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NURSING DIAGNOSIS to be used in Critical Thinking/ Care Plan exercises:

• Risk For Self-Directed Violence (=Risk for Suicide)

• Risk For Violence directed toward self and others
• Risk for Injury towards self and others
• Disturbed thought Process


Use this table to help you identify the problems from the scenario:


• Reality Testing 3. Identify STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT
• Judgment • Trust vs. Mistrust
• Sense of Reality of the world and Self (=Self • Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Esteem) • Initiative vs. Guilt
• Impulse Control • Industry vs. Inferiority
• Thought Processes • Identity vs. Role Confusion
• Object Relations • Intimacy vs. Isolation
• A.R.I.S.E (Creativity) • Generativity vs. Stagnation
• Defensive Functioning • Integrity vs. Despair
• Stimulus Barrier
• Autonomous Functioning 4. Identify ANXIETY LEVELS
• Mastery-Competence • Mild
• Moderate
2. Identify DEFENSE MECHANISMS • Severe
• Sublimation
• Rationalization 5. Identify PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (S&S OF
• Intellectualization DISEASE)
• Suppression
• Repression • Refers to signs and symptoms of specific mental
• Displacement illnesses (e.g. Schizophrenia, Depression, Anxiety
• Reaction Formation Disorders, Personality Disorders, etc) (See the list
• Somatization (=Conversion) that follows next page)
• Undoing
• Passive-Aggression
• Acting-Out Behavior
• Idealization
• Splitting
• Devaluation
• Projection
• Denial
• Introjection
• Compensation
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF THE DISEASE: (These terms must be used –in addition to the previous table terms)
when referring to identified signs and symptoms. For example, instead of writing “Risk for violence towards self
or others AEB pt throwing objects at staff, and verbalizes “I think you want to kill me” it should say “AEB Poor
Impulse control, Poor judgment, and aggressive behavior toward staff”)

• Type of Crisis (Maturational/Developmental, • Disorganized speech –specify the presence

Situational, Adventitious) of: (associative looseness, neologisms,
• Phobia (specify type) echolalia, clang association, word salad)
• Obsessions • Hypervigilance (instead of saying
• Compulsions “paranoia”)
• Persistent intrusive thoughts • Alterations in perception
• Restlessness • Disorganized thinking
• Sleep Disturbances • Labile mood
• Fatigue • Anergia
• Amnesia • Avolition
• Dissociative Amnesia • Alogia
• Depersonalization • Apathy
• Derealization • Anhedonia
• Suicidal Ideations/Thoughts • Non adherence to medication regimen
• Hopelessness (=Non-compliance)
• Helplessness • Withdrawal symptoms
• Inability to perform ADLs • Substance abuse (if obvious, specify)
• Poor Self-Care (=Poor grooming and Hygiene) • Altered level of conscience (LOC)
• Increased/Decreased/Inadequate Appetite • Altered mental status
• Increased/Decrease/Inadequate Fluid Intake • Decreased LOC (=Acute confusion)
• Inappropriate Affect Blunted/Flat) • Dysphasia
• Hallucinations (specify: auditory, visual…) • Aphasia
• Delusions (specify: of persecution, of • Apraxia
reference…) • Agnosia
• Bizarre behavior (=Inappropriate behavior) • Comorbidities (Identify any current medical
(extreme motor agitation, stereotyped problems: Hyper/Hypoglycemia, High BP
movements, automatic obedience, waxy etc)
flexibility, stupor)
• Aggressive behavior
• Impulsive behavior
NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Lets assume pt is depressed or schizophrenic, and expresses will to kill himself (or
makes overt statement)

1. Risk for Suicide (Self-directed violence) R/T Biochemical/ Neurological imbalance in the brain AEB
(use available data from problem list)
2. Disturbed Thought Process R/T Biochemical/Neurological Imbalance in the brain AEB


• Patient will not harm his/herself during hospitalization and will demonstrate absence of suicidal
ideations/plans AEB no suicidal intent, pt signs “no suicide” contract every shift, makes no overt/covert
statements and verbalizes will to live
• Pt will state that “I will not harm myself now and throughout hospitalization” and will verbalize a will to

