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Word formation cwiczenia do International Express Intermediate Anna Broniowska Dorota Skrynicka

UNIT ONE verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb advertise advertiser advertisement advertorial advertised advertising advise adviser advice advisable advisory analyse analyst analysis analytical analytically ADVERTISE 1. Cleaning products are often advertised on TV. 2. Her husband works in advertising industry. 3. I m sorry but I m not a very good advertisement for the new slim diet. 4. An advertorial is an ad in the newspaper in a form of an article. 5. Advertisers try to make people buy particular products. ADVISE 1. I need some advice on which house to buy in this area. 2. It s advisable to book the hotel in that sea resort well in advance. 3. She has always wanted to become a financial advisor. 4. I d advise not selling the collection. 5. She was employed by the president in an advisory role. ANALYSE 1. He is a world known analyst specializing in evaluating financial markets. 2. We have to analyse the contract in detail before signing it. 3. Hehasan analytical mind. 4. The speaker presented a thorough analysis of the current political situation.

UNIT TWO verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb apply applicant application applicable assist assistant assistance attend attendant attendance attended APPLY 1. The decision of the committee was to award the applicant the sum of $ 2000 to be paid by the end of next month. 2. This rule is applicable only to newcomers. 3. The second law of thermodynamics is the widely applicable law of physics. 4. The application of EC health and safety legislation in member states will help future generations. 5. Students from smaller universities are especially encouraged to apply. ASSIST 1. If you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me. 2. A PA abbreviation stands for a personal assistant. 3. After long negotiations they finally agreed to assist the research. ATTEND 1. The lectures given by professor Smith were very popular among students and were always well attended. 2. The swimming pool attendant was very helpful. He looked after my children when I was looking for my bag. 3. Attendance at school is mandatory. 4. Will you be attending the conference?

UNIT THREE verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb appoint appointee appointment appointed attract attraction attractiveness attractive unattractive attractively interview interviewee interviewer interview interviewed APPOINT 1. She was appointed as CEO last July. 2. We weren t there at the appointed time. 3. Nobody knows who will be the presidential appointee for this position. 4. Can I make an appointment to see the director? 5. It is only possible to see her by appointment. ATTRACT 1. The thief tried to sneak into the hotel without attracting anyone s attention. 2. That area is getting more and more attractive to investors. 3. The main attraction to this castle is the fact that you can spend a night in one of the royal chambers. 4. The programme presented to the public proved to be totally unattractive. INTERVIEW 1. The interviewee felt slightly uneasy during the whole interview. 2. The interviewer asked many questions about the background of the potential new employee. 3. Nobody likes interviews as they are very stressful.

UNIT FOUR verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb comment commentator comment commentary communicate communicator communication communications communicative uncommunicative communicating communicable communicatively compare comparison comparative comparatively COMMENT 1. Have the customers made any positive comments about our latest product? 2. The spokesperson denied all charges and declined to comment. 3. Some sports commentators are fun to listen to. 4. The commentary on the new performance which I read in today s paper wasn t very flattering. COMMUNICATE 1. The final decision was soon communicated to all the members of the club. 2. Nonverbal communication is as important as verbal communication. 3. It is pleasant to work with communicative people. COMPARE 1. The two enterprises are in a comparable situation. 2. Before going to another country it is always good to read some books which compare and contrast cultural differences. 3. The swimmers are expected to win with comparative ease. 4. Compared to some problems we had to face in the past this one seems easy to solve. 5. We drew some comparisons between the problems which frequently occur in our team.

UNIT FIVE verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb create creator creation creativity creative creatively decide decision decisive indecisive deciding decidedly depend dependant dependence dependency dependent dependable CREATE 1. The launch of the new line of computers may create a great demand in the future. 2. Creativity is needed in designing new objects. 3. The latest creations from Paris are extremely expensive. 4. The creator of the new model was granted a lucrative contract. DECIDE 1. A good boss should be decisive. 2. He acted so decidedly that nobody suspected any future problems. 3. Have you decided where to go on holiday? 4. The director has the deciding vote. 5. Taking tough decision is very stressful. DEPEND 1. Private universities do not depend on government s support. 2. Dependence is the state of being dependent, in other words this is inability of existing or operating without any help or support. 3. My secretary is really dependable. 4. Please write your name, address and the number of dependants you have.

UNIT SIX verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb economise/ economize economist economy economics economic economical economically finance financier finance finances financial govern governor government governing ECONOMISE 1. In summer months it is forbidden to water gardens as everybody has to economise on water. 2. John is studying economics at university because he wants to become economic analyst. 3. If you look for a new economical car, check and compare some figures of new models of cars available on the market. 4. Is the enterprise economically viable? 5. Cheap airlines are no longer economic. FINANCE 1. We are trying to find an investor willing to finance our project. 2. One of the greatest financial centres is the City of London. 3. It is a self-financing institution. 4. The finances of the company are checked thoroughly on a weekly basis. 5. A financier deals with large sums of money. GOVERN 1. The country is governed by the prime minister and his cabinet. 2. The governing body of our university approved unanimously new regulations. 3. The local government is elected every four years. 4. A famous actor was elected governor of the state of California.

