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Q1. a. b. c. d. Q2. a. b. Q3 a. b. Q4. a. b. c. d. Q5. a. b. c. Q6. a. b. c. Q7. a. b. c. d. Q8. a. b. Q9. a. b. Q10. a.

Since how many years you are working in the company? 0-5 Years 5-10 Years 10-15 Years More than 15 Do you like to attend the training program ? Yes No Do you feel training is necessary for any employee for developing his skills? Yes No Training is organized ? Quarterly Half Yearly Annually Every 2 Years Since how many years training is being provided? 0-5 5-10 10-15 Which technique is most suitable for training ? On the Job Off the Job Depends on Need Which method is most suitable for training ? Step by Step Instruction Coaching / Lecture Conference / Discussions Programmed Instructions. Do you experience fruitful changes in working efficiency after being trained? Yes No Does training improve performance? Yes No The Training is provided for short duration or long duration? Short

b. Q11. a. b. Q12. a. b. Q13. a. b. Q14. a. b. Q15. a. b. Q16. a. b. Q17. a. b. Q18. a. b. c. d. Q19. a. b. Q20. a. b.

Long On what level the training is provided? Rigorous Smooth Does the training enhance organization effectiveness? Yes No Do you get innovative ideas during training? Yes No Does training builds up team work? Yes No Do training results in adoption to new working methods? Yes No Are you satisfied with the training procedure? Yes No Do all the employers in your organization attend whole day training ? Yes No How long is the training process? 5 to 10 days 10 to 15 days 15 to 20 days 20 to 25days What type of training is given in your organization ? on the job off the job Do company provide study material before the training program ? Yes No

1. Induction training is given adequate importance in your organisation.

2. Induction training is well-planned.

3. Induction training is of sufficient duration.

4. Induction training provides an excellent opportunity for newcomers to learn comprehensively about the organization.

5. The norms and values of the company are clearly explained to the new employees during induction.

6. Senior management takes interest and spends time with the new staff during induction training.

7. The new recruits find induction training very useful in your organisation.

8. The induction training is periodically evaluated and improved.

9. The employees are helped to acquire technical knowledge and skills through training.

10. There is adequate emphasis on developing managerial capabilities of the managerial staff through training.

11. Human relations competencies are adequately developed in your organisation through training in human skills.

12. Training of workers is given adequate importance in your organisation.

13. Employees are sponsored for training programmes on the basis of carefully identified developmental needs.

14. Those who are sponsored for the training programmes take the training seriously.

15. Employees in the organisation participate in determining the training they need.

16. Employees sponsored for training go with a clear understanding of the skills and knowledge they are expected to acquire from the training.

17. The HR department conducts briefing and debriefing sessions for employees sponsored for training.

18. In-company programmes are handled by competent faculty.

19. The quality of in-company programmes in your organisation is excellent.

20. Senior line managers are eager to help their juniors develop through training.

21 Employees returning from training are given adequate free time to reflect and plan improvements in the organisation.

22 Line managers provide the right kind of climate to implement new ideas and methods acquired by their juniors during training.

23. Line managers utilise and benefit from the training programmes.

24. External training programmes are carefully chosen after collecting enough information about their quality and suitability.

25. There is a well-designed and widely shared training policy in the company.

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