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Raising the energy:

This is a rather important part of the work. What you are trying to do is to take the energy within the shield and spin it clockwise with the idea of increasing its density and amplitude or volume. I use the image of a wagon wheel or those merry-go-rounds that have the rails that you push to spin them in most parks and playgrounds. Having music in the background that helps keep the beat is good for raising energy, as is chanting, dancing, or playing a drum and you can even feel it as it gets stronger and stronger. As you spin the energy, you keep the thought of what you want to accomplish fresh in your mind. Its helpful to think of the end result as a memory, that is, to think of the finish as though it has already happened and youre just catching up to event, as it were.

Magick 101
(A quick Star t Guide to the most well known and most misunderstood way of b e i n g. . . ) Welcome to WizardCraft Technologies, Inc.! Since 1989, Scientific Support for the Spiritual Seeker has been the focus of the work here. Started in Omaha, NE and now head quartered in Sacramento, CA, we still are committed to the finest handpoured, hand-finished magickal and ornamental products one can buy! Made for support and enhancement of your path, we strive to provide reasonably priced support for any positive spiritual system and seeker. Contact us at: Phone: 916-369-0546 E-mail: On the Web:
2008 Stan Mory II (all rights reserved)

The Release:
So you got your thought going, the energy is building at a maddening pace and youre about to blow a fuse, whats next? Remember that cone we talked about earlier? You push all that energy and your mental image up through the top of it in a flash or burst of light. This called The Release. Its where you send everything into the Universe to be finished and manifested back to you. Its very important to be very clear on what it is you want. Consider all the possible consequences of your goal, how it can affect others you know or other connected events. Remember, energy and connection! Be very careful what you ask for, you just might get it! Now the release could be a shout, a handclap, chiming a bell, or anything that tells your mind and the Universe that your e-mail has been sent and is on its way. Goethe said, At the point of commitment, the Universe conspires to assist! So its nice to know that youre not doing this all by yourself! Afterwards, dismantle your field and release the energy back to the earth, (most do this by going in the reverse order of assembly). Then unconditionally allow the energy to work. Theres a saying from the ancient schools of magick that says, To know, to will, to be silent. The idea was not to think or talk about what you did for a fortnight, or 2 weeks. Since its all thought energy, it could be called back to its source before it has a chance to do what it was sent to do. So there it is and I wish you luck on your path! Remember, and it harm none (that includes yourself), do what you will!

By Sacramentos Candle Connection

Technologies, Inc.

What Magick Is:

What is Magick? You ask 5 different people and youll get 5 or more different answers from Harry Potter and Samantha Stevens from Bewitched to Houdini and David Copperfield. But is that magick? Not really. We add the k to distinguish the art of change from illusion. Also, real magick doesnt usually happen in the blink of an eye, though sometimes, it can. We all have the programmed images of wizards and witches from Hollywood and popular myth, but what really is magick? Weve both heard long-winded attempts to define Magick, but I feel that Dr. Timothy Roderick said it simply that, Magick is a shift of consciousness, (with the intention to create change). The part in parentheses is my own addition, you can shift your awareness to anything, but is that magick? If its done without the intention to create change, then no. Isnt that wonderful? Elegant and it says it all! But why and how does this all work? I must note that magick is NOT a Quick Fix for your choice-based problems, it is more a method that helps you to recognize, engage in, and enhance the solution! Well, to really understand this basic concept, one must realize that when it comes to spirit and energy, regardless of your path or training, everything boils down to just two things; Energy and connection. Note: These concepts maybe somewhat new to most folks, as the current books on the subject appears not to discuss any of this in sufficient detail. But this is the real

To connect with any form in your time/space, first, you must perceive it and be aware or notice it. The second you focus on the form, you adjust your own energy field to re-enforce the perceived frequency or cancel it out. How much personal value or Relevancy you assign (and yes, it is a choice, always!), will determine how much you connect with that form. The Great ancient Egyptian magician, Hermes Trimagestus, postulated the famous axiom, As above, so below, as within, so without. I call this principle, Reflective Connection. Basically, it simply states that what happens in the Universe and within our own being is directly and immediately manifested as a form on earth in the physical, or Body part of the Triangle, and/or in our immediate environment. This Triangle is made up of 3 aspects of everyones being, and most forms. Mind, Body, and Spirit. Spirit would be like the conductor of an orchestra, mind like the musician, and body like the instrument and sheet music. (Fig. 1) The point being that what affects one will affect the others, subtly or dynamically. This is where all quantum ideas of entanglement and Superposition comes from and takes us back to the axiom.

Anything that is done in a repeated manner to accomplish a task is a ritual. From getting ready for your day to a religious service, The repeated motions and words re-enforce the energy and vibration of the act, making it more powerful with each performance. How much of this you perceive will depend on your connection to the forms and the relevancy you assign to them.

Spells are basically a prayer with props. Its a request of the Universe or Divine (or both) to accomplish something on your behalf, or a recipe to create and manifest a new form from your thought energy. Or from a Quantum standpoint, its a shift of energy that re-arranges the quantum field . Now spell forms will vary from tradition to tradition, but they all work the same way. 1. Gathering the tools : These are the physical components of the spell; candles, stones, cloths, wand, bell or chime, atheme (pron. Ath-a-may) or whatever things you need for the work. Really, you may not need any of these. All that is really needed is a strong mental picture of what you are wanting to accomplish. 2. The Space: After arranging your symbols and tools in whichever order feels right to you, you then mentally decide and declare the space to be cleared of any negative energy and that it is a special area for the work. This bit of housekeeping is called consecration. 3. Raising the cone of power: This may vary by tradition, but basically you create a cone or Bubble of energy by thought, to contain and amplify the thought energy you are shaping with the spell. This also acts like a force field to keep stray frequencies from leaking in and mucking up the intent energy you are creating.

Secret to the arts arcane!!!!

Everything that is a Form, that is an object or event, has and transmits a frequency. From the telephone on your wall to the boss on the other end, yelling at you, it is all an energy form and has a specific frequency , according to e=mc2,, that you can connect to. Everything is phase shifting from mass to energy and back to mass at the speed of light squared. Since we are shifting as well, everything seems normal and solid.

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