UNIT SEVEN verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb industrialise industrialist industry industrialism industrial industrious inform informant information informative informed innovate innovator innovation innovative innovatory INDUSTRIALISE 1. An industrial estate is a special area of land where factories and offices are build. 2. Under-developed countries should invest in industry. 3. He is hard-working, diligent and industrious. 4. An Industrial Revolution took place in Great Britain around 17501850. 5. The wealth of the country is the legacy of the industrialism. 6. He is one of the prominent industrialists. INFORM 1. We decided not to inform everybody as some information was confidential. 2. The informant provided some information which enabled the police to catch the thief. 3. Information technology has been taught in schools for many years. 4. Heisawell informed member of the committee. 5. Some TV channels broadcast informative documentaries. INNOVATE 1. 2. 3. 4. He was a talented innovator who innovated many home appliances. Recent innovations let people save much time. Certain ideas are too innovative to be put into practice. Innovation is in the human nature.

UNIT EIGHT verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb invest investor investment dedicate dedication dedicated dedicatedly distribute distributor distribution distributive INVEST 1. It is unwise to invest all money in only one project. 2. It is possible to make a lot of money by investing in art. 3. The local government is trying to attract more investment in that area. 4. Overseas investors are trying to expand and gain new clients. DEDICATE 1. He dedicated his spare time to testing new computer games. 2. Patients appreciate dedicated doctors. 3. The speaker praised her dedication to save endangered species. DISTRIBUTE 1. He worked for a local distributor of some spare parts. 2. We have some distribution problems of the goods in remote areas as there are very few roads. 3. All leaflets were quickly distributed among the participants of the convention.

UNIT NINE verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb employ employer employee employment unemployment employed unemployed succeed success successful unsuccessful successfully solve solution soluble insoluble EMPLOY 1. The rate of unemployment rose again as the biggest company in the region had to close down. 2. There are now over 4 million unemployed in this country. 3. How many people does your company employ ? 4. The number of employees in the company has doubled in the last 2 years. 5. Are you in employment at the moment? 6. We need a reference from your former employer . 7. Sophisticated statistical analysis was employed to get the results. 8. As he couldn t find a job he was entitled to unemployment benefit. SOLVE 1. I don t know how to solve this problem. 2. There is no easy solution to this problem. 3. I ve been doing this mathematical equation for over an hour and for me it is absolutely insoluble . 4. I have a headache. Can you get me a soluble aspirin? 5. Both sides are trying to find a peaceful solution. SUCCESS 1. Women have to be tough to succeed in the male dominated world of business. 2. She puts her success down to hard work and good luck. 3. Were you successful in persuading him to change his mind? 4. After harsh negotiations he successfully completed the deal. 5. What a waste of time! It was a totally unsuccessful meeting.

UNIT TEN verb noun (person) noun (thing) Adjective adverb develop developer development developing developed undeveloped know knowledge know-how known unknown knowingly access access accessibility accessible inaccessible DEVELOP 1. Scientists are developing new drugs to treat cancer. 2. Scientists carried out research on farming methods in developed countries. 3. Try not to use a mobile phone too often or you will develop a brain cancer. 4. I have a flat in this new housing development . 5. One of the basic needs in developing countries is clean drinkable water. 6. Everyone seems to be interested in the recent developments in Russia. 7. Which property developer did you buy your flat from? 8. There has been significant computer development during the last decade. KNOW 1. John needs more practical know-how to do his new job. 2. You need specialist knowledge about the risk of using these chemicals. 3. Local residents have made known their objections to the proposal. 4. I have a working knowledge of Spanish. 5. Despite a thorough investigation the cause of the accident is still unknown . 6. To the best of my knowledge the project will be starting in July. 7. Itis well known that he never gives interviews. ACCESS 1. The only access. to the village is by boat. 2. Our university has made some attempts to make evening courses accessible to a wider group of students. 3. The tax inspector has gained complete access to the company files. 4. Two new roads are under construction to increase accessibility to the town centre. 5. You are not authorised to access this file. 6. The main access to the building is at the side.

UNIT ELEVEN verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb organize organizer organisation organized organising organizational possibility possible impossible possibly manage manager management managed manageable managerial managing ORGANIZE 1. Who s going to organize the party this year? 2. I m sorry I forgot. I m not very organized these days. 3. The organisation of fund raising has been left to Mary. 4. You can be sure the meeting will be well organized . 5. To be a successful leader you need organizational ability. 6. The organizers have expected about 50,000 people to attend the concert. 7. The government intends to combat terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crime. 8. She is looking for a personal assistant with good organizational skills. 9. The New Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games has already been established. POSSIBLE 1. Isit possible to buy tickets in advance? 2. The forecast said that there s a possibility of snow tonight. 3. We need to send this letter off as soon as possible . 4. She can t possibly know all about our plans. 5. She wants a man who is intelligent, attractive, funny and caring as well, whi ch is asking the impossible . 6. Could I possibly ask you to move your chair a little? 7. It was impossible to sleep because of the noise. 8. Is there any possibility that you could pick me up from the station? MANAGE 1. The company has been very badly managed . 2. Jenny managed to pass her driving test. 3. She s never been good at managing money. 4. My hair has been more manageable since I had it cut. 5. Do you want a hand with this project? No, it s ok, I ll manage . 6. They sent me on one of those management training courses. 7. Can I speak to the manager, please? 8. To be a boss you have to be decisive and have some managerial skills. 9. Who is the managing director of Fiat Poland? 10. The company s failure was mainly due to bad management .

