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TraffIc hessage ChanneI ImpIementatIon

Costs usIness hodeIs

James urgess
TMC Forum Coordnctor
S|8A South AfrIca
NatIonal Event
PretorIa, South AfrIca
1J July 2007
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
ThC LocatIon TabIe 0eveIopment and
0ata CoIIectIon for ThC ServIces
Free (open) or CondItIonaI Access ServIces!
usIness hodeIs - PrIvate vs. PubIIc
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
ThC LocatIon TabIes
Pre-coded IocatIon tabIe matches data coIIectIon
and supports effIcIent broadcast of event
LocatIon tabIe must be deveIoped 'up front' and
Integrated Into cIIent devIces
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
- CollectIng locatIon poInts
- Need a local roads expert
- For each 100 locatIon poInts, anywhere from 2 days to 2
- WrItIng locatIon poInts Into LT
- Need someone wIth LT experIence for easy development -
or need much more tIme due to learnIng curve
- For each 100 locatIon poInts average 2 days' work for
- Correctly labellIng locatIon poInts In LT wIth road names
- Local roads expert For each 100 locatIon poInts average 2
days' work
AnaIysIs of costs - creatIon and
maIntenance of IocatIon tabIes
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
- CertIfIcatIon of LocatIon Table
- |embershIp of T|C Forum PublIc, free LTs can be
certIfIed free
- CommercIal servIce LTs have a certIfIcatIon fee approx.
1500 euro
- Need to do precertIfIcatIon tests usIng T|C nspector
Checker tool
- TImescale - 1 month maxImum
- mplementatIon of LocatIon Table In 0IgItal |aps / Products
- Dften performed free by manufacturers, for free publIc
AnaIysIs of costs - CertIfyIng and
ImpIementIng IocatIon tabIes effIcIentIy
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
Is there a usIness PIan for dIstrIbutIon
of the LocatIon TabIe!
8est practIce Is not to charge at all for LocatIon Table
If servIce wIll be free / publIc
|axImum charges In publIc servIce case should reflect
basIc admInIstratIon costs and not development cost
HIgh charges dIscourage uptake - manufacturers have
proven very cost sensItIve
For commercIal servIces, fee for LocatIon Table Is
part of contract negotIatIon wIth devIce manufacturer
/ automotIve customers
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
0eveIopment of certIfIed tabIes -
0omestIc and InternatIonaI users
Customer base for tables depends on servIce model. |ost to least
tolerant of CommercIal model:
EstablIshed In car devIce makers e.g. 8laupunkt, SIemens 70D
EstablIshed Portable NavIgatIon 0evIce makers e.g. TomTom
NavIgatIon Software e.g. 0estInator, NavIgon
Smaller P0A / PN0 manufacturers 'unbranded'
Sales / contracts for commercIal servIces are per brand, not per end
|ost 'customers' are InternatIonal companIes makIng navIgatIon
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
0ata coIIectIon
0Ifferent data collectIon suItable for dIfferent servIce IntentIons
ncIdent and safety focus:
CongestIon and dynamIc navIgatIon focus:
UsIng exIstIng systems and data
nstallIng new systems
'FloatIng data collectIon' and reducIng Infrastructure requIrements -
not just FloatIng Car 0ata but FloatIng Cellular 0ata
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
Free CommercIaI ServIces
Free servIces promote overall mobIlIty:
TraffIc safety and fluIdIty
AvoId congestIon, If possIble
AccessIbIlIty of CItIes and regIons
Transport Economy
ExploItatIon of network capacIty
CommercIal servIces offer 'PremIum' InformatIon:
|ore sophIstIcated InformatIon collectIon or extended coverage
Focus on real tIme dynamIc navIgatIon servIces
8usIness models functIon by eIther encryptIon or data lIcence
Examples: Cermany, France, UK, USA
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
Advantages and dIsadvantages of
pubIIc sector ThC servIces
LImIted Investment In
Infrastructure and advertIsIng
0ependent on Covernment
support/strategy and fundIng
Suffer from bureaucratIc process:
Therefore may be less nImble
Focus on only safety and publIc
benefIt, not market drIven needs,
when meetIng these needs Is a
drIver for wIdespread IntroductIon
by Industry
ServIce forms part of Covernment
approach to Improve road
Free access to servIce (both for
servIce provIder and for user) for
wIdest possIble user base
Covernmental Involvement may
help development of crossborder
ntegratIon and consIstency wIth
