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This Roxanne Grinage authorized public posting to U.S.

Citizens controlled Public Docket Database on February 20, 2012, is dedicated to my daughter, Lorraine Grinage, who I gave birth to but once while she has saved my life a thousand times. Baby Girl Baby Girl Youre The Best in The World! How 2,000 Federal Crime Victim Case Studies Innovate Champions of Patriotism 11 New Federal Laws U.S. Economy Careers Education Government and Public Safety Reform.


Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database respectfully suggested New Federal Law to enrich U.S. Economy Education Careers and Public Safety. On January 20, 2012, Roxanne Grinage, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database verified 2,000 and growing Federal Crime Victims created by Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights crimes, Professional Malpractice, Employee Misconduct; deliberate or un-corrected falsification of case reports and public records. Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services and verified evidence held in U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database respectfully suggests Eleven New Federal Laws to enrich innovation of U.S. Economy Education Court Government and Public Safety Reform, improving quality of life for working class student impoverished patriotic American families, entrepreneurs who are also Federal Crime Victim Voters having similarly situated class action claims and substantial voter constituency clout in these U.S. States: Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. On January 25, 2012 Americas President Obama stated during his State of the Union speech: We know what it takes to compete for the jobs and industries of our time. We need to out-innovate, out-educate and out-build the rest of the world. We have to make America the best place on Earth to do business. We need to take responsibility for our deficit and reform our government. Thats how our people will prosper. Thats how well win the future. [end quote] On August 2, 2011, Roxanne Grinage, the legal administrative assistant owner of HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, faxed a 39 page due diligence report letter to President Barack Obama, U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, five Office of Civil Rights Regions with courtesy copy to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett enclosing verified evidence, claims intake assessments, docket analysis and proprietary research case studies of 1,000 Federal Crime Victim Voters created by Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights crimes. Roxanne Grinage reported her legal administrative assistant verification of case merits within the spirit of excerpt quotes from Barack Obama Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech: I face the world as it is and cannot stand idle in the face of threats to the American People. For make no mistake: evil does exist in the world an excerpt quote President Obama. And within the Spirit of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holders vision statement for U.S. Department of Justice Defending Childhood initiative which recognizes Americas children exposed to violence are victims and witnesses: Weve got to break this cycle of violence. Through enhanced prevention, intervention, and accountability efforts, I believe we can. And I know that this work begins by coming together and reinvigorating our commitment to collaboration. An excerpt quote Eric Holder. Innovation Scholars, Community Development Leaders, Reform Visionaries and victims of corruption in government began referring to Roxanne Grinages August 2, 2011 Letter to President Obama, Eric Holder and Five Offices of Civil Rights Regions as Champions of Patriotism Quotes . Along with well known famous patriots like President Barack Obama and U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, Roxanne Grinage included quotes from not so famous, New Civil Rights Heroes emerging from ranks of every day working class student and impoverished Americans whose Federal Crime Victim claims are verified and for whom U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database reveals exactly which individuals abused immunity language in 1983 Civil Rights Act.


The Answer to missed educational opportunities unaccountability horror stories, oppressive contracts, racism, poverty and hate based ideas festering into terrorism is the responsible development of entities that standardize access and standardize services A New Civil Rights Movement is underway in these United StatesFamilies Fight BackSay NO MORE DHS Demonic Horror Stories. A New Civil Rights Movement sees New Civil Rights Heroes emerging from the From the ranks of working class student and impoverished American Families. HireLyrics Jobs Creation 2012 Federal Crime Victims Recognize Law Enforcement Are Working Class People Too! Federal Crime Victim Voters Statement: If One of Us Should Fall or Ten of us should Fall or a Hundred of us should FallWE WILL HAVE a Community-Needs Powered Personality Independent MECHANISM in place which will AUTOMATICALLY TRIGGER the rescue of children of all ages Kidnap For Profit Injured by Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights crimes. Roxanne Grinage always follows up claims verification with Certified Service Referral of Roxanne Grinage Legal Administrative Assistant Verification, pro se document production, marked itemized Exhibits Index relative to U.S. District Court Pro Se Federal Civil Rights