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Aurncx asmx na noc:ynamx a aysm * 1


2 * Aurncx asmx: nocoe na noro:oax x EIS
YK 373.167.1:811.111
EEK 81.2Anra-92
KTK 441
Paaoaeat B.A.
P15 Auinnncxnn n:ix : noconc (nn no(ioronxn x
ID / B.A. Pa(oncni. Pocron u/: 0cunxc, 2O11.
448 c. : nn. (ID (nn anrypncuron n mxoniunxon).
ISB 978-5-222-18374-8
Yucuoc noconc cocranncuo n coorncrcrnnn c (cncrnym-
mnxn npoipaxxaxn omcopa:onarcniuix mxon n npc(ua-
:uaucuo (nn qqcxrnnuon no(ioronxn x c(auc (nuoio iocy-
(apcrncuuoio x:axcua (ID) no auinnncxoxy n:ixy.
Hoconc cuacuo rcxcraxn, (nanoiaxn n :a(aunnxn (nn
onna(cunn yuamnxncn c pa:nnuuix yponucx no(ioronxn ncx-
cnuccxnx n ipaxxarnuccxnx xarcpnanox, nponcpxn noun-
xaunn npounrauuoio, a raxc (nn y cnocunn uanixon nncixa
n ionopcunn ua auinnncxox n:ixc. B ucx nxccrcn ipaxxa-
rnuccxnn cnpanouunx, xoropin y(cr nonc:cu (nn pa:nnrnn
pcucnix uanixon n no(ioronxn x ID.
Hoconc co(cpnr (na xoxnncxra rccron, cocranncuuix n
nonuox coorncrcrnnn c cxoucrpannouuix napnaurox xou-
rponiuix n:xcpnrcniuix xarcpnanon (nuoio iocy(apcrncu-
uoio x:axcua 2O1O io(a no auinnncxoxy n:ixy.
Ouo paccunrauo ua yuamnxcn crapmnx xnaccon cpc(unx
yucuix :anc(cunn, uo raxc xocr iri ncnoni:onauo an-
rypncuraxn, cry(curaxn uauaniuix xypcon ucn:ixonix ny:on
n nccxn, xro cnacr noccrauonnri n y concpmcucrnonari cnon
:uaunn no auinnncxoxy n:ixy.
YK 373.167.1:811.111
IIK 81.2Auin-92
Pa(oncni B.A., 2O11.
Oqopxncunc, OOO 0cunxc, 2O11.
ISB 978-5-222-18374-8
Aurncx asmx na noc:ynamx a aysm * S

Hpeancaoane ..............................................................................8
Moa cewta n a .................................................................... 1O
Grammar Review: ouns. Afticlcs. Pfonouns. Tlc v cfbs to bc,
to lavc. Tlc Pfcscnt Continuous Tcnsc.
Texts: About Mysclf. Mcct My Ificnds. Appcafancc and Clafac-
tcf. My Bio gfaply.
Dia|ogues: Tlc Only Son in tlc Iamiy. Hcllo' How is Iifc"
Hsy4enne anrancxoro asmxa ..............................................24
Grammar Review: Ad|cctivcs. umcfals. Pfcpositions: in, on, at,
of. Tlc Pfcscnt Simplc Tcnsc.
Texts: Iofcign Ianguagcs in tlc Iifc of a Modcfn Man. nglisl in
My Iifc. Tlc nglisl Ianguagc. Wlat is a Polyglot" Tlc Wofds of
tlc nglisl Ianguagc. How I Wofk at My nglisl.
Dia|ogues: Icafning nglisl. Byc fof ow.
Mo aow woa xpeuocvt ...................................................39
Grammar Review: Plfascs tlcfc is, tlcfc afc. Pfonouns: somc,
any, no. Impcfativ c Mood. Past Simplc. Pfcpositions: fof , about,
to, into, ffom, out, out of.
Texts: Tlc Ilat I Iivc in. Tlc Robsons` Housc. Tlc City I Iiv c in
(Rostov-on-on). St. Pctcfsbufg.
Dia|ogues: An Intcfvicw. Tlis Is dwafd Spcaking.
Hyvemecvana ...................................................................... 55
Grammar Review: Modal Vcfbs. Simplc Tcnscs Activc. Pfcposi-
tions: abovc, bclow; ovcf, undcf.
Texts: Tfavclling. iffcfcnt Ways of Tfavclling. Mcans of Tfavclling.
Toufism. A Motof Tfip.
Dia|ogues: Summcf Holidays. Ict Mc Intfoducc My Ificnd
To You.
4 * Aurncx asmx: nocoe na noro:oax x EIS
Knnrn a woe ansnn ........................................................... 67
Grammar Review: Modal Vcfbs and tlcif quivalcnts. Simplc Tcns-
cs Activc. Pfcpositions: among, bctwccn; cxccpt, bcsidcs; bcyond.
Texts: Books in Ouf Iifc. At tlc Iibfafy . My Iavoufitc Wfitcf:
W. Slakcspcafc, A. Clfistic, M. T wain, R. Bfadbufy, I. Tolstoy,
A. Clcklov. Ifom tlc Histofy of Books: Iv an Iyodofov. William
Caxton Papcf.
Dia|ogues: A Biftlday Pfcscnt. Making an Appointmcnt.
Hsaecvnme aan .................................................................88
Grammar Review: Simplc Tcnscs Passivc. Impcfsonal Scntcnccs.
Pfcpositions: by, witl, witlout, witlin.
Texts: Public Iigufcs: P ctcf tlc Gfcat. Abfalam Iinkoln. W in-
ston Clufclill. I amous scicntists: I. cwton, M. Io monosov,
B. Ifanklin, J. Maxw cll. Militafy Icadcfs: A. Suv ofov, Admifal
Dia|ogues: At tlc Hotcl. Would You Havc a Cup of Tca"
Cpeacvaa waccoao nnqopwaunn ...................................... 1O7
Grammar Review: Pfogfcssivc Tcnscs Activc and Passivc.
Pfcpositions: up, down, along, acfoss, tlfougl.
Texts: Mass Mcdia in tlc Iifc of ouf Socicty . lcctfonic Co m-
munication. Pfcss in tlc !.K. Pfcss in tlc !.S.A. Tlc Rolc of TV
in ouf Iifc.
Dia|ogues: At tlc Post-Officc. In tlc Stfcct.
