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INTRODUCTION The Smart Note Taker is such a helpful product that satisfies the needs of the people in today's technologic and fast life. This product can be used in m a n y w a ys . T h e S m a r t N o t e T a k e r p r o v i d e s t a k i n g f a s t a n d e a s y n o t e s t o p e o p l e w h o a r e b u s y o n e ' s s e l f with something. With the help of Smart Note Taker, people will be able to write notes onthe air, while being busy with their work. The written note will be stored on the memoryc h i p o f t h e p e n , a n d w i l l b e a b l e t o r e a d i n d i g i t a l m e d i u m a f t e r t h e j o b h a s d o n e . T h i s will save time and facilitate life.The Smart Note Taker is good and helpful for blinds that think and write freely. Another p l a c e , w h e r e o u r product can play an important role,is where two people talks on the phone. The subscribers are apart from each other while their talk, and they m a y w a n t t o use figures or texts to understand themselves better.It's also useful especially for instructors in presentations. The instructors may not want to p r e s e n t t h e l e c t u r e i n f r o n t of the board. The drawn figure can be processed and directlys e n t t o t h e server computer in the room. The server computer then can b r o a d c a s t t h e drawn shape through network to all of the computers w h i c h a r e p r e s e n t i n t h e r o o m . B y this way, the lectures are aimed to be more efficient and fun. This product will be simple but powerful.The product will be able to sense 3D shapes and motions that user triest o d r a w . T h e s e n s e d i n f o r m a t i o n w i l l b e p r o c e s s e d a n d transferredtothe memory chipa n d t h e n w i l l b e m o n i t o r e d o n t h e d i s p l a y d e v i c e . T h e d r a w n s h a p e t h e n c a n b e broadcasted to the network or sent to a mobile device.T h e r e w i l l b e a n a d d i t i o n a l f e a t u r e o f t h e p r o d u c t w h i c h w i l l monitor the notes, whichwere taken before, on the application program u s e d i n t h e c o m p u t e r . T h i s a p p l i c a t i o n program can be a word document or an image file. Then, the sensed figures that were drawn onto the air will be recognized and by the helpof the software program we will write, the desired character will be printed in the worddocument.I f t h e a p p l i c a t i o n p r o g r a m i s a p a i n t r e l a t e d p r o g r a m , t h e n t h e m o s t similar shape will be chosen by the program and then will be printed on the screen.

Features Of Smart Note Taker

With the help of smart note taker handwritten notes will be instantl y convertedinto editable text. It is good and helpful for blinds that think and write freely. Another place, where our product can play an impor t a n t r o l e i s w h e r e two people talk on the phone.The subscribers are apart from eac h other whiletheir talk, and they may want to usefigures or texts to understand themselves better.

Its also useful especially for instructors in presentation . The Instructorsmay not want to present the lecture in front of the board.The drawn figure can be processed and directl y sent to the server computer in the room. Th eserver computer then can broadcast the drawnshape through network to allof the coputers which are present in theroom. By this way lectures are aimed to be more efficient and fun. It recognize up to 22 Languages : English Canada , English - GB, English-US ,Germa , Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese ,Korean Danish, Spanish,Spanish Mexico, Finnish, French , French-Canada, Greez, Italian,J apanese, D u t c h , N o r w e g i a n , P o r t u g u e s e , PortugueseBrazil,Russian,Swedish.

Since, JAVA applet is suitable for both the drawings and strings, all t h e s e applications can be put together by developing a single JAVA applet program. The javacode that we will develop will also be be installed on the pen so that the processor in the pe n will and and t ype the able to draw desired text on the display panel.

Applet is a function of java which for example, is a kind of container (file)which contains a set of programs made in java. Java is a high level language. It iswidel y used in making various application Based on java. It is one of the bestfeatures of java. The various strings, drawings etc will be made using a cl ass file andthis file will not be a single file. It will be a set of files linked together in a single

The s ystem installed in the pen will consist of a database which will help the processor to recognize various words made visually in the air. Each word written in theair will resemble to a word in thedatabase and the word present in the database will be p r i n t e d . T h i s w i l l r e m a i n t h e b a s i c p r i n c i p l e o f t h e working of a smart note taker.

Smart note taker will be simple but powerful. The product will be able to sense 3Dshapes and motions that user tries to draw.The sensed information will be processed andtransferred to the memory chip and then will be monitored on the display device. Thed r a w n s h a p e t h e n c a n b e b r o a d c a s t e d t o t h e n e t w o r k o r s e n t t o a m o b i l e d e v i c e . There will be an additional feature of the product that

will monitor the notes, which weretaken before, on the application program used in the computer. This application programcan be a word document or an image file.Then, the sensed that were drawn into the air will be recognized and with the helpof the software program software we will write the desired character will be printed in theword document. If the application program is a paint related program, then the most similar shape will be chosen by the program and then will be printed on screen.

