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"lang" { "Language" "English" "Tokens" { "Cstrike_Reset_View" "Resetar Visao" "Cstrike_Mouse_Look" "Ver com mouse" "Cstrike_Keyboard_Look" "Ver com teclado"

"Cstrike_Standard_Radio" "Mensagem de radio padrao" "Cstrike_Group_Radio" "Mensagem de radio de grupo" "Cstrike_Report_Radio" "Mensagem de radio de informacao" "Cstrike_Nightvision" "Viso Noturna ligado/desligado" "Cstrike_Menu_Title" "MENU" "Cstrike_Buy_Primary_Ammo" "Comprar municao prim. (opcional)" "Cstrike_Buy_Secondary_Ammo" "Comprar municao sec. (opcional)" "Cstrike_Buy_Equip_Menu" "Comprar equipamentos (opcional)" "Cstrike_Menu_Item_0" "Menu item 0" "Cstrike_Menu_Item_1" "Menu item 1" "Cstrike_Menu_Item_2" "Menu item 2" "Cstrike_Menu_Item_3" "Menu item 3" "Cstrike_Menu_Item_4" "Menu item 4" "Cstrike_Menu_Item_5" "Menu item 5" "Cstrike_Menu_Item_6" "Menu item 6" "Cstrike_Menu_Item_7" "Menu item 7" "Cstrike_Menu_Item_8" "Menu item 8" "Cstrike_Menu_Item_9" "Menu item 9" "Cstrike_Mission_Briefing" "Recap mission briefing" "Cstrike_Fire" "Atirar" "Cstrike_Weapon_Special_Func" "Funcao especial da arma" "Cstrike_Drop_Weapon" "Largar arma atual" "Cstrike_Combat_Title" "COMBATE" "Cstrike_Select_Team" "Escolha o time" "Cstrike_Corpse_Stay" "Tempo ate cadaveres desaparecerem" "Cstrike_Max_Shells" "Max. de cartuchos" "Cstrike_Max_Smoke_Puffs" "Max. de nuvens de fumaca" "Cstrike_Smoke_Quality" "Qualidade da fumaca" "Cstrike_Smoke_Best" "Melhor, mais lenta" "Cstrike_Smoke_Medium" "Media" "Cstrike_Smoke_Worst" "Pior, mais rapida" "Cstrike_Weapon_Alignment" "Alinhamento das armas" "Cstrike_Left_Handed" "Mao Esquerda" "Cstrike_Right_Handed" "Mao Direita" "Cstrike_Buy_Menu_Type" "Tipo de menu de compra" "Cstrike_Old_Style_Menus" "Estilo classico" "Cstrike_VGUI_Menus" "Estilo VGUI" "Cstrike_Automatic_Weapon_Switch" "Trocar para arma coletada (se mais pode rosa)" "Cstrike_AutoHelp" "Auto-ajuda" "Cstrike_Timelimit" "Tempo/mapa (min)" "Cstrike_WinLimit" "Max. vitorias (rounds)" "Cstrike_RoundLimit" "Max. de rodadas" "Cstrike_RoundTime" "Tempo/rodada (min)" "Cstrike_FreezeTime" "Tempo Congelado (seg)" "Cstrike_BuyTime" "Tempo de compra (min)" "Cstrike_StartMoney" "Dinheiro Inicial" "Cstrike_Death_Camera_Type" "Camera dos mortos" "Cstrike_Spectate_Anyone" "Todos" "Cstrike_Spectate_Team_Only" "Somente time" "Cstrike_Only_First_Person" "Primeira pessoa" "Cstrike_Fade_To_Black" "Desabilitar camera de seguimento\morte"

"Cstrike_TK_Punish" "Cstrike_AutoKick" "Cstrike_Hostage_Penalty" "Cstrike_Allow_Flashlight" "Cstrike_Spec_Ter_Score" "Cstrike_Spec_CT_Score" // Scoreboard strings "Cstrike_ScoreBoard_Ter" "Cstrike_ScoreBoard_CT" "Cstrike_ScoreBoard_Player" "Cstrike_ScoreBoard_Players" "Cstrike_DEAD" "Cstrike_VIP" "Cstrike_BOMB" // client side menus //global strings "Cstrike_Cancel" "Cstrike_CancelLabel" "Cstrike_OK" //team menu "Cstrike_Join_Team" "Cstrike_Terrorist_Forces" "Cstrike_CT_Forces" "Cstrike_VIP_Team" "Cstrike_Team_AutoAssign" "Cstrike_Menu_Spectate" // class menu "Cstrike_Join_Class" "Cstrike_Auto_Select" "Cstrike_Terror" "Cstrike_L337_Krew" "Cstrike_Arctic" " "Cstrike_Guerilla" "Cstrike_Militia" "Cstrike_Urban" "Cstrike_GSG9" "Cstrike_SAS" "Cstrike_GIGN" "Cstrike_Spetsnaz" "Cstrike_Terror_Name" "Cstrike_Leet_Name" "Cstrike_Arctic_Name" "Cstrike_Guerilla_Name" "Cstrike_Militia_Name" "Cstrike_Urban_Name" "Cstrike_GSG9_Name" "Cstrike_SAS_Name" "Cstrike_GIGN_Name" DARMERIE NATIONALE" "Cstrike_Spetsnaz_Name" "Cstrike_Autoselect_Name"

"Assasinar TKers na prox. rodada" "Expulsar inativos e TKers" "Exp. apos (x) atq. a refens" "Permitir Lanterna" "Terroristas :" "Contra-Terroristas :" "Terroristas" "Contra-Terroristas" "%s1 - %s2 jogador" "%s1 - %s2 jogadores" "Morto" "VIP" "Bomba"



"Cstrike_Terror_Label" "Por sua reputacao de destruir t udo de todos que \ncruzam seu caminho, a Faccao Fenix e um dos grupos \nterroris tas mais temidos do Leste Europeu. \nFormada logo apos o fim da Uniao Sovietica. " "Cstrike_Leet_Label" "Grupo fundamentalista do orient e medio,visa a \ndominacao mundial e outros objetivos malignos." "Cstrike_Arctic_Label" "Faccao terrorista sueca formada em 1977. Famosa pelo \natentado a bomba a embaixada Canadense em 1990." "Cstrike_Guerilla_Label" "Faccao terrorista formada no Or iente Medio, esse grupo \ne conhecido por sua crueldade. Sua antipatia pelo \nes tilo americano de vida foi demonstrado em 1982, num\natentado contra um onibus c heio de musicos de Rock." "Cstrike_Militia_Label" "A Milicia do Meio Oeste e um mo vimento extremista de \ndireita constituido de grupos armados paramilitares \nfo rmais e informais. O grupo foi formado em 1993 \napos o confronto em Waco, Texas ." "Cstrike_Urban_Label" "O ST-6 (depois conhecido como D EVGRU) foi fundado\nem 1980 sob o comando do Tenente-Comandante Richard \nMarcin cko. O ST-6 esta em permanente alerta para \nresponder a ataques terroristas con tra alvos \namericanos ao redor do mundo." "Cstrike_GSG9_Label" "GSG-9 nasceu apos o tragico eve nto que levou a morte \nde varios atletas Israelenses durante as Olimpiadas de\n 1972 em Munique, Alemanha." "Cstrike_SAS_Label" "O mundialmente renomado esquadrao britanico SAS foi \nfundado durante a Segunda Guerra mundial por um h omem \nchamado David Stirling. Durante a Segunda Guerra, \ncoletou inteligencia atras das linhas inimigas e sabotou \nataques e tentativas de assassinatos contr aalvos \nimportantes." "Cstrike_GIGN_Label" "A equipe Anti-Terrorista de eli te francesa, a GIGN, foi criada\n para responder rapida e decisivamente contra q ualquer \nataque terrorista de larga escala. Com nao mais de \n100 membros, a GI GN conquistou sua reputacao apos \nvarias operacoes bem-sucedidas." "Cstrike_Spetsnaz_Label" "As principais missoes da SPETSN AZ sao:\nColetar informacoes sobre instalacoes economicas e \nmilitares, e destr uir\incapacita-las, organizando \nsabotagens e atos subversivos;\nPunir grupos r ebeldes;\nFormar e treinar forcas insurgentes, etc." "Cstrike_AutoSelect_Label" "Seleciona uma equipe/classe aut omaticamente." // buy menus "Cstrike_Buy_Menu" "Cstrike_Select_Category" "Cstrike_Quick_Buy" "Cstrike_Current_Money" //main menu "Cstrike_Pistols" "Cstrike_Shotguns" "Cstrike_SubMachineGuns" "Cstrike_Rifles" "Cstrike_MachineGuns" "Cstrike_Prim_Ammo" "Cstrike_Sec_Ammo" "Cstrike_Equipment" "Cstrike_PistolsLabel" IA)" "Cstrike_ShotgunsLabel" )" "Cstrike_SubmachinegunsLabel" PRIMARIA)" "Buy Menu" "POR CATEGORIA" "COMANDOS RAPIDOS" "VOCE TEM $%s1" "&1 PISTOLAS" "&2 SHOTGUNS" "&3 SUB-METRALHADORAS" "&4 RIFLES" "&5 METRALHADORES" "&6 MUNICAO PRIMARIA" "&7 MUNICAO SECUNDARIA" "&8 EQUIPAMENTO" "COMPRAR PISTOLAS (ARMA SECUNDAR "COMPRAR SHOTGUNS (ARMA PRIMARIA "COMPRAR SUBMETRALHADORAS (ARMA

"Cstrike_RiflesLabel" "Cstrike_MachinegunsLabel" MARIA)" "Cstrike_PrimaryammoLabel" MARIA" "Cstrike_SecammoLabel" UNDARIA" "Cstrike_EquipmentLabel" // pistols menu "Cstrike_Select_Pistol" "Cstrike_Glock18" "Cstrike_USP45" "Cstrike_P228" "Cstrike_DesertEagle" "Cstrike_FiveSeven" "Cstrike_Elites" // shotguns menu "Cstrike_m3" "Cstrike_xm1014" OTGUN" //submachineguns menu "Cstrike_Tmp" "Cstrike_MP5" "Cstrike_UMP45" "Cstrike_P90" "Cstrike_MAC10" // rifles menu "Cstrike_Famas" "Cstrike_Scout_CT" "Cstrike_Scout_TER" "Cstrike_M4A1" "Cstrike_Aug" "Cstrike_SG550" "Cstrike_SG552" "Cstrike_AWP_CT" "Cstrike_AWP_TER" "Cstrike_Galil" "Cstrike_AK47" "Cstrike_G3SG1" //machine guns "Cstrike_M249" // equipment menu "Cstrike_Kevlar" "Cstrike_Kevlar_Helmet" "Cstrike_Flashbang" "Cstrike_HE_Grenade" "Cstrike_Smoke_Grenade" "Cstrike_Defuser" "Cstrike_NightVision_Button_CT" "Cstrike_NightVision_Button_TER" "Cstrike_Shield" //weapon descriptions "CStrike_PriceLabel"


