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SECTION B Name the correct external features of these animals. Some words may be used more than once.

Stripes Fin Scales Claw Tail Leg Beak Horn







( 12 marks )

Tick (

) the correct answers. ( 10 marks )

1. Crabs and prawns have the same features. They have _______ . A. shells B. legs C. claws D. wings

2. A bird has ________. A. fur B. wings C. beak D. scales

3. These animals have fur on their body. A. bear B. bird C. fish D. crocodile

4. These animals have six legs to help them move from one place to other. A. bee B. spider C. ant D. snail

5. A tiger has many features. They are ________. A. stripes B. whiskers C. claws D. wings

Match the correct answers. ( 4 marks ) 1 2 3 4 Sunflower leaf Banana leaf Mango leaf Hairy Smooth Rough Shiny

Hibiscus leaf

Circle the correct answers. ( 5 marks )

sunflower This is a ( 1 ) fern red green plant. It has ( 2 )

no many can cannot leaves. Its leaves

are ( 3 )

in colour. It ( 4 )

bear flowers. It does

not have any ( 5 )

fruit leaves

Read the riddles below carefully. Write your answers in the space provided. ( 4 marks ) 1 I have beautiful flowers. I have thorns to protect myself. My leaves are jogged edged. What am I ? I have flowers that change into fruits. My fruits are magnets. ( 5 one seed in a fruit. I Name these red and havemarks ) have woody stem and prime root. What am I ?

Label these magnets. ( 5 marks) 1 2 3

Bar magnet

U shaped magnet

Round magnet

Ring magnet

Horseshoe magnet

Underline the correct answers. ( 10 marks ) 1. A magnet will lose its ( magnetism , colour ) when it is knocked. 2. Objects made of ( wood , iron ) are magnetic objects. 3. The magnet which holds the most number of paper clips is the ( strongest , weakest ). 4. An elephant has ( tusks , horns ). 5. A bird can ( swim , fly ). 6. Fish and snakes have ( fur , scales ) on their body. 7. A rose plant is a ( flowering , non flowering) plant. 8. Magnets will ( repel , attract ) when the same poles face each other.

9. A coin is ( attracted , not attracted ) by a magnet. 10. A magnet has two poles. They are the North pole and ( East pole , South pole ). Write True or False in the boxes provided. ( 10 marks ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lions, tigers and cats have whiskers. Turtles and tortoises have shells. Rabbits and birds have feathers. An elephant has a trunk but a goat has a beard. Sugarcanes have long needle shaped leaves. Durian tree have short stems. Things that are attracted to magnets are called magnetic substances.

8. All the magnets have same strength. 9. All the magnets can loss its magnetism if we heat it. 10. Ring shaped magnets have only one pole. Answer the questions that follow. ( 10 marks )

Magnet X

Magnet Y

Magnet Z

1. Which magnet attracts the largest number of paper clips ? ________________________________. 2. Which magnet attracts the smallest number of paper clips ?

________________________________. 3. Write the sequence of the magnets from the weakest to the strongest.

SECTION A Circle the correct answers. ( 30 marks ) 1.

A. B. C.

The animals shown above have hair wings shells 2.

A. Buffalo B. Tiger C. Goat 5. Animals

With wings

With claws

With fur Z

X Y What animals are X, Y and Z ? X Bee Bird Fish Y Cat Snake Cat

Which animal belongs to the same group as above animals ? A. Owl B. Rabbit C. Cat 3. Which group of animals have similar external features ? A

A B C 6.

Z Rabbit Lion Rabbit

B 7.

The durian tree and the hibiscus plant are similar because they have A. thorns B. woody stems C. soft stems


* horns

* hair

* a tail The plants shown above have .. A. shiny leaves B. rough leaves C. oval leaves.

Which animal does not have the external features stated above ?

8. Which group of plants are flowering plants ? A. Maize plant and hibiscus. B. Grass and moss C. Fern and papaya tree 9. Which plant is a non- flowering plant ? A. Sunflower plant B. Papaya tree C. Birds nest fern 10. * Flower * Thorns * Woody stems * Oval leaves


Which part of the scissors is attracted by a magnet ? 15. Objects that are attracted by magnets are called _______. A. conductors B. magnetic objects C. non magnetic objects

A _____ has all the external features listed above. A. rambutan tree B. maize plant C. rose plant 11.

Which part of the compass is a magnet ? 12. The magnet inside a ____ lights up a bulb. A. pencil box B. dynamo C. refrigerator 13. Which object uses a magnet ? A. Handbag B. Stapler C. Mattress

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