Fig: 2.1 Smart Note Taker


In order to meet the technical requirements of the product we needOperating S ystem Like Windows or Linux in order to implement software part of the p r o j e c t , D i s p l a c e m e n t S e n s o r s t o r e c o g n i z e t h e d i s p l a c e ment of the pen in threedimensions, parallel cable to com m u n i c a t e w i t h c o m p u t e r , s o f t w a r e t o s o l v e t h e displacement data and finds the individual coordinate displacements in three a xes andt r a n s f o r m t h e d a t a i n t o t e x t f o r m a t , a n a l o g t o d i g i t a l c o n v e r t e r t o p r o c e s s a n a l o g displacement data and convert them into digital format, switch to control the pen and Rechargeable battery.

Operating System Software program to convert data into text or string format Displacement Sensor Parallel cable Analog to digital converter Switch Rechargeable battery


In the current market there are many similar products that are trying to converthandwritten documents into digital t yped documents. In these products, optical sensorsare being widel y used to perceive the motion. Ink is also used on these products to befunctioned as an ordinary pen. There are optical sensors on the pen. However, they have some lacks and imperfections such as being wired, limited in work space, non -practical and limited in 2D.

Treats In The Market

Companies had succeeded to make similar products and putthem in themarket . Putting a newly invented , innovative product in the market is not easy. The prices i n the market must be well observed for similar products. The prices of 2Dd i g i t a l p e n s a r e a b o u t 5 0 d o l l a r s t o 9 0 d o l l a r s . T h e n e w p r o d u c t i s 3D S m a r t NoteTaker that has a memory chip on it in addition to the features that the previous p ens have.


Smart note taker is incompatible among the other products. It has somesignificant differences from its p otential competitors. This plays crucial role in themarketing strategy and attractiveness of product in the segmented mark. The prior market is educational services and schools. I n t o d a y s f a s t a n d information based life; the faster and easier you get information, the more successful youare. The customers are going to be generall y teachers and indirectl y students. Whilelecturing the usage of the board for teachers and note-taking for

students cause dilute of time and sometimes it is embarrassing.In order to utilitize the time and to take more attention of students smart notetaker is a great solution, which transfers the notes of the teacher on the board to softwaredirectly. It optimizes efficiency of time that is used during the lecturing and it is desirablefor the educational.

With the help of smart note taker we can write notes on any surfaceeven in air.That is we can write notes any time without using a paper.So we get information in very fast and easy way.Hence it is time saving. Smart note taker is releable and powerful. It is helpful for blinds that think and write freely. Smart note taker is used for instructors in presentations. It is used along with paint and JAVA graphics so we can say this product is compatible with all graphics software. Easy-to-use wireless connection. Drawer (Contents outline, library, history).



The Ultimate Handwriting Capture Device Mobile NoteTakerTM is theworlds first portable handwriting capture device based on natural handwriting as aninput. Attach plain paper of any kind and use Pegasus the electronic pen to capture ,store and share handwritten drawings, sketches, notes, and memos at meetings,l ectures, and conferences. Mobile NoteTakerTM has a built-in LCD to confirm input. The onboard flashmemory can store up to 50 pages (size A4).Mobile Note Taker works in two modes :mobile mode and Connected mode.In mobilemode note taker receiver unit is not connected to a PC via USB cable. In connected modethe base unit is connected to a PC through USB cable.Features and BenefitsUses standard paper - no special paper required Stores up to 50 A4 pages IncludesLCD to view and confirm input Operates both in mobile mode and whenconnected toP C , n o t e b o o k o r o t h e r d e v i c e C o n n e c t s t o P C / N o t e b o o k v i a U S B c a b l e ( i n c l u d e d ) Includes software for synchronization and management of stored files Writes directly intoMS Office applications (in Connected mode) Allows file transfer over LAN, email, andinstant messaging application (in connected mode).Capture, Organize, and Share Your Notes Digitally-Anywhere, Anytime!M o b i l e M o d e Enables capture and storage of notes and sketches digitally a t meetings, lectures, and conference

Fig: 3.1.1 Mobile Note Taker Connected mode Synchronizes the Mobile NoteTakerTM and a PC/Notebook via USBca ble (included). You can upload, organize, move, edit or add to handwritten notes,ideas, sketches, phone numbers, or reminders. The included software also enables memos, notes, and sketches to be sent via e-mail or over the LAN network. It is also possible to write directl y into MS Word or Outlook, and add a personal touch to I C Q i n s t a n t m e s s a g e s . B a s e d o n P e g a s u s s u c c e s s f u l P C N o t e s T a k e r , M o b i l e NoteTakerTM is the ultimate handwriting capture device. Everything you need to getstarted is right in the box. Even if you dont have standard size paper or piece of paper with you - you can use anything - an envelope, an old receipt, a tear-off from a paper bag and best of al l in your own natural and writing. As long as you have theMobile NoteTakerTM, you can jot down your most inspired ideas and be sure that youll never lose them again.Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows XPMinimum 15MB available hard disk spaceMinimum 32MB RAM (recommended 64MB) _______________________________________________________________________ _ Dept of ECE 11 Smart Note Taker

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