratero m (Ch), taskworker.
trato m, arrangement, agreement.
- , a, by eontraet.
- colectivo,eoUeetive bargaining.
traversa J, bolster; baekstay.
travertino m (geol), travertine.
travs, a, MV, aeross.
travs, de, M", across.
travs de, a, pr, across, through.
travs de la fibra, a, across the grain.
travs del hilo, a, across the grain.
travs de la lnea, a (elc), across-the-line.
travesao m, cap, header, spreader, batten, cross-
piece, bolster; (fc) (C) crosstie; (mt) cross-
rail; (bdg) floor beam; (auto) cross mem-
ber; rail of a door or window.
-- de acuamiento (arco), striking plateo
-- de encuentro (ventana), meeting or check
- de tope, buffer beam.
- partido (cb), split cap.
travesaos corredizos (hid), stop logs.
travesero m, cap, batten, cIeat, crosspiece.
- portapoleas (pet),crown block.
travesa J (tv), traversing.
traviesa J, (rr) crosstie; hatten, cap, header, sill
(elee) erossarm.
-- aserrada por cuartos, quarter tie.
-- de las agujas, head tie.
-- de albura, sap tie.
- de busco, gate sill (lock).
- de cambio o de chucho, head block, switch
-- de freno, brake beam.
-- de media luna, pole tie, half-moon tie.
-- de palo, pole or slabbed or rifle tie.
- de parrilla, bearing bar (grate).
-- de puente, bridge tie.
-- desbastada o dolada, split or hewn tie.
traviesas de desvio, switch timber.
travieso a, transverse, lateral.
trayecto m, stretch, section.
trayectoria 1, trjectory, path.
traza 1, line, location; designo
-- y nivel, line and grade.
trazas (quim)(M), traces.
trazado m, line, route, location; traverse.
-- cerrado, closed survey, loop traverse.
-- definitivo (fc) , finallocation, location survey.
-- estereoscpico, stereoscopic platting.
-- taquimtrico, stadia traverse.
trazador m, one who lays out work; (surv) trav-
erseman; marking awl.
-- de curvas de nivel (ima), contour finder.
-- de facsimile (ra), facsimile recorder.
trazadora 1, plotting machine; tracer.
-- estereoscpica, sterescopic plotter.
trazar, to locate, layout; to traverse; to plan,
design, draw; to plat; to scribe.
- alineacin (lev), to run a lineo
trazo m, line, location; (dwg) dash; (dwg) trace.
- de fuga (dib), vanishing trace.
- del imagen (ima), picture trace.
-- de sierra, saw cut.
-lleno (dib)(Es), full or solid lineo
- y punto, dot and dash (line).
trazumo m (M), seepage.
trbol m (ca), clover-Ieaf (intersection).
trecho m, stretch, section, distance.
trefilado, stranded (wire).
trefileria I (Es), wire drawing.
treintaidosavo m, one thirty-second.
trementina 1, turpentine.
tremolita I (mirier), tremolite (amphibole).
tren m, train; equipment, outfit.
-- de aterrizaje triciclo (ap) , tricycle landing
-- de auxilio, wrecking train.
-- de carga, freight train.
-- de conservacin, work train.
-- de construccin (M), construction plant or
-- de dragado, dredging equipment.
- de engranajes, gear train, gearset, cluster
-- de ensamblaje, assembly lineo
-- de escalas, local or way or accommodation
- de fuerza (auto) (M), power planto
-- de machaqueo, crushing planto
-- de molinos (az) , mill train.
-- de ondas (elc), wave train.
- de perforacin (pet), dril! rig.
-- de rodaje, running gear; cableway carriage.
-- de rodillos, roller train.
- de ruedas (fc), truck.
--de socorro, wrecking train;
-- de sondeo, boring outfit, drill rig.
-- de timoneo (cn), steering gear.
-- de traccin draft gear.
-- de viajeros, passenger train.
- desplazable (auto), sliding gear.
-- directo o expreso, express or through train.
-- generador (elc), generating seto
--laminador, rolling mill, roller train.
--local u mnibus, local or way train.
--postal, mail train.
-- rodante, running gear; (A) rolling stock.
-- trasero, rear assembly.
trencilla (f) de asbesto, asbestos braid.
trencha 1, ripping chisel
trenero m (Ch), trainman.
trenista m (M), trainman.
trenque m (Es), jetty, spur dike.
trenza 1, braid; strand; braided wire.
-- de algodn, cotton braid.
-- simple, single braid (wire covering).
trenzado m, (cab)(M) lay; braid; a braided,
- de asbesto (ais), asbestos braid.
-lang (cab) (M), lang layo
- normal (cab)(M), regular layo
trepaderas 1, trepadores m, climbers.
trpano m, drill; push brace; (A) (Sp) drill bit;
(min) trepan.
-- de percusin, percussion drill.
-- de sondar, earth auger.
trepar, to bore, drill; to climb.
trepidacin 1, vibration.
tresbolillo, al, staggered.
trespatas m (C), tripod.
triamidotrifenilo m (lab), triamidotriphenyl.
triangulacin 1, triangulation.
- a plantilla (ima), template triangulation.
-- estrea, aerial triangulation.
-- grfica, graphical triangulation.
-- nadiral (fma), nadir-point triangulation.
--radial analitica (ima) , analytic radial tri-
- radial por fajas (fma), strip radial trjangula-
triangulado, triangular.
triangulador m, triangulator.
triangular, v to triangulate; a triangular.
tringulo m, triangle; a triangular.
-- de impedancias (elc), impedance triangle.
- oblicungulo, oblique-angled triangle.
-- rectngulo, right triangle.
triaxial, triaxil, triaxial.
tribsico, tribasic.
tribmetro m, tribometer.
tributario m a, tributary.
triclcico, tricalcium, tricalcic.
tricntrico, three-centered.
triciclico, tricyclic.
triclnico, triclino, triclinal (miner), triclinic.
tricloramina I (quim), trichloramine.
tricloroactico, trichloroacetic.
tricloroetileno m (aa), trichloroethylene.
tricloruro m, trichloride.
tridimensional, tridimensional.
tridrico, trihedral.
triedro m (rnst), trihedron.
trifase (A), three-phase.
trifsico (elc), three-phase.
trifenilmetano m (lab), triphenyImethane.
trifilar (elc), three-wire.
trifiuoruro m (quim),
trifurcacin 1, trifurcatlOn.
trigonal, trigonal.
trigonometra 1,
trigonmetro m, trlgonometer.
trihidrato m, trihydrate.
trihidrico, trihydric.
trillar (PR), to pave a road.
trillo m, trail, path.
trimetlico, trimetallic.
trimetileno m, trimethylene.
trimtrico, trimetric. .
trinca 1, lashing, seizing, m?usmg.
trincar, to lash; (cab) to seIze.
trincha 1, chisel.
trinche m (ec) (Ec) , ripper.
trinchera 1, trench, ditch, deep
_ de prstamos (PR), borr?w pIt.
trincheradora 1, trench machme; trench hoe.
trincherar, to ditch, dig trenches.
trincho m (Col), parapeto
trineo m, sled; (lg) ;!ray, scoot.
_ de aparejo (ef), rlggmg sled, dogboat.
_ de arrastre (e), yarding sled, dray.
_ doble (ef),logging sled, two-sled, wagon sled.
trinitrato m, trinitrate..
trinitrobenceno m, trinltrobenzene.
trinitrotolueno m, trinitrotoluene.
trinomio, trinomial.
trinquete m, pawl, dog; ratchet.
triodo m (ra), triode.
__ gaseoso, gas triode, thyratron.
triodos gemelos (ra), twin triode.
triosa I (az), triose.
trixido m, trioxide. ..
_ de arsnico, arsenic trioxide, whlte arsenIC.
tripa 1, gut (laeing); (auto) (V) inner tube.
tripi m, tripod.
triple efecto (az), triple effect.
triple efecto, de, t.riple-acting.
triple oficio, de, triple-duty. .
triplero m (az) (C), operator of a trlple-effect pan.
trplice, triple, triplex. .
triplificador (m) de frecuencia (ra) , frequency
trpode m, tripod.
- de alzar, shear legs.
tripol m rottenstone, tripoli, tripolite.
triPolar,' three-pole, .
tri potsico a (quim), trlpotasslUm.
triptfano m (lab),tryptophan.
triptona I (is), tryptone.
tripulacin 1, crew.
tripulante m, member of the crew.
tripular, to mano
trirrectngulo, trirectangular.
trirrotulado, three-hinged.
triscado m, set (saw).
triscador m (herr), saw seto . .
triscadora (f) mecnica, saw-settmg machme.
triscar, to set a saw.
trisecar, to trisect. .
triseccin 1, (math) trisection; (pmy) three-pomt
trisedor m, trisector.
trisilicato m (quim), trisilicate.
trisilicico, trisilicic.
trisulfuro m, trisulphide.
triturable, crushable.
triturador m, crusher.
trituradora 1, crusher, triturator, shredder, com-
minutor, disintegrator.
-- de anillos, ring crusher.
-- de basuras, garbage grinder.
-- de carbn, coal breaker.
__ de cerniduras (dac), screenings
__ de cilindros o de rodillos, crushmg roll,
roller millo
-- de cono, cone crusher.
-- de finos, sand roll or crusher. .
__ de impacto, impact breaker or null.
-- de madera, hog.
__ de mandibulas o de quijadas, jaw crusher.
__ de martillos, hammer crusher, hammer or
impact millo
-- de reduccin, reduction crusher.
-- giratoria, gyratory crusher..
triturar, to crush, stamp; to trlturate, commi-
trivalente (quim), trivalent.
triviario (ca), three-Iane.
trizarse (A), to crack up, disintegrate.
troca I (M), truck.
troceo m, crosscutting.
trocoide m (an), trochoid.
trocha 1, trail; (rr) gage; (rd) traffic lane; (tc)
(auto) tread, gage.
-- ancha, wide gage.
-- angosta, narrow gage. .
__ de aceleracin (ca), acceleratmg or speed-
change lane. .
__ de deceleracin (ca), deceleratlOn or speed-
change lane.
__ normal, standard gage.
_ para pasar (ca), passing
trole m, trolley; (PR) street raIlway; (PR) street-
caro bl
_ cargador, (mech) trolley; (cy) (Ch) ca eway
tr6lebus m, trolley coach or bus.
trmel m (min), trommel.
trompa 1, nozzle; (loco) pilot; (conc) elephant-
trunk chute; (ea) (Ec) bulldozer; (met)
trompeta 1, bellmouth.
trompo m, shaper, machine for making wood
moldings; (surv)(M) hub, peg, stake; (pb)
(A) (Ch) turnpin.
tronada I (vol) (M), a shot. ., .
tronador (M) de minero, mme.r s
tronador elctrico (vol), electrIC squIb.
tronar, (bl) (M) to shoot, fire ; (auto) (M) to blow
troncado, truncated.
troncal, main, trunk.
tronco m, log, tree trunk, bole; team of horses
frustum; (Sp) stem of a key.
tronco 308 tubo tubo
_ electr6nico, electron or radio or high-vac-
uum tube.
__ electr6nico en cascada, eascade tube.
_ embudado (lab), funnel tl:be.
__ embudado de seguridad, safety funnel tube.
-- entrante (hid), re-entrant tube.
-- estirado, drawn tubing.
_ estuche para ncleos (M), core barrel (drill).
__ evacuador de inodoros (pb), soil pipe.
__ expelente (bm), diseharge or delivery pipe.
- flotador (hid), tube float.
__ fotoelctrico, photoeleetrie tube, phototube.
- gaseoso (ra), gas-filled tube.
-- gotero, drip pipe, drainpipe.
- hervidor (cal), water tube.
- igualador (eO, balance pipe.
- Lenard (elc), Lenard tube.
-limitador de tensi6n (ra) , voltage-limiting
- mezclador (ra) , mixer tube.
-- montante, riser.
_ mltiple (ra), multiple-unit tube.
__ mltiple de admisi6n, intake manifold.
__ mltiple de escape, exhaust manifold.
_ multiplicador (ra), multiplier tube.
-- ne6n, neon tube or lampo
- Nessler (lab), Nessler tube.
_ para cultivos (lab), culture tube.
__ portafusible, fuse tube.
__ portalente (fma), lens cone.
__ portatestigo, core barrel (drill).
__ receptor (ra), reeeiving tube.
__ reforzado por recalcadura, upset pipe.
-- revestidor (pozo), casing.
-- sin costura, seamless tube.
_ soldado a solapa, lap-welded pipe.
__ soldado en espiral, spiral-welded pipe.
-- soplador, blast pipe.
__ termi6nico, thermionie or electron tube.
-- tirante, tubular stay.
-- U, U tube, manometer.
__ Venturi, Venturi tube.
__ vertical de evacuaci6n (pb) , waste staek;
soil staek.
__ vibrador, vibrator tube.
tubo-conducto, conduit; raceway, eleetrie con-
_ flexible (elc), flexible metal conduit.
__ rgido (ele), rigid steel eonduit.
tubo-embudo (eone) (M), tremie.
tubo-trompa (Pe), tremie pipe.
tubuladura f, tubing, piping; (lab) tubulure, tu-
bulature, tubulation.
tubular, tubular.
tubulura f (1ab), tubulure, tubulature.
tuecaf, tueco m (mad) , hole made by wood borer
tuerca f, nut; (p) loek nut.
__ a capuch6n (A), sleeve nut.
_ acabada, full-finished nut.
__ agarradera, clamping nut.
-- ahuecada, reeessed nnt.
__ ajustadora, adjusting nut.
__ almenada, eastellated nut.
__ autotrabadora, self-locking nut.
(pu) eduction -- ciega, blind or cap or box nut.
- con base, flange nut.
_ de caldera, boiler tube or flue.
_ de captaci6n (is) (PA) , intake pipe.
__ de cloaca, sewer pipe.
_ de cola (pozo), tail pipe.
__ de desage, waste pipe, drainpipe.
_ de desage sanitario, soil pipe; waste pipe.
_ de descarga luminiscente (ra) , glow-dis-
charge tube.
__ de desviaci6n (ra), defleetion tube.
_ de dos electrodos (ra), two-eleetrode tube.
__ de dos elementos (ra), two-element tube.
_ del eje de hlice (en), stern tube.
_ de enlechado, grout pipe.
-- de ensayo, test tube.
__ de entrada, inlet pipe; penstoek.
__ de equilibrio, surge tank, standpipe.
__ de escape, exhaust pipe, outlet.
__ de estrangulaci6n (auto), ehoke tube.
__ de evacuaci6n, soil or waste or sewer pipe.
__ de expulsi6n, exhaust pipe; diseharge pipe;
(elee) expulsion tube.
_ de fuerza (ele), tube of force.
__ de gas de tres elementos (ra), three-element
gas tube.
-- de Geissler, Geissler tube.
_ de grUla-pantalla (ra)(A), screen-grid tube.
__ de haz electr6nico (ra) , beam tube.
__ de hincar, drive pipe.
_ de humo o de llama (cal), fire tube.
__ de imagen (tv), pieture tube.
__ de impulsi6n, diseharge or pressure pipe.
__ de inversi6n (lab), inversion tube.
_ de llegada, inlet pipe.
__ de muestreo, tube sampler.
__ de neumtico (auto), tire tube.
__ de nivel (inst), level vial or tube.
_ de nivel de agua (cal), gage glass.
_ de oscil6grafo (ra), oseillograph tube.
-- de paso, by-pass.
- de Pitot, Pitot tube.
-- de plomo, lead pipe.
__ de potencia (ra) , power or output tube.
__ de purga, bleeder or blowoff pipe.
__ de rayos cat6dicos, eathode-ray tube.
__ de rayos X, X-ray tube.
__ de rebose, overflow pipe.
__ de rejilla luminiscente (ra) , grid-glow tube.
-- de salida, outlet pipe.
_ de seguridad (lab), safety tube.
__ de sondaje (en), sounding pipe.
-- de subida, riser.
__ de succi6n, suction pipe; draft tube.
__ de toma (C), suction pipe.
__ de Torricelli, Torrieellian tube.
__ de torsi6n, torsion tube.
_ de tres electrodos (ra), three-eleetrode tube.
- de viento (met), blast.pipe.
__ despumador, scum pipe.
-- desviador, by-pass.
_ detector (ra), detector valve or tube.
- difusor, diffuser tube.
_ disector (tv), disseetor tube.
- dulce (ra) (Es), soft tube.
_ eductor, (pet) eduetor tube;
- de pared delgada, thin-wall or eleetrieal
metallie tubing.
-- de pared gruesa, thiek-walled pipe.
-- de perforaci6n, drill pipe.
-- de platinas, fIanged pipe.
-- de presi6n, pressure pipe, (hyd) penstoek.
-- de producci6n (pet), flow lineo
-- de retorno (cf), return piping.
-- de revestimiento, casing pipe.
-- de toma, intake pipe; serviee eonneetion.
-- de tornillo, serewed or threaded pipe.
-- de uni6n de enchufe, bell-and-spigot pipe.
-- elctrica metlica, eleetrieal metallie or thin-
wall tubing.
-- enteriza, seamless tubing.
-- escariada y mandrilada, reamed and drifted
-- estirada, drawn tubing.
-- extraliviana, lightweight or extra-light pipe.
-- forrada de caucho, rubber-lined pipe.
-- forrada de vidrio, glass-lined pipe.
-- forzada, pressure conduit, penstoek.
-- madre o maestra, a main.
-- mercante (U), merchant pipe.
-- mltiple de toma, intake manifold.
--remachada en espiral, spiral-riveted pipe.
-- universal, Universal cast-iron pipe.
- vstago (pet), drill pipe. .
tubera-filtro, strainer, well point.
tubero m, pipeman, pipe or steam fitter.
tubificaci6n f (M), piping (earth dam).
tubo m, pipe, tube; (ra) tube, valve.
-- al vaco, vaeuum tube.
-- abastecedor, supply pipe.
-- acodado, a bend.
-- ahorquillado, Y braneh.
-- aislador, tube insulator.
- amortiguador (tv), damping tube.
-- amplificador (ra), amplifier tube.
-- arenero (1oeo), sand pipe.
-- ascendente, riser.
-- aspirante, suetion pipe; (turb) drat tube
- calador (ag) (A), tube sampler.
-- capilar, eapillary tube.
-- colador, sereen pipe.
-- con aletas, finned tube.
-- convertidor (ra), converter tube.
- Crookes (ele), Crookes tube.
- cuentagotas (1ab), dropping tube.
-- de absorci6n (lab), absorption tube.
-- de acuerdo o de ajuste, transition pieee, re-
-- de aducci6n, supply pipe.
-- de agua (cal), water tube.
-- de albaal, sewer pipe.
-- de alivio, vent pipe.
-- de alto vaco (ra), high-vaeuum tube.
-- de arcilla glaseada, glazed tile pipe.
-- de avenamiento, drainpipe, draintile.
-- de bajada o de descenso, downspout, leader,
down pipe; (pb) staek.
- de baldeo (pb), flush pipe.
-- de barro esmaltado o vidriado, glazed tile
-- de Bourdon, Bourdon tube.
- de burbuja (inst), bubble tube.
._- aserradizo o por aserrar, saw log.
--- cabecero (ef), head block.
-- de ancla, log anchor, deadman.
-- de barrera (e), boom stick.
-- de cono, truncated cone.
---.:. de pirmide, truncated pyramid.
troncoc6nico, tronc6nico (A), in form of trun-
cated cone.
tronchador m, cutter.
tronchar, to cut, chopo
tronera f, opening in a wall; (M) fIue, chimney;
(Col) shaft, manhole.
tronquista m, teamster.
tronzador m, large crosscut saw.
tronzar, to cut off; to crsscut.
troostita f (met) , troostite.
tropero m (A), hauling contractor.
troposfera f, troposphere.
troque m, (M) truck; (CA) logging wheels.
troquel m, die.
-- cortador, cutting die.
-- de acabar, finishing die.
- de forjar, forging die.
- progresivo, progressive die.
troqueladora f, stamping press.
troquelar, to stamp, form in a die; (M) to wedge.
troquero, troquista m (M), truck driver.
trotil m, trotyl (explosive).
troza f, log.
trozador m, two-man crosseut saw; (lg) bueker,
trozar, to cut into logs; to cut off; to erosseut.
trozo m, ehunk, pieee.
trucha f, wineh, erab; jib crane.
trulla f, trowel.
trumao m (Ch), disintegrated voleanie roek.
truncar, to truneate.
tuberculaci6n, tuberculizaci6n f, tubereulation,
tubrculo m, tubercle.
tubera f, piping, pipe, pipe line; tubing; pipe-
-- alimentadora, feeder pipe.
-- colectora (pet), gathering lines.
-- conductora (pet), line pipe.
-- corriente de rosca, standard screwed pipe.
-- de. ademe (M), well casing.
-- de arcilla vitrificada, sewer pipe.
- de barra de cierre (A), loek-bar pipe.
- de barra de seguridad (Col), loek-bar pipe.
-- de barra enclavada, loek-bar pipe.
-- de bridas, fIanged piping.
- de carga (hid), penstock.
-- de conducci6n, line pipe; supply main.
-.- de costura engargolada, loek-seam pipe.
-- de duelas de madera, wood-stave pipe.
-- de enchufe y cord6n, bell-and-spigot pipe.
-- de entronque (C), water service.
- de frenaje (fe), train or brake pipe.
-- de fundiei6n, east-iron pipe.
-- de hierro centrifugado, eentrifugal east-iron
-- de hierro negro (V), soil pipe.
-- de hormig6n centrifugado, eentrifugal con-
crete pipe.
- de junta fIexible-joint pipe.
311 tuerca 310 turbina
-- con guardacabo, thimble-eye nut.
-- cnica, cone nut.
-- corrediza, traveling nut.
-- de aletas o de mariposa, wing or thumb nut.
- de apriete (U), lock nut.
-- de arge, capstan nut.
-- de barra, bar nut.
-- de clavar o de golpeo (est), driving nut.
-- de cubo, hub nut.
-- de maniobra, operating nut.
-- de ojo, eye nut.
-- de ojo para retenida, guy-eye or thimble-eye
-- de orejas, wing or thumb or fly or finger nut.
-- de prensaestopas, stufling or packing nut.
-- de presin, jam nut.
-- de puos, lever nut.
-- de rebajo, recessed nut.
-- de reborde, flange nut.
-- de retencin, retaining nut.
-'- de seguridad o de sujecin, lock or jam or
check nut.
-- de tope, stop nut.
-- de traba, lock nut.
-- de unin, coupling nut; union nut.
-- encastillada o entallada, castellated or
slotted nut.
-- estriada o rayada, milled nut.
-- fiadora, lock or jam or set nnt.
--forzadora, forcing nut.
-- gua (est), pilot nut.
--limitadora, stop nut.
-- manual, thumb nut.
-- partida, haH nut.
-- prensada en caliente, hot-pressed nut.
-- punzada en fro, cold-punched nut.
-- semiacabada, semifinished nut.