other PublIc AuthorIty drIver
InformatIon, e.g. 7|S dIsplays
e.g. Cerman,
SpanIsh natIonal
publIc servIces
0Isadvantages Advantages usIness hodeI
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
Advantages and dIsadvantages of
prIvate sector ThC servIces
Cost deters some hardware makers
reduced accessIbIlIty for users If
not In parallel wIth free servIce
PotentIally smaller user base
reduces publIc safety and effIcIency
8usIness case may focus on major
cItIes / routes and not natIonal
|ay be harder to fInd bandwIdth
for broadcast
PrIvate fundIng can support
Investment In advanced data
collectIon and processIng
PrIvate companIes motIvated to
make servIce good enough to
convInce customer (both user and
DE|) to pay through CondItIonal
(for example wIth coverage,
added features or personalIsatIon)
'Selffunded' I.e. doesn't requIre
publIc expendIture
e.g. TS IT|C In
UK, T|obIle
TraffIc T|CPro In
0Isadvantages Advantages usIness hodeI
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
Advantages and dIsadvantages of
mIxed pubIIclprIvate ThC servIces
Cost of prIvate servIce chaIn
components must be met
PotentIal conflIct between aIms
of publIc and prIvate
stakeholders If agreements not
clearly defIned
PrIvate data can be sourced
to support servIce qualIty
(e.g. multIple sources) whIle
maIntaInIng Covernment
control over servIce scope and
0Isadvantages Advantages usIness hodeI
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
PublIc, Free servIces for overall mobIlIty and wIdest access
CommercIal, PaId servIces for 'PremIum' InformatIon and where
needed to support Investment
PublIc PrIvate PartnershIps to delIver best InformatIon to wIdest
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
Thank you.
James 8urgess
TMC Forum Coordnator
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
host European countrIes have weII-
estabIIshed ThC servIces
hany pubIIc free servIces but aIso
commercIaI servIces
CommercIaI servIce IIve In USA
ServIces under deveIopment In EU25
countrIes - CDNNECT project
AustraIIa - ServIce Iaunch ImmInent
ServIce trIaIs and deveIopment In ChIna
(0YNASTY project) and beyond
ThC servIces -
Europe and beyond
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
est support of ThC for urban traffIc InformatIon
Improvements In urban ThC whIIe remaInIng compatIbIe
wIth the defIned standards
Longer-term vIew of the IdeaI urban traffIc InformatIon
Some ThC Forum
ActIvItIes Urban Task Force
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
How does ThC work - detaII
!nfo from
info from
info from
Data etc.
Table of all validated
events in common
format with coded
events 8 locations
events f
Encoding (look-up) of
locations and event types
Planning f analysis f modelling
repeating events etc.
Encoding of events into
ALERT-C messages and
geographical filtering
ALERT-C message list
for TNC broadcast
(or other distribution)
of events for various
distribution methods
without ALERT-C
Nessages to distribute
by various means -
GSN, radioftelevision,
!nternet etc.
Traffic Information (&
Management) Centre
ALERT-C messages for
transfer to other T!Cs
- cross border, public
transport, !nternet etc.
!nfo from
other T!Cs
validation of
information received
from various sources
for public
transport info
Table of events and
warnings for output
EFTCD - TS Europe PretorIa, South AfrIca 1J July 2007
How does ThC work - detaII
ALERT-C message list
for TNC broadcast (or
other distribution)
Broadcast to
appropriate area
Decoding and use of
relevant information by
other T!CS, e.g. abroad
or in public transport
information systems
Receipt, decoding
and displayfuse of
TNC messages by
vehicle hardware
Result: drivers able to use
dynamic navigation to
avoid traffic f road hazard
Nessages to distribute
by various means -
GSN, radioftelevision,
!nternet etc.
Broadcast or point-
Traffic Information (&
Management) Centre
ALERT-C messages for
transfer to other T!Cs -
other places, public
transport, !nternet etc.
Transfer to other
Result: end-users are able
to avoid traffic f road
hazard problems.
Receipt, decoding
and presentation of
Result: users in other areas
or using public transport can
be informed if relevant
problems occur
Note: items shaded are TMC-specific
like this
for public
transport info
Result: public
transport systems
and users informed
of problems.
Transfer to

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