Complaint; State Court Family Division Pro Se Notices, Motions, Answers and Notice of Appeal. Known as HireLyrics Evidence Modules, Roxanne Grinage transmits Fraud Reports Whistleblower Transmittals Investigation and Audit requests to authorized incumbent Presidential Executive Officers, U.S. Department of Justice Law Enforcement, States lawmakers, funding decision makers and special prosecutors, HireLyrics has found to be the most effective sounding board for government reform, Grassroots Galvanize Federal Crime Victim Voter Clout, Education by Conversation Fair Voting and Petition Signature Gathering Campaigns, Vote for Candidates who recognize Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights crimes are killing our children and killing our U.S. Economy! Exercise your right to vote. Do not withhold your vote. Too many people fought and died so you could exercise your right to vote. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. CROSS PARTY LINES! Send a clear message DHS Slaughtered Families DO VOTE. Non-responsive unethical elected officials are removed! VOTE VOTE VOTE. 1. Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database respectfully suggested New Federal Law to enrich U.S. Economy Education Careers and Public Safety. Provide a venue for pro se litigations to petition a Federal Judge to authorize U.S. Marshals Federal Fugitive Task Force to assist in the retrieval rescue and expeditious return of children abducted in a Family Division Custody dispute where there is indisputable document and witness evidence that Malpractice occurred to cause children be abducted missing exploited trafficked abused health and whereabouts unaccounted for. 2. Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database respectfully suggested New Federal Law to enrich U.S. Economy Education Careers and Public Safety. Raise the salaries of Federal Judges, the budgets and salaries of U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force and increase and budgets to hire additional case review staff. Raise the salaries of Federal Magistrates who pro se litigants can opt to bypass costly and time consuming jury trials to gain qualified fair adjudication based in the Federal Rules and equal discernment of Family Division State Court Malpractice victim. This New Federal Law would remedy the trafficked children having fallen through the cracks of State Court Family Division Malpractice and increase the resources of ethical qualified Federal Law Enforcement to rescue children without being overwhelmed with funding limitations which cause local police, sheriff deputies and Federal Courts to shy away from enforcing laws due to financial challenges. Hopefully, Americans can do


away with seeing a Federal Judge shirk Solemn Oath of Justices to treat the rich and poor fairly as we saw in Order issued by Federal Judge Mitchell S. Goldberg in Roxanne Grinage v. Fern Brown Caplan, et al., in forma pauperis non attorney represented litigants receive less weight than lawyer represented litigants. 3. Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database respectfully suggested New Federal Law to enrich U.S. Economy Education Careers and Public Safety. Forbid Domestic Relations Judges from Ordering the Arrest Imprisonment or otherwise criminalizing any party who is responsibly participating in State Court Family Divisions Domestic Relations Litigation as either an attorney represented or pro se litigant. Require Family Division Judges to Issue Written Findings of Fact and Published Opinions as to whether the Domestic Relations judge guarded the integrity of due process reviewed whether State Court Rules of Civil Procedure were observed for the family target of DHS contractors kidnap for profit schemes. For example, Family Division judges are flagrantly failing to Compel Discovery that would forced dishonest CPS case workers to provide evidence depositions and expert witness testimony supporting their template Petitions to Terminate Parental Rights and this new Federal Law would also embed Judicial Accountability as to whether the sitting Family Division Judge fairly weighed evidence in the best interest of all evidence asking first Where is the evidence? Why has there been no discovery? Why are expert forensics reports and other evidence in the best interest of CPS kidnap for profit victim family censored and never presented by conflict of interest behaving court and DHS practitioners? 4. Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database respectfully suggested New Federal Law to enrich U.S. Economy Education Careers and Public Safety. Ensure Public Safety by making a New Federal Law which forbids arrest imprisonment terror tyranny intimidation or retaliation against a Parent, Grandparent, other relative on family friend who Declares they are protecting their child/children from increased risk of abuse and injury by unaccountable CPS DHS agency foster placement in shelters and whereabouts unknown to vested interest family litigants while Family Division matters are adjudicated by the State Judge and as long as the vested family member appears at scheduled hearings with a lawyer or self presenting in our own right pro se, having entered evidence of CPS DHS employees misconduct fraud or malpractice in accordance with Local Rules and Notices of Scheduling Orders. This new federal law should apply to Foster and Adoptive Parents who are required to prove authentic vested interest in the heritage health education careers freedom and future of subject children beyond a challenging family member. The claims of Foster and Adoptive Parents are greatly diminished when challenging family members have irrefutable evidence of State Court Family Division and DHS employee Malpractice. 5. Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database respectfully suggested New Federal Law to enrich U.S. Economy Education Careers and Public Safety. Make it a New Federal Law that No person living in America can be forced to incur payment liability or accrue any debt for service contracts mandated by the recommendations of any state county or agency employ who is an adverse suing party attempting to intervene in the parental civil state or U.S. Constitutional Rights of any American working student or impoverished litigant in any Family Division litigation matter. Forbid Federal and Taxpayer funded CPS state functioning agencies Department of Human Services to attach the personal assets earnings or property of any American pro se or lawyer represented litigant who responsibly participates by appearing at State Court Family Division Timely Noticed in Writing Court Appearances. If the American pro se or lawyer represented litigant demonstrates by submitting document affidavit deposition expert witness reports, community witness testimony, invoices, receipts and proof of prior contractual investments made in demonstration of the American Citizens vested interest in Preservation of Family persons, heritage, health education or employee self employed small business or community development mentoring U.S. economy careers contributions, STAY all financial billing of forced commerce while the matter is in Family Division. STOP DENY any wage garnishments, attachments of IRS Federal or State Tax Refunds, forbid liens on real estate or foreclosure caused by prior erroneous billing. Require


Credit Reporting Giants to record Debit Relief Statements, Federal Trade Commission Affidavits of Identity Theft. U.S. Courts Administration enable Federal U.S. District Courts recognize Nature of Suit Cause of Action FORCED COMMERCE FRAUD BILLING in all lawyer represented Federal Lawsuit Complaints or U.S. District Court Compliant Pro Se Lawsuit Forms Packages. 6. Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database respectfully suggested New Federal Law to enrich U.S. Economy Education Careers and Public Safety. Enforce current Federal Laws and enhance with language which provides PROTECTION FROM THE ACCUSED for the federal crime victim who has entered U.S. District Court and Department of Justice Complaint and Claims forms compliant Exhibits of Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights crimes. Increase the salaries of Federal Magistrates who can expedite discernment of Federal Civil Rights Complaints Affidavits, Testimony and Exhibits to Order Malicious Malpractice Defendants functioning in State Court Conflict of Interest with DHS billing contractor providers RESTRAINING ORDERS DHS OCS DCF DHHS ACF CYS EMPLOYEES ORDERED STAY AWAY From Lawyer Represented or Pro Se Plaintiff Who Enters Federal Crime Victim Disclosure with Exhibits Evidence Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights. Expand Federal Rules to include language which gives PROSECUTORIAL EXEMPTION to LAW ABIDING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WORKERS WHO ALWAYS PROMOTE PEACEFUL CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVISM AND PERMIT COMPLIANT PEACEFUL PROTESTS; ADVOCATES, COURT REFORM SPOKESPERSONS, and responsible registrants of JUDICIAL ACCOUNTABILITY. 7. Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database respectfully suggested New Federal Law to enrich U.S. Economy Education Careers and Public Safety. Fine Domestic Relations Judges $5,000 for each order they fail to document in writing. When a Family Division Judge issues three orders in writing that commit Fraud Upon The Court; causes the court to no longer be a court of record, excludes interested family neighbors and community; the written order is in conflict with States Rules of Civil Procedure, or otherwise violates the State and U.S. Constitutional and Civil Rights of the pro se litigant including the right of free speech, the offending Family Division Judge forfeits any investigation, and immediately is disbarred, impeached and restrained from entering any public buildings conducting the business of public trust. 8. Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database respectfully suggested New Federal Law to enrich U.S. Economy Education Careers and Public Safety. Fine Domestic Relations Judges $5,000 who allow Family Division proceedings to proceed without due service of written notice of scheduling, most recent order or case management schedule; and who do not provide easily attainable print out of docket events by pro se litigants. Impose the fine if offending Family Division Judge does not enforce State Court Rules of Service within 7 days of pro se litigants notarized affidavit of facts objections and concise errors lawfully filed with the Clerk of Court. 9. Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database respectfully suggested New Federal Law to enrich U.S. Economy Education Careers and Public Safety. Fine Domestic Relations Judges $5,000 a maximum of three offenses before immediate impeachment who tolerate Clerk of Court routine failures to notice scheduling and most recent orders by electronic certified service when requested by pro se litigants. 10. Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database respectfully suggested New Federal Law to enrich U.S. Economy Education Careers and Public Safety.