Oxpyaamaa cpeaa .......................................................... 121
Grammar Review: Pcffcct Tcnscs Activc and Passivc. Indifcct Qucs-
tions. Pfcpositions: aftcf, bcfofc, till, until, sincc.
Texts: cological Pfoblcms. Pfotcction of tlc nvifonmcnt. Clcf-
nobyl isastcf. Tlc Afal Sca: An nvifonmcntal Cfisis. I aslion
and nvifonmcnt. Watcf and Aif Pollution.
Dia|ogues: Tlc Wcatlcf Clangcs Vcfy Oftcn. At tlc octof`s.
Moaoaeanme upoaewm ................................................... 137
Grammar Review: Pcffcct Continuous Tcnscs Activc and Passivc.
Compound Pfcpositions.
Texts: Pfoblcms of Tccnagcfs. Young Pcoplc Old Pfoblcms.
Youtl Ofganiza tions in Gfcat Bfitain. Youtl Ofganizations in tlc
!.S.A. Modcfn Youtl Gfoupings.
Dia|ogues: At Mconald`s. inncf at tlc Rcstaufant.
Coepmaue * 5
O cuopve ........................................................................... 153
Grammar Review: nglisl Tcnscs in tlc Activ c Voicc. Compound
Texts: Spofts and Gamcs. Iavoufitc Spofts in iffcfcnt Countfics
(Gfcat Bfitain, Amcfica, Russia). So mc Spccial Kinds of Spofts.
Tlc Olympic Gamcs.
Dia|ogues: At tlc I ootball Matcl. Spofts and Gamcs in Gfcat
Poccna woa Poanna ...................................................... 169
Grammar Review: nglisl Tcnscs in tlc Passivc Voicc. Advcfbs.
Texts: Tlc Russian I cdcfation. Statc Systcm of tlc Russian
Icdcfation. Ifom tlc Histofy of Russia. Russia My Bcautiful
Dia|ogues: Tlank You fof Co ming. Bfcakfast in tlc Russian
Mocxaa cvoanua Poccnn .............................................. 185
Grammar Review: Scqucncc of Tcnscs. Iutufc in tlc P ast. ifcct
and Indifcct Spcccl.
Texts: Moscow tlc Capital of Russia. Tlc Siglts of Russia. Tlc
Kfcmlin`s Catlcdfals. Ifom tlc Histofy of Moscow.
Dia|ogues: Moscow`s Placcs of Intcfcst. Wc`vc Iost ouf Way.
Anraoasm4nme cvpanm. Beanxopnvanna .......................... 2O2
Grammar Review: ifcct and Indifcct Spcccl (intcffogativ c and
impcfativc scntcnccs).
Texts: Tlc !nitcd Kingdo m of Gfcat Bfitain and oftlcfn Ifc-
land. Iondon tlc Capital of tlc !.K. Tlc Siglts of Iondon:
Tlc Towcf of Iondon. W cstminstcf Abbcy. Tlc Houscs of P af-
liamcnt. St. P aul`s Catlcdfal. Buckinglam P alacc. A a y of an
Dia|ogues: A Walk on Hampstcad Hcatl. Sigltsccing in Iondon.
Coeannennme Hvavm Awepnxn .........................................228
Grammar Review: on-Iinitc Iofms of tlc V cfb. Tlc Infinitiv c.
Tlc Infinitivc Constfuctions.
S * Aurncx asmx: nocoe na noro:oax x EIS
Texts: Tlc !nitcd Statcs of Amcfica. W aslington and its Siglts.
Tlc Main Citics of Amcfica: cw Y ofk. Pliladclplia. Clicago.
San Ifancisco. A Tfip ffom San Ifancisco to cw Y ofk. nglisl-
mcn and Amcficans.
Dia|ogues: Waslington .C. At tlc Hotcl.
Kanaaa. Aacvpaana. Hoaaa 3eaanana ............................... 253
Grammar Review: Gcfund. Gcfundial Constfuctions.
Texts: Canada. Canadian Main Citics. Austfalia. T cffa Incognita.
Tlc Stfangc Wofld of Austfalian Animals. cw Zcaland.
Dia|ogues: Tfavclling along cw Zcaland. At tlc Aifpoft.
Hpasannxn n vpaanunn ..................................................... 275
Grammar Review: Pafticiplc I. Pafticiplc II. Pcffcct Pafticiplc (Ac-
tivc, Passivc). Absolutc Pafticiplc Constfuction.
Texts: Gcncfal Holidays. Somc ational Amcfican Holida ys.
Holidays in Russia. Bfitisl Custo ms and Tfaditions. Iouf Claf-
actcfs of Bfitons.
Dia|ogues: Planning a Holiday. At a Hcaltl Rcsoft.
Opasoaanne a Poccnn n anr aoroaopamnx cvpanax ...........295
Grammar Review: Compound and Complcx Scntcnccs. Con|unc-
tions and Con|unctional Wofds.
Texts: ducation in Russia. ducation in tlc !nitcd Kingdo m.
Tlc Systcm of ducation in tlc !.S.A. My I yccum.
Dia|ogues: Mafk My Wofds. In tlc Scafcl of a Job.
Mysmxa a name ansnn ....................................................311
Grammar Review: Tlc Sub|unctivc Mood.
Texts: Music in Ouf Iifc. So mc Musical Stylcs. P .I. Claikovsky.
A.I.Wcbbcf. Russian Classic Music.
Dia|ogues: At a Conccft. You on`t Ob|cct to Music, o You"
Knno n veavp .....................................................................327
Grammar Review: Advcfbial Clauscs. Conditional Scntcnccs.
Texts: Cincma in Ouf Iifc. Visiting a Tlcatfc. nglisl Tlcatfcs.
Amcfican Tlcatfcs. Cincma in Amcfica.
Dia|ogues: At tlc Tlcatfc. Going to tlc Mo vics.
Coepmaue * 7
Mysen n xyaoaecvaen nme raaepen .................................... 343
Grammar Review. Texts: Bfitisl Muscums and Aft Gallcfics. Rus-
sian Afts. Pfidc of tlc Russian P coplc (I. Rcpin).Tomas Gains-
bofougl. Rockwcll Kcnt. Amcfican P aintcfs. Russian Wandcfing
Aft Paintcfs.
Dia|ogue: In tlc Hall of tlc Russian P aintcfs-Wandcfcfs.
IPAMMATHHECKHH CHPABOHHHK ..............................363
TECTb AR HOIOTOBKH K EID ..................................416
AHTEPATYPA ....................................................................... 447
S * Aurncx asmx: nocoe na noro:oax x EIS
Mou oopoeu euyvama.
