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This is a customized report for Anthony Vigo generated from data collected on 01-29-2007.


Thank you for completing your Motion DNA Functional Movement Screen. This assessment measures the level of fitness in your motion. The following pages identify the specific areas of improvement you will need to perform your specific skill repeatedly without risk of injury. In addition, if you improve your fitness level by increasing your strength, balance and flexibility by performing the exercises prescribed, you are expected to see an improvement in your performance. - Pitchers/Throwers benefit from more command of pitches, increased velocity, and the ability to throw more pitches/balls with less effort. In addition, pitchers/throwers should significantly reduce their risk of elbow, shoulder, and back pain. - Hitters benefit from more consistent contact, a higher batting average, more power output, more homeruns, and extra base hits. - Golfers benefit from more distance, straighter drives, a more consistant swing, and less fatigue on the later holes or rounds. - Runners benefit from increased stride rate, stride length, and lowered risk of leg muscle strains. Not just athletes can benefit from the Motion DNA Functional Movement Screen. Every individual assessed can improve the quality of movement in their daily activities. A traditional fitness evaluation looks at your ability to perform specific fitness tests to measure strength, speed, agility, endurance and other factors. However, these tests rarely involve moving in the same manner as the activity you wish to improve. The Motion DNA Functional Movement Screen assesses all of these factors during your specific activity. This allows you to target precisely the areas you need in order to improve your motion. Factors affecting your performance (Kinetic and Kinematic Chain) include Posture (Crossed syndromes), Functional Strength (Proper Muscular Recruitment), Balance (Reactive Neuro-Muscular Control), Mobility (Dynamic Flexibility), Stability (Specific Core Strength), Endurance (Cardiovascular and Muscular), and Coordination (Neuro-Muscular Efficiency). A poor result in one area could significantly impact your ability to perform your specific task over time. But this does not mean you should worry about anything other than improving in the areas suggested. If you are concerned about your mechanics, we suggest you get with a qualified specialist for your movement.

If you have additional questions or would like a 30 minute consultation regarding your analysis contact our customer support hotline at 1.877.425.7734.

Copyright (C) Motion DNA Corp. 2004 - 2006

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Summary of Analysis
Name: Anthony Vigo Date of Test: 01-29-2007 Location: nb gym Number of Tasks: 0 DoB: 8-11-90 Height: 68 inches Weight: 140 lbs.

You have scored F: Poor on the Motion DNA Movement Screen.

This report is based on your motion as related to your fitness level. 3D-motion tracking sensors have been strategically placed on key body segments to extract the data necessary to complete this report. This report is not designed to provide an indication of your ability to perform a given task. Rather it is a measure of the efficiency of your motion and your overall fitness to perform that motion. A higher score represents a more efficient motion. The most important benefit of a more efficient motion is the potential to enjoy a long injury free life. Understanding the biomechanics of your motion cannot prevent all injuries. However, individuals who score high on the Motion DNA fitness report typically benefit from a reduced risk of injury and improve performance. Many people think that you can improve your performance by improving only your technique. However, it is not possible to positively improve your technique or make it more efficient without improving your most important piece of equipment... Your Body! If you do not have the physical ability to swing, run, throw, kick, or otherwise move in the way that you are being instructed your body will compensate by storing stress in unwanted areas of your body. This eventually leads to injury and reduced performance. A breakdown of your fitness score at each of the events in your motion is included so you can see how your fitness level effects your performance. Your overall Fitness Score on the Motion DNA Movement Screen is based upon the following information: Your score for analysis of your hand speed is -5.2% Your score for analysis of your tempo is 85.8% Your score for analysis of your stance is 47.6% Your score for analysis of your balance point is 27.1% Your score for analysis of your hands break is 37.7% Your score for analysis of your toe touch is 42.5% Your score for analysis of your delivery is 39.4% Your score for analysis of your finish is 40.3%

Your overall score is 40.4%

Copyright (C) Motion DNA Corp. 2004 - 2006 Page 3

Rotational Speeds
The graph below represents your kinematic sequence during the trial from stance to finish. The red line represents the rotational speed of your pelvis. The green line reprents the rotational speed of your upper body. The blue line represents the rotational speed of your arms. The yellow line represents the rotational speed of your Hand.
6142.0 3071.0 0 -3071.0 -6142.0 2 3

Rotational Speeds (deg/sec)

Max Rotational Speed (deg/sec) Progressive Speed Gains (deg/sec) Segment You Ideal Segment You Ideal
Pelvis Upper Body Arm Hand 785.07 1063.22 6137.37 4569.82 50.00 850.00 5000.00 7000.00 Pelvis to UBody UBody to Arm Arm to Hand 278.15 5074.15 -1567.55 350.00 4150.00 2000.00

Starting with your feet each body segment in the kinematic sequence must transfer energy efficiently along the chain. All of the power created at your feet travels up your legs through your pelvis, torso and arms to finally be used at your hand or sports implement. Along the way each segment adds its own energy increase to the total power. It is important that this energy transfer and increase occur smoothly and in the proper sequence. Proper sequencing allows for a fluid motion that contributes to more power, explosiveness, and efficiency while reducing stress and risk of injury. It is also important that the energy increase at each segment be as close to the recommended as possible. Too much of a gain from one part of the chain to the next can lead to the body getting out of sequence causing segments further along the chain to be overstressed. During your motion the software measures the angular speeds of each segment then computes the speed gains and sequencing of the pelvis, upper body, arms and hand or sports implement. Any segment out of sequence is an indication of compensating for an earlier weakness in the kinematic chain. Ideal Kinematic Sequence: Pelvis, Torso, Arm, Hand

Your Kinematic Sequence: Pelvis, Torso, Arm, Hand

Copyright (C) Motion DNA Corp. 2004 - 2006

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3D Coordinate System
The figure below shows the coordinate system used by the BioCap(tm) software that created this report. The axis shown are used to determine position as well as orientation. All movement is relative to the global reference frame which is always placed relative to the area of activity.

Copyright (C) Motion DNA Corp. 2004 - 2006

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Hand Speeds
The graph below represents your hand speed during the trial from stance to finish. The red line represents the speed of your hand towards and away from the target. The green line reprents your hand speed across your body. The blue line represents your hand speed up and down. The yellow line represents your overall hand speed and is a combination of the other three curves.
54.0 27.0 0 -27.0 -54.0 2 3

Hand Speeds (MPH)

Speed Direction X Direction Y Direction Z Direction Resultant

Max 22.85 MPH 49.27 MPH 11.69 MPH 49.32 MPH

Min -38.51 MPH -14.52 MPH -15.67 MPH 0.00 MPH

At Delivery -12.01 MPH 45.68 MPH 5.07 MPH 47.50 MPH

% of Res At Delivery 25.3% 96.2% 10.7% -

X Direction in the table above is defined as towards and away from the target. Positive values indicate your hand speed towards the target. Negative values indicate your hand speed away from the target. Y Direction in the table above is defined as towards and away from the midline of your body. Positive values indicate your hand speed away from the midline. Negative values indicate your hand speed towards the midline Z Direction in the table above is defined as up and down. Positive values indicate your hand speed up. Negative values indicate your hand speed down. The score for your hand speed is an indication of your accuracy and efficiency. The higher this score the better the odds that any given pitch will move as intended. Also a higher score means that you will fatigue less and have fewer aches and pains.

Your score for analysis of your hand speed is -5.2%

Copyright (C) Motion DNA Corp. 2004 - 2006 Page 6

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