"&1 "&2 "&3 "&4 "&1 "&1 "&2 "&3 "&3 "&4 "&5 "&4



"CStrike_OriginLabel" "CStrike_CalibreLabel" "CStrike_ClipCapacityLabel" "CStrike_RateOfFireLabel" "CStrike_WeightLoadedLabel" "CStrike_WeightEmptyLabel" "CStrike_ProjectileWeightLabel" "CStrike_MuzzleVelocityLabel" "CStrike_MuzzleEnergyLabel" "Cstrike_DescriptionLabel" //glock "CStrike_GlockPrice" "CStrike_GlockOrigin" "CStrike_GlockCalibre" "CStrike_GlockClipCapacity" "CStrike_GlockRateOfFire" "CStrike_GlockWeightLoaded" "CStrike_GlockProjectileWeight" "CStrike_GlockMuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_GlockMuzzleEnergy" //usp "CStrike_USP45Price" "CStrike_USP45Origin" "CStrike_USP45Calibre" "CStrike_USP45ClipCapacity" "CStrike_USP45RateOfFire" "CStrike_USP45WeightEmpty" "CStrike_USP45ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_USP45MuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_USP45MuzzleEnergy" //p228 "CStrike_P228Price" "CStrike_P228Origin" "CStrike_P228Calibre" "CStrike_P228ClipCapacity" "CStrike_P228RateOfFire" "CStrike_P228WeightLoaded" "CStrike_P228ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_P228MuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_P228MuzzleEnergy" //deagle "CStrike_DesertEaglePrice" "CStrike_DesertEagleOrigin" "CStrike_DesertEagleCalibre" "CStrike_DesertEagleClipCapacity" "CStrike_DesertEagleRateOfFire" "CStrike_DesertEagleWeightLoaded" "CStrike_DesertEagleProjectileWeight" "CStrike_DesertEagleMuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_DesertEagleMuzzleEnergy" //fiveseven "CStrike_FiveSevenPrice" "CStrike_FiveSevenOrigin" "CStrike_FiveSevenCalibre" "CStrike_FiveSevenClipCapacity"

"PAIS DE ORIGEM" "CALIBRE" "CAPACIDADE DO PENTE" "VELOCIDADE DE DISPARO" "PESO (CARREGADA)" "PESO (VAZIA)" "PESO DO PROJETIL" "VELOCIDADE DO PROJETIL" "ENERGIA DO PROJETIL" "DESCRICAO" ": $400" ": AUSTRIA" ": 9MM PARABELLUM" ": 20 BALAS" ": N/A" ": 0.9KG" ": 8 GRAMAS" ": 1132 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 475 JOULES" ": $500" ": ALEMANHA" ": .45 ACP" ": 12 BALAS" ": N/A" ": 1KG" ": 15.2 GRAMAS" ": 886 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 553 JOULES" ": $600" ": SUICA/ALEMANHA" ": .357 SIG" ": 13 BALAS" ": N/A" ": 1.03KG" ": 8.1 GRAMAS" ": 1400 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 600 JOULES" ": ": ": ": ": N/A" ": 1.8KG" ": 19.4 GRAMAS" ": 1380 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 1650 JOULES" ": $750" ": BELGICA" ": 5.7 X 28MM" ": 20 BALAS" $650" ISRAEL" .50 ACTION EXPRESS" 7 BALAS"

"CStrike_FiveSevenRateOfFire" "CStrike_FiveSevenWeightLoaded" "CStrike_FiveSevenProjectileWeight" "CStrike_FiveSevenMuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_FiveSevenMuzzleEnergy" //elites "CStrike_ElitesPrice" "CStrike_ElitesOrigin" "CStrike_ElitesCalibre" "CStrike_ElitesClipCapacity" "CStrike_ElitesRateOfFire" "CStrike_ElitesWeightLoaded" "CStrike_ElitesProjectileWeight" "CStrike_ElitesMuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_ElitesMuzzleEnergy" //m3 "CStrike_M3Price" "CStrike_M3Origin" "CStrike_M3Calibre" "CStrike_M3ClipCapacity" "CStrike_M3RateOfFire" "CStrike_M3WeightEmpty" "CStrike_M3ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_M3MuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_M3MuzzleEnergy" //xm1014 "CStrike_XM1014Price" "CStrike_XM1014Origin" "CStrike_XM1014Calibre" "CStrike_XM1014ClipCapacity" "CStrike_XM1014RateOfFire" "CStrike_XM1014WeightEmpty" "CStrike_XM1014ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_XM1014MuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_XM1014MuzzleEnergy" //tmp "CStrike_TMPPrice" "CStrike_TMPOrigin" "CStrike_TMPCalibre" "CStrike_TMPClipCapacity" "CStrike_TMPRateOfFire" "CStrike_TMPWeightEmpty" "CStrike_TMPProjectileWeight" "CStrike_TMPMuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_TMPMuzzleEnergy" //MP5 "CStrike_MP5Price" "CStrike_MP5Origin" "CStrike_MP5Calibre" "CStrike_MP5ClipCapacity" "CStrike_MP5RateOfFire" "CStrike_MP5WeightEmpty" "CStrike_MP5ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_MP5MuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_MP5MuzzleEnergy"

": N/A" ": 0.618KG" ": 2 GRAMAS" ": 2345 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 465 JOULES" ": $800" ": ITALIA" ": 9MM PARABELLUM" ": 15 BALAS" ": N/A" ": 1.15KG" ": 8 GRAMAS" ": 1280 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 606 JOULES" ": $1700" ITALIA" 12 GAUGE" 8 BALAS" N/A" 3.5KG" 3.8 GRAMAS" 1250 PES/SEGUNDO" 2429 JOULES"

": ": ": ": ": ": ": ":

": $3000" ": ITALIA" ": 12 GAUGE" ": 7 BALAS" ": 400 RPM" ": 4KG" ": 3.8 GRAMAS/PELLET" ": 1250 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 2429 JOULES" ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": $1250" AUSTRIA" 9MM PARABELLUM" 30 BALAS" 857 RPM" 1.3KG" 8 GRAMAS" 1280 PES/SEGUNDO" 606 JOULES" $1500" ALEMANHA" 9MM PARABELLUM" 30 BALAS" 800 RPM" 3.42KG" 8 GRAMAS" 1132 PES/SEGUNDO" 637 JOULES"

//mac10 "CStrike_Mac10Price" "CStrike_Mac10Origin" "CStrike_Mac10Calibre" "CStrike_Mac10ClipCapacity" "CStrike_Mac10RateOfFire" "CStrike_Mac10WeightLoaded" "CStrike_Mac10ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_Mac10MuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_Mac10MuzzleEnergy" //ump45 "CStrike_UMP45Price" "CStrike_UMP45Origin" "CStrike_UMP45Calibre" "CStrike_UMP45ClipCapacity" "CStrike_UMP45RateOfFire" "CStrike_UMP45WeightLoaded" "CStrike_UMP45ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_UMP45MuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_UMP45MuzzleEnergy" //p90 "CStrike_P90Price" "CStrike_P90Origin" "CStrike_P90Calibre" "CStrike_P90ClipCapacity" "CStrike_P90RateOfFire" "CStrike_P90WeightLoaded" "CStrike_P90ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_P90MuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_P90MuzzleEnergy" //famas "CStrike_FamasPrice" "CStrike_FamasOrigin" "CStrike_FamasCalibre" "CStrike_FamasClipCapacity" "CStrike_FamasRateOfFire" "CStrike_FamasWeightLoaded" "CStrike_FamasProjectileWeight" "CStrike_FamasMuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_FamasMuzzleEnergy" //scout "CStrike_ScoutPrice" "CStrike_ScoutOrigin" "CStrike_ScoutCalibre" "CStrike_ScoutClipCapacity" "CStrike_ScoutRateOfFire" "CStrike_ScoutWeightEmpty" "CStrike_ScoutProjectileWeight" "CStrike_ScoutMuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_ScoutMuzzleEnergy" //ak47 "CStrike_AK47Price" "CStrike_AK47Origin" "CStrike_AK47Calibre"

": $1400" ": ESTADOS UNIDOS" ": .45 ACP" ": 30 BALAS" ": 857 RPM" ": 3.82 KG" ": 15.2 GRAMAS" ": 919 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 584 JOULES" ": $1700" ": ALEMANHA" ": .45 ACP" ": 25 BALAS" ": 600 RPM" ": 2.27KG" ": 15.2 GRAMAS" ": 1005 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 625 JOULES" ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": $2350" BELGICA" .338 LAPUA MAGNUM" 50 BALAS" 900 RPM" 3KG" 2 GRAMAS" 2345 PES/SEGUNDO" 465 JOULES"

": $2250" ": FRANCA" ": 5.56 NATO" ": 25 BALAS" ": 1100 RPM" ": 3.40KG" ": 4 GRAMAS" ": 2212 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 1712 JOULES" ": $2750" ": AUSTRIA" ": 7.62 NATO" ": 10 BALAS" ": N/A" ": 3.3KG" ": 8 GRAMAS" ": 2800 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 2200 JOULES" ": $2500" ": RUSSIA" ": 7.62 NATO"

"CStrike_AK47ClipCapacity" "CStrike_AK47RateOfFire" "CStrike_AK47WeightLoaded" "CStrike_AK47ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_AK47MuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_AK47MuzzleEnergy" //galil "CStrike_GalilPrice" "CStrike_GalilOrigin" "CStrike_GalilCalibre" "CStrike_GalilClipCapacity" "CStrike_GalilRateOfFire" "CStrike_GalilWeightLoaded" "CStrike_GalilProjectileWeight" "CStrike_GalilMuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_GalilMuzzleEnergy" //m4a1 "CStrike_M4A1Price" "CStrike_M4A1Origin" "CStrike_M4A1Calibre" "CStrike_M4A1ClipCapacity" "CStrike_M4A1RateOfFire" "CStrike_M4A1WeightEmpty" "CStrike_M4A1ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_M4A1MuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_M4A1MuzzleEnergy" //aug "CStrike_AugPrice" "CStrike_AugOrigin" "CStrike_AugCalibre" "CStrike_AugClipCapacity" "CStrike_AugRateOfFire" "CStrike_AugWeightLoaded" "CStrike_AugProjectileWeight" "CStrike_AugMuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_AugMuzzleEnergy" //sg550 "CStrike_SG550Price" "CStrike_SG550Origin" "CStrike_SG550Calibre" "CStrike_SG550ClipCapacity" "CStrike_SG550RateOfFire" "CStrike_SG550WeightEmpty" "CStrike_SG550ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_SG550MuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_SG550MuzzleEnergy" //sg552 "CStrike_SG552Price" "CStrike_SG552Origin" "CStrike_SG552Calibre" "CStrike_SG552ClipCapacity" "CStrike_SG552RateOfFire" "CStrike_SG552WeightEmpty" "CStrike_SG552ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_SG552MuzzleVelocity"

": 30 BALAS" ": 600 RPM" ": 4.79KG" ": 7.9 GRAMAS" ": 2329 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 1992 JOULES" ": $2000" ": ISRAEL" ": .308" ": 35 BALAS" ": 675 RPM" ": 4.35KG" ": 4 GRAMAS" ": 2013 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 1712 JOULES" ": $3100" ": ESTADOS UNIDOS" ": 5.56 NATO" ": 30 BALAS" ": 685 RPM" ": 3.22KG" ": 4 GRAMAS" ": 2900 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 1570 JOULES" ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": $3500" AUSTRIA" 5.56 NATO" 30 BALAS" 727 RPM" 4.09KG" 4 GRAMAS" 2900 PES/SEGUNDO" 1570 JOULES"

": $4200" ": SUICA" ": 5.56 NATO" ": 30 BALAS" ": N/A" ": 7.02KG" ": 4 GRAMAS" ": 3100 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 1650 JOULES" ": $3500" ": SUICA" ": 5.56 NATO" ": 30 BALAS" ": 727 RPM" ": 3.1KG" ": 4 GRAMAS" ": 2900 PES/SEGUNDO"

"CStrike_SG552MuzzleEnergy" //Awp "CStrike_AWPPrice" "CStrike_AWPOrigin" "CStrike_AWPCalibre" "CStrike_AWPClipCapacity" "CStrike_AWPRateOfFire" "CStrike_AWPWeightLoaded" "CStrike_AWPProjectileWeight" "CStrike_AWPMuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_AWPMuzzleEnergy" //g3sg1 "CStrike_G3SG1Price" "CStrike_G3SG1Origin" "CStrike_G3SG1Calibre" "CStrike_G3SG1ClipCapacity" "CStrike_G3SG1RateOfFire" "CStrike_G3SG1WeightLoaded" "CStrike_G3SG1ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_G3SG1MuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_G3SG1MuzzleEnergy" //m249 "CStrike_M249Price" "CStrike_M249Origin" "CStrike_M249Calibre" "CStrike_M249ClipCapacity" "CStrike_M249RateOfFire" "CStrike_M249WeightLoaded" "CStrike_M249ProjectileWeight" "CStrike_M249MuzzleVelocity" "CStrike_M249MuzzleEnergy" //kevlar "Cstrike_KevlarPrice" "Cstrike_KevlarDescription" \n contra projeteis."

