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GLOSARIO DE ESTENOSIS ARTICA 1st heard sound 2nd heard sound 3rd heard sound 4th heart sound

Active inflammation Afterload Angina/ angor pectoris Angiodysplasia Aortic regurgitation Aortic sclerosis Aortic valve closing Aortic valve disease Aortic valve obstructing blood flow Apex Arrhytmias Ascending aorta Atherosclerosis Auscultation Balloon valvotomy/ ms especifidad Baroreceptor responses Calcification Calcified aortic valve leaflets Cardiac output Carotid pulse Congenital AS Congenital bicuspid valve Contractility Coronary artery atherosclerosis Crescendo-decrescendo ejection murmur Delayed upstroke Dental abnormalities Deposition of lipoproteins Diaphragm of the stethoscope Diastolic dysfunction Doppler echocardiography Echocardiography Ejection click Endocarditis Etiology Exertional angina pectoris Exertional dyspnea Facies Fibrosis Fibrous ring Gallavrdins phenomenon GI bleeding( Heydes syndrome) Hallmark Heart failure High and broad forehead Hipertrophy

chest pain

Idiopathic degenerative sclerosis with calcification coronary artery disease aortic valve opening

aorta coronary artery disease heart murmur heard through a stethoscope surgical replacement of the valve calcium accumulation( calcification) calcium accumulates on the aortic valve pulse abnormalities congenital abnormality of the valve coronary artery disease heart murmur

stethoscope electrocardiography (ECG)/ultrasound echocardiography endocarditis( infective endocarditis) Cause Chest pain Feel short of breath

heart failure grow

Hypertelorism Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Hypoplastic constriction Idiopathic degenerative sclerosis Idiopathic hypercalcemia Ischemia Isometric handgrip Jet velocity Leg-raising Long philtrum Low-set ears LV chamber enlargement Maneuvers MI/IAM Micrognathia Mitral annular calcification Mitral regurgitation Mitral valve disorder Murmur Narrowing Nonexertional syncope Older people Paradoxical splitting Pathophysiology Peripheral pulse Physical examination Plasma metalloprotease Platelet clearance Prolapse Puffy cheeks Pulsus parvus, mollus et tardus Rheumatic fever Sinuses of Valsalva Slow rising Small amplitude Squatting Stenotic aortic valve Sternal border Stethoscope Strabismus Sudden death Supravalvular AS Syncope Systole Systolic BP Systolic dysfunction Systolic thrill Thickening Transthoracic echocardiography Transvalvular systolic pressure gradient

Thickened heart muscle

thickening of the heart walls procedures heart attack

Mitral stenosis, leakage( regurgitation) mitral stenosis murmur narrowing patients < 70 year/elder people

pulse abnormalities

pulse abnormalities rheumatic fever

aortic valve stethoscope sudden death/death Faint

heart failure thickening cardiac catheterization

Unfused cusps valve cusps Upturned nose Valsalva maneuver Valsalva release Valve replacement surgical replacement of the valve Valvular heart disorder heart and blood vesel disorder Ventricular fibrillation Ventricular premature beat Ventricular tachycardia Von Willebrands factor Wide mouth Williams syndrome Asymptomatic Does not have symptoms DIFERENCIAS DISCURSIVAS Siglas/ no siglas Tipo de tratamiento en nios y adultos Menos/ ms explicativo Omisin de informacin/ explicacin Ms/ menos especfico No utiliza estrategias pedaggicas/ cuadro sombreado Datos numricos/ no informacin numrica Palabras en latn/ no palabras en latn DIFERENCIAS DE ESTILO Estructurado de forma diferente Prrafos ms largos Oraciones cortas CONCLUSIONES

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