--T, T nut.
-- tapa, cap nut.
tufaj, tufo m, tufa, too.
tufceo, tufaceous.
tulipaj, bell end of a pipe; bellmouthed opening.
tulipero m (mad), whitewood, tulip.
tumba j, felling (trees).
tumbarboles m, tree-felling machine.
tumbador m, tumbler (lock); dumper, tripper;
tipping device; (lg) faller.
-- de rboles (ec), treedozer.
- de clavija, pin tumbler (lock).
-- de palanca, lever tumbler.
tumbadora j (herr), fallero
tumbar, to throw down, fell (trees); (A) (Ch) to
get out of plumb.
tumbe m (min) (M), throwing down the ore.
tnel m, tunnel.
-- a presin (hid), pressure tunnel.
-- auxiliar, pioneer tunnel.
-- conducto, water or flow tunnel.
-- de derivacin (hid), diversion tunnel.
-- de desviacin (M), diversion tunnel.
- del eje (cn), shaft alley or turmel.
-- de extraccin (min), adit.
-- de herradura, horseshoe-shaped tunnel.
-- de voladura (min), powder drift; coyote hole.
--forzado (hid), pressure tunnel.
-- piloto, pilot tunnel, advance heading.
-- provisorio, (hyd) diversion tunnel; (rr) pio-
neer tunnel.
- vertedor (hid), tunnel spillway.
tungstato m (qum) , tungstate.
tungstenfero, containing tungsteno
tungstenio m (M) (V), tungsteno
tungsteno m, tungsteno
-- toriado (ra), thoriated tungsteno
tngstico (qum), tungstic.
tup m, vertical-shaft machine for making wood
tupia j (Col), dam, dike; obstruction.
tupiar (Col), to dam; to obstruct.
tupicin j, clogging, choking.
tupido, dense, thick, close-grained.
tupir, to pack, calk.
tupista m, operator of a tup, molding maker.
turba j, peat, turf.
turbal m, turbera j, peat bed.
turbias j (hid), silt, suspended matter.
turbidez, turbiedad, turbieza j, turbidity.
turbidimtrico, turbidimetric.
turbidmetro m, turbidimeter.
trbido, turbid.
turbina j, turbine.
-- a vapor, steam turbine.
-- a vapor de mercurio, mercury-vapor turbine.
-- axial, axial-flow or parallel-flow turbine.
-- centrfuga, outward-flow turbine.
-- centrpeta, inward-flow turbine.
-- compound cruzada, cross-compound turbine.
-- con divisin de corriente, divided-flow tur-
-- de accin (hid), impulse or Pelton-type tur-
-- de agua, hydraulic or water turbine.
-- de cmara abierta (hid), open-flume turbine.
-- de ciclo abierto (gas), open-cycle turbine.
-- de contrapresin, back-pressure turbine.
-- de chorro libre, impulse turbine.
-- de doble efecto, doublc-flow turbine.
-- de efecto simple, single-flow turbine.
-- de envoltura doble, double-case turbine.
-- de expansin mltiple, multistage turbine.
-- de expansin simple, single-stage turbine.
-- de extraccin, extraction or bleeder turbine.
-- de gas de ciclo completo, complete-cycle gas
-- de gas de ciclo regenerador, regenerative-
cycle gas turbine.
-- de gas de ciclo simple, simple-cycle gas tur-
-- de grado nico, single-stage turbine.
-- de hlice, propeller turbine.
- de impulsin, impulse or (hyd) Pelton-type
-- de presin doble, mixed-pressure turbine.
-- de presin variable, variable-pressure tur-
-- de reaccin, reaction or (hyd) Francis-type
-- de reentrada, re-entry turbine.
-- de servicio, house turbine.
--helicoidal, helical-flow turbine.
-- Kaplan, Kaplan turbine.
-- mixta, mixed-flow turbine.
- paralela, axial-flow or parallel-flow turbine.
- radial, radial-flow turbine.
-- superpuesta, topping or top or superposed
- tangencial, tangential-flow turbine (steam);
. (hyd) impulse or Pelton-type turbine.
turbinar (C), to centrifugalize, centrifuge.
turbio, turbid.
turbin m, squall, heavy shower.
turboaereador m, turboaerator.
turboalternador m (elc), turboalternator.
turboaspirador, turboeductor m (ve), turboex-
turbobomba j, turbopump.
turbocompresor m, turbine-driven compressor,
turboexcitador m (dc), turboexciter.
turbogenerador m (elc), turbogenerator.
turbogrupo m (Es), turbogenerator.
turbomezclador m, turbomixer.
turbomotor m, turbomotor.
turbonada j, squall, heavy shower.
turboso, peaty.
turbosoplador m, turboblower.
turbosupercargador m, turbosupercharger.
turboventilador m, turbofan.
turbulencia j, turbulence.
turbulento, turbulento
turgita j, turgite, hydrohematite (iron ore).
turno m, shift (period of work).
- de colada (conc), batch.
- de da, day shift.
- de fundicin (met), a heat.
-- de noche, night shift.
- de trabajo, shift.
-- nico, single shift.
turri! m (B), barrel.
turrin m, gudgeon; peg; crankpin; driftpin.
tuyaj (M), cedar.
uai j (tub) (C), y branch.
ubicacin j, location, site.
ubicador (m) de escapes, leak detector.
ubicador de tubera, pipe finder.
ubicar, to locate.
udmetro m, rain gage, udometer.
ultimar, to finish.
ultraacstico (ra) (A), supersonic, ultrasonic.
ultraalta, ultraelevada, ultrahigh (frequency).
ultraaudi6n (ra), ultraudion.
ultrabsico (geol), ultrabasic.
ultracorta, ultrashort (wave).
ultradino (ra), ultradyne.
ultrafiltracin j, ultrafiltration.
ultrafiltro m, ultrafilter.
ultramicrmetro m, ultramicrometer.
ultramicroscopio m, ultramicroscope.
ultrarrpido, ultrahigh-speed, ultrafast.
ultrarrojo, infrared, ultrared.
ultrasnico (ra) (A), supersonic.
ultravioleta, ultraviolet.
ulla f (B), soft coal.
ullita j (B), hard coal.
umbral m, sill, threshold, door saddle; (M) lintel.
- almenado o dentado (hid), dentated sill.
- de audibilidad (ra) , threshold of audibility
or of hearing.
- de compuerta (hid), gate sill.
- de puerta, saddle, threshold, doorsill.
-- de sensacin (ra), threshold of feeling.
-- de ventana, window sill.
- deflector (hid), deflector sill, baffie wall.
- derramador (hid), spillway lip or crest.
- desviador (hid), deflector sill.
- difusor (hid) (M), deflectorsill.
- limitador o vertedor (hid), spillway or weir
umbralado m (Col), lintel.
umbralar, to place a lintel or sill.
undulado, corrugated; wavy; undulating.
undulatorio, undulatory.
uniaxial, unixico, uniaxial.
unicelular, unicellular.
unidad j, unit; (math) unity.
- absoluta (med), absolute unit.
-- angstrom (il), angstrom unit.
-- britnica de calor, British thermal unit.
- controladora o de control mecnico (tc) ,
power control unit.
-- de calefaccin, unit heater.
-- de cristal (ra), crystal unit.
-- de fuerza o de potencia, power unt.
- de gobierno a cable (tc) , .cable control unit.
-- de gobierno por potencia o por fuerza (tc) ,
power control unit.
- derivada (fsica), derived unt..
- fundamental (fsica), fundamental unit.
-- gravimtrica (geof), gravity unit.
- mltiple, de, multiple unit.
-- trmica inglesa, British thermal unit.
unidades electroestticas, electrostatic units.
unidimensional, one-dimensional.
unidireccional, in one direction, unidirectional.
unifilar, one-wire, unifilar.
uniformar, to standardize.
uniforme a, uniformo
uniformidad j, uniformity.
unilateral (maq) (mat), unilateral.
unimotor, single-engine.
unin j, joint, coupling, connection; (p) union.
-- a medio corte (carp), halved joint.
- a tope, butt joi,nt.
-- cardn, universal joint.
- circular o de circunferencia, girth or circum-
ferential joint.
-- corrediza, slip or expansion joint.
-- de anillo y ranura (tub) , ring-and-groove
- de arista (sol), edge joint.
-- de bisel, miter joint.
-- de bridas, flange union, flanged connection.
--de cubrejunta, butt splice.
-- de charnela, hinge or knuckle joint.
- de deslizamiento, telescope or sliding joint.
- de dilatacin, expansion joint.
- de empaque (tub), lip union..
- de enchufe (tub), bell-and-spigot joint.
- de gozne, hinge joint.
- de manchones (A), flange coupling.
-- de medio inglete, half-miter joint.
unin 312 vado vadoso 313 vlvula
- de montaje (est), field joint or spliee.
-- de pestaa o de platinas (tub), f1ange union.
- de reborde (tub), lip union.
- de redueci6n (tub), redueing eoupling.
-- de solapa, lap joint.
- de taza (tub), eup joint.
- en L (tub), union elbow.
- en T (tub), union T.
-- gemela (tub), Siamese eonneetion.
-- giratoria, swivel joint.
- macho y hembra (tub) , male-and-female
-- para banda, steel belt laeing.
- para soldar (tub), welding union.
-- preparada, (ei p) prepared joint.
-- resbaladiza, slip joint.
- roscada (tub) , threaded eoupling, serew
joint; serew union.
-- sobre tres durmientes (fe), three-tie joint.
- soportada (fe), supported joint.
- suspendida (fe), suspended joint.
-- telese6piea, teleseope joint.
-- universal, universal joint.
unionismo m, unionismo
uniparcelar, eonsisting of 1 pareel (land).
uniperi6dico, umperiodie.
unipolar (ele), single-pole, unipolar.
unipotencial (ele), unipotential.
unir, to eouple, eonneet.
unisimtrico, unisymmetrieal.
unitario, unit, unitary.
univaciado, (ei p) Monoeast (trademark).
univalente (qum), univalent.
universal, universal.
untadora J, greasing tool.
uaJ, elaw, pawl, lug, grouser; f1uke (anchor).
ueta J, stoneeutter's ehisl.
uranina J (is), uranin.
uraninita J (miner), uraninite (radium and Ura-
uranio mi uranium.
uranitaJ (miner), uranite.
urbanismo m, (Ch) eity plannhg; urbanization;
(V) real-estate development.
urbanista m (A), eity planner.
urbanizaci6n J, urbanization; eity planning; (V)
(Pan) real-estate development.
urbano, urbano
urbanologa J, eity plannillg.
urbe J, large city.
ureasa J (is), urease.
urinario m, urina!.
urquinaza J (V), pulverized briek used as eolor-
ing matter in mortar.
urundel, urunday, urundey m, South American
usado, used, seeondhand.
usina J (A) (U) (B), powerhouse; plant; faetory.
-- a vapor, steam power planto
-- de bombeo, pumping station.
-- de gas, gasworks, gas planto
- de punta (A), peak-load powerhouse.
- de purificacin (pa) (U), purifieation planto
-- elevadora, pumping planto
- hidrulica, water-power planto
- mareamotriz (A), tidal powerhouse.
-- neumtica, eomprespor planto
-- siderrgica, steelworks.
-- trmica auxiliar, steam stand-by planto
-- transformadora, substation, transformer sta-
uso m, use.
-- , de, used, seeondhand.
-- consuntivo (irr), eonsumptive use.
-- y desgaste, wear and tear.
ustible, combustible.
usuario m, user, consumer.
utensilio m, utensil; applianee; tool.
til m, tool. .
- perforador (Es), drill bit.
tiles, tools, equipment.
-- de dibujo, drafting instruments; drawing
-- de escritorio, offiee equipment; offiee sup-
- de extracci6n (pet), fishing tools.
-- de laboratorio, laboratory equipment.
-- de sondeo, drilling tools.
utilaje m (A), outfit, equipment, tools.
utilero m, tool keeper.
utilidad J, utility; profit.
-- gruesa, gross profit.
-- libre, balance of ineome.
utilidades, earnings, profit.
-- incorporadas, eorporate surplus.
--lquidas, net earnings.
utilizaci6n J, utilization.
utillaje m, outfit of tools.
utillar, to tool, equip with tools.
vacia J (geol), waeke.
-- gris, graywaeke.
vaciadaJ, dumping; (met) a melt; (eone) a pour.
vaciadero m, (hyd) sluieeway, escape; (Sp) weir;
(ea) spoil bank, dump; (Pb) slop sink;
(fdy) gateo
vaciado m, easting, pouring, dumping; (M) ex-
eavation; a east, poured, dumped.
-- a ce ~ perdida, lost-wax easting.
-- de precisin, preeision or lost-wax easting.
-- en caliente (ca), hot-poured.
- en foso de colada (tub), pit-east.
-- en sitio (eone), poured in place.
-lateral, side dump (ear).
-- por atrs, rear dump.
- por debajo o por el fondo, bottom dump.
vaciador (m) de carros, ear dumper.
vaciamar, vaciante J, ebb tide.
vaciar, to empty, evaeuate; to pour, cast; to
dump; to hollow out; (M) to exeavate.
vaco m, vaeuum, void; a empty.
- de escalera (M), stair well.
-, en (maq), idle, light, with no load.
vacuo m, vacuum.
vacuola J (is), vaeuole.
vacumetro m, vaeuum gage.
vadeable (r), fordable.
vadear, to ford.
vadera J, ford.
vado m, ford; shoal.
vadoso a, shallow, shoal; (geol) (A) vadose.
vagara J (en), ribband; eeiling plank.
vagn m, ear, freight caro
-automotor (fe) (V), motorcar.
-- barrenador (tn), drill carriage, jumbo.
- batea (Es), gondola ear.
-- cama (Es), sleeping caro
-- carbonero, coal cal.'.
-- cerrado o cubierto o de caj6n, boxear.
-- cisterna (Es), tank caro
-- correo, mail caro
- cuadra, cattle ear, stockcar.
-- cuba, tank ear.
-- de bscula, dump ear.
- de carga, freight ear.
-- de cola, eaboose.
-- de equipajes, baggage caro
-- de hacienda (A), cattle ear, stoekcar.
-- de medio cajn o de medio costado, gondola
-- de mercancas, boxear.
-- de mineral, ore ear.
-- de pasajeros (Ch), passenger ear.
- de plataforma, flatear.
-- de reja (Ch), stockear, eattle caro
-- de remolque, trailer.
-- de trampilla, drop-.bottom ear.
-- de viajeros, passenger ear.
-- de volteo, dump ear.
-- descubierto (Es), f1atear.
-- encajonado, boxear.
- frigorfico (M)(Es), refrigerator ear.
-- gra, derriek or wreeking ear.
-- jaula, stoekear.
-- motor (fe), motorear.
-- para recipientes, container ear.
-- plano o raso, flatear.
-- postal, mail ear.
--restaurante, dining ear.
- tanque, tank ear.
-- tolva, hopper-bottom ear.
--volquete o volteable, dump ear.
vagonada J, earload.
vagonero m, trainman.
vagoneta J, industrial ear; sealepan; tramway
-- basculante, dump caro
-- de segmento, rocker dump ear.
-- de plataforma, flatcat.
- decauville, narrow-gage ear.
--volcadora o de volteo, dump ear.
vagra J (en) (A), longitudinal stiffening member.
- del pantoque, bilge keelson.
vaguada J, ehannel, watereourse.
vahos m, fumes.
vaivn m, swinging or reeiproeating movement.
valencia J (ele) (qum), valenee, val,ney.
- polar, eleetrovalenee, polar valenee.
- residual, residual or auxiliary valence.
valiza (C), see baliza.
valor m, value.
- a la par, par value.
- absoluto (mat), modulus, absolute value.
-- antidetonante, knock rating (gasoline).
- cal6rico, fuel valuc.
- calorfico, heat value.
-- de cresta, peak value.
-- de desecho, serap value.
-- del escurrimiento (ms), flow value.
-- de reeuperaci6n, salvage value.
-- en plaza, market value.
-- extrnseco (cont), good will.
-- rezago, salvage value; {A) serap value.
valoracin, vclorizaci6n, valuaci6n J, ltPpraisal
valorar, to appraise, value.
valores, seeurities; bonds.
-- crticos de la cohesi6n (ms), eritieal eohesion
-- realizables, liquid assets.
valuador m, appraiser.
valuar, to appraise, rateo
valva J (Es), leaf of a clamshell bueket.
- de almeja (M), (bu) clamshell.
vlvula J (hid) (ele), valve.
-- a la cabeza,valve-in-head.
- a gas (ra), gas tube.
-- a llave, wreneh-operated valve.
- a mercurio (ra), mercury-vapor tube.
- a prueba de amonaco, ammonia valve.
-- al vaco (ra), vaeuum tube.
- acodillada, angle valve.
- aisladora (ra), isolator valve.
-- aliviadora de explosiones, explosion-relief
- amortiguada de retencin,. eushioned check
- amortiguadora, (eng) eushion valve; (tv)
damping tube.
- amplificadora (ra), amplifier tube.
- amplificadora por haces (ra) , beam-power
-- angular, angle valve.
- angular de contrapresi6n, angle back-pres-
sure valve.
- angular de retenci6n, angle check valve.
-- antimierofniea (ra), antimierophonie valve.
-- atemperadora (d), tempering valve.
- atmosfrica, internal safety valva.
--balanceada o compensada, balanced valve.
-- baldeadora (pb), flush valve.
- bigrilla (ra) (A), double-grid tube.
- blanda (ra) (A), soft tube.
-- cmara (tv), camera tube.
-- catdica (tv), cathode-ray or picture tube.
-- cilndrica, eylinder valve or gateo
- con asiento de recambio, renewable-seat
-- cnica, cone valve.
-- conversora (ra) (A), converter tube.
- corrediza, (se) slide valve; (pet) traveling
- checadora (M), check valve.
- de accin rpida, quiek-aeting valve.
-- de aguja, needle or pin valve.
- de ala, wing valve.
-- de alarma (roe), alarm valve.
--, de aleta, butterfly valve.
- de alivio, safety valve; relief or vacuum-
breaking valve.
-- de alivio para expansi6n, expansion-relief
- de alta impedancia (ra) , high-impedance
-- de alto vaco (ra), high-vacuum or electron
-- de ampolla metlica (ra) , metal-envelope
-- de ngulo, angle valve.
-- de ngulo horizontal, corner valve.
-- de asiento cnico, cone valve.
- de aspersin (pb)(Es), flush valve.
-- de aspiracin, admission valve; (pu) foot
-- de barra, bar-stock valve.
-- del barrido (di), scavenging valve.
- de batera (ra), battery tube.
- de bola, ball valve.
-- de bola y asiento, ball-and-seat valve.
-- de bridas, flanged valve.
- de buje mvil (A), needle valve.
- de cabeza de hongo (C), poppet valve.
-- de caja de hierro, iron-body valve.
-- de camisa, sleeve valve.
-- de campana, eup valve.
-- de carrete, spool valve.
- de ctodo caliente (ra), hot-cathode tube.
-- de ctodo de charco (ra), pool tube or tank.
-- de cebado, primer valve.
-- de cierre, shutoff valve, stopeoek.
-- de cierre rpido, quick-acting valve.
-- de cierre vertical, poppet or lift valve.
-- de codo, angle valve.
-- de columpio, swing check valve.
-- de compoundaje (bm), eompounding valve.
-- de compuerta, gate valve.
-- de compuerta acuada, wedge-gate valve.
-- de compuerta con abrazadera, clamp gate
-- de compuerta con llave auxiliar, gate valve
with by-pass.
-- de compuerta plana, parallel-slide gate valve.
-- de compuerta tipo cremallera, raek-type gate
-- de contraflujo, reverse-flow valve.
-- decontrapresin, baek-pressure valve; baek-
water valve.
-- de copa, cup valve.
- de corredera, (se) slide valve; (hyd) (Sp)
gate valve.
-- de corte remoto (ra) , remote-eutoff tube,
supercontrol tube.
-- de cortina (Col), gate valve.
-- de cortina en cua, wedge-gate valve.
-- de cruz, eross valve.
-- de cuatro pasos, four-way :valve.
-- de cuatro patas (ra) , four-prong tube.
- de cuello (C), throttle valve.
-- de cuerpo de fundicin, iron-body valve.
-- de cua, wedge-gate valve.
-- de chapaleta, flap valve.
-- de charnela, flap or claek or swing check
-- de charnela de disco exterior, open flap
-- de charnela de disco interior, enclosed flap
- de cheque (C), check valve.
- de dardo (pet), dart valve.
-- de derivacin, by-pass valve.
-- de desahogo, relief or safety valve.
-- de desahogo a la atmsfera, atmospherie re-
lief valve.
-- de desaire (A), vent valve.
-- de descarga, blowoff or exhaust or unloading
valve; (ra) diseharge tube.
-- de desvo, offset valve.
-- de diafragma, diaphragm valve.
-- de disco, disk valve.
- de disco tapn, globe valve with plug-type
-- de disparo, pop or pop safety valve.
-- de distribucin (pet), manifold valve.
- de doble disco, double-disk gate valve.
- de doble golpe, double-beat valve.
- de doble rejilla (ra), double-grid tube.
-- de dos campanas, hub-end valve.
-- de mbolo, piston valve.
-- de enchufe y cordn, valve with bell-and-
spigot ends.
- de erogacin (bm)(A), discharge valve.
- de espiga (M), needle valve.
-- de estrangulacin, throttle valve.
-- de expulsin, diseharge valve; blowoff valve.
-- de flotador, float valve.
- de frenaje (fe), brake valve.
-- de fuerza (ra), power tube.
-- de garganta, throat valve.
-- de globo, globe valve.
-- de globo tipo aguja, needle-point valve.
-- de gozne, flap or check valve.
-- de guardia, guard valve.
-- de guillotina, guillotine valve.
-- de insertar, inserting valve.
-- de interrupcin (Pe), shutoff valve.
-- de inyeccin, injeetion valve.
-- de lengeta, feather valve.
-'- de limpieza automtica, flush valve, flush-
-- de mando, pilot valve; control valve.
-- de manguito, sleeve valve.
-- de maniobra, control valve.
-- de mariposa, butterfly valve.
-- de mu variable (ra), variable-mu tube.
-- de ocho patas (ra), eight-prong tube.
-- de orejas, wing valve.
- de pantalla (Col), gate valve.
-- de paso, by-pass valve; shutoff or line valve.
-- de paso recto, straightway valve.
-- de pasos mltiples, multiple-way valve.
- de pedal (pb), foot valve.
- de pie (bm), foot valve.
-- de pistn, piston valve.
-- de placa, plate valve.
- de platillo, tappet valve.
- de poder (ra) (A), power tube.
-- de potencia (ra), power tube.
-- de presin, pressure valve.
-- de pulverizacin, spray valve.
-- de purga, blowoff valve.
-- de purga de agua, water-relief valve.
-- de rayos X, X-ray tube.
-- de reduccin de presin, pressure-redueing
- de rejilla blindada (ra) (Es), sereen-grid
- de rejilla-pantalla (ra), sereen-grid tube.
