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TOPIC: Writing a Persuasive Essay TIME FRAME: 3 weeks CLASS/GRADE LEVEL: Language Arts, 10th Grade

What BIG understandings do you want students to take away from this unit? Students will understand that when forming an argument it must be supported by external evidence. Students will understand that when making an argument they must address and dispel counter-arguments. Students will understand that evidence must be presented in a clear and concise way. Students will understand how to effectively use the Internet for research purposes.

What are some questions that students could ask in search of these understandings? How do I craft evidence to support an argument? What is a cogent argument? What is a valid source? How do I use counter-arguments to support my assertion? How do I use what I have learned from my research to inform my persuasive essay?

What facts and basic concepts should students know and be able to recall? Students will know the correct form and structure of an essay. Students will know how to recognize an argument. Students will know how to recognize evidence that supports an argument. Students will know terminology: cogent argument, valid source, and counterargument.

State Content Standards:

Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts. Introduce precise claims, distinguish claims from State Content alternate or opposing claims, Standards: organization and create an that establishes clear Develop and among claims, relationshipsstrengthen writing as needed by counterclaims, reasons, and planning, revising, editing, evidence. rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on Develop claims and addressing what is most counterclaims fairly, significant. supplying evidence for each while pointing out the Gather relevant information strengths and limitations of from both. multiple authoritative print and digital sources. Use words, phrases, and clauses to link major sections of text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claims and reason.

What discrete skills and processes should students be able to use/do? Students will be skilled at composing a persuasive essay. Students will be skilled at identifying a valid source, how the author is presenting their argument, and recognizing false statements. Students will be skilled at creating counter-arguments. Students will be skilled at using both digital and print resources.

Performance Assessment:

Students will be asked to compose a persuasive essay, choosing a substantive topic, and supporting their assertions through multiple sources by textual and digital resources. They will strategically design an argument supported by research but that also considers potential counterarguments and pitfalls in their thinking. Formative Assessments: Think-Alouds Semantic Map Anticipation Guide Dialectical Journal Reflection

Other Assessments: Group Discussion Reflection Drafts of their Writing Workshopping


Students will participate in a thinking activity with designed prompts to encourage critical thinking and active participation. Learning Activities: Thinking Prompts Activity Discussion Prompts Student Workshopping

Resources/Materials: PowerPoints Past Student Work Computers

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