Buke, Baouky, Mume u Aauce.
Yucuoc noconc (nn no(ioronxn x (nuoxy iocy(apcrncu-
uoxy x:axcuy (ID) cocranncuo n coorncrcrnnn c nocnc(-
unxn rpconaunnxn x n:ixonon no(ioronxc cncnnanncron,
opncurnpymmnxn ua onna(cunc naucnmnxn pcucnixn,
xoxxyunxarnnuixn, omcxynirypuixn xoxncrcunnnxn.
Heat noconn noxoui n onna(cunn auinnncxnx n:i-
xox (nn y cncmuon paori n mxonc, no(ioronxn x ID,
xauccrncuuon ycncnacxocrn n nicmcx yucuox :anc(cunn
n (aniucnmcio caxocronrcniuoio concpmcucrnonaunn n au-
innncxox n:ixc.
Hoconc nxnmuacr 2O pa:(cnon, pacxpinammnx ocuonuic
rcxi, niuocnxic ua x:axcu. Ka(in pa:(cn co(cpnr
yveuue mekcmu n saoauu x unx (nn pa:nnrnn ucripcx nn(on
pcucnon (cnrcniuocrn vmeuu, nucta, ayoupoeauu n eoeo-
peuu. 3a(aunn uancncui ua pa:nnrnc uanixon nncixcuuon
n ycruon pcun, a raxc nounxaunn n xourponn y cnocunn
npounrauuoio n nononucunn ncxcnuccxoio :anaca yuamnx-
cn. B pa:(cnax raxc npc(cranncu xarcpnan (nn orpaorxn
paucc n:yuanmnxcn epaamuveckux eaeuu n (aniucnmcio
pa:nnrnn ipaxxarnuccxon xoxncrcunnn oyuacxoio. B unx
co(cparcn pa:uoopa:uic :a(aunn c pa:nnuuixn nn(a-
xn ipaxxarnuccxnx (cncrnnn raxnxn xax: no(crauonxa,
rpaucqopxannn, xoxnpcccnn, :anonucunc npony cxon, aua-
nn:, ccncxnnn n np.
nn onciucunn ninonucunn :a(aunn (aui opa:ni pa-
ori c unxn. Orpaorxa ucxoropix ipaxxarnuccxnx nnnc-
unn uacro npc(naiacrcn xax ua or(cniuix npc(nocunnx,
rax n ua cnn:uix no:uanarcniuix nnn mxopncrnuccxnx rcx-
crax. Cncnnaniuoc nunxaunc y(cncuo nonpocy ynorpcnc-
unn npc(noion n nocncnoion n auinnncxox n:ixc, xoropin
oiuuo ni:inacr ucxanic rpy(uocrn y n:yuammnx n:ix.
3acnynnamr nunxaunn ouaaoeu xax rcxarnuccxnc, rax n
rc, uro npc(ua:uaucui (nn pa:nnrnn uanixon noncc(ucnuoio
Hpecnoae * 9
omcunn. Yunrinan ucoxo(nxocri onniuoio urcunn (nn
xauccrncuuoio oyucunn n:ixy, n noconn nxccrcn xuoio
(or nnrn (o nocixn) rcxcron no xa(on rcxc n (ononucunc x
(nyx (nanoiax, uro cnococrnycr nyumcxy ycnocunm ncxcn-
xn naio(apn cc nonropncxocrn. ocrarouuoc xonnuccrno n
pa:uoopa:nc rcxcron no xa(on rcxc (acr nc(aioiy no:xo-
uocri ocymccrnnnri (nqqcpcunnponauuoc oyucunc c yuc-
rox yponun n:ixonon no(ioronxn n cnocouocrcn yuamnxcn.
Tcxcri noconn oxnarinamr pa:uoopa:uin crpauonc(uc-
cxnn n omcpa:nnnammnn xarcpnan no ucmopuu, eeoepa{uu,
noaumuvecko usuu, opasoeauum, uckyccmey , cnopmy auino-
n:iuuix crpau n Poccnn. nrarcnm y(cr nurcpccuo no:uaxo-
xnricn c coirnnxn (ancxoio npomnoio n conpcxcuuon n:-
uim auinnuau n axcpnxauncn, cnocopa:ncx nx ncuuocruoio
xnpa, nx ouvau, mpaouuuu, npasouukau, ocoeuuocmu
uauuouaatuoeo xapakmepa.
B xauccrnc Hpnnocunn n noconc nxnmucu kpamku epa-
amuvecku cnpaeovuuk (nn onciucunn ninonucunn ipaxxa-
rnuccxnx :a(aunn n paori yuamnxcn c rcxcraxn.
Hoconc a:npycrcn inanuix opa:ox ua xunic B.A. Pa(o-
ncni Auinnncxnn n:ix (nn nocrynammnx n ny:i (Pocron u/:
0cunxc, 2OO8. 448 c.). B ucx (oanncui :a(aunn, uancnnnam-
mnc ua qqcxrnnuym no(ioronxy x (nuoxy iocy(apcrncuuoxy
x:axcuy, a raxc 2 xoxnncxra rpcunponouuix rccron. T ccri
cocranncui n rouuox coornccrnnn c cxoucrpannouuix na-
pnaurox xourponiuix n:xcpnrcniuix xarcpnanon (nuoio
iocy(apcrncuuoio x:axcua 2O1O io(a no auinnncxoxy n:ixy.
Oun nxnmuamr rpcunuin (nn no(ioronxn x a y(nponaunm, urc-
unm, ycnocunm ncxcnxn, ipaxxarnxn n nncixa.
3uaunrcniuan uacri npc(naiacxoio yucuoio xarcpnana

n npomna xuoioncrumm anpoannm n pa:nnuuix yucuix
Yunncpcaniuin xapaxrcp (auuoio noconn no:nonncr pa-
orari c unx xax no( pyxono(crnox nc(aioia, rax n caxocron-
rcniuo n ncnnx caxoopa:onaunn n concpmcucrnonaunn
cnonx :uaunn. Yucuoc noconc paccunrauo ua yuamnxcn ni-
nycxuix xnaccon cpc(unx mxon, nnnccn, inxua:nn, xonnc(cn
n cry(curon nicmnx yucuix :anc(cunn, a raxc nccx, xro
nurcpccycrcn auinnncxnx n:ixox.