": 1570 JOULES" ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": ": $4750" REINO UNIDO" .338 LAPUA MAGNUM" 10 BALAS" N/A" 6KG" 16.2 GRAMAS" 3000 PES/SEGUNDO" 7000 JOULES"

": $5000" ": ALEMANHA" ": 7.62 NATO" ": 20 BALAS" ": N/A" ": 4.41KG" ": 8 GRAMAS" ": 2800 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 2200 JOULES" ": $5750" ": BELGICA" ": 5.56 PARABELLUM" ": 100 BALAS" ": 600 RPM" ": 6KG" ": 4 GRAMAS" ": 3000 PES/SEGUNDO" ": 1600 JOULES" ": $650" ": Colete de Kevlar que protege

//kevlarhelmet "Cstrike_KevlarHelmetPrice" ": $1000" "Cstrike_KevlarHelmetDescription" ": Colete de kevlar e capacete \n balis tico que protegem contra \n projeteis" //nightvision "Cstrike_NightvisionPrice" ": $1250" "Cstrike_NightvisionDescription" ": Oculos de visao noturna que \n permi tem ao usuario ver melhor \n em areas escuras." //shield "Cstrike_ShieldPrice" "Cstrike_ShieldDescription" cas de rua e \n intervencao." ": $2200" ": Escudo protetor para \n tati

//smokegrenade "Cstrike_SmokeGrenadePrice" ": $300" "Cstrike_SmokeGrenadeDescriptior ": Dispositivo de distracao \n que pode ser usado para \n cobrir seus movimentos \n de um lugar para \n o outro."

//defuser "Cstrike_DefuserPrice" ": $200" "Cstrike_DefuserDescription" ": Kit de Desarmamento usado \n para acelerar o processo \n de desarmamento de bombas." //flashbang "Cstrike_FlashbangPrice" ": $200" "Cstrike_FlashbangDescription" ": Faz um som ensurdecedor \n e um flas h cegante quando \n atirada num inimigo. Util \n para criar distracoes antes \ n de adentrar uma area." //hegrenade "Cstrike_HEGrenadePrice" "Cstrike_HEGrenadeDescription" uxe o pino, e arremesse." ": $300" ": Dispositivo altamente explosivo.\n P

"Cstrike_Listen_MapName" "Mapa" "Cstrike_Bot_IncludeBots" "Incluir jogadores da CPU (Bots) nesse jogo" "Cstrike_Bot_NumberOfBots" "Numero de jogadores da CPU" "Cstrike_Bot_Difficulty" "Dificuldade" "Cstrike_Bot_Difficulty0" "Facil" "Cstrike_Bot_Difficulty1" "Normal" "Cstrike_Bot_Difficulty2" "Dificil" "Cstrike_Bot_Difficulty3" "Expert" "CStrike_Bot_JoinAfterPlayer" "Bots entram no jogo apos jogadores" "CStrike_Bot_GoRogue" "Bots podem se rebelar" "CStrike_Bot_AllowWeapon" "Bots podem usar" "CStrike_Bot_UsePistols" "Pistolas" "CStrike_Bot_UseShotguns" "Shotguns" "CStrike_Bot_UseSub" "Submetralhadoras" "CStrike_Bot_UseRifles" "Rifles" "CStrike_Bot_UseMachineGuns" "Metralhadoras" "CStrike_Bot_UseGrenades" "Grenadas" "CStrike_Bot_UseSniper" "Snipers" "CStrike_Bot_UseShield" "Escudo" "CStrike_Bot_Quota" "Numero minimo de bots" "CStrike_Bot_NamePrefix" "Prefixo do nome dos bots" "CStrike_Bot_JoinTeam" "Bots entram no time" "Cstrike_Bot_Defer" "Bots defer goals to humans" "Cstrike_Bot_Chatter" "Bots usam radio" "Cstrike_Bot_chatter_Off" "Desligado" "Cstrike_Bot_chatter_Radio" "Radio padrao" "Cstrike_Bot_chatter_Minimal" "Minimo" "Cstrike_Bot_chatter_Normal" "Normal" "Cstrike_Already_Own_Weapon" "Cstrike_Not_Available" sse mapa." "Cstrike_HELP" "Cstrike_Map_Desc" "Cstrike_Time_Left" "Cstrike_Adjust_Crosshair" "Cstrike_Use_Left_Hand" "Cstrike_Use_Right_Hand" "Cstrike_CHANGE_TEAM" "Cstrike_TEAM_MESSAGE" "Cstrike_Map_Siege" "Cstrike_take_underground" "Cstrike_enemy_garage" "Voce ja possui aquela arma." "Essa selecao nao esta disponivel para compra ne "AJUDA" "Descricao do mapa" "Tempo Restante" "Ajustar Mira" "Usar Mao Esquerda" "Usar Mao Direita" "TROCAR TIME" "MENSAGEM DE TIME" "map cs_siege" "'Tomem os subterraneos'" "Inimigo no estacionamento'"

"Cstrike_rush_hostage_room" "Cstrike_snipers_watch_out" "Cstrike_take_upper_route" "Cstrike_train" "Cstrike_rush_trainyard" "Cstrike_rush_enclosed" "Cstrike_flank_them" "Cstrike_bomb_site_secure" "Cstrike_lend_me_blaster" "Cstrike_vertigo" "Cstrike_rush_upper_level" "Cstrike_rush_lower_level" "Cstrike_prodigy" "Cstrike_rush_to_pipes" "Cstrike_rush_to_lab" "Cstrike_take_the hallway" "Cstrike_take_the_apc" "Cstrike_aztec" "Cstrike_take_bridge" "Cstrike_enemy_at_bomb_site" "Cstrike_rush_to_bomb_site" "Cstrike_take_water_route" "Cstrike_inferno" "Cstrike_office" "Cstrike_take_back_route" "Cstrike_rush_to_hostages" "Cstrike_do_it_for_manilov" "Cstrike_take_front_route" "Cstrike_backalley" "Cstrike_enemy_overhead" "Cstrike_go_you_blaster" "Cstrike_taking_heavy_fire" "Cstrike_747" "Cstrike_rush_the_plane" "Cstrike_meet_in_terminal" "Cstrike_enemy_outside_plane" "Cstrike_enemy_in_cargo" "Cstrike_oilrig" "Cstrike_rush_to_chopper" "Cstrike_to_the_elevator" "Cstrike_vip_spotted" "Cstrike_sniper_spotted" "Cstrike_protect_the_vip" "Cstrike_assault" "Cstrike_rush_the_building" "Cstrike_take_the_vents" "Cstrike_enemy_in_vents" "Cstrike_team_regroup" "Cstrike_nuke" "Cstrike_go_to_main_hall" "Cstrike_go_to_basement" "Cstrike_flank_yard" "Cstrike_flank_comm_room" "Cstrike_at_entrance_hall" "Cstrike_cbble" "Cstrike_heading_central_hall" "Cstrike_heading_underpass" "Cstrike_sniper_in_tower" "Cstrike_bomb_target_secure" "Cstrike_guard_start_area"

"'Invadam a sala dos refens!'" "'Snipers! Cuidado!'" "'Vao por cima'" "map de_train" "'Invadam a bomba do trem!'" "'Invadam a bomba coberta!'" "'Flank them!'" "'Local da bomba seguro!'" "'Lend me your blaster!'" "map de_vertigo" "'Invadam o nivel mais alto!'" "'Invadam o nivel mais baixo!'" "map de_prodigy" "'Invadam os canos'" "'Invadam o laboratorio!'" "'No Hall!'" "'Vao pelo caminho do APC!'" "map de_aztec" "'Pela Ponte!'" "'Inimigo no local da bomba'" "'Invadam o local da bomba'" "'Vao pela agua!'" "map de_inferno" "map cs_office" "'Pelos Fundos!'" "'Atras dos refens!'" "'Faca isso por Manilov!'" "'Vao pela frente!'" "map cs_backalley" "'Enemy overhead!'" "'Go you blaster!'" "'Taking heavy blaster fire!'" "map cs_747" "'Pra dentro do aviao'" "'Reagrupar no terminal'" "'Inimigo fora do aviao'" "'Inimigo no bagageiro!'" "map as_oilrig" "'Vao para o helicoptero!'" "'Para o elevador'" "'VIP localizado!'" "'Sniper localizado'" "'Protejam o VIP'" "map cs_assault" "'Invadam o predio!'" "'Pela ventilacao!'" "'Enimigo nos canos!'" "'Time! Reagrupar!'" "map de_nuke" "'Para o hall principal'" "'Para os pores'" "'No jardim'" "'Pra sala de comunicacoes'" "'Vao para a entrada'" "map de_cbble" "'Indo para o corredor central'" "'Heading to Underpass'" "'Sniper na Torre'" "'Alvos de bomba segurps'" "'Guard start area'"

"Cstrike_dust" "Cstrike_heading_to_hallway" "Cstrike_bomb_a_secure" "Cstrike_bomb_b_secure" "Cstrike_sniper_at_underpass" "Cstrike_dust2" "Cstrike_heading_to_tunnel" "Cstrike_italy" "Cstrike_meet_at_market" "Cstrike_rush_the_house" "Cstrike_head_to_wine_cellar" "Cstrike_rush_long_passage" "Cstrike_hostages_rescued" "Cstrike_estate" "Cstrike_go_to_sewer" "Cstrike_enemy_on_first_story" "Cstrike_enemy_on_sec_story" "Cstrike_enemy_in_back" "Cstrike_enemy_in_front" "Cstrike_tundra" "Cstrike_use_sec_route" "Cstrike_use_primary_route" "Cstrike_rush_to_apc" "Cstrike_rush_to_chopper" "Cstrike_map_militia" "Cstrike_meet_at_garage" "Cstrike_meet_front_house" "Cstrike_meet_backyard" "Cstrike_enemy_topside" "Cstrike_enemy_sewers" "Cstrike_Acknowledged" "Cstrike_Negative" "Cstrike_Go" "Cstrike_On_My_Way" "Cstrike_Need_Backup" "Cstrike_DROP_CURRENT_ITEM" "Cstrike_Random"

"map de_dust" "'Indo para o corredor'" "'Bomb A segura'" "'Bomb B segura'" "'Sniper no Underpass'" "map de_dust2" "'Indo para o tunel'" "map cs_italy" "'Juntos no mercado'" "'Invadam a casa'" "'Para a adega'" "'Invadam a pasagem'" "'Resgatando refens'" "map cs_estate" "'Para o esgoto'" "'Enemy on first story'" "'Enemy on second story'" "'Inimigo nos fundos'" "'Inimigo na frente'" "map as_tundra" "'Usar rota secundaria'" "'Usar rota primaria'" "'Em direcao ao APC'" "'Correr para o helicoptero!'" "map cs_militia" "'Reagrupar na ventilacao da garagem'" "'Todos em frente a cas'" "'Juntos no quintal'" "'Inimigo na parte de cima!'" "'Inimigo nos esgotos!'" "'Entendido'" "'Negativo'" "'Vai Vai Vai!'" "'Movendo'" "'Preciso de reforcos'" "LARGAR ITEM ATUAL" "Sortear"

// Titles.txt strings "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_AK47" "CV-47" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Accept_All_Messages" "Aceitando TODAS as mens agens" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Accept_Radio" "Aceitando somente RADIO " "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Affirmative" "Afirmativo." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Alias_Not_Avail" "O \"%s1\" nao esta disponivel para seu time" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_All_Hostages_Rescued" "Todos os refens foram resgatados!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_All_Teams_Full" "Todos os times estao ch eios!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_All_VIP_Slots_Full" "Todas as 5 vagas de VIP estao preenchidas. Tente novamente mais tarde." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Kevlar" "Voce ja tem kevlar!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_Kevlar_Helmet" "Voce ja tem kev lar e capacete!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Already_Have_One" "Voce ja tem uma dessas! " "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_ArcticWarfareMagnum" "Magnum Sniper Rifle"

