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1. A fem has episodic, recurrent headache in left hem ale icranium w nausea and paraesthesta on right upper and low lim is ith er bs m probably suffering from ost : A) Migraine 8) B rain tum or c) C luster headache DH ) erpes zoster infection of trigem al nerve m

9, M com on cause of C ost m ushing's syndrom is: e A Pituatary ) 8) A drenal A denom a C) Ectopic ACTH D iatrogenic Steroids^/ )

l& I ^

2. W hich of ihe following statem ent; gbout brow Sequard Syndrom is true: n e A jJpsiiatera! loss of tem perature b) Contralaterai loss of pain c) Contralaterai loss of vibration d) Bilateral segm enta! sign 3. .M com on cause of intraeranial haem ost m orrhage is: a) Subarachnoid haem orrhage b) Intracerebral haem orrhage c) Subdural haem orrhage d) Extradurai haem orrhage /

gG jv'^uY ^m aturity onset diabetes of young)

M ". J *


AA ) utosom dom ai inant BA ) utosom recessive ai C) X-linked dom inant D X linked recessive )


11 C-ANCA is characteristic for: A Poiyarteritis N ) odosaV ''

B)R.P,G.H/ C)H,S.P^/


4. A patient presents w ataxia, urinary ith incontinence and dem entia. The l*ke!v diaqnosis is; A) Aizheim d/s ers B Parkinsons d/s ) C) Stee! richardson syndrom e D N al pressure hydrccephalous ) orm 5. The m ost sensitive M yasthenia gravis is: A) M *thotraxte B) C yclophospham rde CA ) denarnycin D Tacrollm ) us

test for the diagnosis of 13- ^yjTShm ajin spirais is AA ) sbestosis B)T.B CA ) sthm a D S ido ) arco sis ajeatur e of:

A) Elevated ach receptor antibodies (ACHR antibodies) B) Repetitive nerve stim ulation test (RN S) C Positive edrophoniumtest (Tensiion test) */ ) D) Single fibre electromyography fSF&M G)

6. W hich of the following is not com ponent of GLASGOW COMA SCALE: A) Eye opening B) M otor response CP ) upil size s/^ D Verbal response ) 7, Im unoqlobulin present in the m ;s/are m ilk A) IgG B )lgM vC g \A )3 A D) Both (a) and (o)/ 8 M common Irisom amona the following is: ost v A) 18 , B2 J ) 1 C) 13 0)

14.Cavifatory lesion in lung are seen in

A) Prim pulm ary onary T.B B) Staphylococcal Pneum onia CP ) neum oconiosis D Interstitial Sung d/s ) 15. Lupus pernio is seen in: A Sarcoidosis ) BA ) sbestosis C Silicosis ) D Tuberculosis )



IB, Which of the following tumor is most commonly a/w superior vena cava syndrome: A) Lymphoma B) Small cell carcinoma v C) Non small cell carcinoma D) Metastasis \7, Dextro Gardia/Situs Inersus/Sinusitis/lnfertility \s related to:
i r

23.Disorders of platelet secretion and signal transduction includes all except: A) Quebec platelet disorder 8) Chediak Higashi Syndrome C) Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome D) Von wille brand disease 24. All of the following drugs are used in treatment o multiple myeloma except: A) Bortezomib B) Melphelam C) Hydrourea D) Cyclophoasphamide

A) Kartagenier syndrome/ 8) William syndrome C) Milliard gubler syndrome D) Down syndrome

18, Hypercoagulation in nephrotic syndrome is caused by: A) Loss of Antithrombin 111 B) Decreased Fibrinogen C) Decreased metabolism of vit- K D) Increase in Protein- G

25. Hemophilia-A and von willibrand disease is characterized by all except: A) Prolonged clotting time B) Prolonged PTT C) Bleeding time in VWD and Normal Bleeding time in Hemophilic-A D) Normal BSeeding time in VWD and ST in Hemophilitis-A 26= Seen in Chronic Anemia is: A) Serum iron X, S ferritin T, S.transferrin i B) Serum SronT, S, ferritint, S.transferrin T C) S. iron i 3 S, ferritin I, S. tranferrin t .y^ 0) S, Sronl f SJersiiink 3, tranferrin i 27. NESTROFT test is used for;

9 t ?rr

1 9. A man aged GO yrs has foul breath. le regurgitates food that is eaten few days agou A gurgling sound is often heard on Swallowing. Likely the condition Is:

