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AP Biology Bacteria, Protists, and Fungi

Sample: My finger

Sample: cats mouth

Sample: cats butt Gram positive Catalase negative Streptococcus

Sample: My phone Gram-negative Catalase negative Acinetobacter

sample: steering wheel gram-positive Catalase negative Streptococcus

Sample nose gram negative Catalase negative bordetella

Bacteria: Gram staining is a process used to identify the different types of bacteria. Gram staining detects peptidoglycan, which is present the cell walls of bacteria. If the bacteria are gram positive, the sample will appear purple. This means that the bacteria have a cell wall. On the contrary, if the sample appears pink, then the sample is gram negative. In the hierarchy of bacteria, identifying if a cell wall is present is the bacteria are one of the first steps in identifying bacteria. The gram staining works to identify bacteria because the dye enters the bacteria and forms a complex with the crystal violet.

Gram positive Anthrax

Gram staining chart

Gram negative E.coli

Cocci/Spirilla/Bacilli Diagram

Staphylococcus Epidermidis

Bacillus coagulans

S. minus spirillum

Halobacterium salinarum These bacteria live in extremely salty conditions. It is an Archea, extremophile, gram negative, obligate aerobic archaeon.

Shigella flexneri They are gram negative, facultative anaerobes. These bacteria are eubacteria and part of the enterobacteria group. These bacteria cause diarrhea in humans. They are found in contaminated water.

Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum These bacteria cause diphtheria in humans and they are found through out nature. They are gram positive, catalse positive, aerobic or facultative anaerobic. They are eubacteria and part of the cyanobacteria group.

Streptococcus pyogenes These bacteria are gram positive, Catalase negative, and facultative. They are eubacteria and part of the spirochetes group. They cause many important human diseases, form mild rashes to life threatening infections

Enterococcus faecalis These bacteria can cause a life-threatening infection in hospitals where there is an unusually high level of antibiotics for E.coli. They are facultative anaerobes, gram positive. They are eubacteria and part of the enterobacteria group

Clostridium botulinum This bacterium is gram positive, obligate anaerobe. It is the main ingredient of Botox because of its paralyzing ability. They are eubacteria and part of the cyanbacteria group.

Salmonella enteritidis They are aerobic, gram negative. They are eubacteria and part of the enterobacteria group. They are cause infection through contaminated food, Salmonella, which can be deadly to humans.

Streptococcus sanguinis They are gram positive, facultative aerobic coccus bacteria. They are eubacteria and part of the Actinobacteria group. They are found in plaque in teeth and in the bloodstream.

S. epidermidis S. epidermidis is the major cause of bacterial diseases in humans. It is highly adaptable to the different places in the human body. These bacteria pose a big risk to patients in hospitals, because they are the result of too many disinfectants.

Streptococcus pyogenes Streptococcus pyogenes can cause tonsillitis, pneumonia, and endocarditic. This bacteria is dangerous and has a mortality rate of 25%.

S. aureus S. aureus is the primary bacteria involved in formation plaque formation. This bacteria occurs when you dont floss like your dentist told you to. 20% of the human population is long-term carrier of this bacteria.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common bacteria but it can cause disease in animals and humans. If the colonizes in the lungs, urinary tract or kidneys, the results can be fatal for the person.

Enterococcus faecalis Enterococcus faecalis is a normal bacteria found in the intestinal flora. It can cause life-threatening infections in places such as hospitals, when the antibiotics rate is high.

Lactobacilli Lactobacilli in the mouth can contribute to acid formation, which is detrimental to your teeth. It is found in the vagina during childbearing years, which kills dangerous pathogens.

Streptococcus pneumonia Streptococcus pneumonia is present in the upper respiratory tract in 50% of the population. But if this bacteria invades the lowers respiratory tract, it can cause pneumonia.

Clostridium tetani Clostridium tetani is found in the gastrointestinal tract of animals and also in the soil. If the bacteria get in the bloodstream or muscles, tetanus can result.

Volvoxes are a type of protist that live in fresh water, and are a type of green algae. They can be found in such places as puddles, but usually reside in deeper water. The volvox is part of the planate kingdom and is made up of 50,000 flagellate cells that work in unison.

Blepharismas are ciliates (a types of Protists) that contain many different types of species. Because of the cilia on their bodies, they can move faster than volvox. They live in all types of water, such as lakes because of the diverse microorganisms populations.

Euglenas are unicellular flagellate protists. They are found in both fresh and salt water. They will mate on the surface of ponds and shallow ditches. They can be red or green.

Paramecium is unicellular ciliate protozoa. They are fast organisms that can move up to 12 times they body length per second (blps). They are heterotrophic because they feed on bacteria and other small cells. They live in freshwater environments and are very common in scums (impure layer of vegetation on the top of ponds)

Rhizopus is a common saprobic fungi on plants. Some species can be fatal to humans. R. nigricans, is a common bread mold, and was growing on our bread at home (not that this happens regularly). It has a greenish appearance to it.

My slant

my slant

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Neurospora is another important bread mold. The Neurospora that grown resembles axons, and this is where the name comes from. Food production could not exist without Neurospora, and it is more important than yeast because of its use in food production (to made oncom). No mold grew on mine because the magical wonder bread was used.

My slant

my slant

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Penicillium this is another type of bread mold. Funny how something so disgusting would have saved so many lives in the past. The f ascomtcetous fungi are of major importance in the natural environment as well as food and drug production. The penicillium mold is also an important decomposer of (almost) all organic materials.

My slant

my slant

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