Fine Clerk of Courts, Guardian Ad Litems, DHS Commissioners, and offender CPS case worker Supervisor; Court or agency appointed lawyers and Department of Human Services legal departments, $5,000 each and every time evidence shows certified service notice and most recent written judicial orders were delayed due to deliberate or incompetent records mis-management of parties addresses. 11. Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database respectfully suggested New Federal Law to enrich U.S. Economy Education Careers and Public Safety. When a Family Division Judge is shown to be abusing Police and Sheriff employees by ordering the arrest of a family division litigant or by issuing subpoenas for jury duty or some other purpose the Federal Crime Victim Claimant has documented the Judges prior felony conducts as Roxanne Grinage has shown evidence to U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Zane David Memeger and had December 22, 2011 conversation with Philadelphia Sheriff Warrant Unit Sergeant Muse Its not that kind of warrant like if you were stopped by the police in the street the police could see the warrant in their system its the kind of warrant issued by Judge Robert J. Matthews to arrest you and your daughter only if come into the Court. Order the immediate suspension without pay or pension pending Federal Lawsuit decision. Criminally Charge Family Division Municipal Court or other State Malpractice Offending Judge RICO Indictments which include charging offending Judge with abuse of public resources, abuse of police sheriff employees and county law enforcement and conspiracy to lure the Federal Crime Victim Claimant into false arrest and unlawful imprisonment abuse of public buildings by issuing bogus arrest warrants that do not show up in City Police and Sheriff arrest warrant databases but rather are bogus and enacted unlawfully to unlawfully detain the Family Division litigant who has lawfully challenged the Family Division Judge to honor State Court Rules of Civil Procedure, maintain the Court as a Court of Record, Compel Discovery, demand to see and hear and weigh all the evidence on both sides and to restrain one malicious suing party (CPS DHS) from forcing contracts commerce and criminalizing the American working class student or impoverished American who seeks application of Local Rules, States Constitution and U.S. Constitutional civil rights and rights to freedom of speech. Fine any State Court Judge $5,000 and invalidate any orders that are born of clandestine non-public observed proceeding of a State Court Judge who bars any public observer from a Court of Record. Barring any American resident from a State Court constitutes Fraud Upon The Court, confesses that the Court is Not a Court of Record and that the Judge is conducting private transactions under color of law in violation of States and U.S. Constitutions solemn oath of Judges, punishable under existing Federal Laws Title 18. Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database PO Box 22225 Philadelphia Pa 19136 Tel 267-444-0594 Fax 215-405-2939 Please try to view these Roxanne Grinage Video Teaching Segments: Standard Access Practice Model Marketing Careers Label ecommerce Litigation Referral "Success is no longer a function of who you know or what you have." "Support with all your might those teachers who cause the Learning WE ARE MORE ALIKE THAN WE ARE DIFFERENT." "Don't Lower any standard...STANDARDIZE THE ACCESS!"


"Survive and Hold On Is a Business Rationale!" "Docket Never Lies...Individual Accountability for Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Education Reform Public Safety Emergency is measured in Docket Analysis." "Sharing learning results in community courage and increased quality of life...HireLyrics Shares Our Learning!" 1. HireLyrics Litigation Referral Expands to All Neighbors Welcome Jobs Creation Nonprofit 2. 02/09/12 Roxanne Grinage 40 min Teaching Segment: Citizens Public Docket Achieves President SOTU Dept Justice Senate CPS Economy Court Reform Goals 3. HireLyrics Expansion 2012 All States Jobs Creation Non Profit Pro Se Document Production Recognizes Law Enforcement are Working Class People Too! 4. How the Financially Devasted Federal Crime Victim Claimant Can Achieve Standard Access to Pro Se Litigation Referral 5. Roxanne Grinage Administrative Solutions for U.S. Economy Court and Education Reform Nationwide Class Action Cert Petition Strong Exhibit A.


