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FORMATIVE TEST CYCLE 1 Choose the correct answers

Text for no 1 - 3
Amphibians An amphibian is an animal that has moist, hairless skin. Amphibians are cold-blooded, which means they cannot make their own body heat. They get warm in the sun and cool off in the shade. The three main groups of amphibians are frogs and toads, salamanders, and caecilians. All amphibians have backbones. The three kinds of amphibians look very different from each other. Frogs and toads have legs but do not have tails. Salamanders have short legs and long bodies ending in tails. Caecilians do not have any legs. They look a lot like big earthworms.

1. The text is trying to . a. tell me about frogs, salamanders and caecilians b. persuade me to like amphibians c. describe amphibians d. tell me that frogs are different from toads 2. The text is written for . a. Botanists b. animal lovers c. biology teachers d. students learning biology

3. It doesnt belong to main group of amphibians. a. Frogs and Toads b. Salamanders c. Caecilians d. Earthworms

4. Arrange the jumble sentences into good order! 1. It makes nice food 2. A potato is a staple food in Europe. 3. You can fry or bake it. 4. It is round and yellowish. a. 2 4 3 1 c. 3 4 2 1 b. 2 4 1 3 d. 3 4 1 2

Text for no 5 7
Marsupials Do you know marsupials? Marsupials are animals that have a built-in baby carrier. You know, marsupial mothers have a pouch on the front of their bodies. You know what? A marsupial mom puts her newborn baby in her pouch. She carries the baby around until it is ready

to go out on its own. Kangaroos are one kind of marsupial. But there are many other kinds, too. Where do they live? Er most marsupials live in Australia and New Zealand. A kind of opossum

5. What is the text trying to tell you? a. to describe marsupials b. to tell why marsupials have a pouch c. to tell me what happened to marsupials in the past d. to tell me how marsupials protect themselves from danger 6. How does a marsupial carry its baby around? a. until it is ready to go out on its own b. until it grows up as an adult c. all the time d. sometimes 7. Which one is TRUE according to the text a. Marsupials animals that have a built-in baby carrier. b. Marsupial mothers have a pouch on the back of their bodies. c. All marsupials live in deserts d. None live in deep forest

Text for no 8 12 Choose the suitable word to complete the text!

SHARKS A shark is a type of fish that lives in the sea. It (8) one of the largest sea creatures. There ARE over 350 species. A shark is shaped like a torpedo. It (9) rough skin like sandpaper. Instead of bones it has elastic cartilage which helps them to move easily. It can (10) up to 8 meters. Pic. 6.12 found in all oceans around the world. The type of shark found will (11) on the waters Sharks are(Microsoft Encarta, 2008) temperature. A shark has to keep moving when it is asleep because it will either sink or suffocate. It has to keep moving because it needs to (12) through its gills to keep alive. When sharks are hungry, they look for food. Different sharks eat different food. Harmless sharks eat plankton but harmful sharks eat meat.

(Source: Microsoft Encarta, 2008)


a. is b. has

c. has d. have c. has d. have c. leave d. grow c. grow d. help c. leave d. grow


a. is b. has

10. a. depend b. breathe 11. a. depend b. leave 12. a. depend b. breathe

Text for no 36 - 40
Octopus The Octopus is a sea animal with eight powerful feet which it uses as hands. These are called tentacles. The word Octopus comes from two greet words that mean eight feet. The octopus, the squid and the cuttlefish belong to the same family that has no outside shells. Their bodies are covered entirely with skin. Therefore the body of an octopus is soft. It looks like a big balloon. A fully-grown octopus can be as large as 8,5 meters from the tip of one tentacles to the tip of another. It can weigh as much as 45 kilograms. Besides using its tentacles to catch small fish, sea plants, crab and lobsters, the octopus also uses them against its enemies. The octopus wraps its tentacles around the victim and squeezes it before eating it. The octopus escapes from its enemies by giving out a thick dark fluid to darken the water. It can also change the color of its body to match its surroundings. It hides from its enemies by doing this.

13. Which group of sea creatures belongs to the same family ? a. fish, octopus and crab b. squid, crab and octopus c. crab, cuttlefish and squid d. cuttlefish, octopus and squid 14. How much a fully-grown octopus can weigh? a. 35 kilograms. b. 40 kilograms. c. 45 kilograms. d. 55 kilograms.

15. How does the octopus hunt for food? a. It uses colors. b. It uses its teeth. c. It uses magic color. d. It uses its tentacles.

16. What does the word octopus mean in Greek? a. Monster. b. Fish. c. Dark water. d. Eight feet.

17. The word them in paragraph 3 refers to the octopuss . a. teeth b. enemies c. tentacles d. lobsters

Chimpanzees are humans closest relatives compared to any other ape. They like to stay on the ground, but they climb among the trees. Their hands and feet can easily grip branches and objects, because their body is swinging. Chimps like to search for termites, ants and never refuse of sweet fruit and nuts. Chimpanzes communicate with each other using a wide variety of sound 18.What is the favourite place of chimpanzes to stay? a. Among the trees c. On the branches b. On the ground d. On a certain object 19.The following are chimpanzees food, except . a. Small mammals c. sweet fruits b. Little insects d. nuts 20.What does the text tell us about? a. Chimpanzees physical appearance b. Chimpanzees habitats c. The diet of chimpanzees d. Chimpanzees habits

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