10 * Aurncx asmx: nocoe na noro:oax x EIS
GRAMMAR Noans (Singalar and Plaral);
REVIEW: Articles (definite, indefinite, zero);
Pronoans: Personal, Demonstrative,
P ossessive;
1he verbs "to be", "to have"; Qaestions;
1he Present Progressive 1ense.
1. Divide the nouns beIow into two coIumns uccording to
the modeI (see Grummur Reference Book, p. 363J.
cws is Wagcs afc
Iovc, womcn, moncy, scissofs, lion, lioncss, pfogfcss, afmy ,
micc, laif, clotlcs, |cans, tfouscfs, v acation, matlcmatics,
goods, clildfcn, plysics, unclcs, spcctaclcs, billiafds, advicc,
afms, gccsc, infofmation, contcnts, pfcss, potatocs, knowlcdgc,
plonctics, potato, pcoplc, pcoplcs, magazinc, sun-glasscs, officc,
actfcss, lcttcf, busincss, mcn, clild, tcctl, cfcw, policc.
2. FiII in the bIunks with u suitubIe urticIe (the, u, un, or
zero urticIeJ.
I livc in___lafgc lousc in Sado vaya stfcct. ___lousc las
fivc___floofs and six doof-ways. My ___family livcs on ___tlifd
floof. Wc lavc ___sitting-foom, ___bcdfoom, ___ foo m fof
___clildfcn, ___kitclcn foo m, ___batlfoom and ___lav atofy.
___sitting-foom is ___ lafgcst foom in ouf ___flat. In ___middlc
of ___foom you can scc ___oval tablc and ___vasc witl ___flow-
cfs in it. ___tablc is co vcfcd witl ___nicc wlitc tablcclotl. ___
tablcclotl is madc of ___silk. Iouf ___claifs afc found ___tablc.
In ___cofncf of ___foom tlcfc is ___TV sct. ___Smifno vs (my
family) likc to gct togctlcf in ___ cvcnings. Wc takc ouf ___scats
in ___comfoftablc afmclaifs of on ___ sofa bcfofc ___ TV sct,
talk, watcl and discuss ___ncws, ___intcfcsting pfogfammcs of
___films. Somctimcs my ___sistcf pla ys ___piano of ___violin
and wc listcn to lcf witl ___ gfcat intcfcst and ___ plcasufc. Wc
usually lavc somc ___tca of ____coffcc witl ___ cakcs in ___
Unlt 1. My Famlly and Myself * 11
cvcning. I likc ___ tca witl ___ sugaf and ___ lcmon, and my
___ sistcf las ___ tca witl ___ milk. I cn|oy to pass ___timc
witl my ___ family at ___ lo mc.
3. FiII in the bIunks with u suitubIe form of the verb "to be"
(um, is, ureJ or "to huve" (huve, husJ.
1. My fifst namc ___ Mikc. I ___ a pupil. I ___ a ncw co m-
putcf. 2. My favoufitc sub|cct ____ Co mputcf Study. 3. Somc
sub|ccts ____ vcfy difficult at sclool. 4. I ___ sufc tlat nglisl
____ tlc most populaf languagc in tlc wofld. 5. My family ____
not vcfy lafgc. Wc ____ fouf: my fatlcf , motlcf, sistcf and I.
6. I ____ many fficnds. W c ____ fond of fcading books. My
fficnd ____ a lot of dctcctiv c stofics. 7. My pafcnts ____ v cfy
kind pcoplc. 8. My dad ____ an officcf . Hc ____ an old caf . It
____ of gfccn colof . 9. My mum ____ a louscwifc. Slc ____
a scwing maclinc and likcs scwing. 1O. ____ y ou a sistcf"
o, I ____ not. But Mikc ____. His sistcf ____ a scloolgifl.
Slc ____ a lot of fficnds bccausc slc ____ a good mixcf and
cvcfybody likcs lcf.
4. Put questions to the foIIowing sentences uccording to
the modeIs.
Pete is at home now. He has an Eng|ish oook.
Wlo is at lomc now"
1s Pctc at lomc now"
1s Pctc at lomc of at sclool now"
Where is Pctc now"
When is Pctc at lomc"
Pctc is at lomc now, isn't lc"
Pctc is not at sclool, is lc"
Wlo has an nglisl book"
Has lc an nglisl book"
Has lc an nglisl of Russian
What has Pctc"
What book has Pctc"
Pctc has an nglisl book, hasn't lc"
Pctc has no Gcfman books, has lc"
1. Mikc is latc fof sclool today. 2. Tlcy lavc a ncw computcf.
3. My Gfanny las a nicc gafdcn. 4. Tlc gifls afc affaid of dogs.
5. My aunt is a tcaclcf of Russian Iitcfatufc. 6. My motlcf las
got dafk laif. 7. I am fond of fcading dctcctivc stofics. 8. ick is
not fcady fof plysics today. 9. My gfandpafcnts lavc a nicc lousc
in tlc villagc. 1O. Tlcy afc intcfcstcd in Matlcmatics. 11. Janc
las a bcautiful ncw dfcss. 12. Tlc Bfowns lavc two daugltcfs and
24 * Aurncx asmx: nocoe na noro:oax x EIS
GRAMMAR Adjectives; Degrees of Comparison;
REVIEW: Namerals 1ime; Dates;
1he Present Simple 1ense;
Prepositions in, on, at, of.
1. Look ut the fumiIy tree und fiII in the bIunks with nouns
in the Possessive Cuse.
1. Bcatficc is Alffcd`s wifc. 2. Slc is ____ motlcf. 3. Iiona is
not ____ wifc; tlcy afc divofccd. 4. ofman is ____ son. 5. Oli-
vcf is ____ ncplcw . 6. Qucntin is ____ gfandson and _____
gfcat-gfandson. 7. Miclcllc is ____ sccond wifc. 8. Gcffy is
_____lusband and ____ stcpson. 9. iana is ____ stcpmotlcf .
1O. Kcn is ____ unclc. 11. Sandfa is ____ cousin. 12. Alffcd is
____ gfcat-gfandfatlcf. 13. ofman is ____ son and ____ ncpl-
cw. 14. Hclcn is ____ aunt. 15. Rosic is ____ niccc and ____.
2. FiII in the bIunks with suitubIe possessive pronouns (my,
his, her, its, our, your, theirJ. See p. 308.
I comc ffom Russia. ___ languagc is Russian.
I comc ffom Russia. My languagc is Russian.