UNIT TWELVE verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb negotiate negotiator negotiation negotiable operate operator operation operational operative necessitate. necessity necessary unnecessary necessarily NEGOTIATE 1. Part-time barman required. Hours and salary negotiable . 2. The government refuses to negotiate with the terrorists. 3. The terms of the contract are still open to negotiation . 4. Union leaders have negotiated an agreement for a shorter working week. 5. The treaty was a result of long and complex negotiations . 6. A compromise was reached thanks to our brilliant negotiators . OPERATE 1. I need instructions for operating the new heating system. 2. How well does the company decision-making system operate in practice? 3. Protective clothing must be worn when the machine is in operation . 4. Doctors had to operate on his spine. 5. The new law will come into operation later this year. 6. The new laboratory is fully operational and open for business. 7. This new service has only been in operation for 2 months. 8. Ask the operator to put you through. 9. Is the new operating system available on all computers? 10. She s going to have an operation on her knee. NECESSARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I ll leave it to you to make all the necessary arrangements. Expensive restaurants are not necessarily the best. Lack of money necessitated a change of plans. Necessity is the mother of invention. The heavy rain made it necessary to close several roads. We ll need to take on new staff. Not necessarily A telephone is an absolute necessity for this job.

UNIT THIRTEEN verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb motivate motivation motive motivated highly/well motivated predict prediction predictable unpredictable predictably populate population populist population populated populous populist MOTIVATE 1. You re a really good bunch of students highly -motivated and very intelligent. 2. A good teacher has to be able to motivate his students. 3. What was your motivation for becoming a teacher? 4. The police believe the motive for this murder was jealousy. 5. The profit-sharing plan is designed to motivate staff to work harder. 6. He s talented but he lacks motivation . PREDICT 1. Economists are predicting a fall in interest rates. 2. The outcome of these experiments is not always predictable . 3. I find it very hard to make a prediction . 4. It is very difficult to predict what the long-term effects of the accident will be. 5. Earlier predictions of sudden economic crisis seem more and more unlikely. 6. Predictably it was the demonstrators who were blamed for the violence. 7. The hours in this job are very unpredictable you sometimes have to work late at very short notice. POPULATE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Only ten per cent of the population lived in big cities. The inner cities are no longer densely populated . The UN is investigating new methods of population control. China is the world s most populous country. What is the population of Mexico? The northern islands are very sparsely populated . What is the most populist political party in Poland?

UNIT FOURTEEN verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb satisfy satisfaction dissatisfaction satisfactory unsatisfactory satisfied dissatisfied satisfying promote promoter promotion promoted promotional SATISFY 1. She s got great satisfaction from helping children with learning difficulties. 2. He couldn t provide a satisfactory excuse for his absence. 3. I m not really satisfied with his work. 4. He felt that nothing he did would satisfy his boss. 5. If you are dissatisfied with the service, why don t you complain to the hotel manager? 6. At the moment she s experiencing a lot of dissatisfaction with her job. This is why she is thinking of changing it. 7. As your exam results are totally unsatisfactory, I m afraid, you have to prepare for a re-take. 8. If, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with this product, please return it to the address below. 9. It is very satisfying to know that the project was a success. 10. Sales figures for the previous year cannot be viewed as satisfactory. 11. The factory was working day and night to satisfy the increasing export demand. PROMOTE 1. Helen was promoted to senior manager. 2. Greenpeace works to promote awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today. 3. Did Steve get the promotion he wanted? 4. The UN is a well-known promoter of peace and stability. 5. Obviously as a sales manager he ll be involved in the promotion and sales of the product. 6. I want a job with good promotion prospects. 7. I have to organize a meeting to promote. trade between Poland and China. 8. Advertising campaigns always have to think up new ways to promote a product. 9. We should invest more in the promotion of healthy lifestyle. 10. When does the promotional campaign of their latest model start?

UNIT FIFTEEN verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb responsibility irresponsibility responsible irresponsible responsibly prepare preparation prepared unprepared preparatory RESPONSIBLE 1. The management accepts no responsibility for cars left in the car park. 2. It would be irresponsible to ignore these warnings. 3. When he loses his temper, he s not responsible for his actions. 4. She was given promotion and more responsibility . 5. Each Dean is responsible for his Department. 6. It was highly irresponsible of you to leave the children on their own in the lab room. 7. The minister accepted full responsibility for the disaster. 8. It was an act of great irresponsibility to leave someone who wasn t properly trained in charge of this machine. 9. Who s responsible for this horrible mess? 10. When he saw the crash, a young boy acted very responsibly and called the police. 11. The job carries a lot of responsibility . PREPARE 1. Kubica s team were up all night preparing the car for the race. 2. You have to be prepared to take risks in this kind of work. 3. Prepare yourself for a shock. 4. Unfortunately, we were all unprepared for the storm. 5. They ve prepared a special surprise party for him. 6. Business training is a good preparation for any career. 7. We re making preparations to start the rescue operation soon. 8. Differences over these issues narrowed during the preparatory talks. 9. They were prepared for the worst.