- de resuello (A), air valve.
- de retencin, check ot baekwater valve.
- de retencin a bisagra, swing check valve.
-- de retencin a bola, ball check valve.
- de retencin de vapor (cal), nonreturn or
stop-and-check valve.
- de rosca, threaded valve.
- de seguridad de carga directa, dead-weight
safety valve.
-- de seguridad de disparo, pop safety valve.
-- de seguridad de palanca, lever safety valve.
- de seguridad de Ramsbottom, Ramsbottom
safety valve.
-- de seguridad de resorte, spring safety valve.
- de sifn para aire, siphon air valve.
-- de solenoide, solenoid valve.
-- de succin, suction or admission valve.
-- de tapn, plug valve.
-- de traspaso, erossover valve.
-- de tres pasos, three-way valve.
-- de t)lbo movible, tube valve.
-- de vstago corredizo, sliding-stem valve.
- de va franca, full-way valve.
- desviadora, by-pass valve.
-- detectora (ra), detector valve or tube.
- dura (ra) (A), hard tube.
- electrnica o elctrica, vaeuum or eleetron
tube. .
- electroqumica, eleetroehemieal valve.
- emisora (ra), transmitting tube.
-- en la culata, valve-in-head.
-- en escuadra, angle valve; eorner valve.
- en S, offset valve.
- equilibrada de aguja, balanced needle valve.
- equilibradora, balaneing valve.
- escalonada, offset valve.
- eSclusa, sluiee valve; (A)(U) gate valve.
-- esfrica, globe valve.
-- estranguladora, ehoke or throttle valve.
- fija (pet), standing valve.
- flotadora (Pe), float valve.
-- forrada de caucho, rubber-lined valve.
-- gaseosa (ra), gas or gassy or gaseous tube.
- globular, globe valve.
--horizontal de retencin, lift or horizontal
check valve.
--impulsora (ra), driver tube.
-- intermitente (pet), intermitter valve.
--labrada de barra, bar-stock valve.
-- maestra, master valve.
-- mezcladora, (Pb) mixing valve; (ra) mixer
- moduladora, (ht) modulating valve; (ra)
modulator tube.
- motriz (ra) (Es), driver tube.
- multielectrodo (ra), multieleetrode tube.
- multiplicadora (ra), multiplier tube.
- multirrejilla (ra), multigrid tube.
- nodn (ra), Nodon valve.
-- oscilante, roeker valve.
- para rbol de navidad (pet) , Christmas-tree
-- para cieno, mud valve.
-- para manguera, hose valve.
-- pentarreja (ra), pentagrid converter.
-- piloto, pilot valve.
-- pivotada, pivot or butterfly valve.
- plana (Ch), gate valve.
-- preamplificadora (ra), driver valve.
-- protectora (ra), protector tube.
--o purgadora de sedimentos, mud valve.
--receptora (ra) , reeeiving tube, valve reeeiver.
- rectangular (A), angle valve.
- rectificadora (ra), reetifying tube.
-- reductora, redueing valve.
--reesmerilable o refrentable, regrinding
-- reguladora, pressure-regulating valve; gov-
erning valve.
--reguladora de gasto, flow-eontrol valve.
--reguladora de nivel, altitude valve.
--respiradera, vent valve.
-- sanitaria, sanitary valve.
-- selectora, selector valve.
-- sin asiento, seatless valve.
-- terminica (ra) , thermionie valve, vaeuum
or eleetron tube.
- tipo bellota (ra), aeorn tube.
-- tipo hongo, mushroom valve.
-- transmisora (ra) , transmitting tube.
-- vertical de retencin, vertical check valve.
--viajera (bm), traveling valve.
vlvulas gemelas, twin valves.
vlvulas laterales (mg), side valves.
valla 1, fenee, barrier, barrieade; hurdle.
- de cable (ca), cable guardrail.
-- paraarena (fe), sand fence.
-- paranieves, snow fence.
vallado m, fencing; (PR) brushwood, drift ear-
ried by a flood.
vallar, to fence.
valle m, valley.
-- colgante, hanging valley.
-- subsecuente, subsequent valley.
vanadato m (qum), vanadate.
vandico, vanadie.
vanadinita I (miner), vanadinite.
vanadio m, vanadium.
vano m, opening in a wall; (bldg) bayo
- de elevador (M), elevator hatch.
-- de la hlice (en), aperture, propeller open-
-- de puerta, doorway.
-- de ventana,window opening.
vanos de derivacin .(presa), diversion or closure
vanos de toma (hid), intake openings.
vapor m, steam; vapor; a steamer.
-- acuoso, water vapor.
-- agotado o perdido o de escape, exhaust
-- de carga, cargo boat, freighter.
-- de elaboracin, process steam.
-- recalentado, superheated steam.
-- tanque, tanker, tank steamer.
--vivo, live steam.
vapora J, steam launeh; (PR) steam engine.
vaporar, to vaporize.
vapormetro m, vaporimeter.
vaporizacin vehculo 316 vejiga 317 verscopo
vaporizacin (f) instantnea, flash vaporization.
vaporizacin intermitente, batch vaporization.
vaporizador m, vaporizer, carburetor.
vaporizar, to vaporize.
vaporoso, vaporous.
vapuleo m, whipping (belt or cable).
vaqueta 1, sole leather.
vara 1, measure of length varying slightly in dif-
ferent countries but usually about 0.84 m;
rod, pole, staff.
-- de agrimensor, sight rod, range pole, tran-
sit rod.
-- de sondeo, sounding rod.
- de trocha (fc), track gage, gage bar.
- portabrjula (lev), Jacob's staff.
varada I (nut), running aground.
varaderas I (cn), skids; ground ways.
varadero m, shipyard; shipway, launching way.
varado, aground, stranded.
varal m, stake of f1atcar or f1at truck.
varar, to ground (vessel); vararse, to strand, run
vareamiento m (conc) (M), rodding.
varejn m (min) (M), pole lagging.
varenga I (cn), f100r timber; f100r board; f100r
-- a marco, open floor (beam).
-llena, solid floor (beam).
varengaje m (cn), floor boarding.
varhormetro m (&lc), var-hour meter, reactive
volt-ampere-hour meter.
variable I a, variable.
-- dependiente, dependent variable.
-- independiente, independent variable.
variacin I (mat) (elc) (mec) , variation.
-- angular (elc), angular variation.
-- de la aguja, compass variation.
-- diurna, diurnal variation.
-- en menos, undersize variation.
-- secular, secular variation.
variador m, variator.
-- de. velocidad, speed variator.
variante 1, (math)(lab) variant; (rr) change of
line; alternate (specification).
varilla 1, rod, bar, stem.
-- a tierra (elc), ground rod.
- agitadora (lab), stirring rod.
-- atacadera (vol), tamping pole; tamping
-- calibradora, rod gage.
-- compactadora, tamping rod.
-- corrugada (ref), corrugated bar.
- de avance (mh), feed rod.
- de la corredera o del distribuidor (mv) ,
valve stem or rod.
-- de bombeo (bm), sucker rod; pump rod.
-- del mbolo, piston rod.
- de empuje, push rod, (ge) tappet rod.
-- de la excntrica (mv), eccentric rod.
-- de radio (auto), radius rod.
-- de refuerzo, reinforcing bar.
-- de sondear, sounding rod.
-- de succin (bm), sucker rod.
-- de tensin, tie rod; tension bar.
-- de vlvula, valve stem.
-- de traccin, drawbar; (pet) rod lineo
- deformada (ref), deformed bar.
-- flotadora, rod float.
-- fundente o soldadora, welding rod.
-levantavlvula (mg), tappet rod.
-luminosa (Es),light rayo
-- polar, pole arm (planimeter).
- sedimentadora (lab), puddling.roc...
--tirante, tie rod.
varillas tiracable (elc), conduit rods.
varillado m, rodding.
- seco (ag), dry-rodded.
varilladora I (conc), rodding machine.
varillaje m, system of rods; linkage.
varillar, to rod.
varioacoplador m (ra), variocoupler.
variocpler (ra) (M), variocoupler.
varimetro m (elc), variometer, variable induc-
varistor m (elc), varistor.
vaselina 1, Vaseline.
vasija I (min)(Es), skip.
-- de extraccin, ore bucket.
vaso m, basin, reservoir; vessel, receptacle, bat-
tery jar; (lbr) vessel.
- captador de arrastres (hid), debris basin.
-- de almacenamiento, storage reservoir.
-- de detencin, detention basin.
-- de presin (az), pressure pan.
-- de seguridad (az), save-all, catchall.
-- de vapor (az), vapor cell.
--poroso (elc), porous cupo
-- regulador, regulating reservoir.
vstago m, stem, shank, rod, spindle.
-- corredizo o ascendente (v), traveling spin-
dIe, rising stem.
-- de corredera (mv), valve stem or rod.
-- del mbolo, piston rod.
-- de la excntrica, eccentric rod.
-- de succin (pet), sucker rod.
-- del timn, rudder stock.
-- de la vlvula, valve stem.
--fijo o no ascendente o sin levantamiento
(v), stationary spindle, nonrising stem
-- gua, guide stem; (eng) tail rod.
- pulido (pet), polished rod.
-- saliente (v), rising stem.
vatiaje m (elc), wattage.
vatihora m, watt-hour.
vatihormetro m, watt-hour meter.
vatmetro m, wattmetcr.
-- dinamomtrico, dynamometer wattmeter.
-- registrador, recording wattmeter.
vatio m, watt.
-- aparente, apparent watt.
-- efectivo o eficaz, true watt.
--internacional, international watt.
vatio-hora m, watt-hour.
vatiosegundo m, watt-second.
vectgrafo m (elc), vectograph.
vector m (mat), vector.
vectorial, vectorial.
vega 1, flat lowland; (C) cultivated land.
vehicular, vehicular.
vehculo m (tr)(pint), vehicle.
-- automotor, motor vehicle.
-- motorizado (M), motor vehicle.
vejiga 1, blister.
vela 1, watchman; candle.
velador m, watchman.
velero m, sailmaker.
veleta I (ap), wind vaneo
velo m (fma), veil.
velocidad 1, .velocity, speed.
-- admisible (hid), permissible velocity,
-- caracterstica, specific speed.
-- con plena carga, full-Ioad speed.
-- crtica, critical velocity; (ap) stalling speed.
- de acceso (hid), velocity of approach.
- de aflujo (hid) (Es), velocity of approach.
- de alejamiento o de salida (hid), velocity of
recession or of retreat.
- de aproximacin (hid) (M), velocity of ap-
- de ascenso, (eng) hoisting speed.
- de ataque (pI), crowding speed.
- de crucero (auto) (A). cruising speed.
- de descenso, lowering speed.
- de despegue (ap), take-off speed.
-- de embalamiento, (eng) runaway speed.
- de !,quilibrio (fc), free-running or balancing
-- de funcionamiento o de trabajo, working
- de llegada (hid), velocity of approach.
-- de marcha o de recorrido o de traslacin (ec),
traveling speed.
-- de pasaje o de travesa (is), flowing-through
- de rgimen, working or rated speed, (rd) de-
sign speed.
- de sal, procedimiento de (hid), salt-velocity
-- de sedimentacin (pa), settling velocity.
-- de sincronismo (mot), synchronous speed.
-- de sobremando (auto), overdrive speed.
-- de viaje (auto), cruising speed.
-- especfica, specific speed.
- excavadora (Pl), digging speed.
--laminar (hid), laminar velocity.
-- sin carga (mot), no-load speed.
-- unitaria, rate of speed.
- virtual, virtual velocity.
velocmetro m, speedometer; velocimeter; (A) (V)
current meter.
velocpedo (m) de va, track velocipede.
velmetro m, velometer; (Sp) wind gage.
vena 1, vein, lode, seam.
- contrada (hid) (A), vena contracta.
vencido, overstrained; broken down; (com) due,
vendaval m, strong wind.
venero m, a pipe (earth dam); spring (water);
sand boil; (min) vein, lode, lead.
venida 1, flood, freshet.
venora 1, stone set in bottom of irrigation ditch
to fix grade.
ventana 1, window, window sash.
-- a balancn o de fulcro, pivoted window.
- a banderola (A), window hinged at bottom.
- a bisagra, casement or hinged window.
- abatible, drop or descending window.
- batiente, casement window.
-- corrediza, sliding sash.
- de contrapeso o de guillotina, double-hung
-- giratoria, pivoted window.
-- metlica hueca, hollow metal window.
- romanilla (V), window shutter of slats.
-- saliente (acero), projected window (ventila-
tor slides vertically while swinging in or
ventanaje m, fenestration, window arrangement.
ventanal, large window; window opening.
ventanera/, fenestration; set of windows.
ventanero m, man who makes or sets windows.
ventarrn m, gale.
venteada, venteadura I (mad), shake.
ventear (V), to guy.
venteo m, vento
ventilacin 1, ventilation.
-- por aspiracin, exhaust ventilation, draw-
through system.
-- por presin, forced ventilation, blow-through
ventilador m, ventilator, fan, blower.
-- a jaula de ardilla, squirrel-cage or multi-
blade fan.
-- aspirador, exhaust fan; aspirating ventilator.
- axial, axial-flow fan.
-- centrfugo, centrifugal fan.
-- continuo de caballete, continuous ridge ven-
-- de aletas aerodinmicas, airfoil fan.
- de aletas planas, straight-blade fan.
-- de campana, mushroom ventilator.
-- de capucha oscilante, swing-cowl ventilator.
-- de cono, conical-plate fan.
-- de cumbrera, ridge ventilator.
-- de desplazamiento, displacement or volu-
metric ventilator.
-- de doble cono, double-cone ventilator.
-- de enfriamiento, cooling fan.
-- de estrella, spider-type fan.
-- de hlice, propeller-type fan.
-- de tiro forzado, forced-draft fan.
-- eductor, exhaust fan, exhauster.
- multipaleta (M), multiblade fan.
--para caballete, ridge ventilator.
-- reforzador (aa), booster fan.
-- secador, drying fan.
-- separador de polvo, dust-separating fan.
-- soplador, blower.
-- tipo hongo, mushroom ventilator.
-- tubo-axil, tubeaxial fan.
--volumtrico, volumetric or displacement
ventilar, to ventilate.
ventilas I (C), dunnage.
ventisca 1, snowdrift.
ventisquero m, ice field; glacier; snowdrift.
ventosa 1, air valve, vento
-- al vaco, vacuum valve.
Venturi m (auto), Venturi throat, choke tube.
venturmetro m (hid), Venturi meter.
vera 1, edge, border; (Col)(V) a hard and heavy
-- vial, shoulder of a road.
verscopo m, verascope (camera).
verde 318 va
va 319 viga
verde, green.
- brillante (lab), brilliant green.
-- de bromocresol (1ab), bromoeresol green.
verdn m mold, mildew; verdigris.
verdugadaJ, verdugo m, eourse of briek in a wall
of stone or mudo
verdunizacin J (pa), verdunization.
vereda J, path, footpath, trail; sidewalk; (rr)
veredn m, broad sidewalk.
verga J (en), yard; gaff.
verificacin J, verifieation; (inst) adjustment.
verificar, to check; (inst) to adjust.
veril m, shoal, reef.
verja J, grating, grille; railing, (A) fenee.
vernier m, vernier.
verruga J (met), blister.
vertedera J, moldboard; blade of a bulldozer or
road seraper.
vertedero m, (hyd) spillway, weir, wasteway;
(ea) dump; (pb) slop sink.
-- aforador, measuring weir.
-- ahogado o anegado, submerged weir.
-- Cipolletti, Cipolletti weir.
-- completo, free weir.
-- con cresta redondeada, round-crested weir.
-- de aforo en V, V-noteh weir.
- de basuras (C), garbage dump.
-- de bocina, spillway, bell-
mouthed weir.
-- de cresta afilada (Pe), sharp-erested weir.
-- de cresta curva, round-erestedweir.
-- de cresta plana o de cresta ancha, flat-
erested or broad-erested weir.
-- de derivacin, diversion weir.
-- de la efluente (dae), effiuent weir.
-- de lmina adherente, full-apron spillway.
-- de pared delgada, sharp-erested weir.
-- de pared espesa, broad-crested weir.
-- de pozo o de pozo acampanado, shaft or
glory-hole spillway.
- de rebalse (Ch), wasteway, spillway.
-- de saetn, trough or chute spillway.
-- de umbral agudo, sharp-erested weir.
- fijo, open spillway (no gates).
--incompleto, submerged weir.
--lateral, side-ehannel spillway.
--libre, free weir; open spillway.
-- medidor, measuring weir.
-- mvil, spillway with gates.
-- rozador, skimming weir (water supply).
-- sin contraccin, suppressed weir.
-- sumergido, submerged weir.
-- triangular, triangular or V-noteh weir.
vertedor m, pouring deviee; (hyd) spillway, weir,
-- con contraccin, eontraeted weir.
-- de asfalto, asphalt pouring poto
-- de cresta delgada, sharp-erested weir.
-- de cresta libre, open spillway (no gates).
-- de demasas, spillway, wasteway.
-- de entalladura triangular, triangular-noteh
-- de espumas, seum weir.
-- de sobrantes (M), wasteway, spillway.
--trapezoidal, Cipolletti weir.
vertedor-sifn, siphon spillway.
verter, to pour; to dump; verterse, to spill overo
vertical J, vertiealline; a vertical.
verticalidad J, vertieality.
vrtice m, erest, peak, vertex; (surv) eorner.
-- de cierre (lev) , elosing comer.
-- testigo o de referencia (lev), witness eorner.
vertido m (eone), a pour.
vertiente J, slope of a roof; slope of a valley;
watershed; a drip; (Ch) spring; (Sp) brook.
vescula J (geol), vesicle.
vesicular (geol), vesicular.
vespasiana J (A) (Ch) , upright urinal.
vestbulo m (ed) (fe), vestibule.
vestidura J, lining; (earp) (C) trim; (auto) (C)
vestigios m (qum), traces.
veta J, vein, seam; grain of wood; (met) seam.
-- atravesada (min), eross vein.
-- crucera, (min) eross vein; (lbr) eross grain.
-- de contacto (min) , eontaet lode.
-- derecha o recta, straight grain.
-- madre (min), main lode.
--transversal (min), eounterlode, eross lode.
vetarrn m (min), large vein.
veteado, veined, banded, streaked.
- de arena (eone)(A), sand streak.
vetear (pint), to grain.
vaJ, route, way; road; (rr) traek.
-- acutica, waterway.
-- area, aerial eableway or tramway.
-- ancha, wide-gage traek.
-- angosta, narrow-gage track.
-- apartadera, siding, side traek.
- armada (Es), portable traek.
-- carretera, highway.
- corriente (fe)(V), standard-gage traek.
-- de acarreo, wagon road.
-- de acomodacin, sorting traek.
-- de agua, waterway.
-- de ancho normal, standard-gage traek.
-- de arrastre (ef) , skidding or snaking trail,
drag or gutter road.
-- de aterrizaje (ap), landing strip.
-- de bscula, seale traek.
-- de cable, eableway.
-- de carena, marine railway.
-- de carga, loading traek.
-- de circunvalacin, belt line, loop.
-- de enlace, erossover; ladder track.
-- de escala, ladder traek.
-- de escape, turnout for derailing.
-- de extremo cerrado, dead-end traek.
-- de galpn, house traek.
-- de garganta, gant1et traek.
-- de gra, erane runway.
-- de intercambio, interehange traek.
-- de levantamiento (ed), hoistway.
_. de llegada, reeeiving traek.
-- de maniobras, drilling traek.
-- de navegacin interior, inland waterway.
-- de paso (fe), erossover; passing siding.
- de patio o de playa, yard traek.
-- de pestaa, flangeway.
- de planeo (ap), glide path.
-- de recorrido, running or main traek.
- de reserva, storage traek.
- de trfico (ca), traffie lane, traffieway.
- de transbordo, transfer traek.
-- de traspaso (fe), erossover.
-- , de una sola, single-traek.
- decauvi11e, narrow-gage or industrial or
portable traek.
- en zigzag, switehbaek.
- estrecha, narrow-gage traek.
-- frrea troncal, trunk-line railroad.
-- ferroviaria, railroad.
- fluvial, waterway, navigable stream.
- franca, clear traek; open road.
--funicular, cable railway.
- hmeda (qum), wet proeess.
--industrial, industrial traek.
- lateral, siding.
-libre, elear traek.
- maestra, ladder traek.
- muerta o perdida, dead-end traek.
- permanente (fe), permanent way.
- seca (qum), dry proeess.
- sencilla o simple, single traek.
- tranviaria, streetear traek.
- traslapada, gant1et traek.
--nica, single traek.
- y obras, way and skuetures.
vas de parrilla, gridiron traeks.
viaducto m, viaduet.
- de caballetes, trestle.
vigrafo m (ca), viagraph, roughometer.
viajable (ca), transitable.
viaje m, trip, voyage; (C) bevel, ehamfer, skew.
-libre (maq), play, lost motion.
vial a, pertaining toroads.
vialidad J, road engineering, road eonstruetion,
system of roads.
viticos m, fixed sum per day allowed for travel-
ing expenses.
vibracin J, vibration.
- amortiguada, damped vibration.
- armnica forzada, foreed harrnonie vibra-
-libre, free vibration.
-- simptica, sympathetic vibration.
vibrador m, vibrator, (A) buzzer.
-- de arranque (ele), starting vibrator.
- de cucharn (mz), skip shaker.
- de eje flexible (eone), flexible-shaft vibrator.
- de pala (eone), spade vibrator.
- de plataforma (eone), platform vibrator.
-- de tamices, sieve shaker.
- de vstago flexible (A), flexible-shaft vibra-
- superficial (eone), surfaee vibrator.
vibradora J, vibrator.
vibrar, to vibrate.
vibratorio, vibratory.
vibrin (is), vibrio.
vibrgrafo, vibrmetro m, vibrograph, vibrom-
vibroscopio m, vibroseope.
viciado (ve), vitiated.
vicio m, defeet, flaw.
video a (tv), video.
videofrecuenciaf (tv), video or visual frequeney.
vidriado m, glazing;
vidriar, to glaze (window); to glaze (tile).
vidriera J, window, window sash.
vidriera J, glazing; glass shop.
vidriero m, glazier.
vidrio m, glass; pane, light o glass.
- a prueba de bala, bulletproof glass.
-- acanalado, ribbed or fluted glass.
-- ahumado, smoked glass.
-- alambrado o armado, wire glass.
-.- antideslumbrante, glare-redueing glass.
-- armado pulido, polished wire glass.
-- cilindrado, plate glass.
- comn doble, double-thiek window glass.
-- comn sencillo, single-thiek window glass.
-- de cilindro, eylinder or rolled glass.
- de nivel (cal), gage glass.
- de piso (A), vault light.
- de reloj (lab), wateh glass.
-- de seguridad, safety or nonshattering glass.
-- de soldador, welding lens.
-- deslustrado o despulido o esmerilado, ground
or frosted glass.
