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20 I nt er ac t i on - April 2012

Y v e t t e
O D o w d
qualied as
a volunteer
c o u n s e l l o r
in 1992 and
has continued in that role for
20 years. She regularly runs
Breastfeeding Education
Classes for parents
expecting twins or more at the
ABA Breastfeeding Centre in
Dandenong, Victoria, where she
also works three days a week
in a paid capacity. The Centre
coordinates BEC bookings for
the state, among other services.
Yvette has three adult children
in their twenties and wishes
ABA Breastfeeding Education
Classes had been available
when her daughter was born
28 years ago. She rst learned
about the Association at her
own antenatal class.
Mumss the Word
when it comes to learning to
regnancy is a time of great change
not just physically, but mentally. As
the weeks pass by, the focus moves from
the excitement of sharing the news, to the
fun of shopping and preparing the nursery
and to the ever looming labour and birth.
What is not always focused on is the
huge life-shift that comes after the arrival
of the new baby.
As a breastfeeding counsellor, the
most common feedback I hear from new
mothers is a wish they had learned more
about breastfeeding before their baby
arrived, rather than just assuming this
natural act would just come naturally.
Australian research has shown that
many mothers wish they had received
more preparation for breastfeeding and
the early months of parenting prior to the
birth of their baby.
| u|.| | |cJ crrcnJcJ c Bcc.rjccJ|n
|Jnccr|on C|c.. (B|C) |cjoc r|c ||r| oj
n, j|.r. W|cn cvc,r||n uc. o|n uc||,
| .r||| nccJcJ .n,,or cnJ cnconccncnr
jon |||cn|nJcJ ,co,|c. W|cn n, j|.r'.
uc||r c|n. Jo,,cJ cnJ | uc. cr
r|c ncc, oj r|c cx,cr., | uon|J |cvc
|||cJ noc |nou|cJc cnJ .n,,or ro
|c||cvc |n n,.c|j cnJ u|cc ro o ro cr
ccr |cc.rjccJ|n |njoncr|on. | J|J
cvcnrnc||, j|nJ An.rc||cn Bcc.rjccJ|n
A..oc|cr|on (ABA) |nr |, r|cn | |cJ
c|ccJ, |cJ n, conj|Jcncc .nc.|cJ. |r
|c. rc|cn ncn, ,cc. ro c.roc |r.
Kristianna, Caitlin 6, Samuel 4, Emily 1
W|r| n, j|.r |c|, | c..nncJ |cc.rjccJ|n
uon|J ,n.r |c,,cn, |r J|Jn'r. 2 ucc|. |crc
| |cJ cn cxc|n.|vc|, cr|j|c|c| |c|, n|||
jcJ |c|,. | crrcnJcJ c B|C .cconJ r|nc
onnJ cnJ jc|r .o nnc| |crrc ,c,ccJ.
Bc|, nnn|c ruo |cc.rjcJ jo c|no.r
2.- ,cc.. ArrcnJ|n c B|C ncJc c |nc
J|jjccncc ro r|c ||nJ oj |cc.rjccJ|n
c|cr|on.||, | ucnrcJ. |r c|.o cncJ n,
|n.|cnJ cnJ | u|r| r|c conj|Jcncc ro
uo| r|on| r|c c|c||cnc. cnJ r|c jccr.
ro .n,,or on c|o|cc..
Kintara mumma to Xavier (4) and
Stella (3)
|j | |cJn'r Jonc c B|C, | ,o|c||, uon|Jn'r
|cvc |c.rcJ c ucc| |cc.rjccJ|n. )n.r
o|n |nro |r conj|Jcnr | |cJ r|c ||r
|njoncr|on cnJ rc|n|n ro .nccccJ
ncJc c |nc J|jjccncc. |ornncrc|, |
uc. c||c ro |noc ,oo.|ncoccr cJv|cc
21 I nt er ac t i on - April 2012
jon or|c .oncc. cnJ .r|c| ro u|cr |
|cJ |ccn rcn|r. | ccn'r cconncnJ
r|c con.c ||||, cnon| cnJ ,|cn on
|v|n ncn|c.||,. ro cn, j|cnJ. u|o
|cconc ,cncnr. !cxr ucc| | cn o|n
ro c cojjcc ccrc| n, u|cc | cn .nc |
u||| conr|nnc ro nccr ccr, |||cn|nJcJ
.n,,or|vc ,co,|c.