UNIT SIXTEEN verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb similarity similar similarly print printer print printer printout printed printing printable SIMILAR 1. I can see the similarity between you and your mother. 2. Cars must stop at red traffic lights, similarly, bicycles should stop too. 3. These two signatures are so similar that it s very difficult to tell them apart. 4. I could see a striking similarity between the two designs. 5. The police say that there are no similarities between the two attacks. 6. My present house is surrounded by woods and I m looking for a new one that is similarly located. 7. Dress code: men must wear a jacket and a tie; similarly, women must wear a shirt or dress and not trousers. PRINT 1. You will receive a printed acknowledgement of your payment. 2. Press this key to print a copy of the text. 3. He believed everything he saw in print. 4. The children decorated the walls with hand prints. 5. You should always read the small print before signing anything. 6. The printer is out of order. 7. Look, there is a printing error on page 3. 8. The computer printout has been checked for mistakes. 9. He used so many vulgar words that they were hardly printable. 10. This sentence is printed in bold. 11. The print quality of the new laser printer is excellent. 12. She runs her own printing business.

UNIT SEVENTEEN verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb produce producer production product productivity productive specialise specialist specialization speciality special specialised specially especially PRODUCE 1. A product with a very strong brand name is very important for good sales. 2. She produced no evidence to support her arguments. 3. The factory produces an incredible 150 cars per hour. 4. They are constructing a new production line in the new factory. 5. England is a leading producer of high quality woolen clothes. 6. The production of consumer goods has increased throughout the world. 7. Most of us are more productive in the morning. 8. It is nothing unique. It s one of these mass produced souvenirs. 9. If you work hard you can be sure to get a productivity bonus. 10. The prototype engines never went into production. 11. I don t know how to improve student s productivity. 12. What is the most profitable new BBC production? SPECIAL 1. Are you doing anything special for Christmas? 2. I m afraid you have to consult a heart specialist. 3. There s a special offer on this milk two litres for the price of one. 4. Take special care on the roads tonight they may be slippery. 5. It s a highly specialised field of study. 6. Have you seen the amazing special effects in this new Indiana Jones movie? 7. Dr Smith is a specialist in petroleum engineering. 8. This car is specially designed for disabled drivers. 9. Fire-fighters use special breathing equipment in rescue operations. 10. We definitely need a specialist advice. 11. I came here specially to see you. 12. Hugh s speciality is directional drilling. 13. The car has a number of special safety features. 14. She s hired a consultant that specialises in human resources management. 15. In the course I m taking there is no opportunity for specialisation until the final year. 16. Don t try repairing it yourself it requires specialised knowledge. 17. Krakow is a very crowded city, especially in the summer. 18. Oscypek is our Polish speciality.

UNIT EIGHTEEN verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb profit profit profits profitability profitable unprofitable profitably simulate simulator simulation simulated PROFIT 1. They make a huge profit from selling second-hand cars. 2. Over the years my small company has developed into a highly profitable business. 3. Last year this company had a pretax profit of 3 million dollars. 4. They sold their old house at a huge profit. 5. Last year we saw a decline in company s profitability. 6. The new advertising campaign proved very profitable. 7. Charities are non-profit making organizations and get tax relief. 8. Recently a lot of companies have profited from the fall in interest rates. 9. Our new business was so unprofitable that we had to close it down. 10. Company profits are going down each month. 11. Use your time profitably. 12. Everybody has profited from this situation. SIMULATE 1. People learning to fly often practice on a flight simulator. 2. In the lab we have a new machine that simulates conditions in space. 3. Scientists performed a simulated nuclear explosion to check the scale of destruction. 4. Now we are going to present a multimedia simulation of the beginning of the universe. 5. The company uses a computer to simulate crash tests of its new cars.

UNIT NINETEEN Verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb scientist science scientific scientifically represent representative representation representative support supporter support supportive SCIENCE 1. I m doing a degree in science. 2. We will have to adopt a more scientific approach in the future. 3. What is the most useful recent development in science and technology? 4. We need some scientific evidence to prove this theory. 5. It s not scientifically proven yet. 6. Once I graduate I dream to work as a scientist for NASA. 7. Come on, it s just a puzzle, it s not a rocket science. REPRESENT 1. Our Department was poorly represented at the conference. 2. Can we afford legal representation in court? 3. Our company has two representatives in every region of Poland. 4. The new report represents the current situation in our university. 5. All the students organisations and clubs were represented at the meeting. 6. Are your opinions representative of the views of all the students? SUPPORT 1. The middle part of the bridge is supported by two huge towers. 2. Many people in the town have always supported the plans to build a by-pass. 3. I signed a petition in support of the pay rise claim. 4. Thousands of supporters have travelled to London for the cup final. 5. Thanks for all your support at this difficult time. 6. I can always count on him. He is so supportive. 7. This new evidence lends support to our theory. 8. The drug company is supporting cancer research. 9. He s been on a life-support system since that horrible accident.