"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Arctic_Avengers" "Vingadores do artico" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Aug" "Bullpup" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_AutoShotgun" "Auto Shotgun" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Auto_Select" "Automatico" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Auto_Team_Balance_Next_Round" "*** Bal anceamento de times na prox. rodada ***" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_BOMB" "BOMBA" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Banned_For_Killing_Teammates" "Voce fo i banido por matar muitos companheiros de time" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Beretta96G" ".40 Dual Elites" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Defusal_Kit" "Kit de desarmamento de bomba" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Defused" "A bomba foi desarmada!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Planted" "A bomba foi plantada!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Buy_equipment" "Comprar Equipamento" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Buy_machineguns" "Comprar Metralhadoras" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Buy_pistols" "Comprar Pistolas" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Buy_prim_ammo" "Comprar Municao Primari a" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Buy_rifles" "Comprar Rifles" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Buy_sec_ammo" "Comprar Municao secunda ria" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Buy_shotguns" "Comprar Shotguns" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Buy_smgs" "Comprar Sub-Metralhadoras" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Activated_At_Bomb_Spot" "C4 deve ser ati vada no Local da Bomba" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Arming_Cancelled" "Sequencia de Armamento Cancelada. C4 so pode ser colocada no Local da Bomba." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Defuse_Must_Be_On_Ground" "Voce deve estar no chao para desarmar a bomba!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Plant_At_Bomb_Spot" "C4 deve ser pla ntada no Local da Bomba!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_C4_Plant_Must_Be_On_Ground" "Voce deve estar no chao para plantar a C4!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CAM_OPTIONS" "Opcoes de camera" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CLASS" "Classe" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CT_Forces" "CTS" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CT_cant_buy" "CTs nao podem comprar nada ness e mapa!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CTs_Full" "O time CT esta cheio!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CTs_PreventEscape" "Os CTS impediram a maio ria dos terroristas de escapar!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_CTs_Win" "Countra-Terroristas Venceram!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Be_Spectator" "Voce nao pode vira um e spectador." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Buy_This" "Voce nao pode comprar e sse item!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Carry_Anymore" "Voce nao pode c arregar mais nenhum!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Switch_From_VIP" "Voce e o VIP! Voce nao pode mudar agora." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Vote_Map" "Voce nao pode votar ant es de 3 minutos num mapa" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Vote_Need_More_People" "Voce na o pode votar num map sozinho!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Vote_With_Less_Than_Three" "Voce na

o pode votar com menos de 3 pessoas no seu time" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cant_buy" "%s1 segundos se passaram. Voce nao pode comprar mais nada agora!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Class_descr_not_avail" "Descricao da cl asse nao disponivel." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Command_Not_Available" "Esse comando na o esta disponivel nesse momento" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cover_me" "Me De Cobertura!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cstrike_Already_Own_Weapon" "Voce ja tem ess a arma." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_D3AU1" "D3AU1" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_DEAD" "MORTO" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_DEATHS" "Mortes" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusal_Kit" "Kit de Desarmamento" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusing_Bomb_With_Defuse_Kit" "Desarma ndo bomba COM Kit de Desarmamento." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Defusing_Bomb_Without_Defuse_Kit" "Desarma ndo bomba SEM Kit de Desarmamento." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_DesertEagle" "Night Hawk .50C" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Dual40" ".40 Dual" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_ESC90" "ES C90" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_ESFiveSeven" "Five-Seven" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_ESM249" "ES M249" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Enemy" "Eimigo" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Enemy_down" "Inimigo caido." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Enemy_spotted" "Inimigo localizado." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Equipment" "Equipamento" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Escaping_Terrorists_Neutralized" "Os terr oristas fugitivos foram neutralizados!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_FNP90" "ES C90" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Famas" "Clarion 5.56" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Fire_in_the_hole" "Fire in the hole!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_FiveSeven" "ES Five-Seven" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Flashbang" "Flashbang" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Follow_me" "Me Sigam." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Friend" "Amigo" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_G3SG1" "D3/AU-1 Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_GAMESAVED" "Salvo" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_GIGN" "GIGN" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_GSG_9" "GSG-9" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Galil" "IDF Defender" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_Commencing" "O jogo vai comecar!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_added_position" "Voce foi adicionado na posicao %s1 de 5" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_bomb_drop" "%s1 perdeu a bomba" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_bomb_pickup" "%s1 pegou a bomba" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_connected" "%s1 conectou-se" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_disconnected" "%s1 deixou a partida" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_idle_kick" "%s1 esta inativo por mu ito tempo e foi expulso" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_in_position" "Voce ja esta na posicao %s1 de 5" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_ct" "%s1 se juntou as forcas Countra-Terroristas" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_ct_auto" "%s1 se juntou as forcas Countra-Terroristas (auto)" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_terrorist" "%s1 se juntou as forcas Terroristas" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_join_terrorist_auto" "%s1 se juntou a

s forcas Terroristas (auto)" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_kicked" "Expulsou %s1" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_no_timelimit" "* Sem limite de tempo * " "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_radio" "%s1 (RADIO): %s2" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_required_votes" "Numero de votos para mu dar de mapa = %s1" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_scoring" "A Contagem nao vai come car ate que ambos os times tenham jogadores" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_teammate_attack" "%s1 atacou um a migo" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_teammate_kills" "TKs: %s1 de 3" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_timelimit" "Tempo Restante: %s1:%s 2" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_unknown_command" "Comando desconh ecido: %s1" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_cast" "Voto computado contra j ogador # %s1" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_not_yourself" "Voce nao pode v otar par expulsar voce mesmo!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_player_not_found" "Jogador # %s1 n ao encontrado" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_players_on_your_team" "Voce so pode votar em jogadores do seu time" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_vote_usage" "Usage: vote <id>" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_voted_for_map" "Voce votou pelo mapa # %s1" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_votemap_usage" "Uso: votemap <id>" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_will_restart_in" "O jogo sera rei niciado em %s1 %s2" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Get_in_position_and_wait" "Em posicao e es perem pelo meu sinal." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Get_out_of_there" "Saiam dai, vai explodir !" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Glock18" "9X19mm Sidearm" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Go_go_go" "Vai Vai Vai!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Got_bomb" "Voce pegou a bomba!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Got_defuser" "Voce pegou um Kit de Desarmamen to!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Guerilla_Warfare" "Guerilla Warfare" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_HE_Grenade" "Granada HE" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Health" "Saude" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_High_Explosive_Grenade" "Granada Altamen te Explosiva" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_cannot_play_because_tk" "Voce foi proibi do de jogar essar rodada por voce TK'd na ultima." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_careful_around_hostages" "Tenha c uidado com os refens. Voce perdera dinheiro se matar um deles." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_careful_around_teammates" "Cuidado ! Matar amigos nao sera tolerado!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_ct_vip_zone" "Voce esta na zona de fu ga do VIP. Escolte o VIP par uma dessas zonas!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_hostage_rescue_zone" "Voce esta na zo na de resgate de refens. Ache-os e traga-os para ca!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lead_hostage_to_rescue_point" "Leve o

refem para a zona de resgate! Voce pode USAR o refem novamente para faze-lo parar." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_lost_money" "Voce perdeu dinheiro po r matar um refem." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_out_of_ammo" "Voce esta se municao. Volte a uma zona de compra para compra mais." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_press_buy_to_purchase" "Aperte COMPRAR para adquirir items." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_press_use_so_hostage_will_follow" "Aperte USAR para que o refem o siga." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_prevent_hostage_rescue" "Impeca os Count ra-Terroristas de resgatar os refens!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_removed_for_next_hostage_killed" "Se matar mais um refem, voce sera expulso do servidor." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_rescue_the_hostages" "Resgate os refe ns para ganhar dinheiro!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_reward_for_killing_vip" "Voce recebeu $2 500 pro matar o VIP!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_spotted_a_friend" "Voce localizou um amigo." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "Voce localizou um inimigo." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_terrorist_escape_zone" "Voce esta na zo na de fuga dos terroristas. Impeca-os de chegar aqui!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_terrorist_vip_zone" "Voce esta na zo na de fuga do VIP. Impeca os VIPs de chegar em uma dessas zonas." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_try_not_to_injure_teammates" "Tente n ao machucar seus companheiros de time." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_use_hostage_to_stop_him" "Voce po de USAR o refem novamente para faze-lo parar." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_use_nightvision" "Aperte o botao VISAO NORTURNA para ligar/desligar os oculos. O nivel de brilho pode ser ajustado com os comandos: +nvgadjust -nvgadjust no console." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_win_round_by_killing_enemy" "Voce ma tou um inimigo! Venca a rodada eliminando todos os oponentes." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_you_are_in_targetzone" "Voce esta no lo cal da bomba. Escolha a bomba em seu inventario e plante-a segurando ATIRAR!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_you_are_the_vip" "Voce e o VIP Tente chegar ate a zonda de seguranda!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hint_you_have_the_bomb" "Voce tem a BOMB A! Ache o local da bomba ou LARGUE-a para outro Terrorista." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hold_this_position" "Manter Posicao." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostage" "Refem" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostage_down" "Perdemos um refem." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostages_Not_Rescued" "Os refens nao f oram resgatados!"

"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Ignore_Broadcast_Messages" "Ignorando mensa gens GERAIS" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Ignore_Broadcast_Team_Messages" "Ignoran do mensagens de TIME/GERAIS" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Ignore_Radio" "IGNORANDO mensagens de radio" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_In_position" "Estou em posicao." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Injured_Hostage" "Voce machucou um refem! " "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_KM45Tactical" "K&M .45" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_KMUMP45" "K&M UMP45" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar" "Kevlar" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar_Helmet" "Kevlar+Capacete" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar_Vest" "Colete de Kevlar" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Kevlar_Vest_Ballistic_Helmet" "Colete de Kevlar + Capacete Balistico" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Killed_Hostage" "Voce matou um refem!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Killed_Teammate" "Voce matou um colega de time!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Krieg550" "Krieg 550" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Krieg552" "Krieg 552" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_L337_Krew" "Elite Crew" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_LATENCY" "LATENCIA" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Leone12" "12 Gauge" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_M249" "ES M249 Para" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_M4A1" "Maverick M4A1 Carbine" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_M4A1_Short" "M4A1" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Mac10" "Ingram Mac-10" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Mac10_Short" "Mac-10" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_MachineGuns" "Machine Guns" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Magnum" "Magnum" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Map_Description_not_available" "Descric ao do mapa nao disponivel." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Map_Vote_Extend" "O Mapa foi extendido po r 30 minutos" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Map_descr_not_avail" "Descricao do mapa nao d isponivel." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Menu_Cancel" "Cancelar" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Menu_OK" "OK" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Menu_Spectate" "Observar" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Mic_Volume" "Volume do mic" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Muted" "Voce silenciou %s1." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Name_change_at_respawn" "Seu nome sera t rocado quando voce for revido." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Need_backup" "Preciso de Reforcos." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Negative" "Negativo." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_NightHawk" "Night Hawk" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_NightVision" "Visao Noturna" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Nightvision_Goggles" "Oculos de visao noturna " "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_No_longer_hear_that_player" "Voce nao vai ma is ouvir esse jogador falar." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Not_Enough_Money" "Voce nao tem dinheiro s uficiennte!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_CHASE_FREE" "Cam de Seg. Livre" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_CHASE_LOCKED" "Cam de Seg. Travada" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_IN_EYE" "Primeira Pessoa" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_MAP_CHASE" "Vista Geral de Seg." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_MAP_FREE" "Vista Geral Livre" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_NONE" "Opcoes de Camera"