A) Achalasia Cardia 8) Scleroderma C) Meckels diverticuiurn D) Zenkers diverticulum,

20.Following are predisposing factor for Esophageal Carcinoma except: A) Plummervinson syndrome B)Tylosis Palmaris C)Chronic Achalasia DJBenzene therapy ys 21.The presence of anti sacchanonyus cerevisae antibody is a surrogate marker of one of the following: A) Celiac diseased B) Crohn's disease C) Ulcerative colits D) Tropical sprue 22. Ramson's criteria for prognosis in Acute Pancreatis include all except: A) WBC>16000 Cells/Cumm J 8) Age over 55 years y C) AST>250iu/100 ml y O)S.Amylase>350I.U

A) Heidatory Spherocytosis B)Thalassemia C) Sickle cell Anemia D)G~6PD deficiency 28. Cryoprecipitate contains all except: A) Factor Vlli B)Factor IX C) Fibrinogen D)VWF \s 29, Which of the following drugs is recommended for the treatment of Heparin induced thrombocytopenia A) Abciximab B) Lepirudin C) Warfarin X. D)Altep!ase

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Pufsus B isfeiens is best felt in

38. Pantrler's m lcro-abcess is a histological feature of; AS ) arcoidosis B)T.B CM ) ycosis fungisides DP ) tyeriasis U chenoids C hronicus

A) Carotid artery B) Bronchial artery C) Radial artery D) Fem oral artery 31, A chronic alcoholic develops palpitations suddenly after alcohol bing. W hich of the following arrthym Is m com only associated ia ost m with alcohol binge in alcoholic,

A) Ventricular fibrillations B) Ventricular presentations contraction C) Atria! flutter D) Atrial fibrillation 32. All of the following are correctly m aterised except: A Syphilis-Painless ular ) / B Scabies-Sarcoptes S ) cales / C) Pem phigus vulgaris-deposit of IgA on the surface of Karatinocytes D Tuberculos sclerosis-A ) denom sebacum a 33, Central D sign is seen in: ot A) Caroli's disease B) Prim sclerosing cholangitis ary C) Polycystic liver disease D Liver hem ) atom a

39, A Patient on_A ntipsychotis for past 4 w eeks is brought id the em ergency w com ith plaints of acute onset of fever, excessive sw eating confusion rigidity of iim P/R-120/m B.P-150/100 with ibs in, disorientation. M ost/pfobable diagnosis is A Lithium toxicity ) BA ) ggravation of psychosis CA ) khathasia DN ) eurolept m alignant syndrom e

40.HIAA is a m etabolic of:

7^ <

A ^
A Serotonin ) BD ) opam ine CE ) pinephrine DH ) istam ine

41.A 45 years o!d m w history of aeohoj ale ith dependence present w confusion, nystagm ith us and ataxia. Exam reveals 6th, craniaJ nerve w eakness, H is m likely suffering from e ost :

34, D G for Lepra-H reaction is: O A Steroids ) B Thalidom ) ides/ C) Clofasim ine DD ) opsone 35. All of the following are causes of cicatrizing alopecia except: A) Lichen Plannus B)O LE C) Alopecia A reata D Lupus V ) ulgaris AK ) ursakoff $ psychosis 8) W ernicke encephalopathy C) D ecerebrate syndrom DD ) elirium trem iens

42.H A1C. level in Blood explain long term status of B Blood sugar. H BAd m easurem becom ent es unreliable in: A H oglobinpathies ) em B) H olytic A ia em nem C B th A&By ) o D) None of the Above

36. W hich of the following stain is used to study fungal morphology: A PAS ) B) Von-kossa C) Alizarin Red DM ) asson's Trichom e 37. D ischarging Sinuses is seen in; A Syphilis *J ) B) Herpes C) Actinomyosis D) M olluscum Contagiosum 43.K leptom ania is:

A Pathological gam ) bling B) Pathological Fire Setting C) Pathological Stealing D Com ) pulsive H Pulling air

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f'EAM MOi"iVAT10N//003.