UNIT ONE WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb advertise a a .. advertorial a a advise a a a a .. analyse a . a . a .. a ADVERTISE 1. Cleaning products 2. Her husband works 3. I m sorry but I m slim diet. 4. An a is 5. A try ADVISE are often a on TV. in a ... industry. not a very good a ...for the new an ad in the newspaper in a form of an article. to make people buy particular products.

1. I need some a .on which house to buy in this area. 2. It s a to book the hotel in that sea resort well in advance. 3. She has always wanted to become a financial a . 4. I d a . not selling the collection. 5. She was employed by the president in an a .. role. ANALYSE 1. He is a world known a . specializing in evaluating financial markets. 2. We have to a the contract in detail before signing it. 3. He has an a . mind. 4. The speaker presented a thorough a . of the current political situation.

UNIT TWO WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb apply a a a assist a a attend a a .. a . APPLY 1. The decision of the committee was to award the a .the sum of $ 2000 to be paid by the end of next month. 2. This rule is a . only to newcomers. 3. The second law of thermodynamics is the widely a . law of physics. 4. The a of EC health and safety legislation in member states will help future generations 5. Students from smaller universities are especially encouraged to a .. ASSIST 1. If you need any further a . please do not hesitate to contact me. 2. A PA abbreviation stands for a personal a ... 3. After long negotiations they finally agreed to a the research. ATTEND 1. The lectures given by professor Smith were very popular among students and were always well a ... 2. The swimming pool a was very helpful. He looked after my children when I was looking for my bag. 3. A ..... at school is mandatory. 4. Will you be a the conference.

UNIT THREE WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb appoint a a .. a attract a .. attractiveness a una .. a interview i i . i i APPOINT 1. She was a as CEO last July. 2. We weren t there at the a .time. 3. Nobody knows who will be the presidential a . for this position. 4. Can I make an a see the director? 5. It is only possible to see her by a ......... ATTRACT 1. The thief tried to sneak into the hotel without a . anyone s attention. 2. That area is getting more and more a . to investors. 3. The main a to this castle is the fact that you can spend a night in one of the royal chambers. 4. The programme presented to the public proved to be totally una ............ INTERVIEW 1. i 2. of 3. The i ... The i . asked many questions about the background the potential new employee. Nobody likes i .. as they are very stressful. .felt slightly uneasy during the whole

UNIT FOUR WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb comment c .. c commentary communicate c .. c . c . c unc . c c .. c compare c .. c c COMMENT 1. Have the customers made any positive c ..about our latest product? 2. The spokesperson denied all charges and declined to c .. 3. Some sports c .are fun to listen to. 4. The c .. on the new performance which I read in today s paper wasn t very flattering. COMMUNICATE 1. The final decision was soon c . to all the members of the club. 2. Nonverbal c as important as verbal communication. 3. It is pleasant to work with c ............. people. COMPARE 1. The two enterprises are in a c .. situation. 2. Before going to another country it is always good to read some books which c and contrast cultural differences. 3. The swimmers are expected to win with c .. ease. 4. C .. to some problems we had to face in the past this one seems easy to solve. 5. We drew some c .. between the problems which frequently occur in our team.

UNIT FIVE WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb create c c creativity c c decide d .. d .. ind d d depend d . d . dependency d d . CREATE 1. The launch demand in the 2. C 3. The latest 4. The c contract. DECIDE of the new line of computers may c a great future. .y is needed in designing new objects. c from Paris are extremely expensive. of the new model was granted a lucrative

1. A good boss should be d ... 2. He acted so d . that nobody suspected any future problems. 3. Have you d .. where to go on holiday? 4. The director has the d .vote. 5. Taking tough d .. is very stressful. DEPEND 1. Private universities do not d .on government s support. 2. D .. is the state of being d ., in other words this is inability of existing or operating without any help or support. 3. My secretary is really d . 4. Please write your name, address and the number of d you have.

UNIT SIX WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb economise/ economize e e e e e e finance f f finances f . govern g .. g g ECONOMISE 1. In summer months it is forbidden to water gardens as everybody has to e .. on water. 2. John is studying e .. at university because he wants to become e analyst. 3. If you look for a new e car, check and compare some figures of new models of cars available on the market. 4. Is the enterprise e . viable? 5. Cheap airlines are no longer e ..c. FINANCE 1. We are trying to find an investor willing to f . our project. 2. One of the greatest f ..centres is the City of London. 3. It is a self-f . institution. 4. The f of the company are checked thoroughly on a weekly basis. 5. A f . deals with large sums of money. GOVERN 1. The country is g ..d by the prime minister and his cabinet. 2. The g body of our university approved unanimously new regulations. 3. The local g .. is elected every four years. 4. A famous actor was elected g .. of the state of California.