-- estriado, ribbed glass.
--fibroso, fiber glass.
--inastillable, nonshattering glass.
--laminado, rolled glass; multilayer glass.
--lquido, water glass.
-- mate, mat-surfaee glass.
-- prismtico, prism glass.
- rayado, ribbed glass.
-- reforzado, wire glass.
-- simple, single-thiek glass.
-- soluble, water glass.
-- soplado, blown glass.
--translcido, obseured glass.
--tratado, proeessed glass.
--volcnico, pitehstone, voleanie glass.
vidriosidad J (met), eold shut.
vidrioso, vitreous.
viejo, el, old man, drilling post; rail bender.
viento m, wind; guy.
-- de alambre, guy wire.
vientos reinantes; prevailing winds.
vierteaguas m, (bldg) flashing; (elee) rain shed.
-- inferior, base flashing.
-- superior, cap flashing.
viga J, beam, girder, joist.
-- acartelada o consola, eantilever beam.
- armada, trussed beam;built-up girder; (A)
lattiee girder.
-- armada en celosa (V), lattiee girder.
-- atiesadora, stiffening beam.
-- atirantada, trussed beam.
-- canal, ehannel iron.
-- cepo, spreader for hoisting.
-- compuesta o de alma llena, built-up or plate
-.- continua, eontinuous beam.
-- de alma abierta o de celosa o de enrejado,
lattiee girder.
- de alma doble o de caja, box girder.
- de asiento, (ce) skid.
-- de enrejado de barras, bar or trussed joist.
- de entrepiso (V), floor beam.
- de freno (fe), brake bellID.
volante volante 321 warrenita
- de hongo, deck beam, bulbT.
- de losa o de placa (conc), T beam.
- de palastro (V) (M),plate girder.
-- de rigidez, stiffening beam.
- de tablero (pte), floor beam.
-- de tablero inferior, through girder.
- doble T, 1 beam.
-- embragada, trussed beam.
-- embutida o empotrada o encastrada, fixed
- ensamblada, built-up girder.
-- flotante, log boom.
--R, H beam.
- 1 de ala ahusada, sloping-flange 1 beam.
-- I de ala sin ahusar, parallel-flange 1 beam.
-- igualadora, equalizing beam.
- L (conc), L beam.
--laminada, rolled beam, 1 beam.
-- maestra, girder.
-- para junta (ca), expansion-joint beam.
-- portagra, crane girder.
--restringida o semiempotrada, restrained or
semifixed beam.
-- reticulada, lattice girder.
-- sostenida, simply supported beam.
- T (conc), T beam.
-- tensora, tie beam.
-- tubular, box girder.
-- U, channel. "
-- voladiza, cantilever beam; overhanging
vigas horizontales de cierre (hid), stop logs.
viga!, reef of rocks; lookout, watch (usuallym).
vigilador m (M), watchman.
vigilante m, watchman; policeman.
-- tcnico (Pe), inspector.
vigota! (cn), deadeye.
viguera, viguetera!, set of beams, floor framing.
vigueta!, beam, joist, purlin; (C) rafter; (V) pole,
round timber.
-- cabecero, header beam.
-- de alma abierta o de celosa, lattice or open-
web joist.
-- de canal, channel iron.
- del eje (auto), axle 1 beam.
--1,1 beam.
-- prensada, 1 beam of "metallumber."
vigueta-escuadra, angle iron.
vilorta!, hoop, ring, collar; washer.
vinal m (A), a hardwood.
vinatera! (nut), becket, strap.
vincular (conc) (A), to bond.
vinilita!, Vinylite (trademark) (plastic).
vieteado (fma), vignetted.
violacin (f) de patente, patent infringement.
violado o violeta cristal (lab) , crystal violeto
violado genciana (lab), gentian violeto
viraje m, turning, swinging, sluing.
virapit m, virar m, South American hardwoods.
virgen ! (maq) , support, standard, headstock,
vrgenes (az), mill cheeks or housing.
virola!, collar, hoop, ring, ferrule.
virotillo m, strut, brace, stud; stay bolt.
__o de tubo, pipe separator.
virtual, virtual.
virus m, virus.
viruta (f) de acero, steel wooI.
virutas, shavings, cuttings, turnings.
-- de sierra, sawdust.
-- de taladro, drill cuttings, swarf.
visar (lev), to sight.
viscosidad!, viscosity.
- Saybolt, Saybolt viscosity.
viscosmetro m, viscosimeter.
viscosina! (aa), Viscosine (trademark).
viscoso, viscous, thick.
visera! (auto), sun visor.
visibilidad!, visibility.
visiofrecuencia! (tv), video frequency.
visitable (al), accessible.
visitrn (il), Visitron (trademark).
visor m (fma), linder, view lindero
vista!, view.
-- anterior o delantera o frontal, front view.
-- de extremidad, end view.
-- desde arriba o por encima, top view.
-- en corte, sectional view.
-- fantasmagrica o translcida, phantom view.
--lateral o de lado, side view.
-- posterior, rear view.
-- recortada, cutaway view.
--transparente (A), phantom view.
visto bueno, n approval, OK; a approved, OK.
visual!, (surv) a sight; a visual.
- a la espalda, backsight.
-- adelante o al frente, foresight.
- aditiva (nivel), backsight, plus sight.
- desviada, side shot (stadia).
- inversa, backsight; plus sight (level).
--por restar (nivel), foresight, .. minus sight.
-- rasante, grazing sight.
visualidad! (ca) (V), visibility.
viter m (A), niolding plane; molding.
vitola!, ring gage.
vtreo, vitreous.
vitrificar, to vitrify.
vitriofido, vitrfiro m (geol), vitrophyre.
vitriolo m, vitriol.
-- azul, blue or copper vitriol.
--blanco o de cinc, white or zinc vitriol.
vitrita! (ais), vitrite.
viviendas!, housing.
vivo, sharp (edge).
voladizo m, outlooker, outrigger, corbel, canti-
lever; a overhanging, projecting.
volado, overhanging, projecting, corbeled.
volador m, cantilever beam, outlooker; column
cap; (tun) needle beam.
voladora!, flywheel.
voladura!, blasting, a blast.
-- con adobe, mudcapping.
-- de cmara, chamber blast.
-- de prueba, test shot.
-- difundida o propagada, propagation blasting
- por tneles, coyote-hole blasting.
-- sin barreno, mudcap blast.
volandera! (mec), washer.
volante m, flywheel, handwheel, steering wheel
(C) written order.
-- de direccin, steering wheel.
-- de inercia, inertia wheel.
- de maniobra, handwheel, steering wheel.
- portasierra, band-saw pulley.
volante-manubrio, handwheel.
volar, to blast; to overhang, project.
-- sin barrenar (vol), to mudcap, bulldoze,
plaster, doby.
voltil, volatile.
volatilidad!, volatility.
volatilizar, to volatilize, vaporize; volatilizarse,
to vaporize.
volatizar, to volatilize.
volcadero m, tipple.
volcador m, dump truck or car; car dumper;
(min) tippleman; tumbler of a lock.
-- de vagones, car dumper.
- hidrulico, car or truck with hydraulic dump-
ing device.
volcamiento m, overturning.
volcn m, volcano; (Col) flood.
- de lodo (pet), mud volcano.
volcanicidad!, volcanicity.
volcnico, volcanic, igneous.
volcanismo m, volcanism.
volcanizacin!, volcanization.
volcar, to overturn, dump.
volea!, whiffietree.
volframfero, containing tungsteno
volframio m, tungsten, wo1fram.
volframita!, wo1fram, wo1framite (tungsten ore).
volquear, volquearse, to tip, overturn, dump.
volquete m, dump car or truck or cart; dumping;
any dumping device.
-- al extremo, end dump.
--lateral, side dump.
-- para carros, car dumper.
voltaico, voltaico
voltaismo m, voltaism.
voltaje m, voltage.
-- crtico, critical potential or voltage.
- de alimentacin de retroceso (ra), feedback
-- de arco, arc voltage.
- de audio (ra), audio voltage.
- de carga, impressed voltage.
-- de circuito cerrado o de servicio, closed-cir-
cuit or working voltage.
-- de disparo, drop-out voltage.
- de grilla (ra), grid voltage.
-- de luminiscencia (ra), glow potential.
-- de neutralizacin (ra), neutralizing voltage.
-- de oposicin, bucking voltage.
- de pantalla (ra) , screen voltage.
- de placa (ra), plate voltage.
-- de salto, flashover voltage.
-- dentado, saw-tooth voltage.
-- disruptivo, breakdown voltage.
-- efectivo, effective volts, root-mean-square
-- efectivo de arco, true arc voltage.
- final, cutoff or final voltage.
- impreso, impressed voltage.
- silenciador (ra), squelch voltage.
voltamtrico, voltametric.
voltmetro m, voltameter.
- de peso, weight voltameter.
- de plata, silver voltameter.
voltampedmetro m, wattmeter, volt-ampere
voltamperio m, volt-ampere.
voltamperios reactivos, reactive volt-amperes,
wattless power.
volteador m, dumper.
-- de carros, car tipple.
-- de trozos (as), canting machine,log turner.
voltear, to dump; to overturn.
volteo m, dumping; overturning.
- al frente, front dump.
- por debajo, bottom dump.
--por detrs, rear dump.
voltiampermetro m, voltammeter.
voltmetro m, voltmeter.
-- de bobina mvil, moving-coil voltmeter.
-- de cresta (A), crest voltmeter.
-- de hilo caliente, hot-wire voltmeter.
-- de picos, peak voltmeter.
-- de tubo electrnico, vacuum-tube voltmeter.
voltio m, volt.
-- electrnico o equivalente, electron or equiv-
alent volt. .
--internacional, international volt.
voltio-amperio, volt-ampere.
voltio-miliampermetro, volt-milliammeter.
voltio-ohmmetro m, volt-ohmmeter.
volumen m, volume.
volumtrico, volumetric.
volmetro m, volumeter.
voluta!, volute.
volvedor m, tap wrench; screwdriver.
volver, to turn, turn over, invert.
vorgine !, whirlpool.
vrtice m, whirlpool, vortex.
vortiginoso, vortical, vorticose.
vuelco m, overturning, dumping.
vuelo m, projection, overhang, corbeling; (st)
nosing; (pmy) flight.
- de prueba (fma), trial flight, dry runo
-- extremo (fc), end overhang (car on curve).
- medio (fc), middle overhang.
vuelta!, turn, bend; (machy) revolution; (cab)
hitch, wrap, bend; (r) oxbow; (sb) camber,
- a la derecha (ca), right turno
- a la izquierda (ca), left turno
-- cerrada, sharp turno
- completa, de (PI), fl1ll-revolving.
- corrediza o estranguladora (cab) , choker or
anchor hitch.
-- de braza, timber hitch.
-- de cabo, hitch.
- de escota (cab), sheet bend.
-- de orientacin (ap), procedure turno
- U (ca), U turno
vulcanismo m (geol), volcanism; plutonismo
vulcanita!, vulcanite, hard rubber.
vulcanizador m, vulcanizer (man and machine).
vulcanizar, to vulcanize.
waca ! (geol), wacke.
waipe m, cotton waste.
warrenita! (C), Warrenite (pavement).
zenit m, zenith.
zenital, zenithal.
zeolita J (miner), zeolite.
-- frrica, iron zeolite.
-- mangansica, manganese zeolite.
-- sdica, sodium zeolite.
zeolftieo, zeolitie.
zen (il), Zeon (trademark).
zeta (est)(A), Z bar.
zigzag, en, staggered.
zigzaguear (auto), to shimmy.
zigzagueo m (auto), shimmy.
zilonita J (ptica), Zylonite.
zimasa J (is), zymase.
zimotcnico (dae) (U), baeteriologieal.
zimotrmico, zymothermic.
zinc m, zinc.
m, zinc work; galvanizing.
zmcfero, eontaining zinc.
zineoso, zineous.
zingueado (A), galvanized.
zinguera J (A), galvanized sheet-metal work,
zinc work.
zper m, zipper.
zirconato m (quim), zireonate.
zirconio m, zirconium.
ziszs, en, staggered.
zcalo m, base o! a wall; footing, foundation; base
of a maehme; baseboard; sill; (auto) apron;
(surv)(Col)(V) monument; (A) cutoff wall
(dam); (ra) soeket.
- continental (A), continental shelf.
- de compuerta (hid), gate sill.
-- de discos (ra), wafer soeket.
-- sanitario (ed), sanitary base.
zocollar (Ee), to c1ear land.
zona J, zone.
-- de acercamiento (ap), approaeh zone.
-- de aproximacin a ciegas (ap), instrument-
approaeh zone.
- de cizallamiento (geol) (V), shear zone.
-- de comodidad (aa), eomfort zone.
-- de contacto (geol), eontact zone.
- de dislocacin (geol)(B), fault zone.
-- \B;p), turning zone, waiting area.
-- de mundaclOn, flooded area; flood plain.
-- de sombra (geof), shadow zone.
-- de transicin (geol), transition zone.
-- de trituracin (geol), erush zone.
- de va (fe), right of way.
- fallada (geol), fault zone.
-- libre (ap), c1ear zone. .
-- nivonl.trica, snow eourse.
- petrolfera, oil zone.
zonga J (Col), a rubble stone.
zonificacin J, zoning (eity).
zonizacin J (A), zoning.
zooglea (is), zoogloea.
zooplancton m (is), zooplankton.
zoquete m, ehoek, foot block, shim, sprag,
seoteh; (Sp) wood paving block; (min)
sprag; (V) nailing block set in masonry.
zoquitero m (M), mason's helper, hod earrier.
Zors, plancha (est), trough plate.
zorraJ, hand truek; small ear; (A) timber dolly.
wat m (Es), watt.
wattaje m (A), wattage.
watthormetro m (M), watt-hour meter.
weber, weber (unit of magnetie flux).
willemita J, willemite (zinc ore).
winehe m (M) (V) (C), hoisting engine.
winehero m, hoist runner.
wolframfero, eontaining tungsteno
wolframita J, wolframite (tungsten ore).
wulfenita J, wu1fenite, yellow lead ore.
xairo (Col), skew, oblique.
xantato m (quim), xanthate.
xntieo, xanthie.
xenomrfieo, xenomorfo (geol), xenomorphie.
xilana J (az), xylan.
xileno m (is), xylene.
xilfago m, wood borer (inseet).
xilmetro m (ef), xylometer.
xilonita J, Xylonite (trademark) (eelluloid).
y J (tub), Y, lateral.
- con toma auxiliar lateral, side-inlet Y.
- de bridas, flanged Y.
- de ramal invertido, inverted Y.
- de ramal paralelo, upright Y braneh.
- de reduccin, redueing lateral or Y.
- doble, double Y braneh.
- enroscada o de tornillo, serewed Y.
-- ramal, Y braneh.
- soldable, welding Y.
yaeal m, a Philippine lumber.
yaeayante m (A), a hardwood.
yacente m (min), floor of a vein; footwall of a
yacimiento m, bed, deposito
-- de contacto (min), eontaet deposito
- hullero, eoal field. .
-. petrolfero, oi! field.
yaguarataym (A), a hardwood.
yarda J (med), yard.
- cuadrada, square yard.
- cbica, eubie yard.
yarda-estacin (ot), yard-station.
yardaje m, yardage.
yelmo m, helmet.
yerba J, grass.
yesar, yesal m, gypsum quarry.
yesca J, punk, tinder.
yesera J, plastering; gypsum kiln.
yesero m, plasterer;dealer in plaster or gypsum.
yesfero, eontaining gypsum.
yeso m, gypsum; plaster, plaster of Paris.
- anhidro, anhydrous or dead-burned or hard-
burned plaster.
- arenoso, gypsum sand.
-- blanco, finishing plaster.
-- de enlucir o de estucar, gypsum plaster.
- de Pars, plaster of Paris.
-- de vaciar, easting plaster.
- duro, eement plaster, patent or hard wall
-- especular (miner), selenite.
-- mate, plaster of Paris.
-- negro, patent or hard wall plaster, rough
plaster for first eoat.
yesn m, ehunk of plaster.
yodado, eontaining iodine.
yodato m (qum), iodate.
ydico. iodie.
yodo m, iodine.
yodometra J (is), iodometry.
yodomtrico, iodometrie.
yodurar, to iodize.
yoduro m, iodide.
- de hidrgeno, hydrogen iodide, hydriodie
-- de plata, silver iodide, (miner) iodyrite.
-- mercrico, mereury or mereurie iodide.
-- potsico (is), potassium iodide.
yohdrico (quim), hydriodie.
yolombo m (Col), a loeallumber.
yugo m, yoke.
- de freno (fe)(C), brake beam.
- escocs (maq), Seoteh yoke.
yugumentado (Col), eoupled, splieed.
yungas J (Ch) (Pe) (B), humid valleys of the
yunque m, anvil; striking plateo
-- de banco, beneh anvil.
-- de tornillo, anvil vise.
--inferior del martinete, anvil block of a steam
yunta J, team of bulloeks, yoke of oxen.
yuntero m, driver of a bulloek team.
yute m, jute, (M) burlap; (Col) ealking yarn.
- sanitario (tub)(C), ealking yarn.
yuyos m, weeds.
Z, barra o perfil o hierro, Z bar.
zabordar (nut), to run aground, strand.
zaboyar (mam)(Col), to point.
zafar, to loosen, free, elear; to lighten (vessel);
to east off (cable); zafarse, to come loose,
to slip off (belt).
zafra J, (su) grinding season; (su) erop; (min)
gangue; refuse, rubbish.
zafrero m, eommon laborer in a mine.
zaga J (auto), rumble.
zagun m (ed), vestibule; hallway.
zaguero a, rear, hind, tail.
zahones m, overalls.
zahorra J (nut), ballast.
zamarra J, bloom (steel), slab; (met) salaman-
der, bear, shadrach.
zampa J (Es), bearing pile.
zampeado m (hid) , floor, hearth, mat, apron;
foundation eourse.
zampear (hid), to pave.
zampeo m (hid) (M), apron, hearth, floor.
zanca J, stair string, earriage; shore; seaffold
zanco (m) de andamio, scaffold pole.
zancudo m, mosquito.
zanja J, treneh, diteh; (Ee) wall, fenee; (PR)
-- cenicera, ashpit.
-- de circunvalacin, marginal diteh.
- de descarga (fe), outfall diteh.
-- de exploracin, test treneh.
-- de prstamo (ot), borrow pito
- de taln, heel treneh (dam).
--interceptadora (hid), eutoff treneh.
-- maestra, main diteh.
J, diteher, tl;'enehing maehine; treneh
dlgger (pneumatlC); treneh hoe, baekdig-
- de aguiln, boom diteher.
- de cuchilla, blade diteher.
-- de rosario, ladder-type treneher
-.tipo de rueda, wheel-type
zanjar, zanjear, to treneh diteh
zanjeador m, diteh digger: .
zanjeadora J (ee), diteher.
zanjeo m, ditehing, diteh digging' (min) under-
hand stoping. '
(vol), propagated ditehing.
zanJon m, large diteh; gorge.
zapa J, .digging; undermining; miner's
(mm) mtermediate gallery.
zapador m (Pan), spud of a concrete vibrator.
zapadoraJ (ee), exeavator.
- arcilla, pneumatie c1ay spade.
zapapIco m, mattoek.
zapar, to undermine; to exeavate.
zapata J, shoe; brake shoe; brake block' tread
plate; (min) head timber; (earp) foot' block'
(ce) skid; (V)(A)(C) footing; (Ch) rail
set shoe (well); (sb) skeg.
-- de aSiento (pte), bearing shoe.
-- de cementacin (pet), eementing shoe.
- de clavar o de hincar (pet), drive shoe.
- de contacto (ele), eontaet shoe.
-- de la cruceta (mv), erosshead shoe.
- de curvar (tub), bending shoe.
- de freno (fe), brake shoe.
- de oruga, erawler shoe, traek pad.
- de pilote (M), pile shoe.
- del polo (ele), pole shoe.
-- de toma (fe ele), eontaet plow.
- detectora (fe) (A), detector bar.
-- eneajadora (pet), drive shoe.
- flotadora (pet), float shoe.
--fresadora (pet), milling shoe.
- gua (pet), guide shoe.
zapatas de gua (ase), guide shoes.
zapatilla J, leather washer, gasket; (earp) foot
zapato m (mee), shoe.
zaranda J, sereen, sieve, riddle.
- lavadora, wet-proeess sereen.
- vibratoria, vibrating or shaking sereen.
zarandar, zarandear, to sereen, sift.
zarandeo m, sereening, sifting.
- grosero (A), rough-sereening.
zarandero m, sereen tender.
zarda J (A), kind of bit for well drilling.
zarpaJ, berm; projeetion of wall footing.
zarpar, to welgh anchor.
zarzo m, (hyd) hurdle, wattle; (bldg) batter
board; (min) roof timber.
zata, zatara J (Es), raft.
324 zorra
- a bomba (fc)(A), handcar worked by hand
- de levante (V), portable elevator.
- de va, handcar.
- para depsitos, warehouse truck.
- playa (A), small f1.atcar.
- voleadora, small dump caro
zubia!, channel; pool; swamp.
zueco m, pile shoe; (A) "snowshoe" for walking
on fresh concrete.
zuela! (AC), adz.
zuelear (AC), to adz.
zulaear, zulaquear, to pack joints with mastico
zulaque m, mortar or mastic for filling pipe
zumbador m (elc), buzzer.
zumbido m, humming; (tel) sin!
zumo de caa, juice of sugar cane.
zunchamiento m (ra), strapping.
zunchar, to band, hoop.
- en caliente, to shrink on.
zuncho m, band, hoop; (C) rim of a wheel; (C)
iron tire.
- de aguiln (gr), boom bando
- del inducido, armature bando
- de pilote, pile bando
- neumtico (C), pneumatic tire.
- para embutidor (pi), fol).ower bando
- para poste (elc), pole bando
zurdo (rs), left-hand.
A.B.C. 327 accident
A.B.C. process (sd), precipitacin por adicin de
alumbre o carbn con arcilla a las aguas
A battery (ra), batera A o de filamentos.
Aframe, cabria, cabrestante, caballete, castillete,
armazn A, (U) poste en A.
A power supply (ra), fuente de energla A (para
calentar el ctodo).
abaft (sb), adv a popa; pr a popa de,
abampere (elec), abamperio.
abate (met), reducir el temple.
abcoulomb (elec), abculombio.
abelite (explosive), abelita.
aberration (optics), aberracin.
abfarad (elec), abfaradio.
abhenry (elec), abhenrio.
abmho (elec), abmho.
Abney level, nivel de mano con clinmetro, nivel
de Abney.
abnormal reflection (ra) , reflexin anormal o
abohm (elec), abohmio.
about-sledge (bs) , macho, mandarria, porra,
abrade, raer, desgastar, ludir, luir.
abrasion, abrasin, desgaste, raspadura.
