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Ans 1) Classification of Operators: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Arithmetic Operators Relational Operators Logical Operators Assignment Operators Increment and decrement Operators

Conditional Operators Bitwise Operators Special Operators

Ans 2) Data types: Definition: Data types are nothing but the storage representation and machine instructions to handle constants differ from machine to machine. 1) Integer 2) Float 3) Character

Ans 3) Formatting Specifiers: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) %d Integer %f Float %x Hexadecimal %c Character %o Octal %e Exponential

Ans 4) Syntax of Switch Case statement:

swith(expression) { Case value-1: Block-1; Break;

Case value-1:

Block-1; Break; | | Case value-n: Block-n; Break;

Default: Default Block; Break; }

Syntax of If-else

if(condition) { Block of statement;

} Else { Block of statement;

Ans 5) Syntax of Else-if ladder statement:

if(condition) statement 1;

elseif(condition) statement 2;

elseif(condition) statement 3;

elseif(condition) statement n;

else default statement;

Syntax of Do while loop:

Do { Body of loop; }

While(test condition):

Q 2) 1) Program for greater number between three

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int a,b,c; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter any three numbers\n"); scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); if(a>b) { if(a>c) printf("\n %d is greater",a); else printf("\n %d is greater",c); } else { if(b>c) printf("\n %d is greater",b); else

printf("\n %d is greater",c); } getch(); return 0; }

2) Program to display students grade

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int marks,avg,sum,d; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter marks of student"); scanf("%d",&marks); if(marks>=75) { printf("\n Distinction"); } else if(marks>=60) { printf("\n First class"); } else if(marks>=50) { printf("\n Second Class");

} else { printf("\n Fail"); } getch(); return 0; }

3) Program to calculate area of circle

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int a,r; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter radius of circle"); scanf("%d",&r); a=3.1415*r*r; printf("\n Area of circle=%d",a); getch(); return 0; }

4)Program to display even numbers from 1-100

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int i; clrscr(); for(i=1;i<=100;i++) if(i%2==0) { printf("\n %d",i); } getch(); return 0; }


#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int a,b,c; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter any three numbers\n"); scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); if(a>b) { if(a>c)

printf("\n %d is greater",a); else printf("\n %d is greater",c); } else { if(b>c) printf("\n %d is greater",b); else printf("\n %d is greater",c); } getch(); return 0; }

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