UNIT SEVEN WORKSHEET verbverb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb industrialise i . i .. industrialism i . i inform i i i .. innovate i . i .. i i .. INDUSTRIALISE 1. An i .. estate is a special area of land where factories and offices are build. 2. Under-developed countries should invest in i ... 3. He is hard-working, diligent and i. ... 4. An I l Revolution took place in Great Britain around 17501850. 5. The wealth of the country is the legacy of the i ... 6. He is one of the prominent i .. INFORM 1. We decided not to i .. everybody as some i .. was confidential. 2. The i . provided some information which enabled the police to catch the thief. 3. I .. technology has been taught in schools for many years. 4. He is a well i . member of the committee. 5. Some TV channels broadcast i . documentaries. INNOVATE 1. 2. 3. 4. He was a talented i who innovated many home appliances. Recent i .. let people save much time. Certain ideas are too i .. to be put into practice. I is in the human nature.

UNIT EIGHT WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb invest i i dedicate d d . d distribute d d .. d .. INVEST 1. It is unwise to i all money in only one project. 2. It is possible to make a lot of money by i . in art. 3. The local government is trying to attract more i in that area. 4. Overseas i are trying to expand and gain new clients. DEDICATE 1. He d .his spare time to testing new computer games. 2. Patients appreciate d ..doctors. 3. The speaker praised her d .. to save endangered species. DISTRIBUTE 1. He worked for a local d .. of some spare parts. 2. We have some d problems of the goods in remote areas as there are very few roads. 3. All leaflets were quickly d .... among the participants of the convention.

UNIT NINE WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb employ .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ......................... ......................... .......................... success ......................... ......................... .......................... solve ........................... ......................... ......................... EMPLOY 1. The rate of ......................... rose again as the biggest company in th e region had to close down. 2. There are now over 4 million ..................... in this country. 3. How many people does your company .......................... ? 4. The number of ........................ in the company has doubled in the last 2 years. 5. Are you in ....................... at the moment? 6. We need a reference from your former ........................ . 7. Sophisticated statistical analysis was ........................ to get the results. 8. As he couldn t find a job he was entitled to ............................ benef it. SOLVE 1. I don t know how to ....................... this problem. 2. There is no easy ...................... to this problem. 3. I ve been doing this mathematical equation for over an hour and for me it is absolutely .......................... . 4. I have a headache. Can you get me a ....................... aspirin? 5. Both sides are trying to find a peaceful ........................ . SUCCESS 1. Women have to be tough to ...................... in the male dominated world of business. 2. She puts her .................. down to hard work and good luck. 3. Were you ...................... in persuading him to change his mind? 4. After harsh negotiations he ........................... completed the deal. 5. What a waste of time! It was a totally ............................ meeting.

UNIT TEN WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb develop ........................... ............................ ............... .......... ......................... ......................... know ........................... ........................... ......................... ......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... accessible ......................... DEVELOP 1. Scientists are ......................... new drugs to treat cancer. 2. Scientists carried out research on farming methods in ....................... countries. 3. Try not to use a mobile phone too often or you will ...................... a brain cancer. 4. I have a flat in this new housing ..................... . 5. One of the basic needs in ...................... countries is clean drinkable water. 6. Everyone seems to be interested in the recent ......................... in Ru ssia. 7. Which property .......................... did you buy your flat from? 8. There has been significant computer ............................ during the l ast decade. KNOW 1. John needs more practical ........................ to do his new job. 2. You need specialist ..................... about the risk of using these chemi cals. 3. Local residents have made ................... their objections to the proposa l. 4. I have a working ....................... of Spanish. 5. Despite a thorough investigation the cause of the accident is still .................. . 6. To the best of my ........................... the project will be starting in July. 7. It is .......................... that he never gives interviews. ACCESS 1. The only ..................... to the village is by boat. 2. Our university has made some attempts to make evening courses ................... to a wider group of students. 3. The tax inspector has gained complete .................... to the company fil es. 4. Two new roads are under construction to increase ........................ to the town centre.

5. You are not authorised to ....................... this file. 6. The main ................. to the building is at the side.

UNIT ELEVEN WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb organize .......................... .......................... ................. ........ ......................... ......................... possibility ......................... ......................... .......................... manage ........................... ........................... ................. ........ ......................... .......................... ........................... ORGANIZE 1. Who s going to ......................... the party this year? 2. I m sorry I forgot. I m not very ........................ these days. 3. The .......................... of fund raising has been left to Mary. 4. You can be sure the meeting will be well ........................... . 5. To be a successful leader you need ............................. ability. 6. The .......................... have expected about 50,000 people to attend th e concert. 7. The government intends to combat terrorism, drug trafficking and ............ .............. crime. 8. She is looking for a personal assistant with good .......................... skills. 9. The New .......................... Committee for the Olympic Games has alread y been established. POSSIBLE 1. Is it ................. to buy tickets in advance? 2. The forecast said that there s a .................... of snow tonight. 3. We need to send this letter off as soon as .................... . 4. She can t ....................... know all about our plans. 5. She wants a man who is intelligent, attractive, funny and caring as well, whi ch is asking the ......................... . 6. Could I ...................... ask you to move your chair a little? 7. It was ....................... to sleep because of the noise. 8. Is there any ....................... that you could pick me up from the stati on? MANAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. s. 9. The company has been very badly .................... . Jenny ......................... to pass her driving test. She s never been good at ....................... money. My hair has been more ..................... since I had it cut. Do you want a hand with this project? No, it s ok, I ll .................. . They sent me on one of those ......................... training courses. Can I speak to the ......................., please? To be a boss you have to be decisive and have some .................... skill Who is the ...................... director of Fiat Poland?