BJ, mum to Elijah 9 weeks
Australian Breastfeeding Association
Breastfeeding Education Classes provide
expectant parents with an opportunity
to focus on the early weeks after their
babys birth, with practical guidance on
breastfeeding, self-care and adjusting to
their new relationship.
The classes around 3-4 hours long
are designed as the beginning of the
breastfeeding journey and are intended
to sit alongside antenatal classes run by
hospitals or private childbirth educators.
The classes are facilitated by trained
community educators and breastfeeding
counsellors from the local community.
The class fee is packaged with
an annual membership to the ABA
Membership to the ABA entitles
attendance to regular local breastfeeding
support groups, savings on breastfeeding
products from Mothers Direct, regular
Essence magazines, access to a
rewards program and a free copy of
Breastfeeding naturally, the ABAs
renowned breastfeeding book. In this way,
the classes act as a platform from which
expectant couples build a breastfeeding
support network around them, which
research has shown is important in terms
of breastfeeding success.
Go|n ro c B|C cnJ |cv|n r|c ABA
|oo| u|r| n. cr r|c |o.,|rc| nccnr uc
ucc ,c,ccJ u|cn r||n. J|Jn'r n|rc
o ro ,|cn. | cc||, r||n| r|c B|C uc.
r|c r||n r|cr nccnr |or| oj n, c|||Jcn
ucc c||c ro |c |cc.rjcJ cjrc cnccnc,
ccc.cccn.. |r'. |nvc|nc||c.
Jen, mum to Jess (4) and Zoe (1)
7|c j|.r r|nc |'J cvc .ccn c uoncn
|cc.rjccJ |c |c|, uc. cr r|c B|C |
crrcnJcJ u|cn ,cncnr u|r| n, .on.
| crrcnJcJ u|r| n, |n.|cnJ cnJ |n r|c
cc|, nonr|. oj n, .on'. ||jc uc uon|J
ccc| cjc |cc| ro r||n. uc |ccnr
|cc.rjccJ|n, |oo||n cjrc nnn,
connnn|r, c.oncc.. 7|c B|C ncJc
c uo|J oj J|jjccncc ro nor on|, n,
|nou|cJc |nr c|.o n, conj|Jcncc.
Lucy, mum to Daniel (3) and
Amy (4 months)
It is preferable to attend BECs in the
second trimester of pregnancy to allow
the parents time to better focus on the
after-birth period, before the inevitable
focussing on the birth occurs as the due
date approaches later in the pregnancy.
This is especially helpful for parents
expecting a multiple birth, as the class can
prepare them for expressing their milk,
having their babies in special or intensive
care nurseries and breastfeeding after a
caesarean birth. In Melbourne, specic
BECs for parents expecting twins or more
are run every two months and are very
popular. Early class attendance also means
purchases of items such as breast pumps,
feeding pillows and other lactation aids
can be made based on informed choices,
rather than marketing alone.
Attending a BEC complements
knowledge gained at hospital antenatal
classes and gives participants the
opportunity to:
Learn some of the skills needed to
care for a new baby
Find out how breastfeeding works,
how to do it and what help is available
Make informed choices about
Realistically prepare for the changes
about to happen in their lives
Discuss questions and concerns they
may have about breastfeeding
Develop a support network before
giving birth
| crrcnJcJ c B|C Jn|n n, JJ
,cncnc, (ru|n.). | |ccnr SO nnc|, .o
|n r|c cc|, ncu|on Jc,. | |ncu WHY
r|c, ucc jccJ|n r|c uc, r|c, ucc.
