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HPS 1040: Kliem Review: Exam I Wellness Lecture (Chapter One) 1. Leading causes of death in US a. Actual: Tobacco b.

Leading: Heart disease 2. Improvement in public health and relationship to life expectancy a. From 47.3yr to 79.6 yr i. Vaccinations, fluoridation, safer workplaces, motor vehicle safety, family planning, decrease in deaths from heart attack and stroke 3. Salutogenesis a. Human well-being instead of factors that cause disease/illness i. Relationship between health, stress, and coping 4. Six dimensions of wellness a. Physical i. Eating, exercising, sex, symptoms b. Emotional i. Optimism, self-esteem, trust c. Intellectual i. Curiosity, sense of humor, active mind directs your behavior d. Spiritual i. Beliefs, principles, or values e. Interpersonal/social i. Support network; contributing to your community f. Environmental i. UV radiation; pollen 5. Health benefits of laughter a. Low blood pressure & stress hormones; higher muscle flexation, boost immune function, triggers release of endorphins 6. Role genes play in your overall wellness a. Errors in genes 3k-4k conditions i. SCD, huntingtons, cystic fibrosis b. Altered genes i. Heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes ii. Increase an individuals risk c. Disease results from interaction of many genes with environmental and behavioral factors 7. Factors that influence wellness 1. Heredity; environment; behavior 7. Use of the human genome to improve health a. Personalized risk assessment b. Pharmacogenomics c. Gene therapy d. Limitations

i. Disease results from interaction of many genes with environmental and behavioral factors ii. More difficult to develop tests and therapies for disorders with complex causes e. Ethical issues i. Privacy, discrimination, some tests/therapies may not be available for yrs 9. Theoretical relationship between longevity and quality of life Behavior Modification Lecture (Chapter One) 1. Define & give examples of: 2. risk perception a. less afraid of i. natural risks, chosen risks, risks that come from trusted people/org b. more afraid of i. man-made risks, imposed risks, risks from untrusted source 3. relative risk a. measure of comparative risk of a health related event between two groups b. chance that a person receiving an exposure will develop a condition, compares to the chance that a non-exposed person will develop the same condition 4. absolute risk, a. a persons chance of developing a specific disease over a specified time period 5. health literacy a. the ability to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services in order to make appropriate health decisions 2. Define & understand the Stages of Change Model a. Pre-contemplation b. Contemplation c. Preparation d. Action maintenance e. relapse 3. Calculate relative or absolute risk from examples 4. Define: Internal locus of control External locus of control Critical Thinking Case Study 1. Define: a. Immunization i. Process of priming the body to remember an encounter with a specific antigen b. Vaccine

i. Introduction of a killed or weakened pathogen to stimulate the body to produce antibodies ii. active immunity c. passive immunity i. injection of antibodies produced by other human beings or animals d. acquired immunity i. Ability of a memory lymphocytes to remember a previous infection 1. Like chicken pox e. herd immunity i. immunizations are not safe for everyone 1. occurs sufficient fraction of host pop is immune to infection f. cohort i. a group of subjects with a common defining characteristic 1. typically age group is a form of longitudinal study used in medicine and social science g. epidemiology i. study of patterns of health and illness and associated factors at the population level 1. informs evidence based medicine for identifying risk factors for disease and determining optimal treatment approaches to clinical practice and for clinical medicine 2. Be able to critically analyze & evaluate a scientific claim: identify control vs experimental group, importance of sample size and study replication, and understand how conflicts of interest may lead to bad science. Nervous System - Brain Lecture 1. Lobes of the brain and function 2. Regions of brain (cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, cerebellum, medulla, pons, reticular formation, pituitary gland) and function 3. Brain development-related changes (e.g. white matter & gray matter changes and synaptic changes) 4. Parts and function of a neuron, how/why neurons communicate 5. Role/importance of synapses/synaptic connections, learning 6. Key findings in the distraction while learning study and the link between eating breakfast & test scores 7. Define: concussion 8. Common causes of concussions 9. Signs of a concussion 10. Strategies to prevent a concussion 11. Diagnosis and treatment for a concussion 12. Possible long-term effects of multiple concussions 13. Key findings in the Purdue study Stress Lecture (Chapter Six)

1. Define & give examples of: eustress, distress 2. Describe: General Adaptation Syndrome 3. Signs and symptoms of stress 4. Actions of autonomic nervous system parasympathetic vs sympathetic 5. Actions of somatic nervous system 6. Stress pathway 7. Role of endocrine system 8. Functions of cortisol (acute & chronic stress) 9. Functions of epinephrine (acute & chronic stress) 10. Relationship between stress and the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems and sleep & memory 11. Sleep cycle, purpose of sleep, tips for getting a good nights sleep 12. How does stress affect sleep (know chemicals involved that promote sleep & wakefulness) 13. Define: Insomnia. Understand the link between stress and insomnia 14. Stress management techniques 15. Health consequences of chronic stress 16. Key findings in the imaging studies on sleep deprivation 17. Behavior types: A, B, hostility Mini Quiz: 1. Eustress 2. Periods of chronic stress, elevated levels of __? are associated with increased blood pressure 3. Glycogen to glucose is an action of the sympathetic nervous system? 4. Endocrine system is activated during immediate stress response: hypothylamus pituitary adrenalepenepherin cortisol a. Cortisol: facilities glycogen to glucose b. Epenipherin: increases heart rate and blood pressure 5. Constriction of eyes is an action of the __? Division of the autonomic nervous system

Chemicals Norepinephrine o Acute stress increases its release o Secreted by the sympathetic nervous system in the periphery to regulate heart rate and blood pressure Serotonin o Implicated in sleep, mood, depression, and anxiety Induces a very powerful contraction of smooth muscles Acetylcholine o Neurotransmitter for parasympathetic

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