1. Wc all comc ffom tlc !kfainc. ___ languagc is !kfainian.
2. My pcn-fficnd comcs ffom ngland. ___ languagc is nglisl.
3. His aunt co mcs ffom Ifcland. ___ languagc is Ifisl. 4. Tlcy
Unlt 2. Learnlng Engllsh * 25
comc ffom Walcs. ___ languagc is W clsl. 5. You comc ffom
Scotland. ___ languagc is Scottisl. 6. Tlat man co mcs ffom
Gcfmany. ___ languagc is Gcfman. 7. Tlosc busincssmcn comc
ffom Japan. ___ languagc is Japancsc. 8. Tlis actfcss co mcs
ffom Italy. ___languagc is Italian. 9. Iucillc comcs ffom Ifancc.
___languagc is Ifcncl. 1O. Hcf lusband co mcs ffom Poland.
___languagc is Polisl. 11. You comc ffom Spain. ___languagc
is Spanisl. 12. Tlcsc clildfcn co mc ffom Clina. ___languagc
is Clincsc. 13. Wc comc ffom Gfcccc. ___ languagc is Gfcck.
14. I comc ffom Swcdcn. ___ languagc is Swcdisl. 15. Mafgafct
comcs ffom Holland. ___ languagc is utcl.
3. Give unswers to the foIIowing questions. If you ure not
sure in the correctness of your unswer, begin it with "I
think", "I suppose", "It seems to me", "In my opinion",
if you ure sure ~ use "Of course", "CertuinIy", "Sure".
A. 1. Wlicl is casicf: nglisl of Russian" 2. Wlicl is smallcf:
ufopc of Asia" 3. Wlicl is longcf: tlc Tlamcs of tlc V olga"
4. Wlicl is coldcf: Januafy of I cbfuafy" 5. Wlicl is biggcf:
Waslington of cw Yofk" 6. Wlicl is oldcf: Moscow of St. P c-
tcfsbufg" 7. Wlo is y oungcf: youf fatlcf of youf motlcf"
B. 8. Wlicl is mofc populaf: football of landball" 9. Wlicl
is mofc difficult: nglisl of Japancsc" 1O. Wlicl is mofc intcf-
csting: a book of a ncwspapcf" 11. Wlo is mofc pfactical: a man
of a w oman" 12. Wlo is mofc diligcnt: y ou of y ouf bfotlcf"
13. Wlo is mofc politc: Alicc of Hclcn"
C. 14. Wlicl is tlc sloftcst montl of tlc y caf" 15. Wlicl is
tlc ncafcst planct to tlc aftl" 16. Wlicl is tlc liglcst moun-
tain in tlc Caucasus" 17. Wlicl is tlc most populaf languagc
in tlc wofld" 18. Wlicl is tlc most famous ballct of P . Clai-
kovsky" 19. Wlicl is tlc most difficult sub|cct fof y ou at sclool"
2O. Wlicl is tlc most cxpcnsiv c caf"
4. Give unswers uccording to the modeIs beIow.
Is nglisl as difficult as Japancsc"
o, nglisl is not so difficult as Japancsc.
Japanese is mucl mofc difficalt tlan English.
Unlt 3. My Home ls My Castle * S9
GRAMMAR Phrases "there is", "there are";
REVIEW: Pronoans "some, "any", "no";
1mperative Mood; Past Simple 1ense;
Prepositions: for, aoout, to, into, from, out.
1. Muke the PIuruI out of the SinguIur, uccording to the
There is an apple in tlc tfcc (many applcs).
There are many apples in tlc tfcc.
1. Tlcfc is a tcaclcf in tlc classfoom (many pupils). 2. Tlcfc
is a magazinc on tlc littlc tablc (many ncw spapcfs). 3. Tlcfc is
a tablc in tlc cofncf (tw o afmclaifs). 4. Tlcfc is onc book in
Mikc`s bag (so mc copybooks). 5. Tlcfc is a kcy in my pockct
(somc otlcf tlings). 6. Tlcfc is a sofa in tlc foom (somc claifs).
7. Tlcfc is tlc Moon in tlc sky (many stafs). 8. Tlcfc is an old
lousc in tlat distfict (many ncw buildings). 9. Tlcfc is a bus
in tlc stfcct (many cafs). 1O. Tlcfc is tlc sun in tlc sky (so mc
2. Write down the Iist of products which you cun see in
Henry's kitchen. Mind countubIe nouns (there ure two /
muny / few bottIes of miIkJ und uncountubIe nouns (there
40 * Aurncx asmx: nocoe na noro:oax x EIS
is some / IittIe / much miIkJ. Use the words. u pucket,
u box, u jur, u tin, u pot, u Iouf, u bunch, u piece, etc.
3. Finish the sentences uccording to the modeI.
Tlcfc is someone in tlc foom, (... in tlc kitclcn).
Tlcfc is someone in tlc foom, but tlcfc is nobody in tlc
1. Tlcfc is somctling in tlc box, ____ (on tlc tablc). 2. Tlcfc
is somconc in tlc lall, ____(in tlc classfoom). 3. Tlcfc is somc-
body waiting fof y ou in tlc libfafy , ____ (in tlc fcading-lall).
4. I lavc got somctling to dfink, ____ (to cat). 5. Tlcfc is somc-
onc in tlc lousc, ____ (in tlc gafdcn). 6. Tlcfc is somctling on
tlc slclf, ____ (on tlc sidcboafd). 7. Tlcy lavc got so mctling
fof us, ____ (fof tlcm). 8. Tlcfc is so mcbody in tlc sitting-
foom, ____ (in tlc batlfoo m). 9. Tlcfc is so mctling in my
bag, ____(in my pockct). 1O. Tlcfc is somcbody at tlc window,
____(at tlc doof).
4. Put questions uccording to the modeI.
Tlcfc is nothin on tlc slclf. (on tlc tablc").
Is tlcfc anythin on tlc tablc"
1. Tlcfc is nobody lcfc. (in tlat foo m"). 2. Tlcfc is notl-
ing in lcf land. (in lcf pockct"). 3. o onc is fcady fof tlc
tcst-papcf. (fof a dictation"). 4. Wc must go nowlcfc toda y.
(tomoffow"). 5. obody can do it at oncc. (by tlc cv cning").
6. Tlcfc is notling on tlc window-sill. (on tlc sofa"). 7. Tlc cat
is nowlcfc in tlc lousc. (in tlc gafdcn"). 8. Tlcfc is notling in
tlc box. (undcf tlc box"). 9. Tlcfc is nobody in tlc classfoo m
(in tlc labofatofy") 1O. Tlcfc is notling to do in tlc foo m. (in
tlc kitclcn").