- test, ensayo de desgaste por rozamiento.
abrasion-resisting, resistente a la abrasin.
abrasive, 8 abrasivo; a abrasivo, rayente, ras-
pante, desgastante.
abreuvoir (mas), junta entre sillares.
abrupt (top) , barrancoso, escarpado, quebritdo,
abscissa (math), abscisa.
absolute, absoluto.
-- blocking (rr), bloqueo absoluto o definitivo.
-- boiling point, temperatura absoluta de ebu-
-- electrometer, electrmetro de balanza.
-- galvanometer, galvanmetro de unidad
- humidity (ac) (mrl), humedad absoluta.
-- scale (temperature), escala absoluta ode
- specific gravity, peso especifico absoluto, (M)
peso especfico real.
--value (math), mdulo, valor absoluto.
--viscosity, coeficiente de viscosidad.
absorb, absorber; amortiguar (choque).
absorbable, absorbible.
absorbency, absorbencia.
absorbent, 8 absorbente; a absorbente, hidrfilo.
absorber, absorbedor, (A) absorsor; amortigua-
dor (choques).
absorbing well (sd), pozo absorbente.
absorptance (il), coeficiente de absorcin.
absorptiometer, absorcimetro.
absorption, (qum) absorcin, absorbencia; (mec)
amortiguamiento; (elc) absorcin.
-- circuit (ra) , circuito de absorcin.
-- coefficient, coeficiente o factor de absorcin.
- column (pet), torre de absorcin.
- control (ra), control por absorcin.
- current (elec), corriente de absorcin.
- dynamometer, dinammetro friccional.
- factor, coeficiente o factor de absorcin.
-- ratio (il), relacin o razn de absorcin.
-- separator (steam), separador de absorcin.
-- tower (pet), torre de absorcin.
--tube (lab), tubo de absorcin.
-- wavemeter (ra), ondmetro de absorcin.
absorptive, absorbente.
absorptivity, absorbencia.
Abt rack (rr), cremallera doble de dientes alter-
aburton (naut), atravesado.
abut against, empotrar en, apoyarse en, estribar
en, adosar a.
abutment, empotramiento (terreno); estribo
(estructura), (M) contrafuerte; (mec) tope.
-- pier, pila-estribo, pila de estribacin.
abutting property, propiedad limtrofe, terreno
abvolt (elec), abvoltio.
abysmal (geol), abismal, abisal.
abyss (geol), abismo.
abyssal (geol), plutnico, abisal, abismal.
Abyssinian well, pozo abisinio o clavado.
acajou (lbr), caoba; anacardo.
acanthite, acantita (mineral de plata).
Accelator (wp) (trademark), accelador.
accelerant (chem), catalizador, acelerante.
accelerate, acelerar.
accelerated traffic test (ap) , prueba de trfico
- electrode (ra) (tv) , electrodo acelerador.
-- grid (ra), rejilla aceleradora.
- jet (auto), surtidor de aceleracin.
--Iane (rd), faja o trocha de aceleracin.
- well (ge), fuente aceleradora.
acceleration, aceleracin.
- of gravity, aceleracin de la gravedad.
--voltage (ra), tensin acelerante.
accelerator, (auto) acelerador, mariposa de ace-
leracin; (mam) acelerador del fraguado;
(qulm) acelerador, catalizador; (roc) ace-
lerador; (fma) acelerador.
- pedal (auto), pedal o botn del acelerador.
- pump (auto), bomba de aceleracin, (A)
bomba de pique.
accelerogram, acelerograma.
accelerograph (earthquake), acelergrafo.
accelerometer, acelermetro.
Accelofilter (sd) (trademark), accelofiltro.
accentuation (ra), acentuacin.
accentuator (ra) , circuito acentuador.
acceptance (com), aceptacin.
--tests, pruebas de recepcin.
acceptor, (com) aceptador, aceptante; (ra) (qulm)
- circuit (ra), circuito aceptor, (A) circuito de
access fitting (elec), accesorio de acceso.
access road, camino de acceso, (Es) camino de
accessibility, accesibilidad.
accessible, accesible, (al) visitable.
accessories (machy), accesorios, aditamentos.
accident, accidente, desgracia, (nut) siniestro.
-- insurance, seguro contra accidentes.
adjoiner (surv), propietario eolindante
adjust, (inst) corregir, verificar; (lev) ajustar;
(maq) arreglar, poner en punto, ajustar;
. (maq) regular; (leg) ajustar, asesorar.
graduable, ajustable,
(mst) corregIble.
- capacitor (elec), vase variable capacitor.
-- (ra) , resistencia graduable, resistor
adjustable-blade turbine, turbina de labes
adjustable-feed lubricator, lubricador de alimen-
taci6n regulable.
adjustable-speed motor, motor de velocidad
regulable o ajustable.
adjustable-voltage control, control por tensi6n
adjuster, (mec) ajustador, regulador, compensa-
dor; (seg) asesor, ajustador.
ajustaje, regulaci6n, arreglo; correc-
--nut, tuerca ajustadora.
-- pin (inst), clavija de correcci6n.
-- screw, tornillo de ajuste; (inst) tornillo de
-- tool, ajustador.
adjust:t;nent, (mec) ajuste, reglaje, regulaci6n'
. (mst) correcci6n, verificaci6n. '
tubo salida, regulador de descarga,
pIton, surtIdor. '
admedium lamp base, pie de lmpara poco ms
grande que el mediano.
building (ap) , edificio de admi-
lllstraci6n, edificio central.
by, por administraci6n.
expense, gastos de administra-
admi.ralty brass, vase admiralty metal.
Adffilralty c?nstants .(na) , coeficientes para la
potenCia requerIda en mquinas marinas
. coeficientes del Almirantazgo. '
adffilralty metal, aleaci6n de 88% cobre 10%
estao, 2% cinc. '
admission (eng), admisi6n, aspiraci6n.
-- cam, leva de admisi6n.
--Iead, avance de la admisi6n.
-- port, .lumbrera de admisi6n, orificio de aspi-
- ?arrera de admisi6n, tiempo de
-- valve, vlvula de admisi6n o de aspiraci6n o
de toma.
admittance (elec), admitancia.
admixture, (conc) agregado en polvo aditivo
(M) adicionante, (A) adicional, (A) meja.:
rador; (conc) compuesto impermeabiliza-
dor; (ca) material estabilizador, aglome-
rante; (pet) agregado coloidal.
adobe, adobe, barro.
-- brick, adobe, ladrillo sin cocer
-- brickyard, adobera, adobera..
- mold, adobera.
- (soil) , estructura barrosa que se
agrIeta al secarse.
-- wall (mud placed in forms), tapia, tapial.
adsorbent, adsorbente.
actinolita, actinota (anfbol).
actinology, actmologa.
actinometer (pmy), actin6metro.
actinometric, actinomtrico.
actinometry, actinometra.
(sen), Actinomicetales.
actlllophonic, actinof6nico.
action, movimiento, funcionamiento' acci6n;
impulsi6n. '
activable (sen), activable.
activate, activar.
activated sludge (sd) , cieno activado, lodos o
barros o fangos activados
(chem), activador. .
active, activo.
-- component (elec), componente vatada.
-- (elec), corriente activa o vatada.
-- matenals (elec), materiales activos.
- power (elec), potencia activa o efectiva.
-- sludge (sd), fangos biol6gicamente activos.
actual, real, verdadero.
-- capacity, capacidad real.
-- cost, costo efectivo.
-.- power, potencia real o activa.
actuate, mover, impulsar, actuar, accionar.
actuator, actuador, (Es) actuante.
acute angle, ngulo agudo.
acute-angled, acutngulo.
acyclic (elec), unipolar, acclico.
ad valorem, ad val6rem.
adamll;ntine a (miner), adamantino.
-- drill, de municiones, (M) barrena
-- spar, corind6n.
adamellite (geol), adacnelta.
adapter, (med) adaptador; (lab) alargadera'
(ra) adaptador. '
- plug (t), tap6n adaptador.
adapter-type ball bearing, cojinete de bolas con
adapting frame (pmy), marco adaptador.
Adcock antenna, antena Adcock.
add, sumar; agregar.
addendum (gear) , cabeza.
-.cirele, o crculo de cabeza.
addlllg machme, mquina de sumar sumadora
adding material (w), metal de .
addition, adici6n, suma.
- agent (elec), aditivo.
additive, 8 (pet) aditivo; a aditivo.
adhere, adherirse.
adhesion, adhesi6n, adherencia.
adhesive a, adhesivo, adherente.
adiabatic, 8 adiabtica, curva o lnea adiabtica'
a adiabtico. '
- bulkmodulus, m6duloadiabticode volumen
- curv? or line, curva adiabtica, adiabtica..
- gradIent, gradiente adiabtico.
adiactinic, adiactnico.
adiathermic, adiatrmico.
adit, tIro inclinado, pozo de arrastre,
(mm! galera de extracci6n, (min) Con-
angles, ngulos adyacentes.
adJacent-channel selectivity (ra) , selectividad
contra canales adyacentes.
-- sodium carbonate, carbonato cido de sodio,
bicarbonato de soda.
-- steel, acero cido.
acid-core solder, soldadura con ncleo cido.
acid-resistant, anticido, resistente al cido.
acidic, acidificador; persiliceo.
acidify, acidificar.
acidimeter, acidmetro.
acidity coefficient (geol), coeficiente de acidez,
relaci6n de oxgeno.
acidize, tratar con cido, acidificar, acidular,
(pet) cargar con cido.
acidproof, a prueba de cidos.
acidulate, acidular.
acierage (met), aceraci6n.
acierate, acerar.
acknowledging circuit (rr) , circuito para pre-
venci6n de frenaje automtico.
aclastic (optics), aclasto, aclstico.
aclinic line, linea aclinica, ecuador magntico.
acme thread, rosca de 29.
acmite (miner), acmita (piroxena).
acom head (re), cabeza de bot6n alto.
acom tube (ra), vlvula tipo bellota.
acoustic, acstico.
-- compliance (ra), capacitancia acstica.
-- current meter (hyd), molinete acstico.
--feedback (ra) , realimentaci6n o regeneraci6n
- filter (ra), filtro acstico.
-- plaster, repello acstico, revoque antisonoro.
-- radiator (ra) , transmisor, (A) irradiador
-- regeneration (ra) , regeneraci6n o realimen-
taci6n acstica.
--treatment (bldg), tratamiento antisonoro,
medidas acsticas.
-- ceiling, cielo raso acstico.
-- felt, fieltro antisonoro.
--tile, azulejo antisonoro.
acoustics, acstica.
acre, acre.
acre-foot, acrepi, pie-acre.
acre-inch, acrepulgada.
acreage, rea en acres.
acrometer, 0le6metro, acr6metro.
across, adv transversalmente, de travs, a travs;
pr a travs de.
-- the grain, a travs de las fibras, a travs de
la hebra.
across-the-line starter (elec), arrancador a
travs de la linea.
across-the-lne valve, vlvula de cierre.
act of God, fuerza mayor.
acting manager, administrador interino, gerente
acting secretary, secretario irIterino.
actinic, actnico.
actinism, actinismo.
actinium (chem), actinio.
actinodielectric, actinodielctrico.
actinoelectricity, actinoelectricidad.
actinogram, actinograma.
actinograph (pmy), actin6grafo.
actinography, actinografia.
-- prevention, prevenci6n de accidentes, pre-
cauciones contra accidentes, evitaci6n de
-- report, informe sobre accidente, memoria de
accidente, (eh) denuncia de accidente,
parte del accidente, (M) reporte de acci-
accidental (math) (physics), accidental.
- point (dwg), punto accidental.
accidented (top), accidentado.
acclimatize, aclimatar.
acclivity, pendiente en subIda, contrapendiente.
--ladder (sb) , escalera de portal6n, escala real.
--ramp (rd), rampa de acceso.
--train (rr), tren de escalas.
accordion door, puerta plegadiza.
accountant, contador, contabilista, contable.
accounting, contabilidad.
-- office, contaduria.
accouplement (carp), acoplamiento.
accretion (geol) (for), acrecimiento, acrecencia.
--borer (for), calador para rboles.
accrued depreciation, depreciaci6n acumulada.
accrued interest, inters acumulado o devengado
o vencido.
accumulative error, error cumulativo.
accumulator, (elc) acumulador; (mec) acumu-
lador, amortiguador.
accuracy, precisi6n,.yactitud.
acentric (mech), acntrico.
acetaldehyde (lab), acetaldehido.
acetate, acetato.
-- green, pigmento de acetato de plomo.
acetic, actico.
acetin, acetina.
acetol, acetol.
acetone, acetona.
acetylene, acetileno.
-- black, humo de acetileno.
--bottle, vase acetylene cylinder.
-- bumer, mechero o quemador de acetileno.
--, cutting, cortadura oxiacetilnica.
-- cylinder, cilindro para acetileno, recipiente
de acetileno.
-- generator, generador o gas6geno de acetileno.
-light, farol o lmpara de acetileno.
-- series, serie acetilnica.
-- torch, soplete oxiacetilnico.
-- welding, soldadura oxiacetilnica.
acetylenic, acetilnico.
acetylide (ehem), acetiluro.
achromatic, acromtico.
acd, 8 cido; a (qum) cido; (geol) persillcico.
- brittleness (met), fragilidad cida.
-- bronze, bronce anticido.
- cell (elec), acumulador cido de plomo.
--feeder, alimentador de cido.
-- ground glass, vidrio despulido por cido.
-- metal, aleaci6n anticida.
--number or value, ndice de acidez.
-- process (met), procedimiento cido.
-- proportioner, dosificador de cido.
-- reaction, reacci6n cida.
-- salt, sal cida, oxisal.
-- barrena neumtica, perforadora de
aIre, sonda neumtica.
-- conducto de ventilacin o de aire.
-- engme, motor neumtico.
-- express (tr), aeroexpreso, expreso areo.
-- filter, depurador o filtro de aire.
--furnace (met), horno de tiro natural.
-- gage, manmetro de aire.
-- gap (elec), entrehierro, intervalo de aire, (A)
-- gas, gas de aire;
-- grinder, amoladora neumtica.
-- hammer, martillo neumtico.
--harbor, base o apostadero de hidroaviones
n:arina para hidroplanos. '
-- hOlst, neumtico, torno de aire.
-- hole, respIradero; (fund) escarabajo, sopla-
-- hose, manguera para aire comprimido, man-
neumtica, (A) cao de goma para
-- (di), inyeccin por aire comprimido.
-- t.,:ma de aire, respiradero, boca de
(elec), prdida por el aire.
elevador de agua por aire.
--hne, linea recta; tubera de aire.
--lock, (tn) esclusa de aire, esclusa neumtica
de compresin; (maq) bolsa
-- mat (ac), filtro seco para aire.
-- motor, motor neumtico.
-- photography, aerofotografa.
-- pocket, bolsa de aire.
--port, orificio de ventilacin, respiradero
sopladero; (cn) ojo de buey, porta. '
-- pressure, presin del aire, presin neumtica.
-- pump,. bomba de vaco; bomba compresora
de aIre; elevador de agua por aire; (auto)
b.omba para neumticos; bomba neum-
bomba a aire comprimido.
--recelver, re,ceptor de aire, tanque de
compreSlOn, deposito de aire, (Ch) cam-
pana para aire.
-- scrubber, depurador del aire.
-- separadora de aire; separadora por
-- shaft, poz.,: de ;,entilaci?n o de aire, caja de
ventllaclOn,. tIro ventilador, tragante, chi-
menea de aIre.
-- space, hueco, espacio vaco.
-- spade, pala neumtica, martillo de pala,
zapadora neumtica, (V) palin, (C) gua-
-- station (pmy), punto areo de exposicin.
-- sutey, !evantan.iento areo de planos.
-- sWlrl (dI), remolino.
-- switch (elec), interruptor al aire.
-- tempering, atemperacin del aire.
-- terminal (elec), terminal areo.
-- tools, herramientas neumticas.
-- transportation, transporte areo, (M) aero-
-- trap, trampa o colector o interceptor de aire.
valve, vlvula de aire, ventosa, respiradero.
(met) , endurecerse por envejeci-
agency contract, contrato de agencia.
agent, agente, representante; apoderado; (qum)
agglon:erate, 8 aglomerado; v aglomerar.
agglutmate, aglutmar.
aggradation (geol), agradacin.
aggregate, (?onc) agregado, rido, (A) inerte;
.(ca) agregado; (geol) agregado.
-- bms, para agregados.
-- processmg, tratamiento del agregado por
clasificacin, chancado, combina-
ClOn, elaboracin de los agregados.
- produccin de agregados.
- dosificacin o proporciona-
mIento de agregados.
plant, instalacin para el
maneJo de agregados.
(tradem.ark), medidor de agregados.
agmg, c:uraCln, envejecimiento; (elc)
test, ensayo de envejecimiento.
agItate (mech), agitar.
agitato,r (mech), agitador, batidora.
convenio, acuerdo, trato.
drain, desage inferior o del subsuelo
agrcultm:al engineer, agrnomo,
agronomist, agrnomo, tcnico agricola.
aground (naut), varado, encallado.
ahead, adelante.
ailsyte (geol), ailsita.
air, aire.
- de aviacin, aerobase; (fma)
d,stanc,a puntos de exposicin.
- beacon, balIza de aeronavegacin.
- blast, chorro o soplo de aire.
-- brake, .(fc) freno neumtico o de aire' freno
aerodmmico (avin). '
- break (elec), interrupcin al aire.
-- breaker (elec), disyuntor en aire.
- chamber, cmara o campana de aire.
-- check (ht), ventosa, respiradero.
-- chuck, mandril neumtico.
-- breaker, disY\ll.ltor al aire.
-- clrculator, circulador de aire.
-- c1eaner, depurador o limpiador .de aire.
-- clutch, embrague neumtico.
-- cock, llave .de alivio de aire, vlvula purga-
dora de aIre.
- compressor, compresora de aire, (M) com-
presora neumtica.
-- condenser, (elc) condensador de aire; (mec)
co,:d.ensador de enfriamiento por air.
condltloner, acondicionador de aire (A)
temperador de aire. '
-- de aire, (A)
-- enfriamiento por aire; enfriamiento
del aIre.
- cor"} (elec), ncleo de aire.
-- course (min), conducto de ventilacin
- crossing (min), cruzamiento de aire .
-- drain, conducto de aire o de
aerogenes (sen), aergenos.
aerogenic, aergeno.
aerogram, aerograma.
aerograph (ra), aergrafo.
aerographic, aerogrfico.
aerography, aerografia.
aerohydrodynamic, aerohidrodinmico.
aerolite, (geol) aerolito; (alloy) aerolita.
aeromagnetic survey, levantamiento magntico
areo o aeromagntico.
aeromechanical, aeromecnico.
aeromechanics, aeromecnica.
aerometer, aermetro.
aerometry, aerometria.
aeromotor, aeromotor.
aerophone, aerfono.
aerophore (min), aerfora.
aerophotocartography, aerofotogrametria.
aerophotogrammetric, aerofotogramtrico.
aerophotogrammetry, aerofotogrametria.
aerophotographic, aerofotogrfico.
aerophotography, aerofotografa.
aeroplane mapping, aerofotogrametra.
aeroprojection (pmy), aeroproyeccin.
aeroprojector (pmy), aeroproyector.
aerosimplex (pmy), aerosimplex.
aerosol (ac), aerosol.
aerostatic, aerosttico.
aerostatics, aerosttica.
aerosurveying, aerofotogrametra, fotogrametra
aerotechnical, aerotcnico.
aerotopograph (pmy) , aerotopgrafo.
aerotriangulation, aerotriangulacin.
affination, afinacin.
affinity (chem), afinidad.
affiuent n, afluente, tributario.
affiux (hyd), aflujo.
afforestation, plantacin o planto de bosques,
affreightment, fletamento, fletamiento.
aft (sb), a popa.
-- of, a popa de.
after, a (cn) popel, de popa; adv despus; pr
despus de.
_ deck (sb), cubierta de popa.
__ perpendicular (na), perpendicular de popa.
afterbay (hyd), cmara de salida.
afterbody (na), cuerpo de popa.
afterburning (ge), combustin retardada.
aftercondenser, postcondensador.
aftercooler, postrefrigerador.
aftercooling, postrefrigeracin.
afterdamp (min) , mofeta, (M) bochorno.
aftergases (min) , gases de explosin o de incendio.
afterglow (ra) , luminosidad remanente o residual.
afterpeak (sb), parte ms a popa de la bodega.
__ bulkhead (sb), mamparo ms a popa, mam-
paro del prensaestopas.
aftershock, temblor secundario, sismo final.
against the current, a contracorriente.
against the grain, contra la fibra, a contrafibra,
a contrahilo.
agar (sen), agar.
agar-agar, agar-agar.
adsorber (ac), adsorbedor.
adsorption, adsorcin.
advance, 8 (mec) avance; '11 (mec) avanzar,
_ heading (tun), galeda de avance o de direc-
__ payment, adelanto, pago anticipado.
__ resistance wire, alambre de aleacin cobre-
nquel para calentador elctrico.
__ signal (rr), seal avanzada o de avance.
__ fue spark (ge), adelantar o avanzar la chispa.
__ turn marker (rd), seal avanzada de curva.
_ warning sign (rr) (rd) , seal avanzada de
_ yard (rr), patio de salida.
advancing system (min), laboreo en avance,
explotacin sin galera preparatoria.
advection (mrl), adveccin.
advective, advectivo.
adverse grade, pencliente en subida.
advertise for bids, anunciar o avisar la licitacin,
llamar a concurso.
advertisement, anuncio, aviso.
adz, 8 azuela, (C) azada; v zolar, aparar.
__ block (ww), cabezal portacuchillas.
_ eye (t), ojo tipo de azuela.
__ handle, mango o cabo de azuela.
adzing machine (rr), azoladora.
aeolian (geol), elico.
aerate, airear, aerar, aerear.
aeration, aeracin, aereacin.
aerator, aereador.
aerial, 8 (ra) antena; a areo.
__ cableway, cablecarril, cableva, va de cable,
__ ferry, puente transbordador.
__ frog (elecrr), aguja area; cruzamiento areo.

__ photographic survey, fotogrametria area,
_ photography, aerofotografa.
_ skidder (lg) , cableva de arrastre.
__ topography, aerofototopografa.
_ tramway, tranva areo, andarivel, cable
telefrico, aerova de cable, funicular areo,
(A) alambrecarril.
__ triangulation, aerotriangulacin.
aerorm, aeriforme.
aery, aerificar.
aer()bacter (sen), aerobacter.
aerobe (sen), aerobio.
aerobic, aerbico.
aerobiosis, aerobiosis.
aerocamera, cmara aerofotogramtrica.
aerocartograph (pmy), carta geogrfica area;
aerocartography, cartografa area.