Links to a few demonstrated Roxanne Grinage respectfully suggested administrative solutions. Forever referred to by historians as Champions of Patriotism Quotes Roxanne Grinage August 02, 2011 Letter to President Barack Obama, U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, Office of Civil Rights Regions Enclose HireLyrics Administrative Services Evidence RICO and Title 18 Indictable Judges Social Workers, Lawyers, Psychological Evaluators and Elected Officials Indicated Need For Presidential and Justice Department Intervention to Protect National Security Public Safety Emergency Posed by a Nationwide Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court and Education Public Safety State of Emergency. responsibly recorded respectfully reported, Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrative Assistant HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database Grinage Family Private Investigation Rescue 060810 Abusive Parent Mob Assault Abducted Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown, PO Box 22225 Philadelphia Pa 19136,, 267-4440594, Fax: (215) 405-2939 or EwN2UtNjUwZi00YTBjLWFkYmItNjJkNjY3NmU0YTAy&hl=en_US Free Download Re-posted 10/20/11 Build This! Roxanne Grinage 11 years Prototype Demonstrated Standard Access Practice Model Schematics Reported at Fifth Anniversary 2005 birthed Administrative Solutions Tool U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database Corruption in Government Clean Up Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Education Reform Public Safety Emergency.pdf See Roxanne Grinage's Memorial Day Letter on behalf of Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown and thirty-two City of Philadelphia DHS and Family Court corruption Federal Crime Victim Witness families, to Mr. Eric Holder U.S. Department of Justice (8 pages with active links) INTERVENTION REQUEST USDOJ APPOINT SPECIAL PROSECUTOR(S) Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency Systematic Abuse of Immunity Language in 1983 Civil Rights Act. Pennsylvania Eastern District, Philadelphia County All Philadelphia Family Court and DHS Adjudications Are Not In The Best Interest of Working Class Student and Impoverished Families and Children A New Civil Rights Movement Is Underway CPS Corruption in Government Clean Up Initiative Families Fight Back say "NO MORE" DHS Demonic Horror Stories. Respectfully submitted by Roxanne Grinage on behalf of evidence data gathered from thirty-two (32) Federal Crime Victim Witness Plaintiffs Families. 053111 Special Prosecutor Intervention Audit Review Requested 070610 Filing Figure 1 Docket Discrimination Analysis U.S.D.C. Paed 209cv04119MSG Roxanne Grinage v Fern Brown Caplan Esquire et al.doc (289 KB) 7:21 am by HireLyrics Download 021311 IRS PACSES USM285 USDOA USDC Notices Grinage Family Rescue Ezekiel Arriyel Brown Philadelphia Family Court DHS Malpractice Judge Robert Matthews Kevin Dougherty Anne Ambrose Erick Brown 060810 Mob Assault Abduction Fraud.pdf VlYmMtZTIyYS00MGZjLTk3NjMtZTMzMDc4ZjEwYjFl&hl=en 012311 Confidential Distribution List Redacted Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Checklist Proposal Management Team Invitations First Draft Business Plan Nonprofit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways.pdf 052711 SCHEDULE C U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Citizens Video Journalism Public Post Incident Reports HireLyrics Administrative Services Roxanne Grinage Family Rescue Ezekiel Arriyel


Brown.doc (2 MB) 4:53 pm by Download Print fill in and fax back the second page of this pdf file if you want us to contact you to verify your claim to join class action lawsuit 70 families and growing plan to sue City of Philadelphia DHS and certain Philadelphia Family Court Judges with Certain Named City Solicitors Child Advocates Commissioner Case Workers. See Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Mar 15 2011 Metro Philly Ad. Fax completed form back to 215-405-2939. Join 70 Families Plan $1 Billion Lawsuit No 2nd Term Nutter DHS Family Courtroom Killing Floors Must Close.pdf See Full Length 33min video what happened 02/28/2011 when New Civil Rights Movement New Civil Rights Heroes Families Fight