ASSESS: Rationale:
1. Vital Signs 1. To establish a baseline for future treatment and evaluation of
2. Safety of patient and in the pt’s progress
environment 2. To prevent pt from harming self
3. Suicidal Risk (SAD PERSONS scale, 3. To determine potential for suicide, presence of a plan, and
overt/covert statements) its lethality, and adjust interventions accordingly
4. Previous history of Suicide attempts 4. B/C a history of previous suicide attempts and/or successful
(patient) or Suicide (family) family Hx of suicide is an important risk factor
5. Psychiatric assessment 5. To obtain significant data on which to base plan of care
6. Past and present psychiatric history 6. To determine risk factors
7. Past and present medical history 7. To determine comorbid conditions that may impact outcome
8. Past and current medication regimen and mental health
and compliance 8. B/C medications play a role at adjusting (or failing to adjust)
9. Past and present history of substance any present chemical imbalance that may be causing the
abuse problems
10. Mental status 9. To rule out abuse as the cause of the mental disorder, and
11. Level of anxiety adjust treatment accordingly
12. Pt’s perception of the event and Coping 10. To monitor thought process, cognition, and changes toward
mechanisms expected outcome
13. Support system 11. B/C anxiety level strongly influences behavior
14. Ego functions (Reality testing, thought 12. B/C pt’s perception may influence pt’s decisions
process, Impulse control, sense of 13. B/C a structured environment and support system is
reality of the world and self, Judgment) important to mental balance, especially after discharge
15. Stage of development 14. B/C Ego integrity constitutes the pillar of mental health
16. Psychopathology of specific current 15. B/C successful achievement of each developmental stage is
disease process essential to mental health
17. Assess any comorbid (medical) 16. B/C identifying specific disease traits may aid in the
condition if present formulation of a treatment plan
17. To identify current conditions that may need interventions
INTERVENTIONS: 1. To minimize access to potential objects to inflict harm
1. Provide Safety for patient and in the 2. To prevent client from acting on suicide behavior
environment by: removing unsafe 3. To have pt make commitment and take responsibility
objects, place pt in semiprivate room 4. B/C implementation of treatment requires ongoing
2. Implement one-to-one constant teamwork
observation. Stay with client at all 5. B/C high levels of anxiety may cause impairment of
times. thought process and increase violent behavior
3. Have patient sign “No suicide” contract 6. B/C this is essential to have pt express feelings and
every shift reduce anxiety
4. Maintain MD informed of pt’s 7. To reduce anxiety, develop trust, and discourage pt from
condition and progress during acting on violent thoughts
hospitalization and obtain orders as 8. To establish boundaries and thus prevent violent
needed behavior
5. Decrease anxiety by: firm, calm, 9. B/C Reality Testing is paramount to ego integrity
consistent approach, use of breathing 10. B/C self-esteem is also an important part of Ego
exercises and relaxation techniques integrity
6. Develop a therapeutic, trusting nurse- 11. To increase pt’s motivation to comply with treatment
client relationship plan
7. Provide consistent, nurturing 12. To correct any biochemical imbalances in the brain
environment 13. To meet Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
8. Set limits 14. To facilitate healing process
9. Increase Reality Testing by: presenting 15. To help pt develop insight, and improve social
reality and reorienting patient as needed interactions
10. Increase self-esteem by: giving positive 16. To maintain physiological integrity
feedback and have pt explore positive 17. To reduce anxiety
features and previous achievements 18. B/C an informed pt is more compliant, more motivated,
11. Instill hope and less likely to relapse
12. Administer medications as prescribed
13. Ensure all basic needs are met
(includes: physiological needs, attend
to any medical problem if present)
14. Assist pt with ADLs as needed
15. Encourage patient to participate in
group therapy
16. Ensure adequate sleep/rest periods
17. Decrease environmental stimuli
18. Educate patient on:
a. Disease Process
b. Medication Regimen/Side
Effects, Interactions, therapeutic
effects and importance of
c. Adaptive coping skills
d. Breathing exercises and
relaxation techniques

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