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Teacher Candidate: Cortney Estes Unit Title: Geometry Subject: Math

Date: January 2012 Grade Level: 6

Essential Question(s): How does geometry affect us in the real-world? How can we use geometry to solve realworld problems? Lesson Title/Number Common Core, State Standards, and/or Performance Indicators Area/1 Geometry 6.G Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume. 1. Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems. 1. Students will be able to define area. (knowledge) 2. Students will be able to summarize, in their own words, what area is. (comprehension) 3. Students will be able to calculate the area of various shapes. (application)

Lesson Objectives
(Blooms Taxonomy)

Acceptable Evidence
*Could be collected for accountability/auditing purposes.

Evidence that students have achieved objective(s): The students will be able to: 1 & 2. In-class worksheet. 2 & 3. Homework worksheet 1, 2, & 3. Exit slip 1. The teacher will begin to explain the concept of area to the students by writing the definition of area on the board and modeling an example next to the definition on the board. [CFU-content & routine] [Direct Instruction Steps 1 and 2] 2. The teacher will go around to each student and ask them to describe what the definition of area is in their own words. The students will do this to show the teacher that they understand the concept of area. [CFU- content] [auditory] 3. The teacher will pass out the guided notes; which again states the definition of area and the formula for with several examples that the class will begin together. [CFU-procedure][kinesthetic][RBIS] 4. The students will begin using the formula for area to begin solving the problems on their worksheet. [CFU-procedure][kinesthetic] 5. The teacher will model the first question on the board going through the problem step by step. [CFU-procedure][visual][RBIS] 6. The students will participate in following along with the teacher to solve

Teacher input, development, instructional method(s), modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and/or activities

Label: Bell Ringer

Also may be called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review

Label: visual, auditory, and

kinesthetic Accommodations for learning modalities

the problem by going step by step with the teacher as well as working on their guided notes. [CFU-routine] [Direct Instruction Step 3] 7. The teacher will have some of the students go up to the board and solve the problems one by one. [CFU-procedure & routine][kinesthetic] 8. The students will take turns and go up to the board to solve problems from their worksheet. [kinesthetic] 9. The teacher will finish up the worksheet with the students by having the students restate the definition of area, and giving them time to ask any questions before handing out their homework. [CFU-routine] [Direct Instruction Step 4] 10. The students will ask any follow up questions they have about area and using the formula to solve the problems before receiving their homework. 11. The teacher will pass out the homework worksheet that will be due at the beginning of the next class. The students will receive their homework worksheet and will read it over. [CFU-content][visual] [RBIS] 12. The teacher will explain the directions to the students and ask a few students to explain back the directions. [CFU-directions][auditory] 13. The students will reiterate the directions for the homework to the class and they will complete their homework on their own to be handed in at the beginning of the next class. [CFU-directions & routine][auditory] [Direct Instruction Step 5] 14. The teacher will have the students complete their exit slip at the end of class. [CFU-routine] [RBIS] 15. The students will complete their exit slip at the end of class. [CFU-routine] Direct Instruction; Step 1- Introduction. The teacher will begin to explain the concept of area to the students by writing the definition of area on the board. Step 2- Modeling. The teacher will model an example next to the definition on the board going through the problem step by step. Step 3- Guided Practice. The students will participate in following along with the teacher to solve the problem by going step by step with the teacher as well as working on their guided notes. Step 4- Closure. The teacher will finish up the worksheet with the students by having the students restate the definition of area, and giving them time to ask any questions before handing out their homework. Step 5- Independent Practice. The students will complete their homework on their own to be handed in at the beginning of the next class.

Label: Checks for Understanding: directions, procedures/routines, and/or content (formative)

Ex. (CFU directions)

Step 6-Evaluation & Review. The teacher will collect the homework to grade and hand back. This will be used for the teacher to determine if the students have a firm understanding of the concept of area. If the students are confident with the concept the teacher will move on, if they are not confident with the concept the teacher will re-teach it.

The students will work on an in class worksheet together as a class. They will Assessment/Evaluation complete the worksheet before the end of class. This worksheet will be used for the teacher to check for understanding from the students to determine if they are comfortable enough with the new information to complete their homework Label: formative or summative successfully. [formative] and describe purpose The students will be given a homework worksheet for them to continue practicing how to use the formula for area to solve problems. This worksheet will further show the teacher the students understanding of the new concept. It will help the teacher judge if the students are competent enough to move on or if the concept needs some re-teaching. [formative] The students will be given an exit slip at the end of the class period asking them to write down any further questions or concerns that they have regarding area. Any questions that the students have will be answered at the beginning of the next class. If the students do not have any questions they must write down the definition of area and the formula for area. [formative]


By the end of this lesson the students will have gained an understanding of what the definition of area is and will be able to explain it in their own words. They will also be able to calculate the area of several shapes. The will show this through their exit slip that they will complete at the end of class.

Accommodations and/or Interactions with Support Staff

I will follow any IEP and 504 accommodations.


-worksheet -board -dry erase markers

Time Required Reflection:

1 day for 40 minutes

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