Back Say No More DHS Demonic Horror Stories, Janice Brown, Maurice West, Roxanne Grinage reviewed the records ordered produced by Subpoena upon DHS City of Philadelphia Deputy Solicitor Barbara A. Ash an historic event in turning the tide for a so far unaccountable Philadelphia Family Court with DHS agency daily kidnap for profit child slaughter, theft of heritage, religious freedoms, forced commerce, siphoned embezzled federal and state funds by deliberate or incompetent falsification of records and lying in official court documents: Child Abuse Registry Fraud; Child Support Enforcement Fraud; Mental Health Exam Fraud; unlawful attachments, double and triple billing, etc. at CNN iReport HireLyrics Roxanne Grinage 6/18/2010. U.S.D.C. PaED 2:10cv00179-MSG COS Copy Filed Today: PLAINTIFF LORRAINE GRINAGES COMPLIANCE WITH HONORABLE MITCHELL S. GOLDBERGS ORDER OF MAY 10, 2010 SUBMITS PHOTO VIDEO AND WITNESS EVIDENCE DEFENDANT SAUNDRA O. SULLIVAN HAS LIED TO U.S. MARSHAL TO EVADE SERVICE OF SUMMONS AND RESIDES AT 972 ANCHOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19124 WHERE SHE WAS PRESENT ON JUNE 8, 2010 AT 6:30 P.M. 45 MINUTES BEFORE SAUNDRA O. SULLIVAN PARTICIPATED IN SIX MEMBER FLASH MOB WITH GUNS AND BASEBALL BATS ATTEMPTED HOME INVASION AND INFLICTED AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS OF LORRAINE GRINAGE, ROXANNE GRINAGE AND WILLIE BROWNSON ENDANGERING LORRAINE GRINAGES CHILDREN TRANSPORTED AND LEFT UNATTENDED IN SAUNDRA SULLIVANS WHITE BRONCO IN THE MIDDLE OF FLASH MOB VIOLENCE. Friday, June 18, 2010 8:04 PM From: "Roxanne Grinage" <> To:,, "President Judge Dembe CCP Philadelphia" <>, "President Judge Marsha Neifield" <>, "Court of Judicial Discipline Harrisburg Pennsylvania" <>, "Philadelphia District Attorney" <>, "Child Abuse Registry Director Harriet Dichter" <>, "Mayor Nutter Address 1" <>, "Mayor Nutter Address 2" <>,,, "Anne Ambrose DHS" <>, "Supreme Court Rules Evidence Committee" <> Cc: "Daily News Reporter Janice Brown DHS Story" <>, "Daily News Reporter Sparkle Ballard DHS Story" <>,,,, "USDOJ Michael Levy Philadelphia" <>,, "FBI Philadelphia Complaints" <>,,, June 18, 2010 HAND DELIVERED Michael E. Kunz, Clerk of Court United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 601 Market Street, Room 2609 Philadelphia, PA 19106-1797 Re: 2:10-cv-00179-MSG Please find hand delivered for filing in above docket, (1) PLAINTIFF LORRAINE GRINAGES COMPLIANCE WITH HONORABLE MITCHELL S. GOLDBERGS ORDER OF MAY 10, 2010 SUBMITS PHOTO VIDEO AND WITNESS EVIDENCE DEFENDANT SAUNDRA O. SULLIVAN HAS LIED TO U.S. MARSHAL TO EVADE SERVICE OF SUMMONS AND RESIDES AT 972 ANCHOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19124 WHERE SHE -9-

WAS PRESENT ON JUNE 8, 2010 AT 6:30 P.M. 45 MINUTES BEFORE SAUNDRA O. SULLIVAN PARTICIPATED IN SIX MEMBER FLASH MOB WITH GUNS AND BASEBALL BATS ATTEMPTED HOME INVASION AND INFLICTED AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS OF LORRAINE GRINAGE, ROXANNE GRINAGE AND WILLIE BROWNSON ENDANGERING LORRAINE GRINAGES CHILDREN TRANSPORTED AND LEFT UNATTENDED IN SAUNDRA SULLIVANS WHITE BRONCO IN THE MIDDLE OF FLASH MOB VIOLENCE with (2) Certificate of Service, (3) Exhibit A, (4) Notice of Change of Address and (5) Respectful request Clerk of Court correct spelling of minor Plaintiffs middle name Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown and do not file Plaintiffs Compliance as an amended complaint. 092711 HireLyrics Pro Se Motion Modify Custody Notice Probate RICO Title 18 Causes of Action Counterclaims as a Litigation Plan Strategy Measure Judicial AG DA Accountability Grand Jury Tampering Federal Crime Victim Witness Intimidation.pdf This Free Sign Up Form is about the Philadelphia Family Court DHS Child Support Enforcement Personal Injuries Wrongful Death IRS EIC Adoption Tax Credit Fraud Class Action which enables Federal Crime Victim Families to Shop as a Group for Whistleblower Audit Class Action Law firms seeking indictments, damages, jail time for Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Felonies Inflicted by criminally behaving court and agency employees who abuse their official positions to inflict felonies upon American working class student and impoverished families. All Complaint and Pleadings will demand return for kidnapped for profit injured children elderly and disabled of all ages to the families who want them. The Pieces of information asked for on this form are useful for administrators of class actions or individual lawsuits in other U.S. Jurisdictions for accounting for the pieces of information that should be verified before presenting to no nonsense litigators and forensics expert witnesses retained by the Group.