10. The company s failure was mainly due to bad .................... .

UNIT TWELVE WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb ........................... negotiator ............................ ............ ............. operate .......................... ........................... ................. ........ ......................... .......................... .......................... necessary ......................... ........................... NEGOTIATE 1. Part-time barman required. Hours and salary ...................... . 2. The government refuses to .................... with the terrorists. 3. The terms of the contract are still open to ...................... . 4. Union leaders have .................. an agreement for a shorter working week. 5. The treaty was a result of long and complex ........................ . 6. A compromise was reached thanks to our brilliant ..................... . OPERATE 1. I need instructions for ........................... the new heating system. 2. How well does the company decision-making system .................... in practice? 3. Doctors had to ................... on his spine. 4. The new law will come into ...................... later this year. 5. The new laboratory is fully ...................... and open for business. 6. Ask the .................... to put you through. 7. Is the new ...................... system available on all computers? 8. She s going to have an ......................... on her knee. 9. Protective clothing must be worn when the machine is in ......................... . 10. This new service has only been in ...................... for 2 months. NECESSARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I ll leave it to you to make all the ......................... arrangements. Expensive restaurants are not ..................... the best. Lack of money .......................... a change of plans. ......................... is the mother of invention. The heavy rain made it ...................... to close several roads. We ll need to take on new staff. Not ....................... A telephone is an absolute ...................... for this job.

UNIT THIRTEEN WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb .. .......................... . motivated -motivated predict . ......................... ......................... ..................... . .. . population ......................... ......................... .......................... MOTIVATE 1. You re a really good bunch of students highly and very intelligent. 2. A good teacher has to be able to . his students. 3. What was your . for becoming a teacher? 4. The police believe the .. for this murder was jealousy. 5. The profit-sharing plan is designed to . staff to work harder. 6. He s talented but he lacks . . PREDICT 1. Economists are a fall in interest rates. 2. The outcome of these experiments is not always .. . 3. I find it very hard to make a .. . 4. It is very difficult to . What the long-term effects of the accident will be. 5. Earlier . of sudden economic crisis seem more and more unlikely. 6. . it was the demonstrators who were blamed for the violence. 7. The hours in this job are very . you sometimes have to work late at very short notice. POPULATE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Only ten per cent of the . lived in big cities. The inner cities are no longer densely . The UN is investigating new methods of control. China is the world s most . country. What is the of Mexico? The northern islands are very sparsely . . What is the most political party in Poland?

UNIT FOURTEEN WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb ........................... ............................ .. satisfactory .. .. .. .. promote .......................... ........................... ................. ........ ......................... SATISFY 1. She s got great from helping children with learning difficulties. 2. He couldn t provide a .. excuse for his absence. 3. I m not really .. with his work. 4. He felt that nothing he did would . his boss. 5. If you are . with the service, why don t you complain to the hotel manager? 6. At the moment she s experiencing a lot of . with her job. This is why she is thinking of changing it. 7. As your exam results are totally ., I m afraid, you have to prepare for a re-take. 8. If, for any reason, you are .. with this product, please return it to the address below. 9. It is very to know that the project was a success. 10. Sales figures for the previous year cannot be viewed as .. . 11. The factory was working day and night to .. the increasing export demand. PROMOTE 1. Helen was . to senior manager. 2. Greenpeace works to . awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today. 3. Did Steve get the he wanted? 4. The UN is a well-known . of peace and stability. 5. Obviously as a sales manager he ll be involved in the . and sales of the product. 6. I want a job with good .. prospects. 7. I have to organize a meeting to . trade between Poland and China. 8. Advertising campaigns always have to think up new ways to . a product. 9. We should invest more in the .. of healthy lifestyle. 10. When does the campaign of their latest model start?

UNIT FIFTEEN WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb .......................... . responsible . .. prepare . ......................... ......................... . RESPONSIBLE 1. The management accepts no for cars left in the car park. 2. It would be to ignore these warnings. 3. When he loses his temper, he s not for his actions. 4. She was given promotion and more . 5. Each Dean is . for his Department. 6. It was highly . of you to leave the children on their own in the lab room. 7. The minister accepted full .. for the disaster. 8. It was an act of great .. to leave someone who wasn t properly trained in charge of this machine. 9. Who s . for this horrible mess? 10. When he saw the crash, a young boy acted very and called the police. 11. The job carries a lot of .. . PREPARE 1. Kubica s team were up all night the car for the race. 2. You have to be . to take risks in this kind of work. 3. .. yourself for a shock. 4. Unfortunately we were all .. for the storm. 5. They ve .. a special surprise party for him. 6. Business training is a good . for any career. 7. We re making . to start the rescue operation soon. 8. Differences over these issues narrowed during the talks. 9. They were for the worst.

