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BSC 2093 Quiz 15 CHAPTER 14

Matching Questions

Figure 14.1 Using Figure 14.1, match the following: 1) Myelin sheath. 2) Cell body of ANS preganglionic neuron. Match the following: A) Parasympathetic B) Sympathetic 3) Short preganglionic, long postganglionic fibers. 4) Collateral ganglia. 5) Active after you have eaten a meal

Match the following: A) Norepinephrine (NE) B) Acetylcholine (ACh) 6) Preganglionic sympathetic. 7) Preganglionic parasympathetic.

True/False Questions 8) Because the ANS is a visceral motor system, afferent pathways are of no importance and actually are rarely found. 9) The rami communicantes are associated only with the sympathetic division of the ANS. 10) The gray rami communicantes consist of myelinated postganglionic fibers. 11) Splanchnic nerves are mixed motor and sensory nerves. 12) The autonomic nervous system may cause activation or inhibition, depending on the division that is active and the target that is affected. 13) The ANS stimulates smooth and skeletal muscles and glands, whereas the somatic nervous system innervates cardiac muscles only. 14) Norepinephrine-releasing fibers are called cholinergic fibers. 15) Autonomic ganglia are motor ganglia only. 16) The craniosacral division is another name for the parasympathetic division. Multiple-Choice Questions 17) The secretions of the adrenal medulla act to supplement the effects of ________. A) parasympathetic innervation B) sympathetic stimulation C) vagus nerve activity D) neurosecretory substances 18) Which of the following does not describe the ANS? A) a system of motor neurons that innervates smooth and cardiac muscle and glands B) a system of motor neurons that innervates all muscle cells C) involuntary nervous system D) general visceral motor system

19) Preparing the body for the "fight-or-flight" response is the role of the ________. A) sympathetic nervous system B) cerebrum C) parasympathetic nervous system D) somatic nervous system 20) The somatic and autonomic nervous systems differ in all of the following except ________. A) their effectors B) their efferent pathways C) to some degree in target responses to their neurotransmitters D) all of the neurotransmitters 21) A drug that might be used specifically to reduce heart rate in cardiac patients could be ________. A) anticholinesterase B) epinephrine C) norepinephrine D) a beta-blocker 22) The parasympathetic ganglion that serves the eye is the ________. A) ciliary ganglion B) pterygopalatine ganglion C) submandibular ganglion D) otic ganglion

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