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Teacher Candidate: Cortney Estes

Date: November10, 2012 Subject: Math Grade Level: 6

Unit Title: Geometry- Review of area, volume, and surface area

Essential Question(s): How does geometry affect us in the real-world? How can we use area, volume, and surface area to solve real-world problems? Lesson Title/Number Common Core, State Standards, and/or Performance Indicators Review of area, volume, and surface area/ 4 Geometry 6.G Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume. 1. Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems. 2. Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with fractional edge lengths by packing it with unit cubes of the appropriate unit fraction edge lengths, and show that the volume is the same as would be found by multiplying the edge lengths of the prism. Apply the formulas V = l w h and V = b h to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems. 3. Draw polygons in the coordinate plane given coordinates for the vertices; use coordinates to find the length of a side joining points with the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate. Apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems. 1. Students will be able to choose which formula is most appropriate to solve the given equations. (analysis) 2. Students will be able to discuss why that formula is appropriate for the given equations. (synthesis) 3. Students will be able to apply the chosen formula to solve real-world problems. (evaluation)

Only include what will be assessed.

Lesson Objectives
(Blooms Taxonomy)

Acceptable Evidence
*Could be collected for accountability/auditing purposes.

Evidence that students have achieved objective(s): Bell ringer 1, 2, & 3. In-class review game that will be done as groups, with whole class. 1, 2, & 3. In-class review activity that will be done in smaller individual groups.

Teacher input, development, instructional method(s), modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and/or activities

1. The teacher will have the students complete bell ringer having the students write down all the formulas they have learned throughout this lesson.[bell ringer] [RBIS] 2. The teacher will collect the bell ringer from the students and then ask the students to name one of the formulas that they have learned. [CFUdirections] [auditory]

Label: Bell Ringer

Also may be called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review

3. The students will raise their hand and tell the teacher one formula that they have learned throughout this unit. [auditory] 4. The teacher will play an animation on reviewing area, volume, and surface area for the class as a fun little introduction to review and the students will actively participate in answering the questions on the animation. [technology][CFU-content & procedure] [auditory & visual] [RBIS]

Label: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic Accommodations for learning modalities

5. The teacher will direct the students into small groups of 3-4 students and will then explain the review game. [CFU-directions & routine] [auditory][RBIS] 6. The students will get into their groups and listen to the directions of the review game. [auditory & visual] 7. The teacher will pick several students to state what they will be doing in the review. [CFU-directions][auditory] 8. The students will explain the directions for the review game to the rest of the class. [CFU-directions][auditory] 9. The teacher will begin by having students work together to complete the problem that is on the board.[CFU-procedure] [kinesthetic] 10. The students will complete the problem on the board and will then show the teacher the answer. If they get the answer correct one student from each group who go the answer correct will go up to the board and roll the dice. They will then move their game piece the number of spaces that they rolled. [kinesthetic] [RBIS] [technology] 11. The teacher will finish up with the review game and will check the students understanding of the information by using thumbs up/down to see if they understand. [CFU-routine][auditory] 12. The teacher will group the students by having them walk over to the sign that is most representative to their own learning style. [CFU-directions] [Differentiated Instructions (DI)] [kinesthetic] 13. The students will calmly go over to the sign that is most representative of their learning style. 14. The teacher will have the students gather as a group with all those in their learning style category to work on their review activity. [CFU-directions] [auditory][DI] 15. The students will gather into their groups. 16. The teacher will pass out the sheet with the directions on them to each group. Each groups sheet has the same general task, but a different way of explaining this task. [DI] [RBIS]

Label: Checks for Understanding: directions, procedures/routines, and/or content (formative)

Ex. (CFU directions)

17. The students will look over their task sheet while the teacher is passing the tasks out to the other groups. 18. The teacher will go around to each group and explain to them individually what it is that they will be doing with their task.[CFU-directions] [auditory] [DI] [RBIS] 19. The students will begin working on their task in their groups for the allotted time. 20. The teacher will allow the students the next 20 minutes to complete the assigned task before presenting it to the class. [DI] 21. The students will use the allotted time to complete their task before having to present it to the rest of the class. [kinesthetic, visual, & auditory] 22. The teacher will stop the students after the 20 minutes and have the students present how they completed their task through their specific learning style. [DI] 23. The students will present how their task by using their specific learning style. 24. The teacher will have the students complete an exit slip identifying one thing that was beneficial to them during this review. They must write at least one thing down in order to get full credit. [CFU-routine][RBIS]

The students will be given a bell ringer where they have to write down the Assessment/Evaluation formulas that they have learned in this unit. This allows the teacher to see which students have an understanding of identifying the formulas and which students may need some extra help identifying the formulas. [formative] Label: formative or summative and describe purpose The students will be given an in class worksheet that will give the students the opportunity to review the information that they have learned throughout this lesson before being broken up into groups and completing a task utilizing this information. This worksheet will allow the teacher to see if the students are ready to be broken into groups and complete a designated task on their own. [formative] The students will be broken up into groups and given a task that is guided towards their specific learning style. This activity will allow the students to utilize their learning style to greater benefit their understanding of the several concepts covered throughout this lesson. This activity will show the teacher what the students have gained from this unit and help to determine if the students are ready for their summative assessment. [formative]


By the end of this lesson the students will have a good understanding of area, volume, and surface area. They will also be fully prepared to take their summative assessment tomorrow during class.

Accommodations and/or Interactions with Support Staff

I will follow any IEP and 504 accommodations.


-bell ringer -worksheet -any materials the group needs to compete the assigned task 1 day for 40 minutes.

Time Required Reflection:

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