UNIT SIXTEEN WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb ... similar . print .. ............................ .. .. .. .. .. SIMILAR 1. I can see the between you and your mother. 2. Cars must stop at red traffic lights, , bicycles should stop too. 3. These two signatures are so that it s very difficult to tell them apart. 4. I could see a striking between the two designs. 5. The police say that there are no between the two attacks. 6. My present house is surrounded by woods and I m looking for a new one that is located. 7. Dress code: men must wear a jacket and a tie; .., women must wear a shirt or dress and not trousers. PRINT 1. You will receive a acknowledgement of your payment. 2. Press this key to a copy of the text. 3. He believed everything he saw in . 4. The children decorated the walls with hand . 5. You should always read the small before signing anything. 6. The is out of order. 7. Look, there is a error on page 3. 8. The computer has been checked for mistakes. 9. He used so many vulgar words that they were hardly . 10. This sentence is in bold. 11. The quality of the new laser is excellent. 12. She runs her own business.

UNIT SEVENTEEN WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb produce .......................... ......................... .......................... ......................... . . special .. .. PRODUCE 1. A with a very strong brand name is very important for good sales. 2. She no evidence to support her arguments. 3. The factory an incredible 150 cars per hour. 4. They are constructing a new line in the new factory. 5. England is a leading of high quality woolen clothes. 6. The of consumer goods has increased throughout the world. 7. Most of us are more in the morning. 8. It is nothing unique. It s one of these mass souvenirs. 9. If you work hard you can be sure to get a bonus. 10. The prototype engines never went into . 11. I don t know how to improve student s . 12. What is the most profitable new BBC ? SPECIAL 1. Are you doing anything ................... for Christmas? 2. I m afraid you have to consult a heart .................... 3. There s a ................... offer on this milk two litres for the price of on e. 4. Take ................... care on the roads tonight they may be slippery. 5. It s a highly ................... field of study. 6. Have you seen the amazing ................... effects in this new Indiana Jon es movie? 7. Dr Smith is a ................... in petroleum engineering. 8. This car is ................... designed for disabled drivers. 9. Fire-fighters use ................... breathing equipment in rescue operation s. 10. We definitely need a ................... advice. 11. I came here ................... to see you. 12. Hugh s ................... is directional drilling. 13. The car has a number of ................... safety features. 14. She s hired a consultant that ................... in human resources managemen t. 15. In the course I m taking there is no opportunity for ................... until the final year. 16. Don t try repairing it yourself it requires ................... knowledge. 17. Krakow is a very crowded city, ................... in the summer. 18. Oscypek is our Polish................... .

UNIT EIGHTEEN WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb profit .. . . simulator

PROFIT 1. They make a huge .from selling second-hand cars. 2. Over the years my small company has developed into a highly . . business. 3. Last year this company had a pretax . . of 3 million dollars. 4. They sold their old house at a huge . .. 5. Last year we saw a decline in company s . .. 6. The new advertising campaign proved very . .. 7. Charities are . . making organizations and get tax relief. 8. Recently a lot of companies have . . from the fall in interest rates. 9. Our new business was so . . that we had to close it down. 10. Company . . are going down each month. 11. Use your time . .. 12. Everybody has .. from this situation. SIMULATE 1. People learning to fly often practice on a flight ... 2. In the lab we have a new machine that . .. conditions in space. 3. Scientists performed a . .. nuclear explosion to check the scale of destruction. 4. Now we are going to present a multimedia . .. of the beginning of the universe. 5. The company uses a computer to . .. crash tests of its new cars.

UNIT NINETEEN WORKSHEET verb noun (person) noun (thing) adjective adverb .. . scientifically represent . support .. . .. SCIENCE 1. I m doing a degree in ............................ . 2. We will have to adopt a more ............................ approach in the future. 3. What is the most useful recent development in ............................ an d technology? 4. We need some ............................ evidence to prove this theory. 5. It s not ............................ proven yet. 6. Once I graduate I dream to work as a ............................ for NASA. 7. Come on, it s just a puzzle, it s not a rocket ............................. . REPRESENT 1. Our Department was poorly ...................... at the conference. 2. Can we afford legal ...................... in court? 3. Our company has two ...................... in every region of Poland. 4. The new report ...................... the current situation in our university . 5. All the students organisations and clubs were ...................... at the meeting. 6. Are your opinions ...................... of the views of all the students? SUPPORT 1. The middle part of the bridge is .......................... by two huge tower s. 2. Many people in the town have always .......................... the plans to build a by-pass. 3. I signed a petition in .......................... of the pay rise claim. 4. Thousands of .......................... have travelled to London for the cup final. 5. Thanks for all your .......................... at this difficult time. 6. I can always count on him. He is so ........................... 7. This new evidence lends .......................... to our theory. 8. The drug company is .......................... cancer research. 9. He s been on a life-.......................... system since that horrible accident.

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