Aerocrete (trademark), aerocreto, (Col) aero-
aerodrome, aerdromo, aeropuerto.
aerodynamic, aerodinmico.
aerodynamicist, aerodinamicista.
aerodynamics, aerodinmica.
aerofilter, aerofiltro.
aerofiltration, aerofiltracin.
altar (dd), escaln, grada.
instrument, teodolito altacimutal.
alteratlOn, reedificacin, refeccin; (geol)
alternance, alternancia.
alternate, 8 (especificacin) variante, alternativa'
v alternar. '
-- angles, ngulos alternos.
alternate-line scanning (tv) , exploracin entre-
lazada, (Es) exploracin alterna de lneas
alternating .
-- current (a.c.), corriente alterna o alternada
o alternante (c.a.).
-- (sd), dispositivo de alternacin.
- h.ght (pw)(ap), luz o faro alternante.
-- slphon (sen), sifn alternante.
-- stress, esfuerzo alternante.
alternation, alternacin, (elc) (A) alternancia
alternator (elec), alternador. .
--o transmitter (ra) , alternador-transmisor.
altgrafo, altmetro registrador.
altlmeter, altmetro.
altimetrical, altimtrico.
altimetry, altimetra.
altitude, altitud, altura, elevacin.
-- angle (surv), ngulo vertical.
-- barometer,. barmetro o aneroide altimtrico
- gage (ht), mdicador de nivel del agua. .
-- valve, vlvula controladora de nivel.
todouno, carbn como sale de la
mma (sm cribar).
de aluminio con magnesio y
alum, alumbre; sulfato de aluminio.
-- pot (wp), !anqu.e alimentador de alumbre.
- rock, alumta, piedra de alumbre
-- shale or schist, esquisto alumindso
-- stone, alunita, piedra de alumbre .
alumel, aleacin de nquel (3 partes) aluminio
(1 parte).
alumina, almina.
-- brick, ladrillo refractario de almina.
-- c!eam (lab), crema de almina.
alummate n (chem), aluminato.
aluminic, alumnico.
aluminiferous, aluminfero.
aluminite (miner), aluminita.
aluminium, aluminio.
aluminize, aluminizar.
aluminoferric, aluminofrrico.
aluminosilicate, aluminosilicato.
aluminothermic, aluminotrmico
-- welding, soldadura o de
aluminothermics, aluminothermy, alumino-
aluminous, aluminoso.
aluminum, aluminio.
-- brass, latn de aluminio.
-- bronze, bronce de aluminio.
--,foil, hoja de aluminio.
-- hydroxide, hidrxido de aluminio (miner)
gibbsita. '
-- .al.eato alumnico o de aluminio.
- OXide, OXido de aluminio almina
- paint, pintura alumnica.' .
--vent, respiradero, aspirador de aire, ventosa,
venteo, sopladero.
-- washer, depurador del aire, lavadora de
aire. .
-- well, pozo de ventilacin o de aire.
-- winch, malacate neumtico.
air-acetylene welding, soldadura aeroacetilnica.
air-actuated, impulsado por aire comprimido.
air-blast heater, calentador a soplo de aire.
air-blast transformer, transformador enfriado por
soplo de aire.
air-blown asphalt, asfalto refinado al aire.
air-borne (ac), llevado por el aire.
air-break switch, interruptor al aire.
air-cell pipe covering, revestimiento aerocelular.
air-condition v, acondicionar el aire.
alr-cooled, enfriado por aire.
air-core transformer, transformador de ncleo
de aire.
alr-dried, secado al aire.
air-driven, impulsado por aire comprimido.
air-entraining (conc), arrastrando aire.
air-hardened, endurecido al aire.
air-line oiler (dril!) , aceitera de linea.
air-Iocked, obturado por aire.
air-operated, neumtico, impulsado por aire
air-release valve, vlvula de alivio, ventosa.
air-seasoned, secado al aire.
air-setting mortar (rfr) , mortero de fraguado al
aire o a temperatura baja.
air-slaked, apagada al aire (cal); descompuesto
en el aire (roca).
airbound, obturado o trabado por aire.
airbrush, pulverizador, pistola pulverizadora,
rociador de pintura.
airdrome, vase airport.
airfield, campo de aviacin, cancha de aterrizaje.
--mat, estera de acero para pistas de aterrizaje.
airloil, superficie aerodinmica.
--fan, ventilador de aletas aerodinmicas.
airline, linea o empresa de aviacin.
airometer, contador de aire.
airpark, campo de aviacin, cancha de aterrizaje,
aeropuerto menor.
airplane, avin, aeroplano.
-- mapping, cartografa area.
airport, aeropuerto, aerdromo, campo o puerto
de aviacin, campo de aterrizaje.
--beacon, faro de aeropuerto.
- of entry, aeropuerto aduanero.
-- traffic control, control de las llegadas y salidas
de los aviones.
airproof, hermtico.
airstrip, pista o faj a de aterrizare.
airtight, a prueba de aire, hermtico, estanco al
airway, ruta area, aerova; (ra) faja de fre-
cuencias; (min) conducto de ventilacin.
--beacon, faro de ruta area.
aisle, pasillo, pasadizo.
Aju metal, metal antifriccin de cobre, estao,
plomo Y arsnico.
Aju powder, explosivo usado en minas.
akerite (geol), aquerita.
alabandite (miner), alabandina, alabandita.
-- gage (bo) , manmetro de alarma; avisador
de bajo nivel.
--relay (elec), relai avisador o de alarma.
- valve (sk) vlvula de alarma.
alaskite (geol), alasquita (granito).
albedo (pmy), albedo.
albite (miner), albita (feldespato).
albolite (mas), albolita.
albumin glue, cola de albmina.
albuminoid, 8 albuminoide; a albuminoideo.
-- ammonia (sen), amonaco albuminoideo.
-- nitrogen (sen), nitrgeno albuminoideo.
albumose (sen), albumosa.
alburnum (lbr), alburno, albura.
Alelad (trademark), duraluminio revestido de
aluminio puro.
alcohol, alcohol.
Alcumite (alloy) (trademark) , alcumita (87.5%
cobre, 7.5% aluminio, 3.5% hierro).
aldohexose (su), aldohexosa.
alemite fittings, accesorios para engrase
alemite gun, pistola para engrase "Alemite."
aleotropic, anisotrpico, anistropo.
alga (sen), alga.
algae, algas.
algaecide, algecida.
algal, algceo.
algebra, lgebra.
algebraic, algebraico.
alidade (surv), alidada.
align, alinear, enderezar, enfilar.
aliguer, alineador.
aligning tool, alineador.
alignment, alineacin, alineamiento, endereza-
miento; (ra) sincronizacin, alineacin.
-- bearing, cojinete de alineamiento.
-- chart, nomograma.
-- gage, calibrador o indicador de alineacin.
-- tester (mt), probador de alineacin.
aline, alinement, vase align. alignment.
alite (ct), alita.
alive (elec), cargado.
alizarin red (sen), roj o de alizarina.
alkalescence, alcalescencia.
alkalescent, alcalescente.
alkali, lcali.
-- soil, suelo que contiene sales solubles.
alkali-resisting paint, pintura antialcalina.
alkalimeter, alcalimetro.
alkalimetry, alcalimetra.
alkaline, alcalino.
-- cell (elec), acumulador alcalino.
-- earth (chem), tierra alcalina.
alkalinity, alcalinidad.
alkaliproof, a prueba de lcalis.
alkalize, alcalizar.
alkylize, alquilar, alquilizar.
all-bell cross (p), Cruz de campanas.
all-bell T (p), T de campanas.
all-day efficiency, rendImiento diario.
all-heart tie (rr), traviesa sin albura o de corazn.
all-over landing freId, campo para aterrizaje en
todas partes.
all-pass (ra), filtro de todo paso.
all-ups . (mm!, carbn como sale de
mma (sm CrIbar).
all-veneer plywood, madera laminada sin alma
all-wave (ra), antena de toda onda. .
all-wave oscillator (ra), oscilador o generador de
toda onda.
all-way airport, aeropuerto para aterrizaje y
despegue en todos sentidos.
all-weather airport, ae;opuerto de todo tiempo.
all-weather cammo siempre transitable.
all-wheel dnve (auto), impulsin sobre cuatro
allanite (miner), alanita.
de 55% cobreY45% plomo
allemontlte. (mmer), alemontita, antimonio
alleviator (hyd), aleviador.
alley arm (elec), cruceta excntrIca
alligator (lg), rastra; bote que moverse
sobre el terreno.
- clip, pinza.
- grab, pinzas de lagarto, atrapador de mand-
- shear, cizalla de palanca.
- squeezer (met) , cinglador de quijadas o de
- wrench, llave dentada o de mordaza
allogenic (geol), algeno. .
allowable load, carga limite o admisible o de
allowable stress, esfuerzo limite de
trabaJO, fatiga de trabajo admisible.
allowance (mech), concesin; tolerancia; so-
alloy, 8 alea.cin, liga, aligacin, (U) aleaje; v
alear, ligar;
- cast iron, fundicin de aleacin o de liga.
-- s.teel, acero de aleacin o de liga.
alluvlal, aluvial, aluvional.
- cone, cono aluvial.
- aluvin, depsito aluvial, terreno de
aluvlOn, terreno de acarreo, acarreo fluvial,
(Pe) terreno de transporte.
- fan, cono o abanico aluvial.
- estao de acarreo (casiterita).
alluvlation, acumulacin aluvial.
avenida, inundacin, aluvin.
allu.viUm, aluvin, tierra aluvial, acarreo fluvial.
Almco (trademark), aleacin de acero 500/,
3;luminio 20%, nquel 20%, y cobalto 10%:
(naut), al costado; abarloado.
aloxlte (abrasivC'), aloxito.
alp!lx (alloy), alpax.
alpha, alfa.
- de 64% cobre con 36% cinc.
--non, hierro alfa.
- methyl naphthalene, alfametilnaftalina alfa-
metilnaftaleno. '
-- particle, partcula alfa.
-- ray, rayo alfa.
alpha-naphthol, alfa-naftol.
alpha-naphthylamine acetate acetato de alfa-
naftilamina. '
conduit (trademark)(elec), tubera
fleXible no metlica. .
(pmy) , triangula- b (
- race, ?ons) cu.adral, riostra angular, esqui-
nal, dla.gonal; (carp) berbiqu de
de an- engranaje, berblqul para rincones.
- butt weld, soldadura a tope en ngulo
- check valve, vlvula angular de
-- compresor de ngulo.
-- Couphng, acoplamiento angular.
-- cutter, mquma cortadora de hierros angu-
--iron, hierro angular, ngulo de hierro, fierro
angular, angular, (Es) cantonera (C)
angular ele. '
-- clinmetro; gonimetro.
-- nurror (surv), escuadra de espejos.
-- of (se), ngulo de avance.
- of arnval (ra), ngulo de llegada.
- of attack, ngulo de ataque.
- of beam (ra), ngulo de rayo.
- of Coverage (pmy), ngulo de vista.
- of crab (p:ny), ngulo de deriva.
-- of defiection, ngulo de desviacin o de
- of (ra), ngulo de salida.
- of depressIon (surv) ngulo de d . ,
ngulo descendente: epresIOn,
-- ofdelevation ngulo vertical o ascen-
ente o de elevaCIn.
- of (geop), ngulo de salida
- of fnctIon, ngulo de friccin d ..
o de reposo. o e rozamIento
- of (ap), ngulo de planeo.
- of mternal friction ngulo de f' ' .
t . , rICCI n In-
o frotamiento interno.
- of mtersection (rr), ngulo de int '.
o de contingencia. erseCCIOn
- of keen17ess (mt), ngulo de filo o d 1
herramIenta. e a
- of lag (elec), ngulo de retraso o de atraso
-- of lead (se), ngulo de avance .
-- of (ra) , ngulo de radiacin.
- of relief (mt), ngulo de rebajo.
-- of repose or of rest, ngulo de friccin o de
reposo, talud natural.
-- of .shear!ng resistance (sm) , ngulo de
SIstencIa al corte. re-
-- of ngulo de sesgo o de esviaje.
- of strike (geop), ngulo de rumbo.
- of view (pmy), ngulo de vista
- of wall friction (sm) , ngulo friccin del
relleno con el muro.
-- of wrap, ngulo de contacto entre polea y
- pillow block, caja de chumacera angul
- (rr), vase angle bar. aro
--pnsm (surv), escuadra prisma
--rafter, lima tesa. .
-- (il), reflector angular.
- nb (grorp.), aristn.
-- strike (lock), cerradero angular.
-- target (surv), mira o corredera angular
- tower (elec), torre de ngulo. .
-- trowel, llana acodada.
- valve, vlvula angular o acodillado o de
.codo, llave de ngulo.
- Vise, tornillo ajustable crcel o morsa de
ngulo. '
p.nalytic radial triangulation
cin radial analitica.
analytical, analitico.
- (lab) , balanza analtica o
lISIS o de precisin.
analytics (math), geometra analtica
analyze, analizar. .
anaJyzer (ra) (mech), analizador.
anchor, s ,(nut) ancla, ncora, anclote; (cons)
trabilla, sujetador, ancla; v (nut) anclar
ancorar; (nut) fondear; (cons) sujetar:
trabar, asegurar, anclar.
- arm (bdg), tramo de anclaje.
- de o de fundacin o de
sUie,cln, tormllo de anclaje (M)
prISIOnero. ' . perno
- buoy, boya de anclaje.
- retenida con ancla de tierra.
-lutch, enganche de vuelta; (cab) Vuelta
estlranguladora o corrediza, eslinga estran-
gu adora.
- ice, hielo de fondo o de anclas
-log, macizo de anclaje, morillo.
- mak,:er, ancorero.
- pile, pilote de anclaj e.
- plate, placa de sujecin, contraplaca.
-- p.ole, poste de anclaje.
-- nng, arganeo.
- rod (Pole line), barra de ancla.
- shackIe, grillete para ancla.
- shop, ancorerla.
- to.wer, columna o torre o mstil de anclaje
- wmch (sb), malacate para ancla. .
anchorage, (nut) fondeadero, ancladero tene-
dero; (n';'t)" anclaje, ancoraje; '(cons)
amar;e, sUJecIOn, anclaje; (pte) macizo de
anclaje, muerto.
-- dues, derechos de anclaje.
anchored entablonado de contencin
con tIrantes.
anchoring ground, fondeadero, ancladero, tene
dero, agarradero; aportadero.
(miner), andalucita (silicato de alu-
anelectric, anelctrico.
anemogram, anemograma.
anemograph, anemgrafo.
anemographic, anemogrfico.
anemometer, anem6metro.
anemometric, anemomtrico.
anemometrograph, anemometrgrafo.
anemometry, anemometrla.
anemoscope, anemoscopio.
barometer, barmetro aneroide.
aneroIdograph, aneroid6grafo.
angle, ngulo; (est) ngulo, escuadra, vigueta-
escuadra, perfil angular, (M) viga angular
(C) angular ele. '
-- back-pressure valve, vlvula angular de
-- bar,. (fc) eclisa de ngulo, barra angular,
bnda angular, eclisa cantonera, (C) mor-
daza, (C) barrote; (cn) ngulo de hierro
-- bead (bldg), cantonera, guardavivo. .
amorphous, amorfo.
amortisseur winding (elec), devanado amortigua-
amortization, amortizacin.
amortize, amortizar.
ampelite, ampelita, esquisto carbonoso.
amperage (elec), amperaje.
ampere (elec), amperio.
ampere-foot, amperio-pie.
ampere-hour, amperio-hora.
-- efficiency, rendimiento en amperios-horas.
-- meter, contador de amperios-horas o de
ampere-turn, amperio-vuelta, amperivuelta.
amperemeter, ampermetro.
amphibian n a (ap), anfibio.
amphibole (miner), anfibol.
amphibolic, anfiblico.
amphibolite (geol), anfibolita.
amphoteric (chem), anftero.
amplidyne (ra), amplidina.
amplification (optics) (elec), amplificacin.
-- constant, coeficiente o constante de amplifi-
-- factor (ra), coeficiente de amplificacin.
amplifier (elec), amplificador.
-- stage (ra), etapa amplificadora.
- tube (ra) , tubo amplificador, vlvula amplifi-
amplify (elec), amplificar.
amplitude (math) (elec) (ra), amplitud.
-- compass, brjula de azimut.
-- distortion (ra), distorsin de amplitud.
--factor, factor de amplitud.
--Iimiter (ra), limitador de amplitud.
-- meter, vibrmetro.
-- separator (tv), separador de amplitud.
amplitude-frequency distortion (ra) , deforma-
cin de atenuacin-frecuencia, distorsin
de amplitud-frecuencia.
amplitude-modulated (ra) , modulado en am-
ampoule; ampolleta, ampolla.
amygdaloid n, roca amigdaloide.
amyl alcohol, alcohol amilico.
amyl xanthate, xantato de amilo.
amylase (sen), amilasa.
anabolic (sen), anablico.
anaclinal (geol), anaclinal.
anaerobe (sen), anaerobio.
anaerobic, anerbico, anaerbico.
anaerobiosis, anaerobiosis, anerobiosis.
anaerogenic (lab), anaerognico.
anaglyph (pmy) , anglifo.
anaglyphic (pmy), anaglfico.
anaglyphoscope (pmy), anaglifoscopio.
analcime, analcite (miner), analcima, analcita.
analcite basalt, basalto analcltico.
analcitite (geol), analcitita.
anallatic lens, lente analtico.
anallatism (surv), analatismo.
analogue, anlogo.
analogy (math), analogla.
analysis, anlisis.
analyst, analizador, analista.
-- powder, polvo de aluminio.
-- shapes, perfiles de aluminio.
-- steel, acero al aluminio.
- sulphate, sulfato de aluminio (alumbre de
filtro) .
aluminum-base alloy, aleaci6n a base de alu-
aluminum-cell arrester (elec), pararrayos a
pilas de aluminio.
aluminum-s0!1P grease, grasa de jab6n de alu-
alundum (rfr) , alundo.
alunite (miner), alunita.
amacratic lens, lente amacrtico.
amalgam (met)(miner), amalgama.
amalgamate, amalgamar.
amalgamation process, beneficio por amalga-
amalgamator, amalgamador.
amatol (explosive), amatol.
amberite (explosive), amberita.
ambit, contorno, mbito.
American bond (bw) , trabazn ordinaria (1
hilada de tizones con 5 hiladas de sogas).
American deal (European term) , pino blanco
American gage (wire), calibre americano, calibre
de Brown y Sharpe.
amianthus (miner), amianto.
amicron (chem), amicr6n.
amide (chem), amida; amido.
amidships adv (s1, al centro del buque.
amino acid (sen), aminocido.
p-aminodimethylaniline (wp) , p-aminodimetil-
ammeter (elec), amperlmetro, amper6metro.
ammonal, explosivo de nitrato de amonio con
aluminio pulverizado.
ammonia, amoniaco.
-- alum, alumbre de amonio.
-- condenser, condensador de amoniaco.
-- dynamite, dinamita amoniacal.
-- feeder (sen), alimentador de amoniaco.
-- fittings (p), accesorios a prueba de amoniaco.
-- gage, manmetro de presin de amoniaco.
- gelatin (bl) , gelatina amoniacal.
-- nitrogen (sen), nitrgeno amoniacal.
-- permissibles (bD, explosivos amoniacales
--valve, vlvula a prueba de amoniaco.
ammoniacal, amoniaeal. .
ammoniation, amoniacin.
ammoniator (wp), amoniador.
ammonification axnmonization, amonizacin.
ammonium, amonio.
-- acetate, acetato amnico o de amonio.
-- ch1oride, cloruro am6nico o de amonio, clor-
hidrato de amoniaco.
- molybdate (lab), molibdato am6nico.
-- nitrate, nitrato amnico o de amonio.
-- sulphate, . sulfato amnico o de amonio,
(miner) mascagnita.
amoeba (sen), amiba, ameba.
amoebic, amlbico, ambiano.
-- dysentery, disenteria amibiana.
amoebicide n a, amibicida.
angle 336 anticorrosive anticreeper 337 applied

- weld, soldadura en ngulo.

-- wrench, llave acodada.
angles back to back (str) , ngulos espalda con
angledozer (ce), hoja de empuje angular, (A)
topadora angular, (M) escrepa de empuje
en ngulo.
anglesite, anglesita (mineral de plomo).
anglesmithing (sb), herreria de ngulos.
angling bulldozer (ce), hoja de empuje angular,
topadora angular.
angstrom unit (il), unidad angstrom.
angular, angular, anguloso.
-- acceleration, aceleraci6n angular.
-- advance(se), ngulo de avance.
-- bitstock, berbiqui acodado.
-- displacement, calaje, desviaci6n angular.
--frequency (ra) , frecuencia angular o de
-- gear, engranaje c6nico o angular; engranaje
--lead, ngulo de avance.
--length (ra), largo en radianes.
--. magnification (pmy), ampliaci6n angular.
-- parallax, paralaje angular, ngulo paralc-
--perspective, perspectiva angular o de dos
-- pitch (elec), avance angular.
- slide (mt), cursor en ngulo.
an.gular-contact bearing, coiinete de contacto
angularity, angulosidad.
aD.hydride (chem), anhidrido.
aD.hydrite (miner), anhidrita (sulfato anhidro de
aD.hydrous, anhidro, aD.hidrico.
aniline, anilina.
-- black, negro de anilina.
- point (pet), punto de anilina.
animal n a, animal.
- charcoal, carb6n animal o de huesos.
- fat (lu), grasa animal.
-- glue, cola animal, osteocola, cola de huesos.
--traction, tracci6n a sangre.
anion (chem), ani6n.
anisometric, anisomtrico.
anisotropic, anisotr6pico, anis6tropo.
ankaramite (geol), ancaramita.
ankaratrite (geol), ancaratrita.
annabergite (miner), anabergita (arseniato hidra-
tado de niquel).
anneal, recocer, destemplar, (Es) revenir.
annealing, destemple, recocidv, recocci6n.
-- furnace, horno de recocer, hornillo de des-
-- point, punto de recocido.
annual ring (1br), anillo anual.
annular, anular.
annunciation (ele9), indicaci6n.
annunciator, indicador, anunciador, cuadro in-
-- wire, alambre de anunciador (alambre fo-
rrado de algod6n parafinado).
anodal, an6dico.
anode (elec), nodo.
-- battery, batera an6dica o de placa.
-- bend (ra) , curvatura de la caracterstica
-- circuit, circuito an6dico o de placa.
-- converter, convertidor para voltaje an6dico.
- detector (ra), detector de nodo.
-- dissipation, disipaci6n de placa.
-- drop, caida de tensi6n al nodo.
-- impedance (ra) , impedancia an6dica o de
--voltage, tensi6n an6dica o de placa.
anode-bend rectification (ra) , rectificaci6n por
curva an6dica.
anode-ray current (ra), corriente de rayos an6-
anodic, an6dico.
anodize, anodizar.
anolyte (elec), anolito.
anomalous dispersion (tv) , dispersi6n an6mala,
(Es) dispersi6n anormal.
anomaly (all senses), anomalia.
anopheles (mosquito), anofeles.
anopheline, anofelino.
anorthite (miner), anortita (feldespato).
anorthosite (geol), anortosita.
anotron (ra), anotr6n.
ant guard, guardahormigas, (C) guardera contra
antagonistic spring, resorte de retroacci6n, muelle
antalkaline, antialcalino.
antechamber (di), antecmara, cmara de pre-
antenna (ra), antena.