"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_OBS_ROAMING" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Only_1_Team_Change" me permitida." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Only_CT_Can_Move_Hostages" -Terroristas podem mover os refens!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_P228" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_P228Compact" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_PLAYERS" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Phoenix_Connexion" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Pistols" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Player" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Player_plural" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Prim_Ammo" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Regroup_team" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Report_in_team" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Reporting_in" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Rifles" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Roger_that" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Round_Draw" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_SAS" "SAS" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_SCORE" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_SCORES" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_SG550" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_SG552" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_SMGs" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_SPECT_OPTIONS" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Schmidt" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_SchmidtMP" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Scout" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Seal_Team_6" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Sec_Ammo" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Sector_clear" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Selection_Not_Available" ponivel" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Shotguns" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Sidearm9X19mm" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Smoke_Grenade" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Speaker_Volume" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Auto" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Duck" Spectador" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Help_Text" udar o tipo de visao: FIRE1 - Seguir proximo jogador FIRE2 - Seguir jogador anterior JUMP - Alternar modos de visao USE - Mudar modo da janela PIP DUCK - Menu de Espectador Na Vista Geral voce pode mover-se com: ESQUERDA - mover-se para esquerda DIREITA - mover-se para direita FRENTE - + zoom TRAS - - zoom MOUSE - girar em volta do mapa/alvo" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Help_Title" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_ListPlayers"

"Vista Livre" "Somente 1 mudanca de ti "Somente Countra "228 Compact" "228" "Jogadores" "Phoenix Connexion" "Pistolas" "jogador" "jogadores" "Mun. Prim." "Reagrupar." "Informar, time." "Reportando." "Rifles" "Entendido." "Empate!" "PLACAR" " PLACARES" "Krieg 550 Commando" "Krieg 552 Commando" "SMG's" "Opcoes" "Schmidt" "Schmidt MP" "Schmidt Scout" "Seal Team 6" "Mun. Sec" "Setor Limpo." "Selecao Nao Dis "Shotguns" "9X19mm" "Granada de Fumaca" "Volume do alto-falante" "Auto" "Aperte AGACHAR para o Menu de E "Use esses botoes para m

"Modo de Observacao" "Listar Jogadores"

"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Map" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Mode1" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Mode2" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Mode3" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Mode4" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Mode5" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Mode6" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_NoPlayers" ervar" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_NoTarget" pode mudar para Camera de Seg." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_No_PIP" ponivel em Primeira-Pessoa enquanto jogando." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Not_In_Spectator_Mode" a no modo de espectador." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Not_Valid_Choice" a autorizado a obs. essa pessoa." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Replay" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Slow_Motion" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spec_Time" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Spectators" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Stick_together_team" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Storm_the_front" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_SubMachineGun" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Super90" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Switch_To_BurstFire" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Switch_To_FullAuto" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Switch_To_SemiAuto" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TEAMS" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING1" ir: - Sub Metralhadora - Municao Primaria" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING2" ir: - Magnum Sniper Rifle" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING3" ir: - Granada de Fumaca" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING4" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING5" a." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING6" o botao USAR." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TRAINING7" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TactShield" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_TactShield_Desc" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Taking_fire" da!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Target_Bombed" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Target_Saved" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Team_AutoAssign" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Team_fall_back" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorist_Escaped" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorist_Forces" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorist_cant_buy" omprar nada neste mapa!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorists_Escaped" m!"

"Mapa" "Cam de Seg. Travada" "Cam de Seg. Livre" "Vista Livre" "Primeira Pessoa" "Vista Geral Livre" "Vista Geral de Seg." "Nenhum jogador para obs "Sem alvos validos. Nao "Modo Picture-In-Picture nao dis "** Voce nao est "** Voce nao est "Replay Instantaneo" "Camera Lenta" "Tempo" "Spectadores" "Fiquem juntos, time." "Pela Frente!" "SMG" "Leone 12 Gauge Super" "Modo Rajada" "Modo Automatico" "Modo Semi-Automatico" "Times" "Use o botao COMPRAR para adquir

"Use o botao COMPRAR para adquir "Use o botao COMPRAR para adquir "Pegue a C4 do banco." "Plante a C4 e recue em seguranc "Desarme a bomba, segurando "Localize e Resgate os refens." "Escudo Tatico" "Escudo tatico" "Sendo atingido...Preciso de aju "Alvo destruido!" "Alvo seguro!" "Automatico" "Time, Retornar!" "Um Terrorista escapou!" "Forcas Terrorista" "Terroristas nao podem c "Os Terroristas escapara

"Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorists_Full" "O time Terrorista esta cheio!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorists_Not_Escaped" "Os Terroristas nao escaparam!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Terrorists_Win" "Terroristas Venceram!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_SelectYourTeam" "Escolha Seu Tim e" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_ct_model_selection" "Escolha de Mode lo - CT" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_equipment_selection" "Escolha de Equi pamento" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_gign" "French GIGN" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_gsg9" "German GSG-9" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_machinegun_selection" "Escolha de Metr alhadora" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_pistol_selection" "Escolha de Pist ola" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_rifle_selection" "Escolha de Rifl e" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_sas" "UK Special Air Service" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_seal_team" "US Seal Team 6 (DEVGRU) " "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_select_category_of_purchase" "Selecio ne a categoria de compra" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_shotgun_selection" "Escolha de Shot gun" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_smg_selection" "Escolha de SMG" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Title_terrorist_model_selection" "Escolha de Modelo - Terrorista" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Too_Many_CTs" "Ha CTs demais!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Too_Many_Terrorists" "Ha Terroristas demais!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_UMP45" "K&M UMP45" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_USP45" "K&M .45 Tactical" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Unassigned" "Nao atribuido" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Unmuted" "Voce dessilenciou %s1." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_VIP" "VIP" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_VIP_Assassinated" "VIP foi assassinado!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_VIP_Escaped" "O VIP escapou!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_VIP_Not_Escaped" "O VIP nao escapou!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_VIP_cant_buy" "Voce e o VIP. Voce nao pode comprar nada!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_VOICE" "VOZ" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Voice_Properties" "Propriedades de voz" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Vote" "%s1 : %s2 (%s3 voto)" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Votes" "%s1 : %s2 (%s3 votos)" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_WINS" "VENCE" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Wait_3_Seconds" "Por Favor aguarde 3 Seg undos." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Weapon_Cannot_Be_Dropped" "Essa arma nao p ode ser largada" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Weapon_Not_Available" "Essa arna bai e sta disponivel!" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_XM1014" "Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_You_take_the_point" "Voce Avanca." "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_mp5navy" "K&M Sub-machinegun" "Cstrike_TitlesTXT_tmp" "Schmidt Machine Pistol" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//

// New CZ strings start here and extend through the end of the file // // Shadow sprites "Cstrike_Player_Shadows" // new AutoBuy key "Cstrike_Auto_Buy" "Cstrike_ReBuy" "Cstrike_BuyMenuRebuy" "Cstrike_BuyMenuAutobuy" "Cstrike_NewMultiplayerGame" "Player Shadows" "Automatically Buy Equipment" "Re-Buy Previous Equipment" "&R RE-BUY PREVIOUS" "&A AUTO-BUY" "&New Multiplayer Game"

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Career Mode // "Career_NewGame" "&Play Counter-Strike: Condition Zero" "Career_MapPage" "SELECT LOCATION" "Career_EndRound" "Career_EndRoundText" "Career_New" "Career_Resume" "Career_Delete" "Career_Profile" "Career_NewProfile" "Career_MissionPack" "Career_PlayerName" "Career_Difficulty" "Career_Team" "Career_Difficulty0" "Career_Difficulty1" "Career_Difficulty2" "Career_Difficulty3" "Career_ContinueDifficulty" "Career_EnableTutor" "Career_DeleteProfileTitle" "Career_DeleteProfileText" "Career_MissionPackAuthor" "Career_BotPage" "Career_MapNext" "Career_BotPrev" "Career_Cancel" "Career_Start" "Career_BuildTeamRoster" "Career_AutoRoster" "Career_PointsLeft" "Career_Hired" "Career_Pool" "Career_RestartConfirmationTitle" "Career_RestartConfirmationText" nRestart anyway?" "Career_OverwriteConfirmationTitle" "Career_OverwriteConfirmationText" "&Give up this Round" "Do you want to give up this round?" "NEW PROFILE" "RESUME SELECTED PROFILE" "DELETE SELECTED PROFILE" "[CHOOSE PROFILE]" "CREATE PROFILE" "[CHOOSE MISSIONS]" "PLAYER NAME" "[SELECT DIFFICULTY]" "[SELECT TEAM]" "EASY MISSIONS" "NORMAL MISSIONS" "HARD MISSIONS" "EXPERT MISSIONS" "CONTINUE" "ENABLE TUTOR" "DELETE PROFILE" "Are you sure you want to delete %s1?" "Created By: %s1" "ASSEMBLE TEAM" "ASSEMBLE TEAM" "GO BACK" "CANCEL" "START MATCH!" "Assemble Your Team" "QUICK-PICK TEAM:" "Points Left" "[02_YOUR TEAM]" "[01_AVAILABLE COMBATANTS]" "Restart Career Game?" "This will end the current career game.\ "OVERWRITE PROFILE" "This will overwrite a saved profile.\nC

ontinue anyway?" "Career_Restart" "Career_Surrender" "Career_Match_End" "Career_Match_Win" "Career_Match_Lose" "Career_Autosave_Notice" "Career_ContinueMatch" "Career_FinishMatch" "Career_RetryMatch" "Career_TeamT" "Career_TeamCT" "Career_ImminentVictory" "Career_ImminentDefeat" sing this match!" "Career_FriendlyFireOn" DS during this match!" "Career_NoTeammates" g this match!" "Career_EnemyListSingle" "Career_EnemyList" : " "Career_EnemyListSeparator" "Career_TaskJustDone" llenges remaining." "Career_TaskJustDoneSingle" lenge remaining." "Career_TaskStatusDone" his match" "Career_TaskStatusUnfinished" "Career_TaskStatusUnfinishedSingle" "Career_EarnedReputationPoints" t!" "Career_NewLocationsAvailable" "Career_AllLocationsComplete" defeated the Terrorist threat and made "Career_AwardedMedal" valiant service." "Career_EasyMedal" "Career_NormalMedal" "Career_HardMedal" "Career_ExpertMedal" vice Medal" "Career_MedalListTitle" "Career_RoundWin" "Career_RoundLose" "Career_RoundDraw" "Career_ScoreSoFar" "Career_RoundWinsCT" "Career_RoundWinsT" "Career_TasksColon" // Building task descriptions

"Restart" "Surrender" "The Match is Over" "Your Team is Victorious!" "Your Team has been Defeated" "The game has been auto-saved." "Continue" "Finish" "Retry Match" "Terrorist" "Counter-Terrorist" "Go go go! Your victory is imminent!" "Warning! You are one round away from lo

"Be careful! Your weapons can HURT FRIEN "Be careful! You have no teammates durin "You will face 1 enemy in this match: " "You will face %s1 enemies in this match ", " "Challenge completed.\nThere are %s1 Cha "Challenge completed.\nThere is one Chal "You have completed all Challenges for t "There are %s1 Challenges remaining" "There is one Challenge remaining" "You have earned another reputation poin "New Locations are available!" "Congratulations, Commander!\n\nYou have the world a safer place." "You have been awarded a medal for your "Good Conduct Medal" "Bronze Star" "Silver Star" "Department of Defense Distinguished Ser "[Your Awards]" "Your Team has Won this Round..." "Your Team has Lost this Round..." "This Round was a Draw" "The Score So Far:" "Counter-Terrorists: %s1" "Terrorists: %s1" "Challenges:"