. Trunsform the sentences uccording to the modeIs.
A. Givc up smoking ( he). 1et him givc up smoking.
It`s lafmful.
Unlt 3. My Home ls My Castle * 55
GRAMMAR Modal 1erbs: can, may, mast, shoald,
REVIEW: oaght, need;
Simple 1enses Active;
Prepositions: above, belon; over, ander.
1. TrunsIute the sentences with moduI verbs into Russiun.
1. Hob cannot swim, but Janc can swim vcfy wcll. 2. You afc
not wcll. You must consult a doctof. 3. I can't slccp, bccausc I am
cold. 4. Hc may know lcf addfcss. 5. Can cn spcak Gcfman"
I am affaid, lc can't, but lc can spcak nglisl vcfy wcll. 6. You
ouht to bc mofc cafcful. 7. May I co mc in" Of coufsc, y ou
may. But you mustn't bc latc. 8. You shouldn't smokc in tlc foom.
9. I must apologizc to you. You needn't apologizc, it`s my fault.
1O. Aeed I go tlcfc at oncc" Y cs, you must.
2. FiII in the bIunks with u suitubIe moduI verb (cun, muy,
must, ought, shouId, needJ.
1. I ____ gct up cafly to moffow bccausc w c afc planning
to go fisling. 2. I ____ not gct up cafly on Sunda y, it`s my da y
off. 3. You ____ spcak nglisl, ____ n`t y ou" 4. You ____to
bc mofc cafcful. 5. Mikc ____ slccp all da y. Hc ____n`t go to
sclool. 6. It`s 1O o`clock. Hc ____bc at sclool now . 7. _____
you lcnd mc y ouf dictionafy" Of coufsc, I ____. Hcfc y ou afc.
8. You ____ lclp y ouf motlcf. Slc is so busy . 9. ____ I lav c
anotlcf cup of tca" 1O. ____ wc lcafn tlc pocm by lcaft" o,
you ____ not.
3. Give unswers to the questions uccording to the modeIs.
Mast wc gct up cafly to moffow"
Ycs, ccftainly, you mast. (Wc`fc lcaving at 6 o`clock).
o, you needn't. (Tomoffow is Sunday).
1. Must I clangc my clotlcs" (Y ou`fc wct; you look v cfy
nicc). 2. Must slc go to scc tlc doctof" (Slc looks ill; slc`s
quitc wcll). 3. Must I giv c tlc book back to lim" (Hc nccds it;
lc pfcscntcd it to y ou). 4. Must slc pfcpafc sandwiclcs fof tlc
5S * Aurncx asmx: nocoe na noro:oax x EIS
picnic" (Tlc mofc, tlc bcttcf; w c`vc alfcady pfcpafcd tlcm).
5. Must wc kccp tlc window slut" (It`s fatlcf cold; it`s so lot
lcfc). 6. Must Mafy go slopping" (W c nccd so mc food; wc`vc
bouglt cvcfytling). 7. Must slc fing y ou up in tlc cv cning" (I`ll
wait fof lcf fing; I`ll bc aw ay).
May I opcn tlc window" ... (It is v cfy cold now).
Ycs, you may. o, you mastn't. It is vcfy cold lcfc.
1. May I closc tlc doof" ... (It is lot lcfc). 2. May I play
tlc piano" ... (Motlcf is slccping). 3. May wc takc tlc cups
away" ... (Tlcy w ant to lav c somc mofc coffcc). 4. May I
look somc wofds up in a dictionafy" ...(It`s a contfol papcf).
5. May I go out" ...(Tlc lcsson is not o vcf). 6. May wc watcl
tlc TV" ... (Wc afc going to lav c dinncf). 7. May I stay away
ffom classcs" ... (You afc not ill).
Wly can't youf son lclp you" (go to sclool)
Hc can't lclp mc bccausc lc mast go to sclool.
1. Wly can`t you givc mc tlis book" (givc it to Mikc). 2. Wly
can`t lc play witl mc" (bc at sclool at 9). 3. Wly can`t you wasl
up tlc dislcs" (do my lo mc-wofk). 4. Wly can`t slc do tlc
slopping" (go to tlc officc). 5. Wly can`t slc go to tlc tlcatfc"
(stay witl tlc baby). 6. Wly can`t y ou talk witl mc at oncc"
(fcad tlis afticlc). 7. Wly can`t tlcy buy a ncw co mputcf" (pay
fof tlc caf).
4. Give unswers to the questions using the verbs in the Pust
or Future Tenses, uccording to the modeIs.
Did you meet Ann on Monday" (o, on Satufday).
o, I didn't. I met lcf on Satufday.
1. id you takc my pcn" (o, y ouf pcncil). 2. id lc fly to
Moscow in Scptcmbcf" (o, to St. P ctcfsbufg). 3. id tlcy cat
mcat at dinncf" (o, fisl). 4. id Bcn go to tlc sca-sidc by caf"
Unlt 5. Books ln My Llfe * S7
GRAMMAR Modal 1erbs and their Eqaivalents;
REVIEW: Simple 1enses Active;
Prepositions: among, betneen, except,
besides, beyond.
1. TrunsIute the text, puying uttention to the moduI verbs
und their equivuIents.
Students Couldnt Do Their Homework
Mfs. Robson docsn`t know wlat to do witl lcf studcnts to-
day. Tlcy didn`t do tlcif lomcwofk last niglt, and now slc can't
tcacl tlc lcsson slc pfcpafcd.
Joln wasn't able to do lis lomcwofk bccausc lc lad a
stomackaclc. Sally couldn't do lcf lo mcwofk bccausc slc w as
tifcd and fcll aslccp cafly . Maftin couldn't do lis lomcwofk bc-
causc lc had to visit lis gfandmotlcf in tlc lospital. Bctty wasn't
able to do lcf lomcwofk bccausc slc had to takc cafc of lcf baby
sistcf wlilc lcf motlcf wofkcd latc at tlc officc. And all tlc otlcf
studcnts weren't able to do tlcif lo mcwofk bccausc tlcfc w as a
blackout in tlcif nciglboflood last niglt. All tlc studcnts pfom-
isc Mfs. Robson tlcy will be able to do tlcif lomcwofk toniglt.
Slc ccftainly lopcs so.