44. W is not true of Anorexia Nervosa. hat A) Excessive work out B Reduced total food intake ) C) A the tim patient think food and collect recepies ll e D Patient not drawn to food related occupation )

52. D efinition of Public heaSth was given by: A R d lp V o / ) u o h irch w B Jules G ) uerin C John Snow ) D EA ins!ow )C W

45= Xenophobia is: A) Fear of the Dogs B) Fear of the Closed Space C Fear of Strangers J ) D) Fear of high Places

53. Screening of breast cancer using m m am ography 5s A -Prim ) odial prevention B Prim prevention ) ary C Secondary prevention ) D Tertiary prevention )

46. D e-Cleram bault's syndrom is: e A) Delusion of infidelity involving spouse B) Delusion of, person of higher status is in love with the patient. C) D elusion of body parts being ugly D) Delusion of doubts

54.The health related indicator in M G are D s A) 8 B) 18 C)28 D)48

4/. Y ning is a com on feature of; aw m AA ) lcohol w ithdraw y al 8) Cocaine withdrawal C) Cannabis withdrawal D) Opoid withdrawal 48. W idmark formula \s used for A) Opium B) Cannabis C) AlcoholV D) Amphetamins

55 For obesity in A sian people, B i should be m than M ore A) 18 B)25 C)30 D)40


56, W eight of an Indian refersne A) 45 kg B) 50 kg C) 55 kg D) 60 kg */

49. Earliest congenital malform ation that m ay be detected in USG is: A) Down's Syndrome B) Hydrocephalus C) Anencephaly y D) Sacral Agenesis

57, Iron requirem per day in pregnancy is: ent

A) 17 mg B) 28 m g

C) 35 mg
D) 38 m g

50. The M imaging in M R ultiple Sclerosi will show usion in:

58. N ational Rural Health M ission is a

A) W hite materv/ B) Grey matter C) Thalamus D) Basal Ganglia 51. Beevor sign is indicator of a lesion in the: A) Thoracic cord 8) Cervical cord C) Cauda equina D Conus medullaris )

A) Programme. B) Project C) Scheme D) Strategy 59. A total number of how m any packets of h/lala- N should be given to a newly married in one year? A) 6

B) \%J
C)13 D)18




60= \n RCH, districts are divided on the basis of: A) Crude Birth Rate and Crude D eath Rate B) Child Birth Rate and Infant M ortality Rate C) Crude Birth Rate and Fem Literacy Rate ale D Couple Protection Rate and Infant M ) ortality Rate

69, Q fever Is transm itted by: A) Tick B ouse )L C)Mite D) Flea

81 - Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) work at: A) CHC level B) PHC level C) Sub-Centre level vA D) Village Leve!^ y
\ S

70= In w hich period the person cannot transm the it d isease to o er: th A). Latent Period B Incubation Period ) C) Period of Com unicabil m D R v P dy ) eco ery erio ity

62. W hich M onitoring system Is used to m onitor the NRHM A) Internal monitoring B) External m onitoring C) Community M onitoring D) All

71, Specificity ot the test refers to: A True positive ) B) True negative-^/ C False positive ) D False negative )

63. Recom ended daily ailowanc m nutrients requirem of: ent


72. Increase mFalse positive is due to:


A) 50 % of individuals B) 75 % of individuals/^ C) 98% of individuals D 100% of individuals )

A) High prevalence B) High incidence C) High Sensitivity D High Specificity ) 73= Current Sex ratio of India is A) 929


64 Psychom eter s used to m easure; A) Air velocity X B) Room tem perature C) Radiant tem perature D) H idity c/ um

B) 972
C) 933 D )940 y

65. Plastic wrapper of surgical syringe should be discarded in: A) Black bag B) Blue bags. C) Red bag D Yellow bag )

74. W hich Is not the pillar of Random Clinical ize Tial (RCT): A) M atching B) Random ization C) Blinding D Ethical issue )

66, Safe disposal of M ercury (M g): A Collect carefully and recycle ) 8) D burial eep C) Treatm w chem ent ith icals D Controlled Com ) bustion 67 Perinatal m ortality rats includes w hich of the follow ing AA ) bortion + Stiil birth * Early neonatal death B) Still birth + Early neonatal deathy C) A bortion + Early neonatal death DD ) eath up to 42 days after birth 68. index of contraceptive efficacy is: A) Pearl Index., B) Broca Index C) Ohnadelers Index D) Quetlet Index

75, G lasgow Com Scale of a patient as \2 W a hich type of data 12 is: A N inal ) om BO ) rdinal C) D iscrete D Continuous ) 76, You are com paring the H oglobin (H level of em b) boys and girls. D of H is not disturbed ata b norm ally. W hich test you w appty for test ill of significance betw the groups: een A Paired-test ) B) U npaired-test CC ) hi-Square test DM ) an-W hitney test