-- DHS FAMILY COURT CHILD SUPPORT SLAUGHTERED FAMILIES SIGN UP PLAINTIFFS LIST SHOP AND RETAIN AS GROUP WHISTLEBLOWER CLASS ACTION LAW FIRMS AUDIT FIRMS PAY FORENSICS EXPERT WITNESSES. - Plaintiffs in All Related Dockets U.S.D.C. PaED 209cv04119-MSG Roxanne Grinage, William Brounson, Lorraine Grinage, Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown, Arriyel Roxanne Brown v Fern Brown Caplan Esq; Timothy E. Possenti, Esq PC, Judge Robert J. Matthews, Anne Marie Ambrose, Erick L. Brown, Saundra Sullivan, Diane Kearney, Lenwood Kearney are going to sue City of Philadelphia Family Court, DHS, PACSES and Pennsylvania Unified Judicial System For Kidnap For Profit Personal Injuries Disability Wrongful Death Theft of Heritage Vested Interest Career Theft Economic Treason Forced Commerce, Willful Prolonged Aggravated Assaults, Stalking with Malice, Terrorism, Coercion, Racketeering, Theft of Religious Freedoms IRS EIC Adoption Tax Credit Fraud Child Support Enforcement Fraud. One Billion Dollars ($1,000,000,000.00) Sign Up to Join Class Action Lawsuit Pending. -- DHS SLAUGHTERED Families Federal Crime Victim Campaign 2012 GOALS: -- No 2nd Term Michael Nutters Philadelphia Family Courtroom Killing Floors MUST GO. Federal Crime Victim Voters CROSS PARTY LINES Send Clear Message NonResponsive Elected Officials are Removed. -- DHS Slaughtered Families Vote for Anybody but Michael Nutter. -- Request Presidential Barack Obama and USDOJ Eric Holder State of Emergency Intervention to Protect Public Safety In Gangland Style Criminal Organized Crime Corruption Poisoned Pennsylvania Eastern District controlled by Criminally behaving individuals abusing their official positions to inflict felony crimes upon American working class student and impoverished families and businesses. -- Child Slaughter Economy Fraud Education and Court Reform STATE OF EMERGENCY FEDERAL INTERVENTION RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED: Investigate, Audit, Indictment Fine and Jail for Economic Treason, Kidnap For Profit Personal Injury Disability, Wrongful Death, Forced Commerce, Theft of Heritage Religious Freedoms Vested Interest Careers -- DHS SLAUGHTERED FAMILIES SIGN UP Plaintiffs List Shop As Group To Retain Class Action Whistleblower Law Firms Audit Firms Pay Forensics Expert Witnesses -- Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Personal Injury, Inoculation and Medical Injuries (Autism, Influenza, Palsy,), Medical Error Disability Inflicted, Mental Physical and Abuse Injuries Inflicted; Maximized Risk Exposure -10-

to Child Sexual Predators (God-given Natural Protector Removed), Separation Abuse Aggravated Assault Wrongful death Trauma Personal Injuries Unlawful Attachments of Earnings Willful Child Endangerment Tyrannical Arrest Imprisonment Wrongful Convictions Excessive Bail Theft of Vested Interest, Career Theft, Theft of Health Heritage Religious Freedoms Illegal Adoptions Transport and Trafficking of Human Beings Racketeering Kidnap For Profit, Court or DHS Ordered Mental Health Evaluation Science Fraud, Retaliation, Intimidation, Stalking with Malice, Terror Threats, Assault, Home Invasion Mob Assault, Attempted Murder, Murder, DHS case worker malpractice advice about your tax reporting dependency issues, Identity Theft, Earned Income Credit Theft, Adoption Tax Credit Paid, Conflict of Interest Fraud, Double Oppressive Child Support Billing especially when DHS has your kids with any number of DHS contractors billing Federal and Recovery Act Funding Sources. Strongest prayers, Roxanne Grinage,Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database PO Box 22225 Philadelphia Pa 19136 (229) 395-0039


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