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Is the metallic cylinder made of Aluminum?

There is one set of the metallic cylinders which are different lengths
but have the same type of metal. Determined the metallic cylinders
are made of aluminum, should discovered the cylinder’s density
then comparing with the other aluminum samples are known.
According to the formula of density, which is “Density= Mass/
Volume”, that needs to get measuring the mass and volume. Beside
the final results of the cylinders that do not know the metal should
be, would explode if touching the water. That is, can not use the
water displacement method to measure the volume of cylinders in a
linear scale, since “Volume= ∏(rˆ2)h”.
The way to compare the cylinder’s density with the other three
aluminum samples (which are pellets, shots and strips), measure
the mass and the volume of those samples; then graph the results.
After the samples are graphed, rely on those couples of points then
draw a standard line as the comparison.

① Measure each of those samples which are pellets, shots and strips
by the balance.(Sure being on the level) And record the results on
the notebook. Make sure the values are in linear scale.
② Pour water into the linear cylinder, record the initial volume of the
water. Make sure the value is in linear scale.
③ Put the Pellets in the cylinder, which has water, record the value
of the final volume of Pellets and water. Make sure the value is in
linear scale. Then pour both of water and Pellets out, dry the metals
④ Same as the step ②!
⑤ Put the Shots in the cylinder, which has water, record the value of
the final volume of Shots and water. Make sure the value is in linear
scale. Then pour both of water and Shots out, dry the metals out.
⑥ Same as the step ② or ④!
Put the Strips in the cylinder, which has water, record the value of
the final volume of Strips and water. Make sure the value is in linear
scale. Then pour both of water and Strips out, dry the metals out.
⑦ Measure the diameter and height of the metallic cylinder with
linear method and calculate volume.(Do the calculation on
⑧ Clean up the lab station. Discuss the results with the lab partners
then calculate the final volume of samples. And get the density of
Data 1(Table):
The class’ data of samples’ density
Measuremen Mass (g) Volume (mL) Density
t (g/mL)
43.835 16.5 2.7
Shots 12.790 5.0 2.6
40.245 15.0 2.7
Average of Shots 32.290 12.2 2.7
Pellets 63.310 24.0 2.6
16.850 6.5 2.6
Average of Pellets 40.08 15.25 2.6
18.095 7.5 2.4
18.120 4.0 4.5
19.455 8.0 2.4
Strips 12.900 5.5 2.3
15.560 6.0 2.6
Average of Strips 16.826 6.2 2.8

Data 2(Graph):

Date 3(Table):
Diameter(cm) Radius(cm) Height(cm) Volume=
∏(rˆ2)h (mL)
1.52 0.76 7.01 12.72

So far, graphing the volume after cylinder on the aluminum density

graph, by marking the volume of the cylinder on the vol. axis going
up to standard line and to the left until it hits the vertical mass axis.
The resulting mass will be our predicted cylinder mass. The result is
Then measure the mass of cylinder on the balance, find out that the
result is 38.20g.
The difference: |33.9g - 38.20g |= 4.30g
From the results of the cylinder on the graphing data, and the
actual value of cylinder which difference is 4.30g. It is closed to the
predicted value that calculated. The reason of the difference
between the predicted value and the actual value might be
measurement is not exactly. Improve the problem, should get the
much exact measurements and repeat the steps of the lab again.

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