// First string passed in is a weapon name or category. Second string is a numb er (reps or time) "Career_Task_kill" "You must kill an enemy" "Career_Task_kill_multi" "You must kill %s2 enemies" "Career_Task_killwith" "Career_Task_killwith_multi" "Career_Task_killblind" " "Career_Task_killblind_multi" mies" "Career_Task_winfast_multi" econds" "Career_Task_headshot" "Career_Task_headshot_multi" s" "Career_Task_headshotwith" %s1" "Career_Task_headshotwith_multi" s %s1" "Career_Task_killall" least once" "Career_Task_defuse" "Career_Task_plant" "Career_Task_rescue" "Career_Task_rescue_multi" "Career_Task_rescueall" "Career_Task_defendhostages" ued" "Career_Task_hostagessurvive" "Career_Task_killdefuser" ng the Bomb" "Career_Task_killdefuser_multi" using the Bomb" "Career_Task_killvip" "Career_Task_killvip_multi" "Career_Task_stoprescue" o a Rescue Zone" "Career_Task_stoprescue_multi" s to a Rescue Zone" "Career_Task_preventdefuse" from being defused" "Career_Task_preventdefuse_multi" from being defused %s2 times" "Career_Task_injurewith" "Career_Task_injurewith_multi" "You must kill an enemy %s1" "You must kill %s2 enemies %s1" "You must kill a Flashbang-blinded enemy "You must kill %s2 Flashbang-blinded ene "You must win a round in less than %s2 s "You must kill an enemy with a headshot" "You must kill %s2 enemies with headshot "You must kill an enemy with a headshot "You must kill %s2 enemies with headshot "Your Team must eliminate all enemies at "You "You "You "You "You "You must must must must must must defuse the Bomb" plant the Bomb" rescue a Hostage" rescue %s2 Hostages" rescue all of the Hostages" not allow a Hostage to be resc

"All Hostages must survive" "You must kill a CT in the act of defusi "You must kill %s2 CTs in the act of def "You must kill the VIP" "You must kill the VIP %s2 times" "You must kill a CT escorting Hostages t "You must kill %s2 CTs escorting Hostage "You must plant the Bomb and prevent it "You must plant the Bomb and prevent it "You must injure an enemy %s1" "You must injure %s2 enemies %s1"

// Task modifiers // String passed in is the constructed task string from just above "Career_Task_survive" "%s1 and survive the round" "Career_Task_inarow" "%s1 without dying" "Career_Task_Done" "%s1 - COMPLETED"

// show status of partially-completed tasks on the scoreboard... "Career_Task_PartialTitle" "Status:" "Career_Task_PartialRemaining" "%s1 remaining" "Career_Task_PartialMustLive" "Survive the round" "Career_Task_PartialIncomplete" "Incomplete" "Career_Task_Complete" "COMPLETE" // Tasks just done "Career_Task_Done" "Career_GameMenu_SaveGame" "Career_GameMenu_LoadGame" "Career_CorruptSaveTitle" "Career_CorruptSaveText" t be loaded." "Task Complete:" "Save Game" "Load Game" "Corrupt Saved Game" "The saved game was corrupt and could no

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// New strings "Career_TripletNum" "Career_Locked" "Career_Unlocked" "Career_Current" "Career_JumpTo" "Career_Cost" "Career_FinalScore" "Career_Secured" "Career_MapDescription" "Career_MapSelection" "Tour of Duty %s1" "LOCKED" "UNLOCKED" "CURRENT" "JUMP TO:" "Cost %s1" "Final Score" "[SECURED]" "[02_SELECTED LOCATION]" "[01_TOURS OF DUTY / LOCATION]"

// Capitalized versions of map names ---------------------"Career_Map_de_dust_cz_CAPS" "DUST" "Career_Map_cs_office_cz_CAPS" "OFFICE" "Career_Map_de_stadium_cz_CAPS" "STADIUM" "Career_Map_de_prodigy_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_cs_miami_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_inferno_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_airstrip_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_cs_militia_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_dust2_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_aztec_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_cs_havana_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_cbble_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_vostok_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_cs_italy_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_chateau_cz_CAPS" "PRODIGY" "MIAMI" "INFERNO" "AIRSTRIP" "MILITIA" "DUST II" "AZTEC" "HAVANA" "COBBLESTONE" "VOSTOK" "ITALY" "CHATEAU"

"Career_Map_de_fastline_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_torn_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_truth_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_piranesi_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_cs_downed_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_tides_cz_CAPS" "Career_Map_cs_assault_CAPS" "Career_Map_cs_estate_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_vertigo_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_survivor_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_nuke_CAPS" "Career_Map_as_oilrig_CAPS" "Career_Map_de_train_CAPS"


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Map names for on the map select screen ----------------"Career_Map_de_dust_cz" "Dust" "Career_Map_cs_office_cz" "Office" "Career_Map_de_stadium_cz" "Stadium" "Career_Map_de_prodigy_cz" "Career_Map_cs_miami_cz" "Career_Map_de_inferno_cz" "Career_Map_de_airstrip_cz" "Career_Map_cs_militia_cz" "Career_Map_de_dust2_cz" "Career_Map_de_aztec_cz" "Career_Map_cs_havana_cz" "Career_Map_de_cbble_cz" "Career_Map_de_vostok_cz" "Career_Map_cs_italy_cz" "Career_Map_de_chateau_cz" "Career_Map_de_fastline_cz" "Career_Map_de_torn_cz" "Career_Map_de_truth_cz" "Career_Map_de_piranesi_cz" "Career_Map_cs_downed_cz" "Career_Map_de_tides_cz" "Career_Map_cs_assault" "Career_Map_cs_estate" "Career_Map_de_vertigo" "Career_Map_de_survivor" "Career_Map_de_nuke" "Prodigy" "Miami" "Inferno" "Airstrip" "Militia" "Dust II" "Aztec" "Havana" "Cobblestone" "Vostok" "Italy" "Chateau" "Fastline" "Torn" "Truth" "Piranesi" "Downed" "Tides" "Assault" "Estate" "Vertigo" "Survivor" "Nuke"

"Career_Map_as_oilrig" "Career_Map_de_train" "Career_Play_As_CT" "Career_Play_As_T"

"Oilrig" "Train" "Play as a Counter-Terrorist" "Play as a Terrorist"

// Scenario description string ---------------------------"Career_BombDefusalCT" "Bomb Defuse Scenario:\nYour Team must p revent the Terrorists from\ndetonating their bomb at one of the bomb sites.\nTo win, defuse the bomb or eliminate\nall of the Terrorists." "Career_HostageRescueCT" "Hostage Rescue Scenario:\nThe Terrorist s have taken several hostages.\nYou must rescue them by leading them to a\nHosta ge Rescue Point.\nTo win, rescue all of the Hostages or eliminate all\nof the Te rrorists." "Career_BombDefusalT" "Bomb Defuse Scenario:\nYour Team must d etonate a bomb at one of the\nbomb sites on this map.\nTo win, detonate the bomb or eliminate all\nof the Counter-Terrorists." "Career_HostageRescueT" "Hostage Rescue Scenario:\nYour Team has several Hostages. You must\nprevent the Counter-Terrorists from stealing\nthem and reaching a Hostage Rescue Point.\nTo win, retain the Hostages for the entire round,\nor eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists." "Career_MatchTasksTitle" "To Win the Match" "Career_MatchTasks" "Your Team must win at least %s1 rounds and lead the opposition by %s2 to win this match." "Career_MatchGoodLuck" "Good Luck!" "Career_MissionPackCT" "These are the original Counter-Strike: Condition Zero missions. You can also download more or create your own. See the address below to find ou t how. Lead your elite counter-terrorism team through increasingly challenging scenario s, thwarting the plans of evil terrorist groups bent on death and destruction. The fate of countless innocent victims is in your hands! " "Career_MissionPackTitleCT" "CONDITION ZERO"

// Bot skill and teamwork descriptions -------------------"Career_SkillDesc" "Skill: " "Career_TeamDesc" "Co-op: " "Career_AggressionDesc" "Bravery: " "Career_LevelDesc0" "Bad" "Career_LevelDesc1" "Low" "Career_LevelDesc2" "Ok" "Career_LevelDesc3" "Good" "Career_LevelDesc4" "High" // Weapon names for bot preferences ----------------------"Career_Weapon_scout" "with a Schmidt Scout" "Career_Weapon_xm1014" "with a Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun" "Career_Weapon_mac10" "with an Ingram MAC-10" "Career_Weapon_aug" "with a Bullpup" "Career_Weapon_ump45" "with a K&M UMP45" "Career_Weapon_sg550" "with a Krieg 550 Commando"

"Career_Weapon_galil" "Career_Weapon_famas" "Career_Weapon_awp" "Career_Weapon_mp5" "Career_Weapon_m249" "Career_Weapon_m3" "Career_Weapon_m4a1" "Career_Weapon_tmp" "Career_Weapon_sg552" "Career_Weapon_ak47" "Career_Weapon_p90" "Career_Weapon_shield" "Career_Weapon_knife" "Career_Weapon_grenade" "Career_Weapon_g3sg1" "Career_Weapon_usp" "Career_Weapon_glock" "Career_Weapon_deagle" "Career_Weapon_p228" "Career_Weapon_elite" "Career_Weapon_fiveseven" "Career_Weapon_hegren" "Career_Weapon_elites" "Career_Weapon_fn57" "Career_Weapon_any" "Career_Weapon_pistol" "Career_Weapon_SMG" "Career_Weapon_machinegun" "Career_Weapon_shotgun" "Career_Weapon_rifle" "Career_Weapon_sniper"

"with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with "with

an IDF Defender" a Clarion 5.56" a Magnum Sniper Rifle" a K&M Submachine Gun" an M249" a Leone 12 guage Super" a Maverick M4A1 Carbine" a Schmidt Machine Pistol" a Krieg 552" a CV-47" an ES C90" a Tactical Shield" a Knife" an HE Grenade" a D3/AU-1" a K&K .45 Tactical" a 9x19MM" a Night Hawk .50C" a 228 Compact" .40 dual elites" an ES five-seven"

"with HE Grenades" "with .40 dual elites" "with an ES five-seven" "with "with "with "with "with "with "with any weapon" a Pistol" a Submachinegun" a Machinegun" a Shotgun" a Rifle" a Sniper Rifle"

// Not a career-mode string. Actually, this should live in valve\GameUI_english .txt. I'm leaving it here for now so it doesn't get forgotten. "GameUI_DetailTextures" "Detail Textures" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Interactive Tutor // "Cstrike_Tutor_Off" "Off" "Cstrike_Tutor_Beginner" "On" "Cstrike_Tutor_Advanced" "Advanced" "CStrike_Listen_TutorLevel" "Tutor Setting" "CStrike_Tutor_Enabled" "Enable Tutor" "CStrike_Tutor_Toggle" "Toggle Tutor" // ***TODO: Add these events - must keep cursor on them and not be firing your w eapon "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Enemy" "You have spotted an enemy." "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Friend" "You have spotted a friend." "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Enemy_Corpse" "This is an enemy's corpse." "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Friend_Corpse" "This is a friend's corpse." "Cstrike_Tutor_You_see_Breakable" "This is breakable.\nTry shooting it!" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Fired_A_Shot" "You have fired your weapon."