\^\\f ^

], 2

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77r Second m essengers: A) Are substances that interact with first m essengers outside cells, B A substances that bind to first m ) re essengers in the cell m brane, em C A horm ) re ones secreted by cells in response to stim ulation by another horm one D M ) ediate the intracelluiar responses to m any different horm ones and neurotransm itters

84, The distance by w hich to touch stim m be uli ust separated to be perceived as tw separated stim o ulis g reatest o the: n A) Lips B Palm of the hand ) C Back to the scapula ) DD ) orsum of the hand

35,V isual accom odation involves: m A Increase tension on the lens ligam ) ents B Adecrease in the curvature of the lens ) C) Relaxation of the sphincter m uscle of the Iris D )Contraction of the cilliary m uscle 86.The fovea of the eye

78. In norm hum blood al an A) The eosinophil is the m com on type ost m of white blood celi B) There are m lym ore phocytes than neutrophils C)The iron is m ostly in haem oglobin D) There are m white cells than red cells ore

A H the lowest light threshold ) as 79, W hich of the follow has the slowest ing conduction velocity A) Aa fibres B) AP fibres C) B fibres D) C fibres B is the region of highest visual acuity ) CC ) ontains only red and green cones D Contains only rods )

87. Vitam A is a precursor of the synthesis of: in A Som ) atostatin

80., W hich part of a neuron has the highest concentration of Na+ channels per square m illim eter of ceil m brane em A) Dendrites 8) C body near dendrites ell C) Initial segment D) Axona! m brane under m em yelin

B) R etinine C) The pigm of the iris ent D Scotopsin )

A bnorm color vision is 20 tim m com on al es ore m In m than w en because m cases are en om ost caused by an abnorm al. A D inant gene on the Y chrom . om osom e B. Recessive gene on the Y chrom osom e C) D inant gene on the X chrom om osom e D )Recessive gene on the X chrom osom e

81, Gap Junctions A A absent in cardiac m ) re uscle B) Are present but of little functional im portance in cardiac m uscle C) A present and provide the pathway for rapid spread re of excitation fromone cardiac m uscle to another D A absent in sm ) re ooth m uscle

89. A prim function of the basal ganglia is ary A Sensory integration ) B) Short term m ory em C) Planning voluntary m ovem ent D Neuroendocrine control )

82. Pacinian corpuscles are: A A type of therm ) oreceptor B) Usually innervated by A5 nerve fibres C) Rapidly adapting touch receptors D Slowly adapting touch receptors )

90. W hich of the following is not essential for norm al biosynthesis of the thyroid horm ones.

83, A daptation to a sensory stim ulus produc A) A dim inished sensation w other types hen of sensory stim are withdraw uli n B) A m intense sensation when a given ore stim ulus is applied repeatedly C) A sensation localized to the hand w the nerves hen of the brachial plexus are stim ulated D) A dim inished sensation when a given stim ulus is repeatedly overtim e

A) Iodine B) Ferritin C) Thyroglobulin D)TSH 91 .Insulin increases the entry of glucose into. A A tissue ) ll 8} Renal tubular ceils C) M ucosa of celi inestine D Skeletal m ) uscle

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92.At which of the following ages does fetal m ovem first occur? ent A. 1 month B. 2 month C, 3 m onth*/

D, 6 month

98.Apatient has a severe headache, and is unable to m his right leg. T ove here is no higher cortical function loss, but deep tendon reflexes and B abinskis's are absent. T m he edical aspect of the cerebral bem ispehere m affected. ost W hich atery is m likely involved? ost

9 V M of the oocytes in the ovary of a ost prepubescent girl are in which m eiotic stage? A.Anaphase of the second m eiotic division, B.M etaphase of the first m eiotic division C.M etaphase of the second m eiotic division O Prophase of the first m eiotic division

A .Left anterior cerebral artery 3.Left m iddle crerbral artery C .Left posterior cerebral artery D Right anterior cerebral artery . 99.A infant is born w an abnorm falciform n ith al L igam T hepatogastric and hepatoduodenal ent, he ligam ents are also m alform T ed. hese developm ental anom alies are likely due to abnorm developm al ent of the i A orsal m .D esoduodenum B orsal m .D esogastriurn C Pericardioperitoneal canal D entral m .V esentery lO .W O hich of the follow ing structures is lined with epithelium derived from m esoderm of the ureteric bud? AB m , ow an's capsule B. D istal convoluted tubule C. Loop of Henle D.Ureter