2. Give unswers to the questions beIow uccording to the
A. id Bafbafa likc tlc conccft y cstcfday"
B. !nfoftunatcly, slc couldn't wasn't able to / go to tlc
conccft last niglt. Slc had to study fof an cxamina-
1. id Ifcd likc Mafy`s pafty last Ifida y cvcning" ... wofk
latc at tlc officc. 2. id Sally likc tlc pcffofmancc at tlc tlcatfc
last Satufday niglt" ... takc cafc of lcf littlc bfotlcf . 3. id you
likc tlc tcnnis matcl last w cck" ...visit my boss in tlc lospital.
4. id you and youf classmatcs likc tlc film last niglt" ... study
SS * Aurncx asmx: nocoe na noro:oax x EIS
nglisl. 5. id Ronald likc tlc bascball gamc y cstcfday" ... go
to tlc dcntist.
A. I`m affaid I won't be able to lclp you witl youf ng-
lisl tomoffow. 1'll have to takc my sistcf to tlc doctof.
A. on`t woffy about it. I`m sufc 1'll be able to study it
by mysclf.
1. Clcan youf gafagc; go to tlc officc. 2. Iix youf caf; dfiv c
my motlcf to tlc clinic. 3. Study fof tlc cxamination; takc my
sistcf to lcf ballct lcsson. 4. o youf lomcwofk; pfacticc tlc pi-
ano. 5. Takc Jcnnifcf to tlc dcntist; wofk ovcftimc at tlc factofy.
3. FiII in the bIunks with moduI verbs or their equivuIents.
1. You ____ call mc up in tlc cvcning. 2. Tlc paticnt ____ to
go out in two days. 3. I ____ to lcav c fof Moscow y cstcfday but
I couldn`t. I ____ to finisl my w ofk in timc. 4. Soon tlcy ____
to wfitc and spcak nglisl vcfy wcll. 5. ____ I scc tlcm off" o,
you ____ not. I`ll ____ to do it mysclf. 6. Slc ____ to visit lcf
sick clild at tlc lospital so mc days ago. 7. You ____ to luffy
bccausc tlc tfain ____ to staft in somc minutcs. 8. You ____ wait
fof lim in lis study. Hc ____ bc back in no timc. 9. Hc ____ to
dfivc a caf in a montl as soon as lc gcts tlc ccftificatc. 1O. You
____ tcll cvcfytling to youf motlcf. Slc ____ to calm y ou.
4. Chunge the sentences into. A. ~ Pust SimpIe, B. ~ Fu-
ture SimpIe, using the words given in bruckets.
Slc usually rings mc up on Sunday.
(A. Satufday; B. Monday)
A. Slc rang mc up on Saturday.
B. Slc nill ring mc up on Monday.
1. Tlc conccft usually bcgins at 7 o`clock (A. ycstcfday;
B. tomoffow). 2. Wc always listcn to tlc ncws (A. last niglt;
B. in tlc cv cning). 3. I buy dctcctiv c stofics oncc a montl
(A. two days ago; B. ncxt da y). 4. Slc gocs to town cv cfy
day (A. ycstcfday; B. tomoffow). 5. Ouf tcaclcf collccts
and clccks ouf copy-books ffom timc to timc (A. tlc day bc-
SS * Aurncx asmx: nocoe na noro:oax x EIS
GRAMMAR Simple 1enses Passive;
REVIEW: 1mpersonal Sentences;
Prepositions: by, nith, nithoat, nithin.
1. Remember the formution of SimpIe Tenses in the Pussive
Be + P II
Pcoplc speak nglisl all o vcf
tlc wofld.
nglisl is spoken ... .
Wc invited Julia fof my biftl-
day pafty.
Julia nas invited ... .
Tlcy will send fof tlc doctof
Tlc doctof nill be sent fof ...
2. TrunsIute into Russiun, puying uttention to the use of the
Pussive Voice.
A. 1. Tlc plancts are attracted by tlc sun. 2. Tlc pocm Pol-
tava was written by A.S. Puslkin. 3. Tlc ncw tlcatfc will be built
ncxt ycaf. 4. Tlc failway timc-tablc is chaned twicc a ycaf. 5. Hc
was surprised at my uncxpcctcd affiv al. 6. Tlcy are interested in
tlcsc pfoblcms. 7. Wc were told tlc ncws ycstcfday. 8. Tlc pafccl
will be brouht to tlc officc in lalf an louf . 9. Slc was promised
an invitation cafd to tlc pafty. 1O. Somc of tlcsc ncw magazincs
are sent abfoad cvcfy montl.
B. (begin the tr anslation nith the pr eposition if necessary).
1. Tlc gifl was looked at witl gfcat intcfcst. 2. Tlc book is vcfy
mucl spoken about . 3. Hc was listened to witl gfcat attcntion.
4. on`t woffy. Youf dog will be taken care o/. 5. Ann is usually
waited /or aftcf lcf classcs. 6. His wofds are not taken notice o/.
7. Pfofcssof is ncvcf inter/ered with wlcn lc is w ofking at lis
lcctufcs. 8. Tlis statc of affaifs will soon be put an end to . 9. Tlis
famous actfcss was paid attention to by cv cfybody. 1O. Tlc cli-
matc of Bfitain is gfcatly in/luenced by tlc scas suffounding tlc
Unlt 6. Famous People * S9
C. 1. Tlis book can be bouht at any bookslop. 2. Clildfcn
shouldn't be lauhed at. 3. Tlc cvcnt must be commented upon in
today`s ncwspapcf. 4. Tlc afticlc ouht to be translated at oncc.
5. Tlc dictionafics may be le/t on tlc tablc. 6. Tlis w ofk must be
done as soon as possiblc. 7. Mikc is a vcfy diligcnt pcfson. Hc can
be relied on . 8. Tlc doctof must be sent /or immcdiatcly. 9. Tlc
lcttcfs couldn't be sent o// ycstcfday. 1O. Tlc goods are to be deliv-
ered by tlc cnd of tlc montl.
3. Chunge the given sentences into A. ~ Pust SimpIe Pus-
sive, B. ~ Future SimpIe Pussive. Add the words. yester-
duy, Iust yeur, tomorrow, etc.