// TODO: Change <R> to <%s> and fill in the appropriate key "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Should_Reload" "You are low on ammo.\nYou should reload your weapon.\n(default R)" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Are_Out_Of_Ammo" "Your weapon is completely out of ammo.\ nSwitch to another weapon.\n(default 1, 2, or 3)" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Killed_A_Teammate" "You have killed a friend!\n\nRecent tea mmates killed:\n%s1" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Killed_Player" "You have killed an enemy.\n\nTh ere are %s1 enemies remaining.\n\nRecent enemies killed:\n%s2" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Killed_Player_One_left" "You have killed an enemy.\n\nTher e is one enemy left.\n\nRecent enemies killed:\n%s1" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Killed_Last_Enemy" "You killed the last enemy!\n\nR ecent enemies killed:\n%s1" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Killed_Player_Headshot" "You have killed an enem y\nwith a headshot.\n\nThere are %s1 enemies remaining.\n\nRecent enemies killed:\n% s2" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Killed_Player_Headshot_One_left" "You have killed an enem y\nwith a headshot.\n\nThere is one enemy left.\n\nRecent enemies killed:\n%s1" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Killed_Last_Enemy_Headshot" "You killed the last ene my with a headshot!\n\nRecent enemies killed:\n%s1" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Died" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Died_Headshot" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Fell_To_Your_Death" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Were_Just_Hurt" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Have_Been_Shot_At" " "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Attacked_Teammate" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Died_World" ul near cliffs and ledges!" "You have died." "You have died from a headshot." "You fell to your death.\nBe careful!" "That hurt!\nBe careful!" "Watch out!\nSomeone is shooting at you! "You have injured a friend!" "You have fallen to your death! Be caref

"Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Time_Begin" "A new round has begun.\n\nTo buy weapon s and equipment, open the Buy Menu (default B).\nTo have equipment purchased for you, press the AutoBuy key (default F1)" "Cstrike_Tutor_Teammate_Killed" "A teammate has died!\n\nYou hav e %s1 teammates left.\n\nRecent teammates killed:\n%s2" "Cstrike_Tutor_Teammate_Killed_One_left" "A teammate has died!\n\nYou hav e one teammate left!\n\nRecent teammates killed:\n%s1" "Cstrike_Tutor_Last_Teammate_Killed" "Your last teammate has died!\n\ nYou are on your own now...\n\nRecent teammates killed:\n%s1" "Cstrike_Tutor_Enemy_Killed" "An enemy has been killed.\n\nThere are %s1 enemies remaining.\n\nRecent enemies killed:\n%s2" "Cstrike_Tutor_Enemy_Killed_One_Left" "An enemy has been killed.\n\nThere is o ne enemy left.\n\nRecent enemies killed:\n%s1" "Cstrike_Tutor_Last_Enemy_Killed" "The last enemy has been killed!\n\nRece nt enemies killed:\n%s1" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Spawned" "Welcome to Counter-strike!"

"Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Loose_Weapon" "This is a dropped weapon.\n\nTo pick it up, first drop your\nweapon and walk over it.\n(default G)" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Loose_Defuser" "This is a dropped\nBomb Defuse Kit."

"Cstrike_Tutor_You_Are_Blind_From_Flashbang" "A flashbang grenade has blinded you!\n\nYour vision will recover momentarily..." //----------------"Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Loose_Bomb_T" "The Bomb has been dropped here.\n\nMove over it to pick it up,\nthen go to a Bomb Site and plant it!" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Loose_Bomb_CT" "The Bomb has been dropped here.\n\nDefe nd it and prevent the\nTerrorists from recovering it!" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Bomb_Carrier_T" "This teammate is carrying the Bomb.\n\n Protect him so he can\nplant it at a Bomb Site." "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Bomb_Carrier_CT" "This Terrorist is carrying the Bomb!\n\ nAttack him!" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Planted_Bomb_T" "This Bomb has been planted\nand will de tonate soon.\n\nDefend the area to prevent the\nCounter-Terrorists from defusing it!" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Planted_Bomb_CT" "This Bomb has been planted\nand will de tonate soon!\n\nMove close to it and hold the Use key to defuse it!\n(default E) " "Cstrike_Tutor_Bomb_Planted_T" "The Bomb has been planted!\n\nMake sure the Counter-Terrorists\ndon't defuse it!" "Cstrike_Tutor_Bomb_Planted_CT" "The Bomb has been planted!\n\nSearch th e Bomb Sites and\ndefuse it before it explodes!" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Are_Bomb_Carrier" "You are carrying the Bomb.\nTake it to a Bomb Site and plant it!" "Cstrike_Tutor_Defuse_Without_Kit" se Bombs much more quickly..." "Buying a defuse kit allows you to\ndefu

"Cstrike_Tutor_Time_Running_Out_DE_T" "Time is about to run out!\n\nMake sure the Bomb is detonated!" "Cstrike_Tutor_Time_Running_Out_DE_CT" "Time is about to run out!\n\nHold off t he Terrorists and you will win!" "Cstrike_Tutor_Bomb_Defused_T" Bomb!\nYou have lost this round." "Cstrike_Tutor_Bomb_Defused_CT" ins this round." "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Defused_Bomb" is round." "Cstrike_Tutor_Bomb_Exploded_T" this round." "Cstrike_Tutor_Bomb_Exploded_CT" win this round." "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Defused_Bomb" for your team!" "Cstrike_Tutor_Round_Start_DE_T" omb\nis detonated at a Bomb Site!" "Cstrike_Tutor_Round_Start_DE_CT" rorists\nfrom detonating their Bomb!" //----------------"Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Hostage_T" er-Terrorists\nfrom rescuing him." "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Hostage_CT" "This is a Hostage.\n\nPrevent the Count "This is a Hostage.\n\nTell him to follo "The Counter-Terrorists have defused the "The Bomb has been defused!\nYour team w "You defused the bomb\nYour team wins th "The bomb has exploded.\nYour team wins "The bomb has exploded.\nThe Terrorists "You defused the Bomb and won the round "The round has begun.\n\nMake sure the B "The round has begun.\n\nPrevent the Ter

w you by pressing the Use key\nwhen you are close to him.\n(default E)" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Bombsite_T" "This is a Bomb Site.\n\nThe Bomb can be planted here." "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Bombsite_T_Bomb" "This is a Bomb Site.\n\nPlant the Bomb there by selecting it (default 5)\nand holding your Fire Button.\n(default is le ft mouse button)" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Bombsite_CT" "This is a Bomb Site.\n\nThe Bomb can be planted here." "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Used_Hostage_More_Left" "This Hostage will now follow yo u.\n\nGather the remaining Hostages\nby talking to them." "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Used_Hostage_No_More_Left" "This Hostage will now follow yo u.\n\nLead the Hostages to the\nnearest Hostage Rescue Point." "Cstrike_Tutor_All_Hostages_Following" "All Hostages are being escorted.\nHelp escort them to the rescue zone." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hostage_Rescued_T" "The Counter-Terrorits\nhave rescued a H ostage!\n\nTry to prevent them from rescuing any more." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hostage_Rescued_CT" "A Hostage has been rescued!\n\nRescue t hem all to win the round!" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Rescued_Hostage" "You have rescued a Hostage\nand receive d a cash bonus!\n\nRescue them all to win the round!" "Cstrike_Tutor_All_Hostages_Rescued_T" "All Hostages have been rescued.\nCounte r-Terrorists win this round." "Cstrike_Tutor_All_Hostages_Rescued_CT" "All Hostages have been rescued.\nYour t eam wins this round." "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Damaged_Hostage" Killing Hostages will cost you!" "Cstrike_Tutor_You_Killed_Hostage" money\nas punishment." "Cstrike_Tutor_All_Hostages_Dead" the other team!" "You have injured a Hostage.\n\nBeware! "You killed a Hostage!\n\nYou have lost "All of the Hostages are dead\nEliminate

"Cstrike_Tutor_All_Hostages_Dead" "All of the Hostages have been slain!\n\ nEliminate the Terrorists to win the round!" "Cstrike_Tutor_All_Hostages_Rescued_T" "The Counter-Terrorists\nhave rescued al l of your Hostages!\n\nYou have lost this round." "Cstrike_Tutor_All_Hostages_Rescued_CT" "Congratulations!\nThe Hostages have bee n rescued!\n\nYou have won this round." "Cstrike_Tutor_Time_Running_Out_CS_T" "Time is about to run out!\n\nHold off t he Counter-Terrorists\na bit longer and you will win!" "Cstrike_Tutor_Time_Running_Out_CS_CT" "Time is about to run out!\n\nRescue the Hostages!" "Cstrike_Tutor_Round_Start_CS_T" "The round has begun.\n\nPrevent the Cou nter-Terrorists\nfrom rescuing your Hostages!" "Cstrike_Tutor_Round_Start_CS_CT" "The round has begun.\n\nFind the Hostag es and escort them\nto a Hostage Rescue Point!" //----------------"Cstrike_Tutor_Round_Over" "Cstrike_Tutor_Round_Draw" "Cstrike_Tutor_CT_Win" ound!" "This round is over." "This round has ended in a tie." "The Counter-Terrorists\nhave won this r


"The Terrorists have\nwon this round!"

"Cstrike_Tutor_Death_Camera_Start" "You are now an observer.\n\nYou must wa it for the round to end to play again.\nTo change view modes, press the Jump key (default spacebar).\nTo select different players to observe, press Fire and Sec ondary Fire.\n(default is left and right mouse buttons)" // Tutor Buy Menu Messages "Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Need_Primary" "Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Need_Primary_Ammo" eapon" "Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Need_Secondary_Ammo" istol" "Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Need_Armor" met" "Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Defuse_Kit" "Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Grenades" // Tutor state messages "Cstrike_TutorState_Undefined" "Cstrike_TutorState_Looking_For_Hostage" "Cstrike_TutorState_Escorting_Hostage" Point" "Cstrike_TutorState_Following_Hostage_Escort" " "Cstrike_TutorState_Moving_To_Bombsite" "Cstrike_TutorState_Looking_For_Bomb_Carrier" "Cstrike_TutorState_Guarding_Loose_Bomb" "Cstrike_TutorState_Defusing_Bomb" "Cstrike_TutorState_Guarding_Hostage" "Cstrike_TutorState_Moving_To_Intercept_Enemy" "Cstrike_TutorState_Looking_For_Hostage_Escort" "Cstrike_TutorState_Attacking_Hostage_Escort" "Cstrike_TutorState_Escorting_Bomb_Carrier" "Cstrike_TutorState_Moving_To_Bomb_Site" "Cstrike_TutorState_Planting_Bomb" "Cstrike_TutorState_Guarding_Bomb" "Cstrike_TutorState_Looking_For_Loose_Bomb" " " "Find the Hostages" "Escort the Hostages to a Rescue "Follow and Protect the Hostages "Defend a Bomb Site" "Find the Bomb Carrier" "Guard the Dropped Bomb" "Defuse the Bomb" "Guard the Hostages" "Intercept the Enemy" "Find the Hostage Escort" "Attack the Hostage Escort" "Escort the Bomb Carrier" "Secure the Bomb Site" "Plant the Bomb" "Guard the Bomb" "Find the Dropped Bomb" "You should buy a weapon" "You should buy ammo\nfor your w "You should buy ammo\nfor your P "You should buy Kevlar and a Hel "You should buy a\nDefusal Kit" "You should buy some\nGrenades"

"Cstrike_TutorState_Running_Away_From_Ticking_Bomb" "Escape the Bomb" "Cstrike_TutorState_Buy_Time" "Buy Weapons and Equipment" "Cstrike_TutorState_Waiting_For_Start" "Waiting for Round To Begin..." "Cstrike_Tutor_Current_Location" "Current Location: %s1"

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Tutor "hints". These are displayed when the player has died and is watching t he game finish. // // misc "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_1" "Enemies can hear your footsteps when you run.\n Hold in the Walk key (default Shift) to walk silently..."

"Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_2" "Jumping slows your movement\nand decreases your accuracy." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_3" "Many objects in the world can be\nbroken, inclu ding some windows,\nboards, and boxes." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_4" "Working with your teammates makes\nyou much mor e effective than going it alone." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_5" "To get an overview of the current state\nof the game, hold down the TAB key." // general weapon hints "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_10" "Your weapon is not perfect - it recoils when yo u fire.\nTo fire more accurately use short bursts of gunfire,\npausing a moment to allow yourself to recover." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_11" "You are more accurate when you stand still,\nan d even more so when you crouch." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_12" "Shooting an enemy in the head is\nan instant ki ll - a 'headshot'" "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_13" "To be accurate with a sniper rifle, you\nmust s tand still when you fire your shot." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_14" "Many weapons have 'secondary fire',\nproviding zoom, silencing, or burst fire\ndepending on the weapon.\n\nPress <right mouse b utton> for secondary fire." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_15" "Ammo management is extremely important -\nif yo ur clip runs out in a firefight,you are in deep trouble.\n\nRemember to reload y our weapon when you have a spare moment.\nHowever, reloading at the wrong time c an get you killed.\n\nChoose wisely." // specific weapon hints "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_20" "The Magnum Sniper Rifle is very powerful, and c an usually\nkill an enemy with a single shot. It's extreme zoom\ncapability is v ery powerful, but firing this weapon\nwithout using the scope is nearly impossib le.\n\nJust make sure no-one gets close enough to be a problem." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_21" "The Schmidt Scout is a challenging sniper rifle .\nIt is inexpensive and does little damage -\n\nunless you are skilled enough t o score a headshot..." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_22" "The Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun is extremly power ful\nand very useful in close quarters.\n\nHowever, this weapon is all but usele ss at long range." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_23" "The Maverick M4A1 Carbine is a powerful and pre cise rifle.\n\nUsing secondary fire to attach a silencer makes\nthis the weapon of choice for the stealthy." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_24" "The CV-47 is as powerful as it is loud.\n\nAlth ough it suffers from high recoil, accurate\nmarksmen prefer it for its lethal fi rst shot." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_25" "The Night Hawk .50C is truly a 'hand cannon'.\n \nIts powerful ammunition stops enemies in their tracks.\n\nHowever, its clip is very small." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_26" "The Tactical Shield is a marvel of modern engin eering.\n\nIf you deploy it (by pressing your secondary fire button)\nand crouch behind it, you are impervious to all damage\ncoming towards your front.\n\nHowe ver, your sides and rear are vulnerable,\nand HE Grenades can still harm you." // equipment hints "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_30" "A Defusal Kit dramatically decreases the\namoun t of time it takes to defuse a bomb." "CStrike_Tutor_Hint_31" "To use a grenade, equip it (default 4) and then press\nthe Fire Button (default left mouse button).\n\nTo throw it, hold in you r Fire Button, aim, and release.\n\nTo throw farther, tip your view upwards and run towards\nyour target when you release the grenade." "CStrike_Tutor_Hint_32" "'Flashbang' Grenades temporarily blind everyone

\nin the area who can see them when they explode.\n\nBe careful - this includes your teammates and even yourself!" "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_33" "Turning your view away from a Flashbang\nGrenad e lessens its blinding effects." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_34" "Smoke Grenades emit large clouds of dense\nsmok e that can hide player movements.\n\nSmoke can be very useful for slipping by a sniper." // communication hints "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_40" "Your radio allows you to give commands to your teammates\nsuch as 'Follow me', 'Hold this position', or 'Need backup'.\n\nTo se nd a radio command, use the Radio keys\n(default Z, X, and C) and select what yo u want to say." // radar hints "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_50" "The green circle in the upper left corner is yo ur radar.\n\nIt shows the positions of all of your surviving friends\nrelative t o your current position and direction you are looking.\n\nIf a blip is at twelve o'clock, that friend is somewhere in front of you.\nLikewise, a blip at six o'c lock is a friend behind you." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_51" "On your radar, a blip shaped like a 'T' represe nts\na friend somewhere above you.\n\nAn upside-down 'T' blip is a friend somewh ere below you." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_52" "If a friend is talking, his blip on\nthe radar will flash an orange color." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_53" "If you are a Counter-Terrorist, Hostages\nwill appear on your radar as flashing blue blips." // bomb scenario hints "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_60" "Many bomb defusal maps have more than one bomb site..." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_61" "Defusing the bomb is a sure way to win the roun d,\nregardless of how many enemies remain." // hostage scenario hints "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_70" "Hostage rescue maps often have more\nthan one H ostage Rescue Point..." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_71" "'Talking to' a Hostage by pressing the Use key (default E)\nrewards you with a cash bonus on the spot!" "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_72" "Killing a Hostage results in a severe cash pena lty.\n\nTry to avoid injuring them." "Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_73" "Rescuing a Hostage rewards you with a healthy c ash bonus!" "CZero_Credits_Title" "CZero_Credits_Programming" "CZero_Credits_Art" "CZero_Credits_Managing_Director" "CZero_Credits_COO" "CZero_Credits_Production" "CZero_Credits_Mapping" "CZero_Credits_Art_Director" "CZero_Credits_Art_Lead" "CZero_Credits_Technical_Art" "CZero_Credits_Biz" "CZero_Credits_Game_Design" "CZero_Credits_Lead_Level_Designer" "CZero_Credits_Level_Design" "CZero_Credits_Lead_Programmer" "CZero_Credits_Project_Manager" "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero" "Programming" "Art" "Managing Director" "C.O.O." "Production" "Mapping" "Art Director" "Art Lead" "Technical Art" "Biz" "Game Design" "Lead Level Designer" "Level Design" "Lead Programmer" "Project Manager"

"CZero_Credits_Support" "Support" "CZero_Credits_Testing" "Testing" "CZero_Credits_Additional_Art" "Additional Art" "CZero_Credits_Executive_Producer" "Executive Producer" "CZero_Credits_Administration" "Administration" "CZero_Credits_Marketing_Director" "Marketing Director" "CZero_Credits_Brand_Manager" "Brand Manager" "CZero_Credits_Director_of_Public_Relations" "Director of Public Relations" "CZero_Credits_Public_Relations_Manager" "Public Relations Manager" "CZero_Credits_Creative_Group_Account_Supervisor" "Creative Group Account Supervisor" "CZero_Credits_Vice_President_Development" "Vice President, Development" "CZero_Credits_Operations_and_Production_Manager" "Operations and Producti on Manager" "CZero_Credits_Sr_Production_Admin" "Sr. Production Admin" "CZero_Credits_Vice_President_Finance" "Vice President, Finance" "CZero_Credits_Vice_President_and_Assistant_Counsel_VUG_Legal" "Vice President and Assistant Counsel, VUG Legal" "CZero_Credits_Corporate_Counsel_VUG_Legal" "Corporate Counsel, VUG Legal" "CZero_Credits_Special_Thanks" "Special Thanks" "CZero_NewCustomGame" "CZero_PlayOnLine" "CZero_PlayOnLineText" e. Continue anyway?" "CZero_LearningMap" "CZero_AnalyzingHidingSpots" "CZero_AnalyzingApproachPoints" "CZero_Tutor_Turned_On" is now enabled." "CZero_Tutor_Turned_Off" is now disabled." "Cstrike_RadarType" "Cstrike_Transparent" "Cstrike_Solid" "Play &custom game" "Play online using &Steam" "This will exit your current gam

"Learning the map..." "Analyzing hiding spots..." "Analyzing approach points..." "The interactive tutor "The interactive tutor "Radar type" "Transparent" "Solid"

// strings for Buy Menu buy preset buttons ----------------------------------"Cstrike_BuyPresetUnavailable" "Unavailable" "Cstrike_BuyMenuPreset1" "&S \"%s1\" ($%s2)" // %s1 i s preset name, %s2 is the current cost "Cstrike_BuyMenuPreset2" "&D \"%s1\" ($%s2)" // %s1 i s preset name, %s2 is the current cost "Cstrike_BuyMenuPreset3" "&F \"%s1\" ($%s2)" // %s1 i s preset name, %s2 is the current cost "Cstrike_BuyMenuPreset4" "&G \"%s1\" ($%s2)" // %s1 i s preset name, %s2 is the current cost "Cstrike_BuyMenuPresetMultiplier" "x%s1"

// Strings for editing buy presets ------------------------------------------"Cstrike_DescMainBuyPresetPanel" "CLICK ON A PACKAGE TO EDIT IT." "Cstrike_DescEditPresetPanel" "CLICK WITHIN A CHOICE TO EDIT I TS CONTENTS.\nWHEN THIS PACKAGE IS BOUGHT, THE CONTENTS OF THE FIRST AFFORDABLE CHOICE ARE PURCHASED." "Cstrike_BuyPresetChoice0" "FIRST CHOICE:" "Cstrike_BuyPresetChoice1" "SECOND CHOICE:"

"Cstrike_BuyPresetChoice2" "Cstrike_BuyPresetChoice3" "Cstrike_BuyPresetChoice4" "Cstrike_CurrentWeapon" "Cstrike_BuyPresetSpectator" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditPresetsButton" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditPresets" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditPresetsDirty" "Cstrike_BuyPresetSavePresets" "Cstrike_BuyPresetSavePreset" "Cstrike_BuyPresetUseDefaults" "Cstrike_BuyPresetUseDefaultsText" to their default state.\n\nAre you sure?" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditPresetTitle" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditPresetTitleDirty" "Cstrike_BuyPresetPresetButtonLabel" s preset name, %s2 is the cost of that outfit "Cstrike_BuyPresetBlank" "Cstrike_BuyPresetFirstChoice" "Cstrike_BuyPresetChoice" "Cstrike_BuyPresetNewChoice" "Cstrike_BuyPresetPlainCost" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditPrimary" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditSecondary" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditGrenades" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditEquipment" "Cstrike_BuyPresetWizardPrimary" "Cstrike_BuyPresetWizardSecondary" "Cstrike_BuyPresetWizardGrenades" "Cstrike_BuyPresetWizardEquipment"

"THIRD CHOICE:" "FOURTH CHOICE:" "FIFTH CHOICE:" "< NONE >" "Edit Buy Packages" "EDIT PACKAGES" "EDIT BUY PACKAGES" "EDIT BUY PACKAGES *" "SAVE CHANGES" "APPLY CHANGES" "RESET TO DEFAULTS" "This will restore all packages "EDIT BUY PACKAGE" "EDIT BUY PACKAGE *" "%s1 - total cost $%s2" // %s1 i "< Unused >" "TRY TO BUY:" "THEN TRY TO BUY:" " " "$%s1" "Primary Weapon" "Pistol" "Grenades" "Equipment" "PRIMARY WEAPON && AMMO" "PISTOL && AMMO" "GRENADES" "EQUIPMENT"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------"Cstrike_BuyPresetMoveUp" "Cstrike_BuyPresetMoveDown" "Cstrike_BuyPresetPresetName" "Cstrike_BuyPresetExit" "Cstrike_BuyPresetExitConfirm" re you sure?" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditArmor" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditHelmet" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditHEGrenade" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditSmokeGrenade" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditFlashbangs" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditDefuser" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditNightvision" // Substrings for the above strings. "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditClips" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditClipsOrMore" "MOVE" "MOVE" "PACKAGE NAME:" "CANCEL" "Your changes will be lost.\n\nA "KEVLAR" "HELMET" "HE GRENADE" "SMOKE GRENADE" "FLASHBANG" "DEFUSAL KIT" "NIGHTVISION" "%s1 CLIPS" "AT LEAST %s1 CLIPS"

"Cstrike_BuyPresetEditClip" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditClipOrMore" "Cstrike_BuyPresetsBullets" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditWeaponFullClips" "Cstrike_BuyPresetEditWeaponClips" "Cstrike_BuyPresetCategoryRifle" "Cstrike_BuyPresetCategorySniper" "Cstrike_BuyPresetCategorySMG" "Cstrike_BuyPresetCategoryHeavy"


// Radio and chat strings can have control characters embedded to set colors. F or the control characters to be used, one must be at the start of the string. // The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad. // = 0x02 (STX) - Use team color up to the end of the player name. This only wo rks at the start of the string, and precludes using the other control characters . // = 0x03 (ETX) - Use team color from this point forward // = 0x04 (EOT) - Use location color from this point forward // = 0x01 (SOH) - Use normal color from this point forward "Game_radio" "Cstrike_Chat_CT" "Cstrike_Chat_T" "Cstrike_Chat_CT_Dead" s2" "Cstrike_Chat_T_Dead" "Cstrike_Chat_Spec" "Cstrike_Chat_All" "Cstrike_Chat_AllDead" "Cstrike_Chat_AllSpec" "Cstrike_Name_Change" } } "%s1 (RADIO): %s2" "(Counter-Terrorist) %s1 : %s2" "(Terrorist) %s1 : %s2" "*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) %s1 : % "*DEAD*(Terrorist) %s1 : %s2" "(Spectator) %s1 : %s2" "%s1 : %s2" "*DEAD* %s1 : %s2" "*SPEC* %s1 : %s2" "* %s1 changed name to %s2"

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