7|cr |nou|cJc ncJc |r .o nnc| cc.|c
ro |cr o oj n, cx,ccrcr|on. cnJ jo||ou
r|c| |ccJ. |nvc|nc||c.
Megan mother of Jack (4), Lewis (3),
Oliver and Sebastian (15 months).
Still happily feeding!!
| ,n.r Jon'r |cvc cnon| r|nc |n n,
r|nc |n n, c|||J||r| cJnccr|on c|c..c.
ro j|r |n c|| r|c |njoncr|on r|cr c B|C
ccn ,ov|Jc. | nn c .|or J|.cn..|on
|nroJnc|n .onc oj r|c concc,r.
Bc|,|cJ Arrcc|ncnr, u|cr'. nonc|
crc. |nr .ron|, cnconcc r|cr r|c,
crrcnJ c B|C. Con,|c. u|o conc ro n,
c|c..c. cc cnr|n.|c.r|c ro |ccn c|| c|onr
|ou ro ||r| ncrnc||,, cnJ .o c B|C |.||, |. c ncrnc| jo||ou on jon r|cr.
Melanie, Childbirth Educator
| nn c|||J||r| cJnccr|on uo|.|o,. c.
,cr oj n, ,o| |n c |o.,|rc|. A|r|on| uc
ncnr|on r|c ABA |n on .c..|on., | ncvc
jn||, nnJc.rooJ c|| r|c .cv|cc. r|c, ,ov|Jc.
| jonnJ r|cr cJv|cc | ccc|vcJ |n r|c
|o.,|rc| c|onr |cc.rjccJ|n ucc vc,
|ncon.|.rcnr, u|r| J|jjccnr n|Ju|vc. |v|n
J|jjccnr |njoncr|on. 7||. ncJc n, j|.r
jcu Jc,. oj nor|c|ooJ n|rc c|c||cn|n.
Unjornncrc|,, | or nc.r|r|. u||c|
|crc Jcvc|o,cJ |nro |cc.r c|.cc..c..
22 I nt er ac t i on - April 2012
Conrccr|n r|c ABA uc. r|c |c.r
Jcc|.|on r|cr | ncJc, cnJ | u|.| | uon|J
|cvc Jonc |r cc||c.
Yvcrrc rcn|r nc |ou ro |c|, n,
.on |crc| on ,o,c|, ro ,cvcnr jnr|c
,o||cn., c. uc|| c. n|JcJ nc on
|ou | con|J cconncncc jccJ|n on
r|c cjjccrcJ |cc.r ro ,cvcnr jnr|c
,o||cn.. S|c rcn|r nc c|onr |c|, |cJ
crrcc|ncnr, u||c| n, .on cnJ | |or|
jonnJ ro |c |c.. .rc..jn| r|cn nor|c |cJ
crrcc|ncnr. | |cvc .|ncc |ccn ro c Jo, |n
.c..|on c. uc||, u|cc | ncr or|c nor|c.
c|.o cx,c|cnc|n J|jjccnr |nJ|c. |n
|cc.rjccJ|n. |r uc. cnconc|n ro rc||
ro r|c conn.c|o., u|o ,ov|JcJ con.|.rcnr
cJv|cc cnJ cc..ncncc.
| r||n| ,cncnr uoncn .|on|J |c
|vcn r|c Jcrc||. jo r|c ABA cr r|c |c|,
|cncnc, C|c.. cr|c r|cn |n r|c| r||J
r|nc.rc, cnJ r|cc cc c|.o cJvcnrcc. oj
|nco,ocr|n .onc oj r|c cJv|cc jon r|c
ABA |nro r|c CB| Wo|.|o,. cnJ Sc|c..
