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Uses of radioisotopes



Agricultural Applications - radioactive tracers

Radioisotopes can be used to help understand chemical and biological processes in plants. This is true for two reasons: 1)radioisotopes are chemically identical with other isotopes of the same element and will be substituted in chemical reactions and 2)radioactive forms of the element can be easily detected with a Geiger counter or other such device.

Example: A solution of phosphate, containing radioactive phosphorus-32, is injected into the root system of a plant. Since phosphorus-32 behaves indentically to that of phosphorus-31, the more common and nonradioactive form of the element, it is used by the plant in the same way. A Geiger counter is then used to detect the movement of the radioactive phosphorus-32 throughout the plant. This information helps scientists understand the detailed mechanism of how plants utilized phosphorus to grow and reproduce

Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear Medicine involves the use of radioactive isotopes (radioisotopes) to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease. Radioisotopes are utilized in diagnosis as a standard practice nation-wide, and have been for over 60 years. Therapeutic uses (for treating disease) are growing as more treatments are discovered and developed.

What radioactive isotopes are involved? Gallium-67 is often used to diagnose lymphomas and lymphogranulomatosis. It is especially valuable in diagnosing these things in previously untreated patients and in the recurrences. Various radioisotopes can be used, as long as they have a relatively short half-life.

What is the half-life of the isotopes? Nuclear medicine procedures utilize very small doses of short-lived isotopes that only stay radioactive for a few hours. This is very important so that the isotopes won't do any damage to the patient. If the radioactive doses were to be active longer, they could serious harm to the person's internal organs. The amount of radiation received is generally less than or equal to that of an x-ray. Whole body and healthy tissue doses can be minimized while the radioisotope is targeted toward the affected tissue or organ. What kind of decay and/or artificial transmutation is involved, including the equation for the nuclear reaction? Gallium-67 has gamma decay. This means when it decays, it produces Gallium-67 and gamma rays.

What is the value of nuclear medicine? Nuclear medicine is extremely valuable. Lives have been saved in numerous cases of patients with fatal

brain tumors, lymphomas and leukemias. The information provided by nuclear medicine examinations is unique and currently unattainable by other imaging procedures. For many diseases, nuclear medicine studies yield the most useful information needed to make a diagnosis and to determine appropriate treatment. Another benefit of nuclear medicine is that it is much less traumatic than the surgical procedures usually performed. Also, allergic reaction to the radiopharmaceutical material is extremely rare. Nuclear medicine images are very helpful in assisting the physician in diagnosing diseases. Tumors, infection and other disorders can be detected by evaluating organ function. Specifically, nuclear medicine can be used to: Analyze kidney function Image blood flow and function of the heart Scan lungs for respiratory and blood-flow problems Identify blockage of the gallbladder Evaluate bones for fracture, infection, arthritis or tumor Determine the presence or spread of cancer Locate the presence of infection Measure thyroid function to detect an overactive or underactive thyroid What are the risks associated with nuclear medicine? In nuclear medicine imaging tests, injected radioactive substances do not harm the body. The radioisotopes used in nuclear medicine decay quickly, in a few hours, have lower radiation levels than a typical X-ray or CT scan, and are eliminated in the urine or bowel movement. Though the doses of radiopharmaceutical administered are very small, nuclear medicine procedures result in exposure to a small dose of radiation. However, nuclear medicine has been used for more than five decades, and there are no known long-term adverse effects from such low-dose studies. The only major risk associated with radiation is if the patient is pregnant. In general, exposure to radiation during pregnancy should be kept to a minimum. And allergic reactions to the radiopharmaceutical can occur, but are extremely rare. Glossary: Radioisotopes- a radioactive isotope Lymphomas- cancer of the lymph nodes. lymphogranulomatosis- Kind of cancer. Leukemia- a malignant progressive disease in which the bone marrow and other blood-forming organs produce increased numbers of immature or abnormal leukocytes. These suppress the production of normal blood cells, leading to anemia and other symptoms. radiopharmaceutical-a radioactive compound used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

Medical isotopes are used in a variety of medical procedures, including cancer treatments.Radioisotopes for Peace

A nuclear bone scan showing radioisotopes (enhanced red-orange) at the site of a compression fracture

tzi, the Iceman, a unique and well-preserved mummy from the end of the Neolithic period, discovered in the Alps in 1991. Radioisotope dating with carbon-14 established the age not only of the mummy but also of many often-minute artifacts associated with his equipment, clothing, and food, as well as flora and fauna at the site.

Food Irradiation
Food irradiation is a method of treating food in order to make it safer to eat and have a longer shelf life. This process is not very different from other treatments such as pesticide application, canning, freezing and drying. The end result is that the growth of disease-causing microorganismns or those that cause spoilage are slowed or are eliminated altogether. This makes food safer and also keeps it fresh longer.

Did you know??? About 6.5 to 33 million cases of foodborne illness are estimated to occur annually in the United States, with about 9,000 deaths. Because foods may contain microbiological hazards, any mishandling including improper cooking can result in foodborne illness. E Coli alone is estimated to effect 7,000 to 20,000 Americans yearly at a cost of $174.3 to $467.7 million. Food irradiated by exposing it to the gamma rays of a radioisotope -- one that is widely used is cobalt-60. The energy from the gamma ray passing through the food is enough to destroy many disease-causing bacteria as well as those that cause food to spoil, but is not strong enough to change the quality, flavor or texture of the food. It is important to keep in mind that the food never comes in contact with the radioisotope and is never at risk of becoming radioactive.

The FDA has approved the irradiation of several food catagories, but irradiation is most widely used on spices, herbs and dehydrated vegetables. Since these food items are grown in or on the ground it is clear to see that they are at risk for being exposed to naturally occuring pests such as bacterias, molds, fungi, insects, and rodents. It is impossible to harvest and package these items without having some contamination from these naturally occuring pathogens. Irradiation of this material can help to ensure that the final product you purchase is pest free. Some meats are irradiated. Pork, for example, is irradiated to control the trichina parasite that resides in the muscle tissue of some pigs. Poultry is irradiated to eliminate the chance of foodborne illness due to bacterial contamination.

Did you know??? According to the Department of Agriculture, Salmonella and other bacteria contaminate as much as 40 percent of all raw poultry. Irradiation of certain foods also have additional benefits. Since the energy passing through the food can disrupt cellular processes (this is the mechanism for destroying microorganisms) it also can halt the cellular processes that lead to the sprouting or ripening of foods. Potatoes and onions are irradiated to retard their sprouting. Fruits and vegetables are irradiated to slow down the ripening process. In this way, delicate fruits won't reach their peak ripeness before they arrive at the supermarket. Food irradiation sounds like a wonderful use of nuclear chemistry principles. Although this process is routinely used in Europe, Canada, and Mexico, the United States has been a little more hesitant to adopt food irradiation. This is due mainly to the public's perceived fear and limited understanding of nuclear science. For example, although the FDA has approved the irradiation of poultry, the industry hesistates to adopt the process because they are afraid of a negative response from consumers. With recent public education, however; many people are learning to appreciate and value it's usefullness.

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