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CA-View (SAR)

CA-View (formerly known as SAR), a SYSOUT Archival and Retrieval system, is a facility for storing and retrieving computer output. Customers should consider CA-View as an alternative to both listings and microfiche. Although any output can be specified for archival, CA-View is especially well-suited to the management of production JCL listings and production reports. All output archived to CA-View during a given day constitutes one generation of CA-View data. Currently, four generations (i.e., four days) of CA-View data are maintained on disk. During the daily CA-View backup cycle, which runs at midnight, the oldest disk generation is archived to tape (where it remains for approximately one year before being deleted) and a new disk generation is created. In order to have output archived to CA-View, specify a SYSOUT or MSGCLASS of G.

JCL Examples
SYSOUT DD Statement: //REPORT3 DD SYSOUT=G MSGCLASS Parameter: //jobname JOB (acct info),name-phone#,MSGCLASS=G Use the MSGCLASS parameter to archive JESMSG, JESJCL and SYSMSG output. In some cases, you may wish to check the output before it is archived to CA-View. This can be achieved by having the output initially go to a TSO hold class (code SYSOUT=n, where n is a value from 0-9). After viewing the output on TSO, use the TSO OUTPUT command to modify the output's SYSOUT class as follows: OUTPUT jobname(job #) NEWCLASS(G) EJES can also requeue SYSOUT held in a TSO hold class. Use the REQUEUE command WG in the CMD field to modify the outputs SYSOUT class to G.

CA-View Retrieval Clist

Once output has been archived to CA-View, it can be browsed by using an ISPF-like online retrieval facility that is part of the CA-View package. This facility can be invoked by executing the Clist called SAR, which will allocate the appropriate libraries and then present the user with the primary CA-View selection menu. The first field on the selection menu is SYSOUT ID, which by default is the same as the jobname. A partial jobname, such as DCCBA*, can be entered. This would select all archived jobs that begin with the characters 'DCCBA'. The SYSOUT ID field is optional - leaving it blank will result in selecting all jobs that meet the other selection criteria. Specifying all or even part of the SYSOUT ID will speed up the search of CA-View's database for eligible archived output, particularly when that database contains a significant number of jobs.

In addition to SYSOUT ID, you may enter selection criteria for the GENERATION or the DATE. For GENERATION, you can enter a generation number or range of generation numbers (e.g. 640:643). CA-View assigns a sequential generation number for each day. You can alternatively enter a relative generation number or range of numbers (e.g., a range of -3::0 would cover all jobs archived during the period beginning 3 generations ago through the current generation). Specifying * or ALL in the GENERATION field will return a list of all eligible jobs in the CA-View database that the user is authorized to browse. Rather than filling in the GENERATION field, you can use the DATE field, entering a given date in mm/dd/yy format or a range of dates, such as 01/06/05:02/26/05. A relative date or range of dates can also be specified. If nothing is entered in either the GENERATION or the DATE fields, only the current generation is searched for eligible archived output. Once the selection menu is completed, a list of jobs that meet the selection criteria will be displayed. This list contains only the jobs that you are authorized to browse. The security mechanism used to determine whether you can look at a particular job is based on RACF group id. Most jobs that execute on a system are associated with a RACF userid and group. This information is captured by CA-View and stored in the CA-View database for subsequent security checking. The basic authorization rule is that anyone who is connected to the RACF group that is associated with a particular job can then look at any of that job's output that has been archived to CA-View. Example SYSOUT ID ===> DC* GENERATION ===> -10::0 CA-View might then display a panel such as the one shown below: VIEW 2.0 ALL-------------- SYSOUT SELECTION LIST --------------------COMMAND ===> SEL ID DCAMPLE DCTEST1 DCTEST2 JOBNAME DCAMPLE DCTEST1 DCTEST2 JOBID J4367 J6461 J1334 ARC DATE 06/10/04 06/08/04 06/01/04 SCROLL ===> PAGE ARC TIME 18:22:17 01:02:45 15:32:29 LOC DISK DISK TAPE LINES 14580 1718 173 PAGES 261 44 11 XCODE


For each selected job, CA-View displays the archival date and time, the current location of the archived output, the number of print lines and pages and the exception code (if any). Possible exception codes may include SB37, U0024, 0016 (condition code) and JCLERR. The SEL column at the far left of the display provides an area for CA-View line commands. Following are some of the more commonly used line commands: S - Browse the output.

L - Load the output. This command is used to copy output that has already been archived to tape into a temporary disk file so the output can be browsed. A batch job is created to perform the copy operation. You will be prompted for a JOB statement the first time this command is used.

CA-View will retain this JOB information for all subsequent loads. The copied output will remain in the temporary disk file until the next CA-View backup cycle. J - Print the output. A batch job will be submitted. D - Delete the output. This job will be removed from the CA-View index and the output will no longer be available for retrieval. A confirmation panel is provided to prevent inadvertent deletes.

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