Dashanka Soodan (Oberoi)
Childbirth Educator
A. c n|Ju|jc | cconncnJ ABA
|cc.rjccJ|n c|c..c. ro c|| r|c j|.rr|nc
,cncnr uoncn | nccr. | c|.o |cvc no
|c.|rcr|on |n .nc.r|n r|c c|c..c. ro
uoncn u|o nc, |cvc |cJ |cc.rjccJ|n
J|jj|cn|r|c. u|r| ,cv|on. c|||Jcn | |nou
r|cr r|c.c uoncn ccn cc||, |cncj|r jon
r|c c|c..c.. | r||n| r|c r||n r|cr .cr. ABA
c|c..c. c,cr cc r|c Jcno nnn. cnJ
|c||c. r|c, nc|c |cc.rjccJ|n cc|. |
c|.o r||n| r|cr cn cn,|c.|. on |ccn|n
c|onr nonc| ncu|on |c|cv|on |. vc,
,o.|r|vc |n r|c c|c..c.. 7|c |cncj|r. oj
jon|n c |occ| ncruo| oj |cc.rjccJ|n
.n,,or|vc j|cnJ. cnJ vo|cc. cc
nnncon. oj con.c, |nr r||. |.n'r
.oncr||n r|cr nnn. cnJ JcJ. ro|c
c|uc,. c,,cc|crc...|r'. cn cJJcJ |onn..
Jen, midwife
Because breastfeeding is a family
affair, ABA Breastfeeding Education
Classes welcome partners and other family
members and are designed to support
both mothers AND fathers in preparing
for the impact of the early weeks. Same-
sex parents, sole parents, grandparents
and friends are all welcomed and classes
are run in an inclusive, non-judgemental
format. Classes are mostly held on
weekends, to allow those in the workforce
to participate without late nights.
| crrcnJcJ cn ABA B|C u|r| n, ,o
|cc.rjccJ|n nn.c nnn & uc |or|
uc||cJ cuc, |cv|n |ccnr c r||n
o ruo. Bc|n Ju.oncr||n ucc|.
,cncnr cr r|c r|nc | cc||, c,,cc|crcJ
r|c c|cxcJ ,c.cnrcr|on oj r|c c|c.. &
r|c c|cncc jo J|.cn..|on. A|.o |cv|n
c |cc.rjccJ|n nnn & |n| r|cc |.
ccr .o ,on Jon'r jcc| |||c ,on .rc|n
cr c .rcnc r,|n ro .cc |ou r|c, Jo |r.
7|c c|c.. c|.o cvc nc r|c conj|Jcncc ro
|nou r|cr |cc.rjccJ|n ,c.r 6 nonr|. |.
c ncrnc| & ,o.|r|vc r||n jo |n|. & nc.
Jo mum to Grace (11months)
Every Breastfeeding Education Class
run by the Australian Breastfeeding
Association is unique and adapted to the
needs of participants; however there is a
standard curriculum and structured activities
provided by all classes. Fun and practical
activities make learning memorable!
What is covered in an ABA
Breastfeeding Education Class?
How breastfeeding works
Establishing breastfeeding and the
rst feed
Importance of skin-to-skin contact in
the rst hours and beyond
Positioning and attachment (how to
hold and attach baby to the breast)
Understanding milk supply
Discussion of what is normal for a
breastfed baby
Role of partners in breastfeeding
Adjusting to parenthood survival
tips for the early days and weeks with
a new baby
Common concerns and problem solving
| cn .r||| |c,,||, |cc.rjccJ|n n, 18
nonr| o|J Jcn|rc |n c uc, r|cr .n|r.
n.. Bcjoc | crrcnJcJ c B|C, | uonJccJ
|j | uon|J |c c||c ro cr c|| cnJ u|cr uon|J
|vc nc r|c |c.r c|cncc. oj .nccc... |
|cJ ||rr|c ro no cx, ro |cc.rjccJ|n
|cjoc n, oun |c|, cnJ uon|J con.|Jc
crrcnJ|n r||. c|c.. c. c..cnr|c| (|cjoc
|c|c c|vc., c. cJv|.cJ). | |cjr, jcc||n
o,cn ro r||. ncrnc| ,occ.., u|r| .onc
oj r|c |c.r cJv|cc cnJ r|c|. oj r|c rcJc.