94,. An abrasion results in the total loss of epiderm is over a large area of an arm but one m , onth later, the abrasion has healed, with re growth of the epiderm is. W hich of the follow m ina echanism accounts for the s restoration of the epiderm over the abraded area? is A.Growth of epiderm from hair follicles and is sw glands in the ierm eat is B.M igration of endothelial cells from newly grown capillaries 0 Transformation <of derma! fibroblasts into epiderm cells al D. Transform ation of m acrophages into epiderm cells al

IO patient left hypogiossalherve (CN XH) es m TA ]ure*j durin carotid endartereetom , W y hich of the follow w ing ould m likely result from this injury? ost A ecreased gag reflex on the left .D B ecreased salivation from the left subm .D andibular and sublingual salivary glands. C eviation of the tongue to the left on protrusion .D D .lnabiity to elevate the pharynx on the left during sw allow ing

95 H irschsprung's disease indicates a developm ental abnorm ality in which of the following em bryonic tissues?

A Ectoderm . B Endoderm . CN eural crest D Splanchnic m = esoderm 96, Injury at the lower border of a rib will m likely ost dam w age hich structure? A.Intercostal artery B.Intercostal nerve CJntercostal vein D .internal intercostal m uscle 97.Following the healing of a tibial fracture, a patient joint form a sm new piece of viable bone near s all the (heterotopic ossification), which is interfering w ith joint m obility. W hich of the following is the source of the osteoblasts that form this bone? ed A ,Circulating stem cells B.Com pact bone near the future C-Marrow D Periosteum

102. A patient w parasthesiaof the m ith edical side of the hand and forearmundergoes surgery to correct it If the anterior scalene m uscle is cut during this surgery W nearby hat nerve m be avoided? ust A .Phrenic nerve B .Recurrent laryngeal nerve C.Superior laryngeal nerve D .Suprascapular nerve

103. Com pression of a cranial nerve by a large aneurysm of the right superior cersbellar artery im ediately distal to m its origin fromshe basilar artery w ould cause w hich of following clinical findings?

A .Loss of abduction of the right eye B.Loss of adduction of the right eye C .Loss of depression of the right eye fromthe adduction position. D .Loss of sensation on the right side of the faae




104. The two m im ost portant horm ones controlling Calcium m etabolism are secreted fromthe: A) Parathyroid and thyroid glands B) Thyroid and thym glands us C) A denohypophysis and parathyroid glands D) Adrenal cortex and thyroid glands.

110.A patient experience visual difficulties. W a light hen shined in her right eye, there is no pupillary response in either eye. H ever, upon shining a ow light in her left eye, both Spsilateral and contaletra! papillary responses are apparent. H extraoclur er m ovem ents are intact. W is the m likely hat ost location of her lesion?

105. D uring a cranial nerve test, the patient cannot elevate her right eye from the abducted position W hich of the follow m ing uscles is paralyzed? A) Right inferior oblique B.JRight inferior rectus C.Right lateral rectus D Right superior rectus

AG ) oniom eter nerve, left side BO ) culom eter nerve, left side C) O ptic nerve, left side DO ) ptic nerve, right side E) Trochlear nerve, left side

i 11 .if the tongue deviates to the right side w hen protruded, the m likely cause is paralysis of ost w hich of the follow m ing uscles? the A L genioglossus ) eft B L hypoglossus ) eft C L palatoglossus ) eft DR ) ight genioglossus

106, Several arterial branches penetrate into distal end of the lesser curvature of the stom ach. W hich of the follow arteies usually supplies ing th b ch ese ran es? A.Left gastric ELLeft gastroepiploic C.Right, gastric D .Right gastroepiploic 107. Contraction of which of the following m uscles contributes m to the backw m ost ard ovem ent of the lower jaw during the process of m asticatson? A.Digastric B.Lateral pteryyoid C.M edial pterygoid D poralis Jem

