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CLASS AMPHIBIA, total 6771 species

= extinct groups

Subclass Labyrinthodontia (ancient amphibians with fishlike teeth)

Order Icthyostegalia (Devonian ancestral amphibians with fish-like tails; earliest land vertebrates) Order Reptiliomorpha (Carboniferous heavily-built, possibly scaled amphibians, immediate ancestors of reptiles) Order Temnospondyli (Carboniferous-Cretaceous armored & clawed amphibians, inc. giant, crocodile-like forms; possibly ancestors of some modern amphibians)

Subclass Lepospondyli
Order Adelospondyli (Carboniferous elongated, limbed amphibians) Order Aistopoda (Carboniferous-Permian snake-like amphibians) Order Lysorophia (Carboniferous-Permian snake-like amphibians with small legs) Order Microsauria (diverse Palaeozoic amphibians, all with short tails & small legs) Order Nectridea (Carboniferous-Permian newt analogs)

Subclass Lissamphibia
Order Anura (frogs & toads), 5966 species Suborder Archaeobatrachia
Family Alytidae (painted frogs or disc-tongued frogs), 12 species. The genus

Discoglossus, 7 species, is considered a distinct family, Discoglossidae by AmphibiaWeb Family Bombinatoridae (fire belly toads), 8 species Family Leiopelmatidae (New Zealand primitive frogs), 6 species. The genus Ascaphus is considered a distinct family, Ascaphidae, by AmphibiaWeb

Suborder Mesobatrachia
Family Megophryidae (litter frogs or short legged toads), 156 species Family Pelobatidae (European spadefoot toads), 4 species Family Pelodytidae (parsley frogs), 3 species Family Pipidae (tongueless frogs or clawed frogs), 33 species Family Rhinophrynidae (Mexican burrowing toad), 1 species Family Scaphiopodidae (American spadefoot toads), 7 species

Suborder Neobatrachia
Family Allophrynidae, 1 species Family Aromobatidae, 104 species, considered part of the family Dendrobatidae by AmphibiaWeb Family Arthroleptidae (screeching frogs or squeakers), 140 species Family Brachycephalidae (saddleback toads), 51 species. Family Brevicipitidae, 31 species Family Bufonidae (true toads), 558 species Family Calyptocephalellidae, 4 species Family Centrolenidae (glass frogs), 146 species Family Ceratobatrachidae, 85 species, considered part of the family Ranidae by AmphibiaWeb Family Ceratophryidae, 86 species Family Ceuthomantidae, 4 species, split off from family Brachycephalidae Family Craugastoridae, 115 species Family Cycloramphidae, 105 species Family Dendrobatidae (Poison dart frogs), 179 species Family Dicroglossidae, 171 species, considered part of the family Ranidae by AmphibiaWeb Family Eleutherodactylidae, 201 species Family Heleophrynidae (ghost frogs), 7 species Family Hemiphractidae, 94 species Family Hemisotidae (shovelnose frogs), 9 species Family Hylidae (tree frogs), 901 species Family Hylodidae, 42 species Family Hyperoliidae (sedge frogs or bush frogs), 209 species Family Leiuperidae, 86 species Family Leptodactylidae (Southern frogs or tropical frogs), 100 species Family Mantellidae, 191 species, considered part of the family Ranidae by

AmphibiaWeb Family Micrixalidae, 11 species, considered part of the family Ranidae by AmphibiaWeb Family Microhylidae (narrow-mouthed frogs), 487 species Family Myobatrachidae (Australian ground frogs), 85 species Family Limnodynastidae, 43 species, considered part of the family Myobatrachidae by AmphibiaWeb Family Nasikabatrachidae, 1 species, formerly included in family Sooglossidae Family Nyctibatrachidae, 17 species, considered part of the family Ranidae by AmphibiaWeb Family Petropedetidae, 18 species, considered part of the family Ranidae by AmphibiaWeb Family Phrynobatrachidae, 82 species, considered part of the family Ranidae by AmphibiaWeb Family Ptychadenidae, 53 species, considered part of the family Ranidae by AmphibiaWeb Family Pyxicephalidae, 68 species, considered part of the family Ranidae by AmphibiaWeb Family Ranidae (true frogs), 347 species Family Ranixalidae, 10 species, considered part of the family Ranidae by AmphibiaWeb Family Rhacophoridae (moss frogs), 321 species, considered part of the family Ranidae by AmphibiaWeb Family Sooglossidae (Seychelles frogs), 4 species. Family Strabomantidae (South American frogs with no tadpole stage), 569 species.

Order Caudata or Urodela (salamanders & newts), 619 species Suborder Cryptobranchoidea
Family Cryptobranchidae (giant salamanders), 3 species Family Hynobiidae (Asiatic salamanders), 55 species

Suborder Salamandroidea
Family Ambystomatidae (mole salamanders), 37 species. The genus
Dicamptodon (4 species) is considered a distinct family, Dicamptodontidae by AmphibiaWeb: Pacific giant salamanders Family Amphiumidae (amphiumas or Congo eels), 3 species Family Plethodontidae (lungless salamanders), 418 species Family Proteidae (mudpuppies & waterdogs), 6 species Family Rhyacotritonidae (torrent salamanders), 4 species Family Salamandridae (true salamanders & newts), 89 species

Suborder Sirenoidea
Family Sirenidae (sirens), 4 species

Order Gymnophiona (caecilians - legless amphibians), 186 species

Family Caeciliidae (common caecilians), 125 species. Most species in this
family are sometimes placed in the subfamily Caeciliinae, however, this is not always considered a coherent subfamily. The remaining two subfamilies contain a small minority of the species: Family Ichthyophiidae (fish caecilians), 50 species. The genus Uraeotyphlus, 7 species, is considered a distinct family, Uraeotyphlidae, by AmphibiaWeb Family Rhinatrematidae (beaked caecilians), 11 species

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