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Inflammation of the Gums and the Risk of Alzheimers Disease

NYU researchers looked at data on 152 study participants who were part of the Glostrop Aging Study, a study which followed Danish women and men over a twenty year period, from age fifty to age seventy. To test their brain skills, they performed cognitive testing on these men and women - both at age fifty and again at age seventy and ninety. When they tested them at age seventy, they found a striking association between the degree of gum inflammation they had and their performance on these cognitive tests. The men and women who had the most periodontal inflammation when tested at age seventy were nine times more likely to perform poorly on cognitive testing. It seems less likely that another variable or risk factor accounted for these results since researchers controlled for other risk factors for Alzheimers disease and gum disease. Do Red, Inflamed Gums Spell Whole Body Trouble? Research clearly shows that problems associated with inflammation of the gums arent just confined to the mouth. Red, inflamed gums increase the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes and, possibly, other diseases as well. Gum disease could spell big trouble for those who dont treat it in a timely manner. Why Does Inflammation of the Gums Increase the Risk of Alzheimers Disease? Researchers still dont know why red, inflamed gums increase the risk ofcognitive problems; but some studies have measured higher levels of periodontal disease inflammatory markers in patients with Alzheimers dementia. It may be that the inflammatory response the body turns on to fightgum disease also affects brain tissue in a negative way. Other studies show that inflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimers disease. The Bottom Line: Treat Inflamed Gums If you have red, inflamed gums or other signs of gum disease, see a dentist. Even if you dont have red, inflamed gums, get six month dental check-ups and be aware of the symptoms of gum disease such as redness, tenderness, swelling, bleeding of the gums - and bad breath. Take these symptoms seriously if you value your brain. You only have one. Keep it healthy. References: Medical News Today. "Link Between Gum Inflammation And Alzheimer's DiseaseSupported By New Evidence From NYUCD" Neurobiol Aging. 2000 May-Jun;21(3):383-421.

Reaction: Dental health is one of the neglected field in health . Peolple just dont mind about their oral hygiene but in fact this could cause a major disease like Alzhimers disease. Research have shown that most of the subject that experience gums problem in their 7os have most likely to develop degenerative diseases. It so alarming that a simple gum problem could cause this disease. A simple task of brushing teeth and gurle could help a lot in preventing this disease if we have enough information that could lessen its occurance. Oral hygiene is a sinple task to do but a big way in making our life more productive in preventing Alzhiemers disease and other health problems

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