112, A unvaccinated dental student has needle-stick t* accident involving an em syringe that had been pty previously used on a patient w a know ith n hepatitis B infection. W hich of the following is the m probable outcom for the m ost e edical w orker? AA ) cute hepatitis follow by recovery ed B 'H ) ealthy" carrier C Persistent infection follow by recovery ) ed D Subclinical disease follow by recovery ) ed 113.Biopsy of an ulcerated gastric lesion on 80-year- old sm oker dem onstrates the presence of a g astri c Carcino.m If the patient noted that he had 'h^aii a. burn' for the past several years, w w ith hich of the ollow infectious agents has this type of lesion ing been m strongly associated? ost A Epstein-Barr virus ) BH ) elicobacter pylori ^/ C) H an papiltom virus um a DM ) olluscum contagiosum virus

108. M fascia of the body that attach to bones attach ost by which of the following m echanism s? A) Blending with covering periosteum B.)lnserting deeply into the cancellous bone C) Inserting deeply into the catilage D Inserting deeply into the diaphysis ) 109. A new born baby is noted to have a left unilateral cleft lip. There are no abnorm alities of the baby's palate . W hich of the following developm defects ent accounts for this occurrence? A) Failure of the left lateral palatine process to fuse with the m edian palatine process. B) Failure of the left maxillary prominence to unite with the left m edial nasal prom inence C) Failure of the prim palate to fuse with secondary ary Palate D) Failure of the right and left medial nasal preeminences to m erge

113 The biological attribute of influenza A virus, which allow the sudden appearance of dram s atically new pvt genetic variants, is also present in a lim ited num ber o th o er v fam f e th iral ilies. W ich o th fo w g h f e llo in V irus also possesses this biological attribute? AC ) oronavirus B) HIV CM ) easles vim s D Rotavirus )




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114. Three m onths after a needle-stick exposure to blood from a patient w hepatitis B, a nurse is ith avaluated for infection with the virus. Laboratory results reveal: HBsAg absent anti-HBs antibody absent !gM anti-HBc present IgG anti-HBc absent HBeAq absent

118. A child has a history of recurrent Infections with organism having polysaccharide antigens ( i.e., s Streptococcus pneum oniae and H ophilus aem influenza). This susceptibility can be explained by a. deficiency of: A) C3 nephritic factor B 5 )C C IgGsubclass 2 ) D secretory !g )

O the basis of these results, w n hich of the following m accurately describes the ost nurse's hepatitis Bstatus? A )She had been effectively vaccinated against hepatitis B before the needle-stick exposure occurred B) She has m ounted an inappropriate antibody response to hepatitis B as a result of an im unocom m prom ised state C) She is a carrier of hepatitis B D) She is actively infected with hepatitis B 115. An im portant factor in determining the likelihood of converting to H1V+ status after a needlestick injury is w hich of the following? A) Depth of the needlestick B) Volume of blood in the needle C) Type of needle D All of the above ) 116.A 16-year-old boy with sickle celi disease is hospitalised for a severe infection. His sym ptom include fever, chills, cough, and s chest pain* Bacteria from the patient's sputum yield optochin-sensitive organism w a s ith positive Quellung reaction. W hich of the following is the m likely pathogen? ost AE ) scheichta coli B) H ophilus influenza aem C) Klebsiella pneum onia D Streptococcus pneum ) onia *

119. A sexually active 25-year=oId m with epididym an itis and orchitis dem onstrates a prom inent leukocyte infiltrate w num ith erous neutrophils on biopsy, W hich of the follow organism is the m ing s ost likely cause of this m an's infection? AE ) scherichia coli B) M ycobacterium tuberculosis CN ) eisseria gonorrhoeae D Pseudom ) pnas sp.

120, 5-year-old child develops a febrile disease w ith cough, a blotchy rash, and cervical and axillary lym phadenopathy. A noted is an erythem lso atous, m aculopapular rash behind the ears and along the hairline, involving the neck and, to a lesser extent, the trunk. E ination of this patient's oropharynx xam w ould likely reveal w hich of the follow lesions? ing

AA ) dherent thin, w hitish patch on gingiva B) Cold sores on the Sips C) Curdy w hite m aterial overlying an erythem atous & on the oral m ase ucosa DM ) ultiple sm white spots on the buccal m all ucosa 121= A 38-year old wom is bitten by a tick and develop an chronic arthritis of the knee and hip joints and paralysis of the left facial m uscles. A physical exam ination during the early stages of the disorder would m likely have revealed: ost