-- adapter, adaptador o eliminador de antena.
-- array, antenna direccional.
-- coil, bobina del circuito de antena.
-- coupler, acoplador o acoplamiento de antena.
-- eliminator, eliminador o adaptador de antena.
-- gain, rendimiento de antenna direccional.
-- reflector, antena de reflexin o de inversi6n.
anthracene (chem), antraceno.
-- oil, aceite antracnico.
anthraciferous (geol), antracifero.
anthracite coal, antracita.
anthracitic, antracitico.
anthracitous, antracitoso.
antianopheline, antianofelino.
antibiosis (sen), antibiosis.
anticapacitance switch (ra) , interruptor antica-
anticatalyst (chem), anticatalizador.
anticathode (ra), antictodo.
antichlor (chem), anticloro.
anticlastic (math), anticlstico.
anticlinal, anticlinal.
anticline (geol), anticlinal.
anticlinorium, anticlinal mltiple o compuesto,
(A) anticlinorio.
anticlockwise rotation, vase counterclockwise
anticoagulant, anticoagulante.
anticoherer (ra) , anticohesor.
anticondensation, anticondensaci6n;
anticorrosive, anticorrosivo.
anticreeper (rr), abrazadera antideslizante, ancla
de via, silla de detenci6n.
antidazzle, antideslumbrante.
antidetonant (ge), antidetonante.
antifading (ra), antidesvanecedor.
antifoam (bo), antiespuma.
antifouling (pt), antincrustante, antisptico.
antifreeze, anticongelante.
antifriction, antifricci6n, contrafricci6n.
antigen (lab) , antgeno.
antigenic (1ab), antignico.
antiglare (gl), antideslumbrante,' (A) antivaho;
antihalation (pmy),' antihalo.
antihum (elec), antizumbido.
antihunt (elec), antifluctuaci6n.
anti-icer, anticongelador.
anti-incrustator, antincrustante.
anti-induction (elec), .antnductivo.
antiknock (ge), antidetonante, antigolpeteo.
- rating, grado antidetonante.
antilogarithm, antilogaritmo.
antimalaria, antipaldico.
antimicrophonic valve(ra), vlvula antimicro-
antimonate (chem), antimoniato.
antimonial, antimonial.
--lead, plomo antimonial o antimonioso.
antimonic, antimnico.
antimonide, antimoniuro.
antimonious, antimonioso.
antimonite, (quim) antimonito; (miner) anti-
monita, estibnita.
antimoniureted, antimoniado.
antimony, antimonio.
--' blende, quermesita, antimonio rojo;
-- bloom, antimonio blanco, flores de anti-
-- crude, sulfuro de antimonio.
-- glance, estibnita.
-- glass, vidrio de antimonio.
-- ocher, ocre de antimonio, cervantita.
- white, tri6xido de antimonio.
antinode (ra), antinodo, (Es) comba.
antinormal, antinormal.
antioxidant, antioxidante.
antiparallel (math), 8 antiparalela: a antipa-
antiparasitic (elec), antiparsito.
antiphase (elec) , antifase, fase opuesta.
antipriming (bo), antiebullicivo.
antiresonance (ra), antirresonancia.
antirust, antioxidante, anticorrosivo.
antiscale compound (bo), antincrustante, desin-
antiseismic, antisismico.
antiseize, antiaferrador, (A) antiengrane.
antiseptic, antisptico. "
antiserum (1ab), antisuero.
antishort (elec), anticorto-cil'cuito.
antisiphon, antisifonaje.
antiskid, antideslizante, antipatinador.
antislip, antirresbaladizo.
antisplitting device, dispositivo antirrajadura.
antisqueak, antirrechinante, antichirrido.
antistatic (ra), antiesttico.
antistripping compound (rd) , compuesto ad-
antisymmetrical, antisimtrico.
anUerite, antlerita, sulfato de cobre nativo.
anvil, (her) yunque, bigomia, (M) ayunque;
(inst) tope, quijada fija.
- bars (su), barras de yunque.
--beak,pico o cuerno del yunque.
- block (steam hammer), .yunque inferior del
-- chisel, taj adera de yunque.
-- cutter, tijeras de golpe.
-- dross, escoria de fragua;
-- stock, cepo del yunque.
-- tools, herramientas de yunque.
--vise, yunque de tornillo;
anvil-faced frog (rr), coraz6n con inserciones de
acero endurecido.
apatite (miner), apatita.
aperiodic (elec), aperi6dico.
aperiodicity, aperiodicidad.
aperture, orificio; abertura; (cn) vano para
- stop (pmy), limitador de luz.
aphanite (geol), afanita.
aphanitic, afanitico.
aphthitalite (miner), aftitalita, glaserita, arca-
aphtit (alloy), aftita.
aplite (geol), aplita.
aplobasalt (geol), aplobasalto.
aplogranite (geol), aplogranito.
apochromatic lens, lente apocromtica.
apogean tides, mareas muertas o de apogeo.
apomecometer (surv), apomec6metro.
aporhyolite (geol), aporiolita.
apothem' (math), apotema.
apparatus, aparato.
-- dew point (ac), punto de intersecci6n (di-
agrama) de la linea de acondicionamiento
con la curva de saturacin.
apparent, aparente.
-- beam candle power, intensidad aparente del
-- cohesion (sm), cohesin aparente.
--. elastic limit, limite aparente de elasticidad.
-.- horizon, horizonte sensible o visible.
--inductance .(elec), inductancia aparente.
- pitch (th), paso aparente.
-- power, potencia o vatiaje aparente.
-- slip ratio (na), relaci6n de retroceso aparente.
-- specific gravity, peso especifico aparente.
-- time, tiempo aparente, tiempo solar.
-- wattS' vatiaje o potencia aparente.
apple wood, manzano.
Appleton layer (ra), capa Appleton, capa F.
appliance, dispositivo, artefacto, aparato, arti-
ficio, rgano.
--load (ac) , demanda por aparatos, carga" de
-- switch (elec), interruptor o llave de arte-
-- wire (elec), alambre para artefactos.
applicator (rd)(lab), aplicador.
applied, aplicado.
-- hose, mangera alambrada.
array (ra), antena direccional.
arrested anticline (geol), anticlinal interrumpido.
arrester, (elc) pararrayos; (elc) chispero, para-
chispas; (mec) detenedor.
arris, arista, canto vivo.
- fillet (rf), vase cant strip.
- gutter (rf), canaln en V.
arrival platform (rr), andn de llegada.
arrow (surv), aguja de cadeneo.
arrowhead (dwg), punta de flecha,
arsenate, arseniate (chem), s arsemato; v arse-
arsenic n a, arsnico.
-- glass, vidrio arsnico.
__ trioxide, tri6xide de arsnico, arsnico
arsenical, arsenical, arsnico.
__ antimony, alemontita, antimonio
__ copper, aleaci6n de cobre con pequena canti-
dad de arsnico.
__ nickel, nquel arsenical, niquelina: . . .
__ pyrites, arsnico piritoso, arsenopmta, pIrIta
arsenide, arseniuro.
arsenious, arsenioso.
__ oxide, tri6xido de arsnico, arsnico blanco,
xido arsenioso.
arsenite, arsenito.
arsenopyrite (miner), arsenopirita, pirita arseni,
arterial highway, camino troncal; carretera de
acceso limitado.
artery (rd) , camino troncal.
artesian, artesiano, surgente.
-- head, carga artesiana.
__ spring, 'fuente artesiana, manantial arte-
siano, manantial surtidor, (A) manantial
__ water, agua artesiana o surgente.
__ well, pozo artesiano o surgent.e. .
articulated joint, articulaci6n, um6n artICulada,
uni6n de r6tula, (e) cardn.
articulated locomotive, locomotora mallet o
articulation (mech), articulaci6n.
artificial artificial, fabricado; artificial, falso.
__ ant;nna (ra) , antena falsa o artificial.
_ asphalt, asfalto
-- graphite, grafito fa:brIcado.. .
__ horizon (inst), horIzonte artIfiClal.
__ stone, piedra artificial o vaciada, sillares
artisan, artesano, oficial.
asbestiform (miner), asbestiforme..
Asbestine (pt)(trademark), asbestma.
asbestine a, asbestino.
asbestos, s asbesto, amianto; a asbestino.
_ blanket (inl), tejido de
__ board, cart6n de asbesto o de- aIDlanto
asbesto en cart6n.
__ bonding, liga de asbesto.
__ braid, trencilla o trenzado de asbesto;
__ cement, cemento de asbesto.
(revestido de - cloth, tela de asbesto.
_,_ felt, fieltro de asbesto.
architect's scale (dwg), escala de arquitecto (en
pies y .
architectural, arqUltect6mco.
architecture, arquitectura.
archway, vano arqueado.
arcing contact (elec), contacto del arco.
arcing horn (elec), cuerno de arco.
are, rea.
area, rea, superficie; (ed) vase areaway.
_ meter, contador de carga constante y rea
areal, de rea.
areaway, pozo fuera del s6tano para dar acceso,
luz o ventilaci6n.
arenoso, arenisco, arenceo.
areometer, aremetro.
areometric, areomtrico.
areometry, areometra.
argental, argnteo, argentino.
_ mercury, mercurio argnteo, (M) mercurio
argentic (chem), argntico.
argentiferous, .
argentite (miner), argentIta, plata grIS.
argentous (chem), argentoso.
argillaceous, argilliferous, ar,cilloso.
argilloarenaceous (geol), arCllloarenoso.
argi1localcareous (geol), arcillocalcreo.
argon (chem), argn, argo. . . .
argyrite, argyrose (miner), arglrIta, argrosa,
argentita. . .' .
1.rgyrythrose (miner), argirItrosa, plrarglrIta.
arid, rido.
aridity, aridez.
ariegite (geol) , ariegita.
arithmetic, aritmtica.
arithmetical, aritmtico.
__ mean media aritmtica o diferencial.
arkose arcosa, arenisca arc6sica.
arm, (mec) brazo; (mat) palanca; (r) ramal,
armature, (mot) inducido, (C) armadura; arma-
dura (imn).
__ band, bandaje o zuncho del inducido.
__ bar barra del inducido.
__ dimetro del hueco para el inducido.
__ eoil, 'bobina del inducido, carrete inducido.
__ core, ncleo del inducido.
-- hub, cubo del inducido.
--leakage, dispersi6n en el inducido.
__ spider estrella del inducido.
__ stand' soporte para inducidos.
__ teste: (inst), probador de inducidos.
__ varnish barniz para inducidos.
__ devanado o arrollamiento del in-
Armco iron (trademark), hierro de alta pureza
(contiene menos de 0.1% de impurezas).
armor (mech), coraza, blindaje.
__ clamp (elec), abrazadera de la coraz.a.
_ coat (rd), revestimiento, carpeta, blindado.
armored blindado, acorazado.
__ cabl, conductor con coraza metlica, cable
biindado, cable acorazado.
_ concrete, concreto acorazado
iundici6n gris).
aqueous, acuoso, cueo.
aquic1ude (geohydrology), aCUlClerre, acuiclusa.
aquifer, capa acufera o fretica.
aquifuge (geohydrology), acuifuga.
araban (su), arabana.
arabinose (su), arabinosa.
Aragon spar, aragonita.
arbitrary (math), arbitrario.
arbitrate, arbitrar, terciar.
arbitration, arbitraje, arbitraci6n, arbitramiento,
arbitrator, rbitro, arbitrador, tercero.
arbor (machy), rbol, eje; portaherramienta.
-- press, prensa de husillo.
arc, s (mat) (elc) arco; v (eIc) formar arco.
-- blow (w), soplo magntico del arco, desvia-
cin del arco.
-- brazing, soldadura fuerte al arco, soldadura
de arco con lat6n.
-- converter, convertidor de arco.
-- cutting, cortadura por arco elctrico.
- flame (w), llama del arco.
-- furnace, horno de arco.
-- gate (min), compuerta radial o de arco.
-- generator (ra), generador al arco.
--lamp, lmpara de arco.
--lighting, alumbrado por lmparas de arco.
-- of meridian, arco de meridiano.
-- pacifier (w), apaciguador de arco.
-- pitch, (en) paso circunferencial.
-- quencher, apagador de arco.
--resistance (elec), resistencia al arco.
-- stabilizer (w), estabilizador de arco.
-- stream (w), flujo de arco.
-- surfacing (w),' revestimiento con arco elc-
-- torch (w), antorcha de arco elctrico.
-- transmitter (ra), transmisor por arco..
- welder, soldador de arco; (maq) soldadora
de arco.
-- welding, soldadura por arco o de arco.
arc-back (ra), arco inverso, retroarco.
arc-over n, salto de arco.
arcade, arcada, arquerla, (A) recaba.
arch, sarco, bveda; v arquear, abovedar, abom-
-- bar, barra arqueada o de arco.
-- barrel, ca6n, esquife.
- brick, ladrillo de arco, dovela de ladrillo.
-- bridge, puente - arqueado o de arco o de
-- centering, - cimbra, cerch6n, formaleta, ga-
-- culvert, alcantarilla arqueada.
-- dam, presa en arco o de arco simple,presa-
b6veda, (M) cortina en al'Co.
- rib (bdg) , nervadura de arco.
-- ring, cuerpo de arco, (Es) (Col) rosca.
-'- sheeting, dovelas interiores o de atrs.
-- stone, dovela.
-- thrust, empuje del arco.
--truss, armadura en arco.
arch-burned brick, ladrillo alabeado.
arched web (sp), alma combada.' ,
arching elIect (ea), arqueamiento, efecto de arco.
architect, arquitecto.
-- electromotive force, fuerza electromotriz
-'- finish (conc), revoque, .estuco.
-- hydraulics, hidrulica aplicada.
--.mechanics, mecnica aplicada.
appraisal, valuaci6n, tasaci6n, apreciaci6n,
avalo, valorizaci6n, aforo.
appraise, apreciar, tasar, valuar, justipreciar,
aforar, valorar, avaluar.
appraiser, tasador, apreciador, avaluador, jus-
tipreciador, aforador.
apprentice, aprendiz, (A) cadete.
apprenticeship, aprendizaje.
approach n, acceso, (M) aproches, (Col) aproche;
-- beacon (ap), baliza de acercamiento.
- channel (hyd), canal de llegada o de acceso.
-- circuit (rr), circuito de.aproximaci6n.
-light (ap) , farol de acercamiento, luz de
aproximaci6n, luz de acceso.
--locking (rr) , enclavamiento de aproxima-
-- temperature (ac) , temperatura de acerca-
--o zone (ap), zona de acercamiento.
appropriation, suma consultada o presupuesta,
asignaci6n,consignaci6n, (C) apropiaci6n.
approvai, aprobaci6n, visto bueno.
approved, aprobado,'visto bueno.
approximate a, aproximado.
approximation, aproximaci6n.
appurtenances, accesorios, aditamentos.
apron, (hid)' zampeado, platea, acolchado, de-
rramadero, escarpe, (C) vertedero; (presa
hueca) losa delantera, paramento exterior,
(U) carpeta posterior; (ds) batiente; (auto)
z6calo, delantal; (mec) mandil, placa de-
lantal; (cn) albitana, contrabranque, con-
trarroda; '(geol) cono aluvial;, (ventana)
guarnici6n debajo de la repisa; (espig6n)
piso fuera delgalp6n; (torno) placa frontal
del carro corredizo, tablero; (ap) faja de
estacionamiento (frente a los hangares) ,
explanada, (A) plataforma de pista.
-- conveyor,.transportador de mandil o de
banda articulada, (C)conductor de estera.
--feeder, alimentadora, mandil alimentador.
- handwheel.(lathe), rueda de mano del ta-
blero, rueda de avance a mano.
loader, cargador de mandil.
-- track (pier), va a lo largo del espig6n fuera
del galp6n.
-- wall, antepecho, pared entrepiso.y repisa de
la ventana.
apyrous, incombustible.
aqua fortis, agua fuerte, cido nitrico.
aqua regia, agua regia.
aquagel (pet), acuagel.
Aquastat (trademark), (M) aquastato.
aquatic, acutico.
aqueduct, acueducto, conducto, (Col) conduc-
-- bridge, puente acueducto.
-- canal, canal de con<1uccin.
aqueoglacial (geol), cueoglacial.
aqueoigneous (geol), CJueoigneo.
341 asbestos 340 assistant assistant autoclastic
-- fiber, fibra de amianto.
-lumber, planchas de asbesto prensado para
forrado de paredes.
-- packing, empaquetadura de asbesto, guar-
nicin de amianto.
-- paper, papel asbestino.
-- plaster, mstique de asbesto.
-- rock, roca asbestina.
-- roofing, techado de fieltro asbestino.
-- shingle, ripia de asbesto.
-- sleeving (elec), manguito de asbesto.
-- synthetic (inl), sinttico asbestino.
-- wool, lana de asbesto.
-- worker, amiantista.
-- yarn, hilaza de asbesto.
asbestos-cement pipe, tubera de asbesto-ce-
asbestos-covered, forrado de, asbesto.
asbestos-insulated wire, alambre aislado de as-
besto o forrado de asbesto.
asbestos-packed cock, robinete empaquetado de
asbestos-protected metal, metal revestido de
asbestos-varnished cambric (inl), asbesto-cam-
bray barnizado.
ascending grade, pendiente en subida.
aschistic (geol), asqustico.
aseismatic, resistente a terremotos.
aseismic, assmico.
aseismicity, asismicidad.
ash, ceniza; (mad) fresno.
-- content, contenido de ceniza.
-- ejector (sb), eyector de cenizas.
-- hoist, montacenizas, elevador de cenizas;
ashes, cenizas.
machinery, maquinaria para
manejo de cenizas.
ashlar line, lnea exterior del muro, arriba del
ashIar masonry, sillera, fbrica de sillera, can-
tera,Illamposterade sillares,sillarejo
ashIarstone; sillar, piedra labrada,canto, piedra
de sillera, (U) piedra de talla.
ashlaring (carp) , mOntantes cortos en el ngulo
inferior del techo.
ashpan, cenicero,
ashpit, cenicero, foso de cenizas, cenizal, zanj a
Asiatic cholera, clera asitico.
aspect ratio, (tv) relacin del ancho al alto del
cuadro, (aa) relacin entre dimensiones de
conducto, compuerta o rejilla.
asphalt, s asfalto,betnjudaico, brea mineral;
v asfaltar.
- binder (rd), ligador asfltico.
--, blocks, adoquines de asfalto.
-- ceIllent,cemento bituminoso o asfltico o de
-- cutback, asfalto diludo, asfalto cortado, (M)
asfalto rebajado, (M) asfalto adelgazado.
-- cutter, cortador de pavimento asfltico.
-- dipper, cazo,para asfalto;
-- distributor, 'esparcidor de asfalto.
-- enamel, asfalto rellenado, esmalte de asfalto.
- felt, fieltro asfaltado.
-- filler, rellenador asfltico.
-- grouting, inyecciones de asfalto.
-- macadam, macdam asfltico o asfaltado.
-- mastic, mstique asfltico.
- mattock, alcotana de asfaltador o de dos
-- mixer, mezclador de asfalto.
-- paint, pintura asfltica.
-- paper, papel asfltico.
-- paver, asfaltador.
-- paving, pavimento asfltico; pavimentacin
-- pouring pot, vertedor de asfalto.
-- primer (rd), imprimador asfltico.
- putty, asfalto plstico, repello o masilla de
asfalto, (A) masa plstica.
-- rake, rastrillo de asfaltador.
--rock, roca impregnada de asfalto.
-- sandals, sandalias de asfaltador.
-- smoother, plancha de asfalto.
-- spreader, esparcidor de asfalto.
- stripping (pet), separacin del asfalto.
-- worker, asfaltador.
asphalt-base oil, petrleo de asfalt.o o a base de
asphalt-coated, revestido o baado de asfalto.
asphalt-dipped, baado de asfalto.
asphaltene, asfaltina" (M) asfalteno.
asphaltic, asfltico.
-- emulsion, vase emulsified asphalt.
asphaltite, s (pet) asfaltita; a asfltico.
asphaltum, asfalto.
aspirated psychrometer (ac) , psicrmetro de
aspirating nozzle, boquilla aspiradora.
aspirating ventilator, ventilador aspirador.
aspirator, aspirador.
assaY,sensayo, ensaye, contraste; v ensayar,
aquilatar, contrastar, quilatar, acrisolar.
assayer, ensayador, quilatador.
assemble, armar, montar, ensamblar.
assembled automobile, coche ,armado con piezas
de varios fabricantes.
assembly, montaje, montura, armadura, en-
samble, ensamblaje, (V) acomodo; cone
junto, grupo, ensamblado.
-- jig, patrn O plantilla de montaje.
--line, cadena de produccin, lnea de mon-
taje, tren de ensamblaje.
-- marks, marcas guas, signos para armadura.
-- shop, armadura.
assessed valuation, tasacin oficial.
assets, activo; bienes.
assign, traspasar; ceder.
assignee, cesionario.
assigner, cedente.
assignment, cesin, dejacin, traspaso (acree-
<,res); traspaso, transferencia (contrato).
assis:tnt n, asistente, ayudante, auxiliar.
-,- chief, subjefe.
-- engineer, ingeniero auxiliar o ayudante,
--foreman, subcapataz, sobrestante ayudante,
cabo de cuadrilla.
-- inspector, subinspector.
- manager,subgerente, subadministrador, sub-
director, administrador auxiliar,(C)se-
gundo administrador.
- secret..ry, subsecretario.
- superintendent, ayudante de superinten-
dente, superintendente auxiliar.
assisting gradient, pendiente asistente.
associated channel (ra), canal asociado o comn.
assumed azimuth, azimut asumido.
assumed loading, carga presumida o prevista.
assumption, suposicin, (A) hiptesis.
assured n, asegurado.
assurer, asegurador.
astatic, asttico.
astaticism, astaticidad.
astatize, astatizar.
astragal, (carp) listn cubrejunta, tapajunta,
contrapilastra; (arq) astrgalo.
astronomic, astronmico.
-- azimuth, azimut astronmico.
astronomical, astronmico.
-'- telescope, anteojo astronmico o de, ocular
simple o de imagen invertida.
- time, tiempo 'medio solar, tiempo astro-
asymmetric anticline (geol), anticlinal asimtrico.
asymmetrical, asimtrico, no simtrico;
asymmetry, asimetra.
asymptote (math), asntota.
asymptotic, asinttico.
asynchronism, asincronismo.
asynchronous (elec), asincrnico, asncrono.
AT-cut crystal (ra) , cristal de corte AT.
atacamite (copper ore), atacamita.
athermic, atrmico.
athwart (sb), atravesado.
atmidometer, vase atmometer.
atmometer, atmmetro, evapormetro.
atmosphere, atmsfera.
atmospheric, atmosfrico.