1. Ifcncl is tauglt at tlis sclool. 2. All tlc tickcts fof tlis
film afc sold out. 3. Tlc bus is stoppcd lcfc at 6 o`clock. 4. Tlc
sky is covcfcd witl lcavy clouds. 5. Tlcsc fooms afc clcancd cv-
cfy day. 6. Tlc sick clild is takcn to tlc lospital. 7. Hc is alw ays
infofmcd about all tlc pfoblcms. 8. Applcs afc sold in tlc stfcct
found tlc cofncf. 9. I am askcd at cvcfy lcsson. 1O. vcfytling is
always donc fof you.
4. Trunsform the sentences given in the Active Voice into
the Pussive Voice
1. Tlcy make fings of silv cf and gold. 2. Tlcy ave tlc pafty
in lis lonouf ycstcfday. 3. Tlc postman will brin tlc mail in tlc
mofning. 4. A.S. Puslkin wrote wondcfful pocms and faify-talcs.
5. Tlcy will hold a dancc in tlc club. 6. Tlcy sell lcmons by tlc
piccc. 7. Onc uses milk fof making buttcf and clccsc. 8. On Sat-
ufday wc watched tlc football matcl witl gfcat intcfcst. 9. Soon
tlcy will build a ncw tlcatfc in tlis fcgion. 1O. Studcnts listened
to tlc tcaclcf witl gfcat attcntion.
. Put questions to the sentences uccording to the modeI.
Tlc opcfa Iv an Susanin was composed by M. Glinka
in 1838. (Wlat", Wlcn")
Wlat opcfa was composed by M. Glinka"
Wlcn was tlc opcfa Ivan Susanin composed"
1. Tlc stofics of Agatla Clfistic afc tfanslatcd into many lan-
guagcs of tlc wofld. (Wlat ...", Wlat languagcs ...into"). 2. Tlc
H:epa:ypa * 447

1. Andrews H. Say it witl us. An adv anccd coufsc of spokcn

nglisl. Wicdza Powszcclna. Wafszawa, 2OO5. 326 p.
2. Deborah J.Short, Mararet Seu/ert-Bosco, Allene Cuss
Cronet. By tlc P coplc, Iof tlc P coplc. !.S. Go vcfnmcnt and
Citizcnslip. !.S. Infofmation Agcncy , Waslington .C.,
2OO2. 157 p.
3. nglisl Tcacling Iofum. July, 2OO4. Volumc 42, umbcf
3. 56 p.
4. Craves Kathleen, Rein David F . ast Wcst. Studcnt`s
book. Oxfofd !nivcfsity Pfcss, cw Yofk, 2OO1. 12O p.
5. Jones 1eo. cw Pfogfcss to Iifst Ccftificatc Studcnt`s
Book. Cambfidgc !nivcfsity Pfcss. cw Yofk, !SA, 2OO3.
2O9 p.
6. Molinsky, Steven J., Bliss, Bill. Sidc by sidc. nglisl lan-
guagc Convcfsation and plfasc books. Book 2. Tlifd cdi-
tion. Pfcnticc Hall Rcgcnts. nglcw ood Cliffs, cw Jcfscy ,
2OO2. 138 p.
7. Molinsky, Steven J., Bliss, Bill. Sidc by sidc. nglisl lan-
guagc Convcfsation and plfasc books. Book 4. Tlifd cdi-
tion. Pfcnticc Hall Rcgcnts. nglcw ood Cliffs, cw Jcfscy ,
2OO3. 153 p.
8. Aeu/eldt, 1ictoria, Curalnic, David. Wcbstcf`s cw Wofld
ictionafy of Amcfican nglisl. Iouftl Collcgc dition. cw
Yofk, 2OO3. 1574 p.
9. Outlinc of tlc !.S. cono my. Waslington: !.S. cpaft-
mcnt of Statc, 2OO1. 152 p.
1O. Fakenham, Kenneth. Making Conncctions. An Intcfactivc
Appfoacl to Acadcmic Rcading. Cambfidgc !nivcfsity Pfcss,
2OOO. 37O p
11. Feterson, Fatricia Wilcox. Clanging Timcs, Clanging
Tcnscs. A Rcvicw of tlc nglisl T cnsc Systcm. !nitcd Statcs
cpaftmcnt of Statc. Waslington, .C., 2OO4. 155 p.
12. Rob, Aolasco. cw Stfcctwisc. Intcfmcdiatc. Studcnt`s
book. Oxfofd, !nivcfsity Pfcss, 2OO2. 12O p.
13. Swan, Michael, Walter, Catherine. Tlc cw Cambfidgc
nglisl Coufsc. Cambfidgc !niv cfsity Pfcss, Mclboufnc,
Austfalia, 2OO4. 136 p.
14. Wcbstcf`s cw Wofld ictionafy of Amcfican nglisl.
Tlifd Collcgc dition. cw Yofk, 1996 . 1574 p.
44S * Aurncx asmx: nocoe na noro:oax x EIS
Cepu 11J oa aumypueumoe u mkoatuukoe

Orncrcrncuuin pc(axrop H. Xuakoe
Tcxunuccxnn pc(axrop d. 1aepuueea
Onoxa A. Bapmauoe
Koppcxropi K. Muxaauveuko, H. Heauoea
C(auo n uaop 29.12.2O1O. Ho(nncauo n ncuari 21.O2.2O11.
0opxar 84x1O8 1/32. Iyxaia rnn ^ 2. I apunrypa cwton.
Hcuari nicoxan. Ycn. ncu. n. 23,52. Tnpa 25OO x:.
3axa: ^
OOO 0cunxc
344O82, i. , ncp. Xanrypnucxnn, 8O.
Orncuarauo c ioronix (nano:nrnnon n 3 AO Kunia
344O19, i. Pocron-ua-ouy, yn. Concrcxan, 57.

15. Faooeeat B.A. Auinnncxnn n:ix (nn nocrynammnx n
ny:i. Inanuic ycruic rcxi (nn no(ioronxn x x:axcuy . Po-
cron u/: 0cunxc, 1999. 32O c.
16. Faooeeat B.A. Ipaxxarnxa auinnncxoio n:ixa (nn
(crcn n n:pocnix: yucuoc noconc. Pocron u/: Iapo-
Hpccc, 2OO2. 3O4 c.
17. Faooeeat B.A. Pa:ionopuin auinnncxnn n:ix. Po-
cron u/: 0cunxc, 2O1O. 35O c.
18. Faooeeat B.A. Crpauonc(cunc: Bcnnxopnraunn.
Pocron u/: 0cunxc, 2OO5. 318 c. (Ioniman ncpcxcua).
19. Faooeeat B.A. Crpauonc(cunc: Coc(nucuuic Urari
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