117. A 33-year-old wom has recently returned an fromoverseas and presents w severe, acute, ith right upper quadrant abdom inal pain, bloody diarrhea, and tenesm C scan of the liver dem us. T onstrates lesions identified as abscesses. W hich of the following organism is the m likely cause of her illness? s ost A) A scaris lum bricoides B Entam ) oeba histolytica C)Shigella D) Salmonella typhi

A aphthous ulcers in the m ) outh B erythem chronicum rnigrans ) a C) flaccid paralysis of lim flexors b D purpuric lesions in a bathing trunk distribution )

122. A 31-year-old H IV-positive m develops a severe an pneum onia, low respiratory tract secretions stained er w m ith ethenam silver stain dem ine onstrate cupshaped cysts w sharply outlined w ith alls. W hich of the follow organism is the m likely pathogen in ing s ost cs? ae A Candida albicans . B. G iardia lam blia C. H ophilusinfluenzae aem D Pneum . ocystis carinii

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123. A 65-year-old m presents with fever, severe an headache, and nuchal rigidity, Lum puncture reveals bar cloudy cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) w elevated neutophils, ith elevated protein, and decreased glucose. W hich of the following is the m probable etiologic agent of this ost condition in a patient of this age? A) Arbovirus BH ) erpesvtrus C) M ycobacterium tuberculosis 0) Streptococcus pneum onia 124 A neonate is born in very poor condition, with a severe, generalized encephalitis. If fever is noted as well as tem poral lobe involvem ent, w hich of the following viruses is the m ost likely pathogen in this setting? A .Eastem equine encephalitis virus B.Herpes simplex type II C. Herpes zoster-varicella virus D Poliom . yelitis virus 125. A 23-year=old woman with a history of fickle ceil disease presents w fever and severe bone pain localized ith to her left tibia. An x-ray film reveals a lytic lesion, and blood cultures reveal infection. A bone culture grows gram -negative rods. W hich of the following best describes Hie infecting organism ? is com a-shaped and sensitive to acidic p'H m B. it is a facultative intracellular parasite C, it is m otile and does not ferm lactose ent D= It is m otile and oxidase positive 126. A patient suffers an infarct in the territory of the m iddle, cerebral artery. Pathologic exam ination of the patient's brain would likely show A .easeous n ecrosis B. coagulative necrosis C. enzym fat necrosis atic D liquefactive necrosis . 127. 4-year-old girl presents with a m aculopapular rash on her hands and feet and painful ulcers distributed anteriorly on her lips, palate, tongue, and buccal m ucosa. System ic features and lym phadenopathy are absent W hich of the following viruses is m likely to have caused this disorder? ost

129=A 45-year s-old white man with a history of of alcohol abuse and periodontal disease has a spiking fever, chills, and lung consolidation, A chest x-ray shows cavity in the right lower lobe that has an air/fluid leveL B ased on the clinical presentation, w hich of following would be the m likely cause of ost the sym ptom s? A.Anaerobic bacteria B spergillus furnigatus A C.Entam oeba histolytica D Staphyloccus aureus 130.A younger m other takes her infant to the P ediatrician, w notices the infant's teeth are ho yellow and brow nish striped. The antibiotic this m other m likely took during pregnancy. ost A.lnhibitis aminoacyl-tRNA binding B .Inhibitis peptidyl transferase (^Interferes w cell w synthesis ith all D a \% Js rge} cyclic lactonering structures 31,W hich of the following is the 3-earbon nd product of fatty acid m etabolism ? A.Acetoacetate B.Acetone C. /?-Hydroxybutyrate D.Diacylglycerol

132.Folate piays a role in single-carbon unit transfer in the synthesis of nucleotides. W hich of the follow nucleotides requires folate ing for synthesis? A ndenosine, cyfosine, and uracil A B.Adenosine, guanine, and thym idine C.Adenosrne, guanine, and uracil D .Cytosine, thym idine, and uracil

133.A patient is taking horm supplem one ents. The horm binds to a receptor in the cell one m brane, w em hich activates tyrosine kinase activity. W hich of the following horm ones is this patient taking? A.Calcitrol B.Thyroxine C.Retinoic acid D.lnsulin 134.A 5-year-old child has blue-tinged solera, hearing loss, and sm slightly blue, all, m isshapen teeth. R adiologic studies confirm the presence of num erous fractures of various ages. N significant degree of bruishing is o seen over sites of recent fracture. T disease he this child m likely has is realated to ost abnorm m al etabolism Involving which of the Follow substances? ing A.Collagen B.GIycogen C ucopeiysacehandes .m DtFurines

