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The part of earths surface that is perennially frozen, the component of earth that is covered by permanent ice or the zone of earth where ice and frozen ground are formed all come under the heading of Cryosphere. Most of the cryosphere found at Polar Regions because mostly ice (glaciers) found in temperate climate where temperature is so low mostly at northern and southern poles of the earth. The cryosphere interlinked with other components like the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and the biosphere.

Glaciers are pronounced as very effective at eroding and transporting the rock material so they produced unique landscapes by the glacial activity and in this way effect the geosphere. Cryosphere has very much influence on our atmosphere. Our climate is heavily depends upon the air cooled by the ice in Polar Regions. It also helps you to predict the nature of climate, if glaciers shrink in its size its often an indication of warming the climate. Cryosphere directly affect the hydrosphere because melting rate of ice is on the peak at present era due to global warming. As this rate remain continues, low-lying land will be submerged because during the age of ice ages, sea level was several hundred meters below then at present. Cryosphere also play an important role in biosphere because cold water formed by the melting of glaciers, holds the significant amount of oxygen and dissolved gases, therefore on the coast of Antarctica a unique ecosystem formed which

include Penguins, Whales, tiny Shrimp. Polar Regions of our planet are part of the cryosphere. The frozen part of Earth's surface, includes snow, glaciers, ice sheets, icebergs, sea ice etc. Scientists are very much interested in investigating the cryosphere because it has the great impact in regulating Earth's climate system. As we know, sea ice acts as an insulating barrier and reduces the transfer of heat and moisture from ocean to the air, which affects atmospheric circulation. Ice and Snow are also very important in regulating the earth temperature because they are highly reflective and therefore have strong impact on Earths radiation budget. The average overall albedo of earth that is the percentage of sunlight that which is reflected from the earths surface is about 30% in other words, Earth absorbs nearly 70 % of incoming solar radiation. But snow and ice are much more reflective than water and land so therefore the albedo of fresh snow is about 90 % approximately; they decrease the amount of energy absorbed by Earth and have a cooling effect in the atmosphere. Due to this reason those areas which are covered by snow and ice has a significant role on Earth's climate.

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