- absorption (ra) , absorcin atmosfrica.
-- condenser (ac) (rfg) , condensador atmos-
- cooling tower, torre de enfriamiento atmos-
- feed-water heater, calentador atmosfrico.
- relief valve, vlvula de desahogo a la
- tides,mareas atmosfricas o de la atinsfera.
atmospherics (ra), interferencia atmosfrica, (M)
atmosfrica, (M) esttica.
atom, tomo.
atomic, atmico.
- hydrogen torch, soplete de hidrgeno
- hydrogen welding, soldadura oxhdrica al
R.rno o con soplete de hidrgeno atmico o
con arco de hidrgeno atmico.
- number, nmero atmico.
- radius, radio
- weight, peso atmico.
atomize, pulverizar, atomizar.
atomizer, pulverizador, atomizador.
atomizing nozzle, boquilla pulveriza.dora.
attach (mech), fijar, enganchar, juntar.
attached ground water, agua subterrnea ad-
herida, (A) agua subterrnea fijada.
attachment (mech), fijacin, unin; aditamento,
- plug (elec), tapn de contacto, clavija de
attemperator (ac), atemperador.
attenuation (elec), atenuacin.
-- constant, constante de atenuacin.
-- distortion, distorsin de atenuacin-fre-
cuencia, deformacin de amplitud-fre-
-- equalizer, igualador de atenuacin.
-- ratio, relacin o razn de atenuacin.
attenuator (elec), atenuador.
attle (min) desechos, (M) tepetate.
attraction, atraccin.
attrition, desgaste, frotamiento.
-- milI, molino de frotamiento.
- test, ensayo de desgaste por frotamiento.
audibility factor (ra), factor de audibilidad..
audibility meter, medidor de audibilidad.
audible, audible.
audio a (ra), audio.
-- amplifier, audioamplificador, amplificador de
-- oscilIator, audiooscilador, oscilador de audio-
-- peak limiter, limitador de mximo de audio-
-- signal, audioseal.
-- system, sistema audiofrecuente, sistema de
--voltage, voltaje de audio, tensin de audio-
audiofrequency, audiofrecuencia, frecuencia au-
-- amplifier, amplificador de audio-frecuencia,
-- transformer, transformador para audiofre-
audiometer (acoustics), audimetro.
audion (ra), audin.
audit, s revisin, intervencin de cuentas; v re-
visar, intervenir, repasar, comprobar;
auditor, interventor, contralor, revisador, revisor
de cuentas, (M) glosador, (M) auditor.
auger, barrena, taladro, barrenador.
-- bit, mecha de barrena, barrena espiral o de
augite (miner), augita, piroxena.
augite-porphyrite (geol), augita-porfirita.
augitophyre, augite-porphyry (geol), augita-
prfido, prfido augtico.
augmenter (condenser), aumentador.
aural, auricular.
aureole (geol), aureola.
austempering (met), ,,"ustemplado.
austenite (met), austenita.
austenitic, austentico.
authigenic (geol), autignico.
autoboat, bote automvil, autobote.
autocartograph (pmy), autocartgrafo.
autocatalytic (chem) (pet) , autbcataltico;
autochthonous (geol), autctono.
autoclastic (geol), autoclstico;
autoclave 342 axle
axletree 343 backfilling
autoclave, autoclave, marmita hermtica.
-- expansion test (conc), ensayo de expansin
en autoclave.
autocoherer (ra), autocohesor.
autocollimation (pmy), autocolimacin.
autoconduction (elec), autoconduccin.
autoconverter (elec), autoconvertidor.
autodynamic, autodinmico.
autodyne (ra), 8 autodina; v autodinar; a auto-
--reception, recepcin autodina.
autoexcitation (elec), autoexcitatin.
autofocusing, de foco automtico, autofocador.
autogenetic (geol), autogantico, autogensico.
autogenizer (w), autogenizador.
autogenous welding, soldadura autgena.
autogiro, autogyro (ap), autogiro.
autograph n (inst), autgrafo.
autographic recorder, registrador grfico.
autoheterodyne (ra), autoheterodino.
autoignition, autoencendido.
autoinduction (elec), autoinduccin.
automatic, automtico.
- flashboard (hyd) , alza automtica, tabla
basculante automtica.
- flush tank (sw) , sifn de limpieza autom-
tica, tanque' de lavado automtico, sifn
de descarga automtica.
--, frequencycontrol (ra),. ,control automtico
de frecuencia.
-- gain control (ra) , cop.trolautomtico de
-- sprinkler, rociador automtico, regadera
-- tapping chuck, mandril automtic.o para
-- time switch (elec), interruptor cronomtrico,
interruptor automtico de reloj.
- volume control (AVC) (ra) , control.autom-
tillo d,e volumen (CAV).
automatic-curtain filter (ac) , filtro' de cortina
automobile n a, automvil.
-"-,- jack, montaautomviles, levantacoches.
--lift, elevador de automviles, levantacoches.
automotive,. automotor, automotriz, automvil;
-- engineer, ingeniero diseador de autom-
viles, autotcnico.
-- engineering, autotcnica, ingenierla de
-- hardware, herrajes paraautornviles.
-- oil, aceite para automviles.
automotor, automvil.
Autopositive (trademark)
autostarter, arrancador automtico.
autotransformer, autotransformador.
autotrophic bacteria (sen), bacterias autotrficas.
autotruck, autocamin, ,camin.
autoxidation (chem), autooxidacin.
autumnal equinox, equinoccio otoal.
auxiliary n a, auxiliar.
--relay (elec), rela! auxiliar o ayudante.
-- switch (elec), interruptor secundario o
--valence (chem), valencia rellidual.
availability factor (elec), factor de disponibilidad.
available head (hyd), salto aprovechable o dis-
available sugar, azcar aprovechable.
avalanche, alud, avalancha, lurte.
avenue, avenida" (Col) carrera.
average, 8, promedio, trmino medio; (seg)
averla;v promediar; a medio, de trmino
-- adjuster (ins) , tasador, de avera,' asesor o
arreglador de averas.
-- agreement (rr) , convenio sobre cargos por
-- bond, fianza de averas.
--loss (ins), prdida parcial.
--policy, pliza de averas.
--pressure, presin media.
-- surveyor, comisario o arreglador de averas.
average-end-area formula (ea), frmula de la
seccin media.
aviation channel (ra), faja para aviacin.
aviation gasoline, aerogasolina, aeronafta, gaso-
lina de aviacin.
award (contract), 8 adjudicacin; v adjudicar.
awash, a flor de agua.
awl, lesna, alesna, subilla.
awning, toldo, tienda.
-- deck (sb) , cubierta si,n aberturas sobre una
superestructura liviana.
ax, hacha, segur; (cantero) martillo de pea
- eye (t), ojo tipo de hacha.
-- handle, mango, o cabo de hacha.
-- stone, piedra afiladora de hachas.
axhammer, martillo para desbastar piedra.
axhead, cabeza de hacha.
axial, axil, axial, (Es) xico.
-- compression, compresin axial.
--thrust, empuje axial.
axial-flow fan, ventilador axial.
axial-flow turbine, turbina axil o axial o paralela.
axinite(miner), axinita.
axis, eje, linea central.
-- of collimation (surv), linea de colimallin.
-- of coordinates, eje de coordenadas.
-,- of oscillation, eje de oscilacin.
-- of tilt(pmy), eje de inclinacin.
axIe, eje, rbol.
-- box,caja de engrase o de chumacera o del eje.
-- casing (auto), envoltura de eje.
-- generator (rr) , generador impulsado por el
-- grease, grasa para ejes.
-- guide (rr), gua de la caja del eje.
-'- housing (auto), envoltura del eje, caja del
puente trasero.
- 1 beam (auto), vigueta del eje.
--lathe, torno para ejes.
--load, carga sobre un eje.
- pin (auto), pasador de eje.
-- press, prensa de ejEl,
-- shaft (auto), semiejEl.
-- sleeve, manguito del eje.
-- tube (auto), envolvente del puente trasero.
axle-hung motor, motor de tranva apoyado en
el eje,
axIetree, eje de carret6n.
axman (surv), hachero, leador, estaquero, CEc)
axonometric projection, proyecci6n axonom-
azimuth, azimut, acimut.
-- circ1e, crculo azimutal.
-- compass, brjula azimutal o de azimut.
-- dial, cuadrante azimutal.
-- grid (pmy), cuadrcula de azimut.
azimuthal, acimutal, azimutal.
azoic (chem) (geol), azoico.
azurite (miner), azurita, cobre azul.
B battery (ra), batera de placa, batera B.
B power supply (ra) , fuente de energa B (cir-
cuito de placa).
BB, vase best best wire.
Btu, vase British thermal unit.
babbitt, 8 metal babbit o blanco o antifricci6n;
v forrar o revestir de metal babbit, babitar.
-- hammcr, martillo con cotillo de metal
Babbitt metal, metal babbit o antifriccin, (C)
metal patente.
babble (tel), interferencia mltiple.
bacillary, bacilar.
bacillus, bacilo.
Bacillus coli (sen), colibacilo, bacilo colL
back, 8 trasera, parte de atrs, reverso, revs;
(herr) lomo, dorso; (asiento) espaldar,
respaldo; (min) techo de la labor; v
marchar atrs, retroceder, dar contra-
m,archa; apoyar, favorecer; a posterior,
trasero, de atrs; adv de vuelta, de regreso.
-- ampere-turns, contra-amperios-vueltas.
-- azimuth, azimut de atrs.
- brace (alec), codal dEl atrs.
- center (lathe), contrapunta de la mueca.
-- contact (elec), contacto trasero.
-- draft, contratiro.
- dump (tk), descarga por detds.
-- eccentric, excntrica de marcha atrs.
. -- edge (t), contrafilo; dorso.
- electromotive force, fuerza contraelectro-
motriz, (A) contravoltaje.
- flagman (surv), abanderado trasero.
- focal distance (pmy) , distancia focal pos-
-- gearing (lathe), engranajes traseros o reduc-
-- head, (mh) mueca corrediza, contrapunta;
(barreno) cabeza trasera.
-- kick, contragolpe.
-- light (rr), luz de reverso; luz de atrs.
--lining (window), cara posterior de la caja de
--o marker (sb), marcador de la cara posterior.
-- off (mech) (carp) , rebajar, despojar.
-- out,. (re) botar; (mh) hacer retroceso, retirar.
- pitch (elec), paso trasero (del inducido).
--pressure, contrapresin.
- rake (mt) , ngulo trasero de cada, inclina-
ci6n trasera.
-- rest (mt), soporte posterior.
-- roll (su), maza bagacera o de descarga.
stope (min), grada al revs, testero.
- stroke, carrera de retroceso.
-- tangent (surv), tangente de atrs.
- taper (t), ahusado al revs.
- to back, espalda con espalda.
-- up, (re) aguantar, sufrir, resistir; (r) re-
mansarse, rebalsarse, estancarse, (Col)
(PR) apozarse; (mam) colocar la mampos-
terla bruta detrs de la sillerla; (auto) dar
contramarcha,marchar atrs.
--vent, tubo de antisifonaje.
view, vista'por detrs.
-- wave (ra), onda separadora, onda de reposo,
(A) contraonda;
-- wheels, ruedas traseras.
back-break (min) (tun) , fractura fuera de la
linea' de barrenos.
back-connected switch (Ellec), interruptor de
conexiones por detrs.
back-face, fresar la cara de atrs.
back-geared lathe, torno de engranajEl ode en-
granajes reductores.
back-out tap, macho'sacaprisionero.
back-outlet bend(p), curva en: U con salida
back-outlet crossover (p), curva de paso con
. salida trasera.
back-packing (tun) , relleno,acuamiento, cal-
back-paint v, pintar la superficie encerrada.
back-plaster v,' enlucir al revs del listonado
back-pressure, contrapresi6n.
-- regulator, regulador de la contrapresi6n.
-- steam, contravapor.
-- turbine, turbina de contrapresi6n.
--valve, vlvula de contrapresin.
back-putty, enmasillar entre el canto del vidrio y
el rebajo.
back-rake angle (mt), ngulo superior de inclina-
back-shunt circuit (elec), circuito de contraderi
back-siphoning (pb) , sifonaje de aguas resi-
duarias al agua de abastecimiento.
back-spiker (rr), escarpiador.
back-step welding, soldadura de retroceso.
back-titration, retitulaci6n.
back-turn splice (elec), empalme doblado.
backbone (rr), va de escala.
backdigger (ce), retroexcavador, pala de arrastre,
azadn, zanjadora.
backed off (machy), despojado, con franqueo
backer tile (bldg), bloques huecos de respaldo.
backfill, 8 relieno, rehincho; v rellenar, rehinchar.
-- tamper (ce), pisonador derellend, apisona-
dor, (Ec) pisn.
backfiller (ce), rellenador.
backfilling, relleno, rElllenamiento, (C)rehincho.
backfire 344 balance balance 345 balsa
backfire,8 (auto) petardeo, contraexplosi6n, (A)
explosi6n de retroceso; (auto) encendido
anticipado, ignici6n a contratiempo, (D)
falsa explosi6n; (sol) retroceso moment-
neo de la llama; (ra) arco inverso; 'I! (auto)
backflash, vase backfire.
backflow, contraflujo.
background (tv), fondo.
-- noise (ra), ruidos de fondo.
backhand welding, soldadura a la inversa o de
backhaulrope (sh), cable de retroceso.
backhoe(ce); retroexcavador.
backing, (fin) apoyo; (auto) marcha atrs,
retroceso, contramarcha; (mam) mampos-
teria bruta detrs de la sillera o encima
del cuerpo de arco.
--tight, farol de marcha atrs.
--log (piel') , carrera trasera.
- ring (w), anillo de respaldo.
-- strip (w), pletina de respaldo, .contraplancha,
tira de respaldo.
backing-off (mech), franqueo, despojo.
--lathe, torno de despojar.
backing-out punch, botador, pasador para sacar
backlash, (mal:) contragolpe, golpe de retarpo,
prdida de carrera, marcha muerta, cula-
teo; (ra) falta de rectificaci6n.
backplate,placade atrs.
backsaw, sierra de lomo o de trasd6s ocon sobre-
lomo, serrucho. de costilla.
backset (lock), distancia del frente a la bocallave
o perilla.
backsight, visual inversa, mira de espalda, retroe
visual; visual aditiva, retrolectura, (Es)
nivelada de atrs o de espalda.
backslope,8 (ca) talud exterior o del corte; 'I! (ca)
cortar los taludes del corte;
backsloper,.hoja para taludes, ataludadora.
backstay, brandal, burda, traversa.
- brick, ladrillos detrs de la cara.
-.- post (pet), poste de retencin;
-- tongs (pet), tenazas de contrafuerza.
backwall, muro de retencin encima del asiento
del puente, (M) diafragma.
centrugal compressor, com-
presora centrfuga de .aletas inclinadas
hacia atrs.
backward-curved-blade fan, ventilador de aletas
inclinadas hacia atrs.
backwash, 8 contra,corriente, resaca; 'I! (filtro)
lavar por corriente de agua limpia, (M)
backwater, remanso, cilanco.
-- curve, curva de remanso.
-- gate, compuerta de retenci6n.
-- suppressor, aliminador de remanso.
--valve, vlvula de reten.cin o de contrapre-
bacteria, bacterias.
bacterial, bacteriano.
bactericide, bactericida, (A) microbicida.
bllcteriologist, bacterilogo.
bacteriology, bacteriologa.
bacteriophage (sen), bacteri6fago.
bacteriostatic, bacteriosttico.
bad order, desarreglo, descompostura, desajuste.
bad-order track (1'1'), va para carros por reparar.
badigeon, compuesto para subsanar defectos de
madera o piedra.
baffie n, (hid) deflector, chicana, desviador; (ra)
pantalla acstica.
- blocks (hyd) , dados deflectores o de amor-
-- piers, dientes de choque, dados deflectores.
-- plate, placa deflectora o de desviacin,
plancha de choque, chicana.
-- tank, tanque con desviadores.
-- wall, pared desviadora, muro de obstz-uccin,
tabique interceptor, atajadizo, tabique
desviador, muro. de chicana, (C) pantalla,
(M) muro de impedir.
baffie-plate exhaust head, amortiguador de es-
cape tipo impacto.
baffie-plate separator (steam), separador de
. impacto.
bag, 8 saco, bolsa, talega, (M) costal; 'I! embolsar,
--baler, mquina empacadora de sacos, en-
fardadora de sacos.
-- boom (1g), barrera colectora;
-- cleaner, limpiador de sacos.
-- elevator, montasacos.
- filter.(su)(met) (ac) , filtro de bolsa o de saco.
.--piler, hacinador de sacos, apiladora de bol-
sas, (C) entongador de sacos.
bagasse (su), bagazo.
-.- carrier, conductor de bagazo.
-.--. 1'011, maza bagacera o de descarga.
baggage (1'1'), equipaje.
-- agent (1'1'), agente de equipajes, (Es) factor.
-- cal', furgn o vagn de equipajes.
-- rack, portaequipajes, rejilla para maletas.
--room, sala o despacho de equipajes.
--truck, carretilla de equipaje.
baggagemaster (1'1'), encargado de los equipajes,
manipulador de equipajes.
bagging, arpillera, malacuenda, tejido de saco.
-- bin (su), tolva ensacadora, embudo ensa-
bail, 8 (cuch) asa, cogedero, marco; (aparejo)
estribo; 'I! achicar, baldear.
bailer, achicador; (pet) cuchara, achicador.
-- grab (pet), gancho pescacuchara.
bailing, baldeo, achique.
-line (pet), cable de la cuchara.
bake, cocer al horno.
bakelite, bakelita, baquelita.
bakelized, baquelizado.
baking, coccin.
-- oven, horno de cocer.
--varnish, barniz para cocer o para secado al
balance, 8 (mec) balanza, balance; equilibrio;
(com) saldo, alcance; (eont) balance; 'I!
(mec) equilibrar, balancear, compensar,
abalanzar; (mec) equilibrarse; (lev) ajus-
tar; (elc) balancear; (cont) balancear,
- arbor. rbol del balancn.
- beam, balancn, astil de balanza.
-- bob, contrabalancn.
-- disk (pu), disco compensador.
-- drum (pu), tambor de compensaci6n.
-- electnmeter, electrmetro de balanza.
-- gear, compensador.
- pan (lab), platillo de balanza.
- pipe (ht), tubo igualador.
-- piston, mbolo compensador.
-- point (ea), punto de igualacin de desmonte
y terrapln.
- sheet, balance, (A) hoja de balance.
-- weight, contrapeso.
-- weights (lab), pesas de balanza.
-- wheel, volante.
- circuit (elec), circuito equilibrado.
- cran.kshaft, cigeal equilibrado o de com-
-load (elec), carga equilibrada o dividida.
- method (elec), mtodo de cero.
-- modulator (ra), modulador equilibrado.
- needle valve, vlvula equilibrada de aguja.
- phases (elec), fases equilibradas.
_.- polyphase system (elec), sistema polifsico
-- profile (ea), perfil compensado.
- pulley, polea equilibrada.
-- relay (elec), relai diferencial.
--rudder, timn compensado.
-- sequence (w), orden equilibrada.
--valve, vlvula equilibrada o compensada o
balancer, (elc) grupo compensador; (mec) equi-
balancer-booster (elec), compensador-elevador,
igualador de tensin.
balancing, balanceo; compensacin.
-- aerial (ra), antena compensadora.
- backsights and foresights (level), igualiza-
cin de las visuales.
-- capacity (ra), contrapeso.
-- coil (elec), autotransformador.
-- condenser (ra), condensador compensador o
- machine, mquina equilibradora.
- network (elec), red equilibradora.
--piston (pu), mbolo equilibrador.
-- set (elec), juego balanceador, grupo com-
-- speed, velocidad de equilibrio.
-- the survey, ajuste del trazado.
-- transformer, transformador igualador.
-- valve, vlvula equilibradora.
- ways, probadora de equilibrio
balata, balata.
-- duck, lona para correas de balata.
balcony, balcn.
bale, 8 fardo, bala, paca; 'I! empacar, enfardar,
--hooks, ganchos de fardo.
balk, (carp) madero, viga; (lev) (irr) lumo,
ball, bola, bala, baln.
-- and socket, bola y cuenca.
-- bearing, chumacera de cojinete de
bolas, cojinete de municiones, rodamient
de bolitas, descanso de bolitas, (V) muni-
cionera, (A) rulemn de muniiones, (M)
balero de bolas.
-- breaker, bola rompeadora.
-- cage,jaula o caja de bolas, separador.
-- check valve, vlvula de retencin a bola.
-- clay, arcilla plstica; cantos arcillosos.
- cock, llave de bola o de flotador.
-_. cran.k, manivela de bola.
- float, flotador de bola.
- governor (se), reglilador de bolas.
-- grinder, moledora de bolas.
-- joint, junta esfrica o de bola, articulacin de
-- mill, molino de bolas.
-- nut, tuerca esfrica.
-_. race, anillo o collar de bolas, balinero.
--reamer, escariador esfrico.
- retainer (bearing), retn de bolas.
-- socket, cojinete esfrico.
- valve, llave o vlvula de bola.
ball-and-seat valve, vlvula de bola y asiento.
ball-and-socket joint, articulacin esfrica o de
rtula, (C) cardn, (Es) juego de nuez.
ball-bearing hinge, bisagra a municin.
ball-float steam trap,. separador con flotador de
bola, trampa tipo flotador de bola.
ball-impact test (conc), ensayo por impacto de
ball-pattern handrail fittings, accesorios de
perilla o tipo de bola.
ball-peen hammer, martillo de bola o con bolita.
o con boca esfrica;
ball-point dividers, comps con punta de bola.
ball-tip door butt, bisagra de bolitas;
ballast, 8 (fc) balasto, cascajo, lastre; (nut)
lastre, (Es) zahorra; (elc) resistencia; 'I!
(fc) balastar, embalastar; (nut) alastrar,
- border (1'1'), espaldn, banqueta.
-- cal', carro parabalastoi (Ch) carro lastrero.
-- cleaner, limpiador de balasto.
- fork (1'1'), horquilla para balasto, (C) tenedor
de balasto.
--pit, balastera, cantera de lastre, mina. o
banco de balasto.
-- plow (1'1'), arado para descargar balasto.
-- resistor (ra) , resistencia autorreguladora o
de compensacin.
-- spreader, extendedor o tendedor de balasto.
-- tarilper, acuador o bateador de balasto.
- tan.k (sb), tanque de lastre.
--tube (ra), resistencia de compensacin.
-- un.loader, mquina descargadora de balasto.
ballast-deck trestle, viaducto de caballetes con
piso para balasto.
ballaster (1'1'), mquina bateadora de balasto.
ballasting, balastaje, lastraje, embalastado.
ballistic galvanometer, galvanmetro balstico.
balloon (1ab), baln, redoma.
--framing (bldg), armadura sin rigidez.
-- tire, goma de baln, neumtico bal6n o de
baja presi6n.
balsa (wood), balsa.

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