A .Coronavirus B. Coxsackievirus type A16 C. Herpes sim plex virus type 1 D. Para influenza type 3

128.Valuafion of an adult third im igrant to this m country dem onstrateschronic headaches, chronic m nuchai rigidity, and chronic inflammotry infiltrate ild of the CSF w lym ith phocytes, plasm cells, m a acrophage , and fibroblasts. If an acid-fast organism is identified, following is the m probable etiologic agent of the ost following is the m likely etiologic agent? ost A erpes virus .H B.M ps virus um C.M yeobacterium tuberculosis D .Neisseria m eningistidis

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135.An lgG2 m olecules is com posed of which of the follow ing? A ne alpha, one gam a2, and tw kappa chains .O m o B ne gam al chain and tw kappa chains ,O m o C o gam al chains and one kappa and one .Tw m lam chain bda 136.W is the lipase enzym that degrades hat e Stored iriacylglycerols in adlpocytes? A astric lipase .G B ,pancreatic lipase C.Lipoprotein lipase D ,Horm one-sensitive lipase 137.A .5Q-year old m presents with headache, an N ausea, m ory loss, abdom em inal pain, dark colored lines in gum neuropathy and anem s, ia. W hich of the following enzym is/ are inhibited in this e/s Patient? A.ALA dehvdrase and ferrochelatase B A synth3se , LA CU roporphyrinogen 1 synthase D. UDP-glucronyltransferase 138. W hich of the follow ing m etabolic alterations w ould m likely be present in a chronic alcoholic ost com pared to a oon - drinker? A.Fatty acid oxidation is stim ulated B.GIuconeogenesis is stim ulated C.G lycerophosphate dehydrogenase is stim ulated D.The ratio of NADH to NAD+ is increased 139. A young adult with albinism is found to be at increased risk for skin cancer. W hich of the following ss the precursor of m elanin? A ryptophan T B.Tyrosine C.Arginine D.GIycine 140.- A chronic alcoholic develops severe m ory em loss with m arked confabulation. D eficency of which of the following vitam would be m ins ost likely to contribute to the neurologic dam age underlying these sym ptom s? A.Folic acid B.Niacin C.Riboflavin D.Thiamine 141.One of the enzym of the citric acid cycle, es W hich is on the inner m itochondrial m brane, also functions as com em plex i! of the electron transport chain. This enzym is also e responsible for converting succinate to fum arate producing FADH2, This enzyme is. A .lsocitrate dehydrogenase B.ketoglutrate dehydrogenase C .Succinate dehydrogenase D ,Succinvf CoA svnfhase

142.The extrem potent vasodilator nitric oxide ely (NO) Is produced naturally by the body from of the following am acid? ino AArginine B.Aspartate C.G atam ate D.Methionine 143.W hich of the following am acids would m ino ost likely be found on the surface of a protein m olecule? A.AIanine B,Arginine C lsoleucine D-Leucine

144.Dietary intake of which of following am acids ino can substitute for a portion of the daily requirem ent of niacin? A.Alanine B.Asparagtne C, M ethionine D.Trytophan 145.A chid is noted to be severly retarded, physical exam ination reveals a pot- bellied, pale child w a ith puppy face.The child's tongue is enlarged. D ietary deficiency of which of the follow ing substance can produce this pattern? A. Calcium B. iodine C. Iron D Magnesium 146= A chronically m alnourished patient notices her "hair falling out". She is on a strict fat- free diet. She probably has a deficiency in which vitam ins? A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin C G. Vitamin D D Vitamin E 147. W hich of the following am acids is m ino ost responsible for the buffering capacity of hem oglobin and other proteins? A. Arginine B. Aspartic acid C. G lutam icacid D Histidine 148. W hich of the following cofactor is required for decarboxylation of alpha- ketoacids? A. Vitamin B1 B. Vitamin B2 C. V itam B in 3^/ D. Vitamin B5

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J49,A stretch of 25 hydrophilic amino acids in a protein could be found in a : A, signal sequence B, start transfer sequence C stop transfer sequence D, triple helix

150. The process involved in formation of protein from RNA is: A. Re plication B.Translation C.Transciption D.Tranformation

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