7|cn|. ro c|| |nvo|vcJ |n nc||n r||.
c.oncc cvc||c||c.
Shae, mum to Yana 18 months
Breastfeeding Education Classes
are facilitated by trained community
educators and breastfeeding counsellors
with a Certicate IV in Breastfeeding
Education. As mothers (and fathers
some community educators are dads!) they
have personal experience of learning to
breastfeed and understand the challenges
faced in those early days. A variety of
learning styles are catered for, with practical
and fun activities, group discussion and
audio visual resources as well as relaxed
conversation and opportunities to watch
and engage with breastfeeding mothers.
Availability of BECs varies between
communities, dependent of the level
of volunteer and group activity. As
an organisation reliant on a strong
membership base, which leads to active
local groups and engagement in our
training programs, the best way to ensure
accessibility in any part of Australia is
to actively encourage ALL expectant
mothers to join the ABA and participate
in their local group (where available) or
online through our discussion forum or
social media groups. Interested health
professionals may also be eligible to train
as community educators or breastfeeding
counsellors and help establish or maintain
local ABA groups and services in a
volunteer capacity.
To nd out more about the availability
of ABA Breastfeeding Education Classes
in your area or training as a Community
Educator or Breastfeeding Counsellor,
23 I nt er ac t i on - April 2012
Rhodanthe Lipsetts book
Baby Love was launched
on 13
February 2012 in the
presence of the Governor
General, Ms Quentin Bryce,
at Admiralty House, Kirribilly,
isa Robertson and Jacqui Gillan
represented the National Association
of Childbirth Educators (Inc) at a
gathering of around 100 leaders of
midwifery, child and family health,
maternity services, publishing and other
organisations. Tracy Martin (ACMI
president) came from Perth, Pauline
Glover (remember the woman in the
housecoat at the NACE conference in
Brisbane?) ew from Adelaide, several
midwives and academics travelled from
Canberra, and others from Victoria
and Queensland.
The book was launched at an afternoon
tea at the Governor Generals Sydney
residence, Admiralty House. Once our
identity was conrmed by the friendly
AFP at the gatehouse, and matched
against the guest list, we walked in our
best shoes along the gravel drive to the
front door. Met by welcoming staff, we
were ushered to the reception room and
served cool drinks, nger sandwiches,
delicate biscuits and a good cup of tea or
coffee served from the silver service in
nice teacups.
After a private audience, Rhodanthe
Lipsett, Ms Bryce and Mr Bryce mingled
with the guests. Ms Bryce, as always,
looked elegant in her pink suit and lipstick
pink shoes. Her speech was warm and
humorous, including comments about her
role as a non-interfering but supportive
grandmother. Her speech can be read at
Ms Bryce then invited us to enjoy the
views and breezes from the verandah,
which we did, as well as a plate with
freshly baked cake with strawberries and
cream. The views of the Opera House and
Garden Island naval base are stunning.
Rhodanthe Lipsett is now 90 years
of age, highly regarded for her care of
mothers and babies in a career spanning
50 years. She has an Order of Australia,
and set up the Rhodanthe Lipsett Trust,
administered through the Australian
College of Midwives, to encourage the
education of indigenous midwives.
Each of us was given a copy of
the book, beautifully wrapped. The
very readable 3rd edition of the book
Baby Care has been edited and
updated by Dr Jenny Browne, and details
can be found at the publishers website:
Book launch at
Admiralty House
Lisa & Jacqui admiring the views from
Admiralty House
Lisa Robertson and Jacqui Gillan
with our books at the front of
Admiralty House
24 I nt er ac t i on - April 2012








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